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By: Dr. Himanshu Rana
Chair: Prof. Dr. Prabha Nini Gupta
 Distinction of constrictive and restrictive hemodynamics remains one of
cardiovascular medicine’s most complex challenges.
 Both result in impaired ventricular filling with clinical manifestations
of predominantly right heart failure with preserved ejection fraction.
 Constrictive pericarditis (CP) is a potentially reversible cause of heart
failure, whereas restrictive cardiomyopathy (RCM) has very limited
therapeutic options.
 CP - “pathological condition with encasement of the heart by a
thickened, fibrous, & sometimes calcified pericardium, with secondary
abnormalities in chamber filling”.
 Male predominance in most clinical series
 Though the prognosis is dependent upon the underlying etiology,
complete surgical removal of the pericardium can result in excellent
symptomatic improvement.
Introduction contd.
 RCM - “increased myocardial stiffness, which results in a rapid rise in
ventricular filling pressures reflected in both the systemic and
pulmonary circulations”.
 Despite marked abnormalities in diastolic function, left ventricular (LV)
ejection fraction is typically preserved
 Unfortunately, therapeutic approaches to RCM remain challenging.
Despite optimal heart failure care, definitive treatment is often limited to
cardiac transplantation
Introduction contd.
 Considerable overlap of CP and RCM may be present, particularly in the
setting of prior chest radiotherapy
 Mixed constrictive and restrictive hemodynamics pose a significant
management dilemma, because the clinical outcome of high-risk surgical
interventions may be uncertain
Introduction contd.
Normal cardiac
 Although frequently separated during discussion, diastole & systole are
closely linked, with preload provided by diastolic filling necessary for
generating stroke volume via ‘Frank-Starling mechanism’
 Diastolic filling depends upon factors
 extrinsic to cardiac chamber
 the loading conditions imposed upon the heart,
 pericardial restraint,
 chest geometry
 intrinsic myocardial properties, such as
 viscoelastic forces,
 myocardial stiffness, &
 stress–strain relationships
Normal cardiac hemodynamics
 Complex sequence of interrelated events, & can be divided
into 3 components:
 ventricular relaxation,
 passive filling,
 and atrial contraction
Ventricular diastole
 Early rapid filling occurs due to a combination of
 ventricular relaxation,
 the driving pressure across the mitral valve from elevated LA pressure,
 pericardial restraint, and
 myocardial stiffness.
 Passive filling occurs as the result of
 continued ventricular relaxation and
 effective operating chamber compliance, and
 Atrial contraction serves to “prime” the ventricle by actively distending
the chamber via atrial mechanical emptying
Phases of ventricular diastole
which is sum total of passive filling
dependent upon pericardial
restraint, ventricular interaction
viscoelastic forces of myocardium.
 Pericardium encompasses both ventricles, RA and most of LA
 Most of the SVC & IVC are not intrathoracic, and thus are largely
unaffected by swings in intrathoracic pressure
 During inspiration, diaphragmatic descent results in a decrease in
intrathoracic pressure of 5 to 10 mm Hg, which is fully transmitted to the
cardiac chambers
 Given no change in systemic venous pressure, the drop in intrathoracic
pressure augments right heart filling
Flow hemodynamics
 The pulmonary veins are entirely intrathoracic; therefore, there is a
uniform decrease in pressure within the pulmonary veins and left-sided
cardiac chambers
 Thus, left-sided filling does not significantly alter during respiration
 During expiration, right-sided filling decreases relative to inspiration,
whereas left-heart filling remains relatively constant.
Flow hemodynamics
Hemodynamics of
 The primary hemodynamic consequence of constriction is –
 limitation of the total volume of blood that can be accommodated by the heart
during diastole across the respiratory cycle, &
 equalization of right- and left sided cardiac filling pressures.
Hemodynamics of constriction
 Accentuated early rapid ventricular filling occurs due to high atrial
driving pressures & unimpeded ventricular relaxation, followed by a
sudden rapid rise in pressure from pericardial restraint.
 This accounts for the rapid “y”descent on the atrial pressure waveform
and “square root” sign on ventricular pressures
 Although diastolic pressures are high, there is a paradoxically low stroke
volume from low preload.
