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Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine
Fuel optimization plays a vital role all over the world, Water is the most readily
obtainable and affordable source and hydrogen energy has been proven to be more effective
compared to electric and gasoline cars. Prices of petroleum oil are increasing day-by-day
affecting the life style of common people as well as national economy. That‘s why we need an
alternative for petroleum. In recent days, all country is spending a huge amount of money on
research and development of non-conventional energy resources. In the world, the conventional
energy sources are limited, and their usage is very high; so alternative sources of energy have
tremendous potential in future. Thus world is in crisis to find an alternative fuel for petroleum
oils. To fulfill the aim stated before, non-conventional energy systems like solar, battery are
developed. Nobody will think for a moment but it‘s the reality that water can be used as a fuel
and hence an energy resource. This successful technology is known as ‗GREEN
TECHNOLOGY‘. By using electrolysis process, water is converted into HHO gas in this
GREEN TECHNOLOGY. This HHO gas is also known as ‗BROWN GAS‘. This gas is used for
complete combustion process and by using this vehicle mileage increases and also reduces the
fuel consumption of the engine. From this design the fuel utility is reduced from 15% to 30%
which minimizes the carbon deposition in the cylinder thereby increasing the changing period of
engine oil, it also improves the efficiency of the engine and the life span. Engine torque also
increased and pollution gets reduced to maintaining the greenhouse effect. Overall the cost of the
product is very low. By this technology pollutant gases like CO2, CO also reduces. So it reduces
Greenhouse effect.
‗Water fueled HHO technology has the ability to clean up our environment and is also beneficial
for the vehicle‘s mileage‘.
Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine
Fossil fuels (i.e., petroleum, natural gas and coal), which meet most of the world‘s energy
demand today, are being depleted rapidly. Also, their combustion products are causing global
problems, such as the greenhouse effect, ozone layer depletion, acid rains and pollution, which
are posing great danger for our environment, and eventually, for the total life on our planet.
Many engineers and scientists agree that the solution to all of these global problems would be to
replace the existing fossil fuel system with the clean hydrogen energy system. Hydrogen is a
very efficient and clean fuel. Its combustion will produce no greenhouse gases, no ozone layer
depletion chemicals, and little or no acid rain ingredients and pollution. Hydrogen, produced
from renewable energy (solar, wind, etc.) sources, would result in a permanent energy system
which would never have to be changed.
Fossil fuels possess very useful properties not shared by non-conventional energy sources
that have made them popular during the last century. Unfortunately, fossil fuels are not
renewable. In addition, the pollutants emitted by fossil energy systems (e.g. CO, CO2, CnHm, Sox,
NOx, radioactivity, heavy metals ashes, etc.) are greater and more damaging than those that
might be produced by a renewable based hydrogen energy system (Winter CJ. 1987). Since the
oil crisis of 1973, considerable progress has been made in the search for alternative energy
These gases are most responsible for Global Warming. Now a day‘s CO2 level is
increased rapidly. This CO2 will effect on Ozone layer. This CO2 will react with Ozone and make
depletion in Ozone layer. So Ultra violate ray directly comes into contact with human and create
harmful disease. Following fig. shows the CO2 in the atmosphere.
A long term goal of energy research has been seek for a method to produce hydrogen fuel
economically by splitting water using sunlight as the primary energy source. Much fundamental
research remains to be done still. Lowering of worldwide CO2 emission to reduce the risk of
climate change (greenhouse effect) requires a major restructuring of the energy system.
Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine
Figure 1: CO2 level in atmosphere.
The use of hydrogen as an energy carrier is a long term option to reduce CO2 emissions.
However, at the present time, hydrogen is not competitive with other energy carriers. Global
utilization of fossil fuels for energy needs is rapidly resulting in critical environmental problems
throughout the world. Energy, economic and political crises, as well as the health of humans,
animals and plant life, are all critical concerns. There is an urgent need of implementing the
hydrogen technology. A worldwide conversion from fossil fuels to hydrogen would eliminate
many of the problems and their consequences.
The production of hydrogen from non-polluting sources is the ideal way (Zweig RM.1992)The
amount of solar energy reaching the Earth is enough to supply mankind with many thousand
times the energy it presently requires. This energy supply is, however, neither constantly
available nor distributed equally over the surface of the globe. Indeed, the places where
mankind‘s energy consumption is highest are not the places where the Sun‘s irradiation is at a
maximum. If the Sun‘s daytime energy supply also has to be used at night or its summer supply
also in the winter, if the solar energy available at places with high insulation is also needed at
places with low insulation an large energy demands, then it is physically impossible to meet
these needs directly with the primary energy of solar irradiation. Solar hydrogen is a clean
energy carrier.
Electrolytic hydrogen is made from water and becomes water again. Hydrogen obtained from
solar energy is ecologically responsible along its entire energy conversion chain. At only one link
Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine
of the chain can a pollutant, nitrogen oxide, arise; and this occurs only if the hydrogen is not
combined with pure oxygen, but using air as an oxidant, such as in reciprocating piston engines
or gas turbines of automobiles or aircraft. At the high reaction temperatures which arise in such
places, the oxygen and nitrogen in the air can combine to form nitrogen oxide.
Energy stored in hydrogen would be available at any time and at any place on Earth, regardless
of when or where the solar radiance, the hydro-power, or other renewable sources such as
biomass, ocean energy or wind energy was converted. The fundamental variations in the times
and places of solar energy supply and human energy demands can be overcome using hydrogen.
Solar hydrogen makes solar energy as storable and transportable as oil and natural gas are by
nature, but without the burden of their negative environmental impact. Solar hydrogen combines
the advantages of hydrocarbons (storability and transportability) with the advantages of solar
energy (ecological acceptability, renewability and low risk). Solar hydrogen has no need for the
carbon atom, which makes the hydrocarbons almost infinitely storable at room temperatures, but
is also the reason for their negative ecological impact.
The worldwide photovoltaic market has grown rapidly in recent years, a growth that will
continue in many areas, especially as grid-connected PV applications. Hydrogen is a carbon-free
fuel which oxidizes to water as a combustion product. The generated water becomes, together
with renewable primary energy for splitting it, a source of clean and abundant energy in a
carbon-free, natural cycle (Gretz J. 1992). In the development of all new energy options,
hydrogen necessarily will play an important role because of its ability to supplement any energy
stream and apply to any load. Hydrogen will act as a solar energy storage medium and transform
solar energy into a transportation fuel (Block DL, Veziroglu TN. 1994).
The economies of rich nations and the lifestyle of most of their residents depend on cars and
light trucks. These vehicles contribute most of the carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide
(CO2), volatile organic compounds (hydrocarbons, HC), and nitrogen oxides (NOx) emitted in
cities. It is clear that motor vehicles are important to the economy and lifestyle. Importance goes
well beyond the direct consumer expenditure and indirect (support) expenditures, such as roads,
suburbs, oil wells, refineries, and service stations.
Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine
The main aim of the project is to design a HHO device, which generate HHO gas called Browns
gas is used in an IC engine with the fuel. By the use of this device efficiency, power will increase
and Green house gases will decrease.
1. To measure the engine RPM :
 Engine RPM can be measure by help of tachometer which should be electrical or
mechanical. Tachometer is attached with gearbox output shaft at different gear
ratio. First of all, we take engine RPM data without attaching HHO. Then take
data after attaching HHO and finally it will increases by our calculation and we
will check after make our HHO project.
2. To measure engine efficiency:
 Engine efficiency can be measured by help of experiment of measuring time for
consuming 10ml of fuel by the vehicle with and without attaching system.
3. Changing the air fuel ratio according to acceleration:
 First it should be checked the vehicle as per company‘s given air fuel ratio and
then after checked vehicle performance by changing the air fuel ratio.
4. Emission testing:
 Certified the PUC for normal vehicle condition than check emissions for HHO
attached vehicle.
Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine
Gas Efficiency & double fuel mileage — HHO is known to be at least 3 times more powerful
than gasoline, supplementing it and improving its combustion this mixture burns very smoothly
and provides significant energy. HHO or Brown‘s gas generator can improve your gas efficiency,
boosting its mileage at least twice.
i. Reduces air pollution and decreases noise pollution — With improved efficiency, vehicle
will have less emissions that pollute the air. The steam produced inside the engine itself
self-cleans it which makes driving smoother so; running of the engine will make the drive
quieter so noise pollution is also reduced.
ii. Cut down on fuel cost: The technology behind HHO or Brown‘s gas is water is used to
supplement your fossil fuel usage. Because of this, you can boost more mileage per
gallon with lesser fuel use. With the constant increment of gasoline prices, we can
certainly save a lot of money by supplementing with HHO gas.
iii. Reduce engine temperature & emission: Because your engine is using lesser fuel during
combustion, lesser carbon dioxide is produced and emitted. Therefore engine emission is
less and our car enjoys a lower temperature and so protects the environment from global
warming, it keeps your vehicle cooler and quieter. It will promote a longer lifespan for
your car.
iv. Cost effective: - Water powered cars are IRS taxes deductible as a reward by the
government because these are environmentally clean cars. Also Water hybrid conversion
is inexpensive. It takes minimum amount to convert your engine with HHO kit. HHO kits
available on the market with detailed installation guide. The installation is very easy. All
the parts easily fit under the hood.
Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine
v. Increase the performance of your vehicle: - With HHO technology you will notice
significant improvements in torque, faster acceleration, better throttle response, smoother
gear shifts and reduced vibration.HHO gas also eliminates ―knocking‖ and ―pinging‖
inside your engine.
vi. Perfectly safe for you and your passengers: - There is no hydrogen storage tank in the car.
The hydrogen is extracted from water as needed. A switch prevents the accumulation of
hydrogen when the engine if not running or idles. There are thousands of cars safely
converted to water fueled cars. It is much safer to use than your conventional fuel tank.
vii. Water hybrid conversion could double gas mileage. The addition of hydrogen separated
from water and blended with gasoline will provide better fuel efficiency. This mixture
burns very smoothly and provides significant energy.
viii. The burning process produces cleaner emission. The addition of hydrogen turns into H2O
as a result of the burning process. Improved emission quality is better for the
ix. Water hybrid conversion is inexpensive. There are more and more low cost hydrogen
conversion kits available on the market with detailed installation guide. It‘s probably less
expensive to buy a conversion kit, than buy the parts separately.
x. Water hybrid cars are very safe. There is no hydrogen storage tank in the car. The
hydrogen is extracted from water as needed. A switch prevents the accumulation of
hydrogen when the engine if not running or idles. There are thousands of cars safely
converted to water fueled cars.
xi. The installation is very easy. All the parts easily fit under the hood. The installation of
HHO conversion kit is also reversible, and it doesn‘t void the factory warranty.
Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine
xii. Water powered cars contributes to preserving the environment since water burns cleaner
than gasoline.
xiii. Car engine‘s wear and tear will is reduced and this equals to longer engine life.
xiv. Water will make the car‘s engine run quitter and smoother while giving boost in power.
Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine
Brown's gas or HHO gas is actually the Oxy-hydrogen and Oxy-hydrogen is a mixture of
hydrogen and oxygen gases, typically in a 2:1 atomic ratio; the same proportion as water. When
brought to auto ignition temperature, oxy-hydrogen will combust, turning into water vapor and
producing energy. This energy sustains the reaction. This ignition temperature is approximately
570°C (1065°F). At standard temperature and pressure, oxy-hydrogen can burn when it is
between about 4% and 95% hydrogen by volume.
A pure stoichiometric mixture may be obtained by water electrolysis, which uses an
electric current to dissociate the water molecules:
Electrolysis: 2 H2O → 2 H2 + O2
Combustion: 2 H2 + O2 → 2 H2O
William Nicholson was the first to decompose water in this manner in 1800. The energy
required to generate the oxy-hydrogen always exceeds the energy released by combusting it.
The HHO Gas contains one part oxygen (such as hydrogen and two parts of course), as
opposed to pure hydrogen. HHO is significantly more combustible than hydrogen, thanks to the
presence of oxygen in perfect proportion. Pure hydrogen is much more expensive to exploit. The
advantage of the HHO gas because it is easy and economical to make. So, HHO is a powerful
combustion enhancer.
Some researchers are even looking for ways to produce a car that runs 100% on its own
HHO generated from water on-board the vehicle. This is very good for the environment, but very
bad for oil companies. It would represent a HUGE shift in global economic power, if nearly free
and clean energy became available to anyone/everyone.
One KWh of electricity produces approximately 340 liters of gas. Virtually any amount
of Brown's Gas can be produced in any volume through cells in series, cells miniaturized, or
Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine
cells enlarged. One unit of water yields 1,860 units of gas .The inverse applies as well .Upon
ignition, Brown‘s Gas implodes. When implosion of the gas mixture occurs, the result is a 1,859
unit vacuum with one unit of water.
