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Eyes as Window to the Mind
Prof. Hani Hamed Dessoki, M.D.Psychiatry
Acting Dean, Faculty of Nursing
Prof. Psychiatry
Founder of Psychiatry Depart., Beni Suef University
Supervisor of Psychiatry Depart., El-Fayoum University
Treasurer of Egyptian Psychiatric Association
APA member
Eyes as Window to the Mind
‫عيون‬ ‫حكيم‬
•‫العين‬ ‫فى‬ ‫افهم‬ ‫عيون‬ ‫حكيم‬
‫العين‬ ‫رموش‬ ‫فى‬ ‫كمان‬ ‫افهم‬ ‫و‬
•‫فين‬ ‫ساكن‬ ‫هواهم‬ ‫اعرف‬
‫منين‬ ‫ييجي‬ ‫دواهم‬ ‫اعرف‬ ‫و‬
•‫عنهم‬ ‫كتير‬ ‫وقريت‬ ‫منهم‬ ‫كتير‬ ‫قاسيت‬
10 APRIL 2019
Eyes hint at hidden
Eye examinations
could enable
clinicians to detect
early signs of
neurological and
The Eyes Are the Windows to the Mind:
Direct Eye Gaze Triggers the Ascription
of Others’ Minds
The Eye
• Eye gaze is a potent source of social
information with direct eye gaze signaling
the desire to approach and averted eye
gaze signaling avoidance.
• Our eyes don’t lie: they’re windows
to the soul.
• They show the truth, no matter what
face we put on, in any situation.
• The best way to get to know
someone is to look them in the
eyes and observe what they
reveal about their emotional state.
• Our eyes, just like our body language,
give us away, and they say more than we
ever could with words.
• As a matter of fact, most of the information
we convey is through nonverbal
language, which ranges from simple
looks to all of the movements we make.
The nonverbal language of our eyes
• Here’s an interesting list of some of the information
that eyes can convey:
• Happiness
When your eyes elongate, wrinkle, and shine more than
normal, you probably feel pretty good. You don’t need to
see someone smile to notice that they’re happy.
• Attention
If someone is looking at you with open eyes and a
penetrating gaze, it means they’re paying attention to
what you’re saying and to what’s happening. If they’re
talking to you, they’re paying attention to your words, and
you’d have to focus on other nonverbal features to figure
out if they’re judging you for better or worse.
The nonverbal language of our eyes
• Sadness
Through the windows of the soul, we can see sadness, one
of the emotions we feel the most but often try to hide. In
this case, the eyelids raise, as does the lower edge of the
• Anger
When we get angry, our eyebrows arch, and our
expression is completely serious. Sometimes, we even
The nonverbal language of our eyes
• Uncertainty or evaluation
When we listen to someone and narrow our eyes, we’re
indicating that we’re either evaluating what they’re saying
and doubting its validity, or we don’t understand what
they’re saying. Half-closed eyes can also indicate
• Sexual desire or concentration
• When we feel sexual desire or concentrate, the
pupils dilate like we’ve mentioned before, which leaves
us completely exposed to the other person. We can’t
avoid it, so we usually rub our eyes because they get
wet and we feel uncomfortable.
To improve diagnosis and tracking of
• To improve diagnosis and tracking of
schizophrenia, researchers have been
hunting for biomarkers — measurable
physiological signals that can indicate a
condition’s onset and progression.
• And in the past decade, research has
begun to point to a promising source of
such signals: the eye.
The Retina
• For instance, the thickness of a person’s retina
— the layer of light-sensitive tissue at the back
of the eye — or the retina’s response to light
could provide early signs that an individual is
affected by or at risk of schizophrenia.
• “The retina is essentially a proxy for what’s
happening in the brain,” says Steven Silverstein,
a clinical psychiatrist at Rutgers University in
Piscataway, New Jersey.
The eye
• The potential to use the eye as a window on the
brain goes beyond just schizophrenia.
• As understanding of the links between eye and
brain health deepens, evidence is building that
changes in the condition or function of the eye
can hint at the presence and progression of
neurological disorders, as well as brain injuries
such as concussion.
