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Based upon Commentary Article entitled “Measuring Sustainability: Why the
Ecological Footprint is Bad Economics and Bad Environmental Science”
by Nathan Fiala, Department of Economics, University of California

SFGS 6123: Ethics and Sustainable Policies for Science, Technology & Innovation
Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Siti Nurani Mohd Noor

                                             Mohd Fadhli Rahmat Fakri (SMB 110010)
                                             Department of Science & Technology
                                             Studies, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya
» Introduction: Key Points & Scene-Setting
» Moral Dilemma: Central Issue
» 4 Ethical Test:
       Harm Test
       Mother/Faith Test
       Professional /Organizational Test
       Publicity Test

»   Preliminary Decision
»   Factors to Reconsider
»   Recommendations & Conclusion
»   References                               2
» Ecological Footprints:
A simple measure of the
sustainability of a population‟s
consumption by converting all
consumption into the land used
in production, as well as the
theoretical land needed to
sequester (seize/remove) the GHG

» Sustainability:
The ability of present
generation to meet their needs
without compromising the
ability of future generations to   3

meet theirs.
Country A                      Country B
• Poor                         • Rich
• Inefficient food             • Very efficient food
  producer: imported             producer: both internal
  from B                         and for export

Resolution / Approach:
Extensive – look out for more land to produce food (used
to calculate relative biocapacity)
Intensive – increase production technology to increase
yield of food, thus not increase total land used.

HIGHLIGHT #1: EF failed to address intensive production    7

Historical Data                       Other major categories of
• 1961-2006 record on                 EF – built up land, natural
  production, yield and land          resources, wood, animal
  area used for all cereals by        production, GHG offsetting
  region                              (not increase much beyond
                                      current levels: inherent
• Total World Production:             value of intensive
  average rate of 2.17%               investment.
  yearly, yield rates increasing at
  2.06%/year                          HIGHLIGHT #2: calculating
                                      average land usage for
• Total world land area used for      housing a person: misleading
  all cereal production:              for future land needs
  increased on average by 0.09%
  each year                           HIGHLIGHT #3: increased
                                      popularity of confined
• DUE TO: strategy by increasing      animal feeding operations      8

  production intensively              (CAFOs) decreases the land
                                      needed (more sustainable)
HIGHLIGHT #4: EF is a static     Comparisons of Data on
concept; disability to capture   Sustainability:
such issues

HIGHLIGHT #5: very minimal
                                 According to van Kooten &
correlation between different    Bulte (2000), EF fails to
measures of degradation and      capture 1 of the most
HDI*, EF and carbon.             important issues of
                                 sustainability; land
HIGHLIGHT #6: the above will
imposed this issue: more
developed nations are not
associated with greater land
                                 •   HDI: Human Development Index:
degradation: lead to erroneous       measuring life
arguments on sustainability of       expectancy, literacy, education and
                                     standards of living worldwide which         9
current and future consumption       categorized them into 3 different groups:
patterns                             Developed, Developing and Under-
                                     Developed Countries
» ‘Major Glitches’ of the Ecological
  Footprints (EF) :
    Dominated by energy as over 50% of
     EF of most high & middle income
     nations is due to the amount of land
     necessary to sequester GHG.
    Mis-specify current sustainability of a
     system by arbitrarily determining
     boundaries, esp. problematic for cross-
     country comparisons.
    Misleading comparisons on the role of
     technology in calculating EF.
» EF is not the BEST TOOL for
  measuring sustainability due to its
  failure to be inclusive (disability
  to capture) of other important
    IMMORAL: it reflects
     unfairness, injustice and
     „victimizing‟ those affected

                   Social   Environment   11
» Aims to look for power inequalities on
  affected parties and try to answer the
  question of DOES EF DO LESS HARM?

    Affected Parties:
      Countries opting for EF as part of
        their national agenda/vision
      Policy makers
      Farmer / Manufacturer
      Ecology / Environment

  Affected Parties:    Harm / Injustice:              Status:
1 Countries opt for EF Unsustainability issues        Social Injustice
  as national agenda would not be able to be
                       addressed efficiently:
                       harmful to the society-at-
                       large as certain policy was
                       driving them to more losses
                       in terms of environmental
                       degradation and
                       overutilization of natural
2 Policy Makers        Since the conception stage     Misleading and
                       of EF, EF has been widely      Inefficient Policy
                       ‘promoted’ / ‘oversell’ as     will be
                       one of the best tool that      applied/amended
                       turn out to be Guideline for                        13
                       Policy makers regarding
                       sustainability issues

