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Extending OpenUp for Elicitation of Non-Functional
                                 Autonomous Software Requirement

              Viviane Priscila S. Santos, Anselmo Leonardo O. Nhane, Humberto Torres Marques-Neto
                                              Department of Computer Science
                               Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (PUC MINAS)
                                           Belo Horizonte – Brazil – 30.535-901

Abstract— In the last decade several contributions to the         would compromise the software quality [3, 6, 7]. Taking
development of autonomic computing were presented in the          this into consideration, this paper proposes an extension of
literature. However, it is clear that there is still a need for   the OpenUP process for developing autonomous softwares
further research to consolidate this computing paradigm. This     focusing on the elicitation of NFRs. This extension was
paper proposes the extension of the OpenUP software process
                                                                  done including new artifacts for independent elicitation of
to promote the development of applications emphasizing the
analysis of non-functional requirements (NFRs) related to the     NFRs in this process, because, usually, NFRs are
autonomic capabilities: self-configuration, self-optimization,    described together functional requirement.
self-healing, and self-protection. Basically, the changes were           We present a case study of Brazilian Emergency
made in the software requirements discipline of OpenUP, more      System for illustrating the usage of proposed extension
specifically for proposing two new artifacts: NFR Description     done. The results show that the new artifacts can help
and Misuse Case. These changes were important to discover         software engineers in the task of the elicitation of NFRs.
other NFRs. In order to illustrate the proposed extension, we            This paper is organized in five sections. Section 2
present a case study of the Brazilian Emergency System.           presents the Related Work and describes aspects and
   Keywords-component: Open UP; Autonomic computing;
                                                                  concepts used in this work. In Section 3, we show our
Autonomous system; Non-functional Requirements; Software          proposal of extending OpenUP for autonomic computing.
Process;                                                          Section 4 presents an illustrative case study and, finally, in
                                                                  Section 5 we offer the conclusions.
                     I.    INTRODUCTION
                                                                                     II.    RELATED WORK
      In recent decades, the development of computing
power and the growth of the number of devices used for            A. Autonomic Computing
processing information have grown exponentially [24].                   The concept of Autonomic Computing (AC) was
The computing has a very important role in the                    introduced by Paul Horn [5]. This concept is inspired by
information society. It is noticed that computing                 the Human Nervous System in order to find new ways of
technologies are developed and incorporated quickly to            implementing software able to answer some challenges
existing computer systems, which increase the complexity          posed by the increasing complexity of current IT systems.
[5]. Such complexity hampers the human intervention               The AC refers to a system that incorporates mechanisms
required for software maintenances. It is expected that the       for self-management based on the following qualitative
autonomic computing (AC) can be used to tackle part of            characteristics: self-configuration, self-optimization, self-
these needs, because the autonomic systems may be able            healing and self-protection [10, 12, 13].
to evaluate themselves and take appropriate action, thus                The MAPE-K (monitor, analyze, plan, execute,
avoiding the need for human intervention for its operation.       knowledge) is a reference model for autonomic control
      In 2000s, software processes were focused on the            loop, generally used to provide architectural aspects for
agility and integration [14], emphasizing collaborative           autonomic systems [11]. The control loop defines the
methods, infrastructure environment, values-based                 elements that help to be in accordance with autonomic
methods, architectures and business systems built by users.       characteristics which are linked to the NFR. Approach for
Different software processes, like RUP, XP, OpenUP,               designing the software require multi-disciplinary group
among others, were used for software developing and its           [16, 18] of systems engineering, once the software process
maintenance. However, these processes do not give the             should consider all the autonomic characteristics, which
attention needed for the non-functional software                  affect the software design. In this context, MAPE-K plays
requirements (NFRs) because, normally, they focus on the          a crucial role for satisfying the self-management qualities.
handling of functional requirements which can be easily
noticed and tested by final user [4]. Nevertheless, the           B. Software Process
NFRs are very important for some kinds of software and               The first generic processes, such as Waterfall model, V
the lack of their elicitation may cause problems which            models, among others, did not always work for all

domains. On the other hand, it motivates the proposal for
the customization of generic software processes to work
well in a specific domain. For instance, the software
process for embedded systems should focus on the
determination of various challenges of integration between
software and hardware [23]. Moreover, in the ubiquitous
computing (any computing device can build dynamically
computational models of the environment in which it is
inserted and configure their services depending on the
needs) the software process should focus on, e.g. the
limitations imposed by the characteristics of the devices in
the environment [27].
