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Dr. Ankur Batra
Theme of the presentation
 PART I: Cardiac Cycle
 PART II: S3 S4
Added Sounds
Ejection Sounds
 Mechanical events from the beginning of one heart beat to the
beginning of next one constitutes one cardiac cycle
 Constitutes of Ventricular Systole and V. Diastole
 Systole: 1. Isovolumetric Contraction (0.05sec)
(0.27) 2. Ejection Phase(Rapid + Slow( 0.09 + 0.13sec) (70%
Diastole: 1. Isovolumetric Relaxation(including Protodiastole)
(0.53) 2. Rapid Ventricular Filling(0.11sec)
3. Reduced/Slow Ventricular Filling(Diastases)
4. Atrial Kick/Booster (0.11sec)
 Graphical representation of the pressure
volume relationship of Aorta, Ventricle and
Atria along with ECG and Phonocardiogram
tracings is called polygram.
Heart Sounds - Basics
 Human Ear Capacity 20- 20,000Hz
 Best Acuity heard at 1000-5000Hz
 Most Sounds and Murmurs 30- 1000Hz
 Invented by Dr Rene Laennec in France in
 Monaural and wooden tube structure
 First Binaural Stethoscope was invented by
Dr George Cammann in 1841 in New York
 Conventional Stethoscope developed by 1960
Bell: Low frequency Sounds(30- 150HZ
Diaphragm: High Frequency >300HZ
Tube : Ideally Double Tubing 10-12in
Best Inner Diameter 1/8 – 3/16in
 Cardiac Sounds represent the vibrations
produced by the reverberations of the cardiac
structures like ventricular mass, Valvular
Apparatus and fibrous skeleton of the heart
due to sudden accleration or
deceleration of the blood mass during
each cardiac cycle
 No normal valvular apparatus is thick and rigid
enough to produce the cardiac sound just by
leaflet apposition thus the sound is actually
due to sudden tensing of the surrounding
 More rapid the tensing due to blood mass and
pressure crossover between two chambers
,higher is the frequency of the sound.
 The low frequency sounds like S3 and S4 is
not due to the sudden tensing rather than due
to large amount of blood mass moving at low
(M1 T1)
 Medium to High frequency Sound signalling
the onset of LV contraction.
 50- 60 msec after the electrical initiation of
ventricular depolarisation the first high
frequency component of S1 is heard.
 In actuality there are 3-6 components of S1
but out of these, high frequency and audible
are only 2 components.
 Calling the components of S1 as M1 and T1 is
more of a convenient acronym rather than the
fact, as various controversies surround the
production of the same.
States that MV cusps have nil or minimal role to
play in the origin of this component and this
component is due to the sudden tensing of LV
walls , Septum and the MV apparatus at the
onset of IVC.
He assumed that MV closure precedes the first
high frequency component of S1.
He was against the terminology M1
They proposed that the first component is due to
the maximal closing excursion of mitral cusps
and M1 reflects the sudden tensing of the
closed MV leaflets causing the vibration in the
surrounding structures.
MV leaflets play a role in the production of M1
and Closure conincides with the M1
More confirmed theory
Second Component of S1
Due to the vibrations caused by the ejection
component occuring with the opening of Aortic
Controversial but most authors concur that the
second component is due to the onset of
ejection into the aorta and this is accentuated
and delayed in the diseased states resulting to
be heard diffirently
Due to closure of the tricuspid valve.
 Normally heard as fused single heart sound
 Medium to High Frequency
 Low Pitched
 Best heard with diaphragm
 M1 louder than T1
 M1 best heard at apex
 T1 best heard at Left LSB
 Splitting can be heard in Expiration and @ L-
 Normal M1 is followed by T1 by 30msec
 If the gap between is <20msec its sounds as a
single sound
1.Inadequate coaptation of mitral valve
2. Loss of leaflet tissue – soft S1 (IE)
3. Thickness & mobility of the valve
determined by the position of mitral valve at the
onset of ventricular systole
Position of mitral valve is altered by relative
timing of atrial & ventricular systole( PR interval )
Long PR: longer diastolic filling time-LV
pressure gradually increases - mitral valve leaflets
slowly drift together- lesser distance between
Short PR - mitral leaflets are farther apart at the
onset of ventricular systole- closes with a high
velocity large excursion
 Very short PR- atrial systole coincides with
ventricular systole, diminishing the VA gradient
at the time of AV valve closure- s1 soft/
 Max Intensity is heard between 80-140msec
 Soft S1 heard with PR >200msec
 Increased myocardial contractility increases the rate
of LV pressure(dP/dt) – loud S1
( Exercise, high output state)
 Decreased dP/dt – soft S1
(A/c MI, myocarditis, LBBB)
 Loss of isovolumic contraction- decreases dp/dt-
decreased velocity of mitral valve closure - soft S1
MR ,large VSD - S1 may be masked by the
-Obesity, emphysema, pericardial effusion
decrease the intensity of all auscultatory events
-Thin chest wall increases the intensity
Straight Back Syndrome: Loss of thorasic
Kyphosis causes a very narrow thorasic cavity:
Loud delayed T1
 Labelled when its louder than A2 at the apex
or Louder than or equal to A2 at base.
1.Mitral Stenosis
3 major reasons
1. Persistently elevated LA pressure in late
diastole leads to higher rate of ventricular
pressure development (dp/dt) during
isovolumetric systolic phase
2. Wide closing excursion of MV leaflets
3. Stiff non compliant leaflet and the
subvalvular structures (in RHD)
2. MVP ( non rheumatic MR): Holosystolic
prolapse– S1
loud- due to delay in checking action of mitral
valve caused by increased valve displacement,
increased amplitude of leaflet excursion and
summation of normal M1& nonejection click
3. Exercise – Tachycardia induced short PR
- Increased LV contractility
- Increased flow across the valve
4. LA Myxoma : Physiologically similar to MS.
(Booming S1-coined by Shaver et al in 1985)
 TS
 ASD - increased tricuspid flow
 Anomalous pulmonary venous connection
- increased tricuspid flow
 Ebstein anomaly( noted by Barlow in 1969
postulated due to increase in RV pressure rising
rate- Sail Sound(coined by Fontana nd Wooly
 Straight Back Syndrome(Distance b/w Mid of
Ant Br of T8 and line between T4 and T12 on
lateral CXR <1.2cm)
Soft S1
mobility, poor coaptation, loss of isovolumic
contraction(in cases of LV dysfunction)
 CALCIFIC MS- immobility of mitral valve
Steep rise in LV diastolic pressure causes
LVP>LAP in late diastole only leading to
premature closure of MV
 LBBB- delay in onset of LV contraction-
delayed and soft M1
decreased LV contractility
concomitant 1st
degree AV block
 Acute Myocardial infarction-
decreased ventricular contractility,
associated MR,
 AF (variable diastolic cycle length and thus
variable position of the cusps as the onset of
systole.Short cycle Loud S1 and Long cycle :
Soft S1)
 VT with AV dissociation
 Atrial flutter with varying conduction
 Frequent Ectopics
1. Electrical: Delayed ventricular activation time
2. Mechanical : Increased IVC time
2. VPC`s with RBBB morphology
3. LV Pacing
4. LBBB,RV pacing( Can cause reverse splitting
5. RA Myxoma,TS ( Extremely Delayed T1)
6. Ebstein Anomaly(Delayed closure of Septal
leaflet of Tricuspid Valve)
7. Older Adults
8. Acute M.I.
Longer LV pre-ejection time
 Normally Splitting is heard in expiration and at
the apex but if heard at the base it should be
suspected as a ejection click
Difference between Split S1 and
Split S1
1.Best heard at apex
and Left LSB
2. No Variation with
3. No Presystolic
4. Best heard with
1.Best heard at apex
2. Varies with
3. Presystolic
4. Best heard with
 S1 and AF
 S1 and relation to murmur in MVP
Second Heart Sound
 Produced by the sudden deceleration of the
blood mass at closure of Semilunar Valves
leading to vibration of the cardiohemic system
 2 components Aortic and Pulmonary
 Respiratory variations were described by
Potaine in 1866.
LV End Systole
Flow into great vessels complete
Sudden deceleration of the blood mass towards the Semilunar
Valves (Ao-LV and PA-RV pressure crossover)
Cessation of Forward flow into great vessels
Coaptation of the Semilunar Valves
Abrupt tensing of the closed leaflets and vibration of LVOT
And RVOT and Great Vessels
A2 and P2
 As compared to S1 there are limited
controversies over the exact genesis of S2
and the most accepted theory is by Shaver et
al who states that the highest frequency
sound is heard due to the vibrations of the
great vessels due to sudden tensing of the
supporting structures of the semilunar valves
at the time of pressure crossover between the
ventricles and the great arteries due to the
deceleration of the blood mass.
 High Frequency
 Best Heard with Diaphragm
 A2 louder than P2
 Normally A2-P2 gap : 10-60msec
 Average A2-P2 gap :40 msec best heard in
Mid to late inspiration.
 Narrow Splitting is gap < 30msec
 Splitting can be heard if gap >20msec
 With age the the A2-P2 gap reduces and its
normal to find single S2 in both phases in
 A2: Can be heard at R/L 2nd
ICS and apex
Best heard at apex
If palpable /Tambour A2(*) : Always
P2: Best heard at Left 2-4th
If heard at apex or if palpable:
Increased Intrathorasic Volume
Decreased Intrathorasic Pressure
Increased Blood to RV and relatively less blood from PV to LA
Prolonged RV systole and LV systole either unchanged or decrease
RV ejection and Q-P2 increases and Q-A2 unchanged or decreased
Several beats later and during expiration this increased BV enters
LV and Q-A2
Increases and Q-P2 again decreases
 Distance between the Ventricular Systolic
Pressure and its great vessels at the level of
Incisura is called HANGOUT INTERVAL.
 Termed by Shaver and associates.
 Insicura: Peak deceleration of the blood
mass in the great arteries and is followed by
rebound pressure.
 After the pressure cross over the valves
should close but due to the inertia of the
moving blood mass the valves remain open for
a brief period and this period is hangout
interval and it depends upon the vascular
impedance of the great vessels.
 Higher the resistance lower the H.I.