  Affected Parties:   Harm / Injustice:              Status:
3 Farmer /            Both: ‘bounded’ with policy Denying their
  Manufacturer        which in favor of EF           rights:
                                                     Farmer’s Rights
                      Manufacturer: their ability in (International
                      pursuing intensive approach Treaty on Plant
                      in increasing their            Genetic Resources
                      production are simply          for Food and
                      ignored by EF                  Agriculture)
4 Animal              Habitat loss due to            Breaching the
                      Unaccountable EF -             animal ethics as
                      misleading information:        they depend
                      possibility of                 entirely on
                      overexploitation               natural
                                                     environment and

   Affected Parties:   Harm / Injustice:        Status:
 5 Ecology /           Land Usage as Possible   Unsustainable
   Environment         Calamity of Future       Management of
                       Generation               Natural
                                                Resources could
                                                lead to conflict
                                                among nations
                                                as issues of land
                                                usage and
                                                becoming more
                                                and more crucial    15
» Utilitarianism – EF should be able to meet the
  essential requirement of providing greatest
  benefits for the greatest number of people.
      According to John Stuart Mill, Utilitarianism holds the concepts of
       duty, obligation, and right are subordinated to, and determined
       by, that which maximizes benefits and minimizes harmful

» Planetary Citizenship (Henderson &
  Ikeda, 2004) – ID the earth as a whole and the
  whole of humanity, about working towards a
  collaborative instead of a competitive
  world, with a re-shaped economy driven by
  social and environmental need rather than
  financial pressures

» Environmental Ethics on human right to
    The World Commission on Environment
      and Development claims:
   “All human beings have the fundamental
   right to an environment adequate for their
   health and well-being” (1987b:9)
   Which includes basic natural givens:
   air, soil, water, functioning ecosystems, hydrologic
   cycles and so on.

» By assuming the role of the Counter Expert
  (referring to Religious / Beliefs)

» ISLAM on Sustainable Natural Resource
    Hima (Management zones established for sustainable
     natural resource use)
    Harim (inviolable sanctuaries used for protecting water
    Ihya Al-Mawat (practice of restoring neglected land)

Islam & Environment
•   Productive Use of the Environment
•   “Whosoever plants a tree, he will be rewarded with as much
    reward as is relevant to its yields” (Bukhari).

•   The Concept of Vice-Regency
•   The human being, in the Islamic perspective is considered a
    vicegerent of the environment and this vice regency carries
    heavy responsibilities to the future.
•   "Behold, your Lord said to the angels: "I will create a vice-regents on earth." (Qur’an, 2:30)

•   Concept of Amanah (Trust) as Khalifah (Vicegerent)
•   Main responsibility of man after he has agreed to shoulder the
    task as khalifah. Thus, his amanah is to build up a civilisation for
    the good of all humanity and his environment willed by the God.
•   “Indeed, we offered the Trust to the heavens and the earth and the
    mountains, and they declined to bear it and feared it; but man [undertook to]
    bear it. Indeed, he was unjust and ignorant” (Al-Ahzab: 72)

Islam & Environment
• Living in Harmony with Nature
• The ultimate objective of life for a Muslim is salvation
  which is achieved through peace and harmony.
• "Salam, the Arabic root of the word "Islam," means
  "peace and harmony". Therefore, Islamic
  theologians argue that an "Islamic way of life entails
  living in peace and harmony" at individual and
  social as well as ecological levels (Hadith).

    10 commandments of Environmental Ethic
      1) Nothing that exists in this world is outside the divine
          plan of creation and redemption
      2) 2 fundamental: we should not reduce nature to a
          mere instrument to be manipulated and exploited
          AND we shouldn‟t make nature an absolute value
      3) Environmental issues entails the whole planet, thus
          our responsibility toward ecology extends to future
          generations (sustainability)
      4) We need to confirm both primacy of ethics and the
          rights of man over technology; in turn we should treat
          other created beings with respect
      5) Nature must not be regarded as a reality that is
          divine itself; it is not illicit to modify ecosystem, so
          long as this is done within the context of a respect for
          its order and beauty, and taking into consideration        21

          the utility of every creature.
    10 commandments of Environmental Ethic
      6) Ecological questions highlight the need to achieve a
          greater harmony both bet. measures designed to
          foment economic dev. & those directed to preserving
          ecology; vice versa.
      7) We should actively work for the integral dev. of the
          poorest regions: goods should be shared in a just and
          charitable manner: The Principle of the Universal
          Destiny of Goods
      8) Collaboration (worldwide agreements) backed up by
          international law, necessary to protect environment;
          guided by demands of the common good.
      9) Lifestyles should be oriented according to the
          Principles of Sobriety, Temperance and Self-
          Descipline; reforming our consumer mentality
      10) A spiritual response must be highlighted, inspired as   22

          such that creation is a gift from God that should be
          used responsibly and with loving care.
Christianity &
Principle of Environmental Stewardship
• God Expects Humans to be His Stewards with Nature
  Revelation 11:18. The nations were angry and your wrath has
    come. The time has come for rewarding your servants the
     prophets and your saints and those who reverence your
   name, both small and great - and for destroying those who
                        destroy the earth.