1 Liter of Water = 1866.6 Litters of Brown Gas
1 Liter of Water = 933.3 Litters of H2:O2 Gas
Brown Gas is simplest and highest atomic form and therefore less energy are required to
burn than H2:O2 Gas. Thus, Brown gas burns at low temperature. This increases the efficiency of
Brown's Gas does not cause entirely environment environmental pollution because is gotten
restored in vapor state after combustion being created in water. As see in combustion equation
2H2+O2 => 2H2O
Carbon of Brown's Gas does not exist unlike existent fossil fuel. As well as there is no soot
after combustion, it does not breed pollutant of carbon dioxide and so on.
Brown's Gas is mixing gas that is mixed by the mixture ratio rate of chemical equivalent
hydrogen 2: oxygen 1. Therefore, is containing oxygen of necessary amount voluntarily at spread
of a fire. Because become perfect combustion without special oxygen supply, can get easily
neutral flame.
Brown Gas Generator produces Brown's Gas of about 1860 liter in water of 1 liter.
On the contrary, if burn Brown Gas of 1860 liter by spark in hermetical pressure vessel, as soon
as arrive to pressure peak value 0.5 MPa during explosion duration time 44/1,000,000 seconds,
do to form degree of vacuum as volume decrease occurs by 1 of 1860 minutes at the same time
implosion of low pressure moment cause pressure drop immediately. That is, water 1 liter is
Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine
created again and remainder volume gets into airlessness. This is called the implosion
phenomenon that is entirely other concept with explosion.
Flame of Brown's Gas has unique personality which atom and molecular hydrogen and
oxygen react. Hydrogen atom and oxygen atom are permeated through atomic nucleus of heating
zone material. Therefore, applied heat material is applied heat by hotter flame than flames of
when gas is burnt alone among air because do thermonuclear reaction by hydrogen and oxygen.
According to heating target material, Brown's Gas that has different thermonuclear reaction
special quality can weld brick with iron just as it is.
Brown Gas shows us its more superior heating phenomenon than any other energy
because it has a high-temperature concentration phenomenon.
Features HHO
Gas Produced 66.7 % H2 +
33.3% O2
Flow Rate Limited to about 1 Liter Per Minute (LPM) for
current of about 20 Amp.
Current and Power required 20A – 40A depending on desired HHO output.
Electrolyte KOH or Baking soda to cause higher electrical
current in the cell.
Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine
Catalyst HHO cell doesn‘t use catalyst.
Corrosion of plates Anodes corrode.
Byproducts Only a bit of sludge, resulting from corrosion of the
Thermal run away Electrolysis cell heats, the cell resistance drops,
more current flows.
Maintenance Must replace anode when corrode much more.
Fuel Distilled water.
Atomic number 1
Atomic weight 1.007882519 g mol-1
Molecular weight 2.0159 g mol-1
Appearance Colorless, Odorless
Density (gas) 0.08988 gL-1
Relative vapor density 0.07
Density (liquid) 70.8 gL-1
Melting point -259.35 ᴏ
Boiling point -252.88 ᴏ
Auto ignition temperature 500 – 570 ᴏ
Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine
HHO gas can be produced by utilizing an electrolysis method with different Electrolytes
(KOH (aq), NaOH (aq), NaCl (aq)). An electrolyze is a very efficient system to split water to
hydrogen fuel and oxygen. By putting two pieces of metal in distilled water, and giving
electricity, the water (H20) can instantly be separated into hydrogen and oxygen. The separated
gas molecules surface and regroup to form HHO gas, which is an unbounded mixture of
hydrogen and oxygen. This procedure is shown below in figure.
Figure 2: HHO generator
Water can be cheaply converted into Brown's Gas / HHO gas (mono-atomic and diatomic
Hydrogen and Oxygen) using efficient electrolyzing techniques which require very little power
to operate. Electrolysis of water means using an electric current do separation of the water
molecules. Here's the cycle of action and detail view in figure below.
Based upon the type of electrolytes, different types of electrolyzes exist. Brown‘s Gas
production, due to the design of the electrolyze, is increasingly efficient as compared to
independently ducted electrolysis.
Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine
An electrical power source is connected to two electrodes, or two plates (typically made
from some inert metal such as platinum, stainless steel or iridium) which are placed in the water.
Hydrogen will appear at the cathode (the negatively charged electrode, where electrons enter the
water), and oxygen will appear at the anode (the positively charged electrode). Assuming
ideal faradaic efficiency, the amount of hydrogen generated is twice the number of moles of
oxygen, and both are proportional to the total electrical charge conducted by the
solution. However, in many cells competing side reactions dominate, resulting in different
products and less than ideal faradaic efficiency.
Electrolysis of pure water requires excess energy in the form of over potential to
overcome various activation barriers. Without the excess energy the electrolysis of pure water
occurs very slowly or not at all. This is in part due to the limited self-ionization of water. Pure
water has an electrical conductivity about one millionth that of seawater. Many electrolytic
cells may also lack the requisite electro catalysts. The efficiency of electrolysis is increased
through the addition of an electrolyte (such as a salt, an acid or a base) and the use of electro
Currently the electrolytic process is rarely used in industrial applications since hydrogen
can currently be produced more affordably from fossil fuels.
In pure water at the negatively charged cathode, a reduction reaction takes place, with
electrons (e−
) from the cathode being given to hydrogen cations to form hydrogen gas (the half
reaction balanced with acid).
Reduction at cathode: 2 H+
(aq) + 2e−
→ H2 (g)
Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine
At the
positively charged anode, an oxidation reaction occurs, generating oxygen gas and
giving electrons to the anode to complete the circuit:
Anode (oxidation): 2 H2O (l) → O2 (g) + 4 H+
(aq) + 4e−
The same half reactions can also be balanced with base as listed below. Not all half
reactions must be balanced with acid or base. Many do, like the oxidation or reduction of water
listed here. To add half reactions they must both be balanced with either acid or base.
Cathode (reduction): 2 H2O (l) + 2e−
→ H2 (g) + 2 OH-
Anode (oxidation): 4 OH-
(aq) → O2(g) + 2 H2O(l) + 4 e−
Combining either half reaction pair yields the same overall decomposition of water into
oxygen and hydrogen:
Overall reaction: 2 H2O(l) → 2 H2(g) + O2(g)
The number of hydrogen molecules produced is thus twice the number of oxygen
molecules. Assuming equal temperature and pressure for both gases, the produced hydrogen gas
has therefore twice the volume of the produced oxygen gas. The number of electrons pushed
through the water is twice the number of generated hydrogen molecules and four times the
number of generated oxygen molecules.
Figure 3: Chemical reaction of H2 and O2.
Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine
Decomposition of pure water into hydrogen and oxygen at standard temperature and
pressure is not favorable in thermodynamically terms.
Anode (oxidation): 2 H2O(l) → O2(g) + 4 H+
(aq) + 4e−
Eox = -1.23 V (Ered = 1.23)
Cathode (reduction): 2 H+
(aq) + 2e−
→ H2(g) Ered = 0.00 V
Thus, the standard potential of the water electrolysis cell is -1.23 V at 25 °C at pH 0
(H+ = 1.0 M). It is also -1.23 V at 25 °C at pH 7 (H+ = 1.0x10-7 M) based on the Nernst
The negative voltage indicates the Gibbs free energy for electrolysis of water is greater
than zero for these reactions. This can be found using the G = -nFE equation from chemical
kinetics, where n is the moles of electrons and F is the Faraday constant. The reaction cannot
occur without adding necessary energy, usually supplied by an external electrical power source.
Figure 4: Electrolysis of water.
Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine
If the processes occur in pure water, H+
cations will accumulate at the anode and OH−
ions will accumulate at the cathode. This can be verified by adding a pH indicator to the water:
the water near the anode is acidic while the water near the cathode is basic. These charged ions
will repel the further flow of electricity until they have diffused away, a slow process. This is
why pure water conducts electricity poorly and why electrolysis of pure water proceeds slowly.
Pure water is a fairly good insulator since it has a low auto ionization, Kw = 1.0 x 10−14
room temperature and thus pure water conducts current poorly, 0.055 µS·cm−1
.Unless a very
large potential is applied to cause an increase in the auto ionization of water the electrolysis of
pure water proceeds very slowly limited by the overall conductivity.
If a water-soluble electrolyte is added, the conductivity of the water rises considerably.
The electrolyte disassociates into cations and anions; the ions rush towards the anode and
neutralize the buildup of positively charged H+
there; similarly, the cations rush towards the
cathode and neutralize the buildup of negatively charged OH−
there. This allows the continued
flow of electricity.
Care must be taken in choosing an electrolyte, since an anion from the electrolyte is in
competition with the hydroxide ions to give up an electron. An electrolyte anion with less
standard electrode potential than hydroxide will be oxidized instead of the hydroxide and no
oxygen gas will be produced. A caution with a greater standard electrode potential than a
hydrogen ion will be reduced in its stead and no hydrogen gas will be produced.
The following cations have lower electrode potential than H+
and are therefore suitable
for use as electrolyte cations: Li+
, Rb+
, K+
, Cs+
, Ba2
, Sr2
, Ca2
, Na+
, and Mg2
. Sodium and
lithium are frequently used, as they form inexpensive, soluble salts.
If an acid is used as the electrolyte, the cation is H+
, and there is no competitor for the H+
created by disassociating water. The most commonly used anion is sulfate (SO4
), as it is very
difficult to oxidize, with the standard potential for oxidation of this ion to the peroxodisulfate ion
being −0.22 volts.
Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine
Strong acids such as sulfuric acid (H2SO4), and strong bases such as potassium hydroxide
(KOH), and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) are frequently used as electrolytes.
Water electrolysis does not convert 100% of the electrical energy into the chemical
energy of hydrogen. The process requires more extreme potentials than what would be expected
based on the cell's total reversible reduction potentials. This excess potential accounts for various
forms of overpotential by which the extra energy is eventually lost as heat. For a well-designed
cell the largest overpotential is the reaction overpotential for the four electron oxidation of water
to oxygen at the anode. An effective electro catalyst to facilitate this reaction has not been
developed. Platinum alloys are the default state of the art for this oxidation. The reverse reaction,
the reduction of oxygen to water, is responsible for the greatest loss of efficiency in fuel cells.
Developing a cheap effective electro catalyst for this reaction would be a great advance.
The simpler two-electron reaction to produce hydrogen at the cathode can be electro
catalyzed with almost no reaction overpotential by platinum or in theory a hydrogenates enzyme.
If other, less effective, materials are used for the cathode then another large overpotential must be
The energy efficiency of water electrolysis varies widely with the numbers cited below
on the optimistic side. Some report 50–80% these values refer only to the efficiency of
converting electrical energy into hydrogen's chemical energy. The energy lost in generating the
electricity is not included. For instance, when considering a power plant that converts the heat of
nuclear reactions into hydrogen via electrolysis, the total efficiency may be closer to 30–45%.
Hydrogen produced by using simple electrolysis process is not sufficient to run the
engine. To resolve this problem Brown invented a special electrolysis technique in Brown Gas
Generator. In this generator, electrolysis is done in parallel plate electrolyzer. Temperature,
Pressure and process are controlled according to research with some limited value by the control
Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine
unit. Molecules of water Oxygen and hydrogen produced by electrolysis and a milky white
solution comes out at the end of electrolysis. Then it goes into separator unit which separate
Brown Gas from water. Water is again goes into electrolysis device for re use. Brown gas
differentiated from the separator unit goes into engine through intake manifold. Fuel injection is
not disturbed so that it can be used whenever vehicle has to run on. Thus vehicle can on water as
well as on petroleum as per requirement. This Brown Gas is sufficient to run the engine. This is
the best method for producing such a gas. Browns Gas is a different product from a combination
of hydrogen and oxygen gas mixture, with 2:1 ratio respectively.
Brown‘s gas (HHO) has recently been introduced to the auto industry as a new
source of energy. The present work proposes the design of a new device attached to the engine to
integrate an HHO production system with the gasoline engine. The proposed HHO generating
device is compact and can be installed in the engine compartment. This auxiliary device was
designed, constructed, integrated and tested on a gasoline engine. The optimal surface area of an
electrolyte needed to generate sufficient amount of HHO is twenty times that of the piston
surface area. Also, the volume of water needed in the cell is about one and half times that of the
engine capacity. Eventually, the goals of the integration are: a 20–30% reduction in fuel
consumption, lower exhaust temperature, and consequently a reduction in pollution.
Brown‘s gas is injected into the air intake manifold of your system (engine) as a
supplemental fuel, will accelerate the flame spread during combustion, thereby getting more of
the vaporized fuel to combust during the initial part of the power stroke. What is certain is that
HHO gas is very flammable and combustible so it burns more quickly and cleanly inside internal
combustion engines. This is what makes HHO gas such an attractive fuel.
The byproduct of "burning" HHO gas in an internal combustion engine is water, which is
of concern to both motorists and environmentalists. The burning of HHO gas inside a car, truck
or other vehicle displaces some gasoline or diesel, thereby saving fuel and reducing trips to the
pump. HHO releases no carbons or other pollutants into the air when burned. The main risk with
Hydrogen is explosion: A simple water bubbler bottle system in-line with the flow of gas to an
Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine
engine stops flash-back explosions from happening, and safety pressure valves and shut-offs
make an HHO system as safe as gasoline.
