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Exemplification Essay Thesis
Crafting an essay on the topic of "Exemplification Essay Thesis" can prove to be a formidable
task. Firstly, the challenge lies in understanding the essence of exemplification and how it
intertwines with the thesis statement. This requires a deep comprehension of the subject matter,
coupled with the ability to articulate clear and concise arguments supported by relevant
Moreover, the process demands meticulous planning and organization to ensure coherence and
logical flow throughout the essay. Selecting appropriate examples to illustrate and support the
thesis statement is crucial, as it not only strengthens the argument but also adds credibility to the
overall narrative.
Furthermore, writing an exemplification essay entails striking a delicate balance between
providing sufficient evidence and avoiding overgeneralization. Each example must be carefully
analyzed and contextualized to avoid misinterpretation or misrepresentation.
Additionally, constructing a compelling thesis statement that encapsulates the essence of the
essay while guiding the reader through the subsequent arguments requires considerable skill and
Overall, composing an exemplification essay on this topic necessitates a blend of critical
thinking, research, and writing prowess to effectively convey the intended message and persuade
the audience.
In conclusion, tackling an essay on this subject demands diligence, creativity, and a thorough
understanding of both exemplification and thesis construction. It's a task that necessitates time,
effort, and expertise to execute successfully.
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Exemplification Essay ThesisExemplification Essay Thesis
The Police Officer And Ficer
Where are you ladies heading off too? the police officer asked. I just sat there,
frozen, staring at his long white hair and wrinkly skin. All while trying to come up
with an answer and listening to Chrissy breathing so heavily. It was that scolding
hot summer day that Chrissy and I decided to take my boyfriend s car for spin.
Being sixteen and just had obtained a license, what else would young ladies wantto
do? Someone may think at that age having a boyfriend six years older than you
may be cool, but no matter how much you think you know someone people always
have secrets, and from that point on I knew to always do background research
before getting involved with someone. After starring at the police officer I was
finally able to catch my breath. Just to a friend s house. I responded. Heart beat
racing, palms still sweating and my body trembling. Well I need to see your
license and registration? the officer responded. I looked over at Chrissy, as she
was digging through my purse to obtain my license. As I handed them over to the
officer he looked at me and laughed Sorry ma am but I need your registration also. I
m sorry officer I m not sure where that is located, this is my boyfriend s vehicle. He
responded Try your glove box. Chrissy frantically dug through a huge pile of paper
looking for something we were not even sure we would fine. That s it right there the
orange paper. the officer said quickly. I didn t bother opening it to check I just
handed it
Describe The Importance Of The Colosseum
The Colosseum
Koch, Matt
Do you know what one of the most important structures to mankind history is? The
Colosseum. The importance of the Colosseum, otherwise known originally as the
Flavian Amphitheatre, was that many of the materials, styles, and architecture were
inspiring to many architects and designers constructing today s modern facilities and
The emperor of Rome at the time, Vespasian, began building the Colosseum (Flavian
Amphitheatre) in 72 AD. They believed that in ancient Rome the patron was more
noble and loyal than the architects, and the architects were just craftsmen and hired
hands (Woog, 2014). So as of today the designers and architects are unknown to the
world, and will probably never be found out about because if limited evidence.
Floor plans, 3 dimensional scale models, perspective drawings, and full size design
sketches are what were used by the anonymous architects and designers of the
Colosseum (Hopkins, 2011). The site of construction was formerly known as the
Golden House, owned and lived in by Nero the Emperor. This was drained and as a
precaution against potential earthquake damage concrete foundations six metres deep
were put down to support it (Cartwright, 2012). And eight long years of hard work
and design later the Colosseum (Flavian Amphitheatre) was completed in 80 CE.
There were many materials mixed in the project of constructing the Colosseum
(Flavian Amphitheatre). The walls of the Colosseum were built with stone. They
made use of a number of arches in order to keep the weight down, but yet still keep
them strong (Cartwright, 2012). The floor of the Colosseum was wooden and usually
covered in sand most of the time. But the floor was taken out due to heavy
weathering in 1674 AD. And about 19 miles outside of Rome in a little town of Tivoli
were quarries where the Romans mined there stone blocks out of to construct the
walls of the Colosseum. Some other material they had used to construct the
colosseum include, limestone brick, concrete and volcanic stone (otherwise known as
tufa ), pumice stone. And including bronze, which was used for statues around the
stadium. But some parts of the colosseum that are made of concrete are not authentic
original to the
CASE STUDY 1 for LO1 Essay
North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust
The board found itself facing service improvement targets. Using new corporate and
clinical guidance, it set about taking a whole systems approach to managing
corporate risk, giving one of its director s responsibility for the leadership of health
and safety for the first time. Health and safety was also made a key item on the
board agenda.
This has resulted in a much better integrated health and safety management system
that increases the opportunity to identify and manage all corporate risks, and a much
more open culture, improving reporting and monitoring. The board actively promotes
a culture that gives staff the confidence to report incidents. This has ... Show more
content on ...
Assessment and grading criteria
In order to achieve a pass in this unit, all learning outcomes and associated assessment
criteria must be met
In order to achieve a merit in this unit, pass requirements and all merit grade
descriptors stated here must be achieved
In order to achieve a distinction in this unit, all pass and merit requirements and
distinction descriptors must be achieved 1.1 Review systems, policies and procedures
for communicating information on health and safety in the
Chronic Acetaminophen Overdose Case Study
Case study 1: Investigation of a Chronic Acetaminophen Overdose.
Clinical Information/Patient History:
On the 18th November 2014, a 34 year old woman was admitted to Daisy Hill
Hospital (DHH) in a hepatic encephalopathic state. She was referred by her GP with
symptoms of nausea, vomiting, dyspnoea, weakness, a reduced urine output, PR
bleeding and central and peripheral oedema. These symptoms began in July 2012 and
have been ongoing to date. Medical records indicated that in May that year she had
undergone a partial gastrectomy to treat a non healing gastric ulcer. The patient also
had a background history of excessive use of Non Steroid Anti Inflammatory Drugs
(NSAIDs), which was suspected to have caused the gastric ulcer in May. Liver
function and routine blood tests were requested with a serum drug overdose screen.
NSAIDs are group of pharmaceutical drugs used in the treatment of fever, pain and
swelling in mild to intermediate acute inflammatory ... Show more content on ...
On comparison between initial and repeated the liver function tests and the urea
and electrolytes tests, the results are still deranged. The results for AST and ALT
remained high at 1110 U/L and 2419 U/L. An increase in AST and ALT results can
be due to a number of conditions, including fatty liver disease, alcoholic liver
disease and trace metal disorders such as Wilson s disease which can progress into
acute liver failure. When looking at the elevated ratio of AST to ALT in these
conditions it is possible to determine the origin and the extent of the damage
depending on the raised level of each liver enzyme. In alcoholic liver disease, the
AST activity is predominantly raised to a higher level than the ALT to a ratio of
2:1. In contrast, in the case of fatty liver disorders the enzyme activity ratio would
be 2.2, given with a sensitivity of 94% and specificity of 86%
Chorus Analysis Of Antigone
The Chorus idea of wisdom is that there is no happiness without wisdom. If you do
not act wise and think wisely about your actions you will never experience happiness.
Since Creon did not think thoroughly about the consequences for burying Antigone
he was left to a life of pain and misery. If he thought of a way to punish Antigone
without upsetting the Gods and Thebes, the outcome of Antigone might have been
better for Creon. He might have never lost all the things he held dearest and let down
everyone that looked up to him.
The Chorus believes that your acts should never dishonor the Gods and go against
their wishes. You must always listen to the Gods and respect their wishes and
demands. The Chorus tells us that pride is bad and can lead
Meetings on Policy Issues Essay
Meetings on Policy Issues
The first meeting I attended was the State Early Childhood Advisory Council
(SECAC) meeting. It was held in the Sillers building in Jackson, Mississippi. The
meeting was held on February 9, 2012. The people in attendance were members of
the council, who were made up of various leaders in the field of early childhood such
as members of the Department of Human Services (DHS), EXCEL by 5, the Center
for Education Innovation, and the Mississippi State Department of Health (MSDH).
Beyond the council members there were about 14 others, including myself, who also
work in the field of early childhood education such as child care owners or directors
and those who work with programs aimed at providing assistance to ... Show more
content on ...
It was very formal and the members of the council took turns and followed the
agenda very closely. The Executive Director, Annjo Lemons, gave explanation of the
items being discussed to the public attendees. The council provided a list of current
bills related to young children to all those in attendance and explained each one.
One of the main focuses of the SECAC meeting was coordinating services in order
to improve service to families with young children. The council suggested drafts of 3
different models that would define roles top to bottom . One key piece of this
coordination of services would include moving child care licensing and regulation
from the MSDH to DHS. The council wants the proposal drafts by March 1st. The
idea of moving licensing and regulation of child care centers to DHS is an effort to
streamline services and information for child care providers and families. Policy
Framework Interest group theory framework is comprised of a group....through
which individuals exert influence on government (Zimmerman, 2001, p. 255).
Interest groups have commonality in their interests and views. Interest group theory
depicts constructed policy solutions as the culmination of negation, bargaining, and
compromise among competing groups (Zimmerman, 2001, p. 257). Part of interest
group theory includes the formation of coalitions. Coalitions are groups
Bernard Lassus s Contribution To Landscape Architecture
Bernard Lassus was born in 1929 in Chamalieres (Puy de Dome), France and is
regarded as an extremely creative and unique landscape architect due to his vast use
of dramatic shapes and colours in his designs. As a child he was encouraged to
practice his independence of mind and enrolled as a student at the National School of
Beaux Arts where he studied painting and art. This education and introduction into art
encouraged Lassus to begin his career as a painter before entering into landscape
architecture. In the 1950 s, Lassus took part in artistic research on visual effects of
lights in motion where he developed his talent for representing moods and emotions
in his work. In 1955 he took part in in the Salon de la Jeune Peinture (Salon of
Young Painting) and presented his first works in... Show more content on ...
He gave landowners the opportunity to get involved in design choices by having
input in the type of trees planted.
In 1990 Bernard Lassus received the Legioon d Honneur from Presiden Francois
Mitterand and was presented with the Gold Ribbon award for Motorway design in
1993 and 1997.The Director of the Roads Administration at the Ministry of
Housing and Public Works, Christian Leyrit called Lassus to advise on a national
landscape policy for turnpikes. This was the first policy of its kind in France and
influenced many future projects. One of the best designs created by Lassus is The
Landscape of Rocks in Motorway 837, Crazannes in 1993 and took four years to
In 1989, Lassus intense interest in landscape history has stimulated the invention of a
doctoral program for landscape studies. He directed this programme until his
retirement in 1998 and. He directed this programme until his retirement in 1998 and
recentl received honourary soctorate from Universities such as those in Bristol and
Black Canary and the Double Trouble
In a Rugged City Black Canary was awaking from a dark alley. Just then she heard
a cry for help. Black Canary jumped through her underground portal and onto her
armory of weapons and then she grabbed her suit, she was ready to go. She seeked
the evil approaching with her super sonic hearing and then spotted a group of
children. Black Canarysaid to the children Don t be afraid, I am here to help when
there is danger or evil approaching. One of the children replied back and said We
saw a women dressed in black and she had blood everywhere. Another child named
Margaret said She came up to us screaming when the clock strikes twelve you will
be dead, the city will be dead, and then she walked away. Black Canary asked if she
said what her name was and they all said Black Alice is her name. Right then,
Black Canary had a flashback. She knew Black Alice, they used to be Alias in the
Secret Society. Black Alice then turned evil that night when Satan possessed her and
took her super powers away and she then became a villain. Black Canary asked the
children which direction the villain headed in and then she left.
Black Canary found that more than half of the city was a wreck. The street signs
were wiped out, trees were laying in half on the ground, cars were flipped, and even
more terrible things. Black Canary knew where to find her though, everyone knows.
She lives in the streets of Elm in the dark mist of the trench hole. Black Canary
waited to find her, because she knew now
Personal Narrative Of Backpacking
The first time I encountered backpackers was when my mom took me to Costa
Rica. We were out on a boat that took us out to this relatively secluded beach to
snorkel in the clear water. There was an open bar, but we were disappointed that
after 3 daiquiris and a couple pina coladas, we felt nothing. The bartender was
being a little stingy, but nevertheless, we had a great time! We met these two girls
who were deeply enjoying their gap year. They had just arrived in Costa Rica after
backpacking through Italy, Spain, and France. Their plan was to travel through
South America seeing Easter Island, Macchu Picchu, and going around to some of
the capitals like Buenos Aires and Lima. I wish I had found a way to keep in touch
with them. Ever since meeting them, my dream has been to go backpacking, to be
on my own with a couple of friends in some foreign area we know little to nothing
about. After we got back to shore, we looked around and we ended up eating at this
local bar that also served as a hostel. The occupants slept in hammocks with a fan
over them for only $10! The cheapest motel I ve stayed in was $35 and it smelled
like piss and cigarettes. I had fallen in love with the idea and my mom was fully
supportive of it. I later learned that not all hostels are that nice, but I was willing to
risk sleeping in a few smelly beds if it meant I could explore the world. When we
got back in the states, it was all I could think about. I talked about traveling for the
Judges 11 30-31 Analysis
After reading Judges 11:29 40 and Judges 19, women are being portrayed as
objects designed to be used only once and then abandoned. The fact that the
strangers lives are worth more than of their own daughters/wives also makes them
objects of hospitality. The friendliness, and entertainment of guests,visitors or
strangers is far more important because women have always been seen as inferior
to men and are therefore seen as objects. As we read the stories, there is no real
sympathy shown in the tone. It just tells the story of these two woman without really
focusing on them. We are not to be impressed by the native men s desire to protect
the strangers, even at the expensive of their daughters/wives, because over the course
of the years we can... Show more content on ...
In a way, it can be seen as an objective tone, an unbiased view. We can say that the
objective of these two stories are to show how one has to have faith in the Lord,
after seeing how Jephthah failed to so, and how it is probably better to wait and
think before doing something, after seeing how the Concubine s husband failed to
do so. With this, one can say that the tone is objective because it lacks sympathy
towards the women, being able to leave personal judgements aside. We are not to
be impressed by the native men s desire to protect the strangers, even at the
expense of their daughters/wives because we can see how women have been taken
advantage of, over the course of the years. As we can see in Every Two
Minutes:Battered Women and Feminist Interpretation, that All day long, everyday,
women are verbally intimidated, battered, injured, and killed by the men they live
with (Thistlethwaite 96) We are not to be impressed by the native men s desire to
protect the strangers, even over the expense of their own daughters/wives because
they have always been seeing as inferior to men and from Judges 11:29 40 and
Judges 19 we can see how women are portrayed as objects. They are portrayed as
objects of hospitality and as expendable. Both women were used and later abandoned.
Just like Trible said Indeed, They are tales of terror with women as
unnamed woman, the concubine raped, murdered, and dismembered;
Dyslexia and Education Today Essay
Dyslexia: Education
What challenges do children face in our schools today?
What ways are there to provide equal opportunities for dyslexic children in our
Table of Contents (786)
Introduction According to the Dyslexia Learning Disability Centre in Las Vegas,
Dyslexia is an ability within the sensory mechanism of the nervous system to
perceive the world with a multidimensional view. However it comes with poor word
reading, word decoding, oral reading fluency and spelling. Though with appropriate
teaching methods, dyslexic individuals can learn successfully throughout their lives.
Also, when properly trained and informed, a dyslexic can use their ... Show more
content on ...
Issue The National Centre for Learning Disabilities says that dyslexia is a
neurological and often genetic condition, and not the result of poor teaching,
instruction or upbringing. Dyslexia is a specific reading disability due to a defect
in the brain s processing of graphic symbols according to the MNT Knowledge
Centre. It is a learning disability that alters the way the brain processes written
material. It is typically characterized by difficulties in word recognition, spelling
and decoding. People with dyslexia have problems with reading comprehension.