• Scripture clearly states that God created, blessed, protected
  and made a covenant with the different species. As stewards
  of His creation, Christian believers are called to do no less. It is
  their scriptural and moral duty to protect species and their

» Buddhism
» Buddhist ethics are grounded in the truth and
  experience of the Law of Dependent Co-Arising.
» Sila, or guidelines for moral action, are central to
  Buddhist practice in all traditions.
» The Three Pure Precepts are vows to refrain from
  actions that ignore interdependence, to make an effort
  to act out of understanding of interrelationship, and to
  serve all beings in the interdepending web.
» The five (Theravada) prescriptive precepts to not
  kill, not lie, not steal, not abuse sexuality or intoxicants
  spring from a fundamental recognition of relationship.
  One aims to act as respectfully and inclusively as             24

  possible toward plant, animal, and human companions.
» It is a wise-suggestion that ‘partnership‟ with
  or being inclusive to what faiths has taught us
  ever since, could help us to go a long way
  towards meeting the goals of global
  biodiversity conservation and even poverty

»   The Earth Charter Initiative
      “…a declaration of fundamental ethical principles for building a just,
        sustainable and peaceful global society in the 21st century….a product of a
        decade-long, worldwide, cross cultural dialogue on common goals and shared
        values. The Earth Charter project began as a United Nations initiative, but it
        was carried forward and completed by a global civil society initiative. The Earth
        Charter was finalized and then launched as a people’s charter in 2000 by the
        Earth Charter Commission, an independent international entity”

      Principles #1: Respect & Care for the Community of Life
         1. Respect Earth and life in all its diversity.
              a. Recognize that all beings are interdependent and every form of
              life has value regardless of its worth to human beings.
         2. Secure Earth's bounty and beauty for present and future
              a. Recognize that the freedom of action of each generation is
              qualified by the needs of future generations.
              b. Transmit to future generations values, traditions, and institutions
              that support the long-term flourishing of Earth's human and
              ecological communities.

      Principles #2: Ecological Integrity
       Protect and restore the integrity of Earth's ecological systems, with
       special concern for biological diversity and the natural processes that
       sustain life.                                                                                 26
         e. Manage the use of renewable resources such as water, soil, forest products, and marine
         life in ways that do not exceed rates of regeneration and that protect the health of
         f. Manage the extraction and use of non-renewable resources such as minerals and fossil
         fuels in ways that minimize depletion and cause no serious environmental damage.
» Scientists' Professional Code of Ethics
  Among other states that:
          Act with skill and care in all scientific work. Maintain up to date skills
           and assist their development in others.
          Take steps to prevent corrupt practices and professional misconduct.
          Declare conflicts of interest.
          Be alert to the ways research derives from and affects the work of
           other people, and respect the rights and reputations of others.
          Ensure that their work is lawful and justified.
          Minimize and justify any adverse effect your work may have on
           people, animals and the natural environment.
          Seek to discuss the issues that science raises for society. Listen to the
           aspirations and concerns of others.
          Do not knowingly mislead, or allow others to be misled, about
           scientific matters. Present and review scientific evidence, theory or
           interpretation honestly and accurately.

Reference:            27
» Universal Declaration of Human Rights
»   Article 19
    Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right
    includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to
    seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and
    regardless of frontiers.

»   Article 22
    Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is
    entitled to realization, through national effort and international co-
    operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each
    State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his
    dignity and the free development of his personality.

»   Article 27
    Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the
    community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and
    its benefits.

» Accountability: refers to the
  notion that people and
  organizations should be held
  responsible for the plans, behaviors
  and foreseeable results of
  commitments that they willingly
      E.g: difficulty in accessing relevant
      information (i.e. lack of transparency)
      often hinders accountability      and
      lead to misuse/confusion.

» Social Justice: fairness in the
  distribution of the benefits and
  burdens of social cooperation.                29
» Justice – ‘subjects’ (in this case all
  affected parties) should be treated
  according to what they entitled.
» Organized skepticism – the way our
  experts/scientists work, should be made
  applicable for future usage, thus it should
  be open to be questioned, and let the
  truth should finally rest based upon
  comparison with observed fact.

» Is it SAFE to practice EF as Sustainability Issues
  Measurement tool???
» EF should not be used for further usage as
  a measurement tool of sustainability
  (unless further improvement on the
  mechanism have been made) due to its
  disability (injustice and immoral nature).

