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Harnessing the Power of Social Media
for Marketing and Community Outreach
Miami Dade College Conference Day, March 5th, 2009   Alex de Carvalho


    What is Social Media?

    Creating Identity and Brand online

    Community outreach, engagement ... and marketing
Alex de Carvalho

StartPR: social media management

- Track your mentions on social networks and on over 100 million blogs
- Annotate and store important posts
- Coordinate responses with colleagues
- Report on mentions and improve blogger relations activity

RefreshMiami: new media community

- South Florida’s web and new media community
- Established March 2006
- Over 1,000 members
- Monthly meetups average 100 participants

BarCamp Miami: new media conference

- Third web and new media “un”conference

- February 22nd 2009, just before the Future of Web Apps conference
- 806 registered and over 600 participants attended

- Free conference supported by company sponsorships

Social Media Club of South Florida

A community for the champions of social media and those seeking to learn
- Expand media literacy
- Share lessons learned
- Adopt industry standards
- Promote ethical practices



    What is Social Media?

    Creating Identity and Brand online

    Community outreach, engagement ... and marketing
social networks sure look like a random
  mess (and thus a waste of time?) ...

                                         Graph: GustavoG
Wikipedia is a social media ... let’s
look here for a definition
TOOLS for sharing and discussing

       Tools              Activities

ACTIVITIES that integrate
technology and social interaction

       Tools              Activities

INTERACTION that builds
shared meaning among communities, as
people share their stories and experiences

          Tools              Activities

Through social media,
people build their online ...
        • Presence
        • Credibility
        • Identity
        • Authority
        • Reputation
        • Influence
Traditional media
        A box of photos
Physical, paper mail and catalogs
          Yellow Pages
Digital media

   Compact disc
   Digital video
  Digital television
   Video games
Social media
 Social Networking
Social media
• Traditional media above can’t be changed. A newspaper can’t
 magically change its stories

• You can interact with my blog. You can leave a comment.

• You can get some sense of the popularity of my stu in real time.

• With the “new media” you can look at my archives and see all posts.

• Here on my blog I can mix media. A post could contain text, audio,
  video, or photos.

• Here on my blog I don’t need to convince a committee to publish.

• The new media is infinite. (time, space, schedule)

• The new media can be syndicated, linked and easily reused.

• The new media can be mashed up with data from other services.
                        Robert Scoble,


    What is Social Media?

    Creating Identity and Brand online

    Community outreach, engagement ... and marketing
now let’s talk about ...
Tom Peters said (over 10 yrs ago):

                                                 To be in
“We are CEOs of our own companies: Me Inc.

business today, our most important job is
to be head marketer for the brand called


                                            From Issue 10 | August 1997
there are lots of books on the importance of
branding yourself professionally ...
... but very few books (yet) on how to
   brand yourself professionally


   Note: your online identity works for you 24/7
so here’s the deal:

   1.   what defines you?
        - write your bio,
        - select your avatar,
        - choose a username

   2.   go where people are

   3.   connect with people
        (who share your interests)

   4.   publish, publish, publish

   5.   display your activity streams
Axiom #1:

your social profiles online and
    the stuff you publish
       will attract new
connections and opportunities
memorize this set of words

count to five
now, name a
laundry detergent
network of associations


                                            Tide                                                  All


        Source: Drew Westen, Ph.D., “The Political Brain: The Role of Emotion in Deciding the Fate of the Nation”
work on your own network
of associations


                    You            people

this is how people find you online

podcasts                          blogs
             blog posts


                          You      online
 avatars      photos            communities

lifestream                        worlds

             comments            presence
1. what defines you?
                      work experience
             sports          hobbies
 geography                              thoughts
             community work                        other activities
  travel                         pets

                               (now and in the future)
so here’s the deal:

   1.   what defines you?
        - write your bio,
        - select your avatar,
        - choose a username

   2.   go where people are

   3.   connect with people
        (who share your interests)

   4.   publish, publish, publish

   5.   display your activity streams
2. Go where people are

Think of it this way. If you are a fisherman you would
not fish for the trophy catch in stagnated water.
You would need to go to where there is fresh water.

