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Gestalt Therapy
Quotation GESTALT THERAPY Psychology 460 Counseling and Interviewing Sheila K. Grant,
Ph.D. "I am not in this world to live up to other people 's expectations, nor do I feel that the world
must live up to mine." ––Fritz Perls 1 2 Theory of Personality A person exists by differentiating self
from other & by connecting self & other These are the two functions of a boundary The boundary
between self & environment must be permeable to allow for exchanges, yet firm enough to enable
autonomous action When the boundary becomes unclear, lost, or impermeable, mental & emotional
disturbance results 3 Gestalt A gestalt, or whole, both includes & transcends the sum of its parts It
cannot be understood simply as a ... Show more content on ...
The Now Therapist is seeking to help a person live their feelings rather than talk about them To live
the moment rather than describe it in a detached way 15 16 The Now The past is recognized as
having an important influence on a person's present attitudes and behavior – But what is in the past
is either brought into the here
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Summary: The Gestalt Experiential Family Therapy
The Gestalt experiential family therapy focuses on the immediate conversation and current
challenge (Becvar & Becvar, 2012). The emphasis is on how individuals within the family speak to
each other. . Conflicts are utilized for the purpose of confrontation for the purpose of understanding
of the family situation (White, 2008). These conflicts can support the family therapy processes, three
such examples are negotiation, consensus, and resources.
When viewed in a Gestalt format, during a session the conversation about resources can reveal the
power in the family. The family may have unlimited resources, however whoever controls those
resources has the power in the family. The therapist can better work with the family by following
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The Emergence Of Gestalt Therapy In The 1940's
All great therapies start out with one person or group of people who become discontent with the
status quo, and avidly work to prove that what is widely accepted as the only way to accomplish
things, may not at all be what is necessary in all circumstances. In the early 1930's and 1940's
psychoanalysis was the rage, anyone in the field of psychology who did not ascribe to this style of
psychology was a deviant, and in all likelihood would be shun from the psychological community.
Additionally, this was a time period globally where many Jews in Europe were seeking to escape
from the hands of Hitler, and the Second World War was being fought. Precisely from this
background comes the birth of Gestalt Therapy. This paper will explore the emergence, ... Show
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Some of the principles of this theory involved holism, field theory, figure formation process,
organismic self–regulation, the now, unfinished business, contact and resistances to contact, and
energy and blocks to energy. Additionally, this therapy introduced novel therapeutic interventions
such internal dialogue exercises like the empty chair technique that aims at getting the individual to
externalize what they have introjected, making the rounds that allows individuals in a group setting
to go around and speak to different people, the reversal exercise which asks the person to act in a
way that is contrary to their usual style of behaving, the rehearsal exercise, exaggeration exercise,
and staying with the feeling, as well as its approach to dreams. The majority of Gestalt therapy
interventions are derived from the performance arts (Corey,
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Gloria Clors And Gestalt Therapy
In the Gloria tapes, there were three different types of therapy sessions presented in each tape. The
three types of sessions were Person Centered Therapy represented by Carl Rogers, Rational Therapy
also known as Rational Emotional Behavior Therapy represented by Albert Ellis, and Gestalt
Therapy represented by Fritz Perls. The sessions were given to the same women named Gloria that
presented a different problem each time. The goal of experiencing each type of therapy session was
to figure out what therapy style out of the three best helped Gloria.
The first therapy style Gloria was introduced to was Person Centered Therapy and the therapist was
Carl Rogers. Viewing Rogers at my own viewpoint, for the time period, he seems unbelievable. ...
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The kind of therapy was very much less confrontational when compared to Gestalt Therapy as well
as a lot more talking. Ellis guided the conversation more and tended to ask questions that involve
her expressing herself less compared to the other two kinds of therapies. My first impression of this
kind of therapy was very negative, for some reason I believed that it was not quite beneficial for
Gloria, however, when I watched it a second time, I realized that my interpretation was different and
that this therapy and the advice from the therapist was actually benefit Gloria. The connection
between the two seemed to start off quick because Gloria was actually a fan of his book but really
seemed to firm was when Ellis brought up the mangled arm it really seemed like they were on the
same level. I believe that this session overall helped Gloria thinking more and caused her to take
more actions especially because of the homework assignment that Ellis said he would give her if she
was his client. What really shown me that the session was beneficial for Gloria was when Ellis said
"assume the worse". When Ellis said this, Gloria pulled out a cigarette which to me says that his
words are getting to her and making her think because I have noticed that she seems to smoke when
she feels nervous or pressured and needs to calm down. Thus, this means that she is trying to think
through Ellis's
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The Importance Of Gestalt Therapy
Gestalt therapy utilizes a phenomenological perspective, which, as noted by Yontef (1993), focuses
on the present moment as experienced by the client and therapist. He states that the client's
subjective experience, as well as overt behaviors, are important in therapeutic sessions, and
therapists should focus on describing what they see rather than attempting to reach specific goals.
Gestalt theorists state that the goal is for the client to become aware of his/her "Gestalt;" the
complex interaction of a client's sensory stimuli, emotions, and physiological responses (Sabar,
2013; Schulz, 2013). They explain that a Gestalt is a "whole" distinct from its component parts. A
change in any component of this Gestalt leads to changes in every other part (i.e. embarrassment
causing a blush) (Sabar, 2013). Field theory argues that the various components of a client's
environment are perceived as wholes which form his/her "field" (Wagner–Moore, 2004). Because
humans can only attend to a small part of this field, his/her attention varies in focus as various
figures rise into awareness (Burley, 2012). A "figure" is a need at the forefront of the client's mind,
whereas the "ground" is the backdrop of his/her field from which the figure arises (Burley, 2012;
Macaluso, 2015; Sabar, 2013). If needs are not met, they remain in the foreground and demand
attention, interfering with the client's functioning until they come to his/her awareness and are met
(Wagner–Moore, 2004). Gestalt therapists (Sabar, 2013; Yontef, 1993) state that the client is viewed
within his/her field, in which each component cannot be understood without reference to the whole.
The client's field consists of all past experiences he/she has had, his/her current physiological and
emotional experiences, memories, meaning systems, thoughts available to his/her awareness, as well
as external variables (Burley, 2013; Macaluso, 2015). A client's past may have influence on the
present because it is the source of old habits and unfinished business which influence his/her
experience in the moment (Sabar, 2013). The client's current experiences are in interaction with
his/her past experiences, which are in interaction with the present therapeutic moment
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Essay On Gestalt Therapy
Gestalt Therapy 101.
You and a partner will take turns playing the therapist and the patient, using Gestalt Therapy.
As the therapist, you will be using Gestalt Theory to try pull the person out of their "safety zone",
and into a confrontational zone. Although there are many things one can do in Gestalt Theory, the
first roleplay will focus mainly on getting a reaction out of the patient.
Here are some tips of what you can do to get this reaction:
Focus on the Now:
If conversation turns to "past or future events", bring patients back to the present by asking them
– Express past or future events as present:
– When I was a child...
– Are you a child now?
– Yesterday....
– I want to know about today
– Making a reference to what they are doing with their body
– Changes in body posture, foot moving, body and facial changes
– "I see that you are moving your foot."
– "Are you covering ... Show more content on ...
Below are a few of these theories, and some explanation for who each of these principles would be
best suited for.
Awareness/Here and Now:
Some patients may be constantly reminiscing of moments in their past, maybe about certain events
that have bothered or traumatised them. Others may have their minds in the future, constantly
anxious of all possible futures that may be handed to them. Applying the principles of awareness, or
the here and now, will bring the patient's emotions into the present, where they are to be managed in
the now.
To deal with the present, the therapist should bring all words, and body actions into the present.
This tactic would be beneficial for patients with past traumatic stress and for people who generate
anxiety from imagining future moments.
This could be anything from patients with monetary problems, strains in their relationship with their
family and friends, dealing with physical pain and unwanted thoughts.
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Core Concepts from TA and Gestalt
"The paradox is that, while a concern with past and future is obviously central to psychological
functioning, to behave as though one were indeed in the past or future, as many do, pollutes the
lively possibilities of existence." ― Erving Polster, Gestalt Therapy Integrated: Contours of Theory
& Practice. "Accomodation to parental needs often (but not always) leads to an as–if personality.
This person develops in such a way that he reveals only what is expected of him and fuses so
completely with what he reveals that one could scarcely guess how much more there is to him
behind the false self". Miller, A (1997) The Drama of Being a Child, Virago, London.
Inrojections and Polarities are similar to Life Scripts and Injuctions in TA theory. Introjects are often
codes "swallowed whole" that may have come from our family or society. For example, after
twenty–three personal therapy sessions, I had to challenge myself to explore in body work what
parts of myself I would like to be deleted. I wanted to delete my emotional fragility. I started
breathing, voicing and gestering happy sounds and words. I then drew an image of a dark cloud with
white words "Let Go". The relief of my image contained all my pain of my emotional fragitlity.
Energy taken up in reserving fighting mechanisms against the pain of blocked care. "When we are in
full contact change is inevitable." (Ervin Polster, Gestalt, Therapy Integrated)
Polarities are if something exists then the opposite must also
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The Main Influences On Gestalt Psychology
d reflection on the main influences on Gestalt psychology and how they contributed to its
Since being discovered, gestalt psychology created vital contributions to the psychology of thinking
and problem solving influenced by thinkers, including, Immanuel Kant, Ernst Mach and Johann
Wolfgang von Goethe. This paper will reflect on the main influences on Gestalt psychology, their
contributions, and the principles of perceptual organization. According to the Merriam–Webster, the
definition of gestalt psychology is: the study of perception and behavior from the standpoint of an
individual 's response to configurational wholes with stress on the uniformity of psychological and
physiological events and rejection of analysis into discrete events of stimulus, percept, and response
One of the main influences on Gestalt psychology
, and their ideas influenced the later development of cognitive psychology.
The gestaltists argued that understanding mind and behavior could not be achieved by trying to
dissect conscious experience into its sensory elements, or by reducing complex behavior to
elementary stimulus–response units. Rather, their emphasis was on phenomenologically whole
experiences, and before long their movement came to be identified with this catch phrase: The
whole of an experience is greater than the sum of its individual parts.
Three german gestalt pioneers emigrated from Europe to the US, Max Wertheimer, Kurt Koffka, and
Wolfgang Hohler.
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Strengths Of Gestalt Therapy
After these strong arguments to emphasize the strengths of Gestalt therapy, it is important to note
some limitations of this approach as well.
A point often overlooked is that Gestalt therapy lacks a clearly articulated theory. Although Perls
revised his book Ego, Hunger and Aggression (1942/1992) and renamed it, there is little description
of what Perls understood by Gestalt therapy (Wagner–Moore, 2004). According to Wagner–Moore
(2004), Gestalt therapy is "without a clear set of binding theoretical principles" and without a rich
basis of literature that could help to further develop the approach. Wagner–Moore (2004) also states
that the Gestalt therapy by Perls focuses more on his history and personality rather than on a specific
"scientific, ... Show more content on ...
Although the goal of the techniques and experiments is to elicit emotion (Corey, 2012), neither the
therapist nor the client knows what comes up during the therapy session (Wagner–Moore, 2004).
The elicited emotions can be very powerful and deeply painful (Fagan et al., 1974). It is essential
that Gestalt therapists build a strong therapeutic alliance with their clients, in order for the necessary
trust to be established. Only then clients can learn from the Gestalt experiments (Corey, 2012).
Given the power of the Gestalt techniques, a misuse of those might be harmful and dangerous
(Wagner–Moore, 2004; Lilienfeld, 2007). It is suggested that therapists should only use the
technique if they have had personal experience with it in the role of the client (Fagan et al., 1974;
Corey, 2012) and, most importantly, if they know their client well enough to be able to provide
follow–up support (Fagan et al., 1974). Abandoning clients after an emotional break down is
considered abuse of power and this equalizes for unethical practice (Corey,
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Gestalt Therapy : The Phenomenological Method Of Awareness
1. The basic tenants of gestalt therapy focus on the phenomenological method of awareness. This
means that feelings and perceptions are distinguished from interpretations of previous experiences
and attitudes. What is currently being perceived and felt is more important than anything that could
be interpreted. Because of this, gestalt therapy focuses more on process rather than content. It is
more important to emphasize what is happening with current thoughts and feelings than what has
happened in the past or what could happen in the future. In gestalt therapy the relationship between
the therapist and client is the most important aspect of the therapy. This is because "dialogue" is an
important tenant to the therapeutic process. This dialogue is based on experiencing the other person
as he or she really is and showing the true self. This way, the patient isn't being manipulated towards
a certain goal. In doing this, the patient is in charge of their own growth and self–support. Personal
responsibility is very important in gestalt therapy.
2. A gestalt therapist may understand pathology as someone who is unable to move forward in life
because something happened that has discouraged his or her ability to move on. They tend not to
make decisions and are stunted in their progress through life. However, this person is considered
healthy when they can focus on the present. They don't think of previous experiences and "what
was," but rather they focus on what is right now and
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Gestalt Psychology Paper
The Gestalt psychology, maintained that when people perceive sensory elements their tendency is to
see things in terms for the entire form or pattern rather than as individual parts. Identify and describe
these basic principles of perceptual organization from the Gestalt perspective; figure– ground,
similarity, proximity, and closure.
Gestalt psychology also known as gestaltism can be described as a known theory of mind. Gestalt
psychology, put forth the effect of comprehending the laws we use in acquiring and maintaining the
meaningful things that we perceive in our hectic world. Central principle's when it comes to this
form of psychology is forming a global whole while using organization so the brain can make sense
of the things that we ... Show more content on ...