Importance of Hangout Interval
High Resistance and Low Compliance
Lesser distensibility
Recoil from the ejection of blood from
Aorta is brisk
Vibrations are relatively sooner
A2 and incisura come immediately after
LV ejection
Smaller Hangout Interval
Pulmonary Artery
Low Resistance & High
Recoil is delayed
As there is higher
P2 and incisura come
delayed after
RV ejection
Longer Hangout Interval
 Aortic HI is <15msec
 Pulmonary Hangout Interval is 2-5 times
higher than the Aortic Hangout Interval and
can be 43-86msec.
 PHI has more variation with respiration and is
Inversely related to PVR
 PHI is the most responsible for the widening of
A2-P2 in inspiration.
 INCREASED Q-P2 : 73%
Increased PA hangout interval: 45%
Increased RV ejection time : 28%
 DECREASED Q-A2 : 27%
1. Increase or decrease in the RV or
LV ejection time.
2. Increase or decrease in great
vessel impedance and/or distensibility
Ex: Electrical activation pattern, Abnormal
contraction of ventricle, Outflow tract
obstruction , changes in PVR/SVR
Its directly propotional to the rate of change of the
diastolic pressure gradient across the valve i.e.
driving force that’s acclerating the blood mass
retrograde into the base of the great vessels
This pressure gradient is dependent on:
1. Level of diastolic pressure in great vessels
2. Rate of pressure decline in the ventricles
1. Increase in the pressure of Ao or PA leading
to sudden deceleration of blood mass
2. Valve Morphology
Assessment of relative
loudness –perloff 172
1.Increased Pressure in Central Aorta: ex
2. Aortic Root Dilatation: Syphilis, Marfans, RA
3. Congenital Positional variation in CHD: ex
dTGA in which Aorta is pushed anteriorly., TOF
with absent P2 and dilated dextroposed Aorta
LOUD P2(relative to A2)
 Pulmonary Hypertension: Due to dilated PA,
Increased PAP.
 ASD: With large L-R shunt. Apex is occupied
by RV.
 Valvular AS due to distorted fibrosed and
calcified valve.Also seen in Supravalvular AS
but A2 is normal in Subvalvular AS.
 Aortic Regurgitation(destruction of the valve
tissue and impairment of elastic tensing
mechanism of the leaflets)
Decreased P2
 Valvular PS causes diminished and delayed
P2.Right sided maneuvers like Leg raising can
increase the intensity of P2.
 Deep Inspiration causes insulation of the PA
with air filled lung tissue and can lead to
diminished P2.
 Absent Pulmonary Valve
 CHD like TOF P2 can be inaudible
Determined by
1. Electromechanical Coupling(Q-
2. Mechanical Systole
3. Hangout intervals and thus the
PVR and
4. RV and LV inflows
 Normally, A2 will be heard at the apex and P2
will not be heard at apex even in inspiration.
 Thus while assessing the split, base should be
auscultated first and traced to the apex.
 Delayed P2
1. RBBB,LV Pacing(Prolonged Q-P2)
2. Pulmonary Embolism(Increased Systole)
3. Valvular PS: Delay corelates with the
severity of
A2-P2 interval >100msec indicates RV-PA gradient
This corelation is not seen in infundibular PS as the delay
is also caused by infundibular hypertrophy and not
valvular obsruction alone.
4. Idiopathic dilatation of PA: Delayed P2 due
to increased Hangout interval
5. RV failure(Increased Systole)
6. Late Pregnancy or Adv. Renal
 Early A2:
1: VSD with normal PAP
2 : Severe MR with Normal LVEF
3: LA Myxoma
4: Constrictive Pericarditis(reduced
diastolic inflow)
5:Pericardial Tamponade
and 4th
due to Decreased LV inflow and reduced
LV systole
 Presence of A2 and P2 at end Expiration
 In supine position Pts may have expiratory
split due to A2-P2 gap>30msec but it becomes
single in upright position and hence basal
areas should be auscultated in upright
postions only.
 Persistent expiratory split is pathological
 All the causes of Wide Split will cause
expiratory split also
 When the RV or LV SV does not change with
inspiration or changes equally with respiration
the splitting heard is FIXED.
 Diagnosis should be made only in both
recumbent and upright position as it
occasionally can be seen in supine position
Major Physiological Reasons
Equal change in LV/RV SV
1. Atrial Septal Defect
In cases of ASD with L-R shunt there is RV
overload and RA and LA act hemodynamically
as a single reservoir.
In inspiration, increased flow to RV which
causes decreased flow from LA to RA and thus
momentarily increased flow from LA to LV
increasing LV inflow.
This leads to Increased Q-A2 and hence both
RV and LV SV increase in inspiration.
In cases of ASD without PAH, this fixed splitting
is occasionally variable and respiratory variation
can be heard in sitting position.
 ASD with PAH: Always fixed splitting with loud
ASD and Valsalva Maneuver
In Normal population, in strain phase of
Valsalva, there is decrease in both LV and RV
inflow and thus reduced SV leading to fused S2.
During the release phase, there is sudden
increase in RV inflow and thus RV-SV increases
leading to prominent S2 splitting for 6-8beats
Finally when the augmented blood again
reaches LV, Q-A2 again increases leading to
narrowing of the A2-P2 gap.
 In patients with ASD, S2 splitting widens
during strain phase due to increased L to R
shunting and in the release phase the
expected S2 splitting doesn’t occur.
ASD and Atrial Fibrillation
 Long cycle lengths in patients with ASD
results in Increased A2-P2 splitting
Longer RR cycles cause wide split
S2 in AF(James O Toole et al Circulation 1977)
 Two factors responsible
1) QP2 progressively increased with increasing
cycle length due to a selective increase in the
duration of RV electromechanical systole
2) at relatively long cycle lengths, the duration of
LV electromechanical systole was relatively
 This is related to the differences in compliance
between the right and left ventricles.
 The longer cycle lengths allow greater time for
diastolic filling and because the left ventricle is
thicker and less compliant than the right, there
is selectively more filling of the right ventricle.
 This greater filling of the right ventricle then
leads to selective prolongation of the right
ventricular electromechanical interval with
increase in the width of splitting of S2.
2. Ventricular Septal Defects:
S2 is normally split in patients with VSD and
normal PAP.
Increased PVR, Decreased PA compliance and
decreased PA hangout Interval.
Both chambers eject into high resistance
vessels resulting in equal inspiratory delay on
both sides accompanied by nil respiratory
variation as both ventricles act as a common
This leads to single S2 in both the phases of
S2 in supracristal VSD: (Farru et al , BMJ
1.Pathological Splitting of S2 in expiration
2. Attenuated and delayed P2
3. Crescendo-Decrescendo murmur
 The main cause was a delay in pulmonary valve
closure due to a lengthening of the ejection
period of the right ventricle.
 The mechanism is analogous to that of valvular
PS due to overloading of the infundibulum during
systole by left-to-right shunt at this level which
acts as an obstruction to RVOT and interferes
with its emptying; consequently, the systolic
ejection period of the right ventricle is
 In cases of major pressure overload of RV
1. RV Failure
2. Acute/ Chronic PE
3. Severe PAH(uncommon)
4. RBBB with Congestive Cardiac Failure: RV
systole is substantially prolonged and A2- P2
coupling will be both wide and fixed. In such
cases maneuvers that decrease the venous
return as torniquets and upright position bring
about the respiratory variation.
 Here S2 is maximally split at expiration and
narrows or fuses at inspiration
 As the directional changes also occur its also
called as paradoxical splitting.
Paradoxical Split
Type 1
Type 1
Type 2Type 2 Type 3Type 3
Incrased Q-A2 interval due
to LV mechanical delay
During Expiration
Prolonged LV systole
makes A2 follow P2 and is
heard in expiration
During Inspiration
Q-P2 increases normally but
Q-A2 remains unchanged
and ear appreciates only
single S2
Mild delay in Q-A2
Marked Q-P2
During Inspiration
Normal split may
be heard
During Expiration
S2 reverse split
Both Expiratory
And Inpiratory
Is <20msec and S2
Fused in both the
Increased Q-A2 interval
1. LBBB: Most common cause of the Reversed
Increased LV systole due to
1.Increased interval from the beginning of
electrical activation ie onset of QRS to IVC
2.Increased LV IVC time secondary to imapired
LV contractility.
2. WPW syndrome with Rt Ventricular
Pre excitation from Rt Bypass tract
Q-P2 may shorten with inspiration.
May cause type 2 paradoxical splitting.
3.RV pacing and RV-PVC
4. Increased LV ejection time:
Uncommon but Large SV in LV overload
conditions may lead to prolonged Q-A2 and
paradoxical Splitting.
Severe AR
Severe LV dysfunction
5. LVOT Obstruction:
Valvular AS and HCM
In valvular AS ,not only its because of the
prolonged ejection time but also due to the post
stenotic dilatation of the Aorta and thus
increased Hangout interval.
Decreased Q-P2(uncommon)
 Shortened RV systole : seen in TS and RA
Key to Auscultate Reverse
 As per Constant et al
 2 approaches:
1. Assess the amplitude of both components of
S2 as the stethoscope moves from base to
Component that softens at apex is P2
2. Valsalva Maneuver: Widening of S2 in strain
phase, narrowing on release and
subsequent widening again
2. Large chests:
Deep Inspiration in these patients will
cause artificial muffling Of P2 due to
insulation of the PA by the expanded
lungs and hence S2 appears single with
inspiration and split in expiration
 Heard when the A2-P2 gap is <30msec
1. Aging: Incidence of Auditary splitting with
inspiration decrases with age.
50% subjects with age >60yrs have single S2.
Due to either age related increased LV ejection
Or due to age related increase in PVR and
subsequent decrease in PA hangout interval.
2. Artifactual Muffling of P2: Lung insulation of
the P2 during inspiration in COPD and large A-P
diameter chest individuals.
3. Pulmonary Hyertension: Pts with Severe PAH
and Normal RV function narrow A2-P2 is a must
and loud P2 can backwards mask A2 causing it
to appear as single S2.
4. Pathological Absence of P2:
Severe Pulmonic deformity with low or absent
PBF and great vessel malposition causes single
ex: TOF
Pulmonary Atresia and stenosis
Tricuspid Atresia
Truncus Arteriosus
5. Semilunar Valve Stenosis:
In severe AS,A2 can be obscured by a murmur
of AS or it itself can be soft or absent.