» High possibility of misleading results of EF
      Those with positive EF results could in fact have a very high land degradation;

» High rates of possible land degradation
  (undetected via EF)
      Faster rate of land usage, more harmful ways

» EF has its uses but it should be opened for
  debate on the using of EF

»   Improving / strengthening the technical knowledge and expertise
    needed to be able to conduct a rigorous, consistent, reliable and
    comparable EF study through lectures, providing opportunities for
    relaying information and holding discussions/debates on EF

»   Resolving the so-called twin issues of DATA COMPLEXITY and
    TRANSPARENCY of the methodology in conducting EF: consider
    training and proper medium for dissemination of information on EF to
    the public

»   Resolving issues of inconsistencies in the methodologies and results
    calculated: thus they should working more towards
    standardization, transparency and credibility by being more inclusive
    towards other important indicators

»   Alignment of EF accounting with the UN-SEEA: help us in
    standardizing the accounting processes and improve the accuracy of
    allocation; in turn make them available for further use in Input-
    Output Analysis (IOA)

»   Complementary indicators to monitor progress related to other
    environmental issues undetected by EF: one suggestion is through 4
    basket indicators on the EU‟s Resource Strategy –
    EF, Environmentally-Weighted Material Consumption (EMC), Human
    Appropriation of Net Primary Production (HANPP) and Land &              33
    Ecosystem Accounts (LEAC)
» United Nations Indicator
    Developed extensive sustainability measurement
     tools in relation to SD + System of Integrated
     Environmental and Economic Accounting (UN-SEEA)
    system for organizing statistical data for the derivation of
     coherent indicators and descriptive statistics to monitor the
     interactions between the economy and the environment
     and the state of the environment to better inform decision-
    Subsystems of the SEEA framework elaborate on specific
     resources or
     sectors, including: Energy, Water, Fisheries, Land and
     Ecosystems, and Agriculture.
    Try to build bridges between the accounting community and
     the community of experts in each specific subject area.

   ˃ Reference:               34
» Benchmarks
   Point of reference for a measurement to
    assess trends and measure progress. E.g:
    2010 Biodiversity Indicators Partnership

» Indexes
    An aggregate sustainability indicator
     that combines multiple sources of data.
     E.g: Consultative Group on Sustainable
     Development Indices

» Metrics
   Monitorial Reference for the effect of human
    on biogeochemical cycles that are critical to
    life: water cycle, carbon cycle, etc.

» Auditing
      Sustainability auditing and reporting in evaluating entity
       using various performance indicators: ISO
       14000, Natural Step, Triple Bottom Line
       Accounting, Input-Output Analysis (IOA) : widely
       expanded application of EF particularly in the area of
       policy formulation related to the distribution of human
       appropriation to biocapacity.

» Accounting
    Attempt to include environmental costs rather than
     treating them as externalities: Green                          36
     Accounting, Sustainable Value, Sustainability
» After conducting all 4 ethical
  frameworks/assessment, the mechanism of EF as a tool
  of sustainability measurement is IMMORAL and thus, it
  should not be ‘oversell’ / disseminated to the
  public, UNLESS:

    EF should be revised intensive-and-extensively by experts
     of such fields by being more open and taking accounts
     all criticism on EF for further improvement of the

    Other options: considering other measurement tools
     which suits our own conditions (because one size does
     not fit all) and even better, combining them as to ensure
     the nature of inclusivity of such tools can be achieved.
Online Article:
» Environmental Ethics by Holmes Rolston, III (Blackwell Publishing, 2003)
» Ecological Citizenship and Sustainable Consumption: Examining Local Organic
    Food Networks by Gill Seyfang (Journal of Rural Studies, Elsevier Ltd, 2006)
» An Analysis of the Policy and Educational Applications of the Ecological Footprint
    by Dr. John Barrett (SEI, 2004)
» On the Ethics of CSR – Considering the Paradigm of Industrial Metabolism by Jouni
    Korhonen (Journal of Business Ethics, Kluwer Academic Publishers: 2003)
» The Ecological Footprint: A Non-Monetary Metric of Human Consumption Applied
    to North America by Maged Senbel (Global Environmental Change: Elsevier
    Science: 2003)
» London‟s Ecological Footprint: A Review by Brook Lyndhurst (Greater London
    Authority: 2003)
» A Review of the Ecological Footprint Indicator – Perceptions and Methods by
    Thomas Wiedmann & John Barrett (Sustainability Journal: 2010)