According to Natalie Hill Dyslexia is the most common cause of reading, writing
and spelling difficulties. Of people with poor reading skills, 70 80% are likely
dyslexic. One in five students of the population has a language based learning
disability. Dyslexia is probably the most common of the language based learning
disabilities. Statistics show that roughly 15% of the total US population have
dyslexia, of which a quarter are school aged children. Only 5% of dyslexics in the
US actually know about their condition, showing how little people are aware of
dyslexia (Dyslexia Research Institute). According to The International Dyslexia
Association, the impact that dyslexia has is different for each person and depends on
the severity of the condition and the approaches of the remediation. The
The Puritans And The Separatist
The Puritans and the Separatists were two Protestant groups that disagreed with how
King Henry VIII s Anglican Church was being practiced. The two groups are
different in the fact that one group just wanted to reform the Anglican Church,
whereas the other group wanted to break away altogether.
The Puritans believed that the Anglican Church had strayed too far from its roots,
and that it needed to be purified from the Roman Catholic Church. They practiced the
principles of Calvinism, and believed in the idea of predestination. They didn t
believe in the hierarchy and ceremony of the Anglican Church. However, the weren t
radical enough to want to split away from the Anglican Church. They believed that it
could be saved and reformed from within.
Summary Of Miss Maudie In To Kill A Mockingbird
Based on her actions in Chapter 22, it is clear that Miss Stephanie is extremely
absorbed in drama. Rather than focusing on the actual trial, she focuses on the
gossip points that arose in result of the trial. When the kids go to see her, she is
recounting the events of the trial to Miss Maudie and Mr. Avery which demonstrates
why she is considered the English Channel of gossip. Scout notes that Miss
Stephanie s nose quivered with curiosity which depicts Miss Stephanie s temptation
to ask them intrusive questions. Scout knew that the questions she wanted to ask
included: who all gave us permission to go to court, did Scout understand all the ?,
and didn t it make us mad to see our daddy beat?
2) Miss Maudie says, Atticus Finch won t win, he can t win, but he s the only man in
these parts who can keep a jury out so long on a case like that. And I thought to
myself, well we re making a step it s just a baby step, but it s a step. Essentially,
Miss Maudie is saying that the jury usually comes to a verdict in a couple minutes
when it involves an African American. However, the fact that they took hours to
decide the conviction shows that they put thought and effort into their decision
instead of deciding that he is guilty simply because he is black. Atticus s reason is
similar to Miss Maudie s in the sense that it concerns the length of the trial. Atticus
tells Jem, That jury took a few hours. An inevitable verdict, maybe, but usually it
takes em just a few
Negative Influences Of Disney Movies
Disney is known for its animated movies and adorable characters. For decades,
Disney has succeeded in producing thousands of movies that attract millions of
viewers. Walt Disney Studios produced many popular animated movies such as
The Lion King, Bambi, The Little Mermaid, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty,
Pocahontas, Peter Pan, Aladdin, Robin Hood, Hercules. Disney movies are loved
by people of all ages, from children to adults. Disney movies have always managed
to attract the viewers and that s what makes it special. In this modern era, almost
every home has access to cable TV. Parents will choose TV channel that provides
programs for children for example such as Disney Channel. Usually, the children have
known Disney since childhood and used... Show more content on ...
According to what has been said by Thomas Mcphail in Electronic Colonialism
Theory, that the media can influence how we think and act, even controlling our
minds. If a child is accustomed to watching Disney movies since childhood, he will
be affected and follow what he learned through these movies. These movies will
affect how he thinks, acts, and how he will run his own life. Probably most people
will not realize that Disney movies give unrealistic expectations about life. In fact,
some Disney movies really do. Some sources believe that Disney has indeed
corrupted children s minds. We could see some Disney princess movies for example.
Disney princess fairy tales such as Snow White, Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, and
Sleeping Beauty. Those movies gave kids especially little girls false hope and
unrealistic expectations of the future. Those movies illustrates that beauty is the
key to a happy life. As long as you have a beautiful face, there will be no problems
that would hinder your happiness. Those movies also give you an idea that all
princesses are skinny, have perfect hair and makeup and are always dressed to
impress. Disney princess fairy tales also shows that we have to be very beautiful to
be able to find true love. Only beautiful girls who will find prince charming and live
happily ever
Children Are An Important Part Of The Continuation Of...
Children are an important part of the continuation of humanity, both as a species and
culturally. However, there are few references, outside of the instances where laws in
relation to orphans or widows or introduced, that discuss children in the Old
Testament. There are times where the birth of a child is mentioned, as is the case
when Eve bore Cain in Genesis 4.1. However, there is no mention of his childhood.
Rather, the story continues when he is an adult farmer. The New Testament includes
references to children other than as a reference to genealogy or to celebrate a birth.
These are very important to understanding the shift in tone from the previous books
of the Bible. In Matthew 18, the disciples ask Jesuswho the greatest in the kingdom
of heaven will be (18.1). He calls a child from among them before answering in the
following verse. Before examining the answer, it is work noting that children are
present. It is easy to forget when reading through the previous books that there are
children, whether they are the patriarch s, a villager s, or a servant s, that could be
present in many of the scenes depicted. They are not mentioned because their
presence is unimportant to that particular tale. However, here they are important. So
important, that Jesus feels the need to bring one to him. It is also important to note
that the text only says that [h]e called a child (4.2). This child is not identified as
male or female, the fact is irrelevant to this particular story.
Prisoner B 3087 Essay
Prisoner B 3087 is about a boy named Jack Gruener. He lived in Krakow, Poland.
Jack was ten when the nazis invaded his home town, and made his neighborhood
into a ghetto. While he was was in the ghetto the nazis raided the apartments in the
ghetto for valuables. Those who gave nothing were killed, or sent of to
concentration camps. Jack and his family survived by live on the roof of their
apartment in a pigeon coop. Jack saw his family deported and was alone in the
pigeon coop for a while. After living three years in the ghetto Jack was sent off to
the Plaszow work camp. At Plaszow Jack met up with his uncle, Moshe, Moshe help
Jack survive the camp. Jack worked at the tailor shop, and Moshe worked at the
furrier shop. Both of the shops
Synopsis Of Franz Liszt s The King Of Piano
Kevin Liu
Ms. Seaton
Choir 11
15 December, 2016
Franz Liszt
This essay it s talk about composer , he s name is Franz Liszt.He was born on
October 22, 1811, LeiTing, the famous Hungarian composer, pianist, conductor, great
romantic master, is one of the most outstanding representative of the early stage of
the romanticism.when he is 6 years old to learn piano, successively is more than the
piano was a disciple of the famous artists.he 16 years old moved to Paris and settled
in Paris. Franz Liszt piano skills development to unparalleled degree, have greatly
enriched the expressive force of the piano, on the piano to create the effect of the
orchestra, he also pioneered the spectrum that he, too, because of the huge
contribution in the piano and above won a laudatory name the king of piano .Main
achievements: the first symphonic poem genre. He has three teachers,first,Carl
Czerny is Austrian composer, pianist, music educators.Carl czerny is Beethoven s
proudest student, Beethoven in 1801 1803, three years of free taught him to play the
piano. Czerny piano as an educator, and cultivate the Franz liszt such students.He
teaches liszt is free to play the piano, liszt also said: everything I have is Czerny
taught me. As a piano composer, throughout his life he wrote numerous piano etude,
is the basis of practice of students learning the piano teaching materials.His position is
that in the era of Beethoven and modern built a bridge between playing the piano.
Analysis Of White And The New Yorker
Furthermore, In Warshow s review of E.B White and the New Yorker, experience
again is at the forefront of his critique, along with a bit of his ever present political
views. He makes a very important point at the begging of this review, The New
Yorker has always dealt with experience not by trying to understand it but by
prescribing the attitude to be adopted toward it. (warshow 2001, 75) This becomes an
interesting argument, even today, as we think about what trends we have seen in
popularculture. Do we ever ask ourselves if this is something that has been
prescribed to us, instead of by us? Journalism, especially from writers of a certain
stature, can often dictate where the culture shifts. If we are able to look at the
writing with an objective eye then we are simply learning about another facet of the
experience. All to often, though, it is hard for us to be objective. This could be why
we, as Americans, have popular cultureat all. A journalist tells us what is cool, and
we subscribe to that idea as an entire culture. There are always outliers, but when
talking about popular culture most Americans are in it for the collective
effervesces. I think this point would be highly debated by Warshow. As he says at
the end of this review, unable to keep his political feelings at bay, The purpose of
this writing is not to say anything about democracy ...but only to arouse certain
familiar responses in the liberal middle class reader. (warshow 2001,78) Moving
forward in the
Spinal Cord Injury ( Sci )
Spinal cord injury (SCI) can be dated back to the Egyptains, who described it as an
ailment not to be treated (Sarhan, Saif, Saif, 2012 p .319). SCI victims had no hope
for a normalized future and were confined to wheelchairs and experienced poor
survival rates because of the demands of care. Advancements in emergency care and
rehabilitation practices increase neurological function to the spine which has
increased the SCI victim s changes of survival and return to normal locomotion. The
spinal column can be divided into 31 segments and comprise seven cervical, twelve
thoracic, five lumbar and five sacral vertebral segments which protect the spinal cord
(Sarhan, et al. p. 319 320). The nerves of the spinal column relay biological
information to and from the brain by ascending and descending tracts. A SCI occurs
when acute trauma is generated to the spinal cord. Significant pathology and
pathophysiology damage blocks communication between the brain and the rest of the
body. A person s motor skills, autonomic functions, and sensations are affected by the
initial injury. The higher the injury occurs on the spinal column, the more
dysfunctional the person may become. The primary injury determines a given patient
s neurologic grade on admission and thereby is the strongest prognostic indicator
(Dumont, Okonkwo, Verma, Hurlbert, Boulos, Ellegala, Dumont, 2001 p. 254).
Secondary injuries can occur from vascular, cellular, and/or biochemical changes at
the injury site.
Modern Medicine Is A Form Of Drugs Or Remedy
Bidhya Khadka
Sarah Frazier
ENG 100
26 April 2017 Modern Medicine
Modern medicine is a form of drugs or remedy that helps to prevent, treat and ease
the symptoms of disease in a modern way which, make sure to meet modern safety
and efficiency standards ( Modern Medicine ). It evolves to solve the problems of
the society in a short time using the scientific method and research. It is capable of
advanced diagnosis which helps to make good health in a short period without any
side effects. It follows the scientific method of treating, diagnosing and even
preventing illnesses using improved sophisticated technology. The mode of treatment
involves a variety of methods, exercise, ... Show more content on ...
One single mistake by them can take the patient s life. Similarly, if the doctor
prescribed the wrong medicine or the wrong dosages of medicine, it might become
the route of various diseases ( What are the dangers from using drugs? ).
In addition, because of advanced technology, the cost of modern medicine is way
more expensive that minority of people cannot afford. Long term use of modern
medicine has side effect like nausea, vomiting, skin allergies, etc. It can create
toxicity which directly affects the immunity system in the body. For example,
modern medicine like aspirin that reduces blood from clotting, which helps to cut
the risk of the death, but it has side effects like it might cause the stomach irritation
and bleeding. Doctors use an X ray machine to show injuries and disease from the
body. X ray is a type of radiation that may increase the risk of cancer, heart disease
due to the exposure to radiations while identifying the main causes of other diseases (
What are the dangers from using drugs? ).
On the other hand, it has many advantages in improving the human health. The main
aim of practicing modern medicine is to eliminate the signs and symptoms of
diseases, people who have a disability. For instance, normally doctors prescribed
drugs for reducing fever, reducing the discomforts of the patient and observing the
healing speed. They eliminate under control and uncomfortable signs and symptoms
that help a patient
Article Report On Growth Hackers
Growth Hackers
By Daniel Bhatt | Submitted On March 14, 2016
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Expert Author Daniel Bhatt
A man was running walking to his destination and came across a mountain. He could
hear the sounds of those who were chasing him. The mountain like a colossus stood
defiantly in his path. All that he had was a rope and no equipment to climb the
mountain. It was either climb the mountain or risk being caught. There was no other
way to reach his destination. He looked at the mountain and made a decision. He
placed his hand upon the rock and started his ascent up the mountain.
Some people saw the man climbing the mountain from a distance and laughed at him.
The man ignored his critics and moved upon the rock. Inch by inch, he climbed the
mountain. Soon his hands were sore, his feet hurting but he kept on climbing. He had
no resources but his rope, his strength and his mind. Many hours later, he stood upon
the summit of the mountain. He did not climb the mountain because the mountain
was there. He climbed the mountain with no resources because he had no choice.
Growth Hackers like the man climbing the mountain have to grow rapidly because
Republican Party Beliefs
The Republican Party believes in conservatism and traditional practices. They are
strongly opposed to same sex marriage and feel that heterosexual marriage is the
only right way. Republicans feel that the only ways to economic profit are free
market and individual achievement. In addition they oppose high tax rates for the
wealthy and believe raising the minimum wage is going to directly hurt the economy.
Republicans wish to see increased funding and modernization to the military. In their
eyes, a strong defense system is the only way to peace. The Republican Partywould
like a large reform in social security and want workers to control their own retirement
On the other hand, the Democratic Party generally supports workers rights and
government programs to help people in need. The democrats are for same sex
marriage and fight for their equality. They feel that our economy should help
everyone not just the wealthy, and that big business and corporations pay their fair
share of taxes. In addition, they want to prevent business from taking advantage of
the public. Democrats feel that there are better ways to make peace with terrorism
such as through diplomacy and only using force when necessary. They also believe
that we should not have to ... Show more content on ...
Being in the middle class, our economy is set up for the wealthy. We need to fight
for fairer taxes. Another point I agree with is they believe that hard work should
pay off, responsibility should be rewarded, and each one of us should be able to go
as far as our talent and drive take us. I also agree with their view on homeland
security. I do not believe that violence is the only answer to making peace.
Democrats believe we should not have to give up certain freedoms just to keep our
country safe, and I feel the same way. We are far too advanced and have so much
intelligence now that we should not have to give up our
Venus Essay
In many ways Venus is found to be similar to Earth. However their similarities do not
extend further than their physical properties, for instance, their atmospheres differ
greatly from each other. Venus is said to have atmospheric pressure of 92.1
barometers (Adams, D. Et al., 1994 p.126) which it is evidently 92 times greater than
Earths that is 1.01 barometers (Adams, D. Et al., 1994 p.126) at sea level. In spite of
this comparison to Earth s atmospheric pressure, Venus owns an out of the ordinary
atmospheric composition.
Once it was considered that scientific investigations of the structure of Venus was
impeded by the heavy clouds that form its atmosphere, hence, for many years
scientists have studied its composition and thus ... Show more content on ...
Finally, this leads to the idea of Venus having very thick and dense clouds hence
heavy atmosphere composed of 96.5% of carbon dioxide (CO2) and 3.5% of
Nitrogen (N2).
Venus has a high surface temperature of 465oC
The latter section discussed the structure and the chemistry of the Venusian
atmosphere. Thereupon, it can be recalled that the Venusian atmosphere is composed
of dense clouds with sulphuric acid (H2SO4) droplets produced from plenty carbon
dioxide (CO2) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) in the atmosphere.
Scientists examined the Venusian atmosphere and found out that above the clouds
the temperature is about 13oC, in contrast, at the surface of Venus the temperature
gets as high as 465oC. It is believed that the principle cause of the extreme surface
temperature is the consequence abundant carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere.
Scientists concluded that Venusian atmosphere undergoes greenhouse effect. In
essence, the heat delivered from the Sun enter the atmosphere and is radiated out,
then again, it does not leave the atmosphere due to its heavy clouds that impede it
from such. For this reason, Venus surface temperature is higher than that on Mercury
higher than any other planet! leaving no chance of life.
In addition to no life expected to exist in
Disadvantages Of Science In Mining
Science in Mining
Introduction: There is a lot of physical strengths involved in mining. However, before
people mine any landscape, they need people like: geologists, mathematicians,
biologists, engineers, economists, geographers, and other experts from narrower
areas (mineralogists, geophysicists petrologists) to plan acknowledge all of the
outcomes of their decisions (how mining is going to affect environment: flora fauna,
locals or people living around that area and the land itself).
A: Sciences: There are 2 major types of sciences that mining critically needs: Location
finds/plans/engineers/researches information about chosen area, tells cost/outcomes
/plans of the area.
These are: Geography, Geophysics, Economic Geology, Math.
Extraction extracts/identifies types of rocks/soils, uncovers origin/deformation and
helps to recover the land.
These are: Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology, Structural Geology, Mining
Geology, Mining Engineering.
B: Various types of Sciences help in mining of ores minerals.
Geochemistry helps to measure and identify properties/types of minerals in given
Geography provides with a correct location and information about land.
