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Herbs as HealthFood
• OTHER NAME : Hay, Lucerene , Purple medic .
It is the entire plant of Medicago Sativa belonging to the family Fabaceae.
• CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS : Leaves, sprouts and seed contain vitamin-k, vitamin-c, copper, manganese, folate, thiamine
riboflavin, magnesium and iron. One cup of sprouts contains one gram of protein and one gram of carbohydrates. It also has
a high content of bioactive compounds like saponins coumarins, flavonoids, phytosterols, phytoestrogens and alkaloids.
• GENERAL DESCRIPTION : Alfalfa is a perennial plant grown worldwide. Alfalfa leaves contain triterpenoid saponins. The
leaves are safer to use than the seeds as the seeds contain the toxic amino acid l-canavanine which is an arginine analog
alfalfa is known to be one of the most nutrient-rich plants in the world. It is also known as the 'father of all foods, which comes
from its arabic name 'al-fac facab it has large contents of phytonutrients, which include minerals and vitamins.
chlorophyll present in alfalfa is a powerful substance and has healing properties, especially for skin problems.
1. Works as a Cleanser : The chlorophyll in alfalfa is famous for cleansing our body from impurities. It is a substance
that is used to detoxify the body. It also fights infection. This plant has the ability to break down carbon dioxide and
reduce any action that involves anaerobic bacteria.
2. Maintains Healthy Skin : Alfalfa chlorophyll is rich in vitamin A and enzymes. This makes it essential for healthy Skin
vitamin a helps to maintain and construct a healthy and glowing skin. It helps to cure Dry skin problem.
3. Benefits of Alfalfa For Hair : Alfalfa is rich in vitamins. The vitamins B1 and B6 present are essential for the proper
growth and health of hair. It is also filled with other nutrients which are used to treat baldness and prevent hair loss.
4. Protein : Alfalfa has a high protein content that helps in hair growth. The grains, seeds, and sprouts of alfalfa in will
provide enough protein to give healthy hair.
5. Vitamins : Alfalfa has a high content of vitamins like B1 and B6 as well as C, which are valuable for the hair vitamins
B1 and B6 are vital for healthy hair growth. Vitamin C helps in improving the circulation of blood in the scalp and also
has antioxidant action that takes place in hair follicles.
6. Minerals : Alfalfa contains minerals like calcium, zinc and iron. These minerals help in preventing reducing the loss of hair.
Zinc stimulates hair growth. The iron present in alfalfa also helps in hair growth as iron deficiency may be one of the causes of
hair loss.
7. Controls Cholesterol : Alfalfa helps in the elimination of bad cholesterol from body. It controls the cholesterol levels in our
body from becoming too high, thereby decreasing the risk of heart diseases.
8. Treats Digestive Problems : Alfalfa is effective in the treatment of digestive problems. Gastritis, stomach ulcers, indigestion,
bloating, nausea, etc., Can be prevented with the use of this plant. Alfalfa sprouts are also used in treating chronic constipation
due to its high fiber content.
9. Removes Toxins : Alfalfa is known for its detoxification properties, making it a great food to cleanse you body. A daily dose of
this plant will keep your body clean from the inside.
10. Prevents Cancer : If prevents the risk of cancer as it contains an amino acid known as canavanine. It is known to help in the
binding of carcinogens that are present in the colon.
11. Prevents UTI : Alfalfa has diuretic properties, which prevents disorders of the kidney like water retention. It also has great
properties that prevent from developing urinary tract infection (UTI).
12. Prevents Bleeding : This plant has high chlorophyll, iron, and vitamin k content. These nutrients help in the extra production of
blood in the body. Alfalfa is used to treat bleeding gums, nosebleeds, anemia, and poor clotting of blood.
13. Treats Menopausal Symptoms : Phytoestrogens are hormones that can be used to counter the symptoms of menopie three
types of these hormones are present in alfalfa-coumestrol, genistein, and biocanes the minerals found in this plant are also
effective in countering menopausal symptoms alfalfa as part of diet, can fight hot flashes, vaginal dryness, night sweats, low levels
a estrogen, postmenopausal osteoporosis, etc.
14. Increases Immunity : The phytonutrients, such as l-canavanine and chlorophyll in alfalfa helps in increasing the body's
resistance to diseases. It helps in lowering blood sugar, preventing type II diabetes. Adult-onset diabetes, etc. It is also known to
prevent tumours from developing, in different parts of the body.
15. Prevents Blood Poisoning and Rheumatism : Alfalfa has different properties which make it an anti-rheumatic agent. Alfalfa
also helps in The prevention of kidney stones, edema, arthritis, varicose veins, ulcers, heavy metal Etc.
16. Controls Sugar Level : The diuretic nature of this alfalfa tea keeps the increased sugar levels under control.
17. Helps In Weight Loss : The detoxifying nature of alfalfa tea enables it to keep the sugar levels under control.
• OTHER NAME : Blue daisy, blue dandelion, cornflower,
horseweed and ragged sailors
• BIOLOGICAL SOURCE : It is obtained from the plant Cichorium Intybus, belonging to the family Asteraceae.
• CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS : Chicory contains a variety of nutrients which include carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, minerals,
soluble fiber, phenolics, inulin, coumarin, tannins, monomeric flavonoids, esquiterpene lactones and beta carotene.
• GENERAL DESCRIPTION : It is a perennial herbaceous plant having bright blue flowers. Chicory is grown as a crop for farm
animals. It lives as a wild plant on roadsides in Europe, North America, China and Australia its leaves and flowers are used as
vegetables in salads and the roots are used as a coffee substitute, livestock feedstuff, or pet food.
Benefits chicory is a great source of vitamins and minerals like zinc, magnesium, manganese, Calcium, iron-folic acid,
potassium and vitamin A, B6, C, E, and K.
1. Helps in digestion : Chicory is good for digestive health as it contains inulin, which is a powerful prebiotic. Inulin is used to
fight a number of intestinal and digestive problems like acid reflux disease indigestion, and heartburn because as it reduces
the acidity of the body. So, it improves digestion.
2. Improves heart health : Inulin reduces the levels of LDL cholesterol which is bad cholesterol in the body. This cholesterol is
the main cause of atherosclerosis and high blood pressure as it blocks the flow of blood when it binds to arteries and veins.
