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Essay On E Waste
Crafting an essay on the subject of electronic waste, commonly known as e-waste, presents a
multifaceted challenge that extends beyond the mere act of putting words on paper. The
intricacy arises from the complex nature of the topic itself. E-waste encompasses a vast array of
electronic devices, their disposal methods, environmental impact, and the need for sustainable
solutions. Navigating through these diverse facets demands thorough research, a deep
understanding of environmental science, and awareness of the evolving landscape of electronic
The process begins with delving into the statistics and data surrounding e-waste – exploring
the sheer volume generated globally, the hazardous components within electronic devices, and
the alarming rates at which e-waste is accumulating. This necessitates meticulous fact-checking
and reliance on up-to-date sources, given the dynamic nature of technological advancements and
their consequent impact on waste generation.
Furthermore, addressing the environmental consequences of improper e-waste disposal adds
another layer of complexity to the essay. Describing the toxic substances released into the
environment when electronics are improperly discarded requires an adept understanding of
chemistry and environmental science. Articulating the interconnectedness between e-waste and
issues such as soil contamination, water pollution, and air quality demands a comprehensive
grasp of ecological principles.
Balancing the technical details with a broader socio-economic perspective is equally challenging.
Investigating the social implications of e-waste, including the exploitation of labor in the disposal
process and the disproportionate impact on marginalized communities, requires a nuanced
examination of societal structures and ethical considerations.
Crafting a compelling essay on e-waste demands the ability to synthesize information from
various disciplines seamlessly. The writer must navigate through scientific data, technological
trends, environmental concerns, and societal implications to present a well-rounded and coherent
argument. Moreover, proposing viable solutions that address the challenges posed by e-waste
adds another layer of intricacy, requiring a forward-thinking and innovative approach.
In conclusion, composing an essay on e-waste is not a task for the faint-hearted. It necessitates a
deep dive into the intricate web of environmental science, technology, sociology, and ethics.
However, it is through this complexity that the essay gains depth and significance. Only by
unraveling the layers of e-waste-related issues can one hope to provide a comprehensive and
informed perspective on the matter.
For assistance with similar essays and more, you can explore the services available on
Essay On E WasteEssay On E Waste
The Liberal Election Victory of 1906 Essay
The Liberal Election Victory of 1906 The Liberals won a landslide election victory
in 1906. It is claimed that the loss of power for the Conservatives was largely due
to a decline in fortunes as the party split due to issues over tariff reforms. On the
other hand it is assumed that the loss was due to the complacency and the neglect
of Workingmen s Interests. Arthur James Balfour had become the Conservative
leader in the House of Commons and served (1891 92, 1895 1903) as the first Lord
of the treasury. He had succeeded his uncle as Prime minister in 1902. A huge task
lay ahead of Balfour, as poverty was to be a focal point at the beginning of the 20th
century. Although it is reputed that... Show more content on ...
The South African wars (1899 1902) resulted in a review made into the armed
forced due to its poor showing. Many men (of poor background) lost their lives,
which in turn voiced concerns throughout the country. This obviously reflected
poorly on the government and produced a psychological shock also as
Chamberlain lost to the radical cause by his espousal of Imperialism, which
proved to be a double disaster for the Tories as it tied in with the Boer War. This
allowed room for the Liberals to capitalise on this advantage and to begin snatching
the working class vote from the Conservatives and people like Lloyd George
enabled them to do so. He was a great orator and along with Churchill they
relentlessly tortured the Tory s throughout the campaign, attacking them as enemies
of the people. They carried this out effectively as they produced campaigns, slogans
and songs, which were widely accepted. The prevailing atmosphere of the Boer war
made sure that Conservative credibility was undermined when the Chinese slavery
affair was publicised. The public seemed to be impressed by this issue. Political
insensitivity of Balfour s government was indicated as
Dickinson s I dreaded that first robin so Essay
Dickinson s poetry has been interpreted a number of different ways. To some she
may come across suicidal, to others depressed, or even philosophical to a number
of readers. In her poem number 347 her depression and feelings of inadequacy are
clear. In this poem Dickinson is a diva and is like any other person, scared of
change; feelings that people typically get over quickly. Dickinson is being drama
queen by explaining and lingering upon her depression and feelings of inadequacy by
comparing herself unreasonably to and transcending the beautiful structures involved
with spring through her uses of allusion, symbolism, and personification. Dickinson
shows how she is being a drama queen and unreasonably trying to explain her
inadequacy... Show more content on ...
The grass is given the human characteristics of height and growth. She gives the
grass these qualities in order to make it seem like the grass is guarding her from
everything else in the world. Dickinson feels so inadequate that she must hide
behind a sizable wall of grass in order that the rest of the structures associated with
spring would not come and see her. She assumes that the bees, flowers and birds are
all too beautiful to be associated with her and so she must remain incognito and
enshrouded by the grass. Her feelings are unreasonable as the structures that are all
associated with spring are some of the most beautiful in nature, therefore her
comparisons and attempts to transcend the beauty involved with nature is illogical.
Dickinson tries to transcend and compare herself to the nature around her but it is
not a reasonable structure to transcend and so she feels inadequate and decides to
remain clandestine behind a wall of grass. Dickinson also uses the symbolism of
spring to show her unreasonable feelings of inadequacy by comparing herself to
and attempting to transcend it. Spring is typically seen as a time of renewal and
renaissance because it is the avenue to summer where nature is full of life and
growing after the winter. Thus spring symbolizes new birth and beauty. Dickinson
feels that she cannot face spring because it is too beautiful and fruitful a season for
her. Compared to the season of spring and all it entails she feels unattractive and
Essay About The Hobbit
Bilbo Baggins a hobbit who was very rich and very peculiar. He lived in Bad End, the
greatest place in Shire. He has no close friends except Frodo, his cousin who was
adopted as his heir. Bilbo announced that he would hold a party to celebrate his 111
birthday. He invited one hundred and forty four guests. There was also Gandalfthe
Wizard, whose fame in the Shire was due mainly to his skill with fires, smokes,
and lights. The day finally came. It was the party started with many
entertainments. The hobbits were having fun until it came to Bilbo s speech. He
welcomed his forty four guests to his party and announced unexpected thing. He
said that he was leaving and he was gone in a blink of an eye. The guests are
speechless as the stood still in silent. While he was making his speech, he had been
fingering the golden ring in his pocket and slipped it on. He was planning to leave
and to have a permanent holiday. He left an envelope with the ring inside to
Gandalf to give it for his cousin, Frodo. Frodo rushed back to Bag End and he... Show
more content on ...
They went into the village and stopped outside the inn that Tom told them. They
hesitated to get inside for a while, but they heard someone singing. They left the
ponies under the arch and wanted to get inside. Frodo bumped into the inn s
owner, Barliman Butterbur. They were taken into a room special made for hobbits
with round windows. There was a gathering in the inn called as the company.
Frodo, Sam, and Pippin decided to go there while Merry stayed in the room. There
were men, dwarves, and hobbits gathered in that room. They were telling stories
there while a man were listening and looking at them from the distance. He was
known as Strider in Bree hill but they called him Ranger. Pippin almost revealed
their secret but, Frodo managed to stop it by singing a song and everyone attention
s to him. He was very pleased and unconsciously vanished in a crowd. He felt like a
Risk in the Context of Health and Safety
Risk in the Context of Health and Safety
In its most basic form, risk can be defined as the likelihood or possibility of the
occurrence of harm. According to Hughes and Ferret (2009), a risk is the likelihood
of a substance, activity or process to cause harm. Similarly, Barnard (1998) identifies
risk as the likelihood of an individual being harmed by a hazard. According to the
author, walking (or running) across a wet floor can be regarded a risk. In the context
of health, risk can be taken to be the likelihood of an individual or a number of
individuals experiencing a health effect regarded adverse as a result of exposure to a
hazard. Adverse health effects include but they are not limited to decreased lifespan,
disease, or bodily injury.
It is however important to note that in seeking to define risk, it would be prudent to
define the term hazard as well. As Hughes and Ferret (2009) point out, the need to
distinguish between the two terms cannot be overstated. This is more so the case
given that the two terms have wrongly been used interchangeably in the past. A
hazard in the opinion of Barnard (1998) is simply the potential for harm. According
to the author, spilled coffee on a tiled floor of an office can be regarded a hazard.
In an attempt to further distinguish between a risk and a hazard and how risk can
be minimized, I will take into consideration a typical office scenario. For instance, a
slipping hazard would be presented when people walk across a tilled
Influence Of Aerodynamics On Subaru Sports Sedan Race
When a body moves with high velocity at that moment aerodynamics forces such as
drag, lift (or down force) are the primary concern that are caused by the airflow over
the body. In engineering aerodynamics principles are applied in every kind of design
or structures such as automobiles, aeroplanes, tall buildings and bridges. However,
largely the aerodynamicsprinciples are applied on aeroplanes and automobiles. This
project involves the influence of aerodynamics principles over the rear wingof a
Subaru Sports Sedan race car.
Victoria University Motorsport (VUM) is designing and modifying the Subaru BRZ
into a Sports Sedan race car. VUM has designed the tubular space chassis frame,
suspension and aerodynamics package. Previously, the final
Fashion Photography By Viviane Sassen
Whenever the term fashion photography is brought up, the first thought that s
triggered is that it s a genre of photography which is devoted to displaying clothing
and other fashion items. However just like everything else in modern society,
fashion photography has been redefined. It s not your average branded garments on
a model anymore; it s more about capturing the essence of the brand itself and its
personal universe. Viviane Sassen is one of the photographers who built her
platform based on minimal focus on fashion, and more on personal experiences
which led to her success. Vivian Sassen started her career in the fashion world as a
model and shifted to photography. Few years after, she published her fashion work
in independent magazines and then escalated to fashion magazines such as Vogue
Paris and Wallpaper. Even though her career spiraled, there was always something
characteristic about her photographs, often depicting elegant, and abstract forms of
bodies and body parts. It was easy to state that Sassen reshaped a new visual
language in the early 2000s by her usage of strong light and shadow, saturated colors,
and extreme, angular poses. According to a publisher, Another Africa
, she spent the
early part of her childhood years in Kenya. In 2001, she published her series Cape
Flats ... Show more content on ...
Effortless lines and shapes, and quite often of human bodies. However, while arms
and legs frame abstract lines, faces play an alternate, more complex part in her
work: they are often undetectable. Like the uncommonly shaped arms and legs of
her work, there is a story behind Sassen s invisible faces, as well: At one point,
when I was considering photography, I was taking photos for a companion of mine
who is a fashion designer. I was taking self portraits, yet I was not feeling great. I
chose to utilize dark ink to make all my skin in the photos pitch dark: my face, my
hands my
Conformity In Harraway s Essay On Cyborgs
In most cases, finding the median between two highly contrasting points can be
challenging, but it is not so for Haraway s idea of cyborgs and Twain s idea of
conformity. Both concepts are interrelated because the cyborg is the hybrid of
both machine and organism, and conformity, is the center of standing out and
barely noticeable . By applying Mark Twain s idea that conformity is a result of
self approval to Donna Haraway s argument that cyborgs are the ramifications of
different political and economic social systems, we can see that because of
Haraway s idea that cyborgs are the balance between two opposites, the same can be
said of conformity in Twain s essay, and so conformity is a result of different
societal states due to the idea... Show more content on ...
The cyborg acts as a metaphor for the postmodernist view of the world as well as
the introduction to new technology. To Haraway, the blend between nature and
civilization gives birth to the cyborg, as it is a hybrid of machine and organism
(pg. 1). As part of her argument, the dualistic division between biology and
technology is no longer present because of the cyborg, and she incorporates the
idea of feminism because she is trying to achieve the same sense of balance of
distribution of power between male and female dominants as in cyborg reality.
Since the cyborg does not exist in nature or culture, and because it is a hybrid, its
extent is not limited by dualist archetypes. Haraway sees the cyborg as the
illegitimate offspring of militarism and patriarchal capitalism, not to mention state
socialism. (pg. 2) She feels as if different social systems have merged nature and
civilization together which explains the reason behind the birth of the cyborg but
their origins are irrelevant because the cyborg s existence is derived from multiple
sources and they are often exceedingly unfaithful to their origins. (pg.
What Is Dynamic Mortuary
When looking at archaeological sites within the Mississippian, there is a wide
variety of location and who were settled there. This is no differ when examining
grave sites. Despite similarities, there will also be dynamic mortuary practices
between each society and even between different settlements in those societies.
Examining three contrasting sites burial practices and how investigators determined
ranked statuses by these graves creates a bigger picture of many tragedies present for
researches to use. Each site s elite status indicators not only represented how the dead
were treated and their beliefs but also how the society functioned for the living.
Moundville The main identifier of social ranking through mortuary practices by
Poisonwood Bible Seminar Questions
Narimatsu 1 Amy Narimatsu AP Literature August 18, 2015 The Poisonwood
Bible Seminar Questions 1.) Methuselah is a pronounced presence in the book.
What is he meant to symbolize? What are his captivity and freedom meant to
represent? Methuselah symbolizes the Republic of Congo s doom. The parrot is
kept in a cage for the majority of his life. He is fed and taken care of by his
masters; he does not have to fend for himself, losing the primal instinct and simple
ability to do so. His captivity represents the Republic of Congo being controlled,
divided, and changed by the other nations. After Methuselah is liberated by Nathan
Price, he stays close to the house, depending on the girls to feed and shelter him. We
also watched... Show more content on ...
A, Tata Price, I am an old man who learned from other old men. i could tell you the
name of the great chief who instructed my father, and all the ones before him, but
you would have to know how to sit down and listen. There are on hundred twenty
two. Since the time of our manful we have made our laws without help from white
men (Kingsolver 353). However, some of the Price daughters also represent
cultural arrogance. For instance, Leah worships her father and his mission,
blindly following him as if he is God himself. He planned to make a demonstration
garden, from which we d gather a harvest for our table and also supply food and
seeds to the villagers [...] The grace of our good intentions made me feel wise,
blessed, and safe from snakes [...] Some people find him overly stern and
rightening, but that is only because he was gifted with such keen judgements and
purity of heart. He has been singled out for a life of trail, as Jesus was. Being
always the first to spot flaws and transgressions, it falls upon Father to deliver
penance (Kingsolver 34, 36, 41, 42). Leah ignores the possibility that what her father
is doing is disrespectful and considers the people of Kilanga in a light of stupidity and
Tone of Truth
Tone of Truth The poem, Truth, by Gwendolyn Brooks, was written in 1949,
during a continuing era of black oppression in America. Brooks was born June 7,
1917 in Topeka, Kansas but her family moved to Chicago shortly after her birth,
according to her biographer, Georg Kent (2). The Poetry Foundation biography of
Gwendolyn Brooks says her father was a janitor who had dreamt of becoming a
doctor and her mother was a schoolteacher and classically trained pianist (Halley).
Both of her parents had dreamt about living the American Dream and both suffered
hard times and disappointment instead. Brooks parents were very supportive of her
passion for reading and writing and first sensed her talent at age seven, when she
started writing... Show more content on ...
In an autobiography, Brooks wrote a passage that the Poetry Foundation quoted from
stating, I know that the Black emphasis must be not against white but for Black...
(Halley). Brooks feels strongly that blacks should take more pride in themselves and
their heritage and take positive actions to make things better for themselves.
Brooks views show through the tone or voice of the speaker in her poem Truth .