• With that in mind, researchers are now
taking advantage of improved imaging
technology to develop simple, minimally
invasive tools for examining the eye and
vision to help screen for, diagnose and
monitor neurological and mental-health
Vision changes
• Vision is thought to require the use of
about half of the brain’s neural pathways,
says Laura Balcer, a neuro-
ophthalmologist at New York University
Langone Health in New York City.
Vision changes
• Indeed, researchers have known for decades
that certain neurological disorders can bring
about changes in vision and eye motion.
• Much of the work to assess neurological
conditions through the eye has been done
in the context of multiple sclerosis.
• In this disorder, the immune system
disrupts communication in the central
nervous system by attacking myelin, a
fatty substance that forms a protective
layer around nerve fibres.
• The process damages several parts of the
brain, including those involved in pathways
that are responsible for vision, and the
optic nerve, which carries impulses
between the eye and the brain.
• Although people with multiple sclerosis
often report having vision problems,
standard eye tests — in which a person
reads letters printed in black from a chart
with a white background — typically fail to
uncover any issues
• So, in the early 2000s, Balcer and her
collaborator Steven Galetta, also a neuro-
ophthalmologist at Langone Health,
helped to develop an alternative test that
uses the Sloan low-contrast letter-acuity
chart, in which a person has to identify
grey letters on a white background — a
task that is more difficult for people with
multiple sclerosis, because they require
greater levels of contrast than do people
without the condition.
• The test has since become the leading
tool for monitoring and studying vision
problems associated with the condition.
• Researchers are also developing tests that
make use of other visual pathways to
diagnose multiple sclerosis.
• The King-Devick test, developed by King-
Devick technologies in Oakbrook Terrace,
Illinois, assesses the brain pathways that
control eye movement by requiring a
person to read rapidly from a page of
single-digit numbers.
• And a test known as the Mobile Universal
Lexicon Evaluation System (MULES) asks
participants to name images of objects
as fast as they can to test pathways for
colour perception, memory and object
• These new tests can also help to diagnose
concussion that is incurred while playing
• Currently, a medical professional or
athletic trainer has to assess a person for
a range of symptoms, including dizziness,
nausea and general confusion — a task
that is often subjective.
Mapping the eye
• Neurological injuries and disorders can
also cause physical damage to the retina
and optic nerve that could give
researchers an insight into the underlying
Mapping the eye
• That’s because the brain and the eye are
linked physically by the optic nerve.
• In fact, certain parts of the eye, including
the retina, are essentially an extension
of the brain, having developed from the
same embryonic tissue.
• Examining the retina has become much
easier since the advent of a non-invasive
imaging technique called optical
coherence tomography (OCT), about 30
years ago.
Optical Coherence
Tomography (OCT),
• In OCT, the eye is scanned with a beam of
light. The light that is reflected back is
analysed to produce a 3D image of the
• Used mainly to monitor and diagnose eye
conditions such as glaucoma or age-
related macular degeneration, OCT has
now become a tool for studying,
monitoring and potentially diagnosing
neurological disorders.
• The technique has revealed, in detail, how
multiple sclerosis thins the retina and
damages the optic nerve, leading to
inflammation — a condition called optic
• And by combining OCT with tests for low-
contrast vision, researchers have
uncovered a correlation between a
thinning retina and vision problems in
multiple sclerosis.
• Galetta and Balcer say that OCT-based
observations of the optic nerve should be
incorporated into standard criteria for
diagnosing the condition.
• At present, such a diagnosis requires the
identification of lesions in the central
nervous system by magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI).
• Although optic-nerve lesions are often
present before symptoms appear, they are
rarely used in diagnosis.
• The optic nerve is difficult to image by MRI
because it is small and the eye moves
• OCT, however, boasts a resolution that is
1,000 times greater than that of MRI, and
the technique is therefore more sensitive
to optic-nerve lesions.
From Imaging the Brain to Imaging the Retina:
Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) in
Carlos Schönfeldt-Lecuona, Thomas Kregel, Arno Schmidt, Elmar H.
