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Fossil Essay
Writing an essay on the topic of fossils presents a unique set of challenges that require careful
consideration and thorough research. The complexity of the subject lies not only in its scientific
intricacies but also in the need to convey the information in a coherent and engaging manner.
Firstly, delving into the scientific aspects of fossils demands a comprehensive understanding of
paleontology, geology, and evolutionary biology. This requires extensive research to grasp the
intricacies of fossilization processes, the different types of fossils, and the invaluable insights
they provide into Earth's history.
Moreover, crafting an essay on fossils involves the challenge of striking a balance between
technical details and accessibility. While it's crucial to present accurate scientific information, it's
equally important to communicate these concepts in a way that is understandable to a broad
audience. This necessitates the skill of simplifying complex ideas without sacrificing accuracy or
Another difficulty lies in finding a unique angle or perspective to make the essay stand out.
Given the vast body of literature on fossils, creating an essay that offers fresh insights or
explores a less-explored aspect of the topic can be challenging but immensely rewarding.
Furthermore, maintaining a coherent structure is essential. The essay should have a clear
introduction, a well-organized body that logically presents the information, and a concise yet
impactful conclusion. Transitioning between different aspects of fossils, such as their formation,
significance, and ongoing research, requires finesse to ensure a seamless flow.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of fossils involves navigating through the intricate
realms of science, maintaining a delicate balance between technicality and accessibility, and
presenting information in a unique and engaging manner. It is a task that requires diligence, a
depth of knowledge, and a creative touch to make the subject captivating for readers.
For those who find the task overwhelming or time-consuming, assistance is available. Similar
essays and a wide range of topics can be ordered on, where experienced
writers can provide the necessary support in crafting well-researched and compelling essays
tailored to individual needs.
Fossil Essay Fossil Essay
King Arthur The King Of Camelot
King Arthur, the legendary king of Camelot, was the son of King Uther Pendragon
of Britain and Queen Igriane. When he was born, King Uther feared for his life,
since Arthur was the only heir to the throne. He gave the responsibility of keeping
Arthur safe to his trusted advisor and friend Merlin. Merlin thought for a great
deal on where to hide baby Arthur. He realized that the only way Arthur would be
safe was if he was with a family and chose Sir Ector s family as a safe place for
Arthur. Sir Ector then moved away with his family and Arthur so no one could
find him. Shortly after, King Uther passed away in his sleep. In order to protect the
kingdom from chaos, Merlin took King Uther s sword and magically put it in a
stone. He engraved the words: WHO SO PULLETH THIS SWORD OUT OF
THIS stone IS THE KING OF ALL ENGLANDand held a competition. When no
one could pull the sword out, Merlin appointed guards to watch the sword hoping
that one day Arthur would come back and claim it. Meanwhile Arthur was growing
up in Sir Ector s house hold. He was ignored by Sir Ector and treated like a servant
by his adopted brother, Kay. Kay was practicing to be a knight for as long as Arthur
could remember and he was Kay s sparring partner ever since he could take a punch.
When Arthur was eighteen, Kay was selected to go on his first tournament. Everyone
was overjoyed and in the excitement no one thought about taking Kay s sword until
they reached the
Ankle Sprains In Orthopedic Sports Medicine
If you play different sports or enjoy being active, you may suffer with one or more
injuries, but professionals in orthopedic sports medicine can offer you preventative
solutions. Unfortunately, accidents do happen, so you may become part of the
25,000 Americans who suffer with an ankle sprain each day. Using this guide, you
will learn how to care for your sprained ankle to prevent further damage that can
become more serious. Understanding the Sprain Proper understanding of how your
ankle sprained is smart to prevent the injury from occurring again in the future. If
you roll or twist your ankle in an awkward way, your ankle s ligaments may stretch
and tear, resulting in a sprain. Treating the Sprain Doctors will need to examine your
ankle... Show more content on ...
Apply a cold compress or ice pack on the injured ankle and leave in place for 15 to
20 minutes a few times each day. Complete each day until your sprain heals. Your
doctor will most likely wrapped your sprained ankle in a compressin bandage.
Compression is the third part of the R.I.C.E therapy and an important step to
follow, since it is effective for reducing swelling around your ankle. You will need
to change the bandage every other day, making sure your ankle is free of dirt and
possible bacteria. When rewrapping your ankle, make sure the bandage is not too
tight or not too loose. Lastly, elevate your ankle at or above the level of your
height. Place a few pillows under the ankle and prop your leg up. Or, rest in a
recliner, with your ankle elevated comfortably. Elevating the sprained ankle will
induce healing by reducing the swelling and inflammation of your ligaments. A
sprained ankle is a serious injury that requires a great deal of care. Using your
orthopedic sports medicine professional and R.I.C.E therapy, you can heal your
sprained ankle quickly. Texas Ortho Partners | Orthopedic Sports Medicine Frisco
TX | (469)
College Students Pursuit Of Grades So Shortsighted By...
Proficiency Essay
Grades have always played a major role in whether the student is successful or not.
Deciding whether one s moves on in life or has to fix/finish. If one does not make
the right grades they can put their future at stake. But are grades necessary to have in
Personally, I prefer letter grades because I am capable of viewing the what I have
which allows me to know whether I should work harder in the class or keep doing
what I am doing. Having grades gives a kinda comfort for me because I have
something solid; it is a system so it does not change. After reviewing a few essays on
grading systems, the majority of them tend to be against having the letter system.
One of the documents I read, How Three Schools Buck the ... Show more content on ...
Labunski, a professor, believes that student only chooses to learn the information
given to them that will be presented on the exam and ignore learning the rest. I
personally do this because I see it as a waste of time but I completely understand
why he thinks this. He states that grades are supposed to reflect what they learn and
are not the goal of a college education (Labunski). By just focusing on the
information one needs to receive a good grade they miss out on the information they
might need in their actual job place. However, if the professors gave a reasonable
amount of work it would be more likely to occur but they do give a lot of work
which leaves the students with limited time. The only part I disagree with in this
document is when Labunski begins to speak about how grades are not important
at all. Sure an employer is not going to go looking through all of ones grades, they
are just going to see that they got a specific degree or the see the outside activities
that one participated in. But what about people earning money because of the grades
they make; at this point, they are very important and can be life altering. If one does
not make the grades they would lose the money and that would mean more for them
to pay
Constable Blowes-Aybar Case Study
A) The incident was not that serious, on May 28, 1997 Constable Blowes Aybar
and his partner Constable Wallace stopped a citizen Mr. O, as he rode his bicycle
down the street for Highway Traffic act infractions, as a result constable Blowes
Aybar unnecessary or unlawfully arrested Mr. O for the offence of Public
intoxication contrary to section 31 (4) (a). No, their were no charter of rights
impacted by this case, but they did look back on older cases to come to a decision
for the proper punishment of Constable Blowes Aybar.
B) Their was a police service Act hearing, The charge was heard on September 25,
2001 before hearing officer superintendent Margo Boyd of the Toronto Police
Service. It was learned during the hearing that Boyd accepted the position at the
Ontario Civilian Commission on Police Services (OCCPS). The issue was raised
before the superintendent on December 3, 2001. Mr. Black raised the issue of
apprehension Bias and suggested her to excuse herself from the hearing, She
declined. Superintendent Boyd found Constable Blowes Aybar guilty of the charge
of misconduct on September 25, 2001. she acquitted him of the offence of
discreditable conduct, and also acquitted ... Show more content on ...
She has no role in the hearing of this appeal. They appealed on the finding of
misconduct which they dismissed because Boyd did a good job going through the
information and facts of the case.
They appealed on penalty, The hearing officer made fundamental errors in both
principals and law. She considered disciplinary matters for 1999 and 2000 which
clearly postdated 1997 offence, when making the decision of the 12 day suspension
she clearly had antecedents in her mind. Clearly they where not antecedents and
should not have been considered. After getting a new hearing they decided that
Living Life At The Borough Of Fulham And Hammersmith
Title: Living Life To The Fullest With Our Exclusive Outcall Fulham Escorts
Meta: Located in the Borough of Fulham and Hammersmith, this area is home to the
national Fulham Football Club and Chelsea Football Club that have engaging games
in an area on the cusp of the beautiful River Thames.
Chelsea Football Club
London is the birthplace of English football as we know it, and that has given way to
one of the most significant stadiums of our favourite pastime. The Stamford Bridge
Stadium is home to the Chelsea Football Club. It was only capable of holding a few
hundred people and now several thousands come to these watch games played
monthly on a lawn field. There are a few on site hotels such as Millennium and
Copthorne, a health club, and spa, providing the full scope of football entertainment.
Additionally, there is a museum covering the entire grand history of national football
with interactive exhibits and extensive information. Have your beautiful South
London Escort come to meet you for a tour of the 25 function rooms, Television and
Dressing Rooms, and other important areas of the stadium.
Fulham Football Club
Located in the west suburbs of London, Fulham has prime real estate and historic
landmarks such as the Craven Cottage. Built in 1780, this is home to the oldest
football club in London, Fulham Football Club, that started in 1896. After
construction it was a simple wooden structure fitting only a few hundred people and
now tens of thousands can enjoy
COPD And Depression Relationship
The relationship between Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and
depression illustrates the interconnection of physical and mental health outcomes
(Quint, Baghai Ravary, Donaldson, Wedzicha, 2008). In fact, research indicates
that symptoms of depression often follow a diagnosis of COPD. (Alexopoulos, et
al., 2013; Guerra, et al., 2015; Norwood, 2007; Quint et al., 2008; Tselebis et al.,
2016). Briefly, COPD is a progressive, irreversible lung disease that restricts airflow
resulting in dyspnea (Quint et al., 2008; Tselebis et al., 2016). Frequently,
depressive symptoms such as lack of appetite/sleep, hopelessness, withdrawal,
decline self disease management as well as declines in activities of daily living
(ADL) complicate COPD.... Show more content on ...
The mental health intervention and prevention focus impacts the quality of life. The
lack of assessment and underreporting of depression results in lower quality of life
and increases disease mortality (Stoop, et al., 2015). Stoop, et al., report (2015)
purposed the solution to the lack of mental health care is to incorporate stepped care
intervention . The report asserts that depression is not recognized by the majority of
health care providers as well as not reported by those that do recognize it.
Furthermore, the report asserts that stepped care intervention is effective
therapeutically and financially. The method calls for screening, intervention of
education and therapy, followed by continued monitoring (Stoop et al., 2015).
Limitation in the method are lack of participation attributed to stigma of mental
illness but the effect size of decreased depression shows promise (Stoop et al.,
A Clinical Syndrome
Sepsis is a clinical syndrome that arises from inflammatory response to infection. The
response from the host is associated with immune, hormonal, metabolic, bioenergetic
and autonomic nervous system modification. This is associated with an overall
catabolic state, excessive adrenergic stimulation, high catecholamine levels and
myocardial depression. This effects are mainly mediated via cathecholaminergic
action and cytokine production (1). ОІ blockers modulate both these pathways. There
are several studies that have shown the benefits of ОІ blockers in sepsis. Animal
studies have shown benefits of ОІ blockers (2,3,4,5). To date there is no published
systematic review on the effect of ОІ blockers in sepsis. We sought to summarize ...
Show more content on ...
No language or publication date restriction was imposed. Medline was searched
from 1946 and Embase from 1947. Bibliographies of all selected articles were
searched. We also searched the grey literature via the medical university database.
Additional search was done on clinical trial database (7).
Study selection and Data Extraction
Two investigators (CJC SG) and the medical librarian (SP) independently reviewed
the identified abstracts. All potential relevant studies were obtained and critically
appraised. We used the following inclusion criteria 1) diagnosed sepsis or septic
shock 2) on ОІ blockers or treated with ОІ blockers during their ICU admission 3)
adult population (age 18 or older). Exclusion criteria were 1) paediatric patient s 2)
animal studies 3) non septic patients. The eligible studies were heterogeneous and
therefore did not permit statistical pooling.
Data Extraction
We (CJC SG) independently reviewed the finalised articles to extract information on
the following characteristic. Year of publication, sample size, study population, heart
rate control, mortality rate, adverse incidence change in metabolic parameters with
administration of ОІ blockers. Individual authors were contacted to clarify
overlapping of patients between studies. Authors were also contacted for data on
subgroup analysis.
Study selection
Our electronic database search identified 1242 studies for initial abstract review.
Abstract were reviewed by
Pinnacle Week 6 Video Analysis Report
Video Analysis Report Week 6| BUSN460: Senior Project||
After reviewing weeks 5 and 6 video episodes, we the business consultants have
found that CanGo still has some issues that must be corrected in order to operate
and function effectively. We have carefully evaluated CanGo s issues and will be
introducing them as well as providing recommendations to make corrections to help
improve the company s problem areas. The first issue was the employee evaluations;
very vague. Another that we have noticed is that CanGo is expanding too quickly,
another issue that follows CanGo expanding too quickly is that they lack the financial
capital to grow so quick. Since they are growing, they are relocating their staff into
different positions ... Show more content on ...
That is what is important, planning ahead and looking at the pros and cons is an
effective part of running a business. An employer should have a plan to relocate
employees, they should consider the skill level of the employee, along with the skills
required to do the job, and also consider whether they have the capital that is
necessary to make the move and cover their current position. 4. CanGo is leaving
projects half ways. They spent enough money kicking off a project and working on
it, and they are cancelling them because they see more opportunities. It is better
when a company completes one project to go on to the next. If they cancel a
project half ways it is throwing away money and time. They spent so much money
and time working on it, so they should complete the project and earn the money on
it, maybe even make extra revenue that they can utilize to start a new one. It is
always beneficial to complete what you have spent so much on. 5. CanGo
managers are trying to add a heavier workload to the employees. This will only
decrease production because it will cause employees to be so stressed with so much
work. It will start causing relationship breakdown employees will be stressed and
eventually taking it out on each other; health problems high blood
Comparing Edna of Kate Chopin s The Awakening and
Nora of...
Comparing Edna of Kate Chopin s The Awakening and Nora of Henrik Ibsen s A
Doll s House
Kate Chopin s work, The Awakening, and Henrik Ibsen s play, A Doll s House, were
written at a time when men dominated women in every aspect of life. Edna
Pontellier, the protagonist in The Awakening
, and Nora, the protagonist in A Dolls
House, are trapped in a world dominated by men. The assumed superiority of their
husbands traps them in their households. Edna and Nora share many similarities, yet
differ from each other in many ways.
Two main similarities of Edna and Nora are that they both have an awakening and
are like caged birds without freedom; one main difference is that Edna lives in reality
and Nora lives in a fantasy ... Show more content on ...
When the saying is translated into English it means, Get out! Get out! Damn in!;
the caged bird sends the message that Edna needs to get out of her marriage to
make everything right in her life. Like Edna, Nora is reflected as a trapped bird.
Nora, in A Doll s House, is constantly referred to as a bird by her husband, Helmer.
As in the quote, And I couldn t wish you anything but just what you are, my sweet
little lark (Ibsen 972). Helmer show his ownership of Nora and how she is his little
bird. Unlike the image of a caged parrot, Nora is a bird trapped by the dominance of
her husband.
A second similarity is that Edna and Nora each had an awakening about her own
marriage. Edna s awakening took place early in the novel, while Nora s awakening
occurred at the end of the play. The realization that she was not happy taking care of
her husband, house or children began Edna s awakening. Represented by the quote,
An indescribable oppression, which seemed to generate in some unfamiliar part of
her consciousness, filled her whole being with a vague anguish (Chopin 14). Edna
feels the entrapment of her marriage that has been present subconsciously, and it
fills her mind and soul with pain and hurt. At the end of A Doll s House, Nora
announces to her husband the need to leave the marriage due to the oppression
caused by his power over her. Nora feels as though their marriage has never been a
true marriage, and that Helmer and herself never truly knew
Persuasive Essay On Women In The Military
Did you know that women could be drafted to combat? I believe that women
should all get the chance to fight if they want to. There are tons of women that are
in combat. They all join for different reasons, some join just to see what it s like,
and some join because they want to represent their country. During the Civil War
more than 400 women went into the army disguising themselves as men, just do
that they could fight in the war. If women can dress up as men and go to war and
fight for our country then i feel like we should give them the right to do it. In 2011
there was about 203,000 women in the United StatesMilitary. Some people think that
women aren t capable of doing it, or that she won t be able to do it. Women going
into the combatknow that it is not an easy thing and are up to the challenge. But to
me I think that if she thinks she can do it and is up for the challenge that we should
believe that she can doing it to. In 1948 President Truman helped make a separate
military service for women. If a women can show that she is capable in a boot camp
then why shouldn t she be able to fight for our country.
For women to be in the Military it might be tougher meaning guys naturally have
more muscle, but if a women had their mindset on doing it, no one should tell her
that is isn t allowed to because she isn t a guy. Today women have so much more
freedom than what they used to have. Many people think that women won t be
aggressive during the war and that s why they should not be able to be a part of
something as great as it. I think that women will be aggressive when it comes to
the real fight because they know that if they don t they could most likely be killed.
Going into the military women know that they have a chance of not coming out.
Solveig Krey was the first woman commander of a Norwegian submarine in 1995.