Chicory is a low-calorie vegetable and prevents cholesterol and eventually heart disease chicory is also used with anti-
thrombotic and anti-arrhythmic agents.
3. As anticancer : Chicory extract reduces tumor growth in various types of cancers. It is due to the presence of fructans within
chicory, which have anti-tumor and antioxidant properties.
4. Reduces arthritis pain : Chicory is used in the treatment of arthritis as it has anti-inflammatory properties and reduces the
pain in conditions like osteoarthritis, chicory can also be used as a general ant inflammatory agent for aches, muscle pains,
and joint soreness.
5.Treats Constipation : Inulin is a natural fiber and helps bulk up bowel movements and promote peristaltic motions and the
secretion of gastric juices as a result digestion is improved and constipation is reduced. Smooth and regulated digestive process
helps in reducing number of gastrointestinal conditions and diseases.
6. Improves Immunity : Chicory is a powerful booster for immune system. It has antibacterial effects and act as a immune system
booster various phytochemicals present in it act as antioxidants and improves immunity.
7. Relieves Anxiety : Chicory has sedative effects which reduce anxiety and soothe the mind, thereby relieves stress, chicory root
extracts can also help in sleep due to its sedative quality.
8. Treat Kidney Disorders : The chicory root extract is used as a diuretic, which increases urine volume.
• OTHER NAME : Adrak ,Ale, Zingiber, Sunth
• BIOLOGICAL SOURCE : It is the dried rhizomes of zingiber officinale, belonging to the family Zingiberace.
• CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS : It contains volatile oils, minerals, resins. Ginger oil contains zingiberine, bisaboline, farnesene.
Sesquiphellandrene and curcumene. Resins contain phenolic ketones such as gingerols, shogaols, zingerone and other
• GENERAL DESCRIPTION : It is a flowering plant whose rhizome is a ginger root and is widely used as a spice and a folk
medicine. It is a herbaceous perennial plant. The inflorescences bear pale yellow with purple flowers which arise directly from
the rhizome on separate shoots. Ginger is a plant with leafy stems and yellowish green flowers. The ginger spice comes from
the roots of the plant. Ginger is native to warmer parts of Asia, such as China, Japan, and India, but now is grown in part of
South American and Africa.
• Ginger can be used fresh, dried, powdered or as an oil or juice, and added to processed foods and cosmetics it is a very
common ingredient in recipes.
1. Reduce muscle pain and soreness : Ginger is effective against exercise-induced muscle pain. It does not have an
immediate effect, but may be effective at reducing the day-to-day progression of muscle pain.
2. Lower blood sugars and improve heart disease risk factors : Ginger has powerful anti-diabetic properties and effective
against type 2 diabetes. It also reduces major risk factors for heart disease.
3. Lower cholesterol levels : High levels of LDL lipoproteins ("bad" cholesterol) causes increased risk of heart disease ginger
powder causes significant reductions in cholesterol levels! Ginger extracts lowers LDL cholesterol to a similar extent as the
cholesterol-lowering drugs.
4. Prevent cancer : Cancer is a very serious disease that is characterized by uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. Ginger
extract is used in the treatment for several forms of cancer. The anti-cancer properties are due to 6-gingerol, a substance that
is found in large amounts in raw ginger. Ginger may be effective against pancreatic cancer, breast cancer and ovarian cancer.
5. Help in treating nausea and vomiting : Daily intake of ginger 14 days reduces the risk of nausea and vomiting in patients
receiving HIV treatment. It is most effective when it comes to pregnancy-related nausea, such as morning sickness.
6. Menstrual cramps : Ginger powder during the first 3-4 days of a menstrual cycle moderately decreases pain in women and
teens with painful menstrual periods ginger is generally given for approximately 3 days starting at the beginning of the menstrual
period or at the beginning of pain.
7. Osteoarthritis : Ginger reduces pain in some people with osteoarthritis. Ginger gel applied to the knee or ginger oil massaged
into the knee can also relieve osteoarthritis pain.
• BOTANICAL NAME : Trigonella foenum-graecum
• FAMILY : Leguminosae
• OTHER NAME : Greek hay, Greek clover, bird's foot, Methi(Hindi)
• BIOLOGICAL SOURCE : It consists of seeds of the plant Trigonella foenum-graecum, belonging to the family
• CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS : It contains alkaloids (gentiamine, trigonelline), flavonoids, coumarins, proteins, amino acids and
steroidal saponins. (Fenugreek contains 23-26% protein, 6-7% fat and 58% carbohydrates of which about 25% is dietary fiber.
Fenugreek is also a rich source of iron. The leaves contain saponins, known as graecunins. Leaves also contain about 86.1%
moisture, 4.4% protein, 0.9% fat, 1.5% minerals, 1.1% fiber, and 6% carbohydrates. The mineral and vitamins present in leaves
are calcium, zinc iron, phosphorous, riboflavin, thiamine, niacin and vitamin C).
• GENERAL DESCRIPTION : It is an annual plant having leaves consisting of three small obovate to oblong leaflets. It is
cultivated worldwide as a semiarid crop. Its seeds and leaves are common ingredients in various dishes. The seeds and green
leaves of fenugreek are used in food as well as in medicinal preparations. It has been used to increase the flavor and color, and
also modifies the texture of food materials.
1. To enhance milk production in new mothers : Fenugreek is widely used as a milk flow-enhancing agent in new mothers.
2. To maintain blood sugar levels : Fenugreek seeds are commonly used as a supplement to control blood glucose, especially
to prevent or treat diabetes. It appears to improve problems like metabolism of blood sugar.
3. To ease skin inflammation or injury : Fenugreek powder is used as a soothing herb to treat skin inflammation and injury
fenugreek have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
4. Other uses: fenugreek is used to-
Demulcent, laxative , nutritive, expectorant, used in the treatment of anorexia, dyspepsia, gastritis, diabetes and high
• OTHER NAME : Lasun, Lehsun, Garlic
• BIOLOGICAL SOURCE : It consists of dried bulbs of Allium Sativum, belonging to the family Liliaceae.
• CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS : Garlic contains, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, mucilage, volatile oils and minerals. The volatile
oil contain allin, allicin, allyl propyl disulfide, diallyl disulfide. Minerals contain phosphorous, iron and copper.
• GENERAL DESCRIPTION : Garlic is a species of the onion genus, allium. Garlic is inhabitant to Central Asia and
Northeastern Iran, and has long been a common seasoning worldwide, has been used both as a food flavouring and as a
traditional medicine. Garlic is a bulbous plant; grows up to 1.2 m in height. Garlic is easy to grow and can be grown in mild
1. Cardiovascular benefits : Garlic provides us antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties due to presence of sulphur
containing compounds, garlic is an excellent source of the antioxidant mineral, manganese and a very good source of vitamin
C. Garlic decreases the risk of unwanted clotting due to excessive platelet aggregation as a result prevent from heart attack,
coronary artery disease, high blood pressure (hypertension), and atherosclerosis.
2. Anti-cancer effect : Garlic contains a large number of potent bioactive compounds with anticancer properties. Chiefly
allylsulfide derivatives. Different garlic derivatives change an increased number of molecular mechanisms in carcinogenesis
like DNA adduct formation, mutagenesis, scavenging of free radicals, cell proliferation and differentiation as well as
angiogenesis garlic produces a variety of anti-tumor effects, including tumor cell growth inhibition and chemo preventive
3. Diabetes mellitus : Garlic produces hypoglycemic effect. The beneficial effect of garlic on diabetes mellitus is mainly
recognized due to the presence of volatile sulfur compounds, such as alliin, allicin, diallyl disulfide.
4. Hepatotoxicity : Garlic can protect the liver cells from some toxic agents, overdose of NSAIDs is known to cause
hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity in humans.
5. Anti-microbial effect : Garlic has been used for centuries to fight infectious disease, garlic has
been effective against excess of gram-positive, gram-negative, and acid-fast bacteria.
6. Antifungal properties : Many fungi are sensitive to garlic, including candida, trichophyton,
cryptococc aspergillus, trichosporon, and rhodotorula.
• BIOLOGICAL SOURCE : Honey is a sugar like secretion deposited in honeycomb by the Bees Apis Mellifera, A
dorsata and other species of Apis, belonging to the family Apidae.
• CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS : Honey is an aqueous solution containing 35% glucose, 45% fructose and 2% sucrose.
• GENERAL DESCRIPTION : It is available in various regions of world like Jamaica, California, Australia, Great Britain, Chili,
New Zealand and India. Honey BP purified is prepared from the crude honey, by melting at moderate temperature, remove of
any impurities by decantation, followed by dilution with water to a final density of 1.35-1.36 g/ml at 20°C. Fresh honey is a clear,
sugary liquid of pale yellow or reddish-brown colour. On storing, honey crystallizes and becomes opaque in appearance.
1. Wound healing agent : Honey is the oldest wound-healing agent known to humans as it has antibacterial, antiviral, anti-
inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. Honey induces leukocytes to release cytokines, which begins the tissue repair
cascades. It activates immune response to infection honey stimulates the generation of antibodies.
2. Treats diabetes : The beneficial effects of honey in the treatment of diabetes mellitus is there as honey s potent antioxidants
and used as an adjunct to standard antidiabetic drugs in the control diabetes mellitus.
3. Treats asthma : Honey is commonly used in folk medicine to treat inflammation, cough, and fever.
4. Treats cardiovascular diseases : Antioxidants present in honey like flavonoids, polyphenolics, vitamin c, and monophenolics
are associated with a reduction of cardiovascular failures. Flavonoids reduce the risk of coronary heart disorders.
5. Other uses is : It is used as demulcent sweetening agent, nutrient, antiseptic and expectorant.
• OTHER NAME : Myrobalan, Indian Gooseberry, Amla
• BIOLOGICAL SOURCE : It consists of fruits of the plant Emblica Officinalis and Phyllanthus Emblica, belonging to
the family Euphorbiaceae .
• CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS : It contains vitamin-c (ascorbic acid), calcium, iron and phosphorous.
• GENERAL DESCRIPTION : Amla is a subtropical plant and grows in dry climate. It is a tough plant and can be grown in
variable soil conditions. It can tolerate salinity and alkalinity. The tree is commonly found in the mixed deciduous forests of
1. Immunity booster : Amla in general is a energy-promoter, disease-preventer tonic as it has effect on the immune system. It
increases white blood cell counts and promotes immunity.
2. Treats respiratory disorders : Amla is beneficial in the treatment of respiratory disorders. It is particularly important in
tuberculosis of lungs, asthma and bronchitis.
3. Manages diabetes : Amla, due to its high Vitamin C content, is effective in controlling diabetes. Its juice enables to secrete
insulin, thus reduces the blood sugar in diabetes. It also prevent eye problem in diabetes.
4. Remedy for heart disorder : Amla is considered as an effective remedy for heart disease. It tones up the functions of all the
organs of the body and builds up health by destroying harmful and disease causes elements. It also renews energy. Amla is
rich in vitamin C and helps to control blood pressure
5. Cure eye disorder : Juice of amla with honey is useful in preserving eyesight. It is helpful in the treatment of conjunctivitis and
glaucoma. It reduces intraocular tension.
6. Prevents aging : It has refreshing effects, as it contains an element which is very important in preventing aging and in
maintaining strength in old age. It improves body resistance and protects the body against infection. It strengthens the heart,
hair and different glands in the body.
7. Cures anemia : Amla is rich in vitamin C which is an essential ingredient that helps in the absorption of iron.
8. Promotes healthier hair : Amla-berry boosts absorption of calcium, creats healthier bones, teeth, nails, and
hair. It also helps to maintain youthful hair colour and retards premature graying, and supports the strength of the
hair follicles. The crushed fruits have a good effect on hair growth and prevent hair graying.
• OTHER NAM : Asian Ginseng, Chinese Ginseng, Or Korean Ginseng
• BIOLOGICAL SOURCE : It consists of roots of the plant Panax Ginseng and other species of Panar, belonging to
the family Araliaceae.
• CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS : Ginseng contains saponins, glycosides, volatile oils, sterols, polysaccharides, minerals,
Vitamin-B. B, B12, pantothenic acid and biotin.
