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This project focuses on the problem of social exclusion in terms of
basic skills lack and, therefore, its main goal is inclusion and
cooperation at school,in the respect of the individuality of a person.
In order to reach this aim we will employ new and innovative
strategies ( use of new software such as Prezi, Moodle…) and
methods of teaching cooperatively and inclusively.
This project involves 5 schools from Italy, Greece, France, Germany
and Poland and it will engage learners aged between 14-20.
As the project group, we discussed and defined 4 issues promoting
school success:
1-lack of social inclusion;
2-lack of basic skills;
3-lack of parental support;
4-lack of socio-economical support.
European school program
2 0 1 8 - 2 0 1 9
Include me
The needs analysis has been carried out in six
schools where the observation of the teachers
while working and their use of basic surveys has
made the identification of those four main
obstacles possible.
For example, in Italian schools “Lack of social
inclusion and basic skills ” of the students are
seen as the main issue which prevent students
from reaching an academic success and entering
the business world.
Each school has different good practices in the
curricula. These good practices will be observed,
discussed and followed by the teachers and
shared with the partners after evaluation.
Overcoming the four obstacles listed above is
the basic aim of this project. We will use new
strategies to get real results and solutions for
students with the above-mentioned problems.
Unfortunately, the old model of education does
not always work with the majority of students.
The old model was designed to weed out the
“smart” students to send to college from the
ones who would work. That way of selecting is
no longer valid. Modern student oriented
education is necessary regardless the career they
will eventually choose. Schools need to do more
than just select students according to their
cognitive abilities.
During the meeting these outcomes will be
discussed by all partners and will be exchanged.
By the end of the project, six strategies will have
been applied and evaluated. According to the
observation and results, the partners will
continue to use these strategies and methods in
their schools. This project must be carried out
transnationally because its topic is relevant to all
European countries ,as in the whole EU the
immigration rate is high. Besides, it aims at
transferring good practices. As teachers we need
to compare different educational systems to
work more effectively and our students need to
know different cultures and improve their
language and ICT skills.
The needs analysis has been carried out in six
schools where the observation of the teachers
while working and their use of basic surveys has
made the identification of those four main
obstacles possible.
For example, in Italian schools “Lack of social
inclusion and basic skills ” of the students are
seen as the main issue which prevent students
from reaching an academic success and entering
the business world.
Each school has different good practices in the
curricula. These good practices will be observed,
discussed and followed by the teachers and
shared with the partners after evaluation.
Overcoming the four obstacles listed above is
the basic aim of this project. We will use new
strategies to get real results and solutions for
students with the above-mentioned problems.
Unfortunately, the old model of education does
not always work with the majority of students.
The old model was designed to weed out the
“smart” students to send to college from the
ones who would work. That way of selecting is
no longer valid. Modern student oriented
education is necessary regardless the career they
will eventually choose. Schools need to do more
than just select students according to their
cognitive abilities.
During the meeting these outcomes will be
discussed by all partners and will be exchanged.
By the end of the project, six strategies will have
been applied and evaluated. According to the
observation and results, the partners will
continue to use these strategies and methods in
their schools. This project must be carried out
transnationally because its topic is relevant to all
European countries ,as in the whole EU the
immigration rate is high. Besides, it aims at
transferring good practices. As teachers we need
to compare different educational systems to
work more effectively and our students need to
know different cultures and improve their
language and ICT skills.
• to promote the inclusion of students (foreigners
or with fewer opportunity), the ones with lack of
basic skills and to prevent the risk of dropping
out, by helping to promote their integration into
mainstream education and
• to use new strategies for overcoming social
exclusion, lack of basic skills and the problem of
early school leaving;
• to employ new methods in the field of social
and emotional child development as students
with a special educational needs' practical
• to create a stimulating learning environment
and approaches for supporting child's social and
emotional development.
• to make different methods of education
available for the teachers and share the good
. to improve ICT skills and the use of mobile
devices for teaching and learning.
•-We take 5 out of 30 innovative education
strategies of Prakash Nair to be implemented
into curriculum to develop the quality of our
schools education.
-The activities include good practices and
GR -Cooperative Learning
Cooperative learning is defined as “A method of
instruction that encourages students to work in
small groups and then share the new gained
knowledge with mates. In doing so, they take
responsibility for their own learning as well as
their classmates’. In other words, cooperative
learning is a system in which students become
both motivated and motivators.
