SlideShare a Scribd company logo
We see our own fulfillment as
entangled in that of the people around
us. As we find our true calling and live
it out, others prosper; and as others           Est. 2 0 0 6
fulfill themselves as a community,
they provide us with an irreplaceable
context for our own unfolding and self-
                                                 ate   g y & Br a n
                                            S tr                      d
Community arises when we discover
the interesting, if radical, alternative:
finding guidance for our own lives by
giving attention to the desires and
intentions of others. This is not an
obligation; it’s a way of being that
invites soul in place of ego.
                         Thomas Moore

                                                                 BlackDog Strategy & Brand   3
*Bull•shit (bŏŏl•shĭť ) - vulgar slang

      BlackDog contributes to         Our working understanding of Bullshit, and use of
                                      the term, must be credited to Princeton’s own moral
       justice, peace, diversity,     philosopher, Dr. Harry Frankfurt, author of the classic
                                      essay “On Bullshit”. Frankfurt verified what we at
     order, unity, humanity and       BlackDog have suspected all along, Bullshit has no
                                      attachment to, regard for, or interest in accurately
     the quality of life through      representing the truth, facts, or realities of any given
                                      topic. Bullshit is a perspective substantiated only by
        our work and service.         an agenda. True or false, informed or uninformed,
                            h   it*   “by accident or by design”, Bullshit is the calculated
                   nd bulls           decision to postulate an idea or set of assumptions
          n’ t bra                    for the purpose of achieving indulgent ends.
    we do                             Absent of credibility or moral conviction, Bullshit
                                      schemes, distracts, perverts, distorts, misrepresents,
                                      and confuses.

                                      Bullshit is a vulgar term for a vile, though unspoken
                                      practice that we won’t do. Not for love, money, or

4   BlackDog Strategy & Brand                                            BlackDog Strategy & Brand   5
    When BlackDog refers to brand, the brand, or         businesses what need can we meet (locally, re-
    branding, you can be sure that we’re not talk-       gionally, nationally, or internationally).” While
    ing about your logo. When we talk brand we’re        explanations get bogged down with details,
    talking about a much bigger inspiration: The Big     the Big Idea, vividly painted in clear strokes of
    Idea.                                                purpose and outcomes, has the power to clar-
                                                         ify. The Big Idea is easily understood, passed
    The Big Idea that possesses the psyche and trig-
                                                         on, and carried forth. The Big Idea is clear and
    gers the zeal of a working community. The Big
                                                         compelling, serves as a unifying focal point of
    Idea that inspires change, grabs hold of an op-

    ID EA
                                                         effort, and acts as a catalyst for team spirit.
    portunity, and purposes to do what no one else
    had the courage to do. The sort of Big Idea that     The Big Idea isn’t to be something else, but
    wins over the last skeptic, pushes the limits,       rather to identify and position the best of
    makes something bold happen, and escalates en-       yourself.
    thusiasm to a visceral level. The kind of Big Idea
                                                          The Big Idea engages meaning by restoring a
    that has the power to turn heads, change minds,
                                                         sense of purpose beyond the operational, the
    and re-order the hierarchy from who has the
                                                         material, and the financial. The Big Idea is the
    business to a more just system of who deserves
                                                         difference between your working goals and
    the business. The kind of Big Idea that’s deserv-
                                                         becoming committed to a daunting, inspired
    ing of a little attention, please.
                                                         challenge. Big Ideas should not be confused
    The Big Idea isn’t hype, spin, or hoopla.            for bland mission statements, platitudes, or a
                                                         list of goals… Big Ideas are compelling and
    The Big Idea very often begins with a ques-
                                                         inspirational objectives. Big Ideas are worth
    tion. “What do we want this company to look
                                                         talking about, listening to, and supporting.
    like when it grows up”, or “What organizational
    flaws are clues to our true strengths”, or “Giv-
    en our expertise and proximity to other area
6   BlackDog Strategy & Brand                                                          BlackDog Strategy & Brand   7
A Bold             A Vague
             Brand               Brand
              Is A                Is A
            Necessity           Liability

8   BlackDog Strategy & Brand         BlackDog Strategy & Brand   9
Your brand is every real or imagined

    Brand is not
                                                trait, nuance, story, impression,
                                                quirk, process, delay, sound, sneeze,
                                                perspective, dimension, sell tactic,

       what you
                                                experience, perk, odor, texture, feeling,
                                                and connection that makes the radar of
                                                your customer.

        say it is,                              The amalgamation of those experiences
                                                either add significance, authenticity,
                                                style, and perceived value to what you

    it’s what they                              have to offer…making your brand
                                                more valuable than the version that
                                                everyone else is offering. Or not.

        say it is.                              Your customer decides what is
                                                relevant. Or isn’t.

                               Marty Neumeier

10 BlackDog Strategy & Brand                                              BlackDog Strategy & Brand 11
The margins are tightest in the fight    can’t be copied or bought. Brand
   for mediocre: the most competitive       relevance is an earned honor of dis-
   spot in the game is at ‘holding our      tinction bestowed upon companies
   own’; inefficiencies are the fruit of    committed to knowing who they are,
   ‘good enough’; market shares are         what they do, why they do it, and
   busting at the seams to produce the      why anyone should care. It’s going
   unimaginative, inconsistently, at a      to take meaningful solutions, genu-
   competitive price.                       ine connections, designed experienc-
   Mimicking the programs and strate-       es, and inspired messages that you
   gies of the bored and lifeless that      keep on bringing on for the long
   are buckling down, backing off, and      haul.
   playing it safe is a dangerous bet and   The goal is not to be something
   a lousy excuse for not doing what        else, but rather to become the best
   you really want to do.                   of yourself.
   Committing imitation wasn’t ever
   a form of flattery; it’s always been
   boring and it’s really overdone. The
   middle-of-the-road is the likeliest
   place to get passed by or taken out.
   It’s time to take yourself seriously.
   You’re never gonna fake brand rel-
   evance; it’s not cheap or easy; it
12 BlackDog Strategy & Brand                                      BlackDog Strategy & Brand   13
We have all paid more, driven farther,
                                              and waited longer for a brand that we
     You do not                               trust, for a brand that we believe has
                                              no substitute. Competitor’s promises,
     merely want to                           discounts, perks, and conveniences are
                                              powerless to lure us from our position.
     be considered                            We are intrigued by spirited brands
     just the best                            that won’t settle for good enough or
                                              jump aboard the next aimless trend.
     of the best.                             We are persuaded by authentic brands
                                              that know their difference must make a
     You want to be                           difference. We are inspired by passion,
                                              engaged by innovation, and commit-
     considered the                           ted to brands that see us as people, not
                                              consumers. We are enthused by brands
     only ones who                            that refuse to be homogenized, have
                                              found their voice, and fearlessly parted
     do what you do.                          from the herd with resolve to never
                                              look back.
                               Jerry Garcia   We are invested in interactive brands
                                              that share our perspective, engage us
                                              in conversations, admit when they are
14 BlackDog Strategy & Brand                                          BlackDog Strategy & Brand   15
wrong, deliver more than they prom-         play with the community that they call
    ise, and offer meaningful experiences       their own.
    that tantalize our minds and indulge all
                                                We are compelled by sustainable
    of our senses.
                                                brands that address their impact on
    We are drawn to brands that are un-         the condition of the world; brands
    daunted by the popular world view;          that understand that what and how
    brands that refuse to pay lip service       they contribute is how they will be
    to lofty missions or shallow pursuits.      remembered.
    We admire the rare renegades that
                                                We are committed to relevant brands
    come together to explore the limits,
                                                that keep it fresh and real; brands that
    play at the boundaries, and harness
                                                connect their Big Idea to what truly
    their unique competencies to disrupt
    business as usual, doing what they do
    best…create new possibilities.
    We recognize brands that look good
    because they are good. Brands that                                  ney
                                                             ed more mo
    decided to live and reflect their eth-
                                               You d on’t ne
    ics, champion the high road, and serve
    the greater good through their life’s           just more guts!
    work. Brands that are invigorated and
    invigorate us in the game, take us with
    them, challenge us, and invite us to
16 BlackDog Strategy & Brand                                            BlackDog Strategy & Brand   17
A Brand
                                   Is Not
                                A Promotion