• GENERAL DESCRIPTION : Panax ginseng is a slow growing perennial plant with fleshy roots. It is one of the most important
oriental medicinal plants distributed in Eastern Asia, North-Eastern China, Kores, Bhutan and Eastern Siberia usually in cool
and shady climates all parts of the ginseng contain pharmacologically active elements.
1. Treats Alzheimer's disease : Panax ginseng root can improve mental performance in people with Alzheimer's disease.
2. Manages Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD ): Panax ginseng improves lung function and many symptoms of
3. Mental Function : Panax ginseng improves abstract thinking, mental arithmetic skills, and reaction times in healthy, middle-
aged people, ginseng seems to benefits for cognition, behaviour, and quality of life. It is used in combination with ginkgo leaf
extract to improve memory in otherwise healthy people between the ages of 38 and 66.
4. Erectile Dysfunction: Panax ginseng improves sexual function in men with erectile dysfunction. It helps to prevent premature
5. Treats Flu : Panax ginseng reduces the risk of getting a cold or the flu by improving immunity.
6. Lowers blood sugar : Ginseng may help to lower blood sugar and help to treat diabetes. Ginsenosides may affect insulin
production in the pancreas and improve insulin resistance
7. Increases energy : Ginseng may help to stimulate physical and mental activity in people who feel weak and tired. Ginseng
showed good results in helping cancer patients with fatigue.
• OTHER NAME : Indian Ginseng, Poison Gooseberry or Winter Cherry
• BIOLOGICAL SOURCE : It consists of dried roots and stem bases of the plant Withania Somnifera, belonging to the
family Solanaceae.
• CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS : It contains alkaloids and steroidal lactones. Withanolides which are triterpene lactones -
withanolides, withaferin A, alkaloids, steroidal lactones, tropine, and cuscohygrine. Withanolides are structurally similar to the
ginsenosides of panax ginseing.
• GENERAL DESCRIPTION : It is a short, tender perennial shrub growing 35-75 cm in height. Its leaves are dull green, elliptic
and long. The flowers are small, green and bell-shaped. The ripe fruit is orange-red in colour. It is cultivated in many dried
regions of India , Nepal, China and Yemen.
1. Reduces Blood Sugar Levels : Ashwagandha lowers blood sugar levels as it increases insulin secretion and improves
insulin sensitivity in muscle cells. It is effective in people with type 2 diabetes.
2. Anti-cancer Properties : Animal and test-tube studies have found that ashwagandha helps to induce apoptosis, which is the
programmed death of cancer cells. It obstructs the growth of new cancer cells in numerous ways. It promotes the formation of
reactive oxygen species (ROS) inside cancer cells, disrupts their function. It also causes cancer cells to become less resistant
to apoptosis. It may help to treat several types of cancer, like breast, lung, colon, brain and ovarian cancer.
3. Reduce Cortisol Levels : Ashwagandha may help to reduce cortisol levels. It is also known as stress reliever.
4. Boost Testosterone and Increase Fertility in Men : Ashwagandha supplements have powerful effects on testosterone
levels and reproductive health. Ashwagandha increases sperm count, motility and increases testosterone levels.
Ashwagandha provides higher antioxidant levels and better sperm quality.
5. Improve Brain Function and Memory : Ashwagandha may reduce memory and brain function problems caused by injury or
disease. It promotes antioxidant activity that protects nerve cells from harmful free radicals. Ashwagandha has also been used
as memory booster in ayurveda as it considerably improves general memory, task performance and attention.
• BIOLOGICAL SOURCE : It is blue green algae obtained from Spirulina Maxima or Spirulina Platensis, belonging to
the family Oscillatoriaceae.
• CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS : It contains 50-70% proteins, 5-6% lipids. Lipids contain essential fatty acids like linoleic acid,
oleic acid, palmitic acid. It also contains glycolipids and sulfolipids, various vitamins like vitamin-B1, B2, B3, B.
• GENERAL DESCRIPTION : Spirulina is basically an alga. Spirulina is a biomass of cyanobacteria which is blue-green algae
and can be consumed by humans and animals. Spirulina is a microscopic and filamentous cyanobacterium. This alga is used
as a source of protein and vitamin supplement in humans and do not produce any side-effects. Spirulina is easy to cultivate but
flourishes only in alkaline lakes having extremely high pH . It is mainly found in Greece, Japan, India, United States and Spain.
1. Reduces high cholesterol : Spirulina is useful in controlling lipid disorders like high cholesterol or high triglycerides.
Spirulina produces significant reductions in cholesterol. It reduces blood pressure as it produces nitric oxide which helps
blood vessels relax and dilate.
2. Treats allergies : Spirulina is useful in the treatment of allergic rhinitis i.e. Nasal allergies. It improves different symptoms
like nasal discharge, sneezing, congestion, and itching.
3. Manages diabetes: Spirulina manages type 2 diabetes and produces significant reduction in blood-fat levels. Spirulina
benefits include decrease in inflammation and a decrease in blood pressure and cholesterol.
4. Anti-cancer properties : Spirulina has anti-cancer properties and can reduce cancer occurrence and tumor size as it has
antioxidant and immune modulation characteristics. It has mechanism of tumor destruction and plays a role in cancer
prevention. It is effective in oral cancer.
5. Effective against anemia : Spirulina supplements increases the haemoglobin content of red blood cells and improves
immune function. It is helpful in treating anemia.
6. Improves muscle strength : Spirulina is beneficial in improving muscle strength and stamina.

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  • 2. ALFALFA • BOTANICAL NAME : MEDICAGO SATIVA • FAMILY : FABACEAE • OTHER NAME : Hay, Lucerene , Purple medic . • BIOLOGICAL SOURCE : It is the entire plant of Medicago Sativa belonging to the family Fabaceae. • CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS : Leaves, sprouts and seed contain vitamin-k, vitamin-c, copper, manganese, folate, thiamine riboflavin, magnesium and iron. One cup of sprouts contains one gram of protein and one gram of carbohydrates. It also has a high content of bioactive compounds like saponins coumarins, flavonoids, phytosterols, phytoestrogens and alkaloids. • GENERAL DESCRIPTION : Alfalfa is a perennial plant grown worldwide. Alfalfa leaves contain triterpenoid saponins. The leaves are safer to use than the seeds as the seeds contain the toxic amino acid l-canavanine which is an arginine analog alfalfa is known to be one of the most nutrient-rich plants in the world. It is also known as the 'father of all foods, which comes from its arabic name 'al-fac facab it has large contents of phytonutrients, which include minerals and vitamins.