For years women have been filling in combat roles. After being in the war and
killing another human being those images stay in your head, or well for Leigh Ann
Hester, she still thinks about it every single day. March of 2005 Hester s Kentucky
National Guard Military Police squad of eight men and two women, 11 people total,
escorted the convoy on the southeast of Baghdad when more than 50
Natural Disasters, A Study Of Events
Natural Disasters, A Study of Events1
Natural Disasters, A Study of Events
Micheal Boor
GO125DL Natural Disasters
Park University
Ms. Jill Lockard
02 May 2017
Natural Disasters, A Study of Events2
The intent of this paper is to describe three natural disasters; for this paper we will
describe a hurricane, an earthquake and a mudslide. We will briefly discuss how, or
if, our ancestors were able to predict and therefore mitigate loss of life or damage
to infrastructure for these types of disasters 100 years ago. Then we will look at
how our modern society is able to accomplish this in current times. Finally, we will
cover how we could better predict future events and plan accordingly. We will explore
the ... Show more content on ...
When a storm first begins to form over the ocean, meteorologists are now able to
provide early warning on weather systems that could develop into tropical
depressions with the potential to become a tropical storm or stronger. These
meteorologists are better able to predict storm track and severity in order to allow
county or state officials to make informed decisions. Following along the same idea,
as it pertains to meteorologists and their ability to monitor weather activity, comes
their increased ability to track non tropical
Natural Disasters, A Study of Events4 system related weather events in order to
provide advanced warning for in the event of flooding or mudslide events caused by
flooding. Tsunami warning has also improved in large part to previous incidents
where there has been a significant amount of destruction and loss of life. In August
1992 a tropical wave formed off the coast of Africa, traveling west across the Atlantic
before forming into a tropical storm that quickly grew into a strong category 5
hurricane, named Hurricane Andrew. Hurricane Andrew made landfall in Miami
Dade County in the city of Homestead, Florida causing catastrophic damage in the
area from the strength of the wind from the storm. The accurate wind speed from this
storm is unknown due to the majority of measurement tools being destroyed in the
storm, but sustained wind speeds of 140 were recorded by some of the systems that
remained (University of
Cement Mold Essay
Protecting Your Investment: How To Deal With Mold On Fiber Cement Siding
Your home s exterior can be a serious drain on your time and finances, but you re
going to do whatever it takes to keep it beautiful. When it comes to protecting your
investment of fiber cement siding, mold can be a constant consideration. Here s how
to keep the problem under control and stop it from taking too much of your time and
What Causes Mold On Your Home s Siding?
The optimum conditions for mold to grow on your siding depend on three variables:
Water, humidity and light exposure. If, for example, an area of your home is shaded,
it s not likely to dry as fast as the areas in direct sunlight, making it more conducive to
mold growth. Any section that ... Show more content on ...
Divide the exterior into sections and clean them in an order that allows you to
keep track. Focus extra effort on the areas of mold with your cleaner, applying
force with a brush. Start your overall cleaning at the top of the home, so your
cleaner can work on lower areas as it trickles down. Rinse all solution away before it
has a chance to dry, possibly damaging your siding in the process. Be careful not to
point the hose upward on siding, where water could possibly seep in.
Because siding is a major investment for any homeowner, you might also consider
hiring a professional to clean it, particularly if you re concerned about tough stains,
using a chemical that could cause damage or if taking this task on yourself leaves
you vulnerable to injury.
Can You Prevent Mold On Siding?
Especially with the passage of time and according to your local climate, you can
expect to see some discoloration and growth on your siding; however, there are steps
you can take to minimize these issues:
If possible, avoid keeping your siding in the shade. You can do this by trimming
trees and hedges that are blocking sunlight. Most especially if you have hard water
(which leads to hard water stains), keep sprinklers directed away from your siding.
Regularly clean your siding from simple build ups, such as mud splatter from rains.
Keep your gutters in good working order, so that excess water isn t running down
directly on your siding. Try to
Figure Skating Competition Research
Slide 1
During a figure skating competition, many required elements must be included in the
program for each skater. Depending on what level of competition the skater is in,
the techniques and difficulty increases. A triple axel is one of the most difficult
figure skating jumps. The skater needs to jump from the outside edge of his or her
blade, while moving in a forward rotation, rotating three and a half revolutions in
the air, and then landing on the opposite foot which they took off from. A triple axel
is a lot more complicated than performing a single or double axel because it requires
an enormous amount of strength to get high up enough to have time to spin, as well
as the ability to rotate quickly.
A skater must balance the average ... Show more content on ...
From reducing the angular velocity, the skater won t continue to rotate once they
have fallen back onto the ice. Instead, the skater will continue to glide across the ice.
This happens when the skater moves the position of their arms from being tucked
into spreading them out to be able to keep their movement of inertia, as well as, to
balance themselves.
Slide 6
In summary, when landing a triple axel in figure skating, the skater should push off
with their foot, creating a downward force, when driving down and off the ice, torque
is being set up to give him or her an angular impulse to be able to spin in the air.
They bring their arms and legs in closely when in the air, then spread them out, so
they don t continue to turn and lose balance when they come back down to the ice.
Finally, it is crucial for figure skaters to create an enormous amount of height to be
able even to attempt the triple
Plot Of Antigone Plot
Plot Summary: The story takes place in Victorian Era London. Creon is a rich earl
who is feared by many. His nephews, Eteocles and Polyneices, engaged in a duel
over who would be viable to inherit his fortune (which belonged to their father before
Creon). Both were killed. Because Polyneices started the conflict, Creondecided that
he was disgraced and ordered that he be given no funeral or proper burial. But one of
Polyneices s sisters, Antigone, decided that Creon s ruling was unfair and went
behind his back to try and organise a funeral for him.
Act Summary: The undertaker at the local funeral parlor met Antigone when she
arrived, trying to organize a funeral for her disgraced brother. Knowing that Creon
had notified every funeral parlor in the area that Polyneices was to be denied a
funeral, he brought Antigone to Creon s estate, where the two get into an argument.
[CREON stands with his arms crossed, clearly upset with ANTIGONE, who stares
ahead forlornly. Her lavish dress is dirty, as if she had struggled to avoid capture.
The UNDERTAKER still holds her arm tightly.]
Have you really disobeyed me?
ANTIGONE [eyes downcast, avoiding her uncle]
Well, I see no point in denying it.
CREON [sighs]
Thank you for catching her, undertaker. You may leave now.
[The UNDERTAKER nods and exits the house.]
Antigone, were you fully aware that I had forbade a funeral for your embarrassment
of a brother?
So you chose to disobey your own uncle?
Tommy John Surgery Research Paper
Turn on SportsCenter or Fox Sports during baseball season and you ll hear three
words that used to spark fear in the hearts of players, Tommy John surgery. Ulnar
collateral ligament reconstruction (UCLR) commonly known as Tommy John
surgery, is performed on both recreational and high level athletes, (Erickson,
Nwachukwu, Rosas, Schairer, McCormick, Bach Jr, Romeo, 2015). This procedure
is commonly done on pitchers, because of the excessive use of their throwing arm,
affecting the elbow. The process consists of replacing a ligament in the elbow with a
tendon from another area of the body or from cadavers. When someone has Tommy
John surgerythey are no longer able to participate in baseballfor one year. However,
with the advances in this medical procedure, it has extended the careers of
numerous pitchers, and in some cases improved their pitching. Due to the possibility
of enhanced results, a troubling trend has developed in youth baseball. Parents and
coaches are encouraging their players to go under the knife in their early teens just
so they will not have to worry about elbow issues in the future. High school players
who are perfectly healthy are having this procedure done at an alarming rate.
Dove s Beauty Campaign Essay
Hollis Hitchens Mr. Saye English 102 10 March 2011 The Dictionary defines the
word Beauty as A beautiful person, especially a woman. Nowhere in that definition
does it suggest the woman is a size 0 with big breasts, flawless skin and high
cheekbones. This is the message Dove is trying to send by creating Dove s
Campaign for Real Beauty , to make women of all shapes, sizes, and color feel
beautiful everyday. However, shortly after Dove released their first campaign,
media columnists such as Richard Roeper and Lucio Guerrero were quick to reflect
their professional opinions. After reviewing Jennifer L. Pozner s article on Dove s
Real Beauty Backlash and the naГЇve comments these active media members have
made, I found through... Show more content on ...
If that makes me sound superficial, shallow and sexist...well yes, I m a man.
(Pozner, 215). Pozner also focuses on Lucio Guerrero s comments such as These
disturbing and frightening women should put some clothes on (please, really)
because ads should be about the beautiful people. They should include the
unrealistic, the ideal or the unattainable look for which so many people strive.
Besides, the only time I want to see a thigh that big is in a bucket with crumbs on
it. (Pozner, 216). Not only was Dove s new campaign ridiculed for the voluptuous
women they had focused their attention on, they were also being targeted for
health concerns. Pozner addresses Bill Zwecker, the balding, paunchy, middle
aged anchor of CBS s local newscast in Chicago, weighed in on his CBS blog, At
the risk of sounding politically incorrect, In this day and age, when we are facing a
huge obesity problem in this country, we don t need to encourage anyone women
OR men to think it s okay to be out of shape. (Pozner, 216). Pozner believes this
statement would be more believable if the women on the billboard were unhealthily
obese. However, the women in the advertisement were actually smaller than the
average sized American woman. In a case study by Olivia Falcione and Laura
Henderson, Dove collected data from 3,200 women from 10 different countries. Only
two percent of women around the
Case Study About Pneumonia
I. INTRODUCTION This is the case of patient MCS, a 62 year old female who came
to Ospital ng Guiginto with a chief complaint of productive cough with associated
difficulty of breathing amp; intermittent fever. She was admitted on July 16, 2012.
She was diagnosed with Pneumonia with manifestations of Asthma. Pneumonia is an
inflammation of the lung parenchyma commonly caused by microbial agents.
Classically, pneumonia has been categorized as being bacterial or typical, atypical,
anaerobic/cavitary, or opportunistic. Another classification scheme categorizes
pneumonias as community acquired (CAP), hospital acquired (HAP or nosocomial),
pneumonia in the immunocompromised host, and aspiration pneumonia. Those at
risk for pneumonia often have... Show more content on ...
Based on the studies done by the Department of Health, it is the leading cause of
child mortality since 2006, accounting for 23.18%. * Reason for Choosing the
Case Study We have chosen this case to present because we were interested in it.
We have studied this in our lecture in Medical Surgical Nursing so we wanted to
use this knowledge to the real life setting and get used to it. We are willing to do
this case to challenge our mind in analyzing the problem and to enhance our hidden
knowledge, and also to gain new experiences which would bring new learning for
the members of the group. We want to be able to achieve our objectives for this case
study. * Objectives of the Case Study A. Client Centered Objectives a. Knowledge *
To understand more the disease process that the patient is undergoing. * To impart
knowledge to the patient and significant others about the disease. * To help the
patient in managing the disease using appropriate health teachings. b. Skills * To
improve the patient s wellness by applying the interventions we acquire from this
study. * To perform appropriate examinations to the patient. * To render appropriate
nursing interventions that will yield good progress regarding the patient s condition.
c. Attitude * To promote rapport with our patient for therapeutic intervention. * To
serve our client with holistic care and
The Chinese Culture Essay
The Chinese Culture
This report is about the myths and beliefs of the Chinese culture. It s about the stories
the Chinese created to explain the world around them, and generally how they
perceived their surrounding environment. This report deals with ancient myths and
the people who believed them, and what the current believes of these people are.
The Southwest Creation Story
The Southwest creation story is a myth which explains why people are different.
The myth begins by saying that there were people on earth who were all alike,
meaning there weren t people who were black, white, oriental, etc.. It states that the
humans on earth all generally were the same. There were also gods who lived above
the clouds in the ... Show more content on ...
The Duke pretended he was dead with his mouth hung open and he had his lips very
The girl was worried, she thought he was dying so she gave him one drop of
water. The Duke instantly jumped back up and tore apart the cage. The children
were terrified. He came over to them and promised them that they will be rewarded
for their deed. He gave them a small egg and told them to plant it in the ground and
then he left. When the man came back he was shocked by what had happened. He
knew the Duke would be very angry and would punish him. So he didn t waste any
time and started to build a ship. After a month s time the ship was finished. It was
built out of the strongest material known to him.
Meanwhile the egg the children planted had grown to a size of about two small
people. Then one day what the man had anticipated came. Huge torrential downpours
of rain started and there were tremendous floods. The man jumped into the ship he
built, in his panic he had forgotten about the children. They had ran into the egg
which had become soft. The floods were so great that the man in his ship reached
all the way to the door of the heavens. He banged the doors and yelled let me in!
The gods didn t want mortals in the heavens, so the Duke was ordered to recede the
Boundaries In The United States And The Galapagos Islands
A constructive boundary is a boundary that seems to add to the surface of the earth,
one example would be mountains. These plate boundaries include continental oceanic
boundary, oceanic oceanic boundary, and continental continental boundary. For
continental oceanic convergent the oceanic sinks under the lighter continental plate
and then melts into magma, this magma rises through the crust to form volcanoes. An
oceanic oceanic convergent boundarycreates volcanic island chain, by the subduction
and melting of one plate then magma rises through the crust to form islands and
volcanoes. A continental continental convergent boundary is where two continental
plates collide and neither of them are dense enough to subdue so the wrinkle up to
form mountains. One example of this is the Himalayan mountains which are formed
from the Indian continental plate pushing into the Eurasian plate causing the to ruffle
up into mountains.
One great example of this the Galapagos Islands which is a chain of volcanic islands
located off the coast of Ecuador. Theses islands are formed from two oceanic plates
pushing against one another. The two plates that formed this island chain are the
South American and Pacific plates, the Pacific plate subdue underneath the South
American plate and melted, this magma rose to ... Show more content on ...
Some examples of this kind of plate boundary are, oceanic oceanic or oceanic
continental convergent boundaries which can both lead to the formation of trenches
in the ocean. Continental Continental divergent plates happen when two continental
plates pull apart from another causing rock in between them to drop deeper and
deeper and if it drops low enough it may be filled with water. Oceanic oceanic
divergent two plates are pushed apart by the continual expansion of magma at the mid
ocean ridge causing it to expand and subdue underneath another plate and
Analysis Of Downton Abbey, Blood +, And Psycho Pass
Nankurunisa Looking Forward Into Tomorrow
Society might change anytime, anywhere, but how does it change? Do we control
society, or does society dictate use? Many people would say claim that both
aspects are true, because we can change society by trying to improve ourselves, our
communities, and our lifestyles. For example, Western society has been working
towards a more accepting view of homosexuality and women over the past few
decades and how Europe is also improving toward women rights. However,
prejudices that exist in our society are difficult to dislodge, and often remain long
after the general populace has rejected outdated, oppressive views. Three television
shows I have recently seen, Downton Abbey, Blood+, and Psycho pass, have
influenced my life by giving me a chance to reflect on my point of view regarding
society while comparing the past and the future in terms of social norms. Downton
Abbey, created by Julian Fellowes, has reopened my mind and got me to think deeper
about how the Western worldhas changed in such a short time period. Ever since I
started watching the television series two months ago, I have really been taken
aback by the radical differences that only span 100 years or so. For example, up until
the 1960 s or so, women were essentially not allowed to do anything except stay at
home and take care of the children and attend to their husbands. A short time after the
First World War, more women than ever began to criticize the institutions that
Character Analysis Of The Desperate Housewife
The hugely popular television series Desperate Housewives acts as the perfect
analogy for the glossy suburban vernacular. Created by Marc Cherry and ABC
studios in 2004 it has become one of the most popular television series of the 21st
century. The drama series follows the lives of four women living on the fictional
street of Wisteria Lane. The first season of the series begins with the shocking suicide
of a housewife and the subsequent explorations for the reasonings behind her
untimely death. Throughout the show the dark secrets of these four women s lives
dramatically unfold, highlighting the fact that the image of this beautiful and serene
suburb is anything but realistic. Taking into consideration the fact that Desperate
Housewives... Show more content on ...
It is important to note that Desperate Housewives is a relatively recent depiction of
the notion of domestic bliss, which is evident in a huge number of television shows
and films. An earlier example of this is Sam Mendes s American Beauty (1999)
which opens with a similar American suburban paradise, revealed to be full of
secrets and tragedy which ultimately result in death. Another notable example of this
is David Lynch s Blue Velvet (1968) which delves even deeper, showing the dark and
perverted underworld of a small American town. Ultimately what draws these visual
representations of suburbia together is their portrayal of what lies beneath the
polished veneer.
Setting Desperate Housewives in the suburbs is central to the show s discourse, as
suburbia connotes an identifiable ideal and linear conformity while facilitating an
inverse darkness where all is not as it seems. Suburbia has come to represent a model
of domesticity and community in which both social and physical boundaries are
When attempting to understand some of the underlying ideas surrounding Desperate
Housewives it is crucial to view the episodes as pieces of important dialogue
surrounding the social milieu in which they were created, rather than as a means of
simple entertainment. The fact that the show is set within the suburbs is crucial to it
s discourse as it evokes strong connotations of a familiar ideal
A Political Cartoon Analysis
Having a Master s degree would be nice. After completing 4 years of college and
then going back for a master s degree and graduating with that is an amazing
accomplishment. There is so man benefits that come with this high degree, more
money, better jobs, and more education in the particular work field as the masters.