    According to Dhaminda [22] SOTA (“Stat Of Affair”)
is a general model for modeling the adaptation
requirement. This model enables a uniform and
comprehensive way of modeling functional and non-
functional software requirements. SOTA initially allows
the verification of requirements, identification of the
knowledge needed for self-adaptive and identifying                       Figure 1. NFR in the Autonomic Systems Qualities
patterns of self-adaptive more appropriate [22]. SOTA is
an integration of context modeling multidimensional and it          The OpenUP is a software process with a minimal
tries to identify the general needs for the systems and         content for developing software of high quality. Thus, it
dynamic components for self-adaptive focusing on the            does not provide guidance on various topics that can
system architecture. The same happen on the SASSY               handle projects, such as contractual situations, safety or
(Self-Architecting Software System) proposal, a model-          mission critical applications, technology specific guidance,
driven framework target at dynamics settings in which a         etc. [26]. Thus, to meet the requirements that are not
system´s requirement might change [25].                         covered in your content, the OpenUP is extensible to be
    Other research [8] has an architecture for self-adaptive,   used as a basis on which process content can be added or
and it proposes a framework of quality metrics – as a           modified.
methodology for software engineering based on IEEE Std              Moreover, the OpenUP is iterative and agile process.
1061-1998, which makes explicit the qualities of                The process consists of a few disciplines, including roles,
autonomic computing. The paper [15] proposes a Multi-           artifacts and tasks, which are divided in Requirements,
Agent Systems approach and highlights the importance of         Architecture, Development, Test, Project Management,
NFR for autonomic computing.                                    and Configuration & Change management [9, 26].
    As the AC properties are directly connected to NFRs,            This work was extended only the discipline of the
as shown in Figure 1, the inadequate processing along the       requirements. This extension is reported in subsection B.
generic software processes can be a problem. These              There were no direct changes in other disciplines, but
generic software processes, like RUP, are focused on            taking into account the iterative phases of OpenUP, we
continuous iterations with stakeholders to achieve the          presented in subsection C that the impacts can be avoided.
functional requirements during the software process. The        A. Adapting OpenUp for AC
same finding was observed in the software processes for
embedded systems, which leads us to conclude that non-               Our proposal is to insert two new artifacts in the
functional requirements have always been on the margins         requirements discipline of the OpenUP. The first one is the
of software processes. However, aspects conducive to            NFR Description, which contains a list of NFRs with their
achieving the AC requirements are strongly conditioned to       detailing, identifying ambiguities, disability/inconsistency
                                                                of these requirements and conflicts. NFRs defined by
the NFR that requires special attention in the treatment of
                                                                different actors can run between them, with the solution, as
the software process, and in the modeling of autonomic
                                                                can be seen in Figure 2. The main goal of this new artifact
systems, as documented in Figure 1. Current studies are
                                                                is to make feasible a greater focus on NFRs elicitation.
focused on proposed models for AC architecture based on
                                                                     To identify ambiguities among the requirements, both
the standard cycle control MAPE-K as well as those
                                                                NFR and FR must declare them consistently and
proposals affect the design and analysis of systems.
                                                                objectively, avoiding double interpretation. The
  III. EXTENDING OPENUP FOR THE ELICITATION OF                  inconsistency is reflected in the development and typically
NON-FUNCTIONAL AUTONOMIC SOFTWARE REQUIREMENT                   results in a system where user satisfaction is a question [2].
                                                                Ambiguity or inconsistency of NFRs can result in system
    As mentioned before, this paper proposes some               crashes such as the famous example of the London
extensions to the OpenUP process in order to tailor it to       Ambulance System [1].
the development autonomous systems. These extensions
were done in the activities of the requirement discipline.

