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Guiding Change for 
Management 2020 : The Evidence 
New CMI report ‘Management 2020: leadership to unlock long term growth’ 
3 key areas were identified in terms of good practice and these form the basis 
of the APPGM Commissions Management 2020 Framework: 
• Purpose , People and Potential 
'Ambitious companies of all sizes need to help managers at every level to 
develop core interpersonal and people-management skills if they want a 
workforce that performs at the highest level'. 
Management 2020: leadership to unlock long term growth 
Is there REALLY an Issue?
Research shows that: 
• Ineffective management is estimated to be costing UK businesses 
over £19 billion per year in lost working hours 
• 43% of UK managers rate their own line manager as ineffective – 
and only one in five are qualified 
• Nearly 75% of organisations in England reported a deficit of 
management and leadership skills in 2012. This deficit is contributing 
to our productivity gap with countries like the US, Germany and Japan 
• Incompetence or bad management of company directors causes 
56 % of corporate failures 
Source: Department for Business, Innovation & Skills Leadership (2012)
Source: The 
A Common issue we all face 
Guiding Change for Professionals 
“Managing resistance is difficult because it is centred on human factors, for which 
skills and experience in organisations are in limited supply. Most managers and 
business professionals are products of the prevailing management paradigm, one that 
has not significantly evolved since the beginning of the twentieth century. This mind-set 
emphasised the financial and structural aspects of organisations over the human 
aspects and it is therefore ill-equipped to deal with human resistance.” 
(Jones and Recardo, 2013) 
JONES, D. J. & RECARDO, R. J. 2013. Leading and Implementing Business Change Management: 
Making Change Stick in the Contemporary Organization: Taylor & Francis. 
Our Focus Today 
Our Practice 
Henley Business School 
Research Project 
(MBA 2009) 
User Behaviour influencing 
Information System Success 
Research Project 
(MSc Coaching and Behavioural Change 2012) 
Resistance to Change from a 
Leaders’ Perspective 
Enabling Technology, Process and People 
Occupational Psychology 
Assentire’s Multidisciplinary Practice 
Assentire Practice Model Sept 2014 
Psychometrics Practitioner 
(BPS Level B & Test Specialist 2015) 
Profiling for Success™ Suite 
Five Factor Model (NEO PI-R) 
Hogan Development Survey® (HDS) 
Primary Colours® of Leadership 
The Leadership Circle® 
And many more… 
M&A experiences made 
me curious about PEOPLE
Assentire’s Multidisciplinary Practice 
• Motivation 
• Personality Traits 
• Interpersonal Skills 
• Emotional Intelligence 
• Derailing Behaviours 
• Primary Colours of Leadership 
• Transformational Leadership 
• Common-Cause Variation 
• from the nature of the system 
• totally random, can’t be explained 
by a specific cause 
• Special-Cause Variation 
• from a special cause, not random 
• deviates from norm distribution 
• The organisation as a network of 
interdependent components that 
work together to try to accomplish 
the aim of the ‘system’ 
• Thinking in terms of a system is 
critically important for discovering, 
analysing and solving a wide range 
of problems 
• An orchestra is judged by its 
listeners, by the way individuals 
work together 
• Develop Awareness 
• Develop Management Skills 
• Develop the Ability to Motivate 
• Plan-Do-Study-Act 
• Develop an understanding of the 
Silos of Knowledge and the 
implications of this 
Theory of 
of Variation 
Assentire Practice Model Sept 2014 
Please read and listen carefully to what 
comes next on the screen… 
2015 REAL LIFE multi-play game
Please read and listen carefully to what comes next on the screen when you play the Video… 
Use your Mobile device and scan the QR code 
Click on URL to play Video
Who is in Control? 
• Somehow he is overriding the System’s 
• The Human Element will always be present ! 
• Compassion , Fear , Instinct ! 
• They will always interfere with the System !
Guiding Change for Professionals 
We will now explore a Client case-study, looking into the 
typical ’soft’ (interpersonal and people-management) challenges that can 
be experienced when encountering difficult situations whilst 
managing change. 
We will share a relationship model supported by experiential work to 
bring the model to life. 