                    A LOGO       A Brand
                    !S NOT        Is Not
                    A BRAND
                                A Gimmick

                                  A Brand
                                   Is Not
                               An Advertising
                                  Roll Out

18 BlackDog Strategy & Brand            BlackDog Strategy & Brand   19
Your multi-million dollar advertising
   roll out is not a brand. Fireworks
   generate a lot of “Oooohs” and
   “Aaaahs” but they don’t last.
    Ad campaigns promoting programs
   and selling add-ons ensure that next
   month you will be devising programs
   and selling more add-ons that need a
   newer, fresher ad campaign because
   your uninspired competitors keep
   stealing your uninspired gimmicks.
   Cost cutting, give-a-ways, and how-
   do-you-like-me-now tactics will drive
   short term sales, for a while. They
   will also deteriorate your brand equity
   faster than the speed of light flashing
   across the sky. Without an indelible
   and believable brand identity your
   advertising campaign just bursts
   and fades from the sky along with
   your name, your message, and your

20 BlackDog Strategy & Brand
Think about your
    brand as an ongoing
                                  Use this score card
       narrative; like a
                                 to evaluate your own
     series or a sequel.
                               brand from three critical
     An evolving story               perspectives:
      that moves your
                                   Your in-the-know vista.
    customer closer and
                                 The lens of your customers.
     closer to knowing
                               The view from your most-feared
     who you are, what                  competitor..
      you do, and why
         you do it.

22 BlackDog Strategy & Brand                       BlackDog Strategy & Brand 23
                                                   BlackDog Strategy & Brand





                                                               □   □    □

    •   Our brand has a timeless guiding philosophy.                           •   We track market conditions and trends that cre-     □   □    □
    •   Our strategic partners, affiliates, and service pro-   □   □    □          ate new opportunities.
        viders have been chosen carefully. They reflect                        •   Our marketing strategy reflects relevant cultural   □   □       □
        our brand values.                                                          and market trends.
    •   We understand how customers perceive and               □   □    □      •   We have a process in place to evaluate our          □   □    □
        experience the brand.                                                      brand’s value.
    •   Our decision-makers understand customers’              □   □    □      •   We track industry offerings to be sure that our     □   □    □
        conception of the brand.                                                   brand offers competitive points of parity.
    •   We know what our customers like and don’t like         □   □    □      •   Our brand features desirable and deliverable        □   □    □
        about our brand.                                                           points of significant difference.
    •   We have a very clear understanding of who our          □   □    □      •   Our brand is positioned sensibly.                   □   □    □
        customer is and why.                                                   •   Our brand is supported with qualified people        □   □    □
    •   We have very specific, research-based profiles of      □   □    □          and resources.
        our target customers.                                                  •   Our marketing programs are measured and             □   □    □
    •   We are aware of the associations most com-             □   □    □          tracked for ROI.
        monly related to our brand.                                            •   We conduct brand audits regularly to determine      □   □    □
    •   We understand exactly what our customers value         □   □    □          the vitality of our brand.
        about our brand.                                                       •   We conduct strategic and competitive assess-        □   □    □
    •   We know exactly what our customers are buying          □   □    □          ments to determine our strategic direction.
        when they buy our brand.                                               •   Our brand narrative is consistent over time.        □   □    □
    •   Our prices reflect our brand’s value.                  □   □    □      •   Our brand narrative is consistent across the        □   □    □
    •   It’s easy for customers to share feedback with us.     □   □    □          organization and all departments.
    •   We do an excellent job of responding to cus-           □   □    □      •   Our brand narrative clearly communicates our        □   □    □
        tomer feedback.                                                            story, purpose, and capabilities.
    •   We do an excellent job of getting customer feed-       □   □    □      •   Our brand connects across diverse channels and      □   □    □
        back into the hands of decision-makers.                                    mediums that we know our customers engage.
    •   Our brand is the solution to our customers’            □   □    □      •   Our brand narrative really connects with our        □   □    □
        problem.                                                                   customer.
    •   We consistently improve our brand’s products           □   □    □      •   Our brand speaks in a voice that really reflects    □   □    □
        and services.                                                              our brand.
    •   We consistently uncover unmet consumer needs           □   □    □      •   Everyone in our organization knows how to           □   □    □
        and wants.                                                                 represent our brand.
    •   We consistently innovate new, customer-centric,        □   □    □      •   Our brand image is crisp.                           □   □    □
        user-friendly processes.                                               •   Our brand image has not dulled over time or         □   □    □
    •   We focus relentlessly on maximizing our cus-           □   □    □          been diluted by expanded or discontinued ser-
        tomers’ experiences.                                                       vices.
    •   We keep our eyes on the broad market con-              □   □    □      •   Our brand image has not been tarnished by a         □   □    □
        ditions that are relevant.                                                 scandal. We have a strong reputation.
                                                                               •   We know our brand’s weaknesses.                     □   □    □
24 BlackDog Strategy & Brand                                                                                             BlackDog Strategy & Brand     25
To create a matchless strategic advantage with a
                                   clear and cohesive identity.

                                   To excavate your Big Idea and your authentic

                      why brand?

                                   To develop a clear and meaningful strategic

                                   To close the gap between your identity and the
                                   image your customers have of you.

                                   To differentiate by more than price and function
                                   (the easiest differentiators to copy).

                                   To make your message worth talking about,
                                   worth listening to, and worth supporting.

                                   To develop the company culture and attract like-
                                   minded, zealous, inspired talent that shares your
                                   values and purpose.

                                   To increase the value and effectiveness of your
                                   marketing strategies.

                                   To build trust with your customers.

                                   Because a brand shaped on the Big Idea returns
                                   your investment.

26 BlackDog Strategy & Brand                                    BlackDog Strategy & Brand   27
A new competitor with a value-loaded             Brands weren’t necessary in your industry.
    proposition is storming your market,             Your reputation was your strategic advantage
    reducing your once “owned” differentiation       for years. Things have changed. A new player
    to a cost-of-entry benefit, and usurping your    is pushing a sharp brand.
    brand position and diluting your relevance.
                                                     Your brand has been gauging your carbon
    Your organization is readying to enter new       footprint up and down the value chain:
    markets with a disruptive and powerful           adopting minimal packaging standards,
    proprietary advantage that changes the           innovating efficient delivery and advertising
    strategic game.                                  models. You are now recognized as a
                                                     forerunner in the sustainability economy.
    For a long time customers have accused your      This opens whole new worlds to you...if you
    brand of being “outdated”. You were hoping       let people know.
    to ride out your retro look long enough to
    earn a classic distinction that would endear     Your brand is recognized as a great employer;
    you to the nostalgic market.                     your superior work culture has been honored
                                                     with national awards. You want to build
    Your products perform better in independent      your employee engagement, programs, and
    testing against your two biggest competitors.    success into your brand story in the hopes
    Yet, they smoke you in sales. How can you        of attracting top talent and recognizing your
    have lagging sells with a winning product?       people.
    You have acquired two companies. One of          The world has changed, the people involved
    them was larger than yours. But you kept         have evolved, and the business has morphed.
    your name. The lack of unity and identity is     You need a cohesive brand to align the new
    getting to everyone.                             direction, the evolution, reflect the relevance
                                                     and introduce your Big Idea.
    You are hoping to secure venture capital for
    your start up. But the feedback indicated that
    you had a confusing message and a vague
28 BlackDog Strategy & Brand                                                       BlackDog Strategy & Brand   29
• Some brands mirror society.
                                   • Some brands prescribe,
                                     provoke, and reinforce
                                     cultural attitudes, social
                                     norms, mindsets, and values.
                                   • Some brands have the power
                                     to influence behavior.
                                   • Some brands are an effective
                                     and pervasive medium of
                                   • Some brands have a subtle
                                     and cumulative influence.
           !MAGINE                 All brands have the power to
                                           elevate society.
                                  All brands have the freedom to
                                  objectify the human experience.