Pinkhardt, Florian Lauda, Jan Kassubek, Bernhard J.
Connemann, Roland W. Freudenmann, Maximilian Gahr
Schizophrenia Bulletin, Volume 42, Issue 1, January 2016, Pages 9–
05 June 2015
• Abstract
• Findings from computer-based magnetic resonance
imaging analyses and neuropathological studies support
the hypothesis of a degenerative component of certain
psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia.
• Studies in schizophrenia incorporating OCT are currently
rare and have yielded further heterogeneous results.
• This article elucidates the method of OCT and the
retina’s role as a “window to the brain”.
• Furthermore, in delineating the degenerative
components of schizophrenia, we discuss the possible
applications of OCT in the schizophrenia population.
Schizophrenia—Another Disorder for
Exploring Neurodegeneration With OCT?
• Rsults from opthalmological studies of
patients with schizophrenia have indicated
that patients with schizophrenia exhibit a
variety of visual deficits, suggesting
impairment in the earliest components of
the visual tracts.
• Deficits in visual-evoked potentials or
behavioural tests demonstrate a rather
selective impairment of the magnocellular
pathway that is responsible for object
motion and assessing spatial
Optical coherence tomography: a window into the
brain of schizophrenic patients
First published: 06 August 2012
• Abstract
• Purpose Our study aims to assess peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness,
macular thickness and volume, and optic nerve head (ONH) measurements in patients affected by
• Methods 30 schizophrenic patients (mean age 44.5 +/‐ 10.9 years) were enrolled. They were
compared with 30 age‐matched controls. In all subjects, peripapillary RNFL thickness, ONH
measurements, macular thickness and volume were measured by optical coherence tomography
(OCT). The eye studied was the right eye
• Results Schizophrenic patients showed an statistically significant reduction of the overall
peripapillary RNFL thickness (95.1+/‐ 13.4 µm) compared with those values observed in control
eyes (103.3+/‐9.0 µm) (p=0.008, Student t test). We also observed reduced peripapillary RNFL
thickness in superior quadrant in schizophrenic patients (114.7+/‐18.0 µm) when compared with
controls (127.3+/‐ 14.4 µm) (p=0.004, Student t test). Cup/disk area ratio (cases: 0.45 +/‐ 0.31;
controls: 0.26 +/‐ 0.27 p=0.002, Mann‐Whitney U test), cup/disk horizontal ratio (cases: 0.67 +/‐
0.22; controls: 0.48 +/‐ 0.23 p=0.003, Student t test), cup/disk vertical ratio (cases: 0.60 +/‐ 0.24;
controls: 0.44 +/‐ 0.23 p=0.003, Mann‐Whitney U test) and cup area (cases: 1.32 +/‐ 1.09;
controls: 0.73 +/‐ 0.82 p=0.001, Mann‐Whitney U test) were statistically increased in
schizophrenic patients.
• Conclusion Schizophrenia patients showed a reduction in peripapillary RNFL
thickness evaluated by OCT and an increase in some measurements of ONH.
These findings suggest that as previously observed in neurodegenerative
• OCT also holds promise for identifying
early signs of the neurological conditions
Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s
disease, which could enable people to be
treated before symptoms develop.
• A team of researchers at Seoul National
University used OCT to show that thinning
of the retina was correlated with both an
increasing severity of Parkinson’s disease
and the death of neurons that produce the
neurotransmitter dopamine, the loss of
which causes Parkinson’s disease.
• Researchers in the United States
combined OCT with angiography, a
technique for imaging blood vessels, as
part of efforts to find early biomarkers of
Alzheimer’s disease.
• The team compared healthy retinas with
those of people who had elevated levels of
amyloid-β — a peptide linked to
Alzheimer’s disease — but who did not yet
exhibit symptoms of the condition.
