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Sumiah Rose
My Print
Styles of advertising
- This advert has been created through using the style of Print Advert. This means that the advert is a still, so it has to be eye catching enough
to attract people to take in what it says without actually actively engaging them through speech or movement
- This advert uses the line of appeal of showcasing an aspirational lifestyle and dreams and fantasy. What I mean by this is its showing
someone's dream/fantasy life coming true. E.g. the lifestyle they aspired to have is actually happening.
- I believe this advert is fairly successful at making people want to buy the product as everyone has some sort of dream or aspiration they are
working towards, so it becomes more likely that people would actually want to buy the product
Structures and techniques of TV advertising :
- The idea behind this advert was that after drinking the Irn Bru
your dreams come true! In the example we included the girl
drank the Irn Bru and then became a ‘rockstar sensation’.
- I used pictures I had taken with my group member of her friend,
we decided to have her hair flicking back as it looked the most
animated still position and we wanted our advert to have a
sense of movement and action even though it was a still. We
also decided to have objects all strewed around as it added to
the idea of her dream coming true was so powerful that it flung
objects around the room.
- This Print Advert was put together by coloring in each separate
part of the picture to give a cartoon/animation effect. I decided
to do this to add to the ‘dream/fantasy’ look, this was because
the advert was about making your dream come true, so having
the cartoon effects adds to the idea of a ‘dream’.
Factors of Persuasion :
- To try and make people want to buy this product I used the persuasion technique of ‘reward power’. This is a way of attempting to convince
someone to buy the product through ‘promising’ that something good will happen to them if they do so. In this case it was the promise that
drinking the Irn Bru would make their dreams come true. This was fun when learning how to put it into effect as we wanted the advert to be eye
catching, big and confident. This was because we wanted the viewers to believe drinking the drink would in turn make them, eye catching, big
and confident. If we had made this advert showcasing a quiet, unconfident, shy girl, the idea of the drink making your dreams come true would
look very unbelievable and unconvincing and would therefore not attract the attention the advert should get.
Real Print
Structures and techniques of TV
advertising :
- This print advert has been put together
very simply, with one main image as the
background, a slogan and a
picture of the product that is being
- The writing is also edited to be bold and
powerful and to really stand out against
the background.
Styles of advertising:
- This advert has used the line of appeal using comedy and humor. This is fairly successfully at making me want to buy it because it will
stick in my head when I actually go to buy a drink.
Factors of Persuasion
- To make people want to buy this product the producers have used an image of a dog, this will attract people to take in the poster and
make time to read it as the vast majority of people like dogs.
- They have also used humor to attract people. People can easily relate to dogs peeing on lampposts as its something that happens
everyday. Using that sense of humor the advert is hoping to stay in peoples mind, e.g./ when they see a dog or a lamppost the advert will
spring to mind.
- They have also included the hashtag of #Boostism, which hints at the company's social media account. This may make want people to
- Reward Power is also used in this advert as it promises to p*ss on tiredness if people drink the drink. This is obviously what people want to
hear as nobody likes feeling constantly tired. So people are more likely to try this product out as it has that promise.
My Video
Structures and techniques of TV advertising :
- This advert was put together from several different shots
taken in the media green screen room. We decided to film in
that particular room because there was professional lighting
equipment that would help with the quality of our film and
help make the video look more professional.
- When editing the clips to put them together and form the
actual advert, I used the software Premiere Pro. This was very
useful as you could not only edit the clips together but you
could edit the individual clips in terms of colour correction
this also helped the video to appear more professional.
- This video follows a linear narrative structure, meaning it follows a storyline and has an obvious beginning, middle and end. We wanted
our advert to have this structure as it helps stick in the viewers head and is also easy to follow and understand.
Factors of Persuasion
- To try and make people want to buy this product we decided to use the persuasion technique of Reward Power. This is a method where
what you are saying/presenting/advertising is promising the viewer something if they go and do what is being said, in this instance buy and
drink Irn Bru. This works because it is a way of attempting to convince someone to buy the product through ‘promising’ that something
good will happen to them if they do so.