6. Eisenmenger VSD, Single Ventricle
Common ventricular chamber ejects into 2
vessels with equal compliance,resistance and
hangout interval, the systole lengths will be
equal and S2 will be fused in all phases.
 ASD:
Normal PAP:
Delayed normal intensity P2 with wide
inspiratory split
May or may not have Fixed split
With PAH: Loud P2 with Fixed Split as a rule
In post operative cases of ASD,P2 may remain loud but
the split becomes physiological or wide in 70% cases.
 VSD:
Hyperkinetic but Normal PAP:
Wide physiological split S2 with
early A2 and normal P2
With PAH :
Delayed and loud P2
With Eisenmengrisation:
Single Fused S2
Large PDA: (Increased H.I sec to
Delayed A2 +/- Loud P2
Paradoxical Split
Eisenmenger PDA:
Loud P2
Narrow Split(Fused also can
Third Heart Sounds
 Low frequency , Low amplitude diastolic
 Heard after A2(120-140msec after A2)
 Heard at the cardiac apex(LVS3) and L-
 Best heard with Bell of stethoscope
 Can be heard normally in children and young
 Normal S3 can persist after 40yr but only in
 Presystolic Sound
 Also termed as Ventricular Diastolic Gallop,
Protodiastolic gallop and S3 gallop.
 With respect to presence or absence of S4, its
called as Triple or Quadruple Gallop or
Summation Gallop(in cases of tachycardia)
Physiology of Origin of S3
 S3 occurs when there is rapid active
ventricular filling phase which is associated
with ventricular relaxation.
 Follows MV opening and near the end of RVF
 Initial Vibrations conincide with the maximal
excursion or `checking` of the LV septum and
posterior free wall by MV leaflets
 Final component is due to rapid deceleration
of blood during inflow to LV is translated into
vibratory energy of the cardiohemic system
which produces S3
 It occurs when the active ventricular relaxation
ends and passive distension begins
1.Potain: He suggested the origin of S3 to be a
ventricular sound due to sudden cessation of
ventricular distension in early diastole.
2.Shaver reddy et al: Nature of coupling of the LV
with inner chest wall
Factors affecting genesis of S3
1. Transmitral blood flow velocity or volume
2. LV relaxation properties
3. LV End Diastolic Volume
4. Blood Viscosity
5. Coupling of LV with chest wall
6. Character of the Chest
 Intensity of S3 increases with Isotonic
exercises,Coughing(Increased HR) and leg
raising(increased venous return)
Why is it heard normally in
Children and Young Subjects
1. Young have rapid diastolic filling secondary to
higher Cardiac Output as compared to elderly
2. Altered LV compliance physiology with age
3. Altered sound transmission in adults
4.Decrease in LV-chest wall coupling in adults
 Physiological S3 heard in children in mainly
contributed by LV and involvement of RV is
questionable in normal S3
Clinical Significance of S3
Mainly present in
1. Normal Hearts
2. Diastolic Overload states
3. LV dysfunction with or without overt CCF
4. Constrictive Pericarditis
S3 in Normal Hearts
 Uncommon to be heard in subjects aged >40
yrs under normal circumstances
 Increased Cardiac Output states
Acoustically similar to the pathological gallop
Usually attenuate or disappear in upright
Can be associated with flow murmurs
Pregnant females can have S3 in 80% cases
and out of that 60% <20wks
 Thin Chest Wall
Associated with Flow murmurs
Can be palpable also
Diastolic Overload States
S3 in Mitral Regurgitation
Seen in hemodynamically significant MR
Loudest S3 amongst all the conditions.
Frequency may reach >150 Hz and may
simulate OS
May be associated with a mid diastolic flow
Hemodynamically its due to significantly
elevated LV filling pressure with high diastolic
filling rates.
 If LVEF is normal in MR, it does not hold an
ominous prognosis and indicates volume
overload state.
 In such cases the velocity and amplitude of
early diastolic filling is increased and LV apical
impulse is hyperactive.
 Development of significant PAH after severe
MR will soften the S3 but if it causes RV
failure S3 may appear again.
 Usually RV S3 is uncommon in cases of high
flow situations like TR and ASD on the right
side unless there is high RV volume overload
or RV failure.
 This is seen because RV compliance is much
more than the LV compliance.
S3 in LV dysfunction
Characteristic of global LV impairment
If S3 is related to a new clinical event like AMI or
acclerated hypertension, its transient and
disappears once the LV function improves.
In cases of S3 associated with functional MR in
severe LV dysfunction, its mailnly due to poor
LV function rather than LA volume overload as
seen in valvular MR
 A pathological S3 in LV dysfunction will persist
in upright position but may soften with this
Hemodynamics in LV
Depressed LVEF
LA,PA and PCWP are elevated
LV early diastolic pressure is elevated
End diastolic pressure may or may not
increase with atrial contraction
Increased vibration in the early diastolic phase
 Along with other attributes, LV dilation leads to
increased coupling of LV and chest wall.
(shaver reddy theory)
S3 in Constrictive Pericarditis
 Different from usual S3
 Early, Loud, High pitched diastolic sound
 Earlier than normal S3 i.e 80-100 msec after
 Caused by elevated LA pressure and a rapid
rise of early ventricular diastolic pressure due
to stiff pericardial casing.
 S3 is usually loudest of all sounds in these
 Pericardial Knock
Other causes of S3
 LV aneursym in CAD
 Decompsated hypertensive and AV disease
 Dilated cardiomyopthy
 S3 is the best predictor of mortality at 2.5 yr in
cases with CAD
Fourth Heart Sound(S4)
 Low frequency sound after atrial systole
 Bell of stethoscope
 Ventricular origin
 20-40Hz
 Follows P wave by 140-200msec
 Precedes S1
 Actual contraction of atria doesn’t produce any
sound and the sound is due to the sudden
tensing of cardiohemic system
 As S3 increases with isotonic exercise, S4
increases with isometric exercise which
causes an increased afterload on LV reducing
the LV compliance.
Hemodynamic correlates
LV hypertrophy with normal LV dimensions and
Low compliance ventricle
Impaired velocity of LV diastolic filling in
presence of preserved cardiac output
Physiology of a stiff LV
 Normal in LV diastole, 80% is rapid ventricular
filling and 15% is atrial booster(end diastole)
 In cases of stiff LV, atrial booster becomes
responsible for the greater proportion of LV
filling and may provide upto 30-40 % of
 At this stage, S4 appears as a prominent
sound but as the LV dysfunction appears in
course of disease, early and mid diastolic LV
pressure increases and LA contraction
produces relatively lesser further increase in
 Now, S4 becomes soft or even inaudible.
Importance of LA function
Because S4 appears after atrial systole, LA
contractility plays a huge role in genesis of S4 at
the end of LV diastole.
Fibrosis, Ischemia or dilatation causes diminution of
S4 in AF: Absent
S4 in chronic severe MR: Absent(LA enlarged and
reduced LA
S4 in CHB: Loud when LA contracts against closed
MV(not from LV walls but due to tensing of MV
 Common denominator of all the causes in all
the conditions causing S4 is LVH with
restricted early diastolic filing due to stiff
 Ventricular compliance: S4>>S3
 Cardiac decompensation: S3>>S4
Causes of LVS4
1. Coronary Artery disease
2. Hypertension
3. Aortic Stenosis
4. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
5. Acute MR
6. Other causes: CHB
Coronary Artery Disease
 S4 is hallmark of CAD
 Reduced LV compliance due to prior MI
produces S4
 Acute MI causes S4 in 80-90% cases which
manifests 24-48hrs after onset of infarction.
 S4 persisting after MI has been shown to
portend poor prognosis for subsequent cardiac
 S4 may appear during angina and disappears
with NTG
 Many believe that isolated S4 in a normal
individual may predict a future coronary event.
 In patients with LV aneursym, S4 is common
and is even palpable.
Evidence-Marcus et al`2005-
Patients underwent Left heart catheterization and coronary assesment and it was
found that
Patients with isolated S4 in absence of S3 had much more incidence of isolated CAD
irrespective of the LV systolic function
Acute MR
 Acute MR will cause large regurgitant volume
to be pushed forcibly into a normal sized LV
resulting in S4 .
 Chronic MR leads to decreased LA contraction
due to enlarged LA leading to loss of S4
 In PAH and PS leading to severe RV pressure
overload can lead to S4
 Inspiratory augmentation and maximal
intensity at the Left LSB is indicative of RV
Differentiating LV and RV gallop
 Leg raising, Inspiration and pressure over liver
can augment right sided sounds but not the LV
S4 audibility and PR interval
 In cases of acute/chronic LV decompensation,
S4 closely follows the P wave of ECG and is
more widely separated from S1 at any given
PR interval and thus is readily heard.
 As the LV pressure decreases with therapy,
S4 and S1 move closer decreasing the
audibility of S4.
 Thus with long PR interval S4 is more readily
heard and separated from S1.
 When HR is high, atrial contraction will move
into rapid filling phase of diastole and thus S3
and S4 will occur together leading to a very
loud summation gallop.
 CSM and rate control can separate the two
 When S3 and S4 both are heard, the term
quadruple gallop is used.
Systolic Ejection Sounds
 Early systolic ejection sounds from either Left
or Right side of the heart
 High frequency
 Immediately after S1
 Always pathological
 Also called as Ejection clicks
 Can be Vascular or Valvular
Location:Aortic ES
Aortic ES : valvular ES: best at the apex
vascular origin best at the base
Location: Pulmonary ES
 Best heard at the 2nd
and 3rd
ICS in upright
 Whenever a loud sound best heard in the
above mentioned area is seen to have
variation with respiration, Pulmonary click
should be strongly considered.
Pathophysiology of Ejection
2 different mechanisms:
1.Snapping open or doming of a stenotic
thickened or malformed pulmonary or aortic
2.Sudden tensing of proximal Aorta or pulmonary
artery at the time of early ejection coincident
with the upstroke of pressure rise in the
responsible great vessel(Vascular)
 Valvular ES are classically found in congenital
aortic and pulmonary valvular stenosis.
Commissural fusion of semilunar valve and
leaflet thickening and rapidly rising ventricular
pressure in early systole drives the abnormal
leaflets upwards and the taut valve leaflets
bulge or dome into their respective great
vessel producing a high frequency sound.
