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European Eco-friendly and Educated Citizen” by Erasmus+, Stay 3E,
Stay Eco-friendly, Entrepreneurial, European
at primarylevel”
“Ion Simionescu” School Iasi
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any
use which may be made of the information contained therein.
TARGET GROUP: 4th, 5th, 6th grades
Young people must have an eco-responsible behaviour in order to understand the importance of
environmental conservation and protection, to reduce pollution, to avoid waste of natural resources, to learn
how to exploit the environment components.
Ecological education, due to wide personal, social, regional, national and global implications, is one
of the main objectives of governmental politics and strategies around the world.
School can help students acquire knowledge, skills, attitudes related to a healthy environment, form
an adequate behaviour and be fully aware of the necessity of rational use, conservation and protection of the
environment at local, regional and global level.
Ecological education proposed by this optional transdisciplinary integrative course is based on the
fundamental knowledge and skills acquired by the previous study of biology, geography, physics,
chemistry, sociology, history and so on.
The course is practical along its way.
-It spots its own concepts, principles and rules,
- It studies the interaction between mankind and environment
- It forms attitudes and skills that are indispensable to behaviour that is conscious, active and responsible
towards environment.
The optional course ”European Eco-friendly and Educated Citizen” aims at the formation of citizens
who are involved in social life and the issues of the environment.
This course is based on the methodological principles of the evolution of the “Environment- Society”
system – so it represents a process oriented towards the development of an ecological conscience through
attitudes, responsible behavior and values in mankind-environment relationship that will guide students to a
conscious activity of existence on Earth of the present and future generations.
From this perspective, a large methodological spectrum is required in order to form/ develop the
students‟ personality at different ages. The educational process of this course covers the three domains of
student personality: cognitive, affective and psychomotor.
This course main objective is to form a complex perspective on environment, related to the new
tendencies of civilization development, of human interaction with nature and the consequences of this
interaction, to the necessity of being aware of environmental problems and their solving ways, and also to
form a responsible behavior to the maintaining of environment quality.
 creating a link formal – informal education, related to professional development
 determining pupils to have the right attitude towards environmental protection and healthy lifestyle
 involving children in civic actions, volunteering activities
 promoting social entrepreneurship among children
 promoting intercultural dialogue
 developing a sense of belonging to European values and culture
 encouraging children to express their feelings freely, to develop their abilities, to improve life skills,
based on knowledge, responsibility, creativity, cooperation
 disseminating good practice examples and teachers‟ experience
 personal, professional, social development by improving abilities and competences in an
international context
 improving the teaching process
 developing organizational skills, in the context of European cooperation.
- Students will understand the impact of human activities on nature capacity to provide us the vital
things that are needed for human existence
- Students will transform themselves from „eco-careless‟ in children interested in environment issues
and actively implied in solving such problems.
- Students will be involved into the stages of a project and the benefits of collaborative teamwork, in
order to reach the goals they have previously established.
Prof. Nicoleta Prepelita
Ion Simionescu School, Romania
 The environment – habits and attitudes
 Alimentation - habits and attitudes
 Leisure time and outdoor activities - habits and attitudes
 The necessity of promoting environmental protection
 Ways of protecting the environment
At the end of this course, students will be able to:
1. Use the acquired knowledge (notions, rules, principles) specific to ecology and environment
2. Investigate the parameters of the environment
3. Manifest a behavior that is eco-friendly.
METHODS: research actions, heuristic conversation, demonstration, questioning, didactic project.
Purpose: to allow participants to use their own knowledge, their own experience, to achieve new
information (based on observation, experiments)
EVALUATION: observation, final products analysis, debates.
DISSEMINATION: newsletters, conversation, press releases, website
Each group will create a newsletter/ informational report that will be used for the “European Eco-Citizen
The research will be led by an experienced guide, in order to achieve a final product and taking into
- identifying common problems;
- finding the specific aspects for each country;
- finding new solutions to current problems.
1. The environment – habits and attitudes
C.1. Identify all elements of
C.2.Make the difference between
traits of human – environment
C.3. Manifest desire to participate
in activities that protect the
environment in the schoolyard,
neighborhood, park, forest and so
C.4. Do activities that raise
awareness of school community to
 Environment: home,
school, community;
 Relation between people
and environmental factors;
 Roles of nature elements
around us in the life of
people, plants and animals:
air, water, soil;
 Compliance of the hygiene
rules in everyday life.
 Presentation of short texts and stories
about animals and plants from the local
environment, in order to identify their
 Study walks, trips, hikes, in order to
learn about the neighbourhood in
different seasons;
 Watching some films, PPT
presentations about environment;
 Games related to the identification of
plants, animals and their environment;
 Creating a code of behavior in nature
and the presentation of it in school and
 Activities for environment protection:
schoolyard, neighborhood, park, forest.
2.Alimentation - habits and attitudes
C.1.Elaborate nourishment
C.2.Talk about the importance of
ecological nourishment for a
healthy life.
C.3.Learn a responsible behavior
regarding one‟s own diet.
 Relation between the
environmental factors and the
creatures of Earth;
 Nourishment and health;
 Rules of healthy
 Nourishment hygiene
 Presentation of documentaries/
collages/ slides on bad effects of toxic
food (fast-food, excess of sweets);
 Writing a list of healthy food;
 Writing a healthy menu;
 Writing a list of food preserving
rules; Practicing the reading and
understanding of the food labels;
 Games
4. Leisure time and outdoor activities - habits and attitudes
C.1. Acquire the availability and
willingness to participate in local/
national environment protection
C.2.Manifest of a responsible
behavior regarding the
environment protection;
 Role of family, school,
local public administration,
NGOs in environment
 Code of rules of human
behavior in natural
 How we protect the
 Making an ecological portfolio
”Nature pollution by humans”;
 Creating the code of rules of human
behavior in natural environment;
 Role-plays on environment
 Making of photo- exhibition about
human interventions on nature.
5. The necessity of promoting environmental protection
C.1. Generalize basic notions on
ecological education;
C.2. Be aware of the necessity of
maintaining the natural balance
through rational human
intervention on environment;
C.3. Do practical activities of
environment cleaning.
 Citizens‟ rights and
obligations regarding the
 The necessity of protecting
the environment;
 Ecological clubs roles in
the formation of future active
responsible citizens
 Founding a school club on ecology;
 Making posters, leaflets etc in order
to inform and make people aware of
the necessity of environment
 Role-play: ”What can I do for
environment protection”;
 Games on ecology;
 Organizing meetings with
representatives of ecological
organizations and associations;
 Environment cleaning: schoolyard,
neighborhood, park, forest etc
6. Ways of protecting the environment
C.1 Form skills related to the
solving of different environment
C.2. Manifest an adequate
behavior in the natural
 Ways to protect the natural
 Role of family, school,
local public administration,
NGOs into the conservation
and protection of
 Code of rules regarding
the human behavior in natural
 Practical activities to protect local
natural environment;
 Portfolio of information on human
and animal behavior in case of
earthquake, tsunami and other
natural disasters;
 Solving problem-situations;
 Meetings of children‟ ecology club -
”Through collaboration we solve
Prof. Laura Mocanu
Ion Simionescu School, Romania
 Our Global Economy‟s Impact on the Climate
 People, the Planet, and Economic Growth
 Climate Change and Social Justice
 What Is Our Relationship with the Earth?
 Reinventing a Clean and Just Economy
 How Do People Change the World?