- This was fun when learning how to put it into effect as we wanted the advert to be eye catching, big and confident. This was because we
wanted the viewers to believe drinking the drink would in turn make them, eye catching, big and confident. If we had made this advert
showcasing a quiet, unconfident, shy girl, the idea of the drink making your dreams come true would look very unbelievable and
unconvincing and would therefore not attract the attention the advert should get.
Styles of advertising
- The style of advertising that has been used in this advert is Video Advert. Meaning it is a video that tries to sell you the product
in the advert. For this advert I decided the style that was the most similar is Surreal due to the fact that drinking the Irn Bru helped her
magically know how to play guitar and become a ‘Rock chick’.
- To try and make this advert more successful we made it very fun, using lots of colour and movement, we also added in a song that
everyone knows so the advert is easy to relate to.
- I believe that this advert is fairly successful because it is fun and will stick in peoples head due to the catchy song used, this means it will
remain in peoples heads when they go shopping leading them to buy the Irn Bru.
Real Video
Structures and techniques of TV
- This video has been put together using
numerous clips. What sets this advert apart is
that it shows the story going across two
generations .
- This decision has obviously been made so
people can clearly see that the product helped
and then proceeded to help again.
- This video follows a narrative linear sequence
with the clips coming in order, telling a story and
having an obvious beginning, middle and end.
This makes it very easy to understand and
Factors of Persuasion
- The producers have made this advert using Reward Power. This is a method where what you are saying/presenting/advertising is promising
the viewer something if they go and do what is being said, in this instance buying KFC. This works because it is a way of attempting to
convince someone to buy the product through ‘promising’ that something good will happen to them if they do so.
- In this advert they are promising that KFC brings together families, this will appeal to people who's family situation isn’t the best as they will
be looking for ways to bring their family back together. For this particular advert, the family situation is that a couple have adopted a boy and
KFC helps break the ice, it then shows the family having various good times together all because KFC brought them together in the first place.
The story is then carried on to where the first adopted boy is then grown up and is starting a family of his own with an adopted boy and thy
break the ice again by having KFC.
- This story that the producers have chosen to use will tug on peoples heartstrings and will remain in peoples heads and they will talk about it
to other people and therefore spreading the word about KFC without them spending any extra money, which is exactly what the producers
are aiming for.
Styles of advertising
- The style of advertising that has been used in this advert is Video Advert. Meaning it is a video that tries to sell you the product
in the advert. This advert is very successful at making people want to buy the product as it is a touching story that will connect with a lot of peop
My Advergame
Structures and techniques of TV advertising
- To put my Advergame together I used Photoshop. To get it to work
smoothly I made a background with certain obstacles made within
it. This was so I could have the background running constantly and
have separate objects that could move separately to the
- For the games theme I decided to put it on a red carpet because
that relates to the idea of becoming a successful ‘rock chick’. The
objective of the game is to collect Irn Bru cans and electric guitars
but to avoid the cameras.
- There are different levels of ‘Easy’, ‘Medium’, ‘Hard’. This adds
more interest to the game and convinces people to play it for
longer so they get to try and beat all the levels.
Factors of Persuasion
- To try and get people to play this game I decided to use the persuasion technique of Reward Power as I believe it is the most effective. This is
a method where what you are saying/presenting/advertising is promising the viewer something if they go and do what is being said, in this
instance buy and drink Irn Bru. This works because it is a way of attempting to convince someone to buy the product through ‘promising’ that
something good will happen to them if they do so.
- In this example the players are persuaded to continue playing as they can complete the level and move on to the next one, e.g. showing how
good they are.
Styles of advertising
- This method of advertising is very effective as people get hooked to the game so they are continually playing.
- When people get ‘obsessed’ with something they talk about so through creating the game Irn Bru are also getting more publicity as people
will spread the word.