• They found that the foveal avascular zone,
a region of the retina that lacks blood
vessels, was about one-third larger, on
average, in people with elevated amyloid-
• The data are limited but promising, says
Gregory Van Stavern, a neuro-
ophthalmologist at Washington University
in St. Louis, Missouri, who co-led the
study. “We’re very enthusiastic to see if we
can replicate it, and see if we can show
this could be a really useful tool for
screening down the line,” he says.
From eye to mind
• Researchers are also looking to the eye
for early biomarkers of neuropsychiatric
disease, which could enable clinicians to
intervene before their onset or thwart their
• For instance, there is evidence that, in
people with schizophrenia, the small
veins, or venules, of the retina are wider
and the retina is thinner
Electroretinography, which
measures the retina’s response
to light, is being tested as a
possible tool for identifying
people at risk of developing
Credit: LKC Technologies
• Perhaps the most promising tool in the
short term for identifying people at risk of
developing schizophrenia is
electroretinography, a simple and
minimally invasive test that measures the
retina’s electrical response to light.
• That signal is captured using a small
electrode that is attached to the cheek
below the eye or placed under the upper
or lower eyelid.
• “It feels like you have a hair in your eye for
about a minute and then you don’t really
notice it anymore,” Silverstein says.
• A team of researchers led by clinical
psychiatrist Michel Maziade at Laval
University in Quebec City, Canada, has
used electroretinography to identify how
the response of light-sensitive cells in the
retina called rods and cones changes in
people at risk of or diagnosed with
neuropsychiatric conditions such as
schizophrenia and major depressive
• In 2010, the researchers found that the
rods of young people with a high genetic
risk of developing schizophrenia respond
more weakly to light than do those of
young people without that risk.
• Individuals considered to be at risk had
one parent who had been diagnosed with
bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, but
showed no symptoms themselves, which
suggests that electroretinography can help
to identify people who might benefit from
medical intervention before symptoms
• Electroretinography have documented
altered electrical activity in the cone
photoreceptors represented by the a-wave
amplitude, and additionally being inversely
related to the positive symptoms.
• Deviations in dopamine and serotonin
transmission affect the electroretinogram
(ERG) measures.
• Therefore, ERG abnormalities may be
associated with central monoaminergic
• With regard to dopamine as a retinal
neurotransmitter especially released by
amacrine cells.
Digital Fundus Photography
• Additionally, preliminary results from digital
retinal imaging (digital fundus
photography) in patients with
schizophrenia have demonstrated that
patients show wider retinal venules
compared with matched healthy controls.
• The researchers suggested that this could
be due to an insufficient oxygen supply to
the brain.
• Recent findings in the areas of
neuroimaging and neuropathology suggest
parallels between schizophrenia and the
“classical” neurodegenerative disorders.
• Certain biochemical findings additionally
underline the degenerative component in
• Pathological dysregulation of apoptosis in
the neurons of patients with schizophrenia
is accounted for by the abnormally low
concentration of the anti-apoptotic Bcl-2
and an elevated Bax/Bcl-2-ratio in the
• A 2015 study with a larger population size
found similar photoreceptor responses to
light in 100 adults with schizophrenia.
Eye in Psychiatry
1- Neurocogitive disorders eye exam may
denote the cause by fundus exam may..
retinal edema, increase ICP, Deposits ,
cupper in Wilsons disease
2- Eye examination is important to diagnosis
of organic causes for psychiatric disorders
as in endocrine disorders, ,MS, metabolic
disorders vitamins and electrolyte and
minerals diffeciencies
3 - substance use disorders : nystagmus in
alcohol, conjunctival congestion.
In Hashish and bango intoxication, ppp in
opiate intoxication or dilated pupil in other
substance intoxication
4 - eye contact is AN important sign and it`s
impaired in psychiatric disorders as
schizophrenia, ASD
Eye in Psychiatry
5-The eye is part of emotion examination as
affect , as eye may express wide range of
6- Disturbance or disorders of perception
can be expressed in vision as illusions,
hallucinations, depersonalization and
Eye in Psychiatry
Hanipsych, eye as a window for brain

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Hanipsych, eye as a window for brain

  • 1.