Let s get this straight, though, going back for a master s degree costs a lot of money.
Just to get a bachelor s degree cost a lot of money so going back to college for more
years will cost a lot more. That s the only downfall of getting a master s degree, the
price. In the political cartoon about a master s degree, the author makes it clear of
the downfall of getting that degree which is the price. He uses color, layout, and
characters to make this point very clear. The first notice of this picture is the color
of it. It is not in pretty colors whatsoever. It is two colors, blackand white. When
people see black and gray, most people think about back in the day when times were
tough and money was scarce. The black part of the picture brings out the gloom...
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In the cartoon, the certain objects and how they are placed shows how the big
picture of the cartoon is proven. When looking at the cartoon, there is a big hand
coming from the top right corner, on the hand, it says lender. Attached to the hand
is a chain which is connected to the hands of the graduate. This chain is handcuffed
to the graduate s hand symbolizing that the graduate is stuck and will not be going
anywhere. Also in the photo, the graduate is holding a diploma, but instead of it
saying congratulations, it says DEBT written across it. This depicts that the
graduate, since going for a master s degree, is now in debt. These objects in the
image make it very clear that getting a master s degree will cost a lot of money. The
last rhetorical element that proves the author s point is the characters in the
Auditory Processing Disorder
Auditory processing is a term used to describe what happens when your brain
recognizes and interprets the sounds around you. Humans hear when energy that we
recognize as sound travels through the ear and is changed into electrical information
that can be interpreted by the brain. The disorder part of auditory processing disorder
means that something is adversely affecting the processing or interpretation of the
information. Auditory Processing Disorder is an impaired ability to attend to,
discriminate, remember, recognize, or comprehend information presented auditory in
individuals who typically exhibit normal intelligence and normal hearing (Keith,
1995). This processing disorder can interfere with speech and language skills and...
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In addition, the details of each component should be deficit specific; that is, they
should be developed specifically for the person with Auditory Processing Disorder
and the unique circumstances of his or her learning or communicative difficulties
and needs (Bellis, 2002, p. 225). The first component of Auditory Processing
Disorder management should be to modify the environment in the child s
classroom. Children with Auditory Processing Disorder should be seated where
they can see the teacher clearly and are away from distractions or noise. An
auditory trainer or assistive listening device can be used in the classroom. This will
help reduce classroom noise and allow the child to hear the teacher better. Having
carpet on the floor, acoustic tiles on the ceilings and minimizing hard wall surfaces
will help to reduce the amount of sound bouncing off floors, walls and ceilings.
Exercises to improve language building skills can increase the ability to learn new
words and increase a child s language base. Auditory memory enhancement, a
procedure that reduces detailed information to a more basic representation, may help.
There are many types of therapy activities to use with children with Auditory
Processing Disorder. Teachers and speech pathologists use activities that will enhance
listening skills in children with and without auditory processing difficulties.
Phonological awareness activities focus on speech/sound
The Benefits Of Cell Phone Use In Class
To Text or Not, is an article written by Will Brooks. Brooks writes about if students
should be able to use cellphones during class. His argument is that cellphone use in
the classroom may be beneficial to students but it can lead to cheating and other
issues. Such as students not knowing what to do with all the information that was
provided to them. Cell phone use during class time will help a student get a better
view and feel of what the teacher is teaching. Cell Phone use not only provides
faster information for students but also for teachers. Cell phones should be
allowed during class time, because students will be able to search up information
that the teacher is providing and can have a better understanding on the
information the teacher is providing. With cell phone use in class students will be
able to look for information and communicate with other students when they do
not completely understand a lesson. Also if one is in a school where they can not
afford tablets or laptops, using a cellphone during class will benefit the teacher
because they can show their students exactly where to go and what they should
click. Heather Waseman is pro cell phone use in class states the following Banning
cell phones for educational purposes in schools is a poor educational decision and
poor business decision. (Brooks 2) Waseman is saying that the using a cell phone in
class not so bad when the school can control what the student may search up. Using
cellphones in class will
Battle Royal, And The Planon By Ralph Ellison s The Lesson
Throughout the stories, Battle Royal, written by Ralph Ellison, Of Mr. Booker T.
Washington, written by W.E.B. Du Bois, and The Lesson by Toni Cade Bambina,
readers are introduced to two different protagonists who both happen to share a
common feeling which includes a sense of invisibility. There are many factors which
allow the characters within these stories to feel this way. The first factor is due to the
profanity, along with the rude and cruel actions displayed throughout the stories
which emerge from the side characters that interact in dialogue with the protagonists.
Racism is the second factor which leads these men towards feeling invisible. The
third and final factor adding to the list of reasons of feeling invisible is due... Show
more content on ...
He becomes distracted which opens him up as an easy target. Contradistinctively to
Ellison s Battle Royal, W.E.B. Du Bois Of Mr. Booker T. Washington
, contains a
more positive and supportive aspect. Du Bois states, First it is the duty of the black
men to judge the South discriminatingly. The present generation of Southerners are
not responsible for the past, and they should not be blindly hated or blamed for it
(De Bois 1166). By stating this, the author is defending the African race by claiming
that the punishment for the actions of their ancestors should not be burdened with
them. We read that the sons of a black person s master will sometimes want to help
rise and benefit the individual. Du Bois claims, National opinion has enabled this
last class to maintain the Negro common schools, and to protect the Negro partially
in property, life, and limb (1166). This tells readers that the African race is beginning
to receive their rights, along with having opportunities to access them. During The
Lesson, it is the children who display the majority of the profanity, along with the
rude and cruel actions. When they arrive at a toy store on the other side of town,
Sylvia, the protagonist, and her friends discover a microscope which spark their
interest. Their care giver, Miss Moore, attempts to interact with the children. As a
result, Sylvia quotes her
Allen 3 babysitter by stating, Why, even medical
Trading With The Enemy And Fly By Night (CAM)
The Contemporary Art Museum is one of the most visited in Tampa. It opened its
door in 1989 near the USF College of The Art. The museum has presented numerous
exhibitions of contemporary art from the United States and around the world
including Africa, Europe, and Latin America. The museum s primary objective is to
bring the University and Tampa Bay community vital, investigative and scholarly
contemporary exhibitions (aboutsufcam). In doing so (CAM) is able to present to
the community a variety of exhibitions with different methods and culture from
around the world. The exhibition currently displayed in the CAM is tittle Duke
Riley: Flights of Fancy . There is two Riley s project displayed: Trading with the
Enemy and Fly By Night and... Show more content on ...
Both includes pigeons and appreciation of freedom. Fly by Night is a beautiful
visual experience that Riley wanted to share with people, in the way of his general
appreciation that New York city has given to him. For six weekends at the
Brooklyn Navy Yard more than 2,000 pigeons were put on an avian powered light
show and hundreds of tiny lights shot up (Newman, Andy). The inspiration for Fly
by Night came during the process of the Trading with the Enemy where he put a
light on one of the birds which made him thinks what it would be like to see more
of them. To develop this project, he need help from a team, including a technician
from China. Today, the illuminated birds may be visible from other nearby
vantage points, and if preferable it can be seen in person. The performances of Fly
by Night are free, but seats should be reserved. Even though I did not see the actual
performance, I was able to see the painting illustrating the LED lights. When I
walked into the room where they were displaced I wasn t sure what was the
meaning behind it, but I must say that I was impressed. He used a dark blue as the
background and white linear strips that gave the art piece a phenomena look. The
piece is a great representation of the work he has in display in New
The World Of The Vietnam War
The year is 1965: the skate board is the latest craze in kids toys; the miniskirt
makes its appearance; hypertext is introduced for linking on the Internet; Kellogg s
Pop Tarts pastries are created; Sonny Cher make their first TV appearance in
American Bandstand ; rights activist Malcolm X is shot dead; the Gemini 3 launched
the first US 2 man space flight; and the first United States combat forces arrive in
Vietnam. This was not the start of the Vietnam War since the war actually started in
1955, pitting Communist North Vietnamagainst anti Communist South Vietnam. The
United States believed it had to protect South Vietnam from Communist take over
and is the reason the U.S. supplied South Vietnam with millions of dollars in
military aid as well as with military advisors from the start of the war. Eventually,
the US had no other choice but to send troops to war and it became the first war
Americans opposed publicly and passionately, making the US involvement in the
Vietnam War a shameful venture rather than a noble cause. Although the Vietnam
War was the first televised war, it is unclear if Vietnam War films are able to give
an honest portrayal of the Vietnam War experience, or if truer reality of the war
can be found only in textbooks. The Vietnam War was so much a part of American
life that it could not be ignored, and with war films losing their appeal after World
War II, it s hard to know if the Vietnam War would be actually portrayed on the big
screen. The
The Great Moai Statues Of Easter Island
Similarities and differences are what make things so interesting. Would you be
happy if everyone was the same. Every looked the same, and liked the same things
and hated the same things. No you wouldn t because you would want to be you and
no one can tell you what you want to be or what you don t want to be. Even the
buildings you make would be the same from a normal house to a normal office
building. The Panama Canalwas one of the most useful canals ever built and they
were made to for one reason and that was to transport goods. This was somethings
everyone needed to solve at that time(1900s). The great Moaistatues of Easter Island
are also great structures and are really tremendous to the eye. These buildings and
canals were made to one purpose they had to do somethings and that something was
to make things easier for the people. Some similarities they had were that they both
took a long time and sacrifice to build. A differencethey had was that they were built
for different purposes and they had their own different struggles.
Predominantly, The Panama Canal was one of the greatest structures built by
mankind. The Moai as well were something to be fascinated by because they were
beautiful creations made by us. The one thing they both have in common was that
they both took a long time to build. The Moai took approximately about 10 15
years to build and that was with the help of mana which was part of the belief and if
that wouldn t of existed it probably
How Does Orunmila s Quest To Obtain A Good World
Knowledge or wisdom is a key component of Orunmila quest to obtain a good
world. Humans bear the burden of taking care of the world and developing sufficient
knowledge or wisdom helps us with that responsibility. Moral and spiritual wisdom
makes up the depth of the knowledge or wisdom requirement, which conceives the
world in its interrelated wholeness, respects its integrity and works constantly to save,
renew and expand the good in it. Also what is expected is that we know the
tangibleness and intricacies of the world. With this expectation, it necessitate the
realization of human development objectives and prowess of specialties of human
knowledgeand that we use them in the favor of humankind. Ornmila also preached
that in the pursuit
Percy Julian Biography
Percy Julian an African American, Civil Rights Activist, Chemist, Scientist, Medical
Professional, Educator was a pioneer in the chemical synthesis of medical drugs such
as cortisone, steroids and birth control pills., he also developed drugs to treat
glaucoma and arthritis. Julian is deemed as one of the most leading chemists in
American history. Early Life
Percy Lavon Julian was born in Montgomery, Alabama on April 11, 1899. His
grandparent was slaves. He went to school until the eighth grade because there were
no high schools open to African American students. He had to take high schoollevel
classes in the evening at DePauw University in Greencastle, Indiana to get him up
high school level of his classmates. He graduated first ... Show more content on ...
Ultimately, he obtained a position at Glidden Company as the lab director. There he
invented Aero Foam, a product that made from soy protein to put out oil and gas
fires and was widely used in World War II, as well as other soybean based inventions.
He took sterols from soybean oil and made the hormones progesterone and
testosterone. He created of cortisone, which became used in the treatment of
rheumatoid arthritis. in 1953 Julian left Glidden and established his own laboratory
in 1954. Julian sold his laboratory in 1961, becoming one of the first black
millionaires, he also founded Julian Research Institute, a nonprofit organization that
he ran for the rest of his life.
He died of liver cancer on April 19, 1975.
Recognition in 1973, Julian was the first black chemist chosen to the National
Academy of the Sciences. In 1990 he was chosen to the National Inventors Hall of
Fame, and in 1999 his making of physostigmine was notice by the American
Chemical Society as one of the top 25 achievements in the history of American
Personal Life
Julian met Anna Roselle at Harvard University. Julian married Anna Roselle, in 1935
and had two children.
Red Bull Cool Factor
Red Bull energy drink has had wings since it took off 25 years ago.
The iconic Red bull drink as we know it today in the western world was originally
found in Thailand in 1987 by an Austrian entrepreneur who was inspired when he
realized that it could cure his jet lag.
The original drink called Krateng Daeng was first invented and only available in
Thailand. The Austrian entrepreneur, Dietrich Mateschitz then in partnership with
Chaleo Yoovidhva modified the energy drink to suit the taste of the western world
and the iconic carbonated Red Bull energy drink was found and first started in Austria.
In 1992, the product expanded to international markets, at first ... Show more content
on ...
Red Bull Product Range Red Bull cans original on the left and sugar free on the right
available in a 250ml can sold at R14.99 in South Africa also available in a 355ml
R19.99 can and now in a 473ml R24,99 can. Pack sizes of 4 units per pack.
Red Bull limited edition RED, SILVER and BLUE available in 250ml can RSP at
R14.99 in South Africa
Red Bull energy shot RSP at R12.99 in South Africa
Red Bull cans as we know it in the western world.
The original Thai Red Bull bottle.
Original Thai Red Bull bottle that inspired Austrian entrepreneur Dietrich Mateschitz
to westernize the drink!
Perceived Market Share:
According to market share Red bull is the most successful and popular energy
drink in the world, international they dominate the market with year on year
growth and is responsible for an estimated 70% of sales in the energy drink market
year to date. Remarkably between 2009 until 2012 they have dominated with an
estimated market share of 42% in the energy drink market. A total of 5.226 billion
cans of Red bull were sold worldwide in 2012 representing an increase of 12.8%
against 2011.
Red Bull is well known by consumers to vitalize body and mind and is generally
purchased by most for this purpose.
Product Offering
Red bull is a premium brand that consumers are willing to pay the higher price for
because it satisfies their needs and wants, and it also delivers on its promise to
Vitalize Body and
An Ant Army Short Story
Ant Army By Elijah Leonard What if they can talk? ask the humans. What if they
are smart? ask the humans. What if they took over the world? ask the humans.
Well, now s our chance. I am Gerald, an ant that lives in a human family s
backyard, along with my own family. I have two best friends: Margaret and Antony.
Margaret is supposed to be the smart one. She always has a plan and she has all A s
in all her classes at the insectschool. Antony is the silly one. He always has a joke,
even in terrible situations. Even his name is a joke: ANTony, get it? It is 5:00 in the
morning and we are all ready to start the day. We live in an antpile with about
800,000 ants in it. All of us have one problem with the humans: they keep trying to
destroy their home. The humans always think that all they are just helping
themselves, but we just build the pile back up. Usually, we wait about four hours
for one of the humans to come to our home. This time they gave us time to plan.
How about every time the humans are about to come, we crawl out far away from
our pile, says Margaret, and when they see that we aren t in the pile, they will
think we abandoned it, so they will leave us alone. But the humans and their world
are so big, that it will take us forever to get back to our home, I say, and besides, do
you think they won t notice a colony of over 800,000 ants crawling away from their
home? Good point, says Margaret. Oh shoot, cries Antony, they re here. The kids
BINGO Board Game Analysis
The objective of the first interactive learning activity is to promote a deeper
understanding of the core tenets of the Constitution. This can be accomplished by
playing a BINGO board game. The prepared BINGO cards will contain a total of
twenty five squares with five rows going across and five rows going down. Three
BINGO cards will be distributed to parents containing the key tenets written on the
inside of each of the squares. Some of the tenets will be duplicated inside the squares
while other squares will contain a blank space. The parents will also receive a small
packet of colored chips to use as a marker for the squares.
A list of questions regarding each of the core tenets will begin the BINGO game. The
speaker will read one question relating to the core tenets. Parents will raise his or
her hand to answer the question. The presenter will continue to call on parents until
a correct response has been given. The parents will place a colored chip on the
square if the correct answer is written inside the square. There will be more
questions asked than the number of squares on the BINGO cards. The winner of the
game must have colored chips in all squares going across, ... Show more content on ...
The presenter should divide parents into three groups and provide them with a copy
of the Constitution. The parents will also need a visual handout that shows the
authority and responsibilities of each of the three branches of government. The
parents should be divided and placed into one of the three groups. These groups
include the Executive Branch, the Legislative Branch, and the Judicial Branch. Each
of the three branches should assign the appropriate mock staff to represents his or her
branch appropriately. The mock staff will include the President, Congress, the Senate,
the House of Representatives, Federal or State Courts, and the Supreme
Phi-Mu Foundation Scholarship
How would receiving a Phi Mu Foundation scholarship help you pursue your
academic goals? (100 Words or less) Receiving a Phi Mu Foundation scholarship
would help ease the burden of tuition, which would provide a cushion of relief
towards pursuing my academic goals. As a graduate student all of the money I earn
at my assistantship serves as my only source of income during the academic year. In
addition to paying all of my monthly living expenses, I am also paying both my
undergraduate and graduate student loans. I am financially independent and making
sure I have enough money for tuition is stressful. Receiving this scholarship would
allow me to pursue graduate school without worrying about my tuition. Describe your
career objectives and long term
What Kind Of Doctor
I m not going to lie and say that I have always dreamt of becoming a general
internist. Deciding what kind of doctor I wanted to become was the hardest
decision I ve ever had to make. I ve listened to friends, family, fellow classmates
and other physicians. I considered general surgery, cardiology, Emergency
Medicine, OBGYN but I always came back to internal medicine. I enjoy hospital
medicine and I was comforted knowing that I would still be able to pursue a
fellowship after my training which didn t make me feel like I had to get on a knee
and propose to any one area quite yet. Internal medicine was also the one field that I
could see myself being happy working even without pursing a fellowship. I feel alive
when I m in the hospital and I... Show more content on ...