 Preserved atrial relaxation, as well as an exaggerated ventricular
longitudinal contraction, result in an exaggerated “x” descent on atrial
pressure tracings
Hemodynamics of constriction
LV(blue) and RA(orange) hemodynamic pressure tracings in constrictive pericarditis
(CP). Prominent “x” and “y” descents are present with a square root sign (*).
 Rigid pericardium isolates cardiac chambers from intrathoracic pressure
 This causes under-transmission of reduced intrathoracic pressures to
cardiac chambers during inspiration.
 Inspiratory reduction in pulmonary capillary and venous pressures
reduces the flow between the pulmonary veins and left-sided cardiac
 Rigid pericardium with a relatively fixed intrapericardial volume,
reduced LV filling allows increased RV filling.
 This is accompanied by inspiratory interventricular septal motion towards
the LV.
Hemodynamics of constriction
 Inspiratory increase in IVC flow, augmented by increased
trans-diaphragmatic pressure, competes with flow from the
SVC into the high-pressure RA.
 The resultant increase in JVP with inspiration is termed
‘Kussmaul’s sign’
Hemodynamics of constriction
 The converse is seen in expiration. With expiration, there is a rise in
intrathoracic (and therefore pulmonary venous) pressures.
 This augments flow into the left heart.
 Increased left heart filling within a fixed total intrapericardial volume
pushes the interventricular septum towards the right
 Thus, reducing RV filling, and creating expiratory diastolic flow
reversals transmitted back to the inferior vena cava and hepatic veins
Hemodynamics of constriction
Schematic representation of transvalvular and central venous flow velocities in CP.
During inspiration the decrease in LV filling results in a leftward septal shift,
allowing augmented flow into the RV. The opposite occurs during expiration.
 This respirophasic hemodynamic augmentation is an important and
specific feature of constrictive physiology.
 Increased ventricular interdependence directly translates to an alteration
in ventricular systolic pressures.
 Although these pressures rise and fall in parallel with respiration in
normal physiology, systolic pressures become discordant in CP, a marker
that is both sensitive and specific.
Hemodynamics of constriction
LV(blue) and RV(orange) hemodynamic pressure tracings in CP. End-diastolic
filling pressures are elevated & a “square root” sign is present on both pressure
tracings(*). Enhanced ventricular interdependence is present, demonstrated by
visualization of the systolic area index; RV(gray) and LV(dark gray) areas under the
curve are shown for both Insp. and Exp. During inspiration, there is an increase in
the area of RV pressure curve & decrease in the area of LV pressure curve.
 Conventional assessment of enhanced ventricular interdependence by
comparing peak ventricular pressures is not sensitive.
 A change in systolic area calculated by multiplying LVSP and systolic
ejection period is better determinant of beat to beat change
in stroke volumes.
 The systolic area index (SAI) is then calculated as the ratio of RV area
(mm Hg × s) to the LV area (mm Hg × s) in inspiration versus expiration.
 The index is significantly higher in patients with CCP compared with
RCMP. A ratio > 1.1 has a sensitivity of 97% & predicted accuracy of
100% for identification of CCP
Hemodynamics of Constriction
Hemodynamics of
 Unlike the complex interplay of pulmonary and systemic pressures
associated with CP, RCM is the result of abnormalities intrinsic to the
myocardium, which are unchanged during respiration.
 As with CP, there is early rapid filling of the ventricles in early diastole,
due to high atrial pressures, followed by limitation in filling from the stiff
 This results in a prominent “y” descent on the atrial pressure curves, as
well as the “square root” sign on ventricular pressure curves.
 The stiff, noncompliant ventricles are unable to easily accept additional
increments in volume during atrial contraction, and thus the contribution
from atrial contraction is often minimal.
Hemodynamics of Restriction
LV and RA pressure hemodynamic pressure tracings in restrictive cardiomyopathy
(RCM). A prominent “y” descent is present, but the “x” descent is blunted
 Unlike CP, the “x” descent is frequently blunted, given poor atrial
relaxation and a limited descent of the annulus towards the apex.
 Increased venous flow with inspiration is unable to be accommodated by
a noncompliant RV; hence, there are diastolic flow reversals in the hepatic
vein with inspiration.