The Gestalt effect can be defined as our brains' ability to generate a whole. Wholes can be formed
with respecting our visual organizations, patterns, and recognizing the global figure. Instead
collecting unnecessary images that are surrounding what you are really trying to focus on.
Gestaltism is constantly opposite structuralism, and this theory makes way for the mind to break
down the elements from a complete situation into how it should appear to be recognized. The
figure– ground is a perception of Gestalt psychology known as grouping. Figure– ground is vital
when it comes to perceiving visual objects. Gestalt recognizes this as identifying background
figures. For example the words printed on a sheet of paper can be listed as the figure and the paper
would be known as the background that we would use to figure the ground organization to perceive
this image. Secondly a way to define the use of similarity in the basic principles of perceptual
organization is that this law states the elements of the objects that are grouped perceptually because
they are showing similarity amongst one another. This similarity can form from shapes, colors, and
other qualities in relation
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Gestalt Therapy Summary
The purpose of the Gestalt Therapy is for the therapist to increase the client's awareness (Murdock,
2013). It helps the clients to focus on the "here and now" of what they are experiencing and doing
(Jones & Butman, 2011). Distress would be alleviated if the client can accept and trust in their
feelings and experiences. In the matter of Helen, the chair technique was to use to bring unexpressed
feelings that are associated with the past that has influenced her present and stimulated her thinking.
During the chair dialogue Helen places her parents in the empty chair, serving as an intervention for
unfinished business. The therapist acted as a guide as Helen shares her experiences and feelings of
her life in the past. Helen's earlier experiences of being a middle child and the pain associated with
the unfilled need of being noticed from her mother and father have become active in Helen's life as
she expresses the need to be supported by her husband. Helen shares with the professor about
floating in the river and how she wanted to be noticed, then is conflicted with not wanting to be
noticed because being noticed is hard for her. ... Show more content on ...
She denies needing attention and support from her husband as a defense mechanism that is learned
from her childhood. It has become easy for Helen to deny that part of her life when she felt noticed
because it brought about awareness from the past. Jones and states that defense mechanisms are
used widely to distort reality, causing one to lose any real sense of who one is or who one can
become (Jones & Butman,
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Treatment Of Therapy And Gestalt Therapy
Therapy is the treatment of people who are suffering from the psychological problem and that
situation, the therapist works in collaboration with the patient, to determine the cause. This paper
seeks to explore the two types of therapy which person–centered therapy and gestalt therapy. The
paper will also go into details by comparing and contrasting the two therapies and how they work.
Person Centered Therapy (PCT)–it is also known us client–centered approach is a way or an
approach of understanding the individuals' perception. This is where a therapist has to understand
the consciousness of the client in relation with their ability. It states that everybody has got the
ability to do great things but as time goes by, we lose that belief because of being affected
psychologically. This theory was discovered by one American Carl Rodgers (1902–1987). The
counselor in this scenario has to understand the client 's experience so as to know the background of
the problem. On the other hand, Gestalt therapy is the where a client is suffering from the present
events and how they affect him or her environment. This approach was discovered by Frederick
Perls in the 1950s. The two approaches work in different ways because they are dealing with
different problems and so we want to see how they work.
In person–centered therapy, the client is normally disturbed or affected by the past events. An
individual who had the ability to do or perform great things is eventually demoralized, and he or
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Gestalt Theory
What is Gestalt Counseling?
You may want to know something more about the gestalt approach to counselling before deciding to
see a gestalt counsellor. Or you may just be interested in different approaches to counselling. On this
page I have attempted to set out some of the basic ideas of the gestalt approach. Some of the ideas
are complex and open to different interpretations, so this can be little more than an introduction. I
have also included links to other sites and articles, as well as some suggested reading.
The Gestalt Concept of Self
We all talk about ourselves in the first person – 'I did this ', 'my book ', 'I felt happy ' etc., but what
do we mean when we use the words 'I ' or 'me ', what is this thing we call self? ... Show more
content on ...
For this reason the aim of gestalt counselling is to help the client gain self awareness.
Self awareness is also the aim of many spiritual paths and there are some similarities between
Buddhism and gestalt theory. In the therapy room the counsellor will help the client to gain
awareness through asking questions and making appropriate challenges. As individuals we can help
to develop our self awareness through self questioning (note this does not mean self criticism) and
through meditation. Meditation is a helpful technique for many of those suffering from emotional
and psychological problems, as well as those looking for personal and spiritual development.
The Here and Now
Gestalt therapy focuses on what is going on in the here and now, i.e. in the therapy room, rather than
what may have happened in the past. We are not influenced by the past as such, but by our memory
of the past, by the behaviours that we learnt in the past. All the information that a client needs to
develop self awareness is available in the here and now. A gestalt therapist will look at what is
actually there – the client 's body language, tone of voice, what is not being said as well as what is
being said etc., rather than what they think should be there. This is often referred to as the
Phenomenological approach. The therapist will try to put their own prejudices to one side and
experience the world through the client 's eyes. A gestalt therapist may note
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Gestalt Therapy Summary
I enjoyed reading your application of Gestalt Therapy and techniques with clients who have
experienced Trauma. I especially was interested in reading about this therapeutic models when
dealing with victims of wide–spread trauma or natural disasters, due to the shared experience of the
event. Perera–Diltz, Laux, and Toman (2012) discussed the importance of focus on "unfinished
business" with Gestalt Therapy. While each person will have a different worldview or experience of
the shared traumatic event (i.e. flood, tsunami, mass shooting, etc.), there is a commonality within
the group that each person went through it. This is far different from individual experiences with
intimate trauma. Chang (as cited in Perera–Diltz, Laux, & Toman, 2012) described
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Gestalt Psychology Reflection Essay
Gestalt Psychology Reflection
Michael A. Perkins
January 26th, 2015
Dr. Shannon Kelly
Gestalt Psychology Reflection
The Gestalt psychology movement was fascinating within the time frame in which it started to
develop. While other psychological movements strived to boil down psychology in almost
simplistic, scientific terms, Gestalt psychology embraced complexities within the consciousness.
Gestalt psychologists argued "that when we look out a window we really see trees and sky, not
individual sensory elements such as brightness and hue" (Schultz & Schultz, 2011). There is
more to what we experience and see that just the simple elements that make these things and
experiences up.
Gestalt psychology owes much of its ... Show more content on ...
Essentially when taken as a whole, this forms the basis of thought that the mind takes events in as a
whole instead of breaking them down into measurable or distinct events. The idea is that the whole
of an experience has more meaning than the experience when it is broken down.
Gestalt psychology is built upon principles of perceptual organization. These are proximity,
continuity, similarity, closure, simplicity, and figure/ground (Schultz & Schultz, 2011).
Proximity is things that appear to be close together and therefore are perceived together in an
experience. A personal example of this would be relating certain songs to experiences that occurred.
Continuity is best described at experiences that happen within a natural flow of time, such as the
experience of going to work which contains getting ready for work and arriving at work. Similarity
refers to experiences that that are similar in nature. For example, my perception of all the holidays I
spent as a child tends to be perceived as great because of their similarity. Closure refers to our
ability to fill in gaps in experiences (Schultz & Schultz, 2011). Simplicity refers to simplistic
perceptions that cannot be further simplified (Schultz & Schultz, 2011). Lastly there is
figure/ground. The best way to describe this is perceptions that are taken within a context.
Gestalt psychology was an immediately more complex
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Theory of Gestalt Therapy
Theory of Gestalt Therapy
"What is Gestalt Therapy?" This is a question that has divided therapists for decades. Although
Gestalt Therapy is based on a set of techniques, it is ultimately the therapist own defined style that
makes it unique – from the theatrical techniques of Fritz Perls to the one–on–one approach of Jim
According to G.M. Yontef (Awareness, Dialogue and Process Pg 203), Gestalt Therapy is: 1. a
bringing about of awareness 2. it is based on the I and Thou contact withdrawal process 3. its world
view is based on holism and field theory
Each and every one of us seeks to make sense of life's events, and as such a considerable amount of
time is spent in trying to analyse and explain these events. ... Show more content on
Premature closure feels better that leaving it open, but since the need is still unmet, it will continue
to demand attention. The result is a fixation on the part of the individual to resolve his 'unfinished
Another aspect of contact is that contact itself is but the highlight of a 'contact withdrawal cycle', i.e.
a cycle that occurs and reoccurs. Habitually, the therapist backs off and comes back again, listening
quietly without straining to figure everything out; information is given in a calm but impersonal
manner. It is important that the session itself develops a natural rhythm. Meaningful contact cannot
be attained or attempted every second. The client also needs to work hard to attain contact, and if
there is a pattern of inequality then it is best to change it. If the therapist is doing all the work, than
the client's needs may not be met or the therapist may be feeding into their desire to be spoon–fed. If
on the other hand the client is doing much more of the work, then the therapist may need to loosen
up and give more of himself. Sometimes, the therapist may need to have the client be still and quiet
so that he can do the work.
The client – therapist relationship is an important part of Gestalt Therapy. This "I – Thou"
relationship is a contact between two genuine people rather
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The Theories Of Gestalt Psychology
Development of Gestalt Psychology Phrases such as "seeing the forest from the trees" and "the
whole is greater than the sum of the parts" have roots grounded in the same ideals of Gestalt
psychology. These phrases best describe the purpose of Gestalt psychology in how they emphasize
focusing on the big picture and not just the colors. The Gestalt concept of perception is how the
mind understands the world around it by seeing it in whole forms, not simple elements. The human
brain and consciousness contains an essence that loses value when broken down into elements of
study. Origin of Gestalt Musical notes when observed as whole produce complex and wonderful
melodies. The notes alone do not hold the same effect and take away value of the complete melody
if only heard as individual tones. When breaking such abilities down into elements, the value of the
ability was being lost in the eyes of Gestaltists. With psychology moving towards the molecular
approach in studying consciousness and behavior, the Gestaltists used a molar approach. (Hergenhan
& Henley, 2014). The origin of the word Gestalt comes from Germany. According to Ginger (2007),
the real meaning of the word is "richer and more complex, and is impossible to translate". The best
comparison to English is "configuration" or "form". (Hergenhan & Henley, 2014). The simple
example of a Gestalt would be a child recognizing their mother's face. The recognition alone apart
from makeup, complexion, and hair color is
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Gestalt Therapy Essay
Gestalt therapy is a therapeutic approach in psychology that helped foster the humanistic theories of
the 1950s and 1960s and that was, in turn, influenced by them. In Gestalt philosophy, the patient is
seen as having better insight into himself or herself than the therapist does. Thus, the therapist
guides the person on a self–directed path to awareness and refrains from interpreting the patient's
behaviors. Awareness comprises recognition of one's responsibility for choices, self–knowledge, and
ability to solve problems.
Its originators, Frederick S. (Fritz) Perls (1893–1970) and Laura Perls (born Lore Posner, 1905–
1990), were born in Germany and studied psychology there. They fled Germany during the Nazi
regime, moving to South Africa ... Show more content on ...
In the evolution of their therapy, Laura and Fritz Perls differed in some of their approaches. Laura
emphasized more direct, physical contact and movement than Fritz did, and the contact favored by
Fritz Perls was more symbolic than physical.
Gestalt therapy took its name from the school of academic psychology called Gestalt psychology.
Perls asserted that Gestalt psychology had influenced the development of his ideas, but the
Gestaltists claimed that there was no connection between the two. Later scholars suggested a
common substrate linking the academic Gestalt psychology of Max Wertheimer (1880–1943),
Wolfgang Köhler (1887–1967), and Kurt Koffka (1886–1941) and the Gestalt therapy of the Perls
and their collaborators Ralph Hefferline (1910–1974) and Paul Goodman (1911–1972). This
commonality involved appreciation of the whole rather than a reductionistic approach to
understanding psychological phenomena and behavior.
Gestalt therapy took form in the 1950s and 1960s, when humanism first flourished. The optimistic
theory promulgated by the Perls was quite compatible with the ideas of other humanistically
oriented psychologists such as Carl Rogers (1902–1987). Its influence has waned since the 1980s,
although current therapies have been influenced by the humanistic and optimistic outlook of the
theory and by some of the interactive techniques developed by the Perls and their followers.
Gestalt theory, a major school of
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Gestalt Therapy Essay
Gestalt Therapy
February 13, 2012
Gestalt Therapy Gestalt therapy was founded by Frederick (Fritz) and Laura Perls in the 1940s. It
instructs the client on the phenomenological method which is the theory that says behavior is
determined by the way the person perceives reality rather than by objective external reality. This
therapy method is an influential preference compared to the two chief therapeutic methods,
psychoanalysis and behavioral therapy. This therapy combines the clients' thoughts, feelings, and
actions into one whole part; Gestalt, is the German word for "whole." Nancy Piotrowski (2003)
describes Gestalt therapy as coaching the client in awareness, perceiving, feeling, and acting to
determine the ... Show more content on ...