That's where the fish are.

you mean, yet another social network?
think of social networks this way:
      The Social Media Starfish

Robert Scoble
or think of them as a “Conversation Prism”

   Brian Solis

so here’s the deal:

   1.   what defines you?
        - write your bio,
        - select your avatar,
        - choose a username

   2.   go where people are

   3.   connect with people
        (who share your interests)

   4.   publish, publish, publish

   5.   display your activity streams
looks pretty random, huh?

        Graph: GustavoG
Axiom #2:

“People don’t just connect to each other.

They connect through a shared object.”

            “Social Object”
                                    Jyri Engestrom
“The services that we love to play with allow
     people to socialize around objects”

   Flickr         YouTube  

    “Think about objects as the reason why
     people get in touch with each other”

                                            Jyri Engestrom
the same social network as before, showing
how people have connected by interests

                                                          Graph: GustavoG
Axiom #3:

   People you don’t know well

 will you open more doors for you

than your closest friends and family
Mark Granovetter on “weak ties”

    Weak social ties account for most of the structure of social

    networks in society as well as the transmission of information
    through these networks.

    More novel information flows to individuals through

    weak rather than strong ties.

    Because our close friends tend to move in the same circles

    that we do, the information they receive overlaps
    considerably with what we already know.
David Armano
LinkedIn is a good place to start connecting your
social networks to your other professional identity
    online, like blogs, slide presentations, etc.

so here’s the deal:

   1.   what defines you?
        - write your bio,
        - select your avatar,
        - choose a username

   2.   go where people are

   3.   connect with people
        (who share your interests)

   4.   publish, publish, publish

   5.   display your activity streams
content, frequency, pipeline, links
      list 20 topics

      write the articles:

            keep them short

            link to other bloggers

            include visual media

      post the first 5 to 10 at a frequency you determine ...

      then tell your contacts about your blog
      post the next 10 at the same frequency

      meanwhile, work on the next 20:

      always keep drafts in your pipeline!
a few words on writing for the web
    most importantly: listen first
                                        you are part of a community

    say LESS                            people skim so keep it short
✤                                   ✤

    front-load: inverted pyramid        important content at the top
✤                                   ✤

    clear headlines and headings        make it easy for people
✤                                   ✤

    be factual, not cryptic             unless it’s fiction
✤                                   ✤

    establish trust                     provide context
✤                                   ✤

    use active voice                    passive voice is to be avoided
✤                                   ✤

    pay attention to netiquette,        be gracious
✤                                   ✤

    culture, tone of voice
it’s not so hard to cut through
the clutter
some corporations and media on WordPress
don’t forget to:

  • link to your own and to others’ content

  • make it easy for others to contact you
what about protecting my own content?

what about using (embedding, quoting,
reposting) other peoples’ material?
Creative Commons
                     Share, Remix, Reuse — Legally

Creative Commons provides free tools that let authors, scientists, artists,
 and educators easily mark their creative work with the freedoms they
 want it to carry. You can use CC to change your copyright terms from
            quot;All Rights Reservedquot; to quot;Some Rights Reserved.quot;

   We're a nonprofit organization. Everything we do — including the
                     software we create — is free.

so here’s the deal:

   1.   what defines you?
        - write your bio,
        - select your avatar,
        - choose a username

   2.   go where people are

   3.   connect with people
        (who share your interests)

   4.   publish, publish, publish

   5.   display your activity streams
The news feed is another way to

    keep up with what your friends
    and contacts are doing -
    offline as well as online

    quick scan, no interaction = low

    transaction costs

    you may find something

    interesting to do, based on what
    your friends are doing

    you get a better sense about your

    contacts’ interests and activities

    develop your “peripheral vision”
your mini-feed provides a

            snapshot of who you are
            at any given point in time
            it also provides context

            show your personality

            manage your privacy


        real interaction and
        communication, or even just
        “phatic” communication


    What is Social Media?

    Creating Identity and Brand online

    Community outreach, engagement ... and marketing





Markets are conversations

                                                           Hugh McLeod
X is the membrane between your internal conversation, A, and what
              your customers are talking about, B
Think of advertising in general
Interruption marketing
How advertisers see us
Most of advertising is really not that different from ...

