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Gene Therapy
Dr.Nawfal H.Aldujaili
o The basic unit of heredity
o Are carried on a chromosome
o Encode how to make a protein DNARNA proteins
o Proteins carry out most of life’s function.
o When altered causes dysfunction of a protein
o When there is a mutation in the gene, then it will change the
codon, which will change which amino acid is called for which
will change the conformation of the protein which will change
the function of the protein. Genetic disorders result from
Various methods for treating
genetic disease
Various methods for treating genetic disease
What is Gene Therapy
• It is a technique for The correction of a genetic deficiency
in a cell by the addition of new DNA to the cell. This
definition has been expanded to include treatments of
acquired diseases by the addition of new DNA.
• There are four approaches:
1. A normal gene inserted to compensate for a
nonfunctional gene.
2. An abnormal gene traded for a normal gene
3. An abnormal gene repaired through selective reverse
4. Change the regulation of gene pairs
Gene Therapy Strategies
• Gene Augmentation Therapy (GAT)
• Gene inhibition therapy.
• Gene replacement therapy
• Gene Correction (Chimeraplasty)
• Targeted killing of specific cells
• Prodrug therapy
Gene Therapy Strategies
Gene Therapy Strategies
DNA Delivery in gene therapy
• (safety, efficacy, and specific maintenance )
• Viral vector : About 70% of human gene therapy trials
have used viral vectors. eg Adenoviruses , adeno-
associated virus (AAV), Retroviruses
 Nonviral delivery in gene therapy
Nonviral delivery in gene therapy
 Naked nucleic acid (DNA or less often RNA). Many animal
cells can be transformed directly with purified DNA. The
therapeutic gene may be inserted into a plasmid and the
plasmid DNA used directly. Some 10% to 20% of gene therapy
trials have used unprotected nucleic acid.
 Particle. DNA is fired through the cell walls and membranes
on metal particles. This method was originally developed to get
DNA into plants,However, it has also been used to make
transgenic animals and is occasionally used for humans.
 Receptor-mediated uptake. DNA is attached to a protein that is
bombardmentrecognized by a cell surface receptor. When the
protein enters the cell, the DNA is taken in with it.
 Polymer-complexed DNA. Binding to a positively charged
polymer, such as polyethyleneimine, protects the negatively
charged DNA. Such complexes are often taken up by cells in
culture and may in principle be used for ex vivo gene therapy.
 Encapsulated cells. Whole cells engineered to express and
secrete a needed protein may be encapsulated in a porous
polymeric coat and injected locally. Foreign cells excreting
nerve growth factor have been injected into the brains of aging
rats. The rats showed some improvement in cognitive ability,
suggesting that this approach may be of value in treating
conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease.
 Liposomes are spherical vesicles composed of phospholipid.
They have been used in around 10% of gene therapy trials
Risks of Nonviral Vectors for Gene Therapy
 insertion mutagenesis could activate oncogenes or
inhibit tumor suppressor genes if the plasmid
 the compounds that are used to facilitate the entry
of DNA into a cell might have some toxicity
Major advantage of using nonviral vectors is the lack of
risk of generating a wild-type virus via
recombination. In addition, episomal plasmids do
not pose the risk of insertional mutagenesis since
they do not integrate into the chromosome
Two Types of Gene Therapy
• Somatic gene therapy involves
introducing a “good “ gene into
targeted cells with the end results of
treating the patient-not the future
• Germline gene therapy involves
modifying the genes in egg or sperm
cells, which will then pass any genetic
changes to future generations as well
Application of gene therapy
• Cancers
• Inherited disorders
• Infectious diseases (viral or bacterial)
• Immune system disorders
• Vaccination
s Diseases Disease
Gene therapy and cancer
Most cancer result from
• Activation of an oncogene that leads to tumor
• Inactivation of gene that normally suppresses
formation of a tumor
Cancer approaches using gene
• Delivery of genes encoding toxic molecules to cancer cells to kill
• Delivery of genes encoding chemokines to cancer cells to activate the
immune response to recognize and kill them
• Antibody therapies: DNA vaccines with genes that encode antibodies
to cancer specific proteins in tumor cells
• Insertion of normal tumor suppressor genes into cells
• Antisense therapy: DNA that blocks synthesis of proteins encoded by
deleterious genes
Problems with Gene Therapy
• Short Lived
– Hard to rapidly integrate therapeutic DNA into genome and
rapidly dividing nature of cells prevent gene therapy from long
– Would have to have multiple rounds of therapy
• Immune Response
– new things introduced leads to immune response
– increased response when a repeat offender enters
• Viral Vectors
– patient could have toxic, immune, inflammatory response
– also may cause disease once inside
• Multigene Disorders
– Heart disease, high blood pressure, Alzheimer’s, arthritis and
diabetes are hard to treat because you need to introduce more than
one gene
• May induce a tumor if integrated in a tumor suppressor gene because
insertional mutagenesis
What is required for
Gene Therapy to be possible?