 Crisis and Opportunity
Specific skills: At the end of this chapter, students will be able to:
1. Identify options for addressing an environmental issue and evaluate the consequences of each option
2. List the advantages and disadvantages of short-term and long-term solutions to an environmental issue or
3. List reasons why an individual or group chooses to participate or not participate in an environmental
activity at home, school, or in community
4. Explain the political, legal, and budgetary options for resolving local, state, and national environmental
5. Explain how personal actions can impact an environmental issue; e.g., doing volunteer work in
6. Develop a plan for improving or maintaining some part of the local environment and identify their role in
accomplishing this plan
7. Identify examples of how personal beliefs can influence environmental decisions
8. Give examples of education, economic, and government institutions influence on an environmental issue,
and the role of citizens in policy formation
9. Explain the importance of characteristics (such as, trust, patience, self-discipline, respect, and open-
mindedness) that enable people to function together to resolve environmental issues
Skill in Communication: Constructing and defending an argument; Working effectively in groups;
Communicating plans and processes for reaching goals; Receiving and acting on instructions, plans, and
models; Communicating with a variety of tools and skills
Skills on Connections with Community: Recognizing and acting on responsibilities as a citizen; Preparing
for work and lifelong learning; Contributing to the aesthetic and cultural life of the community; Seeing
oneself and one‟s community within the region, nation, and world; Contributing and adapting to scientific
and technological change
TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS: research actions, heuristic conversation, demonstration,
questioning, didactic project, problem-solving, critical, creative, and analytical thinking, observation,
lecture, debate, explanation.
EVALUATION METHODS: observation, projects, portfolio.
RESULTS: posters, short movies, presentations, articles, 1 themed public activity, photos
DISSEMINATION: newsletters, conversation, press releases, website, posters, brochures.
Each group will create a newsletter/ informational report that will be used for the “European Eco-Citizen
The research will be led by an experienced guide, in order to achieve a final product and taking into
 identifying common problems
 finding the specific aspects for each country
 finding new solutions to current problems.
1. Naomi Klein (2015).This Changes Everything.
2. Bill Bigelow (2014). A People's Curriculum for the Earth Teaching Climate Change and the
Environmental Crisis.
The publication provides a collection of articles, role plays, simulations, stories, poems, and graphics for
teaching about climate change.
This website belongs to the European Commission and contains materials that can be used to engage
secondary schools pupils in the discussion about climate change and the role they can play in combating it.
This website belongs to a group of European organizations with the common interest environmental
education. The website offers teaching materials, free webinars, and examples of best practices related to
climate change.
1.Our Global Economy’s Impact on the Climate
C.1.Identify the fossil fuels needed
to power the production process of
different objects from raw material
to final product, including
transportation to factories overseas.
C.2.Examine the global economy‟s
current dependence on fossil fuels
and the threats this poses for people
and the environment.
C.3.Recognize that there are
different and often opposing views
about the causes of and solutions to
global warming.
C.4.Explain how people worked to
bring about their country‟s rapid
transition to renewable sources of
C.5.Explore personal ideas about
globalization, climate change, and
how our world will be in the future.
 Fossil fuels
 Capitalism
 Climate Change
 Globalization
 Greenhouse Gases
 Incentives
 Renewable Energy
 exploring related stories and movie about
the types and the amount of resources used
for manufacturing different objects – t-
shirt, jeans, smartphone; completing
themed handouts;
 sharing personal findings on what fossil
fuels are burned;
 interpreting tables and graphics related to
global warming;
 debate on global warming issues;
 discuss what incentives that direct people
and businesses in their economic decisions
in a free market;
 describing the data trend related to the
level of carbon dioxide from 1990 to the
 creating themed drawings;
 making a poster of renewable sources of
2. People, the Planet, and Economic Growth
C.1.Analyze the quotation that
describes the conflict between the
finite resources of the planet and
the current push for growth.
C.2.Break down a case study that
illustrates the relationships among
people, the environment, and
economic growth.
C.3.Working with a group of
students to develop a solution to the
conflict presented in the case study;
 Environmentalism
 Social Inequality
 EconomicDevelopment
 Capitalism
 recording and sharing thoughts about
related quotes;
 case study on exploring issues related
to economic growth and its impact on
people and the environment -
Sompeta, India; completing related
 brainstorming on strategies of
providing electricity that are better for
people and the planet;
 evaluate diferent methods that society
uses to measure progress–GDP (
Gross domestic Product); find
alternative measures of progress;
3.Climate Change and Social Justice
C.1. Compare responses to the
1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill and the
pollution caused by the oil industry
in Nigeria.
C.2. Define the term, “climate
debt” based on textual information.
C.3. Analyze a proposed plan for
wealthy countries to pay Ecuador
not to sell its oil.
 Climate Debt
 Climate Justice
 Social Inequality
 Legacy of
 Economic
 watch the news story about the 1989
Exxon Valdez oil spill.
 respond to the questions on the Climate
Debt Analysis handout.
 discuss how the economic growth of
wealthy countries has impacted both poorer
countries and the environment.
 write arguments to explain personal
position on the strategy of having wealthy
countries compensate poorer countries for
not exploiting their oil reserves.
 explore strategies for raising money from
the wealthy to help cover the costs to
transition away from the fossil fuels;
 completing related handouts;
7. What Is Our Relationship with the Earth?
C.1.Write definitions of the
concepts of “extractivism” and
“regeneration” based on textual
C.2.Identify, describe, and evaluate
both historical and modern-day
examples of “extractivism”and
C.3.Determine how extractivism
and regeneration differ in the ways
that each places value on people
and the planet‟s resources.
C.4.Discuss whether it is possible
to have economic growth that
values both people and the
C.5.Create posters that visually
capture the idea of extractivism or
regeneration, using stories from
their study for inspiration.
 Extractivism
 Regeneration
Legacy of
 Social Justice
 Economic Growth
 Types of pollution
 The effects of the
pollution on human‟s
 completing related handouts;
 brainstorming about the meanings of
extractivism and regeneration;
 working in small groups to find and share
examples of extractivism and regeneration;
 watching video which illustrates the
values of extractivism and regeneration
coming into conflict in modern-day Greece.
 create a poster that visually captures the
idea of extractivism or regeneration, using
stories from their study for inspiration.
8. Reinventing a Clean and Just Economy
C.1.Examine a case study in which
an entrepreneur creates a
decentralized renewable energy
company to provide both economic
and environmental benefits to the
C.2.Identify non-economic factors
that can influence economic
decision making.
C.3.Analyze strategies for
reinventing the economy based on
impact, benefits, fairness and
potential barriers.
C.4.Create two-minute videos that
could be used to educate the public
about these strategies to reinvent
the economy.
 Capitalism
 Economics
 Incentives
 Just Transition
 Renewable Energy
 completing themed handouts;
 watching a video about an entrepreneur in
the field of green energy production
 focus group on the theme;
 proposing strategies that would change the
economy to reflect humanitarian values,
create good jobs, and protect the air, land and
 creating a short video, in small groups of
students, that would be used to educate the
public about one of the strategies found;
 students‟ presentation on a community
organization that promotes a clean and just
9. How Do People Change the World?
C.1.Describe the impact of citizens
who have taken action to address
various problems in society.
C.2.Identify strategies used by
citizens in a case study to come
together, communicate their
concerns, and work towards their
C.3.Consider local issues that may
require action by members of the
C.4.Evaluate the power of
government, corporations, and
citizens in shaping how society
looks and runs.
 Activism
 Civic Engagement
 Democracy
 Environment
 The 3 R‟s of the
environment – reduce,
reuse, recycle
 brainstorming on the theme “How do
people change the world?”
 watching video of how members of a
community organized themselves about an
issue of importance to them;
 discuss about the strategies and the
attitudes of the activists in the movie;
 brainstorming on themed topics: Who do
you think are the most powerful forces in
Who decides how society looks and runs?
 brainstorm and research various types of
protest and list each on index card or sticky
10. Crisis and Opportunity
C.1.Explain how a crisis can be a
moment of change, and that our
response to crisis can lead to
something better or worse.
C.2.Analyze the recovery effort of
the town of Greensburg, Kansas
following its destruction by a super
tornado in 2007.