Poets use tone to convey to the readers much more than what is plainly written on
the page. Kirszner explains in Portable Literature: Reading Writing Reacting, The
tone of a poem conveys the speaker s attitude toward his or her subject or audience,
(436). The tone or attitude of the speaker is earnest about how human it is to want
to run and hide from that which we fear. The speaker says, Shall we not flee / Into
the shelter / Of the familiar, (15 17). In this case people fear the truth because it is
unfamiliar. It has been observed by many reviewers that Brooks work has remained
objective about human nature (Halley). The speaker also has a reflective attitude
asking thoughtful questions such as, How shall we greet him? / Shall we not dread
him / Shall we not fear him, (2 4), to invoke thought in the reader about what their
actions might be if they were face to face with a devastating truth. The speaker is
suggestive but rather than confronting or scolding the reader by telling them
Francisco Goya The Terrible Monster Comparison
The following essay is going to examine works by Francisco Goya (1746 1828) and
Kathe Kollwitz (1867 1945). These artists lived in different times and cultures, yet
had remarkably similar styles in several of their works. The two artworks that will
be in focus are Goya s Horrible Monster (From the Disasters of War series 1806
1820) and Kollwitz s Death, woman, and child (1910). These works will be
compared and contrasted to discover the similarities and differences between each of
their meanings, the artistic elements and principles used, their handling of materials
and techniques, and their individual styles. Both of these works have a dark nature
depicted within it. Goya s Horrible Monster displays a large beast as the main object
... Show more content on ...
Horrible Monster is an etching which achieved a slightly scratchy look, with a
more illustrated in some parts, as well as the lines themselves being darker. To
achieve this finish, he had to cover a metal plate with an acid resistant coating and
then scratch through creating the desired lines. The plate is then immersed in a pool
of acid which eats through the spaces which have been scratched clean. The acid
darkens and widens the line, depending on how long it is in the acidic pool. On the
other hand, Kollwitz underwent the aquatint method. This achieved a finish that is
softer, and has an overlaying grain to it. Aquatinting is when you apply a fine resin
dust to the surface of a metal plate, which is then heated from below. The dust then
melts to form protective spots on the plate. When the etching process happens, the
acid bites around each
Khufu Pyramid Leader
Khufu a great pyramid builder. He has done Many great things for his people, things
like lead his military into the Nubia Libya. Khufu accomplishments lots of things, he
had even built the great Pyramid Of Giza. Khufu had done lots of things in his
Who was Khufu?
Khufu was born Khnum Khufwy to Hetepheres 1 and Snefru. He was born in 2589
BC. His father Snefru was a great pyramid builder. Khufu came to the throne in his
twenties. He started ruling in 2609 BC, he then had started working on his pyramid.
What did Khufu do as a leader?
Throughout ruling he has lead his people through many things.He lead then into the
Nubia Libya and the Sinai. He had build a small boat to transport his people in when
they went to war. He also helped
Aesthetics And Its Impact On The Lives Of People
Abstract Aesthetics is an esoteric subject but manages to be appealing to many
readers. Aesthetics are a form of philosophy which deals with nature, beauty, art, and
taste and appreciation for truly beautiful things. From art aesthetics to, aesthetic
judgment, normativity in aesthetics et cetera et cetera. Aestheticsin general have been
around for centuries. The most significant figures in the aesthetic tear of philosophy
are figures such as Plato, Emmanuel Kant, Friedrich Nietzsche. It s a major
explanation on why we view things the way we do and why are they stimulating. This
essay examines this branch of philosophy to support this... Show more content on ...
The unrecognized significance of Aesthetics I think everything in life is art. What
you do, how you dress, the way you love someone, and how you talk. Your smile
and your personality, what you believe in, and all your dreams. The way you drink
your tea, how you decorate your home, or party; your grocery list, the food you
make, how your writing looks, and the way you feel. Life is art. Helena Bonham
Carter. Everything I seem to appreciate I note that one way or another I end up
relating whatever it is that stimulates my mind to art always. I m constantly
thinking in my mind how the smallest of things can drastically change the
appearance of things, the way they make you feel and communicate essentially.
One word in which you can observe me saying nearly in every sentence is the word
aesthetic . The word aesthetic lacks usage and is absent in the vocabulary of
various people I have spoken to throughout my life, by no means am I suggesting
for the word to be clichГ©d, but it is note worthy to say that it is definitely under
used. Aesthetics are essentially the reasoning and acumen behind literally
everything you can think of. It s the reason you wear those shoes your currently
wearing, because they look nice . It s the reason you are with your girlfriend and
vice versa because you guys. It s literally the reason behind why you put that specific
piece of furniture you
College Debt And Student Completion And Attendance
Thalia Arreola
Cynthia Burns
English 102
20 April 2015
College Debt and Student Completion and Attendance In mid 2010 higher education
debt surpassed credit card debt at $830 billon dollars(Clemmitt 877 900). Debt has
become an increasing problem for students who want to attend college. As more
students try to further their education, tuition rises and so does the amount of loans
taken out each year. According to Belkin, Students attending public four year
institutions this academic year are paying an average of $12,620, up $220 from last
year, for tuition, room and board, meaning that tuition is only growing not decreasing
from previous years(Belkin n.p.). Many people debate over whether they should
attend college and be in debt or if they should get a job somewhere that allows them
to live a comfortable life debt free. Two thirds of college graduates have to take out
loans in order to get through college(Dwyer, McCloud, Hodson 1133 1155). Many
people question, Does rising college debt limit who attends and completes college?
, while many people have different opinions on this particular subject, I believe that
it depends on the student and their situation if college debt limits who attends and
completes college because it depends on their financial stability, it depends on if
they are borrowing the right amount and it depends on if their degree provides them
with the means to pay back their loans, however, many people would disagree with
me and say that yes, college
Frankenstein In The 18th Century Essay
Satan has his companions, fellow devils, to admire and encourage him; but I am
solitary and detested (Mary Shelley). In Mary Shelley s novel, Frankenstein, Victor
Frankenstein creates a monster who refers to himself as Adam of your labours
which also happens to be the first man created in the Bible. The monster was
abandoned by Victor and was left to teach himself and slowly discover what he is,
which slowly drives him to insanity. Gothic novelists such as Mary Shelley targeted
to epitomize the melancholy of the early 18th century throughout their writing. When
the first wave of gothic literature was started it was created as a refined joke. The
second wave of gothic novelists, along with Mary Shelley, founded innovative
conventions.... Show more content on ...
Shelley influenced science, medical exploration and experimentation through her
novel by pressing boundaries and rectifying the journey of modern science. Without
Shelley s innovative philosophies concerning science, medical science would not be
where it currently is in medical evaluations. However, Frankenstein wasn t only an
inspiration to modern scientists at the time, it was also an inspiration to grotesque
novelists and set a new level for gothic writers of the 18th century. Through a
religious standpoint, we have received our bodies as a gift from God, and to create
another individual would be morally wrong in God s
Benefits For Part Time Workers
Case Study 3:
Benefits for Part Time Workers
Ken Davis
Liberty University
Introduction In this weeks case we have Jackson, Smith and Henderson (JSH)
Certified Public Accountants (CPA) one of the fastest growing CPA firms in the
area. The firm has just under 100 employees (Martocchio, 2015, p.260) of which two
have requested part time statues. The firm had already considered hiring additional
part time workers, consequently the firm need to make a Human Resource (HR)
decision, to decide when and should the company extend the benefits to part time
workers. Therefore, understanding what the Employment and Labor Laws prior to
the offering of extended benefits to part time employees should be the first place to
start ... Show more content on ...
When a company is deciding to make an innovative change or extended benefits to
part time employees, strict compliance is required according to the Fair Labor
Standards Act (FLSA) and the U.S. Department of Labor (Martocchio, 2015). Tiffani
Clement (2011) published an article, Does my business have to provide part time
employees with benefits? she writes about the required benefits that employers must
extend to part time employees. For instance, newly added HR Director Alan Jones
must address whether or not his company can afford to offer extended benefits to part
time employees.
Three Factors for Consideration Bearing in mind some firms are hiring interims,
staffing services and part time employees through temp agencies. It is no surprise in
this case that a recent compensation survey of business in the local geographical
area included information about benefits (Martocchio, 2015). Part time employment
are more readily available because it is considered hidden unemployment, says,
Chris Tilly, a professor at UCLA, for instance, if a person works 20 hours a week,
but wants 40 hours, that unfulfilled time is spent unemployed (Gillespie, 2015).
Utilizing the prior options above can save the company money, plus some part time
employees are hired at the entrance level pay, therefore saving the company certain
work benefits. Although, the company may utilize the services of a staffing service
and or temp agency,
Compare Deviveze s Understanding Of Yellow Fever
DevГ©ze s understanding of yellow fever had come entirely from the ideas of
physicians in the West Indies. Like American doctors, West Indies doctors theorized
that the fever evolved from disturbances in the atmosphere which disrupted the
balance of the humors. Much like the rotten coffee theory, the doctors claimed that
yellow fever developed from putrid exhalations that contaminated the air. DevГ©ze
used this theory while trying to understand the epidemic in Philadelphia. He
proclaimed that when the air was filled with infected matter, the body would become
susceptible to disease. He writes that the degree of which the disease affected the
body differed among patients. The deadliness of the disease was based on aspects
such as unhealthy
Analysis Of The Fifth Quarter By Rick Bieber
Loss, desperation and hope this is the heart warming story of the football champion
playing with his brother s number 5 jersey Jon Abbate. The Fifth Quarter follows
the story of the Abbate family losing their son and brother, Luke, to a car accident. It
also uncovers the story of how Jon Abbate conquered his loss and became a football
champion to playfor his brother and himself. In this movie, young people have been
portrayed as emotional and desperate but also able to find hope and direction with
the guidance of a senior. Robert Koehler (2011) from Variety states, The softness
that plagues so many sports movies is in evidence yet again in the soporific The
Fifth Quarter. In The Fifth Quarter (2010), Rick Bieber has taken the events from a
true story and cleverly manipulated shot types, camera angles, non diegetic and
diegetic sound to portray youth as resilient, brave and courageous people.
The first tool that Rick Bieber employs is different kinds of shot types. Since this
is a quite emotional movie, he uses a variety of shot types to portray the character s
feelings. An example of this is the long shot of the Abbate family in the hospital. The
Abbate family is sitting around Luke s bed discussing organ donation. They are very
discouraged, and Rick has portrayed this by using a long shot, which shows the
audience the slouched posture of the characters, displaying discouragement and
sadness. In one of the mid scenes, a medium shot of the Abbate family and Jon s
The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade And Great Awakening
Personal Reflections Journal 2: The Trans Atlantic Slave Trade and Great
Awakening Today, many American s are very prideful of being part of a Country
that not only portrays, but also truly offer an abundance of opportunities for
education, careers, housing, for many immigrants jobs, and most importantly
Freedom. Currently the American motto is that there are no impossibilities, work
hard to achieve highest potential and failure is not a negative innuendo, but a mark
of the imprints of success. Nevertheless, as one researches and studies American
history the stroll down memory lane is sad and disappointing. Use The Trans
Atlantic Slave Trade Database website (
/search)1 take a stroll into the past during 1607 1808 the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade
slaves took the place of what we call today America s industry workforce.
Unfortunately, during the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade the slaves did not have a
choice, mistreated and stripped of their rights and dignity, dehumanized, and all for
the purpose of commercialism competitiveness and industrial prosperity. As shown on
the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade Database, during 1607 1808, the total number of
slaves embarked on voyages to the Mainland North America was 360,999; however,
these slaves experienced the highest form of cruelty and uncaring treatment... Show
more content on ...
The way industrial leaders treated slaves (workers) gives little to admire and if this
were to happen today, would
The Negative Effects Of Vaccination
Finally, there are negative effects of vaccines. The most common side effects of
vaccines are mild cases of fever, nausea, and redness or swelling at the site of the
injection (Kwok, 2011). Researchers are constantly working to improve the safety
of vaccines by utilizing more inactive and killed vaccines (Kwok, 2011). However,
since experimental trials do not catch all side effects since some only effect one
per 10,000 100,000 people (Kwok, 2011). Though the most common side effects
are mild, the rare side effects are more dangerous. The rare side effects occur in
roughly one in every 100,000 1 million cases (Kwok, 2011). These side effects
include fever induced convulsions and severe allergic reactions (Kwok, 2011). As
rare as they are, they do pose a significant threat to the safety of the individual.
Researchers are continuously developing new vaccines that offer safe immunization.
As discussed with biological effects of vaccines, there are several factors that come
into a consideration when a person decides to receive a vaccination. Some of these
factors include religious and personal beliefs, as well as general mistrust in scientific
and medical communities. Within the United States, individuals who view vaccines
as dangerous or unnecessary, are usually met with the social label anti vax or the
more accepted term for medical professionals vaccine hesitant (McClure et al.). As
with biological factors, the results can influence both individual and community
Questions On Dns And Dhcp
DHCP hands out IP addresses to clients and is essential for connecting to the internet.
Because DHCP are so important we will configure for fault tolerance and load
balancing. The DHCP scope design will involve 2 DHCP servers at the Pensacola
site and 1 DHCP server at the Casper site. All of the DHCP servers will be put into
failover load balance mode. All of the DCHP servers will be configured in load
balance mode. With this set up if one server fails the other will take over. If they are
all working properly then they will share the load balance. A scope with the address
range of will be created.
DHCP reservations will be used for all servers within both sites so they will get the
same IP address every time. This will speed up the response time from the server
and make sure that users will not have any issues finding the servers. The lease
times will be in the default 8 day increments to ensure that there will be plenty of
IP addresses available at all times. Using a private domain, the DNS name space
design will include pa.con.localhost as the parent and ca.con.localhost as the child.
Split DNS will be set up with two different scopes. One for the internal DNS
records and one for the external DNS records. These scopes will be hosted on the
same DNS server. This will keep the information on the internal DNS server secure
from issues such as foot printing. To set up these scopes policies need to be created
and implemented so each
Analysis Of Linda Sue Park s A Long Walk To Water
Imagine living in a world of poverty, not having much water, and food being scarce.
Along with that your government is being attacked and you are separated from
your family. A Long Walk to Water is a true story, Written by Linda Sue Park.
Linda is an American author that writes mostly teen fiction. She has written a total
of 9 books including Long Walk to Water. The events that occurred in A Long Walk
to Water would be horrifying for anyone. Living in a country during war can be
hard for anyone,, it can change your future in a big way. Salva s childhood was a
normal life, any other eleven year old s life in south Sudan would be composed of
mostly the same events. Salva worked for his mother most of his day. Travelling
many miles to the closest pond of water they had. Salva would make two trips there
a day. He went to school unlike most of the kids because his dad was an important
person and he made a lot of money allowing... Show more content on
Into the bush, not home. Unfortunately Salva couldn t find his parents. He thought,
Where are we going? Where is my family (Park 7). He ran until he couldn t run
anymore, then he walked. Salva was walking with other people. He walked until
the sun went down. After they stopped walking and it was night time. Everybody
decided they would group each other with their villages. Eventually Salva heard his
village name, The village of Loun Ariik, here! (Park 9). He found his village! Once
he visually found them there were about twelve people in his group. Salva looked
at everyone from his village, none of them were his family. They spent the night at a
road. Once morning came they started walking again. While they were walking the
Rebels saw them, came up to them and forced all of the men to come with them. All
that was left were women and children. That night they slept in a barn they found.