• Understanding of the disease process
• Structure/function of gene to be introduced
• Efficient delivery of gene
• Control of gene expression
• Prevention/control of immune responses
• Animal model and assessment of function
• Clinical trial
General Steps of Human Gene Therapy
1. Identification and characterization of gene
2. Cloning of gene
3. Choice of vector (Insert normal allele into
4. Method of delivery
Thanks for
your attention
Brief History
• 1967- Nobelist Marshall Nirenberg wrote of programming cells.
• 1974- National Institute of Health took lead in recombinant DNA (rDNA)
research regulation.
• 1980-Dr. Martin Cline performs first DNA transfer into bone marrow cells.
• 1984- US Office of Technology Assessment stressed difference between
somatic and germ-line therapy
• 1990- NIH performed first approved gene therapy procedure
• 1999- Jesse Gelsinger becomes first fatality in gene therapy.
• 2003- FDA placed a temporary halt on all gene therapy trials using retroviral
vectors in blood stem cells
• 2005- 637 GT clinical trials (3464 patients)
Basic Strategies of Human Gene Therapy
1. Isolate and then clone the normal allele by PCR
2. Insert normal allele into a disabled virus
– Retroviruses and adenoviruses are the most common vectors
– Retroviruses are much more efficient at forming a provirus,
but have a greater chance of mutating to cause disease
– Adenoviruses are safer, but are relatively inefficient as a
– Liposomes (lipid spheres) are also used as vectors
 e.g. Gene therapy for Cystic Fibrosis involves using an
inhaler to bring liposomes containing the CFTR gene to
the cells lining the lungs)
3. Infect host cells with recombinant virus
a. Add recombinant virus directly to individual
e.g. Jesse Gelsinger—
 Had Ornithine Transcarbamylase Deficiency;
Causes build up of ammonia in liver cells
since they cannot convert the ammonia (toxic)
produced by amino acid metabolism to urea
(less toxic)
 Died in Sept.’99 due to a severe immune
response to the genetically modified
adenovirus containing the OTC gene
b. Isolate host cells from body and then add
recombinant virus (e.g. blood stem cells in gene
therapy for Gaucher disease)
• Inject genetically engineered cells back into the
Basic Strategies of Human Gene Therapy
How It Works
• A vector delivers the therapeutic gene into a
patient’s target cell
• The target cells become infected with the viral
• The vector’s genetic material is inserted into the
target cell
• Functional proteins are created from the
therapeutic gene causing the cell to return to a
normal state
The first clear enunciation of the concept of exploiting
antisense compounds as therapeutic agents was in the
work of Zamecnik and Stephenson in 1978.
The revolution in the availability of viral and human
genomic sequences enhanced the development of the
antisense technology.
Over the past decade, substantial development in
antisense science and manufacturing led to the approval
of the first antisense drug fomivirsen (VitraveneTM
) for
the treatment of AIDS-related CMV retinitis.