... unsolicited commercial messages
advertisers might as well talk to the hand
because we’re besieged by ads!
(and not even my cat likes spam)
do you see the membrane?
break down that wall or membrane between
    your company and your customers
Jeep’s website
links to social networks on Jeep’s website
active community of Jeep aficionados on Flickr
markets are conversations
Axiom #4:

A brand is the collective consumer concept
               of a company.

    Logos are just brand identification.
(a brand of candy made by the Mars company)

Axiom #5

        quot;The biggest challenge is moving away from
   thinking about [social media] as marketing and PR.

       It's about product development, it's about IT.

    It's got to cut across all functions of the company.quot;

                                                                             -Peter Kim
                                                                  Forrester Research
1. Become or hire a community manager
1.a) Also, train your colleagues

 Intel will build credibility among the tough-to-impress IT crowd by
 putting its engineers out front, rather than a media-trained

 So far, 150 engineers have been selected to contribute as bloggers on
 Intel sites and on other tech sites.

                                                                   -ADWEEK, July 2008

2. Listen
    How do people feel about my brand?

    What is being discussed?

    Who’s talking?

    Are they influential?

    Is my marketing working?

    Are my products working?

    How do we engage in the conversation?
Listen: track your mentions

    online brand monitoring / South Florida startup
Listen: monitor your brand(s)

What should I track?

          Key employees

          Company name and URL


          Product and service names


Listen, then manage and react to conversations

You may be amazed at what you’ll find out ...
3. Measure and count individual units, not just agreggate results
Suggested reading
Photo credits
attribution for photos not linked on their own slides

        cover picture (briefcase)



        70 years of Spam

        web 2.0 logos

        conversation prism

        dinner conversation

        talk to the hand


        hungry fish



        billboard man


        jelly beans

        community manager

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Harnessing the Power of Social Media for Marketing and Community Outreach