For some NFRs are only identified among the functional
                                                                    requirements, i.e. are hidden among the FRs beyond those
                                                                    specified by the stakeholders. Thus, for this purpose it is
                                                                    proposed to use the Misuse Case artifact.
                                                                        The Figure 3 modifies the basic OpenUP [28],
                                                                    demonstrates the tasks of the requirements elicitation in
                                                                    extended OpenUP which included the two new artifacts
                                                                    here indicated by circles: Misuse Case and NFR
                                                                    Description. This provides inputs and outputs of
                                                                    Requirements elicitation in order to identify and refine
                                                                    requirements. In Input 1 has the artifacts Glossary and
                                                                    Vision. These are the tasks of the system specifications in
                                                                    the view of stakeholder and analyst. This input produces
                                                                    other artifacts, output 1, will be explained only those are
                                                                    proposed in this paper. The output 1 produces besides the
                Figure 2. Description NFR Structure
                                                                    ancient artifacts of OpenUP. NFR Description and Misuse
                                                                    Cases are new artifacts where all the specifications
    The NFRs obtained through different actors of the
                                                                    described above are followed. This is the first iteration.
system may have conflicts with each other. It is necessary
                                                                        The second input, the level of NFRs seeks to use the
that all the functional and non-functional requirements are
                                                                    Misuse Cases for modifying the NFR Description. They
satisfied. It is very difficult to tell when NFR are satisfied.
                                                                    are inserted into the new NFRs discovered through faults
Hence, the term partial NFR satisfaction is used when
                                                                    in the FRs of the system in the NFR Description.
there is a solution considered good, even if this is not ideal
                                                                    Therefore, all NFRs are defined. Procedures are applied to
[17]. Therefore the conflict must be explained including all
                                                                    find out if there are ambiguities and conflicts between
its dependencies. The decisions to resolve the conflict
                                                                    them after that obtains the final NFR.
must be based on the classification of priorities [19],
which seeks to apply the NFR.                                       B. Impacts of Changes in OpenUP
                                                                        The indentify and Refine Requirements are present in
                                                                    three phases of Patterns of Inception phase Elaboration
                                                                    Iteration Phase Construction Phase Iteration what the
                                                                    requirements are presents and Transition Phase Iteration.
                                                                    Thus the changes proposed here can impact and add new
                                                                    goals to these iterative phases.
                                                                        In the initiation phase iteration of the objectives of this
                                                                    stage, affects the pattern model iteration (the identification
                                                                    and refinement requirements) in order to determine a
                                                                    relative solution autonomic possible. Assess the key
                                                                    features based on the autonomic system. realizes all
                                                                    limitations associated with non-functional and functional
                                                                    requirements, which will impact the product by
                                                                    minimizing maintenance and future corrections due to this
                                                                        The iteration of the elaboration phase - this phase, the
                                                                    process OpenUP impact on goals in two fundamental
                                                                    aspects: Definition of the architecture (must allow
                                                                    modification with changes of context, which will require
                                                                    an additional study of restrictions and changes that may
                                                                    occur) and in the detailing of non-functional requirements
                                                                    according to our proposal, will highlight new non-
                                                                    functional requirements. Another relevant aspect is in
                                                                    accordance with the need for the project, identifying
    Figure 3. Steps Requirements elicitation OpenUP, modified for   professionals of different areas that are covered by the
                         elicitation of NFRs
                                                                    characteristics of the system under study.
                                                                        Iteration of the construction phase - this phase the
    The Misuse Case was also added to the OpenUp
                                                                    OpenUP also recommends the Refinement of the
software process. This is based on scenarios of negative
                                                                    requirements that will impact the development, including
circumstances used in situations where error occurs in the
                                                                    how to identify the policies that define the behavior of the
system. Misuse Cases can improve the elicitation process
                                                                    autonomic system.
they may lead to yet unidentified NFRs that are hidden [2].