                               Given that they could go either way...
                               we can’t help but imagine brands in
                               the role of a good citizen exercising a
                               healthy perspective; positioning their
                               influence, products, and service for the
                               betterment of society without any hid-
                               den agenda…
30 BlackDog Strategy & Brand                           BlackDog Strategy & Brand   31
Which leads us to wonder what would        are not imagined, leveraged, or opera-
    happen if brands broadened their           tionalized deeply enough.
    worldview, got inspired, actioned a re-
                                               Authentic Brands that serve as a wit-
    ally Big Idea, and thoughtfully contrib-
                                               ness and purpose an ideal should have
    uted as a steward of society...
                                               the telling power of ancient myths
    We can imagine brands as responsible       handed down for untold centuries. The
    ambassadors, championing social issues     brands of rugged individualists that
    that connect with their sense of iden-     value their work, perspectives, and his-
    tity and philosophy of being. Organiz-     tory should spark intrigue and provoke
    ing high-impact, volunteer projects that   new ways of interpreting the world.
    involve whole tribes of brand fans that    Innovative brands worthy of an expe-
    might not have otherwise got out of        rience and brand narratives worth re-
    their comfort zone to make a meaning-      peating must promise a departure from
    ful difference.                            the ordinary and the mundane. The
    Brands that dream big and keep it real     collective, dynamic, and humanizing
    speak to people and influence culture.     nature of brand should make room for
    It just so happens that those brands       others to find their own detailed story
    also persuade more sales.                  in your rich brand identity.

    Brands are an underutilized source and
    force. Brands are talked about entirely
    too much in light of the fact that they

32 BlackDog Strategy & Brand                                           BlackDog Strategy & Brand   33
BlackDog Strategy & Brand

                               We don’t “invent” brands at
                               BlackDog; we excavate and humanize
                               authentic brands that have people-
                               centric priorities, a story to tell,
                               and a genuine contribution to
                               make. We don’t fabricate shallow
                               myths and we won’t contrive hype.
                               We champion the efforts of those
                               that view their work as a vocation
                               and recognize their accountability
                               to society. BlackDog is an indie
                               practice partnering with enlightened
                               organizations that have adopted the
                               high road as a sustainable business
                               BlackDog is not persuaded or
                               engaged by those that see through
                               the lens of what can’t be done.
                               We dare on the side of seafaring
                               explorers, abolitionists, and
                               suffragettes. We have fearlessly
34 BlackDog Strategy & Brand                         BlackDog Strategy & Brand   35
mastered the naysayers course; doing
    what allegedly cannot be done in the

                                             ...because the
    “real world” of the timid. Cowardice
    will never tap the freedom found in
    being real; a genuine act of heroism.
    BlackDog Strategy & Brand was
    launched with an unwavering
                                                best ideas
    philosophy and a guiding sense of
    purpose that has only deepened
                                             emerge when
    over time. We are fascinated by the
    outlandish notion that people have        you give the
    the power, opportunity and potential
    to collectively shape a healthy world       Big Idea a
                                            little ‘room’ to
    to live in; that future generations
    will thrive in. We are convinced
    that small, sincere efforts have a
    cumulative effect.
    We’d rather go broke and go home
    than sell out.

36 BlackDog Strategy & Brand                          BlackDog Strategy & Brand   37
Mission                    Ethos

                               •   Emphasize What Matters
                               •   Respect Humanity
                               •   Do What is Right, Not Easy
          BlackDog             •
                                   Pursue Knowledge
                                   Value Reason, Intuition, & Imagination
       humanizes brands.       •
                                   Actively Participate
                                   Engage Others in the Solutions
                               •   Stimulate Deep Thought
                               •   Respect Expertise
                               •   Invite Diverse Perspectives
                               •   Contribute Ethically
                               •   Critically Assess Conventional Wisdom
                               •   Keep it Real
                               •   Enjoy Life

38 BlackDog Strategy & Brand                             BlackDog Strategy & Brand   39
Perspective Matters
                               Who develops your brand is as important as
                               the decision to invest in brand development.
                               Relevant brands that actually mean
                               something to someone are shaped through
                               an agonizing process of tempered discovery.
                               In a gross oversimplification or a mad
                               dash to painlessly spin a brand, spit out a
                               tagline, turn a check, wrap things up, or just
                               keep the revolving door humming, firms
                               are filling the cluttered market with vague
                               pictures, boring stories, and bland brands
                               that people can’t connect to or get their
                               heads around.
                               It’s been our experience that the “good
                               stuff” doesn’t just spring to mind or roll off
                               the tongue the first time around. We pursue
                               the “elusive” relentlessly; collaboratively
                               weighing, dissecting, and interpreting the
                               history, philosophy, feedback, ambitions,
                               opinions, quips, industry jargon, mission,
                               vision, core ideologies, and the point of it
                               Over the years we have cultivated a patient
                               fascination for new discoveries; we know
                               when to chase and when to fold…when
                               to tolerate the ambiguity of the unknown,
                               when to backtrack and re-think an idea,
40 BlackDog Strategy & Brand                               BlackDog Strategy & Brand   41
and when to pick the brains of the unusual
    suspects that we reserve for times like this.    BlackDog is
    We honor the whirlwind process for the
    fruit that it eventually produces. We riddle
    the unknown through the dizzying spiral,
    intriguing chaos, and confusion in hot
    pursuit of the Big Idea. We challenge pre-        to forward
    conceptions, twist and prod every point
    of reference, and challenge every line of
    thought with a battery of “whys” until our
    thinking grinds to a halt- begging for mercy
    and a caffeine chaser.
    We rely on analytics, empirical research,
    benchmarking reports, critical performance
    metrics, classic schools of wisdom, market
    analysis, and best practices to broaden our
    understanding, frame our recommendations,
    and avoid costly mistakes. Referencing
                                                    …because the
    past innovations and successes grounds
    our strategy, but falls short of inspiring      Big Ideas aren’t
                                                     all behind us!
    Big Ideas to be launched. The breakaway
    successes that are written about today were
    once radical Big Ideas that bold companies
    dared to innovate into existence in the hopes
    of producing revolutionary solutions and
    unheard of results.