Most important benefit is that the HHO can be produced, whenever there is a
requirement, so there is no need for filling stations or large infrastructures, only water is needed.
The amount of water used in an all-HHO system is less than a third of the volume of gasoline
that would be used for the same mileage.
The idea behind the HHO generator is that a small concentration of hydrogen gas
(between 2% and 5%) can increase the speed of the flame front, the leading edge of the burning
gases in the combustion chamber. In turn, this would allow an engine to be run in a lean
condition, allowing a higher compression ratio, thereby increasing the efficiency (by around
10%). HOWEVER, the compression ratio of your engine is fixed. Even if the HHO device could
provide the 2% hydrogen, running your engine lean would simply be running your engine lean.
Without changing the compression ratio, you cannot increase the efficiency of the engine
(without nasty side effects).
Figure 5: HHO technology block diagram.
Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine
In order to even be effective (in an engine designed for it), an HHO device would
need to produce enough hydrogen to replace approximately 2% of the airflow. To replace just 1%
of the airflow into a 1.8 L engine running at 2400 rpm would require the electrolysis of about
two teaspoons of water every minute, which would require an input power of about 5,200 watts
(7 horse power). For a 12 Volt electrical system, this requires about 430 Amps.
The wire you would need to carry this current is about as thick as your index finger, not
counting the insulation. Also, the heat loss due to inefficiencies in the electrolysis would cause
the water in the HHO device to completely boil out within a handful of minutes. At this rate, 1
quart of water would last only 90 minutes, assuming you could prevent it from boiling away. The
Extra Engine Load Doesn't Offset the Gains Even if your car's electrical system could handle it
(most alternators will only produce about 100 Amps), the extra energy produced by the alternator
must be produced by the engine.
If a car's engine would typically need to produce 30 horsepower to cruise down the
highway, then it would need to produce about 40 horsepower to cruise down the highway and
power the HHO device. Even if the HHO could magically allow your engine to be run a little
lean (without consequence), as some promoters claim, then you would be increasing fuel usage
by 33% in order to increase economy by ~5%, netting a 32% increase in fuel usage. Using 32%
more fuel to do the same job is NOT an increase in efficiency.
Almost every HHO device out there only draws a few amps, 100 times lower than it
should in order to do anything. This means that it doesn't produce enough HHO to do anything.
Also, mileage is not a constant. It depends on various environmental factors. But the major
reason is, they are running their engines lean.
All of these HHO kit instructions tell the installer to add a device to "enhance" the Mass
Air Flow sensor. These devices actually fool the computer into thinking that the air flow is
restricted, when it isn't. The engine then injects less gasoline into the cylinders, causing the
engine to operate in an overly lean condition. Frequently, this actually does increase engine
Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine
output, but not without significant costs. Prolonged lean running will lead to fairly expensive
engine damage. It also causes increased smog emissions. Running an engine lean is a simple
thing to do, and there are many good reasons why manufacturers don't do it.
HHO primarily functions as a very effective and cheap fuel combustion enhancement
additive. It has the effect of increasing your engine's ability to draw more power from each
gallon of gasoline (combustion efficiency). To understand this, we need to look closely at engine
fuel combustion, air/fuel ratios and fuel configuration.
Gasoline from your fuel tank is broken into tiny droplets, mixed with atmospheric oxygen
(air) and drawn by vacuum into your engine cylinders (for fuel injection systems, fuel injectors
break-up and spray gasoline directly into the cylinders). The piston compresses this mixture and
when ignited by your spark plug, the explosion (combustion) supplies power to your car. One of
the variables that determines how much energy (power) is extracted from the combustion
reaction is the air/fuel ratio (ratio of gasoline to air).
Too much air (or too little fuel) produces a "lean" fuel mixture. Power output may suffer
in this condition because the engine isn't getting enough fuel to burn. Too much fuel (or too little
air) produces a "rich" fuel mixture. In extreme conditions, this can also cause power loss because
there's not sufficient oxygen in the cylinder to burn enough of the droplets to sustain a useful
(power generating) reaction.
A rich condition also wastes fuel because unburned droplets are thrown away with the
exhaust. Car manufacturers historically have tuned the air/fuel ratio for optimum power but also
tune it heavily to the rich side to accommodate fluctuations in atmospheric oxygen
quality/quantity conditions (i.e. altitude, temperature, moisture content, etc..).
This has helped engines maintain a smooth and consistent power curve over a
wide range of operating conditions. However, the droplets that aren't burned as a result of the
rich ratio setting (read as, gasoline not converted into engine power) to this day, are still thrown
away as exhaust (in the 1970's the EPA, horrified by this practice and it's environmental impact,
Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine
mandated tailpipe emission controls = catalytic converters to finish burning the unburned throw-
away fuel). This means, today, your car engine throws away a huge amount of fuel as a hedge
against losing power due to changing environmental conditions as you travel.
Another variable that affects combustion efficiency is fuel configuration. This is difficult
to control and is a way of understanding how much fuel is actually available for combustion due
to fuel unit size. For instance, the smaller is the unit of fuel, the faster and more completely is the
combustion reaction. In the cylinder at ignition time, the exothermic reaction fans out from the
spark plug as a flame front or wave.
Each gasoline droplet ignites in turn from the heat generated by a neighboring droplet.
This sustains the reaction as long as oxygen is present. However, it is only the surface of the
droplet that burns because it's the surface that is in contact with the cylinder's oxygen.
The gasoline in the droplet's interior must wait for the reaction to reach it (like a charcoal
briquette that burns from the outside in). Meanwhile, traveling around the sides of the droplet
(where there's oxygen), the reaction is heating and igniting neighboring droplets, propagating the
flame front. A droplet may or may not burn completely, depending on its size. Larger droplets
take longer to burn.
In addition, this reduces the velocity of the flame front because it takes longer for the
reaction to heat neighboring droplets to their point of ignition (ignition propagation delay).
Here's a somewhat familiar example to illustrate. Throw a small piece of coal on a
campfire and note how long it takes to ignite and burn. Then, take another piece, the same size
and weight, but first crush it into fine powder, then toss the powder into the fire (be careful).
Of course, it burns literally, in a flash because the fuel that was previously unavailable (on the
interior) is now exposed to oxygen and ready for combustion. That flash was the movement of
the flame front through the powder as each particle ignited and burned.
Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine
This illustrates how fuel configuration affects combustion. Smaller pieces burn faster,
collectively hotter and speed flame propagation. The gasoline droplet in your cylinder is a
different type of fuel, but it's governed by the same laws of matter. Big units of fuel take longer
to burn completely. Smaller units burn faster, more completely.
HHO is extremely efficient in terms of fuel configuration. As a nascent gas mixture, its
hydrogen (and oxygen) exists as tiny independent clusters of no more than two atoms per
combustible unit (diatomic molecules of H2, O2).
Comparatively, a gasoline droplet is monstrously large (many thousands of very large
hydrocarbon molecules). This diatomic configuration of HHO results in extremely efficient
combustion because the H2 and O2 molecules interact directly without any ignition propagation
delays due to surface travel time of the reaction.
Unlike a gasoline/air fuel mix, there are no mammoth globs (droplets) that burn from one
side to the other, slowing the ignition flame front. HHO's ignition propagation is immediate and
direct (atom to atom). When HHO is mixed with your gasoline/air fuel it's hydrogen surrounds
the gasoline droplets. On ignition, its flame front flashes through the cylinder at a much higher
velocity than in ordinary gasoline/air combustion. The heat and pressure wave HHO generates
crushes and fragments the gasoline droplets, exposing fuel from their interior to oxygen and the
combustion reaction.
This effectively enriches the air/fuel ratio since more fuel is now available to burn.
Simultaneously, the HHO flame front ignites the crushed fragments thereby releasing more of
their energy, more quickly -- the same way crushed coal powder liberates its energy more quickly
than that same coal as a single large piece (see "Fuel Configuration" above).
In addition, since HHO is dispersed throughout the cylinder, the gasoline/air mixture no longer
waits for its own slow, sequential droplet to droplet ignition process. HHO, because of its very
high combustion velocity, detonates all the "crushed" fuel virtually at once (behaving as an
explosive primer). The additionally exposed and burning fuel applies more pressure on the piston
in a shorter time interval.
Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine
Most importantly, the reaction burns and extracts power from fuel that previously would
have been thrown away with the exhaust. More precisely, droplet fragmentation makes more
gasoline fuel (or diesel fuel) available for combustion to convert into power, without drawing
more fuel from your gas tank.
Therefore HHO increases gas mileage by forcing your engine to burn gasoline more
efficiently and completely, thus delivering more work from each gallon you purchase. Increasing
the amount of cylinder HHO means an increase in droplet fragmentation = higher combustion
efficiency. We recommend the volume generators below 20 amps. After brought to power than
18 or 20amp generator HHO cells begin to produce steam not HHO gas. When you install the
HHO system in the vehicle, each over 20 amps of power will start straining the alternator, which
reduces the quality of the obtained HHO gas than the fuel-mileage. The process taking HHO gas
from water greatly enhanced electrolytes.
If we drive an average of about 3,000 miles a month is enough to 1 liter of distilled
water. Which is Very little? And water is the free source of Hydrogen so it is cheaper than any
HHO system with most of your primary fuel will be fully utilized, and improve overall
driving and operation of the car. Almost immediately notices a significant reduction in engine
noise, and complete combustion which helps to correct the motor cycle.. For a period of one
month from the engine will remove carbon deposits caused by unburned fuel built and further
increase performance and reduce emissions. The valves and pistons, etc., will be free and
unhindered to do, thus reducing wear. The acceleration and horsepower will increase and the
engine will operate more efficiently.
Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine
To understand how the fuel cell helps increase miles/kilometers per gallon/liter, you first
need to understand the fuel process and how the internal combustion engine uses it. Fuel is made
of "Hydrocarbon Chains". The chains look something like this:
Fig 6: Hydrocarbon chain of Gasoline.
Fuel Carbon chains are usually C7H16 through to C11H24. C7H16 means 7 Carbon atoms
with 16 Hydrogen atoms. Heavier chains like C14H30 are used as diesel fuel. Carbon chains
above C20 are tars and heavy oils. The lightest chain is CH4. That's 1 Carbon and 4 Hydrogen
The mixture burning somewhere around C9H20 in our internal combustion engines.
Chains of this weight are used as our fuel because they are in a liquid state at normal
temperatures, easy to store and transport. They also vaporized easily. In order to burn the petrol it
must be transported from your tank to the combustion chamber. There the fuel is mixed with the
air from your air intake, vaporized, compressed, and ignited. This process takes place very
quickly and continuously to maintain the cycle of the internal combustion engine.
The difference between pure Hydrogen and Oxygen and pure HHO gas is the carbon
atom. The carbon that is left behind is what causes engine sludge, deposits and carbon build up,
poor performance, pollution, and the inevitable downfall of our cars. The fact is that most cars do
Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine
not make it past 200,000 miles without meticulous maintenance. All too often carbon is the
This fuel cell dissociates water molecules through the process of electrolysis. H2O (2
Hydrogen atoms and 1 Oxygen atom), when separated becomes a combustible, clean burning gas
rather than a liquid. The gas burns and vaporizes the carbon and fuel leaving only steam.
Fig 7: Molecular arrangement of water and HHO.
This HHO gas (separate hydrogen and oxygen atoms) is fed into the engines via
vacuum lines or the air intake lines. There it is added fuel/air mixture. In the combustion
chamber the pure hydrogen and oxygen gives carbon chains a much needed boost. The enhanced
combustion of the fuel means that less fuel is required to power the car. The cleaner burn helps
remove undesirable deposits of unburned Carbon atoms. The vaporized hydrogen and oxygen
atoms blast carbon deposits away.
Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine
The supplemental hydrogen fuel cell system also adds water vapor into the engine. The
water vapor helps to slightly cool the engine. Heat is bad for the engine .Especially in
midsummer. A cooler engine runs smoother, needs few fluids changes, and lasts longer than an
overheated one.
Fig 8: Burning rate.
Water used per hour = liter per minute of HHO *1000/1860.
If we consider air/fuel ratio then following formula is used to measure HHO gas required.
Amount of HHO (LPM) = Engine Capacity/4 * RPM * A/F
Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine
Reactor is the main component of HHO system. The process of Electrolysis happens in
this reactor and also generation of Hydrogen also happens in this reactor. So it is very crucial
component of this project.
Starting of our project starts with construction of reactor. Generally reactor is the bottle
type part which drilled from the top.
Figure 9: Reactor body
Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine
Figure shows the reactor. We have to attach plates of stainless steel within the reactor.
Mixer of water and salt or water and NaOH is containing in the reactor.