Fomivirsen (VitraveneTM
In the meantime up to 50 new antisense compounds have
entered phase I/II, and in some cases phase III trials.
Gene Therapy Strategies
• Gene replacement
• Gene Augmentation Therapy (GAT)
• Gene Correction (Chimeraplasty)
• Targeted killing of specific cells
• Targeted inhibition of gene expression
(Gene ablation)
• Replicate by inserting their DNA into a
host cell
• Gene therapy can use this to insert genes
that encode for a desired protein to create
the desired trait
• Four different types
Viral vectors
• Retroviruses
– eg Moloney murine leukaemia
– Lentiviruses (eg HIV, SIV)
• Adenoviruses
• Herpes simplex
• Adeno-associated
viruses (AAV)
• Created double stranded DNA copies from
RNA genome
– The retrovirus goes through reverse
transcription using reverse transcriptase and
– the double stranded viral genome integrates
into the human genome using integrase
• integrase inserts the gene anywhere because
it has no specific site
• May cause insertional mutagenesis
– One gene disrupts another gene’s code
(disrupted cell division causes cancer from
uncontrolled cell division)
– vectors used are derived from the human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and are being
evaluated for safety
• Are double stranded DNA genome that
cause respiratory, intestinal, and eye
infections in humans
• The inserted DNA is not incorporate into
• Not replicated though 
– Has to be reinserted when more cells divide
• Ex. Common cold
Adenovirus cont.
Adeno-associated Viruses
• Adeno-associated Virus- small, single stranded DNA that
insert genetic material at a specific point on chromosome 19
• From parvovirus family- causes no known disease and
doesn't trigger patient immune response.
• Low information capacity
• gene is always "on" so the protein is always being expressed,
possibly even in instances when it isn't needed.
• hemophilia treatments, for example, a gene-carrying vector
could be injected into a muscle, prompting the muscle cells
to produce Factor IX and thus prevent bleeding.
– Study by Wilson and Kathy High (University of
Pennsylvania), patients have not needed Factor IX
injections for more than a year
Herpes Simplex Viruses
• Double stranded DNA viruses that
infect neurons
• Ex. Herpes simplex virus type 1
• Scientists are trying to
– Manipulate the viral genome to remove the disease-causing genes and
introduce therapeutic genes.
• Viruses introduce potential other problems in the body, such as:
– Toxicity
– Immune and inflammatory responses
– Gene control and targeting issues
– Capacity
Non-Viral methods
• Cationic Lipids (Liposomes)
• Cationic Polymers
• Retrotransposons (jumping genes)
• Human artificial chromosomes
• Advantages
– Low toxicity
– Nonimmunogenicity
– Easy synthesis
• Disadvantage
– The overall transfection pathways are
Major barriers to DNA
• Low uptake across the plasma
• Inadequate release of DNA with
limited stability
• Lack of nuclear targeting
Schematic drawing of barriers
Medicinal Chemistry of Antisense OligonucleotidesMedicinal Chemistry of Antisense Oligonucleotides
One of the major challenges for antisense
approaches is the stabilization of oligonucleotides,
as unmodified oligodeoxynucleotides are rapidly
degraded in biological fluids by nucleases.
1.1.Functional Genomics and Target Validation:Functional Genomics and Target Validation:
Antisense oligonucleotides can be used to
selectively manipulate the expression of chosen
gene or genes. The process results in :
– A pharmacophore with a well-understood
mechanism of action.
– Well characterized distribution and a safe side
effect profile which could be used as a human
Clinical Trials of Antisense OligonucleotidesClinical Trials of Antisense Oligonucleotides
– To date, one antisense oligonucleotide (fomivirsen) has been
approved by the FDA for local administration to treat CMV
– In 1996, only a handful of antisense molecules was in clinical
trials. However, the past few years has seen explosive growth
in the number of antisense- related clinical trials. Currently,
there are near to 50 antisense compounds in trials for various
diseases, up to 10 of which are in phase III, with an additional
20 in Phase II.