42 BlackDog Strategy & Brand                                  BlackDog Strategy & Brand   43
What Makes BlackDog Credible?
                                                   We started with a simple purpose that has
                                                   never changed. BlackDog contributes to
   Going to church                                 justice, peace, diversity, order, unity, humanity
                                                   and the quality of life through our work and
    doesn’t make                                   Though the purpose has never changed, how

   you a Christian                                 we say it has. Over the years it became clear
                                                   that our business philosophy and intentions
                                                   weren’t easily interpreted. Convinced that
    anymore than                                   BlackDog was in fact working for the highest
                                                   good we found the fearless confidence
  going to a garage                                to express our sincerity explicitly and our
                                                   boldness plainly.
    makes you a
                                                             We don’t brand bullshit.
                                                   Our willingness to “be real” reflects our sincerity,
                               Lawrence J. Peter   intensity authenticity, and enthusiasm.

                                                   Our sincerity and enthusiasm ensures that your
                                                   brand will never be confused for shallow, trite,
                                                   disingenuous, or irrelevant bullshit.

44 BlackDog Strategy & Brand                                                      BlackDog Strategy & Brand   45
We are outsiders. We are strangers to the social    brand of our own every day. Never trust a
     constructs, systems, processes, and language        bland “brand mill” to position you for brand
     that organizations accept as standard and           insistence that doesn’t boast distinguishable
     often can’t see past. We don’t operate on the       differentiators, powerful (people-centric)
     same defaults and aren’t limited to a single        benefits, an authentic way of being, and a
     industry perspective. We have ears to hear          relevant perspective that compels and woos like
     what everyone on the outside wants to know          a red flag to a bull. All brand houses are not
     and needs to hear. Our fresh eyes synthesize        equal.
     robust and scalable next practices; signature
     innovations and emergent solutions that create      We never lose sight of the fact that as we are
     new methods of working that can consistently        building your brand, we’re building ours. What
     deliver on your unique, people-centric, brand       we say about you says everything about us. We
     promise.                                            both have something to gain by your success.
                                                         We’re invested.
     People are our business plan.
                                                         We double-dog-dare you to find a brand house
     BlackDog is independent. We are not beholden        with the breadth of capabilities that we have.
     to a global cartel or back-room financiers          BlackDog’s range of strategic expertise spans
     surreptitiously guiding our thinking or molding     broad disciplines and countless industries
     the “who/what/why” of our solutions.                ensuring that we detect inconsistencies and
     BlackDog is financed by customers.                  identify (un)conventional thought throughout
                                                         the brand building process. On-location or at
     Meticulously crafted brands that people connect     the BlackDog Lab, we work collaboratively,
     with boast distinguishable differentiators and      cultivating a supportive think tank that values
     powerful benefits. Brands that make an impact,      diverse viewpoints and inspires ingenuity.
     reinforce their relevance and live their virtues
     are identified immediately as the must-have         We stay ahead of the curve and stand behind
     solution; the real deal, second to none. We get     our work.
     it; we activate, represent and enliven a spirited

46      BlackDog Strategy & Brand                                                    BlackDog Strategy & Brand   47
We don’t have any “swanky”, self important,       shape through exploration and dialogue.
     trademarked names for our brand building          Engaging exchanges require dedicated time
     processes. We haven’t settled on one sure         to stray, indulge, and attend all the nuances
     method, we’re not convinced that anyone           not spoken given that less than 10% of
     should given that every brand initiative that     communication is articulated through words.
     we’ve ever seen is so remarkably different.       We know how to listen intently, switch
     We are more committed to staying fresh and        gears, test the waters, and intuit when the
     avoiding staid ways of doing anything in a        conversation should focus, deepen, back off,
     rapidly evolving world. We aren’t coasting        or close.
     on anyone’s laurels or riding on yesterday’s
     victories. We believe in making the bread fresh   We are holistic, multi-disciplinary
     every day. We are fully engaged at every phase.   systems thinkers who anticipate natural
                                                       consequences and keep a weather-eye out
     BlackDog regularly seeks out a few good           for the unintended ones. As such, we DO
     critics to challenge, grill, question, and test   NOT brand efforts that do not and will not
     our own evolution, strategic direction, brand     contribute to the world that we want to live
     development, processes, and projects. We          in 20, 30, or more years down the line.
     invite those of like minds and those that see
     the world through an entirely different lens      Utilizing psychology, anthropology,
     to offer unrestrained insights, constructive      sociology, technology, architecture, and
     feedback, and their straightforward opinions      theater we translate thoughts, opinions, and
     in the hopes of avoiding costly errors,           feelings of the invested community into
     enhancing our performance, clarifying our         meaningful designs, aesthetic experiences,
     view, figuring out what we don’t know, and        and creative environments that connect with
     solidifying what we do well.                      people.

     We are practiced conversationalists that
     delight in deep discussions with diverse
     peoples across the bell curve, from fringe to
     curious fringe. Our projects evolve and take

48      BlackDog Strategy & Brand                                                  BlackDog Strategy & Brand   49
At BlackDog, we
     know that what we            Contribute Art,
      know is nothing                  Not
     compared to what              Advertising.
       we don‘t know.

50    BlackDog Strategy & Brand            BlackDog Strategy & Brand   51
Harnessed Global Network of
               Engaged Citizens
    BlackDog has organized a diverse and savvy
    network of 3,769 global citizens that willingly
    advance healthy solutions to the challenges
    that are unearthed in the hopes of advantaging
    a new world. This active community of
    engaged “outsiders” works collaboratively               Brand
    through digital tools to address confounds,
    mysteries, deficiencies, and other quirks              can’t live
    according to their interest, schedules, and
    expertise.                                              in the
    This powerhouse is a consortium of real
    people that are exercised as a collaborative and
    integrative think tank, a mega crowd to source,
    or segmented as a not-so-usual demographic.
    These social citizens are a wild combination         department...
    of convergent thinkers, perspectives, cultures,
    ethnicities, politics, worldviews, experiences,
    professions, industries, trades, and life stories.
    This well-informed network of thinking caps           anymore.
    thrives in the culture of discovery and thought,
    they are intrinsically rewarded through their
    exchanges, and collectively they appreciate
    their capacity to advance sound, ground-
    breaking solutions that drive business, make
    sense, and do no harm at lightning speed.

52 BlackDog Strategy & Brand                                     BlackDog Strategy & Brand   53
Pro                                            Social
    Bono                                           Responsibility
    BlackDog considers pro bono work to be         Just putting a pink ribbon on your product
    an integral part of our business model and     doesn’t make you socially responsible.
    a generous reflection of our organization’s    “Certified Organic,” “Carbon Neutral,” and
    culture. Strategic initiatives promote         “No Trans Fats” claims on your packaging
    sustainable growth and competitive             won’t achieve it either. A brand isn’t socially
    advantages in education, not-for-profits,      responsible unless they are consciously
    minority owned endeavors, start-ups, and       and meticulously concerned with their
    undertakings in disadvantaged communities.     impact on society. While the vast majority
    BlackDog invests in pro bono efforts that      of companies think of social responsibility
    create jobs, spur economic development,        in terms of green initiatives and charitable
    invigorate business development, inspire       donations, true social responsibility is a
    pride, and strengthen our community.           guiding philosophy that runs far deeper
                                                   than individual programs, outreaches, or
    BlackDog’s pro bono initiatives are resource
                                                   financial sponsorship.
    intensive and represent a significant
    financial investment. BlackDog relies on an
    independent, impartial, advisory panel and a
    standardized review process to appraise pro
    bono candidates and projects. Preference is
    given to organizations that demonstrate the
    greatest potential.