Figure 10: Reactor
Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine
Plates are also useful component of HHO system. Its supply electricity from the battery
to the solution of water and salt, so that electrolysis process occurring in the reactor.
Generally plates are made from stainless steel. Generally rectangular shape plate we have
to use because the area which comes in contact with electrolytic solution is more and so that the
efficiency of electrolysis becomes more. It has two poles Negative and Positive. Positive pole is
connected with battery terminal and Negative pole is grounded.
Figure 11: Plates
Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine
The Lead – acid battery is used in automobile. A lead acid storage battery is an
electrochemical device that produces voltage and delivers electrical current. The battery is the
primary source of electrical energy used in vehicles today. It‘s important to remember that the
battery does not store electricity, but rather it stores a series of chemicals, and through a chemical
process electricity is produced. Basically, two different types of lead in an acid mixture react to
produce an electrical pressure called voltage. This electrochemical reaction changes chemical
energy to electrical energy and is the basis for all automotive batteries.
An automobile battery contains a dilute sulfuric acid electrolyte and positive and negative
electrodes, in the form of several plates. Since the plates are made of led or lead derived
materials, this type of battery is often called a lead acid battery. A battery is separated into
several cells and in each cell there are several battery elements, all bathed in the electrolyte
Figure 12: Battery.
Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine
Figure 13: Full system
Figure shows how to attach HHO system with engine of vehicle. We have to drill a hole
in the inlet of the engine. Then attach HHO reactor with engine with the help of pipe. Battery
terminal is connected with reactor terminal.
HHO generated in the reactor is mixed with the fuel in the engine inlet and then it
supplies to the combustion chamber. Generally reactor connects with Dynamo, so that current
Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine
vary with acceleration of the vehicle. By the use of that method we can improve efficiency of the
Figure 14: Line diagram of system.
Figure shows the line diagram of the system. Reactor is directly connected with
the dynamo. Positive terminal of the dynamo connects with the positive terminal of the reactor.
Both Dynamo and reactors negative terminals are grounded.
Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine
Battery power is also used in the system when needed. Negative terminal of the battery is
also ground.
Basically Dynamo is connected with engine shaft. So as engine RPM increases
current generated in the dynamo will also increase. So as driver accelerate the vehicle, more
current will transfer to the reactor. So as a result reaction process in the reactor becomes faster.
So generation time of the gas will improve. And it will transfer more amount of gas to the
combustion chamber as speed will increase.
Same as driver decelerate the vehicle, RPM of the engine will decrease. So that
current generated by the dynamo will also decrease and as a result less amount of gas generated
in the reactor. So at low speed it will transfer less amount of gas in the combustion chamber.
It shows that system synchronize with engine RPM. As RPM increases the
amount of gas will also increase and as RPM decreases the amount of will also generate less. So
as a result efficiency of the system will also increase.
Figure 15: Components of reactor.
Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine
We can use stainless steel electrodes in the reactor. We used plate type electrodes because
it will increase the reaction area in the reactor.
Stainless steel does not readily corrode, rust or stain with water as ordinary steel does, but
despite the name it is not fully stain-proof, most notably under low-oxygen, high-salinity, or
poor-circulation environments. There are different grades and surface finishes of stainless steel to
suit the environment the alloy must endure. Stainless steel is used where both the properties of
steel and resistance to corrosion are required.
Stainless steel is generally highly resistant to attack from acids, but this quality depends
on the kind and concentration of the acid, the surrounding temperature, and the type of steel.
Figure 16: Stainless steel
Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine
We will use NaOH as electrolyte in the reactor to generate HHO gas. Generally
NaOH will not increase the amount of gas but it will increase the speed for generating HHO gas.
Sodium hydroxide is produced commercially by electrolysis, sending a direct
current through an aqueous solution of sodium chloride. Hydrogen gas is released at the negative
pole and chlorine gas is released at the positive pole. At the end of the electrolysis, the solution
contains sodium hydroxide. The process is illustrated above:
2NaCl(aq) + 2H2O(l) -(electrolysis)-> H2(g) + Cl2(g) + 2NaOH(aq)
Sodium Hydroxide is a clear, colorless liquid. The boiling point is at 212 deg F. And the
freezing point,32 deg F. It is soluble and has the molecular formula of KOH and its molecular
weight, 56.10.
Molecular formula NaOH
Molar mass 39.99 g/mol
Appearance White
Density 2.1 g/cm3
Melting point 318 ᴏ
Boiling point 1390 ᴏ
Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine
An increment in engine torque will obtain with using HHO system compared to pure
gasoline operation. This means an increment of engine power during the experiments compared
to pure gasoline operation will achieve. The increase in power is due to oxygen concentration of
HHO and better mixing of HHO with air and fuel that yield enhanced combustion. Also, high
laminar flame velocity of HHO yields shorter combustion period that provides lower heat losses,
much closer to ideal constant-volume combustion which results increased thermal efficiency.
Addition of HHO can significantly enlarge the flammable region and extend the flammability
limit to lower equivalence ratios. At high speeds the weakened in-cylinder charge flow and
increased residual gas fraction are formed, which block the fuel to be fast and completely burnt
at low manifold absolute pressures.
Since HHO has a low ignition energy and fast flame speed, the HHO-gasoline mixture
can be more easily ignited and quickly combusted than the pure gasoline. Thus, improved
torques at high speeds can be obtained. Low lean-flammability limit of HHO allows stable
combustion at highly dilute (lean) circumstances. It is observed that HHO cannot have a positive
effect on power output at around stoichiometric (richer) conditions. Also, due to minimum
ignition energy of HHO which is a strongly decreasing function of equivalence ratio, pre-ignition
and knock are inevitable. Since the energy density of hydrogen on volume basis is much lower
than that of gasoline, the reduced fuel energy flow rate is attained and finally results in the
dropped engine torque at low speeds.
An increment achieved in SFC by using HHO system. Brake thermal efficiency is usually
used to symbolize the engine economic performance. The improvement in engine brake thermal
efficiency for the HHO enriched SI engine is more evidently seen at low manifold absolute
Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine
pressure (MAP) conditions. The reduction in SFC is due to uniform mixing of HHO with air
(high diffusivity of HHO) as well as oxygen index of HHO gas which assists gasoline during
combustion process and yields better combustion. This can be attributed to that, at high speeds,
the gasoline is hard to be completely burnt at lean conditions due to the increased residual gas
fraction and poor mixing.
Since HHO gains a high flame speed and wide flammability, the addition of hydrogen
would help the gasoline to be burned faster and more complete at high speed conditions. Also,
low ignition energy of HHO-air mixture derives gasoline even to be burned safely under leaner
conditions. However, at low speeds (≤2500 rpm), low lean flammability limit prevents HHO to
have positive influence on combustion efficiency due to mixture requirement around
stoichiometric conditions and high volume occupation of HHO causes reduced volumetric
A reduction should be obtained in HC emissions compared to pure gasoline operation. At
high speed conditions, short opening time of manifolds prevents adequate air to be taken into the
cylinder and gasoline cannot be burned sufficiently. Short quenching distance and wide
flammability range of hydrogen yield engine to expel less HC emissions especially under high
speed conditions and low speed conditions with the aid of HECU. Besides, oxygen index of
HHO yields better combustion which diminishes HC emission. At low engine speeds, due to
high volume occupation of HHO, correct air cannot be taken into the cylinders which prevents
gasoline to be combusted completely.
A reduction should be obtained in CO emissions compared to pure gasoline operation.
Absence of carbon in HHO gas is a major reason for CO reduction. Wide flammability range and
high flame speed of HHO ensure engine to be operated at low loads. The HHO-gasoline mixture
Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine
burns faster and more completely than the pure gasoline. Thus, CO emission at high speed and
lean conditions is effectively reduced after hydrogen addition. Since HHO contains oxygen,
higher combustion efficiency is obtained and increment for CO emission is slower unless HHO
flow rate is diminished to appropriate flow rate values while approaching low speeds.
Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine
As we tested our system on the vehicle we get following results.
I. As without this system our engine emits 0.79% CO and 599 of HC in exhaust gas
emission. PUC certificate shows the reading of engine exhaust gas emission.
Figure 17: PUC without system
Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine
But after attaching this system with engine we get so much improvement in the exhaust
gas emission. Amount of CO and HC almost 0 and it reduces the pollution.
This happens because amount of Hydrogen gas and oxygen will increase in the
combustion chamber and it will increase the amount of Oxygen in the combustion chamber. So
that fuel will burn properly and it will decrease the percentage of Carbon in the exhaust gas.
Following PUC certificate shows the amount of CO and HC after attaching system with
Figure 18: PUC with system
Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine
II. There‘s also an increase of mileage in the vehicle. Without HHO system vehicle
consumes 10ml of fuel in 1.20 sec. and with HHO system vehicle takes 2.30 sec
to consume 10ml of fuel. So it gives us better mileage then before.
Generally during the exhaust stroke some amount of exhaust gas will entrap in the
combustion chamber. This gas will mix with fresh charge during suction stroke.
So that during compression fresh charge do not burn properly, at the result
efficiency of the fuel will decrease.
As this system attached with vehicle it will generate HHO gas and this gas mix
with fuel. As name suggested it contains some amount of Oxygen. So in
combustion chamber amount of oxygen automatic increases. This help fuel to
burn properly and as the result efficiency of fuel increases.
III. Also we find increase of power in terms of RPM in the vehicle during working of
HHO system.
Using hydrogen as a fuel supplement and additional combustion catalyst will
result in more complete combustion in the cylinder during combustion itself,
reducing the historical inefficiencies by burning a higher percentage of the fuel
that is normally wasted through emissions out of the exhaust pipe and turning this
into additional energy.
At last we can conclude that by propagating a more complete burn and REDUCING the
combustion speed, less heat is lost through the engine and cylinders, hence producing better fuel
economy with considerably reduced emissions. With the HHO gas the result is a smaller amount
of fuel required for the equivalent power. HC and carbon dioxide are reduced and a larger
percentage of particulate matter is actually consumed and turned into energy resulting in reduced
emissions resulting in greater efficiency from the engine.
Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine
I. Here we used only one reactor to produce Brown gas. But we can use at least two
reactors for producing gas. So the amount of gas will increase.
By the use of increased amount we can transfer more gas in the engine and we can
minimize the amount of fuel by the selecting air – fuel ratio. As air – fuel ratio increases
the amount of fuel supplies to the engine will decreases and amount of HHO gas supplies
to the engine will increase.
If we get proper amount of HHO gas then we can run vehicle only on HHO gas. As this
time mileage of the vehicle should be tremendous.
II. We can use solar panel for power supply to the system instead of battery usage. It will
save the battery power.
Generally HHO system uses lots of power of battery. If we use solar panel then we can
run system on solar. So we can improve our battery performance.
The main drawback of using solar panel is cost. Solar panel is much costlier to buy. So it
is not possible to buy solar panel for users. Second drawback of using solar panel is that it
can‘t be used in rainy weather.
III. In ECU controlled vehicle we can synchronize HHO system with engine RPM by the use
of programming. So that we will increase the overall efficiency of the system because the
amount of gas generated will not be constant. Amount of gas generated according to the
speed of the vehicle or say acceleration of the vehicle.
For that we have to design one circuit which can create frequency wave according to
acceleration of the vehicle. Then according to that frequency current will supply to
reactor. If driver more accelerate vehicle, more current will supply to the reactor and so
that more HHO will generate and supply to the engine. So that it will increase the engine
efficiency as well as increases system efficiency.
Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine
1. Alternate Fuels by Dr. S. Thipse, Jaico Publications.
2. Internal Combustion Engines by Ganeshan - Tata McGraw Hill.
3. Patent no. CN102278203 B
4. Patent no. US8303798 B2
5. Patent no US 3262872
6. Calculating HHO gas generation from
7. Stephen Chambers Apparatus for producing Oxyhydrogen gas US Patent 6126794.
8. Creative Science & Research, Fuel from water,
9. Carl Cella A water fuelled car nexus magazine Oct- Nov 1996.

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hho technology project

  • 1. Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine 1 C G PATEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACT: Fuel optimization plays a vital role all over the world, Water is the most readily obtainable and affordable source and hydrogen energy has been proven to be more effective compared to electric and gasoline cars. Prices of petroleum oil are increasing day-by-day affecting the life style of common people as well as national economy. That‘s why we need an alternative for petroleum. In recent days, all country is spending a huge amount of money on research and development of non-conventional energy resources. In the world, the conventional energy sources are limited, and their usage is very high; so alternative sources of energy have tremendous potential in future. Thus world is in crisis to find an alternative fuel for petroleum oils. To fulfill the aim stated before, non-conventional energy systems like solar, battery are developed. Nobody will think for a moment but it‘s the reality that water can be used as a fuel and hence an energy resource. This successful technology is known as ‗GREEN TECHNOLOGY‘. By using electrolysis process, water is converted into HHO gas in this GREEN TECHNOLOGY. This HHO gas is also known as ‗BROWN GAS‘. This gas is used for complete combustion process and by using this vehicle mileage increases and also reduces the fuel consumption of the engine. From this design the fuel utility is reduced from 15% to 30% which minimizes the carbon deposition in the cylinder thereby increasing the changing period of engine oil, it also improves the efficiency of the engine and the life span. Engine torque also increased and pollution gets reduced to maintaining the greenhouse effect. Overall the cost of the product is very low. By this technology pollutant gases like CO2, CO also reduces. So it reduces Greenhouse effect. ‗Water fueled HHO technology has the ability to clean up our environment and is also beneficial for the vehicle‘s mileage‘.