  • 2. Eyes as Window to the Mind Prof. Hani Hamed Dessoki, M.D.Psychiatry Acting Dean, Faculty of Nursing Prof. Psychiatry Founder of Psychiatry Depart., Beni Suef University Supervisor of Psychiatry Depart., El-Fayoum University Treasurer of Egyptian Psychiatric Association APA member 2019
  • 3. Eyes as Window to the Mind
  • 4. ‫عيون‬ ‫حكيم‬ •‫العين‬ ‫فى‬ ‫افهم‬ ‫عيون‬ ‫حكيم‬ ‫العين‬ ‫رموش‬ ‫فى‬ ‫كمان‬ ‫افهم‬ ‫و‬ •‫فين‬ ‫ساكن‬ ‫هواهم‬ ‫اعرف‬ ‫منين‬ ‫ييجي‬ ‫دواهم‬ ‫اعرف‬ ‫و‬ •‫عنهم‬ ‫كتير‬ ‫وقريت‬ ‫منهم‬ ‫كتير‬ ‫قاسيت‬
  • 5. Nature 10 APRIL 2019 Eyes hint at hidden mental-health conditions Eye examinations could enable clinicians to detect early signs of neurological and neuropsychiatric conditions.
  • 6. The Eyes Are the Windows to the Mind: Direct Eye Gaze Triggers the Ascription of Others’ Minds
  • 7. The Eye • Eye gaze is a potent source of social information with direct eye gaze signaling the desire to approach and averted eye gaze signaling avoidance.
  • 8. • Our eyes don’t lie: they’re windows to the soul. • They show the truth, no matter what face we put on, in any situation. • The best way to get to know someone is to look them in the eyes and observe what they reveal about their emotional state.
  • 9. • Our eyes, just like our body language, give us away, and they say more than we ever could with words. • As a matter of fact, most of the information we convey is through nonverbal language, which ranges from simple looks to all of the movements we make.
  • 10.
  • 11. The nonverbal language of our eyes • Here’s an interesting list of some of the information that eyes can convey: • Happiness When your eyes elongate, wrinkle, and shine more than normal, you probably feel pretty good. You don’t need to see someone smile to notice that they’re happy. • Attention If someone is looking at you with open eyes and a penetrating gaze, it means they’re paying attention to what you’re saying and to what’s happening. If they’re talking to you, they’re paying attention to your words, and you’d have to focus on other nonverbal features to figure out if they’re judging you for better or worse.
  • 12. The nonverbal language of our eyes • Sadness Through the windows of the soul, we can see sadness, one of the emotions we feel the most but often try to hide. In this case, the eyelids raise, as does the lower edge of the eyebrows. • Anger When we get angry, our eyebrows arch, and our expression is completely serious. Sometimes, we even frown.
  • 13. The nonverbal language of our eyes • Uncertainty or evaluation When we listen to someone and narrow our eyes, we’re indicating that we’re either evaluating what they’re saying and doubting its validity, or we don’t understand what they’re saying. Half-closed eyes can also indicate tiredness. • Sexual desire or concentration • When we feel sexual desire or concentrate, the pupils dilate like we’ve mentioned before, which leaves us completely exposed to the other person. We can’t avoid it, so we usually rub our eyes because they get wet and we feel uncomfortable.
  • 14. To improve diagnosis and tracking of schizophrenia • To improve diagnosis and tracking of schizophrenia, researchers have been hunting for biomarkers — measurable physiological signals that can indicate a condition’s onset and progression. • And in the past decade, research has begun to point to a promising source of such signals: the eye.
  • 15. The Retina • For instance, the thickness of a person’s retina — the layer of light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye — or the retina’s response to light could provide early signs that an individual is affected by or at risk of schizophrenia. • “The retina is essentially a proxy for what’s happening in the brain,” says Steven Silverstein, a clinical psychiatrist at Rutgers University in Piscataway, New Jersey.
  • 16. The eye • The potential to use the eye as a window on the brain goes beyond just schizophrenia. • As understanding of the links between eye and brain health deepens, evidence is building that changes in the condition or function of the eye can hint at the presence and progression of neurological disorders, as well as brain injuries such as concussion.