Salva woke up in the morning and everybody was gone, he thought, Nobody else was
in the barn...Nobody, nothing (Park
The Corgers Of Daimler-Benz
A merger is the joining of two or more companies with the intention to achieve
higher levels of productivity and efficiency. As well as this, mergers bring two
existing companies and make them one. Daimler Benz is German company in the
automobile sector with operation in over 21 countries creating automobiles,
vehicles, and engines. Daimler Benz is a business that had strong financial
foundations with most of their income coming from their operations within the
luxury cars market. However, due to a lot of competition within the market they
required diversification within its product range and so believed that the merger
with Chrysler would help them do this. In the 1980s after the oil crisis as well as
the increasing ecological movement, they came up with a new vision, which was
Integrated Technology Corporation and as a result purchased lots of different
companies including AEG, Telefunken, MTU, Dornier, Fokker, and MBB. Apart
from this, they co developed the smart car with Swiss, which helped them aim at
lower volume segments. (Kohler, 2009, pg. 310) Mercedes goal is to go beyond the
needs of consumers by putting more effort in workforce and transportation
technologies. Mercedes also focused on high tech quality profit strategies (Kohler,
2009,pg312), which they believed, would help them have a lead within the global
automobile market. Chrysler, on the other hand, was a North American based group
founded in 1925.In 1980 after they failed to internationalised Chrysler
Disadvantages Of Urbanization Of Indonesia
Concentration of economic activities in the city resulted in a mass of people flocked
to the city in the hope of improving their quality of life through economic
improvement. As a result, the level of urbanization continues to climb rapidly from
year to year, including in Indonesia. Although the high rate of urbanizationbrought
about numerous positive impacts, it also has its share of disadvantages as well,
such as uncontrolled urban growth and unplanned urbanization (Arriaga and Beyer
1968; Bolay 2006). Currently more than half of Indonesia s population live in urban
areas and the proportion are projected to continue to grow in the future. By 2015, the
urban population in Indonesia has reached more than half (53.3%), and is expected
to continue to increase every year until it is predicted to reach 68% in 2025 (Badan
Pengembangan Statistik 2015).... Show more content on ...
In addition, urbanization has implications for housing and settlement, which is the
increasing need for decent and affordable houses, and the increasing need for basic
services and settlement management system. In addition, the natural population
growth in urban areas lead to increasing density of settlements (Asoka, Bunyasi, and
Thuo 2013) and the changing needs of houses for urban households.
Nevertheless, due to the limited amount of land available and the high price of land
in urban areas, many people especially marginal communities, occupy housing with
inadequate basic infrastructure, lack access to sanitation and water provision
(Neekhra, 2008). As a result, urban slums are emerging as the place for the
underprivileged to live, specifically in developing countries which fail to provide slum
residents with proper hygiene facilities, food, clothing and
Doc Holliday Conflicts
After the Deputy Marshal for the town is killed by Curly Bill, one of the cowboys,
Wyatt escorts Bill to a hearing, where he is let go on account of there being no
witness to the murder. Virgil at this point in the film begins to develop a conciseness
and volunteers to be the new Deputy Marshal. Morgan shortly joins up with him,
while Wyatt still refuses to get involved. Ike Clanton and Doc Holliday(among
others) are gambling, after Holliday wins, Ike accuses Holliday of cheating. The
viewer is lead to believe that Holliday had not cheated. Ike is arrested by Virgil and
thrown in jail to sober up. The morning after, Ike is escorted out of jail and Tom
McLaury threatens Wyatt. Wyatt grabs McLaury s pistol and knocks him over with...
Show more content on ...
In fact, evidence suggests that his interactions and associations could be the
reason that led to the shooting at the O.K. Corral [2]. Essentially, Doc Holliday
was friends with a William Leonard, who was later implicated in an attempted
stagecoach robbery, that resulted in the death of two of three passengers. Prior to
this event, Holliday had had a number of run ins with an individual by the name of
Milt Joyce. A number of times Holliday was arrested and taken to court for assault.
These charges were often dropped after Holliday paid court fees and the fines
associated. Because of these confrontations and Holliday s relationship with
Leonard, Holliday was accused of being a part of the gang (who mostly consisted
of members of the Cowboy gang) who attempted to rob the stagecoach. To clear
Holliday s name, the Earps (Wyatt, Virgil and Morgan) formed a posse that hunted
down the other members of the gang. To find some of the men that could clear
Holliday s name, Wyatt made a deal with Ike Clanton (a known Cowboy member),
Wyatt would give Ike the reward money for the outlaws, if Ike would give
information regarding their whereabouts[2]. Ike Clanton, on the other hand, denied
such a deal occurring. He said that Wyatt approached him, but he [Ike] would have
nothing to do with the deal [1]. When the outlaws were found, they (allegedly)
resisted arrest and the outlaws in the party who could clear Holliday s name were
killed. Ike grew restless and fearing that the Cowboys would hear about his deal
with Wyatt [2]. Ike accused Wyatt of sharing their plan with Holliday. Ike confronted
Wyatt and later Holliday. Virgil broke up the confrontation between Holliday and
Ike, and while Holliday went to his hotel for the night, Ike continued to drink through
to sunset. At this point Ike was looking to instigate a fight with Holliday and Wyatt.
Wyatt and Virgil stopped Ike as he was walking down the
How Memory Affects The Brain
Just above your ear, inside of your skull, is a small, but important, section of the
brainstem called the pons. And during REM sleep, the pons starts a reaction, causing
many different kinds of neurons to fire inside your brain. Through all this
unorganized firing, the brain is forced to make sense of it all, by using its own
memories, to better understand certain things. But is this the only reason why the
brain uses memories? To give clarification to the unexplainable? Or is there
something else; some kind of additional information or an alternative reason? Several
psychologists believe that dreams are initiated from biological activity and are greatly
affected by the brain s neurons and neurotransmitters. Psychiatrist McCarley and
Hobson... Show more content on ...
Language acquisition and other cognitive skills increase gradually during
childhood through dreams, causing learning to continue over a lifespan and for
memory to be updated and expanded (Hobson, J. A. 2009, 13). The brain also
prepares itself for its many integrative functions, including the consciousness,
which its development is time consuming and a lifelong process that is being
constantly used for many things, like providing a virtual reality generator, which
can all be demonstrated in dreams (Hobson, J. A. 2009, 29). With the help of
dreams developing cognitive skills, results in the preparation for higher mental
functions that will take place later on in the future. For example, when dreams
display memories of the past, present, or the expected future, they were at first
perceived as discrete dimensions, but now it s distinguished as a level of
adaptability of constructive episodic simulation (MacDuffie, K. Mashour, G. A.
2010, 3). Mirmiran in colleagues studies showed that the amount of REM sleep is
an indicator of the level of brain development; this evidence proves that sleep is a
key component of neuron development and also may serve as a function beyond
processing of past events that can continue to impact into adult life (MacDuffie, K.
Mashour, G. A. 2010, 20). After the analysis of hundreds of research on dreams,
scientific evidence concluded that
Math Certification Assignment . Overview. You Will Submit
Math Certification Assignment Overview You will submit a three week math unit
plan and supporting assessments. Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to give
you practice setting short term instructional goals using the principle of Backward
Design, in order to sequence daily learning experiences that support students
understanding of key mathematical concepts. Related NAEYC Professional
Preparation Standards NAEYC Standard 5. Using Content Knowledge to Build
Meaningful Curriculum Students prepared in early childhood degree programs use
their knowledge of academic disciplines to design, implement, and evaluate
experiences that promote positive development and learning for each and every
young child. Students understand the... Show more content on ...
How do the concepts explored in this unit build upon skills previously learned? In
what ways will this unit have opportunities for student engagement that focus on
student interest, characteristics and/or culture? The content in this unit will set up
young scholars to navigate and describe the world around them. Shapes are
everywhere! Shapes can be used to communicate important information throughout
their lives. Geometry can also lay the groundwork for future math such as solving for
the missing angle. The concepts in this unit connect to the end of the year math goals
for students as they, too, are based upon the common core standards. By the time
students enter first grade, they should be able to identify and describe shapes as well
as analyze, compare, create, and compose shapes. The concepts explored in this unit
do not rely heavily on prior knowledge. Though students should have had some
exposure (formally or informally) to shapes, they likely have not been taught to this
extent. They will, however, need to utilize their counting and categorizing skills. This
unit will have ample opportunities for student engagement. Children at this age both
need and enjoy movement. Throughout this Geometry unit, kindergartners will be
given the chance to use their bodies and voices to enhance their learning. Lessons
will start with catchy, hip songs about shapes. There are also movements to go along
Essay about An Argument in Defense of Historian Carlo...
Historians wishing to study the culture of any preindustrial subordinate class are all
challenged by the lack of evidence at their disposal. Such is the case with the peasant
class of medieval Europe. Italian historian Carlo Ginzburg, in an attempt to better
understand the cultural attitudes of medieval peasants, takes on an innovative and
controversial task in The Cheese and the Worms. The Cosmos of a Sixteenth Century
Miller. The book is centered on a curious sixteenth century miller named Menocchio
and his interactions with the Inquisitorial board while on trial for heresy. Ginzburg,
however, intends to do more than just tell the story of a miller s trial and subsequent
execution under the inquisition. Ginzburg scrutinizes, evaluates,... Show more content
on ...
Ginzburg s primary and strongest argument is in his is detailed recollection of
Menocchio s known book collection. After Ginzburg refutes the influences of
popular heretical movements, such as the Reformation and Anabaptist movements,
had on Menocchio, he explains the affect of Menocchio s readings had on his
ideas. Over the course of the miller s two trials, he references eleven books in his
testimony as a source of his ideas. From the Inquisitor s view some works are more
benign, such as the bible (in the vernacular) while others, like the Koran, are clearly
heretical. Despite the varying content of Menocchio s library, there is one consistency
among his readings; he prooftexts his books in order to substantiate his existing ideas
about the church and about the world.
It was not the books alone, Ginzburg argues, but the encounter between the printed
page and oral culture that formed an explosive mixture in Menocchio s head
(Ginzburg 51). The oral culture Menocchio in which he was a member helped shape
his worldview. Remnants of pagan, borderline heretical ideas passed down orally
from generation to generation were at least in part responsible for his ideas. As Anne
Jacobson Schutte claims, Creatively tracing the connections (often circuitous and out
of context) between the texts Menocchio read and the
My Experience Of High School
What is high school? In my opinion, high school is the beginning of your teenage
life, the beginning of your GPA, and the beginning of your new adult life. My high
school experiences were both great and disastrous. I have shared many memories
that involves a great load of laughs, tears, and the most of all memories. These
memories that we have shared will be remembered for as long as I live.
High school is said to be the best years of your life. High school is really what you
make of it. Along the way you will be able to make new friends. In high school you
will also be able to tell who is there to stick by your side . I learned that my 12th
grade year when a group of my friends were all at lunch. We were all enjoying
ourselves simply because graduation was soon approaching. We was all having fun
until I started walking and broke a bone in my foot by stepping into a covered
hole. I was the playful one in the group so no one believed me. Everyone left me
when the bell rung except my best friend. She stood by my side until we received
help from a nurse. The pain was so overbearing to the point to where tears fell
down my face endlessly. Toni never saw me cry because of pain, so she started
crying too. That was my worst day of my senior year, but I had a great person
pushing me until the end. That was the day I found out who my real friend were.
In high school you will also have things that will cause you to give up or not try
your best. Leaving my 8th grade year, I lost my brother to a horrible car accident.
At that point I didn t want to go on. Later, I began to realize that he would want me
to continue to push through and make him proud. During that time, track was my
way of expressing my feelings. Well, at that time we had our big district track
meet. One of the girls that was suppose to had ran our biggest races could not run.
We did not have a runner, so I had to step up to the pate. It was district, and I was
going to run the biggest races. Nowhere in my mind I had imagined doing that. I did
not think that i was even good enough to take on a big challenge. I began to run at
the sound of the gun, and I started to visualize my brother standing at the finish line. I
made it there forgetting that I was
Analysis Of Empress Of A Thousand Skies
Honor, bravery, loyalty these made up her ma tan sarili, the three values. I was an
everyday Kalusian greeting, but it meant much more than hello or goodbye. It
translated to highest self, and to say it was a pledge to be the best person you
could be. In a time of heightened political turmoil, Empress of a Thousand Skies is
relevant more than ever. Even though, this is a space opera, the story parallels the
contemporary world we live in. It s a tale of Crown Princess Rhiannon Ta an, the
last of her clan, who s determined at avenging and reclaiming her throne. It also
interlaces the fate of Alyosha, a refugee reality star, who was falsely accused of
killing the future Empress. With planets on the brink of war, Rhee and Aly are
thrown together
A Report On The Accounting Software
Created a report for Auditors that displays Accounts receivables from previous years
that have been paid off this year. Made phone calls to customers with past due
invoices. Received access to Great Plains accounting software.
2/25/15 Assisted the auditors in locating source documents that they were looking for
and needed. Most of the source documents were related to accounts payable.
Specifically, they wanted to check the employee reimbursement checks to ensure
that they were being reported properly for both book and tax purposes. For book
purposes meals and entertainment are counted as a full expense but for tax purpose
only half of the expense is deductible. I got to learn a lot more about book tax
differences from the auditors, such ... Show more content on ...
A key factor of the lunch was communication, in which people were both talking
business but at the same time building a relationship by getting to know each other
and talking about their past.
2/26/16 Created an excel workbook Deferred Revenue Balance 2016 that
highlights deferred revenue. The sheet was at first intended to assist the auditors
in performing their job but it will be re used to help validate that the company is
properly recognizing deferred revenue when it is earned. The reason for re using
the spreadsheet is because the company has gotten more customers than usual, who
wish to pay in advance. This advanced payment creates a liability, that needs to be
recognized properly. The spreadsheet was created by creating a smartlist using Great
plains that displays all information related to Deferred Revenue. After creating the
smartlist, the information was exported into an excel spreadsheet Deferred Revenue
Transactions , which was all that the auditors required. Then to re use the workbook
a new sheet Deferred Revenue Balance was added, which pulled information from
the first sheet through formulas. After creating the formulas on the second
spreadsheet, any information inputted into the first sheet was moved to the second
sheet in a more organized and informative display, which also displayed whether
debits and credits were balanced. Now the workbook will be updated on a monthly
basis to ensure proper recognition of Deferred Revenue. To
I Being Born A Distressed Woman By Edna St. Vincent
Edna St. Vincent Millay, I, being born a distressed woman , introduces a new
perspective on trivial concepts such as gender, sexuality, lust, Intimacy and human
relationship, ultimately challenging social standards. The speaker brings forth the
idea of engaging in intercourse to fulfill her sexual needs and notions (2) without
being bound to the expectation of forming an emotional and serious relationship.
Through insight and logical reasoning, Millay battels pushes beyond social
boundaries and standards by challenging the idea of sexuality and as a result of
being born a woman (1). Millay uses elements of imagery and diction to express
human sexualityand insightful reasoning in order to challenge societal standards.