 Flow across the valve occurs after the
maximal valve opening followed by the
ejection systolic murmur and followed by S2
 In cases of severe calcification or reduced
mobility ES and S2 is diminished or even
Aortic Valvular Ejection Sounds
 Ejection click is almost always present in
Congenital Nonstenotic Bicuspid Aortic Valvea
and across the entire spectrum of mild to
severe AS
 In acquired AS and of rheumatic origin,
Ejection click is much less common and is not
heard due to severe anatomic
deformity,calcification and rigid leaflets
producing reduced excurtion.
 High frequency sound followed by the ejection
 Best heard at apex
 Aortic valvular ES is delayed 20-40msec after
the onset of pressure rise in central aorta and
is coincident with sharp anacrotic notch on
upstroke of Aortic pressure curve
 Sound is conincident with the maximal
excursion of domed valve when its elastic
limits are met which causes the sudden
deceleration of the blood mass leading to
vibrations of cardiohemic system causing the
 Thus for this sound to be produced, the valve
leaflet mobility is imperative.
 Calcified deformed valves doesn’t produce the
 Aortic ES have no corelation with the intensity
of the stenosis.
 In cases of mobile,non stenotic valve, the ES
is widely placed from S1 due to prolonged
excursion of the mobile valve leaflets
Pulmonic Stenosis
 Seen in only valvular PS
 Variability with respiration :
In contrast to all other Right sided sounds,
Pulmonary click softens or diminishes with
In very mild PS respiratory variation may be
Cause of this respiratory
PA diastolic pressure is low and RV compliance
is low due to RVH due to PS
With inspiration, augmented venous return
causes more forceful RA contraction causing
increased RV EDP
RV late diastolic pressure exceeds diastolic
pressure of PA
 PV cusps get literally pushed towards an open
position during late diastole and thus the
actual opening excursion of valve cusps is
minimal or even absent thus leading to soft
opening click.
 In cases of very severe PS, there is vigorous
atrial contraction leading to increase in
RVEDP to be more than PA diastolic pressure
at the time to RA booster phase.
 As the severity of PS increases, both the
excursion of deformed valve and RV
isovolumetric contraction time decrease thus
causing the Pulmonary ES to appear early
towards S1.
NonValvular ES
 An ES with a normal semilunar valve is
typically associated with dilated aorta or PA
which occurs in conditions with either
increased SV and/or increased force of
Aortic Vascular ES
 Usually found in cases of systemic HTN in
setting of sclerotic tortuous aortic root and a
tight non compliant arterial tree with forceful
LV ejection.
 Coincident with the upstroke of the central
aortic pressure.
 In contrast to the valvular type,they are poorly
transmitted from base and are poorly heard at
the apex.
Pulmonary Vascular ES
 Common denominator to these sounds is
dilation of PA whether it is idiopathic or due to
 Conditions causing PAH in which there is
ejection of blood into a tense non compliant
vessel is a cause of ES and it thus coincides
with the maximal opening of PV.
 Higher the pulmonary pressure, later is the
ejection sound which is due to increased RV
systolic time and delayed opening of PV
 Usually ASD is not associated with ejection
sounds unless it is associated with PAH and if
even after closure of ASD there is persistence
of ES, it indicates chronic changes in PA
Non Ejection Sounds
 Mid systolic click due to prolapse of the mitral
or tricuspid valve is the most frequent cause of
systolic non ejection sounds and are often
associated with a systolic regurgitant murmur.
Proposed mechanism is due to tensing of the
Atrioventricular valves during systole when the
elastic limits of the prolapsed valve is
suddenly reached.
 Sharp high frequency clicking quality
 Often confined to apex but can be transmitted
widely to the precordium.
 Can present as either an isolated click in
middle to late systole or as multiple clicks
throughout the systole due to different areas of
large redundant scalloped mitral leaflets
prolapsing at different times in the systole
 Click usually occurs at the time of maximal
prolapse of the leaflets.
Variability of non ejection clicks
 A classical feature of these sounds is
variability of the findings from one examination
to the other and even beat to beat.
 Timing of the click and click with the late
systolic murmur changes considerably
 Variation with posture:
In upright posture,the heart becomes
smaller due to decreased venous return and
the click moves early in systole.
Squatting increases the venous return as well as
afterload increases the LV volume,causes late
prolapse and movement of the click towards S2.
Conclusively, it has been documented that the
timing of the click depends upon the size of LV
leading to valvuloventricular disproportion.
 In general,maneuver that reduces LV volume
like sitting,standing, strain at valsalva and
amyl nitrite inhalation causes the click to come
early in systole closer to S1.
 Maneuvers increasing the LV size like
squatting,vasopressor infusion and supine
position will move the click towards S2.
Opening Snaps
 Coined by Thayer in 1908
 High frequency diastolic sounds in mitral
 Margolies and Wolferth proposed the
mechanism of OS ie sudden stopping of the
opening motion of the valve after the elastic
limits are met.
 Sound is contributed more by the AML rather
than PML.
 Crisp sharp high frequency sound
 Best heard in area from L-LSB to just inside of
the cardiac apex.
 Followed by the diastolic rumble of the MS
 No variation with respiration
 Intensity of the OS corelates with the opening
of the valve.
 Loud OS is present in mobile stenotic valves
with good excursions while calcified MS has
absent or diminished OS.
 Intensity of OS corelates directly with loudness
of M1
 Although its generally said that calcified MV
will not have OS but 50-60% calcified valves
may have OS which supports the fact that it is
due to lack of mobility in calcified valves that
causes absence of OS and not the calcium
 OS occurs at the maximal MV opening shortly
after LV-LA pressure crossover.
Factors affecting A2-OS gap
1. Rate of LV pressure decline
2. Level of LV pressure at the time of A2
3. Level of LA pressure
 Heart rate- tachycardia decreases A2-OS
(shortening of diastole)
 Brady increases A2-OS (prolonged
 Hypertension – A2-OS increased
( LVpressure takes longer time to descend
below LAP)
 Increased LVEDP- increased A2-OS
(obliteration of transmitral gradient and
increased LV ejection time)
 More severe MS will have high LA pressure
thus a short A2-OS gap.
 Isolated TS is rare and when TS present its
usually accompanies MS who`s OS
overshadows that of TS
 As compared to OS of MV, OS of TV is found
closer to L-LSB and its intensity increases with
inspiration and it usually appears after OS of
OS with Normal Valves
 Although rare but OS can be heard in high
flow situations across the atrioventricular
1. Large ASD
2. Severe MR(rheumatic with diastolic doming of
the the deformed mitral valve leaflets)
3. Large VSD
4. Thyrotoxicosis
5. Tricuspid atresia with large ASD
Prosthetic Valve Sounds
 Sound depends upon the type of valve and
Starr Edwards Ball cage valve
 Loudest sound is produced by any valve
 In aortic position, opening click occurs 60-70
msec after S1 and is due to maximal ball
 Absence or decrease occurs with Valve
obstruction and LV dysfunction.
 In mitral position prominent opening click
occurs 50-150msec after A2 and narrowing of
this interval indicates raised LA pressure.
 Closing click is also prominent at mitral area
and behaves exactly as S1.
 Tilting disc valve(Medtronic Hall,Bjork
Shirley and St Judes)
These valves produce more prominent closing
sound rather than the opening click
LV dysfunction,1st
degree AV block will cause the
disc to move to partial closed position prior to
LV contraction leading to a softer sound.
Tumour plop;
 high frequency heard in atrial myxomas
 Abrupt diastolic seating of mobile myxoma
within Rt or Lt AV orifice
 Later than OS
Pericardial knock
 Diastolic sound caused by loss of pericardial
elasticity that limits ventricular filling
 High pitched sound
 Louder with inspiration, squatting (increased
venous return)
 Mechanism-structural restriction of diastolic
filling by the restricting pericardial shell
 Disappear following pericardiectomy
Pacemaker sounds
Occuring nearly synchronously with
pacemaker spike
Caused by stimulation of intercostal nerves
adjacent to endocardial electrodes which
results in contraction of intercostal muscles
Should always rule out myocardial
Pericardial friction rubs
 High pitched, leathery, scratchy sound
heard in end expiration.
 Has three components according to the
cardiac cycle when heart has the maximal
excursion against the pericardium
1.Atrial systole
2. Ventricular systole
3.Rapid early disatolic filling
Usually only 2 components are heard except in
uremic pericarditis where all 3 components are
It’s a misconception that fluid between 2 layers
decreases the rub but it doesn’t because some
portion of 2 layers continue to stay in touch.
Mediastinal crunch(Hamman Sign)
 Scratchy sounds, due to air in the mediastinum
 Most frequently during ventricular systole due to
heart beating against the air filled tissue & in a
random fashion

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Heart Sounds - 1

  • 2. Theme of the presentation  PART I: Cardiac Cycle S1 S2 : GENESIS,PATHOLOGY AND CONTROVERSIES  PART II: S3 S4 Added Sounds Ejection Sounds
  • 4.  Mechanical events from the beginning of one heart beat to the beginning of next one constitutes one cardiac cycle  Constitutes of Ventricular Systole and V. Diastole  Systole: 1. Isovolumetric Contraction (0.05sec) (0.27) 2. Ejection Phase(Rapid + Slow( 0.09 + 0.13sec) (70% +30%) Diastole: 1. Isovolumetric Relaxation(including Protodiastole) (0.12sec) (0.53) 2. Rapid Ventricular Filling(0.11sec) 3. Reduced/Slow Ventricular Filling(Diastases) (0.19sec) 4. Atrial Kick/Booster (0.11sec)
  • 5. POLYGRAM  Graphical representation of the pressure volume relationship of Aorta, Ventricle and Atria along with ECG and Phonocardiogram tracings is called polygram.