54 BlackDog Strategy & Brand                                                     BlackDog Strategy & Brand 55
Serious Play for
                       Serious Girls
 Our goal is to radically reduce Threats to Girlhood
 through our research, our awareness efforts, and our
 impact on industry. We’re working to advance the
 wellbeing of girls and the lifelong possibilities for
 women by impacting the modeling and messaging
 our children encounter and the quality of their play
 We believe that play is serious because it helps develop
 girls’ sense of self and cognitive abilities; it teaches
 creative and constructive problem solving, self
                                                              Small causes
                                                             have the power
 expression, and emotional intelligence; contributes to
 character and skill development; and impacts the roles
 that girls think of as natural. Because the modeling and
 messaging conveyed by girls’ toys, products, and brands
 impacts girls’ childhood development and life-long
 wellness, we believe that it matters what we let girls’
 brands say, convey, and sell.
                                                             to effect radical
 BlackDog Strategy and Brand financially underwrites
 our research endeavors as part of their commitment              change
 to improving the ethical standards of the branding
 industry and their continuing dedication to social
 Our website is a research forum that allows us to share
 our ongoing discoveries, to help us learn about your
 experiences, and allow you to participate in our research
 endeavors. We look forward to hearing your stories and
 thank you for taking the time to consider how your
 contribution can help advance the well being of girls
 and the possibilities for women.

56 BlackDog Strategy & Brand                                            BlackDog Strategy & Brand   57
This is the telling of a modern day quest …

       Of tireless people committed to rising
      above common agonies that rob purpose
                 and squander zeal.
                                                   This is the hero’s journey…
                                                      The quest starts with a
      Of gentle giants that decide to cast off
     the chains, expose phantasms of fear, and     decision to wonder the limits
       vigorously pursue what some can only
                      imagine.                          and move forward.

                                                    The moral of the story is
     This is the way of the warrior that carries        yours to write…
      forth the indelible message that alone is
            yours to evolve into a reality.

     You are invited to embark upon a journey
    that promises to unite you with your unique
       vocation; distinguishing your authentic
      story from the conventional methods of
                      mere men.
58 BlackDog Strategy & Brand                                         BlackDog Strategy & Brand   59
I like the dreams
                                                                    of the future
                                                                  better than the
                                                                   history of the
                                                                          Thomas Jefferson

            ©2010 BlackDog Strategy & Brand
BlackDog Strategy & Brand™    Serious Play for Serious Girls™
BIG !DEA™                     Threats to Girlhood™
We Don’t Brand Bullshit™      All Rights Reserved