IT -Peer Tutoring
The best way to learn something is to teach it, as a matter of
fact, students become better learners as they take the role of
teachers . Peer tutoring is also valuable because students can
often forge stronger bonds with other students than with adults
and are good at developing interest and motivation in younger
• It involves students directly in the teaching and learning
process can be viewed as a strategy for dealing with individual
differences in the classroom.
• The act of teaching others enhances student's own learning
and collaboration between learners;
D -Project Based Learning
Pbl is a way to make learning meaningful and real. Instead of
“learning” material out of textbooks, students work in teams to
tackle real-world problems. Often, students will collaborate
with peers across the world on global projects, forge
meaningful relationships and build virtual communities of
learners in the process. These are some of the advantages:
• it develops collaboration skills;
• it deals with real-world problems so students can make
important connections between what they learn at school and
its relevance to the world outside school;
FR - Student-Led Performances
Playing is a legitimate form of learning and is often the only
form that works when students are disenchanted with the
educational process. Children are natural performers, and this
is one way to introduce games into the learning equation.
Performance is a way to get children to become engaged, active
and motivated participants in school.
PL - Physical Fitness Programs -Beyond Sports
While sports have universal appeal, and schools should
encourage all those interested to play sports, it is a well-known
fact that only a tiny fraction of students who play sports in
school actually continue to pursue sports as a physical activity
after school. Beyond this problem, it is also important to
remember that only a small percentage of a school's total
population can participate in its sports teams. As for the rest of
the students?
The lack of a sustainable physical fitness regimen is not only a
health problem, but it also has direct ramifications on the
academic performance of students and their mental health and
overall well-being.
The way to attack the problem is to develop physical fitness
programs in school that students can continue to utilize
throughout their life.
•During this short exchange of students, the host
school will organize workshops relevant to the
subtopic they were appointed to. Both host and
guest participants will work together and
implement the programme prepared by the host
school; this way the strategy will be carried out
in an international
atmosphere. This activity will lead to the most
effective results, the strategy will be observed by
both guest students and teachers, and if
considered useful (as we hope!) it will then be
applied to the other partner schools.
Before your departure our school will select,
inside the group of students taking part in the
project, those showing good skills in ICT, English
and Math’s. These students will, therefore,
become tutors in the courses
Next steps when in Italy:
1) On arrival students coming form partner
countries will present PPTs, videos of their
countries, schools and any other traditions or
activities worth sharing
2) Each country will then take part into a logo
3) Next students will be divided into smaller
groups, supervised by Italian students, and will
carry out “Peer Tutoring” activities in Math’s,
English and ICT.
4) The final output will be a glossary of keywords used in the
different workshops; this product will be available for any local
school in the different countries willing to apply to the project
5) Teachers of all Partner schools will be involved in setting
procedures for a new literacy approach
6) Teachers together will collaborate in the writing of articles
for the local newspaper.
7) Teaching and learning materials will be collected in the
project platform.
This event is planned over 5 days. Teachers and students will
improve their experience in managing lack of basic skill by
sharing information, services provided, strategies and even
more with the partner schools.
At the same time, pupils will spend their time together with
host students. They will observe the classes, join the usual
school programmes, they will
use English as the communication language, they will join the
games which will be organized by host teachers, they will have
breakfast together, lunch in school canteens, and some dinner
as well. It is aimed to experience the way of life of the host
students (peers) as much as possible.
At the beginning of the week an international evening will be
organized and all students will be on stage with their dances
and some traditional dishes.
At the same time the teachers will supervise the students,
observe and evaluate the project by holding meetings.
In our school there are about 130 teachers and 1080 students,
23% of our pupils, about 250, are foreigners (mainly from North
Africa, India and Albania, but also from other countries of all
over the
world, such as Romania, Senegal, Ghana, Pakistan, China). They
are newcomers or of second generation, but as the most part of
them go on speaking their mother tongue at home, they need a
help to improve their competence in the language of the new
country they live in. Moreover, last year 15% of the foreign
pupils above-mentioned dropped out of school. The aim of our
school, the space where natives and foreigners meet, is to put
in place new methods to encourage inclusion in different ways.
For more than 10 years our school has been carrying out
several actions to favor the inclusion of these students, such as
sport activities (organization of cricket tournaments, Olympics
of dance), courses of Italian as second language and as support
in the curriculum at the different levels of the CEFR.The
mastery of the language is in fact essential to overcome the
communicative difficulties and the enhancement of the
knowledge of the new language helps these pupils to convey it
in the
study of other school subjects.