  • 1. Harnessing the Power of Social Media for Marketing and Community Outreach Miami Dade College Conference Day, March 5th, 2009 Alex de Carvalho
  • 2. Topics Introduction ✤ What is Social Media? ✤ Creating Identity and Brand online ✤ Community outreach, engagement ... and marketing ✤
  • 3. Alex de Carvalho
  • 4. StartPR: social media management - Track your mentions on social networks and on over 100 million blogs - Annotate and store important posts - Coordinate responses with colleagues - Report on mentions and improve blogger relations activity
  • 5. RefreshMiami: new media community - South Florida’s web and new media community - Established March 2006 - Over 1,000 members - Monthly meetups average 100 participants
  • 6. BarCamp Miami: new media conference - Third web and new media “un”conference - February 22nd 2009, just before the Future of Web Apps conference - 806 registered and over 600 participants attended - Free conference supported by company sponsorships
  • 7. Social Media Club of South Florida A community for the champions of social media and those seeking to learn - Expand media literacy - Share lessons learned - Adopt industry standards - Promote ethical practices
  • 8. Topics Introduction ✤ What is Social Media? ✤ Creating Identity and Brand online ✤ Community outreach, engagement ... and marketing ✤
  • 9. social networks sure look like a random mess (and thus a waste of time?) ... Graph: GustavoG
  • 10. Wikipedia is a social media ... let’s look here for a definition
  • 11. TOOLS for sharing and discussing Tools Activities social media Interaction
  • 12. ACTIVITIES that integrate technology and social interaction Tools Activities social media Interaction
  • 13. INTERACTION that builds shared meaning among communities, as people share their stories and experiences Tools Activities social media Interaction
  • 14. Through social media, people build their online ... • Presence • Credibility • Identity • Authority • Reputation • Influence
  • 15. Traditional media Newspapers Magazines Television Radio Books CDs DVDs A box of photos Physical, paper mail and catalogs Yellow Pages
  • 16. Digital media Cellphones Compact disc Digital video Digital television e-book Internet Minidisc Video games
  • 17. Social media Blogging Social Networking Wikis Bookmarking Photosharing Calendaring Tagging Podcasting Microblogging
  • 18. Social media • Traditional media above can’t be changed. A newspaper can’t magically change its stories • You can interact with my blog. You can leave a comment. • You can get some sense of the popularity of my stu in real time. • With the “new media” you can look at my archives and see all posts. • Here on my blog I can mix media. A post could contain text, audio, video, or photos. • Here on my blog I don’t need to convince a committee to publish. • The new media is infinite. (time, space, schedule) • The new media can be syndicated, linked and easily reused. • The new media can be mashed up with data from other services. Robert Scoble,
  • 19. Topics Introduction ✤ What is Social Media? ✤ Creating Identity and Brand online ✤ Community outreach, engagement ... and marketing ✤
  • 20. now let’s talk about ...
  • 21. Tom Peters said (over 10 yrs ago): To be in “We are CEOs of our own companies: Me Inc. business today, our most important job is to be head marketer for the brand called You.” From Issue 10 | August 1997
  • 22. there are lots of books on the importance of branding yourself professionally ...
  • 23. ... but very few books (yet) on how to brand yourself professionally online Note: your online identity works for you 24/7
  • 24. so here’s the deal: 1. what defines you? - write your bio, - select your avatar, - choose a username 2. go where people are 3. connect with people (who share your interests) 4. publish, publish, publish 5. display your activity streams
  • 25. Axiom #1: your social profiles online and the stuff you publish will attract new connections and opportunities
  • 26. memorize this set of words ocean moon face desk lights
  • 28. now, name a laundry detergent
  • 29. network of associations Gain moon Tide All ocean Fab wave Source: Drew Westen, Ph.D., “The Political Brain: The Role of Emotion in Deciding the Fate of the Nation”
  • 30. work on your own network of associations people content You people content people content
  • 31. this is how people find you online podcasts blogs blog posts social socnets video profiles You online avatars photos communities virtual tags lifestream worlds online comments presence
  • 32. 1. what defines you? reputation work experience passions education sports hobbies relationships geography thoughts associations groups desires community work other activities travel pets (now and in the future)
  • 33. so here’s the deal: 1. what defines you? - write your bio, - select your avatar, - choose a username 2. go where people are 3. connect with people (who share your interests) 4. publish, publish, publish 5. display your activity streams
  • 34. 2. Go where people are Think of it this way. If you are a fisherman you would not fish for the trophy catch in stagnated water. You would need to go to where there is fresh water. That's where the fish are.
  • 35. you mean, yet another social network?
  • 36. think of social networks this way: The Social Media Starfish Robert Scoble
  • 37. or think of them as a “Conversation Prism” Brian Solis
  • 38. so here’s the deal: 1. what defines you? - write your bio, - select your avatar, - choose a username 2. go where people are 3. connect with people (who share your interests) 4. publish, publish, publish 5. display your activity streams
  • 39. looks pretty random, huh? Graph: GustavoG
  • 40. Axiom #2: “People don’t just connect to each other. They connect through a shared object.” “Social Object” Jyri Engestrom
  • 41. “The services that we love to play with allow people to socialize around objects” Flickr YouTube “Think about objects as the reason why people get in touch with each other” Jyri Engestrom
  • 42. the same social network as before, showing how people have connected by interests Graph: GustavoG