Geophysics provides with information (e.g. temperature maps) about subsurface
characteristics: geological structure, groundwater, impurities human artifacts.
Economic Geology shows the rates/cost of certain metals/minerals, gives predictions
about lifetime of ores and their costs.
Cognitive Dissonance
Cognitive Dissonance
Cognitive Dissonance or mental stress which is primarily caused by contradictory
beliefs, can be a common part of some peoples life s however we are psychologically
motivated to avoid situations which cause mental stress. This paper will discuss a
situation and the behavior using attribution theory, the reciprocal relationship between
behavior and attitudes as well as how cognitive dissonance theory could be used to
rationalize the behavior.
Situation and Subsequent Behavior
Richard is driving along a lonely road late at night after working late that day. He
has a 4 year old daughter who he has not spent much time with the entire week
because of the long project that makes him work late. Similarly, he has not ... Show
more content on ...
It is however worth noting that other factors also come into play concerning this
relationship between behavior and attitudes (Albarracin et al. 2014). For instance, an
individual s behavior or attitudes can further be shaped by their social or cultural
setting. For instance in a case whereby an individual is raised to believe that people
in a given ethnic community or race are hostile or violent, the individual will
automatically behave in a protective manner when around people from the particular
ethnic group or race.
In Richard s scenario, he may have approached the situation with the attitude that
people who walk alone in the dark are either criminals or drunkards ad thus they are
mostly up to no good. This attitude may have further influenced his behavior to speed
up his car without bothering to know who the man was or what had happened to him.
On the other hand, Richard s behavior may have shaped his attitude as well. The fact
that he simply drove away without finding out what had happened to the man may
have shaped his attitudes to the extent that he would most likely do the same when
faced with a similar situation again.
How Cognitive Dissonance Theory could be used to Rationalize the Behavior
Sanderson (2009) reveals that the cognitive dissonance theory is a social psychology
theory whose main proponent was
Analysis Of Anyone Lived In A Pretty How Town
If humans were to live in a world where only 10 poems were allowed to be read and
studied, ideally, the 10 poems selected would be the most figuratively, structurally,
and mechanically fit of all pieces in history. In my opinion, the 1940 poem Anyone
Lived in a Pretty How Town by E.E. Cummings is one of the most intriguing
poems written and would surely be featured as one of the 10 selected pieces of
reading. Though it features bizarre syntax which, at times, is hard to decipher, the
poem is one that is both touching and personal, while also realistic and cold. There
are many ways in which one can interpret the poem, but each way leaves the reader
with a different mode of viewing the world and perhaps the need to incite change
in themselves. The first stanza begins by introducing one of the main characters
anyone who lives in a pretty how town or, more simply, a city. Cummings then
introduces the symbolism of the bells and the seasons; the bells are not explicitly
defined, one may interpret them as markers of time as they are featured in various
other parts of the poem. Similarly, the seasons are also markers of time, the first
meaning to signify the beginning of Anyone s life or alternatively, the beginning of
the poem. On the fourth line there is heavy alliteration of the d with he sang his didn
t he danced his did ; this adds some rhythm and dynamic to an otherwise confusing
syntax and flow. One way in which this line can be interpreted is that Anyone speaks
Role Of Direct Marketing Strategy Of Goodwill
Direct Marketing
Direct marketing plays an important role in developing the IMC strategy of Goodwill
Industries that helps to raise awareness of customers as well as attract donation funds
collection to the organization. Goodwill has developed its direct marketing mainly
through the direct mail campaign and the website.
Direct Marketing to Clients
Known as direct mail campaign, Goodwill uses numerous direct mail postcards
and the four color piece as well as ad brochures to send to its preferred customers to
build store traffic in some areas. Also, Goodwill creates a convenient website with
informative and engaging data that helps client easy access the organization s
missions and key concepts. There is also a map on the main front page for individual
clients, who want to buy goods from the organization, to find their nearest local
Goodwill location. There is a link named Donate and Shop , which provides some
basic instructions as well as the contact information for the shoppers to have further
inquiry. Goodwill also offers a separate website for customers to shop online through
the auction format, where customers can choose from a variety of used stuff such as
clothing, books, electronics, musical instruments or pet supplies. On the front page of
this website, there are some pop up promotions to attract the shoppers attention and
notify them which promotions it is having.
For employees looking for a job, Goodwill has two separate pages called
GoodProspects and
How The Roaring 1920 s
The 1920s has been often been referred as the New Society. They are stronger.
They are rich. They hire and fire the politician, the old judges...the college president
(1) was what Dos Passos s said about the people in the 1920s. The roaring twenty
has flappers which just meant young, confident, sexual women. This was all new for
the people in the 1920 because they have always thought of the women following
rules and staying home. Another term that was during the roaring twenty was
speakeasies which is just nightclubs that sold liquor. Liquor at this time was legal
and unwanted. A lot of companies such as Henry Ford s company forbid having
alcohol in work area.
Sadly, not everyone in this era welcomed the new secular, commercial culture (9).
Some people feared and resented that this new culture would bring down the lax
moral standards. During the roaring twenty there were many profound tension
between the rural and urban life (10). Many citizens were confused about the
traditional and modern Christianity. This was confusing for many people being
some citizens were stuck on the traditional way rather than the free way which a lot
of people were doing. A lot of people that were very religious thought it was... Show
more content on ...
I am a member of no organized politician party; I am a democrat (2) was what a
comedian by the name Will Rodger said when he spoke out about what party he was
on. Another cool thing that happened was there was not any wars going on and
probusiness was sky rocketing everywhere. As they were building on prewar struggle
they seemed to get labor union, socialist, and birth control advocates (3). Calvin
Coolidge who was President Warren Harding successor, had twice vetoed the
McNary Haugen bill as a sandal. He wanted to prove a point that he was in charge.
Another thing he did was un warranted interference with the free market. Many
citizens were upset with the decisions Harding was making for the
Essay On Should Female Soccer Players Be Paid More
Women Soccer Players Should be Paid More In the year 2015, the Women s
United States national team won the World Cup. When they won they earned a $2
million. Even though this was a great accomplishment, in the 2014 Men s World
Cup, Germany won and earned a whopping $35 million. This is a major pay gap
between the men and women s soccer teams. I believe that women soccer players
should be paid as much or more than their male counterparts. Many people believe
that men and women soccer players are paid perfectly the way they are, but the way
that the women are getting paid is an enormous issue in today s society. Women
should be paid more because they are bringing in more profit, they are winning more
games than the men, and they have more fan... Show more content on
Millions of young girls dream to be like them one day. When these players come to
town, the tickets sell out fast. For example, in Denver, the Women s National Team
played a friendly against Japan, when the tickets went up for sale, they sold out in just
ten minutes! This happens everywhere when the national team comes to town. This
is raising lots of ticket sales for the Women s National Team, but the Women s
National team isn t getting the money that they deserve. Another big example is that
when the women played Japan, in 2015, in the World Cup championship, there were
more than twenty five million people watching. This is the most views that any game
in the English speaking language (men or women) has received. Even though they are
selling more tickets and having more viewers, they are still not getting the money that
they rightfully deserve. Even though they are bringing in more profit, they still aren t
making the money that they should be getting. It is important for the Women s
National Teams to stand up for what is right. They are being torn away from the
money they deserve for nothing. Why is
Analysis of Barbie-Q by Sandra Cisneros Essay
Analysis of Barbie Q by Sandra Cisneros
Cisneros Barbie Q really stood out as a great piece of literature. Barbie Q is a
quick glimpse into the life of a poverty stricken child and her way of life. Though
my life as of yet has been rather short, my earliest childhood memories are
overwhelmingly my fondest and her account really struck a chord. Sandra Cisneros
accurate reflection of a young mind and intricate writing methods expressed great
emotion. Her portrayal of a child s mentality evoked my childhood recollections while
her realistic tale of childhood bliss in the midst of poverty caused great empathy on
my part making this my preferred work we studied.
Sandra s tale brought back much nostalgia for my younger days. Those ... Show more
content on ...
Skipping , humming , loopity loops , and pirouetting are silly things that everyone
has done as a child, including myself. These reminders set me in a time machine
back to my favorite days when the only thing important to me was my own
happiness. Another less obvious reflection of a puerile mind is the same story . In
this tale of a young girl s game, Sandra Cisneros refers to a pretend play the girls
have made up for their Barbie s to act out. This play is referred to as the same story
and really hit on what childhood playtime was all about. I remember doing the
exact same thing as a child with my brothers (except we were cops and robbers),
where we played out the same actions over and over, day after day. Cisneros
recognized this to be common to all children and smartly places it for the reader to
reflect on their past, as I did on my own. Sandra Cisneros evokes great sympathy
for her characters, which added to my favor of the story. In a first few sentences,
Sandra has already revealed to the reader the poor social status of the young girls
and continues to do so throughout the tale. She particularly points out their pauper
way of life by repeating the small amount of toys the young girls have. She
mentions all the girls could afford was one extra outfit apiece then one paragraph
later recalls again our one outfit apiece . Also, Cisneros touches on the sock dress the
girls made
Louis Riel s North-West Rebellion
Yesterday at 8:00 am on November 16th in Regina, Saskatchewan, Louis Riel the
leader of the North West Rebellion and the Metis was hung. This was as a result,
of him been charged with high treason and sentenced to death by hanging. Louis
Riel had been charged with high treason on July 6th and his case was opened on
July 20th. His charge of high treason had come from leading the North West
Rebellion, a vicious rebellion against the Canadian Government for neglecting the
people in the north west, especially the Metis. The Rebellion was started in order to
acquire the government s attention on the problems of land rights and political
power in the area. This rebellion had led to many killed. Riel and his Metis soldiers
had eventually become overpower
Wiretapping And Spying Stop Terrorism
Our argument is that the government should be able to wiretap and spy without
warrant. My partner brought up our first main contention which was how
wiretapping and spying stop terrorism. Our other contentions are is it helps speed
up trials and brings a more accurate verdict, and there wouldn t be as much
paperwork if it was warrantless. Our next main contention that I will be discussing
is how wiretapping and spying stops organized crimes. The organized crimes that it
would be able to stop is murder, robbery, drug distribution, human trafficking, and
many other crimes. Think about all the lives that would be saved by spying on
suspected people who would commit the crimes... How warrantless wiretapping and
spying will work is they will be able to listen on conversations and read emails. After
that they will be able to apprehend the suspect if they are suspected of committing a
crime. With crime and terrorism on the rise our country can seriously benefit from
warrantless wiretapping. The law enforcement and government officials using
wiretaps are not spying random but instead suspect criminals. Also when they collect
information by using wiretaps it does interfere with innocent U.S citizens. This is
some of the reasoning behind our argument. Why we know it work and help our
country is other... Show more content on ...
Having a faster trial will help save money, right now a criminal trial can range from
$40,000 to $17 million base on the offense. Being able to save the United States
money will allows to spend money on things for the better cause and not criminals.
Think about it why we should spend so much money criminals just so we can put
them in jail, the money should go toward more important things that will benefit our
country. This is our last supporting point for our
Finding the concentration of a Potato cell.
The aim is to find the concentration (mole/dm3 (M)) of solute in a potato cell by
using the process of osmosis and different concentrations of sucrose solution.
Background information
Osmosis is diffusion of water across a partially permeable membrane. It moves from a
solution with less solute concentration (high water potential) to a solution with more
solute concentration (low water potential). The one with a high water concentration
is called a hypotonic solution and the low water concentration is called hypertonic
solution, but these only depend on what type of concentration is on the other side of
the partially permeable membrane. When more water passes through to one side of
the membrane it is called net movement.
(Toole + ... Show more content on ...
I think this because I know roughly that a potato has a solute concentration of more
than 0.3M. As the concentration goes above 0.6M I predict the potato cylinder
will loose mass because the potato is most likely to have a smaller concentration
than 0.6M. I know the concentration of a potato roughly but all the potatoes are
different so I have left a space in my concentration of a potato cell prediction as the
real result will vary between these values. My prediction is that the potato s solute
concentration will be somewhere in between 0.3M and 0.6M. This leads me to think
of the resulting graph to have a best fit line which has negative correlation and falls
as the concentration decreases. I know this because osmosis works in a way that water
molecules move from a low solute concentration to a high solute concentration.
Preliminary experiment
For this I was advised to use 5cm of peeled potato (a diameter of 1.2cm), distilled
water and 1M sucrose solution. I had to make two potato cylinders and leave one
in water and one in a 1M solution (each 30ml) for 15 minutes. I got the percentage
change by measuring the potato s length before and after the experiment. I did this
to give me a rough idea of what to expect from this experiment and to change any
variables to keep constant for my main experiment, like the time or the initial length. I
carried this out and got this result (on a graph):
This shows a very simple conclusion that the potato s
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Accounting Software
ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE S Software s that records of accounting transaction in
a convenient manner. The first software designed for accounting purposes was for
basic computations and accumulation of numbers in early days, computing systems
added and subtracted numbers to help business organizations to keep their financial
information. As advancement in capabilities, complex systems were used to record
financial transactions. Software s has made a huge difference in the history of
accounting. In the early days people used to record transactions by writing step by
step. It would be easy in the small business but it would be hectic for the larger
organizations. The development of software s has made all the business organizations
to record transactions... Show more content on ...
It uses a double entry book keeping system which was initially made for personal
finances but now it has been updated with features for small organizations. Though
this software now has been upgraded, still it has some downfall such as it doesn t
include inventory management and does not support sales system. It also allows
importing QuickBooks data (types of software no.1). ADVANTAGES OF
ACCOUNTING SOFTWARES CONTROL An accounting software can provide
management with internal controls to record financial transactions in a consistent
manner. It also ensures that someone authorized person is doing the task that helps to
prevent from fraud and abuse. COST REDUCTION PROFIT MAXIMIZATION
Because of a good accounting system, it provides accurate information from which
business organization can identify and reduce cost and maintain profit margins.
EFFICIENCY With the software s on each employee s computer, they can easily
access different data s spending less time rather than searching and running more time
in the business. SPEED By the use of accounting software, the entire process for
preparing accounts becomes faster. Furthermore, statements can be generated easily
within a short period of
CHS Segmentation In Health Care
Julie, as you indicated, segmentation allowed CHS to provide services specifically
selected to meet the needs of the seven defined population groups. Analyzing all of
these data points helped them to get a comprehensive look at their patient population
and the factors that affect their healthcare. Segmentation helped to improve patient
outcomes by targeting specific risk factors in a given population, as well as estimate
the cost of providing care, which helped them with payer contract negotiations
(Quelch Rodriquez, 2015). Other healthcare organization have used segmentation to
provide care to specific patient populations. However, segmentation will often look at
clinical and financial data to identify patients with chronic conditions,
Low-Voltage Current-Tmode Realization of Digital Logic...
Low Voltage Current Mode Realization of Digital Logic Gates using CMOS
In this paper a new technique is introduced for implementing the basic logic function
by using analog current mode techniques. By expanding the logic function in power
series expression, and using adder and sub tractor realization of the basic logic
function is simplified. To illustrate the proposed technique, a CMOS circuit for
simultaneous realization of the logic function NOT, AND, OR, NAND and XOR is
considered. PSPICE simulation results, obtained with В±2V supply, are included.
Key Word: Current Mirror; CMOS analog multiplier; Current mode; Translinear
principle; Digital logic circuits;
The current mode implementation of logic gates is a very ... Show more content on ...
In an attempt to answer this question, the translinear principle (Gilbert, 1990) has
been used to realize a digital inverter circuit (Kemp, 1983, 1984) a bistable element
(Seevinck, 1978) and NOT/OR/NAND/XOR functions (M., 2003) . All the
realizations of logic gates in current mode reported in references (Kemp, 1983, 1984;
Seevinck, 1978; M., 2003) use bipolar technology.
In this paper, we present such an approach, a low Voltage CMOS analog digital
circuit in current mode where it works with a supply voltage of VDD= VSS=2V.
The circuit is based on the four quadrant CMOS analog multiplier (Ali et al., 2009).
Using their truth tables, it is easy to show that the input output relations of the basic
digital logic function can be expressed as (Enab and Zaki, 1993):
Z= 1 Ix (1)
for the NOT operation,
Z= Ix*Iy (2)
for the AND operation,
Z= Ix + Iy Ix*Iy (3)
for the OR operation,
Z= 1 Ix*Iy (4) for the NAND operation, and
Z= Ix + Iy 2Ix*Iy(5)
for the XOR operation.