Key staff 1 - The coordinator( PE teacher) keeps a watchful eye
on effective execution of the following aspects: - have the
activities been done as planned - how many students and
teachers have been actively involved - has work progress been
goal oriented - have the visibility and publicity of the "Include
Me" project in newspapers, online newspapers, school websites,
blogs and TV, Booklet been realized (promotion of the project
beyond the school community) - is the website updated - is the
communication between partners working – satisfaction with
the project in general 2- the ICT teacher to conduct
technological devices and internet facilities(website, blogs,
applications etc.) 3- the EFL teacher in charge of
communication with
partners 4- the History and Italian language teacher to analyze
the information and evaluate questionnaires 5- the Psychology
teacher to do students behavior analysis and to choose the
students with fewer opportunities and at the risk of early
leaving All the teachers have been previously involved in
Comenius/ Erasmus+ projects and school projects concerning
foreign languages, sport, law, inclusion, work experiences in
Italy and abroad, special needs. They also carry out activities
against school drop and early leaving- In case of forced
impossibility to take part to the visit (health or families
problems of one of the teacher), he/she will be substituted by a
colleague with similar skills / competences. A team with
headmaster, deputy head of administration office and project
coordinator will take part in the project in each organization to
supervise all stages and manage budget stuff.
The 4rth EPAL of Kavala is a Vocational and Technical school of
250 students. Our school is situated in the beautiful town of
Kavala in Northern Greece, by the sea. Our institution provides
educational opportunities to people who intend to expand their
knowledge or skills and to receive a lyceum degree as well. We
offer them educational opportunities which will help them in
adjusting to the technological, economical, social and cultural
developments. We undertake tasks connected with the
education and upbringing of our students who originate from
environments that provide them with fewer opportunities and
smaller chances of future success in their professional life. We
have several departments as: - Business Administration, -
Tourism - Logistics - Graphic Design - Nursing The lessons are
both theoretical and practical. Our students learn whatever
they need to know about the profession they have chosen so as
to create better conditions for transition to working life. In
addition a big proportion of our students come from migrant or
one parent families who live in remote villages of the region
under the danger of exclusion and of being considered second -
class students. Some of our students are economy immigrants
from Albania, Georgia, Bulgaria and Russia.
Many of our students have learning problems, or special
educational needs such as behavioral problems, dyslexia etc.
The average classroom doesn't fit their needs so we have
teachers to help them with extra lessons. We offer to our
students opportunities which would help them to obtain a
vocation according to the employment policies parallel to
economic development, through our educational programs We
also prepare students to get to the job market or to continue to
the University. Our school plays an important role in the social
and cultural life, by providing not only education but
extracurricular activities as well, stimulating students’
creativity and facilitating their understanding of different
cultures in a common European context. During this project
our target group thereby a big number of people will have the
chance to achieve cultural exchange and have the opportunity
to learn the values promoted by the EU. Getting involved in
international projects is a unique opportunity for our students
to get in touch with the everyday life and the cultures of other
countries. In the field of volunteering, our school participates
in many of the municipality’s volunteering actions and events
and cooperates with a school of students with special needs. We
have very big experience in European projects and a lot of
times we have hosted students from other countries. We can
organize a) lessons for them, b) study visits, c) job shadowing,
d) cultural visits, e) sports competitions, f) games, etc
I M . K S J A N A
Jan Twardowski Secondary School is a public school situated in
Lublin, a city of population of around 350,000 in the east of
Poland. The school currently undergoes, according to the
educational reform,
the transition from a lower-secondary school to a secondary
school. The school community consists of 600 students aged
from 15 up to 17 (in two years 15-19) and 50 members of the staff.
The school is attended by teenagers from the city and the
surrounding areas. The school is well equipped and safe - the
building and the area around the school are constantly
monitored with CCTV. We have a sporting recreational gym,
one of the best facilities in the district of Lublin. In terms of
learning opportunities, one of the main objectives is to provide
the students of all economic backgrounds with the best
opportunities to gain decent knowledge and develop their
interests. The students are taught with a variety of teaching
methods, including IT tools. They finish school with final-
school exams, which allow learners to enter universities. For
this reason learners are offered a number of curriculum
faculties (science, language classes) and after-school activities
(drama, choirs, art and crafts, guitar lessons, sports events).