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  • 9. Heart Sounds - Basics  Human Ear Capacity 20- 20,000Hz  Best Acuity heard at 1000-5000Hz  Most Sounds and Murmurs 30- 1000Hz
  • 10. Stethoscope  Invented by Dr Rene Laennec in France in 1816  Monaural and wooden tube structure
  • 11.  First Binaural Stethoscope was invented by Dr George Cammann in 1841 in New York
  • 12.  Conventional Stethoscope developed by 1960 Bell: Low frequency Sounds(30- 150HZ Diaphragm: High Frequency >300HZ Tube : Ideally Double Tubing 10-12in Best Inner Diameter 1/8 – 3/16in
  • 14. RUSHMER THEORY  Cardiac Sounds represent the vibrations produced by the reverberations of the cardiac structures like ventricular mass, Valvular Apparatus and fibrous skeleton of the heart due to sudden accleration or deceleration of the blood mass during each cardiac cycle
  • 15.  No normal valvular apparatus is thick and rigid enough to produce the cardiac sound just by leaflet apposition thus the sound is actually due to sudden tensing of the surrounding structures(*)  More rapid the tensing due to blood mass and pressure crossover between two chambers ,higher is the frequency of the sound.
  • 16.  The low frequency sounds like S3 and S4 is not due to the sudden tensing rather than due to large amount of blood mass moving at low velocities.
  • 18. FIRST HEART SOUND- S1 (M1 T1)  Medium to High frequency Sound signalling the onset of LV contraction.  50- 60 msec after the electrical initiation of ventricular depolarisation the first high frequency component of S1 is heard.  In actuality there are 3-6 components of S1 but out of these, high frequency and audible are only 2 components.
  • 19.  Calling the components of S1 as M1 and T1 is more of a convenient acronym rather than the fact, as various controversies surround the production of the same.
  • 20. FIRST COMPONENT OF S1  LUISADA THEORY States that MV cusps have nil or minimal role to play in the origin of this component and this component is due to the sudden tensing of LV walls , Septum and the MV apparatus at the onset of IVC. He assumed that MV closure precedes the first high frequency component of S1. He was against the terminology M1
  • 21.  LEATHEM,CRAIGE AND OTHERS They proposed that the first component is due to the maximal closing excursion of mitral cusps and M1 reflects the sudden tensing of the closed MV leaflets causing the vibration in the surrounding structures. MV leaflets play a role in the production of M1 and Closure conincides with the M1 More confirmed theory
  • 22. Second Component of S1  LUISADA AND SHAVER THEORY Due to the vibrations caused by the ejection component occuring with the opening of Aortic Valve Controversial but most authors concur that the second component is due to the onset of ejection into the aorta and this is accentuated and delayed in the diseased states resulting to be heard diffirently
  • 23.  CRAIGE AND LEATHAM THEORY Due to closure of the tricuspid valve.
  • 24. CHARACTERISTICS OF S1  Normally heard as fused single heart sound  Medium to High Frequency  Low Pitched  Best heard with diaphragm  M1 louder than T1  M1 best heard at apex  T1 best heard at Left LSB  Splitting can be heard in Expiration and @ L- LSB
  • 25.  Normal M1 is followed by T1 by 30msec  If the gap between is <20msec its sounds as a single sound
  • 26. FACTORS AFFECTING S1 STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY OF VALVE 1.Inadequate coaptation of mitral valve 2. Loss of leaflet tissue – soft S1 (IE) 3. Thickness & mobility of the valve
  • 27. VELOCITY OF VALVE CLOSURE determined by the position of mitral valve at the onset of ventricular systole Position of mitral valve is altered by relative timing of atrial & ventricular systole( PR interval ) Long PR: longer diastolic filling time-LV pressure gradually increases - mitral valve leaflets slowly drift together- lesser distance between leaflets Short PR - mitral leaflets are farther apart at the onset of ventricular systole- closes with a high velocity large excursion
  • 28.  Very short PR- atrial systole coincides with ventricular systole, diminishing the VA gradient at the time of AV valve closure- s1 soft/ inaudible  Max Intensity is heard between 80-140msec  Soft S1 heard with PR >200msec
  • 29. STATUS OF VENTRICULAR CONTRACTION  Increased myocardial contractility increases the rate of LV pressure(dP/dt) – loud S1 ( Exercise, high output state)  Decreased dP/dt – soft S1 (A/c MI, myocarditis, LBBB)  Loss of isovolumic contraction- decreases dp/dt- decreased velocity of mitral valve closure - soft S1 MR ,large VSD - S1 may be masked by the murmur
  • 30. EXTRACARDIAC CAUSES -Obesity, emphysema, pericardial effusion decrease the intensity of all auscultatory events -Thin chest wall increases the intensity Straight Back Syndrome: Loss of thorasic Kyphosis causes a very narrow thorasic cavity: Loud delayed T1
  • 31. LOUD S1  Labelled when its louder than A2 at the apex or Louder than or equal to A2 at base.
  • 32. LOUD M1 1.Mitral Stenosis 3 major reasons 1. Persistently elevated LA pressure in late diastole leads to higher rate of ventricular pressure development (dp/dt) during isovolumetric systolic phase 2. Wide closing excursion of MV leaflets 3. Stiff non compliant leaflet and the subvalvular structures (in RHD)
  • 33. 2. MVP ( non rheumatic MR): Holosystolic prolapse– S1 loud- due to delay in checking action of mitral valve caused by increased valve displacement, increased amplitude of leaflet excursion and summation of normal M1& nonejection click 3. Exercise – Tachycardia induced short PR - Increased LV contractility - Increased flow across the valve
  • 34. 4. LA Myxoma : Physiologically similar to MS. (Booming S1-coined by Shaver et al in 1985)
  • 35. LOUD T1  TS  ASD - increased tricuspid flow  Anomalous pulmonary venous connection - increased tricuspid flow  Ebstein anomaly( noted by Barlow in 1969 postulated due to increase in RV pressure rising rate- Sail Sound(coined by Fontana nd Wooly 1972))  Straight Back Syndrome(Distance b/w Mid of Ant Br of T8 and line between T4 and T12 on lateral CXR <1.2cm)
  • 36. Soft S1  MITRAL REGURGITATION - decreased mobility, poor coaptation, loss of isovolumic contraction(in cases of LV dysfunction)  CALCIFIC MS- immobility of mitral valve  SEVERE AR Steep rise in LV diastolic pressure causes LVP>LAP in late diastole only leading to premature closure of MV
  • 37.  LBBB- delay in onset of LV contraction- delayed and soft M1 decreased LV contractility concomitant 1st degree AV block  Acute Myocardial infarction- decreased ventricular contractility, associated MR, LBBB
  • 38. VARIABLE S1  AF (variable diastolic cycle length and thus variable position of the cusps as the onset of systole.Short cycle Loud S1 and Long cycle : Soft S1)  CHB  VT with AV dissociation  Atrial flutter with varying conduction  Frequent Ectopics
  • 39. ABNORMAL SPLITTING OF S1  WIDE SPLITTING 2 MAJOR CAUSES 1. Electrical: Delayed ventricular activation time 2. Mechanical : Increased IVC time
  • 40. CAUSES 1. RBBB 2. VPC`s with RBBB morphology 3. LV Pacing 4. LBBB,RV pacing( Can cause reverse splitting T1-M1) 5. RA Myxoma,TS ( Extremely Delayed T1) 6. Ebstein Anomaly(Delayed closure of Septal leaflet of Tricuspid Valve) 7. Older Adults 8. Acute M.I. Longer LV pre-ejection time
  • 41.  Normally Splitting is heard in expiration and at the apex but if heard at the base it should be suspected as a ejection click
  • 42. Difference between Split S1 and S4 Split S1 1.Best heard at apex and Left LSB 2. No Variation with Respiration 3. No Presystolic accentuation palpable 4. Best heard with Diaphragm S4 1.Best heard at apex alone 2. Varies with Respiration 3. Presystolic accentuation palpable 4. Best heard with Bell
  • 43.  S1 and AF  S1 and relation to murmur in MVP
  • 45. Second Heart Sound  Produced by the sudden deceleration of the blood mass at closure of Semilunar Valves leading to vibration of the cardiohemic system  2 components Aortic and Pulmonary  Respiratory variations were described by Potaine in 1866.
  • 46. GENESIS OF S2(A2 P2) LV End Systole Flow into great vessels complete Sudden deceleration of the blood mass towards the Semilunar Valves (Ao-LV and PA-RV pressure crossover) Cessation of Forward flow into great vessels Coaptation of the Semilunar Valves Abrupt tensing of the closed leaflets and vibration of LVOT And RVOT and Great Vessels A2 and P2
  • 47.  As compared to S1 there are limited controversies over the exact genesis of S2 and the most accepted theory is by Shaver et al who states that the highest frequency sound is heard due to the vibrations of the great vessels due to sudden tensing of the supporting structures of the semilunar valves at the time of pressure crossover between the ventricles and the great arteries due to the deceleration of the blood mass.
  • 48. CHARACTERISTICS OF S2  High Frequency  Best Heard with Diaphragm  A2 louder than P2  Normally A2-P2 gap : 10-60msec  Average A2-P2 gap :40 msec best heard in Mid to late inspiration.  Narrow Splitting is gap < 30msec  Splitting can be heard if gap >20msec  With age the the A2-P2 gap reduces and its normal to find single S2 in both phases in
  • 49.  A2: Can be heard at R/L 2nd ICS and apex Best heard at apex If palpable /Tambour A2(*) : Always pathological P2: Best heard at Left 2-4th ICS If heard at apex or if palpable: Pathological
  • 50. RESPIRATION AND S2 INSPIRATION Increased Intrathorasic Volume Decreased Intrathorasic Pressure Increased Blood to RV and relatively less blood from PV to LA Prolonged RV systole and LV systole either unchanged or decrease RV ejection and Q-P2 increases and Q-A2 unchanged or decreased Several beats later and during expiration this increased BV enters LV and Q-A2 Increases and Q-P2 again decreases
  • 51. HANGOUT INTERVAL  Distance between the Ventricular Systolic Pressure and its great vessels at the level of Incisura is called HANGOUT INTERVAL.  Termed by Shaver and associates.  Insicura: Peak deceleration of the blood mass in the great arteries and is followed by rebound pressure.
  • 52.  After the pressure cross over the valves should close but due to the inertia of the moving blood mass the valves remain open for a brief period and this period is hangout interval and it depends upon the vascular impedance of the great vessels.  Higher the resistance lower the H.I.