Growing up with my mother and sister and being the only male in my household
definitely played a part in my ability to recognize my emotions. In our society,
being a male is often portrayed as not acknowledging feelings and being strong
emotionally, but that s not what makes a great doctor. I was fortunate to go to a
medical school that stressed the importance of the humanistic aspect of medicine
and instilled these principals in me. It s not womanly to care for someone and
show emotion during times of loss and it s not feminine to acknowledge a patient
who is upset and comfort them. However, approaching the patient humanistically
can be difficult to accomplish while in the hospital. The lessons taught to me at my
school and my experiences at the hospital during my internal medicine rotation
During my internal medicine rotation I saw how fast the admissions piled up and
it was always a challenge to get the history, make the diagnosis and make a
treatment decision right then. We didn t have time to waste, we had to be quick
and we had to be concise. The main worries were, did I make the correct diagnosis,
did I give the appropriate medications and of course did I miss something that could
be detrimental to their health? If a doctor does all of these correctly then he did a
good job. The patient survived, crisis averted, now on to the next patient, right? The
question is did he do a great job? What makes a doctor great in my mind is not just
being a great
Sound Of Awestle Analysis
SOUND OF AWESOME is a Canadian music blog dedicated to the best music of
now. It is run by two great friends thrilled at the idea of discovering new music.
grown ups have about two or three weeks of vacation in summer. Here at Sound of
Awesome, we took three months. Between (summer) jobs, European travels and non
stop booze, we still had some time to listen to the new music coming out; we just
didn t have enough time to write about it here. Now... Show more content on ...
Simple songs, sweet melodies, and a closing track featuring the sound of waves
(and of Mac himself giving out his address so that you can stop on by to get a cup
of coffee. There is nonchalance through the whole album that is deeply relaxing.
Who cares if that keyboard sounds like something one could buy in a cheap yard
sale? Who cares if tracks 2 to 6 all start the same way with the same drum fill? And
who really is complaining when he makes music videos that look like... this? Once
you decide to enter his universe you never want to
Social Media And The Media
However, Contrary to the idea that social media creates a polarizing filter bubble,
exposing people to only a narrow range of opinions, 70 percent of Millennials say
that their social media feeds are comprised of diverse viewpoints evenly mixed
between those similar to and different from their own. (American Press Institute,
2015, p. 3) This disputes the notion that everybody who engages in social media
receive a uniform message, and these diverse viewpoints also enables users to become
judicious in what content they are consuming. In the same American Press Institute
study researchers concluded, nearly three quarters of those exposed to different views
(73 percent) report they investigate others opinions at least some of the time... Show
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The study found Americans are selective consumers with behaviors varying reliant
on the topic. With this in mind we can hope groups other than millennials are not
receiving a likeminded point of view even if a clear proclamation cannot be made.
All in all a multitude of voices talking about assorted topics can only be good for
public discourse, and could potentially impact mobilization. The preceding
paragraphs were aimed at providing a baseline of knowledge, show that social
media provides a wide variety of information, and to establish that its worthy of
investigation. At the moment there is a lack of research aimed at determining the
impact of the public s use of social media on Agenda setting, and priming. Yet, there
has been research regarding social media and mobilization that is quite promising.
Thus far, mobilization is where social media has seen its greatest impact.
Mobilization is defined as, the process by which candidates, parties, activists and
groups induce other people to participate (Rosenstone Hansen, 1993, p. 25). When
taking the definition for mobilization into account it is easy to understand why social
media has shown promise in this area. Social media supplies activists with the ability
to circulate information, and information is the means by which political activists
recruit new members. Social media also creates vast networks that . . . allow people
to assemble as individuals, with limited
Willow Rosenberg In Joss Whedon s Buffy The Vampire
Willow Rosenberg is a character from the incredibly successful American TV show
Buffy the Vampire Slayer created by Joss Whedon. Buffy The Vampire Slayer ran
for 7 Seasons and was centered around Buffy, who at the age of 15 arrives in
Sunnydale with her mother following an incident involving a gang of vampires at
her old high school in Los Angeles. She is the latest in a long line of women who
are destined to be Slayers and defend the world from Vampires and various other
evil forces. Around the age of 14 buffy began to gains Slayer Powers which include
incredible strength, speed, and fighting ability. In the beginning of the series,
Buffy resents her destiny and wishes to live the life of a regular teenaged girl.
Willow Rosenberg is the first student Buffy meets at her new highschool in
Sunnydale. Willow introduces Buffy to Xander who has been Willow s best
friend since they were very young. After Buffy saves Willow and Xander from
some vampires, and explains who she is, the three of them become best friends.
Buffy, Willow, Xander, and later some additional characters who join forces with
them to fight the powers of evil are collectively referred to as the Scooby Gang ....
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Willow s mother, Sheila, is only on camera in one episode. Her voice is featured in
another episode. Willow s mother shows an extreme disconnect from her daughter s
life. During the 3rd season, Willow cuts her long hair into a short bob and her
mother doesn t notice until months later, remarking on her new look as if seeing it
for the first time. She frequently calls Willow s best friend Buffy, Bunny . Though
her specific career is never mentioned, the terms, vocabulary, and topics frequently in
her dialogue points to Sheila having a job involving child psychology and/or child
development. The irony of this is not lost on the
The Gathering Decision Making Body
The meeting in which I attended was put on by BikeShare, which is a small Start
Up business based in San Francisco about to drastically expand their operations to
the East Bay, as well as increase their footprint within San Francisco. What they do
is provide publically accessible bikes that can be rented from one of several locations
and returned to any of the BikeShare locations. The purpose of the gatheringdecision
making body is to determine preferred Phase 1 BikeShare instillations within a
specific grid of Berkeley. The objective of the meeting was to gather information from
the residents of Berkeley as to where they think do and don t want these installations
installed, in addition to obtaining detailed comments. BikeShare itself doesn t have
any actual jurisdiction, but they were gathering information in which two city council
members that attended the meeting reside over, which whom spoke during the
meeting and promoted the proposed installations.
The main topic of this meeting was where to put the Phase 1 (of 3) BikeShare
installations. Since the 1960s many counties have made some form of public
participation mandatory for major transportation projects and policies (Schiller
p.201), which means this meeting may have been more about fulfilling a legal
requirement than seeking the publics opinion. Issues discussed in the meeting were
whether on or off street stations were more ideal, if certain locations were in optimal
locations for the stations solar panels,
Holden Caulfield Alienation
From the beginning of the novel, Holden seems to be, to some extent, isolated
from the society around him and victimized by it at the same time. Holden says to
Mr. Spencer that he feels himself on the other side of life, and he relentlessly
attempts to find his own way in a world in which he does not belong. In this way,
the theme of alienation is quite prevailing in Salinger s The Catcher in the Rye. So,
this essay will focus on the world where alienated Holden lives and how he would
live in terms of current society.
To begin with, it is important to define alienation since the main part of the essay will
be centered on this aspect. Alienation means being isolated but in a quite different
way. A particular person is alienated when his or her inner self is estranged from the
surrounding society, world and environment. Holden Caulfield from the novel The
Catcher in the Rye in ... Show more content on ...
His ethical maximalism makes him totally unsuited to the real world. But, as the
novel progresses, Holden s alienation seems to be the way he actually protects
himself. He acts like his isolation is a proof that he is better than other people
around. However, in point of fact, interactions with people mostly confuse him,
and his cynicism serves as a kind of self protection. Also, his alienation is a direct
response to what he sees in society, namely, that people, mostly, ignore emotional
realities of others. Sometimes I act a lot older than I am I really do but people
never notice it. People never notice anything (Salinger, p. 9). On the other hand, his
isolation is a root of most of his problems. Generally, he only needs a person to love
and to talk with. However, he does not want to ruin his protecting wall even when he
is on the date with Sally Hayes, he insults her and kick her away. Throughout the
novel, Holden depends on his isolation, but it gradually destroys
The Rule Of Saint Benedict s The Bhagavad-Gita
Most people who are religious in any way, have something to build off of. For
example, The Rule of Saint Benedict contains the values that are followed by the
Benedictine monks. Saint Benedict explains that the Lord is the biggest influence in
a Benedictine monk s life and is the quintessential figure for them. Saint Benedict
modeled a lifestyle in this book which falls under the categories of conversatio, as
does The Bhagavad Gita. The Bhagavad Gita focuses on the process of Lord Krishna
revealing himself to Arjuna, who is making a big decision. The Bhagavad Gita and
The Rule of Saint Benedict depict the individual, the community, and the divine in
similar and different ways. Throughout The Rule of Saint Benedict, it is thoroughly
explained... Show more content on ...
There are two persons represented through this story as the supreme God. The
Supreme God is Lord Krishna, who reveals himself as Vishnu. Unlike Jesus,
Krishna only reveals himself to one person, Arjuna. Arjuna was having a hard time
deciding whether or not to fight his cousins. If Arjuna was to fight he would be
going against his family but, on Lord Krishna s side. Arjuna devoted himself
completely to Lord Krishna and fought his cousins, knowing this was what he had to
do. Lord Krishna realizes the devotion Arjuna undertook and revealed himself. Lord
Krishna explains to grace you, Arjuna, I revealed through self discipline my higher
form, which no one but you has ever beheld (BG 11:46). Krishna explained to Arjuna
that he had the opportunity to see him and that has never happened
The Great Gatsby Report
One of America s utmost renowned books happens to be The Great Gatsby, generally
read by high school and college students, then again commonly misunderstood. This
book subsisted during the Prohibition era which influenced Fitzgerald significantly in
his writing. What numerous people fail to realize is the meaning that the book entails
in addition to its resemblance to the author. The Great Gatsbyexists as an extremely
real and historical book that grasps the reader s attention and transports them to an
incredibly real place amongst Fitzgerald s personal life, which society survives
unknowledgeable of and deserves to reread and gain an enhanced understanding. F.
Scotts Fitzgerald s birth took place on September 24, 1896 in St. Paul, Minnesota...
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Identical to that of Jay Gatsby, he attended Oxford, a recognized academic school. In
addition, Gatsby only stayed five months. That s why [he] can t really call [himself]
an Oxford man (Fitzgerald 129) which closely parallels Scott s experience with
Princeton, considering he never graduated. During Fitzgerald s time at Princeton he
formed a romantic interest with a woman named Ginevra King. This woman can be
described as being a beautiful, young debutant which Scott escorted to sundry
amounts of parties and football games. One evening Scott was in Ginevra s
hometown and overheard someone state that poor boys shouldn t think of marrying
rich girls (Baughman and Bruccoli 17). She seemed to share the same opinion
because by late 1916 Ginevra chose to pursue the attentions of wealthier young men.
He attended Princeton in 1913, nonetheless by November 1917 he enlisted in the
army and left the scholarly institution. From these details of Fitzgerald s life, it is
safe for one to assume that he is portraying himself as Gatsby trying to steal away
Daisy s heart, or in Fitzgerald s circumstance,
Comparing Androidism And Hypothyroidism
Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism are in simple terms the exact opposite of each
other. Hyperthyroidism is the over activity of the thyroid gland, and Hypothyroidism
is the unusually low activity of the thyroid gland. Each of these conditions resulting
and affecting the thyroid gland in a different way. I found a few differences with my
research but I m here going to present the few that stood out to me the most.
One of the biggest defining factors was the hormone output differences.
Hypothyroidism does not produce enough hormones. Whereas Hyperthyroidism
produces too much hormones. This is very important because hormones secreted by
the thyroid gland help maintain the brain, heart, muscles, and other organs, and help
the body to use energy
Refugees And Human Rights Law
Refugee law is closely related to international human rights law, and some would
consider it to be a branch of human rights law.
Refugee law has been an important issue for countries everywhere. Refugees can
be seen as a burden to most countries prior to World War II when every state had
their borders open to home thousands. The first part of this paper will look at the
prime legislation available to refugees. The second part will focus more closely on
the relevant case law over time in regards to refugees and human rights.
Refugees are protected by two primary legislation at the international level, the first
being the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and the 1967
Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees. These two combined provided the
most protection for refuges but was only followed by countries who had signed
both at the time. This is of key importance as this effected how refugees were being
treated when they entered into nation states when fleeing for their safety. Refugees
by definition are victims of human rights violations . Under the 1951 Refugee
Convention a refugee is defined as to any person and owing to a well founded fear
of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a
particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality
and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of
that country .
This definition has been critiqued for not
Foucault Vs Berger
Modern day power originates from the mind in that we give certain figures power
based upon man made forms of value or worth like money. The definition of power
has fluctuated throughout time, and while the past may have emphasized the more
violent aspects, today, we have shifted towards a more control based interpretation.
Both Michael Foucault and John Berger delve into the idea of power and its
functionality. Based on their texts, in our current socio cultural setting, power is best
exploited when the concept behind the power is deindividualized for many purposes,
internalized by the people, and integrated throughout society to the point that its
origins is mystified.
Michael Foucault explores the extent to which power has pervaded our lives ... Show
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If the image is no longer unique and exclusive, the art object, the thing, must be
made mysteriously so, (Berger 44). Therefore, the final step in the exploitation of
power is mystification of its origins. Over time a concept will build its image and
solidify its strength through results, showing the public its value until it becomes
integrated and thus, hidden within society. There are several examples of power
that has become formally accepted or internalized by the public and it is difficult
to see how they exploit power because their origins are mystified. For the concept
of originality in art, we can see how its status may have risen because of the
definition we give to originality rules that have commercial purposes or vice versa.
Some examples include companies that have copyright issues to protect names and
identities that belong to them, or schools that incorporate rules about plagiarism.
The idea of originality has already become internalized within our society that
assigning a market meaning with it, just seems natural. If our judicial system has
already incorporated ideas of originality , then not many people will see any
problems with it. However, it is important to look at the origins and realize how a
power came to be to prevent it from being exploited. Another covert concept
integrated within society
stress and law enforcement Essay
Management and Dealing with Stress in Officers
It is important that law enforcement officers are able to handle stress and build his or
her zone of stability. Officers have a ready made support system in each other. They
better understand the special problems and feelings that come with the job that
friends and family members don t. That doesn t necessarily mean that this relationship
with their fellow officers will cure all. Sometimes, because of the macho image that
police officers uphold, they will give back negative feedback in a situation where an
officer needs comfort. For example, an officer shoots someone in the line of duty and
is having an emotional struggle with it, and a fellow officer (who ... Show more
content on ...
Even if the officer has a good mental preparation and a solid zone of stability, other
factors such as the degree of the threat to the officer s life (including wounds), amount
of warning before the shooting, how long the danger persists, the security of the
officer in his/her judgment to shoot, who the deceased person is, the administrative
support he/she receives, and how the media treats the situation, all effect how mild,
moderate, or severe the reaction will be. The long term effects vary from person to
person. Some may suffer from flashbacks, sleep disturbances, nightmares, depression,
fearfulness, emotional withdrawal from family and fellow officers, appetite changes
and hostility towards the law enforcement system (Solomon 1990).
In order to ensure that the officer s emotional reaction to a shooting incident remains
at a minimum, the department should have a system setup for this. The officers must
be reminded of what reactions they can expect when they are hired regarding their
involvement in a shooting. There should never be any suggestion or accusation of
wrongdoing during the debriefing interview. The officer should be debriefed on how
the investigation procedure will operate so that the department can get all the facts
regarding the incident. Court preceding and dispositions should be
Grace Throughout the Bible Essay
I will look at the lives of Moses, Haggai and Ester who with God s grace overcame
huge obstacles in their families, situations, and beliefs to further God s Kingdom in
amazing ways. In Philip Yancey s Book What s so Amazing About Grace? Yancey
says that grace, Contains the essence of the gospel as a drop of water can contain
the image of the sun. (Yancey, 12) This and Gods promise that his grace will never
leave us makes grace an incredible theme throughout the Bible. Grace is an incredible
thing that is defined in a variety of ways. In the book Learning About Grace from
the Woman of the Bible by Debbie Morris; Morris defines grace as the Influence or
Spirit of God operating in humans to regenerate or strengthen them. (Morris, 6) This
... Show more content on ...