 Unlike CP, there is no discordance of intracavitary and intrathoracic
Hemodynamics of Restriction
LV and RV pressure tracings in restrictive cardiomyopathy. Although end-diastolic
filling pressures are elevated and a square root sign (*) is present, there is no
evidence of enhanced ventricular interdependence, with parallel changes in LV and
RV pressure curve areas.
 High systemic venous pressure and reduced cardiac output induce
retention of sodium and water by the kidneys.
 Inhibition of natriuretic peptides may exacerbate increased filling
Clinical Features
 Equalization of intracardiac pressures in CP results in systemic venous
congestion, manifested as
 Edema,
 Hepatomegaly &
 Ascites (ascites out of proportion to the edema favours CP).
 Elevated JVP that increase with inspiration (Kussmaul’s sign).
 Prominent “x” and “y” descents.
 Robust early ventricular filling accompanying the “y” descent with
sudden deceleration results in an early diastolic, high-pitched pericardial
Clinical Features
 The most notable cardiac physical finding is the pericardial knock
 An early diastolic sound best heard at the left sternal border and/or the
cardiac apex.
 It occurs slightly earlier and has a higher frequency content than S3
 Corresponds to early, abrupt cessation of ventricular filling.
Clinical Features
 RCM results in predominant findings of systemic venous congestion.
 Compared with CP, concomitant pulmonary venous congestion is more
common in RCM, presenting as dyspnea.
 Kussmaul’s sign may be present in RCM and is therefore a nonspecific
 A prominent “y” descent is seen on the jugular venous contour,
accompanied by an S3, given rapid early filling of a stiffened ventricle.
 Unlike CP, a pronounced “x” descent is not seen
Clinical Features
 Increased pericardial thickness can be recognized on TTE, although
interpretation is often challenging.
 Pericardial thickness >3 mm on TEE is both sensitive and specific
 Ventricular septal shifting on M-mode is usually the first
echocardiographic clue to the diagnosis of CP because it is present in
almost all patients with CP.
 Beyond the respirophasic motion, a septal “bounce,” also referred to as a
“shudder” or “diastolic checking,” may be present with each beat in
patients with CP, translating to a septal notch on M-mode imaging
M-mode of the ventricular septum demonstrates respirophasic septal shift
(downward translation of the septum with inspiration, upward translation with
expiration) and septal shudder (circle, with enlarged view in upper right corner)
in a patient with constrictive pericarditis.
 Mitral (and tricuspid) Doppler inflow patterns in both CP and RCM are
early diastolic velocity (E-wave) predominant with a short deceleration
time, reflecting the predominance of early rapid ventricular filling.
 A critical difference is the presence of respiratory flow variation in CP,
which is absent in RCM
 Reportedly, mitral inflow in CP demonstrates a respiratory variation of
>25%, with increased velocities during expiration
 Mitral E-wave deceleration time is decreased & is usually < 160 ms.
 The lack of respiratory variation should not exclude the diagnosis of CP.
Doppler flow pattern
Pulsed-wave Doppler of the mitral inflow shows >25% expiratory increase in
velocities (arrows).
Pulsed-wave Doppler of the mitral inflow shows a restrictive pattern, with early
diastolic mitral inflow Doppler velocity (E) greater than late velocity (A) and short
deceleration time.
 Doppler respirophasic variation is similarly seen in the pulmonary veins,
with peak diastolic flow >18% variation suggestive of CP.
 Tricuspid inflow Doppler demonstrates the reverse finding, namely a
>40% increase in tricuspid velocity in the first beat after inspiration in CP.
 Hepatic vein Doppler interrogation in CP shows decreased expiratory
diastolic hepatic vein forward velocities with large expiratory diastolic
Doppler flow pattern
Hepatic vein pulsed-wave Doppler shows decreased expiratory forward velocities
and large expiratory diastolic flow reversals (arrowhead).
Hepatic vein pulsed-wave Doppler shows increased inspiratory forward velocities
(arrow), inspiratory diastolic flow reversals (arrowhead), and minimal expiratory
diastolic flow reversals (rounded arrow).
