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Magazine and Print
Sumiah Rose
1340ART - Research
To understand why this magazine puts in the content it does, we need to look at the audience it is trying to attract. To do this I
did some research into their magazine. As this magazine appears to be fairly new (they don’t have a founded date and I'm
unable to find any magazines dating before 2017), there isn’t much information online about them or their audience. What I
could find however was the information they had put onto their website, this was limited but useful.
On their website they had their audience figures, this is useful to know as I now know that they have a fairly large
following so they are catering to a lot of people, who won’t all have the same ideas about art and maybe have different
reasons for looking at the magazine. E.g./ They are artists themselves, art critics, looking to buy art or simply enjoy
looking at art. The magazine must cater to all of these peoples wants, to continue building up their following. This is
interesting to know as if I were to do an art magazine I would have to think about the different people that would want to
read the magazine and what they would want to see in it, doing this would increase the popularity of my magazine.
Here the magazine creators imply that the magazine is provided for artists to have a platform to spread their art. This
implies that their audience is predominantly artists who are looking to build their own following and spread their work. It
also implies that it is a place for people who are interested in finding art that they can buy to come to.
This is an important piece of information as it lets us know that this
magazine is international, meaning that different cultures and lifestyles are
also recognised by the magazine.
1340ART – Front PageThe colour scheme of the front page, changes as it features a piece
of artwork as its front cover. However it does have a basic colour
scheme for the page not covered by the art. The background of the
page is white, the lettering and logo in black. This has clearly been
thought out as it doesn’t distract from the art piece but it also
continues to stand out and grab its own attention, due to the contrast.
Having the white as the background and not vica versa opens up the
page instead of making it appear closed off, which is what the black
would have done. This is something I am going to have to be aware
of if I choose to do this type of magazine, as I would not want the
background and writing to distract from the main attraction – the
The front page features 2 different fonts. The first one looks like a hand
drawn font, this is carefully thought out by the creators as it adds to the fact
its an art magazine and people relate art to drawing. The second font is
more straight and professional letting people know that although this is a
fun exciting and inspirational magazine it is also a professional business.
The image is what makes up the majority of the front page. The image consists of one big shot of an eye-catching piece of artwork, this
is very effective for bringing in a range of people as it will capture the attention of many different people. Having the one image of one
piece of artwork works better than having multiple shots of multiple different pieces of artwork as it gives the viewer chance to take in
what is on the page rather than getting overwhelmed and distracted by a broad range of different images all vying for attention.
This magazines masthead is fairly simple compared to other magazines, however with it being in that particular font and colour it does
capture your attention as it looks different to the norm. I like this different kind of masthead as its not especially bold or exciting, but
still does the job letting the art on the front page do the speaking. This magazine also doesn’t feature any blobs/stars, I believe that this
magazine doesn’t need to as the image on the front page is intriguing enough to pick up the magazine without needing some ‘reward’ for
doing so.
The writing style of this magazine is hard to pick up on from just the front page, as there is minimal writing available. From what
information the front page gives me about the writing style of this magazine I would say it is fairly formal with a strict layout.
1340ART – Double Page Spread
The colour scheme of this magazine is very similar to the front cover in that it is very
simple, kept in black and white, apart from the pictures of the art which are bright, bold
and loud adding enough colour and energy to make up for the simplicity of the rest of
the page.
The fonts of these double page spreads are kept simple and formal like. This is because
the main feature of the page is the images, the editors clearly didn’t want the text to
distract from the images. The text is just there to explain the images, so it is extra details
that the magazine has added to keep the viewers interested for longer.
The images in the double page spread make up the majority of the page much like the front page. The
images inside the magazine vary in size some take up an entire page and some are left smaller
allowing text and images to also be added to the page. This way of changing the image sizes, keeps the
viewers interested to keep reading as each page has a different layout as well as different images and
text. The double page spreads do occasionally
feature a cover line e.g. Image on the left. This
larger text draws the viewers in to look at what
the text says or what the image looks like next
to the cover line.
The writing style of this magazine is fairly formal, it lets the audience know what
the inspiration behind the art is and how they created it. This is very informative
for the audience as sometimes a piece of art can be confusing and make no sense
until you are aware of the story behind it. This magazine also happened to feature
a poem e.g. Image on the left. Having this engages a viewer and sometimes people
can connect to poetry more than an informative paragraph.
1340ART – Website
The colour scheme for their website is very similar to that of the magazines, with a simple white background
and black lettering. But then also featuring the bold images of the art work. I like how they have kept the same
theme throughout their platforms as it makes it look more professional as it has its own particular ‘look’. This is
something I would think about when creating my own, as I think it would tie all my work together quite nicely.