For the sake of general development, and promoting tolerance
and enterprise, the school undertakes and get involved in a
great number of charity events. There is a school council, in
which teenagers can develop personality qualities and acquire
organizational and social skills. The project Include me would
create a great opportunity for our students not only to practice
English in real communication, but also for learn tolerance and
develop open-mindness attitude towards other nations as well
as to enhance their self-assessment and motivation to develop.
There will be a team of teachers engaged in the project, apart
from teachers of English, teachers of other subjects such as IT,
biology, chemistry, physical education as well as the school
Also, the school headmaster will be involved. The staff is
interested in gaining new experiences and increasing their
qualifications. Some have taken part in courses funded by
Comenius. We have received accreditation for EVS in 2017 and
currently we are applying for funds in Mobility for School
Erasmus+. The school has already gained some experience in
running international school cooperation (schools from
Hungary, Germany and Ukraine) and has proved to be a reliable
and engaged partner. Apart from e-Twinning projects, we have
been running a student exchange project with a Hungarian
school in Debrecen since 2013. We have visited and hosted them
four times so far.
There has also been an Polish-Ukrainian Competition “Picture
your Town”, organized by our school and combined with the
Polish- Ukrainian students' meeting in our school in 2017.
There are also student projects which we are working on with
the schools from Germany.
The Dammrealschule is a secondary school with one of the
most profound traditions in Baden- Württemberg. The school is
situated in the city centre of Heilbronn and hence nearby the
library, the theatre, the swimming pool “Soleo”, the science
centre “Experimenta”, the ice-skating ring and the university
campus. In 2008 the 100-year-old school jubilee was
celebrated. Of course the school development has continuously
progressed without losing the important foundations of it
With the aim of a certified middle high-school diploma about
460 students are attending the DRS in 2016. From 2016 on the
school system is going to change a lot. Our type of secondary
school will not only offer a middle high school exam but also a
basic secondary schooling. The students are very
heterogeneous and multicultural like the inhabitants of
Heilbronn themselves. At the moment there are students from
more than 40 different nations attending the DRS. Several
students live in home housing groups or have to cope with
social disadvantages. That is why tolerance and a strong
community play a very important role in our school life. The
lessons and all other offers and actions are aimed at this
objective, regardless of whether it is the varied offers of the
SMV (students council), the DRS rock band, the choir, the
theatre group, the linguistic remedial classes or one of many
projects with extracurricular cooperation partners at school.
Students from more than 40 nations, different social
backgrounds and religious confessions are at our school. Our
concept of integrating every student to our school community
and to the society is without doubt exemplary. We offer our
students a huge variety of projects in subjects like music, sport,
art, theatre, creative writing and many more. 2017 we started
the first Dragonboat School Competition for secondary schools.
This event will take place regularly once a year.
The teachers involved in these projects are very
experienced with our school curriculum and the various
programmes we offer. The coordinating teacher, Mr Höfer has
not only worked as a teacher but also as a consultant for
companies. Furthermore he has got valuable knowledge of
photography and does a lot for the schools website.
Mrs Belzner has worked a lot on personal relationships
between students and teachers as well as the school and
external partners. She has also worked a lot on the schools
homepage and its design. Mr Delpech is an English native
speaker and could help with the translation of the play. Mr
ebert and Mr Fruhstuck are a well known musicians who have
worked for several years with school bands. Mr Hertner, Mr
Höfer, Mr Delpech, Mr Sammet and Mr Depner are PE teachers
who have a lot of practical experiences with outdoor activitie
The school is one of eight vocational secondary schools situated
in Perpignan. The Lycee is a secondary school for students at
the age of 15 to 18 years.. It is a mixed school with levels of
abilities and it has students of different ethnicities and social
classes. For three years, he joined our school education system
professionally. Currently, our school has about 2000 students.
Our center we have many facilities at a general level, we also
have a section of visual theater and a cinema audio section, in
relation to the theater project and cooperative work. In relation
to the experience of our center with the theme of the project,
we have a theater section very active (2 years of study) involved
in the artistic activities of Perpignan, an audiovisual film
section very involved in the project city, dance association, a
musical activity (rock groups, singing and musicians), and we
have our own musical activity center that often participate in
activities with the Municipality of Perpignan in the cultural
Our school has no major problems in failure and truancy,
however our participation in this project will help us solve and
learn conflict resolution among students to improve school life,
we will provide implementing measures on school failure.