Unsuccessful Gene therapies
• Jesse Gelsinger, a gene therapy patient who lacked ornithine
transcarbamylase activity, died in 1999.
• Within hours after doctors shot the normal OTC gene attached
to a therapeutic virus into his liver, Jesse developed a high
fever. His immune system began raging out of control, his
blood began clotting, ammonia levels climbed, his liver
hemorrhaged and a flood of white blood cells shut down his
• One problem with gene therapy is that one does not have
control over where the gene will be inserted into the genome.
The location of a gene in the genome is of importance for the
degree of expression of the gene and for the regulation of the
gene (the so-called "position effect"), and thus the gene
regulatory aspects are always uncertain after gene therapy
Successful Gene Therapy for Severe
Combine Immunodeficiency
• Infants with severe combined immunodeficiency are
unable to mount an adaptive immune response,
because they have a profound deficiency of
• severe combined immunodeficiency is inherited as
an X-linked recessive disease, which for all practical
purposes affects only boys. In the other half of the
patients with severe combined immunodeficiency,
the inheritance is autosomal recessive — and there
are several abnormalities in the immune system
when the defective gene is encoded on an autosome.
Severe Combine
Immunodeficiency Continued
• A previous attempt at gene therapy for
immunodeficiency was successful in children with
severe combined immunodeficiency due to a
deficiency of adenosine deaminase. In these
patients, peripheral T cells were transduced with a
vector bearing the gene for adenosine deaminase.
The experiment was extremely labor intensive,
because mature peripheral-blood T cells were
modified rather than stem cells, and the procedure
therefore had to be repeated many times to achieve
Successful One Year Gene Therapy
Trial For Parkinson's Disease
• Neurologix a biotech company announced that they
have successfully completed its landmark Phase I
trial of gene therapy for Parkinson's Disease.
• This was a 12 patient study with four patients in
each of three dose escalating cohorts. All procedures
were performed under local anesthesia and all 12
patients were discharged from the hospital within 48
hours of the procedure, and followed for 12 months.
Primary outcomes of the study design, safety and
tolerability, were successfully met. There were no
adverse events reported relating to the treatment.
Parkinson's Disease Cont.
• The gene transfer procedure utilized the
AAV (adeno-associated virus) vector, a virus
that has been used safely in a variety of
clinical gene therapy trials, and the vehicle
that will be used in all of the company's first
generation products, including epilepsy and
Huntington's disease. In its Parkinson's
disease trial, Neurologix used its gene
transfer technology.
Recent Developments
• Genes get into brain using liposomes coated in
polymer call polyethylene glycol
– potential for treating Parkinson’s disease
• RNA interference or gene silencing to treat
– siRNAs used to degrade RNA of particular sequence
– abnormal protein wont be produced
• Create tiny liposomes that can carry therapeutic
DNA through pores of nuclear membrane
• Sickle cell successfully treated in mice
How to overcome barriers

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Gene therapy

  • 2. Genes o The basic unit of heredity o Are carried on a chromosome o Encode how to make a protein DNARNA proteins o Proteins carry out most of life’s function. o When altered causes dysfunction of a protein o When there is a mutation in the gene, then it will change the codon, which will change which amino acid is called for which will change the conformation of the protein which will change the function of the protein. Genetic disorders result from
  • 3. Various methods for treating genetic disease
  • 4. Various methods for treating genetic disease
  • 5. What is Gene Therapy • It is a technique for The correction of a genetic deficiency in a cell by the addition of new DNA to the cell. This definition has been expanded to include treatments of acquired diseases by the addition of new DNA. • There are four approaches: 1. A normal gene inserted to compensate for a nonfunctional gene. 2. An abnormal gene traded for a normal gene 3. An abnormal gene repaired through selective reverse mutation 4. Change the regulation of gene pairs
  • 6. Gene Therapy Strategies • Gene Augmentation Therapy (GAT) • Gene inhibition therapy. • Gene replacement therapy • Gene Correction (Chimeraplasty) • Targeted killing of specific cells • Prodrug therapy
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  • 10. DNA Delivery in gene therapy • (safety, efficacy, and specific maintenance ) • Viral vector : About 70% of human gene therapy trials have used viral vectors. eg Adenoviruses , adeno- associated virus (AAV), Retroviruses  Nonviral delivery in gene therapy
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  • 12. Nonviral delivery in gene therapy  Naked nucleic acid (DNA or less often RNA). Many animal cells can be transformed directly with purified DNA. The therapeutic gene may be inserted into a plasmid and the plasmid DNA used directly. Some 10% to 20% of gene therapy trials have used unprotected nucleic acid.  Particle. DNA is fired through the cell walls and membranes on metal particles. This method was originally developed to get DNA into plants,However, it has also been used to make transgenic animals and is occasionally used for humans.  Receptor-mediated uptake. DNA is attached to a protein that is bombardmentrecognized by a cell surface receptor. When the protein enters the cell, the DNA is taken in with it.