We conclude with a motivational model 
This workshop is about knowing, then doing, and you will leave the event 
with a framework for exploring interpersonal relationships and 
motivational behaviours helpful in all change scenarios.
Our Professional Services Client Story 
Working to expand their team of practitioners using a range 
of Psychometric tools to inform the selection process 
We used 
Values-based Motivation (VbIM) 
Primary Colours® of Leadership Personality report 
built upon NEO Personality Trait (Big-5/Five Factor) 
plus: Numeracy-Verbal-Abstract Reasoning and 
Memory & Attention tests for the Trainees 
Wanting ‘smart people’ that will be a ‘good fit’.
Our Client’s Change Challenge 
Select ‘smart people’ and gain a sense of how effective 
they are likely to be 
Appointments started well, then we ran into an issue. 
Capability match was good, however there was something 
not quite right in terms of team compatibility for all. 
Tools we used to explore what had occurred 
Every company faces a learning dilemma: 
The smartest people find it the hardest to learn1 
1: We reviewed this paper by C Argyris1 
2: Explored ‘theory-in-use’ R Schwarz2 
3: Explored Modes of Management Preference 
4: Considered the dynamics in the organisation 
1: C Argyris, HBR 2012, Teaching Smart People How to Learn 
2: R Schwarz, Jossey-Bass 2005, The Skilled Facilitator Field book
Our Client’s Change Challenge 
Select ‘smart people’ and gain a sense of how effective 
they are likely to be 
1: We reviewed this paper by C Argyris1 
2: Explored ‘theory-in-use’ R Schwarz2 
3: Explored Modes of Management Preference 
4: Considered the dynamics in the organisation 
1: C Argyris, HBR 2012, Teaching Smart People How to Learn
Teaching Smart People How to Learn 
Select ‘smart people’ and gain a sense of how effective 
they are likely to be 
Every company faces a learning dilemma: the smartest people find it the hardest to 
It is impossible to reason anew in every situation. If we had to think through all the 
possible responses every time someone asked, “How are you?” the world would pass us 
by. Therefore, everyone develops a ‘theory-of-action’—a set of rules that individuals 
use to design and implement their own behaviour as well as to understand the 
behaviour of others. Usually, these theories-of-actions become so taken for granted 
that people don’t even realize they are using them. 
Defensive Reasoning and the Doom Loop: When professionals don’t do their jobs 
perfectly, they zoom into a ‘doom loop.’ Performance evaluation is tailor-made to push 
professionals into the doom loop. 
Argyris explores ‘espoused-theory-of-action’ and ‘theory-of-action’ and then goes on 
to describe Single and Double-Loop learning and how to overcome the Doom Loop. 
1: C Argyris, HBR 2012, Teaching Smart People How to Learn 
More on Chris Argyris
Our Client’s Change Challenge 
Select ‘smart people’ and gain a sense of how effective 
they are likely to be 
1: We reviewed this paper by C Argyris1 
2: Explored ‘theory-in-use’ R Schwarz2 
3: Explored Modes of Management Preference 
4: Considered the dynamics in the organisation 
2: R Schwarz, Jossey-Bass 2005, The Skilled Facilitator Field book
Explored ‘theory-in-use’ 
Your turn to score the 2 x 21 descriptions 
How often you see the behaviours across the organisation. 
Where: 5 = Often, 3 = Occasionally and 1 = Rarely. 
Adapted from 2: R Schwarz, Jossey-Bass 2005, The Skilled Facilitator Field book 
Group 1 
Group 2 
Let’s spend no more than 15 minutes to rate, then explore together on our tables. 
Then share the typical findings with the whole group.
Explored ‘theory-in-use’ 
Group 1 
Group 2 
At work, do you experience 
Group 1, Group 2 or in-between? 
How often you see the behaviours across the organisation. 
Where: 5 = Often, 3 = Occasionally and 1 = Rarely. 