One therapeutic technique used by Gestalt therapists brings the focus and exaggeration of nonverbal
behaviors. Basically saying that body language says more about clients' present feelings than the
words they are saying. Gestalt therapists assist their clients by helping them to become aware of the
nonverbal signals they are giving off in a therapeutic session. If the client states they are fine and
have no concerns for the day, yet they are tapping their fingers on the counter or seem to be
anxiously fidgeting, the therapist will ask them about the behavior. The therapist will then focus on
the emotions associated with the finger tapping or fidgeting the client is exhibiting. Dreamwork is
another technique of Gestalt therapy where clients recall a recent dream and instead of analyzing it
they look at it from a different perspective. The perspective is the present, talking about the dream as
if it is occurring in the moment. The therapist will encourage the client to talk about the dream in
present tense. The client will also talk about objects and people in their dream as if they are
themselves. For example in a dream the client may have seen a dolphin swimming in the ocean, but
in Dreamwork the question would be, what does it feel like to be that dolphin? How do you think
the dolphin feels right at this moment? The client then has to make present tense statements to bring
the dream forth
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Fritz Perls's Use of Gestalt Therapy: a Review
Gestalt is a fascinating approach to therapy with many unique techniques, interventions and goals
that set it apart from other approaches. "Self–acceptance, knowledge of the environment,
responsibility for choices, and the ability to make contact...are important awareness processes and
goals, all of which are based on a here–and–now experiencing that is always changing" (Corey,
2009, p. 200).
Fritz Perls demonstrates his Gestalt therapy style in Three Approaches to Psychotherapy: A Film
Series (1975). Though this film has made a significant impact in the field of psychological
education, many simply remember Fritz Perls as a brash and cocky showman. This is unfortunate as
he has left very meaningful contributions to the field of ... Show more content on ...
At yet another point, as he points out to Gloria, many of his statements have a neutral charge but are
given a negative charge through Gloria's transferential perception. For example, Perls asks Gloria
what her foot was doing and Gloria perceives it as a negative judgment on Perls's part and a demand
that she explain why she is wiggling her foot. As perls explains to Gloria "That is the Fritz of your
imagination" (1975). This interaction between the therapist and client led to a significant
intervention. When Perls asks Gloria what her foot is doing she laughs quite a bit and says that she's
afraid that he's going to notice everything that she does. Perls intervenes by pointing out that Gloria
is laughing (which is incongruent with what she is saying and feeling). These and many other
behaviors lead Perls to confront Gloria by calling her a phony. It is at this point that Gloria expresses
her feelings in a genuine way. She expresses verbally that she is angry and she behaves as though
she is angry. This is the first time during the session that her affect is congruent with her mood. This
is a perfect example of what Corey meant when he wrote "[Perls] was a master at intentionally
frustrating clients to enhance their awareness (2009, p. 200). This was Perls's way of reaching for
feelings. He is almost pushing Gloria into contact with her real feelings. He provokes her anger in
the here–and–now and as a result she has an opportunity to
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Gestalt Therapy
The Gestalt theory of change posits that "The more we attempt to be who or what we are not, the
more we remain the same" (Corey, 2000)
Gestalt Therapy is an experiential and humanistic approach which was founded by Frederick and
Laura Perls and Paul Goodman in the 1950's. Gestalt is a German word that means "patterns" and
the key idea in this model is the capacity of the person to experience the world in terms of wholes,
or overall patterns, and more specifically, to have a tendency to complete unfinished patterns. The
gestalt therapist is interested in studying human perception and thoughts (McLeod, 2011).
According to G.Yontef and L. Jacobs (2011), the goal of Gestalt therapy is to heighten the clients'
awareness regarding how they work ... Show more content on ...
Open, undirected awareness...attempts to hold hypothesis formation in abeyance for a longer period
of time... Open, undirected awareness is an attempt to reduce bias and remain as naïve as possible
while engaged in diagnosis" (Nevis,
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Essay about Gestalt Therapy
Gestalt Therapy
Gestalt therapy was largely developed by Fritz Perls and his wife, Laura. Together they created a
theory that is based on the premise that individuals must be understood in the context of their
ongoing relationship with the environment. To better understand that, one must review the key
concepts, therapeutic process, and the techniques of application. The first key concept of Gestalt
therapy is its view of human nature. Perls believed that genuine knowledge is the product of what is
immediately evident in the experience of the perceiver. He believed that individuals have the
capacity to self regulate in their environment if they are fully aware of what is happening in and
around them. There are several basic ... Show more content on ...
Contact is made my seeing, hearing, smelling, touching, and moving and it is made effectively by
interacting with nature and other people without one losing their individuality. However, people
often resist contact. Resistances to contact are defenses we develop to prevent us from experiencing
the present. These defenses are called introjection, projection, retroflection, deflection, and
confluence. The concern of Gestalt therapists is helping the client to become aware of how they are
blocking their environment. The last key concept to talk about is energy and blocks to energy.
Blocked energy is another form of resistance and it can be manifested by tension in some parts of
the body such as posture, keeping one's body tight and closed, not breathing deeply, etc The
therapist aims to make their client aware of their blocked energy and bring the sensations to the
client's awareness. To further the understanding of Gestalt therapy, it is important to get a good idea
of the therapeutic process. The basic goal of therapy is attaining awareness and with it, greater
choice. Awareness emerges within the context of a genuine meeting between the client and therapist.
The therapist's function is to assist the client in developing their own awareness and experiencing
themselves how they are in the present. The therapists must also pay attention to their client's body
language. These nonverbal cues can provide a lot of useful information
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Gestalt Therapy Paper
For what it's worth, this has been my first time ever really delving into and learning about the
Gestalt Theory of Counseling. From my understanding, I view Gestalt therapy as focusing on and
being self–aware of the here and now, but also being able to bring up past events (or as the text
refers to it "baggage") and projecting them into the present moment. It feels like instead of just
talking about past experiences that still bother us, or that are "unfinished", we are attempting to
resolve them. Along with that, I can say that this theory resonated well with me, and aligned with
my view of human development, because I feel that you cannot just talk about past experiences you
have to resolve them to be able to move forward. And bringing that
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Taking a Look at Gestalt Therapy
"What is Gestalt Therapy"? Gestalt therapy (GT) is a psychotherapeutic approach mostly identified
and developed by Frederick S. (Fritz) Perls (1893–1970 and Laura Perls (1905–1990). Its orginators
were influenced by Freud's psychoanalytic approaches, however moving toward existentialism in
contrast to the typical Freudian technique.
Gestalt theory, is concerned with the whole person, encouraging a balance between body, feeling,
intellect and imagination. The Gestalt approach in psychotherapy understands people as being
inextricably linked with their environments, both affected by and affecting the context in which a
person lives. Here and Now, experiments, creativity and imagination are concepts linked with the
theory and practice of Gestalt.
Here are some philosphical assumptions in Gestalt therapy: It is a humanistic and existential
approach that conveys people are growth oriented and have holism. It also empasises on human
free–will and responsibilty. The term orgamism shows that it is impossible to separate the phsycical
and psychological.
It is the primacy of field theory (in which we include the concepts of holism and organisimic self–
regulation); phenomenology and dialogue – the three pillars supporting the standpoint of the
Gestalt–based approach– that is the basis for a comprehensive process model of growth (Resnick
1995) The core motivation of Humans is by drive to staisy biolical and psycohlogical needs. Strving
to regulate organism so it can grow. Self–
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Gestalt Therapy with Children and a Comparative Therapy
Gestalt therapy, which was founded by Fritz and Laura Perls in the 1940s, teaches the therapists and
their clients the phenomenological awareness method, where feeling, perceiving and acting are
differentiated from interpreting and rearranging the pre–existing attitudes. Gestalt therapists and
clients' dialogue, thus communicating their phenomenological perspectives, and their differences in
perceptions form the basis and focus of experimentation and continued dialogue. The desired
outcome of the therapy process is for the client to become aware of their actions, how they are
acting, and the ways they can change their actions and learn to accept and appreciate themselves.
Here, the emphasis is mainly on the process rather ... Show more content on ...
Different schools of thought within the humanistic tradition have built on and also separated from
the previous theories and conceptualization of child development (Oaklander, 2014). Worth noting is
the transactional analysis theoretical understanding of the development of a child (Tudor, 1998),
which views a child's development in terms of ego states, script formation among other concepts
like protection and therapeutic potency and permission that are of practical use in working with the
Oaklander (2007) recognizes the need for children to make good use of the contact functions
labelled as looking, listening, smelling, tasting, expressing feelings, thoughts, ideas, curiosity,
touching, moving, among others. These contact functions are the same modalities that make up one's
self, as the children who get emotionally disturbed tend to isolate themselves in some way,
restricting the body, anaesthetizing their senses, closing down their minds and blocking their
emotions (Oaklander, 2007). When this happens, a child's healthful development is adversely
affected, and their problems get further exacerbated. Their self gets inhibited, and they cannot make
good contact.
The Gestalt developmental theory offers a structural basis for psychotherapy with children through
provision of guidance for the physiotherapy with the therapists to understanding the child'
experience, how a
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The Psychology Of Gestalt Therapy Essay
Psychology is not only fascinating or extraordinary, it has opened concepts greater than human
understanding. Beginning in 1897, the human mind has been under heavy study, and through the
invention of Gestalt therapy, it has helped tremendously. Fritz Perls, the founder of Gestalt therapy,
although deceased his presents is felt everyday through Gestalt therapy. Gestalt therapy has training
for anyone who might be interested into going into its practice.
There are many facilities around the world that specialize in the training of the practice of Gestalt
therapy. Among these facilities are The Gestalt Therapy Institute of Philadelphia, The Gestalt
Therapy Institute of New Zealand, and The Irish Gestalt Center. Some universities offer post–
graduate programs for Gestalt therapy, and usually take about two years, or 130 hours. Psychologist
and advanced practice along with other fields of study receive training in Gestalt therapy.
An Irish Gestalt therapist by the name of Sean Gaffney explored the concepts of Gestalt therapy
through groups. He classified three dimension groups through his research. These dimensions were
individualism, familyism, and collectivism. Individualism is self–defined, and is generally seen in
countries such as the United States, Great Britain, and Europe. Familyism focused on the concept of
family, it is commonly seen through the Jewish and Arab cultures. Last but not least is collectivism.
Japan and Korea are areas were collectivism is often found, and
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The Gestalt Principles Of Visual Perception
The perceptual process enables us to perceive the world through our senses of sight, smell, sound,
taste, and touch. In particular, our visual system processes vast amounts of information in its
environment. Rather than perceiving elements separately, our brain organizes patterns, objects, and
shapes into whole forms that we can understand. The gestalt grouping principles of visual perception
describe this organization as a set of principles that explain how we perceive and organize visual
The gestalt principles–similarity, proximity, closure, figure–ground, continuance, and common fate–
were introduced by gestalt psychologist Max Werthimer in his seminal paper Laws of Organization
in Perceptual Forms and are a popular tool used by designers for visually organizing information. In
this series of articles, we will learn how these principles can be used to improve the usability of
designs. Proper use can affect efficiency, learnability, and memorability, and also reduce errors,
contributing to the overall satisfaction of a website.
The gestalt principles are foundational and hidden behind the structure of a design, making it
difficult to understand the concepts visually. Therefore, I first introduce them as simple line and
shape examples, to build a foundation for understanding, and then present real–world examples to
illustrate the principles in use. Through deconstruction of real–world examples, I hope to show how
the gestalt principles form relationships between
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An Overview Of Gestalt Psychology
An Overview of Gestalt Psychology Though not practiced in contemporary psychology, the school
of Gestalt–meaning shape or form in Deutsch–was a predominant topic among German
psychologists in the nineteenth century. The term "Gestalt" was coined as a definition for the
perception of a whole separate and different from its parts. Prior to this, psychologists had been
analyzing the parts of the whole in order to explain the whole. In order to test the new theory,
principles of Gestalt were established to prove that behavior is holistic rather than mere, singular
sensations. These laws include: Pragnanz, Closure, Continuity, Similarity, and Proximity.
Experiments on chimpanzees seemed to indicate that they use insight to solve problems. Using
insight shows that they think holistically, which helps prove Gestalt. This school of thought was
often seen as academically lofty and obscure, but still seems to be referenced–if loosely–today. At
the turn of the twentieth century, Wilhelm Wundt and Edward Titchener's atomistic views were
dominant in psychology (Lefrançois, 2012). Wundt's structural approach focused on reducing
mental processes to the smallest individual unit in order to understand the whole. Introspection was
Wundt's chosen method for discovery. In the United States and elsewhere, behaviorism and its
proponents were also directing research. The behaviorists rejected introspection for stimuli and
responses, focusing on observable behavior (Lefrançois, 2012).
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Gestalt Theory And Concept Of Relational Theory
Gestalt therapy is an organized category of therapy that is founded upon the Gestalt ideology.
Conceptualized by Frtiz Perls, it is facilitated through the basic principle of relational theory which
deems every individual as whole. This means that they are made up completely of body, mind and
spirit. Subsequently, they can be clearly understood in conjunction with their present situation
through the eyes of their own experiences. Considering these factors, this approach is an infusion of
the concept of relational theory with the current state (Arnheim, 1945). It provides essential insight
that focuses intensely on self–awareness as well as what is going on in the present moment. The root
of concern, in regards to the present moment, is the events of what will happen from one juncture of
time until the next. My major theoretical orientation, now, is rooted in the Gestalt Theory and form
of practice.