In general, the process extension increases the attention    shows the sequence of events where a most events can
given to non-functional requirements, instead of relying         occur simultaneously (eg as in box 6 and 10).
only on use cases. The process focuses on the qualities and
NFR based on metrics for autonomic computing. OpenUP             B. Appling Extended OpenUp in SBE
provides guidance on the specification of autonomic                  For requirements elicitation this system was applied to
software quality(self-configuration, self-healing, self-         the artifacts here proposed as an extension of the OpenUP,
optimization, etc..) That best suits the project under study.    so defined correctly the NFRs.Firstly, we got the system
                                                                 description and produce traditional artifacts of OpenUP as
C. Non-Functional Requirements and MAPE-K                        a list of requirements and UML diagrams, which were
    It is very important to define correctly the NFRs of the     specified FRs and NFRs normally. After this was done
autonomic system, as well as conflicts, if any, between          where the NFR Description was identified first order two
them. It can directly influence the political system             NFRs ambiguous, ie, those that could be bad roles played
management. How goals are often expressed using                  by others, such as Architects, Developers and Testers.
political event-condition-action (ECA) the policies of goal,     After it was built the Misuse Case.
or political utility function [21]. As the policies define how       The next step is the built of the Misuse Case, where it
and when MAPE-K should act in relation to managed                was possible to discover other NFRs hidden amid the FRs.
Element, Plan and Knowledge, influence that the actions          These NFRs could not be identified in most processes
taken by the autonomic system. Furthermore, through the          commonly used for modeling focused FRs [2] and thus,
NFRs is possible to define what properties (self-Healing,        the analyst cannot perceive them. Generally, all NFRs are
self-protection, self-configuration and self-optimization)       not specified by stakeholders. It requires observation of the
are added to the AC system, as can be seen in Figure 1.          analyst, which does not always happen due to the short
    An example would be an autonomic system that                 time frame for completion of the system. This can result in
detects two sub-problems at the same time as one of              software (system) that does not solve completely the
configuration, and other Healing, priorities of NFRs             problem of users [28], leading to the need for corrections
determine which decision is the highest priority and should      when the process is already at an advanced stage or system
be executed first, if it is not possible to place them at the    in use. This is very bad because NFRs corrections are
same time.                                                       much more expensive and difficult to do [2].
    Another factor is that this information is possible to           Some NFRs found integrations with external systems
select which application analyst MAPE-K is appropriate to        are already in use. This is shown in Figure 5, where the
the system. Example a system that has as NFRs                    system should decrease the time of the traffic lights on the
Performance and Maintainability can be implemented               route traced, but it must be integrated into the control
using the tool ABLE, this has performance monitoring,            system. Moreover, there is also integration with traffic
health monitoring, prediction level and length of service        system that was forgotten in the first instance, whose need
for contract management [20].                                    was perceived when simulations of traffic problems in
                                                                 using functional part Misuse Case, where it is necessary to
                     IV.   CASE STUDY                            divert the route in case of traffic blockage. As well as
A. Brazilian Emergency System                                    changes in the climate where drastic changes in climate
                                                                 should also divert the route of MSU, so it is necessary
    As a Case Study to illustrate this changes proposed          integration with the weather system. These integrations in
here, we applied the two new artifacts in set of the             both the systems, traffic and weather, was also required in
requirements of the Brazilian Emergency System (SBE).            the case of Figure 6, where the system checks the necessity
 This system aims to integrate the attendance of SAMU            of sending helicopter, if such is available. Also noted is
(Emergency Phone Number: 192), the emergency care unit           other NFR a need for integration in real time.
in Brazil, and Fire Department (Emergency Phone                       In the second iteration, the NFR Description has been
Number: 193), in order to solve problems caused by the           redone and all NFRs uncovered from Misuse Case were
disjunction of these systems of care. These two units are        added. In this new list were sought ambiguities and
disjoint emergency entities and sometimes we can observe         conflicts. The only conflict was found that the external
problems of communication among them. In an emergency            system for diversion of priority, i.e. the climate and traffic.
situation, SAMU ambulance and firefighter’s vehicle are          In this case the climate was chosen as a priority, as in the
called unnecessarily, causing disputes between service           case of certain roads may flood rains. Moreover, there
units and allocation of professional and unnecessary             were some NFRs that could be misinterpreted and its
vehicles that could meet other cases.                            description was improved so that it is more objective.