©2010 BlackDog Strategy & Brand            Version 2.1

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BlackDog Brand Manifesto

  • 2. We see our own fulfillment as entangled in that of the people around us. As we find our true calling and live it out, others prosper; and as others Est. 2 0 0 6 fulfill themselves as a community, they provide us with an irreplaceable context for our own unfolding and self- discovery... ate g y & Br a n S tr d Community arises when we discover the interesting, if radical, alternative: finding guidance for our own lives by giving attention to the desires and intentions of others. This is not an obligation; it’s a way of being that invites soul in place of ego. Thomas Moore BlackDog Strategy & Brand 3
  • 3. *Bull•shit (bŏŏl•shĭť ) - vulgar slang BlackDog contributes to Our working understanding of Bullshit, and use of the term, must be credited to Princeton’s own moral justice, peace, diversity, philosopher, Dr. Harry Frankfurt, author of the classic essay “On Bullshit”. Frankfurt verified what we at order, unity, humanity and BlackDog have suspected all along, Bullshit has no attachment to, regard for, or interest in accurately the quality of life through representing the truth, facts, or realities of any given topic. Bullshit is a perspective substantiated only by our work and service. an agenda. True or false, informed or uninformed, h it* “by accident or by design”, Bullshit is the calculated nd bulls decision to postulate an idea or set of assumptions n’ t bra for the purpose of achieving indulgent ends. we do Absent of credibility or moral conviction, Bullshit schemes, distracts, perverts, distorts, misrepresents, and confuses. Bullshit is a vulgar term for a vile, though unspoken practice that we won’t do. Not for love, money, or fame. 4 BlackDog Strategy & Brand BlackDog Strategy & Brand 5
  • 4. BI G When BlackDog refers to brand, the brand, or businesses what need can we meet (locally, re- branding, you can be sure that we’re not talk- gionally, nationally, or internationally).” While ing about your logo. When we talk brand we’re explanations get bogged down with details, talking about a much bigger inspiration: The Big the Big Idea, vividly painted in clear strokes of Idea. purpose and outcomes, has the power to clar- ify. The Big Idea is easily understood, passed The Big Idea that possesses the psyche and trig- on, and carried forth. The Big Idea is clear and gers the zeal of a working community. The Big compelling, serves as a unifying focal point of Idea that inspires change, grabs hold of an op- ID EA effort, and acts as a catalyst for team spirit. portunity, and purposes to do what no one else had the courage to do. The sort of Big Idea that The Big Idea isn’t to be something else, but wins over the last skeptic, pushes the limits, rather to identify and position the best of makes something bold happen, and escalates en- yourself. thusiasm to a visceral level. The kind of Big Idea The Big Idea engages meaning by restoring a that has the power to turn heads, change minds, sense of purpose beyond the operational, the and re-order the hierarchy from who has the material, and the financial. The Big Idea is the business to a more just system of who deserves difference between your working goals and the business. The kind of Big Idea that’s deserv- becoming committed to a daunting, inspired ing of a little attention, please. challenge. Big Ideas should not be confused The Big Idea isn’t hype, spin, or hoopla. for bland mission statements, platitudes, or a list of goals… Big Ideas are compelling and The Big Idea very often begins with a ques- inspirational objectives. Big Ideas are worth tion. “What do we want this company to look talking about, listening to, and supporting. like when it grows up”, or “What organizational flaws are clues to our true strengths”, or “Giv- en our expertise and proximity to other area 6 BlackDog Strategy & Brand BlackDog Strategy & Brand 7
  • 5. A Bold A Vague Brand Brand Is A Is A Necessity Liability 8 BlackDog Strategy & Brand BlackDog Strategy & Brand 9
  • 6. Your brand is every real or imagined Brand is not trait, nuance, story, impression, quirk, process, delay, sound, sneeze, perspective, dimension, sell tactic, what you experience, perk, odor, texture, feeling, and connection that makes the radar of your customer. say it is, The amalgamation of those experiences either add significance, authenticity, style, and perceived value to what you it’s what they have to offer…making your brand more valuable than the version that everyone else is offering. Or not. say it is. Your customer decides what is relevant. Or isn’t. Marty Neumeier 10 BlackDog Strategy & Brand BlackDog Strategy & Brand 11
  • 7. The margins are tightest in the fight can’t be copied or bought. Brand for mediocre: the most competitive relevance is an earned honor of dis- spot in the game is at ‘holding our tinction bestowed upon companies own’; inefficiencies are the fruit of committed to knowing who they are, ‘good enough’; market shares are what they do, why they do it, and busting at the seams to produce the why anyone should care. It’s going unimaginative, inconsistently, at a to take meaningful solutions, genu- competitive price. ine connections, designed experienc- Mimicking the programs and strate- es, and inspired messages that you gies of the bored and lifeless that keep on bringing on for the long are buckling down, backing off, and haul. playing it safe is a dangerous bet and The goal is not to be something a lousy excuse for not doing what else, but rather to become the best you really want to do. of yourself. Committing imitation wasn’t ever a form of flattery; it’s always been boring and it’s really overdone. The middle-of-the-road is the likeliest place to get passed by or taken out. It’s time to take yourself seriously. You’re never gonna fake brand rel- evance; it’s not cheap or easy; it 12 BlackDog Strategy & Brand BlackDog Strategy & Brand 13
  • 8. We have all paid more, driven farther, and waited longer for a brand that we You do not trust, for a brand that we believe has no substitute. Competitor’s promises, merely want to discounts, perks, and conveniences are powerless to lure us from our position. be considered We are intrigued by spirited brands just the best that won’t settle for good enough or jump aboard the next aimless trend. of the best. We are persuaded by authentic brands that know their difference must make a You want to be difference. We are inspired by passion, engaged by innovation, and commit- considered the ted to brands that see us as people, not consumers. We are enthused by brands only ones who that refuse to be homogenized, have found their voice, and fearlessly parted do what you do. from the herd with resolve to never look back. Jerry Garcia We are invested in interactive brands that share our perspective, engage us in conversations, admit when they are 14 BlackDog Strategy & Brand BlackDog Strategy & Brand 15
  • 9. wrong, deliver more than they prom- play with the community that they call ise, and offer meaningful experiences their own. that tantalize our minds and indulge all We are compelled by sustainable of our senses. brands that address their impact on We are drawn to brands that are un- the condition of the world; brands daunted by the popular world view; that understand that what and how brands that refuse to pay lip service they contribute is how they will be to lofty missions or shallow pursuits. remembered. We admire the rare renegades that We are committed to relevant brands come together to explore the limits, that keep it fresh and real; brands that play at the boundaries, and harness connect their Big Idea to what truly their unique competencies to disrupt matters. business as usual, doing what they do best…create new possibilities. We recognize brands that look good because they are good. Brands that ney ed more mo decided to live and reflect their eth- You d on’t ne ics, champion the high road, and serve the greater good through their life’s just more guts! work. Brands that are invigorated and invigorate us in the game, take us with them, challenge us, and invite us to 16 BlackDog Strategy & Brand BlackDog Strategy & Brand 17
  • 10. A Brand Is Not A Promotion A LOGO A Brand !S NOT Is Not A BRAND A Gimmick A Brand Is Not An Advertising Roll Out 18 BlackDog Strategy & Brand BlackDog Strategy & Brand 19
  • 11. Your multi-million dollar advertising roll out is not a brand. Fireworks generate a lot of “Oooohs” and “Aaaahs” but they don’t last. Ad campaigns promoting programs and selling add-ons ensure that next month you will be devising programs and selling more add-ons that need a newer, fresher ad campaign because your uninspired competitors keep stealing your uninspired gimmicks. Cost cutting, give-a-ways, and how- do-you-like-me-now tactics will drive short term sales, for a while. They will also deteriorate your brand equity faster than the speed of light flashing across the sky. Without an indelible and believable brand identity your advertising campaign just bursts and fades from the sky along with your name, your message, and your investment. 20 BlackDog Strategy & Brand
  • 12. Think about your brand as an ongoing Use this score card narrative; like a to evaluate your own series or a sequel. brand from three critical An evolving story perspectives: that moves your Your in-the-know vista. customer closer and The lens of your customers. closer to knowing The view from your most-feared who you are, what competitor.. you do, and why you do it. 22 BlackDog Strategy & Brand BlackDog Strategy & Brand 23 BlackDog Strategy & Brand