C.3.Create specific plans for how
they would reimagine and rebuild a
model “green school” if a crisis like
a natural disaster destroyed your
 Civic Engagement
 Economics
 Democracy
 Environmental
 Social Justice
 exploring related stories and movie of
how citizens reinventing their town, re-
energized civic participation, sought
solutions that benefited everyone, and
created an alternative economy that worked
in partnership with nature for the success of
the community.
 completing handout on “Can a crisis also
be an opportunity?”; discuss students‟
responses as a class;
 imagination exercise: the school has been
destroyed by a major storm and it is up to
you to rebuild it. Develop a plan to reinvent
the school as a model “green school”;
Prof. Alexandru Andronic
Ion Simionescu School, Romania
The relationship with the environment
Pollution sources
Principles for reducing waste
Buy green
8.The relationship with the environment
C.1. Foster respect and
responsibility towards nature
C.2.Identify the effects of
human activity on the
C.3.Enumerate at least three
means of environment
C.4.Describe the relationship
between different parts of the
C.5.Name the different parts of
the environment
Key concepts:
 Nature, environment
protection, man‟s effect
on the environment,
natural balance, food
 Warm-up: “Balance in nature”- Game: “Cat
and mouse”
 Matching exercise: Comparison between
different series of effects on the environment
 Gallery tour – “The ten steps” : Matching
pictures, words and concepts
9.Pollution sources
C.1. Identify pollution sources
in Europe
C.2.Identify means of reducing
the effects of pollution on the
Key concepts:
 Pollution, recycling,
renewable energy,
environment policies
 Warm-up: Life web: Means by which students
can positively influence the environment through
every-day behavior
 Presentation: Power-point presentation on
C.3. Engage in environmental
protective behavior.
pollution in Romania and Europe, comparative
study, analyzing the effects of pollution on health
and environment
 Producing posters and similar promotional
material made of recycled material, attempting to
find solutions for the problems created by
10.Principles for reducing waste
C.1. Demonstrate
responsibility towards the
environment through
purchasing products with a low
environmental impact.
C.2. Identify products that help
protect the environment
C.3. Identify principles of
consumption that limit waste
Key concepts: 3R:
Recycle - reduce -
 Purchase recycled
materials, Responsible
 Brainstorming: The significance of Earth Day.
 Group-work: The four-principle plan for
reducing waste: Recycle, Reduce, Reuse,
purchase recycled items
 Creative activity: Design a poster on any of
the following themes: paper recycling, plastic
recycling, glass recycling, electronic products
recycling; The posters are to be displayed in a
hall at school. The activity can be done multiple
times at school level with different groups of
11. Buy green
C.1. Make smart decision
regarding green purchases
C.2.Describe 7 ecological
principles that help guide
purchasing options regarding
different products.
 Key concepts:
Ecological criteria for
product purchases
 Role-play: Going to the mall
 Interviews with ecological shopping advice
 Shop smart
 Shop for durable products
 Avoid excessive
 Purchase second- hand
 Share with friends
 Purchase ecological and economical products
 Purchase products made from recycled
 Community service: Cleaning the local river
and parks, planting trees in deforested areas.
Prof. Anca-Oana Nechifor
Ion Simionescu School, Romania
 Profile of an entrepreneur and his rights
 Progress and possibilities; ideas that have changed the world
 Responsibilities of the entrepreneur in the local community
 Entrepreneurial spirit in examples next to us
 Innovation and creativity-Business, business planning, business plan.
 Can I be a Successful Entrepreneur?
12. Profile of an entrepreneur and his rights
C.1.Construct models to
C.2.Identifying the rights of
an entrepreneur.
C.3 Learn about
entrepreneurial skills.
C.4. Establish features
common to entrepreneurs as
a basis for assessing their
own potential.
 Key themes
approached / specific
terms: entrepreneur,
business, business,
management, marketing,
• The Rights of an
• Key features / skills of
an entrepreneur /
• .Passion, self-
confidence, creativity,
desire for work,
perseverance, willingness
 Presentation of short texts and stories about
people who have made a positive difference in
the world.
 Watching some films, PPT presentations,
case studies of successful people / businesses in
the local environment;
 Achieving the portrait of an entrepreneur
with skills / skills / abilities / entrepreneurial
 Building an assessment grid where students
will assume the values and qualities of a
successful entrepreneur.
 Diary.
to learn, communication.
13. Progress and possibilities; ideas that have changed the world
C.1. Enumerate three ideas
for entrepreneurship
C.2. Make the difference
between the idea of business
and the idea of social
C.3. Create motivation for
social entrepreneurship.
 Key themes approached
Social entrepreneurship
 -facilities that value
and promote the work of
disadvantaged persons.
 -free selling products
at a price affordable to a
 -faction that gives the
profit for the cause of
disadvantaged people.
Analysis of case studies:
-Study Case 1-Christopher Benz, 31 New York,
N.Y. and Bali, Indonesia
Case Study 2-Sm Goldman, 29, and Ned
Tozun, 29,
-Study Case 3-Scott James, 37,
Presentation of documentaries / collages /
slides on company sites;
• Games.
14. .Responsibilities of the entrepreneur in the local community
C.1.Identify the obligations
of an entrepreneur;
C.2.Identify local resources
that could be used as
opportunities in an
entrepreneurial activity.
Key themes addressed
• The moral and legal
obligations of an
• Resources from the
community, which can be
used by an entrepreneur.
 Presentation of short texts or stories through
which the obligations of an entrepreneur can be
 Making a "map" of resources in the
community, such as a tourist map with material
and immaterial goods that can be considered as
 • Practical exercise from the community -
they will walk through the city and
surroundings and photograph those things or
resource people. The photos taken will be
printed and an exhibition entitled "The Riches
of My Community" will be presented. Diary.
15. Entrepreneurial spirit in examples next to us
C.1. Provide examples close
to the Romanian business
C.2.Develop interviewing
Key themes addressed
 Companies in Iasi /
Romania can offer
examples of "good
practice" towards
employees, business
partners, the environment
and the community.
 -Founders of successful
business-about ethics and
 Presentation of PPT-founders of successful
business in Iasi or Romania.
• Making an interview by the students -
preparation of an interview guide: the purpose
of the interview, the elaboration of the
questions addressed to the entrepreneur (40-60
• Role-play simulation of the interview by
• Diary.
16. Innovation and creativity-
C.1.Learn about business,
business planning, business
C.2. Plan and develop a
C.3.Create a business plan;
C.4. Produce promotional
materials (business card and
Key themes addressed
 -Innovation and creativity
in the choice of business
idea and entrepreneurship.
 -Great important steps in
starting a business-the idea
of a business and
prospecting the market,
presenting the idea of a
business to potential
 -Promotion materials-
business card and company
presentation flyer.
 -Training partners – rules.
 -Innovation and creativity
in the choice of business
idea and entrepreneurship.
 -Planning your business
and conceiving your
business plan.
 Introducing the concept of creativity through
the film "what creativity can do" and presenting
its concept / importance in producing a change
at the community level.
• Case studies: androids, the oil crisis and the
retention of young employees.
• Case study - Example of a business idea and
identifying important steps in starting a
• Making business cards and company
presentation flyers.
• Presentation of PPT-attracting partners.
• Diary.
• Business plan-sheet A5 paper, markers.
17. Can I be a Successful Entrepreneur?
C.1.Evaluate the
entrepreneurial potential of
young people and encourage
their development;
 My Entrepreneur Diary • Logs with completed evaluation forms
• Self-evaluation sheets-a little man's sketch.
• Students complete for themselves:
a) On the head of the little man - which are the
C.2. Compare personal
characteristics with those of
a successful entrepreneur.
best things I know now.
b) On the hands of the little man - which are the
most powerful / important skills
c) Right to the heart - what are the most
important values?
In short: what the student knows, what he can
do, what matters the most to him. Every student
presents, the teacher highlights the most
relevant aspects for an entrepreneur.
The activity ends with homework -Asking a
friend for a feedback on their qualities, doing
the exercise with a little man, but this time with
a different opinion.
Prof. Gina Lili Hriscu
Ion Simionescu School, Romania
 Our natural resources
 Water`s day
 Forest-the Earth's green lung
 The story of the water drop
 Kingdom of animals
 Water`s game
 The miraculous oxygen
18. Our natural resources
C.1.Identify of all natural
resources of the Earth;
C.2. Make the difference
between nonrenewable and
renewable resources ;
C.3. Identify the location of
some mineral resources, such
as bauxite, iron ore, and tin.