The opening segment of the poem begins with a statement in regard to the speaker
s gender and the needs and notions of her kind . The introducing line, I, being born
a woman and distressed is also the title of them poem, this form of repetition
reinforces the ideas of being born a woman and being distressed . The first line of
the poem is stated in a tone filled with sarcasm in which the speaker describes
herself has distressed (1), by this she is trivialising and mocking the fragile and
delicate nature of women as perceived by society. The introducing line, I, being born
a woman and distressed (1), is also the title of them poem, the repetition of the
statement reinforces the ideas of being born a woman and being distressed . The bold
Salvador Dali’s The Persistence of Memory Essay
Way more than time just melting away
This paper will take a look at Salvador Dali s painting, The Persistence of Memory,
painted in 1931. As the viewer can tell, this is a story of time and life. The
memories start in the background where all is well and things are straight and calm.
Moving on to the cliff, the observer possibly sees a well behaved teenager. There is
nothing horrible here that leads the spectator to gasp, and the viewer knows this
person made it through that time in their life. Then the picture moves on to the age of
about twenty, the memories are fond but in the distant past. The memories are
protected by a white blanket so that they do not just fall into the background. Then
something happened where the person had some ... Show more content on ...
The next item that the eye is drawn to is the fly, resting on this clock. Although this
clock seems to be melting like the others in the picture, the fly plays an important
part in this painting. Being the painting is named, The Persistence of Memory, the
fly leads the onlooker to think these memories might not be as old as the rest. Flies
are drawn to items that are rotting but still have some nutritional value; this clock is
fresh enough to have more value than the other clocks around it, giving the spectator
the thought that maybe while the clock is a memory, it is not distant and is still
brought to the frontal lobe now and then to be revisited. After looking beyond the
focal point, to the left of that clock and even a little bit closer is a pocket watch. This
watch is in a contrasting orange color. This is the only orange used in the painting.
The placing of the pocket watch is strategic, as it too is on the shelf with the most
recent memory, but the line and angle of the shelf automatically pulls your eye to it.
The pocket watch is closed and highly decorated with black. Although, the viewer
cannot make out what the clock is decorated in, it seems to convey that this clock is
very important to the scene. The onlooker might even see this as a memory that has
not been opened yet. Something grand will take place in this time line portrayed by
this painting. Oddly as this is, the eye begins to then follow
Isolation In Annabel Lee By Mike Nappa
Fear, confusion, and hopelessness are just a few emotions that plague Annabel
Lee in the novel Annabel Lee by Mike Nappa after her Uncle Truck locks her in a
hidden shelter until he can ensure her safety and returns to free her. Annabel Lee
has lived with her Uncle Truck for as long as she can remember, but when Truck
shows up to her room in the early hours of the morning and tells her to follow him,
she instantly grows afraid. Truck then leads her to a safe shelter that she had never
even known existed and gives her his ravage dog that she can command using her
limited knowledge of German. Once she is secured in the shelter, he gives her a key
and tells her to lock the three dead bolts until he returns and tells her the safe code. In
this... Show more content on ...
This journal reveals a rich history of her past through the viewpoint of her mother.
Annabel states, [Dr. Smith] was my father. I read it in my mother s journal.
They...they came together just so they could make me. So they could have an
innocent to use in their experiments (Nappa 334). It reveals that Annabel was not
just a child that her parents desired to have, but instead she was just one of their
lab rats. She had just been a part of her evil father s overarching objective. As a
result, when her mother tried to help escape Dr. Smith and save Annabel, she was
killed. This harsh history has isolated Annabel to a point in which she feels
completely dehumanized. This is further reinforced as Dr. Smith, her own father,
refers to her as an it. He refuses to accept that she is anything more than a variable
in an experiment or a test to be run. This form of isolation resonates deep within
Annabel and places every part of her life in line for questioning. She begins to
wonder who all was involved and why they hadn t just locked her away from the
beginning to protect
Great Batle of Otumba
Great Battle of Otumba: The Turning Point for the Spanish Isidro Gurrola History
MO4 Jaime Soto March 12, 2008 IntroductionThe Battle at Otumba is considered
one of the turning points in the conquest of Mexico, giving the conquistadors a
victory at a time when the Aztecs could have destroyed them. A statue of CortГ©s,
with the name Otumba on it, stands in the conquistador s home province of
Medellin, Spain, to recall the event (Barghusen 2000:59). The Battle of Otumba
Mexico would occur a few days later after La Noche Triste, the sad night , as the
conquistadors were fleeing towards their Native allies at Tlaxcala. It was fought on
the 8th of July 1520,... Show more content on ...
The flipping motion of the atlatl propels a light spear much faster and farther than it
could be thrown by hand alone. Darts were used made from oak, single pointed with
obsidian, flint, or even copper or bone. The propelled darts tended to be more
powerful than arrows (CГіttrill). Bows, known as tlahuitolli, were common as well.
The bows were 5 feet long, and the arrows (yaomime) were pointed with flint, bone
or obsidian, and kept in a quiver (mixiquipilli). As with all their weapons, the Aztecs
were very skilled in using the bow and arrow. It is believed that the arrows could fly
450 feet or more (CГіttrill). The sling was also an important military arm. It was
woven of maguey fiber and the ball cast by the latter was of finely rounded stone or
clay (Duran 1964:335). Spanish Weaponry Spanish weapons were technologically
more advanced than those of the Aztecs. Spanish steel swords did not shatter as
native stone swords might, and their edges remained sharp longer. Importantly, they
could wound with a forward thrust as well as by side to side slashing. According too
Bernal DГaz, most of the natives killed in battle died from puncture wounds caused
by sword thrusts (Barghusen 2000:55). Spanish crossbows shot farther and more
forcefully than the simple bows used by the natives. In addition, the Spaniards had
hand held firearms called harquebuses. Since crossbows and harquebuses had greater
ranges than the
The Flynn Effect And Nutrition
Nutrition, the Flynn Effect, and Substance Abuse
Carly Gottsponer
PSY 3813 TC3
Korey Davis
September 17, 2017
The Flynn Effect is the tendency of IQ scores to change over time, and specifically,
the apparent increase in intelligence in the general population evidenced by a steady
increase in IQ scores. It was first noticed by James Flynn (The Flynn Effect). As years
went by and IQ tests were restandardized, it was noticed that when previous tests
were taken the outcomes were better on the previous tests than the tests that were in
current circulation. The Flynn Effect has a number of factors that can attribute to the
effect taking place. One factor in particular that has been discussed by many different
people is the factor of overall better nutrition. Overall better nutrition has occurred in
many places over the last 100 years or so. This improvement has been linked to head
growth, earlier maturation of children, increased height, and faster growth
(Williams). Increased head growth most likely means that human brains are growing
which can subsequently be linked to the increased intelligence that is proven by IQ
scores. The earlier maturation and faster growth of children can also be linked to how
a population s intelligence improves over many years. The Flynn Effect and nutrition
are related through the correlation of increased intelligence and increased overall
nutrition. The effects of the Flynn effect on nutrition and vice versa are extensive. The
Zara Executive Summary
1.Excecutive summary.
Operations management is in regard to all operations within the organization
responsible for creating goods and services that organizations pass to their customers.
This function is at the heart of all organizations, giving the means of achieving their
aims and reason for their existence. These activities include: managing purchases,
inventory control, quality control, storage and logistics. A great deal of focus in
operations is on efficiency and effectiveness of such a process.
An example of successful operations strategy in the retail industry is the strategy
employed by Zara which is discussed in this critique. Zara started as a single shop in
La Coruna and then rapidly spread its wings to 68 countries; opening a store each day
one of the fastest global expansions the world has ever seen. Throughout the entire
system of Zara s business; designing, sourcing, manufacturing, distribution process
and retailing come out a number of success factors: short cycle time, small batches per
product, extensive variety of product every season and heavy investment in
information and technology. This elements feature in every aspect of the business.
2. Introduction.
Zara is the flagship brand of the Spanish fashion retail giant, Inditex, (Industrias de
Deseno Texti S. A.) Founded in 1975 ; this super heated performers in soft retail
fashion market in recent years; is engaged in textile design,
The Effectiveness Of Nazi Propaganda
Maryann Ritter Dr. Megan Sethi HIS 241: World War Two 28 June 2015 The
effectiveness of Nazi Propaganda There have been many varied opinions on the
effectiveness of the Nazi propaganda used by Hitler and his teams of propaganda
writers throughout World War II. His popularity was astounding with the German
masses and grew into a frenzied state quickly. Hitler s rise of his image was built
on a fairly new manner of technology allowing more exposure to the people. This
paper will examine the exponents of this new image building phenomena and
prove its use built the man into a myth of sorts. The effectiveness of Nazi
propaganda was greater than anyone could have anticipated because Hitler s
regime constructed a language of the people using logical fallacies to win the
hearts and minds of the German populace. In Hitler s speeches he would state three
or four bullet points that the average citizen knew to be true, then couple those
bullet points with his own agenda. His lies, therefore, became truthful by
association. Introduction World War II was a most horrific loss of human life and
the technical advances since the first World War I seemed to push those numbers to
the limits. If we want to look at the causes of the Second World War, we must look
to the First World War and what were the remainders of limitations placed. Germany
s economy was drained following WWI, to recover it increased the social spending
and tried to create projects of transportation and
The Impact of Information Communication Technology on...
Saiful Nujaimi Abdul Rahman, M.Sc.
Department of Communication, Faculty of Modern Languages Communication,
University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
Abdul Rashid Md. Ali, PhD
Department of Communication, Faculty of Modern Languages Communication,
University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
Siti Zobidah Omar, PhD
Department of Communication, Faculty of Modern Languages Communication,
University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
This is an unedited version of this paper provided for your convenience
Over 20 years ago, Malaysia was an agricultural based country. Then came the foreign
direct investments initiative that gave many ... Show more content on
The system worked wonderfully when the British first introduced it. Somehow, it
became obsolete in 1960s. Unfortunately, there was no initiative from the respective
Government to reform the system. Perhaps, the Government then was still young to
comprehend that every system will become obsolete and have to be reform from
time to time. Thus, the repercussion was the May 13, 1969 racial conflict.
Nevertheless, the riot had been the turning point of both political and economic
reformation to the country. It was like a blessing in disguise but of course, the cost
that the country had to pay was colossal.
Since the May 13, 1969 tragedy, the country has embarked on an affirmative
development plan The New Economic Policy (1970 1990). The main objectives
were to bring the economic disparity gaps closer and to eradicate poverty with
precise reference to the major races. In achieving those, the principles of justice,
tolerance, and equity were put into practice by all Malaysians, precisely by the
major political parties. These major political parties are led by a coalition of 14
political parties that formed the National Front (NF). The dominant component of the
coalition is the United Malays National Organization (UMNO) representing the
Malays, the Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA), the Chinese, and the Malaysian
Indian Congress (MIC) the Indians. National unity and racial harmony become a
national agenda and
Plan to Improve Correctional Facilities
Plan to Improve Correctional Facilities
Week 5 Assignment 2 Some women in jail may have committed similar crimes as
their male counterparts. Most women inmates live in the same conditions as men
inmates do, yet women inmates face issues that are far more different than male
inmates. The purpose of this paper is to point out some of the issues women inmates
face in their everyday life in prison, and offer suggestions as to improve those issues.
Overall, the population of women in the criminal justice system is the fastest growing
(Ramirez, 2012). Women in prison have gone up over twenty percent and over fifteen
percent in probation. Another staggering percentage is women arrested after getting
out which is thirty percent of sixty ... Show more content on ...
Ensuring there are programs geared towards rehabilitating and healing rather than
throwing the key away will improve the overall success of lowering incarcerated
numbers and better enhancement reentry outcomes. Another recommendation for
improvement in addition to improving living conditions for females in prison
would be prison nursery programs. (Women s Prison Association, 2009) points out
there are nine states currently participating in open prison nursery programs. There
has also been discussion of allowing women who give birth to serve their prison
sentence in a none prison setting. I think allowing women to serve prison
sentences with small children in a non prison environment would improve the
mental conditions of many women who are in prison. There can also be a work
for system for women with children to work towards serving their time in a half
way house with their children instead of spending their whole sentence alone. I
think this will help with the mental side of not just mothers but children as well
who need such nurturing. Granted not all recommendations are going to be met
with cheers or thumbs up. As I said there are going to be naysayers who disapprove
of such rash changes. I have to admit I use to be one of those people until I started
reading more into what causes women to commit crimes and what happens to
women when they are in prison. It s safe to say there needs to be changes for
Week 5 Assignment 5 women in prison. From policies
Search For Happiness In Eric Weiner s The Geography Of
In The Geography of Bliss, Eric Weiner travels to many different countries in search
of one thing: happiness. The book details the writer s, Eric Weiner s, journey to
multiple countries and his experiences there on his search for happiness. He searches
from the unhappiest countries to the happiest countries to find how geography affects
the happinessof the people that live there. His search often has interesting clashes
between philosophical and scientific viewpoints on happiness.
In the Netherlands he encounters an interesting point when he meets scholars of the
World Database of Happiness or the WDH. This organization focuses on using hard
facts and statistics to measure the happiness of multiple countries around the world.
This seems to be a mistake, since happiness is generally supposed to be some magical
feeling that is constantly sought ... Show more content on ...
He goes there to see if the people there can actually buy their happiness which the
readers should already know is not true since the WDH already said that money
doesn t equal happiness. He states that Qatar has no culture of it s own, but must
buy one. This tells the reader that with all this money Qatar Loses it s own culture
and by extension it s identity. Eric starts to believe that Qatar is happy with all of
their money. Eric then finds that sadness can strike even the super rich when he
learns of the sick child of a citizen there. With this he brings in the new theory that to
be happy, one must experience sadness first.
Qatar is a rare and interesting case since it s so closed off from the rest of the
world. This isolation means that it has very little diversity which would have led to
a nice topic about how it affects happiness. He could ve made the argument that the
lack of diversity could mean that there is less conflict and therefore more happiness.
It seems that he missed an important topic here that would ve led to a larger study at
Carol Reeves Metaphors
In The Language of Science by Carol Reeves, she discusses metaphors in science in
unit two and how they are an important part of everyday life. We constantly use
metaphors in our daily lives and we have become so accustomed to them that we
fail to realize how heavily we rely on them. We use metaphors consciously and
unconsciously every day to describe things. They help us express feelings we
cannot describe so we relate them to another experience. However, metaphors are
imperfect. They fail to completely describe the events and never tell the whole truth.
Sometimes metaphors make dreary situations seem brighter, or they make us feel
comfortable with what is going on in the world. Metaphors are used in science as
frequently as they are used... Show more content on ...
This is the case for many scientific processes such as drawing molecules and
describing natural phenomena (Reeves 27). Metaphors can sometimes become
theories as well. According to Reeves, scientific theories created by scientists often
start as metaphors that were chose to help explain their ideas. A very famous
example of a model beginning as a metaphor is the plum pudding metaphor (Reeves
29). The plum pudding metaphor was proposed by J.J. Thomson and it helped
explain the distribution of negative and positive charges in an atom to those who
had no background in science (Reeves 29). Obviously, the distribution of atoms is
not really plum pudding, but the common person knew what it was so it was a good
metaphor to use to describe such a complex process. This is an example of scientists
using a metaphor to explain a complex process to non scientists. It helped the
common person understand the process by relating it to something they knew about.
In science, it is almost impossible to talk about it without the use of metaphors.
However, the use of metaphors both limits and helps us understand our world. Using
the example of the plum pudding metaphor, the metaphor limits us because it is not
entirely true, but it helps us better understand what is going on in the
European Imperialism In China
To a great extent the European imperialism undermined Chinese culture, Chinese
culture is one of the world s oldest cultures, around thousands of years old. The area
in which the culture is dominant covers a large geographic region in which eastern
Asia with customs and traditions varying, greatly between provinces, cities, and even
towns as well. About 1.4 billion people live in China, with each community creating
their own culture.
