SlideShare a Scribd company logo
This slide show was condensed from our CD-ROM, which
contains may more examples. It is designed to highlight
some extraordinary ways to be ultra-creative in business
communication and sales and marketing. The concepts,
designs, construction and photography of the materials,
visuals and props were done by Ray Anthony, except
where noted.

     For more information about what we do, contact:
                 Ray Anthony, President
                Anthony© 2003 by Ray Anthony
                Copyright Innovation Group
                    23 Skyland Place
                      All Rights Reserved
               The Woodlands, TX 77381
                                                           © 2009 Ray Anthony
© 2009 Ray Anthony
Hey... in these tough times, you have to be

People are being blasted and
bombarded with sales calls,
marketing messages and all
sorts of requests for their
attention. After a while, it’s
natural to become numb and
oblivious to them.
In today’s world, you really
need to be extraordinarily
imaginative to grab and
hold someone’s interest!
         © 2009 Ray Anthony
- you’re with a smaller company competing with a giant for an important
  project and you want to change the rules of the game in your favor.
- you are in charge of a big meeting and need fresh new ideas to make it
  a smash hit and make YOU the hero.
- you’ve had poor luck in getting a client’s attention and you now want
  to try something more bold, more daring, more audacious... this time.

And You Are Wondering…
- how imaginative can I get and still be “professional?”
- where can I get those “quantum leap” ideas?
- how can I be ultra-creative on a shoe-string budget?
- is there a sure-fire way to be creative, not “corny?”
                                                                           © 2009 Ray Anthony
If you want someone to understand, accept and
                                                                take action upon your recommendations, you have
                                                                got to stand APART and ABOVE the crowd in how
                                                                you communicate your concepts, solutions,
                                                                information, feelings or key messages.
                                                                The examples in the following slides will show how
                                                                you can boost your imagination to produce
                                                                Creative Communication Materials such as
                                                                business proposals, sale tools, marketing and
                                                                promotion pieces, presentation handouts, visuals
                                                                or props that will captivate people and better help
                                                                you to reach your objectives.
                                                                You will see extraordinary ways of gaining a
                                                                competitive edge by brilliantly showcasing your
Be a VISIONARY Communicator                                     ideas and solutions.
                                                                If you begin to experiment with unconventional
Everyday we are exposed to over 10,000 messages! Junk           variations, you will surely differentiate yourself from
mail, advertisements, radio, television and e-mail “spam” are   all the competition out there who are too busy
just a few that fight for a moment of our ears and eyes. It     trying to play “me-too,” imitation instead of looking
takes I-M-A-G-I-N-A-T-I-O-N to think up novel ways to           for fresh, new and exciting ways to innovate how
break through the chaotic clutter that hits us.                 they communicate, market and sell.

                                                                                                              © 2009 Ray Anthony
QUICK... we desperately need a breakthrough idea!
Imaginative ideas for communication                             You can creatively transform communication
are everywhere! They often come from                            materials by modifying characteristics of them.
unusual, unexpected places. Here are                            For example, for a letter, proposal or visual,
a few places in which to get rich ideas:                        ask yourself how you can:
 books and magazines on graphic design                          change the shape and dimensions (e.g.
                                                                  make it smaller or larger, use a horizontal
 web sites about diverse topics/areas
                                                                  format versus vertical... make it round).
 museums, art galleries and craft shows
                                                                 give your visual a three-dimensional effect
 book stores and libraries (look at book                         by building layers onto it or by packaging
  covers and magazine illustrations and                           your proposal in metal, plastic, wood or
  advertisements)                                                 cardboard boxes, cans or tubes.
                                             Experiment with
 gift/card shops, toy and hobby stores,                         add animation or motion to your materials
                                              variations of
  arts and crafts and artist supply stores                        like automatic pull-outs, blinking lights or
                                               your idea or       moveable objects.
 catalogs of all kinds of products              theme
 supermarkets (see product packaging)                           decorate your sign or proposal with solid
                                                                  objects such as miniature models, plastic
 department, office supply, high-tech       Always be on the     arrows, doll house furniture, die-cast toys,
  gadget and gag gift stores                    lookout for       or tiny light-bulbs.
 home decorating stores
                                               sudden idea
                                                                 create a fold-out, perhaps a origami page
                                               opportunities      of information.
 brainstorming with creative people
                                               Take risks!                                        © 2009 Ray Anthony
When you develop innovative business           3. Your company will be be perceived as
proposals, presentation handouts and              focusing on fresh, new approaches.
visuals or sales/marketing materials, you         There is a “psychological transference
gain the “Higher Ground” with customers.          factor” involved. Customers are likely to
                                                  think, “After all, if this company has gone
There are lots of benefits to infusing novel
                                                  through all this trouble for doing a fancy
ideas into your business communication
                                                  presentation just for us, imagine how they
materials. How will they react and be
                                                  will apply creative problem-solving to the
affected by getting a creatively-designed
                                                  key projects they will work on with us!”
proposal, for example? Here are some
likely ways:                                   4. Your competitors will appear lackluster,
                                                  boring, unimaginative and even “lazy”
1. They will be mightily impressed with           when compared to the original, clever
  the extra effort you made, the time             ways you differentiate your company
  you spent and the degree of                     through your innovative designs.
  imagination you put into the project.        5. With maximum creativity, you will
2. They will assume that you extend               dramatically improve your chances of
  the same meticulous quality,                    igniting a potential customer’s interest,
  dedication, and effort to ALL the               thus boosting your chances of closing a
  projects you do for them – as you               deal and developing a long-term,
  have done on your proposal.                     lucrative relationship.
                                                                                © 2009 Ray Anthony
As with any project, you work along a             Ask Yourself These Questions:
Creativity Continuum – where ideas can
range from “mild”-to-“wild.” Before you begin
a project, determine where on that range you     - What is the purpose of using creativity in
                                                   this proposal or other marketing tool?
should fix your communication sights.
                                                   Do I want to persuade, inform, motivate
Sometimes a traditional proposal design will       or do a combination?
do, while other times you need megaton
creativity to blast away – with sizzling and     - How will my imaginative approach
                                                   likely be received by my clients?
dazzling ideas – your powerful competition.
Developing imaginative proposals, visuals,       - How does being more creative help to
                                                   better achieve my overall objectives
marketing pieces or training materials takes
                                                   and give my information more impact?
time and money. Some clients (especially
conservative ones) might see your resourceful    - Is the time and effort worth it? What
efforts as being too “flashy” or unwarranted.      are the downsides or risks of being
Your hard work could backfire!                     creative at this point?
Remember: every time you design some             - How can I use “cool ideas” to better
creative business materials, think about where     communicate more clearly, concisely
on the creativity continuum – from simple to       or convincingly?
spectacular – you should be.

                                                                               © 2009 Ray Anthony
•   For Big or Important Deals
            •   Maximum “Creative Firepower”
            •   Competition-Killers

            The following slides show imaginative
            thematic proposals intended for important
Stunning    business deals.

Proposals   Stunning proposals “showcase” the
            vision and impressive innovation of your
            company and will make a HUGE (and often
            lasting) impression upon your clients!

                                                    © 2009 Ray Anthony
You have a BIG potential deal with     STUNNING PROPOSALS are:
a organization you are dying to
have as a client. Perhaps you are      1. Highly Creative in the design of the
responding to an RPF (Request For         cover, packaging and layout of the
Proposal) or maybe you are                inside pages, tabs, and pullouts.
providing an unsolicited proposal.     2. Thematic and Symbolic in the titles,
You know that your most fierce            key messages, quotations and visual
competitors will pose a nasty             illustrations.
challenge. You have to pull out all    3. Enjoyable to look at and read. The
the stops to make your proposal           content is designed and written in an
brilliantly shine compared to your        interesting and enlightening way.
competitors.                           4. Tailored and Personalized to your
And…you want to score big points           clients. There is no hint of boilerplate
and make a lasting impression!             content.
The way to do all that is to design    5. Exotic in the Use Of Materials to
Stunning Proposals that are icons of      construct the proposal’s packaging.
eye-popping creativity along with      6. Bold and Daring in the originality
superb substance and content.             and flair built into your proposal.

                                                                                      © 2009 Ray Anthony
© 2009 Ray Anthony
The concept was depicted as a oversized match book
                                                        with the theme revolving around “firing up” profits.
                                                        Throughout this proposal, notice how practically
                                                        everything focuses on benefits to the client. The theme
                                                        begins with the bold, attention-grabbing title of the
                                                        proposal, Starting a Fire of Blazing Profits and the
                                                        subtitle, A Creative Strategy to Significantly Boost
                                                        MagTech’s Competitive Position.
                                                        Designer Leonard Broussard created the “flaming” cover
                                                        with dollar signs rising in the fire and printed it out on a
                                                        tabloid size (“11 x 17”) glossy stock. He glued a black
                                                        paper stock to the underside of the cover sheet using
                                                        double-sided adhesive. The large staple was an
                                                        industrial-size staple taken from a big cardboard box.
               Designed by Leonard Broussard

                                                             The back view of the
Scenario                                                     cover includes a
                                                             realistic-looking match
Imaginex Worldwide Consulting wanted to clinch a             strike plate made out
huge deal with MagTech Inc. They decided to go with          of confetti paper stock
an eye-popping proposal that hit all the targets with        glued to the cover
MagTech... and more.
                                                                   Strike Plate
© 2009 Ray Anthony
Back Cover   © 2009 Ray Anthony
This proposal has many “small
touches” throughout that reinforce
the main themes and mimic the
characteristics of a real book of
matches. These make a big
difference in the overall visual and
psychological impact of the proposal.
For example, as a client would open
the proposal (as one would open a
book of matches), he or she would
“Open Cover to Strike Profits”
A typical match book cover would
say, “Open cover to strike matches.”
These clever touches illustrate more
than just creativity. They subtly
communicate to your client that
your account team is meticulous
and motivated by even the smallest
details to ensure the success of
your joint team-based projects.