  • 43. Axiom #3: People you don’t know well will you open more doors for you than your closest friends and family
  • 44. Mark Granovetter on “weak ties” Weak social ties account for most of the structure of social ✤ networks in society as well as the transmission of information through these networks. More novel information flows to individuals through ✤ weak rather than strong ties. Because our close friends tend to move in the same circles ✤ that we do, the information they receive overlaps considerably with what we already know.
  • 46. LinkedIn is a good place to start connecting your social networks to your other professional identity online, like blogs, slide presentations, etc.
  • 47. so here’s the deal: 1. what defines you? - write your bio, - select your avatar, - choose a username 2. go where people are 3. connect with people (who share your interests) 4. publish, publish, publish 5. display your activity streams
  • 48. blogging: content, frequency, pipeline, links list 20 topics ✤ write the articles: ✤ keep them short ✤ link to other bloggers ✤ include visual media ✤ post the first 5 to 10 at a frequency you determine ... ✤ then tell your contacts about your blog post the next 10 at the same frequency ✤ meanwhile, work on the next 20: ✤ always keep drafts in your pipeline!
  • 49. a few words on writing for the web most importantly: listen first ✤ you are part of a community ✤ say LESS people skim so keep it short ✤ ✤ front-load: inverted pyramid important content at the top ✤ ✤ clear headlines and headings make it easy for people ✤ ✤ be factual, not cryptic unless it’s fiction ✤ ✤ establish trust provide context ✤ ✤ use active voice passive voice is to be avoided ✤ ✤ pay attention to netiquette, be gracious ✤ ✤ culture, tone of voice
  • 50. it’s not so hard to cut through the clutter
  • 51. some corporations and media on WordPress
  • 52. don’t forget to: • link to your own and to others’ content • make it easy for others to contact you
  • 53. what about protecting my own content? what about using (embedding, quoting, reposting) other peoples’ material?
  • 54. Creative Commons Share, Remix, Reuse — Legally Creative Commons provides free tools that let authors, scientists, artists, and educators easily mark their creative work with the freedoms they want it to carry. You can use CC to change your copyright terms from quot;All Rights Reservedquot; to quot;Some Rights Reserved.quot; We're a nonprofit organization. Everything we do — including the software we create — is free.
  • 55.
  • 56. so here’s the deal: 1. what defines you? - write your bio, - select your avatar, - choose a username 2. go where people are 3. connect with people (who share your interests) 4. publish, publish, publish 5. display your activity streams
  • 57. The news feed is another way to ✤ keep up with what your friends and contacts are doing - offline as well as online quick scan, no interaction = low ✤ transaction costs you may find something ✤ interesting to do, based on what your friends are doing you get a better sense about your ✤ contacts’ interests and activities develop your “peripheral vision” ✤
  • 58. your mini-feed provides a ✤ snapshot of who you are at any given point in time it also provides context ✤ show your personality ✤ manage your privacy ✤ Text Text real interaction and communication, or even just “phatic” communication
  • 59. Topics Introduction ✤ What is Social Media? ✤ Creating Identity and Brand online ✤ Community outreach, engagement ... and marketing ✤
  • 60. THE ONLINE OBJECTIVE Influence Authority p to e Reputation th to se Identity Ri Credibility Presence
  • 61. Markets are conversations Hugh McLeod X is the membrane between your internal conversation, A, and what your customers are talking about, B 001607.html
  • 62. Think of advertising in general
  • 65. Most of advertising is really not that different from ...
  • 67. advertisers might as well talk to the hand
  • 68. because we’re besieged by ads! (and not even my cat likes spam)
  • 69. do you see the membrane?
  • 70.
  • 71. break down that wall or membrane between your company and your customers
  • 73. links to social networks on Jeep’s website
  • 74. active community of Jeep aficionados on Flickr jeepexperience/
  • 76. Axiom #4: A brand is the collective consumer concept of a company. Logos are just brand identification.
  • 77. Skittles (a brand of candy made by the Mars company)
  • 78.
  • 79.
  • 80.
  • 81.
  • 82.
  • 83.
  • 84. Axiom #5 quot;The biggest challenge is moving away from thinking about [social media] as marketing and PR. It's about product development, it's about IT. It's got to cut across all functions of the company.quot; -Peter Kim Forrester Research
  • 86. 1. Become or hire a community manager 1.a) Also, train your colleagues
  • 87. Intel Intel will build credibility among the tough-to-impress IT crowd by putting its engineers out front, rather than a media-trained spokesperson. So far, 150 engineers have been selected to contribute as bloggers on Intel sites and on other tech sites. -ADWEEK, July 2008
  • 89. Questions: How do people feel about my brand? ✤ What is being discussed? ✤ Who’s talking? ✤ Are they influential? ✤ Is my marketing working? ✤ Are my products working? ✤ How do we engage in the conversation? ✤
  • 90. Listen: track your mentions online brand monitoring / South Florida startup
  • 91. Listen: monitor your brand(s)
  • 92. What should I track? Key employees ✤ Company name and URL ✤ Competitors ✤ Product and service names ✤ Brands ✤ Keywords ✤
  • 93. Listen, then manage and react to conversations
  • 94. You may be amazed at what you’ll find out ...
  • 95. 3. Measure and count individual units, not just agreggate results
  • 97.
  • 100. attribution for photos not linked on their own slides cover picture (briefcase) ✤ millenials.html puppy ✤ garfield ✤ 70 years of Spam ✤ web 2.0 logos ✤ conversation prism ✤ dinner conversation ✤ talk to the hand ✤ child ✤ hungry fish ✤ seti ✤ attention ✤ billboard man ✤ yeehaw ✤ jelly beans ✤ community manager ✤