  • 17. • With that in mind, researchers are now taking advantage of improved imaging technology to develop simple, minimally invasive tools for examining the eye and vision to help screen for, diagnose and monitor neurological and mental-health conditions.
  • 18. Vision changes • Vision is thought to require the use of about half of the brain’s neural pathways, says Laura Balcer, a neuro- ophthalmologist at New York University Langone Health in New York City.
  • 19. Vision changes • Indeed, researchers have known for decades that certain neurological disorders can bring about changes in vision and eye motion.
  • 20. • Much of the work to assess neurological conditions through the eye has been done in the context of multiple sclerosis. • In this disorder, the immune system disrupts communication in the central nervous system by attacking myelin, a fatty substance that forms a protective layer around nerve fibres.
  • 21. • The process damages several parts of the brain, including those involved in pathways that are responsible for vision, and the optic nerve, which carries impulses between the eye and the brain.
  • 22. • Although people with multiple sclerosis often report having vision problems, standard eye tests — in which a person reads letters printed in black from a chart with a white background — typically fail to uncover any issues
  • 23. • So, in the early 2000s, Balcer and her collaborator Steven Galetta, also a neuro- ophthalmologist at Langone Health, helped to develop an alternative test that uses the Sloan low-contrast letter-acuity chart, in which a person has to identify grey letters on a white background — a task that is more difficult for people with multiple sclerosis, because they require greater levels of contrast than do people without the condition.
  • 24. • The test has since become the leading tool for monitoring and studying vision problems associated with the condition.
  • 25. • Researchers are also developing tests that make use of other visual pathways to diagnose multiple sclerosis. • The King-Devick test, developed by King- Devick technologies in Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois, assesses the brain pathways that control eye movement by requiring a person to read rapidly from a page of single-digit numbers.
  • 26. • And a test known as the Mobile Universal Lexicon Evaluation System (MULES) asks participants to name images of objects as fast as they can to test pathways for colour perception, memory and object recognition.
  • 27. • These new tests can also help to diagnose concussion that is incurred while playing sport. • Currently, a medical professional or athletic trainer has to assess a person for a range of symptoms, including dizziness, nausea and general confusion — a task that is often subjective.
  • 28. Mapping the eye • Neurological injuries and disorders can also cause physical damage to the retina and optic nerve that could give researchers an insight into the underlying condition.
  • 29. Mapping the eye • That’s because the brain and the eye are linked physically by the optic nerve. • In fact, certain parts of the eye, including the retina, are essentially an extension of the brain, having developed from the same embryonic tissue.
  • 30. • Examining the retina has become much easier since the advent of a non-invasive imaging technique called optical coherence tomography (OCT), about 30 years ago.
  • 32. OCT • In OCT, the eye is scanned with a beam of light. The light that is reflected back is analysed to produce a 3D image of the retina. • Used mainly to monitor and diagnose eye conditions such as glaucoma or age- related macular degeneration, OCT has now become a tool for studying, monitoring and potentially diagnosing neurological disorders.
  • 33. • The technique has revealed, in detail, how multiple sclerosis thins the retina and damages the optic nerve, leading to inflammation — a condition called optic neuritis. • And by combining OCT with tests for low- contrast vision, researchers have uncovered a correlation between a thinning retina and vision problems in multiple sclerosis.
  • 34. • Galetta and Balcer say that OCT-based observations of the optic nerve should be incorporated into standard criteria for diagnosing the condition. • At present, such a diagnosis requires the identification of lesions in the central nervous system by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
  • 35. • Although optic-nerve lesions are often present before symptoms appear, they are rarely used in diagnosis. • The optic nerve is difficult to image by MRI because it is small and the eye moves constantly. • OCT, however, boasts a resolution that is 1,000 times greater than that of MRI, and the technique is therefore more sensitive to optic-nerve lesions.