  • 3. HEALTH BENEFITS / USES : chlorophyll present in alfalfa is a powerful substance and has healing properties, especially for skin problems. 1. Works as a Cleanser : The chlorophyll in alfalfa is famous for cleansing our body from impurities. It is a substance that is used to detoxify the body. It also fights infection. This plant has the ability to break down carbon dioxide and reduce any action that involves anaerobic bacteria. 2. Maintains Healthy Skin : Alfalfa chlorophyll is rich in vitamin A and enzymes. This makes it essential for healthy Skin vitamin a helps to maintain and construct a healthy and glowing skin. It helps to cure Dry skin problem. 3. Benefits of Alfalfa For Hair : Alfalfa is rich in vitamins. The vitamins B1 and B6 present are essential for the proper growth and health of hair. It is also filled with other nutrients which are used to treat baldness and prevent hair loss. 4. Protein : Alfalfa has a high protein content that helps in hair growth. The grains, seeds, and sprouts of alfalfa in will provide enough protein to give healthy hair. 5. Vitamins : Alfalfa has a high content of vitamins like B1 and B6 as well as C, which are valuable for the hair vitamins B1 and B6 are vital for healthy hair growth. Vitamin C helps in improving the circulation of blood in the scalp and also has antioxidant action that takes place in hair follicles.
  • 4. 6. Minerals : Alfalfa contains minerals like calcium, zinc and iron. These minerals help in preventing reducing the loss of hair. Zinc stimulates hair growth. The iron present in alfalfa also helps in hair growth as iron deficiency may be one of the causes of hair loss. 7. Controls Cholesterol : Alfalfa helps in the elimination of bad cholesterol from body. It controls the cholesterol levels in our body from becoming too high, thereby decreasing the risk of heart diseases. 8. Treats Digestive Problems : Alfalfa is effective in the treatment of digestive problems. Gastritis, stomach ulcers, indigestion, bloating, nausea, etc., Can be prevented with the use of this plant. Alfalfa sprouts are also used in treating chronic constipation due to its high fiber content. 9. Removes Toxins : Alfalfa is known for its detoxification properties, making it a great food to cleanse you body. A daily dose of this plant will keep your body clean from the inside. 10. Prevents Cancer : If prevents the risk of cancer as it contains an amino acid known as canavanine. It is known to help in the binding of carcinogens that are present in the colon. 11. Prevents UTI : Alfalfa has diuretic properties, which prevents disorders of the kidney like water retention. It also has great properties that prevent from developing urinary tract infection (UTI).
  • 5. 12. Prevents Bleeding : This plant has high chlorophyll, iron, and vitamin k content. These nutrients help in the extra production of blood in the body. Alfalfa is used to treat bleeding gums, nosebleeds, anemia, and poor clotting of blood. 13. Treats Menopausal Symptoms : Phytoestrogens are hormones that can be used to counter the symptoms of menopie three types of these hormones are present in alfalfa-coumestrol, genistein, and biocanes the minerals found in this plant are also effective in countering menopausal symptoms alfalfa as part of diet, can fight hot flashes, vaginal dryness, night sweats, low levels a estrogen, postmenopausal osteoporosis, etc. 14. Increases Immunity : The phytonutrients, such as l-canavanine and chlorophyll in alfalfa helps in increasing the body's resistance to diseases. It helps in lowering blood sugar, preventing type II diabetes. Adult-onset diabetes, etc. It is also known to prevent tumours from developing, in different parts of the body. 15. Prevents Blood Poisoning and Rheumatism : Alfalfa has different properties which make it an anti-rheumatic agent. Alfalfa also helps in The prevention of kidney stones, edema, arthritis, varicose veins, ulcers, heavy metal Etc. 16. Controls Sugar Level : The diuretic nature of this alfalfa tea keeps the increased sugar levels under control. 17. Helps In Weight Loss : The detoxifying nature of alfalfa tea enables it to keep the sugar levels under control.
  • 6. CHICORY • BOTANICAL NAME : CICHORIUM INTYBUS • FAMILY : ASTERACEAE • OTHER NAME : Blue daisy, blue dandelion, cornflower, horseweed and ragged sailors • BIOLOGICAL SOURCE : It is obtained from the plant Cichorium Intybus, belonging to the family Asteraceae. • CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS : Chicory contains a variety of nutrients which include carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, minerals, soluble fiber, phenolics, inulin, coumarin, tannins, monomeric flavonoids, esquiterpene lactones and beta carotene. • GENERAL DESCRIPTION : It is a perennial herbaceous plant having bright blue flowers. Chicory is grown as a crop for farm animals. It lives as a wild plant on roadsides in Europe, North America, China and Australia its leaves and flowers are used as vegetables in salads and the roots are used as a coffee substitute, livestock feedstuff, or pet food.
  • 7. • HEALTH BENEFITS / USES : Benefits chicory is a great source of vitamins and minerals like zinc, magnesium, manganese, Calcium, iron-folic acid, potassium and vitamin A, B6, C, E, and K. 1. Helps in digestion : Chicory is good for digestive health as it contains inulin, which is a powerful prebiotic. Inulin is used to fight a number of intestinal and digestive problems like acid reflux disease indigestion, and heartburn because as it reduces the acidity of the body. So, it improves digestion. 2. Improves heart health : Inulin reduces the levels of LDL cholesterol which is bad cholesterol in the body. This cholesterol is the main cause of atherosclerosis and high blood pressure as it blocks the flow of blood when it binds to arteries and veins. Chicory is a low-calorie vegetable and prevents cholesterol and eventually heart disease chicory is also used with anti- thrombotic and anti-arrhythmic agents. 3. As anticancer : Chicory extract reduces tumor growth in various types of cancers. It is due to the presence of fructans within chicory, which have anti-tumor and antioxidant properties. 4. Reduces arthritis pain : Chicory is used in the treatment of arthritis as it has anti-inflammatory properties and reduces the pain in conditions like osteoarthritis, chicory can also be used as a general ant inflammatory agent for aches, muscle pains, and joint soreness.