 Of all echocardiographic parameters, perhaps the most useful to
distinguish CP and RCM is mitral annular tissue Doppler assessment.
 Early medial mitral annular tissue Doppler e’ velocities are normal or
paradoxically increased despite increased filling pressures, termed
“annulus paradoxus”
Tissue Doppler assessment
Medial mitral annulus tissue Doppler demonstrates elevated early diastolic
velocities (e’ ), despite increased filling pressures (annulus paradoxus).
 Tethering of the LV free wall can result in reversal of the relationship
between medial and lateral mitral annular tissue Doppler velocities,
 Lateral cardiac motion is limited; hence, ventricular filling depends upon
longitudinal cardiac motion.
 As such, the medial e’ is higher (typically >7 cm/s) than lateral e’, also
known as “Annulus reversus”.
Tissue Doppler assessment
Lateral mitral annulus e’ is decreased relative to the medial annulus (annulus reversus)
due to lateral tethering.
Lateral mitral annulus tissue Doppler demonstrates markedly reduced early diastolic
velocity (e’ ).
Apical 4-chamber 2-dimensional echocardiography reveals severe biatrial
enlargement (OWL’s eye appearance).
 Regional variations in deformation and strain include reduced LV
circumferential strain, torsion, and early diastolic untwisting with
preserved longitudinal strain and deformation in CP.
 In contrast, in RCM restriction, circumferential strain and untwisting are
preserved but these parameters are reduced in the longitudinal direction.
Tissue Doppler assessment
Cardiac Catheterization
 Gold standard for the diagnosis of CP and RCM
 In both diseases, catheterization demonstrates early rapid diastolic filling,
with elevation & equalization of end-diastolic pressures
 Although presence of pulmonary hypertension favours RCM, 1/3rd
patients with surgically proven CP have pulmonary hypertension
 After brisk early filling, ventricular pressure rises rapidly as pericardial
constraining volume is reached, resulting in “square root” or “dip and
plateau” sign.
 Although this can be seen in both CP and RCM, a LV rapid filling wave
with a height >7 mm Hg favors CP
Hemodynamic catheterization
 Kussmaul’s sign, quantified as <5 mm Hg decrease in inspiratory RA
pressure, is often present in both CP and RCM
 Disproportionate abnormalities of diastolic dysfunction result in a ratio of
RVEDP to RVSP >1:3 in CP
 Equalization of diastolic filling pressures in CP (≤5 mm Hg difference in
LV and RV end-diastolic pressure) results from fixed pericardial volume
and increased ventricular interdependence
Hemodynamic catheterization
 Dissociation of intrathoracic and intracardiac pressures can be analyzed
utilizing simultaneous LV and pulmonary artery wedge pressure
 In CP, there is a decrease in the initial wedge-LV pressure gradient
during the first beat of inspiration, which is not present in RCM
Hemodynamic catheterization
Prominent y descent in venous
Present Variable
Paradoxic pulse ~1/3 cases Absent
Pericardial knock Present Absent
right- and left-sided filling
Left at least 3-5 mm Hg
higher than right
Filling pressures > 25 mm Hg Rare Common
Pulmonary artery systolic
pressure > 60 mm Hg
No Common
pulmonary venous flow Normal systolic &
diastolic flow
systolic flow is blunted &
diastolic flow is increased
Hepatic veins demonstrate
enhanced expiratory flow
reversal with constriction
increased inspiratory flow
Square root sign Present Variable
Respiratory variation in left-
sided and right-sided
Exaggerated Normal
Enhanced respiratory variation
in mitral inflow velocity
Yes (>25%) No (≤ 10%)
Ventricular wall thickness Normal Usually increased
Pericardial thickness Increased Normal
Atrial size Possible LA enlargement Biatrial enlargement
Septal bounce Tissue Present Absent
Doppler E′ velocity Increased Reduced
Speckle tracking Normal longitudinal,
Decreased circumferential
Decreased longitudinal,
normal circumferential
systolic area index Greater (>1.1) Lesser (<1.1)
Thank You!!!