    This paper proposed an autonomous system that is
selected for the best care unit for each type of call. Its
operation can be seen in Figure 4, where the numbering

Figure 4. Operation of Emergency System

          Figure 5. Misuse case part applied to the SBE                                  Figure 6 - Misuse case part applied to the SBE

C. Impact properties AC                                                               As Self-configuration: The emergency system in
                                                                                       Brazil (SBE) have to change settings and route
    These changes were important because aside from
                                                                                       traffic lights, according to the external conditions
discovering other NFRs that they could be disregarded by
                                                                                       to be monitored by this, among other;
not receiving adequate attention on the beginning of the
                                                                                      Self-optimization: SBE should increase or reduce
project [2], these requirements were also attached the
                                                                                       its performance according to the system need;
properties of the autonomic system. This can be seen in
Figure 1, largely Self-Healing and Self-configuration due                             Self-healing: SBE must be able to function even
to the nature of the system. This connection between the                               with faults such as networks and repairs them.
AC and properties NFRs are exemplified below:                                          This is because the system must always be
                                                                                       available to users; and

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Extending open up for autonomic computing english_finalversionupload 6

  • 1. Extending OpenUp for Elicitation of Non-Functional Autonomous Software Requirement Viviane Priscila S. Santos, Anselmo Leonardo O. Nhane, Humberto Torres Marques-Neto Department of Computer Science Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (PUC MINAS) Belo Horizonte – Brazil – 30.535-901,, Abstract— In the last decade several contributions to the would compromise the software quality [3, 6, 7]. Taking development of autonomic computing were presented in the this into consideration, this paper proposes an extension of literature. However, it is clear that there is still a need for the OpenUP process for developing autonomous softwares further research to consolidate this computing paradigm. This focusing on the elicitation of NFRs. This extension was paper proposes the extension of the OpenUP software process done including new artifacts for independent elicitation of to promote the development of applications emphasizing the analysis of non-functional requirements (NFRs) related to the NFRs in this process, because, usually, NFRs are autonomic capabilities: self-configuration, self-optimization, described together functional requirement. self-healing, and self-protection. Basically, the changes were We present a case study of Brazilian Emergency made in the software requirements discipline of OpenUP, more System for illustrating the usage of proposed extension specifically for proposing two new artifacts: NFR Description done. The results show that the new artifacts can help and Misuse Case. These changes were important to discover software engineers in the task of the elicitation of NFRs. other NFRs. In order to illustrate the proposed extension, we This paper is organized in five sections. Section 2 present a case study of the Brazilian Emergency System. presents the Related Work and describes aspects and Keywords-component: Open UP; Autonomic computing; concepts used in this work. In Section 3, we show our Autonomous system; Non-functional Requirements; Software proposal of extending OpenUP for autonomic computing. Process; Section 4 presents an illustrative case study and, finally, in Section 5 we offer the conclusions. I. INTRODUCTION II. RELATED WORK In recent decades, the development of computing power and the growth of the number of devices used for A. Autonomic Computing processing information have grown exponentially [24]. The concept of Autonomic Computing (AC) was The computing has a very important role in the introduced by Paul Horn [5]. This concept is inspired by information society. It is noticed that computing the Human Nervous System in order to find new ways of technologies are developed and incorporated quickly to implementing software able to answer some challenges existing computer systems, which increase the complexity posed by the increasing complexity of current IT systems. [5]. Such complexity hampers the human intervention The AC refers to a system that incorporates mechanisms required for software maintenances. It is expected that the for self-management based on the following qualitative autonomic computing (AC) can be used to tackle part of characteristics: self-configuration, self-optimization, self- these needs, because the autonomic systems may be able healing and self-protection [10, 12, 13]. to evaluate themselves and take appropriate action, thus The MAPE-K (monitor, analyze, plan, execute, avoiding the need for human intervention for its operation. knowledge) is a reference model for autonomic control In 2000s, software processes