  • 36. From Imaging the Brain to Imaging the Retina: Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) in Schizophrenia Carlos Schönfeldt-Lecuona, Thomas Kregel, Arno Schmidt, Elmar H. Pinkhardt, Florian Lauda, Jan Kassubek, Bernhard J. Connemann, Roland W. Freudenmann, Maximilian Gahr Schizophrenia Bulletin, Volume 42, Issue 1, January 2016, Pages 9– 14, Published: 05 June 2015
  • 37. • Abstract • Findings from computer-based magnetic resonance imaging analyses and neuropathological studies support the hypothesis of a degenerative component of certain psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia. • Studies in schizophrenia incorporating OCT are currently rare and have yielded further heterogeneous results. • This article elucidates the method of OCT and the retina’s role as a “window to the brain”. • Furthermore, in delineating the degenerative components of schizophrenia, we discuss the possible applications of OCT in the schizophrenia population.
  • 38.
  • 39. Schizophrenia—Another Disorder for Exploring Neurodegeneration With OCT? • Rsults from opthalmological studies of patients with schizophrenia have indicated that patients with schizophrenia exhibit a variety of visual deficits, suggesting impairment in the earliest components of the visual tracts.
  • 40. • Deficits in visual-evoked potentials or behavioural tests demonstrate a rather selective impairment of the magnocellular pathway that is responsible for object motion and assessing spatial relationships.
  • 41. Optical coherence tomography: a window into the brain of schizophrenic patients L CABEZON F ASCASO P RAMIRO MA QUINTANILLA L GUTIERREZ A LOBO JA CRISTOBAL First published: 06 August 2012
  • 42. • Abstract • Purpose Our study aims to assess peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness, macular thickness and volume, and optic nerve head (ONH) measurements in patients affected by schizophrenia • Methods 30 schizophrenic patients (mean age 44.5 +/‐ 10.9 years) were enrolled. They were compared with 30 age‐matched controls. In all subjects, peripapillary RNFL thickness, ONH measurements, macular thickness and volume were measured by optical coherence tomography (OCT). The eye studied was the right eye • Results Schizophrenic patients showed an statistically significant reduction of the overall peripapillary RNFL thickness (95.1+/‐ 13.4 µm) compared with those values observed in control eyes (103.3+/‐9.0 µm) (p=0.008, Student t test). We also observed reduced peripapillary RNFL thickness in superior quadrant in schizophrenic patients (114.7+/‐18.0 µm) when compared with controls (127.3+/‐ 14.4 µm) (p=0.004, Student t test). Cup/disk area ratio (cases: 0.45 +/‐ 0.31; controls: 0.26 +/‐ 0.27 p=0.002, Mann‐Whitney U test), cup/disk horizontal ratio (cases: 0.67 +/‐ 0.22; controls: 0.48 +/‐ 0.23 p=0.003, Student t test), cup/disk vertical ratio (cases: 0.60 +/‐ 0.24; controls: 0.44 +/‐ 0.23 p=0.003, Mann‐Whitney U test) and cup area (cases: 1.32 +/‐ 1.09; controls: 0.73 +/‐ 0.82 p=0.001, Mann‐Whitney U test) were statistically increased in schizophrenic patients. • Conclusion Schizophrenia patients showed a reduction in peripapillary RNFL thickness evaluated by OCT and an increase in some measurements of ONH. These findings suggest that as previously observed in neurodegenerative disorders.
  • 43. • OCT also holds promise for identifying early signs of the neurological conditions Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease, which could enable people to be treated before symptoms develop.
  • 44. • A team of researchers at Seoul National University used OCT to show that thinning of the retina was correlated with both an increasing severity of Parkinson’s disease and the death of neurons that produce the neurotransmitter dopamine, the loss of which causes Parkinson’s disease.
  • 45. • Researchers in the United States combined OCT with angiography, a technique for imaging blood vessels, as part of efforts to find early biomarkers of Alzheimer’s disease.
  • 46. • The team compared healthy retinas with those of people who had elevated levels of amyloid-β — a peptide linked to Alzheimer’s disease — but who did not yet exhibit symptoms of the condition.