Online Article / Forum / Information on Mother / Faith Test derived from:
»   Buddhist contribution to environmental protection – Judge Weeramantry From
»   Islam, the environment and the human future - Judge Weeramantry from
»   Islam:
»   Confucian Ethics and the Environment by Li Tianchen* from The Culture Mandala, 6 no. 1. 2003. from
»   Buddhism:,
»   Acting with Compassion - Stephanie Kaza
»   Buddhism & Environmental Protection By Ven. Sheng-yen from
»   Christian:
»   A Christian View of the Environment by Ray Bohl from
»   The Environment and the Dao by David Wright from

Other Relevant Information:

Images used in this presentation found from:
     ,,, glogste,,, brucenguyen181.wordpres,,,, youlive
                                                                                41,, environment-clean-,,,

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Ethical Assessment on Ecological Footprint 2012

  • 1. 1 Based upon Commentary Article entitled “Measuring Sustainability: Why the Ecological Footprint is Bad Economics and Bad Environmental Science” by Nathan Fiala, Department of Economics, University of California SFGS 6123: Ethics and Sustainable Policies for Science, Technology & Innovation Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Siti Nurani Mohd Noor Mohd Fadhli Rahmat Fakri (SMB 110010) Department of Science & Technology Studies, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya
  • 2. » Introduction: Key Points & Scene-Setting » Moral Dilemma: Central Issue » 4 Ethical Test:  Harm Test  Mother/Faith Test  Professional /Organizational Test  Publicity Test » Preliminary Decision » Factors to Reconsider » Recommendations & Conclusion » References 2
  • 3. » Ecological Footprints: A simple measure of the sustainability of a population‟s consumption by converting all consumption into the land used in production, as well as the theoretical land needed to sequester (seize/remove) the GHG produced. » Sustainability: The ability of present generation to meet their needs without compromising the ability of future generations to 3 meet theirs.
  • 4. 4
  • 5. 5
  • 6. 6
  • 7. Country A Country B • Poor • Rich • Inefficient food • Very efficient food producer: imported producer: both internal from B and for export Resolution / Approach: Extensive – look out for more land to produce food (used to calculate relative biocapacity) Intensive – increase production technology to increase yield of food, thus not increase total land used. HIGHLIGHT #1: EF failed to address intensive production 7 growth
  • 8. Historical Data Other major categories of • 1961-2006 record on EF – built up land, natural production, yield and land resources, wood, animal area used for all cereals by production, GHG offsetting region (not increase much beyond current levels: inherent • Total World Production: value of intensive average rate of 2.17% investment. yearly, yield rates increasing at 2.06%/year HIGHLIGHT #2: calculating average land usage for • Total world land area used for housing a person: misleading all cereal production: for future land needs increased on average by 0.09% each year HIGHLIGHT #3: increased popularity of confined • DUE TO: strategy by increasing animal feeding operations 8 production intensively (CAFOs) decreases the land needed (more sustainable)
  • 9. HIGHLIGHT #4: EF is a static Comparisons of Data on concept; disability to capture Sustainability: such issues HIGHLIGHT #5: very minimal According to van Kooten & correlation between different Bulte (2000), EF fails to measures of degradation and capture 1 of the most HDI*, EF and carbon. important issues of sustainability; land HIGHLIGHT #6: the above will imposed this issue: more degradation developed nations are not associated with greater land • HDI: Human Development Index: degradation: lead to erroneous measuring life arguments on sustainability of expectancy, literacy, education and standards of living worldwide which 9 current and future consumption categorized them into 3 different groups: patterns Developed, Developing and Under- Developed Countries
  • 10. » ‘Major Glitches’ of the Ecological Footprints (EF) :  Dominated by energy as over 50% of EF of most high & middle income nations is due to the amount of land necessary to sequester GHG.  Mis-specify current sustainability of a system by arbitrarily determining boundaries, esp. problematic for cross- country comparisons.  Misleading comparisons on the role of technology in calculating EF. 10
  • 11. » EF is not the BEST TOOL for measuring sustainability due to its failure to be inclusive (disability to capture) of other important indicators.  IMMORAL: it reflects unfairness, injustice and „victimizing‟ those affected parties Economy Social Environment 11
  • 12. » Aims to look for power inequalities on affected parties and try to answer the question of DOES EF DO LESS HARM?  Affected Parties: Countries opting for EF as part of their national agenda/vision Policy makers Farmer / Manufacturer Animal Ecology / Environment 12
  • 13. » DOES EF DO LESS HARM? Affected Parties: Harm / Injustice: Status: 1 Countries opt for EF Unsustainability issues Social Injustice as national agenda would not be able to be addressed efficiently: harmful to the society-at- large as certain policy was driving them to more losses in terms of environmental degradation and overutilization of natural resources 2 Policy Makers Since the conception stage Misleading and of EF, EF has been widely Inefficient Policy ‘promoted’ / ‘oversell’ as will be one of the best tool that applied/amended turn out to be Guideline for 13 Policy makers regarding sustainability issues