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Hemodyanmic features of Constrictive pericarditis and Restrictive cardiomyopathy

  • 1. By: Dr. Himanshu Rana Chair: Prof. Dr. Prabha Nini Gupta
  • 2.   Distinction of constrictive and restrictive hemodynamics remains one of cardiovascular medicine’s most complex challenges.  Both result in impaired ventricular filling with clinical manifestations of predominantly right heart failure with preserved ejection fraction.  Constrictive pericarditis (CP) is a potentially reversible cause of heart failure, whereas restrictive cardiomyopathy (RCM) has very limited therapeutic options. Introduction
  • 3.  CP - “pathological condition with encasement of the heart by a thickened, fibrous, & sometimes calcified pericardium, with secondary abnormalities in chamber filling”.  Male predominance in most clinical series  Though the prognosis is dependent upon the underlying etiology, complete surgical removal of the pericardium can result in excellent symptomatic improvement. Introduction contd.
  • 4.   RCM - “increased myocardial stiffness, which results in a rapid rise in ventricular filling pressures reflected in both the systemic and pulmonary circulations”.  Despite marked abnormalities in diastolic function, left ventricular (LV) ejection fraction is typically preserved  Unfortunately, therapeutic approaches to RCM remain challenging. Despite optimal heart failure care, definitive treatment is often limited to cardiac transplantation Introduction contd.
  • 5.   Considerable overlap of CP and RCM may be present, particularly in the setting of prior chest radiotherapy  Mixed constrictive and restrictive hemodynamics pose a significant management dilemma, because the clinical outcome of high-risk surgical interventions may be uncertain Introduction contd.
  • 7.  Although frequently separated during discussion, diastole & systole are closely linked, with preload provided by diastolic filling necessary for generating stroke volume via ‘Frank-Starling mechanism’  Diastolic filling depends upon factors  extrinsic to cardiac chamber  the loading conditions imposed upon the heart,  pericardial restraint,  chest geometry  intrinsic myocardial properties, such as  viscoelastic forces,  myocardial stiffness, &  stress–strain relationships Normal cardiac hemodynamics
  • 8.   Complex sequence of interrelated events, & can be divided into 3 components:  ventricular relaxation,  passive filling,  and atrial contraction Ventricular diastole
  • 9.  Early rapid filling occurs due to a combination of  ventricular relaxation,  the driving pressure across the mitral valve from elevated LA pressure,  pericardial restraint, and  myocardial stiffness.  Passive filling occurs as the result of  continued ventricular relaxation and  effective operating chamber compliance, and  Atrial contraction serves to “prime” the ventricle by actively distending the chamber via atrial mechanical emptying Phases of ventricular diastole which is sum total of passive filling dependent upon pericardial restraint, ventricular interaction viscoelastic forces of myocardium.
  • 10.  Pericardium encompasses both ventricles, RA and most of LA  Most of the SVC & IVC are not intrathoracic, and thus are largely unaffected by swings in intrathoracic pressure  During inspiration, diaphragmatic descent results in a decrease in intrathoracic pressure of 5 to 10 mm Hg, which is fully transmitted to the cardiac chambers  Given no change in systemic venous pressure, the drop in intrathoracic pressure augments right heart filling Flow hemodynamics
  • 11.  The pulmonary veins are entirely intrathoracic; therefore, there is a uniform decrease in pressure within the pulmonary veins and left-sided cardiac chambers  Thus, left-sided filling does not significantly alter during respiration  During expiration, right-sided filling decreases relative to inspiration, whereas left-heart filling remains relatively constant. Flow hemodynamics
  • 13.   The primary hemodynamic consequence of constriction is –  limitation of the total volume of blood that can be accommodated by the heart during diastole across the respiratory cycle, &  equalization of right- and left sided cardiac filling pressures. Hemodynamics of constriction
  • 14.  Accentuated early rapid ventricular filling occurs due to high atrial driving pressures & unimpeded ventricular relaxation, followed by a sudden rapid rise in pressure from pericardial restraint.  This accounts for the rapid “y”descent on the atrial pressure waveform and “square root” sign on ventricular pressures  Although diastolic pressures are high, there is a paradoxically low stroke volume from low preload.  Preserved atrial relaxation, as well as an exaggerated ventricular longitudinal contraction, result in an exaggerated “x” descent on atrial pressure tracings Hemodynamics of constriction
  • 15. LV(blue) and RA(orange) hemodynamic pressure tracings in constrictive pericarditis (CP). Prominent “x” and “y” descents are present with a square root sign (*).