  • 2. Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine 2 C G PATEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION: Fossil fuels (i.e., petroleum, natural gas and coal), which meet most of the world‘s energy demand today, are being depleted rapidly. Also, their combustion products are causing global problems, such as the greenhouse effect, ozone layer depletion, acid rains and pollution, which are posing great danger for our environment, and eventually, for the total life on our planet. Many engineers and scientists agree that the solution to all of these global problems would be to replace the existing fossil fuel system with the clean hydrogen energy system. Hydrogen is a very efficient and clean fuel. Its combustion will produce no greenhouse gases, no ozone layer depletion chemicals, and little or no acid rain ingredients and pollution. Hydrogen, produced from renewable energy (solar, wind, etc.) sources, would result in a permanent energy system which would never have to be changed. Fossil fuels possess very useful properties not shared by non-conventional energy sources that have made them popular during the last century. Unfortunately, fossil fuels are not renewable. In addition, the pollutants emitted by fossil energy systems (e.g. CO, CO2, CnHm, Sox, NOx, radioactivity, heavy metals ashes, etc.) are greater and more damaging than those that might be produced by a renewable based hydrogen energy system (Winter CJ. 1987). Since the oil crisis of 1973, considerable progress has been made in the search for alternative energy sources. These gases are most responsible for Global Warming. Now a day‘s CO2 level is increased rapidly. This CO2 will effect on Ozone layer. This CO2 will react with Ozone and make depletion in Ozone layer. So Ultra violate ray directly comes into contact with human and create harmful disease. Following fig. shows the CO2 in the atmosphere. A long term goal of energy research has been seek for a method to produce hydrogen fuel economically by splitting water using sunlight as the primary energy source. Much fundamental research remains to be done still. Lowering of worldwide CO2 emission to reduce the risk of climate change (greenhouse effect) requires a major restructuring of the energy system.
  • 3. Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine 3 C G PATEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Figure 1: CO2 level in atmosphere. The use of hydrogen as an energy carrier is a long term option to reduce CO2 emissions. However, at the present time, hydrogen is not competitive with other energy carriers. Global utilization of fossil fuels for energy needs is rapidly resulting in critical environmental problems throughout the world. Energy, economic and political crises, as well as the health of humans, animals and plant life, are all critical concerns. There is an urgent need of implementing the hydrogen technology. A worldwide conversion from fossil fuels to hydrogen would eliminate many of the problems and their consequences. The production of hydrogen from non-polluting sources is the ideal way (Zweig RM.1992)The amount of solar energy reaching the Earth is enough to supply mankind with many thousand times the energy it presently requires. This energy supply is, however, neither constantly available nor distributed equally over the surface of the globe. Indeed, the places where mankind‘s energy consumption is highest are not the places where the Sun‘s irradiation is at a maximum. If the Sun‘s daytime energy supply also has to be used at night or its summer supply also in the winter, if the solar energy available at places with high insulation is also needed at places with low insulation an large energy demands, then it is physically impossible to meet these needs directly with the primary energy of solar irradiation. Solar hydrogen is a clean energy carrier. Electrolytic hydrogen is made from water and becomes water again. Hydrogen obtained from solar energy is ecologically responsible along its entire energy conversion chain. At only one link
  • 4. Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine 4 C G PATEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY of the chain can a pollutant, nitrogen oxide, arise; and this occurs only if the hydrogen is not combined with pure oxygen, but using air as an oxidant, such as in reciprocating piston engines or gas turbines of automobiles or aircraft. At the high reaction temperatures which arise in such places, the oxygen and nitrogen in the air can combine to form nitrogen oxide. Energy stored in hydrogen would be available at any time and at any place on Earth, regardless of when or where the solar radiance, the hydro-power, or other renewable sources such as biomass, ocean energy or wind energy was converted. The fundamental variations in the times and places of solar energy supply and human energy demands can be overcome using hydrogen. Solar hydrogen makes solar energy as storable and transportable as oil and natural gas are by nature, but without the burden of their negative environmental impact. Solar hydrogen combines the advantages of hydrocarbons (storability and transportability) with the advantages of solar energy (ecological acceptability, renewability and low risk). Solar hydrogen has no need for the carbon atom, which makes the hydrocarbons almost infinitely storable at room temperatures, but is also the reason for their negative ecological impact. The worldwide photovoltaic market has grown rapidly in recent years, a growth that will continue in many areas, especially as grid-connected PV applications. Hydrogen is a carbon-free fuel which oxidizes to water as a combustion product. The generated water becomes, together with renewable primary energy for splitting it, a source of clean and abundant energy in a carbon-free, natural cycle (Gretz J. 1992). In the development of all new energy options, hydrogen necessarily will play an important role because of its ability to supplement any energy stream and apply to any load. Hydrogen will act as a solar energy storage medium and transform solar energy into a transportation fuel (Block DL, Veziroglu TN. 1994). The economies of rich nations and the lifestyle of most of their residents depend on cars and light trucks. These vehicles contribute most of the carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), volatile organic compounds (hydrocarbons, HC), and nitrogen oxides (NOx) emitted in cities. It is clear that motor vehicles are important to the economy and lifestyle. Importance goes well beyond the direct consumer expenditure and indirect (support) expenditures, such as roads, suburbs, oil wells, refineries, and service stations.
  • 5. Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine 5 C G PATEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY CHAPTER 2: AIM: The main aim of the project is to design a HHO device, which generate HHO gas called Browns gas is used in an IC engine with the fuel. By the use of this device efficiency, power will increase and Green house gases will decrease. OBJECTIVES: 1. To measure the engine RPM :  Engine RPM can be measure by help of tachometer which should be electrical or mechanical. Tachometer is attached with gearbox output shaft at different gear ratio. First of all, we take engine RPM data without attaching HHO. Then take data after attaching HHO and finally it will increases by our calculation and we will check after make our HHO project. 2. To measure engine efficiency:  Engine efficiency can be measured by help of experiment of measuring time for consuming 10ml of fuel by the vehicle with and without attaching system. 3. Changing the air fuel ratio according to acceleration:  First it should be checked the vehicle as per company‘s given air fuel ratio and then after checked vehicle performance by changing the air fuel ratio. 4. Emission testing:  Certified the PUC for normal vehicle condition than check emissions for HHO attached vehicle.
  • 6. Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine 6 C G PATEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY CHAPTER 3: USEFULNESS OF THE PROJECT: Gas Efficiency & double fuel mileage — HHO is known to be at least 3 times more powerful than gasoline, supplementing it and improving its combustion this mixture burns very smoothly and provides significant energy. HHO or Brown‘s gas generator can improve your gas efficiency, boosting its mileage at least twice. i. Reduces air pollution and decreases noise pollution — With improved efficiency, vehicle will have less emissions that pollute the air. The steam produced inside the engine itself self-cleans it which makes driving smoother so; running of the engine will make the drive quieter so noise pollution is also reduced. ii. Cut down on fuel cost: The technology behind HHO or Brown‘s gas is water is used to supplement your fossil fuel usage. Because of this, you can boost more mileage per gallon with lesser fuel use. With the constant increment of gasoline prices, we can certainly save a lot of money by supplementing with HHO gas. iii. Reduce engine temperature & emission: Because your engine is using lesser fuel during combustion, lesser carbon dioxide is produced and emitted. Therefore engine emission is less and our car enjoys a lower temperature and so protects the environment from global warming, it keeps your vehicle cooler and quieter. It will promote a longer lifespan for your car. iv. Cost effective: - Water powered cars are IRS taxes deductible as a reward by the government because these are environmentally clean cars. Also Water hybrid conversion is inexpensive. It takes minimum amount to convert your engine with HHO kit. HHO kits available on the market with detailed installation guide. The installation is very easy. All the parts easily fit under the hood.
  • 7. Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine 7 C G PATEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY v. Increase the performance of your vehicle: - With HHO technology you will notice significant improvements in torque, faster acceleration, better throttle response, smoother gear shifts and reduced vibration.HHO gas also eliminates ―knocking‖ and ―pinging‖ inside your engine. vi. Perfectly safe for you and your passengers: - There is no hydrogen storage tank in the car. The hydrogen is extracted from water as needed. A switch prevents the accumulation of hydrogen when the engine if not running or idles. There are thousands of cars safely converted to water fueled cars. It is much safer to use than your conventional fuel tank. vii. Water hybrid conversion could double gas mileage. The addition of hydrogen separated from water and blended with gasoline will provide better fuel efficiency. This mixture burns very smoothly and provides significant energy. viii. The burning process produces cleaner emission. The addition of hydrogen turns into H2O as a result of the burning process. Improved emission quality is better for the environment. ix. Water hybrid conversion is inexpensive. There are more and more low cost hydrogen conversion kits available on the market with detailed installation guide. It‘s probably less expensive to buy a conversion kit, than buy the parts separately. x. Water hybrid cars are very safe. There is no hydrogen storage tank in the car. The hydrogen is extracted from water as needed. A switch prevents the accumulation of hydrogen when the engine if not running or idles. There are thousands of cars safely converted to water fueled cars. xi. The installation is very easy. All the parts easily fit under the hood. The installation of HHO conversion kit is also reversible, and it doesn‘t void the factory warranty.
  • 8. Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine 8 C G PATEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY xii. Water powered cars contributes to preserving the environment since water burns cleaner than gasoline. xiii. Car engine‘s wear and tear will is reduced and this equals to longer engine life. xiv. Water will make the car‘s engine run quitter and smoother while giving boost in power.
  • 9. Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine 9 C G PATEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY CHAPTER 4: BROWN’S GAS (HHO GAS): Brown's gas or HHO gas is actually the Oxy-hydrogen and Oxy-hydrogen is a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen gases, typically in a 2:1 atomic ratio; the same proportion as water. When brought to auto ignition temperature, oxy-hydrogen will combust, turning into water vapor and producing energy. This energy sustains the reaction. This ignition temperature is approximately 570°C (1065°F). At standard temperature and pressure, oxy-hydrogen can burn when it is between about 4% and 95% hydrogen by volume. A pure stoichiometric mixture may be obtained by water electrolysis, which uses an electric current to dissociate the water molecules: Electrolysis: 2 H2O → 2 H2 + O2 Combustion: 2 H2 + O2 → 2 H2O William Nicholson was the first to decompose water in this manner in 1800. The energy required to generate the oxy-hydrogen always exceeds the energy released by combusting it. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN HHO GAS AND HYDROGEN: The HHO Gas contains one part oxygen (such as hydrogen and two parts of course), as opposed to pure hydrogen. HHO is significantly more combustible than hydrogen, thanks to the presence of oxygen in perfect proportion. Pure hydrogen is much more expensive to exploit. The advantage of the HHO gas because it is easy and economical to make. So, HHO is a powerful combustion enhancer. Some researchers are even looking for ways to produce a car that runs 100% on its own HHO generated from water on-board the vehicle. This is very good for the environment, but very bad for oil companies. It would represent a HUGE shift in global economic power, if nearly free and clean energy became available to anyone/everyone. One KWh of electricity produces approximately 340 liters of gas. Virtually any amount of Brown's Gas can be produced in any volume through cells in series, cells miniaturized, or
  • 10. Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine 10 C G PATEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY cells enlarged. One unit of water yields 1,860 units of gas .The inverse applies as well .Upon ignition, Brown‘s Gas implodes. When implosion of the gas mixture occurs, the result is a 1,859 unit vacuum with one unit of water. 1 Liter of Water = 1866.6 Litters of Brown Gas 1 Liter of Water = 933.3 Litters of H2:O2 Gas Brown Gas is simplest and highest atomic form and therefore less energy are required to burn than H2:O2 Gas. Thus, Brown gas burns at low temperature. This increases the efficiency of vehicles. FEATURES OF BROWNS GAS:  NON POLLUTING FEATURE: Brown's Gas does not cause entirely environment environmental pollution because is gotten restored in vapor state after combustion being created in water. As see in combustion equation 2H2+O2 => 2H2O Carbon of Brown's Gas does not exist unlike existent fossil fuel. As well as there is no soot after combustion, it does not breed pollutant of carbon dioxide and so on.  PERFECT COMBUSTION FEATURE: Brown's Gas is mixing gas that is mixed by the mixture ratio rate of chemical equivalent hydrogen 2: oxygen 1. Therefore, is containing oxygen of necessary amount voluntarily at spread of a fire. Because become perfect combustion without special oxygen supply, can get easily neutral flame.  IMPOLSION FEATURE: Brown Gas Generator produces Brown's Gas of about 1860 liter in water of 1 liter. On the contrary, if burn Brown Gas of 1860 liter by spark in hermetical pressure vessel, as soon as arrive to pressure peak value 0.5 MPa during explosion duration time 44/1,000,000 seconds, do to form degree of vacuum as volume decrease occurs by 1 of 1860 minutes at the same time implosion of low pressure moment cause pressure drop immediately. That is, water 1 liter is
  • 11. Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine 11 C G PATEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY created again and remainder volume gets into airlessness. This is called the implosion phenomenon that is entirely other concept with explosion.  THERMONUCLEAR FEATURE: Flame of Brown's Gas has unique personality which atom and molecular hydrogen and oxygen react. Hydrogen atom and oxygen atom are permeated through atomic nucleus of heating zone material. Therefore, applied heat material is applied heat by hotter flame than flames of when gas is burnt alone among air because do thermonuclear reaction by hydrogen and oxygen. According to heating target material, Brown's Gas that has different thermonuclear reaction special quality can weld brick with iron just as it is.  HIGH TEMPRATURE FEATURE: Brown Gas shows us its more superior heating phenomenon than any other energy because it has a high-temperature concentration phenomenon. CHARACTERISTICS OF HHO: Features HHO Gas Produced 66.7 % H2 + 33.3% O2 Flow Rate Limited to about 1 Liter Per Minute (LPM) for current of about 20 Amp. Current and Power required 20A – 40A depending on desired HHO output. Electrolyte KOH or Baking soda to cause higher electrical current in the cell.