- A large number of people will then go to play the game and a smaller percentage of those will then go on to buy the product.
- This is therefore a very successful method of advertising as they will be getting people talking about their product and then going onto
buying it.
Real Advergame
Structures and techniques of TV advertising:
- This game has been put together with one player, a
background, an object and a goal. The objective of
this game is to throw the girder as far as you can
whilst collecting Irn Bru cans on the way. The
decision to have the game this way is to make it
more addictive, players are always going to feel like
they could go on a bit longer or they could have
collected more cans. Meaning more people spend
time on the game, enabling Irn Bru to fill them up
with more advertising for Irn Bru.
Styles of advertising
- This method of advertising is very effective as people get hooked to the game so they are continually playing.
- When people get ‘obsessed’ with something they talk about so through creating the game Irn Bru are also getting
more publicity as people will spread the word.
- A large number of people will then go to play the game and a smaller percentage of those will then go on to buy
the product.
- This is therefore a very successful method of advertising as they will be getting people talking about their product
and then going onto buying it.
Factors of Persuasion
- To persuade people to play this game the creators made this game very addicting. This persuades people to continue
playing as they always feel like they could have gone further. This could be described as ‘Reward Power’ as the players
are rewarded when they get to beat their last score or their friends score.
Print Comparison
My PrintReal Print
- The similarities between both of these adverts is the fact that they are both attention grabbing and loud in how they look. This is due to the big and bold but
still short and catchy slogans. The differences start with the fact that the real advert is a picture with no sense of movement in it, what grabs your attention is
how the dog is looking right out of the picture at you. In my advert there is a lot of movement and action going on which is what captures your attention.
- The other big difference including the differences in technical qualities between these two adverts is that the real advert is a picture, where as mine is a
drawing of a photograph. This helps to highlight and define what is also different. For instance the real advert is blunt about what it wants to say so it needs a
simple photo to add to that abruptness. Whereas in my advert the message delivered could either be taken bluntly like the real advert or in a more complicated
manner which is the path I decided to take. Drawing out my image helps to add to the impression of dreams and make believe as the advert itself isn't depicted
as ’real’. The real advert has been edited to be bright and bold whereas mine is darker apart from the slogan and logo which was designed to stand out against
the background.
- The strengths of my advert are:
- How eye catching it is due to the movement in the image.
- The slogan which is short and sweet so it can be easily remembered and talked about.
- The colour of the slogan which stands out pretty well against the background.
- The weaknesses of my advert are:
- The main object of the advert apart from the logo and slogan doesn’t stand out from the background as well as I'd hoped. I would have preferred it (now
looking back) if it stood out more and what she was wearing was brighter.
- I would have preferred it if I had put the actual product in the advert as well as that would have really sold the product to the viewers.
- In terms of changing my advert if I could I would change it so all the weaknesses I see in my advert would be dealt with and would become part of the
strengths. This would make my advert a lot more successful as I would have been self critical and dealt with the issues I felt needed to be changed.
Video Comparison
My PrintReal Print
- There aren't too many similarities between these adverts as they are both very different and filmed in a very different way , however there are a few. Both
of these follow linear narrative sequences with the clips coming in order, telling a story and having an obvious beginning, middle and end. I personally find
these adverts the best as they are easy and interesting to follow, they're also easy to remember when they come up in conversation.
- They're also similar in the fact they both use the persuasion technique of reward power. This is a method where what you are
saying/presenting/advertising is promising the viewer something if they go and do what is being said, in these instances buying KFC and Irn Bru. This works
because it is a way of attempting to convince someone to buy the product through ‘promising’ that something good will happen to them if they do so.
- In terms of differences these adverts are most different in the different techniques of editing used. In the real advert the editing used is the same
throughout the video so it helps to further convince of the moving generations (E.g./ Both couples adopted a similar looking similar aged boy dressed in a
blue shirt). In my advert I tried to have fun with the editing as the advert was meant to be fun and enjoyable, so I experimented with as many different
editing processes as possible (E.g./ When she changes into the rocker chick the editing goes funky with added colour in her her and her clothes).