                        © 2009 Ray Anthony
When a person opens the match book cover, one                       The five terms such as Profits, Efficiency, and
sees “matchsticks.” Designer Broussard found                        others on the matchsticks represented the
simulated-wood paper that he cut to size to form                    benefits to the client – the intended outcomes
the sticks of the matches. He used 1/8 inch thick                   of working with Imaginex. The five words were
white foam as the tips for the matches. He cut a                    created (with “burn marks”) in Photoshop® and
slit on the side of each tip (using an X-ACTO®                      printed on inket transfer paper (in reverse type)
knife) and positioned the white foam tips over                      and ironed onto each match stick.
each match stick.
                                                                     When you push the matches forward, the executive
                                                                     summary proposal comes into view (shown below)

                                               © 2009 Ray Anthony
The executive summary
document is removable.
A real wooden fireplace
match (coated at the tip
to prevent accidental
ignition!) is used at the top
of the booklet to decorate
and further support the title
theme of Striking Up
Competitive Strategies
outlined in the inside of the
proposal. The five main
sections of the proposal
are listed on the bottom.

                       © 2009 Ray Anthony
Once you open the proposal, you will see 5 tab sections that expand upon the key benefits that were
displayed on the matches. Each tab actually has an attention-grabbing key benefit statement written
on it! Example (on first tab): “Revenue Growth Between 35-40 Percent Over Five Year Period.”

                                                                                                 © 2009 Ray Anthony
Innovision developed two benefit-focused, attention-grabbing
                                                                  themes that drove the packaging and design of the proposal:
                                                                               “Powerful Engine of Growth”
                                                                               “Supercharging Profitability”
                                                                  These themes were chosen for their precise persuasive effect.
                                                                  Around the metal belly-band of the proposal can are four
                                                                  simple descriptive terms (each beginning with the letter “s”)
                                                                  that symbolize the four characteristics of the solution that
                                                                  Innovision Consulting proposed for Acme Global. They are:
                                                                  Stamina (the Innovision team has to ensure project success)
                                                                  Strength (of the solution for both the short-and long-term)
                                                                  Stability (of the partnership between Innovision and Acme)
                                                                  Significance (of this project on Acme’s financial record)

                                                                   A detailed, die-cast
          Designed by Leonard Broussard
                                                                   metal engine model (3
                                                                   ½” high, bought in a toy
Scenario                                                           store) was attached to
                                                                   the metal top of the
Innovision Consulting went all out to win over Acme                proposal can with
Global Incorporated for a huge, long-term consulting               epoxy glue.
and development contract.
                                                       © 2009 Ray Anthony
Die-cast metal engine attached
                                                                   to the top round metal piece

                                                                 The designer created the top and bottom of
                                                                 the proposal package by purchasing a
                                                                 chrome breather for an automobile air filter.
                                                                 For the belly band (the part that encircles
                                                                 the metal can), he bought thin flashing metal
                                                                 at a building supplies store. He printed his
                                                                 graphic on glossy paper and glued it to the
                                                                 pre-cut metal sheet using double-sided
                                                                 adhesive sheets bought in an art supply
                                                                 The band was then rolled to fit and the ends
                                                                 were glued together. Then, the bottom of the
                                                                 belly band’s edge was glued to the round
                                                                 bottom piece with epoxy glue.
                                                                 The intent of the design of the “Proposal
                                                                 Can” (which is the packaging for the actual
                                                                 business proposal) was to create a sense of
                                                                 excitement, curiosity, and suspense for what
The terms Strength, Stamina, Stability, and Significance
                                                                 was inside. After all, if you got a proposal
are each placed in one of the four quadrants of the belly
                                                                 like this, wouldn’t you be fascinated by it and
band of the metal can package of the proposal.
                                                                 want to know what was “under the hood?”
                                            © 2009 Ray Anthony
After opening the cover can, you see
                              an interesting-looking document (the
                              proposal for Acme Global) in the center,
                              surrounded by four small die-cast race
                              cars, each numbered from 1 to 4 on
                              their hoods.
                              The metal cars represent the four major
                              characteristics of Innovision’s solution
                              for Acme: 1. Stamina; 2. Strength;
                              3. Stability; and. 4. Significance. These
                              four characteristics (represented by the
                              numbered cars) symbolize that
                              Innovision’s solutions will be “quickly
                              driving the success of Acme.”
                              Each of the miniature cars is attached
                              to the bottom round metal part by small
                              pieces of Velcro® tape. When the
                              proposal is presented to Acme, the
                              consultants from Innovision will
                              thoroughly explain the symbolism and
                              inherent meaning of all the elements of
                              the proposal.
Top View With Cover Removed
                                                         © 2009 Ray Anthony
This proposal document was designed to be
a visual knockout by using unconventional
materials with attractive design elements.
The front and back pieces are perforated
The leather spine was bought in a fabric
store and was bound to the document using
metal fasteners. The combination of metal
sheets, leather and steel fasteners gave the
proposal (and its inside information) the
rugged look of strength, power, and solidity
befitting a durable, long-lasting engine (of
growth) theme.
On the thick-stock paper cover was the
subdued blue picture of the die-cast engine
and the titles/themes, Powerful Engine of
Growth For Acme and the subtitle,
Supercharging Profitability.
Think of how you can use plastics,
corrugated paper, metal, ceramics or wood
to add structure to, embellish and create a
captivating theme for your proposal.

                                 © 2009 Ray Anthony
The themes of this proposal focus on how
Innovision can help “drive” the success of
Acme Global. The designer came up with
the concept of gears (as in a transmission
of an engine) that would represent the two
companies company moving ahead with
speed. So, the proposal was sectioned off,
used the tab sheets in the following way:

Gear 1:   Strength of the solution
Gear 2:   Stamina of the Innovision team
Gear 3:   Stability of the partnership
Gear 4:   Significance of this project

The designer printed out the tabbed pages
on glossy paper and mounted each on a
thick stock using a double-sided adhesive
paper. He then cut the rounded edges with
an X-ACTO® knife.

The overall visual effect of the proposal
with its packaging is quite stunning. Few
clients will ever experience this degree of
creativity. Those who do will be surely
impacted by it!
                                    © 2009 Ray Anthony
Design Factors
 Symbolism
 Metaphors
 Psychology
 Fun Quotient
 The Unexpected
 Take-away Gift

                   © 2009 Ray Anthony
At the end of their presentation (as a surprise handout), they gave
                                                        each person a lunchbox (with a superhero on it) that contains
                                                        other items inside. The sales executive told the audience of four
                                                        people that within the box is a concise “Executive Summary” that
                                                        highlights all the key information they covered during the last
                                                        hour. As you will see in the following slides, the lunchbox and its
                                                        contents symbolize (subtly and unconsciously) the following:
                                                           1. Power and invincibility for the customer (FunTyme).
                                                           2. Strength against competitors
                                                           3. Righteousness for the (customer) company’s cause
                                                        When they open their lunch boxes, the unexpected surprises

A sales executive from IdeaCatcher (a toy designer)
was giving a big presentation to a toy manufacturer,
FunTyme, that values creative ideas. Beforehand, the
customer told the account leader that “if you help me                                                           person’s
eat my competitor’s lunch, you’ve got the deal!”                                                                name and
The IdeaCatcher executive wanted to show their                                                                  title are
creativity in ways that compellingly demonstrated how                                                           placed on
they would give FunTyme a BIG competitive lead.                                                                 the box

                                                                                                              © 2009 Ray Anthony
Inside the lunch box are three “100
GRAND” candy bars and a small
booklet which contains the key
summary information from the
The candy symbolizes the revenues
and profits the customer will make
as a result of their relationship with
Underneath the candy bars is the
executive proposal booklet which
was specifically designed to fit within
the small metal lunchbox.

                                  © 2009 Ray Anthony
The cover message on the executive
summary is strongly worded and designed
to complement the packaging (metal

     “We’ll Help You to Eat Your
       Competitor’s Lunch”

The strong, visceral metaphor of “Eating
Your Competitor’s Lunch” was intended to
(psychologically) immediately capture the
attention, interest, and imagination of the
decision-makers at the presentation... and
it certainly did!
The cover and inside pages were printed
and the cover was laminated and trimmed
tusing a ruler and X-ACTO® knife. The font
was selected to give a fun “cartoon feel” to
the cover. The executive summary was
bound with a white plastic comb.

                                 © 2009 Ray Anthony
                                        First page of the Executive Summary
                                        is simple, but strong. It sets a positive
                                        expectant tone of the messages to
                                        follow with the enticing words
                                        “Opportunities” and “Possibilities”

The “Lunch Menu” refers to the
benefits of the proposal that will be
covered in a concise way in the
following pages of the Executive
Summary. Note the positive
implications of the descriptions on
the menu for the customer.

                                                                                © 2009 Ray Anthony
TRD Corporation does specialty engineering design.
The CEO was changing his company’s direction and
was looking for a consulting firm to help communicate
that change process (including their new vision/goals).
Fast Lane Communications was one of several firms
responding to an RFP (Request For Proposal). The
Fast Lane account team bought a blank metal gallon
can and a thick artist’s brush. Their theme was
“Painting Your Future” and they decided to use a rich
color design to symbolize the targeted bright future for
TRD. The “Can” concept (below the title) referred to
both the metal can and the “can do” aspect of Fast
Lane’s solutions to exceed TRD’s stated goals.
The covering on the can was printed on glossy paper.
The can was sprayed with mounting adhesive and the
paper was carefully positioned to fit around half the can.
Inside was a carefully rolled up proposal, a sample CD
showing client testimonials and stories of successful
programs done by Fast Lane. “Color the deal done,” the
buyer said after Fast Lane’s impressive presentation!

                                                 © 2009 Ray Anthony
The metal cylinder (below) can be used to hold a rolled-up
                                                         proposal or other marketing materials. Maybe you want
                                                         to create a roll-down, scroll-type proposal which would fit
                                                         well within the cylinder. The theme here is “Lifesaver”
                                                         which you might use to indicate the vital nature of your
                                                         solution, idea, plan, or proposal. For the enjoyment of
                                                         your customers, throw in some of the real candy too!

There are many types of (metal, plastic, or cardboard)
boxes to hold your proposal or other materials. Look for
interesting designs that reflect a vibrant theme. In the lunch
box (above), it is communicating a positive message with
overtones of building teamwork for example, between your
organization and that of your business partner.
                                                                                                            © 2009 Ray Anthony
Whether they are used to hold meeting materials, gifts,          You can add self-adhesive labels cut to the size and the
candy, or special promotions, boxes and containers made          shape you need to add your logo or other information or
out of paper, metal and plastic are a nice way to package        graphics to your containers. Ribbons, pins, flowers, and
them. Look in hobby craft stores, gift shops, catalogs, web      other decorative items can also be attached to add flair and
sites, party stores, and container outlets for a rich variety.   flavor to your packaging.