What is European Imperialism motives of British imperialism in China European
imperialism is the definition of the building of empires, where in one country gets
many others and adds them to their empire, obtaining access to their armies, their
exports, their finances and their strategic location. The primary
Osteopathic Doctors
Throughout time, the average person seeking medical treatment seem to have a large
tendency in favoring medical attention from an Allopathic physician Medical Doctor
vs. an Osteopathic physician Doctor of osteopathic medicine. Majority of society
have a common misconception of both practicing physicians when it comes down to
actual diagnosis and treatment. Although both may seem different in title, Allopathic
MD vs Osteopathic DO, these doctors are in fact very similar in ways of their
schooling/licensing, ability to perform surgery, and prescribing wide varieties of
Allopathic doctors have been around much longer than Osteopathic doctors, but both
are equally educated and trained in the practice of medicine. Allopathic doctors must
attend 4 years of medical ... Show more content on ...
Also, after completing mandatory education, both doctors are tested and licensed
through the same state licensing boards required to practice medicine in all states.
Similarly, Allopathic as well as Osteopathic doctors have the ability to become a
specialist in specific branches of medicine to include surgery. Osteopathic doctors
may begin their approach in a more holistic way, nevertheless, have the same medical
training as an
Allopathic doctor to treat their patient with surgical intervention. Allopathic
philosophy is focused on the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and in contrast,
Osteopathic philosophy emphasis that all bodily systems are intertwined and depend
on another. Surgical candidates evaluated by either specializing doctors are equally
likely to have the same surgical outcome regardless.
Surgical approaches are a very common confusion amongst many in society.
Allopathic doctors as well as Osteopathic doctors are required to attend the same
type of residency in order to become surgeons, and all surgery cases are done no
differently upon the schools
Drug Therapy Drug Deviance
Drug Replacement Therapy: A Positive Approach to Deviance
Deviance is the aspects considered not acceptable to the norms of society.
Deviants of society are those individuals who partake in going against the norms.
Drug addiction is a negative form of deviance to society; drug addicts partake in
deviant behavior. They are labeled bad people because of society and what society
teaches people is normal behavior. Having a drug addiction is not a normal behavior,
but it doesn t consider the addict bad or immoral. Drug addiction is a disease, not a
crime. Because of drug addictions, many individuals are arrested and sent to jail or
local prisons. In 2015, the number of arrests in the U.S. for drug law violations:
1,488,707 . (McVay 2017)
Though, these people are not criminals and they have a chronic brain disease, they
are treated like criminals because their behaviors are against what society deems
socially acceptable. Incarceration is not what these people need, its drug recovery
treatment. 65 percent of the nation s inmates meet certain medical criteria for
substance abuse and addiction, but only 11 percent received treatment for their
addictions. (Nations Health 2011) If all inmates in need of treatment received such
services, the nation would see economic benefits in just one year even if only 10
percent of the inmates treated remained sober, crime free and employed, the report
found. For each inmate who remained sober, employed and crime free, the nation
would save
Persuasive Essay On Belief
Belief having an affinity in believing something is true. This single word, vague,
and short. As submissive as it is, Belief tends to get on roads that it never means
to. The road diverges into two, and a choice has to be made. Manipulation passes, and
it takes a hold of Belief. Without any knowledge, he willingly follows. This is the
basis of a belief. I love the manipulation angle. Usually I think of belief as such a
positive, hopeful word. But you are right... it is equally dangerous. Good. The basis
of belief, has been shattered explain a bit. By what? How so? . All the pieces of it
have been scattered everywhere. You can t do much with a puzzle piece if you don t
know where it goes, so get ready to visualize. Visualize the perfect end point for your
belief, whether it s a 5 piece or an 1000 piece puzzle. It always makes sense to start
with the corner pieces first, so we are going to do that.
Transition a bit more fully here? So what is cognitive bias then? It is what makes
our minds believe things, without even giving us a choice. These mechanisms in our
head cause us to make usually biased and unfair decision, which is why it s
important to be aware of them. Take the idea of bandwagoning of course, the most
known bias. This is where you just do what everyone else is doing, without any
personal regard to yourself or to anyone else, all because someone else is doing it.
You may think that you aren t susceptible, but everyone is because it happens
subliminally. and
Persuasive Essay On Online Education
Having finished my vocational training through a local community college,
adjusting to my new job, and having a surplus of free time on my hands, I decided
to continue my education. So many options were available, but not all of them
were viable. Working shift work in the high stress environment of pre hospital
emergency medicine left me with an odd schedule that did not line up well with
attending traditional universities. As I began to explore my options, the idea of
earning an online degree seemed the most likely path to follow. I was skeptical at
first, because I did not hold online learning in a high regard. I began to navigate my
reasoning for these ideas, as I did not entirely understand why I thought this. As I
began to research online degree opportunities and speak with others regarding my
future goals, I realized that others were skeptical about online learning as well. Some
did not think that they had the drive to independently study adequately in an online
setting. Others viewed online universities as scams, and told me that I would just be
wasting my money. After doing some independent research on the topic and testing
the waters myself by enrolling at Northwestern State University, I have concluded
that online learning can be quite effective. There is a reasonable stigma that exists
towards online degree programs, however online learning can effectively educate
future students and prepare them for what lies ahead. Many of my peers that I have
spoken to about
Russia, A Country Of The World
Russia, a country that occupies one tenth of Earth s land, spans 11 time zones across
the Europe and Asia, which are the two continents that the country resides on. The
country possesses various geographical features, such as deserts, frozen coastlines
and mountains. An enormous amount of animals, which includes snow leopards,
Siberian tiger, polar bears, and pikas, enjoy living on this habitat. Diverse cultures
and ethnicities also settled on this piece of land ( Russia. ). As the largest country of
the world judged by territorial possession, Russia, carrying an intricate period of
history, contains a great diversity among geographical features, climates, and
cultures, and is attempting to develop in a positive way led by its people under...
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For example, only about 10% of Russia s land is used or the purpose of farming
because of its cold climate. Some crops that are grown include potatoes, barley, and
wheat. Fresh meat and vegetables were uncommon to be seen in Russia before, but
now they are not rare because of trading convenience. The most popular Russian
cuisine is borsch, which is a soup mainly made of carrots and beef. ( Facts For Kids
Russia. )
Despite the fact that Russia is the most enormous country in the world, its
population only reaches the ninth largest country with about 142,423,773 current
residents living there, approximately one half of the population of the United
States. ( United States Census Bureau. ) However, although Russia has the ninth
largest population, the population density is low because of the country s large
size ( Population Density (people per Sq. Km of Land Area). ). Due to the fact that
a good portion of Russia s territory is icy and cold, urbanization is well maintained
in Russia in which 74% of its population living in the cities and urban areas ( WPR.
). Russia has a great diversity among ethnicities in which approximately 190 ethnic
groups settle there ( The People with the Reddest Hair in the World. ). However,
although there is a vast divergence, but the majority of its population, about 80%, are
ethnic Russians. Most of the minor ethnicities live within Russia borders, such as
Ukrainian, Bashkir, Tartar,
Analysis Of Delightrope
Janelle MonГЎes Tightrope is an empowering piece that is directed towards all
groups and ages. The hip beat, electric sounds, and encouraging lyrics lifts spirits,
and can inspire anyone that is discouraged from life. Her music is mainly comprised
of uplifting songs that are relatable for most, and aids in restoring confidence. This
song communicates with the listener that we should be confident in ourselves as a
person (as we ALL have something unique and special about us), and to stay
balanced despite the negativity coming from others and our environment. In this
particular part of the song she sings When you get elevated/ They love it or they hate
it/ You dance on them haters/ Keep getting funky on the scene . In other words, there s
Dr Faustus Essay
Him, Himself, and Faustus Status and recognition what means an individual is
willing to surpass to achieve those ends is evident in Western society s praise of
celebrities and their fame, whilst trivializing tragic events and those responsible with
talking points. For some, it does not matter how their name is recognized in history
or discussed by those who know them, but that their name is merely spoken of at all.
Surely then, a society which rewards individuals for their infamous, grotesque acts
with recognition, and then fails to effectively address the issue at hand, might find
that such incidents occur more and more frequently. The Tragical History of Doctor
Faustus (A text) and The Tragedy of Doctor Faustus (B text) by... Show more content
on ...
This drive is seen time and time again throughout both texts: from conjuring the
spirit of Alexander the Great for Emperor Charles V (4.1.63 4; 4.1.99 101), to
producing ripe grapes when not in season for the Duke of Vanholt and the pregnant
Duchess (4.2.12 7; 4.6.19 23). Clearly, this drive is best demonstrated through
Faustus himself when asked by his fellow scholars to summon Helen of Troy in the
B text:
Gentlemen, for that I know your friendship is unfeigned,
It is not Faustus custom to deny
The just request of those that wish him well.
You shall behold that peerless dame of Greece (5.1.18 21). Faustus strong desire to
impress others doubtlessly derives from his fear of being rejected by those of high
stature in society; he wishes to belong with them and not from whence he came.
Furthermore, Stephen Orgel notes in Magic and Power in Doctor Faustus , that
although Faustus has unlimited power, he only conjures what is asked of him,
never striving beyond or testing his boundaries, and that this represents two major
flaws within Faustus: an artistic failure of imagination and a scholarly failure of
originality (396). Both failures stem from Faustus only doing what he is told,
merely fulfilling what is asked of him, so that he may, for a while, share their
acclaim and status. If Faustus were truly empowered or secure in his own abilities,
Postcolonialism In Battle Royal, By Ralph Ellison
Postcolonial criticism analyzes literature created by cultures that developed in
response to colonial domination. This type of criticism defines formerly colonized
people as any population that has been subjected to the political domination of
another population. Readers analyzing literature in a postcolonial critical way will
seek the political, social, cultural, and psychological understanding of the colonialist
and anticolonialist. Authors, like Ralph Ellison, address the problem of cultural
identity using postcolonial critical theory through their works of literature. In Battle
Royal (Chapter 1 of Invisible Man,) Ralph Ellison discusses a number of
postcolonial issues such as control, race, and double consciousness. All my life I had
... Show more content on ...
Race is a major theme found in these types of literature as a result of the colonist s
and anticolonist s worlds colliding. Ralph Ellison s Battle Royal, shows racism in the
acts of the white men against the African Americans, like the narrator. The narrator is
invited to a special gathering whether he learns that he is only there as entertainment
for the drunk white men. The Caucasian men make the African American men take
part in the Battle Royal where they fight each other while being blindfolded and are
tricked into being electric shocked. The white men drink, laugh, and poke fun of the
African American men as they wither on the floor bloody and in pain. Ellison clearly
demonstrates the postcolonial theme of racism through the men s humiliation and
cruelty in the presence of the white citizens. As the narrator takes part in this battle,
he often thinks back to his grandfather s advice, but always instantly comes back to
his yearning to be accepted by the dominant white society. Multiple times, the
narrator states things like, Would they recognize my ability? Even as the narrator
was being beaten and called terrible names, he still wanted their approval like found
in the ideology of double
Persuasive Speech On Battery Reconditioning
Did you realize it s possible to recondition batteries at home and return them to
nearly new condition? Don t worry if you haven t heard about reconditioning
batteries. It s not surprising, battery manufacturers don t like to talk about it. It s
the automotive industry s dirty little secret. After all would you rush out and buy a
new battery if you knew the old one could be restored for pennies? Eventually
everyone has to deal with a dead battery. It s a real pain in the butt when it happens.
Usually the timing couldn t be worse. Like when your running late for work. Never
on a day off when you actually have time to mess with it. If we are lucky we get
away without having to call a tow truck. Otherwise things get expensive real fast.
Battery reconditioning cant solve an immediate problem like this. But there s no
reason to experience this ever again. Once you learn how to recondition batteries
you will always have a healthy battery in your vehicle. How about starting a
profitable home business reconditioning batteries? It s really cheap and easy to do.
So let s look at what s going on inside that battery.... Show more content on ...
This is nothing new to you I m sure. You may not be aware it also produces lead
sulfate as it makes electricity. With a new one this breaks back down to lead and
sulfuric acid again. Gradually, as a battery ages, lead sulfate no longer breaks down
but forms crystallized lead sulfate deposits on the lead plates inside your
Newton And Seurat Research Paper
The world that we live in is constantly innovating new ideas and methods to benefit
the lives of many. It is a fascinating opportunity to reflect on all the inventions that
have been made throughout each of our lifetimes. Two very important individuals
that shaped the world we live in today is Sir Isaac Newton and Georges Pierre Seurat.
Sir Isaac Newton was an English mathematician and physicist. There is a theory that
Newton discovered gravity when he saw a falling apple. Supposedly, when he was
observing the apple he was also thinking about the forces of nature. Newton realized
that some force must be acting on falling objects like apples because otherwise they
would not start moving from rest. Newton also realized that the moon would fly ...
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For instance, when you stand on something soft, the object caves in or is pushed
down. This is the reaction of one s force on the soft object, and the soft object s
reaction to one standing on it.Seurat painted the La Grande Jatte in three distinct
stages. In the first stage, which was started in 1884, Seurat mixed his paints from
several individual pigments and was still using dull earth pigments such as ochre or
burnt sienna. In the second stage, during 1885 and 1886, Seurat dispensed with the
earth pigments and also limited the number of individual pigments in his paints. This
change in Seurat s palette was due to his application of the advanced color theories of
his time. His intention was to paint small dots or strokes of pure color that would
then mix on the retina of the beholder to achieve the desired color impression instead
of the usual practice of mixing individual pigments.Seurat s palette consisted of the
usual pigments of his time such as cobalt blue, emerald green and vermilion.