  • 13. be be ay ay o s M Ye o s N M Ye □ □ □ N • Our brand has a timeless guiding philosophy. • We track market conditions and trends that cre- □ □ □ • Our strategic partners, affiliates, and service pro- □ □ □ ate new opportunities. viders have been chosen carefully. They reflect • Our marketing strategy reflects relevant cultural □ □ □ our brand values. and market trends. • We understand how customers perceive and □ □ □ • We have a process in place to evaluate our □ □ □ experience the brand. brand’s value. • Our decision-makers understand customers’ □ □ □ • We track industry offerings to be sure that our □ □ □ conception of the brand. brand offers competitive points of parity. • We know what our customers like and don’t like □ □ □ • Our brand features desirable and deliverable □ □ □ about our brand. points of significant difference. • We have a very clear understanding of who our □ □ □ • Our brand is positioned sensibly. □ □ □ customer is and why. • Our brand is supported with qualified people □ □ □ • We have very specific, research-based profiles of □ □ □ and resources. our target customers. • Our marketing programs are measured and □ □ □ • We are aware of the associations most com- □ □ □ tracked for ROI. monly related to our brand. • We conduct brand audits regularly to determine □ □ □ • We understand exactly what our customers value □ □ □ the vitality of our brand. about our brand. • We conduct strategic and competitive assess- □ □ □ • We know exactly what our customers are buying □ □ □ ments to determine our strategic direction. when they buy our brand. • Our brand narrative is consistent over time. □ □ □ • Our prices reflect our brand’s value. □ □ □ • Our brand narrative is consistent across the □ □ □ • It’s easy for customers to share feedback with us. □ □ □ organization and all departments. • We do an excellent job of responding to cus- □ □ □ • Our brand narrative clearly communicates our □ □ □ tomer feedback. story, purpose, and capabilities. • We do an excellent job of getting customer feed- □ □ □ • Our brand connects across diverse channels and □ □ □ back into the hands of decision-makers. mediums that we know our customers engage. • Our brand is the solution to our customers’ □ □ □ • Our brand narrative really connects with our □ □ □ problem. customer. • We consistently improve our brand’s products □ □ □ • Our brand speaks in a voice that really reflects □ □ □ and services. our brand. • We consistently uncover unmet consumer needs □ □ □ • Everyone in our organization knows how to □ □ □ and wants. represent our brand. • We consistently innovate new, customer-centric, □ □ □ • Our brand image is crisp. □ □ □ user-friendly processes. • Our brand image has not dulled over time or □ □ □ • We focus relentlessly on maximizing our cus- □ □ □ been diluted by expanded or discontinued ser- tomers’ experiences. vices. • We keep our eyes on the broad market con- □ □ □ • Our brand image has not been tarnished by a □ □ □ ditions that are relevant. scandal. We have a strong reputation. • We know our brand’s weaknesses. □ □ □ 24 BlackDog Strategy & Brand BlackDog Strategy & Brand 25
  • 14. To create a matchless strategic advantage with a clear and cohesive identity. To excavate your Big Idea and your authentic why brand? story. To develop a clear and meaningful strategic course. To close the gap between your identity and the image your customers have of you. To differentiate by more than price and function (the easiest differentiators to copy). To make your message worth talking about, worth listening to, and worth supporting. To develop the company culture and attract like- minded, zealous, inspired talent that shares your values and purpose. To increase the value and effectiveness of your marketing strategies. To build trust with your customers. Because a brand shaped on the Big Idea returns your investment. 26 BlackDog Strategy & Brand BlackDog Strategy & Brand 27
  • 15. A new competitor with a value-loaded Brands weren’t necessary in your industry. proposition is storming your market, Your reputation was your strategic advantage reducing your once “owned” differentiation for years. Things have changed. A new player to a cost-of-entry benefit, and usurping your is pushing a sharp brand. brand position and diluting your relevance. Your brand has been gauging your carbon Your organization is readying to enter new footprint up and down the value chain: markets with a disruptive and powerful adopting minimal packaging standards, proprietary advantage that changes the innovating efficient delivery and advertising strategic game. models. You are now recognized as a forerunner in the sustainability economy. For a long time customers have accused your This opens whole new worlds to you...if you brand of being “outdated”. You were hoping let people know. to ride out your retro look long enough to earn a classic distinction that would endear Your brand is recognized as a great employer; you to the nostalgic market. your superior work culture has been honored with national awards. You want to build Your products perform better in independent your employee engagement, programs, and testing against your two biggest competitors. success into your brand story in the hopes Yet, they smoke you in sales. How can you of attracting top talent and recognizing your have lagging sells with a winning product? people. You have acquired two companies. One of The world has changed, the people involved them was larger than yours. But you kept have evolved, and the business has morphed. your name. The lack of unity and identity is You need a cohesive brand to align the new getting to everyone. direction, the evolution, reflect the relevance and introduce your Big Idea. You are hoping to secure venture capital for your start up. But the feedback indicated that you had a confusing message and a vague image. 28 BlackDog Strategy & Brand BlackDog Strategy & Brand 29
  • 16. • Some brands mirror society. • Some brands prescribe, provoke, and reinforce cultural attitudes, social norms, mindsets, and values. • Some brands have the power to influence behavior. • Some brands are an effective and pervasive medium of influence. • Some brands have a subtle and cumulative influence. !MAGINE All brands have the power to elevate society. All brands have the freedom to objectify the human experience. Given that they could go either way... we can’t help but imagine brands in the role of a good citizen exercising a healthy perspective; positioning their influence, products, and service for the betterment of society without any hid- den agenda… 30 BlackDog Strategy & Brand BlackDog Strategy & Brand 31
  • 17. Which leads us to wonder what would are not imagined, leveraged, or opera- happen if brands broadened their tionalized deeply enough. worldview, got inspired, actioned a re- Authentic Brands that serve as a wit- ally Big Idea, and thoughtfully contrib- ness and purpose an ideal should have uted as a steward of society... the telling power of ancient myths We can imagine brands as responsible handed down for untold centuries. The ambassadors, championing social issues brands of rugged individualists that that connect with their sense of iden- value their work, perspectives, and his- tity and philosophy of being. Organiz- tory should spark intrigue and provoke ing high-impact, volunteer projects that new ways of interpreting the world. involve whole tribes of brand fans that Innovative brands worthy of an expe- might not have otherwise got out of rience and brand narratives worth re- their comfort zone to make a meaning- peating must promise a departure from ful difference. the ordinary and the mundane. The Brands that dream big and keep it real collective, dynamic, and humanizing speak to people and influence culture. nature of brand should make room for It just so happens that those brands others to find their own detailed story also persuade more sales. in your rich brand identity. Brands are an underutilized source and force. Brands are talked about entirely too much in light of the fact that they 32 BlackDog Strategy & Brand BlackDog Strategy & Brand 33
  • 18. BlackDog Strategy & Brand We don’t “invent” brands at BlackDog; we excavate and humanize authentic brands that have people- centric priorities, a story to tell, and a genuine contribution to make. We don’t fabricate shallow myths and we won’t contrive hype. We champion the efforts of those that view their work as a vocation and recognize their accountability to society. BlackDog is an indie practice partnering with enlightened organizations that have adopted the high road as a sustainable business strategy. BlackDog is not persuaded or engaged by those that see through the lens of what can’t be done. We dare on the side of seafaring explorers, abolitionists, and suffragettes. We have fearlessly 34 BlackDog Strategy & Brand BlackDog Strategy & Brand 35
  • 19. mastered the naysayers course; doing what allegedly cannot be done in the ...because the “real world” of the timid. Cowardice will never tap the freedom found in being real; a genuine act of heroism. BlackDog Strategy & Brand was launched with an unwavering best ideas philosophy and a guiding sense of purpose that has only deepened emerge when over time. We are fascinated by the outlandish notion that people have you give the the power, opportunity and potential to collectively shape a healthy world Big Idea a little ‘room’ to to live in; that future generations will thrive in. We are convinced that small, sincere efforts have a cumulative effect. We’d rather go broke and go home pop! than sell out. 36 BlackDog Strategy & Brand BlackDog Strategy & Brand 37
  • 20. Mission Ethos • Emphasize What Matters • Respect Humanity • Do What is Right, Not Easy BlackDog • • Pursue Knowledge Value Reason, Intuition, & Imagination humanizes brands. • • Actively Participate Engage Others in the Solutions • Stimulate Deep Thought • Respect Expertise • Invite Diverse Perspectives • Contribute Ethically • Critically Assess Conventional Wisdom • Keep it Real • Enjoy Life 38 BlackDog Strategy & Brand BlackDog Strategy & Brand 39
  • 21. Perspective Matters Who develops your brand is as important as the decision to invest in brand development. Relevant brands that actually mean something to someone are shaped through an agonizing process of tempered discovery. In a gross oversimplification or a mad dash to painlessly spin a brand, spit out a tagline, turn a check, wrap things up, or just keep the revolving door humming, firms are filling the cluttered market with vague pictures, boring stories, and bland brands that people can’t connect to or get their heads around. It’s been our experience that the “good stuff” doesn’t just spring to mind or roll off the tongue the first time around. We pursue the “elusive” relentlessly; collaboratively weighing, dissecting, and interpreting the history, philosophy, feedback, ambitions, opinions, quips, industry jargon, mission, vision, core ideologies, and the point of it all. Over the years we have cultivated a patient fascination for new discoveries; we know when to chase and when to fold…when to tolerate the ambiguity of the unknown, when to backtrack and re-think an idea, 40 BlackDog Strategy & Brand BlackDog Strategy & Brand 41
  • 22. and when to pick the brains of the unusual suspects that we reserve for times like this. BlackDog is We honor the whirlwind process for the fruit that it eventually produces. We riddle the unknown through the dizzying spiral, committed intriguing chaos, and confusion in hot pursuit of the Big Idea. We challenge pre- to forward thinking conceptions, twist and prod every point of reference, and challenge every line of thought with a battery of “whys” until our thinking grinds to a halt- begging for mercy and a caffeine chaser. We rely on analytics, empirical research, strategies… benchmarking reports, critical performance metrics, classic schools of wisdom, market analysis, and best practices to broaden our understanding, frame our recommendations, and avoid costly mistakes. Referencing …because the past innovations and successes grounds our strategy, but falls short of inspiring Big Ideas aren’t all behind us! Big Ideas to be launched. The breakaway successes that are written about today were once radical Big Ideas that bold companies dared to innovate into existence in the hopes of producing revolutionary solutions and unheard of results. 42 BlackDog Strategy & Brand BlackDog Strategy & Brand 43