                                                                                                                © 2009 Ray Anthony
© 2009 Ray Anthony
Here is an example of a striking proposal cover
using models on it to boost the visual effect of
the concept. Laseramics Limited wanted to
                                                       Close Up View of Die-Cast Cars
partner with Nanotube Fabrication Corporation
(NFC). NFC recently developed a breakthrough
process to create materials made of carbon
nanotubes which are 10 times stronger than
steel and weigh 1/6 as much.
NFC wanted to quickly grab huge chunks of market
share before other firms entered their new industry.
Laseramics, which sells mass volume equipment
that NFC would use in precision manufacturing,
wants to hit their “hot button” which is speedy
growth around the world and to assist NFC to
gobble up market share.
So Laseramics’ 11” x 17” proposal cover has the
global design theme on it with two die-cast race
cars epoxy-glued to the laminated cover. The
yellow racer represents NFC and is clearly ahead
of their main competitor (which is the red car).

                                                                                © 2009 Ray Anthony
•   Opening “Closed” Doors
            •   Reaching Decision Makers
            •   Leveraging Bigger Deals

            The following slides show some vivid and
Awesome     extraordinary examples of ingenious ways to
            create marketing, sales, or other promotional
Marketing   materials.

  Tools     Keep in mind that there is almost no limit to
            the ideas you can transform into clever items
            to promote your business.

                                                     © 2009 Ray Anthony
To get the immediate attention of senior leaders in a company...
talk money! Better yet, include some in your marketing
promotions to them! Stun Inc. (a training company) wanted to
get more sales appointments with top people in their accounts.
While browsing in a gift shop, one of their marketing executives
spotted a metal quarter dollar container that caught her
attention. She did not know exactly how Stun Inc. could use it
in their high-level marketing campaign, but she intuitively
sensed value in it.
Later, she and her team came up with the idea of quickly
“hooking” the interest of a CFO (Chief Financial Officer), COO
(Chief Operating Officer), or CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of
the medium-size companies Stun Inc. was targeting for their
new organization-wide Warp-Speed Innovation training
They created the “gift” that included real money (quarters) that
surrounded the key (value-proposition) message designed to
grab the attention and build the interest of their prospect to
learn more about the innovation training opportunity.
                                                     © 2009 Ray Anthony
© 2009 Ray Anthony
Stun Inc.’s team used a strategy to evoke
                                                                        curiosity from the decision-maker (who received
                                                                        this marketing piece) and “forced” that person
                                                                        to get interactively engaged in its message.
                                                                        “So We Can Impact Your Profits” was
                                                                        highlighted on the middle portion of the disk
                                                                        followed by: “How Much? Multiply the value
                                                                        of all the quarters on this disk by $2.8 – $3.6+
                                                                        million. That’s our researched estimate.”
                                                                        Few people would resist counting the 16 real
                                                                        quarters attached (totaling $4.00) and then
                                                                        multiplying it to get estimated profits of $11.2
                                                                        – $14.4 million based upon an analysis of
                                                                        the specific customer’s organization being
                                                                        contacted. Stun Inc.’s strategy worked
                                                                        extremely well, enabling their salespeople to
                                                                        get more appointments at high levels in their
                                                                        top 50 targeted accounts. It worked so much
                                                                        better than their typical direct mail letter pieces.
Close up side view showing the black foam-core board cut into a round
piece after it was printed, laminated and glued to the foam core.                Who can resist the lure of
Quarters were glued to the laminated top using silicon glue.                     real and potential money?

                                                                                                                  © 2009 Ray Anthony
A “teaser (proposal)-on-a-board” is a perfect way to
                                                            entice entice someone to find out more about your
                                                            stated claims. It will psychologically make them more
                                                            receptive to receiving your phone call to discuss your
                                                            business opportunity further.
                                                            Scouting for ideas in a large arts and crafts store, a
                                                            sales manager saw a set of small wooden doors in
                                                            the doll house section. An idea struck! The concept
                                                            of “Opening Doors of Opportunity” for a client he was
                                                            trying to contact (with no prior luck) was sparked.
                                                            On the right side of the board were highlighted seven
                                                            key benefits to tweak the viewer’s interest and create
                                                            curiosity. The information was printed on a 13” x 19”
                                                            sheet of photo quality paper, laminated, and mounted
                                                            on a black (solid color throughout) foam-core board
                                                            using 3M Super 77® spray adhesive on both sides.
Scenario                                                    Then a rectangle was cut out using an X-ACTO® knife
                                                            and the the miniature wooden doors were slipped
Pictured above is a imaginative marketing piece that will   over it and the sides glued in place. On the back of
quickly grab an executive’s interest with the goal of       the doors, was mounted a graphic showing bails of
moving your sales cycle to the next step.                   money stacked like hay.

                                                                                                        © 2009 Ray Anthony
© 2009 Ray Anthony
Fast Lane Communications, a
                                                          consulting and training company
                                                          wanted to get the attention of the
                                                          Vice President of Marketing of
                                                          Travex Corporation, a high-tech
                                                          manufacturer that just came out
                                                          with a superior technology for
                                                          video and film production.
                                                          An industry magazine had an
                                                          article detailing how Travex
                                                          wanted to take advantage of
                                                          their digital breakthrough to gain
                                                          market share quickly with their
Scenario                                                  new hardware and software
                                                          product line while keeping main
You can use something like the next idea for marketing/   competitors at bay (until their next
sales campaigns, training class giveaways or as           product innovation). So, speed of
handouts at the end of your seminar or presentation       grabbing market share became
(e.g. an executive summary).                              paramount for Travex Corporation.

                                                                                     © 2009 Ray Anthony
Fast Lane Communications decided to use
a tin car to hold a customized mini-concept
sales proposal that nicely encapsulated the
benefits and value that Fast Lane could
provide in helping Travex to gain market
share rapidly. The car and the booklet (which
was inside) were selected and designed, of
course, to symbolize speed and winning.
The booklet cover was color-matched to the
metal car and printed using a color printer.
The cover was glued to a piece of art board
(to make it rigid) and then cut to size.
The ten pages of the quick-read booklet
gave the head of marketing concise, but
compelling information on how Fast Lane
would help her company.
This interesting sales teaser enabled the
sales manager at Fast Lane to set up a
meeting. She ultimately got “the checkered
flag” for a sale with Travex.

   Creativity IS a winning formula!

                                © 2009 Ray Anthony
•   More Impacting Presentations
            •   Memorable Conclusions
            •   Focuses Audience Decision-Making

            When giving presentations, it is vital to distill,
            encapsulate and highlight your information
Executive   into your most compelling points. That is the
            job of the executive summary.
Summary     The following slides show an interesting
            variety of executive summaries used as
            handouts after an oral business presentation.
            Always look for clever ways to make your key
            points interesting and memorable.

                                                         © 2009 Ray Anthony
In over 20 years of consulting and training, we discovered that a vast
                  majority of people who write proposals or give business presentations
                  do not include a separate handout that encapsulates all their major
                  points and messages.
                          A SUMMARY HANDOUT IS VITAL, ESPECIALLY
                          IN A SALES OR MARKETING PRESENTATION!
                  Audiences cannot be expected to remember all the salient points a
                  presenter makes, even if he or she emphasizes those main points
                  while speaking. Often called an “Executive Summary” because
                  it is complete, yet condensed. This one-page (or less) summary
                  condenses and distills an entire proposal or presentation down to
                  its sheer essence, thus helping the client to more easily visualize
   Concise       attractive, compelling reasons to do business with the person or
   Complete      team presenting.
   Congenial     Because executive summaries enable an audience to more easily
                  digest and evaluate information and see how everything fits together
   Compelling
                  into a “big picture,” it makes it easier for the audience members to
   Captivating   make a decision and, therefore, act upon the information presented.
   Convincing    The following pages show examples of some novel executive
   Customized    summaries that will make a highly positive – and sometimes even
                  decisive – difference in the outcome of a proposal or presentation.
                                                                                  © 2009 Ray Anthony
Wheeler gave an impressive presentation showing video
                                                  and animation of their trucks in action. They also wanted to
                                                  make sure that their presentation summary would sharply
                                                  point out their superior value proposition.
                                                  The summary had five key categories with check-marked
                                                  supporting points under each category. The page was
                                                  printed, laminated and glued to a foam-core board using
                                                  3M Super 77® spray adhesive (spraying both sides). It
                                                  was cut to size using an X-ACTO® knife and steel ruler.
                                                  To add dramatic punch to the summary, Wheeler’s graphic
                                                  designer bought an 8-inch long die-cast model truck and
                                                  created a customized side panel for the trailer with the
                                                  slogan “Moving Fabricon Ahead,” since the customer’s
                                                  goal was to quickly out-pace their previous financial
                                                  performance – and new trucks would play a role in that
Scenario                                          metric. The graphic was printed on a self-adhesive sheet
                                                  and placed onto the trailer’s panel. The impressive
Wheeler Truck Company’s executives were           executive summary was the capstone of an impressive
giving a presentation to Fabricon Corporation’s   presentation that convinced the buyers to select Wheeler
buyers to sell them over 95 customized trucks.    as their specialty truck supplier!

                                                                                                      © 2009 Ray Anthony
Customized benefits and
value proposition written to
precisely meet/exceed every
one of the customer’s buying
goals, while showing superior
results compared to the
competitors involved.

Die-cast and plastic model
of truck epoxy-glued to the
laminated board with a nice
customized graphic on the
trailer section.