  • 8. 5.Treats Constipation : Inulin is a natural fiber and helps bulk up bowel movements and promote peristaltic motions and the secretion of gastric juices as a result digestion is improved and constipation is reduced. Smooth and regulated digestive process helps in reducing number of gastrointestinal conditions and diseases. 6. Improves Immunity : Chicory is a powerful booster for immune system. It has antibacterial effects and act as a immune system booster various phytochemicals present in it act as antioxidants and improves immunity. 7. Relieves Anxiety : Chicory has sedative effects which reduce anxiety and soothe the mind, thereby relieves stress, chicory root extracts can also help in sleep due to its sedative quality. 8. Treat Kidney Disorders : The chicory root extract is used as a diuretic, which increases urine volume.
  • 9. GINGER • BOTANICAL NAME : ZINGIBER OFFICINALE • FAMILY : ZINGIBERACEAE • OTHER NAME : Adrak ,Ale, Zingiber, Sunth • BIOLOGICAL SOURCE : It is the dried rhizomes of zingiber officinale, belonging to the family Zingiberace. • CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS : It contains volatile oils, minerals, resins. Ginger oil contains zingiberine, bisaboline, farnesene. Sesquiphellandrene and curcumene. Resins contain phenolic ketones such as gingerols, shogaols, zingerone and other compounds. • GENERAL DESCRIPTION : It is a flowering plant whose rhizome is a ginger root and is widely used as a spice and a folk medicine. It is a herbaceous perennial plant. The inflorescences bear pale yellow with purple flowers which arise directly from the rhizome on separate shoots. Ginger is a plant with leafy stems and yellowish green flowers. The ginger spice comes from the roots of the plant. Ginger is native to warmer parts of Asia, such as China, Japan, and India, but now is grown in part of South American and Africa.
  • 10. • HEALTH BENEFITS / USES : • Ginger can be used fresh, dried, powdered or as an oil or juice, and added to processed foods and cosmetics it is a very common ingredient in recipes. 1. Reduce muscle pain and soreness : Ginger is effective against exercise-induced muscle pain. It does not have an immediate effect, but may be effective at reducing the day-to-day progression of muscle pain. 2. Lower blood sugars and improve heart disease risk factors : Ginger has powerful anti-diabetic properties and effective against type 2 diabetes. It also reduces major risk factors for heart disease. 3. Lower cholesterol levels : High levels of LDL lipoproteins ("bad" cholesterol) causes increased risk of heart disease ginger powder causes significant reductions in cholesterol levels! Ginger extracts lowers LDL cholesterol to a similar extent as the cholesterol-lowering drugs. 4. Prevent cancer : Cancer is a very serious disease that is characterized by uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. Ginger extract is used in the treatment for several forms of cancer. The anti-cancer properties are due to 6-gingerol, a substance that is found in large amounts in raw ginger. Ginger may be effective against pancreatic cancer, breast cancer and ovarian cancer.
  • 11. 5. Help in treating nausea and vomiting : Daily intake of ginger 14 days reduces the risk of nausea and vomiting in patients receiving HIV treatment. It is most effective when it comes to pregnancy-related nausea, such as morning sickness. 6. Menstrual cramps : Ginger powder during the first 3-4 days of a menstrual cycle moderately decreases pain in women and teens with painful menstrual periods ginger is generally given for approximately 3 days starting at the beginning of the menstrual period or at the beginning of pain. 7. Osteoarthritis : Ginger reduces pain in some people with osteoarthritis. Ginger gel applied to the knee or ginger oil massaged into the knee can also relieve osteoarthritis pain.
  • 12. FENUGREEK • BOTANICAL NAME : Trigonella foenum-graecum • FAMILY : Leguminosae • OTHER NAME : Greek hay, Greek clover, bird's foot, Methi(Hindi) • BIOLOGICAL SOURCE : It consists of seeds of the plant Trigonella foenum-graecum, belonging to the family Leguminosae. • CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS : It contains alkaloids (gentiamine, trigonelline), flavonoids, coumarins, proteins, amino acids and steroidal saponins. (Fenugreek contains 23-26% protein, 6-7% fat and 58% carbohydrates of which about 25% is dietary fiber. Fenugreek is also a rich source of iron. The leaves contain saponins, known as graecunins. Leaves also contain about 86.1% moisture, 4.4% protein, 0.9% fat, 1.5% minerals, 1.1% fiber, and 6% carbohydrates. The mineral and vitamins present in leaves are calcium, zinc iron, phosphorous, riboflavin, thiamine, niacin and vitamin C). • GENERAL DESCRIPTION : It is an annual plant having leaves consisting of three small obovate to oblong leaflets. It is cultivated worldwide as a semiarid crop. Its seeds and leaves are common ingredients in various dishes. The seeds and green leaves of fenugreek are used in food as well as in medicinal preparations. It has been used to increase the flavor and color, and also modifies the texture of food materials.
  • 13. • HEALTH BENEFITS / USES : 1. To enhance milk production in new mothers : Fenugreek is widely used as a milk flow-enhancing agent in new mothers. 2. To maintain blood sugar levels : Fenugreek seeds are commonly used as a supplement to control blood glucose, especially to prevent or treat diabetes. It appears to improve problems like metabolism of blood sugar. 3. To ease skin inflammation or injury : Fenugreek powder is used as a soothing herb to treat skin inflammation and injury fenugreek have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. 4. Other uses: fenugreek is used to- Demulcent, laxative , nutritive, expectorant, used in the treatment of anorexia, dyspepsia, gastritis, diabetes and high cholesterol.
  • 14. GARLIC • BOTANICAL NAME : ALLIUM SATIVUM • FAMILY : AMARYLLIDACEAE (LILIACEAE) • OTHER NAME : Lasun, Lehsun, Garlic • BIOLOGICAL SOURCE : It consists of dried bulbs of Allium Sativum, belonging to the family Liliaceae. • CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS : Garlic contains, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, mucilage, volatile oils and minerals. The volatile oil contain allin, allicin, allyl propyl disulfide, diallyl disulfide. Minerals contain phosphorous, iron and copper. • GENERAL DESCRIPTION : Garlic is a species of the onion genus, allium. Garlic is inhabitant to Central Asia and Northeastern Iran, and has long been a common seasoning worldwide, has been used both as a food flavouring and as a traditional medicine. Garlic is a bulbous plant; grows up to 1.2 m in height. Garlic is easy to grow and can be grown in mild climates.