  • 13.  Polymer-complexed DNA. Binding to a positively charged polymer, such as polyethyleneimine, protects the negatively charged DNA. Such complexes are often taken up by cells in culture and may in principle be used for ex vivo gene therapy.  Encapsulated cells. Whole cells engineered to express and secrete a needed protein may be encapsulated in a porous polymeric coat and injected locally. Foreign cells excreting nerve growth factor have been injected into the brains of aging rats. The rats showed some improvement in cognitive ability, suggesting that this approach may be of value in treating conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease.  Liposomes are spherical vesicles composed of phospholipid. They have been used in around 10% of gene therapy trials
  • 14. Risks of Nonviral Vectors for Gene Therapy  insertion mutagenesis could activate oncogenes or inhibit tumor suppressor genes if the plasmid integrates  the compounds that are used to facilitate the entry of DNA into a cell might have some toxicity Major advantage of using nonviral vectors is the lack of risk of generating a wild-type virus via recombination. In addition, episomal plasmids do not pose the risk of insertional mutagenesis since they do not integrate into the chromosome
  • 15. Two Types of Gene Therapy • Somatic gene therapy involves introducing a “good “ gene into targeted cells with the end results of treating the patient-not the future children • Germline gene therapy involves modifying the genes in egg or sperm cells, which will then pass any genetic changes to future generations as well
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  • 18. Application of gene therapy • Cancers • Inherited disorders • Infectious diseases (viral or bacterial) • Immune system disorders • Vaccination CancerCancerAIDSAIDSDiabetesDiabetes Parkinson’Parkinson’ s Diseases Disease
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  • 20. Gene therapy and cancer Most cancer result from • Activation of an oncogene that leads to tumor formation • Inactivation of gene that normally suppresses formation of a tumor
  • 21. Cancer approaches using gene therapy • Delivery of genes encoding toxic molecules to cancer cells to kill them • Delivery of genes encoding chemokines to cancer cells to activate the immune response to recognize and kill them • Antibody therapies: DNA vaccines with genes that encode antibodies to cancer specific proteins in tumor cells • Insertion of normal tumor suppressor genes into cells • Antisense therapy: DNA that blocks synthesis of proteins encoded by deleterious genes
  • 22. Problems with Gene Therapy • Short Lived – Hard to rapidly integrate therapeutic DNA into genome and rapidly dividing nature of cells prevent gene therapy from long time – Would have to have multiple rounds of therapy • Immune Response – new things introduced leads to immune response – increased response when a repeat offender enters • Viral Vectors – patient could have toxic, immune, inflammatory response – also may cause disease once inside • Multigene Disorders – Heart disease, high blood pressure, Alzheimer’s, arthritis and diabetes are hard to treat because you need to introduce more than one gene • May induce a tumor if integrated in a tumor suppressor gene because insertional mutagenesis