                      © 2009 Ray Anthony
The senior executives of Raptor Engine Technologies
were proposing a business deal with TurboMarine. The
overall theme of their oral presentation was that Raptor
could produce a “quantum leap” in new sales and other
major benefits for TurboMarine.
Raptor decided to create a handout that would symbolize
the theme of a quantum leap – a vertical arrow.
On the handout, Raptor Engine Technologies’ graphic
designer included the key information that clearly pointed
out to TurboMarine why a decision to use Raptor’s new
engines – and why partnering with Raptor – would be the
best decision, no doubt!
The designer used a black foam core board to match the
color scheme of the graphic. The arrow was simply cut out
using an X-ACTO® knife after the printed and laminated
piece was glued using 3M Super 77® spray adhesive.
Think of various geometric shapes that you can use to
make your executive summaries and other presentation
handouts more compelling and relevant to the key
messages you want to communicate and symbolize.
                                                  © 2009 Ray Anthony
This is an example of how executive
summaries can be effectively written
and benefit-positioned for your client:

 Compelling reasons to choose your
 company as the provider of products
 and services
 You include 4-8 main compelling reasons
 why a potential customer would be best
 served by buying from your company or
 partnering with your organization

 Predicted results and beneficial Impact on
 customer – the real “bottom line”
 You further summarize and distill those reasons
 into predicted results that you can bring to your
 customer (financial and/or operational benefits)

                                           © 2009 Ray Anthony
Shown here is the essence of a concise, simple, but
compelling executive summary focusing exclusively
on the four vital benefits a customer would receive.
Envision a person summarizing her presentation,
then saying something like, “We ‘framed’ our solution
around four major benefits. We want you to ‘picture’
the impact we will make if you select our firm as your
partner in this project.”
She hands out the 8-inch square picture frame. The
psychology is that the presenter is giving them a
realistic picture of attractive, superior returns on
investment, instead of the usual detailed, boilerplate
sales pitch information typically included in handouts.
A small picture frame was purchased from an arts
and crafts store and was chosen for its double-matte
effect, giving the picture a three-dimensional look.
The visual was printed and taped it to the back of the
matte board of the frame. The fact that there’s only
vital information makes it extraordinarily impacting
and memorable!
                                          © 2009 Ray Anthony
•   Trade Shows and Conferences
          •   Presentations & Keynote Speeches
          •   Seminars and Workshops

          Whether you are with a group in front of the
          room or have your display at the back,
Visuals   imaginative and interesting visuals and props
          can help inform and even entertain people.
& Props
          In the following slides look at the power of
          applied imagination. In today’s cost-
          conscious world, being creative means doing
          some exceptional things inexpensively!

                                                   © 2009 Ray Anthony
                                                                    We created a display sign that would help us to
                                                                    compellingly present the features and benefits of
                                                                    our new product. We worked with a leading sign
                                                                    store to fabricate the display primarily out of
                                                                    plastic components.
                                                                    The theme (highlighted by the green simulated
                                                                    street sign on top) was “Success Avenue” –
                                                                    meaning that one’s presentations, web sites, and
                                                                    interactive training CDs, for example, would
                                                                    achieve superior results using our still, 3-D and
                                                                    animated cartoons to spice them up.
                                                                    To symbolize “driving” customers to Success
                                                                    Avenue, we built the theme using a movable
                                                                    plastic model of a “cute” taxi and a transparent
                Designed by Leonard Broussard
                                                                    three-dimensional relief map of New York City that
                                                                    was glued to the back of the clear smoke-colored
                                                                    plastic sheet.
Combining characteristics of a sign and a prop, we use it to
describe our CD-ROM (interactive cartoons used for presentations)   Attractive simplicity was the design goal of the
at trade shows, seminars, and conventions. It draws people to it    display. The other was to create removable items
because of its eye-appealing three-dimensional aspect.              that would motivate people to “play with” the prop.
                                                                                                           © 2009 Ray Anthony
“Street sign” suggesting
results of using the

Hinged plastic door
hides removable product
information and
marketing brochure

Clear plastic covers a
paper sheet that focuses
on the benefits of

Removable CD-ROM
in jewel case

The friendly taxi that
moves along a short
track when pushed
by hand
              © 2009 Ray Anthony
The information on this sign (to the right) is the only
marketing text you will see on the display. We
printed the paper on a color printer and trimmed it

                                                          Plastic Strips
to size. You can pull away the clear plastic
protective sheet (shown) to get to the paper. The
plastic sheet rides on thin, beveled plastic strips
that are glued to the main board. With this
removable system, we can easily customize the
messages for specific audiences.

                                                                           A key part of the theme – the taxi – is mounted on a
                                                                           plastic arm connected to a piece in the display’s back.
                                                                           The whole mechanism moves when pushed by hand,
                                                                           either by one of our staff or by a potential customer.
                                                                           When the taxi is moved to one of three locations, a
                                                                           sign is shown in the cut-out window of the display.
                                                                           The left-sided window shows CARTOON
                                                                           SCENARIOS, the middle one shows 3-D STILL
                                                                           CARTOONS, and the right-sided window shows
                                                                           ANIMATOONS when the taxi is moved in that
                                                  Movement                 direction. Moving the taxi is a fun way to explain the
                                                                           three types of cartoons included in our CD-ROM.
                                                                                                                   © 2009 Ray Anthony
Back view of the       The jewel case
display showing the    containing the
wide and sturdy        CD-ROM of
plastic stand that     cartoons fits in a
was glued to the       recessed open
main board. The        space supported
display is glued at    by two plastic
an angle to not only   tracks glued to
make viewing           the back of the
easier, but to         display. It can be
ensure stability of    easily removed
the entire display.    with one hand.

                       Opening up the
Back view of the       jewel case
display. You can       shows the CD-
see the black          ROM with an
plastic thin tracks    illustration to the
glued to the main      left. The friendly
board to support       taxi is one of the
the recessed           main animated
items like this CD-    cartoons in the
ROM jewel case.        collection.
                       © 2009 Ray Anthony
Pulling on the knob of the   On the back of the small
plastic cover opens the      cover (being opened) is a
area that holds a yellow     piece of the translucent
sleeve, inside of which is   map that is glued on to the
the 6-sided folded           cover.
brochure (shown below).
                             This is the same type of
The two plastic hinges
                             map shown across the
blend in with the other
                             back of the whole display.
plastic pieces of the

                             The marketing brochure (on
                             the left) highlights the key
                             features and benefits of our
                             three types of cartoons.
                             Showing sample illustrations
                             of cartoons within each of
                             the three categories gives
                             the brochure’s viewer a
                             strong sense of the detail,
                             quality, and creativity of the
                             cartoons’ designs.
                                                © 2009 Ray Anthony
The Association of Future Rail Engineers
participated in a small trade show. Since
their culture was focused on innovation,
they decided to add some flair to their booth
– but do it inexpensively. So, with a can of
Tinkertoys®, a model train set, and other
materials, their cost of materials came to
less than $120!
Their goal was to create a prop with signs
that enticed trade show attendees to drop
by to learn more about their association and
get a free 72-page report detailing their
plans for the future of the rail industry.
All the signs were printed in color,
laminated, glued to white foam core boards
and then cut to size using an X-ACTO®
knife. The real eye-catcher was the bright
red arrow hanging from the Tinkertoy®
frame that pointed down to the free report.

                               © 2009 Ray Anthony
Besides being a wonderfully
flexible set of building tools for
signs, props, or other objects that
you can use in practically all types
of meetings or presentations,
Tinkertoys® are fun to work with.

You can glue pieces together
for permanent use if you plan to
transport your structure. If not,
you can easily disassemble your
creations and build new ones
quite quickly and effectively. The
structure in this photo was put
together in less 20 minutes.

By themselves, Tinkertoys®
make nice objects. But, when
you combine them with attractive
visuals, models, or other objects
and materials, Tinkertoys® become
much more interesting and useful.
The creative possibilities seem

                        © 2009 Ray Anthony
Above are close-up photos             Epoxy glue was used to attach the
showing the three major signs that    hardware to the back of the foam-core
hang on the Tinkertoy® frame.         board signs. The signs were positioned
Browsing in a hardware store, the     on the Tinkertoy® rods. Once the rings
builders found the ideal fasteners:   were centered, super glue gel was
metal rings attached to a round       used to keep them from moving.
shaft of steel.
                                                               © 2009 Ray Anthony
The project team used an
HO gauge model train on top
of the Tinkertoy® structure to
add “eye candy appeal.”
Foam core board was cut to
fit the top of the structure.

They coated the entire board
with white glue and sprinkled
gray gravel (used for model
train layouts) on top and
then brushed off the excess.
A straight length of HO
gauge track was glued to the
gravel using silicone glue.

The final touch was to glue
some green shrubs (also
sold where model trains are)
to the gravel to give it more
of a realistic look of scenery.

               © 2009 Ray Anthony
The cover of the association report was designed          A wooden black easel, that would typically hold photos
using interesting graphics that matched the basic blue,   or small art objects, was spray-painted yellow to
red, and green colors of Tinkertoys® parts.               complement one of the key colors of Tinkertoys®.

                                                                                                    © 2009 Ray Anthony
Here is how to ingeniously use Tinkertoys® as a
platform for storage and display. I-Spark Digital
sells DVDs of photos, animations, video, music and
sound effects to multimedia and graphic designers.
Their goal was to create a low-cost, attractive,
functional – “cool” – prop that could be used at trade
shows, conventions, or other types of meetings to
sell their products and promote themselves. Using
Tinkertoys®, light bulbs, a die-cast replica of an old-
fashioned gas pump, and foam core boards (cut to
size and painted), I-Spark created a make-shift
masterpiece that won wide praise from attendees
visiting their exhibits.
The color scheme of the signs and foam core boards
matched the typical red, blue, green, yellow, and
orange parts of the Tinkertoys®.
The signs on the structure contained just enough
important information so that passers-by could easily
read and know what I-Spark Digital sold.

                                                 © 2009 Ray Anthony
This photo gives you a better view of the
construction and components of this multi-
functional prop/sign/ display.
The graphic sheets were printed out in color and
glued (using 3M Super 77® spray adhesive) on
foam core boards. They were cut to size with a
ruler and an X-ACTO® knife.
All visuals were then glued to the Tinkertoy®
structure using silicone glue. They were clamped
together to ensure a precise fit.
Round holes were cut in the blue-painted foam-
core boards. Lightbulbs were tightly screwed in for
a neat-looking fit.
For the taller center structure, two pieces of foam-
core board were cut into hexagonal (6-sided)
shapes for the floors. One side of each was painted
red and yellow.
This prop is a prime example of the flexibility and
wide-range of uses of Tinkertoys® for window
displays in your store, trade show props, exhibits at
conventions, or hundreds of other uses in business
communication environments.