Adapted from 2: R Schwarz, Jossey-Bass 2005, The Skilled Facilitator Field book
Our Client’s Change Challenge 
Select ‘smart people’ and gain a sense of how effective 
they are likely to be 
1: We reviewed this paper by C Argyris1 
2: Explored ‘theory-in-use’ R Schwarz2 
3: Explored Modes of Management Preference 
4: Considered the dynamics in the organisation 
Our thought process was informed by this type of material
Assentire Ltd © 
All are needed with the need to balance 
the natural tension between them
Our Client’s Change Challenge 
Select ‘smart people’ and gain a sense of how effective 
they are likely to be 
1: We reviewed this paper by C Argyris1 
2: Explored ‘theory-in-use’ R Schwarz2 
3: Explored Modes of Management Preference 
4: Considered the dynamics in the organisation
Organisational Dynamics (OD) 
Up to 70% of change initiatives fail to meet stakeholders expectations 
This failure rate has not changed in over 50 years! 
© Assentire Ltd 
Typical change initiatives 
focus above the line, 
neglecting or 
marginalising the 
human element 
We need to pay special 
attention below the line, 
dramatically increasing 
change success rates 
Assentire Ltd © 
Grow Through Change, an Organisational Dynamics (OD) framework
Organisational Dynamics (OD) 
Up to 70% of change initiatives fail to meet stakeholders expectations 
© Assentire Ltd 
What had we missed! 
Typical change initiatives 
focus above the line, 
neglecting or 
marginalising the 
human element 
We need to pay special 
attention below the line, 
dramatically increasing 
change success rates 
Assentire Ltd © 
Grow Through Change, an Organisational Dynamics (OD) framework 
Our Client’s Change Challenge updated 
How to select smart people and gain a sense of how effective they 
are likely to be and what is their Interpersonal Relationship 
Orientation, explore how ‘compatible’ they are likely to be 
within the team (an aspect of Group Dynamics) 
Identify how well someone is going to ‘fit’ within the 
Explore the Human Element and understand the 
‘Team Atmosphere’ and level of ‘compatibility’ when 
contrasted with the existing team members. 
We reviewed: 
1: Reviewed ‘The Human Element’ by Will Schultz 
2: Experiential Story Telling (Now it’s your turn)
Time for your story 
Your turn 
Bring to mind a story where you are climbing a mountain. 
As you approach the top, you become aware of a large group 
of people coming over the mountain from the other side. 
Engage with the story as it unfolds, 
hear what you hear, see what you see, feel what you feel 
Become aware, what do you do ? 
This is more effective if you close your eyes 
Please do so if you are comfortable 
Let’s stay still and silent for just 1 minute 
I will let you know when the 60 seconds is over
Now consider what came to mind! 
Let’s spend no more than 15 minutes to explore together on our tables. 
Then share the typical findings you are happy to share with the whole group. 
Share in triads what unfolded for each of you. 
• How does it feel to be in that position? 
• Do you contact them? 
• Do they contact you? 
• Do they come towards you, avoid you, walk away from you, ignore you? 
• Do they all act the same ? 
• What do they look like ? 
• Is there any contact verbally or physically? How does your body feel? 
• Are they friendly or hostile ?
The Human Element 
2: Control 
Fundamental Inter and Intra-Personal Orientation 
There are different stories for Control and Openness!
Where does the theory of 
‘The Human Element’ come from ? 
in 1952 Research Psychologist Will Schutz, was recalled 
by the US Navy to help predict and build effective teams 
His findings: 
Compatibility Leads to Productivity 
• Navy went from 50% good teams to 75% post FIRO 
The latest version (1980) explores twice as many areas 
than before, providing greater awareness and 
compatibility matching potential: 
We used FIRO element-B™ 
NB: Many practitioners lack knowledge of the 1980 
version, so they still use the 1957 version 
Looks at an Individual’s Relationship Space
Back to our Client’s updated Challenge 
How to select smart people and gain a sense of how effective 
they are likely to be and what is their Interpersonal Relationship 
Orientation, explore how ‘compatible’ they are likely to be 
within the team 
Explore the Human Element and ultimately 
understand the ‘Team Atmosphere’ and level of 
‘compatibility’ when contrasted with the existing 
team members (using FIRO Element B) .
Our Client’s updated Change Challenge 
1: Inclusion 
2: Control 
3: Openness
We conclude with a motivational model that directly taps 
into the Management 2020 Framework with tools for all 
participants to take away 
• Resources to explore Self-determination theory (Drive) 
• Links to the 
– Innovation Audit – Team & Workgroup Edition 
– Pulse-Behaviour APP
Motivation During Challenge 
The puzzle of motivation 
Drive: The surprising truth 
about what motivates us 
Beyond talk: creating autonomous motivation 
through self-determination theory. 