  • 47. • They found that the foveal avascular zone, a region of the retina that lacks blood vessels, was about one-third larger, on average, in people with elevated amyloid- β.
  • 48. • The data are limited but promising, says Gregory Van Stavern, a neuro- ophthalmologist at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, who co-led the study. “We’re very enthusiastic to see if we can replicate it, and see if we can show this could be a really useful tool for screening down the line,” he says.
  • 49. From eye to mind • Researchers are also looking to the eye for early biomarkers of neuropsychiatric disease, which could enable clinicians to intervene before their onset or thwart their progression. • For instance, there is evidence that, in people with schizophrenia, the small veins, or venules, of the retina are wider and the retina is thinner
  • 50. Electroretinography, which measures the retina’s response to light, is being tested as a possible tool for identifying people at risk of developing schizophrenia. Credit: LKC Technologies
  • 51. Electroretinography • Perhaps the most promising tool in the short term for identifying people at risk of developing schizophrenia is electroretinography, a simple and minimally invasive test that measures the retina’s electrical response to light.
  • 52. Electroretinography • That signal is captured using a small electrode that is attached to the cheek below the eye or placed under the upper or lower eyelid. • “It feels like you have a hair in your eye for about a minute and then you don’t really notice it anymore,” Silverstein says.
  • 54. • A team of researchers led by clinical psychiatrist Michel Maziade at Laval University in Quebec City, Canada, has used electroretinography to identify how the response of light-sensitive cells in the retina called rods and cones changes in people at risk of or diagnosed with neuropsychiatric conditions such as schizophrenia and major depressive disorder.
  • 55. • In 2010, the researchers found that the rods of young people with a high genetic risk of developing schizophrenia respond more weakly to light than do those of young people without that risk.
  • 56. • Individuals considered to be at risk had one parent who had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, but showed no symptoms themselves, which suggests that electroretinography can help to identify people who might benefit from medical intervention before symptoms appear.
  • 57. • Electroretinography have documented altered electrical activity in the cone photoreceptors represented by the a-wave amplitude, and additionally being inversely related to the positive symptoms.
  • 58. • Deviations in dopamine and serotonin transmission affect the electroretinogram (ERG) measures. • Therefore, ERG abnormalities may be associated with central monoaminergic dysfunction.
  • 59. • With regard to dopamine as a retinal neurotransmitter especially released by amacrine cells.
  • 60. Digital Fundus Photography • Additionally, preliminary results from digital retinal imaging (digital fundus photography) in patients with schizophrenia have demonstrated that patients show wider retinal venules compared with matched healthy controls. • The researchers suggested that this could be due to an insufficient oxygen supply to the brain.
  • 61. • Recent findings in the areas of neuroimaging and neuropathology suggest parallels between schizophrenia and the “classical” neurodegenerative disorders.
  • 62. • Certain biochemical findings additionally underline the degenerative component in schizophrenia. • Pathological dysregulation of apoptosis in the neurons of patients with schizophrenia is accounted for by the abnormally low concentration of the anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 and an elevated Bax/Bcl-2-ratio in the cortex.
  • 63. • A 2015 study with a larger population size found similar photoreceptor responses to light in 100 adults with schizophrenia.
  • 64. Eye in Psychiatry 1- Neurocogitive disorders eye exam may denote the cause by fundus exam may.. retinal edema, increase ICP, Deposits , cupper in Wilsons disease 2- Eye examination is important to diagnosis of organic causes for psychiatric disorders as in endocrine disorders, ,MS, metabolic disorders vitamins and electrolyte and minerals diffeciencies
  • 65. 3 - substance use disorders : nystagmus in alcohol, conjunctival congestion. In Hashish and bango intoxication, ppp in opiate intoxication or dilated pupil in other substance intoxication 4 - eye contact is AN important sign and it`s impaired in psychiatric disorders as schizophrenia, ASD Eye in Psychiatry
  • 66. 5-The eye is part of emotion examination as affect , as eye may express wide range of emotions 6- Disturbance or disorders of perception can be expressed in vision as illusions, hallucinations, depersonalization and derealization Eye in Psychiatry