  • 14. » DOES EF DO LESS HARM? Affected Parties: Harm / Injustice: Status: 3 Farmer / Both: ‘bounded’ with policy Denying their Manufacturer which in favor of EF rights: Farmer’s Rights Manufacturer: their ability in (International pursuing intensive approach Treaty on Plant in increasing their Genetic Resources production are simply for Food and ignored by EF Agriculture) 4 Animal Habitat loss due to Breaching the Unaccountable EF - animal ethics as misleading information: they depend possibility of entirely on overexploitation natural environment and 14 humankind
  • 15. » DOES EF DO LESS HARM? Affected Parties: Harm / Injustice: Status: 5 Ecology / Land Usage as Possible Unsustainable Environment Calamity of Future Management of Generation Natural Resources could lead to conflict among nations as issues of land usage and boundaries becoming more and more crucial 15
  • 16. » Utilitarianism – EF should be able to meet the essential requirement of providing greatest benefits for the greatest number of people.  According to John Stuart Mill, Utilitarianism holds the concepts of duty, obligation, and right are subordinated to, and determined by, that which maximizes benefits and minimizes harmful outcomes. » Planetary Citizenship (Henderson & Ikeda, 2004) – ID the earth as a whole and the whole of humanity, about working towards a collaborative instead of a competitive world, with a re-shaped economy driven by social and environmental need rather than financial pressures 16
  • 17. » Environmental Ethics on human right to nature:  The World Commission on Environment and Development claims: “All human beings have the fundamental right to an environment adequate for their health and well-being” (1987b:9) Which includes basic natural givens: air, soil, water, functioning ecosystems, hydrologic cycles and so on. 17
  • 18. » By assuming the role of the Counter Expert (referring to Religious / Beliefs) » ISLAM on Sustainable Natural Resource Management:  Hima (Management zones established for sustainable natural resource use)  Harim (inviolable sanctuaries used for protecting water resources)  Ihya Al-Mawat (practice of restoring neglected land) 18
  • 19. Islam & Environment • Productive Use of the Environment • “Whosoever plants a tree, he will be rewarded with as much reward as is relevant to its yields” (Bukhari). • The Concept of Vice-Regency • The human being, in the Islamic perspective is considered a vicegerent of the environment and this vice regency carries heavy responsibilities to the future. • "Behold, your Lord said to the angels: "I will create a vice-regents on earth." (Qur’an, 2:30) • Concept of Amanah (Trust) as Khalifah (Vicegerent) • Main responsibility of man after he has agreed to shoulder the task as khalifah. Thus, his amanah is to build up a civilisation for the good of all humanity and his environment willed by the God. • “Indeed, we offered the Trust to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, and they declined to bear it and feared it; but man [undertook to] bear it. Indeed, he was unjust and ignorant” (Al-Ahzab: 72) 19
  • 20. Islam & Environment • Living in Harmony with Nature • The ultimate objective of life for a Muslim is salvation which is achieved through peace and harmony. • "Salam, the Arabic root of the word "Islam," means "peace and harmony". Therefore, Islamic theologians argue that an "Islamic way of life entails living in peace and harmony" at individual and social as well as ecological levels (Hadith). 20
  • 21. » CHRISTIAN*  10 commandments of Environmental Ethic 1) Nothing that exists in this world is outside the divine plan of creation and redemption 2) 2 fundamental: we should not reduce nature to a mere instrument to be manipulated and exploited AND we shouldn‟t make nature an absolute value 3) Environmental issues entails the whole planet, thus our responsibility toward ecology extends to future generations (sustainability) 4) We need to confirm both primacy of ethics and the rights of man over technology; in turn we should treat other created beings with respect 5) Nature must not be regarded as a reality that is divine itself; it is not illicit to modify ecosystem, so long as this is done within the context of a respect for its order and beauty, and taking into consideration 21 the utility of every creature.
  • 22. » CHRISTIAN*  10 commandments of Environmental Ethic 6) Ecological questions highlight the need to achieve a greater harmony both bet. measures designed to foment economic dev. & those directed to preserving ecology; vice versa. 7) We should actively work for the integral dev. of the poorest regions: goods should be shared in a just and charitable manner: The Principle of the Universal Destiny of Goods 8) Collaboration (worldwide agreements) backed up by international law, necessary to protect environment; guided by demands of the common good. 9) Lifestyles should be oriented according to the Principles of Sobriety, Temperance and Self- Descipline; reforming our consumer mentality 10) A spiritual response must be highlighted, inspired as 22 such that creation is a gift from God that should be used responsibly and with loving care.