were focused on the loop, generally used to provide architectural aspects for agility and integration [14], emphasizing collaborative autonomic systems [11]. The control loop defines the methods, infrastructure environment, values-based elements that help to be in accordance with autonomic methods, architectures and business systems built by users. characteristics which are linked to the NFR. Approach for Different software processes, like RUP, XP, OpenUP, designing the software require multi-disciplinary group among others, were used for software developing and its [16, 18] of systems engineering, once the software process maintenance. However, these processes do not give the should consider all the autonomic characteristics, which attention needed for the non-functional software affect the software design. In this context, MAPE-K plays requirements (NFRs) because, normally, they focus on the a crucial role for satisfying the self-management qualities. handling of functional requirements which can be easily noticed and tested by final user [4]. Nevertheless, the B. Software Process NFRs are very important for some kinds of software and The first generic processes, such as Waterfall model, V the lack of their elicitation may cause problems which models, among others, did not always work for all 1
  • 2. domains. On the other hand, it motivates the proposal for the customization of generic software processes to work well in a specific domain. For instance, the software process for embedded systems should focus on the determination of various challenges of integration between software and hardware [23]. Moreover, in the ubiquitous computing (any computing device can build dynamically computational models of the environment in which it is inserted and configure their services depending on the needs) the software process should focus on, e.g. the limitations imposed by the characteristics of the devices in the environment [27]. According to Dhaminda [22] SOTA (“Stat Of Affair”) is a general model for modeling the adaptation requirement. This model enables a uniform and comprehensive way of modeling functional and non- functional software requirements. SOTA initially allows the verification of requirements, identification of the knowledge needed for self-adaptive and identifying Figure 1. NFR in the Autonomic Systems Qualities patterns of self-adaptive more appropriate [22]. SOTA is an integration of context modeling multidimensional and it The OpenUP is a software process with a minimal tries to identify the general needs for the systems and content for developing software of high quality. Thus, it dynamic components for self-adaptive focusing on the does not provide guidance on various topics that can system architecture. The same happen on the SASSY handle projects, such as contractual situations, safety or (Self-Architecting Software System) proposal, a model- mission critical applications, technology specific guidance, driven framework target at dynamics settings in which a etc. [26]. Thus, to meet the requirements that are not system´s requirement might change [25]. covered in your content, the OpenUP is extensible to be Other research [8] has an architecture for self-adaptive, used as a basis on which process content can be added or and it proposes a framework of quality metrics – as a modified. methodology for software engineering based on IEEE Std Moreover, the OpenUP is iterative and agile process. 1061-1998, which makes explicit the qualities of The process consists of a few disciplines, including roles, autonomic computing. The paper [15] proposes a Multi- artifacts and tasks, which are divided in Requirements, Agent Systems approach and highlights the importance of Architecture, Development, Test, Project Management, NFR for autonomic computing. and Configuration & Change management [9, 26]. As the AC properties are directly connected to NFRs, This work was extended only the discipline of the as shown in Figure 1, the inadequate processing along the requirements. This extension is reported in subsection B. generic software processes can be a problem. These There were no direct changes in other disciplines, but generic software processes, like RUP, are focused on taking into account the iterative phases of OpenUP, we continuous iterations with stakeholders to achieve the presented in subsection C that the impacts can be avoided. functional requirements during the software process. The A. Adapting OpenUp for AC same finding was observed in the software processes for embedded systems, which leads us to conclude that non- Our proposal is to insert two new artifacts in the functional requirements have always been on the margins requirements discipline of the OpenUP. The first one is the of software processes. However, aspects conducive to NFR Description, which contains a list of NFRs with their achieving the AC requirements are strongly conditioned to detailing, identifying ambiguities, disability/inconsistency of these requirements and conflicts. NFRs defined by the NFR that requires special attention in the treatment of different actors can run between them, with the solution, as the software process, and in the modeling of autonomic can be seen in Figure 2. The main goal of this new artifact systems, as documented in Figure 1. Current studies are is to make feasible a greater focus on NFRs elicitation. focused on proposed models for AC architecture based on To identify ambiguities among the requirements, both the standard cycle control MAPE-K as well as those NFR and FR must declare them consistently and proposals affect the design and analysis of systems. objectively, avoiding double interpretation. The III. EXTENDING OPENUP FOR THE ELICITATION OF inconsistency is reflected in the development and typically NON-FUNCTIONAL AUTONOMIC SOFTWARE REQUIREMENT results in a system where user satisfaction is a question [2]. Ambiguity or inconsistency of NFRs can result in system As mentioned before, this paper proposes some crashes such as the famous example of the London extensions to the OpenUP process in order to tailor it to Ambulance System [1]. the development autonomous systems. These extensions were done in the activities of the requirement discipline. 2