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  • 55. Importance of Hangout Interval Aorta High Resistance and Low Compliance Lesser distensibility Recoil from the ejection of blood from Aorta is brisk Vibrations are relatively sooner A2 and incisura come immediately after LV ejection Smaller Hangout Interval Pulmonary Artery Low Resistance & High Compliance Recoil is delayed As there is higher distensiblity P2 and incisura come delayed after RV ejection Longer Hangout Interval
  • 56.  Aortic HI is <15msec  Pulmonary Hangout Interval is 2-5 times higher than the Aortic Hangout Interval and can be 43-86msec.  PHI has more variation with respiration and is Inversely related to PVR  PHI is the most responsible for the widening of A2-P2 in inspiration.
  • 57. CONTRIBUTION OF VARIOUS COMPONENTS IN DELAY OF P2  INCREASED Q-P2 : 73% Increased PA hangout interval: 45% Increased RV ejection time : 28%  DECREASED Q-A2 : 27%
  • 58. FACTORS AFFECTING S2  AFFECTING SPLITTING: 1. Increase or decrease in the RV or LV ejection time. 2. Increase or decrease in great vessel impedance and/or distensibility Ex: Electrical activation pattern, Abnormal contraction of ventricle, Outflow tract obstruction , changes in PVR/SVR
  • 59.  AFFECTING INTENSITY: Its directly propotional to the rate of change of the diastolic pressure gradient across the valve i.e. driving force that’s acclerating the blood mass retrograde into the base of the great vessels This pressure gradient is dependent on: 1. Level of diastolic pressure in great vessels 2. Rate of pressure decline in the ventricles
  • 60. 1. Increase in the pressure of Ao or PA leading to sudden deceleration of blood mass 2. Valve Morphology
  • 62. INCREASED A2 1.Increased Pressure in Central Aorta: ex Hypertension 2. Aortic Root Dilatation: Syphilis, Marfans, RA Takayasu 3. Congenital Positional variation in CHD: ex dTGA in which Aorta is pushed anteriorly., TOF with absent P2 and dilated dextroposed Aorta
  • 63. LOUD P2(relative to A2)  Pulmonary Hypertension: Due to dilated PA, Increased PAP.  ASD: With large L-R shunt. Apex is occupied by RV.
  • 64. DECREASED A2  Valvular AS due to distorted fibrosed and calcified valve.Also seen in Supravalvular AS but A2 is normal in Subvalvular AS.  Aortic Regurgitation(destruction of the valve tissue and impairment of elastic tensing mechanism of the leaflets)
  • 65. Decreased P2  Valvular PS causes diminished and delayed P2.Right sided maneuvers like Leg raising can increase the intensity of P2.  Deep Inspiration causes insulation of the PA with air filled lung tissue and can lead to diminished P2.  Absent Pulmonary Valve  CHD like TOF P2 can be inaudible
  • 66. SPLITTING OF S2  PHYSIOLOGICAL SPLITTING Determined by 1. Electromechanical Coupling(Q- P2,Q-A2) 2. Mechanical Systole 3. Hangout intervals and thus the PVR and SVR 4. RV and LV inflows
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  • 69.  Normally, A2 will be heard at the apex and P2 will not be heard at apex even in inspiration.  Thus while assessing the split, base should be auscultated first and traced to the apex.
  • 70. WIDE SPLIT S2  Delayed P2 1. RBBB,LV Pacing(Prolonged Q-P2) 2. Pulmonary Embolism(Increased Systole) 3. Valvular PS: Delay corelates with the severity of lesion. A2-P2 interval >100msec indicates RV-PA gradient >100mmhg. This corelation is not seen in infundibular PS as the delay is also caused by infundibular hypertrophy and not valvular obsruction alone. 4. Idiopathic dilatation of PA: Delayed P2 due to increased Hangout interval
  • 71. 5. RV failure(Increased Systole) 6. Late Pregnancy or Adv. Renal Failure (Hypervolumia)
  • 72.  Early A2: 1: VSD with normal PAP 2 : Severe MR with Normal LVEF 3: LA Myxoma 4: Constrictive Pericarditis(reduced diastolic inflow) 5:Pericardial Tamponade 3rd and 4th due to Decreased LV inflow and reduced LV systole
  • 73. EXPIRATORY SPLIT  Presence of A2 and P2 at end Expiration  In supine position Pts may have expiratory split due to A2-P2 gap>30msec but it becomes single in upright position and hence basal areas should be auscultated in upright postions only.  Persistent expiratory split is pathological  All the causes of Wide Split will cause expiratory split also
  • 74. FIXED SPLIT  When the RV or LV SV does not change with inspiration or changes equally with respiration the splitting heard is FIXED.  Diagnosis should be made only in both recumbent and upright position as it occasionally can be seen in supine position also.
  • 76. Equal change in LV/RV SV 1. Atrial Septal Defect In cases of ASD with L-R shunt there is RV overload and RA and LA act hemodynamically as a single reservoir. In inspiration, increased flow to RV which causes decreased flow from LA to RA and thus momentarily increased flow from LA to LV increasing LV inflow.
  • 77. This leads to Increased Q-A2 and hence both RV and LV SV increase in inspiration. In cases of ASD without PAH, this fixed splitting is occasionally variable and respiratory variation can be heard in sitting position.
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  • 80.  ASD with PAH: Always fixed splitting with loud P2
  • 81. ASD and Valsalva Maneuver In Normal population, in strain phase of Valsalva, there is decrease in both LV and RV inflow and thus reduced SV leading to fused S2. During the release phase, there is sudden increase in RV inflow and thus RV-SV increases leading to prominent S2 splitting for 6-8beats Finally when the augmented blood again reaches LV, Q-A2 again increases leading to narrowing of the A2-P2 gap.
  • 82.  In patients with ASD, S2 splitting widens during strain phase due to increased L to R shunting and in the release phase the expected S2 splitting doesn’t occur.
  • 83. ASD and Atrial Fibrillation  Long cycle lengths in patients with ASD results in Increased A2-P2 splitting
  • 84. Longer RR cycles cause wide split S2 in AF(James O Toole et al Circulation 1977)  Two factors responsible 1) QP2 progressively increased with increasing cycle length due to a selective increase in the duration of RV electromechanical systole 2) at relatively long cycle lengths, the duration of LV electromechanical systole was relatively fixed.
  • 85.  This is related to the differences in compliance between the right and left ventricles.  The longer cycle lengths allow greater time for diastolic filling and because the left ventricle is thicker and less compliant than the right, there is selectively more filling of the right ventricle.  This greater filling of the right ventricle then leads to selective prolongation of the right ventricular electromechanical interval with increase in the width of splitting of S2.
  • 86. 2. Ventricular Septal Defects: S2 is normally split in patients with VSD and normal PAP.
  • 87. VSD WITH SEVERE PAH Increased PVR, Decreased PA compliance and decreased PA hangout Interval. Both chambers eject into high resistance vessels resulting in equal inspiratory delay on both sides accompanied by nil respiratory variation as both ventricles act as a common chamber This leads to single S2 in both the phases of respiration
  • 88. Note: S2 in supracristal VSD: (Farru et al , BMJ 1971) 1.Pathological Splitting of S2 in expiration 2. Attenuated and delayed P2 3. Crescendo-Decrescendo murmur
  • 89.
  • 90.  The main cause was a delay in pulmonary valve closure due to a lengthening of the ejection period of the right ventricle.  The mechanism is analogous to that of valvular PS due to overloading of the infundibulum during systole by left-to-right shunt at this level which acts as an obstruction to RVOT and interferes with its emptying; consequently, the systolic ejection period of the right ventricle is lengthened.
  • 91. FAILURE TO INCREASE RV-SV WITH INSPIRATION  In cases of major pressure overload of RV 1. RV Failure 2. Acute/ Chronic PE 3. Severe PAH(uncommon) 4. RBBB with Congestive Cardiac Failure: RV systole is substantially prolonged and A2- P2 coupling will be both wide and fixed. In such cases maneuvers that decrease the venous return as torniquets and upright position bring about the respiratory variation.
  • 92. REVERSED/PARADOXICAL SPLIT  Here S2 is maximally split at expiration and narrows or fuses at inspiration  As the directional changes also occur its also called as paradoxical splitting.
  • 93. Paradoxical Split Paradoxical Splitting Paradoxical Splitting Type 1 (classical) Type 1 (classical) Type 2Type 2 Type 3Type 3 Incrased Q-A2 interval due to LV mechanical delay During Expiration Prolonged LV systole makes A2 follow P2 and is heard in expiration During Inspiration Q-P2 increases normally but Q-A2 remains unchanged and ear appreciates only single S2 Mild delay in Q-A2 and Marked Q-P2 interval During Inspiration Normal split may be heard During Expiration S2 reverse split heard Both Expiratory And Inpiratory separation Is <20msec and S2 is Fused in both the phases
  • 94. Increased Q-A2 interval 1. LBBB: Most common cause of the Reversed Split. Increased LV systole due to 1.Increased interval from the beginning of electrical activation ie onset of QRS to IVC 2.Increased LV IVC time secondary to imapired LV contractility.
  • 95. 2. WPW syndrome with Rt Ventricular Pre excitation from Rt Bypass tract Q-P2 may shorten with inspiration. May cause type 2 paradoxical splitting. 3.RV pacing and RV-PVC
  • 96. 4. Increased LV ejection time: Uncommon but Large SV in LV overload conditions may lead to prolonged Q-A2 and paradoxical Splitting. Ex: PDA Severe AR Severe LV dysfunction
  • 97. 5. LVOT Obstruction: Valvular AS and HCM In valvular AS ,not only its because of the prolonged ejection time but also due to the post stenotic dilatation of the Aorta and thus increased Hangout interval.
  • 98. Decreased Q-P2(uncommon)  Shortened RV systole : seen in TS and RA myxoma
  • 99. Key to Auscultate Reverse Splitting  As per Constant et al  2 approaches: 1. Assess the amplitude of both components of S2 as the stethoscope moves from base to apex. Component that softens at apex is P2 2. Valsalva Maneuver: Widening of S2 in strain phase, narrowing on release and subsequent widening again
  • 100. PSEUDOPARADOXICAL SPLITTING 1.COPD: 2. Large chests: Deep Inspiration in these patients will cause artificial muffling Of P2 due to insulation of the PA by the expanded lungs and hence S2 appears single with inspiration and split in expiration
  • 101. SINGLE S2 / NARROW SPLIT S2  Heard when the A2-P2 gap is <30msec 1. Aging: Incidence of Auditary splitting with inspiration decrases with age. 50% subjects with age >60yrs have single S2. Due to either age related increased LV ejection time Or due to age related increase in PVR and subsequent decrease in PA hangout interval.