- Another difference between the adverts is the sound effects, dialogue and backing track used. In the KFC advert there are words used to communicate
between the characters and to also make sure the message is clear to the viewers. At the beginning of the advert there is also slow piano music played in a
minor key, this changes throughout with the piano music becoming happier as the family start to become closer. There is also sound effects used, for
example when they're on the beach you can hear the sounds of the beach. In my advert there are a few sound effects used, for example, when she’s
playing the guitar wrong you can hear the incorrect chords. However the main sound in this advert is the song ‘Living on a Prayer’ this was because we
wanted this advert to stick in peoples heads and the best way to do this was with a catchy song that nearly everyone knows.
- If I could change this advert at all I would want to change the place it has been filmed, I would have preferred to film it in an area that would have fitted
with the theme of the advert more e.g. a music room. This would have made the adverts overall impression to be more professional and thought through.
Advergame Comparison
My AdvergameReal Advergame
- There are not many similarities between these two games. The only similarity between the two is the fact that they are both Advergame for Irn
Bru and that you have to collect the Irn Bru to collect more points.
- As for the differences there are many that appear throughout the two games. To start with in my game there are three levels and the object of
the game is to complete as many levels as possible but in the real advergame there is none and the object of the game is to just collect as many
points as possible.
- Another difference in this game is the main characters appearance in the real advergame the main character is a big muscly man who can
throw girders. In my game the main character is a girl who turns into a rocker chick after you collect enough Irn Bru.
- Another difference in the games is the ‘reward at the end’, in the real game you get a sarcastic comment at the end of your turn. In my game
you get the girl dancing around the screen transformed into a ‘Rocker chick’.
- The strengths of my Advergame are;
- The fact that it has levels as it encourages players to continue playing and spend more time on the game.
- It has rules so the players will understand how to play the game.
- The weaknesses of my Advergame are;
- It has a very basic layout so it doesn’t look very detailed.
- The characters movements are very jerky.
- If I could change my advergame I would plan it out better so I knew exactly how I wanted it to look as whilst I was creating this I was making
up how I wanted it look alongside.

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  • 2. My Print Styles of advertising - This advert has been created through using the style of Print Advert. This means that the advert is a still, so it has to be eye catching enough to attract people to take in what it says without actually actively engaging them through speech or movement - This advert uses the line of appeal of showcasing an aspirational lifestyle and dreams and fantasy. What I mean by this is its showing someone's dream/fantasy life coming true. E.g. the lifestyle they aspired to have is actually happening. - I believe this advert is fairly successful at making people want to buy the product as everyone has some sort of dream or aspiration they are working towards, so it becomes more likely that people would actually want to buy the product Structures and techniques of TV advertising : - The idea behind this advert was that after drinking the Irn Bru your dreams come true! In the example we included the girl drank the Irn Bru and then became a ‘rockstar sensation’. - I used pictures I had taken with my group member of her friend, we decided to have her hair flicking back as it looked the most animated still position and we wanted our advert to have a sense of movement and action even though it was a still. We also decided to have objects all strewed around as it added to the idea of her dream coming true was so powerful that it flung objects around the room. - This Print Advert was put together by coloring in each separate part of the picture to give a cartoon/animation effect. I decided to do this to add to the ‘dream/fantasy’ look, this was because the advert was about making your dream come true, so having the cartoon effects adds to the idea of a ‘dream’. Factors of Persuasion : - To try and make people want to buy this product I used the persuasion technique of ‘reward power’. This is a way of attempting to convince someone to buy the product through ‘promising’ that something good will happen to them if they do so. In this case it was the promise that drinking the Irn Bru would make their dreams come true. This was fun when learning how to put it into effect as we wanted the advert to be eye catching, big and confident. This was because we wanted the viewers to believe drinking the drink would in turn make them, eye catching, big and confident. If we had made this advert showcasing a quiet, unconfident, shy girl, the idea of the drink making your dreams come true would look very unbelievable and unconvincing and would therefore not attract the attention the advert should get.