C.4. Develop personal skills
group interaction skills and
social and political
participation skills.
 Natural resource is
everywhere: at home, at
school, in our community;
 Relation between people
and natural resources;
 Roles of mineral resources
in our modern life;
 One day in our life
without water.
 Presentation of short texts and stories
about main natural resources;
 Watching some films, PPT presentations
about natural resources;
 Tests about natural resources/mineral
resources/renewable resources/
nonrenewable resources;
 Make a PowerPoint presentation about
natural resources in our
 Develop a plan for analyzing the degree
of human intervention that students will
carry on for a week for one natural resource
like water, air, soil, oil, forest, bird, etc .
19. Water`s day
C.1.Elaborate a plan to
celebrate water`s day;
 Festival of water;  Presentation of documentaries/collages/
slides on bad effects of pollute water.
C.2. Talk about the
importance of water on
healthy life.
C.3. Learn about a
responsible behavior
regarding the natural
 Water- water the cradle of
 Rules for clean water.
 Writing a list about the importance of
water in our life;
 Test about the most important physical
properties of water;
 Making a table with the principal source
of water in your community/country/world;
 Role play: “Water and man”;
 Exhibition of models.
20.Forest-the Earth's green lung
C.1. Identify trees and other
woody plants;
C.2. Identify causes of
diseases in plants;
C.3. Explain the effects of
some human activities on
natural resources-forest,
using the situation given;
C.4. Manifest a responsible
behavior regarding the forest
 Role of forest in our life;
 One day without forest;
 How we protect the
 Dreaming in green
 List of most popular trees in our
 Creating photo - exhibitions about
wilderness in nature;
 List three examples of energy transferred
between components of the ecosystems in
 Test about ecosystems in forests.
 Create a model of lung with trees.
1.The story of the water drop
C.1.Learn about the key
aspects of the water cycle.
C.2.Re-create the water
cycle using actions.
C.3.Make a model ofwater
cycle to observe the process
in action
 Water Cycle;
 The snow;
 The rain
 Creating posters, leaflets etc in order to
inform about water cycle;
 Role-play: ”What can I do if I want a
water drop”;
 Draw and label at least four kinds of
water forms you have seen.
2.Kingdom of animals
C.1. Prepare the student
for a career in the broad field
of natural resources and
wildlife conservation;
C.2.Emphasise on
of the relationship between
animal species and their
habitat requirements;
C.3. Apply this knowledge to
the management of
ecosystems as a means of
protecting wildlife.
 Compete for resources
between wild and
domesticated animals;
 Wild, domesticated
species and humans share
land and resources
 The advantages of
domesticated species over
wild species
 Carnival of animal species;
 Make a posters with a few wild species (
animals) in your community/country;
 Make posters with domestic animals
which are kept in your community/country.
 Role play: “Who is the king” and make a
poster at the end
3.Water`s game
C.1. Develop the ability to apply
social, cultural and political
principles to natural resources
C.2. Develop the ability to
communicate clearly and work
cooperatively with others,
especially within the context of
public involvement processes
involving resource management on
public lands
 Battle of the rivers
 Battle of the oceans
Games like:
 playing card with names of rivers in your
 “Do not upset river brothers”
 “Labyrinth water”.
4.The miraculous oxygen
C.1. Identify physical properties of
air and oxygen
C.2. Develop skills related to the
solving of different environment
C.3. Develop the ability to
communicate clearly and work
cooperatively with others.
 The power of oxygen
 Be like oxygen
 Bingo cards with properties of oxygen;
 Games : -“Find the oxygen”;
- “Say No to pollute air”
- “Why I need oxygen”.
Prof. Maria Forgaci
Ion Simionescu School, Romania
 Observation;
 Learning by discovery
 Role Play
 Group work
 Making a poster
 Conversation;
 Solving problems;
 Brainstorming
1. Observation  "A drop of water, a
drop of life"
 ,,Feathers in oil
 Watching documentaries.
 Visit to the Ecological Information and
Documentation Center.
 Experiment with petroleum drops and
 Analysis of growing plants (wheat, corn,
vegetables, flowers, etc.).
2. Learning by discovery  "From the Mysteries
of the Forest"
 "From seed to plant"
 Collection of materials from nature
 Planting seeds and tracking their evolution
3. Role Playing  ,,Detectives of
 ,,Why is Ozonel
 ,,Press`` conference…
 Creating a story from Ozonel.
 Sketch about the friends of nature.
4. Group work  Principles of
reducing waste”
 “River game”
 Group work – The four principles of
reducing waste
Reduce/Reuse/Recycle/Buy recycled
 Group work – Each team has a flipchart
sheet on in the middle of which is drawn
a river. On both sides of the river they
have to draw everything they consider
necessary for a community – houses,
schools, factories, shops, forests, fields,
farms etc. When they finish, their
drawings will be put side-by-side, to
make up a river that passes through
different communities. The teacher and
pupils analyze the drawings, ask and
answer questions etc. They think about
the waste produced by each community
that ends up in the water of the river,
emphasizing the idea that each
community pollutes the river.
5. Making a poster „Using natural and
recycled resources”
Creative activity – making posters on certain
 By recycling an aluminum can, you
save enough energy to make a TV
work for 3 hours!
 An aluminum can which you throw
away will still be there for 500 years!
 The quantity of wood and paper we
throw away every year is enough to
heat 50.000.000 houses for 20 years.
 A bottle needs 4000 years to
disintegrate in the soil.
 By recycling plastic, you save twice
as much energy than by burning it.
The posters made by pupils will be
displayed in the classroom.
D. EXPOSITORY METHODS (conversation, brainstorming)
1. Conversation  ,,Tree - beauty and
 Conversation about Christmas tree
2. Solving problems  ,,Ecologist Street``
 ,,From nothing
make a small game``
 Adding chips, tables, schemes.
 Producing panes with eco-educational
 Worksheets about ecology and
 Practical waste-recovery activity.
3. Brainstorming  "What would happen
if .......?
 "The Earth laughs,
the Earth is crying "
 `„What does the
Earth Day represent?”
The key question is intended for students in
order to get their attention and interest, to
find out what they can do for a cleaner
Starting from the Earth Day-22nd
its importance, the questions aim at defining
words such as recycling, pollution, saving
energy etc. The teacher identifies the types of
pollution. What do exhaust gases from cars,
planes and smoke from factories pollute?
Answer: the air. What does plastic and paper
waste pollute? Answer: the soil. The teacher
discusses with pupils about what they can do
every day to help protect the environment.

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"European Eco-friendly and Educated Citizen" - Optional Course

  • 1.
  • 2. European Eco-friendly and Educated Citizen” by Erasmus+, Stay 3E, “STAY 3E: Stay Eco-friendly, Entrepreneurial, European Providingpracticalsolutionsforeffectiveteachingandenjoyablelearning at primarylevel” “EUROPEAN ECO-FRIENDLY AND EDUCATED CITIZEN” OPTIONAL COURSE 2017-2018 COORDINATOR: SIMONA IORDACHE “Ion Simionescu” School Iasi This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
  • 3. “EUROPEAN ECO-FRIENDLY AND EDUCATED CITIZEN” OPTIONAL COURSE TYPE OF COURSE: TRANSDISCIPLINARY DURATION/ ORGANISATION: 1 year TARGET GROUP: 4th, 5th, 6th grades REASON: Young people must have an eco-responsible behaviour in order to understand the importance of environmental conservation and protection, to reduce pollution, to avoid waste of natural resources, to learn how to exploit the environment components. I. FOREWORD Ecological education, due to wide personal, social, regional, national and global implications, is one of the main objectives of governmental politics and strategies around the world. School can help students acquire knowledge, skills, attitudes related to a healthy environment, form an adequate behaviour and be fully aware of the necessity of rational use, conservation and protection of the environment at local, regional and global level. Ecological education proposed by this optional transdisciplinary integrative course is based on the fundamental knowledge and skills acquired by the previous study of biology, geography, physics, chemistry, sociology, history and so on. The course is practical along its way. -It spots its own concepts, principles and rules, - It studies the interaction between mankind and environment - It forms attitudes and skills that are indispensable to behaviour that is conscious, active and responsible towards environment.