I really like the layout of the 1340ART website as it is simple in its well-laid
out structure, but it is easy to find everything that you could want and it is
also engaging with changing images and bold text. The front page of the
website is very long, it includes a menu at the top which makes it easy to find
what you are looking for. It then goes down to show what other platforms the
1340 brand have, including a blog and a gallery as well as the magazine and
website. This particular part of the website is engaging with the audience as it
has changing images and text and the audience wants to know what other
images are going to be featured so they automatically stay on the website
longer. It then goes onto show the artwork it sells, the different prices and
also the different medias. This immediately also draws in the audience as they
realise they can buy some of the artwork featured.
The font for this website is also much like the magazine. It is
a simple, plain, black font. It does also feature the logo and
name in the same handwritten style that was featured on its
magazines front page. This as said above ties all the brands
platforms together and makes it look very professional.
Imagery is also the main feature much like the magazine,
the images help to engage with the audience. As people
are automatically drawn to colours and patterns so
having those on the front page will encourage people to
stay on the page and read the content.
Makeup Artist - ResearchTo understand why this magazine puts in the content it does, we need to look at
the audience it is trying to attract. To do this I did some research into their
magazine. Makeup artist magazine is a magazine dedicated to inspiring people
around the world using makeup. Their magazine includes tips and tricks on how
to update your makeup, the new trends in makeup and how to stand out from the
crowd. This immediately tells us that this makeup is directed at the makeup
community, makeup lovers and aspiring makeup artists. This also tells us that
this magazines audience range is quite limited, it only appeals to people
interested in makeup. However having this limited audience range could also be
seen as a good thing as they can really tailor their magazine to suit these peoples
needs and wants.
I managed to find some more information about their audience, including the
magazines online presence. This is also an important factor as everything is moving
to be digital having a magazine isn’t enough to stay relevant in modern times. In
terms of age the magazine has a broad range, this is quite interesting as I would have
thought this magazine would appeal more to the younger generations. As for their
online presence they have a fairly large following combined all together, this means
they are trying to connect to a younger audience. One thing I really like about this
information is it also talks about what roles the people who read their magazine have
in society, e.g. Professionals, Union Leaders, Students etc. This helps you to
understand the type of people who are more likely to pick up this magazine, again
helping to tailor their magazine to their following.
Makeup Artist – Front PageThe colour scheme of the front page changes according to the makeup look
they decided to showcase on the front page. To show this I chose three very
different looks that were shown on the front page of this magazine. I think the
makeup looks I chose help to show the completely different looks the
magazine can have. This shows that the magazine has amazing versatility and
can show all these different pictures whilst still looking professional and
drawing in an audience. When creating my own magazine I would like for it
to be as versatile as this, as I believe being able to show completely different
pieces of art on the front cover will bring in a wider audience as you are not
just catering to one persons preferences. In terms of the colour of the text
featured on the page, it is predominantly white which stands out against all of
the makeup looks but doesn’t take away all the attention. The less important
text is in a colour which stands out against the background but not so much
that it distracts from the main picture and the important text.
The fonts featured on the front page are all bold and eye
catching. The magazine needed to have the text like that
because the makeup looks featured are complicated so
having an equally complicated font would be too
overwhelming and the audience wouldn’t know what to
focus on. So having a simple font helps to equal out the
overall look.
The images featured on the front page are the main
attraction, they are designed to capture a viewers
attention and draw them in for a closer look. For this
to work the images have to be bold, attention grabbing
and loud. Having the images as the main feature
instead of words is a good idea as people are more
attracted by pictures than words.
The masthead for this magazine is bold so people will
remember the name, they have done this by making it big
and white so it stands out against the bright colourful
backgrounds. Having a bold mast head is crucial as the
audience need to know the name of the magazine
otherwise they wont be able to find it again and customers
will be lost. The front cover also features blobs and stars,
this further encourages the viewer to actually pick up the
magazine and read it.
The writing style of this magazine is quite casual,
they’re trying more to talk and engage with their
audience than inform them of something.
Makeup Artist – Double Page SpreadOne thing that really stands out on these double page spreads is that the colour
black is used a lot. Whereas, in other examples where black is used as the main
colour, it doesn’t drown out the images and the text instead it actually enhances
them and seems to bring them out at their best. This colour scheme also follows
that of the front page where the dark colour is used to really bring out small
details in the pictures and just overall make it more obvious to the audience.
With the text the majority of it is in white or black however they do also use the
odd word in colour just to emphaise a point. This does really help to point out to
the audience where the important bits are in the article.
The fonts that are used in this double page spread are really simple so as not to
distract from the pictures and what is actually being said in the words. With the
exception of one, The bottom left picture on the right page features the word
human that looks to be in a handwritten font. This has been done for a specific
reason, to highlight to the audience that this is s a key word in the article and
they need to pay attention that word.This magazine features a lot of images as it is meant to attract its audience
through the images. In this style of magazine what keeps the audience interested
or what attracts them in the first place is the images. So having bright, bold and
colorful images is a necessity. The images featured are also very exciting and
capture the audiences minds, it brings them in for a second look to fully take in
what has been pictured.