  • 3. Real Print Structures and techniques of TV advertising : - This print advert has been put together very simply, with one main image as the background, a slogan and a picture of the product that is being advertised. - The writing is also edited to be bold and powerful and to really stand out against the background. Styles of advertising: - This advert has used the line of appeal using comedy and humor. This is fairly successfully at making me want to buy it because it will stick in my head when I actually go to buy a drink. Factors of Persuasion - To make people want to buy this product the producers have used an image of a dog, this will attract people to take in the poster and make time to read it as the vast majority of people like dogs. - They have also used humor to attract people. People can easily relate to dogs peeing on lampposts as its something that happens everyday. Using that sense of humor the advert is hoping to stay in peoples mind, e.g./ when they see a dog or a lamppost the advert will spring to mind. - They have also included the hashtag of #Boostism, which hints at the company's social media account. This may make want people to check - Reward Power is also used in this advert as it promises to p*ss on tiredness if people drink the drink. This is obviously what people want to hear as nobody likes feeling constantly tired. So people are more likely to try this product out as it has that promise.
  • 4. My Video Structures and techniques of TV advertising : - This advert was put together from several different shots taken in the media green screen room. We decided to film in that particular room because there was professional lighting equipment that would help with the quality of our film and help make the video look more professional. - When editing the clips to put them together and form the actual advert, I used the software Premiere Pro. This was very useful as you could not only edit the clips together but you could edit the individual clips in terms of colour correction this also helped the video to appear more professional. - This video follows a linear narrative structure, meaning it follows a storyline and has an obvious beginning, middle and end. We wanted our advert to have this structure as it helps stick in the viewers head and is also easy to follow and understand. Factors of Persuasion - To try and make people want to buy this product we decided to use the persuasion technique of Reward Power. This is a method where what you are saying/presenting/advertising is promising the viewer something if they go and do what is being said, in this instance buy and drink Irn Bru. This works because it is a way of attempting to convince someone to buy the product through ‘promising’ that something good will happen to them if they do so. - This was fun when learning how to put it into effect as we wanted the advert to be eye catching, big and confident. This was because we wanted the viewers to believe drinking the drink would in turn make them, eye catching, big and confident. If we had made this advert showcasing a quiet, unconfident, shy girl, the idea of the drink making your dreams come true would look very unbelievable and unconvincing and would therefore not attract the attention the advert should get. Styles of advertising - The style of advertising that has been used in this advert is Video Advert. Meaning it is a video that tries to sell you the product in the advert. For this advert I decided the style that was the most similar is Surreal due to the fact that drinking the Irn Bru helped her magically know how to play guitar and become a ‘Rock chick’. - To try and make this advert more successful we made it very fun, using lots of colour and movement, we also added in a song that everyone knows so the advert is easy to relate to. - I believe that this advert is fairly successful because it is fun and will stick in peoples head due to the catchy song used, this means it will remain in peoples heads when they go shopping leading them to buy the Irn Bru.