The measure of self–awareness regarding this approach is one of the key catalyst in making progress
in personal improvement and increasing progressive efforts to address potential areas that warrant
growth. One of the conditions that this approach brings to the forefront is the ability of negative
thinking to become a hindrance that develops into thoughts and behavior (Botha, 2009). Therefore,
these behaviors leave people in a discontented and hopeless state. The primary goal of a therapist,
specifically a Gestalt therapist, is to supports the individual in an environment that is
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Gestalt Theory: The Origin Of Gastalt Theory
Managerial Counseling
The Origin of Gastalt Theory:
Gestalt psychology was first introduced in 1912 by Max Wertheimer. He was a German
psychologist. He published a paper on optical illusion called apparent motion. In the paper he
analysed the illusion occurring when a series of static images is perceived as movement, just like
films. The assumption that whole is more than just sum of its parts is the basic principle of Gestalt
psychology. He extended the same principle to logic and number theory.
What does Gestalt Theory Say?
Gestalt theory stated that the complex perceptions could be understood easily by breaking them into
smaller elementary parts of experience. It is just like splitting graphical forms into sets of dots or
melody into sequence of sounds or a perception of a rectangle can be achieved through other forms
than four lines. This theory is all based on perception that the ability to perceive objects was an
ability of the nervous system, which tends to ... Show more content on ...
Some points to consider with Gestalt Therapy include:
The assumption of Gestalt therapy is that individuals are responsible for their own growth and
behaviour. It is an experiential approach. It is designed to help people become more aware of what
they are doing. Gestalt therapy is an active therapy. It is expected of the clients to take part in their
own growth.
Almost all the techniques of Gestalt therapy are designed in such a way that it helps people to fully
experience themselves. There should be no pressure from the therapist on the clients to partake in
experiments if they don't want to. However, having said that the therapist should try and explore the
reason for this resistance to the
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Gestalt Therapy Paper
Gestalt Therapy
The majority of the therapies covered throughout the semester seem to be greatly influenced by the
humanistic approach. Therapies such as Adlerian, Existential, and Person–Centered therapy all
generally have a positive view of humanity. These approaches are very positive and empowering
whereas Freud's theory was very deterministic. Furthermore, unlike Freud's psychoanalytic theory,
the present and future are emphasized way more than the past. Another general tenet is that the
client has control and the power to change the situation they are in. Another crucial difference is the
relationship between the client and counselor. Freud's style was very cold, and his relationship with
his clients was very distant. This is not seen ... Show more content on ...
Specifically, I saw two obvious similarities. First, the idea of resisting contact seemed very similar
to Freud and his ego defense mechanisms. Essentially, contact is being able to interact with one's
environment and people while still maintaining one's individuality. Resistance to contact occurs as a
means of coping. If the resistance becomes chronic, this can result in dysfunctional behavior. The
short–term coping that comes from resistance reminded me of how Freud's ego defense mechanisms
reduced anxiety. Similarly, ego–defense defense mechanisms become harmful to the individual if
used chronically. The second similarity I noticed between psychoanalysis and Gestalt therapy was
the idea of bringing certain things into awareness. In psychoanalysis, the goal is to bring underlying
issues to the surface. The same goal can be found in Gestalt therapy. Specifically, when dealing with
unfinished business. For instance, clients maybe avoiding certain feelings or be unaware of them. As
a result, these unresolved issues may begin to affect their present lives. Thus, both styles of therapy
believe it is crucial that clients are prompted to bring these issues into awareness to prevent further
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Gestalt Therapy: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Gestalt Therapy Gestalt therapy falls under the umbrella of existential therapy which was founded
by Frederick (Fritz) Perls in the 1940s. The theory is where the counselor teaches clients awareness;
in which perception, emotion, and actions are distinguished from interpreting and reprocessing
existing attitudes. Explanations and interpretations are considered less reliable than what is directly
perceived and felt. The goal of this therapeutic approach is for clients to become aware of what they
are doing, how they are doing it, and how they can change themselves, but yet at the same time, to
learn to accept and value who they are. Gestalt therapy focuses more on what is happening (process)
than what is being discussed (content). The emphasis is put toward what is being done at the
moment rather than on the past or the unknown such as: what was, might be, could be, or should be
(Yontef, "Gestalt Therapy: An Introduction").
Person–Centered Therapy ... Show more content on ...
Carl Rogers a psychologist, developed this in the 1940s and 1950s. The goal of PCT is for clients to
develop a sense of self, where they realize how their attitudes, feelings and behavior are being
negatively affected. This technique catches criticisms by behaviorists and by psychoanalysts, but it
proves to be an effective and popular treatment. In this type of therapy the client is responsible for
improving his or her life, not the therapist, which differs from most other therapies. Rogers
developed his theory based on his work with emotionally troubled people and claimed that we have
a remarkable capacity for self–healing and personal growth leading towards self–actualization.
Roger says that reality is subjective, that no one can fully understand the experiences of
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Gestalt Therapy Essay
Gestalt Therapy
I. Summary and Integration of Major Concepts
Founded by Frederick (Fritz) and Laura Perls in the 1940's, Gestalt therapy is a phenomenological
–– existential methodology which emphasizes experience and experimentation. Gestalt is a German
term that means a "complete pattern or configuration" (p. 112). Though there are many modalities
and styles in Gestalt therapy, it is holistic in its approach uniting mind, body, and feeling (p. 112).
Some concepts at the core of Gestalt therapy are "the organism as a whole", emphasis on the "here
and now", and "awareness" (pp. 223–225). Perls believed that "human beings are unified organisms"
(p.223) and that mind and body were not separate entities. It was ... Show more content on ...
It is through this increased awareness that the health (or mental health) of the individual is restored.
II. Breakthroughs and Steps in Learning Practicing Client Centered therapy helped me get over most
of my fear and apprehension about performing as therapist and client in front of my classmates. So,
as we (the class) began our first session in Gestalt I initially felt less nervous about participating, in
fact, I volunteered to be the first client in my group during the first demonstration. Just like client
centered therapy, I had again been in a group that was assigned to Dr. Fiebert and I felt fortunate to
have him demonstrate because I knew that I would learn a great deal given his years of experience. I
had learned through the reading and class lecture that this was a therapy that called for the therapist
to be creative in getting the client to express emotions and feelings. I was anxious to see what
creative techniques Dr. Fiebert would employ. He began the session by asking me what I was aware
of and I told him that I was feeling some tension in my neck and shoulders. He then asked me to
describe the tension, rate the level of tension on a scale of 1–10, increase the tension and relate it to
and experience or incident in my life. I linked to a recent situation I had experienced with my
mother, whom he then brought in to the empty chair to begin the
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Case Study of Gestalt Play Therapy Essay
Gestalt therapy is a type of therapy used to deepen our awareness of ourselves. According to
O'Connor and Braverman, (2009) "Gestalt" implies wholeness. Gestalt can also be considered as the
essence, or shape of a complete form. A theoretical opposite of structuralism, the entity constitutes
more than the sum of its parts. Gestalt therapy is comprised of a complex psychological system that
stresses the development of client self–awareness and personal responsibility through a process–
oriented, experiential and phenomenological modality that addresses the totality of an individual in
terms of senses, body, emotions and intellect." In an active process, suppressed feelings can be
explored in depth and through understanding of the how ... Show more content on ...
According to Blom, (2006) "The integration of polarities is a prerequisite for a dynamic and healthy
life process." Therefore, all techniques and modalities from gestalt theory focus on direct experience
and experimentation. From this perspective, direct experience is the only way that learning can take
place. The therapist should avoid counseling and interpretation during therapy and focus on creating
an atmosphere where the client can discover what is important and they can react to the information
as it is important to them. The therapist is primarily a catalyst in the process of therapy. Oaklander
(1994) posits that any interpretation by the therapist must be verified with the child. The primary
aim of the gestalt play therapist is to help children become aware of their unique process. The focus
is on the experience of the process, what children do and how they do it, which they are, what they
feel and what they want. Acceptance of this leads to the realization that they can personally make
choices and experiment with new behavior. Gestalt play therapy focuses on children's direct
experience in the here and now. The therapist's goal is to facilitate the client's awareness of their
process. (Corey, 2000) In working through negative, the child can realize negative behavior patterns
that may have become ingrained deeply beneath their awareness and
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Gestalt Psychology and Perception
Gestalt psychology was founded by German thinkers Max Wertheimer, Wolfgang Kohler and Kurt
Koffka. They mainly focused on how people interpret the world around them. The Gestalt
perspective formed partially as a response to the structuralism of Wilhelm Wundt, who focused on
breaking down mental events and experiences to the smallest elements. Structuralists had failed in
explaining the concept of 'apparent motion' and 'illusory contours'.
Gestalt psychologists further recognized that structuralism could not explain many perceptual
phenomena. In response, they proposed that perception is based on the organization of stimuli into
holistic and meaningful forms. They are well–known for the phrase "the whole is different than the
sum of its ... Show more content on ...
They assumed that, 'the whole is more than its sum of its parts'. This explains that what is perceived
has its own new properties that emerge from the organization that takes place. Organization in
perception partially explains our perception of complex patterns as unitary form or objects. We see
objects as objects only because grouping processes operate in perception.
Our perceptual experiences are filled with groups and patterns of stimuli, which are labeled as
objects. The way the objects are perceived by people, comes into our awareness as shapes and
patterns. Therefore they tend to organize sensory inputs into perception of simple patterns or
objects. The reason for this is that, people do not ordinarily perceive the world around them as
patches of colour, variation in brightness or through sounds, but perception of objects are due to
Therefore, Gestalt psychologist has extensively studied the organizing tendencies in perception.
They have given meaningful existence of such tendencies to strengthen their argument that the
perceived world is not just the scene of simple sensory experiences. The principle that helps to
explain how objects are organized and perceived includes the following:
According to Gestalt psychology, perception is about what happens to information as we process it,
not just about the information itself. The law of
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The Theory Of Gestalt Therapy
HAT Paper
Gestalt therapy is an organized category of therapy that is founded upon the Gestalt ideology.
Conceptualized by Frtiz Perls, it is facilitated through the basic principle of relational theory which
deems every individual as whole. This means that they are made up completely of body, mind and
spirit. Subsequently, they can be clearly understood in conjunction with their present situation
through the eyes of their own experiences. Considering these factors, this approach is an infusion of
the concept of relational theory with the current state (Arnheim, 1945). It provides essential insight
that focuses intensely on self–awareness as well as what is going on in the present moment. The root
of concern, in regards to the present moment, is the events of what will happen from one juncture of
time until the next. My major theoretical orientation, now, is rooted in the Gestalt Theory and form
of practice.
The measure of self–awareness regarding this approach is one of the key catalyst in making progress
in personal improvement and increasing progressive efforts to address potential areas that warrant
growth. One of the conditions that this approach brings to the forefront is the ability of negative
thinking to become a hindrance that develops into thoughts and behavior (Botha, 2009). Therefore,
these behaviors leave people in a discontented and hopeless state. The primary goal of a therapist,
specifically a Gestalt therapist, is to supports the individual in an
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The Pros And Cons Of Gestalt Therapy
In one week from today, I will have my first psychotherapy session with Susan. She will be one of
the most unique clients that I will ever encounter with because unlike most of my previous
encounters, her life is almost perfect. Based on the information I received, Susan has it all – a decent
paying job, good friends, good family, and enough money to spend.
Thankfully, she also has not experienced no major traumas or changes in the last year.
However, there is a little problem which I think causes her to feel unmotivated to carry on with her
life. She has somewhat lost two people who used to be very close to her – a romantic relationship
that ended a few months ago and a close friend who has moved away, where both she used to hang
out with every single week without fail. ... Show more content on ...
She also thinks that once she has a bad past, her present and future will be bad as well. Going
through Gestalt therapy will enable Susan to be more aware of her surroundings and it gives her an
idea of how awareness can help change her attitudes and beliefs.
As much as Gestalt therapy is one of the appropriate treatments for Susan, there are also potential
limitations of the therapy. The approach can cause Susan to have an extremely high level of intense
feelings if she is the type who is conditioned to be emotionally introvert.
Also, Susan might think that being too honest in showing her feelings towards me is a sign of
weakness. On my side, a potential limitation of using Gestalt therapy is that I might push
Susan too much on showing her emotions, which in turn can either make her behavior worse
DEALING WITH EXTREME LONELINESS 5 or be more reluctant to participant in the therapy
experiments. As a whole, Gestalt therapy only deals with the here and now while the past and the
future are an avoidance.
At the end of each therapy session, I will do a mindfulness exercise with Susan.
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The Theories Of Gestalt Psychology
History of Gestalt Gestalt Psychology began when behaviorism was taking off in America.
Behaviorism began their school of psychology by opposing the work of Wundt and began the use of
animals in research. But Gestalt psychology is primarily based on the fundamentals of Wundtian
theory, which are the sensory elements. The founder of Gestalt was none other than Wolfgang
Kohler. Within Gestalt, it was "accepted the value of consciousness while criticizing the attempt to
reduce it to atoms or elements" (Schultz & Shultz 2012 p. 262). By accepting consciousness as a
factor, new doors are opened as possibilities of the way the mind interacts with perception and
sensory elements. Gestalt is more about what is perceived than the sensory ... Show more content on ...
Kant is a philosopher, which makes one of the antecedents of Gestalt to be philosophy. Some of
Kant's views were that "elements are organized meaningfully not through some mechanical process
of association" (Shultz & Shultz 2012 p.264). This is to say that the mind is able to process the
characteristics and basics of an image or structure before it and process it as if there was a complex
puzzle that needed to be solved and from there on out, the mind knows it to be as a whole image. It's
the brain placing two and two together to make four. An object does not change but the viewpoint
does. Mathematics also began Gestalt through Ernst Mach. According to Mach there are patterns
and melodies that could potentially be formed into a sensation perceived by the conscious, for
example a circle could be various colors or various sizes, but it never loses it's circularity (Shultz &
Shultz 2012 p. 264). Another discipline that preceded Gestalt psychology would be Phenomenology,
which is known as the "unbiased description of an immediate experience" (Shultz & Shultz 2012 p.