  • 4. I. CONCEPTUAL LANDMARKS The optional course ”European Eco-friendly and Educated Citizen” aims at the formation of citizens who are involved in social life and the issues of the environment. This course is based on the methodological principles of the evolution of the “Environment- Society” system – so it represents a process oriented towards the development of an ecological conscience through attitudes, responsible behavior and values in mankind-environment relationship that will guide students to a conscious activity of existence on Earth of the present and future generations. From this perspective, a large methodological spectrum is required in order to form/ develop the students‟ personality at different ages. The educational process of this course covers the three domains of student personality: cognitive, affective and psychomotor. This course main objective is to form a complex perspective on environment, related to the new tendencies of civilization development, of human interaction with nature and the consequences of this interaction, to the necessity of being aware of environmental problems and their solving ways, and also to form a responsible behavior to the maintaining of environment quality. OBJECTIVES:  creating a link formal – informal education, related to professional development  determining pupils to have the right attitude towards environmental protection and healthy lifestyle  involving children in civic actions, volunteering activities  promoting social entrepreneurship among children  promoting intercultural dialogue  developing a sense of belonging to European values and culture  encouraging children to express their feelings freely, to develop their abilities, to improve life skills, based on knowledge, responsibility, creativity, cooperation  disseminating good practice examples and teachers‟ experience  personal, professional, social development by improving abilities and competences in an international context  improving the teaching process  developing organizational skills, in the context of European cooperation. IMPACT: - Students will understand the impact of human activities on nature capacity to provide us the vital things that are needed for human existence - Students will transform themselves from „eco-careless‟ in children interested in environment issues and actively implied in solving such problems. - Students will be involved into the stages of a project and the benefits of collaborative teamwork, in order to reach the goals they have previously established.
  • 5. CHAPTER I ECO-CITIZENS AND HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT Prof. Nicoleta Prepelita Ion Simionescu School, Romania CONTENTS: A) A CLEANER ENVIRONMENT, A BETTER LIFE  The environment – habits and attitudes  Alimentation - habits and attitudes  Leisure time and outdoor activities - habits and attitudes  B) LITTLE ECOLOGISTS- AMBASSADORS OF THE ENVIRONMENT  The necessity of promoting environmental protection  Ways of protecting the environment SPECIFIC SKILLS OF THE OPTIONAL COURSE ”EUROPEAN ECO-FRIENDLY AND EDUCATED CITIZEN” At the end of this course, students will be able to: 1. Use the acquired knowledge (notions, rules, principles) specific to ecology and environment protection 2. Investigate the parameters of the environment 3. Manifest a behavior that is eco-friendly. METHODS: research actions, heuristic conversation, demonstration, questioning, didactic project. Purpose: to allow participants to use their own knowledge, their own experience, to achieve new information (based on observation, experiments) EVALUATION: observation, final products analysis, debates. DISSEMINATION: newsletters, conversation, press releases, website Each group will create a newsletter/ informational report that will be used for the “European Eco-Citizen Guide”. The research will be led by an experienced guide, in order to achieve a final product and taking into consideration: - identifying common problems; - finding the specific aspects for each country; - finding new solutions to current problems.
  • 6. COMPETENCES CONTENT ACTIVITIES A. A CLEANER ENVIRONMENT, A BETTER LIFE 1. The environment – habits and attitudes C.1. Identify all elements of environment; C.2.Make the difference between traits of human – environment relationship; C.3. Manifest desire to participate in activities that protect the environment in the schoolyard, neighborhood, park, forest and so on. C.4. Do activities that raise awareness of school community to environment  Environment: home, school, community;  Relation between people and environmental factors;  Roles of nature elements around us in the life of people, plants and animals: air, water, soil;  Compliance of the hygiene rules in everyday life.  Presentation of short texts and stories about animals and plants from the local environment, in order to identify their traits;  Study walks, trips, hikes, in order to learn about the neighbourhood in different seasons;  Watching some films, PPT presentations about environment;  Games related to the identification of plants, animals and their environment;  Creating a code of behavior in nature and the presentation of it in school and community;  Activities for environment protection: schoolyard, neighborhood, park, forest. 2.Alimentation - habits and attitudes C.1.Elaborate nourishment hygiene; C.2.Talk about the importance of ecological nourishment for a healthy life. C.3.Learn a responsible behavior regarding one‟s own diet.  Relation between the environmental factors and the creatures of Earth;  Nourishment and health;  Rules of healthy nourishment;  Nourishment hygiene  Presentation of documentaries/ collages/ slides on bad effects of toxic food (fast-food, excess of sweets);  Writing a list of healthy food;  Writing a healthy menu;  Writing a list of food preserving rules; Practicing the reading and understanding of the food labels;  Games 4. Leisure time and outdoor activities - habits and attitudes C.1. Acquire the availability and willingness to participate in local/ national environment protection activities; C.2.Manifest of a responsible behavior regarding the environment protection;  Role of family, school, local public administration, NGOs in environment protection;  Code of rules of human behavior in natural environment;  How we protect the environment.  Making an ecological portfolio ”Nature pollution by humans”;  Creating the code of rules of human behavior in natural environment;  Role-plays on environment protection;  Making of photo- exhibition about human interventions on nature.
  • 7. COMPETENCES CONTENT ACTIVITIES B LITTLE ECOLOGISTS- AMBASSADORS OF THE ENVIRONMENT 5. The necessity of promoting environmental protection C.1. Generalize basic notions on ecological education; C.2. Be aware of the necessity of maintaining the natural balance through rational human intervention on environment; C.3. Do practical activities of environment cleaning.  Citizens‟ rights and obligations regarding the environment;  The necessity of protecting the environment;  Ecological clubs roles in the formation of future active responsible citizens  Founding a school club on ecology;  Making posters, leaflets etc in order to inform and make people aware of the necessity of environment protection;  Role-play: ”What can I do for environment protection”;  Games on ecology;  Organizing meetings with representatives of ecological organizations and associations;  Environment cleaning: schoolyard, neighborhood, park, forest etc 6. Ways of protecting the environment C.1 Form skills related to the solving of different environment problem-situations; C.2. Manifest an adequate behavior in the natural environment;  Ways to protect the natural environment;  Role of family, school, local public administration, NGOs into the conservation and protection of environment;  Code of rules regarding the human behavior in natural environment  Practical activities to protect local natural environment;  Portfolio of information on human and animal behavior in case of earthquake, tsunami and other natural disasters;  Solving problem-situations;  Meetings of children‟ ecology club - ”Through collaboration we solve problems”.