  • 23. What Makes BlackDog Credible? We started with a simple purpose that has never changed. BlackDog contributes to Going to church justice, peace, diversity, order, unity, humanity and the quality of life through our work and service. doesn’t make Though the purpose has never changed, how you a Christian we say it has. Over the years it became clear that our business philosophy and intentions weren’t easily interpreted. Convinced that anymore than BlackDog was in fact working for the highest good we found the fearless confidence going to a garage to express our sincerity explicitly and our boldness plainly. makes you a We don’t brand bullshit. mechanic. Our willingness to “be real” reflects our sincerity, Lawrence J. Peter intensity authenticity, and enthusiasm. Our sincerity and enthusiasm ensures that your brand will never be confused for shallow, trite, disingenuous, or irrelevant bullshit. 44 BlackDog Strategy & Brand BlackDog Strategy & Brand 45
  • 24. We are outsiders. We are strangers to the social brand of our own every day. Never trust a constructs, systems, processes, and language bland “brand mill” to position you for brand that organizations accept as standard and insistence that doesn’t boast distinguishable often can’t see past. We don’t operate on the differentiators, powerful (people-centric) same defaults and aren’t limited to a single benefits, an authentic way of being, and a industry perspective. We have ears to hear relevant perspective that compels and woos like what everyone on the outside wants to know a red flag to a bull. All brand houses are not and needs to hear. Our fresh eyes synthesize equal. robust and scalable next practices; signature innovations and emergent solutions that create We never lose sight of the fact that as we are new methods of working that can consistently building your brand, we’re building ours. What deliver on your unique, people-centric, brand we say about you says everything about us. We promise. both have something to gain by your success. We’re invested. People are our business plan. We double-dog-dare you to find a brand house BlackDog is independent. We are not beholden with the breadth of capabilities that we have. to a global cartel or back-room financiers BlackDog’s range of strategic expertise spans surreptitiously guiding our thinking or molding broad disciplines and countless industries the “who/what/why” of our solutions. ensuring that we detect inconsistencies and BlackDog is financed by customers. identify (un)conventional thought throughout the brand building process. On-location or at Meticulously crafted brands that people connect the BlackDog Lab, we work collaboratively, with boast distinguishable differentiators and cultivating a supportive think tank that values powerful benefits. Brands that make an impact, diverse viewpoints and inspires ingenuity. reinforce their relevance and live their virtues are identified immediately as the must-have We stay ahead of the curve and stand behind solution; the real deal, second to none. We get our work. it; we activate, represent and enliven a spirited 46 BlackDog Strategy & Brand BlackDog Strategy & Brand 47
  • 25. We don’t have any “swanky”, self important, shape through exploration and dialogue. trademarked names for our brand building Engaging exchanges require dedicated time processes. We haven’t settled on one sure to stray, indulge, and attend all the nuances method, we’re not convinced that anyone not spoken given that less than 10% of should given that every brand initiative that communication is articulated through words. we’ve ever seen is so remarkably different. We know how to listen intently, switch We are more committed to staying fresh and gears, test the waters, and intuit when the avoiding staid ways of doing anything in a conversation should focus, deepen, back off, rapidly evolving world. We aren’t coasting or close. on anyone’s laurels or riding on yesterday’s victories. We believe in making the bread fresh We are holistic, multi-disciplinary every day. We are fully engaged at every phase. systems thinkers who anticipate natural consequences and keep a weather-eye out BlackDog regularly seeks out a few good for the unintended ones. As such, we DO critics to challenge, grill, question, and test NOT brand efforts that do not and will not our own evolution, strategic direction, brand contribute to the world that we want to live development, processes, and projects. We in 20, 30, or more years down the line. invite those of like minds and those that see the world through an entirely different lens Utilizing psychology, anthropology, to offer unrestrained insights, constructive sociology, technology, architecture, and feedback, and their straightforward opinions theater we translate thoughts, opinions, and in the hopes of avoiding costly errors, feelings of the invested community into enhancing our performance, clarifying our meaningful designs, aesthetic experiences, view, figuring out what we don’t know, and and creative environments that connect with solidifying what we do well. people. We are practiced conversationalists that delight in deep discussions with diverse peoples across the bell curve, from fringe to curious fringe. Our projects evolve and take 48 BlackDog Strategy & Brand BlackDog Strategy & Brand 49
  • 26. At BlackDog, we know that what we Contribute Art, know is nothing Not compared to what Advertising. we don‘t know. 50 BlackDog Strategy & Brand BlackDog Strategy & Brand 51
  • 27. Harnessed Global Network of Engaged Citizens BlackDog has organized a diverse and savvy network of 3,769 global citizens that willingly advance healthy solutions to the challenges that are unearthed in the hopes of advantaging a new world. This active community of engaged “outsiders” works collaboratively Brand through digital tools to address confounds, mysteries, deficiencies, and other quirks can’t live according to their interest, schedules, and expertise. in the This powerhouse is a consortium of real people that are exercised as a collaborative and integrative think tank, a mega crowd to source, marketing or segmented as a not-so-usual demographic. These social citizens are a wild combination department... of convergent thinkers, perspectives, cultures, ethnicities, politics, worldviews, experiences, professions, industries, trades, and life stories. This well-informed network of thinking caps anymore. thrives in the culture of discovery and thought, they are intrinsically rewarded through their exchanges, and collectively they appreciate their capacity to advance sound, ground- breaking solutions that drive business, make sense, and do no harm at lightning speed. 52 BlackDog Strategy & Brand BlackDog Strategy & Brand 53
  • 28. Pro Social Bono Responsibility BlackDog considers pro bono work to be Just putting a pink ribbon on your product an integral part of our business model and doesn’t make you socially responsible. a generous reflection of our organization’s “Certified Organic,” “Carbon Neutral,” and culture. Strategic initiatives promote “No Trans Fats” claims on your packaging sustainable growth and competitive won’t achieve it either. A brand isn’t socially advantages in education, not-for-profits, responsible unless they are consciously minority owned endeavors, start-ups, and and meticulously concerned with their undertakings in disadvantaged communities. impact on society. While the vast majority BlackDog invests in pro bono efforts that of companies think of social responsibility create jobs, spur economic development, in terms of green initiatives and charitable invigorate business development, inspire donations, true social responsibility is a pride, and strengthen our community. guiding philosophy that runs far deeper than individual programs, outreaches, or BlackDog’s pro bono initiatives are resource financial sponsorship. intensive and represent a significant financial investment. BlackDog relies on an independent, impartial, advisory panel and a standardized review process to appraise pro bono candidates and projects. Preference is given to organizations that demonstrate the greatest potential. 54 BlackDog Strategy & Brand BlackDog Strategy & Brand 55
  • 29. Serious Play for Serious Girls Our goal is to radically reduce Threats to Girlhood through our research, our awareness efforts, and our impact on industry. We’re working to advance the wellbeing of girls and the lifelong possibilities for women by impacting the modeling and messaging our children encounter and the quality of their play experiences. We believe that play is serious because it helps develop girls’ sense of self and cognitive abilities; it teaches creative and constructive problem solving, self Small causes have the power expression, and emotional intelligence; contributes to character and skill development; and impacts the roles that girls think of as natural. Because the modeling and messaging conveyed by girls’ toys, products, and brands impacts girls’ childhood development and life-long wellness, we believe that it matters what we let girls’ brands say, convey, and sell. to effect radical BlackDog Strategy and Brand financially underwrites our research endeavors as part of their commitment change to improving the ethical standards of the branding industry and their continuing dedication to social responsibility. Our website is a research forum that allows us to share our ongoing discoveries, to help us learn about your experiences, and allow you to participate in our research endeavors. We look forward to hearing your stories and thank you for taking the time to consider how your contribution can help advance the well being of girls and the possibilities for women. 56 BlackDog Strategy & Brand BlackDog Strategy & Brand 57
  • 30. This is the telling of a modern day quest … Of tireless people committed to rising above common agonies that rob purpose and squander zeal. This is the hero’s journey… The quest starts with a Of gentle giants that decide to cast off the chains, expose phantasms of fear, and decision to wonder the limits vigorously pursue what some can only imagine. and move forward. The moral of the story is This is the way of the warrior that carries yours to write… forth the indelible message that alone is yours to evolve into a reality. You are invited to embark upon a journey that promises to unite you with your unique vocation; distinguishing your authentic story from the conventional methods of mere men. 58 BlackDog Strategy & Brand BlackDog Strategy & Brand 59
  • 31. I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past. Thomas Jefferson ©2010 BlackDog Strategy & Brand BlackDog Strategy & Brand™ Serious Play for Serious Girls™ BIG !DEA™ Threats to Girlhood™ We Don’t Brand Bullshit™ All Rights Reserved
  • 32. 716.898.0874 ©2010 BlackDog Strategy & Brand Version 2.1