This magazines double pages also feature cover lines, this is another effective
way to attract and keep the audiences attention. As it captures their eyes first and
will encourage them to read the rest of the article.
The writing style of this magazine is casual. they haven’t used formal as using
that would go completely against the vibe of the magazine , they’re trying to
attract people to makeup by making it look exciting and fresh using formal
language would completely contradict this. They also don’t use completely
informal language as this to would put off the potential customers as they
wouldn’t be sure how to take the magazine, they’re showcasing professional
photos but the text language wouldn’t match, confusing the audience.
Makeup Artist – Website
The Makeup Artist Website uses the same colour scheme as the magazine, however
it doesn't use them in the same way. For instance, black isn’t the predominant colour
here instead it is white. This makes the page feel more friendly and open straight
away. Red is also still used to highlight important places on the website such as
they're social media accounts. Having these stand out on the page will instantly draw
the audiences attention and make them potentially follow.
The fonts on the website is very similar to that of the magazine. The editors have kept
it simple so as not to distract from the pictures and what is actually happening on the
page. The writing that is important is made to stand out through the use of colour. The
only part that is different is the title, this is understandably different due to the fact
that the name of the company needs to stick in peoples minds.
The photography that is featured on the website does differ from that of the magazine,
as on the website they seem to be promoting the actual product rather than the content
inside. So instead of photos of makeup looks, there are photos of the magazines front
cover and the people behind the magazine. I believe this is so the website doesn’t give
away what's inside the magazine making people not want to buy it anymore as they
already know what's going to be inside.
The writing style of this company's website is fairly casual, it is focused on letting the
audience get to know the magazine. They’re taking a personal approach which is
intended to draw an audience in.
The website also features cover lines and mastheads, this is an effective way to attract
and keep the audiences attention. As it captures their eyes first and will encourage them
to stay and explore the website more..
MOD– Research
To understand why this magazine puts in the content it does, we need to look at the audience it is trying to attract. To do this I
did some research into their magazine. I couldn’t find the exact date the magazine was started, but judging by their platform
on social media, the magazine has been running for a while. This tells us straightaway that their audience is for the vast
majority part of the younger generation.
MOD describes itself as fashion forward and ’a
platform for tomorrow’s industry leaders’. This again
narrows down the target audience. The phrase of
‘tomorrows industry leaders’ confirms to me
straightaway that they are attracting the younger
generation. More importantly it narrows it down further
more by obviously wanting to attract the younger
generation who are interested in the ever-changing
fashion industry.
MOD has a fairly big combined following on both
Instagram and twitter. This is important to know
as they must be keeping they’re social medias
accounts up to date and relevant. It also implies
that what they're posting most be interesting
enough for people to give them a follow
MOD– Front Page
I chose these two front cover examples, to show the flexibility that this magazine can demonstrate.
One is bright, bold and abstract, it stands out. The other is black and white, but still manages to stand
out due to the attention grabbing personality of the girl. I wanted to show these two just to show that
you don’t need colour to stand out as a magazine, you can go simplistic and still manage to be striking.
The font that is used on this front cover is a very basic font. It does manage to stand out due to the fact
it is bold. Due to the pictures used on the front cover a simple font is needed to not distract and divert
the attention away from what needs to be the main focus.
There is a common theme used with the images on the front
cover of this magazine. A single portrait image, with the face
being the main attraction. This is a bold statement as they have
a mission to make the face interesting enough to capture the
audiences attention. This is especially difficult as they are
doing this for every front cover not for just the odd one.
The layout of the mastheads and cover lines of this magazine is used for both of these font covers, giving
the impression that they most likely have a basic layout they use for all front covers and they just adapt it
for when it is needed. I think having a basic layout for a front cover has its advantages but also some
major disadvantages as well. An advantage being that you develop a common theme (a signature) and
your audience begins to recognize it bringing in a regular customer. A disadvantage being that as you
have the layout already made there is no room to try new things, your magazine visually doesn’t flow
with the audiences needs as the magazine is trying to keep to its signature layout.
The writing style of this magazines front cover is very casual. Its snappy and interactive with the
audience we can tell this through its use of quick phrases and punctuation. It wants to attract an audience
so does that by using a style of writing that the audience will recognize as friendly, comforting, having
this association will make them more likely to pick up the magazine.
MOD– Double Page SpreadThere is no common colour scheme with the double pages of this magazine. This is due
to the constant changing fashion pieces that it features. The fashion is constantly
changing and so are the colours leading to an array of different colours being featured.
I would say that the colour scheme of the double pages are following all the big trends,
so it is unpredictable.