In The Butterfly Effect of Grace by Rex G. Russell the idea that grace is one of the
most important words in the Bible is widely discussed. Russell says that grace is the
single most important word to describe God s love for us. When God speaks to
Moses and fills him with his grace God is showing us how much he loves us. Russell
challenges his reader to live a life overflowing with grace. Much like how Moses
lived his life. In such a way that the people around him couldn t help but take notice
that Moses was chosen by God and with his grace was able to do work for his
Ester overcomes her place as a woman and saves the Hebrews. In the book Flawed
Families of the Bible by David Diana Garland we see the connections between
family struggles and the grace that surfaces within. Yet it is in these broken places
that we catch glimpses of God s grace and healing, of God silently reaching in to
touch the wound, and broken people stepping up to do what is right. (Garland, 14)
God s grace works in people and situations that have imperfections. Esther came
from a small village, was orphaned as a child, was raised by her cousin Mordecai and
was Jewish. She had a broken family and the deck was stacked against her but she
had favor with God and was given not only his grace but also the grace of the king.
And the king loved Esther above all the women, and she obtained

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Fossil Essay.pdf

  • 1. Fossil Essay Writing an essay on the topic of fossils presents a unique set of challenges that require careful consideration and thorough research. The complexity of the subject lies not only in its scientific intricacies but also in the need to convey the information in a coherent and engaging manner. Firstly, delving into the scientific aspects of fossils demands a comprehensive understanding of paleontology, geology, and evolutionary biology. This requires extensive research to grasp the intricacies of fossilization processes, the different types of fossils, and the invaluable insights they provide into Earth's history. Moreover, crafting an essay on fossils involves the challenge of striking a balance between technical details and accessibility. While it's crucial to present accurate scientific information, it's equally important to communicate these concepts in a way that is understandable to a broad audience. This necessitates the skill of simplifying complex ideas without sacrificing accuracy or depth. Another difficulty lies in finding a unique angle or perspective to make the essay stand out. Given the vast body of literature on fossils, creating an essay that offers fresh insights or explores a less-explored aspect of the topic can be challenging but immensely rewarding. Furthermore, maintaining a coherent structure is essential. The essay should have a clear introduction, a well-organized body that logically presents the information, and a concise yet impactful conclusion. Transitioning between different aspects of fossils, such as their formation, significance, and ongoing research, requires finesse to ensure a seamless flow. In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of fossils involves navigating through the intricate realms of science, maintaining a delicate balance between technicality and accessibility, and presenting information in a unique and engaging manner. It is a task that requires diligence, a depth of knowledge, and a creative touch to make the subject captivating for readers. For those who find the task overwhelming or time-consuming, assistance is available. Similar essays and a wide range of topics can be ordered on, where experienced writers can provide the necessary support in crafting well-researched and compelling essays tailored to individual needs. Fossil Essay Fossil Essay
  • 2. King Arthur The King Of Camelot King Arthur, the legendary king of Camelot, was the son of King Uther Pendragon of Britain and Queen Igriane. When he was born, King Uther feared for his life, since Arthur was the only heir to the throne. He gave the responsibility of keeping Arthur safe to his trusted advisor and friend Merlin. Merlin thought for a great deal on where to hide baby Arthur. He realized that the only way Arthur would be safe was if he was with a family and chose Sir Ector s family as a safe place for Arthur. Sir Ector then moved away with his family and Arthur so no one could find him. Shortly after, King Uther passed away in his sleep. In order to protect the kingdom from chaos, Merlin took King Uther s sword and magically put it in a stone. He engraved the words: WHO SO PULLETH THIS SWORD OUT OF THIS stone IS THE KING OF ALL ENGLANDand held a competition. When no one could pull the sword out, Merlin appointed guards to watch the sword hoping that one day Arthur would come back and claim it. Meanwhile Arthur was growing up in Sir Ector s house hold. He was ignored by Sir Ector and treated like a servant by his adopted brother, Kay. Kay was practicing to be a knight for as long as Arthur could remember and he was Kay s sparring partner ever since he could take a punch. When Arthur was eighteen, Kay was selected to go on his first tournament. Everyone was overjoyed and in the excitement no one thought about taking Kay s sword until they reached the
  • 3. Ankle Sprains In Orthopedic Sports Medicine If you play different sports or enjoy being active, you may suffer with one or more injuries, but professionals in orthopedic sports medicine can offer you preventative solutions. Unfortunately, accidents do happen, so you may become part of the 25,000 Americans who suffer with an ankle sprain each day. Using this guide, you will learn how to care for your sprained ankle to prevent further damage that can become more serious. Understanding the Sprain Proper understanding of how your ankle sprained is smart to prevent the injury from occurring again in the future. If you roll or twist your ankle in an awkward way, your ankle s ligaments may stretch and tear, resulting in a sprain. Treating the Sprain Doctors will need to examine your ankle... Show more content on ... Apply a cold compress or ice pack on the injured ankle and leave in place for 15 to 20 minutes a few times each day. Complete each day until your sprain heals. Your doctor will most likely wrapped your sprained ankle in a compressin bandage. Compression is the third part of the R.I.C.E therapy and an important step to follow, since it is effective for reducing swelling around your ankle. You will need to change the bandage every other day, making sure your ankle is free of dirt and possible bacteria. When rewrapping your ankle, make sure the bandage is not too tight or not too loose. Lastly, elevate your ankle at or above the level of your height. Place a few pillows under the ankle and prop your leg up. Or, rest in a recliner, with your ankle elevated comfortably. Elevating the sprained ankle will induce healing by reducing the swelling and inflammation of your ligaments. A sprained ankle is a serious injury that requires a great deal of care. Using your orthopedic sports medicine professional and R.I.C.E therapy, you can heal your sprained ankle quickly. Texas Ortho Partners | Orthopedic Sports Medicine Frisco TX | (469)
  • 4. College Students Pursuit Of Grades So Shortsighted By... Proficiency Essay Grades have always played a major role in whether the student is successful or not. Deciding whether one s moves on in life or has to fix/finish. If one does not make the right grades they can put their future at stake. But are grades necessary to have in education? Personally, I prefer letter grades because I am capable of viewing the what I have which allows me to know whether I should work harder in the class or keep doing what I am doing. Having grades gives a kinda comfort for me because I have something solid; it is a system so it does not change. After reviewing a few essays on grading systems, the majority of them tend to be against having the letter system. One of the documents I read, How Three Schools Buck the ... Show more content on ... Labunski, a professor, believes that student only chooses to learn the information given to them that will be presented on the exam and ignore learning the rest. I personally do this because I see it as a waste of time but I completely understand why he thinks this. He states that grades are supposed to reflect what they learn and are not the goal of a college education (Labunski). By just focusing on the information one needs to receive a good grade they miss out on the information they might need in their actual job place. However, if the professors gave a reasonable amount of work it would be more likely to occur but they do give a lot of work which leaves the students with limited time. The only part I disagree with in this document is when Labunski begins to speak about how grades are not important at all. Sure an employer is not going to go looking through all of ones grades, they are just going to see that they got a specific degree or the see the outside activities that one participated in. But what about people earning money because of the grades they make; at this point, they are very important and can be life altering. If one does not make the grades they would lose the money and that would mean more for them to pay
  • 5. Constable Blowes-Aybar Case Study A) The incident was not that serious, on May 28, 1997 Constable Blowes Aybar and his partner Constable Wallace stopped a citizen Mr. O, as he rode his bicycle down the street for Highway Traffic act infractions, as a result constable Blowes Aybar unnecessary or unlawfully arrested Mr. O for the offence of Public intoxication contrary to section 31 (4) (a). No, their were no charter of rights impacted by this case, but they did look back on older cases to come to a decision for the proper punishment of Constable Blowes Aybar. B) Their was a police service Act hearing, The charge was heard on September 25, 2001 before hearing officer superintendent Margo Boyd of the Toronto Police Service. It was learned during the hearing that Boyd accepted the position at the Ontario Civilian Commission on Police Services (OCCPS). The issue was raised before the superintendent on December 3, 2001. Mr. Black raised the issue of apprehension Bias and suggested her to excuse herself from the hearing, She declined. Superintendent Boyd found Constable Blowes Aybar guilty of the charge of misconduct on September 25, 2001. she acquitted him of the offence of discreditable conduct, and also acquitted ... Show more content on ... She has no role in the hearing of this appeal. They appealed on the finding of misconduct which they dismissed because Boyd did a good job going through the information and facts of the case. They appealed on penalty, The hearing officer made fundamental errors in both principals and law. She considered disciplinary matters for 1999 and 2000 which clearly postdated 1997 offence, when making the decision of the 12 day suspension she clearly had antecedents in her mind. Clearly they where not antecedents and should not have been considered. After getting a new hearing they decided that
  • 6. Living Life At The Borough Of Fulham And Hammersmith Title: Living Life To The Fullest With Our Exclusive Outcall Fulham Escorts Meta: Located in the Borough of Fulham and Hammersmith, this area is home to the national Fulham Football Club and Chelsea Football Club that have engaging games in an area on the cusp of the beautiful River Thames. Chelsea Football Club London is the birthplace of English football as we know it, and that has given way to one of the most significant stadiums of our favourite pastime. The Stamford Bridge Stadium is home to the Chelsea Football Club. It was only capable of holding a few hundred people and now several thousands come to these watch games played monthly on a lawn field. There are a few on site hotels such as Millennium and Copthorne, a health club, and spa, providing the full scope of football entertainment. Additionally, there is a museum covering the entire grand history of national football with interactive exhibits and extensive information. Have your beautiful South London Escort come to meet you for a tour of the 25 function rooms, Television and Dressing Rooms, and other important areas of the stadium. Fulham Football Club Located in the west suburbs of London, Fulham has prime real estate and historic landmarks such as the Craven Cottage. Built in 1780, this is home to the oldest football club in London, Fulham Football Club, that started in 1896. After construction it was a simple wooden structure fitting only a few hundred people and now tens of thousands can enjoy
  • 7. COPD And Depression Relationship The relationship between Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and depression illustrates the interconnection of physical and mental health outcomes (Quint, Baghai Ravary, Donaldson, Wedzicha, 2008). In fact, research indicates that symptoms of depression often follow a diagnosis of COPD. (Alexopoulos, et al., 2013; Guerra, et al., 2015; Norwood, 2007; Quint et al., 2008; Tselebis et al., 2016). Briefly, COPD is a progressive, irreversible lung disease that restricts airflow resulting in dyspnea (Quint et al., 2008; Tselebis et al., 2016). Frequently, depressive symptoms such as lack of appetite/sleep, hopelessness, withdrawal, decline self disease management as well as declines in activities of daily living (ADL) complicate COPD.... Show more content on ... The mental health intervention and prevention focus impacts the quality of life. The lack of assessment and underreporting of depression results in lower quality of life and increases disease mortality (Stoop, et al., 2015). Stoop, et al., report (2015) purposed the solution to the lack of mental health care is to incorporate stepped care intervention . The report asserts that depression is not recognized by the majority of health care providers as well as not reported by those that do recognize it. Furthermore, the report asserts that stepped care intervention is effective therapeutically and financially. The method calls for screening, intervention of education and therapy, followed by continued monitoring (Stoop et al., 2015). Limitation in the method are lack of participation attributed to stigma of mental illness but the effect size of decreased depression shows promise (Stoop et al.,
  • 8. A Clinical Syndrome Introduction Sepsis is a clinical syndrome that arises from inflammatory response to infection. The response from the host is associated with immune, hormonal, metabolic, bioenergetic and autonomic nervous system modification. This is associated with an overall catabolic state, excessive adrenergic stimulation, high catecholamine levels and myocardial depression. This effects are mainly mediated via cathecholaminergic action and cytokine production (1). ОІ blockers modulate both these pathways. There are several studies that have shown the benefits of ОІ blockers in sepsis. Animal studies have shown benefits of ОІ blockers (2,3,4,5). To date there is no published systematic review on the effect of ОІ blockers in sepsis. We sought to summarize ... Show more content on ... No language or publication date restriction was imposed. Medline was searched from 1946 and Embase from 1947. Bibliographies of all selected articles were searched. We also searched the grey literature via the medical university database. Additional search was done on clinical trial database (7). Study selection and Data Extraction Two investigators (CJC SG) and the medical librarian (SP) independently reviewed the identified abstracts. All potential relevant studies were obtained and critically appraised. We used the following inclusion criteria 1) diagnosed sepsis or septic shock 2) on ОІ blockers or treated with ОІ blockers during their ICU admission 3) adult population (age 18 or older). Exclusion criteria were 1) paediatric patient s 2) animal studies 3) non septic patients. The eligible studies were heterogeneous and therefore did not permit statistical pooling. Data Extraction We (CJC SG) independently reviewed the finalised articles to extract information on the following characteristic. Year of publication, sample size, study population, heart rate control, mortality rate, adverse incidence change in metabolic parameters with administration of ОІ blockers. Individual authors were contacted to clarify overlapping of patients between studies. Authors were also contacted for data on subgroup analysis. Study selection Our electronic database search identified 1242 studies for initial abstract review. Abstract were reviewed by
  • 9. Pinnacle Week 6 Video Analysis Report Video Analysis Report Week 6| BUSN460: Senior Project|| After reviewing weeks 5 and 6 video episodes, we the business consultants have found that CanGo still has some issues that must be corrected in order to operate and function effectively. We have carefully evaluated CanGo s issues and will be introducing them as well as providing recommendations to make corrections to help improve the company s problem areas. The first issue was the employee evaluations; very vague. Another that we have noticed is that CanGo is expanding too quickly, another issue that follows CanGo expanding too quickly is that they lack the financial capital to grow so quick. Since they are growing, they are relocating their staff into different positions ... Show more content on ... That is what is important, planning ahead and looking at the pros and cons is an effective part of running a business. An employer should have a plan to relocate employees, they should consider the skill level of the employee, along with the skills required to do the job, and also consider whether they have the capital that is necessary to make the move and cover their current position. 4. CanGo is leaving projects half ways. They spent enough money kicking off a project and working on it, and they are cancelling them because they see more opportunities. It is better when a company completes one project to go on to the next. If they cancel a project half ways it is throwing away money and time. They spent so much money and time working on it, so they should complete the project and earn the money on it, maybe even make extra revenue that they can utilize to start a new one. It is always beneficial to complete what you have spent so much on. 5. CanGo managers are trying to add a heavier workload to the employees. This will only decrease production because it will cause employees to be so stressed with so much work. It will start causing relationship breakdown employees will be stressed and eventually taking it out on each other; health problems high blood