D Stone, E Deci and R Ryan 2009 Journal of General Management 
Abstract: Many managers and academics have a 
passing familiarity with self-determination 
theory (SDT) which articulates the core 
principles that underlie the concept of 
sustainable motivation in organisations. 
But far fewer understand how to successfully 
implement a SDT intervention in the face of 
organisational pressure for short-term 
accountability and performance. 
We present the core principles of SDT, describe 
the principles that underlie successful SDT-based 
interventions, propose six steps {i.e. 
actions) that facilitate the creation of 
autonomous motivation, articulate the 
obstacles to successful implementations and 
present two examples of successful 
organisational implementations 
DRIVE Terms: Mastery, Autonomy, Purpose 
Competence, Autonomy, Relatedness
Resistance to Challenge and SDT 
What Drives Resistance to Change 
Available on EBSCO 
Innovation Audit, Team and Workgroup Edition 
No Charge copy from here 
Will be available till the end of 2014 Use ‘henley’ pw to open
Our final approach to support the selection and development of new team or 
group members for our client. 
• Explore the Primary Colours® of Leadership Personality report 
• Explore the impact of Values-based Motivation 
• Establish an understanding of Modes of Management preferences 
• Understand the ‘team atmosphere’ and ‘compatibility’ (FIRO element B®) 
Future actions we are considering 
• Dig deeper with the Innovation Audit – Team and Workgroup Edition 
• Monitor and sustain the change (onboarding in this instance) with the 
Pulse-Behaviour App
Pulse-Behaviour APP 
Focusing on 4 
Behavioural Views 
The Organisation 
Other Groups 
Own Group 
Own Behaviours 
This APP is Free to deploy 
Reporting is charged 

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Guiding Change for Professionals Henley Business School (HBS) Alumni 14 Oct-2014

  • 1. Guiding Change for Professionals Developing core interpersonal & people management skills at all levels of the organisa5on
  • 2. Management 2020 : The Evidence New CMI report ‘Management 2020: leadership to unlock long term growth’ 3 key areas were identified in terms of good practice and these form the basis of the APPGM Commissions Management 2020 Framework: • Purpose , People and Potential 'Ambitious companies of all sizes need to help managers at every level to develop core interpersonal and people-management skills if they want a workforce that performs at the highest level'. Management 2020: leadership to unlock long term growth Is there REALLY an Issue?
  • 3. UK’s current leadership and management performance Research shows that: • Ineffective management is estimated to be costing UK businesses over £19 billion per year in lost working hours • 43% of UK managers rate their own line manager as ineffective – and only one in five are qualified • Nearly 75% of organisations in England reported a deficit of management and leadership skills in 2012. This deficit is contributing to our productivity gap with countries like the US, Germany and Japan • Incompetence or bad management of company directors causes 56 % of corporate failures Source: Department for Business, Innovation & Skills Leadership (2012)
  • 4. UK Business Landscape Changing ? Commission Chairs Peter Ayliffe, President of CMI and Barry Sheerman MP, Chair of the APPGM MaFhew Hancock MP: Minister of State for Skills and Enterprise Seema Malhotra MP Chair, PLP Departmental Group for Business, Innova5on and Skills Member of APPGM Commission Key feature of CMI Open LeFer: For a BeFer Managed Britain, organisa5ons need to focus on three cri5cal areas: Purpose, People and Poten5al Source: The Chartered Management Ins5tute (CMI) THE FATAL BIAS The prevailing Management Bias towards cost efficiency is seriously harmful to corporate performance