264). With this discipline, individuals would not reduce the experience, which they have just
experienced and would be described as it occurred.
Major Positions The use of insight, perceptual constancy (continuity, figure/ground, similarity, etc.),
life space, Isomorphism, and more are what make up Gestalt. As mentioned
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Gestalt Therapy

  • 1. Gestalt Therapy Quotation GESTALT THERAPY Psychology 460 Counseling and Interviewing Sheila K. Grant, Ph.D. "I am not in this world to live up to other people 's expectations, nor do I feel that the world must live up to mine." ––Fritz Perls 1 2 Theory of Personality A person exists by differentiating self from other & by connecting self & other These are the two functions of a boundary The boundary between self & environment must be permeable to allow for exchanges, yet firm enough to enable autonomous action When the boundary becomes unclear, lost, or impermeable, mental & emotional disturbance results 3 Gestalt A gestalt, or whole, both includes & transcends the sum of its parts It cannot be understood simply as a ... Show more content on ... The Now Therapist is seeking to help a person live their feelings rather than talk about them To live the moment rather than describe it in a detached way 15 16 The Now The past is recognized as having an important influence on a person's present attitudes and behavior – But what is in the past is either brought into the here ... Get more on ...
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  • 3. Summary: The Gestalt Experiential Family Therapy The Gestalt experiential family therapy focuses on the immediate conversation and current challenge (Becvar & Becvar, 2012). The emphasis is on how individuals within the family speak to each other. . Conflicts are utilized for the purpose of confrontation for the purpose of understanding of the family situation (White, 2008). These conflicts can support the family therapy processes, three such examples are negotiation, consensus, and resources. When viewed in a Gestalt format, during a session the conversation about resources can reveal the power in the family. The family may have unlimited resources, however whoever controls those resources has the power in the family. The therapist can better work with the family by following which ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. The Emergence Of Gestalt Therapy In The 1940's All great therapies start out with one person or group of people who become discontent with the status quo, and avidly work to prove that what is widely accepted as the only way to accomplish things, may not at all be what is necessary in all circumstances. In the early 1930's and 1940's psychoanalysis was the rage, anyone in the field of psychology who did not ascribe to this style of psychology was a deviant, and in all likelihood would be shun from the psychological community. Additionally, this was a time period globally where many Jews in Europe were seeking to escape from the hands of Hitler, and the Second World War was being fought. Precisely from this background comes the birth of Gestalt Therapy. This paper will explore the emergence, ... Show more content on ... Some of the principles of this theory involved holism, field theory, figure formation process, organismic self–regulation, the now, unfinished business, contact and resistances to contact, and energy and blocks to energy. Additionally, this therapy introduced novel therapeutic interventions such internal dialogue exercises like the empty chair technique that aims at getting the individual to externalize what they have introjected, making the rounds that allows individuals in a group setting to go around and speak to different people, the reversal exercise which asks the person to act in a way that is contrary to their usual style of behaving, the rehearsal exercise, exaggeration exercise, and staying with the feeling, as well as its approach to dreams. The majority of Gestalt therapy interventions are derived from the performance arts (Corey, ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. Gloria Clors And Gestalt Therapy In the Gloria tapes, there were three different types of therapy sessions presented in each tape. The three types of sessions were Person Centered Therapy represented by Carl Rogers, Rational Therapy also known as Rational Emotional Behavior Therapy represented by Albert Ellis, and Gestalt Therapy represented by Fritz Perls. The sessions were given to the same women named Gloria that presented a different problem each time. The goal of experiencing each type of therapy session was to figure out what therapy style out of the three best helped Gloria. The first therapy style Gloria was introduced to was Person Centered Therapy and the therapist was Carl Rogers. Viewing Rogers at my own viewpoint, for the time period, he seems unbelievable. ... Show more content on ... The kind of therapy was very much less confrontational when compared to Gestalt Therapy as well as a lot more talking. Ellis guided the conversation more and tended to ask questions that involve her expressing herself less compared to the other two kinds of therapies. My first impression of this kind of therapy was very negative, for some reason I believed that it was not quite beneficial for Gloria, however, when I watched it a second time, I realized that my interpretation was different and that this therapy and the advice from the therapist was actually benefit Gloria. The connection between the two seemed to start off quick because Gloria was actually a fan of his book but really seemed to firm was when Ellis brought up the mangled arm it really seemed like they were on the same level. I believe that this session overall helped Gloria thinking more and caused her to take more actions especially because of the homework assignment that Ellis said he would give her if she was his client. What really shown me that the session was beneficial for Gloria was when Ellis said "assume the worse". When Ellis said this, Gloria pulled out a cigarette which to me says that his words are getting to her and making her think because I have noticed that she seems to smoke when she feels nervous or pressured and needs to calm down. Thus, this means that she is trying to think through Ellis's ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. The Importance Of Gestalt Therapy Gestalt therapy utilizes a phenomenological perspective, which, as noted by Yontef (1993), focuses on the present moment as experienced by the client and therapist. He states that the client's subjective experience, as well as overt behaviors, are important in therapeutic sessions, and therapists should focus on describing what they see rather than attempting to reach specific goals. Gestalt theorists state that the goal is for the client to become aware of his/her "Gestalt;" the complex interaction of a client's sensory stimuli, emotions, and physiological responses (Sabar, 2013; Schulz, 2013). They explain that a Gestalt is a "whole" distinct from its component parts. A change in any component of this Gestalt leads to changes in every other part (i.e. embarrassment causing a blush) (Sabar, 2013). Field theory argues that the various components of a client's environment are perceived as wholes which form his/her "field" (Wagner–Moore, 2004). Because humans can only attend to a small part of this field, his/her attention varies in focus as various figures rise into awareness (Burley, 2012). A "figure" is a need at the forefront of the client's mind, whereas the "ground" is the backdrop of his/her field from which the figure arises (Burley, 2012; Macaluso, 2015; Sabar, 2013). If needs are not met, they remain in the foreground and demand attention, interfering with the client's functioning until they come to his/her awareness and are met (Wagner–Moore, 2004). Gestalt therapists (Sabar, 2013; Yontef, 1993) state that the client is viewed within his/her field, in which each component cannot be understood without reference to the whole. The client's field consists of all past experiences he/she has had, his/her current physiological and emotional experiences, memories, meaning systems, thoughts available to his/her awareness, as well as external variables (Burley, 2013; Macaluso, 2015). A client's past may have influence on the present because it is the source of old habits and unfinished business which influence his/her experience in the moment (Sabar, 2013). The client's current experiences are in interaction with his/her past experiences, which are in interaction with the present therapeutic moment ... Get more on ...
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  • 11. Essay On Gestalt Therapy Gestalt Therapy 101. You and a partner will take turns playing the therapist and the patient, using Gestalt Therapy. As the therapist, you will be using Gestalt Theory to try pull the person out of their "safety zone", and into a confrontational zone. Although there are many things one can do in Gestalt Theory, the first roleplay will focus mainly on getting a reaction out of the patient. Here are some tips of what you can do to get this reaction: Focus on the Now: If conversation turns to "past or future events", bring patients back to the present by asking them questions. – Express past or future events as present: – When I was a child... – Are you a child now? – Yesterday.... – I want to know about today – Making a reference to what they are doing with their body – Changes in body posture, foot moving, body and facial changes – "I see that you are moving your foot." – "Are you covering ... Show more content on ... Below are a few of these theories, and some explanation for who each of these principles would be best suited for. Awareness/Here and Now: Some patients may be constantly reminiscing of moments in their past, maybe about certain events that have bothered or traumatised them. Others may have their minds in the future, constantly anxious of all possible futures that may be handed to them. Applying the principles of awareness, or the here and now, will bring the patient's emotions into the present, where they are to be managed in the now.
  • 12. To deal with the present, the therapist should bring all words, and body actions into the present. This tactic would be beneficial for patients with past traumatic stress and for people who generate anxiety from imagining future moments. This could be anything from patients with monetary problems, strains in their relationship with their family and friends, dealing with physical pain and unwanted thoughts. ... Get more on ...
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  • 14. Core Concepts from TA and Gestalt "The paradox is that, while a concern with past and future is obviously central to psychological functioning, to behave as though one were indeed in the past or future, as many do, pollutes the lively possibilities of existence." ― Erving Polster, Gestalt Therapy Integrated: Contours of Theory & Practice. "Accomodation to parental needs often (but not always) leads to an as–if personality. This person develops in such a way that he reveals only what is expected of him and fuses so completely with what he reveals that one could scarcely guess how much more there is to him behind the false self". Miller, A (1997) The Drama of Being a Child, Virago, London. Inrojections and Polarities are similar to Life Scripts and Injuctions in TA theory. Introjects are often codes "swallowed whole" that may have come from our family or society. For example, after twenty–three personal therapy sessions, I had to challenge myself to explore in body work what parts of myself I would like to be deleted. I wanted to delete my emotional fragility. I started breathing, voicing and gestering happy sounds and words. I then drew an image of a dark cloud with white words "Let Go". The relief of my image contained all my pain of my emotional fragitlity. Energy taken up in reserving fighting mechanisms against the pain of blocked care. "When we are in full contact change is inevitable." (Ervin Polster, Gestalt, Therapy Integrated) Polarities are if something exists then the opposite must also ... Get more on ...
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  • 16. The Main Influences On Gestalt Psychology d reflection on the main influences on Gestalt psychology and how they contributed to its development. Since being discovered, gestalt psychology created vital contributions to the psychology of thinking and problem solving influenced by thinkers, including, Immanuel Kant, Ernst Mach and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. This paper will reflect on the main influences on Gestalt psychology, their contributions, and the principles of perceptual organization. According to the Merriam–Webster, the definition of gestalt psychology is: the study of perception and behavior from the standpoint of an individual 's response to configurational wholes with stress on the uniformity of psychological and physiological events and rejection of analysis into discrete events of stimulus, percept, and response One of the main influences on Gestalt psychology , and their ideas influenced the later development of cognitive psychology. The gestaltists argued that understanding mind and behavior could not be achieved by trying to dissect conscious experience into its sensory elements, or by reducing complex behavior to elementary stimulus–response units. Rather, their emphasis was on phenomenologically whole experiences, and before long their movement came to be identified with this catch phrase: The whole of an experience is greater than the sum of its individual parts. Three german gestalt pioneers emigrated from Europe to the US, Max Wertheimer, Kurt Koffka, and Wolfgang Hohler. ... Get more on ...
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  • 18. Strengths Of Gestalt Therapy After these strong arguments to emphasize the strengths of Gestalt therapy, it is important to note some limitations of this approach as well. A point often overlooked is that Gestalt therapy lacks a clearly articulated theory. Although Perls revised his book Ego, Hunger and Aggression (1942/1992) and renamed it, there is little description of what Perls understood by Gestalt therapy (Wagner–Moore, 2004). According to Wagner–Moore (2004), Gestalt therapy is "without a clear set of binding theoretical principles" and without a rich basis of literature that could help to further develop the approach. Wagner–Moore (2004) also states that the Gestalt therapy by Perls focuses more on his history and personality rather than on a specific "scientific, ... Show more content on ... Although the goal of the techniques and experiments is to elicit emotion (Corey, 2012), neither the therapist nor the client knows what comes up during the therapy session (Wagner–Moore, 2004). The elicited emotions can be very powerful and deeply painful (Fagan et al., 1974). It is essential that Gestalt therapists build a strong therapeutic alliance with their clients, in order for the necessary trust to be established. Only then clients can learn from the Gestalt experiments (Corey, 2012). Given the power of the Gestalt techniques, a misuse of those might be harmful and dangerous (Wagner–Moore, 2004; Lilienfeld, 2007). It is suggested that therapists should only use the technique if they have had personal experience with it in the role of the client (Fagan et al., 1974; Corey, 2012) and, most importantly, if they know their client well enough to be able to provide follow–up support (Fagan et al., 1974). Abandoning clients after an emotional break down is considered abuse of power and this equalizes for unethical practice (Corey, ... Get more on ...
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  • 20. Gestalt Therapy : The Phenomenological Method Of Awareness 1. The basic tenants of gestalt therapy focus on the phenomenological method of awareness. This means that feelings and perceptions are distinguished from interpretations of previous experiences and attitudes. What is currently being perceived and felt is more important than anything that could be interpreted. Because of this, gestalt therapy focuses more on process rather than content. It is more important to emphasize what is happening with current thoughts and feelings than what has happened in the past or what could happen in the future. In gestalt therapy the relationship between the therapist and client is the most important aspect of the therapy. This is because "dialogue" is an important tenant to the therapeutic process. This dialogue is based on experiencing the other person as he or she really is and showing the true self. This way, the patient isn't being manipulated towards a certain goal. In doing this, the patient is in charge of their own growth and self–support. Personal responsibility is very important in gestalt therapy. 2. A gestalt therapist may understand pathology as someone who is unable to move forward in life because something happened that has discouraged his or her ability to move on. They tend not to make decisions and are stunted in their progress through life. However, this person is considered healthy when they can focus on the present. They don't think of previous experiences and "what was," but rather they focus on what is right now and ... Get more on ...
  • 21.