  • 16.  Rigid pericardium isolates cardiac chambers from intrathoracic pressure swings.  This causes under-transmission of reduced intrathoracic pressures to cardiac chambers during inspiration.  Inspiratory reduction in pulmonary capillary and venous pressures reduces the flow between the pulmonary veins and left-sided cardiac chambers.  Rigid pericardium with a relatively fixed intrapericardial volume, reduced LV filling allows increased RV filling.  This is accompanied by inspiratory interventricular septal motion towards the LV. Hemodynamics of constriction
  • 17.  Inspiratory increase in IVC flow, augmented by increased trans-diaphragmatic pressure, competes with flow from the SVC into the high-pressure RA.  The resultant increase in JVP with inspiration is termed ‘Kussmaul’s sign’ Hemodynamics of constriction
  • 18.   The converse is seen in expiration. With expiration, there is a rise in intrathoracic (and therefore pulmonary venous) pressures.  This augments flow into the left heart.  Increased left heart filling within a fixed total intrapericardial volume pushes the interventricular septum towards the right  Thus, reducing RV filling, and creating expiratory diastolic flow reversals transmitted back to the inferior vena cava and hepatic veins Hemodynamics of constriction
  • 19. Schematic representation of transvalvular and central venous flow velocities in CP. During inspiration the decrease in LV filling results in a leftward septal shift, allowing augmented flow into the RV. The opposite occurs during expiration.
  • 20.  This respirophasic hemodynamic augmentation is an important and specific feature of constrictive physiology.  Increased ventricular interdependence directly translates to an alteration in ventricular systolic pressures.  Although these pressures rise and fall in parallel with respiration in normal physiology, systolic pressures become discordant in CP, a marker that is both sensitive and specific. Hemodynamics of constriction
  • 21. LV(blue) and RV(orange) hemodynamic pressure tracings in CP. End-diastolic filling pressures are elevated & a “square root” sign is present on both pressure tracings(*). Enhanced ventricular interdependence is present, demonstrated by visualization of the systolic area index; RV(gray) and LV(dark gray) areas under the curve are shown for both Insp. and Exp. During inspiration, there is an increase in the area of RV pressure curve & decrease in the area of LV pressure curve.
  • 22.  Conventional assessment of enhanced ventricular interdependence by comparing peak ventricular pressures is not sensitive.  A change in systolic area calculated by multiplying LVSP and systolic ejection period is better determinant of beat to beat change in stroke volumes.  The systolic area index (SAI) is then calculated as the ratio of RV area (mm Hg × s) to the LV area (mm Hg × s) in inspiration versus expiration.  The index is significantly higher in patients with CCP compared with RCMP. A ratio > 1.1 has a sensitivity of 97% & predicted accuracy of 100% for identification of CCP Hemodynamics of Constriction
  • 24.  Unlike the complex interplay of pulmonary and systemic pressures associated with CP, RCM is the result of abnormalities intrinsic to the myocardium, which are unchanged during respiration.  As with CP, there is early rapid filling of the ventricles in early diastole, due to high atrial pressures, followed by limitation in filling from the stiff myocardium.  This results in a prominent “y” descent on the atrial pressure curves, as well as the “square root” sign on ventricular pressure curves.  The stiff, noncompliant ventricles are unable to easily accept additional increments in volume during atrial contraction, and thus the contribution from atrial contraction is often minimal. Hemodynamics of Restriction
  • 25. LV and RA pressure hemodynamic pressure tracings in restrictive cardiomyopathy (RCM). A prominent “y” descent is present, but the “x” descent is blunted
  • 26.  Unlike CP, the “x” descent is frequently blunted, given poor atrial relaxation and a limited descent of the annulus towards the apex.  Increased venous flow with inspiration is unable to be accommodated by a noncompliant RV; hence, there are diastolic flow reversals in the hepatic vein with inspiration.  Unlike CP, there is no discordance of intracavitary and intrathoracic pressures. Hemodynamics of Restriction
  • 27. LV and RV pressure tracings in restrictive cardiomyopathy. Although end-diastolic filling pressures are elevated and a square root sign (*) is present, there is no evidence of enhanced ventricular interdependence, with parallel changes in LV and RV pressure curve areas.