Additionally, Seurat used then new pigment zinc yellow (zinc chromate),
predominantly for yellow highlights in the sunlit grass in the middle of the painting
but also in mixtures with orange and blue pigments. In the century and
Role Of Female Nature In Frankenstein
In the novel Frankenstein, the author Mary Shelley reinforced the role of female
nature in a book that is predominantly male oriented. The female character is an
underlying feature throughout the whole novel. For example, when Victor
Frankenstein created his Monster from dead body parts, he disregarded the laws of
femalereproduction. Both Anne K. Mellor and Jonathon Bate argue that Victor
defiled the feminine naturewhen he created his Monster from unnatural means. Mellor
argued in her essay, Possessing Nature: The Female in Frankenstein, that Victor
eliminated the necessity to have females at all (355). There will not be a need for
females if new beings are created in a laboratory. The disruption of mother nature
is one of the novel s original sins (479). In Bate s essay, Frankenstein and the State
of Nature, he argued that Victor Frankenstein broke the balance between female
principles of maternity and mother nature (477). Frankenstein broke nature and
undermined the role of females. The argument of Mellor was more persuasive than
the discussion of Bate because she was able to provide more evidence that Victor
Frankenstein dishonored the role of female nature. In Mary Shelley s novel, nature
plays a vital role in the development of the plot. Nature is considered a female part
because Mother Nature is the collective personification of life. Nature is life bearing
and nurturing, as females are to their offspring. In spite of nature being feminine,

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  • 1. Essay On E Waste Crafting an essay on the subject of electronic waste, commonly known as e-waste, presents a multifaceted challenge that extends beyond the mere act of putting words on paper. The intricacy arises from the complex nature of the topic itself. E-waste encompasses a vast array of electronic devices, their disposal methods, environmental impact, and the need for sustainable solutions. Navigating through these diverse facets demands thorough research, a deep understanding of environmental science, and awareness of the evolving landscape of electronic consumption. The process begins with delving into the statistics and data surrounding e-waste – exploring the sheer volume generated globally, the hazardous components within electronic devices, and the alarming rates at which e-waste is accumulating. This necessitates meticulous fact-checking and reliance on up-to-date sources, given the dynamic nature of technological advancements and their consequent impact on waste generation. Furthermore, addressing the environmental consequences of improper e-waste disposal adds another layer of complexity to the essay. Describing the toxic substances released into the environment when electronics are improperly discarded requires an adept understanding of chemistry and environmental science. Articulating the interconnectedness between e-waste and issues such as soil contamination, water pollution, and air quality demands a comprehensive grasp of ecological principles. Balancing the technical details with a broader socio-economic perspective is equally challenging. Investigating the social implications of e-waste, including the exploitation of labor in the disposal process and the disproportionate impact on marginalized communities, requires a nuanced examination of societal structures and ethical considerations. Crafting a compelling essay on e-waste demands the ability to synthesize information from various disciplines seamlessly. The writer must navigate through scientific data, technological trends, environmental concerns, and societal implications to present a well-rounded and coherent argument. Moreover, proposing viable solutions that address the challenges posed by e-waste adds another layer of intricacy, requiring a forward-thinking and innovative approach. In conclusion, composing an essay on e-waste is not a task for the faint-hearted. It necessitates a deep dive into the intricate web of environmental science, technology, sociology, and ethics. However, it is through this complexity that the essay gains depth and significance. Only by unraveling the layers of e-waste-related issues can one hope to provide a comprehensive and informed perspective on the matter. For assistance with similar essays and more, you can explore the services available on Essay On E WasteEssay On E Waste
  • 2. The Liberal Election Victory of 1906 Essay The Liberal Election Victory of 1906 The Liberals won a landslide election victory in 1906. It is claimed that the loss of power for the Conservatives was largely due to a decline in fortunes as the party split due to issues over tariff reforms. On the other hand it is assumed that the loss was due to the complacency and the neglect of Workingmen s Interests. Arthur James Balfour had become the Conservative leader in the House of Commons and served (1891 92, 1895 1903) as the first Lord of the treasury. He had succeeded his uncle as Prime minister in 1902. A huge task lay ahead of Balfour, as poverty was to be a focal point at the beginning of the 20th century. Although it is reputed that... Show more content on ... The South African wars (1899 1902) resulted in a review made into the armed forced due to its poor showing. Many men (of poor background) lost their lives, which in turn voiced concerns throughout the country. This obviously reflected poorly on the government and produced a psychological shock also as Chamberlain lost to the radical cause by his espousal of Imperialism, which proved to be a double disaster for the Tories as it tied in with the Boer War. This allowed room for the Liberals to capitalise on this advantage and to begin snatching the working class vote from the Conservatives and people like Lloyd George enabled them to do so. He was a great orator and along with Churchill they relentlessly tortured the Tory s throughout the campaign, attacking them as enemies of the people. They carried this out effectively as they produced campaigns, slogans and songs, which were widely accepted. The prevailing atmosphere of the Boer war made sure that Conservative credibility was undermined when the Chinese slavery affair was publicised. The public seemed to be impressed by this issue. Political insensitivity of Balfour s government was indicated as
  • 3. Dickinson s I dreaded that first robin so Essay Dickinson s poetry has been interpreted a number of different ways. To some she may come across suicidal, to others depressed, or even philosophical to a number of readers. In her poem number 347 her depression and feelings of inadequacy are clear. In this poem Dickinson is a diva and is like any other person, scared of change; feelings that people typically get over quickly. Dickinson is being drama queen by explaining and lingering upon her depression and feelings of inadequacy by comparing herself unreasonably to and transcending the beautiful structures involved with spring through her uses of allusion, symbolism, and personification. Dickinson shows how she is being a drama queen and unreasonably trying to explain her inadequacy... Show more content on ... The grass is given the human characteristics of height and growth. She gives the grass these qualities in order to make it seem like the grass is guarding her from everything else in the world. Dickinson feels so inadequate that she must hide behind a sizable wall of grass in order that the rest of the structures associated with spring would not come and see her. She assumes that the bees, flowers and birds are all too beautiful to be associated with her and so she must remain incognito and enshrouded by the grass. Her feelings are unreasonable as the structures that are all associated with spring are some of the most beautiful in nature, therefore her comparisons and attempts to transcend the beauty involved with nature is illogical. Dickinson tries to transcend and compare herself to the nature around her but it is not a reasonable structure to transcend and so she feels inadequate and decides to remain clandestine behind a wall of grass. Dickinson also uses the symbolism of spring to show her unreasonable feelings of inadequacy by comparing herself to and attempting to transcend it. Spring is typically seen as a time of renewal and renaissance because it is the avenue to summer where nature is full of life and growing after the winter. Thus spring symbolizes new birth and beauty. Dickinson feels that she cannot face spring because it is too beautiful and fruitful a season for her. Compared to the season of spring and all it entails she feels unattractive and
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  • 7. Fashion Photography By Viviane Sassen Whenever the term fashion photography is brought up, the first thought that s triggered is that it s a genre of photography which is devoted to displaying clothing and other fashion items. However just like everything else in modern society, fashion photography has been redefined. It s not your average branded garments on a model anymore; it s more about capturing the essence of the brand itself and its personal universe. Viviane Sassen is one of the photographers who built her platform based on minimal focus on fashion, and more on personal experiences which led to her success. Vivian Sassen started her career in the fashion world as a model and shifted to photography. Few years after, she published her fashion work in independent magazines and then escalated to fashion magazines such as Vogue Paris and Wallpaper. Even though her career spiraled, there was always something characteristic about her photographs, often depicting elegant, and abstract forms of bodies and body parts. It was easy to state that Sassen reshaped a new visual language in the early 2000s by her usage of strong light and shadow, saturated colors, and extreme, angular poses. According to a publisher, Another Africa , she spent the early part of her childhood years in Kenya. In 2001, she published her series Cape Flats ... Show more content on ... Effortless lines and shapes, and quite often of human bodies. However, while arms and legs frame abstract lines, faces play an alternate, more complex part in her work: they are often undetectable. Like the uncommonly shaped arms and legs of her work, there is a story behind Sassen s invisible faces, as well: At one point, when I was considering photography, I was taking photos for a companion of mine who is a fashion designer. I was taking self portraits, yet I was not feeling great. I chose to utilize dark ink to make all my skin in the photos pitch dark: my face, my hands my
  • 8. Conformity In Harraway s Essay On Cyborgs In most cases, finding the median between two highly contrasting points can be challenging, but it is not so for Haraway s idea of cyborgs and Twain s idea of conformity. Both concepts are interrelated because the cyborg is the hybrid of both machine and organism, and conformity, is the center of standing out and barely noticeable . By applying Mark Twain s idea that conformity is a result of self approval to Donna Haraway s argument that cyborgs are the ramifications of different political and economic social systems, we can see that because of Haraway s idea that cyborgs are the balance between two opposites, the same can be said of conformity in Twain s essay, and so conformity is a result of different societal states due to the idea... Show more content on ... The cyborg acts as a metaphor for the postmodernist view of the world as well as the introduction to new technology. To Haraway, the blend between nature and civilization gives birth to the cyborg, as it is a hybrid of machine and organism (pg. 1). As part of her argument, the dualistic division between biology and technology is no longer present because of the cyborg, and she incorporates the idea of feminism because she is trying to achieve the same sense of balance of distribution of power between male and female dominants as in cyborg reality. Since the cyborg does not exist in nature or culture, and because it is a hybrid, its extent is not limited by dualist archetypes. Haraway sees the cyborg as the illegitimate offspring of militarism and patriarchal capitalism, not to mention state socialism. (pg. 2) She feels as if different social systems have merged nature and civilization together which explains the reason behind the birth of the cyborg but their origins are irrelevant because the cyborg s existence is derived from multiple sources and they are often exceedingly unfaithful to their origins. (pg.
  • 9. What Is Dynamic Mortuary When looking at archaeological sites within the Mississippian, there is a wide variety of location and who were settled there. This is no differ when examining grave sites. Despite similarities, there will also be dynamic mortuary practices between each society and even between different settlements in those societies. Examining three contrasting sites burial practices and how investigators determined ranked statuses by these graves creates a bigger picture of many tragedies present for researches to use. Each site s elite status indicators not only represented how the dead were treated and their beliefs but also how the society functioned for the living. Moundville The main identifier of social ranking through mortuary practices by investigators
  • 10. Poisonwood Bible Seminar Questions Narimatsu 1 Amy Narimatsu AP Literature August 18, 2015 The Poisonwood Bible Seminar Questions 1.) Methuselah is a pronounced presence in the book. What is he meant to symbolize? What are his captivity and freedom meant to represent? Methuselah symbolizes the Republic of Congo s doom. The parrot is kept in a cage for the majority of his life. He is fed and taken care of by his masters; he does not have to fend for himself, losing the primal instinct and simple ability to do so. His captivity represents the Republic of Congo being controlled, divided, and changed by the other nations. After Methuselah is liberated by Nathan Price, he stays close to the house, depending on the girls to feed and shelter him. We also watched... Show more content on ... A, Tata Price, I am an old man who learned from other old men. i could tell you the name of the great chief who instructed my father, and all the ones before him, but you would have to know how to sit down and listen. There are on hundred twenty two. Since the time of our manful we have made our laws without help from white men (Kingsolver 353). However, some of the Price daughters also represent cultural arrogance. For instance, Leah worships her father and his mission, blindly following him as if he is God himself. He planned to make a demonstration garden, from which we d gather a harvest for our table and also supply food and seeds to the villagers [...] The grace of our good intentions made me feel wise, blessed, and safe from snakes [...] Some people find him overly stern and rightening, but that is only because he was gifted with such keen judgements and purity of heart. He has been singled out for a life of trail, as Jesus was. Being always the first to spot flaws and transgressions, it falls upon Father to deliver penance (Kingsolver 34, 36, 41, 42). Leah ignores the possibility that what her father is doing is disrespectful and considers the people of Kilanga in a light of stupidity and
  • 11. Tone of Truth Tone of Truth The poem, Truth, by Gwendolyn Brooks, was written in 1949, during a continuing era of black oppression in America. Brooks was born June 7, 1917 in Topeka, Kansas but her family moved to Chicago shortly after her birth, according to her biographer, Georg Kent (2). The Poetry Foundation biography of Gwendolyn Brooks says her father was a janitor who had dreamt of becoming a doctor and her mother was a schoolteacher and classically trained pianist (Halley). Both of her parents had dreamt about living the American Dream and both suffered hard times and disappointment instead. Brooks parents were very supportive of her passion for reading and writing and first sensed her talent at age seven, when she started writing... Show more content on ... In an autobiography, Brooks wrote a passage that the Poetry Foundation quoted from stating, I know that the Black emphasis must be not against white but for Black... (Halley). Brooks feels strongly that blacks should take more pride in themselves and their heritage and take positive actions to make things better for themselves. Brooks views show through the tone or voice of the speaker in her poem Truth . Poets use tone to convey to the readers much more than what is plainly written on the page. Kirszner explains in Portable Literature: Reading Writing Reacting, The tone of a poem conveys the speaker s attitude toward his or her subject or audience, (436). The tone or attitude of the speaker is earnest about how human it is to want to run and hide from that which we fear. The speaker says, Shall we not flee / Into the shelter / Of the familiar, (15 17). In this case people fear the truth because it is unfamiliar. It has been observed by many reviewers that Brooks work has remained objective about human nature (Halley). The speaker also has a reflective attitude asking thoughtful questions such as, How shall we greet him? / Shall we not dread him / Shall we not fear him, (2 4), to invoke thought in the reader about what their actions might be if they were face to face with a devastating truth. The speaker is suggestive but rather than confronting or scolding the reader by telling them
  • 12. Francisco Goya The Terrible Monster Comparison The following essay is going to examine works by Francisco Goya (1746 1828) and Kathe Kollwitz (1867 1945). These artists lived in different times and cultures, yet had remarkably similar styles in several of their works. The two artworks that will be in focus are Goya s Horrible Monster (From the Disasters of War series 1806 1820) and Kollwitz s Death, woman, and child (1910). These works will be compared and contrasted to discover the similarities and differences between each of their meanings, the artistic elements and principles used, their handling of materials and techniques, and their individual styles. Both of these works have a dark nature depicted within it. Goya s Horrible Monster displays a large beast as the main object ... Show more content on ... Horrible Monster is an etching which achieved a slightly scratchy look, with a more illustrated in some parts, as well as the lines themselves being darker. To achieve this finish, he had to cover a metal plate with an acid resistant coating and then scratch through creating the desired lines. The plate is then immersed in a pool of acid which eats through the spaces which have been scratched clean. The acid darkens and widens the line, depending on how long it is in the acidic pool. On the other hand, Kollwitz underwent the aquatint method. This achieved a finish that is softer, and has an overlaying grain to it. Aquatinting is when you apply a fine resin dust to the surface of a metal plate, which is then heated from below. The dust then melts to form protective spots on the plate. When the etching process happens, the acid bites around each
  • 13. Khufu Pyramid Leader Khufu a great pyramid builder. He has done Many great things for his people, things like lead his military into the Nubia Libya. Khufu accomplishments lots of things, he had even built the great Pyramid Of Giza. Khufu had done lots of things in his lifespan. Who was Khufu? Khufu was born Khnum Khufwy to Hetepheres 1 and Snefru. He was born in 2589 BC. His father Snefru was a great pyramid builder. Khufu came to the throne in his twenties. He started ruling in 2609 BC, he then had started working on his pyramid. What did Khufu do as a leader? Throughout ruling he has lead his people through many things.He lead then into the Nubia Libya and the Sinai. He had build a small boat to transport his people in when they went to war. He also helped