  • 12. Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine 12 C G PATEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Catalyst HHO cell doesn‘t use catalyst. Corrosion of plates Anodes corrode. Byproducts Only a bit of sludge, resulting from corrosion of the plates. Thermal run away Electrolysis cell heats, the cell resistance drops, more current flows. Maintenance Must replace anode when corrode much more. Fuel Distilled water. PROPERTIES OF HYDROGEN: PROPERTY AMOUNT Atomic number 1 Atomic weight 1.007882519 g mol-1 Molecular weight 2.0159 g mol-1 Appearance Colorless, Odorless Density (gas) 0.08988 gL-1 Relative vapor density 0.07 Density (liquid) 70.8 gL-1 Melting point -259.35 ᴏ C Boiling point -252.88 ᴏ C Auto ignition temperature 500 – 570 ᴏ C
  • 13. Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine 13 C G PATEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY HHO GENERATOR: HHO gas can be produced by utilizing an electrolysis method with different Electrolytes (KOH (aq), NaOH (aq), NaCl (aq)). An electrolyze is a very efficient system to split water to hydrogen fuel and oxygen. By putting two pieces of metal in distilled water, and giving electricity, the water (H20) can instantly be separated into hydrogen and oxygen. The separated gas molecules surface and regroup to form HHO gas, which is an unbounded mixture of hydrogen and oxygen. This procedure is shown below in figure. Figure 2: HHO generator Water can be cheaply converted into Brown's Gas / HHO gas (mono-atomic and diatomic Hydrogen and Oxygen) using efficient electrolyzing techniques which require very little power to operate. Electrolysis of water means using an electric current do separation of the water molecules. Here's the cycle of action and detail view in figure below. Based upon the type of electrolytes, different types of electrolyzes exist. Brown‘s Gas production, due to the design of the electrolyze, is increasingly efficient as compared to independently ducted electrolysis.
  • 14. Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine 14 C G PATEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ELECTROLYSIS PROCESS:  PRINCIPLE: An electrical power source is connected to two electrodes, or two plates (typically made from some inert metal such as platinum, stainless steel or iridium) which are placed in the water. Hydrogen will appear at the cathode (the negatively charged electrode, where electrons enter the water), and oxygen will appear at the anode (the positively charged electrode). Assuming ideal faradaic efficiency, the amount of hydrogen generated is twice the number of moles of oxygen, and both are proportional to the total electrical charge conducted by the solution. However, in many cells competing side reactions dominate, resulting in different products and less than ideal faradaic efficiency. Electrolysis of pure water requires excess energy in the form of over potential to overcome various activation barriers. Without the excess energy the electrolysis of pure water occurs very slowly or not at all. This is in part due to the limited self-ionization of water. Pure water has an electrical conductivity about one millionth that of seawater. Many electrolytic cells may also lack the requisite electro catalysts. The efficiency of electrolysis is increased through the addition of an electrolyte (such as a salt, an acid or a base) and the use of electro catalysts. Currently the electrolytic process is rarely used in industrial applications since hydrogen can currently be produced more affordably from fossil fuels.  CHEMICAL PROCESS: In pure water at the negatively charged cathode, a reduction reaction takes place, with electrons (e− ) from the cathode being given to hydrogen cations to form hydrogen gas (the half reaction balanced with acid). Reduction at cathode: 2 H+ (aq) + 2e− → H2 (g)
  • 15. Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine 15 C G PATEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY At the positively charged anode, an oxidation reaction occurs, generating oxygen gas and giving electrons to the anode to complete the circuit: Anode (oxidation): 2 H2O (l) → O2 (g) + 4 H+ (aq) + 4e− The same half reactions can also be balanced with base as listed below. Not all half reactions must be balanced with acid or base. Many do, like the oxidation or reduction of water listed here. To add half reactions they must both be balanced with either acid or base. Cathode (reduction): 2 H2O (l) + 2e− → H2 (g) + 2 OH- (aq) Anode (oxidation): 4 OH- (aq) → O2(g) + 2 H2O(l) + 4 e− Combining either half reaction pair yields the same overall decomposition of water into oxygen and hydrogen: Overall reaction: 2 H2O(l) → 2 H2(g) + O2(g) The number of hydrogen molecules produced is thus twice the number of oxygen molecules. Assuming equal temperature and pressure for both gases, the produced hydrogen gas has therefore twice the volume of the produced oxygen gas. The number of electrons pushed through the water is twice the number of generated hydrogen molecules and four times the number of generated oxygen molecules. Figure 3: Chemical reaction of H2 and O2.
  • 16. Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine 16 C G PATEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY  THERMODYNAMIC PROCESS: Decomposition of pure water into hydrogen and oxygen at standard temperature and pressure is not favorable in thermodynamically terms. Anode (oxidation): 2 H2O(l) → O2(g) + 4 H+ (aq) + 4e− Eox = -1.23 V (Ered = 1.23) Cathode (reduction): 2 H+ (aq) + 2e− → H2(g) Ered = 0.00 V Thus, the standard potential of the water electrolysis cell is -1.23 V at 25 °C at pH 0 (H+ = 1.0 M). It is also -1.23 V at 25 °C at pH 7 (H+ = 1.0x10-7 M) based on the Nernst Equation. The negative voltage indicates the Gibbs free energy for electrolysis of water is greater than zero for these reactions. This can be found using the G = -nFE equation from chemical kinetics, where n is the moles of electrons and F is the Faraday constant. The reaction cannot occur without adding necessary energy, usually supplied by an external electrical power source. Figure 4: Electrolysis of water.
  • 17. Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine 17 C G PATEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ELECTROLYTE SELECTION: If the processes occur in pure water, H+ cations will accumulate at the anode and OH− ions will accumulate at the cathode. This can be verified by adding a pH indicator to the water: the water near the anode is acidic while the water near the cathode is basic. These charged ions will repel the further flow of electricity until they have diffused away, a slow process. This is why pure water conducts electricity poorly and why electrolysis of pure water proceeds slowly. Pure water is a fairly good insulator since it has a low auto ionization, Kw = 1.0 x 10−14 at room temperature and thus pure water conducts current poorly, 0.055 µS·cm−1 .Unless a very large potential is applied to cause an increase in the auto ionization of water the electrolysis of pure water proceeds very slowly limited by the overall conductivity. If a water-soluble electrolyte is added, the conductivity of the water rises considerably. The electrolyte disassociates into cations and anions; the ions rush towards the anode and neutralize the buildup of positively charged H+ there; similarly, the cations rush towards the cathode and neutralize the buildup of negatively charged OH− there. This allows the continued flow of electricity. Care must be taken in choosing an electrolyte, since an anion from the electrolyte is in competition with the hydroxide ions to give up an electron. An electrolyte anion with less standard electrode potential than hydroxide will be oxidized instead of the hydroxide and no oxygen gas will be produced. A caution with a greater standard electrode potential than a hydrogen ion will be reduced in its stead and no hydrogen gas will be produced. The following cations have lower electrode potential than H+ and are therefore suitable for use as electrolyte cations: Li+ , Rb+ , K+ , Cs+ , Ba2 + , Sr2 + , Ca2 + , Na+ , and Mg2 + . Sodium and lithium are frequently used, as they form inexpensive, soluble salts. If an acid is used as the electrolyte, the cation is H+ , and there is no competitor for the H+ created by disassociating water. The most commonly used anion is sulfate (SO4 2- ), as it is very difficult to oxidize, with the standard potential for oxidation of this ion to the peroxodisulfate ion being −0.22 volts.
  • 18. Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine 18 C G PATEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Strong acids such as sulfuric acid (H2SO4), and strong bases such as potassium hydroxide (KOH), and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) are frequently used as electrolytes. EFFICIENCY: Water electrolysis does not convert 100% of the electrical energy into the chemical energy of hydrogen. The process requires more extreme potentials than what would be expected based on the cell's total reversible reduction potentials. This excess potential accounts for various forms of overpotential by which the extra energy is eventually lost as heat. For a well-designed cell the largest overpotential is the reaction overpotential for the four electron oxidation of water to oxygen at the anode. An effective electro catalyst to facilitate this reaction has not been developed. Platinum alloys are the default state of the art for this oxidation. The reverse reaction, the reduction of oxygen to water, is responsible for the greatest loss of efficiency in fuel cells. Developing a cheap effective electro catalyst for this reaction would be a great advance. The simpler two-electron reaction to produce hydrogen at the cathode can be electro catalyzed with almost no reaction overpotential by platinum or in theory a hydrogenates enzyme. If other, less effective, materials are used for the cathode then another large overpotential must be paid. The energy efficiency of water electrolysis varies widely with the numbers cited below on the optimistic side. Some report 50–80% these values refer only to the efficiency of converting electrical energy into hydrogen's chemical energy. The energy lost in generating the electricity is not included. For instance, when considering a power plant that converts the heat of nuclear reactions into hydrogen via electrolysis, the total efficiency may be closer to 30–45%. FUNCTION: Hydrogen produced by using simple electrolysis process is not sufficient to run the engine. To resolve this problem Brown invented a special electrolysis technique in Brown Gas Generator. In this generator, electrolysis is done in parallel plate electrolyzer. Temperature, Pressure and process are controlled according to research with some limited value by the control
  • 19. Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine 19 C G PATEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY unit. Molecules of water Oxygen and hydrogen produced by electrolysis and a milky white solution comes out at the end of electrolysis. Then it goes into separator unit which separate Brown Gas from water. Water is again goes into electrolysis device for re use. Brown gas differentiated from the separator unit goes into engine through intake manifold. Fuel injection is not disturbed so that it can be used whenever vehicle has to run on. Thus vehicle can on water as well as on petroleum as per requirement. This Brown Gas is sufficient to run the engine. This is the best method for producing such a gas. Browns Gas is a different product from a combination of hydrogen and oxygen gas mixture, with 2:1 ratio respectively. HHO GAS IN AUTOMOBILE: Brown‘s gas (HHO) has recently been introduced to the auto industry as a new source of energy. The present work proposes the design of a new device attached to the engine to integrate an HHO production system with the gasoline engine. The proposed HHO generating device is compact and can be installed in the engine compartment. This auxiliary device was designed, constructed, integrated and tested on a gasoline engine. The optimal surface area of an electrolyte needed to generate sufficient amount of HHO is twenty times that of the piston surface area. Also, the volume of water needed in the cell is about one and half times that of the engine capacity. Eventually, the goals of the integration are: a 20–30% reduction in fuel consumption, lower exhaust temperature, and consequently a reduction in pollution. Brown‘s gas is injected into the air intake manifold of your system (engine) as a supplemental fuel, will accelerate the flame spread during combustion, thereby getting more of the vaporized fuel to combust during the initial part of the power stroke. What is certain is that HHO gas is very flammable and combustible so it burns more quickly and cleanly inside internal combustion engines. This is what makes HHO gas such an attractive fuel. The byproduct of "burning" HHO gas in an internal combustion engine is water, which is of concern to both motorists and environmentalists. The burning of HHO gas inside a car, truck or other vehicle displaces some gasoline or diesel, thereby saving fuel and reducing trips to the pump. HHO releases no carbons or other pollutants into the air when burned. The main risk with Hydrogen is explosion: A simple water bubbler bottle system in-line with the flow of gas to an
  • 20. Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine 20 C G PATEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY engine stops flash-back explosions from happening, and safety pressure valves and shut-offs make an HHO system as safe as gasoline. Most important benefit is that the HHO can be produced, whenever there is a requirement, so there is no need for filling stations or large infrastructures, only water is needed. The amount of water used in an all-HHO system is less than a third of the volume of gasoline that would be used for the same mileage. The idea behind the HHO generator is that a small concentration of hydrogen gas (between 2% and 5%) can increase the speed of the flame front, the leading edge of the burning gases in the combustion chamber. In turn, this would allow an engine to be run in a lean condition, allowing a higher compression ratio, thereby increasing the efficiency (by around 10%). HOWEVER, the compression ratio of your engine is fixed. Even if the HHO device could provide the 2% hydrogen, running your engine lean would simply be running your engine lean. Without changing the compression ratio, you cannot increase the efficiency of the engine (without nasty side effects). Figure 5: HHO technology block diagram.