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  • 1. Description. This project focuses on the problem of social exclusion in terms of basic skills lack and, therefore, its main goal is inclusion and cooperation at school,in the respect of the individuality of a person. In order to reach this aim we will employ new and innovative strategies ( use of new software such as Prezi, Moodle…) and methods of teaching cooperatively and inclusively. This project involves 5 schools from Italy, Greece, France, Germany and Poland and it will engage learners aged between 14-20. As the project group, we discussed and defined 4 issues promoting school success: 1-lack of social inclusion; 2-lack of basic skills; 3-lack of parental support; 4-lack of socio-economical support. INCLUDE ME European school program 2 0 1 8 - 2 0 1 9 Include me
  • 2. Description The needs analysis has been carried out in six schools where the observation of the teachers while working and their use of basic surveys has made the identification of those four main obstacles possible. For example, in Italian schools “Lack of social inclusion and basic skills ” of the students are seen as the main issue which prevent students from reaching an academic success and entering the business world. Each school has different good practices in the curricula. These good practices will be observed, discussed and followed by the teachers and shared with the partners after evaluation. Overcoming the four obstacles listed above is the basic aim of this project. We will use new strategies to get real results and solutions for students with the above-mentioned problems. Unfortunately, the old model of education does not always work with the majority of students. The old model was designed to weed out the “smart” students to send to college from the ones who would work. That way of selecting is no longer valid. Modern student oriented education is necessary regardless the career they will eventually choose. Schools need to do more than just select students according to their cognitive abilities. During the meeting these outcomes will be discussed by all partners and will be exchanged. By the end of the project, six strategies will have been applied and evaluated. According to the observation and results, the partners will continue to use these strategies and methods in their schools. This project must be carried out transnationally because its topic is relevant to all European countries ,as in the whole EU the immigration rate is high. Besides, it aims at transferring good practices. As teachers we need to compare different educational systems to work more effectively and our students need to know different cultures and improve their language and ICT skills. I N C L U D E M E
  • 3. Description The needs analysis has been carried out in six schools where the observation of the teachers while working and their use of basic surveys has made the identification of those four main obstacles possible. For example, in Italian schools “Lack of social inclusion and basic skills ” of the students are seen as the main issue which prevent students from reaching an academic success and entering the business world. Each school has different good practices in the curricula. These good practices will be observed, discussed and followed by the teachers and shared with the partners after evaluation. Overcoming the four obstacles listed above is the basic aim of this project. We will use new strategies to get real results and solutions for students with the above-mentioned problems. Unfortunately, the old model of education does not always work with the majority of students. The old model was designed to weed out the “smart” students to send to college from the ones who would work. That way of selecting is no longer valid. Modern student oriented education is necessary regardless the career they will eventually choose. Schools need to do more than just select students according to their cognitive abilities. During the meeting these outcomes will be discussed by all partners and will be exchanged. By the end of the project, six strategies will have been applied and evaluated. According to the observation and results, the partners will continue to use these strategies and methods in their schools. This project must be carried out transnationally because its topic is relevant to all European countries ,as in the whole EU the immigration rate is high. Besides, it aims at transferring good practices. As teachers we need to compare different educational systems to work more effectively and our students need to know different cultures and improve their language and ICT skills. I N C L U D E M E
  • 4. Objectives • to promote the inclusion of students (foreigners or with fewer opportunity), the ones with lack of basic skills and to prevent the risk of dropping out, by helping to promote their integration into the mainstream education and society;                                 • to use new strategies for overcoming social exclusion, lack of basic skills and the problem of early school leaving; • to employ new methods in the field of social and emotional child development as students with a special educational needs' practical curriculum; • to create a stimulating learning environment and approaches for supporting child's social and emotional development. • to make different methods of education available for the teachers and share the good practices . to improve ICT skills and the use of mobile devices for teaching and learning. I N C L U D E M E