  • 10. Comparing Edna of Kate Chopin s The Awakening and Nora of... Comparing Edna of Kate Chopin s The Awakening and Nora of Henrik Ibsen s A Doll s House Kate Chopin s work, The Awakening, and Henrik Ibsen s play, A Doll s House, were written at a time when men dominated women in every aspect of life. Edna Pontellier, the protagonist in The Awakening , and Nora, the protagonist in A Dolls House, are trapped in a world dominated by men. The assumed superiority of their husbands traps them in their households. Edna and Nora share many similarities, yet differ from each other in many ways. Two main similarities of Edna and Nora are that they both have an awakening and are like caged birds without freedom; one main difference is that Edna lives in reality and Nora lives in a fantasy ... Show more content on ... When the saying is translated into English it means, Get out! Get out! Damn in!; the caged bird sends the message that Edna needs to get out of her marriage to make everything right in her life. Like Edna, Nora is reflected as a trapped bird. Nora, in A Doll s House, is constantly referred to as a bird by her husband, Helmer. As in the quote, And I couldn t wish you anything but just what you are, my sweet little lark (Ibsen 972). Helmer show his ownership of Nora and how she is his little bird. Unlike the image of a caged parrot, Nora is a bird trapped by the dominance of her husband. A second similarity is that Edna and Nora each had an awakening about her own marriage. Edna s awakening took place early in the novel, while Nora s awakening occurred at the end of the play. The realization that she was not happy taking care of her husband, house or children began Edna s awakening. Represented by the quote, An indescribable oppression, which seemed to generate in some unfamiliar part of her consciousness, filled her whole being with a vague anguish (Chopin 14). Edna feels the entrapment of her marriage that has been present subconsciously, and it fills her mind and soul with pain and hurt. At the end of A Doll s House, Nora announces to her husband the need to leave the marriage due to the oppression caused by his power over her. Nora feels as though their marriage has never been a true marriage, and that Helmer and herself never truly knew
  • 11. Persuasive Essay On Women In The Military Did you know that women could be drafted to combat? I believe that women should all get the chance to fight if they want to. There are tons of women that are in combat. They all join for different reasons, some join just to see what it s like, and some join because they want to represent their country. During the Civil War more than 400 women went into the army disguising themselves as men, just do that they could fight in the war. If women can dress up as men and go to war and fight for our country then i feel like we should give them the right to do it. In 2011 there was about 203,000 women in the United StatesMilitary. Some people think that women aren t capable of doing it, or that she won t be able to do it. Women going into the combatknow that it is not an easy thing and are up to the challenge. But to me I think that if she thinks she can do it and is up for the challenge that we should believe that she can doing it to. In 1948 President Truman helped make a separate military service for women. If a women can show that she is capable in a boot camp then why shouldn t she be able to fight for our country. For women to be in the Military it might be tougher meaning guys naturally have more muscle, but if a women had their mindset on doing it, no one should tell her that is isn t allowed to because she isn t a guy. Today women have so much more freedom than what they used to have. Many people think that women won t be aggressive during the war and that s why they should not be able to be a part of something as great as it. I think that women will be aggressive when it comes to the real fight because they know that if they don t they could most likely be killed. Going into the military women know that they have a chance of not coming out. Solveig Krey was the first woman commander of a Norwegian submarine in 1995. For years women have been filling in combat roles. After being in the war and killing another human being those images stay in your head, or well for Leigh Ann Hester, she still thinks about it every single day. March of 2005 Hester s Kentucky National Guard Military Police squad of eight men and two women, 11 people total, escorted the convoy on the southeast of Baghdad when more than 50
  • 12. Natural Disasters, A Study Of Events Natural Disasters, A Study of Events1 Natural Disasters, A Study of Events Micheal Boor GO125DL Natural Disasters Park University Ms. Jill Lockard 02 May 2017 Natural Disasters, A Study of Events2 Abstract The intent of this paper is to describe three natural disasters; for this paper we will describe a hurricane, an earthquake and a mudslide. We will briefly discuss how, or if, our ancestors were able to predict and therefore mitigate loss of life or damage to infrastructure for these types of disasters 100 years ago. Then we will look at how our modern society is able to accomplish this in current times. Finally, we will cover how we could better predict future events and plan accordingly. We will explore the ... Show more content on ... When a storm first begins to form over the ocean, meteorologists are now able to provide early warning on weather systems that could develop into tropical depressions with the potential to become a tropical storm or stronger. These meteorologists are better able to predict storm track and severity in order to allow county or state officials to make informed decisions. Following along the same idea, as it pertains to meteorologists and their ability to monitor weather activity, comes their increased ability to track non tropical Natural Disasters, A Study of Events4 system related weather events in order to provide advanced warning for in the event of flooding or mudslide events caused by flooding. Tsunami warning has also improved in large part to previous incidents where there has been a significant amount of destruction and loss of life. In August 1992 a tropical wave formed off the coast of Africa, traveling west across the Atlantic before forming into a tropical storm that quickly grew into a strong category 5 hurricane, named Hurricane Andrew. Hurricane Andrew made landfall in Miami Dade County in the city of Homestead, Florida causing catastrophic damage in the area from the strength of the wind from the storm. The accurate wind speed from this storm is unknown due to the majority of measurement tools being destroyed in the storm, but sustained wind speeds of 140 were recorded by some of the systems that remained (University of
  • 13. Cement Mold Essay Protecting Your Investment: How To Deal With Mold On Fiber Cement Siding Your home s exterior can be a serious drain on your time and finances, but you re going to do whatever it takes to keep it beautiful. When it comes to protecting your investment of fiber cement siding, mold can be a constant consideration. Here s how to keep the problem under control and stop it from taking too much of your time and money. What Causes Mold On Your Home s Siding? The optimum conditions for mold to grow on your siding depend on three variables: Water, humidity and light exposure. If, for example, an area of your home is shaded, it s not likely to dry as fast as the areas in direct sunlight, making it more conducive to mold growth. Any section that ... Show more content on ... Divide the exterior into sections and clean them in an order that allows you to keep track. Focus extra effort on the areas of mold with your cleaner, applying force with a brush. Start your overall cleaning at the top of the home, so your cleaner can work on lower areas as it trickles down. Rinse all solution away before it has a chance to dry, possibly damaging your siding in the process. Be careful not to point the hose upward on siding, where water could possibly seep in. Because siding is a major investment for any homeowner, you might also consider hiring a professional to clean it, particularly if you re concerned about tough stains, using a chemical that could cause damage or if taking this task on yourself leaves you vulnerable to injury. Can You Prevent Mold On Siding? Especially with the passage of time and according to your local climate, you can expect to see some discoloration and growth on your siding; however, there are steps you can take to minimize these issues: If possible, avoid keeping your siding in the shade. You can do this by trimming trees and hedges that are blocking sunlight. Most especially if you have hard water (which leads to hard water stains), keep sprinklers directed away from your siding. Regularly clean your siding from simple build ups, such as mud splatter from rains. Keep your gutters in good working order, so that excess water isn t running down directly on your siding. Try to
  • 14. Figure Skating Competition Research Slide 1 During a figure skating competition, many required elements must be included in the program for each skater. Depending on what level of competition the skater is in, the techniques and difficulty increases. A triple axel is one of the most difficult figure skating jumps. The skater needs to jump from the outside edge of his or her blade, while moving in a forward rotation, rotating three and a half revolutions in the air, and then landing on the opposite foot which they took off from. A triple axel is a lot more complicated than performing a single or double axel because it requires an enormous amount of strength to get high up enough to have time to spin, as well as the ability to rotate quickly. A skater must balance the average ... Show more content on ... From reducing the angular velocity, the skater won t continue to rotate once they have fallen back onto the ice. Instead, the skater will continue to glide across the ice. This happens when the skater moves the position of their arms from being tucked into spreading them out to be able to keep their movement of inertia, as well as, to balance themselves. Slide 6 In summary, when landing a triple axel in figure skating, the skater should push off with their foot, creating a downward force, when driving down and off the ice, torque is being set up to give him or her an angular impulse to be able to spin in the air. They bring their arms and legs in closely when in the air, then spread them out, so they don t continue to turn and lose balance when they come back down to the ice. Finally, it is crucial for figure skaters to create an enormous amount of height to be able even to attempt the triple
  • 15. Plot Of Antigone Plot Plot Summary: The story takes place in Victorian Era London. Creon is a rich earl who is feared by many. His nephews, Eteocles and Polyneices, engaged in a duel over who would be viable to inherit his fortune (which belonged to their father before Creon). Both were killed. Because Polyneices started the conflict, Creondecided that he was disgraced and ordered that he be given no funeral or proper burial. But one of Polyneices s sisters, Antigone, decided that Creon s ruling was unfair and went behind his back to try and organise a funeral for him. Act Summary: The undertaker at the local funeral parlor met Antigone when she arrived, trying to organize a funeral for her disgraced brother. Knowing that Creon had notified every funeral parlor in the area that Polyneices was to be denied a funeral, he brought Antigone to Creon s estate, where the two get into an argument. [CREON stands with his arms crossed, clearly upset with ANTIGONE, who stares ahead forlornly. Her lavish dress is dirty, as if she had struggled to avoid capture. The UNDERTAKER still holds her arm tightly.] CREON Have you really disobeyed me? ANTIGONE [eyes downcast, avoiding her uncle] Well, I see no point in denying it. CREON [sighs] Thank you for catching her, undertaker. You may leave now. [The UNDERTAKER nods and exits the house.] Antigone, were you fully aware that I had forbade a funeral for your embarrassment of a brother? ANTIGONE Yes. CREON So you chose to disobey your own uncle?
  • 16. Tommy John Surgery Research Paper Turn on SportsCenter or Fox Sports during baseball season and you ll hear three words that used to spark fear in the hearts of players, Tommy John surgery. Ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction (UCLR) commonly known as Tommy John surgery, is performed on both recreational and high level athletes, (Erickson, Nwachukwu, Rosas, Schairer, McCormick, Bach Jr, Romeo, 2015). This procedure is commonly done on pitchers, because of the excessive use of their throwing arm, affecting the elbow. The process consists of replacing a ligament in the elbow with a tendon from another area of the body or from cadavers. When someone has Tommy John surgerythey are no longer able to participate in baseballfor one year. However, with the advances in this medical procedure, it has extended the careers of numerous pitchers, and in some cases improved their pitching. Due to the possibility of enhanced results, a troubling trend has developed in youth baseball. Parents and coaches are encouraging their players to go under the knife in their early teens just so they will not have to worry about elbow issues in the future. High school players who are perfectly healthy are having this procedure done at an alarming rate.
  • 17. Dove s Beauty Campaign Essay Hollis Hitchens Mr. Saye English 102 10 March 2011 The Dictionary defines the word Beauty as A beautiful person, especially a woman. Nowhere in that definition does it suggest the woman is a size 0 with big breasts, flawless skin and high cheekbones. This is the message Dove is trying to send by creating Dove s Campaign for Real Beauty , to make women of all shapes, sizes, and color feel beautiful everyday. However, shortly after Dove released their first campaign, media columnists such as Richard Roeper and Lucio Guerrero were quick to reflect their professional opinions. After reviewing Jennifer L. Pozner s article on Dove s Real Beauty Backlash and the naГЇve comments these active media members have made, I found through... Show more content on ... If that makes me sound superficial, shallow and sexist...well yes, I m a man. (Pozner, 215). Pozner also focuses on Lucio Guerrero s comments such as These disturbing and frightening women should put some clothes on (please, really) because ads should be about the beautiful people. They should include the unrealistic, the ideal or the unattainable look for which so many people strive. Besides, the only time I want to see a thigh that big is in a bucket with crumbs on it. (Pozner, 216). Not only was Dove s new campaign ridiculed for the voluptuous women they had focused their attention on, they were also being targeted for health concerns. Pozner addresses Bill Zwecker, the balding, paunchy, middle aged anchor of CBS s local newscast in Chicago, weighed in on his CBS blog, At the risk of sounding politically incorrect, In this day and age, when we are facing a huge obesity problem in this country, we don t need to encourage anyone women OR men to think it s okay to be out of shape. (Pozner, 216). Pozner believes this statement would be more believable if the women on the billboard were unhealthily obese. However, the women in the advertisement were actually smaller than the average sized American woman. In a case study by Olivia Falcione and Laura Henderson, Dove collected data from 3,200 women from 10 different countries. Only two percent of women around the
  • 18. Case Study About Pneumonia I. INTRODUCTION This is the case of patient MCS, a 62 year old female who came to Ospital ng Guiginto with a chief complaint of productive cough with associated difficulty of breathing amp; intermittent fever. She was admitted on July 16, 2012. She was diagnosed with Pneumonia with manifestations of Asthma. Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lung parenchyma commonly caused by microbial agents. Classically, pneumonia has been categorized as being bacterial or typical, atypical, anaerobic/cavitary, or opportunistic. Another classification scheme categorizes pneumonias as community acquired (CAP), hospital acquired (HAP or nosocomial), pneumonia in the immunocompromised host, and aspiration pneumonia. Those at risk for pneumonia often have... Show more content on ... Based on the studies done by the Department of Health, it is the leading cause of child mortality since 2006, accounting for 23.18%. * Reason for Choosing the Case Study We have chosen this case to present because we were interested in it. We have studied this in our lecture in Medical Surgical Nursing so we wanted to use this knowledge to the real life setting and get used to it. We are willing to do this case to challenge our mind in analyzing the problem and to enhance our hidden knowledge, and also to gain new experiences which would bring new learning for the members of the group. We want to be able to achieve our objectives for this case study. * Objectives of the Case Study A. Client Centered Objectives a. Knowledge * To understand more the disease process that the patient is undergoing. * To impart knowledge to the patient and significant others about the disease. * To help the patient in managing the disease using appropriate health teachings. b. Skills * To improve the patient s wellness by applying the interventions we acquire from this study. * To perform appropriate examinations to the patient. * To render appropriate nursing interventions that will yield good progress regarding the patient s condition. c. Attitude * To promote rapport with our patient for therapeutic intervention. * To serve our client with holistic care and
  • 19. The Chinese Culture Essay The Chinese Culture This report is about the myths and beliefs of the Chinese culture. It s about the stories the Chinese created to explain the world around them, and generally how they perceived their surrounding environment. This report deals with ancient myths and the people who believed them, and what the current believes of these people are. The Southwest Creation Story The Southwest creation story is a myth which explains why people are different. The myth begins by saying that there were people on earth who were all alike, meaning there weren t people who were black, white, oriental, etc.. It states that the humans on earth all generally were the same. There were also gods who lived above the clouds in the ... Show more content on ... The Duke pretended he was dead with his mouth hung open and he had his lips very dry. The girl was worried, she thought he was dying so she gave him one drop of water. The Duke instantly jumped back up and tore apart the cage. The children were terrified. He came over to them and promised them that they will be rewarded for their deed. He gave them a small egg and told them to plant it in the ground and then he left. When the man came back he was shocked by what had happened. He knew the Duke would be very angry and would punish him. So he didn t waste any time and started to build a ship. After a month s time the ship was finished. It was built out of the strongest material known to him. Meanwhile the egg the children planted had grown to a size of about two small people. Then one day what the man had anticipated came. Huge torrential downpours of rain started and there were tremendous floods. The man jumped into the ship he built, in his panic he had forgotten about the children. They had ran into the egg which had become soft. The floods were so great that the man in his ship reached all the way to the door of the heavens. He banged the doors and yelled let me in! The gods didn t want mortals in the heavens, so the Duke was ordered to recede the floods.