  • 22. Gestalt Psychology Paper The Gestalt psychology, maintained that when people perceive sensory elements their tendency is to see things in terms for the entire form or pattern rather than as individual parts. Identify and describe these basic principles of perceptual organization from the Gestalt perspective; figure– ground, similarity, proximity, and closure. Gestalt psychology also known as gestaltism can be described as a known theory of mind. Gestalt psychology, put forth the effect of comprehending the laws we use in acquiring and maintaining the meaningful things that we perceive in our hectic world. Central principle's when it comes to this form of psychology is forming a global whole while using organization so the brain can make sense of the things that we ... Show more content on ... The Gestalt effect can be defined as our brains' ability to generate a whole. Wholes can be formed with respecting our visual organizations, patterns, and recognizing the global figure. Instead collecting unnecessary images that are surrounding what you are really trying to focus on. Gestaltism is constantly opposite structuralism, and this theory makes way for the mind to break down the elements from a complete situation into how it should appear to be recognized. The figure– ground is a perception of Gestalt psychology known as grouping. Figure– ground is vital when it comes to perceiving visual objects. Gestalt recognizes this as identifying background figures. For example the words printed on a sheet of paper can be listed as the figure and the paper would be known as the background that we would use to figure the ground organization to perceive this image. Secondly a way to define the use of similarity in the basic principles of perceptual organization is that this law states the elements of the objects that are grouped perceptually because they are showing similarity amongst one another. This similarity can form from shapes, colors, and other qualities in relation ... Get more on ...
  • 23.
  • 24. Gestalt Therapy Summary The purpose of the Gestalt Therapy is for the therapist to increase the client's awareness (Murdock, 2013). It helps the clients to focus on the "here and now" of what they are experiencing and doing (Jones & Butman, 2011). Distress would be alleviated if the client can accept and trust in their feelings and experiences. In the matter of Helen, the chair technique was to use to bring unexpressed feelings that are associated with the past that has influenced her present and stimulated her thinking. During the chair dialogue Helen places her parents in the empty chair, serving as an intervention for unfinished business. The therapist acted as a guide as Helen shares her experiences and feelings of her life in the past. Helen's earlier experiences of being a middle child and the pain associated with the unfilled need of being noticed from her mother and father have become active in Helen's life as she expresses the need to be supported by her husband. Helen shares with the professor about floating in the river and how she wanted to be noticed, then is conflicted with not wanting to be noticed because being noticed is hard for her. ... Show more content on ... She denies needing attention and support from her husband as a defense mechanism that is learned from her childhood. It has become easy for Helen to deny that part of her life when she felt noticed because it brought about awareness from the past. Jones and states that defense mechanisms are used widely to distort reality, causing one to lose any real sense of who one is or who one can become (Jones & Butman, ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. Treatment Of Therapy And Gestalt Therapy Therapy is the treatment of people who are suffering from the psychological problem and that situation, the therapist works in collaboration with the patient, to determine the cause. This paper seeks to explore the two types of therapy which person–centered therapy and gestalt therapy. The paper will also go into details by comparing and contrasting the two therapies and how they work. Person Centered Therapy (PCT)–it is also known us client–centered approach is a way or an approach of understanding the individuals' perception. This is where a therapist has to understand the consciousness of the client in relation with their ability. It states that everybody has got the ability to do great things but as time goes by, we lose that belief because of being affected psychologically. This theory was discovered by one American Carl Rodgers (1902–1987). The counselor in this scenario has to understand the client 's experience so as to know the background of the problem. On the other hand, Gestalt therapy is the where a client is suffering from the present events and how they affect him or her environment. This approach was discovered by Frederick Perls in the 1950s. The two approaches work in different ways because they are dealing with different problems and so we want to see how they work. In person–centered therapy, the client is normally disturbed or affected by the past events. An individual who had the ability to do or perform great things is eventually demoralized, and he or ... Get more on ...
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  • 28. Gestalt Theory What is Gestalt Counseling? You may want to know something more about the gestalt approach to counselling before deciding to see a gestalt counsellor. Or you may just be interested in different approaches to counselling. On this page I have attempted to set out some of the basic ideas of the gestalt approach. Some of the ideas are complex and open to different interpretations, so this can be little more than an introduction. I have also included links to other sites and articles, as well as some suggested reading. The Gestalt Concept of Self We all talk about ourselves in the first person – 'I did this ', 'my book ', 'I felt happy ' etc., but what do we mean when we use the words 'I ' or 'me ', what is this thing we call self? ... Show more content on ... For this reason the aim of gestalt counselling is to help the client gain self awareness. Self awareness is also the aim of many spiritual paths and there are some similarities between Buddhism and gestalt theory. In the therapy room the counsellor will help the client to gain awareness through asking questions and making appropriate challenges. As individuals we can help to develop our self awareness through self questioning (note this does not mean self criticism) and through meditation. Meditation is a helpful technique for many of those suffering from emotional and psychological problems, as well as those looking for personal and spiritual development. The Here and Now Gestalt therapy focuses on what is going on in the here and now, i.e. in the therapy room, rather than what may have happened in the past. We are not influenced by the past as such, but by our memory of the past, by the behaviours that we learnt in the past. All the information that a client needs to develop self awareness is available in the here and now. A gestalt therapist will look at what is actually there – the client 's body language, tone of voice, what is not being said as well as what is being said etc., rather than what they think should be there. This is often referred to as the Phenomenological approach. The therapist will try to put their own prejudices to one side and experience the world through the client 's eyes. A gestalt therapist may note ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. Gestalt Therapy Summary I enjoyed reading your application of Gestalt Therapy and techniques with clients who have experienced Trauma. I especially was interested in reading about this therapeutic models when dealing with victims of wide–spread trauma or natural disasters, due to the shared experience of the event. Perera–Diltz, Laux, and Toman (2012) discussed the importance of focus on "unfinished business" with Gestalt Therapy. While each person will have a different worldview or experience of the shared traumatic event (i.e. flood, tsunami, mass shooting, etc.), there is a commonality within the group that each person went through it. This is far different from individual experiences with intimate trauma. Chang (as cited in Perera–Diltz, Laux, & Toman, 2012) described ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. Gestalt Psychology Reflection Essay Gestalt Psychology Reflection Michael A. Perkins PSY310 January 26th, 2015 Dr. Shannon Kelly Gestalt Psychology Reflection The Gestalt psychology movement was fascinating within the time frame in which it started to develop. While other psychological movements strived to boil down psychology in almost simplistic, scientific terms, Gestalt psychology embraced complexities within the consciousness. Gestalt psychologists argued "that when we look out a window we really see trees and sky, not individual sensory elements such as brightness and hue" (Schultz & Schultz, 2011). There is more to what we experience and see that just the simple elements that make these things and experiences up. Gestalt psychology owes much of its ... Show more content on ... Essentially when taken as a whole, this forms the basis of thought that the mind takes events in as a whole instead of breaking them down into measurable or distinct events. The idea is that the whole of an experience has more meaning than the experience when it is broken down. Gestalt psychology is built upon principles of perceptual organization. These are proximity, continuity, similarity, closure, simplicity, and figure/ground (Schultz & Schultz, 2011). Proximity is things that appear to be close together and therefore are perceived together in an experience. A personal example of this would be relating certain songs to experiences that occurred. Continuity is best described at experiences that happen within a natural flow of time, such as the experience of going to work which contains getting ready for work and arriving at work. Similarity refers to experiences that that are similar in nature. For example, my perception of all the holidays I spent as a child tends to be perceived as great because of their similarity. Closure refers to our ability to fill in gaps in experiences (Schultz & Schultz, 2011). Simplicity refers to simplistic perceptions that cannot be further simplified (Schultz & Schultz, 2011). Lastly there is figure/ground. The best way to describe this is perceptions that are taken within a context. Gestalt psychology was an immediately more complex ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Theory of Gestalt Therapy Theory of Gestalt Therapy "What is Gestalt Therapy?" This is a question that has divided therapists for decades. Although Gestalt Therapy is based on a set of techniques, it is ultimately the therapist own defined style that makes it unique – from the theatrical techniques of Fritz Perls to the one–on–one approach of Jim Simken. According to G.M. Yontef (Awareness, Dialogue and Process Pg 203), Gestalt Therapy is: 1. a bringing about of awareness 2. it is based on the I and Thou contact withdrawal process 3. its world view is based on holism and field theory Each and every one of us seeks to make sense of life's events, and as such a considerable amount of time is spent in trying to analyse and explain these events. ... Show more content on ... Premature closure feels better that leaving it open, but since the need is still unmet, it will continue to demand attention. The result is a fixation on the part of the individual to resolve his 'unfinished business'. Another aspect of contact is that contact itself is but the highlight of a 'contact withdrawal cycle', i.e. a cycle that occurs and reoccurs. Habitually, the therapist backs off and comes back again, listening quietly without straining to figure everything out; information is given in a calm but impersonal manner. It is important that the session itself develops a natural rhythm. Meaningful contact cannot be attained or attempted every second. The client also needs to work hard to attain contact, and if there is a pattern of inequality then it is best to change it. If the therapist is doing all the work, than the client's needs may not be met or the therapist may be feeding into their desire to be spoon–fed. If on the other hand the client is doing much more of the work, then the therapist may need to loosen up and give more of himself. Sometimes, the therapist may need to have the client be still and quiet so that he can do the work. The client – therapist relationship is an important part of Gestalt Therapy. This "I – Thou" relationship is a contact between two genuine people rather ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. The Theories Of Gestalt Psychology Development of Gestalt Psychology Phrases such as "seeing the forest from the trees" and "the whole is greater than the sum of the parts" have roots grounded in the same ideals of Gestalt psychology. These phrases best describe the purpose of Gestalt psychology in how they emphasize focusing on the big picture and not just the colors. The Gestalt concept of perception is how the mind understands the world around it by seeing it in whole forms, not simple elements. The human brain and consciousness contains an essence that loses value when broken down into elements of study. Origin of Gestalt Musical notes when observed as whole produce complex and wonderful melodies. The notes alone do not hold the same effect and take away value of the complete melody if only heard as individual tones. When breaking such abilities down into elements, the value of the ability was being lost in the eyes of Gestaltists. With psychology moving towards the molecular approach in studying consciousness and behavior, the Gestaltists used a molar approach. (Hergenhan & Henley, 2014). The origin of the word Gestalt comes from Germany. According to Ginger (2007), the real meaning of the word is "richer and more complex, and is impossible to translate". The best comparison to English is "configuration" or "form". (Hergenhan & Henley, 2014). The simple example of a Gestalt would be a child recognizing their mother's face. The recognition alone apart from makeup, complexion, and hair color is ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Gestalt Therapy Essay Gestalt therapy is a therapeutic approach in psychology that helped foster the humanistic theories of the 1950s and 1960s and that was, in turn, influenced by them. In Gestalt philosophy, the patient is seen as having better insight into himself or herself than the therapist does. Thus, the therapist guides the person on a self–directed path to awareness and refrains from interpreting the patient's behaviors. Awareness comprises recognition of one's responsibility for choices, self–knowledge, and ability to solve problems. Its originators, Frederick S. (Fritz) Perls (1893–1970) and Laura Perls (born Lore Posner, 1905– 1990), were born in Germany and studied psychology there. They fled Germany during the Nazi regime, moving to South Africa ... Show more content on ... In the evolution of their therapy, Laura and Fritz Perls differed in some of their approaches. Laura emphasized more direct, physical contact and movement than Fritz did, and the contact favored by Fritz Perls was more symbolic than physical. Gestalt therapy took its name from the school of academic psychology called Gestalt psychology. Perls asserted that Gestalt psychology had influenced the development of his ideas, but the Gestaltists claimed that there was no connection between the two. Later scholars suggested a common substrate linking the academic Gestalt psychology of Max Wertheimer (1880–1943), Wolfgang Köhler (1887–1967), and Kurt Koffka (1886–1941) and the Gestalt therapy of the Perls and their collaborators Ralph Hefferline (1910–1974) and Paul Goodman (1911–1972). This commonality involved appreciation of the whole rather than a reductionistic approach to understanding psychological phenomena and behavior. Gestalt therapy took form in the 1950s and 1960s, when humanism first flourished. The optimistic theory promulgated by the Perls was quite compatible with the ideas of other humanistically oriented psychologists such as Carl Rogers (1902–1987). Its influence has waned since the 1980s, although current therapies have been influenced by the humanistic and optimistic outlook of the theory and by some of the interactive techniques developed by the Perls and their followers. Gestalt theory, a major school of ... Get more on ...