As with the colour scheme the fonts
used are also in vast variety. The fonts
do seem to go along with the images
their being associated to. For example
on the photo to the left, the words are
saying frill seekers, the photo
replicates this by having a girl wear a
bold dress in a train station which is
typically associated with business and
She’s standing out. The font also implies
this, it bold, takes up a lot of space it also
a confident font which also helps to add
to the idea of a ’frill seeker’.
The images used also differ greatly
from each other, they go from full
body shots to portrait shots to
drawings. This makes the magazine
exciting, interesting and new to
viewer. This is in contrast to the front
cover which appears to follow the
same layout.
The double page spread uses mastheads and
cover lines to intrigue the audience into
actually reading the magazine and not just
looking at the photography.
MOD– Website
The colour scheme of this website isn’t exactly
identifiable, as a lot of different colours are used.
Part of the reason for this is the fashion colour
changes much like in the magazine. The other
being they have switched between background
colours, in one example white is used in the other
black. I believe this is deliberate, they're choosing
the background based on what colour
compliments the pictures the most.
This website appears to use a lot of different fonts to engage with its audience. They seem
to split their website into sections and have a different font for each section. In some ways
this would be very practical and help the audience to subconsciously realise they were on a
different part of the website. But in another sense it could also confuse their audience as
they’re not sure if what they’re reading is actually part of MOD as it has visually changed.
Although I do like the idea of changing up the look of the website. I would prefer to do it
by updating the images on the website.
Much like the magazine the website has a range of different images, ranging from full
body shot to portrait shots. I think having this broad range of photographs helps the
audience to remain interested in looking through the rest of the website, as the images are
constantly changing.
There are lots of different mastheads and cover lines used on this website, however I'm
not too keen on the look it gives to the website. I think it is too busy and over crowded,
which overwhelms the audience as they’re not sure what they’re supposed to look at,
there's no focus point. When creating my own website I would prefer to have one main
focus point so the audience is clearly aware of what they’re supposed to be looking at
Research Summary
Working Title:
Aisres Mohu
Project Concept:
For my project I am thinking of doing a digital art magazine. This is because I am very interested in this genre of art and would love to explore it
in this context. I read a few magazines based on art so making one myself will be an interesting concept. For the content of the magazine as I will
obviously need artwork, I am going to be using my own artwork as well as a friend who also creates digital art but that has a complete different
finished look to it. I think it is a good idea to have these two different art works as they are both from the same genre but people will then be able
to clearly see the different works that can be created using the same technology. In my magazine I am going to include interviews with both
myself and my friend, to gain an understanding of what we are trying to convey with our art and how we came across digital art. I might also
include a tutorial on how to create the art, depending on whether I think it would be relevant to the magazine. For the research aspect of this I will
need to research the questions I’m going to ask. For this I need to know what audience this magazine is going to be catered for as I need to know
what they will be expecting to find out from the interviews. I know this magazine is something I would personally like to read so I already know
my audience is going to consisted of people like me. Knowing this will help me to write my questions for the interview. Knowing what my
audience will want to know and then creating that for them will keep my magazine up to date and relevant. I can also find out what else they
would like to know and then also include that in the magazine once again keeping it relevant to my audience.
1 -
Mock Front Cover
For my mock front cover I ended up creating two covers. This was because I created one that I really liked however it didn’t have much writing
on and I wanted to create one that had more writing on to see what the difference would be. In the end I really liked both of the two front covers
and decided to keep both. One as a more simplistic and the other more edited.
Looking back on the covers now I notice there are some things I need to change. The title needs to be made a little bit smaller as it doesn’t quite
look like it fits. I also need to move the barcode as it looks too much in the corner.
These things are part of the learning process so knowing about stuff like this now means I will know more of what to look out for in the
production process when I’m doing it for real.
Mock Double Page Spread
I based this double page spread of off MODs double pages. They tend to feature a few images and then also have a lot of writing also. Overall I
do quite like this finished look however if I were to do it again I would add more smaller images, just to make the page a bit more exciting and
eye capturing.
For the text, instead of writing a whole pointless article, I chose to use lorem ipsum to generate random Latin words to fill in my text gaps. This
was very helpful as it helped me save time that could be more usefully spent.
I did also try something that none of the magazines showed. I used a big picture to cover one whole page. I then changed the opacity so I could
place writing on top of it and would be legible. I’m not too sure about how I feel about this as although it does look okay I don’t know whether it
would have just been better to use a smaller image, much like on the left hand side.
Mock Website
For my mock website layout I created two very different website layouts. This was because for all of my mock-ups I was creating the products
around makeup, but I realised that the makeup website I had created was quite bland and wasn’t anything close to what I wanted to create for
my art website. For my art mock I wanted it to be bright, bold and to capture the attention of the audience as soon as the page had loaded.
One thing I really liked about the makeup website was how professional it looked. It made me believe that the website was legit and I would
definitely trust it if I was the audience.