  • 20. Boundaries In The United States And The Galapagos Islands A constructive boundary is a boundary that seems to add to the surface of the earth, one example would be mountains. These plate boundaries include continental oceanic boundary, oceanic oceanic boundary, and continental continental boundary. For continental oceanic convergent the oceanic sinks under the lighter continental plate and then melts into magma, this magma rises through the crust to form volcanoes. An oceanic oceanic convergent boundarycreates volcanic island chain, by the subduction and melting of one plate then magma rises through the crust to form islands and volcanoes. A continental continental convergent boundary is where two continental plates collide and neither of them are dense enough to subdue so the wrinkle up to form mountains. One example of this is the Himalayan mountains which are formed from the Indian continental plate pushing into the Eurasian plate causing the to ruffle up into mountains. One great example of this the Galapagos Islands which is a chain of volcanic islands located off the coast of Ecuador. Theses islands are formed from two oceanic plates pushing against one another. The two plates that formed this island chain are the South American and Pacific plates, the Pacific plate subdue underneath the South American plate and melted, this magma rose to ... Show more content on ... Some examples of this kind of plate boundary are, oceanic oceanic or oceanic continental convergent boundaries which can both lead to the formation of trenches in the ocean. Continental Continental divergent plates happen when two continental plates pull apart from another causing rock in between them to drop deeper and deeper and if it drops low enough it may be filled with water. Oceanic oceanic divergent two plates are pushed apart by the continual expansion of magma at the mid ocean ridge causing it to expand and subdue underneath another plate and
  • 21. Analysis Of Downton Abbey, Blood +, And Psycho Pass Nankurunisa Looking Forward Into Tomorrow Society might change anytime, anywhere, but how does it change? Do we control society, or does society dictate use? Many people would say claim that both aspects are true, because we can change society by trying to improve ourselves, our communities, and our lifestyles. For example, Western society has been working towards a more accepting view of homosexuality and women over the past few decades and how Europe is also improving toward women rights. However, prejudices that exist in our society are difficult to dislodge, and often remain long after the general populace has rejected outdated, oppressive views. Three television shows I have recently seen, Downton Abbey, Blood+, and Psycho pass, have influenced my life by giving me a chance to reflect on my point of view regarding society while comparing the past and the future in terms of social norms. Downton Abbey, created by Julian Fellowes, has reopened my mind and got me to think deeper about how the Western worldhas changed in such a short time period. Ever since I started watching the television series two months ago, I have really been taken aback by the radical differences that only span 100 years or so. For example, up until the 1960 s or so, women were essentially not allowed to do anything except stay at home and take care of the children and attend to their husbands. A short time after the First World War, more women than ever began to criticize the institutions that
  • 22. Character Analysis Of The Desperate Housewife The hugely popular television series Desperate Housewives acts as the perfect analogy for the glossy suburban vernacular. Created by Marc Cherry and ABC studios in 2004 it has become one of the most popular television series of the 21st century. The drama series follows the lives of four women living on the fictional street of Wisteria Lane. The first season of the series begins with the shocking suicide of a housewife and the subsequent explorations for the reasonings behind her untimely death. Throughout the show the dark secrets of these four women s lives dramatically unfold, highlighting the fact that the image of this beautiful and serene suburb is anything but realistic. Taking into consideration the fact that Desperate Housewives... Show more content on ... It is important to note that Desperate Housewives is a relatively recent depiction of the notion of domestic bliss, which is evident in a huge number of television shows and films. An earlier example of this is Sam Mendes s American Beauty (1999) which opens with a similar American suburban paradise, revealed to be full of secrets and tragedy which ultimately result in death. Another notable example of this is David Lynch s Blue Velvet (1968) which delves even deeper, showing the dark and perverted underworld of a small American town. Ultimately what draws these visual representations of suburbia together is their portrayal of what lies beneath the polished veneer. Setting Desperate Housewives in the suburbs is central to the show s discourse, as suburbia connotes an identifiable ideal and linear conformity while facilitating an inverse darkness where all is not as it seems. Suburbia has come to represent a model of domesticity and community in which both social and physical boundaries are defined When attempting to understand some of the underlying ideas surrounding Desperate Housewives it is crucial to view the episodes as pieces of important dialogue surrounding the social milieu in which they were created, rather than as a means of simple entertainment. The fact that the show is set within the suburbs is crucial to it s discourse as it evokes strong connotations of a familiar ideal
  • 23. A Political Cartoon Analysis Having a Master s degree would be nice. After completing 4 years of college and then going back for a master s degree and graduating with that is an amazing accomplishment. There is so man benefits that come with this high degree, more money, better jobs, and more education in the particular work field as the masters. Let s get this straight, though, going back for a master s degree costs a lot of money. Just to get a bachelor s degree cost a lot of money so going back to college for more years will cost a lot more. That s the only downfall of getting a master s degree, the price. In the political cartoon about a master s degree, the author makes it clear of the downfall of getting that degree which is the price. He uses color, layout, and characters to make this point very clear. The first notice of this picture is the color of it. It is not in pretty colors whatsoever. It is two colors, blackand white. When people see black and gray, most people think about back in the day when times were tough and money was scarce. The black part of the picture brings out the gloom... Show more content on ... In the cartoon, the certain objects and how they are placed shows how the big picture of the cartoon is proven. When looking at the cartoon, there is a big hand coming from the top right corner, on the hand, it says lender. Attached to the hand is a chain which is connected to the hands of the graduate. This chain is handcuffed to the graduate s hand symbolizing that the graduate is stuck and will not be going anywhere. Also in the photo, the graduate is holding a diploma, but instead of it saying congratulations, it says DEBT written across it. This depicts that the graduate, since going for a master s degree, is now in debt. These objects in the image make it very clear that getting a master s degree will cost a lot of money. The last rhetorical element that proves the author s point is the characters in the
  • 24. Auditory Processing Disorder Auditory processing is a term used to describe what happens when your brain recognizes and interprets the sounds around you. Humans hear when energy that we recognize as sound travels through the ear and is changed into electrical information that can be interpreted by the brain. The disorder part of auditory processing disorder means that something is adversely affecting the processing or interpretation of the information. Auditory Processing Disorder is an impaired ability to attend to, discriminate, remember, recognize, or comprehend information presented auditory in individuals who typically exhibit normal intelligence and normal hearing (Keith, 1995). This processing disorder can interfere with speech and language skills and... Show more content on ... In addition, the details of each component should be deficit specific; that is, they should be developed specifically for the person with Auditory Processing Disorder and the unique circumstances of his or her learning or communicative difficulties and needs (Bellis, 2002, p. 225). The first component of Auditory Processing Disorder management should be to modify the environment in the child s classroom. Children with Auditory Processing Disorder should be seated where they can see the teacher clearly and are away from distractions or noise. An auditory trainer or assistive listening device can be used in the classroom. This will help reduce classroom noise and allow the child to hear the teacher better. Having carpet on the floor, acoustic tiles on the ceilings and minimizing hard wall surfaces will help to reduce the amount of sound bouncing off floors, walls and ceilings. Exercises to improve language building skills can increase the ability to learn new words and increase a child s language base. Auditory memory enhancement, a procedure that reduces detailed information to a more basic representation, may help. There are many types of therapy activities to use with children with Auditory Processing Disorder. Teachers and speech pathologists use activities that will enhance listening skills in children with and without auditory processing difficulties. Phonological awareness activities focus on speech/sound
  • 25. The Benefits Of Cell Phone Use In Class To Text or Not, is an article written by Will Brooks. Brooks writes about if students should be able to use cellphones during class. His argument is that cellphone use in the classroom may be beneficial to students but it can lead to cheating and other issues. Such as students not knowing what to do with all the information that was provided to them. Cell phone use during class time will help a student get a better view and feel of what the teacher is teaching. Cell Phone use not only provides faster information for students but also for teachers. Cell phones should be allowed during class time, because students will be able to search up information that the teacher is providing and can have a better understanding on the information the teacher is providing. With cell phone use in class students will be able to look for information and communicate with other students when they do not completely understand a lesson. Also if one is in a school where they can not afford tablets or laptops, using a cellphone during class will benefit the teacher because they can show their students exactly where to go and what they should click. Heather Waseman is pro cell phone use in class states the following Banning cell phones for educational purposes in schools is a poor educational decision and poor business decision. (Brooks 2) Waseman is saying that the using a cell phone in class not so bad when the school can control what the student may search up. Using cellphones in class will
  • 26. Battle Royal, And The Planon By Ralph Ellison s The Lesson Throughout the stories, Battle Royal, written by Ralph Ellison, Of Mr. Booker T. Washington, written by W.E.B. Du Bois, and The Lesson by Toni Cade Bambina, readers are introduced to two different protagonists who both happen to share a common feeling which includes a sense of invisibility. There are many factors which allow the characters within these stories to feel this way. The first factor is due to the profanity, along with the rude and cruel actions displayed throughout the stories which emerge from the side characters that interact in dialogue with the protagonists. Racism is the second factor which leads these men towards feeling invisible. The third and final factor adding to the list of reasons of feeling invisible is due... Show more content on ... He becomes distracted which opens him up as an easy target. Contradistinctively to Ellison s Battle Royal, W.E.B. Du Bois Of Mr. Booker T. Washington , contains a more positive and supportive aspect. Du Bois states, First it is the duty of the black men to judge the South discriminatingly. The present generation of Southerners are not responsible for the past, and they should not be blindly hated or blamed for it (De Bois 1166). By stating this, the author is defending the African race by claiming that the punishment for the actions of their ancestors should not be burdened with them. We read that the sons of a black person s master will sometimes want to help rise and benefit the individual. Du Bois claims, National opinion has enabled this last class to maintain the Negro common schools, and to protect the Negro partially in property, life, and limb (1166). This tells readers that the African race is beginning to receive their rights, along with having opportunities to access them. During The Lesson, it is the children who display the majority of the profanity, along with the rude and cruel actions. When they arrive at a toy store on the other side of town, Sylvia, the protagonist, and her friends discover a microscope which spark their interest. Their care giver, Miss Moore, attempts to interact with the children. As a result, Sylvia quotes her Allen 3 babysitter by stating, Why, even medical
  • 27. Trading With The Enemy And Fly By Night (CAM) The Contemporary Art Museum is one of the most visited in Tampa. It opened its door in 1989 near the USF College of The Art. The museum has presented numerous exhibitions of contemporary art from the United States and around the world including Africa, Europe, and Latin America. The museum s primary objective is to bring the University and Tampa Bay community vital, investigative and scholarly contemporary exhibitions (aboutsufcam). In doing so (CAM) is able to present to the community a variety of exhibitions with different methods and culture from around the world. The exhibition currently displayed in the CAM is tittle Duke Riley: Flights of Fancy . There is two Riley s project displayed: Trading with the Enemy and Fly By Night and... Show more content on ... Both includes pigeons and appreciation of freedom. Fly by Night is a beautiful visual experience that Riley wanted to share with people, in the way of his general appreciation that New York city has given to him. For six weekends at the Brooklyn Navy Yard more than 2,000 pigeons were put on an avian powered light show and hundreds of tiny lights shot up (Newman, Andy). The inspiration for Fly by Night came during the process of the Trading with the Enemy where he put a light on one of the birds which made him thinks what it would be like to see more of them. To develop this project, he need help from a team, including a technician from China. Today, the illuminated birds may be visible from other nearby vantage points, and if preferable it can be seen in person. The performances of Fly by Night are free, but seats should be reserved. Even though I did not see the actual performance, I was able to see the painting illustrating the LED lights. When I walked into the room where they were displaced I wasn t sure what was the meaning behind it, but I must say that I was impressed. He used a dark blue as the background and white linear strips that gave the art piece a phenomena look. The piece is a great representation of the work he has in display in New
  • 28. The World Of The Vietnam War The year is 1965: the skate board is the latest craze in kids toys; the miniskirt makes its appearance; hypertext is introduced for linking on the Internet; Kellogg s Pop Tarts pastries are created; Sonny Cher make their first TV appearance in American Bandstand ; rights activist Malcolm X is shot dead; the Gemini 3 launched the first US 2 man space flight; and the first United States combat forces arrive in Vietnam. This was not the start of the Vietnam War since the war actually started in 1955, pitting Communist North Vietnamagainst anti Communist South Vietnam. The United States believed it had to protect South Vietnam from Communist take over and is the reason the U.S. supplied South Vietnam with millions of dollars in military aid as well as with military advisors from the start of the war. Eventually, the US had no other choice but to send troops to war and it became the first war Americans opposed publicly and passionately, making the US involvement in the Vietnam War a shameful venture rather than a noble cause. Although the Vietnam War was the first televised war, it is unclear if Vietnam War films are able to give an honest portrayal of the Vietnam War experience, or if truer reality of the war can be found only in textbooks. The Vietnam War was so much a part of American life that it could not be ignored, and with war films losing their appeal after World War II, it s hard to know if the Vietnam War would be actually portrayed on the big screen. The
  • 29. The Great Moai Statues Of Easter Island Similarities and differences are what make things so interesting. Would you be happy if everyone was the same. Every looked the same, and liked the same things and hated the same things. No you wouldn t because you would want to be you and no one can tell you what you want to be or what you don t want to be. Even the buildings you make would be the same from a normal house to a normal office building. The Panama Canalwas one of the most useful canals ever built and they were made to for one reason and that was to transport goods. This was somethings everyone needed to solve at that time(1900s). The great Moaistatues of Easter Island are also great structures and are really tremendous to the eye. These buildings and canals were made to one purpose they had to do somethings and that something was to make things easier for the people. Some similarities they had were that they both took a long time and sacrifice to build. A differencethey had was that they were built for different purposes and they had their own different struggles. Predominantly, The Panama Canal was one of the greatest structures built by mankind. The Moai as well were something to be fascinated by because they were beautiful creations made by us. The one thing they both have in common was that they both took a long time to build. The Moai took approximately about 10 15 years to build and that was with the help of mana which was part of the belief and if that wouldn t of existed it probably
  • 30. How Does Orunmila s Quest To Obtain A Good World Knowledge or wisdom is a key component of Orunmila quest to obtain a good world. Humans bear the burden of taking care of the world and developing sufficient knowledge or wisdom helps us with that responsibility. Moral and spiritual wisdom makes up the depth of the knowledge or wisdom requirement, which conceives the world in its interrelated wholeness, respects its integrity and works constantly to save, renew and expand the good in it. Also what is expected is that we know the tangibleness and intricacies of the world. With this expectation, it necessitate the realization of human development objectives and prowess of specialties of human knowledgeand that we use them in the favor of humankind. Ornmila also preached that in the pursuit
  • 31. Percy Julian Biography Percy Julian an African American, Civil Rights Activist, Chemist, Scientist, Medical Professional, Educator was a pioneer in the chemical synthesis of medical drugs such as cortisone, steroids and birth control pills., he also developed drugs to treat glaucoma and arthritis. Julian is deemed as one of the most leading chemists in American history. Early Life Percy Lavon Julian was born in Montgomery, Alabama on April 11, 1899. His grandparent was slaves. He went to school until the eighth grade because there were no high schools open to African American students. He had to take high schoollevel classes in the evening at DePauw University in Greencastle, Indiana to get him up high school level of his classmates. He graduated first ... Show more content on ... Ultimately, he obtained a position at Glidden Company as the lab director. There he invented Aero Foam, a product that made from soy protein to put out oil and gas fires and was widely used in World War II, as well as other soybean based inventions. He took sterols from soybean oil and made the hormones progesterone and testosterone. He created of cortisone, which became used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. in 1953 Julian left Glidden and established his own laboratory in 1954. Julian sold his laboratory in 1961, becoming one of the first black millionaires, he also founded Julian Research Institute, a nonprofit organization that he ran for the rest of his life. He died of liver cancer on April 19, 1975. Recognition in 1973, Julian was the first black chemist chosen to the National Academy of the Sciences. In 1990 he was chosen to the National Inventors Hall of Fame, and in 1999 his making of physostigmine was notice by the American Chemical Society as one of the top 25 achievements in the history of American chemistry. Personal Life Julian met Anna Roselle at Harvard University. Julian married Anna Roselle, in 1935 and had two children.
  • 32. Red Bull Cool Factor HOW RED BULL CREATED THE COOL FACTOR QUESTION 1: Origin: Red Bull energy drink has had wings since it took off 25 years ago. The iconic Red bull drink as we know it today in the western world was originally found in Thailand in 1987 by an Austrian entrepreneur who was inspired when he realized that it could cure his jet lag. The original drink called Krateng Daeng was first invented and only available in Thailand. The Austrian entrepreneur, Dietrich Mateschitz then in partnership with Chaleo Yoovidhva modified the energy drink to suit the taste of the western world and the iconic carbonated Red Bull energy drink was found and first started in Austria. In 1992, the product expanded to international markets, at first ... Show more content on ... Red Bull Product Range Red Bull cans original on the left and sugar free on the right available in a 250ml can sold at R14.99 in South Africa also available in a 355ml R19.99 can and now in a 473ml R24,99 can. Pack sizes of 4 units per pack. Red Bull limited edition RED, SILVER and BLUE available in 250ml can RSP at R14.99 in South Africa Red Bull energy shot RSP at R12.99 in South Africa Red Bull cans as we know it in the western world. The original Thai Red Bull bottle. Original Thai Red Bull bottle that inspired Austrian entrepreneur Dietrich Mateschitz to westernize the drink! Perceived Market Share: According to market share Red bull is the most successful and popular energy drink in the world, international they dominate the market with year on year growth and is responsible for an estimated 70% of sales in the energy drink market year to date. Remarkably between 2009 until 2012 they have dominated with an estimated market share of 42% in the energy drink market. A total of 5.226 billion cans of Red bull were sold worldwide in 2012 representing an increase of 12.8% against 2011. Red Bull is well known by consumers to vitalize body and mind and is generally purchased by most for this purpose.