  • 3. For some NFRs are only identified among the functional requirements, i.e. are hidden among the FRs beyond those specified by the stakeholders. Thus, for this purpose it is proposed to use the Misuse Case artifact. The Figure 3 modifies the basic OpenUP [28], demonstrates the tasks of the requirements elicitation in extended OpenUP which included the two new artifacts here indicated by circles: Misuse Case and NFR Description. This provides inputs and outputs of Requirements elicitation in order to identify and refine requirements. In Input 1 has the artifacts Glossary and Vision. These are the tasks of the system specifications in the view of stakeholder and analyst. This input produces other artifacts, output 1, will be explained only those are proposed in this paper. The output 1 produces besides the Figure 2. Description NFR Structure ancient artifacts of OpenUP. NFR Description and Misuse Cases are new artifacts where all the specifications The NFRs obtained through different actors of the described above are followed. This is the first iteration. system may have conflicts with each other. It is necessary The second input, the level of NFRs seeks to use the that all the functional and non-functional requirements are Misuse Cases for modifying the NFR Description. They satisfied. It is very difficult to tell when NFR are satisfied. are inserted into the new NFRs discovered through faults Hence, the term partial NFR satisfaction is used when in the FRs of the system in the NFR Description. there is a solution considered good, even if this is not ideal Therefore, all NFRs are defined. Procedures are applied to [17]. Therefore the conflict must be explained including all find out if there are ambiguities and conflicts between its dependencies. The decisions to resolve the conflict them after that obtains the final NFR. must be based on the classification of priorities [19], which seeks to apply the NFR. B. Impacts of Changes in OpenUP The indentify and Refine Requirements are present in three phases of Patterns of Inception phase Elaboration Iteration Phase Construction Phase Iteration what the requirements are presents and Transition Phase Iteration. Thus the changes proposed here can impact and add new goals to these iterative phases. In the initiation phase iteration of the objectives of this stage, affects the pattern model iteration (the identification and refinement requirements) in order to determine a relative solution autonomic possible. Assess the key features based on the autonomic system. realizes all limitations associated with non-functional and functional requirements, which will impact the product by minimizing maintenance and future corrections due to this requirement. The iteration of the elaboration phase - this phase, the process OpenUP impact on goals in two fundamental aspects: Definition of the architecture (must allow modification with changes of context, which will require an additional study of restrictions and changes that may occur) and in the detailing of non-functional requirements according to our proposal, will highlight new non- functional requirements. Another relevant aspect is in accordance with the need for the project, identifying Figure 3. Steps Requirements elicitation OpenUP, modified for professionals of different areas that are covered by the elicitation of NFRs characteristics of the system under study. Iteration of the construction phase - this phase the The Misuse Case was also added to the OpenUp OpenUP also recommends the Refinement of the software process. This is based on scenarios of negative requirements that will impact the development, including circumstances used in situations where error occurs in the how to identify the policies that define the behavior of the system. Misuse Cases can improve the elicitation process autonomic system. they may lead to yet unidentified NFRs that are hidden [2]. 3
  • 4. In general, the process extension increases the attention shows the sequence of events where a most events can given to non-functional requirements, instead of relying occur simultaneously (eg as in box 6 and 10). only on use cases. The process focuses on the qualities and NFR based on metrics for autonomic computing. OpenUP B. Appling Extended OpenUp in SBE provides guidance on the specification of autonomic For requirements elicitation this system was applied to software quality(self-configuration, self-healing, self- the artifacts here proposed as an extension of the OpenUP, optimization, etc..) That best suits the project under study. so defined correctly the NFRs.Firstly, we got the system description and produce traditional artifacts of OpenUP as C. Non-Functional Requirements and MAPE-K a list of requirements and UML diagrams, which were It is very important to define correctly the NFRs of the specified FRs and NFRs normally. After this was done autonomic system, as well as