One thing I really liked about my art website was how exciting it looked, it really captures the audiences attention straight away.
I would quite like to combine these two features that I really liked from both websites into one. Having the excitement and professionalism in
one website would make my website look legit whilst also attracting and keeping the attention of an audience

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Research - Print

  • 2. 1340ART - Research To understand why this magazine puts in the content it does, we need to look at the audience it is trying to attract. To do this I did some research into their magazine. As this magazine appears to be fairly new (they don’t have a founded date and I'm unable to find any magazines dating before 2017), there isn’t much information online about them or their audience. What I could find however was the information they had put onto their website, this was limited but useful. On their website they had their audience figures, this is useful to know as I now know that they have a fairly large following so they are catering to a lot of people, who won’t all have the same ideas about art and maybe have different reasons for looking at the magazine. E.g./ They are artists themselves, art critics, looking to buy art or simply enjoy looking at art. The magazine must cater to all of these peoples wants, to continue building up their following. This is interesting to know as if I were to do an art magazine I would have to think about the different people that would want to read the magazine and what they would want to see in it, doing this would increase the popularity of my magazine. Here the magazine creators imply that the magazine is provided for artists to have a platform to spread their art. This implies that their audience is predominantly artists who are looking to build their own following and spread their work. It also implies that it is a place for people who are interested in finding art that they can buy to come to. This is an important piece of information as it lets us know that this magazine is international, meaning that different cultures and lifestyles are also recognised by the magazine.
  • 3. 1340ART – Front PageThe colour scheme of the front page, changes as it features a piece of artwork as its front cover. However it does have a basic colour scheme for the page not covered by the art. The background of the page is white, the lettering and logo in black. This has clearly been thought out as it doesn’t distract from the art piece but it also continues to stand out and grab its own attention, due to the contrast. Having the white as the background and not vica versa opens up the page instead of making it appear closed off, which is what the black would have done. This is something I am going to have to be aware of if I choose to do this type of magazine, as I would not want the background and writing to distract from the main attraction – the artwork. The front page features 2 different fonts. The first one looks like a hand drawn font, this is carefully thought out by the creators as it adds to the fact its an art magazine and people relate art to drawing. The second font is more straight and professional letting people know that although this is a fun exciting and inspirational magazine it is also a professional business. The image is what makes up the majority of the front page. The image consists of one big shot of an eye-catching piece of artwork, this is very effective for bringing in a range of people as it will capture the attention of many different people. Having the one image of one piece of artwork works better than having multiple shots of multiple different pieces of artwork as it gives the viewer chance to take in what is on the page rather than getting overwhelmed and distracted by a broad range of different images all vying for attention. This magazines masthead is fairly simple compared to other magazines, however with it being in that particular font and colour it does capture your attention as it looks different to the norm. I like this different kind of masthead as its not especially bold or exciting, but still does the job letting the art on the front page do the speaking. This magazine also doesn’t feature any blobs/stars, I believe that this magazine doesn’t need to as the image on the front page is intriguing enough to pick up the magazine without needing some ‘reward’ for doing so. The writing style of this magazine is hard to pick up on from just the front page, as there is minimal writing available. From what information the front page gives me about the writing style of this magazine I would say it is fairly formal with a strict layout.
  • 4. 1340ART – Double Page Spread The colour scheme of this magazine is very similar to the front cover in that it is very simple, kept in black and white, apart from the pictures of the art which are bright, bold and loud adding enough colour and energy to make up for the simplicity of the rest of the page. The fonts of these double page spreads are kept simple and formal like. This is because the main feature of the page is the images, the editors clearly didn’t want the text to distract from the images. The text is just there to explain the images, so it is extra details that the magazine has added to keep the viewers interested for longer. The images in the double page spread make up the majority of the page much like the front page. The images inside the magazine vary in size some take up an entire page and some are left smaller allowing text and images to also be added to the page. This way of changing the image sizes, keeps the viewers interested to keep reading as each page has a different layout as well as different images and text. The double page spreads do occasionally feature a cover line e.g. Image on the left. This larger text draws the viewers in to look at what the text says or what the image looks like next to the cover line. The writing style of this magazine is fairly formal, it lets the audience know what the inspiration behind the art is and how they created it. This is very informative for the audience as sometimes a piece of art can be confusing and make no sense until you are aware of the story behind it. This magazine also happened to feature a poem e.g. Image on the left. Having this engages a viewer and sometimes people can connect to poetry more than an informative paragraph.