In equations
Essay On The Story Of A Short Story
I washed and dried our pots and pans from the stew me and my mother Claire had
ate the night before. I hear soft footsteps leading up to our small plain tent in the
middle of our village, we call Sarawari. I arm myself with a petite knife and stand in
the corner of the tent by the opening. Footsteps reach the door and I jump out in front
of my mother.
She s on the ground, crawling with blood dripping down her face and a horrified
expression. She kind of reminded me of the dead muskrat, I saw the other day. The
poor lifeless creature was fragile and probably attacked by a lion. I try to mutter a few
words but am absolutely speechless. Instead, I drag my mother by her ankles and
rest her in top of a mattress, made of some straw and large leaves.
Mom, I m not giving up on you.
Tears drip down my cheeks and my eyes soon begin to get red and blotchy. I run out
into the open fields, kneel down, and cry for hours on the empty land.
My hands wipe the tears off my cheeks and I run back into our tent, seeing my
unconscious mother s body lying on the thin mattress. I start to feel parched and
break out into a cold sweat. The rest was history.
I see a vision of a mysterious creature telling me to walk towards the light.
Why won t it leave, why is it haunting me?
I start mumbling, which soon turns into a loud scream and I wake up in a terrified
state of emotion. My adrenaline rushes and fear overcomes my body. I stare around
at my mother s prophecies scattered around the walls and start to believe that the
secretive figure isn t just my imagination anymore.
I change the rags on my mother s forehead and head out with only a miniature
wooden spear. Anything could happen but nothing s as worse as losing my mother.
I venture out into the bright sunshine, looking into the heavens. I skip around the
enchanting grasslands and dwell upon a ghostly cave filled with cobwebs and
lengthy spiders. Suddenly, the creature from my dreams turns around. He s a lion
with wise eyes, long hair, and he s levitating.
I assume you know who I am he said, pacing through the hollow cave.
Uh....yes sir, you re the figure from my dream. You re the one who can
Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder (Asd) Have
Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) have different needs and they have
a wide range of disabilities. For example, some students with ASD are non verbal and
some students with ASD are extremely intelligent. At times outsiders would not know
they have autism. This paper will discuss an after school program for 10 students
diagnosed with ASD. In addition, this paper will talk about the overall goal of the
program, location, timeframe, measured data, assistive technologies used, staffing,
and rationale for the program.
Our school has children of all ages and backgrounds. We have a great and supportive
school community and our students work well together. We have 10 students across
6th, 7th, and 8th grade who have ASD. These children ... Show more content on ...
In addition, our computer and iPad carts are located in the resource room. The
students will arrive to the resource room and take out of their assignment book. The
teacher and staff would first check to make sure their homework is written down for
each class. In addition, we will make sure that they have the correct materials to
complete each homework assignment. The first hour of our program will be the
students completing and getting support on their homework. The second hour will be
direct instruction opportunities that are based on the programs goals of improving
time management, study skills, and organization.
This program will provide measureable data in several ways. First, the student s
grades will increase with gaining support with homework and extra instructional time.
The students will gain strategies on studying the correct way and staying organized.
In addition, our program will provide time management skills to help support the
student in completing work in the most effective way (Kleiner, et al., 2004). The
student s grades will improve with these skills. Secondly, most of our students have
measureable goals on staying organized within their Individual Education Plan (IEP).
We would be able to see the positive outcome due to the students gaining skills on
staying organized. Lastly, when students with ASD become stressed or overwhelmed
they tend to shut down.
Why Is Clonmacnoise A Cross
Clonmacnoise is one of the most important medieval ecclesiastical sites of Ireland,
located in the county of Offaly, between Meath and Connacht. Back to its time of
grandeur around the ninth and twelfth century, that place was one of the main
crossroads. Besides, this complex is also known for its high crosses. Although
Clonmacnoise grew to full splendor for centuries, it decayed due to historic events.
This essay is briefly focused on its archaeological and historical background, paying
special attention to the high crosses. History The translation for Clonmacnoise
would be the meadow of the sons of Nos . Founded as a single church in the sixth
century by St Ciaran, it became an important place of learning not only in Ireland but
in Europe... Show more content on ...
As of today, there are still on some parts of Clonmacnoise: a great stone church,
other buildings, three high crosses, two round towers, a Romanesque sculpture and
grave slabs. The high crosses were generally built in Ireland around the eighth
century and the tenth century. They were a representation of the monastic
civilization. These high crosses reached their finest form at Clonmacnoise.
According to Flower (1954), the high crosses could be divided into two groups. One
of them, named as Leinster group, had crosses made of granite. The other is known
as the Ulster group. On the other hand, Françoise Henry proposed at the same time
that the high crosses could be chronologically divided into three groups: crosses from
the ninth century, from the tenth century and from the twelfth century. Their height
reached four metres or even more. They have the shape of Latin crosses, with their
base as a truncated pyramid. Their function is still being pondered, although there are
some suggestions for it. One of them explains that while some crosses might have
indicated the entrance to some of the buildings, others could have been either marks
for boundaries or for
Jimmy Herf Character Analysis
In his search for identity, Jimmy tries to create his own definition of masculinity,
but he never finds exactly what he is searching for. Jimmy Herf is clearly a very
troubled young man as he bounces around from relationship to relationship. But
even in his earliest relationships, it is clear that he is not the one that wears the
pants: I m going to eat a small steak and onions. Not if you re intending to spend
the afternoon with me, Mr. Herf. Oh all right. Ruth I lay my onions at your feet.
That doesn t mean I m going to let you kiss me. (Dos Passos 114 115) Though
Jimmy is a working man, he is not really a working man. He does not enjoy his job,
and he does not wish to succeed in it. In fact, he wishes that he would like to meet...
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The city itself symbolizes the ever watchful eye of the patriarchy, the same
patriarchy that makes it equally difficult for men and women to get divorces. The
watchers in this scenario are everyone. The system put into place by tradition
remained the same for so long that the societal norm became something akin to
law, and breaking the law resulted in terrible consequences. The society of the
1920s became a Panopticon, a society where the power to discipline does not
require an actual observer (Petrovic 152). No one has to actually enforce the
gender standards as the government enforced the issue of Prohibition. People
existed to keep their own checks and balances, and the patriarchy existed almost
like an imaginary deity. That is not to say that sexism did not exist; it did, and it
still does, but the patriarchy that people feared was one that they instilled on
themselves. Jimmy performs for the world around him based on a set of criteria
that America has been too lazy to revise. Indifference and acceptance (even if it is
begrudging acceptance) is what holds all of Dos Passos s characters back. Perhaps if
they chose to communicate they would have an easier time finding their individuality
under the watchful eye of
Business environment Essay
4. List of tables and diagrams
1. Table I China s GDP growth eases to 7.8% in 2012
2. Table II Economic Growth in China 1990 2010
3. Table III Historic inflation China (CPI) full term
4. Table IV Cultural analysis China
5. Table V 2012 SuperGroup Plc Financial Highlights
6. Table VI Supply and Demand curve
14. Summary
17. In this Business Environment report, my objective for SuperGroup plc is
expanding the market to China by using the political, economic, social and
technological (PEST analysis) to identify the external and internal opportunities for
increasing the ... Show more content on ...
As 3% rate applies under the small scale taxpayer scheme which decreased from
6% or 4% from 1 January 2010. Exports are generally zero rated since the input VAT
incurred on the purchase or construction of fixed assets may be credited against
output VAT since 1 January 2009.
44. Before expanding to china, International enterprises must need to consider about
the law of the People s Republic of China, such as Foreign Trade Law, Arbitration
Law, Trademark Law, Import and Export, Commercial Websites, Processing Zones,
Foreign Investment, Patents and Foreign Investment Projects.
a. Economic
47. Table I China s GDP growth eases to 7.8% in 2012
49. Table II Economic Growth in China 1990 2010
51. In Chart I, we can see that Economic expansion of China slowed to 7.8 percent
year on year in 2012. Since 1999, the slowest growth rate was down from 10.4% in
2010 to 9.3% in 2011. It is obvious that the economy s Q4 grow to 7.9% quickly as
well as increasing the investment and consumption values. The China government
pared the full year growth target for 2012 to 7.5% from 8% in nearly 2012. Many
economists are expecting the target to remain unchanged for this year.
52. The Chart II shows that the average annual economic growth of 10% over the
past 30 years in China.
53. Chart III Historic inflation China (CPI) full term
57. Here you can see the Historic inflation rate is based upon
Hedgie s Surprise, By Jan Brett
Student: Kaitlin VicarioProfessor: Dr. Kraemer
Course EDU 333Date: October 20th 2014
Grade: 1Topic: Reader s TheaterContent Area: History
After reading the book Hedgie s Surprise, by Jan Brett, students will work in groups
to create and perform a script based on the book achieving a 3 out of 4 on the rubric.
CCSS. English Language Arts. Conventions of Standard English. L.1.1
Student will demonstrate command of English grammar and usage when writing or
This will be evident when students are conversing and performing their parts of the
CCSS. English Language Arts. Speaking and Listening Standards K 5. SL ... Show
more content on ...
Tier Two: Students will work in groups to create and perform a script based on the
book achieving a 3 out of 4 on the rubric.
Tier Three: Students will work in groups to create and perform a script based on the
book achieving a 3 out of 4 on the rubric without using a script and using
Students will participate in a group discussion about the book Hedgie s Surprise and
reviewing Reader s Theater. (What happened in the beginning, middle and end of the
story? What is Reader s Theater? What do we use it for?)
Students will work in collaborative groups to sort which information is needed,
what can be acted out and what is not needed. (Which information do you think you
can take out? Why? Is there anything you may be able to add to your part of the
story? If so, why would you add it?)
Students will act out their skits.
Students will give each other constructive criticism, explaining what they could do
better and what was good about it. (How do you think this group did? Why? What
could they have improved on? What was good about their
Afro-Asian Poetry
Roland Tombekai Dempster
I am not you
But you will not
Give me a chance,
Will not let me be me. If I were you but you know
I am not you,
Yet you will not
Let me be me. You meddle, interfere
In my affairs
As if they were yours
And you were me. You are unfair, unwise,
Foolish to think
That I can be you,
Talk, act
And think like you. God made me me.
He made you you.
For God s sake
Let me be me.
Birago Diop
Listen more often to things rather than beings.
Hear the fire s voice,
Hear the voice of water.
In the wind hear the sobbing of the trees,
It is our forefathers breathing.
The dead are not gone forever.
They are in the paling shadows,
And in the darkening ... Show more content on ...
He spoke: Men hearkened to his piercing cry,
With smiles, with scorn;
But the dim Future felt his threatenings nigh,
And shook, unborn!
He died: and race to race did still succeed;
And suns did shine;
And Centuries passed; and still no eye could read
His awful line.
You mourn? Mourn not; nor deem his history vain;
Nor vain his strife:
To breathe, to feel, to hope are worth the pain
Of Death, and Life:
And now, (as generations rise, and far
Like vapours roll,)
Some few begin to gaze, as on a star,
And scan his scroll:
And, in its inspiration, vaguely shown,
We seem to trace
The march of revolutions, come and flown;
And of man s race
The history. Amidst blots, of blood and tears,
The verses run,
Until we lose their light in distant years,
And all is done!
A prospect of spring Du Fu
The country s been broken, see, only hills and rivers.
In the city here s the lush growth of spring.
These times are splashed with tears before flowers.
Grieved at parting, birds startle the heart.
Beacons have been burning for three whole months.
Any letter from home is worth ten thousand gold.
I ve scratched my white hair so thin
It can t hold even a hairpin in place.
HE russet suit of camel s hair,
With spirits light and eye serene,
Is dearer to my bosom far
Than all the trappings of a
The Use of Chemical Weapons in the Tokyo Subway Attack
The Use of Chemical Weapons in the Tokyo Subway Attack
Japan has long enjoyed the enviable reputation of being one of the safest nations in
the world. The country has one of the world lowest rates for murder and other
violent crime, and the Japanese National Police Agency and local Police forces are
often praised as a model of law enforcement efficiency. Tokyo enjoys one of the
cleanest, safest and most efficient subway networks in the world. Trains run on
precise schedules and accommodate 2.7 billion passengers a year. All that changed
on March 20, 1995. A nightmare unfolded as the city of Tokyo experienced one of
the worst terrorist attacks of the century. This is what many considered to be the first
true case of use of ... Show more content on ...
Some commentators began to think that the attack was targeted on NPA officers.
Some commentators evidently anticipated that the Tokyo attack was a prelude to the
issuing of demands by the criminal. Commentators also expressed surprise that, given
the toxicity of sarin and the nature of the target, the casualty had not in fact been
much higher. Others suggested that the agent may simply have been impure, perhaps
deliberately diluted either self protection of the attackers or to keep the number of
fatalities low. This theory appeared confirmed by the discovery early on the traces of
another substance, acetonitrile (or methyl cyanide), which it could have been used to
dilute the gas.
Some Unexplained Incidents: In the days following the subway attack, as the
casualty toll continued to rise, the Amu Shinri Kyo (or Supreme Truth ), whose
leader Shoko Asahara, had in the past shown an interested in chemical and biological
warfare. Two days after the attack, large numbers of police officers began massive
raids on the sects many facilities throughout Japan, on the pretext of searching for
kidnap victims (since there was no immediate evidence linking it to the subway
attack). At one location particular, a compound or commune at Kamikuishiki in the
surroundings of Mount Fuji 100 km west of Tokyo, they discovered extensive
facilities for the
Fetus Development Chart
Name____Janette Hernandez______________Date9/28/17Period 2
A Month at a Time
Complete the chart below. Remember that every fetus has its own growth pattern, but
this chart shows the general development of the average fetus. The same is true for
the effects the pregnancy will have on the mother. In addition, you need to find and
print an image that is representational of the fetus during each month. The third
month has been completed for you as an example of what I m looking for. DETAILS
MATTER!!! Due October 6th
Fetal Development
Effects of/Changes in Mother
First month
Baby is 1/4 inch long.
Heart, digestive system, backbone and spinal cord begin to form.
Placenta begins to develop.
The single fertilized egg is now 10,000 times larger ... Show more content on ...
Weight is about 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 pounds.
Taste buds have developed.
Fat layers are forming.
Organs are maturing.
Skin is still wrinkled and red.
If born at this time, the baby will be considered premature and require special care.
gain 3 4 pounds this month feel more tire mood swings increase
Eighth Month
Baby is 14 to 16 inches long.
Weight is about 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 pounds.
Taste buds have developed.
Fat layers are forming.
Organs are maturing.
Skin is still wrinkled and red.
If born at this time, the baby will be considered premature and require special care.
may gain 3 4 pounds this month use the bathroom more often backahus anxiety
heartburns shortness of breath
Ninth month
Baby is 19 to 20 inches long.
Weight is about 7 to 7 1/2 pounds.
The lungs are mature.
Baby is now fully developed and can survive outside the mother s body.
Skin is pink and smooth.