  • 8. CHAPTER II ECONOMY AND THE QUALITY OF THE ENVIRONMENT Prof. Laura Mocanu Ion Simionescu School, Romania CONTENTS A) S.O.S. – NATURE IN DANGER  Our Global Economy‟s Impact on the Climate  People, the Planet, and Economic Growth B) POLLUTION AND ITS EFFECTS ON HEALTH  Climate Change and Social Justice  What Is Our Relationship with the Earth?  Reinventing a Clean and Just Economy C) MAN AND NATURE  How Do People Change the World?  Crisis and Opportunity STUDENT’S SKILLS Specific skills: At the end of this chapter, students will be able to: 1. Identify options for addressing an environmental issue and evaluate the consequences of each option 2. List the advantages and disadvantages of short-term and long-term solutions to an environmental issue or problem 3. List reasons why an individual or group chooses to participate or not participate in an environmental activity at home, school, or in community 4. Explain the political, legal, and budgetary options for resolving local, state, and national environmental issues 5. Explain how personal actions can impact an environmental issue; e.g., doing volunteer work in conservation 6. Develop a plan for improving or maintaining some part of the local environment and identify their role in accomplishing this plan 7. Identify examples of how personal beliefs can influence environmental decisions 8. Give examples of education, economic, and government institutions influence on an environmental issue, and the role of citizens in policy formation 9. Explain the importance of characteristics (such as, trust, patience, self-discipline, respect, and open- mindedness) that enable people to function together to resolve environmental issues
  • 9. Skill in Communication: Constructing and defending an argument; Working effectively in groups; Communicating plans and processes for reaching goals; Receiving and acting on instructions, plans, and models; Communicating with a variety of tools and skills Skills on Connections with Community: Recognizing and acting on responsibilities as a citizen; Preparing for work and lifelong learning; Contributing to the aesthetic and cultural life of the community; Seeing oneself and one‟s community within the region, nation, and world; Contributing and adapting to scientific and technological change TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS: research actions, heuristic conversation, demonstration, questioning, didactic project, problem-solving, critical, creative, and analytical thinking, observation, lecture, debate, explanation. EVALUATION METHODS: observation, projects, portfolio. RESULTS: posters, short movies, presentations, articles, 1 themed public activity, photos DISSEMINATION: newsletters, conversation, press releases, website, posters, brochures. Each group will create a newsletter/ informational report that will be used for the “European Eco-Citizen Guide”. The research will be led by an experienced guide, in order to achieve a final product and taking into consideration:  identifying common problems  finding the specific aspects for each country  finding new solutions to current problems. RESOURCES 1. Naomi Klein (2015).This Changes Everything. 2. Bill Bigelow (2014). A People's Curriculum for the Earth Teaching Climate Change and the Environmental Crisis. The publication provides a collection of articles, role plays, simulations, stories, poems, and graphics for teaching about climate change. 3. This website belongs to the European Commission and contains materials that can be used to engage secondary schools pupils in the discussion about climate change and the role they can play in combating it. 4. This website belongs to a group of European organizations with the common interest environmental education. The website offers teaching materials, free webinars, and examples of best practices related to climate change. 5.
  • 10. COMPETENCES CONTENT ACTIVITIES A. S.O.S. – NATURE IN DANGER 1.Our Global Economy’s Impact on the Climate C.1.Identify the fossil fuels needed to power the production process of different objects from raw material to final product, including transportation to factories overseas. C.2.Examine the global economy‟s current dependence on fossil fuels and the threats this poses for people and the environment. C.3.Recognize that there are different and often opposing views about the causes of and solutions to global warming. C.4.Explain how people worked to bring about their country‟s rapid transition to renewable sources of electricity. C.5.Explore personal ideas about globalization, climate change, and how our world will be in the future.  Fossil fuels  Capitalism  Climate Change  Globalization  Greenhouse Gases  Incentives  Renewable Energy  exploring related stories and movie about the types and the amount of resources used for manufacturing different objects – t- shirt, jeans, smartphone; completing themed handouts;  sharing personal findings on what fossil fuels are burned;  interpreting tables and graphics related to global warming;  debate on global warming issues;  discuss what incentives that direct people and businesses in their economic decisions in a free market;  describing the data trend related to the level of carbon dioxide from 1990 to the present;  creating themed drawings;  making a poster of renewable sources of energy; 2. People, the Planet, and Economic Growth C.1.Analyze the quotation that describes the conflict between the finite resources of the planet and the current push for growth. C.2.Break down a case study that illustrates the relationships among people, the environment, and economic growth. C.3.Working with a group of students to develop a solution to the conflict presented in the case study;  Environmentalism  Social Inequality  EconomicDevelopment  Capitalism  recording and sharing thoughts about related quotes;  case study on exploring issues related to economic growth and its impact on people and the environment - Sompeta, India; completing related handouts;  brainstorming on strategies of providing electricity that are better for people and the planet;  evaluate diferent methods that society uses to measure progress–GDP ( Gross domestic Product); find alternative measures of progress;
  • 11. COMPETENCES CONTENT ACTIVITIES B. POLLUTION AND ITS EFFECTS ON HEALTH 3.Climate Change and Social Justice C.1. Compare responses to the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill and the pollution caused by the oil industry in Nigeria. C.2. Define the term, “climate debt” based on textual information. C.3. Analyze a proposed plan for wealthy countries to pay Ecuador not to sell its oil.  Climate Debt  Climate Justice  Social Inequality  Legacy of Colonialism  Economic Development  watch the news story about the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill.  respond to the questions on the Climate Debt Analysis handout.  discuss how the economic growth of wealthy countries has impacted both poorer countries and the environment.  write arguments to explain personal position on the strategy of having wealthy countries compensate poorer countries for not exploiting their oil reserves.  explore strategies for raising money from the wealthy to help cover the costs to transition away from the fossil fuels;  completing related handouts; 7. What Is Our Relationship with the Earth? C.1.Write definitions of the concepts of “extractivism” and “regeneration” based on textual information; C.2.Identify, describe, and evaluate both historical and modern-day examples of “extractivism”and “regeneration.” C.3.Determine how extractivism and regeneration differ in the ways that each places value on people and the planet‟s resources. C.4.Discuss whether it is possible to have economic growth that values both people and the environment. C.5.Create posters that visually capture the idea of extractivism or regeneration, using stories from their study for inspiration.  Extractivism  Regeneration Legacy of Colonialism  Social Justice  Economic Growth  Types of pollution  The effects of the pollution on human‟s health  completing related handouts;  brainstorming about the meanings of extractivism and regeneration;  working in small groups to find and share examples of extractivism and regeneration;  watching video which illustrates the values of extractivism and regeneration coming into conflict in modern-day Greece.  create a poster that visually captures the idea of extractivism or regeneration, using stories from their study for inspiration.