  • 23. Christianity & Environment Principle of Environmental Stewardship • God Expects Humans to be His Stewards with Nature Revelation 11:18. The nations were angry and your wrath has come. The time has come for rewarding your servants the prophets and your saints and those who reverence your name, both small and great - and for destroying those who destroy the earth. • Scripture clearly states that God created, blessed, protected and made a covenant with the different species. As stewards of His creation, Christian believers are called to do no less. It is their scriptural and moral duty to protect species and their habitat. 23
  • 24. » Buddhism » Buddhist ethics are grounded in the truth and experience of the Law of Dependent Co-Arising. » Sila, or guidelines for moral action, are central to Buddhist practice in all traditions. » The Three Pure Precepts are vows to refrain from actions that ignore interdependence, to make an effort to act out of understanding of interrelationship, and to serve all beings in the interdepending web. » The five (Theravada) prescriptive precepts to not kill, not lie, not steal, not abuse sexuality or intoxicants spring from a fundamental recognition of relationship. One aims to act as respectfully and inclusively as 24 possible toward plant, animal, and human companions.
  • 25. » It is a wise-suggestion that ‘partnership‟ with or being inclusive to what faiths has taught us ever since, could help us to go a long way towards meeting the goals of global biodiversity conservation and even poverty alleviation. 25
  • 26. » The Earth Charter Initiative  “…a declaration of fundamental ethical principles for building a just, sustainable and peaceful global society in the 21st century….a product of a decade-long, worldwide, cross cultural dialogue on common goals and shared values. The Earth Charter project began as a United Nations initiative, but it was carried forward and completed by a global civil society initiative. The Earth Charter was finalized and then launched as a people’s charter in 2000 by the Earth Charter Commission, an independent international entity”  Principles #1: Respect & Care for the Community of Life 1. Respect Earth and life in all its diversity. a. Recognize that all beings are interdependent and every form of life has value regardless of its worth to human beings. 2. Secure Earth's bounty and beauty for present and future generations. a. Recognize that the freedom of action of each generation is qualified by the needs of future generations. b. Transmit to future generations values, traditions, and institutions that support the long-term flourishing of Earth's human and ecological communities.  Principles #2: Ecological Integrity Protect and restore the integrity of Earth's ecological systems, with special concern for biological diversity and the natural processes that sustain life. 26 e. Manage the use of renewable resources such as water, soil, forest products, and marine life in ways that do not exceed rates of regeneration and that protect the health of ecosystems. f. Manage the extraction and use of non-renewable resources such as minerals and fossil fuels in ways that minimize depletion and cause no serious environmental damage.
  • 27. » Scientists' Professional Code of Ethics Among other states that:  Act with skill and care in all scientific work. Maintain up to date skills and assist their development in others.  Take steps to prevent corrupt practices and professional misconduct.  Declare conflicts of interest.  Be alert to the ways research derives from and affects the work of other people, and respect the rights and reputations of others.  Ensure that their work is lawful and justified.  Minimize and justify any adverse effect your work may have on people, animals and the natural environment.  Seek to discuss the issues that science raises for society. Listen to the aspirations and concerns of others.  Do not knowingly mislead, or allow others to be misled, about scientific matters. Present and review scientific evidence, theory or interpretation honestly and accurately. Reference: 27
  • 28. » Universal Declaration of Human Rights » Article 19 Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. » Article 22 Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through national effort and international co- operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality. » Article 27 Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits. 28 Reference:
  • 29. » Accountability: refers to the notion that people and organizations should be held responsible for the plans, behaviors and foreseeable results of commitments that they willingly pursue. E.g: difficulty in accessing relevant information (i.e. lack of transparency) often hinders accountability and lead to misuse/confusion. » Social Justice: fairness in the distribution of the benefits and burdens of social cooperation. 29
  • 30. » Justice – ‘subjects’ (in this case all affected parties) should be treated according to what they entitled. » Organized skepticism – the way our experts/scientists work, should be made applicable for future usage, thus it should be open to be questioned, and let the truth should finally rest based upon comparison with observed fact. 30
  • 31. » Is it SAFE to practice EF as Sustainability Issues Measurement tool??? » EF should not be used for further usage as a measurement tool of sustainability (unless further improvement on the mechanism have been made) due to its disability (injustice and immoral nature). 31