  • 14. Aesthetics And Its Impact On The Lives Of People Abstract Aesthetics is an esoteric subject but manages to be appealing to many readers. Aesthetics are a form of philosophy which deals with nature, beauty, art, and taste and appreciation for truly beautiful things. From art aesthetics to, aesthetic judgment, normativity in aesthetics et cetera et cetera. Aestheticsin general have been around for centuries. The most significant figures in the aesthetic tear of philosophy are figures such as Plato, Emmanuel Kant, Friedrich Nietzsche. It s a major explanation on why we view things the way we do and why are they stimulating. This essay examines this branch of philosophy to support this... Show more content on ... The unrecognized significance of Aesthetics I think everything in life is art. What you do, how you dress, the way you love someone, and how you talk. Your smile and your personality, what you believe in, and all your dreams. The way you drink your tea, how you decorate your home, or party; your grocery list, the food you make, how your writing looks, and the way you feel. Life is art. Helena Bonham Carter. Everything I seem to appreciate I note that one way or another I end up relating whatever it is that stimulates my mind to art always. I m constantly thinking in my mind how the smallest of things can drastically change the appearance of things, the way they make you feel and communicate essentially. One word in which you can observe me saying nearly in every sentence is the word aesthetic . The word aesthetic lacks usage and is absent in the vocabulary of various people I have spoken to throughout my life, by no means am I suggesting for the word to be clichГ©d, but it is note worthy to say that it is definitely under used. Aesthetics are essentially the reasoning and acumen behind literally everything you can think of. It s the reason you wear those shoes your currently wearing, because they look nice . It s the reason you are with your girlfriend and vice versa because you guys. It s literally the reason behind why you put that specific piece of furniture you
  • 15. College Debt And Student Completion And Attendance Thalia Arreola Cynthia Burns English 102 20 April 2015 College Debt and Student Completion and Attendance In mid 2010 higher education debt surpassed credit card debt at $830 billon dollars(Clemmitt 877 900). Debt has become an increasing problem for students who want to attend college. As more students try to further their education, tuition rises and so does the amount of loans taken out each year. According to Belkin, Students attending public four year institutions this academic year are paying an average of $12,620, up $220 from last year, for tuition, room and board, meaning that tuition is only growing not decreasing from previous years(Belkin n.p.). Many people debate over whether they should attend college and be in debt or if they should get a job somewhere that allows them to live a comfortable life debt free. Two thirds of college graduates have to take out loans in order to get through college(Dwyer, McCloud, Hodson 1133 1155). Many people question, Does rising college debt limit who attends and completes college? , while many people have different opinions on this particular subject, I believe that it depends on the student and their situation if college debt limits who attends and completes college because it depends on their financial stability, it depends on if they are borrowing the right amount and it depends on if their degree provides them with the means to pay back their loans, however, many people would disagree with me and say that yes, college
  • 16. Frankenstein In The 18th Century Essay Satan has his companions, fellow devils, to admire and encourage him; but I am solitary and detested (Mary Shelley). In Mary Shelley s novel, Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein creates a monster who refers to himself as Adam of your labours which also happens to be the first man created in the Bible. The monster was abandoned by Victor and was left to teach himself and slowly discover what he is, which slowly drives him to insanity. Gothic novelists such as Mary Shelley targeted to epitomize the melancholy of the early 18th century throughout their writing. When the first wave of gothic literature was started it was created as a refined joke. The second wave of gothic novelists, along with Mary Shelley, founded innovative conventions.... Show more content on ... Shelley influenced science, medical exploration and experimentation through her novel by pressing boundaries and rectifying the journey of modern science. Without Shelley s innovative philosophies concerning science, medical science would not be where it currently is in medical evaluations. However, Frankenstein wasn t only an inspiration to modern scientists at the time, it was also an inspiration to grotesque novelists and set a new level for gothic writers of the 18th century. Through a religious standpoint, we have received our bodies as a gift from God, and to create another individual would be morally wrong in God s
  • 17. Benefits For Part Time Workers Case Study 3: Benefits for Part Time Workers Ken Davis Liberty University Introduction In this weeks case we have Jackson, Smith and Henderson (JSH) Certified Public Accountants (CPA) one of the fastest growing CPA firms in the area. The firm has just under 100 employees (Martocchio, 2015, p.260) of which two have requested part time statues. The firm had already considered hiring additional part time workers, consequently the firm need to make a Human Resource (HR) decision, to decide when and should the company extend the benefits to part time workers. Therefore, understanding what the Employment and Labor Laws prior to the offering of extended benefits to part time employees should be the first place to start ... Show more content on ... When a company is deciding to make an innovative change or extended benefits to part time employees, strict compliance is required according to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and the U.S. Department of Labor (Martocchio, 2015). Tiffani Clement (2011) published an article, Does my business have to provide part time employees with benefits? she writes about the required benefits that employers must extend to part time employees. For instance, newly added HR Director Alan Jones must address whether or not his company can afford to offer extended benefits to part time employees. Three Factors for Consideration Bearing in mind some firms are hiring interims, staffing services and part time employees through temp agencies. It is no surprise in this case that a recent compensation survey of business in the local geographical area included information about benefits (Martocchio, 2015). Part time employment are more readily available because it is considered hidden unemployment, says, Chris Tilly, a professor at UCLA, for instance, if a person works 20 hours a week, but wants 40 hours, that unfulfilled time is spent unemployed (Gillespie, 2015). Utilizing the prior options above can save the company money, plus some part time employees are hired at the entrance level pay, therefore saving the company certain work benefits. Although, the company may utilize the services of a staffing service and or temp agency,
  • 18. Compare Deviveze s Understanding Of Yellow Fever DevГ©ze s understanding of yellow fever had come entirely from the ideas of physicians in the West Indies. Like American doctors, West Indies doctors theorized that the fever evolved from disturbances in the atmosphere which disrupted the balance of the humors. Much like the rotten coffee theory, the doctors claimed that yellow fever developed from putrid exhalations that contaminated the air. DevГ©ze used this theory while trying to understand the epidemic in Philadelphia. He proclaimed that when the air was filled with infected matter, the body would become susceptible to disease. He writes that the degree of which the disease affected the body differed among patients. The deadliness of the disease was based on aspects such as unhealthy
  • 19. Analysis Of The Fifth Quarter By Rick Bieber Loss, desperation and hope this is the heart warming story of the football champion playing with his brother s number 5 jersey Jon Abbate. The Fifth Quarter follows the story of the Abbate family losing their son and brother, Luke, to a car accident. It also uncovers the story of how Jon Abbate conquered his loss and became a football champion to playfor his brother and himself. In this movie, young people have been portrayed as emotional and desperate but also able to find hope and direction with the guidance of a senior. Robert Koehler (2011) from Variety states, The softness that plagues so many sports movies is in evidence yet again in the soporific The Fifth Quarter. In The Fifth Quarter (2010), Rick Bieber has taken the events from a true story and cleverly manipulated shot types, camera angles, non diegetic and diegetic sound to portray youth as resilient, brave and courageous people. The first tool that Rick Bieber employs is different kinds of shot types. Since this is a quite emotional movie, he uses a variety of shot types to portray the character s feelings. An example of this is the long shot of the Abbate family in the hospital. The Abbate family is sitting around Luke s bed discussing organ donation. They are very discouraged, and Rick has portrayed this by using a long shot, which shows the audience the slouched posture of the characters, displaying discouragement and sadness. In one of the mid scenes, a medium shot of the Abbate family and Jon s
  • 20. The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade And Great Awakening Personal Reflections Journal 2: The Trans Atlantic Slave Trade and Great Awakening Today, many American s are very prideful of being part of a Country that not only portrays, but also truly offer an abundance of opportunities for education, careers, housing, for many immigrants jobs, and most importantly Freedom. Currently the American motto is that there are no impossibilities, work hard to achieve highest potential and failure is not a negative innuendo, but a mark of the imprints of success. Nevertheless, as one researches and studies American history the stroll down memory lane is sad and disappointing. Use The Trans Atlantic Slave Trade Database website ( /search)1 take a stroll into the past during 1607 1808 the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade slaves took the place of what we call today America s industry workforce. Unfortunately, during the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade the slaves did not have a choice, mistreated and stripped of their rights and dignity, dehumanized, and all for the purpose of commercialism competitiveness and industrial prosperity. As shown on the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade Database, during 1607 1808, the total number of slaves embarked on voyages to the Mainland North America was 360,999; however, these slaves experienced the highest form of cruelty and uncaring treatment... Show more content on ... The way industrial leaders treated slaves (workers) gives little to admire and if this were to happen today, would
  • 21. The Negative Effects Of Vaccination Finally, there are negative effects of vaccines. The most common side effects of vaccines are mild cases of fever, nausea, and redness or swelling at the site of the injection (Kwok, 2011). Researchers are constantly working to improve the safety of vaccines by utilizing more inactive and killed vaccines (Kwok, 2011). However, since experimental trials do not catch all side effects since some only effect one per 10,000 100,000 people (Kwok, 2011). Though the most common side effects are mild, the rare side effects are more dangerous. The rare side effects occur in roughly one in every 100,000 1 million cases (Kwok, 2011). These side effects include fever induced convulsions and severe allergic reactions (Kwok, 2011). As rare as they are, they do pose a significant threat to the safety of the individual. Researchers are continuously developing new vaccines that offer safe immunization. As discussed with biological effects of vaccines, there are several factors that come into a consideration when a person decides to receive a vaccination. Some of these factors include religious and personal beliefs, as well as general mistrust in scientific and medical communities. Within the United States, individuals who view vaccines as dangerous or unnecessary, are usually met with the social label anti vax or the more accepted term for medical professionals vaccine hesitant (McClure et al.). As with biological factors, the results can influence both individual and community
  • 22. Questions On Dns And Dhcp DNS and DHCP DHCP hands out IP addresses to clients and is essential for connecting to the internet. Because DHCP are so important we will configure for fault tolerance and load balancing. The DHCP scope design will involve 2 DHCP servers at the Pensacola site and 1 DHCP server at the Casper site. All of the DHCP servers will be put into failover load balance mode. All of the DCHP servers will be configured in load balance mode. With this set up if one server fails the other will take over. If they are all working properly then they will share the load balance. A scope with the address range of will be created. DHCP reservations will be used for all servers within both sites so they will get the same IP address every time. This will speed up the response time from the server and make sure that users will not have any issues finding the servers. The lease times will be in the default 8 day increments to ensure that there will be plenty of IP addresses available at all times. Using a private domain, the DNS name space design will include pa.con.localhost as the parent and ca.con.localhost as the child. Split DNS will be set up with two different scopes. One for the internal DNS records and one for the external DNS records. These scopes will be hosted on the same DNS server. This will keep the information on the internal DNS server secure from issues such as foot printing. To set up these scopes policies need to be created and implemented so each
  • 23. Analysis Of Linda Sue Park s A Long Walk To Water Imagine living in a world of poverty, not having much water, and food being scarce. Along with that your government is being attacked and you are separated from your family. A Long Walk to Water is a true story, Written by Linda Sue Park. Linda is an American author that writes mostly teen fiction. She has written a total of 9 books including Long Walk to Water. The events that occurred in A Long Walk to Water would be horrifying for anyone. Living in a country during war can be hard for anyone,, it can change your future in a big way. Salva s childhood was a normal life, any other eleven year old s life in south Sudan would be composed of mostly the same events. Salva worked for his mother most of his day. Travelling many miles to the closest pond of water they had. Salva would make two trips there a day. He went to school unlike most of the kids because his dad was an important person and he made a lot of money allowing... Show more content on ... Into the bush, not home. Unfortunately Salva couldn t find his parents. He thought, Where are we going? Where is my family (Park 7). He ran until he couldn t run anymore, then he walked. Salva was walking with other people. He walked until the sun went down. After they stopped walking and it was night time. Everybody decided they would group each other with their villages. Eventually Salva heard his village name, The village of Loun Ariik, here! (Park 9). He found his village! Once he visually found them there were about twelve people in his group. Salva looked at everyone from his village, none of them were his family. They spent the night at a road. Once morning came they started walking again. While they were walking the Rebels saw them, came up to them and forced all of the men to come with them. All that was left were women and children. That night they slept in a barn they found. Salva woke up in the morning and everybody was gone, he thought, Nobody else was in the barn...Nobody, nothing (Park
  • 24. The Corgers Of Daimler-Benz A merger is the joining of two or more companies with the intention to achieve higher levels of productivity and efficiency. As well as this, mergers bring two existing companies and make them one. Daimler Benz is German company in the automobile sector with operation in over 21 countries creating automobiles, vehicles, and engines. Daimler Benz is a business that had strong financial foundations with most of their income coming from their operations within the luxury cars market. However, due to a lot of competition within the market they required diversification within its product range and so believed that the merger with Chrysler would help them do this. In the 1980s after the oil crisis as well as the increasing ecological movement, they came up with a new vision, which was Integrated Technology Corporation and as a result purchased lots of different companies including AEG, Telefunken, MTU, Dornier, Fokker, and MBB. Apart from this, they co developed the smart car with Swiss, which helped them aim at lower volume segments. (Kohler, 2009, pg. 310) Mercedes goal is to go beyond the needs of consumers by putting more effort in workforce and transportation technologies. Mercedes also focused on high tech quality profit strategies (Kohler, 2009,pg312), which they believed, would help them have a lead within the global automobile market. Chrysler, on the other hand, was a North American based group founded in 1925.In 1980 after they failed to internationalised Chrysler
  • 25. Disadvantages Of Urbanization Of Indonesia Concentration of economic activities in the city resulted in a mass of people flocked to the city in the hope of improving their quality of life through economic improvement. As a result, the level of urbanization continues to climb rapidly from year to year, including in Indonesia. Although the high rate of urbanizationbrought about numerous positive impacts, it also has its share of disadvantages as well, such as uncontrolled urban growth and unplanned urbanization (Arriaga and Beyer 1968; Bolay 2006). Currently more than half of Indonesia s population live in urban areas and the proportion are projected to continue to grow in the future. By 2015, the urban population in Indonesia has reached more than half (53.3%), and is expected to continue to increase every year until it is predicted to reach 68% in 2025 (Badan Pengembangan Statistik 2015).... Show more content on ... In addition, urbanization has implications for housing and settlement, which is the increasing need for decent and affordable houses, and the increasing need for basic services and settlement management system. In addition, the natural population growth in urban areas lead to increasing density of settlements (Asoka, Bunyasi, and Thuo 2013) and the changing needs of houses for urban households. Nevertheless, due to the limited amount of land available and the high price of land in urban areas, many people especially marginal communities, occupy housing with inadequate basic infrastructure, lack access to sanitation and water provision (Neekhra, 2008). As a result, urban slums are emerging as the place for the underprivileged to live, specifically in developing countries which fail to provide slum residents with proper hygiene facilities, food, clothing and
  • 26. Doc Holliday Conflicts Conflicts After the Deputy Marshal for the town is killed by Curly Bill, one of the cowboys, Wyatt escorts Bill to a hearing, where he is let go on account of there being no witness to the murder. Virgil at this point in the film begins to develop a conciseness and volunteers to be the new Deputy Marshal. Morgan shortly joins up with him, while Wyatt still refuses to get involved. Ike Clanton and Doc Holliday(among others) are gambling, after Holliday wins, Ike accuses Holliday of cheating. The viewer is lead to believe that Holliday had not cheated. Ike is arrested by Virgil and thrown in jail to sober up. The morning after, Ike is escorted out of jail and Tom McLaury threatens Wyatt. Wyatt grabs McLaury s pistol and knocks him over with... Show more content on ... In fact, evidence suggests that his interactions and associations could be the reason that led to the shooting at the O.K. Corral [2]. Essentially, Doc Holliday was friends with a William Leonard, who was later implicated in an attempted stagecoach robbery, that resulted in the death of two of three passengers. Prior to this event, Holliday had had a number of run ins with an individual by the name of Milt Joyce. A number of times Holliday was arrested and taken to court for assault. These charges were often dropped after Holliday paid court fees and the fines associated. Because of these confrontations and Holliday s relationship with Leonard, Holliday was accused of being a part of the gang (who mostly consisted of members of the Cowboy gang) who attempted to rob the stagecoach. To clear Holliday s name, the Earps (Wyatt, Virgil and Morgan) formed a posse that hunted down the other members of the gang. To find some of the men that could clear Holliday s name, Wyatt made a deal with Ike Clanton (a known Cowboy member), Wyatt would give Ike the reward money for the outlaws, if Ike would give information regarding their whereabouts[2]. Ike Clanton, on the other hand, denied such a deal occurring. He said that Wyatt approached him, but he [Ike] would have nothing to do with the deal [1]. When the outlaws were found, they (allegedly) resisted arrest and the outlaws in the party who could clear Holliday s name were killed. Ike grew restless and fearing that the Cowboys would hear about his deal with Wyatt [2]. Ike accused Wyatt of sharing their plan with Holliday. Ike confronted Wyatt and later Holliday. Virgil broke up the confrontation between Holliday and Ike, and while Holliday went to his hotel for the night, Ike continued to drink through to sunset. At this point Ike was looking to instigate a fight with Holliday and Wyatt. Wyatt and Virgil stopped Ike as he was walking down the