  • 12. 8. Reinventing a Clean and Just Economy C.1.Examine a case study in which an entrepreneur creates a decentralized renewable energy company to provide both economic and environmental benefits to the community. C.2.Identify non-economic factors that can influence economic decision making. C.3.Analyze strategies for reinventing the economy based on impact, benefits, fairness and potential barriers. C.4.Create two-minute videos that could be used to educate the public about these strategies to reinvent the economy.  Capitalism  Economics  Incentives  Just Transition  Renewable Energy  completing themed handouts;  watching a video about an entrepreneur in the field of green energy production  focus group on the theme;  proposing strategies that would change the economy to reflect humanitarian values, create good jobs, and protect the air, land and water;  creating a short video, in small groups of students, that would be used to educate the public about one of the strategies found;  students‟ presentation on a community organization that promotes a clean and just economy COMPETENCES CONTENT ACTIVITIES C. MAN AND NATURE 9. How Do People Change the World? C.1.Describe the impact of citizens who have taken action to address various problems in society. C.2.Identify strategies used by citizens in a case study to come together, communicate their concerns, and work towards their goals. C.3.Consider local issues that may require action by members of the community. C.4.Evaluate the power of government, corporations, and citizens in shaping how society looks and runs.  Activism  Civic Engagement  Democracy  Environment  The 3 R‟s of the environment – reduce, reuse, recycle  brainstorming on the theme “How do people change the world?”  watching video of how members of a community organized themselves about an issue of importance to them;  discuss about the strategies and the attitudes of the activists in the movie;  brainstorming on themed topics: Who do you think are the most powerful forces in society?Government?Corporations?Citizens? Who decides how society looks and runs?  brainstorm and research various types of protest and list each on index card or sticky notes;
  • 13. 10. Crisis and Opportunity C.1.Explain how a crisis can be a moment of change, and that our response to crisis can lead to something better or worse. C.2.Analyze the recovery effort of the town of Greensburg, Kansas following its destruction by a super tornado in 2007. C.3.Create specific plans for how they would reimagine and rebuild a model “green school” if a crisis like a natural disaster destroyed your school.  Civic Engagement  Economics  Democracy  Environmental Stewardship  Social Justice  exploring related stories and movie of how citizens reinventing their town, re- energized civic participation, sought solutions that benefited everyone, and created an alternative economy that worked in partnership with nature for the success of the community.  completing handout on “Can a crisis also be an opportunity?”; discuss students‟ responses as a class;  imagination exercise: the school has been destroyed by a major storm and it is up to you to rebuild it. Develop a plan to reinvent the school as a model “green school”;
  • 14. CHAPTER III MAN – ENVIRONMENT RELATIONSHIP IN EUROPE Prof. Alexandru Andronic Ion Simionescu School, Romania CONTENTS: A) A BRIEF HISTORY The relationship with the environment B) POLLUTION SOURCES IN EUROPE Pollution sources C) EUROPEAN ECO-CITIZEN - RECYCLE REDUCE REUSE Principles for reducing waste D) TOGETHER FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Buy green COMPETENCES CONTENT ACTIVITIES/DIDACTIC GAMES/APPLICATIONS A. A BRIEF HISTORY 8.The relationship with the environment C.1. Foster respect and responsibility towards nature C.2.Identify the effects of human activity on the environment. C.3.Enumerate at least three means of environment protection C.4.Describe the relationship between different parts of the environment C.5.Name the different parts of the environment Key concepts:  Nature, environment protection, man‟s effect on the environment, natural balance, food chain.  Warm-up: “Balance in nature”- Game: “Cat and mouse”  Matching exercise: Comparison between different series of effects on the environment  Gallery tour – “The ten steps” : Matching pictures, words and concepts B. POLLUTION SOURCES IN EUROPE 9.Pollution sources C.1. Identify pollution sources in Europe C.2.Identify means of reducing the effects of pollution on the Key concepts:  Pollution, recycling, renewable energy, environment policies  Warm-up: Life web: Means by which students can positively influence the environment through every-day behavior  Presentation: Power-point presentation on
  • 15. environment C.3. Engage in environmental protective behavior. pollution in Romania and Europe, comparative study, analyzing the effects of pollution on health and environment  Producing posters and similar promotional material made of recycled material, attempting to find solutions for the problems created by pollution. COMPETENCES CONTENT ACTIVITIES/DIDACTIC C. EUROPEAN ECO-CITIZEN - RECYCLE REDUCE REUSE 10.Principles for reducing waste C.1. Demonstrate responsibility towards the environment through purchasing products with a low environmental impact. C.2. Identify products that help protect the environment C.3. Identify principles of consumption that limit waste production Key concepts: 3R: Recycle - reduce - reuse,  Purchase recycled materials, Responsible consumers.  Brainstorming: The significance of Earth Day.  Group-work: The four-principle plan for reducing waste: Recycle, Reduce, Reuse, purchase recycled items  Creative activity: Design a poster on any of the following themes: paper recycling, plastic recycling, glass recycling, electronic products recycling; The posters are to be displayed in a hall at school. The activity can be done multiple times at school level with different groups of students. D. TOGETHER FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 11. Buy green C.1. Make smart decision regarding green purchases C.2.Describe 7 ecological principles that help guide purchasing options regarding different products.  Key concepts: Ecological criteria for product purchases  Role-play: Going to the mall  Interviews with ecological shopping advice  Shop smart  Shop for durable products  Avoid excessive packaging  Purchase second- hand  Share with friends  Purchase ecological and economical products  Purchase products made from recycled material  Community service: Cleaning the local river and parks, planting trees in deforested areas.
  • 16. CHAPTER IV RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Prof. Anca-Oana Nechifor Ion Simionescu School, Romania CONTENTS: A) THE ENTREPRENEUR'S RIGHTS  Profile of an entrepreneur and his rights  Progress and possibilities; ideas that have changed the world B)THE ENTREPRENEUR'S RESPONSIBILITIES  Responsibilities of the entrepreneur in the local community  Entrepreneurial spirit in examples next to us  Innovation and creativity-Business, business planning, business plan.  Can I be a Successful Entrepreneur? COMPETENCES CONTENT ACTIVITIES/ GOOD PRACTICE EXEMPLES/ APPLICATIONS/ DIDACTIC GAMES A. THE ENTREPRENEUR’S RIGHTS 12. Profile of an entrepreneur and his rights C.1.Construct models to follow. C.2.Identifying the rights of an entrepreneur. C.3 Learn about entrepreneurial skills. C.4. Establish features common to entrepreneurs as a basis for assessing their own potential.  Key themes approached / specific terms: entrepreneur, business, business, management, marketing, accounting. • The Rights of an Entrepreneur • Key features / skills of an entrepreneur / manager. • .Passion, self- confidence, creativity, desire for work, perseverance, willingness  Presentation of short texts and stories about people who have made a positive difference in the world.  Watching some films, PPT presentations, case studies of successful people / businesses in the local environment;  Achieving the portrait of an entrepreneur with skills / skills / abilities / entrepreneurial capacities;  Building an assessment grid where students will assume the values and qualities of a successful entrepreneur.  Diary.
  • 17. to learn, communication. 13. Progress and possibilities; ideas that have changed the world C.1. Enumerate three ideas for entrepreneurship C.2. Make the difference between the idea of business and the idea of social entrepreneurship C.3. Create motivation for social entrepreneurship.  Key themes approached Social entrepreneurship as:  -facilities that value and promote the work of disadvantaged persons.  -free selling products at a price affordable to a disadvantaged population.  -faction that gives the profit for the cause of disadvantaged people. Analysis of case studies: -Study Case 1-Christopher Benz, 31 New York, N.Y. and Bali, Indonesia Case Study 2-Sm Goldman, 29, and Ned Tozun, 29, -Study Case 3-Scott James, 37, ; Presentation of documentaries / collages / slides on company sites; Diary; • Games. B. THE ENTREPRENEUR’S RESPONSIBILITIES 14. .Responsibilities of the entrepreneur in the local community C.1.Identify the obligations of an entrepreneur; C.2.Identify local resources that could be used as opportunities in an entrepreneurial activity. Key themes addressed • The moral and legal obligations of an entrepreneur; • Resources from the community, which can be used by an entrepreneur.  Presentation of short texts or stories through which the obligations of an entrepreneur can be identified.  Making a "map" of resources in the community, such as a tourist map with material and immaterial goods that can be considered as resources.  • Practical exercise from the community - they will walk through the city and surroundings and photograph those things or resource people. The photos taken will be printed and an exhibition entitled "The Riches of My Community" will be presented. Diary. 15. Entrepreneurial spirit in examples next to us
  • 18. C.1. Provide examples close to the Romanian business environment; C.2.Develop interviewing skills. Key themes addressed  Companies in Iasi / Romania can offer examples of "good practice" towards employees, business partners, the environment and the community.  -Founders of successful business-about ethics and profitability.  Presentation of PPT-founders of successful business in Iasi or Romania. • Making an interview by the students - preparation of an interview guide: the purpose of the interview, the elaboration of the questions addressed to the entrepreneur (40-60 minutes). • Role-play simulation of the interview by students. • Diary. 16. Innovation and creativity- C.1.Learn about business, business planning, business plan. C.2. Plan and develop a business; C.3.Create a business plan; C.4. Produce promotional materials (business card and flyer). Key themes addressed  -Innovation and creativity in the choice of business idea and entrepreneurship.  -Great important steps in starting a business-the idea of a business and prospecting the market, presenting the idea of a business to potential partners.  -Promotion materials- business card and company presentation flyer.  -Training partners – rules.  -Innovation and creativity in the choice of business idea and entrepreneurship.  -Planning your business and conceiving your business plan.  Introducing the concept of creativity through the film "what creativity can do" and presenting its concept / importance in producing a change at the community level. • Case studies: androids, the oil crisis and the retention of young employees. • Case study - Example of a business idea and identifying important steps in starting a business. • Making business cards and company presentation flyers. • Presentation of PPT-attracting partners. • Diary. • Business plan-sheet A5 paper, markers. 17. Can I be a Successful Entrepreneur? C.1.Evaluate the entrepreneurial potential of young people and encourage their development;  My Entrepreneur Diary • Logs with completed evaluation forms • Self-evaluation sheets-a little man's sketch. • Students complete for themselves: a) On the head of the little man - which are the
  • 19. C.2. Compare personal characteristics with those of a successful entrepreneur. best things I know now. b) On the hands of the little man - which are the most powerful / important skills c) Right to the heart - what are the most important values? In short: what the student knows, what he can do, what matters the most to him. Every student presents, the teacher highlights the most relevant aspects for an entrepreneur. The activity ends with homework -Asking a friend for a feedback on their qualities, doing the exercise with a little man, but this time with a different opinion.