  • 23. What is required for Gene Therapy to be possible? • Understanding of the disease process • Structure/function of gene to be introduced • Efficient delivery of gene • Control of gene expression • Prevention/control of immune responses • Animal model and assessment of function • Clinical trial
  • 24. General Steps of Human Gene Therapy 1. Identification and characterization of gene 2. Cloning of gene 3. Choice of vector (Insert normal allele into vector) 4. Method of delivery
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  • 34. Brief History • 1967- Nobelist Marshall Nirenberg wrote of programming cells. • 1974- National Institute of Health took lead in recombinant DNA (rDNA) research regulation. • 1980-Dr. Martin Cline performs first DNA transfer into bone marrow cells. • 1984- US Office of Technology Assessment stressed difference between somatic and germ-line therapy • 1990- NIH performed first approved gene therapy procedure • 1999- Jesse Gelsinger becomes first fatality in gene therapy. • 2003- FDA placed a temporary halt on all gene therapy trials using retroviral vectors in blood stem cells • 2005- 637 GT clinical trials (3464 patients)
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  • 38. Basic Strategies of Human Gene Therapy 1. Isolate and then clone the normal allele by PCR 2. Insert normal allele into a disabled virus – Retroviruses and adenoviruses are the most common vectors – Retroviruses are much more efficient at forming a provirus, but have a greater chance of mutating to cause disease – Adenoviruses are safer, but are relatively inefficient as a vector – Liposomes (lipid spheres) are also used as vectors  e.g. Gene therapy for Cystic Fibrosis involves using an inhaler to bring liposomes containing the CFTR gene to the cells lining the lungs)
  • 39. 3. Infect host cells with recombinant virus a. Add recombinant virus directly to individual e.g. Jesse Gelsinger—  Had Ornithine Transcarbamylase Deficiency; Causes build up of ammonia in liver cells since they cannot convert the ammonia (toxic) produced by amino acid metabolism to urea (less toxic)  Died in Sept.’99 due to a severe immune response to the genetically modified adenovirus containing the OTC gene b. Isolate host cells from body and then add recombinant virus (e.g. blood stem cells in gene therapy for Gaucher disease) • Inject genetically engineered cells back into the body Basic Strategies of Human Gene Therapy
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  • 42. How It Works • A vector delivers the therapeutic gene into a patient’s target cell • The target cells become infected with the viral vector • The vector’s genetic material is inserted into the target cell • Functional proteins are created from the therapeutic gene causing the cell to return to a normal state
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  • 44. The first clear enunciation of the concept of exploiting antisense compounds as therapeutic agents was in the work of Zamecnik and Stephenson in 1978. A-A-T-G-G-T-A-A-A-A-T-G-G The revolution in the availability of viral and human genomic sequences enhanced the development of the antisense technology. Over the past decade, substantial development in antisense science and manufacturing led to the approval of the first antisense drug fomivirsen (VitraveneTM ) for the treatment of AIDS-related CMV retinitis. History
  • 45. Fomivirsen (VitraveneTM ) In the meantime up to 50 new antisense compounds have entered phase I/II, and in some cases phase III trials.