  • 5. 1340ART – Website The colour scheme for their website is very similar to that of the magazines, with a simple white background and black lettering. But then also featuring the bold images of the art work. I like how they have kept the same theme throughout their platforms as it makes it look more professional as it has its own particular ‘look’. This is something I would think about when creating my own, as I think it would tie all my work together quite nicely. I really like the layout of the 1340ART website as it is simple in its well-laid out structure, but it is easy to find everything that you could want and it is also engaging with changing images and bold text. The front page of the website is very long, it includes a menu at the top which makes it easy to find what you are looking for. It then goes down to show what other platforms the 1340 brand have, including a blog and a gallery as well as the magazine and website. This particular part of the website is engaging with the audience as it has changing images and text and the audience wants to know what other images are going to be featured so they automatically stay on the website longer. It then goes onto show the artwork it sells, the different prices and also the different medias. This immediately also draws in the audience as they realise they can buy some of the artwork featured. The font for this website is also much like the magazine. It is a simple, plain, black font. It does also feature the logo and name in the same handwritten style that was featured on its magazines front page. This as said above ties all the brands platforms together and makes it look very professional. Imagery is also the main feature much like the magazine, the images help to engage with the audience. As people are automatically drawn to colours and patterns so having those on the front page will encourage people to stay on the page and read the content. STICKINESS
  • 6. Makeup Artist - ResearchTo understand why this magazine puts in the content it does, we need to look at the audience it is trying to attract. To do this I did some research into their magazine. Makeup artist magazine is a magazine dedicated to inspiring people around the world using makeup. Their magazine includes tips and tricks on how to update your makeup, the new trends in makeup and how to stand out from the crowd. This immediately tells us that this makeup is directed at the makeup community, makeup lovers and aspiring makeup artists. This also tells us that this magazines audience range is quite limited, it only appeals to people interested in makeup. However having this limited audience range could also be seen as a good thing as they can really tailor their magazine to suit these peoples needs and wants. I managed to find some more information about their audience, including the magazines online presence. This is also an important factor as everything is moving to be digital having a magazine isn’t enough to stay relevant in modern times. In terms of age the magazine has a broad range, this is quite interesting as I would have thought this magazine would appeal more to the younger generations. As for their online presence they have a fairly large following combined all together, this means they are trying to connect to a younger audience. One thing I really like about this information is it also talks about what roles the people who read their magazine have in society, e.g. Professionals, Union Leaders, Students etc. This helps you to understand the type of people who are more likely to pick up this magazine, again helping to tailor their magazine to their following.
  • 7. Makeup Artist – Front PageThe colour scheme of the front page changes according to the makeup look they decided to showcase on the front page. To show this I chose three very different looks that were shown on the front page of this magazine. I think the makeup looks I chose help to show the completely different looks the magazine can have. This shows that the magazine has amazing versatility and can show all these different pictures whilst still looking professional and drawing in an audience. When creating my own magazine I would like for it to be as versatile as this, as I believe being able to show completely different pieces of art on the front cover will bring in a wider audience as you are not just catering to one persons preferences. In terms of the colour of the text featured on the page, it is predominantly white which stands out against all of the makeup looks but doesn’t take away all the attention. The less important text is in a colour which stands out against the background but not so much that it distracts from the main picture and the important text. The fonts featured on the front page are all bold and eye catching. The magazine needed to have the text like that because the makeup looks featured are complicated so having an equally complicated font would be too overwhelming and the audience wouldn’t know what to focus on. So having a simple font helps to equal out the overall look. The images featured on the front page are the main attraction, they are designed to capture a viewers attention and draw them in for a closer look. For this to work the images have to be bold, attention grabbing and loud. Having the images as the main feature instead of words is a good idea as people are more attracted by pictures than words. The masthead for this magazine is bold so people will remember the name, they have done this by making it big and white so it stands out against the bright colourful backgrounds. Having a bold mast head is crucial as the audience need to know the name of the magazine otherwise they wont be able to find it again and customers will be lost. The front cover also features blobs and stars, this further encourages the viewer to actually pick up the magazine and read it. The writing style of this magazine is quite casual, they’re trying more to talk and engage with their audience than inform them of something.
  • 8. Makeup Artist – Double Page SpreadOne thing that really stands out on these double page spreads is that the colour black is used a lot. Whereas, in other examples where black is used as the main colour, it doesn’t drown out the images and the text instead it actually enhances them and seems to bring them out at their best. This colour scheme also follows that of the front page where the dark colour is used to really bring out small details in the pictures and just overall make it more obvious to the audience. With the text the majority of it is in white or black however they do also use the odd word in colour just to emphaise a point. This does really help to point out to the audience where the important bits are in the article. The fonts that are used in this double page spread are really simple so as not to distract from the pictures and what is actually being said in the words. With the exception of one, The bottom left picture on the right page features the word human that looks to be in a handwritten font. This has been done for a specific reason, to highlight to the audience that this is s a key word in the article and they need to pay attention that word.This magazine features a lot of images as it is meant to attract its audience through the images. In this style of magazine what keeps the audience interested or what attracts them in the first place is the images. So having bright, bold and colorful images is a necessity. The images featured are also very exciting and capture the audiences minds, it brings them in for a second look to fully take in what has been pictured. This magazines double pages also feature cover lines, this is another effective way to attract and keep the audiences attention. As it captures their eyes first and will encourage them to read the rest of the article. The writing style of this magazine is casual. they haven’t used formal as using that would go completely against the vibe of the magazine , they’re trying to attract people to makeup by making it look exciting and fresh using formal language would completely contradict this. They also don’t use completely informal language as this to would put off the potential customers as they wouldn’t be sure how to take the magazine, they’re showcasing professional photos but the text language wouldn’t match, confusing the audience.