  • 32. » High possibility of misleading results of EF  Those with positive EF results could in fact have a very high land degradation; » High rates of possible land degradation (undetected via EF)  Faster rate of land usage, more harmful ways » EF has its uses but it should be opened for debate on the using of EF 32
  • 33. » Improving / strengthening the technical knowledge and expertise needed to be able to conduct a rigorous, consistent, reliable and comparable EF study through lectures, providing opportunities for relaying information and holding discussions/debates on EF » Resolving the so-called twin issues of DATA COMPLEXITY and TRANSPARENCY of the methodology in conducting EF: consider training and proper medium for dissemination of information on EF to the public » Resolving issues of inconsistencies in the methodologies and results calculated: thus they should working more towards standardization, transparency and credibility by being more inclusive towards other important indicators » Alignment of EF accounting with the UN-SEEA: help us in standardizing the accounting processes and improve the accuracy of allocation; in turn make them available for further use in Input- Output Analysis (IOA) » Complementary indicators to monitor progress related to other environmental issues undetected by EF: one suggestion is through 4 basket indicators on the EU‟s Resource Strategy – EF, Environmentally-Weighted Material Consumption (EMC), Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production (HANPP) and Land & 33 Ecosystem Accounts (LEAC)
  • 34. » United Nations Indicator  Developed extensive sustainability measurement tools in relation to SD + System of Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting (UN-SEEA)  system for organizing statistical data for the derivation of coherent indicators and descriptive statistics to monitor the interactions between the economy and the environment and the state of the environment to better inform decision- making.  Subsystems of the SEEA framework elaborate on specific resources or sectors, including: Energy, Water, Fisheries, Land and Ecosystems, and Agriculture.  Try to build bridges between the accounting community and the community of experts in each specific subject area. ˃ Reference: 34
  • 35. » Benchmarks  Point of reference for a measurement to assess trends and measure progress. E.g: 2010 Biodiversity Indicators Partnership » Indexes  An aggregate sustainability indicator that combines multiple sources of data. E.g: Consultative Group on Sustainable Development Indices 35
  • 36. » Metrics  Monitorial Reference for the effect of human on biogeochemical cycles that are critical to life: water cycle, carbon cycle, etc. » Auditing  Sustainability auditing and reporting in evaluating entity using various performance indicators: ISO 14000, Natural Step, Triple Bottom Line Accounting, Input-Output Analysis (IOA) : widely expanded application of EF particularly in the area of policy formulation related to the distribution of human appropriation to biocapacity. » Accounting  Attempt to include environmental costs rather than treating them as externalities: Green 36 Accounting, Sustainable Value, Sustainability Economics
  • 37. » After conducting all 4 ethical frameworks/assessment, the mechanism of EF as a tool of sustainability measurement is IMMORAL and thus, it should not be ‘oversell’ / disseminated to the public, UNLESS:  EF should be revised intensive-and-extensively by experts of such fields by being more open and taking accounts all criticism on EF for further improvement of the system.  Other options: considering other measurement tools which suits our own conditions (because one size does not fit all) and even better, combining them as to ensure the nature of inclusivity of such tools can be achieved. 37
  • 38. 38
  • 39. Online Article: » Environmental Ethics by Holmes Rolston, III (Blackwell Publishing, 2003) » Ecological Citizenship and Sustainable Consumption: Examining Local Organic Food Networks by Gill Seyfang (Journal of Rural Studies, Elsevier Ltd, 2006) » An Analysis of the Policy and Educational Applications of the Ecological Footprint by Dr. John Barrett (SEI, 2004) » On the Ethics of CSR – Considering the Paradigm of Industrial Metabolism by Jouni Korhonen (Journal of Business Ethics, Kluwer Academic Publishers: 2003) » The Ecological Footprint: A Non-Monetary Metric of Human Consumption Applied to North America by Maged Senbel (Global Environmental Change: Elsevier Science: 2003) » London‟s Ecological Footprint: A Review by Brook Lyndhurst (Greater London Authority: 2003) » A Review of the Ecological Footprint Indicator – Perceptions and Methods by Thomas Wiedmann & John Barrett (Sustainability Journal: 2010) 39
  • 40. Online Article / Forum / Information on Mother / Faith Test derived from: » Buddhist contribution to environmental protection – Judge Weeramantry From » Islam, the environment and the human future - Judge Weeramantry from » Islam: » Confucian Ethics and the Environment by Li Tianchen* from The Culture Mandala, 6 no. 1. 2003. from » Buddhism:, learning/5minbud.htm » Acting with Compassion - Stephanie Kaza ENVIRONMENTALLY RELEVANT PRINCIPLES OF BUDDHISM – from » Buddhism & Environmental Protection By Ven. Sheng-yen from » Christian: » A Christian View of the Environment by Ray Bohl from » The Environment and the Dao by David Wright from 40
  • 41. Other Relevant Information: » » » » » » &y=0 » footprints/ » » » » » » Images used in this presentation found from: ,,, glogste,,, brucenguyen181.wordpres,,,, youlive 41,, environment-clean-,,,