  • 20. CHAPTER V NATURAL RESOURCES Prof. Gina Lili Hriscu Ion Simionescu School, Romania CONTENTS: A) WORKSHEETS, TESTS, QUESTIONNAIRES  Our natural resources  Water`s day  Forest-the Earth's green lung B) POSTERS  The story of the water drop  Kingdom of animals C) DIDACTIC GAMES  Water`s game  The miraculous oxygen COMPETENCES CONTENT ACTIVITIES A. WORKSHEETS, TESTS, QUESTIONNAIRES 18. Our natural resources C.1.Identify of all natural resources of the Earth; C.2. Make the difference between nonrenewable and renewable resources ; C.3. Identify the location of some mineral resources, such as bauxite, iron ore, and tin. C.4. Develop personal skills group interaction skills and social and political participation skills.  Natural resource is everywhere: at home, at school, in our community;  Relation between people and natural resources;  Roles of mineral resources in our modern life;  One day in our life without water.  Presentation of short texts and stories about main natural resources;  Watching some films, PPT presentations about natural resources;  Tests about natural resources/mineral resources/renewable resources/ nonrenewable resources;  Make a PowerPoint presentation about natural resources in our community/country/world.  Develop a plan for analyzing the degree of human intervention that students will carry on for a week for one natural resource like water, air, soil, oil, forest, bird, etc .
  • 21. 19. Water`s day C.1.Elaborate a plan to celebrate water`s day;  Festival of water;  Presentation of documentaries/collages/ slides on bad effects of pollute water. C.2. Talk about the importance of water on healthy life. C.3. Learn about a responsible behavior regarding the natural resource-water.  Water- water the cradle of life;  Rules for clean water.  Writing a list about the importance of water in our life;  Test about the most important physical properties of water;  Making a table with the principal source of water in your community/country/world;  Role play: “Water and man”;  Exhibition of models. 20.Forest-the Earth's green lung C.1. Identify trees and other woody plants; C.2. Identify causes of diseases in plants; C.3. Explain the effects of some human activities on natural resources-forest, using the situation given; C.4. Manifest a responsible behavior regarding the forest protection;  Role of forest in our life;  One day without forest;  How we protect the forest.  Dreaming in green  List of most popular trees in our community/country;  Creating photo - exhibitions about wilderness in nature;  List three examples of energy transferred between components of the ecosystems in forests;  Test about ecosystems in forests.  Create a model of lung with trees. B. POSTERS 1.The story of the water drop C.1.Learn about the key aspects of the water cycle. C.2.Re-create the water cycle using actions. C.3.Make a model ofwater cycle to observe the process in action  Water Cycle;  The snow;  The rain  Creating posters, leaflets etc in order to inform about water cycle;  Role-play: ”What can I do if I want a water drop”;  Draw and label at least four kinds of water forms you have seen.
  • 22. 2.Kingdom of animals C.1. Prepare the student for a career in the broad field of natural resources and wildlife conservation; C.2.Emphasise on understanding of the relationship between animal species and their habitat requirements; C.3. Apply this knowledge to the management of ecosystems as a means of protecting wildlife.  Compete for resources between wild and domesticated animals;  Wild, domesticated species and humans share land and resources  The advantages of domesticated species over wild species  Carnival of animal species;  Make a posters with a few wild species ( animals) in your community/country;  Make posters with domestic animals which are kept in your community/country.  Role play: “Who is the king” and make a poster at the end C. DIDACTIC GAMES 3.Water`s game C.1. Develop the ability to apply social, cultural and political principles to natural resources issues. C.2. Develop the ability to communicate clearly and work cooperatively with others, especially within the context of public involvement processes involving resource management on public lands  Battle of the rivers  Battle of the oceans Games like:  playing card with names of rivers in your country;  “Do not upset river brothers”  “Labyrinth water”. 4.The miraculous oxygen C.1. Identify physical properties of air and oxygen C.2. Develop skills related to the solving of different environment problem-situations; C.3. Develop the ability to communicate clearly and work cooperatively with others.  The power of oxygen  Be like oxygen  Bingo cards with properties of oxygen;  Games : -“Find the oxygen”; - “Say No to pollute air” - “Why I need oxygen”.
  • 23. CHAPTER VI LITTLE ECO-ENTREPRENEUR’S GUIDE – YOUR ROLE IN EUROPE Prof. Maria Forgaci Ion Simionescu School, Romania CONTENTS: A) DISCOVERY METHODS (OBSERVATION, EXPLORATION)  Observation;  Learning by discovery  Role Play  Group work  Making a poster B) EXPOSITORY METHODS (CONVERSATION, BRAINSTORMING)  Conversation;  Solving problems;  Brainstorming METHOD CONTENT ACTIVITIES A. DISCOVERY METHODS 1. Observation  "A drop of water, a drop of life"  ,,Feathers in oil spots``  Watching documentaries.  Visit to the Ecological Information and Documentation Center.  Experiment with petroleum drops and feathers.  Analysis of growing plants (wheat, corn, vegetables, flowers, etc.). 2. Learning by discovery  "From the Mysteries of the Forest"  "From seed to plant"  Collection of materials from nature  Planting seeds and tracking their evolution 3. Role Playing  ,,Detectives of cleanliness``  ,,Why is Ozonel worried?``  ,,Press`` conference…  Creating a story from Ozonel.  Sketch about the friends of nature.
  • 24. 4. Group work  Principles of reducing waste”  “River game”  Group work – The four principles of reducing waste Reduce/Reuse/Recycle/Buy recycled products.  Group work – Each team has a flipchart sheet on in the middle of which is drawn a river. On both sides of the river they have to draw everything they consider necessary for a community – houses, schools, factories, shops, forests, fields, farms etc. When they finish, their drawings will be put side-by-side, to make up a river that passes through different communities. The teacher and pupils analyze the drawings, ask and answer questions etc. They think about the waste produced by each community that ends up in the water of the river, emphasizing the idea that each community pollutes the river. 5. Making a poster „Using natural and recycled resources” Creative activity – making posters on certain statements  By recycling an aluminum can, you save enough energy to make a TV work for 3 hours!  An aluminum can which you throw away will still be there for 500 years!  The quantity of wood and paper we throw away every year is enough to heat 50.000.000 houses for 20 years.  A bottle needs 4000 years to disintegrate in the soil.  By recycling plastic, you save twice as much energy than by burning it. The posters made by pupils will be displayed in the classroom.
  • 25. D. EXPOSITORY METHODS (conversation, brainstorming) 1. Conversation  ,,Tree - beauty and waste``  Conversation about Christmas tree 2. Solving problems  ,,Ecologist Street``  ,,From nothing make a small game``  Adding chips, tables, schemes.  Producing panes with eco-educational messages.  Worksheets about ecology and environment.  Practical waste-recovery activity. 3. Brainstorming  "What would happen if .......?  "The Earth laughs, the Earth is crying "  `„What does the Earth Day represent?” The key question is intended for students in order to get their attention and interest, to find out what they can do for a cleaner environment. Starting from the Earth Day-22nd April-and its importance, the questions aim at defining words such as recycling, pollution, saving energy etc. The teacher identifies the types of pollution. What do exhaust gases from cars, planes and smoke from factories pollute? Answer: the air. What does plastic and paper waste pollute? Answer: the soil. The teacher discusses with pupils about what they can do every day to help protect the environment.