                                     © 2009 Ray Anthony
Close-up photos show the construction and signage in more detail. The old-
fashioned die-cast gas pump along with the light bulbs were used to symbolize
“High Octane Ideas” available using I-Spark Digital’s diverse software products.
                                                                                   © 2009 Ray Anthony
Well-designed dioramas will “pull” audiences to your
                                           trade show booth or display table (for your meeting or
                                           presentation). Our company created this one for our
                                           seminars/workshops to draw people to our table at the
                                           back of the room that has our products (books, tapes,
                                           and learning materials) for sale.
                                           We regularly go to hobby and arts and crafts stores to
                                           graze for ideas. We ran across a black deep box
                                           frame. Almost immediately, we realized we needed to
                                           create a three-dimensional prop that communicated
                                           one of our key services that we offer our clients.
                                           With our team brainstorming, we came up with the
                                           idea of visually depicting a person caught in a trap
                                           (metaphor for business in a disappointing economy).
                                           In a toy store, we luckily found a male figure that also
                                           included the plastic desk (and all items on it) and
Scenario                                   chair. We bought a regular mousetrap and found a
                                           small dart board with darts in an arts and crafts store.
A “diorama” typically refers to a three-
dimensional miniature model (as shown      We decided on including a simply-worded, but hard-
above) enclosed in a frame and possibly    hitting series of messages that comprised our value
having a glass cover.                      proposition for the unique services that we offer.
                                                                                                 © 2009 Ray Anthony
© 2009 Ray Anthony
Here is a side view showing how the
 objects within the black frame have a
 raised three-dimensional effect. Also
 aluminum strips were cut, painted, bent
 (so the prop would tilt an an angle) and
 then attached to the back of the wood
 frame with epoxy glue.
 This positioning of objects (e.g. signs,
 furniture, desk accessories, dart board
 and darts) in such a way gives visual
 depth to the prop and makes it much
 more compelling and captivating
 compared to a flat two-dimensional
 The trick to creating a meaningful,
 impacting message collage like this is to
 use “typical” objects in “non-typical”
 ways. That is the secret of creativity!

© 2009 Ray Anthony
Small touches help to paint a vivid picture of what a diorama is        To add “visual punch” to the trapped man, we
communicating. We created the small visual “Quarterly Sales” (2”        designed a star-shaped background that was
wide x 1 ½” high) with the trend going down, printed it and spray       cut out with an X-ACTO® knife. A piece of
glued it to a piece of art board and cut it to size. We then glued it   thick foam board was glued to its bottom to
to the top of the desk using super glue gel.                            raise the whole piece up giving it a strong
                                                                        three-dimensional look.        © 2009 Ray Anthony
The man in the trap and the “value
                         proposition” sign are linked
                         together in both message and
                         symbolism. The man’s finger (see
                         red circle) is pointing to the
                         headline, “FEELING TRAPPED?”
                         The next line is a psychologically-
                         tailored metaphor: Do not let this
                         economy hold you hostage! which
                         strikes at a primal fear many
                         people subconsciously have today.
                         The remainder of the sign gives
                         four bulleted summaries of the
                         value proposition we offer to our
                         clients. The goal when creating
                         marketing messages like these are:
                           - keep it simple
                           - appeal to emotions and needs
                           - make it relevant and compelling
                           - use captivating graphic designs

Value Proposition Sign
                                              © 2009 Ray Anthony
Take risks – experiment
Hey, I’m really
open-minded!      Look for ideas everywhere

                  Be willing to make mistakes

                  Exercise your imagination daily

                  Challenge the status quo

                  Brainstorm beyond the first good
                  idea or solution you come up with

                  Continuously improve upon what
                  you have done

                  “Play” with wild, far-out ideas

                                              © 2009 Ray Anthony
Fire Up Your Brain To Get Noticed, Get Results!

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Fire Up Your Brain To Get Noticed, Get Results!