  • 5. Planed Activities •-We take 5 out of 30 innovative education strategies of Prakash Nair to be implemented into curriculum to develop the quality of our schools education. -The activities include good practices and innovation. GR -Cooperative Learning Cooperative learning is defined as “A method of instruction that encourages students to work in small groups and then share the new gained knowledge with mates. In doing so, they take responsibility for their own learning as well as their classmates’. In other words, cooperative learning is a system in which students become both motivated and motivators. IT -Peer Tutoring I N C L U D E M E The best way to learn something is to teach it, as a matter of fact, students become better learners as they take the role of teachers . Peer tutoring is also valuable because students can often forge stronger bonds with other students than with adults and are good at developing interest and motivation in younger learners. • It involves students directly in the teaching and learning process can be viewed as a strategy for dealing with individual differences in the classroom. • The act of teaching others enhances student's own learning and collaboration between learners; D -Project Based Learning Pbl is a way to make learning meaningful and real. Instead of “learning” material out of textbooks, students work in teams to tackle real-world problems. Often, students will collaborate with peers across the world on global projects, forge meaningful relationships and build virtual communities of learners in the process. These are some of the advantages: • it develops collaboration skills; • it deals with real-world problems so students can make important connections between what they learn at school and its relevance to the world outside school; FR - Student-Led Performances Playing is a legitimate form of learning and is often the only form that works when students are disenchanted with the educational process. Children are natural performers, and this is one way to introduce games into the learning equation. Performance is a way to get children to become engaged, active and motivated participants in school. PL - Physical Fitness Programs -Beyond Sports While sports have universal appeal, and schools should encourage all those interested to play sports, it is a well-known fact that only a tiny fraction of students who play sports in school actually continue to pursue sports as a physical activity after school. Beyond this problem, it is also important to remember that only a small percentage of a school's total population can participate in its sports teams. As for the rest of the students? The lack of a sustainable physical fitness regimen is not only a health problem, but it also has direct ramifications on the academic performance of students and their mental health and overall well-being. The way to attack the problem is to develop physical fitness programs in school that students can continue to utilize throughout their life.
  • 6. Activities •During this short exchange of students, the host school will organize workshops relevant to the subtopic they were appointed to. Both host and guest participants will work together and implement the programme prepared by the host school; this way the strategy will be carried out in an international atmosphere. This activity will lead to the most effective results, the strategy will be observed by both guest students and teachers, and if considered useful (as we hope!) it will then be applied to the other partner schools. Before your departure our school will select, inside the group of students taking part in the project, those showing good skills in ICT, English and Math’s. These students will, therefore, become tutors in the courses Next steps when in Italy: 1) On arrival students coming form partner countries will present PPTs, videos of their countries, schools and any other traditions or activities worth sharing 2) Each country will then take part into a logo competition. 3) Next students will be divided into smaller groups, supervised by Italian students, and will carry out “Peer Tutoring” activities in Math’s, English and ICT. Outcomes: I N C L U D E M E 4) The final output will be a glossary of keywords used in the different workshops; this product will be available for any local school in the different countries willing to apply to the project methods, 5) Teachers of all Partner schools will be involved in setting procedures for a new literacy approach 6) Teachers together will collaborate in the writing of articles for the local newspaper. 7) Teaching and learning materials will be collected in the project platform. This event is planned over 5 days. Teachers and students will improve their experience in managing lack of basic skill by sharing information, services provided, strategies and even more with the partner schools. At the same time, pupils will spend their time together with host students. They will observe the classes, join the usual school programmes, they will use English as the communication language, they will join the games which will be organized by host teachers, they will have breakfast together, lunch in school canteens, and some dinner as well. It is aimed to experience the way of life of the host students (peers) as much as possible. At the beginning of the week an international evening will be organized and all students will be on stage with their dances and some traditional dishes. At the same time the teachers will supervise the students, observe and evaluate the project by holding meetings.
  • 7. I S T I T U T O I S T R U Z I O N E S U P E R I O R E GIOVANNI FALCONE In our school there are about 130 teachers and 1080 students, 23% of our pupils, about 250, are foreigners (mainly from North Africa, India and Albania, but also from other countries of all over the world, such as Romania, Senegal, Ghana, Pakistan, China). They are newcomers or of second generation, but as the most part of them go on speaking their mother tongue at home, they need a help to improve their competence in the language of the new country they live in. Moreover, last year 15% of the foreign pupils above-mentioned dropped out of school. The aim of our school, the space where natives and foreigners meet, is to put in place new methods to encourage inclusion in different ways. For more than 10 years our school has been carrying out several actions to favor the inclusion of these students, such as sport activities (organization of cricket tournaments, Olympics of dance), courses of Italian as second language and as support in the curriculum at the different levels of the CEFR.The mastery of the language is in fact essential to overcome the communicative difficulties and the enhancement of the knowledge of the new language helps these pupils to convey it in the study of other school subjects.