  • 5. Real Video Structures and techniques of TV advertising - This video has been put together using numerous clips. What sets this advert apart is that it shows the story going across two generations . - This decision has obviously been made so people can clearly see that the product helped and then proceeded to help again. - This video follows a narrative linear sequence with the clips coming in order, telling a story and having an obvious beginning, middle and end. This makes it very easy to understand and remember. Factors of Persuasion - The producers have made this advert using Reward Power. This is a method where what you are saying/presenting/advertising is promising the viewer something if they go and do what is being said, in this instance buying KFC. This works because it is a way of attempting to convince someone to buy the product through ‘promising’ that something good will happen to them if they do so. - In this advert they are promising that KFC brings together families, this will appeal to people who's family situation isn’t the best as they will be looking for ways to bring their family back together. For this particular advert, the family situation is that a couple have adopted a boy and KFC helps break the ice, it then shows the family having various good times together all because KFC brought them together in the first place. The story is then carried on to where the first adopted boy is then grown up and is starting a family of his own with an adopted boy and thy break the ice again by having KFC. - This story that the producers have chosen to use will tug on peoples heartstrings and will remain in peoples heads and they will talk about it to other people and therefore spreading the word about KFC without them spending any extra money, which is exactly what the producers are aiming for. Styles of advertising - The style of advertising that has been used in this advert is Video Advert. Meaning it is a video that tries to sell you the product in the advert. This advert is very successful at making people want to buy the product as it is a touching story that will connect with a lot of peop
  • 6. My Advergame Structures and techniques of TV advertising - To put my Advergame together I used Photoshop. To get it to work smoothly I made a background with certain obstacles made within it. This was so I could have the background running constantly and have separate objects that could move separately to the background. - For the games theme I decided to put it on a red carpet because that relates to the idea of becoming a successful ‘rock chick’. The objective of the game is to collect Irn Bru cans and electric guitars but to avoid the cameras. - There are different levels of ‘Easy’, ‘Medium’, ‘Hard’. This adds more interest to the game and convinces people to play it for longer so they get to try and beat all the levels. Factors of Persuasion - To try and get people to play this game I decided to use the persuasion technique of Reward Power as I believe it is the most effective. This is a method where what you are saying/presenting/advertising is promising the viewer something if they go and do what is being said, in this instance buy and drink Irn Bru. This works because it is a way of attempting to convince someone to buy the product through ‘promising’ that something good will happen to them if they do so. - In this example the players are persuaded to continue playing as they can complete the level and move on to the next one, e.g. showing how good they are. Styles of advertising - This method of advertising is very effective as people get hooked to the game so they are continually playing. - When people get ‘obsessed’ with something they talk about so through creating the game Irn Bru are also getting more publicity as people will spread the word. - A large number of people will then go to play the game and a smaller percentage of those will then go on to buy the product. - This is therefore a very successful method of advertising as they will be getting people talking about their product and then going onto buying it.
  • 7. Real Advergame Structures and techniques of TV advertising: - This game has been put together with one player, a background, an object and a goal. The objective of this game is to throw the girder as far as you can whilst collecting Irn Bru cans on the way. The decision to have the game this way is to make it more addictive, players are always going to feel like they could go on a bit longer or they could have collected more cans. Meaning more people spend time on the game, enabling Irn Bru to fill them up with more advertising for Irn Bru. Styles of advertising - This method of advertising is very effective as people get hooked to the game so they are continually playing. - When people get ‘obsessed’ with something they talk about so through creating the game Irn Bru are also getting more publicity as people will spread the word. - A large number of people will then go to play the game and a smaller percentage of those will then go on to buy the product. - This is therefore a very successful method of advertising as they will be getting people talking about their product and then going onto buying it. Factors of Persuasion - To persuade people to play this game the creators made this game very addicting. This persuades people to continue playing as they always feel like they could have gone further. This could be described as ‘Reward Power’ as the players are rewarded when they get to beat their last score or their friends score.
  • 8. Print Comparison My PrintReal Print - The similarities between both of these adverts is the fact that they are both attention grabbing and loud in how they look. This is due to the big and bold but still short and catchy slogans. The differences start with the fact that the real advert is a picture with no sense of movement in it, what grabs your attention is how the dog is looking right out of the picture at you. In my advert there is a lot of movement and action going on which is what captures your attention. - The other big difference including the differences in technical qualities between these two adverts is that the real advert is a picture, where as mine is a drawing of a photograph. This helps to highlight and define what is also different. For instance the real advert is blunt about what it wants to say so it needs a simple photo to add to that abruptness. Whereas in my advert the message delivered could either be taken bluntly like the real advert or in a more complicated manner which is the path I decided to take. Drawing out my image helps to add to the impression of dreams and make believe as the advert itself isn't depicted as ’real’. The real advert has been edited to be bright and bold whereas mine is darker apart from the slogan and logo which was designed to stand out against the background. - The strengths of my advert are: - How eye catching it is due to the movement in the image. - The slogan which is short and sweet so it can be easily remembered and talked about. - The colour of the slogan which stands out pretty well against the background. - The weaknesses of my advert are: - The main object of the advert apart from the logo and slogan doesn’t stand out from the background as well as I'd hoped. I would have preferred it (now looking back) if it stood out more and what she was wearing was brighter. - I would have preferred it if I had put the actual product in the advert as well as that would have really sold the product to the viewers. - In terms of changing my advert if I could I would change it so all the weaknesses I see in my advert would be dealt with and would become part of the strengths. This would make my advert a lot more successful as I would have been self critical and dealt with the issues I felt needed to be changed.