conflicts, if any, between where the NFR Description was identified first order two them. It can directly influence the political system NFRs ambiguous, ie, those that could be bad roles played management. How goals are often expressed using by others, such as Architects, Developers and Testers. political event-condition-action (ECA) the policies of goal, After it was built the Misuse Case. or political utility function [21]. As the policies define how The next step is the built of the Misuse Case, where it and when MAPE-K should act in relation to managed was possible to discover other NFRs hidden amid the FRs. Element, Plan and Knowledge, influence that the actions These NFRs could not be identified in most processes taken by the autonomic system. Furthermore, through the commonly used for modeling focused FRs [2] and thus, NFRs is possible to define what properties (self-Healing, the analyst cannot perceive them. Generally, all NFRs are self-protection, self-configuration and self-optimization) not specified by stakeholders. It requires observation of the are added to the AC system, as can be seen in Figure 1. analyst, which does not always happen due to the short An example would be an autonomic system that time frame for completion of the system. This can result in detects two sub-problems at the same time as one of software (system) that does not solve completely the configuration, and other Healing, priorities of NFRs problem of users [28], leading to the need for corrections determine which decision is the highest priority and should when the process is already at an advanced stage or system be executed first, if it is not possible to place them at the in use. This is very bad because NFRs corrections are same time. much more expensive and difficult to do [2]. Another factor is that this information is possible to Some NFRs found integrations with external systems select which application analyst MAPE-K is appropriate to are already in use. This is shown in Figure 5, where the the system. Example a system that has as NFRs system should decrease the time of the traffic lights on the Performance and Maintainability can be implemented route traced, but it must be integrated into the control using the tool ABLE, this has performance monitoring, system. Moreover, there is also integration with traffic health monitoring, prediction level and length of service system that was forgotten in the first instance, whose need for contract management [20]. was perceived when simulations of traffic problems in using functional part Misuse Case, where it is necessary to IV. CASE STUDY divert the route in case of traffic blockage. As well as A. Brazilian Emergency System changes in the climate where drastic changes in climate should also divert the route of MSU, so it is necessary As a Case Study to illustrate this changes proposed integration with the weather system. These integrations in here, we applied the two new artifacts in set of the both the systems, traffic and weather, was also required in requirements of the Brazilian Emergency System (SBE). the case of Figure 6, where the system checks the necessity This system aims to integrate the attendance of SAMU of sending helicopter, if such is available. Also noted is (Emergency Phone Number: 192), the emergency care unit other NFR a need for integration in real time. in Brazil, and Fire Department (Emergency Phone In the second iteration, the NFR Description has been Number: 193), in order to solve problems caused by the redone and all NFRs uncovered from Misuse Case were disjunction of these systems of care. These two units are added. In this new list were sought ambiguities and disjoint emergency entities and sometimes we can observe conflicts. The only conflict was found that the external problems of communication among them. In an emergency system for diversion of priority, i.e. the climate and traffic. situation, SAMU ambulance and firefighter’s vehicle are In this case the climate was chosen as a priority, as in the called unnecessarily, causing disputes between service case of certain roads may flood rains. Moreover, there units and allocation of professional and unnecessary were some NFRs that could be misinterpreted and its vehicles that could meet other cases. description was improved so that it is more objective. This paper proposed an autonomous system that is selected for the best care unit for each type of call. Its operation can be seen in Figure 4, where the numbering 4
  • 5. Figure 4. Operation of Emergency System Figure 5. Misuse case part applied to the SBE Figure 6 - Misuse case part applied to the SBE C. Impact properties AC  As Self-configuration: The emergency system in Brazil (SBE) have to change settings and route These changes were important because aside from traffic lights, according to the external conditions discovering other NFRs that they could be disregarded by to be monitored by this, among other; not receiving adequate attention on the beginning of the  Self-optimization: SBE should increase or reduce project [2], these requirements were also attached the its performance according to the system need; properties of the autonomic system. This can be seen in Figure 1, largely Self-Healing and Self-configuration due  Self-healing: SBE must be able to function even to the nature of the system. This connection between the with faults such as networks and repairs them. AC and properties NFRs are exemplified below: This is because the system must always be available to users; and 5
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