  • 9. Makeup Artist – Website The Makeup Artist Website uses the same colour scheme as the magazine, however it doesn't use them in the same way. For instance, black isn’t the predominant colour here instead it is white. This makes the page feel more friendly and open straight away. Red is also still used to highlight important places on the website such as they're social media accounts. Having these stand out on the page will instantly draw the audiences attention and make them potentially follow. The fonts on the website is very similar to that of the magazine. The editors have kept it simple so as not to distract from the pictures and what is actually happening on the page. The writing that is important is made to stand out through the use of colour. The only part that is different is the title, this is understandably different due to the fact that the name of the company needs to stick in peoples minds. The photography that is featured on the website does differ from that of the magazine, as on the website they seem to be promoting the actual product rather than the content inside. So instead of photos of makeup looks, there are photos of the magazines front cover and the people behind the magazine. I believe this is so the website doesn’t give away what's inside the magazine making people not want to buy it anymore as they already know what's going to be inside. The writing style of this company's website is fairly casual, it is focused on letting the audience get to know the magazine. They’re taking a personal approach which is intended to draw an audience in. The website also features cover lines and mastheads, this is an effective way to attract and keep the audiences attention. As it captures their eyes first and will encourage them to stay and explore the website more..
  • 10. MOD– Research To understand why this magazine puts in the content it does, we need to look at the audience it is trying to attract. To do this I did some research into their magazine. I couldn’t find the exact date the magazine was started, but judging by their platform on social media, the magazine has been running for a while. This tells us straightaway that their audience is for the vast majority part of the younger generation. MOD describes itself as fashion forward and ’a platform for tomorrow’s industry leaders’. This again narrows down the target audience. The phrase of ‘tomorrows industry leaders’ confirms to me straightaway that they are attracting the younger generation. More importantly it narrows it down further more by obviously wanting to attract the younger generation who are interested in the ever-changing fashion industry. MOD has a fairly big combined following on both Instagram and twitter. This is important to know as they must be keeping they’re social medias accounts up to date and relevant. It also implies that what they're posting most be interesting enough for people to give them a follow
  • 11. MOD– Front Page I chose these two front cover examples, to show the flexibility that this magazine can demonstrate. One is bright, bold and abstract, it stands out. The other is black and white, but still manages to stand out due to the attention grabbing personality of the girl. I wanted to show these two just to show that you don’t need colour to stand out as a magazine, you can go simplistic and still manage to be striking. The font that is used on this front cover is a very basic font. It does manage to stand out due to the fact it is bold. Due to the pictures used on the front cover a simple font is needed to not distract and divert the attention away from what needs to be the main focus. There is a common theme used with the images on the front cover of this magazine. A single portrait image, with the face being the main attraction. This is a bold statement as they have a mission to make the face interesting enough to capture the audiences attention. This is especially difficult as they are doing this for every front cover not for just the odd one. The layout of the mastheads and cover lines of this magazine is used for both of these font covers, giving the impression that they most likely have a basic layout they use for all front covers and they just adapt it for when it is needed. I think having a basic layout for a front cover has its advantages but also some major disadvantages as well. An advantage being that you develop a common theme (a signature) and your audience begins to recognize it bringing in a regular customer. A disadvantage being that as you have the layout already made there is no room to try new things, your magazine visually doesn’t flow with the audiences needs as the magazine is trying to keep to its signature layout. The writing style of this magazines front cover is very casual. Its snappy and interactive with the audience we can tell this through its use of quick phrases and punctuation. It wants to attract an audience so does that by using a style of writing that the audience will recognize as friendly, comforting, having this association will make them more likely to pick up the magazine.
  • 12. MOD– Double Page SpreadThere is no common colour scheme with the double pages of this magazine. This is due to the constant changing fashion pieces that it features. The fashion is constantly changing and so are the colours leading to an array of different colours being featured. I would say that the colour scheme of the double pages are following all the big trends, so it is unpredictable. As with the colour scheme the fonts used are also in vast variety. The fonts do seem to go along with the images their being associated to. For example on the photo to the left, the words are saying frill seekers, the photo replicates this by having a girl wear a bold dress in a train station which is typically associated with business and traveling. She’s standing out. The font also implies this, it bold, takes up a lot of space it also a confident font which also helps to add to the idea of a ’frill seeker’. The images used also differ greatly from each other, they go from full body shots to portrait shots to drawings. This makes the magazine exciting, interesting and new to viewer. This is in contrast to the front cover which appears to follow the same layout. The double page spread uses mastheads and cover lines to intrigue the audience into actually reading the magazine and not just looking at the photography.