  • 102. 2. Artifactual Muffling of P2: Lung insulation of the P2 during inspiration in COPD and large A-P diameter chest individuals. 3. Pulmonary Hyertension: Pts with Severe PAH and Normal RV function narrow A2-P2 is a must and loud P2 can backwards mask A2 causing it to appear as single S2.
  • 103. 4. Pathological Absence of P2: Severe Pulmonic deformity with low or absent PBF and great vessel malposition causes single A2/S2 ex: TOF Pulmonary Atresia and stenosis Tricuspid Atresia Truncus Arteriosus TGA
  • 104. 5. Semilunar Valve Stenosis: In severe AS,A2 can be obscured by a murmur of AS or it itself can be soft or absent. 6. Eisenmenger VSD, Single Ventricle Common ventricular chamber ejects into 2 vessels with equal compliance,resistance and hangout interval, the systole lengths will be equal and S2 will be fused in all phases.
  • 105. DIFFERENTIATING SHUNTS ON S2  ASD: Normal PAP: Delayed normal intensity P2 with wide inspiratory split May or may not have Fixed split With PAH: Loud P2 with Fixed Split as a rule In post operative cases of ASD,P2 may remain loud but the split becomes physiological or wide in 70% cases.
  • 106.  VSD: Hyperkinetic but Normal PAP: Wide physiological split S2 with early A2 and normal P2 Fixed+/- With PAH : Delayed and loud P2 With Eisenmengrisation: Single Fused S2
  • 107. PDA: Large PDA: (Increased H.I sec to decreased SVR) Delayed A2 +/- Loud P2 Paradoxical Split Eisenmenger PDA: Loud P2 Narrow Split(Fused also can
  • 109. Third Heart Sounds  Low frequency , Low amplitude diastolic Sounds  Heard after A2(120-140msec after A2)  Heard at the cardiac apex(LVS3) and L- LSB(RVS3)  Best heard with Bell of stethoscope  Can be heard normally in children and young adults  Normal S3 can persist after 40yr but only in
  • 110.  Presystolic Sound  Also termed as Ventricular Diastolic Gallop, Protodiastolic gallop and S3 gallop.  With respect to presence or absence of S4, its called as Triple or Quadruple Gallop or Summation Gallop(in cases of tachycardia)
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  • 114. Physiology of Origin of S3  S3 occurs when there is rapid active ventricular filling phase which is associated with ventricular relaxation.  Follows MV opening and near the end of RVF  Initial Vibrations conincide with the maximal excursion or `checking` of the LV septum and posterior free wall by MV leaflets
  • 115.  Final component is due to rapid deceleration of blood during inflow to LV is translated into vibratory energy of the cardiohemic system which produces S3  It occurs when the active ventricular relaxation ends and passive distension begins
  • 116. OTHER SCHOOL OF THOUGHTS 1.Potain: He suggested the origin of S3 to be a ventricular sound due to sudden cessation of ventricular distension in early diastole. 2.Shaver reddy et al: Nature of coupling of the LV with inner chest wall
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  • 118. Factors affecting genesis of S3 1. Transmitral blood flow velocity or volume 2. LV relaxation properties 3. LV End Diastolic Volume 4. Blood Viscosity 5. Coupling of LV with chest wall 6. Character of the Chest
  • 119.  Intensity of S3 increases with Isotonic exercises,Coughing(Increased HR) and leg raising(increased venous return)
  • 120. Why is it heard normally in Children and Young Subjects 1. Young have rapid diastolic filling secondary to higher Cardiac Output as compared to elderly 2. Altered LV compliance physiology with age 3. Altered sound transmission in adults 4.Decrease in LV-chest wall coupling in adults
  • 121.  Physiological S3 heard in children in mainly contributed by LV and involvement of RV is questionable in normal S3
  • 122. Clinical Significance of S3 Mainly present in 1. Normal Hearts 2. Diastolic Overload states 3. LV dysfunction with or without overt CCF 4. Constrictive Pericarditis
  • 123. S3 in Normal Hearts  Uncommon to be heard in subjects aged >40 yrs under normal circumstances  Increased Cardiac Output states Acoustically similar to the pathological gallop Usually attenuate or disappear in upright position Can be associated with flow murmurs Pregnant females can have S3 in 80% cases and out of that 60% <20wks
  • 124.  Thin Chest Wall Associated with Flow murmurs Can be palpable also
  • 126. S3 in Mitral Regurgitation Seen in hemodynamically significant MR Loudest S3 amongst all the conditions. Frequency may reach >150 Hz and may simulate OS May be associated with a mid diastolic flow rumble. Hemodynamically its due to significantly elevated LV filling pressure with high diastolic filling rates.
  • 127.  If LVEF is normal in MR, it does not hold an ominous prognosis and indicates volume overload state.  In such cases the velocity and amplitude of early diastolic filling is increased and LV apical impulse is hyperactive.
  • 128.  Development of significant PAH after severe MR will soften the S3 but if it causes RV failure S3 may appear again.  Usually RV S3 is uncommon in cases of high flow situations like TR and ASD on the right side unless there is high RV volume overload or RV failure.  This is seen because RV compliance is much more than the LV compliance.
  • 129. S3 in LV dysfunction Characteristic of global LV impairment If S3 is related to a new clinical event like AMI or acclerated hypertension, its transient and disappears once the LV function improves. In cases of S3 associated with functional MR in severe LV dysfunction, its mailnly due to poor LV function rather than LA volume overload as seen in valvular MR
  • 130.  A pathological S3 in LV dysfunction will persist in upright position but may soften with this maneuver
  • 131. Hemodynamics in LV dysfunction Depressed LVEF LA,PA and PCWP are elevated LV early diastolic pressure is elevated End diastolic pressure may or may not increase with atrial contraction Increased vibration in the early diastolic phase
  • 132.  Along with other attributes, LV dilation leads to increased coupling of LV and chest wall. (shaver reddy theory)
  • 133. S3 in Constrictive Pericarditis  Different from usual S3  Early, Loud, High pitched diastolic sound  Earlier than normal S3 i.e 80-100 msec after A2  Caused by elevated LA pressure and a rapid rise of early ventricular diastolic pressure due to stiff pericardial casing.  S3 is usually loudest of all sounds in these patients  Pericardial Knock
  • 134. Other causes of S3  LV aneursym in CAD  Decompsated hypertensive and AV disease  Dilated cardiomyopthy
  • 135. EVIDENCE  S3 is the best predictor of mortality at 2.5 yr in cases with CAD
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  • 140. Fourth Heart Sound(S4)  Low frequency sound after atrial systole  Bell of stethoscope  Ventricular origin  20-40Hz  Follows P wave by 140-200msec  Precedes S1  Actual contraction of atria doesn’t produce any sound and the sound is due to the sudden tensing of cardiohemic system
  • 141.  As S3 increases with isotonic exercise, S4 increases with isometric exercise which causes an increased afterload on LV reducing the LV compliance.
  • 142. Hemodynamic correlates LV hypertrophy with normal LV dimensions and LVEDP Low compliance ventricle Impaired velocity of LV diastolic filling in presence of preserved cardiac output
  • 143. Physiology of a stiff LV  Normal in LV diastole, 80% is rapid ventricular filling and 15% is atrial booster(end diastole)  In cases of stiff LV, atrial booster becomes responsible for the greater proportion of LV filling and may provide upto 30-40 % of LVEDV
  • 144.  At this stage, S4 appears as a prominent sound but as the LV dysfunction appears in course of disease, early and mid diastolic LV pressure increases and LA contraction produces relatively lesser further increase in LVEDV  Now, S4 becomes soft or even inaudible.
  • 145. Importance of LA function Because S4 appears after atrial systole, LA contractility plays a huge role in genesis of S4 at the end of LV diastole. Fibrosis, Ischemia or dilatation causes diminution of S4 Ex: S4 in AF: Absent S4 in chronic severe MR: Absent(LA enlarged and reduced LA contractility) S4 in CHB: Loud when LA contracts against closed MV(not from LV walls but due to tensing of MV
  • 146. CLINICAL CORREALTES  Common denominator of all the causes in all the conditions causing S4 is LVH with restricted early diastolic filing due to stiff ventricle Sensitivity  Ventricular compliance: S4>>S3  Cardiac decompensation: S3>>S4
  • 147. Causes of LVS4 1. Coronary Artery disease 2. Hypertension 3. Aortic Stenosis 4. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy 5. Acute MR 6. Other causes: CHB
  • 148. Coronary Artery Disease  S4 is hallmark of CAD  Reduced LV compliance due to prior MI produces S4  Acute MI causes S4 in 80-90% cases which manifests 24-48hrs after onset of infarction.  S4 persisting after MI has been shown to portend poor prognosis for subsequent cardiac events  S4 may appear during angina and disappears with NTG
  • 149.  Many believe that isolated S4 in a normal individual may predict a future coronary event.  In patients with LV aneursym, S4 is common and is even palpable.
  • 150. Evidence-Marcus et al`2005- JAMA Patients underwent Left heart catheterization and coronary assesment and it was found that Patients with isolated S4 in absence of S3 had much more incidence of isolated CAD irrespective of the LV systolic function
  • 151. Acute MR  Acute MR will cause large regurgitant volume to be pushed forcibly into a normal sized LV resulting in S4 .  Chronic MR leads to decreased LA contraction due to enlarged LA leading to loss of S4
  • 152. RVS4  In PAH and PS leading to severe RV pressure overload can lead to S4  Inspiratory augmentation and maximal intensity at the Left LSB is indicative of RV origin.
  • 153. Differentiating LV and RV gallop  Leg raising, Inspiration and pressure over liver can augment right sided sounds but not the LV type
  • 154. S4 audibility and PR interval  In cases of acute/chronic LV decompensation, S4 closely follows the P wave of ECG and is more widely separated from S1 at any given PR interval and thus is readily heard.  As the LV pressure decreases with therapy, S4 and S1 move closer decreasing the audibility of S4.  Thus with long PR interval S4 is more readily heard and separated from S1.