  • 5. A Common issue we all face Guiding Change for Professionals “Managing resistance is difficult because it is centred on human factors, for which skills and experience in organisations are in limited supply. Most managers and business professionals are products of the prevailing management paradigm, one that has not significantly evolved since the beginning of the twentieth century. This mind-set emphasised the financial and structural aspects of organisations over the human aspects and it is therefore ill-equipped to deal with human resistance.” (Jones and Recardo, 2013) The prior reports and the above statement inspired this session JONES, D. J. & RECARDO, R. J. 2013. Leading and Implementing Business Change Management: Making Change Stick in the Contemporary Organization: Taylor & Francis. 5
  • 7. Our Practice Henley Business School Research Project (MBA 2009) User Behaviour influencing Information System Success Research Project (MSc Coaching and Behavioural Change 2012) Resistance to Change from a Leaders’ Perspective Enabling Technology, Process and People Occupational Psychology Assentire’s Multidisciplinary Practice Assentire Practice Model Sept 2014 Psychometrics Practitioner (BPS Level B & Test Specialist 2015) Profiling for Success™ Suite Five Factor Model (NEO PI-R) Hogan Development Survey® (HDS) Primary Colours® of Leadership The Leadership Circle® And many more… 7 M&A experiences made me curious about PEOPLE
  • 8. Assentire’s Multidisciplinary Practice • Motivation • Personality Traits • Interpersonal Skills • Emotional Intelligence • Derailing Behaviours • Primary Colours of Leadership • Transformational Leadership • Common-Cause Variation • from the nature of the system • totally random, can’t be explained by a specific cause • Special-Cause Variation • from a special cause, not random • deviates from norm distribution • The organisation as a network of interdependent components that work together to try to accomplish the aim of the ‘system’ • Thinking in terms of a system is critically important for discovering, analysing and solving a wide range of problems • An orchestra is judged by its listeners, by the way individuals work together • Develop Awareness • Develop Management Skills • Develop the Ability to Motivate • Plan-Do-Study-Act • Develop an understanding of the Silos of Knowledge and the implications of this Theory of Knowledge System Appreciation Human Psychology Knowledge of Variation Assentire Practice Model Sept 2014 Deming’s SoPK Deming’s SoPK was developed over the last decade of his life, he died in 1993 at the age of 93 8
  • 9. Please read and listen carefully to what comes next on the screen… 2015 REAL LIFE multi-play game
  • 10. Please read and listen carefully to what comes next on the screen when you play the Video… Use your Mobile device and scan the QR code Or Click on URL to play Video
  • 11. Who is in Control? • Somehow he is overriding the System’s Priorities! • The Human Element will always be present ! • Compassion , Fear , Instinct ! • They will always interfere with the System !
  • 12. Guiding Change for Professionals We will now explore a Client case-study, looking into the typical ’soft’ (interpersonal and people-management) challenges that can be experienced when encountering difficult situations whilst managing change. We will share a relationship model supported by experiential work to bring the model to life. We conclude with a motivational model This workshop is about knowing, then doing, and you will leave the event with a framework for exploring interpersonal relationships and motivational behaviours helpful in all change scenarios.
  • 13. Our Professional Services Client Story Working to expand their team of practitioners using a range of Psychometric tools to inform the selection process We used Values-based Motivation (VbIM) Primary Colours® of Leadership Personality report built upon NEO Personality Trait (Big-5/Five Factor) plus: Numeracy-Verbal-Abstract Reasoning and Memory & Attention tests for the Trainees Wanting ‘smart people’ that will be a ‘good fit’.