  • 13. MOD– Website The colour scheme of this website isn’t exactly identifiable, as a lot of different colours are used. Part of the reason for this is the fashion colour changes much like in the magazine. The other being they have switched between background colours, in one example white is used in the other black. I believe this is deliberate, they're choosing the background based on what colour compliments the pictures the most. This website appears to use a lot of different fonts to engage with its audience. They seem to split their website into sections and have a different font for each section. In some ways this would be very practical and help the audience to subconsciously realise they were on a different part of the website. But in another sense it could also confuse their audience as they’re not sure if what they’re reading is actually part of MOD as it has visually changed. Although I do like the idea of changing up the look of the website. I would prefer to do it by updating the images on the website. Much like the magazine the website has a range of different images, ranging from full body shot to portrait shots. I think having this broad range of photographs helps the audience to remain interested in looking through the rest of the website, as the images are constantly changing. There are lots of different mastheads and cover lines used on this website, however I'm not too keen on the look it gives to the website. I think it is too busy and over crowded, which overwhelms the audience as they’re not sure what they’re supposed to look at, there's no focus point. When creating my own website I would prefer to have one main focus point so the audience is clearly aware of what they’re supposed to be looking at
  • 15. Proposal Working Title: Aisres Mohu Audience: Rationale: Project Concept: For my project I am thinking of doing a digital art magazine. This is because I am very interested in this genre of art and would love to explore it in this context. I read a few magazines based on art so making one myself will be an interesting concept. For the content of the magazine as I will obviously need artwork, I am going to be using my own artwork as well as a friend who also creates digital art but that has a complete different finished look to it. I think it is a good idea to have these two different art works as they are both from the same genre but people will then be able to clearly see the different works that can be created using the same technology. In my magazine I am going to include interviews with both myself and my friend, to gain an understanding of what we are trying to convey with our art and how we came across digital art. I might also include a tutorial on how to create the art, depending on whether I think it would be relevant to the magazine. For the research aspect of this I will need to research the questions I’m going to ask. For this I need to know what audience this magazine is going to be catered for as I need to know what they will be expecting to find out from the interviews. I know this magazine is something I would personally like to read so I already know my audience is going to consisted of people like me. Knowing this will help me to write my questions for the interview. Knowing what my audience will want to know and then creating that for them will keep my magazine up to date and relevant. I can also find out what else they would like to know and then also include that in the magazine once again keeping it relevant to my audience. Evaluation:
  • 17. Mock Front Cover For my mock front cover I ended up creating two covers. This was because I created one that I really liked however it didn’t have much writing on and I wanted to create one that had more writing on to see what the difference would be. In the end I really liked both of the two front covers and decided to keep both. One as a more simplistic and the other more edited. Looking back on the covers now I notice there are some things I need to change. The title needs to be made a little bit smaller as it doesn’t quite look like it fits. I also need to move the barcode as it looks too much in the corner. These things are part of the learning process so knowing about stuff like this now means I will know more of what to look out for in the production process when I’m doing it for real.
  • 18. Mock Double Page Spread I based this double page spread of off MODs double pages. They tend to feature a few images and then also have a lot of writing also. Overall I do quite like this finished look however if I were to do it again I would add more smaller images, just to make the page a bit more exciting and eye capturing. For the text, instead of writing a whole pointless article, I chose to use lorem ipsum to generate random Latin words to fill in my text gaps. This was very helpful as it helped me save time that could be more usefully spent. I did also try something that none of the magazines showed. I used a big picture to cover one whole page. I then changed the opacity so I could place writing on top of it and would be legible. I’m not too sure about how I feel about this as although it does look okay I don’t know whether it would have just been better to use a smaller image, much like on the left hand side.
  • 19. Mock Website For my mock website layout I created two very different website layouts. This was because for all of my mock-ups I was creating the products around makeup, but I realised that the makeup website I had created was quite bland and wasn’t anything close to what I wanted to create for my art website. For my art mock I wanted it to be bright, bold and to capture the attention of the audience as soon as the page had loaded. One thing I really liked about the makeup website was how professional it looked. It made me believe that the website was legit and I would definitely trust it if I was the audience. One thing I really liked about my art website was how exciting it looked, it really captures the audiences attention straight away. I would quite like to combine these two features that I really liked from both websites into one. Having the excitement and professionalism in one website would make my website look legit whilst also attracting and keeping the attention of an audience