  • 1. 1
  • 2. This slide show was condensed from our CD-ROM, which contains may more examples. It is designed to highlight some extraordinary ways to be ultra-creative in business communication and sales and marketing. The concepts, designs, construction and photography of the materials, visuals and props were done by Ray Anthony, except where noted. For more information about what we do, contact: Ray Anthony, President Anthony© 2003 by Ray Anthony Copyright Innovation Group 23 Skyland Place All Rights Reserved The Woodlands, TX 77381 281-364-7739 © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 3. © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 4. Hey... in these tough times, you have to be CREATIVE People are being blasted and bombarded with sales calls, marketing messages and all sorts of requests for their attention. After a while, it’s natural to become numb and oblivious to them. In today’s world, you really need to be extraordinarily imaginative to grab and hold someone’s interest! © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 5. Maybe… - you’re with a smaller company competing with a giant for an important project and you want to change the rules of the game in your favor. - you are in charge of a big meeting and need fresh new ideas to make it a smash hit and make YOU the hero. - you’ve had poor luck in getting a client’s attention and you now want to try something more bold, more daring, more audacious... this time. And You Are Wondering… - how imaginative can I get and still be “professional?” - where can I get those “quantum leap” ideas? - how can I be ultra-creative on a shoe-string budget? - is there a sure-fire way to be creative, not “corny?” © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 6. If you want someone to understand, accept and take action upon your recommendations, you have got to stand APART and ABOVE the crowd in how you communicate your concepts, solutions, information, feelings or key messages. The examples in the following slides will show how you can boost your imagination to produce Creative Communication Materials such as business proposals, sale tools, marketing and promotion pieces, presentation handouts, visuals or props that will captivate people and better help you to reach your objectives. You will see extraordinary ways of gaining a competitive edge by brilliantly showcasing your Be a VISIONARY Communicator ideas and solutions. If you begin to experiment with unconventional Everyday we are exposed to over 10,000 messages! Junk variations, you will surely differentiate yourself from mail, advertisements, radio, television and e-mail “spam” are all the competition out there who are too busy just a few that fight for a moment of our ears and eyes. It trying to play “me-too,” imitation instead of looking takes I-M-A-G-I-N-A-T-I-O-N to think up novel ways to for fresh, new and exciting ways to innovate how break through the chaotic clutter that hits us. they communicate, market and sell. © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 7. QUICK... we desperately need a breakthrough idea!
  • 8. Imaginative ideas for communication You can creatively transform communication are everywhere! They often come from materials by modifying characteristics of them. unusual, unexpected places. Here are For example, for a letter, proposal or visual, a few places in which to get rich ideas: ask yourself how you can:  books and magazines on graphic design  change the shape and dimensions (e.g. make it smaller or larger, use a horizontal  web sites about diverse topics/areas format versus vertical... make it round).  museums, art galleries and craft shows  give your visual a three-dimensional effect  book stores and libraries (look at book by building layers onto it or by packaging covers and magazine illustrations and your proposal in metal, plastic, wood or advertisements) cardboard boxes, cans or tubes. Experiment with  gift/card shops, toy and hobby stores,  add animation or motion to your materials variations of arts and crafts and artist supply stores like automatic pull-outs, blinking lights or your idea or moveable objects.  catalogs of all kinds of products theme  supermarkets (see product packaging)  decorate your sign or proposal with solid objects such as miniature models, plastic  department, office supply, high-tech Always be on the arrows, doll house furniture, die-cast toys, gadget and gag gift stores lookout for or tiny light-bulbs.  home decorating stores sudden idea  create a fold-out, perhaps a origami page opportunities of information.  brainstorming with creative people Take risks! © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 9. GAIN THE “HIGHER GROUND” KEEP IT FROM COMPETITORS When you develop innovative business 3. Your company will be be perceived as proposals, presentation handouts and focusing on fresh, new approaches. visuals or sales/marketing materials, you There is a “psychological transference gain the “Higher Ground” with customers. factor” involved. Customers are likely to think, “After all, if this company has gone There are lots of benefits to infusing novel through all this trouble for doing a fancy ideas into your business communication presentation just for us, imagine how they materials. How will they react and be will apply creative problem-solving to the affected by getting a creatively-designed key projects they will work on with us!” proposal, for example? Here are some likely ways: 4. Your competitors will appear lackluster, boring, unimaginative and even “lazy” 1. They will be mightily impressed with when compared to the original, clever the extra effort you made, the time ways you differentiate your company you spent and the degree of through your innovative designs. imagination you put into the project. 5. With maximum creativity, you will 2. They will assume that you extend dramatically improve your chances of the same meticulous quality, igniting a potential customer’s interest, dedication, and effort to ALL the thus boosting your chances of closing a projects you do for them – as you deal and developing a long-term, have done on your proposal. lucrative relationship. © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 10. As with any project, you work along a Ask Yourself These Questions: Creativity Continuum – where ideas can range from “mild”-to-“wild.” Before you begin a project, determine where on that range you - What is the purpose of using creativity in this proposal or other marketing tool? should fix your communication sights. Do I want to persuade, inform, motivate Sometimes a traditional proposal design will or do a combination? do, while other times you need megaton creativity to blast away – with sizzling and - How will my imaginative approach likely be received by my clients? dazzling ideas – your powerful competition. Developing imaginative proposals, visuals, - How does being more creative help to better achieve my overall objectives marketing pieces or training materials takes and give my information more impact? time and money. Some clients (especially conservative ones) might see your resourceful - Is the time and effort worth it? What efforts as being too “flashy” or unwarranted. are the downsides or risks of being Your hard work could backfire! creative at this point? Remember: every time you design some - How can I use “cool ideas” to better creative business materials, think about where communicate more clearly, concisely on the creativity continuum – from simple to or convincingly? spectacular – you should be. © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 11. For Big or Important Deals • Maximum “Creative Firepower” • Competition-Killers The following slides show imaginative thematic proposals intended for important Stunning business deals. Proposals Stunning proposals “showcase” the vision and impressive innovation of your company and will make a HUGE (and often lasting) impression upon your clients! © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 12. You have a BIG potential deal with STUNNING PROPOSALS are: a organization you are dying to have as a client. Perhaps you are 1. Highly Creative in the design of the responding to an RPF (Request For cover, packaging and layout of the Proposal) or maybe you are inside pages, tabs, and pullouts. providing an unsolicited proposal. 2. Thematic and Symbolic in the titles, You know that your most fierce key messages, quotations and visual competitors will pose a nasty illustrations. challenge. You have to pull out all 3. Enjoyable to look at and read. The the stops to make your proposal content is designed and written in an brilliantly shine compared to your interesting and enlightening way. competitors. 4. Tailored and Personalized to your And…you want to score big points clients. There is no hint of boilerplate and make a lasting impression! content. The way to do all that is to design 5. Exotic in the Use Of Materials to Stunning Proposals that are icons of construct the proposal’s packaging. eye-popping creativity along with 6. Bold and Daring in the originality superb substance and content. and flair built into your proposal. © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 13. © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 14. The concept was depicted as a oversized match book with the theme revolving around “firing up” profits. Throughout this proposal, notice how practically everything focuses on benefits to the client. The theme begins with the bold, attention-grabbing title of the proposal, Starting a Fire of Blazing Profits and the subtitle, A Creative Strategy to Significantly Boost MagTech’s Competitive Position. Designer Leonard Broussard created the “flaming” cover with dollar signs rising in the fire and printed it out on a tabloid size (“11 x 17”) glossy stock. He glued a black paper stock to the underside of the cover sheet using double-sided adhesive. The large staple was an industrial-size staple taken from a big cardboard box. Designed by Leonard Broussard The back view of the Scenario cover includes a realistic-looking match Imaginex Worldwide Consulting wanted to clinch a strike plate made out huge deal with MagTech Inc. They decided to go with of confetti paper stock an eye-popping proposal that hit all the targets with glued to the cover MagTech... and more. Strike Plate © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 15. Back Cover © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 16. This proposal has many “small touches” throughout that reinforce the main themes and mimic the characteristics of a real book of matches. These make a big difference in the overall visual and psychological impact of the proposal. For example, as a client would open the proposal (as one would open a book of matches), he or she would see: “Open Cover to Strike Profits” A typical match book cover would say, “Open cover to strike matches.” These clever touches illustrate more than just creativity. They subtly communicate to your client that your account team is meticulous and motivated by even the smallest details to ensure the success of your joint team-based projects. © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 17. When a person opens the match book cover, one The five terms such as Profits, Efficiency, and sees “matchsticks.” Designer Broussard found others on the matchsticks represented the simulated-wood paper that he cut to size to form benefits to the client – the intended outcomes the sticks of the matches. He used 1/8 inch thick of working with Imaginex. The five words were white foam as the tips for the matches. He cut a created (with “burn marks”) in Photoshop® and slit on the side of each tip (using an X-ACTO® printed on inket transfer paper (in reverse type) knife) and positioned the white foam tips over and ironed onto each match stick. each match stick. When you push the matches forward, the executive summary proposal comes into view (shown below) © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 18. The executive summary document is removable. A real wooden fireplace match (coated at the tip to prevent accidental ignition!) is used at the top of the booklet to decorate and further support the title theme of Striking Up Competitive Strategies outlined in the inside of the proposal. The five main sections of the proposal are listed on the bottom. © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 19. Once you open the proposal, you will see 5 tab sections that expand upon the key benefits that were displayed on the matches. Each tab actually has an attention-grabbing key benefit statement written on it! Example (on first tab): “Revenue Growth Between 35-40 Percent Over Five Year Period.” © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 20. Innovision developed two benefit-focused, attention-grabbing themes that drove the packaging and design of the proposal: “Powerful Engine of Growth” “Supercharging Profitability” These themes were chosen for their precise persuasive effect. Around the metal belly-band of the proposal can are four simple descriptive terms (each beginning with the letter “s”) that symbolize the four characteristics of the solution that Innovision Consulting proposed for Acme Global. They are: Stamina (the Innovision team has to ensure project success) Strength (of the solution for both the short-and long-term) Stability (of the partnership between Innovision and Acme) Significance (of this project on Acme’s financial record) A detailed, die-cast Designed by Leonard Broussard metal engine model (3 ½” high, bought in a toy Scenario store) was attached to the metal top of the Innovision Consulting went all out to win over Acme proposal can with Global Incorporated for a huge, long-term consulting epoxy glue. and development contract. © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 21. Die-cast metal engine attached to the top round metal piece The designer created the top and bottom of the proposal package by purchasing a chrome breather for an automobile air filter. For the belly band (the part that encircles the metal can), he bought thin flashing metal at a building supplies store. He printed his graphic on glossy paper and glued it to the pre-cut metal sheet using double-sided adhesive sheets bought in an art supply store. The band was then rolled to fit and the ends were glued together. Then, the bottom of the belly band’s edge was glued to the round bottom piece with epoxy glue. The intent of the design of the “Proposal Can” (which is the packaging for the actual business proposal) was to create a sense of excitement, curiosity, and suspense for what The terms Strength, Stamina, Stability, and Significance was inside. After all, if you got a proposal are each placed in one of the four quadrants of the belly like this, wouldn’t you be fascinated by it and band of the metal can package of the proposal. want to know what was “under the hood?” © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 22. After opening the cover can, you see an interesting-looking document (the proposal for Acme Global) in the center, surrounded by four small die-cast race cars, each numbered from 1 to 4 on their hoods. The metal cars represent the four major characteristics of Innovision’s solution for Acme: 1. Stamina; 2. Strength; 3. Stability; and. 4. Significance. These four characteristics (represented by the numbered cars) symbolize that Innovision’s solutions will be “quickly driving the success of Acme.” Each of the miniature cars is attached to the bottom round metal part by small pieces of Velcro® tape. When the proposal is presented to Acme, the consultants from Innovision will thoroughly explain the symbolism and inherent meaning of all the elements of the proposal. Top View With Cover Removed © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 23. This proposal document was designed to be a visual knockout by using unconventional materials with attractive design elements. The front and back pieces are perforated steel. The leather spine was bought in a fabric store and was bound to the document using metal fasteners. The combination of metal sheets, leather and steel fasteners gave the proposal (and its inside information) the rugged look of strength, power, and solidity befitting a durable, long-lasting engine (of growth) theme. On the thick-stock paper cover was the subdued blue picture of the die-cast engine and the titles/themes, Powerful Engine of Growth For Acme and the subtitle, Supercharging Profitability. Think of how you can use plastics, corrugated paper, metal, ceramics or wood to add structure to, embellish and create a captivating theme for your proposal. © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 24. The themes of this proposal focus on how Innovision can help “drive” the success of Acme Global. The designer came up with the concept of gears (as in a transmission of an engine) that would represent the two companies company moving ahead with speed. So, the proposal was sectioned off, used the tab sheets in the following way: Gear 1: Strength of the solution Gear 2: Stamina of the Innovision team Gear 3: Stability of the partnership Gear 4: Significance of this project The designer printed out the tabbed pages on glossy paper and mounted each on a thick stock using a double-sided adhesive paper. He then cut the rounded edges with an X-ACTO® knife. The overall visual effect of the proposal with its packaging is quite stunning. Few clients will ever experience this degree of creativity. Those who do will be surely impacted by it! © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 25. Design Factors  Symbolism  Metaphors  Psychology  Fun Quotient  The Unexpected  Take-away Gift © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 26. At the end of their presentation (as a surprise handout), they gave each person a lunchbox (with a superhero on it) that contains other items inside. The sales executive told the audience of four people that within the box is a concise “Executive Summary” that highlights all the key information they covered during the last hour. As you will see in the following slides, the lunchbox and its contents symbolize (subtly and unconsciously) the following: 1. Power and invincibility for the customer (FunTyme). 