  • 8. Key staff 1 - The coordinator( PE teacher) keeps a watchful eye on effective execution of the following aspects: - have the activities been done as planned - how many students and teachers have been actively involved - has work progress been goal oriented - have the visibility and publicity of the "Include Me" project in newspapers, online newspapers, school websites, blogs and TV, Booklet been realized (promotion of the project beyond the school community) - is the website updated - is the communication between partners working – satisfaction with the project in general 2- the ICT teacher to conduct technological devices and internet facilities(website, blogs, applications etc.) 3- the EFL teacher in charge of communication with partners 4- the History and Italian language teacher to analyze the information and evaluate questionnaires 5- the Psychology teacher to do students behavior analysis and to choose the students with fewer opportunities and at the risk of early leaving All the teachers have been previously involved in Comenius/ Erasmus+ projects and school projects concerning foreign languages, sport, law, inclusion, work experiences in Italy and abroad, special needs. They also carry out activities against school drop and early leaving- In case of forced impossibility to take part to the visit (health or families problems of one of the teacher), he/she will be substituted by a colleague with similar skills / competences. A team with headmaster, deputy head of administration office and project coordinator will take part in the project in each organization to supervise all stages and manage budget stuff.
  • 9. K A V A L A G R E E C E 4Ο EPAL The 4rth EPAL of Kavala is a Vocational and Technical school of 250 students. Our school is situated in the beautiful town of Kavala in Northern Greece, by the sea. Our institution provides educational opportunities to people who intend to expand their knowledge or skills and to receive a lyceum degree as well. We offer them educational opportunities which will help them in adjusting to the technological, economical, social and cultural developments. We undertake tasks connected with the education and upbringing of our students who originate from environments that provide them with fewer opportunities and smaller chances of future success in their professional life. We have several departments as: - Business Administration, - Tourism - Logistics - Graphic Design - Nursing The lessons are both theoretical and practical. Our students learn whatever they need to know about the profession they have chosen so as to create better conditions for transition to working life. In addition a big proportion of our students come from migrant or one parent families who live in remote villages of the region under the danger of exclusion and of being considered second - class students. Some of our students are economy immigrants from Albania, Georgia, Bulgaria and Russia.
  • 10. Many of our students have learning problems, or special educational needs such as behavioral problems, dyslexia etc. The average classroom doesn't fit their needs so we have teachers to help them with extra lessons. We offer to our students opportunities which would help them to obtain a vocation according to the employment policies parallel to economic development, through our educational programs We also prepare students to get to the job market or to continue to the University. Our school plays an important role in the social and cultural life, by providing not only education but extracurricular activities as well, stimulating students’ creativity and facilitating their understanding of different cultures in a common European context. During this project our target group thereby a big number of people will have the chance to achieve cultural exchange and have the opportunity to learn the values promoted by the EU. Getting involved in international projects is a unique opportunity for our students to get in touch with the everyday life and the cultures of other countries. In the field of volunteering, our school participates in many of the municipality’s volunteering actions and events and cooperates with a school of students with special needs. We have very big experience in European projects and a lot of times we have hosted students from other countries. We can organize a) lessons for them, b) study visits, c) job shadowing, d) cultural visits, e) sports competitions, f) games, etc
  • 11. X X X L I C E U M O G O L N O K S Z T A L C A C E I M . K S J A N A TWARDOW SKIEGO W LUBLINIE Jan Twardowski Secondary School is a public school situated in Lublin, a city of population of around 350,000 in the east of Poland. The school currently undergoes, according to the educational reform, the transition from a lower-secondary school to a secondary school. The school community consists of 600 students aged from 15 up to 17 (in two years 15-19) and 50 members of the staff. The school is attended by teenagers from the city and the surrounding areas. The school is well equipped and safe - the building and the area around the school are constantly monitored with CCTV. We have a sporting recreational gym, one of the best facilities in the district of Lublin. In terms of learning opportunities, one of the main objectives is to provide the students of all economic backgrounds with the best opportunities to gain decent knowledge and develop their interests. The students are taught with a variety of teaching methods, including IT tools. They finish school with final- school exams, which allow learners to enter universities. For this reason learners are offered a number of curriculum faculties (science, language classes) and after-school activities (drama, choirs, art and crafts, guitar lessons, sports events). For the sake of general development, and promoting tolerance and enterprise, the school undertakes and get involved in a great number of charity events. There is a school council, in which teenagers can develop personality qualities and acquire organizational and social skills. The project Include me would create a great opportunity for our students not only to practice English in real communication, but also for learn tolerance and develop open-mindness attitude towards other nations as well as to enhance their self-assessment and motivation to develop.