The baby settles down lower in the abdomen to prepare for birth and may seem less
gain 3 4 pounds this month stomach changes shape urine often easier to
A Rose For Emily Rhetorical Analysis
Deconstruction, according to, is a philosophical and critical
movement, that questions all traditional assumptions about the ability of language to
represent reality. A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner incites its readers to look
for the deeper meaning behind every temporal shift, symbol, and conflict in order to
truly understand the author s view about a certain reality. The story begins with
Emily s funeral and from there on, the reader goes back in time to her life until her
death. It is written in a chaotic order which is very confusing. However, when taking
the time to rearrange the text, the reader discovers how the author Throughout the
text, Faulkner uses symbols to increase the reader s analytic curiosity about
The Importance Of Paid Domestic Work
Paid domestic work is defined as a person or individual who works within the
employer s household, expected to perform a variety of task including but not
limited to child or elderly care, cleaning and household maintenance. I will argue
that the practice of paid domestic work cannot be reformed and made equitable for
three main reasons. The reasons are as follows: 1) This form of work is not
regarded as an actual job or employment by many 2) The practice of domestic work
is embedded in racial roots and practice 3) There isn t a market for individuals
volunteering to do paid domestic work. For the sake of this argument, I will focus
on the care of children as the only form of paid domestic work, particularly the
children of privileged or upper middle class families executed by women who are
minorities. When thinking about a traditional job with an employer and employee,
nannies are not the first to come to mind. When working as a nannyyou are expected
to tend to three different things: the children, the house, and the lifestyle and values
of the employer. As explained by Hondagneu Sotelo, Parents hire nanny/housekeepers
to do work involving intimate care, yet many fundamentally resist the idea that these
services require monetary compensation (Hondagneu Sotelo 120). Although this job
involves the worker partaking in both physical and emotional labor, which isn t a
requirement for other jobs, it is still seen as one that isn t actually employment and
shouldn t yield

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Chapter 4 - Islamic Financial Institutions in Malaysia.pptx
Mohd Adib Abd Muin, Senior Lecturer at Universiti Utara Malaysia
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Exemplification Essay Thesis

  • 1. Exemplification Essay Thesis Crafting an essay on the topic of "Exemplification Essay Thesis" can prove to be a formidable task. Firstly, the challenge lies in understanding the essence of exemplification and how it intertwines with the thesis statement. This requires a deep comprehension of the subject matter, coupled with the ability to articulate clear and concise arguments supported by relevant examples. Moreover, the process demands meticulous planning and organization to ensure coherence and logical flow throughout the essay. Selecting appropriate examples to illustrate and support the thesis statement is crucial, as it not only strengthens the argument but also adds credibility to the overall narrative. Furthermore, writing an exemplification essay entails striking a delicate balance between providing sufficient evidence and avoiding overgeneralization. Each example must be carefully analyzed and contextualized to avoid misinterpretation or misrepresentation. Additionally, constructing a compelling thesis statement that encapsulates the essence of the essay while guiding the reader through the subsequent arguments requires considerable skill and precision. Overall, composing an exemplification essay on this topic necessitates a blend of critical thinking, research, and writing prowess to effectively convey the intended message and persuade the audience. In conclusion, tackling an essay on this subject demands diligence, creativity, and a thorough understanding of both exemplification and thesis construction. It's a task that necessitates time, effort, and expertise to execute successfully. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on Exemplification Essay ThesisExemplification Essay Thesis
  • 2. The Police Officer And Ficer Where are you ladies heading off too? the police officer asked. I just sat there, frozen, staring at his long white hair and wrinkly skin. All while trying to come up with an answer and listening to Chrissy breathing so heavily. It was that scolding hot summer day that Chrissy and I decided to take my boyfriend s car for spin. Being sixteen and just had obtained a license, what else would young ladies wantto do? Someone may think at that age having a boyfriend six years older than you may be cool, but no matter how much you think you know someone people always have secrets, and from that point on I knew to always do background research before getting involved with someone. After starring at the police officer I was finally able to catch my breath. Just to a friend s house. I responded. Heart beat racing, palms still sweating and my body trembling. Well I need to see your license and registration? the officer responded. I looked over at Chrissy, as she was digging through my purse to obtain my license. As I handed them over to the officer he looked at me and laughed Sorry ma am but I need your registration also. I m sorry officer I m not sure where that is located, this is my boyfriend s vehicle. He responded Try your glove box. Chrissy frantically dug through a huge pile of paper looking for something we were not even sure we would fine. That s it right there the orange paper. the officer said quickly. I didn t bother opening it to check I just handed it
  • 3. Describe The Importance Of The Colosseum The Colosseum Koch, Matt Do you know what one of the most important structures to mankind history is? The Colosseum. The importance of the Colosseum, otherwise known originally as the Flavian Amphitheatre, was that many of the materials, styles, and architecture were inspiring to many architects and designers constructing today s modern facilities and structures. The emperor of Rome at the time, Vespasian, began building the Colosseum (Flavian Amphitheatre) in 72 AD. They believed that in ancient Rome the patron was more noble and loyal than the architects, and the architects were just craftsmen and hired hands (Woog, 2014). So as of today the designers and architects are unknown to the world, and will probably never be found out about because if limited evidence. Floor plans, 3 dimensional scale models, perspective drawings, and full size design sketches are what were used by the anonymous architects and designers of the Colosseum (Hopkins, 2011). The site of construction was formerly known as the Golden House, owned and lived in by Nero the Emperor. This was drained and as a precaution against potential earthquake damage concrete foundations six metres deep were put down to support it (Cartwright, 2012). And eight long years of hard work and design later the Colosseum (Flavian Amphitheatre) was completed in 80 CE. There were many materials mixed in the project of constructing the Colosseum (Flavian Amphitheatre). The walls of the Colosseum were built with stone. They made use of a number of arches in order to keep the weight down, but yet still keep them strong (Cartwright, 2012). The floor of the Colosseum was wooden and usually covered in sand most of the time. But the floor was taken out due to heavy weathering in 1674 AD. And about 19 miles outside of Rome in a little town of Tivoli were quarries where the Romans mined there stone blocks out of to construct the walls of the Colosseum. Some other material they had used to construct the colosseum include, limestone brick, concrete and volcanic stone (otherwise known as tufa ), pumice stone. And including bronze, which was used for statues around the stadium. But some parts of the colosseum that are made of concrete are not authentic original to the
  • 4. CASE STUDY 1 for LO1 Essay CASE STUDY 1 for LO1 North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust The board found itself facing service improvement targets. Using new corporate and clinical guidance, it set about taking a whole systems approach to managing corporate risk, giving one of its director s responsibility for the leadership of health and safety for the first time. Health and safety was also made a key item on the board agenda. This has resulted in a much better integrated health and safety management system that increases the opportunity to identify and manage all corporate risks, and a much more open culture, improving reporting and monitoring. The board actively promotes a culture that gives staff the confidence to report incidents. This has ... Show more content on ... Assessment and grading criteria PASS GRADE CONTEXTULISED MERIT GRADE CONTEXTULISED DISTINCTION GRADE In order to achieve a pass in this unit, all learning outcomes and associated assessment criteria must be met In order to achieve a merit in this unit, pass requirements and all merit grade descriptors stated here must be achieved In order to achieve a distinction in this unit, all pass and merit requirements and distinction descriptors must be achieved 1.1 Review systems, policies and procedures for communicating information on health and safety in the
  • 5. Chronic Acetaminophen Overdose Case Study Case study 1: Investigation of a Chronic Acetaminophen Overdose. Introduction Clinical Information/Patient History: On the 18th November 2014, a 34 year old woman was admitted to Daisy Hill Hospital (DHH) in a hepatic encephalopathic state. She was referred by her GP with symptoms of nausea, vomiting, dyspnoea, weakness, a reduced urine output, PR bleeding and central and peripheral oedema. These symptoms began in July 2012 and have been ongoing to date. Medical records indicated that in May that year she had undergone a partial gastrectomy to treat a non healing gastric ulcer. The patient also had a background history of excessive use of Non Steroid Anti Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs), which was suspected to have caused the gastric ulcer in May. Liver function and routine blood tests were requested with a serum drug overdose screen. Background: NSAIDs are group of pharmaceutical drugs used in the treatment of fever, pain and swelling in mild to intermediate acute inflammatory ... Show more content on ... On comparison between initial and repeated the liver function tests and the urea and electrolytes tests, the results are still deranged. The results for AST and ALT remained high at 1110 U/L and 2419 U/L. An increase in AST and ALT results can be due to a number of conditions, including fatty liver disease, alcoholic liver disease and trace metal disorders such as Wilson s disease which can progress into acute liver failure. When looking at the elevated ratio of AST to ALT in these conditions it is possible to determine the origin and the extent of the damage depending on the raised level of each liver enzyme. In alcoholic liver disease, the AST activity is predominantly raised to a higher level than the ALT to a ratio of 2:1. In contrast, in the case of fatty liver disorders the enzyme activity ratio would be 2.2, given with a sensitivity of 94% and specificity of 86%
  • 6. Chorus Analysis Of Antigone The Chorus idea of wisdom is that there is no happiness without wisdom. If you do not act wise and think wisely about your actions you will never experience happiness. Since Creon did not think thoroughly about the consequences for burying Antigone he was left to a life of pain and misery. If he thought of a way to punish Antigone without upsetting the Gods and Thebes, the outcome of Antigone might have been better for Creon. He might have never lost all the things he held dearest and let down everyone that looked up to him. The Chorus believes that your acts should never dishonor the Gods and go against their wishes. You must always listen to the Gods and respect their wishes and demands. The Chorus tells us that pride is bad and can lead
  • 7. Meetings on Policy Issues Essay Meetings on Policy Issues The first meeting I attended was the State Early Childhood Advisory Council (SECAC) meeting. It was held in the Sillers building in Jackson, Mississippi. The meeting was held on February 9, 2012. The people in attendance were members of the council, who were made up of various leaders in the field of early childhood such as members of the Department of Human Services (DHS), EXCEL by 5, the Center for Education Innovation, and the Mississippi State Department of Health (MSDH). Beyond the council members there were about 14 others, including myself, who also work in the field of early childhood education such as child care owners or directors and those who work with programs aimed at providing assistance to ... Show more content on ... It was very formal and the members of the council took turns and followed the agenda very closely. The Executive Director, Annjo Lemons, gave explanation of the items being discussed to the public attendees. The council provided a list of current bills related to young children to all those in attendance and explained each one. One of the main focuses of the SECAC meeting was coordinating services in order to improve service to families with young children. The council suggested drafts of 3 different models that would define roles top to bottom . One key piece of this coordination of services would include moving child care licensing and regulation from the MSDH to DHS. The council wants the proposal drafts by March 1st. The idea of moving licensing and regulation of child care centers to DHS is an effort to streamline services and information for child care providers and families. Policy Framework Interest group theory framework is comprised of a group....through which individuals exert influence on government (Zimmerman, 2001, p. 255). Interest groups have commonality in their interests and views. Interest group theory depicts constructed policy solutions as the culmination of negation, bargaining, and compromise among competing groups (Zimmerman, 2001, p. 257). Part of interest group theory includes the formation of coalitions. Coalitions are groups
  • 8. Bernard Lassus s Contribution To Landscape Architecture Bernard Lassus was born in 1929 in Chamalieres (Puy de Dome), France and is regarded as an extremely creative and unique landscape architect due to his vast use of dramatic shapes and colours in his designs. As a child he was encouraged to practice his independence of mind and enrolled as a student at the National School of Beaux Arts where he studied painting and art. This education and introduction into art encouraged Lassus to begin his career as a painter before entering into landscape architecture. In the 1950 s, Lassus took part in artistic research on visual effects of lights in motion where he developed his talent for representing moods and emotions in his work. In 1955 he took part in in the Salon de la Jeune Peinture (Salon of Young Painting) and presented his first works in... Show more content on ... He gave landowners the opportunity to get involved in design choices by having input in the type of trees planted. In 1990 Bernard Lassus received the Legioon d Honneur from Presiden Francois Mitterand and was presented with the Gold Ribbon award for Motorway design in 1993 and 1997.The Director of the Roads Administration at the Ministry of Housing and Public Works, Christian Leyrit called Lassus to advise on a national landscape policy for turnpikes. This was the first policy of its kind in France and influenced many future projects. One of the best designs created by Lassus is The Landscape of Rocks in Motorway 837, Crazannes in 1993 and took four years to complete. In 1989, Lassus intense interest in landscape history has stimulated the invention of a doctoral program for landscape studies. He directed this programme until his retirement in 1998 and. He directed this programme until his retirement in 1998 and recentl received honourary soctorate from Universities such as those in Bristol and
  • 9. Black Canary and the Double Trouble In a Rugged City Black Canary was awaking from a dark alley. Just then she heard a cry for help. Black Canary jumped through her underground portal and onto her armory of weapons and then she grabbed her suit, she was ready to go. She seeked the evil approaching with her super sonic hearing and then spotted a group of children. Black Canarysaid to the children Don t be afraid, I am here to help when there is danger or evil approaching. One of the children replied back and said We saw a women dressed in black and she had blood everywhere. Another child named Margaret said She came up to us screaming when the clock strikes twelve you will be dead, the city will be dead, and then she walked away. Black Canary asked if she said what her name was and they all said Black Alice is her name. Right then, Black Canary had a flashback. She knew Black Alice, they used to be Alias in the Secret Society. Black Alice then turned evil that night when Satan possessed her and took her super powers away and she then became a villain. Black Canary asked the children which direction the villain headed in and then she left. Black Canary found that more than half of the city was a wreck. The street signs were wiped out, trees were laying in half on the ground, cars were flipped, and even more terrible things. Black Canary knew where to find her though, everyone knows. She lives in the streets of Elm in the dark mist of the trench hole. Black Canary waited to find her, because she knew now
  • 10. Personal Narrative Of Backpacking Backpacking The first time I encountered backpackers was when my mom took me to Costa Rica. We were out on a boat that took us out to this relatively secluded beach to snorkel in the clear water. There was an open bar, but we were disappointed that after 3 daiquiris and a couple pina coladas, we felt nothing. The bartender was being a little stingy, but nevertheless, we had a great time! We met these two girls who were deeply enjoying their gap year. They had just arrived in Costa Rica after backpacking through Italy, Spain, and France. Their plan was to travel through South America seeing Easter Island, Macchu Picchu, and going around to some of the capitals like Buenos Aires and Lima. I wish I had found a way to keep in touch with them. Ever since meeting them, my dream has been to go backpacking, to be on my own with a couple of friends in some foreign area we know little to nothing about. After we got back to shore, we looked around and we ended up eating at this local bar that also served as a hostel. The occupants slept in hammocks with a fan over them for only $10! The cheapest motel I ve stayed in was $35 and it smelled like piss and cigarettes. I had fallen in love with the idea and my mom was fully supportive of it. I later learned that not all hostels are that nice, but I was willing to risk sleeping in a few smelly beds if it meant I could explore the world. When we got back in the states, it was all I could think about. I talked about traveling for the
  • 11. Judges 11 30-31 Analysis After reading Judges 11:29 40 and Judges 19, women are being portrayed as objects designed to be used only once and then abandoned. The fact that the strangers lives are worth more than of their own daughters/wives also makes them objects of hospitality. The friendliness, and entertainment of guests,visitors or strangers is far more important because women have always been seen as inferior to men and are therefore seen as objects. As we read the stories, there is no real sympathy shown in the tone. It just tells the story of these two woman without really focusing on them. We are not to be impressed by the native men s desire to protect the strangers, even at the expensive of their daughters/wives, because over the course of the years we can... Show more content on ... In a way, it can be seen as an objective tone, an unbiased view. We can say that the objective of these two stories are to show how one has to have faith in the Lord, after seeing how Jephthah failed to so, and how it is probably better to wait and think before doing something, after seeing how the Concubine s husband failed to do so. With this, one can say that the tone is objective because it lacks sympathy towards the women, being able to leave personal judgements aside. We are not to be impressed by the native men s desire to protect the strangers, even at the expense of their daughters/wives because we can see how women have been taken advantage of, over the course of the years. As we can see in Every Two Minutes:Battered Women and Feminist Interpretation, that All day long, everyday, women are verbally intimidated, battered, injured, and killed by the men they live with (Thistlethwaite 96) We are not to be impressed by the native men s desire to protect the strangers, even over the expense of their own daughters/wives because they have always been seeing as inferior to men and from Judges 11:29 40 and Judges 19 we can see how women are portrayed as objects. They are portrayed as objects of hospitality and as expendable. Both women were used and later abandoned. Just like Trible said Indeed, They are tales of terror with women as unnamed woman, the concubine raped, murdered, and dismembered;
  • 12. Dyslexia and Education Today Essay Dyslexia: Education What challenges do children face in our schools today? What ways are there to provide equal opportunities for dyslexic children in our schools? Table of Contents (786) Introduction3 Issue4 Resolution6 Conclusion8 Bibliography9 Introduction According to the Dyslexia Learning Disability Centre in Las Vegas, Dyslexia is an ability within the sensory mechanism of the nervous system to perceive the world with a multidimensional view. However it comes with poor word reading, word decoding, oral reading fluency and spelling. Though with appropriate teaching methods, dyslexic individuals can learn successfully throughout their lives. Also, when properly trained and informed, a dyslexic can use their ... Show more content on ... Issue The National Centre for Learning Disabilities says that dyslexia is a neurological and often genetic condition, and not the result of poor teaching, instruction or upbringing. Dyslexia is a specific reading disability due to a defect in the brain s processing of graphic symbols according to the MNT Knowledge Centre. It is a learning disability that alters the way the brain processes written material. It is typically characterized by difficulties in word recognition, spelling and decoding. People with dyslexia have problems with reading comprehension. According to Natalie Hill Dyslexia is the most common cause of reading, writing and spelling difficulties. Of people with poor reading skills, 70 80% are likely dyslexic. One in five students of the population has a language based learning disability. Dyslexia is probably the most common of the language based learning disabilities. Statistics show that roughly 15% of the total US population have dyslexia, of which a quarter are school aged children. Only 5% of dyslexics in the US actually know about their condition, showing how little people are aware of dyslexia (Dyslexia Research Institute). According to The International Dyslexia Association, the impact that dyslexia has is different for each person and depends on the severity of the condition and the approaches of the remediation. The
  • 13. The Puritans And The Separatist The Puritans and the Separatists were two Protestant groups that disagreed with how King Henry VIII s Anglican Church was being practiced. The two groups are different in the fact that one group just wanted to reform the Anglican Church, whereas the other group wanted to break away altogether. The Puritans believed that the Anglican Church had strayed too far from its roots, and that it needed to be purified from the Roman Catholic Church. They practiced the principles of Calvinism, and believed in the idea of predestination. They didn t believe in the hierarchy and ceremony of the Anglican Church. However, the weren t radical enough to want to split away from the Anglican Church. They believed that it could be saved and reformed from within.