  • 14. Our Client’s Change Challenge Select ‘smart people’ and gain a sense of how effective they are likely to be Appointments started well, then we ran into an issue. Capability match was good, however there was something not quite right in terms of team compatibility for all. Tools we used to explore what had occurred Every company faces a learning dilemma: The smartest people find it the hardest to learn1 1: We reviewed this paper by C Argyris1 2: Explored ‘theory-in-use’ R Schwarz2 3: Explored Modes of Management Preference 4: Considered the dynamics in the organisation 1: C Argyris, HBR 2012, Teaching Smart People How to Learn 2: R Schwarz, Jossey-Bass 2005, The Skilled Facilitator Field book
  • 15. Our Client’s Change Challenge Select ‘smart people’ and gain a sense of how effective they are likely to be 1: We reviewed this paper by C Argyris1 2: Explored ‘theory-in-use’ R Schwarz2 3: Explored Modes of Management Preference 4: Considered the dynamics in the organisation 1: C Argyris, HBR 2012, Teaching Smart People How to Learn
  • 16. Teaching Smart People How to Learn Select ‘smart people’ and gain a sense of how effective they are likely to be Every company faces a learning dilemma: the smartest people find it the hardest to learn. It is impossible to reason anew in every situation. If we had to think through all the possible responses every time someone asked, “How are you?” the world would pass us by. Therefore, everyone develops a ‘theory-of-action’—a set of rules that individuals use to design and implement their own behaviour as well as to understand the behaviour of others. Usually, these theories-of-actions become so taken for granted that people don’t even realize they are using them. Defensive Reasoning and the Doom Loop: When professionals don’t do their jobs perfectly, they zoom into a ‘doom loop.’ Performance evaluation is tailor-made to push professionals into the doom loop. Argyris explores ‘espoused-theory-of-action’ and ‘theory-of-action’ and then goes on to describe Single and Double-Loop learning and how to overcome the Doom Loop. 1: C Argyris, HBR 2012, Teaching Smart People How to Learn More on Chris Argyris
  • 17. Our Client’s Change Challenge Select ‘smart people’ and gain a sense of how effective they are likely to be 1: We reviewed this paper by C Argyris1 2: Explored ‘theory-in-use’ R Schwarz2 3: Explored Modes of Management Preference 4: Considered the dynamics in the organisation 2: R Schwarz, Jossey-Bass 2005, The Skilled Facilitator Field book
  • 18. Explored ‘theory-in-use’ Your turn to score the 2 x 21 descriptions How often you see the behaviours across the organisation. Where: 5 = Often, 3 = Occasionally and 1 = Rarely. Adapted from 2: R Schwarz, Jossey-Bass 2005, The Skilled Facilitator Field book Group 1 Group 2 Let’s spend no more than 15 minutes to rate, then explore together on our tables. Then share the typical findings with the whole group.
  • 19. Explored ‘theory-in-use’ Group 1 Group 2 At work, do you experience Group 1, Group 2 or in-between? How often you see the behaviours across the organisation. Where: 5 = Often, 3 = Occasionally and 1 = Rarely. Adapted from 2: R Schwarz, Jossey-Bass 2005, The Skilled Facilitator Field book
  • 20. Our Client’s Change Challenge Select ‘smart people’ and gain a sense of how effective they are likely to be 1: We reviewed this paper by C Argyris1 2: Explored ‘theory-in-use’ R Schwarz2 3: Explored Modes of Management Preference 4: Considered the dynamics in the organisation Our thought process was informed by this type of material
  • 21. Mode of Management Preference From this To this Constraint Stretch Compliant Self-­‐discipline Control Support Contract Trust Assentire Ltd © All are needed with the need to balance the natural tension between them
  • 22. Our Client’s Change Challenge Select ‘smart people’ and gain a sense of how effective they are likely to be 1: We reviewed this paper by C Argyris1 2: Explored ‘theory-in-use’ R Schwarz2 3: Explored Modes of Management Preference 4: Considered the dynamics in the organisation
  • 23. Organisational Dynamics (OD) Up to 70% of change initiatives fail to meet stakeholders expectations This failure rate has not changed in over 50 years! PURPOSE Leadership Culture Motivation © Assentire Ltd Typical change initiatives focus above the line, neglecting or marginalising the human element We need to pay special attention below the line, dramatically increasing change success rates Assentire Ltd © Grow Through Change, an Organisational Dynamics (OD) framework
  • 24. Organisational Dynamics (OD) Up to 70% of change initiatives fail to meet stakeholders expectations ✔ ✔ PURPOSE Leadership Culture ✔ Motivation © Assentire Ltd What had we missed! Typical change initiatives focus above the line, neglecting or marginalising the human element We need to pay special attention below the line, dramatically increasing change success rates Assentire Ltd © ✔ ✔ Grow Through Change, an Organisational Dynamics (OD) framework ✔ ✔ ?