  • 12. There will be a team of teachers engaged in the project, apart from teachers of English, teachers of other subjects such as IT, biology, chemistry, physical education as well as the school counselor. Also, the school headmaster will be involved. The staff is interested in gaining new experiences and increasing their qualifications. Some have taken part in courses funded by Comenius. We have received accreditation for EVS in 2017 and currently we are applying for funds in Mobility for School Erasmus+. The school has already gained some experience in running international school cooperation (schools from Hungary, Germany and Ukraine) and has proved to be a reliable and engaged partner. Apart from e-Twinning projects, we have been running a student exchange project with a Hungarian school in Debrecen since 2013. We have visited and hosted them four times so far. There has also been an Polish-Ukrainian Competition “Picture your Town”, organized by our school and combined with the Polish- Ukrainian students' meeting in our school in 2017. There are also student projects which we are working on with the schools from Germany.
  • 13. D A M M R E A L S C H U L E H E I L B R O N N HEILBRONN The Dammrealschule is a secondary school with one of the most profound traditions in Baden- Württemberg. The school is situated in the city centre of Heilbronn and hence nearby the library, the theatre, the swimming pool “Soleo”, the science centre “Experimenta”, the ice-skating ring and the university campus. In 2008 the 100-year-old school jubilee was celebrated. Of course the school development has continuously progressed without losing the important foundations of it curriculum. With the aim of a certified middle high-school diploma about 460 students are attending the DRS in 2016. From 2016 on the school system is going to change a lot. Our type of secondary school will not only offer a middle high school exam but also a basic secondary schooling. The students are very heterogeneous and multicultural like the inhabitants of Heilbronn themselves. At the moment there are students from more than 40 different nations attending the DRS. Several students live in home housing groups or have to cope with social disadvantages. That is why tolerance and a strong community play a very important role in our school life. The lessons and all other offers and actions are aimed at this objective, regardless of whether it is the varied offers of the SMV (students council), the DRS rock band, the choir, the theatre group, the linguistic remedial classes or one of many projects with extracurricular cooperation partners at school. Students from more than 40 nations, different social backgrounds and religious confessions are at our school. Our concept of integrating every student to our school community and to the society is without doubt exemplary. We offer our students a huge variety of projects in subjects like music, sport, art, theatre, creative writing and many more. 2017 we started the first Dragonboat School Competition for secondary schools. This event will take place regularly once a year.
  • 14. The teachers involved in these projects are very experienced with our school curriculum and the various programmes we offer. The coordinating teacher, Mr Höfer has not only worked as a teacher but also as a consultant for companies. Furthermore he has got valuable knowledge of photography and does a lot for the schools website. Mrs Belzner has worked a lot on personal relationships between students and teachers as well as the school and external partners. She has also worked a lot on the schools homepage and its design. Mr Delpech is an English native speaker and could help with the translation of the play. Mr ebert and Mr Fruhstuck are a well known musicians who have worked for several years with school bands. Mr Hertner, Mr Höfer, Mr Delpech, Mr Sammet and Mr Depner are PE teachers who have a lot of practical experiences with outdoor activitie
  • 15. L Y C É E P A B L O P I C A S S O PERPIGNA N CEDEX The school is one of eight vocational secondary schools situated in Perpignan. The Lycee is a secondary school for students at the age of 15 to 18 years.. It is a mixed school with levels of abilities and it has students of different ethnicities and social classes. For three years, he joined our school education system professionally. Currently, our school has about 2000 students. Our center we have many facilities at a general level, we also have a section of visual theater and a cinema audio section, in relation to the theater project and cooperative work. In relation to the experience of our center with the theme of the project, we have a theater section very active (2 years of study) involved in the artistic activities of Perpignan, an audiovisual film section very involved in the project city, dance association, a musical activity (rock groups, singing and musicians), and we have our own musical activity center that often participate in activities with the Municipality of Perpignan in the cultural offer. Our school has no major problems in failure and truancy, however our participation in this project will help us solve and learn conflict resolution among students to improve school life, we will provide implementing measures on school failure.