  • 46. Gene Therapy Strategies • Gene replacement • Gene Augmentation Therapy (GAT) • Gene Correction (Chimeraplasty) • Targeted killing of specific cells • Targeted inhibition of gene expression (Gene ablation)
  • 47. Viruses • Replicate by inserting their DNA into a host cell • Gene therapy can use this to insert genes that encode for a desired protein to create the desired trait • Four different types
  • 48. Viral vectors • Retroviruses – eg Moloney murine leukaemia virus (Mo-MuLV) – Lentiviruses (eg HIV, SIV) • Adenoviruses • Herpes simplex • Adeno-associated viruses (AAV)
  • 49. Retroviruses • Created double stranded DNA copies from RNA genome – The retrovirus goes through reverse transcription using reverse transcriptase and RNA – the double stranded viral genome integrates into the human genome using integrase • integrase inserts the gene anywhere because it has no specific site • May cause insertional mutagenesis – One gene disrupts another gene’s code (disrupted cell division causes cancer from uncontrolled cell division) – vectors used are derived from the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and are being evaluated for safety
  • 50. Adenoviruses • Are double stranded DNA genome that cause respiratory, intestinal, and eye infections in humans • The inserted DNA is not incorporate into genome • Not replicated though  – Has to be reinserted when more cells divide • Ex. Common cold
  • 52. Adeno-associated Viruses • Adeno-associated Virus- small, single stranded DNA that insert genetic material at a specific point on chromosome 19 • From parvovirus family- causes no known disease and doesn't trigger patient immune response. • Low information capacity • gene is always "on" so the protein is always being expressed, possibly even in instances when it isn't needed. • hemophilia treatments, for example, a gene-carrying vector could be injected into a muscle, prompting the muscle cells to produce Factor IX and thus prevent bleeding. – Study by Wilson and Kathy High (University of Pennsylvania), patients have not needed Factor IX injections for more than a year
  • 53. Herpes Simplex Viruses • Double stranded DNA viruses that infect neurons • Ex. Herpes simplex virus type 1
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  • 55. Advantages &Disadvantage • Scientists are trying to – Manipulate the viral genome to remove the disease-causing genes and introduce therapeutic genes. • Viruses introduce potential other problems in the body, such as: – Toxicity – Immune and inflammatory responses – Gene control and targeting issues – Capacity
  • 56. Non-Viral methods • Cationic Lipids (Liposomes) • Cationic Polymers • Retrotransposons (jumping genes) • Human artificial chromosomes (HACs)
  • 57. Advantages &Disadvantage • Advantages – Low toxicity – Nonimmunogenicity – Easy synthesis • Disadvantage – The overall transfection pathways are inefficient
  • 58. 58 Major barriers to DNA delivery • Low uptake across the plasma membrane • Inadequate release of DNA with limited stability • Lack of nuclear targeting
  • 60. Medicinal Chemistry of Antisense OligonucleotidesMedicinal Chemistry of Antisense Oligonucleotides One of the major challenges for antisense approaches is the stabilization of oligonucleotides, as unmodified oligodeoxynucleotides are rapidly degraded in biological fluids by nucleases.
  • 61. 1.1.Functional Genomics and Target Validation:Functional Genomics and Target Validation: Antisense oligonucleotides can be used to selectively manipulate the expression of chosen gene or genes. The process results in : – A pharmacophore with a well-understood mechanism of action. – Well characterized distribution and a safe side effect profile which could be used as a human therapeutic.
  • 62. Clinical Trials of Antisense OligonucleotidesClinical Trials of Antisense Oligonucleotides – To date, one antisense oligonucleotide (fomivirsen) has been approved by the FDA for local administration to treat CMV retinitis. – In 1996, only a handful of antisense molecules was in clinical trials. However, the past few years has seen explosive growth in the number of antisense- related clinical trials. Currently, there are near to 50 antisense compounds in trials for various diseases, up to 10 of which are in phase III, with an additional 20 in Phase II.
  • 63. Unsuccessful Gene therapies • Jesse Gelsinger, a gene therapy patient who lacked ornithine transcarbamylase activity, died in 1999. • Within hours after doctors shot the normal OTC gene attached to a therapeutic virus into his liver, Jesse developed a high fever. His immune system began raging out of control, his blood began clotting, ammonia levels climbed, his liver hemorrhaged and a flood of white blood cells shut down his lungs. • One problem with gene therapy is that one does not have control over where the gene will be inserted into the genome. The location of a gene in the genome is of importance for the degree of expression of the gene and for the regulation of the gene (the so-called "position effect"), and thus the gene regulatory aspects are always uncertain after gene therapy
  • 64. Successful Gene Therapy for Severe Combine Immunodeficiency • Infants with severe combined immunodeficiency are unable to mount an adaptive immune response, because they have a profound deficiency of lymphocytes. • severe combined immunodeficiency is inherited as an X-linked recessive disease, which for all practical purposes affects only boys. In the other half of the patients with severe combined immunodeficiency, the inheritance is autosomal recessive — and there are several abnormalities in the immune system when the defective gene is encoded on an autosome.