  • 21. Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine 21 C G PATEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY HHO DEVICE CANNOT SUPPLY HYDROGEN: In order to even be effective (in an engine designed for it), an HHO device would need to produce enough hydrogen to replace approximately 2% of the airflow. To replace just 1% of the airflow into a 1.8 L engine running at 2400 rpm would require the electrolysis of about two teaspoons of water every minute, which would require an input power of about 5,200 watts (7 horse power). For a 12 Volt electrical system, this requires about 430 Amps. The wire you would need to carry this current is about as thick as your index finger, not counting the insulation. Also, the heat loss due to inefficiencies in the electrolysis would cause the water in the HHO device to completely boil out within a handful of minutes. At this rate, 1 quart of water would last only 90 minutes, assuming you could prevent it from boiling away. The Extra Engine Load Doesn't Offset the Gains Even if your car's electrical system could handle it (most alternators will only produce about 100 Amps), the extra energy produced by the alternator must be produced by the engine. If a car's engine would typically need to produce 30 horsepower to cruise down the highway, then it would need to produce about 40 horsepower to cruise down the highway and power the HHO device. Even if the HHO could magically allow your engine to be run a little lean (without consequence), as some promoters claim, then you would be increasing fuel usage by 33% in order to increase economy by ~5%, netting a 32% increase in fuel usage. Using 32% more fuel to do the same job is NOT an increase in efficiency. Almost every HHO device out there only draws a few amps, 100 times lower than it should in order to do anything. This means that it doesn't produce enough HHO to do anything. Also, mileage is not a constant. It depends on various environmental factors. But the major reason is, they are running their engines lean. All of these HHO kit instructions tell the installer to add a device to "enhance" the Mass Air Flow sensor. These devices actually fool the computer into thinking that the air flow is restricted, when it isn't. The engine then injects less gasoline into the cylinders, causing the engine to operate in an overly lean condition. Frequently, this actually does increase engine
  • 22. Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine 22 C G PATEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY output, but not without significant costs. Prolonged lean running will lead to fairly expensive engine damage. It also causes increased smog emissions. Running an engine lean is a simple thing to do, and there are many good reasons why manufacturers don't do it. HHO primarily functions as a very effective and cheap fuel combustion enhancement additive. It has the effect of increasing your engine's ability to draw more power from each gallon of gasoline (combustion efficiency). To understand this, we need to look closely at engine fuel combustion, air/fuel ratios and fuel configuration. COMBUSTION AND AIR/FUEL RATIO: Gasoline from your fuel tank is broken into tiny droplets, mixed with atmospheric oxygen (air) and drawn by vacuum into your engine cylinders (for fuel injection systems, fuel injectors break-up and spray gasoline directly into the cylinders). The piston compresses this mixture and when ignited by your spark plug, the explosion (combustion) supplies power to your car. One of the variables that determines how much energy (power) is extracted from the combustion reaction is the air/fuel ratio (ratio of gasoline to air). Too much air (or too little fuel) produces a "lean" fuel mixture. Power output may suffer in this condition because the engine isn't getting enough fuel to burn. Too much fuel (or too little air) produces a "rich" fuel mixture. In extreme conditions, this can also cause power loss because there's not sufficient oxygen in the cylinder to burn enough of the droplets to sustain a useful (power generating) reaction. A rich condition also wastes fuel because unburned droplets are thrown away with the exhaust. Car manufacturers historically have tuned the air/fuel ratio for optimum power but also tune it heavily to the rich side to accommodate fluctuations in atmospheric oxygen quality/quantity conditions (i.e. altitude, temperature, moisture content, etc..). This has helped engines maintain a smooth and consistent power curve over a wide range of operating conditions. However, the droplets that aren't burned as a result of the rich ratio setting (read as, gasoline not converted into engine power) to this day, are still thrown away as exhaust (in the 1970's the EPA, horrified by this practice and it's environmental impact,
  • 23. Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine 23 C G PATEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY mandated tailpipe emission controls = catalytic converters to finish burning the unburned throw- away fuel). This means, today, your car engine throws away a huge amount of fuel as a hedge against losing power due to changing environmental conditions as you travel. FUEL CONFIGURATION: Another variable that affects combustion efficiency is fuel configuration. This is difficult to control and is a way of understanding how much fuel is actually available for combustion due to fuel unit size. For instance, the smaller is the unit of fuel, the faster and more completely is the combustion reaction. In the cylinder at ignition time, the exothermic reaction fans out from the spark plug as a flame front or wave. Each gasoline droplet ignites in turn from the heat generated by a neighboring droplet. This sustains the reaction as long as oxygen is present. However, it is only the surface of the droplet that burns because it's the surface that is in contact with the cylinder's oxygen. The gasoline in the droplet's interior must wait for the reaction to reach it (like a charcoal briquette that burns from the outside in). Meanwhile, traveling around the sides of the droplet (where there's oxygen), the reaction is heating and igniting neighboring droplets, propagating the flame front. A droplet may or may not burn completely, depending on its size. Larger droplets take longer to burn. In addition, this reduces the velocity of the flame front because it takes longer for the reaction to heat neighboring droplets to their point of ignition (ignition propagation delay). Here's a somewhat familiar example to illustrate. Throw a small piece of coal on a campfire and note how long it takes to ignite and burn. Then, take another piece, the same size and weight, but first crush it into fine powder, then toss the powder into the fire (be careful). Of course, it burns literally, in a flash because the fuel that was previously unavailable (on the interior) is now exposed to oxygen and ready for combustion. That flash was the movement of the flame front through the powder as each particle ignited and burned.
  • 24. Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine 24 C G PATEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY This illustrates how fuel configuration affects combustion. Smaller pieces burn faster, collectively hotter and speed flame propagation. The gasoline droplet in your cylinder is a different type of fuel, but it's governed by the same laws of matter. Big units of fuel take longer to burn completely. Smaller units burn faster, more completely. ENTER HHO: HHO is extremely efficient in terms of fuel configuration. As a nascent gas mixture, its hydrogen (and oxygen) exists as tiny independent clusters of no more than two atoms per combustible unit (diatomic molecules of H2, O2). Comparatively, a gasoline droplet is monstrously large (many thousands of very large hydrocarbon molecules). This diatomic configuration of HHO results in extremely efficient combustion because the H2 and O2 molecules interact directly without any ignition propagation delays due to surface travel time of the reaction. Unlike a gasoline/air fuel mix, there are no mammoth globs (droplets) that burn from one side to the other, slowing the ignition flame front. HHO's ignition propagation is immediate and direct (atom to atom). When HHO is mixed with your gasoline/air fuel it's hydrogen surrounds the gasoline droplets. On ignition, its flame front flashes through the cylinder at a much higher velocity than in ordinary gasoline/air combustion. The heat and pressure wave HHO generates crushes and fragments the gasoline droplets, exposing fuel from their interior to oxygen and the combustion reaction. This effectively enriches the air/fuel ratio since more fuel is now available to burn. Simultaneously, the HHO flame front ignites the crushed fragments thereby releasing more of their energy, more quickly -- the same way crushed coal powder liberates its energy more quickly than that same coal as a single large piece (see "Fuel Configuration" above). In addition, since HHO is dispersed throughout the cylinder, the gasoline/air mixture no longer waits for its own slow, sequential droplet to droplet ignition process. HHO, because of its very high combustion velocity, detonates all the "crushed" fuel virtually at once (behaving as an explosive primer). The additionally exposed and burning fuel applies more pressure on the piston in a shorter time interval.
  • 25. Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine 25 C G PATEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Most importantly, the reaction burns and extracts power from fuel that previously would have been thrown away with the exhaust. More precisely, droplet fragmentation makes more gasoline fuel (or diesel fuel) available for combustion to convert into power, without drawing more fuel from your gas tank. Therefore HHO increases gas mileage by forcing your engine to burn gasoline more efficiently and completely, thus delivering more work from each gallon you purchase. Increasing the amount of cylinder HHO means an increase in droplet fragmentation = higher combustion efficiency. We recommend the volume generators below 20 amps. After brought to power than 18 or 20amp generator HHO cells begin to produce steam not HHO gas. When you install the HHO system in the vehicle, each over 20 amps of power will start straining the alternator, which reduces the quality of the obtained HHO gas than the fuel-mileage. The process taking HHO gas from water greatly enhanced electrolytes. WATER USED IN HHO SYSTEM: If we drive an average of about 3,000 miles a month is enough to 1 liter of distilled water. Which is Very little? And water is the free source of Hydrogen so it is cheaper than any other. INCREASED PERFORMANCE: HHO system with most of your primary fuel will be fully utilized, and improve overall driving and operation of the car. Almost immediately notices a significant reduction in engine noise, and complete combustion which helps to correct the motor cycle.. For a period of one month from the engine will remove carbon deposits caused by unburned fuel built and further increase performance and reduce emissions. The valves and pistons, etc., will be free and unhindered to do, thus reducing wear. The acceleration and horsepower will increase and the engine will operate more efficiently.
  • 26. Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine 26 C G PATEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY WORKING OF HHO GAS IN IC ENGINE: To understand how the fuel cell helps increase miles/kilometers per gallon/liter, you first need to understand the fuel process and how the internal combustion engine uses it. Fuel is made of "Hydrocarbon Chains". The chains look something like this: Fig 6: Hydrocarbon chain of Gasoline. Fuel Carbon chains are usually C7H16 through to C11H24. C7H16 means 7 Carbon atoms with 16 Hydrogen atoms. Heavier chains like C14H30 are used as diesel fuel. Carbon chains above C20 are tars and heavy oils. The lightest chain is CH4. That's 1 Carbon and 4 Hydrogen (Methane). The mixture burning somewhere around C9H20 in our internal combustion engines. Chains of this weight are used as our fuel because they are in a liquid state at normal temperatures, easy to store and transport. They also vaporized easily. In order to burn the petrol it must be transported from your tank to the combustion chamber. There the fuel is mixed with the air from your air intake, vaporized, compressed, and ignited. This process takes place very quickly and continuously to maintain the cycle of the internal combustion engine. The difference between pure Hydrogen and Oxygen and pure HHO gas is the carbon atom. The carbon that is left behind is what causes engine sludge, deposits and carbon build up, poor performance, pollution, and the inevitable downfall of our cars. The fact is that most cars do
  • 27. Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine 27 C G PATEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY not make it past 200,000 miles without meticulous maintenance. All too often carbon is the culprit. This fuel cell dissociates water molecules through the process of electrolysis. H2O (2 Hydrogen atoms and 1 Oxygen atom), when separated becomes a combustible, clean burning gas rather than a liquid. The gas burns and vaporizes the carbon and fuel leaving only steam. Fig 7: Molecular arrangement of water and HHO. This HHO gas (separate hydrogen and oxygen atoms) is fed into the engines via vacuum lines or the air intake lines. There it is added fuel/air mixture. In the combustion chamber the pure hydrogen and oxygen gives carbon chains a much needed boost. The enhanced combustion of the fuel means that less fuel is required to power the car. The cleaner burn helps remove undesirable deposits of unburned Carbon atoms. The vaporized hydrogen and oxygen atoms blast carbon deposits away.