  • 15. • HEALTH BENEFITS / USES : 1. Cardiovascular benefits : Garlic provides us antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties due to presence of sulphur containing compounds, garlic is an excellent source of the antioxidant mineral, manganese and a very good source of vitamin C. Garlic decreases the risk of unwanted clotting due to excessive platelet aggregation as a result prevent from heart attack, coronary artery disease, high blood pressure (hypertension), and atherosclerosis. 2. Anti-cancer effect : Garlic contains a large number of potent bioactive compounds with anticancer properties. Chiefly allylsulfide derivatives. Different garlic derivatives change an increased number of molecular mechanisms in carcinogenesis like DNA adduct formation, mutagenesis, scavenging of free radicals, cell proliferation and differentiation as well as angiogenesis garlic produces a variety of anti-tumor effects, including tumor cell growth inhibition and chemo preventive effects. 3. Diabetes mellitus : Garlic produces hypoglycemic effect. The beneficial effect of garlic on diabetes mellitus is mainly recognized due to the presence of volatile sulfur compounds, such as alliin, allicin, diallyl disulfide. 4. Hepatotoxicity : Garlic can protect the liver cells from some toxic agents, overdose of NSAIDs is known to cause hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity in humans.
  • 16. 5. Anti-microbial effect : Garlic has been used for centuries to fight infectious disease, garlic has been effective against excess of gram-positive, gram-negative, and acid-fast bacteria. 6. Antifungal properties : Many fungi are sensitive to garlic, including candida, trichophyton, cryptococc aspergillus, trichosporon, and rhodotorula.
  • 17. HONEY • FAMILY : APIDAE • OTHER NAME : MADHU • BIOLOGICAL SOURCE : Honey is a sugar like secretion deposited in honeycomb by the Bees Apis Mellifera, A dorsata and other species of Apis, belonging to the family Apidae. • CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS : Honey is an aqueous solution containing 35% glucose, 45% fructose and 2% sucrose. • GENERAL DESCRIPTION : It is available in various regions of world like Jamaica, California, Australia, Great Britain, Chili, New Zealand and India. Honey BP purified is prepared from the crude honey, by melting at moderate temperature, remove of any impurities by decantation, followed by dilution with water to a final density of 1.35-1.36 g/ml at 20°C. Fresh honey is a clear, sugary liquid of pale yellow or reddish-brown colour. On storing, honey crystallizes and becomes opaque in appearance.
  • 18. • HEALTH BENEFITS / USES : 1. Wound healing agent : Honey is the oldest wound-healing agent known to humans as it has antibacterial, antiviral, anti- inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. Honey induces leukocytes to release cytokines, which begins the tissue repair cascades. It activates immune response to infection honey stimulates the generation of antibodies. 2. Treats diabetes : The beneficial effects of honey in the treatment of diabetes mellitus is there as honey s potent antioxidants and used as an adjunct to standard antidiabetic drugs in the control diabetes mellitus. 3. Treats asthma : Honey is commonly used in folk medicine to treat inflammation, cough, and fever. 4. Treats cardiovascular diseases : Antioxidants present in honey like flavonoids, polyphenolics, vitamin c, and monophenolics are associated with a reduction of cardiovascular failures. Flavonoids reduce the risk of coronary heart disorders. 5. Other uses is : It is used as demulcent sweetening agent, nutrient, antiseptic and expectorant.
  • 19. AMLA • BOTANICAL NAME : PHYLLANTHUS EMBLICA • FAMILY : EUPHORBIACEAE • OTHER NAME : Myrobalan, Indian Gooseberry, Amla • BIOLOGICAL SOURCE : It consists of fruits of the plant Emblica Officinalis and Phyllanthus Emblica, belonging to the family Euphorbiaceae . • CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS : It contains vitamin-c (ascorbic acid), calcium, iron and phosphorous. • GENERAL DESCRIPTION : Amla is a subtropical plant and grows in dry climate. It is a tough plant and can be grown in variable soil conditions. It can tolerate salinity and alkalinity. The tree is commonly found in the mixed deciduous forests of India.
  • 20. • HEALTH BENEFITS / USES : 1. Immunity booster : Amla in general is a energy-promoter, disease-preventer tonic as it has effect on the immune system. It increases white blood cell counts and promotes immunity. 2. Treats respiratory disorders : Amla is beneficial in the treatment of respiratory disorders. It is particularly important in tuberculosis of lungs, asthma and bronchitis. 3. Manages diabetes : Amla, due to its high Vitamin C content, is effective in controlling diabetes. Its juice enables to secrete insulin, thus reduces the blood sugar in diabetes. It also prevent eye problem in diabetes. 4. Remedy for heart disorder : Amla is considered as an effective remedy for heart disease. It tones up the functions of all the organs of the body and builds up health by destroying harmful and disease causes elements. It also renews energy. Amla is rich in vitamin C and helps to control blood pressure 5. Cure eye disorder : Juice of amla with honey is useful in preserving eyesight. It is helpful in the treatment of conjunctivitis and glaucoma. It reduces intraocular tension. 6. Prevents aging : It has refreshing effects, as it contains an element which is very important in preventing aging and in maintaining strength in old age. It improves body resistance and protects the body against infection. It strengthens the heart, hair and different glands in the body.
  • 21. 7. Cures anemia : Amla is rich in vitamin C which is an essential ingredient that helps in the absorption of iron. 8. Promotes healthier hair : Amla-berry boosts absorption of calcium, creats healthier bones, teeth, nails, and hair. It also helps to maintain youthful hair colour and retards premature graying, and supports the strength of the hair follicles. The crushed fruits have a good effect on hair growth and prevent hair graying.