  • 65. Severe Combine Immunodeficiency Continued • A previous attempt at gene therapy for immunodeficiency was successful in children with severe combined immunodeficiency due to a deficiency of adenosine deaminase. In these patients, peripheral T cells were transduced with a vector bearing the gene for adenosine deaminase. The experiment was extremely labor intensive, because mature peripheral-blood T cells were modified rather than stem cells, and the procedure therefore had to be repeated many times to achieve success.
  • 66. Successful One Year Gene Therapy Trial For Parkinson's Disease • Neurologix a biotech company announced that they have successfully completed its landmark Phase I trial of gene therapy for Parkinson's Disease. • This was a 12 patient study with four patients in each of three dose escalating cohorts. All procedures were performed under local anesthesia and all 12 patients were discharged from the hospital within 48 hours of the procedure, and followed for 12 months. Primary outcomes of the study design, safety and tolerability, were successfully met. There were no adverse events reported relating to the treatment.
  • 67. Parkinson's Disease Cont. • The gene transfer procedure utilized the AAV (adeno-associated virus) vector, a virus that has been used safely in a variety of clinical gene therapy trials, and the vehicle that will be used in all of the company's first generation products, including epilepsy and Huntington's disease. In its Parkinson's disease trial, Neurologix used its gene transfer technology.
  • 68. Recent Developments • Genes get into brain using liposomes coated in polymer call polyethylene glycol – potential for treating Parkinson’s disease • RNA interference or gene silencing to treat Huntington’s – siRNAs used to degrade RNA of particular sequence – abnormal protein wont be produced • Create tiny liposomes that can carry therapeutic DNA through pores of nuclear membrane • Sickle cell successfully treated in mice
  • 69. 69 How to overcome barriers

Editor's Notes

  1. Is the most common approach The abnormal gene would be swapped by homologous recombination Would cause a return to normal function Control expression of genes. Similar to epistasis, when one gene affects the expression of another gene.
  2. A vector is a carrier molecule, usually a virus The target cells are usually in the liver or lung
  3. “Viruses are highly evolved natural vectors for the transfer of foreign genetic information into cells” But to improve safety, they need to be replication defective Compared to naked DNA, virus particles provide a relatively efficient means of transporting DNA into cells, for expression in the nucleus as recombinant genes
  4. Transposons: Based on the landmark work of Barbara McClintock, researchers now recognize that genes can migrate among the chromosomes from site to site.9 DNA transposons are small, defined segments of DNA that possess the capacity to migrate and carry genetic information between chromosomal loci. Transposons are found in virtually all organisms and have played major roles in evolution and the shaping of vertebrate genomes. Transposable DNA elements consist of 2 parts: a trans-acting transposase, or enzyme that facilitates DNA excision and reinsertion; and ciselements, or DNA sequences that interact with sequences on sites in the target chromosome. The important feature is that transposons integrate only at predictable sites, allowing incorporation of an additional level of safety in the design of gene transfer protocols. In vertebrates all known naturally occurring transposons have mutations rendering the transposase molecule inactive but retain the cis-acting elements important in the transposition process Researchers also are experimenting with introducing a 47th (artificial human) chromosome into target cells. This chromosome would exist autonomously alongside the standard 46 --not affecting their workings or causing any mutations. It would be a large vector capable of carrying substantial amounts of genetic code, and scientists anticipate that, because of its construction and autonomy, the body's immune systems would not attack it. A problem with this potential method is the difficulty in delivering such a large molecule to the nucleus of a target cell.