  • 9. Video Comparison My PrintReal Print - There aren't too many similarities between these adverts as they are both very different and filmed in a very different way , however there are a few. Both of these follow linear narrative sequences with the clips coming in order, telling a story and having an obvious beginning, middle and end. I personally find these adverts the best as they are easy and interesting to follow, they're also easy to remember when they come up in conversation. - They're also similar in the fact they both use the persuasion technique of reward power. This is a method where what you are saying/presenting/advertising is promising the viewer something if they go and do what is being said, in these instances buying KFC and Irn Bru. This works because it is a way of attempting to convince someone to buy the product through ‘promising’ that something good will happen to them if they do so. - In terms of differences these adverts are most different in the different techniques of editing used. In the real advert the editing used is the same throughout the video so it helps to further convince of the moving generations (E.g./ Both couples adopted a similar looking similar aged boy dressed in a blue shirt). In my advert I tried to have fun with the editing as the advert was meant to be fun and enjoyable, so I experimented with as many different editing processes as possible (E.g./ When she changes into the rocker chick the editing goes funky with added colour in her her and her clothes). - Another difference between the adverts is the sound effects, dialogue and backing track used. In the KFC advert there are words used to communicate between the characters and to also make sure the message is clear to the viewers. At the beginning of the advert there is also slow piano music played in a minor key, this changes throughout with the piano music becoming happier as the family start to become closer. There is also sound effects used, for example when they're on the beach you can hear the sounds of the beach. In my advert there are a few sound effects used, for example, when she’s playing the guitar wrong you can hear the incorrect chords. However the main sound in this advert is the song ‘Living on a Prayer’ this was because we wanted this advert to stick in peoples heads and the best way to do this was with a catchy song that nearly everyone knows. - If I could change this advert at all I would want to change the place it has been filmed, I would have preferred to film it in an area that would have fitted with the theme of the advert more e.g. a music room. This would have made the adverts overall impression to be more professional and thought through.
  • 10. Advergame Comparison My AdvergameReal Advergame - There are not many similarities between these two games. The only similarity between the two is the fact that they are both Advergame for Irn Bru and that you have to collect the Irn Bru to collect more points. - As for the differences there are many that appear throughout the two games. To start with in my game there are three levels and the object of the game is to complete as many levels as possible but in the real advergame there is none and the object of the game is to just collect as many points as possible. - Another difference in this game is the main characters appearance in the real advergame the main character is a big muscly man who can throw girders. In my game the main character is a girl who turns into a rocker chick after you collect enough Irn Bru. - Another difference in the games is the ‘reward at the end’, in the real game you get a sarcastic comment at the end of your turn. In my game you get the girl dancing around the screen transformed into a ‘Rocker chick’. - The strengths of my Advergame are; - The fact that it has levels as it encourages players to continue playing and spend more time on the game. - It has rules so the players will understand how to play the game. - The weaknesses of my Advergame are; - It has a very basic layout so it doesn’t look very detailed. - The characters movements are very jerky. - If I could change my advergame I would plan it out better so I knew exactly how I wanted it to look as whilst I was creating this I was making up how I wanted it look alongside.