  • 14. Summary Of Miss Maudie In To Kill A Mockingbird Based on her actions in Chapter 22, it is clear that Miss Stephanie is extremely absorbed in drama. Rather than focusing on the actual trial, she focuses on the gossip points that arose in result of the trial. When the kids go to see her, she is recounting the events of the trial to Miss Maudie and Mr. Avery which demonstrates why she is considered the English Channel of gossip. Scout notes that Miss Stephanie s nose quivered with curiosity which depicts Miss Stephanie s temptation to ask them intrusive questions. Scout knew that the questions she wanted to ask included: who all gave us permission to go to court, did Scout understand all the ?, and didn t it make us mad to see our daddy beat? 2) Miss Maudie says, Atticus Finch won t win, he can t win, but he s the only man in these parts who can keep a jury out so long on a case like that. And I thought to myself, well we re making a step it s just a baby step, but it s a step. Essentially, Miss Maudie is saying that the jury usually comes to a verdict in a couple minutes when it involves an African American. However, the fact that they took hours to decide the conviction shows that they put thought and effort into their decision instead of deciding that he is guilty simply because he is black. Atticus s reason is similar to Miss Maudie s in the sense that it concerns the length of the trial. Atticus tells Jem, That jury took a few hours. An inevitable verdict, maybe, but usually it takes em just a few
  • 15. Negative Influences Of Disney Movies Disney is known for its animated movies and adorable characters. For decades, Disney has succeeded in producing thousands of movies that attract millions of viewers. Walt Disney Studios produced many popular animated movies such as The Lion King, Bambi, The Little Mermaid, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Pocahontas, Peter Pan, Aladdin, Robin Hood, Hercules. Disney movies are loved by people of all ages, from children to adults. Disney movies have always managed to attract the viewers and that s what makes it special. In this modern era, almost every home has access to cable TV. Parents will choose TV channel that provides programs for children for example such as Disney Channel. Usually, the children have known Disney since childhood and used... Show more content on ... According to what has been said by Thomas Mcphail in Electronic Colonialism Theory, that the media can influence how we think and act, even controlling our minds. If a child is accustomed to watching Disney movies since childhood, he will be affected and follow what he learned through these movies. These movies will affect how he thinks, acts, and how he will run his own life. Probably most people will not realize that Disney movies give unrealistic expectations about life. In fact, some Disney movies really do. Some sources believe that Disney has indeed corrupted children s minds. We could see some Disney princess movies for example. Disney princess fairy tales such as Snow White, Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, and Sleeping Beauty. Those movies gave kids especially little girls false hope and unrealistic expectations of the future. Those movies illustrates that beauty is the key to a happy life. As long as you have a beautiful face, there will be no problems that would hinder your happiness. Those movies also give you an idea that all princesses are skinny, have perfect hair and makeup and are always dressed to impress. Disney princess fairy tales also shows that we have to be very beautiful to be able to find true love. Only beautiful girls who will find prince charming and live happily ever
  • 16. Children Are An Important Part Of The Continuation Of... Children are an important part of the continuation of humanity, both as a species and culturally. However, there are few references, outside of the instances where laws in relation to orphans or widows or introduced, that discuss children in the Old Testament. There are times where the birth of a child is mentioned, as is the case when Eve bore Cain in Genesis 4.1. However, there is no mention of his childhood. Rather, the story continues when he is an adult farmer. The New Testament includes references to children other than as a reference to genealogy or to celebrate a birth. These are very important to understanding the shift in tone from the previous books of the Bible. In Matthew 18, the disciples ask Jesuswho the greatest in the kingdom of heaven will be (18.1). He calls a child from among them before answering in the following verse. Before examining the answer, it is work noting that children are present. It is easy to forget when reading through the previous books that there are children, whether they are the patriarch s, a villager s, or a servant s, that could be present in many of the scenes depicted. They are not mentioned because their presence is unimportant to that particular tale. However, here they are important. So important, that Jesus feels the need to bring one to him. It is also important to note that the text only says that [h]e called a child (4.2). This child is not identified as male or female, the fact is irrelevant to this particular story.
  • 17. Prisoner B 3087 Essay Prisoner B 3087 is about a boy named Jack Gruener. He lived in Krakow, Poland. Jack was ten when the nazis invaded his home town, and made his neighborhood into a ghetto. While he was was in the ghetto the nazis raided the apartments in the ghetto for valuables. Those who gave nothing were killed, or sent of to concentration camps. Jack and his family survived by live on the roof of their apartment in a pigeon coop. Jack saw his family deported and was alone in the pigeon coop for a while. After living three years in the ghetto Jack was sent off to the Plaszow work camp. At Plaszow Jack met up with his uncle, Moshe, Moshe help Jack survive the camp. Jack worked at the tailor shop, and Moshe worked at the furrier shop. Both of the shops
  • 18. Synopsis Of Franz Liszt s The King Of Piano Kevin Liu Ms. Seaton Choir 11 15 December, 2016 Franz Liszt This essay it s talk about composer , he s name is Franz Liszt.He was born on October 22, 1811, LeiTing, the famous Hungarian composer, pianist, conductor, great romantic master, is one of the most outstanding representative of the early stage of the romanticism.when he is 6 years old to learn piano, successively is more than the piano was a disciple of the famous artists.he 16 years old moved to Paris and settled in Paris. Franz Liszt piano skills development to unparalleled degree, have greatly enriched the expressive force of the piano, on the piano to create the effect of the orchestra, he also pioneered the spectrum that he, too, because of the huge contribution in the piano and above won a laudatory name the king of piano .Main achievements: the first symphonic poem genre. He has three teachers,first,Carl Czerny is Austrian composer, pianist, music educators.Carl czerny is Beethoven s proudest student, Beethoven in 1801 1803, three years of free taught him to play the piano. Czerny piano as an educator, and cultivate the Franz liszt such students.He teaches liszt is free to play the piano, liszt also said: everything I have is Czerny taught me. As a piano composer, throughout his life he wrote numerous piano etude, is the basis of practice of students learning the piano teaching materials.His position is that in the era of Beethoven and modern built a bridge between playing the piano.
  • 19. Analysis Of White And The New Yorker Furthermore, In Warshow s review of E.B White and the New Yorker, experience again is at the forefront of his critique, along with a bit of his ever present political views. He makes a very important point at the begging of this review, The New Yorker has always dealt with experience not by trying to understand it but by prescribing the attitude to be adopted toward it. (warshow 2001, 75) This becomes an interesting argument, even today, as we think about what trends we have seen in popularculture. Do we ever ask ourselves if this is something that has been prescribed to us, instead of by us? Journalism, especially from writers of a certain stature, can often dictate where the culture shifts. If we are able to look at the writing with an objective eye then we are simply learning about another facet of the experience. All to often, though, it is hard for us to be objective. This could be why we, as Americans, have popular cultureat all. A journalist tells us what is cool, and we subscribe to that idea as an entire culture. There are always outliers, but when talking about popular culture most Americans are in it for the collective effervesces. I think this point would be highly debated by Warshow. As he says at the end of this review, unable to keep his political feelings at bay, The purpose of this writing is not to say anything about democracy ...but only to arouse certain familiar responses in the liberal middle class reader. (warshow 2001,78) Moving forward in the
  • 20. Spinal Cord Injury ( Sci ) Spinal cord injury (SCI) can be dated back to the Egyptains, who described it as an ailment not to be treated (Sarhan, Saif, Saif, 2012 p .319). SCI victims had no hope for a normalized future and were confined to wheelchairs and experienced poor survival rates because of the demands of care. Advancements in emergency care and rehabilitation practices increase neurological function to the spine which has increased the SCI victim s changes of survival and return to normal locomotion. The spinal column can be divided into 31 segments and comprise seven cervical, twelve thoracic, five lumbar and five sacral vertebral segments which protect the spinal cord (Sarhan, et al. p. 319 320). The nerves of the spinal column relay biological information to and from the brain by ascending and descending tracts. A SCI occurs when acute trauma is generated to the spinal cord. Significant pathology and pathophysiology damage blocks communication between the brain and the rest of the body. A person s motor skills, autonomic functions, and sensations are affected by the initial injury. The higher the injury occurs on the spinal column, the more dysfunctional the person may become. The primary injury determines a given patient s neurologic grade on admission and thereby is the strongest prognostic indicator (Dumont, Okonkwo, Verma, Hurlbert, Boulos, Ellegala, Dumont, 2001 p. 254). Secondary injuries can occur from vascular, cellular, and/or biochemical changes at the injury site.
  • 21. Modern Medicine Is A Form Of Drugs Or Remedy Bidhya Khadka Sarah Frazier ENG 100 26 April 2017 Modern Medicine Modern medicine is a form of drugs or remedy that helps to prevent, treat and ease the symptoms of disease in a modern way which, make sure to meet modern safety and efficiency standards ( Modern Medicine ). It evolves to solve the problems of the society in a short time using the scientific method and research. It is capable of advanced diagnosis which helps to make good health in a short period without any side effects. It follows the scientific method of treating, diagnosing and even preventing illnesses using improved sophisticated technology. The mode of treatment involves a variety of methods, exercise, ... Show more content on ... One single mistake by them can take the patient s life. Similarly, if the doctor prescribed the wrong medicine or the wrong dosages of medicine, it might become the route of various diseases ( What are the dangers from using drugs? ). In addition, because of advanced technology, the cost of modern medicine is way more expensive that minority of people cannot afford. Long term use of modern medicine has side effect like nausea, vomiting, skin allergies, etc. It can create toxicity which directly affects the immunity system in the body. For example, modern medicine like aspirin that reduces blood from clotting, which helps to cut the risk of the death, but it has side effects like it might cause the stomach irritation and bleeding. Doctors use an X ray machine to show injuries and disease from the body. X ray is a type of radiation that may increase the risk of cancer, heart disease due to the exposure to radiations while identifying the main causes of other diseases ( What are the dangers from using drugs? ). On the other hand, it has many advantages in improving the human health. The main aim of practicing modern medicine is to eliminate the signs and symptoms of diseases, people who have a disability. For instance, normally doctors prescribed drugs for reducing fever, reducing the discomforts of the patient and observing the healing speed. They eliminate under control and uncomfortable signs and symptoms that help a patient
  • 22. Article Report On Growth Hackers Growth Hackers By Daniel Bhatt | Submitted On March 14, 2016 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook 1 Share this article on Twitter 1 Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg 1 Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest 1 Expert Author Daniel Bhatt Introduction A man was running walking to his destination and came across a mountain. He could hear the sounds of those who were chasing him. The mountain like a colossus stood defiantly in his path. All that he had was a rope and no equipment to climb the mountain. It was either climb the mountain or risk being caught. There was no other way to reach his destination. He looked at the mountain and made a decision. He placed his hand upon the rock and started his ascent up the mountain. Some people saw the man climbing the mountain from a distance and laughed at him. The man ignored his critics and moved upon the rock. Inch by inch, he climbed the mountain. Soon his hands were sore, his feet hurting but he kept on climbing. He had no resources but his rope, his strength and his mind. Many hours later, he stood upon the summit of the mountain. He did not climb the mountain because the mountain was there. He climbed the mountain with no resources because he had no choice. Growth Hackers like the man climbing the mountain have to grow rapidly because they
  • 23. Republican Party Beliefs The Republican Party believes in conservatism and traditional practices. They are strongly opposed to same sex marriage and feel that heterosexual marriage is the only right way. Republicans feel that the only ways to economic profit are free market and individual achievement. In addition they oppose high tax rates for the wealthy and believe raising the minimum wage is going to directly hurt the economy. Republicans wish to see increased funding and modernization to the military. In their eyes, a strong defense system is the only way to peace. The Republican Partywould like a large reform in social security and want workers to control their own retirement investments. On the other hand, the Democratic Party generally supports workers rights and government programs to help people in need. The democrats are for same sex marriage and fight for their equality. They feel that our economy should help everyone not just the wealthy, and that big business and corporations pay their fair share of taxes. In addition, they want to prevent business from taking advantage of the public. Democrats feel that there are better ways to make peace with terrorism such as through diplomacy and only using force when necessary. They also believe that we should not have to ... Show more content on ... Being in the middle class, our economy is set up for the wealthy. We need to fight for fairer taxes. Another point I agree with is they believe that hard work should pay off, responsibility should be rewarded, and each one of us should be able to go as far as our talent and drive take us. I also agree with their view on homeland security. I do not believe that violence is the only answer to making peace. Democrats believe we should not have to give up certain freedoms just to keep our country safe, and I feel the same way. We are far too advanced and have so much intelligence now that we should not have to give up our
  • 24. Venus Essay In many ways Venus is found to be similar to Earth. However their similarities do not extend further than their physical properties, for instance, their atmospheres differ greatly from each other. Venus is said to have atmospheric pressure of 92.1 barometers (Adams, D. Et al., 1994 p.126) which it is evidently 92 times greater than Earths that is 1.01 barometers (Adams, D. Et al., 1994 p.126) at sea level. In spite of this comparison to Earth s atmospheric pressure, Venus owns an out of the ordinary atmospheric composition. Once it was considered that scientific investigations of the structure of Venus was impeded by the heavy clouds that form its atmosphere, hence, for many years scientists have studied its composition and thus ... Show more content on ... Finally, this leads to the idea of Venus having very thick and dense clouds hence heavy atmosphere composed of 96.5% of carbon dioxide (CO2) and 3.5% of Nitrogen (N2). Venus has a high surface temperature of 465oC The latter section discussed the structure and the chemistry of the Venusian atmosphere. Thereupon, it can be recalled that the Venusian atmosphere is composed of dense clouds with sulphuric acid (H2SO4) droplets produced from plenty carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) in the atmosphere. Scientists examined the Venusian atmosphere and found out that above the clouds the temperature is about 13oC, in contrast, at the surface of Venus the temperature gets as high as 465oC. It is believed that the principle cause of the extreme surface temperature is the consequence abundant carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. Scientists concluded that Venusian atmosphere undergoes greenhouse effect. In essence, the heat delivered from the Sun enter the atmosphere and is radiated out, then again, it does not leave the atmosphere due to its heavy clouds that impede it from such. For this reason, Venus surface temperature is higher than that on Mercury higher than any other planet! leaving no chance of life. In addition to no life expected to exist in
  • 25. Disadvantages Of Science In Mining Science in Mining Introduction: There is a lot of physical strengths involved in mining. However, before people mine any landscape, they need people like: geologists, mathematicians, biologists, engineers, economists, geographers, and other experts from narrower areas (mineralogists, geophysicists petrologists) to plan acknowledge all of the outcomes of their decisions (how mining is going to affect environment: flora fauna, locals or people living around that area and the land itself). A: Sciences: There are 2 major types of sciences that mining critically needs: Location finds/plans/engineers/researches information about chosen area, tells cost/outcomes /plans of the area. These are: Geography, Geophysics, Economic Geology, Math. Extraction extracts/identifies types of rocks/soils, uncovers origin/deformation and helps to recover the land. These are: Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology, Structural Geology, Mining Geology, Mining Engineering. B: Various types of Sciences help in mining of ores minerals. Geochemistry helps to measure and identify properties/types of minerals in given environment. Geography provides with a correct location and information about land. Geophysics provides with information (e.g. temperature maps) about subsurface characteristics: geological structure, groundwater, impurities human artifacts. Economic Geology shows the rates/cost of certain metals/minerals, gives predictions about lifetime of ores and their costs.