  • 25. Our Client’s Change Challenge updated How to select smart people and gain a sense of how effective they are likely to be and what is their Interpersonal Relationship Orientation, explore how ‘compatible’ they are likely to be within the team (an aspect of Group Dynamics) Identify how well someone is going to ‘fit’ within the team. Explore the Human Element and understand the ‘Team Atmosphere’ and level of ‘compatibility’ when contrasted with the existing team members. We reviewed: 1: Reviewed ‘The Human Element’ by Will Schultz 2: Experiential Story Telling (Now it’s your turn)
  • 26. Time for your story Your turn Bring to mind a story where you are climbing a mountain. As you approach the top, you become aware of a large group of people coming over the mountain from the other side. Engage with the story as it unfolds, hear what you hear, see what you see, feel what you feel Become aware, what do you do ? This is more effective if you close your eyes Please do so if you are comfortable Let’s stay still and silent for just 1 minute I will let you know when the 60 seconds is over
  • 27. Now consider what came to mind! Let’s spend no more than 15 minutes to explore together on our tables. Then share the typical findings you are happy to share with the whole group. Share in triads what unfolded for each of you. • How does it feel to be in that position? • Do you contact them? • Do they contact you? • Do they come towards you, avoid you, walk away from you, ignore you? • Do they all act the same ? • What do they look like ? • Is there any contact verbally or physically? How does your body feel? • Are they friendly or hostile ?
  • 28. The Human Element 1: Inclusion 2: Control 3: Openness What I want to Do What I actually Do What I want Others to Do What Others actually Do Fundamental Inter and Intra-Personal Orientation There are different stories for Control and Openness!
  • 29. Where does the theory of ‘The Human Element’ come from ? in 1952 Research Psychologist Will Schutz, was recalled by the US Navy to help predict and build effective teams His findings: Compatibility Leads to Productivity • Navy went from 50% good teams to 75% post FIRO use The latest version (1980) explores twice as many areas than before, providing greater awareness and compatibility matching potential: We used FIRO element-B™ NB: Many practitioners lack knowledge of the 1980 version, so they still use the 1957 version Looks at an Individual’s Relationship Space
  • 30. Back to our Client’s updated Challenge How to select smart people and gain a sense of how effective they are likely to be and what is their Interpersonal Relationship Orientation, explore how ‘compatible’ they are likely to be within the team Explore the Human Element and ultimately understand the ‘Team Atmosphere’ and level of ‘compatibility’ when contrasted with the existing team members (using FIRO Element B) .
  • 31. Our Client’s updated Change Challenge 1: Inclusion 2: Control 3: Openness
  • 32. Mo5va5on & success of change ini5a5ves We conclude with a motivational model that directly taps into the Management 2020 Framework with tools for all participants to take away • Resources to explore Self-determination theory (Drive) • Links to the – Innovation Audit – Team & Workgroup Edition – Pulse-Behaviour APP
  • 33. Motivation During Challenge The puzzle of motivation Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us Beyond talk: creating autonomous motivation through self-determination theory. D Stone, E Deci and R Ryan 2009 Journal of General Management Abstract: Many managers and academics have a passing familiarity with self-determination theory (SDT) which articulates the core principles that underlie the concept of sustainable motivation in organisations. But far fewer understand how to successfully implement a SDT intervention in the face of organisational pressure for short-term accountability and performance. We present the core principles of SDT, describe the principles that underlie successful SDT-based interventions, propose six steps {i.e. actions) that facilitate the creation of autonomous motivation, articulate the obstacles to successful implementations and present two examples of successful organisational implementations DRIVE Terms: Mastery, Autonomy, Purpose Competence, Autonomy, Relatedness
  • 34. Resistance to Challenge and SDT What Drives Resistance to Change Available on EBSCO Theory-­‐in-­‐use Innovation Audit, Team and Workgroup Edition No Charge copy from here Will be available till the end of 2014 Use ‘henley’ pw to open
  • 35. Conclusion Our final approach to support the selection and development of new team or group members for our client. • Explore the Primary Colours® of Leadership Personality report • Explore the impact of Values-based Motivation • Establish an understanding of Modes of Management preferences • Understand the ‘team atmosphere’ and ‘compatibility’ (FIRO element B®) Future actions we are considering • Dig deeper with the Innovation Audit – Team and Workgroup Edition • Monitor and sustain the change (onboarding in this instance) with the Pulse-Behaviour App
  • 36. Pulse-Behaviour APP Focusing on 4 Behavioural Views The Organisation Other Groups Own Group Own Behaviours This APP is Free to deploy Reporting is charged 36
  • 37. Thank you for your 5me For further informa5on or resources please contact Rod Willis , Assen5re Ltd +44 (0)7788 457202 or