  • 28.   High systemic venous pressure and reduced cardiac output induce retention of sodium and water by the kidneys.  Inhibition of natriuretic peptides may exacerbate increased filling pressures Hemodynamics
  • 30.  Equalization of intracardiac pressures in CP results in systemic venous congestion, manifested as  Edema,  Hepatomegaly &  Ascites (ascites out of proportion to the edema favours CP).  Elevated JVP that increase with inspiration (Kussmaul’s sign).  Prominent “x” and “y” descents.  Robust early ventricular filling accompanying the “y” descent with sudden deceleration results in an early diastolic, high-pitched pericardial knock. Clinical Features
  • 31.   The most notable cardiac physical finding is the pericardial knock  An early diastolic sound best heard at the left sternal border and/or the cardiac apex.  It occurs slightly earlier and has a higher frequency content than S3  Corresponds to early, abrupt cessation of ventricular filling. Clinical Features
  • 32.  RCM results in predominant findings of systemic venous congestion.  Compared with CP, concomitant pulmonary venous congestion is more common in RCM, presenting as dyspnea.  Kussmaul’s sign may be present in RCM and is therefore a nonspecific finding.  A prominent “y” descent is seen on the jugular venous contour, accompanied by an S3, given rapid early filling of a stiffened ventricle.  Unlike CP, a pronounced “x” descent is not seen Clinical Features
  • 34.  Increased pericardial thickness can be recognized on TTE, although interpretation is often challenging.  Pericardial thickness >3 mm on TEE is both sensitive and specific  Ventricular septal shifting on M-mode is usually the first echocardiographic clue to the diagnosis of CP because it is present in almost all patients with CP.  Beyond the respirophasic motion, a septal “bounce,” also referred to as a “shudder” or “diastolic checking,” may be present with each beat in patients with CP, translating to a septal notch on M-mode imaging Echocardiography
  • 35.
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  • 37.  M-mode of the ventricular septum demonstrates respirophasic septal shift (downward translation of the septum with inspiration, upward translation with expiration) and septal shudder (circle, with enlarged view in upper right corner) in a patient with constrictive pericarditis. CCP
  • 38.  Mitral (and tricuspid) Doppler inflow patterns in both CP and RCM are early diastolic velocity (E-wave) predominant with a short deceleration time, reflecting the predominance of early rapid ventricular filling.  A critical difference is the presence of respiratory flow variation in CP, which is absent in RCM  Reportedly, mitral inflow in CP demonstrates a respiratory variation of >25%, with increased velocities during expiration  Mitral E-wave deceleration time is decreased & is usually < 160 ms.  The lack of respiratory variation should not exclude the diagnosis of CP. Doppler flow pattern
  • 39.  Pulsed-wave Doppler of the mitral inflow shows >25% expiratory increase in velocities (arrows). CCP
  • 40.  Pulsed-wave Doppler of the mitral inflow shows a restrictive pattern, with early diastolic mitral inflow Doppler velocity (E) greater than late velocity (A) and short deceleration time. RCM
  • 41.   Doppler respirophasic variation is similarly seen in the pulmonary veins, with peak diastolic flow >18% variation suggestive of CP.  Tricuspid inflow Doppler demonstrates the reverse finding, namely a >40% increase in tricuspid velocity in the first beat after inspiration in CP.  Hepatic vein Doppler interrogation in CP shows decreased expiratory diastolic hepatic vein forward velocities with large expiratory diastolic reversals. Doppler flow pattern
  • 42.  Hepatic vein pulsed-wave Doppler shows decreased expiratory forward velocities and large expiratory diastolic flow reversals (arrowhead). CCP
  • 43.  Hepatic vein pulsed-wave Doppler shows increased inspiratory forward velocities (arrow), inspiratory diastolic flow reversals (arrowhead), and minimal expiratory diastolic flow reversals (rounded arrow). RCM
  • 44.  Of all echocardiographic parameters, perhaps the most useful to distinguish CP and RCM is mitral annular tissue Doppler assessment.  Early medial mitral annular tissue Doppler e’ velocities are normal or paradoxically increased despite increased filling pressures, termed “annulus paradoxus” Tissue Doppler assessment
  • 45.  Medial mitral annulus tissue Doppler demonstrates elevated early diastolic velocities (e’ ), despite increased filling pressures (annulus paradoxus). CCP
  • 46.   Tethering of the LV free wall can result in reversal of the relationship between medial and lateral mitral annular tissue Doppler velocities,  Lateral cardiac motion is limited; hence, ventricular filling depends upon longitudinal cardiac motion.  As such, the medial e’ is higher (typically >7 cm/s) than lateral e’, also known as “Annulus reversus”. Tissue Doppler assessment
  • 47.  CCP Lateral mitral annulus e’ is decreased relative to the medial annulus (annulus reversus) due to lateral tethering.