  • 155. SUMMATION GALLOP  When HR is high, atrial contraction will move into rapid filling phase of diastole and thus S3 and S4 will occur together leading to a very loud summation gallop.  CSM and rate control can separate the two components.  When S3 and S4 both are heard, the term quadruple gallop is used.
  • 156. Systolic Ejection Sounds  Early systolic ejection sounds from either Left or Right side of the heart  High frequency  Immediately after S1  Always pathological  Also called as Ejection clicks  Can be Vascular or Valvular
  • 157. Location:Aortic ES Aortic ES : valvular ES: best at the apex vascular origin best at the base
  • 158. Location: Pulmonary ES  Best heard at the 2nd and 3rd ICS in upright position  Whenever a loud sound best heard in the above mentioned area is seen to have variation with respiration, Pulmonary click should be strongly considered.
  • 159. Pathophysiology of Ejection sounds 2 different mechanisms: 1.Snapping open or doming of a stenotic thickened or malformed pulmonary or aortic valve(Valvular) 2.Sudden tensing of proximal Aorta or pulmonary artery at the time of early ejection coincident with the upstroke of pressure rise in the responsible great vessel(Vascular)
  • 160.  Valvular ES are classically found in congenital aortic and pulmonary valvular stenosis.
  • 161. SEMILUNAR VALVE STENOSIS  Commissural fusion of semilunar valve and leaflet thickening and rapidly rising ventricular pressure in early systole drives the abnormal leaflets upwards and the taut valve leaflets bulge or dome into their respective great vessel producing a high frequency sound.
  • 162.  Flow across the valve occurs after the maximal valve opening followed by the ejection systolic murmur and followed by S2  In cases of severe calcification or reduced mobility ES and S2 is diminished or even absent.
  • 163. Aortic Valvular Ejection Sounds  Ejection click is almost always present in Congenital Nonstenotic Bicuspid Aortic Valvea and across the entire spectrum of mild to severe AS  In acquired AS and of rheumatic origin, Ejection click is much less common and is not heard due to severe anatomic deformity,calcification and rigid leaflets producing reduced excurtion.
  • 164.  High frequency sound followed by the ejection murmur  Best heard at apex  Aortic valvular ES is delayed 20-40msec after the onset of pressure rise in central aorta and is coincident with sharp anacrotic notch on upstroke of Aortic pressure curve
  • 165.  Sound is conincident with the maximal excursion of domed valve when its elastic limits are met which causes the sudden deceleration of the blood mass leading to vibrations of cardiohemic system causing the sound  Thus for this sound to be produced, the valve leaflet mobility is imperative.  Calcified deformed valves doesn’t produce the sound
  • 166.  Aortic ES have no corelation with the intensity of the stenosis.  In cases of mobile,non stenotic valve, the ES is widely placed from S1 due to prolonged excursion of the mobile valve leaflets
  • 167. Pulmonic Stenosis  Seen in only valvular PS  Variability with respiration : In contrast to all other Right sided sounds, Pulmonary click softens or diminishes with inspiration. In very mild PS respiratory variation may be absent
  • 168. Cause of this respiratory variation PA diastolic pressure is low and RV compliance is low due to RVH due to PS With inspiration, augmented venous return causes more forceful RA contraction causing increased RV EDP RV late diastolic pressure exceeds diastolic pressure of PA
  • 169.  PV cusps get literally pushed towards an open position during late diastole and thus the actual opening excursion of valve cusps is minimal or even absent thus leading to soft opening click.
  • 170.  In cases of very severe PS, there is vigorous atrial contraction leading to increase in RVEDP to be more than PA diastolic pressure at the time to RA booster phase.  As the severity of PS increases, both the excursion of deformed valve and RV isovolumetric contraction time decrease thus causing the Pulmonary ES to appear early towards S1.
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  • 172. NonValvular ES  An ES with a normal semilunar valve is typically associated with dilated aorta or PA which occurs in conditions with either increased SV and/or increased force of ejection.
  • 173. Aortic Vascular ES  Usually found in cases of systemic HTN in setting of sclerotic tortuous aortic root and a tight non compliant arterial tree with forceful LV ejection.  Coincident with the upstroke of the central aortic pressure.  In contrast to the valvular type,they are poorly transmitted from base and are poorly heard at the apex.
  • 174. Pulmonary Vascular ES  Common denominator to these sounds is dilation of PA whether it is idiopathic or due to PAH.  Conditions causing PAH in which there is ejection of blood into a tense non compliant vessel is a cause of ES and it thus coincides with the maximal opening of PV.  Higher the pulmonary pressure, later is the ejection sound which is due to increased RV systolic time and delayed opening of PV
  • 175.  Usually ASD is not associated with ejection sounds unless it is associated with PAH and if even after closure of ASD there is persistence of ES, it indicates chronic changes in PA compliance.
  • 176. Non Ejection Sounds  Mid systolic click due to prolapse of the mitral or tricuspid valve is the most frequent cause of systolic non ejection sounds and are often associated with a systolic regurgitant murmur. Proposed mechanism is due to tensing of the Atrioventricular valves during systole when the elastic limits of the prolapsed valve is suddenly reached.
  • 177. Characteristics  Sharp high frequency clicking quality  Often confined to apex but can be transmitted widely to the precordium.  Can present as either an isolated click in middle to late systole or as multiple clicks throughout the systole due to different areas of large redundant scalloped mitral leaflets prolapsing at different times in the systole
  • 178.  Click usually occurs at the time of maximal prolapse of the leaflets.
  • 179. Variability of non ejection clicks  A classical feature of these sounds is variability of the findings from one examination to the other and even beat to beat.  Timing of the click and click with the late systolic murmur changes considerably  Variation with posture: In upright posture,the heart becomes smaller due to decreased venous return and the click moves early in systole.
  • 180. Squatting increases the venous return as well as afterload increases the LV volume,causes late prolapse and movement of the click towards S2. Conclusively, it has been documented that the timing of the click depends upon the size of LV leading to valvuloventricular disproportion.
  • 181.  In general,maneuver that reduces LV volume like sitting,standing, strain at valsalva and amyl nitrite inhalation causes the click to come early in systole closer to S1.  Maneuvers increasing the LV size like squatting,vasopressor infusion and supine position will move the click towards S2.
  • 182. Opening Snaps  Coined by Thayer in 1908  High frequency diastolic sounds in mitral stenosis.  Margolies and Wolferth proposed the mechanism of OS ie sudden stopping of the opening motion of the valve after the elastic limits are met.  Sound is contributed more by the AML rather than PML.
  • 183. Characteristics  Crisp sharp high frequency sound  Best heard in area from L-LSB to just inside of the cardiac apex.  Followed by the diastolic rumble of the MS  No variation with respiration
  • 184.  Intensity of the OS corelates with the opening of the valve.  Loud OS is present in mobile stenotic valves with good excursions while calcified MS has absent or diminished OS.  Intensity of OS corelates directly with loudness of M1
  • 185.  Although its generally said that calcified MV will not have OS but 50-60% calcified valves may have OS which supports the fact that it is due to lack of mobility in calcified valves that causes absence of OS and not the calcium itself.
  • 186. Hemodynamics  OS occurs at the maximal MV opening shortly after LV-LA pressure crossover. Factors affecting A2-OS gap 1. Rate of LV pressure decline 2. Level of LV pressure at the time of A2 3. Level of LA pressure
  • 187.  Heart rate- tachycardia decreases A2-OS (shortening of diastole)  Brady increases A2-OS (prolonged diastole)  Hypertension – A2-OS increased ( LVpressure takes longer time to descend below LAP)  Increased LVEDP- increased A2-OS (obliteration of transmitral gradient and increased LV ejection time)
  • 188.  More severe MS will have high LA pressure thus a short A2-OS gap.  Isolated TS is rare and when TS present its usually accompanies MS who`s OS overshadows that of TS
  • 189.  As compared to OS of MV, OS of TV is found closer to L-LSB and its intensity increases with inspiration and it usually appears after OS of MV.
  • 190. OS with Normal Valves  Although rare but OS can be heard in high flow situations across the atrioventricular valves 1. Large ASD 2. Severe MR(rheumatic with diastolic doming of the the deformed mitral valve leaflets) 3. Large VSD 4. Thyrotoxicosis 5. Tricuspid atresia with large ASD
  • 191. Prosthetic Valve Sounds  Sound depends upon the type of valve and position. Starr Edwards Ball cage valve  Loudest sound is produced by any valve  In aortic position, opening click occurs 60-70 msec after S1 and is due to maximal ball excurtion.  Absence or decrease occurs with Valve obstruction and LV dysfunction.
  • 192.  In mitral position prominent opening click occurs 50-150msec after A2 and narrowing of this interval indicates raised LA pressure.  Closing click is also prominent at mitral area and behaves exactly as S1.
  • 193.  Tilting disc valve(Medtronic Hall,Bjork Shirley and St Judes) These valves produce more prominent closing sound rather than the opening click LV dysfunction,1st degree AV block will cause the disc to move to partial closed position prior to LV contraction leading to a softer sound.
  • 194. Tumour plop;  high frequency heard in atrial myxomas  Abrupt diastolic seating of mobile myxoma within Rt or Lt AV orifice  Later than OS
  • 195. Pericardial knock  Diastolic sound caused by loss of pericardial elasticity that limits ventricular filling  High pitched sound  Louder with inspiration, squatting (increased venous return)  Mechanism-structural restriction of diastolic filling by the restricting pericardial shell  Disappear following pericardiectomy
  • 196. Pacemaker sounds Occuring nearly synchronously with pacemaker spike Caused by stimulation of intercostal nerves adjacent to endocardial electrodes which results in contraction of intercostal muscles Should always rule out myocardial perforation
  • 197. Pericardial friction rubs  High pitched, leathery, scratchy sound heard in end expiration.  Has three components according to the cardiac cycle when heart has the maximal excursion against the pericardium 1.Atrial systole 2. Ventricular systole 3.Rapid early disatolic filling
  • 198. Usually only 2 components are heard except in uremic pericarditis where all 3 components are heard. It’s a misconception that fluid between 2 layers decreases the rub but it doesn’t because some portion of 2 layers continue to stay in touch.
  • 199. Mediastinal crunch(Hamman Sign)  Scratchy sounds, due to air in the mediastinum  Most frequently during ventricular systole due to heart beating against the air filled tissue & in a random fashion