  • 22. GINSENG • BOTANICAL NAME : PANAX GINSENG • FAMILY : ARALIACEAE • OTHER NAM : Asian Ginseng, Chinese Ginseng, Or Korean Ginseng • BIOLOGICAL SOURCE : It consists of roots of the plant Panax Ginseng and other species of Panar, belonging to the family Araliaceae. • CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS : Ginseng contains saponins, glycosides, volatile oils, sterols, polysaccharides, minerals, Vitamin-B. B, B12, pantothenic acid and biotin. • GENERAL DESCRIPTION : Panax ginseng is a slow growing perennial plant with fleshy roots. It is one of the most important oriental medicinal plants distributed in Eastern Asia, North-Eastern China, Kores, Bhutan and Eastern Siberia usually in cool and shady climates all parts of the ginseng contain pharmacologically active elements.
  • 23. • HEALTH BENEFITS / USES : 1. Treats Alzheimer's disease : Panax ginseng root can improve mental performance in people with Alzheimer's disease. 2. Manages Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD ): Panax ginseng improves lung function and many symptoms of COPD. 3. Mental Function : Panax ginseng improves abstract thinking, mental arithmetic skills, and reaction times in healthy, middle- aged people, ginseng seems to benefits for cognition, behaviour, and quality of life. It is used in combination with ginkgo leaf extract to improve memory in otherwise healthy people between the ages of 38 and 66. 4. Erectile Dysfunction: Panax ginseng improves sexual function in men with erectile dysfunction. It helps to prevent premature ejaculation. 5. Treats Flu : Panax ginseng reduces the risk of getting a cold or the flu by improving immunity. 6. Lowers blood sugar : Ginseng may help to lower blood sugar and help to treat diabetes. Ginsenosides may affect insulin production in the pancreas and improve insulin resistance 7. Increases energy : Ginseng may help to stimulate physical and mental activity in people who feel weak and tired. Ginseng showed good results in helping cancer patients with fatigue.
  • 24. ASHWAGANDHA • BOTANICAL NAME : WITHANIA SOMNIFERA • FAMILY : SOLANACEAE. • OTHER NAME : Indian Ginseng, Poison Gooseberry or Winter Cherry • BIOLOGICAL SOURCE : It consists of dried roots and stem bases of the plant Withania Somnifera, belonging to the family Solanaceae. • CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS : It contains alkaloids and steroidal lactones. Withanolides which are triterpene lactones - withanolides, withaferin A, alkaloids, steroidal lactones, tropine, and cuscohygrine. Withanolides are structurally similar to the ginsenosides of panax ginseing. • GENERAL DESCRIPTION : It is a short, tender perennial shrub growing 35-75 cm in height. Its leaves are dull green, elliptic and long. The flowers are small, green and bell-shaped. The ripe fruit is orange-red in colour. It is cultivated in many dried regions of India , Nepal, China and Yemen.
  • 25. • HEALTH BENEFITS / USES : 1. Reduces Blood Sugar Levels : Ashwagandha lowers blood sugar levels as it increases insulin secretion and improves insulin sensitivity in muscle cells. It is effective in people with type 2 diabetes. 2. Anti-cancer Properties : Animal and test-tube studies have found that ashwagandha helps to induce apoptosis, which is the programmed death of cancer cells. It obstructs the growth of new cancer cells in numerous ways. It promotes the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) inside cancer cells, disrupts their function. It also causes cancer cells to become less resistant to apoptosis. It may help to treat several types of cancer, like breast, lung, colon, brain and ovarian cancer. 3. Reduce Cortisol Levels : Ashwagandha may help to reduce cortisol levels. It is also known as stress reliever. 4. Boost Testosterone and Increase Fertility in Men : Ashwagandha supplements have powerful effects on testosterone levels and reproductive health. Ashwagandha increases sperm count, motility and increases testosterone levels. Ashwagandha provides higher antioxidant levels and better sperm quality. 5. Improve Brain Function and Memory : Ashwagandha may reduce memory and brain function problems caused by injury or disease. It promotes antioxidant activity that protects nerve cells from harmful free radicals. Ashwagandha has also been used as memory booster in ayurveda as it considerably improves general memory, task performance and attention.
  • 26. SPIRULINA • BOTANICAL NAME : SPIRULINA PLATENSIS • FAMILY : OSCILLATORIACEAE • BIOLOGICAL SOURCE : It is blue green algae obtained from Spirulina Maxima or Spirulina Platensis, belonging to the family Oscillatoriaceae. • CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS : It contains 50-70% proteins, 5-6% lipids. Lipids contain essential fatty acids like linoleic acid, oleic acid, palmitic acid. It also contains glycolipids and sulfolipids, various vitamins like vitamin-B1, B2, B3, B. • GENERAL DESCRIPTION : Spirulina is basically an alga. Spirulina is a biomass of cyanobacteria which is blue-green algae and can be consumed by humans and animals. Spirulina is a microscopic and filamentous cyanobacterium. This alga is used as a source of protein and vitamin supplement in humans and do not produce any side-effects. Spirulina is easy to cultivate but flourishes only in alkaline lakes having extremely high pH . It is mainly found in Greece, Japan, India, United States and Spain.
  • 27. • HEALTH BENEFITS / USES : 1. Reduces high cholesterol : Spirulina is useful in controlling lipid disorders like high cholesterol or high triglycerides. Spirulina produces significant reductions in cholesterol. It reduces blood pressure as it produces nitric oxide which helps blood vessels relax and dilate. 2. Treats allergies : Spirulina is useful in the treatment of allergic rhinitis i.e. Nasal allergies. It improves different symptoms like nasal discharge, sneezing, congestion, and itching. 3. Manages diabetes: Spirulina manages type 2 diabetes and produces significant reduction in blood-fat levels. Spirulina benefits include decrease in inflammation and a decrease in blood pressure and cholesterol. 4. Anti-cancer properties : Spirulina has anti-cancer properties and can reduce cancer occurrence and tumor size as it has antioxidant and immune modulation characteristics. It has mechanism of tumor destruction and plays a role in cancer prevention. It is effective in oral cancer. 5. Effective against anemia : Spirulina supplements increases the haemoglobin content of red blood cells and improves immune function. It is helpful in treating anemia. 6. Improves muscle strength : Spirulina is beneficial in improving muscle strength and stamina.