  • 48.  Lateral mitral annulus tissue Doppler demonstrates markedly reduced early diastolic velocity (e’ ). RCM
  • 49.  Apical 4-chamber 2-dimensional echocardiography reveals severe biatrial enlargement (OWL’s eye appearance). RCM
  • 50.   Regional variations in deformation and strain include reduced LV circumferential strain, torsion, and early diastolic untwisting with preserved longitudinal strain and deformation in CP.  In contrast, in RCM restriction, circumferential strain and untwisting are preserved but these parameters are reduced in the longitudinal direction. Tissue Doppler assessment
  • 52.  Gold standard for the diagnosis of CP and RCM  In both diseases, catheterization demonstrates early rapid diastolic filling, with elevation & equalization of end-diastolic pressures  Although presence of pulmonary hypertension favours RCM, 1/3rd patients with surgically proven CP have pulmonary hypertension  After brisk early filling, ventricular pressure rises rapidly as pericardial constraining volume is reached, resulting in “square root” or “dip and plateau” sign.  Although this can be seen in both CP and RCM, a LV rapid filling wave with a height >7 mm Hg favors CP Hemodynamic catheterization
  • 53.  Kussmaul’s sign, quantified as <5 mm Hg decrease in inspiratory RA pressure, is often present in both CP and RCM  Disproportionate abnormalities of diastolic dysfunction result in a ratio of RVEDP to RVSP >1:3 in CP  Equalization of diastolic filling pressures in CP (≤5 mm Hg difference in LV and RV end-diastolic pressure) results from fixed pericardial volume and increased ventricular interdependence Hemodynamic catheterization
  • 54.   Dissociation of intrathoracic and intracardiac pressures can be analyzed utilizing simultaneous LV and pulmonary artery wedge pressure tracings.  In CP, there is a decrease in the initial wedge-LV pressure gradient during the first beat of inspiration, which is not present in RCM Hemodynamic catheterization
  • 55. CONSTRICTION RESTRICTION Prominent y descent in venous pressure Present Variable Paradoxic pulse ~1/3 cases Absent Pericardial knock Present Absent right- and left-sided filling Pressures Left at least 3-5 mm Hg higher than right Equal Filling pressures > 25 mm Hg Rare Common Pulmonary artery systolic pressure > 60 mm Hg No Common pulmonary venous flow Normal systolic & diastolic flow systolic flow is blunted & diastolic flow is increased Hepatic veins demonstrate (RICE) enhanced expiratory flow reversal with constriction increased inspiratory flow reversal Square root sign Present Variable Summary
  • 56. CONSTRICTION RESTRICTION Respiratory variation in left- sided and right-sided pressures/Flows Exaggerated Normal Enhanced respiratory variation in mitral inflow velocity Yes (>25%) No (≤ 10%) Ventricular wall thickness Normal Usually increased Pericardial thickness Increased Normal Atrial size Possible LA enlargement Biatrial enlargement Septal bounce Tissue Present Absent Doppler E′ velocity Increased Reduced Speckle tracking Normal longitudinal, Decreased circumferential Restoration Decreased longitudinal, normal circumferential restoration systolic area index Greater (>1.1) Lesser (<1.1)