2. Strength against competitors 3. Righteousness for the (customer) company’s cause When they open their lunch boxes, the unexpected surprises continue… Scenario A sales executive from IdeaCatcher (a toy designer) was giving a big presentation to a toy manufacturer, FunTyme, that values creative ideas. Beforehand, the Each customer told the account leader that “if you help me person’s eat my competitor’s lunch, you’ve got the deal!” name and The IdeaCatcher executive wanted to show their title are creativity in ways that compellingly demonstrated how placed on they would give FunTyme a BIG competitive lead. the box © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 27. Inside the lunch box are three “100 GRAND” candy bars and a small booklet which contains the key summary information from the presentation. The candy symbolizes the revenues and profits the customer will make as a result of their relationship with IdeaCatcher. Underneath the candy bars is the executive proposal booklet which was specifically designed to fit within the small metal lunchbox. © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 28. The cover message on the executive summary is strongly worded and designed to complement the packaging (metal lunchbox): “We’ll Help You to Eat Your Competitor’s Lunch” The strong, visceral metaphor of “Eating Your Competitor’s Lunch” was intended to (psychologically) immediately capture the attention, interest, and imagination of the decision-makers at the presentation... and it certainly did! The cover and inside pages were printed and the cover was laminated and trimmed tusing a ruler and X-ACTO® knife. The font was selected to give a fun “cartoon feel” to the cover. The executive summary was bound with a white plastic comb. © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 29. FIRST PAGE First page of the Executive Summary is simple, but strong. It sets a positive expectant tone of the messages to follow with the enticing words “Opportunities” and “Possibilities” SECOND PAGE The “Lunch Menu” refers to the benefits of the proposal that will be covered in a concise way in the following pages of the Executive Summary. Note the positive implications of the descriptions on the menu for the customer. © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 30. Scenario TRD Corporation does specialty engineering design. The CEO was changing his company’s direction and was looking for a consulting firm to help communicate that change process (including their new vision/goals). Fast Lane Communications was one of several firms responding to an RFP (Request For Proposal). The Fast Lane account team bought a blank metal gallon can and a thick artist’s brush. Their theme was “Painting Your Future” and they decided to use a rich color design to symbolize the targeted bright future for TRD. The “Can” concept (below the title) referred to both the metal can and the “can do” aspect of Fast Lane’s solutions to exceed TRD’s stated goals. The covering on the can was printed on glossy paper. The can was sprayed with mounting adhesive and the paper was carefully positioned to fit around half the can. Inside was a carefully rolled up proposal, a sample CD showing client testimonials and stories of successful programs done by Fast Lane. “Color the deal done,” the buyer said after Fast Lane’s impressive presentation! © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 31. The metal cylinder (below) can be used to hold a rolled-up proposal or other marketing materials. Maybe you want to create a roll-down, scroll-type proposal which would fit well within the cylinder. The theme here is “Lifesaver” which you might use to indicate the vital nature of your solution, idea, plan, or proposal. For the enjoyment of your customers, throw in some of the real candy too! There are many types of (metal, plastic, or cardboard) boxes to hold your proposal or other materials. Look for interesting designs that reflect a vibrant theme. In the lunch box (above), it is communicating a positive message with overtones of building teamwork for example, between your organization and that of your business partner. © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 32. Whether they are used to hold meeting materials, gifts, You can add self-adhesive labels cut to the size and the candy, or special promotions, boxes and containers made shape you need to add your logo or other information or out of paper, metal and plastic are a nice way to package graphics to your containers. Ribbons, pins, flowers, and them. Look in hobby craft stores, gift shops, catalogs, web other decorative items can also be attached to add flair and sites, party stores, and container outlets for a rich variety. flavor to your packaging. © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 33. © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 34. Scenario Here is an example of a striking proposal cover using models on it to boost the visual effect of the concept. Laseramics Limited wanted to Close Up View of Die-Cast Cars partner with Nanotube Fabrication Corporation (NFC). NFC recently developed a breakthrough process to create materials made of carbon nanotubes which are 10 times stronger than steel and weigh 1/6 as much. NFC wanted to quickly grab huge chunks of market share before other firms entered their new industry. Laseramics, which sells mass volume equipment that NFC would use in precision manufacturing, wants to hit their “hot button” which is speedy growth around the world and to assist NFC to gobble up market share. So Laseramics’ 11” x 17” proposal cover has the global design theme on it with two die-cast race cars epoxy-glued to the laminated cover. The yellow racer represents NFC and is clearly ahead of their main competitor (which is the red car). © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 35. Opening “Closed” Doors • Reaching Decision Makers • Leveraging Bigger Deals The following slides show some vivid and Awesome extraordinary examples of ingenious ways to create marketing, sales, or other promotional Marketing materials. Tools Keep in mind that there is almost no limit to the ideas you can transform into clever items to promote your business. © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 36. Scenario To get the immediate attention of senior leaders in a company... talk money! Better yet, include some in your marketing promotions to them! Stun Inc. (a training company) wanted to get more sales appointments with top people in their accounts. While browsing in a gift shop, one of their marketing executives spotted a metal quarter dollar container that caught her attention. She did not know exactly how Stun Inc. could use it in their high-level marketing campaign, but she intuitively sensed value in it. Later, she and her team came up with the idea of quickly “hooking” the interest of a CFO (Chief Financial Officer), COO (Chief Operating Officer), or CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of the medium-size companies Stun Inc. was targeting for their new organization-wide Warp-Speed Innovation training programs. They created the “gift” that included real money (quarters) that surrounded the key (value-proposition) message designed to grab the attention and build the interest of their prospect to learn more about the innovation training opportunity. © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 37. © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 38. Stun Inc.’s team used a strategy to evoke curiosity from the decision-maker (who received this marketing piece) and “forced” that person to get interactively engaged in its message. “So We Can Impact Your Profits” was highlighted on the middle portion of the disk followed by: “How Much? Multiply the value of all the quarters on this disk by $2.8 – $3.6+ million. That’s our researched estimate.” Few people would resist counting the 16 real quarters attached (totaling $4.00) and then multiplying it to get estimated profits of $11.2 – $14.4 million based upon an analysis of the specific customer’s organization being contacted. Stun Inc.’s strategy worked extremely well, enabling their salespeople to get more appointments at high levels in their top 50 targeted accounts. It worked so much better than their typical direct mail letter pieces. Close up side view showing the black foam-core board cut into a round piece after it was printed, laminated and glued to the foam core. Who can resist the lure of Quarters were glued to the laminated top using silicon glue. real and potential money? © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 39. A “teaser (proposal)-on-a-board” is a perfect way to entice entice someone to find out more about your stated claims. It will psychologically make them more receptive to receiving your phone call to discuss your business opportunity further. Scouting for ideas in a large arts and crafts store, a sales manager saw a set of small wooden doors in the doll house section. An idea struck! The concept of “Opening Doors of Opportunity” for a client he was trying to contact (with no prior luck) was sparked. On the right side of the board were highlighted seven key benefits to tweak the viewer’s interest and create curiosity. The information was printed on a 13” x 19” sheet of photo quality paper, laminated, and mounted on a black (solid color throughout) foam-core board using 3M Super 77® spray adhesive on both sides. Scenario Then a rectangle was cut out using an X-ACTO® knife and the the miniature wooden doors were slipped Pictured above is a imaginative marketing piece that will over it and the sides glued in place. On the back of quickly grab an executive’s interest with the goal of the doors, was mounted a graphic showing bails of moving your sales cycle to the next step. money stacked like hay. © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 40. © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 41. Fast Lane Communications, a consulting and training company wanted to get the attention of the Vice President of Marketing of Travex Corporation, a high-tech manufacturer that just came out with a superior technology for video and film production. An industry magazine had an article detailing how Travex wanted to take advantage of their digital breakthrough to gain market share quickly with their Scenario new hardware and software product line while keeping main You can use something like the next idea for marketing/ competitors at bay (until their next sales campaigns, training class giveaways or as product innovation). So, speed of handouts at the end of your seminar or presentation grabbing market share became (e.g. an executive summary). paramount for Travex Corporation. © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 42. Fast Lane Communications decided to use a tin car to hold a customized mini-concept sales proposal that nicely encapsulated the benefits and value that Fast Lane could provide in helping Travex to gain market share rapidly. The car and the booklet (which was inside) were selected and designed, of course, to symbolize speed and winning. The booklet cover was color-matched to the metal car and printed using a color printer. The cover was glued to a piece of art board (to make it rigid) and then cut to size. The ten pages of the quick-read booklet gave the head of marketing concise, but compelling information on how Fast Lane would help her company. This interesting sales teaser enabled the sales manager at Fast Lane to set up a meeting. She ultimately got “the checkered flag” for a sale with Travex. Creativity IS a winning formula! © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 43. More Impacting Presentations • Memorable Conclusions • Focuses Audience Decision-Making When giving presentations, it is vital to distill, encapsulate and highlight your information Executive into your most compelling points. That is the job of the executive summary. Summary The following slides show an interesting variety of executive summaries used as handouts after an oral business presentation. Always look for clever ways to make your key points interesting and memorable. © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 44. In over 20 years of consulting and training, we discovered that a vast majority of people who write proposals or give business presentations do not include a separate handout that encapsulates all their major points and messages. A SUMMARY HANDOUT IS VITAL, ESPECIALLY IN A SALES OR MARKETING PRESENTATION! Audiences cannot be expected to remember all the salient points a presenter makes, even if he or she emphasizes those main points while speaking. Often called an “Executive Summary” because it is complete, yet condensed. This one-page (or less) summary condenses and distills an entire proposal or presentation down to its sheer essence, thus helping the client to more easily visualize  Concise attractive, compelling reasons to do business with the person or  Complete team presenting.  Congenial Because executive summaries enable an audience to more easily digest and evaluate information and see how everything fits together  Compelling into a “big picture,” it makes it easier for the audience members to  Captivating make a decision and, therefore, act upon the information presented.  