  • 26. Cognitive Dissonance Cognitive Dissonance Cognitive Dissonance or mental stress which is primarily caused by contradictory beliefs, can be a common part of some peoples life s however we are psychologically motivated to avoid situations which cause mental stress. This paper will discuss a situation and the behavior using attribution theory, the reciprocal relationship between behavior and attitudes as well as how cognitive dissonance theory could be used to rationalize the behavior. Situation and Subsequent Behavior Richard is driving along a lonely road late at night after working late that day. He has a 4 year old daughter who he has not spent much time with the entire week because of the long project that makes him work late. Similarly, he has not ... Show more content on ... It is however worth noting that other factors also come into play concerning this relationship between behavior and attitudes (Albarracin et al. 2014). For instance, an individual s behavior or attitudes can further be shaped by their social or cultural setting. For instance in a case whereby an individual is raised to believe that people in a given ethnic community or race are hostile or violent, the individual will automatically behave in a protective manner when around people from the particular ethnic group or race. In Richard s scenario, he may have approached the situation with the attitude that people who walk alone in the dark are either criminals or drunkards ad thus they are mostly up to no good. This attitude may have further influenced his behavior to speed up his car without bothering to know who the man was or what had happened to him. On the other hand, Richard s behavior may have shaped his attitude as well. The fact that he simply drove away without finding out what had happened to the man may have shaped his attitudes to the extent that he would most likely do the same when faced with a similar situation again. How Cognitive Dissonance Theory could be used to Rationalize the Behavior Sanderson (2009) reveals that the cognitive dissonance theory is a social psychology theory whose main proponent was
  • 27. Analysis Of Anyone Lived In A Pretty How Town If humans were to live in a world where only 10 poems were allowed to be read and studied, ideally, the 10 poems selected would be the most figuratively, structurally, and mechanically fit of all pieces in history. In my opinion, the 1940 poem Anyone Lived in a Pretty How Town by E.E. Cummings is one of the most intriguing poems written and would surely be featured as one of the 10 selected pieces of reading. Though it features bizarre syntax which, at times, is hard to decipher, the poem is one that is both touching and personal, while also realistic and cold. There are many ways in which one can interpret the poem, but each way leaves the reader with a different mode of viewing the world and perhaps the need to incite change in themselves. The first stanza begins by introducing one of the main characters anyone who lives in a pretty how town or, more simply, a city. Cummings then introduces the symbolism of the bells and the seasons; the bells are not explicitly defined, one may interpret them as markers of time as they are featured in various other parts of the poem. Similarly, the seasons are also markers of time, the first meaning to signify the beginning of Anyone s life or alternatively, the beginning of the poem. On the fourth line there is heavy alliteration of the d with he sang his didn t he danced his did ; this adds some rhythm and dynamic to an otherwise confusing syntax and flow. One way in which this line can be interpreted is that Anyone speaks or
  • 28. Role Of Direct Marketing Strategy Of Goodwill Direct Marketing Direct marketing plays an important role in developing the IMC strategy of Goodwill Industries that helps to raise awareness of customers as well as attract donation funds collection to the organization. Goodwill has developed its direct marketing mainly through the direct mail campaign and the website. Direct Marketing to Clients Known as direct mail campaign, Goodwill uses numerous direct mail postcards and the four color piece as well as ad brochures to send to its preferred customers to build store traffic in some areas. Also, Goodwill creates a convenient website with informative and engaging data that helps client easy access the organization s missions and key concepts. There is also a map on the main front page for individual clients, who want to buy goods from the organization, to find their nearest local Goodwill location. There is a link named Donate and Shop , which provides some basic instructions as well as the contact information for the shoppers to have further inquiry. Goodwill also offers a separate website for customers to shop online through the auction format, where customers can choose from a variety of used stuff such as clothing, books, electronics, musical instruments or pet supplies. On the front page of this website, there are some pop up promotions to attract the shoppers attention and notify them which promotions it is having. For employees looking for a job, Goodwill has two separate pages called GoodProspects and
  • 29. How The Roaring 1920 s The 1920s has been often been referred as the New Society. They are stronger. They are rich. They hire and fire the politician, the old judges...the college president (1) was what Dos Passos s said about the people in the 1920s. The roaring twenty has flappers which just meant young, confident, sexual women. This was all new for the people in the 1920 because they have always thought of the women following rules and staying home. Another term that was during the roaring twenty was speakeasies which is just nightclubs that sold liquor. Liquor at this time was legal and unwanted. A lot of companies such as Henry Ford s company forbid having alcohol in work area. Sadly, not everyone in this era welcomed the new secular, commercial culture (9). Some people feared and resented that this new culture would bring down the lax moral standards. During the roaring twenty there were many profound tension between the rural and urban life (10). Many citizens were confused about the traditional and modern Christianity. This was confusing for many people being some citizens were stuck on the traditional way rather than the free way which a lot of people were doing. A lot of people that were very religious thought it was... Show more content on ... I am a member of no organized politician party; I am a democrat (2) was what a comedian by the name Will Rodger said when he spoke out about what party he was on. Another cool thing that happened was there was not any wars going on and probusiness was sky rocketing everywhere. As they were building on prewar struggle they seemed to get labor union, socialist, and birth control advocates (3). Calvin Coolidge who was President Warren Harding successor, had twice vetoed the McNary Haugen bill as a sandal. He wanted to prove a point that he was in charge. Another thing he did was un warranted interference with the free market. Many citizens were upset with the decisions Harding was making for the
  • 30. Essay On Should Female Soccer Players Be Paid More Women Soccer Players Should be Paid More In the year 2015, the Women s United States national team won the World Cup. When they won they earned a $2 million. Even though this was a great accomplishment, in the 2014 Men s World Cup, Germany won and earned a whopping $35 million. This is a major pay gap between the men and women s soccer teams. I believe that women soccer players should be paid as much or more than their male counterparts. Many people believe that men and women soccer players are paid perfectly the way they are, but the way that the women are getting paid is an enormous issue in today s society. Women should be paid more because they are bringing in more profit, they are winning more games than the men, and they have more fan... Show more content on ... Millions of young girls dream to be like them one day. When these players come to town, the tickets sell out fast. For example, in Denver, the Women s National Team played a friendly against Japan, when the tickets went up for sale, they sold out in just ten minutes! This happens everywhere when the national team comes to town. This is raising lots of ticket sales for the Women s National Team, but the Women s National team isn t getting the money that they deserve. Another big example is that when the women played Japan, in 2015, in the World Cup championship, there were more than twenty five million people watching. This is the most views that any game in the English speaking language (men or women) has received. Even though they are selling more tickets and having more viewers, they are still not getting the money that they rightfully deserve. Even though they are bringing in more profit, they still aren t making the money that they should be getting. It is important for the Women s National Teams to stand up for what is right. They are being torn away from the money they deserve for nothing. Why is
  • 31. Analysis of Barbie-Q by Sandra Cisneros Essay Analysis of Barbie Q by Sandra Cisneros Cisneros Barbie Q really stood out as a great piece of literature. Barbie Q is a quick glimpse into the life of a poverty stricken child and her way of life. Though my life as of yet has been rather short, my earliest childhood memories are overwhelmingly my fondest and her account really struck a chord. Sandra Cisneros accurate reflection of a young mind and intricate writing methods expressed great emotion. Her portrayal of a child s mentality evoked my childhood recollections while her realistic tale of childhood bliss in the midst of poverty caused great empathy on my part making this my preferred work we studied. Sandra s tale brought back much nostalgia for my younger days. Those ... Show more content on ... Skipping , humming , loopity loops , and pirouetting are silly things that everyone has done as a child, including myself. These reminders set me in a time machine back to my favorite days when the only thing important to me was my own happiness. Another less obvious reflection of a puerile mind is the same story . In this tale of a young girl s game, Sandra Cisneros refers to a pretend play the girls have made up for their Barbie s to act out. This play is referred to as the same story and really hit on what childhood playtime was all about. I remember doing the exact same thing as a child with my brothers (except we were cops and robbers), where we played out the same actions over and over, day after day. Cisneros recognized this to be common to all children and smartly places it for the reader to reflect on their past, as I did on my own. Sandra Cisneros evokes great sympathy for her characters, which added to my favor of the story. In a first few sentences, Sandra has already revealed to the reader the poor social status of the young girls and continues to do so throughout the tale. She particularly points out their pauper way of life by repeating the small amount of toys the young girls have. She mentions all the girls could afford was one extra outfit apiece then one paragraph later recalls again our one outfit apiece . Also, Cisneros touches on the sock dress the girls made
  • 32. Louis Riel s North-West Rebellion Yesterday at 8:00 am on November 16th in Regina, Saskatchewan, Louis Riel the leader of the North West Rebellion and the Metis was hung. This was as a result, of him been charged with high treason and sentenced to death by hanging. Louis Riel had been charged with high treason on July 6th and his case was opened on July 20th. His charge of high treason had come from leading the North West Rebellion, a vicious rebellion against the Canadian Government for neglecting the people in the north west, especially the Metis. The Rebellion was started in order to acquire the government s attention on the problems of land rights and political power in the area. This rebellion had led to many killed. Riel and his Metis soldiers had eventually become overpower
  • 33. Wiretapping And Spying Stop Terrorism Our argument is that the government should be able to wiretap and spy without warrant. My partner brought up our first main contention which was how wiretapping and spying stop terrorism. Our other contentions are is it helps speed up trials and brings a more accurate verdict, and there wouldn t be as much paperwork if it was warrantless. Our next main contention that I will be discussing is how wiretapping and spying stops organized crimes. The organized crimes that it would be able to stop is murder, robbery, drug distribution, human trafficking, and many other crimes. Think about all the lives that would be saved by spying on suspected people who would commit the crimes... How warrantless wiretapping and spying will work is they will be able to listen on conversations and read emails. After that they will be able to apprehend the suspect if they are suspected of committing a crime. With crime and terrorism on the rise our country can seriously benefit from warrantless wiretapping. The law enforcement and government officials using wiretaps are not spying random but instead suspect criminals. Also when they collect information by using wiretaps it does interfere with innocent U.S citizens. This is some of the reasoning behind our argument. Why we know it work and help our country is other... Show more content on ... Having a faster trial will help save money, right now a criminal trial can range from $40,000 to $17 million base on the offense. Being able to save the United States money will allows to spend money on things for the better cause and not criminals. Think about it why we should spend so much money criminals just so we can put them in jail, the money should go toward more important things that will benefit our country. This is our last supporting point for our
  • 34. Finding the concentration of a Potato cell. Aim The aim is to find the concentration (mole/dm3 (M)) of solute in a potato cell by using the process of osmosis and different concentrations of sucrose solution. Background information Osmosis is diffusion of water across a partially permeable membrane. It moves from a solution with less solute concentration (high water potential) to a solution with more solute concentration (low water potential). The one with a high water concentration is called a hypotonic solution and the low water concentration is called hypertonic solution, but these only depend on what type of concentration is on the other side of the partially permeable membrane. When more water passes through to one side of the membrane it is called net movement. (Toole + ... Show more content on ... I think this because I know roughly that a potato has a solute concentration of more than 0.3M. As the concentration goes above 0.6M I predict the potato cylinder will loose mass because the potato is most likely to have a smaller concentration than 0.6M. I know the concentration of a potato roughly but all the potatoes are different so I have left a space in my concentration of a potato cell prediction as the real result will vary between these values. My prediction is that the potato s solute concentration will be somewhere in between 0.3M and 0.6M. This leads me to think of the resulting graph to have a best fit line which has negative correlation and falls as the concentration decreases. I know this because osmosis works in a way that water molecules move from a low solute concentration to a high solute concentration. Preliminary experiment For this I was advised to use 5cm of peeled potato (a diameter of 1.2cm), distilled water and 1M sucrose solution. I had to make two potato cylinders and leave one in water and one in a 1M solution (each 30ml) for 15 minutes. I got the percentage change by measuring the potato s length before and after the experiment. I did this to give me a rough idea of what to expect from this experiment and to change any variables to keep constant for my main experiment, like the time or the initial length. I carried this out and got this result (on a graph): This shows a very simple conclusion that the potato s
  • 35. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Accounting Software ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE S Software s that records of accounting transaction in a convenient manner. The first software designed for accounting purposes was for basic computations and accumulation of numbers in early days, computing systems added and subtracted numbers to help business organizations to keep their financial information. As advancement in capabilities, complex systems were used to record financial transactions. Software s has made a huge difference in the history of accounting. In the early days people used to record transactions by writing step by step. It would be easy in the small business but it would be hectic for the larger organizations. The development of software s has made all the business organizations to record transactions... Show more content on ... It uses a double entry book keeping system which was initially made for personal finances but now it has been updated with features for small organizations. Though this software now has been upgraded, still it has some downfall such as it doesn t include inventory management and does not support sales system. It also allows importing QuickBooks data (types of software no.1). ADVANTAGES OF ACCOUNTING SOFTWARES CONTROL An accounting software can provide management with internal controls to record financial transactions in a consistent manner. It also ensures that someone authorized person is doing the task that helps to prevent from fraud and abuse. COST REDUCTION PROFIT MAXIMIZATION Because of a good accounting system, it provides accurate information from which business organization can identify and reduce cost and maintain profit margins. EFFICIENCY With the software s on each employee s computer, they can easily access different data s spending less time rather than searching and running more time in the business. SPEED By the use of accounting software, the entire process for preparing accounts becomes faster. Furthermore, statements can be generated easily within a short period of
  • 36. CHS Segmentation In Health Care Julie, as you indicated, segmentation allowed CHS to provide services specifically selected to meet the needs of the seven defined population groups. Analyzing all of these data points helped them to get a comprehensive look at their patient population and the factors that affect their healthcare. Segmentation helped to improve patient outcomes by targeting specific risk factors in a given population, as well as estimate the cost of providing care, which helped them with payer contract negotiations (Quelch Rodriquez, 2015). Other healthcare organization have used segmentation to provide care to specific patient populations. However, segmentation will often look at clinical and financial data to identify patients with chronic conditions,
  • 37. Low-Voltage Current-Tmode Realization of Digital Logic... Low Voltage Current Mode Realization of Digital Logic Gates using CMOS In this paper a new technique is introduced for implementing the basic logic function by using analog current mode techniques. By expanding the logic function in power series expression, and using adder and sub tractor realization of the basic logic function is simplified. To illustrate the proposed technique, a CMOS circuit for simultaneous realization of the logic function NOT, AND, OR, NAND and XOR is considered. PSPICE simulation results, obtained with В±2V supply, are included. Key Word: Current Mirror; CMOS analog multiplier; Current mode; Translinear principle; Digital logic circuits; INTRODUCTION The current mode implementation of logic gates is a very ... Show more content on ... In an attempt to answer this question, the translinear principle (Gilbert, 1990) has been used to realize a digital inverter circuit (Kemp, 1983, 1984) a bistable element (Seevinck, 1978) and NOT/OR/NAND/XOR functions (M., 2003) . All the realizations of logic gates in current mode reported in references (Kemp, 1983, 1984; Seevinck, 1978; M., 2003) use bipolar technology. In this paper, we present such an approach, a low Voltage CMOS analog digital circuit in current mode where it works with a supply voltage of VDD= VSS=2V. The circuit is based on the four quadrant CMOS analog multiplier (Ali et al., 2009). POWER SERIES REPRESENTATION OF LOGIC FUNCTIONS Using their truth tables, it is easy to show that the input output relations of the basic digital logic function can be expressed as (Enab and Zaki, 1993): Z= 1 Ix (1) for the NOT operation, Z= Ix*Iy (2) for the AND operation, Z= Ix + Iy Ix*Iy (3) for the OR operation, Z= 1 Ix*Iy (4) for the NAND operation, and Z= Ix + Iy 2Ix*Iy(5) for the XOR operation.