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  • 40. Gestalt Therapy Essay Gestalt Therapy PSYU–501 February 13, 2012 Gestalt Therapy Gestalt therapy was founded by Frederick (Fritz) and Laura Perls in the 1940s. It instructs the client on the phenomenological method which is the theory that says behavior is determined by the way the person perceives reality rather than by objective external reality. This therapy method is an influential preference compared to the two chief therapeutic methods, psychoanalysis and behavioral therapy. This therapy combines the clients' thoughts, feelings, and actions into one whole part; Gestalt, is the German word for "whole." Nancy Piotrowski (2003) describes Gestalt therapy as coaching the client in awareness, perceiving, feeling, and acting to determine the ... Show more content on ... One therapeutic technique used by Gestalt therapists brings the focus and exaggeration of nonverbal behaviors. Basically saying that body language says more about clients' present feelings than the words they are saying. Gestalt therapists assist their clients by helping them to become aware of the nonverbal signals they are giving off in a therapeutic session. If the client states they are fine and have no concerns for the day, yet they are tapping their fingers on the counter or seem to be anxiously fidgeting, the therapist will ask them about the behavior. The therapist will then focus on the emotions associated with the finger tapping or fidgeting the client is exhibiting. Dreamwork is another technique of Gestalt therapy where clients recall a recent dream and instead of analyzing it they look at it from a different perspective. The perspective is the present, talking about the dream as if it is occurring in the moment. The therapist will encourage the client to talk about the dream in present tense. The client will also talk about objects and people in their dream as if they are themselves. For example in a dream the client may have seen a dolphin swimming in the ocean, but in Dreamwork the question would be, what does it feel like to be that dolphin? How do you think the dolphin feels right at this moment? The client then has to make present tense statements to bring the dream forth ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Fritz Perls's Use of Gestalt Therapy: a Review Gestalt is a fascinating approach to therapy with many unique techniques, interventions and goals that set it apart from other approaches. "Self–acceptance, knowledge of the environment, responsibility for choices, and the ability to make contact...are important awareness processes and goals, all of which are based on a here–and–now experiencing that is always changing" (Corey, 2009, p. 200). Fritz Perls demonstrates his Gestalt therapy style in Three Approaches to Psychotherapy: A Film Series (1975). Though this film has made a significant impact in the field of psychological education, many simply remember Fritz Perls as a brash and cocky showman. This is unfortunate as he has left very meaningful contributions to the field of ... Show more content on ... At yet another point, as he points out to Gloria, many of his statements have a neutral charge but are given a negative charge through Gloria's transferential perception. For example, Perls asks Gloria what her foot was doing and Gloria perceives it as a negative judgment on Perls's part and a demand that she explain why she is wiggling her foot. As perls explains to Gloria "That is the Fritz of your imagination" (1975). This interaction between the therapist and client led to a significant intervention. When Perls asks Gloria what her foot is doing she laughs quite a bit and says that she's afraid that he's going to notice everything that she does. Perls intervenes by pointing out that Gloria is laughing (which is incongruent with what she is saying and feeling). These and many other behaviors lead Perls to confront Gloria by calling her a phony. It is at this point that Gloria expresses her feelings in a genuine way. She expresses verbally that she is angry and she behaves as though she is angry. This is the first time during the session that her affect is congruent with her mood. This is a perfect example of what Corey meant when he wrote "[Perls] was a master at intentionally frustrating clients to enhance their awareness (2009, p. 200). This was Perls's way of reaching for feelings. He is almost pushing Gloria into contact with her real feelings. He provokes her anger in the here–and–now and as a result she has an opportunity to ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. Gestalt Therapy The Gestalt theory of change posits that "The more we attempt to be who or what we are not, the more we remain the same" (Corey, 2000) Gestalt Therapy is an experiential and humanistic approach which was founded by Frederick and Laura Perls and Paul Goodman in the 1950's. Gestalt is a German word that means "patterns" and the key idea in this model is the capacity of the person to experience the world in terms of wholes, or overall patterns, and more specifically, to have a tendency to complete unfinished patterns. The gestalt therapist is interested in studying human perception and thoughts (McLeod, 2011). According to G.Yontef and L. Jacobs (2011), the goal of Gestalt therapy is to heighten the clients' awareness regarding how they work ... Show more content on ... Open, undirected awareness...attempts to hold hypothesis formation in abeyance for a longer period of time... Open, undirected awareness is an attempt to reduce bias and remain as naïve as possible while engaged in diagnosis" (Nevis, ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Essay about Gestalt Therapy Gestalt Therapy Gestalt therapy was largely developed by Fritz Perls and his wife, Laura. Together they created a theory that is based on the premise that individuals must be understood in the context of their ongoing relationship with the environment. To better understand that, one must review the key concepts, therapeutic process, and the techniques of application. The first key concept of Gestalt therapy is its view of human nature. Perls believed that genuine knowledge is the product of what is immediately evident in the experience of the perceiver. He believed that individuals have the capacity to self regulate in their environment if they are fully aware of what is happening in and around them. There are several basic ... Show more content on ... Contact is made my seeing, hearing, smelling, touching, and moving and it is made effectively by interacting with nature and other people without one losing their individuality. However, people often resist contact. Resistances to contact are defenses we develop to prevent us from experiencing the present. These defenses are called introjection, projection, retroflection, deflection, and confluence. The concern of Gestalt therapists is helping the client to become aware of how they are blocking their environment. The last key concept to talk about is energy and blocks to energy. Blocked energy is another form of resistance and it can be manifested by tension in some parts of the body such as posture, keeping one's body tight and closed, not breathing deeply, etc The therapist aims to make their client aware of their blocked energy and bring the sensations to the client's awareness. To further the understanding of Gestalt therapy, it is important to get a good idea of the therapeutic process. The basic goal of therapy is attaining awareness and with it, greater choice. Awareness emerges within the context of a genuine meeting between the client and therapist. The therapist's function is to assist the client in developing their own awareness and experiencing themselves how they are in the present. The therapists must also pay attention to their client's body language. These nonverbal cues can provide a lot of useful information ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. Gestalt Therapy Paper For what it's worth, this has been my first time ever really delving into and learning about the Gestalt Theory of Counseling. From my understanding, I view Gestalt therapy as focusing on and being self–aware of the here and now, but also being able to bring up past events (or as the text refers to it "baggage") and projecting them into the present moment. It feels like instead of just talking about past experiences that still bother us, or that are "unfinished", we are attempting to resolve them. Along with that, I can say that this theory resonated well with me, and aligned with my view of human development, because I feel that you cannot just talk about past experiences you have to resolve them to be able to move forward. And bringing that ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Taking a Look at Gestalt Therapy "What is Gestalt Therapy"? Gestalt therapy (GT) is a psychotherapeutic approach mostly identified and developed by Frederick S. (Fritz) Perls (1893–1970 and Laura Perls (1905–1990). Its orginators were influenced by Freud's psychoanalytic approaches, however moving toward existentialism in contrast to the typical Freudian technique. Gestalt theory, is concerned with the whole person, encouraging a balance between body, feeling, intellect and imagination. The Gestalt approach in psychotherapy understands people as being inextricably linked with their environments, both affected by and affecting the context in which a person lives. Here and Now, experiments, creativity and imagination are concepts linked with the theory and practice of Gestalt. Here are some philosphical assumptions in Gestalt therapy: It is a humanistic and existential approach that conveys people are growth oriented and have holism. It also empasises on human free–will and responsibilty. The term orgamism shows that it is impossible to separate the phsycical and psychological. It is the primacy of field theory (in which we include the concepts of holism and organisimic self– regulation); phenomenology and dialogue – the three pillars supporting the standpoint of the Gestalt–based approach– that is the basis for a comprehensive process model of growth (Resnick 1995) The core motivation of Humans is by drive to staisy biolical and psycohlogical needs. Strving to regulate organism so it can grow. Self– ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Gestalt Therapy with Children and a Comparative Therapy Introduction Gestalt therapy, which was founded by Fritz and Laura Perls in the 1940s, teaches the therapists and their clients the phenomenological awareness method, where feeling, perceiving and acting are differentiated from interpreting and rearranging the pre–existing attitudes. Gestalt therapists and clients' dialogue, thus communicating their phenomenological perspectives, and their differences in perceptions form the basis and focus of experimentation and continued dialogue. The desired outcome of the therapy process is for the client to become aware of their actions, how they are acting, and the ways they can change their actions and learn to accept and appreciate themselves. Here, the emphasis is mainly on the process rather ... Show more content on ... Different schools of thought within the humanistic tradition have built on and also separated from the previous theories and conceptualization of child development (Oaklander, 2014). Worth noting is the transactional analysis theoretical understanding of the development of a child (Tudor, 1998), which views a child's development in terms of ego states, script formation among other concepts like protection and therapeutic potency and permission that are of practical use in working with the children. Oaklander (2007) recognizes the need for children to make good use of the contact functions labelled as looking, listening, smelling, tasting, expressing feelings, thoughts, ideas, curiosity, touching, moving, among others. These contact functions are the same modalities that make up one's self, as the children who get emotionally disturbed tend to isolate themselves in some way, restricting the body, anaesthetizing their senses, closing down their minds and blocking their emotions (Oaklander, 2007). When this happens, a child's healthful development is adversely affected, and their problems get further exacerbated. Their self gets inhibited, and they cannot make good contact. The Gestalt developmental theory offers a structural basis for psychotherapy with children through provision of guidance for the physiotherapy with the therapists to understanding the child' experience, how a ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. The Psychology Of Gestalt Therapy Essay Psychology is not only fascinating or extraordinary, it has opened concepts greater than human understanding. Beginning in 1897, the human mind has been under heavy study, and through the invention of Gestalt therapy, it has helped tremendously. Fritz Perls, the founder of Gestalt therapy, although deceased his presents is felt everyday through Gestalt therapy. Gestalt therapy has training for anyone who might be interested into going into its practice. There are many facilities around the world that specialize in the training of the practice of Gestalt therapy. Among these facilities are The Gestalt Therapy Institute of Philadelphia, The Gestalt Therapy Institute of New Zealand, and The Irish Gestalt Center. Some universities offer post– graduate programs for Gestalt therapy, and usually take about two years, or 130 hours. Psychologist and advanced practice along with other fields of study receive training in Gestalt therapy. An Irish Gestalt therapist by the name of Sean Gaffney explored the concepts of Gestalt therapy through groups. He classified three dimension groups through his research. These dimensions were individualism, familyism, and collectivism. Individualism is self–defined, and is generally seen in countries such as the United States, Great Britain, and Europe. Familyism focused on the concept of family, it is commonly seen through the Jewish and Arab cultures. Last but not least is collectivism. Japan and Korea are areas were collectivism is often found, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. The Gestalt Principles Of Visual Perception The perceptual process enables us to perceive the world through our senses of sight, smell, sound, taste, and touch. In particular, our visual system processes vast amounts of information in its environment. Rather than perceiving elements separately, our brain organizes patterns, objects, and shapes into whole forms that we can understand. The gestalt grouping principles of visual perception describe this organization as a set of principles that explain how we perceive and organize visual stimuli. The gestalt principles–similarity, proximity, closure, figure–ground, continuance, and common fate– were introduced by gestalt psychologist Max Werthimer in his seminal paper Laws of Organization in Perceptual Forms and are a popular tool used by designers for visually organizing information. In this series of articles, we will learn how these principles can be used to improve the usability of designs. Proper use can affect efficiency, learnability, and memorability, and also reduce errors, contributing to the overall satisfaction of a website. The gestalt principles are foundational and hidden behind the structure of a design, making it difficult to understand the concepts visually. Therefore, I first introduce them as simple line and shape examples, to build a foundation for understanding, and then present real–world examples to illustrate the principles in use. Through deconstruction of real–world examples, I hope to show how the gestalt principles form relationships between ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. An Overview Of Gestalt Psychology An Overview of Gestalt Psychology Though not practiced in contemporary psychology, the school of Gestalt–meaning shape or form in Deutsch–was a predominant topic among German psychologists in the nineteenth century. The term "Gestalt" was coined as a definition for the perception of a whole separate and different from its parts. Prior to this, psychologists had been analyzing the parts of the whole in order to explain the whole. In order to test the new theory, principles of Gestalt were established to prove that behavior is holistic rather than mere, singular sensations. These laws include: Pragnanz, Closure, Continuity, Similarity, and Proximity. Experiments on chimpanzees seemed to indicate that they use insight to solve problems. Using insight shows that they think holistically, which helps prove Gestalt. This school of thought was often seen as academically lofty and obscure, but still seems to be referenced–if loosely–today. At the turn of the twentieth century, Wilhelm Wundt and Edward Titchener's atomistic views were dominant in psychology (Lefrançois, 2012). Wundt's structural approach focused on reducing mental processes to the smallest individual unit in order to understand the whole. Introspection was Wundt's chosen method for discovery. In the United States and elsewhere, behaviorism and its proponents were also directing research. The behaviorists rejected introspection for stimuli and responses, focusing on observable behavior (Lefrançois, 2012). ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Gestalt Theory And Concept Of Relational Theory Gestalt therapy is an organized category of therapy that is founded upon the Gestalt ideology. Conceptualized by Frtiz Perls, it is facilitated through the basic principle of relational theory which deems every individual as whole. This means that they are made up completely of body, mind and spirit. Subsequently, they can be clearly understood in conjunction with their present situation through the eyes of their own experiences. Considering these factors, this approach is an infusion of the concept of relational theory with the current state (Arnheim, 1945). It provides essential insight that focuses intensely on self–awareness as well as what is going on in the present moment. The root of concern, in regards to the present moment, is the events of what will happen from one juncture of time until the next. My major theoretical orientation, now, is rooted in the Gestalt Theory and form of practice. The measure of self–awareness regarding this approach is one of the key catalyst in making progress in personal improvement and increasing progressive efforts to address potential areas that warrant growth. One of the conditions that this approach brings to the forefront is the ability of negative thinking to become a hindrance that develops into thoughts and behavior (Botha, 2009). Therefore, these behaviors leave people in a discontented and hopeless state. The primary goal of a therapist, specifically a Gestalt therapist, is to supports the individual in an environment that is ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Gestalt Theory: The Origin Of Gastalt Theory Managerial Counseling By: BHAWNA SMRITI RH15096 SHWETA BHALLA RH15034 VINEET KUMAR RH15052 GESTALT THEORY The Origin of Gastalt Theory: Gestalt psychology was first introduced in 1912 by Max Wertheimer. He was a German psychologist. He published a paper on optical illusion called apparent motion. In the paper he analysed the illusion occurring when a series of static images is perceived as movement, just like films. The assumption that whole is more than just sum of its parts is the basic principle of Gestalt psychology. He extended the same principle to logic and number theory. What does Gestalt Theory Say? Gestalt theory stated that the complex perceptions could be understood easily by breaking them into smaller elementary parts of experience. It is just like splitting graphical forms into sets of dots or melody into sequence of sounds or a perception of a rectangle can be achieved through other forms than four lines. This theory is all based on perception that the ability to perceive objects was an ability of the nervous system, which tends to ... Show more content on ... Some points to consider with Gestalt Therapy include: The assumption of Gestalt therapy is that individuals are responsible for their own growth and behaviour. It is an experiential approach. It is designed to help people become more aware of what they are doing. Gestalt therapy is an active therapy. It is expected of the clients to take part in their own growth. Almost all the techniques of Gestalt therapy are designed in such a way that it helps people to fully experience themselves. There should be no pressure from the therapist on the clients to partake in experiments if they don't want to. However, having said that the therapist should try and explore the reason for this resistance to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Gestalt Therapy Paper Gestalt Therapy The majority of the therapies covered throughout the semester seem to be greatly influenced by the humanistic approach. Therapies such as Adlerian, Existential, and Person–Centered therapy all generally have a positive view of humanity. These approaches are very positive and empowering whereas Freud's theory was very deterministic. Furthermore, unlike Freud's psychoanalytic theory, the present and future are emphasized way more than the past. Another general tenet is that the client has control and the power to change the situation they are in. Another crucial difference is the relationship between the client and counselor. Freud's style was very cold, and his relationship with his clients was very distant. This is not seen ... Show more content on ... Specifically, I saw two obvious similarities. First, the idea of resisting contact seemed very similar to Freud and his ego defense mechanisms. Essentially, contact is being able to interact with one's environment and people while still maintaining one's individuality. Resistance to contact occurs as a means of coping. If the resistance becomes chronic, this can result in dysfunctional behavior. The short–term coping that comes from resistance reminded me of how Freud's ego defense mechanisms reduced anxiety. Similarly, ego–defense defense mechanisms become harmful to the individual if used chronically. The second similarity I noticed between psychoanalysis and Gestalt therapy was the idea of bringing certain things into awareness. In psychoanalysis, the goal is to bring underlying issues to the surface. The same goal can be found in Gestalt therapy. Specifically, when dealing with unfinished business. For instance, clients maybe avoiding certain feelings or be unaware of them. As a result, these unresolved issues may begin to affect their present lives. Thus, both styles of therapy believe it is crucial that clients are prompted to bring these issues into awareness to prevent further ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Gestalt Therapy: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Gestalt Therapy Gestalt therapy falls under the umbrella of existential therapy which was founded by Frederick (Fritz) Perls in the 1940s. The theory is where the counselor teaches clients awareness; in which perception, emotion, and actions are distinguished from interpreting and reprocessing existing attitudes. Explanations and interpretations are considered less reliable than what is directly perceived and felt. The goal of this therapeutic approach is for clients to become aware of what they are doing, how they are doing it, and how they can change themselves, but yet at the same time, to learn to accept and value who they are. Gestalt therapy focuses more on what is happening (process) than what is being discussed (content). The emphasis is put toward what is being done at the moment rather than on the past or the unknown such as: what was, might be, could be, or should be (Yontef, "Gestalt Therapy: An Introduction"). Person–Centered Therapy ... Show more content on ... Carl Rogers a psychologist, developed this in the 1940s and 1950s. The goal of PCT is for clients to develop a sense of self, where they realize how their attitudes, feelings and behavior are being negatively affected. This technique catches criticisms by behaviorists and by psychoanalysts, but it proves to be an effective and popular treatment. In this type of therapy the client is responsible for improving his or her life, not the therapist, which differs from most other therapies. Rogers developed his theory based on his work with emotionally troubled people and claimed that we have a remarkable capacity for self–healing and personal growth leading towards self–actualization. Roger says that reality is subjective, that no one can fully understand the experiences of ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Gestalt Therapy Essay Gestalt Therapy I. Summary and Integration of Major Concepts Founded by Frederick (Fritz) and Laura Perls in the 1940's, Gestalt therapy is a phenomenological –– existential methodology which emphasizes experience and experimentation. Gestalt is a German term that means a "complete pattern or configuration" (p. 112). Though there are many modalities and styles in Gestalt therapy, it is holistic in its approach uniting mind, body, and feeling (p. 112). Some concepts at the core of Gestalt therapy are "the organism as a whole", emphasis on the "here and now", and "awareness" (pp. 223–225). Perls believed that "human beings are unified organisms" (p.223) and that mind and body were not separate entities. It was ... Show more content on ... It is through this increased awareness that the health (or mental health) of the individual is restored. II. Breakthroughs and Steps in Learning Practicing Client Centered therapy helped me get over most of my fear and apprehension about performing as therapist and client in front of my classmates. So, as we (the class) began our first session in Gestalt I initially felt less nervous about participating, in fact, I volunteered to be the first client in my group during the first demonstration. Just like client centered therapy, I had again been in a group that was assigned to Dr. Fiebert and I felt fortunate to have him demonstrate because I knew that I would learn a great deal given his years of experience. I had learned through the reading and class lecture that this was a therapy that called for the therapist to be creative in getting the client to express emotions and feelings. I was anxious to see what creative techniques Dr. Fiebert would employ. He began the session by asking me what I was aware of and I told him that I was feeling some tension in my neck and shoulders. He then asked me to describe the tension, rate the level of tension on a scale of 1–10, increase the tension and relate it to and experience or incident in my life. I linked to a recent situation I had experienced with my mother, whom he then brought in to the empty chair to begin the ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Case Study of Gestalt Play Therapy Essay Gestalt therapy is a type of therapy used to deepen our awareness of ourselves. According to O'Connor and Braverman, (2009) "Gestalt" implies wholeness. Gestalt can also be considered as the essence, or shape of a complete form. A theoretical opposite of structuralism, the entity constitutes more than the sum of its parts. Gestalt therapy is comprised of a complex psychological system that stresses the development of client self–awareness and personal responsibility through a process– oriented, experiential and phenomenological modality that addresses the totality of an individual in terms of senses, body, emotions and intellect." In an active process, suppressed feelings can be explored in depth and through understanding of the how ... Show more content on ... According to Blom, (2006) "The integration of polarities is a prerequisite for a dynamic and healthy life process." Therefore, all techniques and modalities from gestalt theory focus on direct experience and experimentation. From this perspective, direct experience is the only way that learning can take place. The therapist should avoid counseling and interpretation during therapy and focus on creating an atmosphere where the client can discover what is important and they can react to the information as it is important to them. The therapist is primarily a catalyst in the process of therapy. Oaklander (1994) posits that any interpretation by the therapist must be verified with the child. The primary aim of the gestalt play therapist is to help children become aware of their unique process. The focus is on the experience of the process, what children do and how they do it, which they are, what they feel and what they want. Acceptance of this leads to the realization that they can personally make choices and experiment with new behavior. Gestalt play therapy focuses on children's direct experience in the here and now. The therapist's goal is to facilitate the client's awareness of their process. (Corey, 2000) In working through negative, the child can realize negative behavior patterns that may have become ingrained deeply beneath their awareness and ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Gestalt Psychology and Perception Gestalt psychology was founded by German thinkers Max Wertheimer, Wolfgang Kohler and Kurt Koffka. They mainly focused on how people interpret the world around them. The Gestalt perspective formed partially as a response to the structuralism of Wilhelm Wundt, who focused on breaking down mental events and experiences to the smallest elements. Structuralists had failed in explaining the concept of 'apparent motion' and 'illusory contours'. Gestalt psychologists further recognized that structuralism could not explain many perceptual phenomena. In response, they proposed that perception is based on the organization of stimuli into holistic and meaningful forms. They are well–known for the phrase "the whole is different than the sum of its ... Show more content on ... They assumed that, 'the whole is more than its sum of its parts'. This explains that what is perceived has its own new properties that emerge from the organization that takes place. Organization in perception partially explains our perception of complex patterns as unitary form or objects. We see objects as objects only because grouping processes operate in perception. Our perceptual experiences are filled with groups and patterns of stimuli, which are labeled as objects. The way the objects are perceived by people, comes into our awareness as shapes and patterns. Therefore they tend to organize sensory inputs into perception of simple patterns or objects. The reason for this is that, people do not ordinarily perceive the world around them as patches of colour, variation in brightness or through sounds, but perception of objects are due to learning. Therefore, Gestalt psychologist has extensively studied the organizing tendencies in perception. They have given meaningful existence of such tendencies to strengthen their argument that the perceived world is not just the scene of simple sensory experiences. The principle that helps to explain how objects are organized and perceived includes the following: 4.1 LAW OF SIMILARITY According to Gestalt psychology, perception is about what happens to information as we process it, not just about the information itself. The law of ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. The Theory Of Gestalt Therapy HAT Paper Gestalt therapy is an organized category of therapy that is founded upon the Gestalt ideology. Conceptualized by Frtiz Perls, it is facilitated through the basic principle of relational theory which deems every individual as whole. This means that they are made up completely of body, mind and spirit. Subsequently, they can be clearly understood in conjunction with their present situation through the eyes of their own experiences. Considering these factors, this approach is an infusion of the concept of relational theory with the current state (Arnheim, 1945). It provides essential insight that focuses intensely on self–awareness as well as what is going on in the present moment. The root of concern, in regards to the present moment, is the events of what will happen from one juncture of time until the next. My major theoretical orientation, now, is rooted in the Gestalt Theory and form of practice. The measure of self–awareness regarding this approach is one of the key catalyst in making progress in personal improvement and increasing progressive efforts to address potential areas that warrant growth. One of the conditions that this approach brings to the forefront is the ability of negative thinking to become a hindrance that develops into thoughts and behavior (Botha, 2009). Therefore, these behaviors leave people in a discontented and hopeless state. The primary goal of a therapist, specifically a Gestalt therapist, is to supports the individual in an ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. The Pros And Cons Of Gestalt Therapy In one week from today, I will have my first psychotherapy session with Susan. She will be one of the most unique clients that I will ever encounter with because unlike most of my previous encounters, her life is almost perfect. Based on the information I received, Susan has it all – a decent paying job, good friends, good family, and enough money to spend. Thankfully, she also has not experienced no major traumas or changes in the last year. However, there is a little problem which I think causes her to feel unmotivated to carry on with her life. She has somewhat lost two people who used to be very close to her – a romantic relationship that ended a few months ago and a close friend who has moved away, where both she used to hang out with every single week without fail. ... Show more content on ... She also thinks that once she has a bad past, her present and future will be bad as well. Going through Gestalt therapy will enable Susan to be more aware of her surroundings and it gives her an idea of how awareness can help change her attitudes and beliefs. As much as Gestalt therapy is one of the appropriate treatments for Susan, there are also potential limitations of the therapy. The approach can cause Susan to have an extremely high level of intense feelings if she is the type who is conditioned to be emotionally introvert. Also, Susan might think that being too honest in showing her feelings towards me is a sign of weakness. On my side, a potential limitation of using Gestalt therapy is that I might push Susan too much on showing her emotions, which in turn can either make her behavior worse DEALING WITH EXTREME LONELINESS 5 or be more reluctant to participant in the therapy experiments. As a whole, Gestalt therapy only deals with the here and now while the past and the future are an avoidance. At the end of each therapy session, I will do a mindfulness exercise with Susan. ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. The Theories Of Gestalt Psychology History of Gestalt Gestalt Psychology began when behaviorism was taking off in America. Behaviorism began their school of psychology by opposing the work of Wundt and began the use of animals in research. But Gestalt psychology is primarily based on the fundamentals of Wundtian theory, which are the sensory elements. The founder of Gestalt was none other than Wolfgang Kohler. Within Gestalt, it was "accepted the value of consciousness while criticizing the attempt to reduce it to atoms or elements" (Schultz & Shultz 2012 p. 262). By accepting consciousness as a factor, new doors are opened as possibilities of the way the mind interacts with perception and sensory elements. Gestalt is more about what is perceived than the sensory ... Show more content on ... Kant is a philosopher, which makes one of the antecedents of Gestalt to be philosophy. Some of Kant's views were that "elements are organized meaningfully not through some mechanical process of association" (Shultz & Shultz 2012 p.264). This is to say that the mind is able to process the characteristics and basics of an image or structure before it and process it as if there was a complex puzzle that needed to be solved and from there on out, the mind knows it to be as a whole image. It's the brain placing two and two together to make four. An object does not change but the viewpoint does. Mathematics also began Gestalt through Ernst Mach. According to Mach there are patterns and melodies that could potentially be formed into a sensation perceived by the conscious, for example a circle could be various colors or various sizes, but it never loses it's circularity (Shultz & Shultz 2012 p. 264). Another discipline that preceded Gestalt psychology would be Phenomenology, which is known as the "unbiased description of an immediate experience" (Shultz & Shultz 2012 p. 264). With this discipline, individuals would not reduce the experience, which they have just experienced and would be described as it occurred. Major Positions The use of insight, perceptual constancy (continuity, figure/ground, similarity, etc.), life space, Isomorphism, and more are what make up Gestalt. As mentioned ... Get more on ...