Convincing The following pages show examples of some novel executive  Customized summaries that will make a highly positive – and sometimes even decisive – difference in the outcome of a proposal or presentation. © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 45. Wheeler gave an impressive presentation showing video and animation of their trucks in action. They also wanted to make sure that their presentation summary would sharply point out their superior value proposition. The summary had five key categories with check-marked supporting points under each category. The page was printed, laminated and glued to a foam-core board using 3M Super 77® spray adhesive (spraying both sides). It was cut to size using an X-ACTO® knife and steel ruler. To add dramatic punch to the summary, Wheeler’s graphic designer bought an 8-inch long die-cast model truck and created a customized side panel for the trailer with the slogan “Moving Fabricon Ahead,” since the customer’s goal was to quickly out-pace their previous financial performance – and new trucks would play a role in that Scenario metric. The graphic was printed on a self-adhesive sheet and placed onto the trailer’s panel. The impressive Wheeler Truck Company’s executives were executive summary was the capstone of an impressive giving a presentation to Fabricon Corporation’s presentation that convinced the buyers to select Wheeler buyers to sell them over 95 customized trucks. as their specialty truck supplier! © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 46. Customized benefits and value proposition written to precisely meet/exceed every one of the customer’s buying goals, while showing superior results compared to the competitors involved. Die-cast and plastic model of truck epoxy-glued to the laminated board with a nice customized graphic on the trailer section. © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 47. Scenario The senior executives of Raptor Engine Technologies were proposing a business deal with TurboMarine. The overall theme of their oral presentation was that Raptor could produce a “quantum leap” in new sales and other major benefits for TurboMarine. Raptor decided to create a handout that would symbolize the theme of a quantum leap – a vertical arrow. On the handout, Raptor Engine Technologies’ graphic designer included the key information that clearly pointed out to TurboMarine why a decision to use Raptor’s new engines – and why partnering with Raptor – would be the best decision, no doubt! The designer used a black foam core board to match the color scheme of the graphic. The arrow was simply cut out using an X-ACTO® knife after the printed and laminated piece was glued using 3M Super 77® spray adhesive. Think of various geometric shapes that you can use to make your executive summaries and other presentation handouts more compelling and relevant to the key messages you want to communicate and symbolize. © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 48. This is an example of how executive summaries can be effectively written and benefit-positioned for your client: Compelling reasons to choose your company as the provider of products and services You include 4-8 main compelling reasons why a potential customer would be best served by buying from your company or partnering with your organization Predicted results and beneficial Impact on customer – the real “bottom line” You further summarize and distill those reasons into predicted results that you can bring to your customer (financial and/or operational benefits) © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 49. Scenario Shown here is the essence of a concise, simple, but compelling executive summary focusing exclusively on the four vital benefits a customer would receive. Envision a person summarizing her presentation, then saying something like, “We ‘framed’ our solution around four major benefits. We want you to ‘picture’ the impact we will make if you select our firm as your partner in this project.” She hands out the 8-inch square picture frame. The psychology is that the presenter is giving them a realistic picture of attractive, superior returns on investment, instead of the usual detailed, boilerplate sales pitch information typically included in handouts. A small picture frame was purchased from an arts and crafts store and was chosen for its double-matte effect, giving the picture a three-dimensional look. The visual was printed and taped it to the back of the matte board of the frame. The fact that there’s only vital information makes it extraordinarily impacting and memorable! © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 50. Trade Shows and Conferences • Presentations & Keynote Speeches • Seminars and Workshops Whether you are with a group in front of the room or have your display at the back, Visuals imaginative and interesting visuals and props can help inform and even entertain people. & Props In the following slides look at the power of applied imagination. In today’s cost- conscious world, being creative means doing some exceptional things inexpensively! © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 51. Scenario We created a display sign that would help us to compellingly present the features and benefits of our new product. We worked with a leading sign store to fabricate the display primarily out of plastic components. The theme (highlighted by the green simulated street sign on top) was “Success Avenue” – meaning that one’s presentations, web sites, and interactive training CDs, for example, would achieve superior results using our still, 3-D and animated cartoons to spice them up. To symbolize “driving” customers to Success Avenue, we built the theme using a movable plastic model of a “cute” taxi and a transparent Designed by Leonard Broussard three-dimensional relief map of New York City that was glued to the back of the clear smoke-colored plastic sheet. Combining characteristics of a sign and a prop, we use it to describe our CD-ROM (interactive cartoons used for presentations) Attractive simplicity was the design goal of the at trade shows, seminars, and conventions. It draws people to it display. The other was to create removable items because of its eye-appealing three-dimensional aspect. that would motivate people to “play with” the prop. © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 52. “Street sign” suggesting results of using the PresenTOONS Hinged plastic door hides removable product information and marketing brochure Clear plastic covers a paper sheet that focuses on the benefits of PresenTOONS Removable CD-ROM in jewel case The friendly taxi that moves along a short track when pushed by hand © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 53. The information on this sign (to the right) is the only marketing text you will see on the display. We printed the paper on a color printer and trimmed it Plastic Strips to size. You can pull away the clear plastic protective sheet (shown) to get to the paper. The plastic sheet rides on thin, beveled plastic strips that are glued to the main board. With this removable system, we can easily customize the messages for specific audiences. A key part of the theme – the taxi – is mounted on a plastic arm connected to a piece in the display’s back. The whole mechanism moves when pushed by hand, either by one of our staff or by a potential customer. When the taxi is moved to one of three locations, a sign is shown in the cut-out window of the display. The left-sided window shows CARTOON SCENARIOS, the middle one shows 3-D STILL CARTOONS, and the right-sided window shows ANIMATOONS when the taxi is moved in that Movement direction. Moving the taxi is a fun way to explain the three types of cartoons included in our CD-ROM. © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 54. Back view of the The jewel case display showing the containing the wide and sturdy CD-ROM of plastic stand that cartoons fits in a was glued to the recessed open main board. The space supported display is glued at by two plastic an angle to not only tracks glued to make viewing the back of the easier, but to display. It can be ensure stability of easily removed the entire display. with one hand. Opening up the Back view of the jewel case display. You can shows the CD- see the black ROM with an plastic thin tracks illustration to the glued to the main left. The friendly board to support taxi is one of the the recessed main animated items like this CD- cartoons in the ROM jewel case. collection. © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 55. Pulling on the knob of the On the back of the small plastic cover opens the cover (being opened) is a area that holds a yellow piece of the translucent sleeve, inside of which is map that is glued on to the the 6-sided folded cover. brochure (shown below). This is the same type of The two plastic hinges map shown across the blend in with the other back of the whole display. plastic pieces of the display. The marketing brochure (on the left) highlights the key features and benefits of our three types of cartoons. Showing sample illustrations of cartoons within each of the three categories gives the brochure’s viewer a strong sense of the detail, quality, and creativity of the cartoons’ designs. © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 56. Scenario The Association of Future Rail Engineers participated in a small trade show. Since their culture was focused on innovation, they decided to add some flair to their booth – but do it inexpensively. So, with a can of Tinkertoys®, a model train set, and other materials, their cost of materials came to less than $120! Their goal was to create a prop with signs that enticed trade show attendees to drop by to learn more about their association and get a free 72-page report detailing their plans for the future of the rail industry. All the signs were printed in color, laminated, glued to white foam core boards and then cut to size using an X-ACTO® knife. The real eye-catcher was the bright red arrow hanging from the Tinkertoy® frame that pointed down to the free report. © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 57. Besides being a wonderfully flexible set of building tools for signs, props, or other objects that you can use in practically all types of meetings or presentations, Tinkertoys® are fun to work with. You can glue pieces together for permanent use if you plan to transport your structure. If not, you can easily disassemble your creations and build new ones quite quickly and effectively. The structure in this photo was put together in less 20 minutes. By themselves, Tinkertoys® make nice objects. But, when you combine them with attractive visuals, models, or other objects and materials, Tinkertoys® become much more interesting and useful. The creative possibilities seem endless! © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 58. Above are close-up photos Epoxy glue was used to attach the showing the three major signs that hardware to the back of the foam-core hang on the Tinkertoy® frame. board signs. The signs were positioned Browsing in a hardware store, the on the Tinkertoy® rods. Once the rings builders found the ideal fasteners: were centered, super glue gel was metal rings attached to a round used to keep them from moving. shaft of steel. © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 59. The project team used an HO gauge model train on top of the Tinkertoy® structure to add “eye candy appeal.” Foam core board was cut to fit the top of the structure. They coated the entire board with white glue and sprinkled gray gravel (used for model train layouts) on top and then brushed off the excess. A straight length of HO gauge track was glued to the gravel using silicone glue. The final touch was to glue some green shrubs (also sold where model trains are) to the gravel to give it more of a realistic look of scenery. © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 60. The cover of the association report was designed A wooden black easel, that would typically hold photos using interesting graphics that matched the basic blue, or small art objects, was spray-painted yellow to red, and green colors of Tinkertoys® parts. complement one of the key colors of Tinkertoys®. © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 61. Scenario Here is how to ingeniously use Tinkertoys® as a platform for storage and display. I-Spark Digital sells DVDs of photos, animations, video, music and sound effects to multimedia and graphic designers. Their goal was to create a low-cost, attractive, functional – “cool” – prop that could be used at trade shows, conventions, or other types of meetings to sell their products and promote themselves. Using Tinkertoys®, light bulbs, a die-cast replica of an old- fashioned gas pump, and foam core boards (cut to size and painted), I-Spark created a make-shift masterpiece that won wide praise from attendees visiting their exhibits. The color scheme of the signs and foam core boards matched the typical red, blue, green, yellow, and orange parts of the Tinkertoys®. The signs on the structure contained just enough important information so that passers-by could easily read and know what I-Spark Digital sold. © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 62. This photo gives you a better view of the construction and components of this multi- functional prop/sign/ display. The graphic sheets were printed out in color and glued (using 3M Super 77® spray adhesive) on foam core boards. They were cut to size with a ruler and an X-ACTO® knife. All visuals were then glued to the Tinkertoy® structure using silicone glue. They were clamped together to ensure a precise fit. Round holes were cut in the blue-painted foam- core boards. Lightbulbs were tightly screwed in for a neat-looking fit. For the taller center structure, two pieces of foam- core board were cut into hexagonal (6-sided) shapes for the floors. One side of each was painted red and yellow. This prop is a prime example of the flexibility and wide-range of uses of Tinkertoys® for window displays in your store, trade show props, exhibits at conventions, or hundreds of other uses in business communication environments. © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 63. Close-up photos show the construction and signage in more detail. The old- fashioned die-cast gas pump along with the light bulbs were used to symbolize “High Octane Ideas” available using I-Spark Digital’s diverse software products. © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 64. Well-designed dioramas will “pull” audiences to your trade show booth or display table (for your meeting or presentation). Our company created this one for our seminars/workshops to draw people to our table at the back of the room that has our products (books, tapes, and learning materials) for sale. We regularly go to hobby and arts and crafts stores to graze for ideas. We ran across a black deep box frame. Almost immediately, we realized we needed to create a three-dimensional prop that communicated one of our key services that we offer our clients. With our team brainstorming, we came up with the idea of visually depicting a person caught in a trap (metaphor for business in a disappointing economy). In a toy store, we luckily found a male figure that also included the plastic desk (and all items on it) and Scenario chair. We bought a regular mousetrap and found a small dart board with darts in an arts and crafts store. A “diorama” typically refers to a three- dimensional miniature model (as shown We decided on including a simply-worded, but hard- above) enclosed in a frame and possibly hitting series of messages that comprised our value having a glass cover. proposition for the unique services that we offer. © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 65. © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 66. Here is a side view showing how the objects within the black frame have a raised three-dimensional effect. Also aluminum strips were cut, painted, bent (so the prop would tilt an an angle) and then attached to the back of the wood frame with epoxy glue. This positioning of objects (e.g. signs, furniture, desk accessories, dart board and darts) in such a way gives visual depth to the prop and makes it much more compelling and captivating compared to a flat two-dimensional piece. The trick to creating a meaningful, impacting message collage like this is to use “typical” objects in “non-typical” ways. That is the secret of creativity! © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 67. Small touches help to paint a vivid picture of what a diorama is To add “visual punch” to the trapped man, we communicating. We created the small visual “Quarterly Sales” (2” designed a star-shaped background that was wide x 1 ½” high) with the trend going down, printed it and spray cut out with an X-ACTO® knife. A piece of glued it to a piece of art board and cut it to size. We then glued it thick foam board was glued to its bottom to to the top of the desk using super glue gel. raise the whole piece up giving it a strong three-dimensional look. © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 68. The man in the trap and the “value proposition” sign are linked together in both message and symbolism. The man’s finger (see red circle) is pointing to the headline, “FEELING TRAPPED?” The next line is a psychologically- tailored metaphor: Do not let this economy hold you hostage! which strikes at a primal fear many people subconsciously have today. The remainder of the sign gives four bulleted summaries of the value proposition we offer to our clients. The goal when creating marketing messages like these are: - keep it simple - appeal to emotions and needs - make it relevant and compelling - use captivating graphic designs Value Proposition Sign © 2009 Ray Anthony
  • 69. Take risks – experiment Hey, I’m really open-minded! Look for ideas everywhere Be willing to make mistakes Exercise your imagination daily Challenge the status quo Brainstorm beyond the first good idea or solution you come up with Continuously improve upon what you have done “Play” with wild, far-out ideas © 2009 Ray Anthony