  • 28. Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine 28 C G PATEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY The supplemental hydrogen fuel cell system also adds water vapor into the engine. The water vapor helps to slightly cool the engine. Heat is bad for the engine .Especially in midsummer. A cooler engine runs smoother, needs few fluids changes, and lasts longer than an overheated one. Fig 8: Burning rate. AMOUNT OF GENERATING HHO: Water used per hour = liter per minute of HHO *1000/1860. If we consider air/fuel ratio then following formula is used to measure HHO gas required. Amount of HHO (LPM) = Engine Capacity/4 * RPM * A/F
  • 29. Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine 29 C G PATEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY CHAPTER 5: PLAN OF WORK: CONSTRUCTION OF REACTOR: Reactor is the main component of HHO system. The process of Electrolysis happens in this reactor and also generation of Hydrogen also happens in this reactor. So it is very crucial component of this project. Starting of our project starts with construction of reactor. Generally reactor is the bottle type part which drilled from the top. Figure 9: Reactor body
  • 30. Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine 30 C G PATEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Figure shows the reactor. We have to attach plates of stainless steel within the reactor. Mixer of water and salt or water and NaOH is containing in the reactor. Figure 10: Reactor
  • 31. Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine 31 C G PATEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY CONSTRUCTION OF PLATES: Plates are also useful component of HHO system. Its supply electricity from the battery to the solution of water and salt, so that electrolysis process occurring in the reactor. Generally plates are made from stainless steel. Generally rectangular shape plate we have to use because the area which comes in contact with electrolytic solution is more and so that the efficiency of electrolysis becomes more. It has two poles Negative and Positive. Positive pole is connected with battery terminal and Negative pole is grounded. Figure 11: Plates
  • 32. Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine 32 C G PATEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BATTERY: The Lead – acid battery is used in automobile. A lead acid storage battery is an electrochemical device that produces voltage and delivers electrical current. The battery is the primary source of electrical energy used in vehicles today. It‘s important to remember that the battery does not store electricity, but rather it stores a series of chemicals, and through a chemical process electricity is produced. Basically, two different types of lead in an acid mixture react to produce an electrical pressure called voltage. This electrochemical reaction changes chemical energy to electrical energy and is the basis for all automotive batteries. CONSTRUCTION OF BATTERY: An automobile battery contains a dilute sulfuric acid electrolyte and positive and negative electrodes, in the form of several plates. Since the plates are made of led or lead derived materials, this type of battery is often called a lead acid battery. A battery is separated into several cells and in each cell there are several battery elements, all bathed in the electrolyte solution Figure 12: Battery.
  • 33. Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine 33 C G PATEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ATTACHMENT WITH ENGINE: Figure 13: Full system Figure shows how to attach HHO system with engine of vehicle. We have to drill a hole in the inlet of the engine. Then attach HHO reactor with engine with the help of pipe. Battery terminal is connected with reactor terminal. HHO generated in the reactor is mixed with the fuel in the engine inlet and then it supplies to the combustion chamber. Generally reactor connects with Dynamo, so that current
  • 34. Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine 34 C G PATEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY vary with acceleration of the vehicle. By the use of that method we can improve efficiency of the system. CONSTRUCTIONAL DETAIL: Figure 14: Line diagram of system. Figure shows the line diagram of the system. Reactor is directly connected with the dynamo. Positive terminal of the dynamo connects with the positive terminal of the reactor. Both Dynamo and reactors negative terminals are grounded.
  • 35. Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine 35 C G PATEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Battery power is also used in the system when needed. Negative terminal of the battery is also ground. Basically Dynamo is connected with engine shaft. So as engine RPM increases current generated in the dynamo will also increase. So as driver accelerate the vehicle, more current will transfer to the reactor. So as a result reaction process in the reactor becomes faster. So generation time of the gas will improve. And it will transfer more amount of gas to the combustion chamber as speed will increase. Same as driver decelerate the vehicle, RPM of the engine will decrease. So that current generated by the dynamo will also decrease and as a result less amount of gas generated in the reactor. So at low speed it will transfer less amount of gas in the combustion chamber. It shows that system synchronize with engine RPM. As RPM increases the amount of gas will also increase and as RPM decreases the amount of will also generate less. So as a result efficiency of the system will also increase. Figure 15: Components of reactor.
  • 36. Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine 36 C G PATEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY CHAPTER 6: MATERIALS: STAINLESS STEEL: We can use stainless steel electrodes in the reactor. We used plate type electrodes because it will increase the reaction area in the reactor. Stainless steel does not readily corrode, rust or stain with water as ordinary steel does, but despite the name it is not fully stain-proof, most notably under low-oxygen, high-salinity, or poor-circulation environments. There are different grades and surface finishes of stainless steel to suit the environment the alloy must endure. Stainless steel is used where both the properties of steel and resistance to corrosion are required. Stainless steel is generally highly resistant to attack from acids, but this quality depends on the kind and concentration of the acid, the surrounding temperature, and the type of steel. Figure 16: Stainless steel
  • 37. Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine 37 C G PATEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY NaOH: We will use NaOH as electrolyte in the reactor to generate HHO gas. Generally NaOH will not increase the amount of gas but it will increase the speed for generating HHO gas. Sodium hydroxide is produced commercially by electrolysis, sending a direct current through an aqueous solution of sodium chloride. Hydrogen gas is released at the negative pole and chlorine gas is released at the positive pole. At the end of the electrolysis, the solution contains sodium hydroxide. The process is illustrated above: 2NaCl(aq) + 2H2O(l) -(electrolysis)-> H2(g) + Cl2(g) + 2NaOH(aq) Sodium Hydroxide is a clear, colorless liquid. The boiling point is at 212 deg F. And the freezing point,32 deg F. It is soluble and has the molecular formula of KOH and its molecular weight, 56.10.  PROPERTIES: PROPERTIES Molecular formula NaOH Molar mass 39.99 g/mol Appearance White Density 2.1 g/cm3 Melting point 318 ᴏ C Boiling point 1390 ᴏ C
  • 38. Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine 38 C G PATEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY CHAPTER 7: OUTCOME: ENGINE TORQUE: An increment in engine torque will obtain with using HHO system compared to pure gasoline operation. This means an increment of engine power during the experiments compared to pure gasoline operation will achieve. The increase in power is due to oxygen concentration of HHO and better mixing of HHO with air and fuel that yield enhanced combustion. Also, high laminar flame velocity of HHO yields shorter combustion period that provides lower heat losses, much closer to ideal constant-volume combustion which results increased thermal efficiency. Addition of HHO can significantly enlarge the flammable region and extend the flammability limit to lower equivalence ratios. At high speeds the weakened in-cylinder charge flow and increased residual gas fraction are formed, which block the fuel to be fast and completely burnt at low manifold absolute pressures. Since HHO has a low ignition energy and fast flame speed, the HHO-gasoline mixture can be more easily ignited and quickly combusted than the pure gasoline. Thus, improved torques at high speeds can be obtained. Low lean-flammability limit of HHO allows stable combustion at highly dilute (lean) circumstances. It is observed that HHO cannot have a positive effect on power output at around stoichiometric (richer) conditions. Also, due to minimum ignition energy of HHO which is a strongly decreasing function of equivalence ratio, pre-ignition and knock are inevitable. Since the energy density of hydrogen on volume basis is much lower than that of gasoline, the reduced fuel energy flow rate is attained and finally results in the dropped engine torque at low speeds. SPECIFIC FUEL CONSUMPTION: An increment achieved in SFC by using HHO system. Brake thermal efficiency is usually used to symbolize the engine economic performance. The improvement in engine brake thermal efficiency for the HHO enriched SI engine is more evidently seen at low manifold absolute
  • 39. Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine 39 C G PATEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY pressure (MAP) conditions. The reduction in SFC is due to uniform mixing of HHO with air (high diffusivity of HHO) as well as oxygen index of HHO gas which assists gasoline during combustion process and yields better combustion. This can be attributed to that, at high speeds, the gasoline is hard to be completely burnt at lean conditions due to the increased residual gas fraction and poor mixing. Since HHO gains a high flame speed and wide flammability, the addition of hydrogen would help the gasoline to be burned faster and more complete at high speed conditions. Also, low ignition energy of HHO-air mixture derives gasoline even to be burned safely under leaner conditions. However, at low speeds (≤2500 rpm), low lean flammability limit prevents HHO to have positive influence on combustion efficiency due to mixture requirement around stoichiometric conditions and high volume occupation of HHO causes reduced volumetric efficiency. HYDROCARBON EMISSION: A reduction should be obtained in HC emissions compared to pure gasoline operation. At high speed conditions, short opening time of manifolds prevents adequate air to be taken into the cylinder and gasoline cannot be burned sufficiently. Short quenching distance and wide flammability range of hydrogen yield engine to expel less HC emissions especially under high speed conditions and low speed conditions with the aid of HECU. Besides, oxygen index of HHO yields better combustion which diminishes HC emission. At low engine speeds, due to high volume occupation of HHO, correct air cannot be taken into the cylinders which prevents gasoline to be combusted completely. CARBON MONOXIDE EMISSION: A reduction should be obtained in CO emissions compared to pure gasoline operation. Absence of carbon in HHO gas is a major reason for CO reduction. Wide flammability range and high flame speed of HHO ensure engine to be operated at low loads. The HHO-gasoline mixture
  • 40. Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine 40 C G PATEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY burns faster and more completely than the pure gasoline. Thus, CO emission at high speed and lean conditions is effectively reduced after hydrogen addition. Since HHO contains oxygen, higher combustion efficiency is obtained and increment for CO emission is slower unless HHO flow rate is diminished to appropriate flow rate values while approaching low speeds.
  • 41. Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine 41 C G PATEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY CHAPTER 8: RESULTS: As we tested our system on the vehicle we get following results. I. As without this system our engine emits 0.79% CO and 599 of HC in exhaust gas emission. PUC certificate shows the reading of engine exhaust gas emission. Figure 17: PUC without system
  • 42. Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine 42 C G PATEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY But after attaching this system with engine we get so much improvement in the exhaust gas emission. Amount of CO and HC almost 0 and it reduces the pollution. This happens because amount of Hydrogen gas and oxygen will increase in the combustion chamber and it will increase the amount of Oxygen in the combustion chamber. So that fuel will burn properly and it will decrease the percentage of Carbon in the exhaust gas. Following PUC certificate shows the amount of CO and HC after attaching system with engine. Figure 18: PUC with system
  • 43. Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine 43 C G PATEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY II. There‘s also an increase of mileage in the vehicle. Without HHO system vehicle consumes 10ml of fuel in 1.20 sec. and with HHO system vehicle takes 2.30 sec to consume 10ml of fuel. So it gives us better mileage then before. Generally during the exhaust stroke some amount of exhaust gas will entrap in the combustion chamber. This gas will mix with fresh charge during suction stroke. So that during compression fresh charge do not burn properly, at the result efficiency of the fuel will decrease. As this system attached with vehicle it will generate HHO gas and this gas mix with fuel. As name suggested it contains some amount of Oxygen. So in combustion chamber amount of oxygen automatic increases. This help fuel to burn properly and as the result efficiency of fuel increases. III. Also we find increase of power in terms of RPM in the vehicle during working of HHO system. Using hydrogen as a fuel supplement and additional combustion catalyst will result in more complete combustion in the cylinder during combustion itself, reducing the historical inefficiencies by burning a higher percentage of the fuel that is normally wasted through emissions out of the exhaust pipe and turning this into additional energy. CONCLUSION: At last we can conclude that by propagating a more complete burn and REDUCING the combustion speed, less heat is lost through the engine and cylinders, hence producing better fuel economy with considerably reduced emissions. With the HHO gas the result is a smaller amount of fuel required for the equivalent power. HC and carbon dioxide are reduced and a larger percentage of particulate matter is actually consumed and turned into energy resulting in reduced emissions resulting in greater efficiency from the engine.
  • 44. Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine 44 C G PATEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY CHAPTER 9: FURTHUR DEVELOPMENT: I. Here we used only one reactor to produce Brown gas. But we can use at least two reactors for producing gas. So the amount of gas will increase. By the use of increased amount we can transfer more gas in the engine and we can minimize the amount of fuel by the selecting air – fuel ratio. As air – fuel ratio increases the amount of fuel supplies to the engine will decreases and amount of HHO gas supplies to the engine will increase. If we get proper amount of HHO gas then we can run vehicle only on HHO gas. As this time mileage of the vehicle should be tremendous. II. We can use solar panel for power supply to the system instead of battery usage. It will save the battery power. Generally HHO system uses lots of power of battery. If we use solar panel then we can run system on solar. So we can improve our battery performance. The main drawback of using solar panel is cost. Solar panel is much costlier to buy. So it is not possible to buy solar panel for users. Second drawback of using solar panel is that it can‘t be used in rainy weather. III. In ECU controlled vehicle we can synchronize HHO system with engine RPM by the use of programming. So that we will increase the overall efficiency of the system because the amount of gas generated will not be constant. Amount of gas generated according to the speed of the vehicle or say acceleration of the vehicle. For that we have to design one circuit which can create frequency wave according to acceleration of the vehicle. Then according to that frequency current will supply to reactor. If driver more accelerate vehicle, more current will supply to the reactor and so that more HHO will generate and supply to the engine. So that it will increase the engine efficiency as well as increases system efficiency.
  • 45. Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine 45 C G PATEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY CHAPTER 10: REFERENCE: 1. Alternate Fuels by Dr. S. Thipse, Jaico Publications. 2. Internal Combustion Engines by Ganeshan - Tata McGraw Hill. 3. Patent no. CN102278203 B 4. Patent no. US8303798 B2 5. Patent no US 3262872 6. Calculating HHO gas generation from 7. Stephen Chambers Apparatus for producing Oxyhydrogen gas US Patent 6126794. 8. Creative Science & Research, Fuel from water, 9. Carl Cella A water fuelled car nexus magazine Oct- Nov 1996.