  • 33. QUESTION 2 Product Offering Red bull is a premium brand that consumers are willing to pay the higher price for because it satisfies their needs and wants, and it also delivers on its promise to Vitalize Body and
  • 34. An Ant Army Short Story Ant Army By Elijah Leonard What if they can talk? ask the humans. What if they are smart? ask the humans. What if they took over the world? ask the humans. Well, now s our chance. I am Gerald, an ant that lives in a human family s backyard, along with my own family. I have two best friends: Margaret and Antony. Margaret is supposed to be the smart one. She always has a plan and she has all A s in all her classes at the insectschool. Antony is the silly one. He always has a joke, even in terrible situations. Even his name is a joke: ANTony, get it? It is 5:00 in the morning and we are all ready to start the day. We live in an antpile with about 800,000 ants in it. All of us have one problem with the humans: they keep trying to destroy their home. The humans always think that all they are just helping themselves, but we just build the pile back up. Usually, we wait about four hours for one of the humans to come to our home. This time they gave us time to plan. How about every time the humans are about to come, we crawl out far away from our pile, says Margaret, and when they see that we aren t in the pile, they will think we abandoned it, so they will leave us alone. But the humans and their world are so big, that it will take us forever to get back to our home, I say, and besides, do you think they won t notice a colony of over 800,000 ants crawling away from their home? Good point, says Margaret. Oh shoot, cries Antony, they re here. The kids come
  • 35. BINGO Board Game Analysis The objective of the first interactive learning activity is to promote a deeper understanding of the core tenets of the Constitution. This can be accomplished by playing a BINGO board game. The prepared BINGO cards will contain a total of twenty five squares with five rows going across and five rows going down. Three BINGO cards will be distributed to parents containing the key tenets written on the inside of each of the squares. Some of the tenets will be duplicated inside the squares while other squares will contain a blank space. The parents will also receive a small packet of colored chips to use as a marker for the squares. A list of questions regarding each of the core tenets will begin the BINGO game. The speaker will read one question relating to the core tenets. Parents will raise his or her hand to answer the question. The presenter will continue to call on parents until a correct response has been given. The parents will place a colored chip on the square if the correct answer is written inside the square. There will be more questions asked than the number of squares on the BINGO cards. The winner of the game must have colored chips in all squares going across, ... Show more content on ... The presenter should divide parents into three groups and provide them with a copy of the Constitution. The parents will also need a visual handout that shows the authority and responsibilities of each of the three branches of government. The parents should be divided and placed into one of the three groups. These groups include the Executive Branch, the Legislative Branch, and the Judicial Branch. Each of the three branches should assign the appropriate mock staff to represents his or her branch appropriately. The mock staff will include the President, Congress, the Senate, the House of Representatives, Federal or State Courts, and the Supreme
  • 36. Phi-Mu Foundation Scholarship How would receiving a Phi Mu Foundation scholarship help you pursue your academic goals? (100 Words or less) Receiving a Phi Mu Foundation scholarship would help ease the burden of tuition, which would provide a cushion of relief towards pursuing my academic goals. As a graduate student all of the money I earn at my assistantship serves as my only source of income during the academic year. In addition to paying all of my monthly living expenses, I am also paying both my undergraduate and graduate student loans. I am financially independent and making sure I have enough money for tuition is stressful. Receiving this scholarship would allow me to pursue graduate school without worrying about my tuition. Describe your career objectives and long term
  • 37. What Kind Of Doctor I m not going to lie and say that I have always dreamt of becoming a general internist. Deciding what kind of doctor I wanted to become was the hardest decision I ve ever had to make. I ve listened to friends, family, fellow classmates and other physicians. I considered general surgery, cardiology, Emergency Medicine, OBGYN but I always came back to internal medicine. I enjoy hospital medicine and I was comforted knowing that I would still be able to pursue a fellowship after my training which didn t make me feel like I had to get on a knee and propose to any one area quite yet. Internal medicine was also the one field that I could see myself being happy working even without pursing a fellowship. I feel alive when I m in the hospital and I... Show more content on ... Growing up with my mother and sister and being the only male in my household definitely played a part in my ability to recognize my emotions. In our society, being a male is often portrayed as not acknowledging feelings and being strong emotionally, but that s not what makes a great doctor. I was fortunate to go to a medical school that stressed the importance of the humanistic aspect of medicine and instilled these principals in me. It s not womanly to care for someone and show emotion during times of loss and it s not feminine to acknowledge a patient who is upset and comfort them. However, approaching the patient humanistically can be difficult to accomplish while in the hospital. The lessons taught to me at my school and my experiences at the hospital during my internal medicine rotation During my internal medicine rotation I saw how fast the admissions piled up and it was always a challenge to get the history, make the diagnosis and make a treatment decision right then. We didn t have time to waste, we had to be quick and we had to be concise. The main worries were, did I make the correct diagnosis, did I give the appropriate medications and of course did I miss something that could be detrimental to their health? If a doctor does all of these correctly then he did a good job. The patient survived, crisis averted, now on to the next patient, right? The question is did he do a great job? What makes a doctor great in my mind is not just being a great
  • 38. Sound Of Awestle Analysis 01 INDEX02 REVIEWS03 LISTS04 ESSAYS05 UP COMING06 CONTACT SOUND OF AWESOME is a Canadian music blog dedicated to the best music of now. It is run by two great friends thrilled at the idea of discovering new music. FEATURED 2014 S TOP 100: Г‰TIENNE S LIST 2014 S TOP 100: MATHIEU S LIST SOUND OF AWESOME S GRAMMY PICKS SOA S VALENTINES CARD SOA S 4/20 PLAYLIST ADD US ON FACEBOOK MEMBERS Г‰TIENNE FLORENCE + THE CODEINE MATHIEU DUMMIES ON THE NEWS Most grown ups have about two or three weeks of vacation in summer. Here at Sound of Awesome, we took three months. Between (summer) jobs, European travels and non stop booze, we still had some time to listen to the new music coming out; we just didn t have enough time to write about it here. Now... Show more content on ... Simple songs, sweet melodies, and a closing track featuring the sound of waves (and of Mac himself giving out his address so that you can stop on by to get a cup of coffee. There is nonchalance through the whole album that is deeply relaxing. Who cares if that keyboard sounds like something one could buy in a cheap yard sale? Who cares if tracks 2 to 6 all start the same way with the same drum fill? And who really is complaining when he makes music videos that look like... this? Once you decide to enter his universe you never want to
  • 39. Social Media And The Media However, Contrary to the idea that social media creates a polarizing filter bubble, exposing people to only a narrow range of opinions, 70 percent of Millennials say that their social media feeds are comprised of diverse viewpoints evenly mixed between those similar to and different from their own. (American Press Institute, 2015, p. 3) This disputes the notion that everybody who engages in social media receive a uniform message, and these diverse viewpoints also enables users to become judicious in what content they are consuming. In the same American Press Institute study researchers concluded, nearly three quarters of those exposed to different views (73 percent) report they investigate others opinions at least some of the time... Show more content on ... The study found Americans are selective consumers with behaviors varying reliant on the topic. With this in mind we can hope groups other than millennials are not receiving a likeminded point of view even if a clear proclamation cannot be made. All in all a multitude of voices talking about assorted topics can only be good for public discourse, and could potentially impact mobilization. The preceding paragraphs were aimed at providing a baseline of knowledge, show that social media provides a wide variety of information, and to establish that its worthy of investigation. At the moment there is a lack of research aimed at determining the impact of the public s use of social media on Agenda setting, and priming. Yet, there has been research regarding social media and mobilization that is quite promising. Thus far, mobilization is where social media has seen its greatest impact. Mobilization is defined as, the process by which candidates, parties, activists and groups induce other people to participate (Rosenstone Hansen, 1993, p. 25). When taking the definition for mobilization into account it is easy to understand why social media has shown promise in this area. Social media supplies activists with the ability to circulate information, and information is the means by which political activists recruit new members. Social media also creates vast networks that . . . allow people to assemble as individuals, with limited
  • 40. Willow Rosenberg In Joss Whedon s Buffy The Vampire Slayer Willow Rosenberg is a character from the incredibly successful American TV show Buffy the Vampire Slayer created by Joss Whedon. Buffy The Vampire Slayer ran for 7 Seasons and was centered around Buffy, who at the age of 15 arrives in Sunnydale with her mother following an incident involving a gang of vampires at her old high school in Los Angeles. She is the latest in a long line of women who are destined to be Slayers and defend the world from Vampires and various other evil forces. Around the age of 14 buffy began to gains Slayer Powers which include incredible strength, speed, and fighting ability. In the beginning of the series, Buffy resents her destiny and wishes to live the life of a regular teenaged girl. Willow Rosenberg is the first student Buffy meets at her new highschool in Sunnydale. Willow introduces Buffy to Xander who has been Willow s best friend since they were very young. After Buffy saves Willow and Xander from some vampires, and explains who she is, the three of them become best friends. Buffy, Willow, Xander, and later some additional characters who join forces with them to fight the powers of evil are collectively referred to as the Scooby Gang .... Show more content on ... Willow s mother, Sheila, is only on camera in one episode. Her voice is featured in another episode. Willow s mother shows an extreme disconnect from her daughter s life. During the 3rd season, Willow cuts her long hair into a short bob and her mother doesn t notice until months later, remarking on her new look as if seeing it for the first time. She frequently calls Willow s best friend Buffy, Bunny . Though her specific career is never mentioned, the terms, vocabulary, and topics frequently in her dialogue points to Sheila having a job involving child psychology and/or child development. The irony of this is not lost on the
  • 41. The Gathering Decision Making Body The meeting in which I attended was put on by BikeShare, which is a small Start Up business based in San Francisco about to drastically expand their operations to the East Bay, as well as increase their footprint within San Francisco. What they do is provide publically accessible bikes that can be rented from one of several locations and returned to any of the BikeShare locations. The purpose of the gatheringdecision making body is to determine preferred Phase 1 BikeShare instillations within a specific grid of Berkeley. The objective of the meeting was to gather information from the residents of Berkeley as to where they think do and don t want these installations installed, in addition to obtaining detailed comments. BikeShare itself doesn t have any actual jurisdiction, but they were gathering information in which two city council members that attended the meeting reside over, which whom spoke during the meeting and promoted the proposed installations. The main topic of this meeting was where to put the Phase 1 (of 3) BikeShare installations. Since the 1960s many counties have made some form of public participation mandatory for major transportation projects and policies (Schiller p.201), which means this meeting may have been more about fulfilling a legal requirement than seeking the publics opinion. Issues discussed in the meeting were whether on or off street stations were more ideal, if certain locations were in optimal locations for the stations solar panels,
  • 42. Holden Caulfield Alienation From the beginning of the novel, Holden seems to be, to some extent, isolated from the society around him and victimized by it at the same time. Holden says to Mr. Spencer that he feels himself on the other side of life, and he relentlessly attempts to find his own way in a world in which he does not belong. In this way, the theme of alienation is quite prevailing in Salinger s The Catcher in the Rye. So, this essay will focus on the world where alienated Holden lives and how he would live in terms of current society. To begin with, it is important to define alienation since the main part of the essay will be centered on this aspect. Alienation means being isolated but in a quite different way. A particular person is alienated when his or her inner self is estranged from the surrounding society, world and environment. Holden Caulfield from the novel The Catcher in the Rye in ... Show more content on ... His ethical maximalism makes him totally unsuited to the real world. But, as the novel progresses, Holden s alienation seems to be the way he actually protects himself. He acts like his isolation is a proof that he is better than other people around. However, in point of fact, interactions with people mostly confuse him, and his cynicism serves as a kind of self protection. Also, his alienation is a direct response to what he sees in society, namely, that people, mostly, ignore emotional realities of others. Sometimes I act a lot older than I am I really do but people never notice it. People never notice anything (Salinger, p. 9). On the other hand, his isolation is a root of most of his problems. Generally, he only needs a person to love and to talk with. However, he does not want to ruin his protecting wall even when he is on the date with Sally Hayes, he insults her and kick her away. Throughout the novel, Holden depends on his isolation, but it gradually destroys
  • 43. The Rule Of Saint Benedict s The Bhagavad-Gita Most people who are religious in any way, have something to build off of. For example, The Rule of Saint Benedict contains the values that are followed by the Benedictine monks. Saint Benedict explains that the Lord is the biggest influence in a Benedictine monk s life and is the quintessential figure for them. Saint Benedict modeled a lifestyle in this book which falls under the categories of conversatio, as does The Bhagavad Gita. The Bhagavad Gita focuses on the process of Lord Krishna revealing himself to Arjuna, who is making a big decision. The Bhagavad Gita and The Rule of Saint Benedict depict the individual, the community, and the divine in similar and different ways. Throughout The Rule of Saint Benedict, it is thoroughly explained... Show more content on ... There are two persons represented through this story as the supreme God. The Supreme God is Lord Krishna, who reveals himself as Vishnu. Unlike Jesus, Krishna only reveals himself to one person, Arjuna. Arjuna was having a hard time deciding whether or not to fight his cousins. If Arjuna was to fight he would be going against his family but, on Lord Krishna s side. Arjuna devoted himself completely to Lord Krishna and fought his cousins, knowing this was what he had to do. Lord Krishna realizes the devotion Arjuna undertook and revealed himself. Lord Krishna explains to grace you, Arjuna, I revealed through self discipline my higher form, which no one but you has ever beheld (BG 11:46). Krishna explained to Arjuna that he had the opportunity to see him and that has never happened
  • 44. The Great Gatsby Report One of America s utmost renowned books happens to be The Great Gatsby, generally read by high school and college students, then again commonly misunderstood. This book subsisted during the Prohibition era which influenced Fitzgerald significantly in his writing. What numerous people fail to realize is the meaning that the book entails in addition to its resemblance to the author. The Great Gatsbyexists as an extremely real and historical book that grasps the reader s attention and transports them to an incredibly real place amongst Fitzgerald s personal life, which society survives unknowledgeable of and deserves to reread and gain an enhanced understanding. F. Scotts Fitzgerald s birth took place on September 24, 1896 in St. Paul, Minnesota... Show more content on ... Identical to that of Jay Gatsby, he attended Oxford, a recognized academic school. In addition, Gatsby only stayed five months. That s why [he] can t really call [himself] an Oxford man (Fitzgerald 129) which closely parallels Scott s experience with Princeton, considering he never graduated. During Fitzgerald s time at Princeton he formed a romantic interest with a woman named Ginevra King. This woman can be described as being a beautiful, young debutant which Scott escorted to sundry amounts of parties and football games. One evening Scott was in Ginevra s hometown and overheard someone state that poor boys shouldn t think of marrying rich girls (Baughman and Bruccoli 17). She seemed to share the same opinion because by late 1916 Ginevra chose to pursue the attentions of wealthier young men. He attended Princeton in 1913, nonetheless by November 1917 he enlisted in the army and left the scholarly institution. From these details of Fitzgerald s life, it is safe for one to assume that he is portraying himself as Gatsby trying to steal away Daisy s heart, or in Fitzgerald s circumstance,
  • 45. Comparing Androidism And Hypothyroidism Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism are in simple terms the exact opposite of each other. Hyperthyroidism is the over activity of the thyroid gland, and Hypothyroidism is the unusually low activity of the thyroid gland. Each of these conditions resulting and affecting the thyroid gland in a different way. I found a few differences with my research but I m here going to present the few that stood out to me the most. One of the biggest defining factors was the hormone output differences. Hypothyroidism does not produce enough hormones. Whereas Hyperthyroidism produces too much hormones. This is very important because hormones secreted by the thyroid gland help maintain the brain, heart, muscles, and other organs, and help the body to use energy
  • 46. Refugees And Human Rights Law Refugee law is closely related to international human rights law, and some would consider it to be a branch of human rights law. Refugee law has been an important issue for countries everywhere. Refugees can be seen as a burden to most countries prior to World War II when every state had their borders open to home thousands. The first part of this paper will look at the prime legislation available to refugees. The second part will focus more closely on the relevant case law over time in regards to refugees and human rights. Refugees are protected by two primary legislation at the international level, the first being the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and the 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees. These two combined provided the most protection for refuges but was only followed by countries who had signed both at the time. This is of key importance as this effected how refugees were being treated when they entered into nation states when fleeing for their safety. Refugees by definition are victims of human rights violations . Under the 1951 Refugee Convention a refugee is defined as to any person and owing to a well founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country . This definition has been critiqued for not
  • 47. Foucault Vs Berger Modern day power originates from the mind in that we give certain figures power based upon man made forms of value or worth like money. The definition of power has fluctuated throughout time, and while the past may have emphasized the more violent aspects, today, we have shifted towards a more control based interpretation. Both Michael Foucault and John Berger delve into the idea of power and its functionality. Based on their texts, in our current socio cultural setting, power is best exploited when the concept behind the power is deindividualized for many purposes, internalized by the people, and integrated throughout society to the point that its origins is mystified. Michael Foucault explores the extent to which power has pervaded our lives ... Show more content on ... If the image is no longer unique and exclusive, the art object, the thing, must be made mysteriously so, (Berger 44). Therefore, the final step in the exploitation of power is mystification of its origins. Over time a concept will build its image and solidify its strength through results, showing the public its value until it becomes integrated and thus, hidden within society. There are several examples of power that has become formally accepted or internalized by the public and it is difficult to see how they exploit power because their origins are mystified. For the concept of originality in art, we can see how its status may have risen because of the definition we give to originality rules that have commercial purposes or vice versa. Some examples include companies that have copyright issues to protect names and identities that belong to them, or schools that incorporate rules about plagiarism. The idea of originality has already become internalized within our society that assigning a market meaning with it, just seems natural. If our judicial system has already incorporated ideas of originality , then not many people will see any problems with it. However, it is important to look at the origins and realize how a power came to be to prevent it from being exploited. Another covert concept integrated within society
  • 48. stress and law enforcement Essay Management and Dealing with Stress in Officers It is important that law enforcement officers are able to handle stress and build his or her zone of stability. Officers have a ready made support system in each other. They better understand the special problems and feelings that come with the job that friends and family members don t. That doesn t necessarily mean that this relationship with their fellow officers will cure all. Sometimes, because of the macho image that police officers uphold, they will give back negative feedback in a situation where an officer needs comfort. For example, an officer shoots someone in the line of duty and is having an emotional struggle with it, and a fellow officer (who ... Show more content on ... Even if the officer has a good mental preparation and a solid zone of stability, other factors such as the degree of the threat to the officer s life (including wounds), amount of warning before the shooting, how long the danger persists, the security of the officer in his/her judgment to shoot, who the deceased person is, the administrative support he/she receives, and how the media treats the situation, all effect how mild, moderate, or severe the reaction will be. The long term effects vary from person to person. Some may suffer from flashbacks, sleep disturbances, nightmares, depression, fearfulness, emotional withdrawal from family and fellow officers, appetite changes and hostility towards the law enforcement system (Solomon 1990). In order to ensure that the officer s emotional reaction to a shooting incident remains at a minimum, the department should have a system setup for this. The officers must be reminded of what reactions they can expect when they are hired regarding their involvement in a shooting. There should never be any suggestion or accusation of wrongdoing during the debriefing interview. The officer should be debriefed on how the investigation procedure will operate so that the department can get all the facts regarding the incident. Court preceding and dispositions should be
  • 49. Grace Throughout the Bible Essay I will look at the lives of Moses, Haggai and Ester who with God s grace overcame huge obstacles in their families, situations, and beliefs to further God s Kingdom in amazing ways. In Philip Yancey s Book What s so Amazing About Grace? Yancey says that grace, Contains the essence of the gospel as a drop of water can contain the image of the sun. (Yancey, 12) This and Gods promise that his grace will never leave us makes grace an incredible theme throughout the Bible. Grace is an incredible thing that is defined in a variety of ways. In the book Learning About Grace from the Woman of the Bible by Debbie Morris; Morris defines grace as the Influence or Spirit of God operating in humans to regenerate or strengthen them. (Morris, 6) This ... Show more content on ... In The Butterfly Effect of Grace by Rex G. Russell the idea that grace is one of the most important words in the Bible is widely discussed. Russell says that grace is the single most important word to describe God s love for us. When God speaks to Moses and fills him with his grace God is showing us how much he loves us. Russell challenges his reader to live a life overflowing with grace. Much like how Moses lived his life. In such a way that the people around him couldn t help but take notice that Moses was chosen by God and with his grace was able to do work for his kingdom. Ester overcomes her place as a woman and saves the Hebrews. In the book Flawed Families of the Bible by David Diana Garland we see the connections between family struggles and the grace that surfaces within. Yet it is in these broken places that we catch glimpses of God s grace and healing, of God silently reaching in to touch the wound, and broken people stepping up to do what is right. (Garland, 14) God s grace works in people and situations that have imperfections. Esther came from a small village, was orphaned as a child, was raised by her cousin Mordecai and was Jewish. She had a broken family and the deck was stacked against her but she had favor with God and was given not only his grace but also the grace of the king. And the king loved Esther above all the women, and she obtained