  • 39. Essay On The Story Of A Short Story I washed and dried our pots and pans from the stew me and my mother Claire had ate the night before. I hear soft footsteps leading up to our small plain tent in the middle of our village, we call Sarawari. I arm myself with a petite knife and stand in the corner of the tent by the opening. Footsteps reach the door and I jump out in front of my mother. She s on the ground, crawling with blood dripping down her face and a horrified expression. She kind of reminded me of the dead muskrat, I saw the other day. The poor lifeless creature was fragile and probably attacked by a lion. I try to mutter a few words but am absolutely speechless. Instead, I drag my mother by her ankles and rest her in top of a mattress, made of some straw and large leaves. Mom, I m not giving up on you. Tears drip down my cheeks and my eyes soon begin to get red and blotchy. I run out into the open fields, kneel down, and cry for hours on the empty land. My hands wipe the tears off my cheeks and I run back into our tent, seeing my unconscious mother s body lying on the thin mattress. I start to feel parched and break out into a cold sweat. The rest was history. I see a vision of a mysterious creature telling me to walk towards the light. Why won t it leave, why is it haunting me? I start mumbling, which soon turns into a loud scream and I wake up in a terrified state of emotion. My adrenaline rushes and fear overcomes my body. I stare around at my mother s prophecies scattered around the walls and start to believe that the secretive figure isn t just my imagination anymore. I change the rags on my mother s forehead and head out with only a miniature wooden spear. Anything could happen but nothing s as worse as losing my mother. I venture out into the bright sunshine, looking into the heavens. I skip around the enchanting grasslands and dwell upon a ghostly cave filled with cobwebs and lengthy spiders. Suddenly, the creature from my dreams turns around. He s a lion with wise eyes, long hair, and he s levitating. I assume you know who I am he said, pacing through the hollow cave. Uh....yes sir, you re the figure from my dream. You re the one who can
  • 40. Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder (Asd) Have Different Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) have different needs and they have a wide range of disabilities. For example, some students with ASD are non verbal and some students with ASD are extremely intelligent. At times outsiders would not know they have autism. This paper will discuss an after school program for 10 students diagnosed with ASD. In addition, this paper will talk about the overall goal of the program, location, timeframe, measured data, assistive technologies used, staffing, and rationale for the program. Our school has children of all ages and backgrounds. We have a great and supportive school community and our students work well together. We have 10 students across 6th, 7th, and 8th grade who have ASD. These children ... Show more content on ... In addition, our computer and iPad carts are located in the resource room. The students will arrive to the resource room and take out of their assignment book. The teacher and staff would first check to make sure their homework is written down for each class. In addition, we will make sure that they have the correct materials to complete each homework assignment. The first hour of our program will be the students completing and getting support on their homework. The second hour will be direct instruction opportunities that are based on the programs goals of improving time management, study skills, and organization. This program will provide measureable data in several ways. First, the student s grades will increase with gaining support with homework and extra instructional time. The students will gain strategies on studying the correct way and staying organized. In addition, our program will provide time management skills to help support the student in completing work in the most effective way (Kleiner, et al., 2004). The student s grades will improve with these skills. Secondly, most of our students have measureable goals on staying organized within their Individual Education Plan (IEP). We would be able to see the positive outcome due to the students gaining skills on staying organized. Lastly, when students with ASD become stressed or overwhelmed they tend to shut down.
  • 41. Why Is Clonmacnoise A Cross Clonmacnoise is one of the most important medieval ecclesiastical sites of Ireland, located in the county of Offaly, between Meath and Connacht. Back to its time of grandeur around the ninth and twelfth century, that place was one of the main crossroads. Besides, this complex is also known for its high crosses. Although Clonmacnoise grew to full splendor for centuries, it decayed due to historic events. This essay is briefly focused on its archaeological and historical background, paying special attention to the high crosses. History The translation for Clonmacnoise would be the meadow of the sons of Nos . Founded as a single church in the sixth century by St Ciaran, it became an important place of learning not only in Ireland but in Europe... Show more content on ... As of today, there are still on some parts of Clonmacnoise: a great stone church, other buildings, three high crosses, two round towers, a Romanesque sculpture and grave slabs. The high crosses were generally built in Ireland around the eighth century and the tenth century. They were a representation of the monastic civilization. These high crosses reached their finest form at Clonmacnoise. According to Flower (1954), the high crosses could be divided into two groups. One of them, named as Leinster group, had crosses made of granite. The other is known as the Ulster group. On the other hand, FranГ§oise Henry proposed at the same time that the high crosses could be chronologically divided into three groups: crosses from the ninth century, from the tenth century and from the twelfth century. Their height reached four metres or even more. They have the shape of Latin crosses, with their base as a truncated pyramid. Their function is still being pondered, although there are some suggestions for it. One of them explains that while some crosses might have indicated the entrance to some of the buildings, others could have been either marks for boundaries or for
  • 42. Jimmy Herf Character Analysis In his search for identity, Jimmy tries to create his own definition of masculinity, but he never finds exactly what he is searching for. Jimmy Herf is clearly a very troubled young man as he bounces around from relationship to relationship. But even in his earliest relationships, it is clear that he is not the one that wears the pants: I m going to eat a small steak and onions. Not if you re intending to spend the afternoon with me, Mr. Herf. Oh all right. Ruth I lay my onions at your feet. That doesn t mean I m going to let you kiss me. (Dos Passos 114 115) Though Jimmy is a working man, he is not really a working man. He does not enjoy his job, and he does not wish to succeed in it. In fact, he wishes that he would like to meet... Show more content on ... The city itself symbolizes the ever watchful eye of the patriarchy, the same patriarchy that makes it equally difficult for men and women to get divorces. The watchers in this scenario are everyone. The system put into place by tradition remained the same for so long that the societal norm became something akin to law, and breaking the law resulted in terrible consequences. The society of the 1920s became a Panopticon, a society where the power to discipline does not require an actual observer (Petrovic 152). No one has to actually enforce the gender standards as the government enforced the issue of Prohibition. People existed to keep their own checks and balances, and the patriarchy existed almost like an imaginary deity. That is not to say that sexism did not exist; it did, and it still does, but the patriarchy that people feared was one that they instilled on themselves. Jimmy performs for the world around him based on a set of criteria that America has been too lazy to revise. Indifference and acceptance (even if it is begrudging acceptance) is what holds all of Dos Passos s characters back. Perhaps if they chose to communicate they would have an easier time finding their individuality under the watchful eye of
  • 43. Business environment Essay Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. List of tables and diagrams 5. 6. 7. 1. Table I China s GDP growth eases to 7.8% in 2012 8. 2. Table II Economic Growth in China 1990 2010 3. Table III Historic inflation China (CPI) full term 9. 4. Table IV Cultural analysis China 10. 5. Table V 2012 SuperGroup Plc Financial Highlights 11. 6. Table VI Supply and Demand curve 12. 13. 14. Summary 15. 16. 17. In this Business Environment report, my objective for SuperGroup plc is expanding the market to China by using the political, economic, social and technological (PEST analysis) to identify the external and internal opportunities for increasing the ... Show more content on ... As 3% rate applies under the small scale taxpayer scheme which decreased from 6% or 4% from 1 January 2010. Exports are generally zero rated since the input VAT incurred on the purchase or construction of fixed assets may be credited against output VAT since 1 January 2009. 44. Before expanding to china, International enterprises must need to consider about the law of the People s Republic of China, such as Foreign Trade Law, Arbitration Law, Trademark Law, Import and Export, Commercial Websites, Processing Zones, Foreign Investment, Patents and Foreign Investment Projects. a. 45. a. Economic 46. 47. Table I China s GDP growth eases to 7.8% in 2012 48.
  • 44. 49. Table II Economic Growth in China 1990 2010 50. 51. In Chart I, we can see that Economic expansion of China slowed to 7.8 percent year on year in 2012. Since 1999, the slowest growth rate was down from 10.4% in 2010 to 9.3% in 2011. It is obvious that the economy s Q4 grow to 7.9% quickly as well as increasing the investment and consumption values. The China government pared the full year growth target for 2012 to 7.5% from 8% in nearly 2012. Many economists are expecting the target to remain unchanged for this year. 52. The Chart II shows that the average annual economic growth of 10% over the past 30 years in China. 53. Chart III Historic inflation China (CPI) full term 54. 55. 56. 57. Here you can see the Historic inflation rate is based upon
  • 45. Hedgie s Surprise, By Jan Brett Student: Kaitlin VicarioProfessor: Dr. Kraemer Course EDU 333Date: October 20th 2014 Grade: 1Topic: Reader s TheaterContent Area: History INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVE (Lesson Objectives*) After reading the book Hedgie s Surprise, by Jan Brett, students will work in groups to create and perform a script based on the book achieving a 3 out of 4 on the rubric. CCLS/+NYS STANDARDS AND INDICATORS CCSS. English Language Arts. Conventions of Standard English. L.1.1 Student will demonstrate command of English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. Indicator: This will be evident when students are conversing and performing their parts of the script. CCSS. English Language Arts. Speaking and Listening Standards K 5. SL ... Show more content on ... Tier Two: Students will work in groups to create and perform a script based on the book achieving a 3 out of 4 on the rubric. Tier Three: Students will work in groups to create and perform a script based on the book achieving a 3 out of 4 on the rubric without using a script and using improvisation. DEVELOPMENTAL PROCEDURES Students will participate in a group discussion about the book Hedgie s Surprise and reviewing Reader s Theater. (What happened in the beginning, middle and end of the story? What is Reader s Theater? What do we use it for?) Students will work in collaborative groups to sort which information is needed, what can be acted out and what is not needed. (Which information do you think you can take out? Why? Is there anything you may be able to add to your part of the story? If so, why would you add it?) Students will act out their skits. Students will give each other constructive criticism, explaining what they could do better and what was good about it. (How do you think this group did? Why? What could they have improved on? What was good about their
  • 46. Afro-Asian Poetry AFRICA S PLEA Roland Tombekai Dempster I am not you But you will not Give me a chance, Will not let me be me. If I were you but you know I am not you, Yet you will not Let me be me. You meddle, interfere In my affairs As if they were yours And you were me. You are unfair, unwise, Foolish to think That I can be you, Talk, act And think like you. God made me me. He made you you. For God s sake Let me be me. Breaths Birago Diop Listen more often to things rather than beings. Hear the fire s voice, Hear the voice of water. In the wind hear the sobbing of the trees, It is our forefathers breathing. The dead are not gone forever. They are in the paling shadows, And in the darkening ... Show more content on ... He spoke: Men hearkened to his piercing cry, With smiles, with scorn; But the dim Future felt his threatenings nigh, And shook, unborn! He died: and race to race did still succeed; And suns did shine; And Centuries passed; and still no eye could read His awful line. You mourn? Mourn not; nor deem his history vain;
  • 47. Nor vain his strife: To breathe, to feel, to hope are worth the pain Of Death, and Life: And now, (as generations rise, and far Like vapours roll,) Some few begin to gaze, as on a star, And scan his scroll: And, in its inspiration, vaguely shown, We seem to trace The march of revolutions, come and flown; And of man s race The history. Amidst blots, of blood and tears, The verses run, Until we lose their light in distant years, And all is done! A prospect of spring Du Fu The country s been broken, see, only hills and rivers. In the city here s the lush growth of spring. These times are splashed with tears before flowers. Grieved at parting, birds startle the heart. Beacons have been burning for three whole months. Any letter from home is worth ten thousand gold. I ve scratched my white hair so thin It can t hold even a hairpin in place. THE SONG OF MAISUNA by: Maisuna HE russet suit of camel s hair, With spirits light and eye serene, Is dearer to my bosom far Than all the trappings of a
  • 48. The Use of Chemical Weapons in the Tokyo Subway Attack Essay The Use of Chemical Weapons in the Tokyo Subway Attack Japan has long enjoyed the enviable reputation of being one of the safest nations in the world. The country has one of the world lowest rates for murder and other violent crime, and the Japanese National Police Agency and local Police forces are often praised as a model of law enforcement efficiency. Tokyo enjoys one of the cleanest, safest and most efficient subway networks in the world. Trains run on precise schedules and accommodate 2.7 billion passengers a year. All that changed on March 20, 1995. A nightmare unfolded as the city of Tokyo experienced one of the worst terrorist attacks of the century. This is what many considered to be the first true case of use of ... Show more content on ... Some commentators began to think that the attack was targeted on NPA officers. Some commentators evidently anticipated that the Tokyo attack was a prelude to the issuing of demands by the criminal. Commentators also expressed surprise that, given the toxicity of sarin and the nature of the target, the casualty had not in fact been much higher. Others suggested that the agent may simply have been impure, perhaps deliberately diluted either self protection of the attackers or to keep the number of fatalities low. This theory appeared confirmed by the discovery early on the traces of another substance, acetonitrile (or methyl cyanide), which it could have been used to dilute the gas. Some Unexplained Incidents: In the days following the subway attack, as the casualty toll continued to rise, the Amu Shinri Kyo (or Supreme Truth ), whose leader Shoko Asahara, had in the past shown an interested in chemical and biological warfare. Two days after the attack, large numbers of police officers began massive raids on the sects many facilities throughout Japan, on the pretext of searching for kidnap victims (since there was no immediate evidence linking it to the subway attack). At one location particular, a compound or commune at Kamikuishiki in the surroundings of Mount Fuji 100 km west of Tokyo, they discovered extensive facilities for the
  • 49. Fetus Development Chart Name____Janette Hernandez______________Date9/28/17Period 2 A Month at a Time Complete the chart below. Remember that every fetus has its own growth pattern, but this chart shows the general development of the average fetus. The same is true for the effects the pregnancy will have on the mother. In addition, you need to find and print an image that is representational of the fetus during each month. The third month has been completed for you as an example of what I m looking for. DETAILS MATTER!!! Due October 6th Month Fetal Development Effects of/Changes in Mother First month Baby is 1/4 inch long. Heart, digestive system, backbone and spinal cord begin to form. Placenta begins to develop. The single fertilized egg is now 10,000 times larger ... Show more content on ... Weight is about 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 pounds. Taste buds have developed. Fat layers are forming. Organs are maturing. Skin is still wrinkled and red. If born at this time, the baby will be considered premature and require special care. gain 3 4 pounds this month feel more tire mood swings increase Eighth Month Baby is 14 to 16 inches long. Weight is about 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 pounds. Taste buds have developed. Fat layers are forming. Organs are maturing. Skin is still wrinkled and red. If born at this time, the baby will be considered premature and require special care. may gain 3 4 pounds this month use the bathroom more often backahus anxiety heartburns shortness of breath Ninth month Baby is 19 to 20 inches long.
  • 50. Weight is about 7 to 7 1/2 pounds. The lungs are mature. Baby is now fully developed and can survive outside the mother s body. Skin is pink and smooth. The baby settles down lower in the abdomen to prepare for birth and may seem less active. gain 3 4 pounds this month stomach changes shape urine often easier to
  • 51. A Rose For Emily Rhetorical Analysis Deconstruction, according to, is a philosophical and critical movement, that questions all traditional assumptions about the ability of language to represent reality. A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner incites its readers to look for the deeper meaning behind every temporal shift, symbol, and conflict in order to truly understand the author s view about a certain reality. The story begins with Emily s funeral and from there on, the reader goes back in time to her life until her death. It is written in a chaotic order which is very confusing. However, when taking the time to rearrange the text, the reader discovers how the author Throughout the text, Faulkner uses symbols to increase the reader s analytic curiosity about
  • 52. The Importance Of Paid Domestic Work Paid domestic work is defined as a person or individual who works within the employer s household, expected to perform a variety of task including but not limited to child or elderly care, cleaning and household maintenance. I will argue that the practice of paid domestic work cannot be reformed and made equitable for three main reasons. The reasons are as follows: 1) This form of work is not regarded as an actual job or employment by many 2) The practice of domestic work is embedded in racial roots and practice 3) There isn t a market for individuals volunteering to do paid domestic work. For the sake of this argument, I will focus on the care of children as the only form of paid domestic work, particularly the children of privileged or upper middle class families executed by women who are minorities. When thinking about a traditional job with an employer and employee, nannies are not the first to come to mind. When working as a nannyyou are expected to tend to three different things: the children, the house, and the lifestyle and values of the employer. As explained by Hondagneu Sotelo, Parents hire nanny/housekeepers to do work involving intimate care, yet many fundamentally resist the idea that these services require monetary compensation (Hondagneu Sotelo 120). Although this job involves the worker partaking in both physical and emotional labor, which isn t a requirement for other jobs, it is still seen as one that isn t actually employment and shouldn t yield