  • 27. How Memory Affects The Brain Just above your ear, inside of your skull, is a small, but important, section of the brainstem called the pons. And during REM sleep, the pons starts a reaction, causing many different kinds of neurons to fire inside your brain. Through all this unorganized firing, the brain is forced to make sense of it all, by using its own memories, to better understand certain things. But is this the only reason why the brain uses memories? To give clarification to the unexplainable? Or is there something else; some kind of additional information or an alternative reason? Several psychologists believe that dreams are initiated from biological activity and are greatly affected by the brain s neurons and neurotransmitters. Psychiatrist McCarley and Hobson... Show more content on ... Language acquisition and other cognitive skills increase gradually during childhood through dreams, causing learning to continue over a lifespan and for memory to be updated and expanded (Hobson, J. A. 2009, 13). The brain also prepares itself for its many integrative functions, including the consciousness, which its development is time consuming and a lifelong process that is being constantly used for many things, like providing a virtual reality generator, which can all be demonstrated in dreams (Hobson, J. A. 2009, 29). With the help of dreams developing cognitive skills, results in the preparation for higher mental functions that will take place later on in the future. For example, when dreams display memories of the past, present, or the expected future, they were at first perceived as discrete dimensions, but now it s distinguished as a level of adaptability of constructive episodic simulation (MacDuffie, K. Mashour, G. A. 2010, 3). Mirmiran in colleagues studies showed that the amount of REM sleep is an indicator of the level of brain development; this evidence proves that sleep is a key component of neuron development and also may serve as a function beyond processing of past events that can continue to impact into adult life (MacDuffie, K. Mashour, G. A. 2010, 20). After the analysis of hundreds of research on dreams, scientific evidence concluded that
  • 28. Math Certification Assignment . Overview. You Will Submit Math Certification Assignment Overview You will submit a three week math unit plan and supporting assessments. Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to give you practice setting short term instructional goals using the principle of Backward Design, in order to sequence daily learning experiences that support students understanding of key mathematical concepts. Related NAEYC Professional Preparation Standards NAEYC Standard 5. Using Content Knowledge to Build Meaningful Curriculum Students prepared in early childhood degree programs use their knowledge of academic disciplines to design, implement, and evaluate experiences that promote positive development and learning for each and every young child. Students understand the... Show more content on ... How do the concepts explored in this unit build upon skills previously learned? In what ways will this unit have opportunities for student engagement that focus on student interest, characteristics and/or culture? The content in this unit will set up young scholars to navigate and describe the world around them. Shapes are everywhere! Shapes can be used to communicate important information throughout their lives. Geometry can also lay the groundwork for future math such as solving for the missing angle. The concepts in this unit connect to the end of the year math goals for students as they, too, are based upon the common core standards. By the time students enter first grade, they should be able to identify and describe shapes as well as analyze, compare, create, and compose shapes. The concepts explored in this unit do not rely heavily on prior knowledge. Though students should have had some exposure (formally or informally) to shapes, they likely have not been taught to this extent. They will, however, need to utilize their counting and categorizing skills. This unit will have ample opportunities for student engagement. Children at this age both need and enjoy movement. Throughout this Geometry unit, kindergartners will be given the chance to use their bodies and voices to enhance their learning. Lessons will start with catchy, hip songs about shapes. There are also movements to go along with
  • 29. Essay about An Argument in Defense of Historian Carlo... Historians wishing to study the culture of any preindustrial subordinate class are all challenged by the lack of evidence at their disposal. Such is the case with the peasant class of medieval Europe. Italian historian Carlo Ginzburg, in an attempt to better understand the cultural attitudes of medieval peasants, takes on an innovative and controversial task in The Cheese and the Worms. The Cosmos of a Sixteenth Century Miller. The book is centered on a curious sixteenth century miller named Menocchio and his interactions with the Inquisitorial board while on trial for heresy. Ginzburg, however, intends to do more than just tell the story of a miller s trial and subsequent execution under the inquisition. Ginzburg scrutinizes, evaluates,... Show more content on ... Ginzburg s primary and strongest argument is in his is detailed recollection of Menocchio s known book collection. After Ginzburg refutes the influences of popular heretical movements, such as the Reformation and Anabaptist movements, had on Menocchio, he explains the affect of Menocchio s readings had on his ideas. Over the course of the miller s two trials, he references eleven books in his testimony as a source of his ideas. From the Inquisitor s view some works are more benign, such as the bible (in the vernacular) while others, like the Koran, are clearly heretical. Despite the varying content of Menocchio s library, there is one consistency among his readings; he prooftexts his books in order to substantiate his existing ideas about the church and about the world. It was not the books alone, Ginzburg argues, but the encounter between the printed page and oral culture that formed an explosive mixture in Menocchio s head (Ginzburg 51). The oral culture Menocchio in which he was a member helped shape his worldview. Remnants of pagan, borderline heretical ideas passed down orally from generation to generation were at least in part responsible for his ideas. As Anne Jacobson Schutte claims, Creatively tracing the connections (often circuitous and out of context) between the texts Menocchio read and the
  • 30. My Experience Of High School What is high school? In my opinion, high school is the beginning of your teenage life, the beginning of your GPA, and the beginning of your new adult life. My high school experiences were both great and disastrous. I have shared many memories that involves a great load of laughs, tears, and the most of all memories. These memories that we have shared will be remembered for as long as I live. High school is said to be the best years of your life. High school is really what you make of it. Along the way you will be able to make new friends. In high school you will also be able to tell who is there to stick by your side . I learned that my 12th grade year when a group of my friends were all at lunch. We were all enjoying ourselves simply because graduation was soon approaching. We was all having fun until I started walking and broke a bone in my foot by stepping into a covered hole. I was the playful one in the group so no one believed me. Everyone left me when the bell rung except my best friend. She stood by my side until we received help from a nurse. The pain was so overbearing to the point to where tears fell down my face endlessly. Toni never saw me cry because of pain, so she started crying too. That was my worst day of my senior year, but I had a great person pushing me until the end. That was the day I found out who my real friend were. In high school you will also have things that will cause you to give up or not try your best. Leaving my 8th grade year, I lost my brother to a horrible car accident. At that point I didn t want to go on. Later, I began to realize that he would want me to continue to push through and make him proud. During that time, track was my way of expressing my feelings. Well, at that time we had our big district track meet. One of the girls that was suppose to had ran our biggest races could not run. We did not have a runner, so I had to step up to the pate. It was district, and I was going to run the biggest races. Nowhere in my mind I had imagined doing that. I did not think that i was even good enough to take on a big challenge. I began to run at the sound of the gun, and I started to visualize my brother standing at the finish line. I made it there forgetting that I was
  • 31. Analysis Of Empress Of A Thousand Skies Honor, bravery, loyalty these made up her ma tan sarili, the three values. I was an everyday Kalusian greeting, but it meant much more than hello or goodbye. It translated to highest self, and to say it was a pledge to be the best person you could be. In a time of heightened political turmoil, Empress of a Thousand Skies is relevant more than ever. Even though, this is a space opera, the story parallels the contemporary world we live in. It s a tale of Crown Princess Rhiannon Ta an, the last of her clan, who s determined at avenging and reclaiming her throne. It also interlaces the fate of Alyosha, a refugee reality star, who was falsely accused of killing the future Empress. With planets on the brink of war, Rhee and Aly are thrown together
  • 32. A Report On The Accounting Software Created a report for Auditors that displays Accounts receivables from previous years that have been paid off this year. Made phone calls to customers with past due invoices. Received access to Great Plains accounting software. 2/25/15 Assisted the auditors in locating source documents that they were looking for and needed. Most of the source documents were related to accounts payable. Specifically, they wanted to check the employee reimbursement checks to ensure that they were being reported properly for both book and tax purposes. For book purposes meals and entertainment are counted as a full expense but for tax purpose only half of the expense is deductible. I got to learn a lot more about book tax differences from the auditors, such ... Show more content on ... A key factor of the lunch was communication, in which people were both talking business but at the same time building a relationship by getting to know each other and talking about their past. 2/26/16 Created an excel workbook Deferred Revenue Balance 2016 that highlights deferred revenue. The sheet was at first intended to assist the auditors in performing their job but it will be re used to help validate that the company is properly recognizing deferred revenue when it is earned. The reason for re using the spreadsheet is because the company has gotten more customers than usual, who wish to pay in advance. This advanced payment creates a liability, that needs to be recognized properly. The spreadsheet was created by creating a smartlist using Great plains that displays all information related to Deferred Revenue. After creating the smartlist, the information was exported into an excel spreadsheet Deferred Revenue Transactions , which was all that the auditors required. Then to re use the workbook a new sheet Deferred Revenue Balance was added, which pulled information from the first sheet through formulas. After creating the formulas on the second spreadsheet, any information inputted into the first sheet was moved to the second sheet in a more organized and informative display, which also displayed whether debits and credits were balanced. Now the workbook will be updated on a monthly basis to ensure proper recognition of Deferred Revenue. To
  • 33. I Being Born A Distressed Woman By Edna St. Vincent Millay Edna St. Vincent Millay, I, being born a distressed woman , introduces a new perspective on trivial concepts such as gender, sexuality, lust, Intimacy and human relationship, ultimately challenging social standards. The speaker brings forth the idea of engaging in intercourse to fulfill her sexual needs and notions (2) without being bound to the expectation of forming an emotional and serious relationship. Through insight and logical reasoning, Millay battels pushes beyond social boundaries and standards by challenging the idea of sexuality and as a result of being born a woman (1). Millay uses elements of imagery and diction to express human sexualityand insightful reasoning in order to challenge societal standards. The opening segment of the poem begins with a statement in regard to the speaker s gender and the needs and notions of her kind . The introducing line, I, being born a woman and distressed is also the title of them poem, this form of repetition reinforces the ideas of being born a woman and being distressed . The first line of the poem is stated in a tone filled with sarcasm in which the speaker describes herself has distressed (1), by this she is trivialising and mocking the fragile and delicate nature of women as perceived by society. The introducing line, I, being born a woman and distressed (1), is also the title of them poem, the repetition of the statement reinforces the ideas of being born a woman and being distressed . The bold
  • 34. Salvador Dali’s The Persistence of Memory Essay Way more than time just melting away This paper will take a look at Salvador Dali s painting, The Persistence of Memory, painted in 1931. As the viewer can tell, this is a story of time and life. The memories start in the background where all is well and things are straight and calm. Moving on to the cliff, the observer possibly sees a well behaved teenager. There is nothing horrible here that leads the spectator to gasp, and the viewer knows this person made it through that time in their life. Then the picture moves on to the age of about twenty, the memories are fond but in the distant past. The memories are protected by a white blanket so that they do not just fall into the background. Then something happened where the person had some ... Show more content on ... The next item that the eye is drawn to is the fly, resting on this clock. Although this clock seems to be melting like the others in the picture, the fly plays an important part in this painting. Being the painting is named, The Persistence of Memory, the fly leads the onlooker to think these memories might not be as old as the rest. Flies are drawn to items that are rotting but still have some nutritional value; this clock is fresh enough to have more value than the other clocks around it, giving the spectator the thought that maybe while the clock is a memory, it is not distant and is still brought to the frontal lobe now and then to be revisited. After looking beyond the focal point, to the left of that clock and even a little bit closer is a pocket watch. This watch is in a contrasting orange color. This is the only orange used in the painting. The placing of the pocket watch is strategic, as it too is on the shelf with the most recent memory, but the line and angle of the shelf automatically pulls your eye to it. The pocket watch is closed and highly decorated with black. Although, the viewer cannot make out what the clock is decorated in, it seems to convey that this clock is very important to the scene. The onlooker might even see this as a memory that has not been opened yet. Something grand will take place in this time line portrayed by this painting. Oddly as this is, the eye begins to then follow
  • 35. Isolation In Annabel Lee By Mike Nappa Fear, confusion, and hopelessness are just a few emotions that plague Annabel Lee in the novel Annabel Lee by Mike Nappa after her Uncle Truck locks her in a hidden shelter until he can ensure her safety and returns to free her. Annabel Lee has lived with her Uncle Truck for as long as she can remember, but when Truck shows up to her room in the early hours of the morning and tells her to follow him, she instantly grows afraid. Truck then leads her to a safe shelter that she had never even known existed and gives her his ravage dog that she can command using her limited knowledge of German. Once she is secured in the shelter, he gives her a key and tells her to lock the three dead bolts until he returns and tells her the safe code. In this... Show more content on ... This journal reveals a rich history of her past through the viewpoint of her mother. Annabel states, [Dr. Smith] was my father. I read it in my mother s journal. They...they came together just so they could make me. So they could have an innocent to use in their experiments (Nappa 334). It reveals that Annabel was not just a child that her parents desired to have, but instead she was just one of their lab rats. She had just been a part of her evil father s overarching objective. As a result, when her mother tried to help escape Dr. Smith and save Annabel, she was killed. This harsh history has isolated Annabel to a point in which she feels completely dehumanized. This is further reinforced as Dr. Smith, her own father, refers to her as an it. He refuses to accept that she is anything more than a variable in an experiment or a test to be run. This form of isolation resonates deep within Annabel and places every part of her life in line for questioning. She begins to wonder who all was involved and why they hadn t just locked her away from the beginning to protect
  • 36. Great Batle of Otumba Great Battle of Otumba: The Turning Point for the Spanish Isidro Gurrola History MO4 Jaime Soto March 12, 2008 IntroductionThe Battle at Otumba is considered one of the turning points in the conquest of Mexico, giving the conquistadors a victory at a time when the Aztecs could have destroyed them. A statue of CortГ©s, with the name Otumba on it, stands in the conquistador s home province of Medellin, Spain, to recall the event (Barghusen 2000:59). The Battle of Otumba Mexico would occur a few days later after La Noche Triste, the sad night , as the conquistadors were fleeing towards their Native allies at Tlaxcala. It was fought on the 8th of July 1520,... Show more content on ... The flipping motion of the atlatl propels a light spear much faster and farther than it could be thrown by hand alone. Darts were used made from oak, single pointed with obsidian, flint, or even copper or bone. The propelled darts tended to be more powerful than arrows (CГіttrill). Bows, known as tlahuitolli, were common as well. The bows were 5 feet long, and the arrows (yaomime) were pointed with flint, bone or obsidian, and kept in a quiver (mixiquipilli). As with all their weapons, the Aztecs were very skilled in using the bow and arrow. It is believed that the arrows could fly 450 feet or more (CГіttrill). The sling was also an important military arm. It was woven of maguey fiber and the ball cast by the latter was of finely rounded stone or clay (Duran 1964:335). Spanish Weaponry Spanish weapons were technologically more advanced than those of the Aztecs. Spanish steel swords did not shatter as native stone swords might, and their edges remained sharp longer. Importantly, they could wound with a forward thrust as well as by side to side slashing. According too Bernal DГaz, most of the natives killed in battle died from puncture wounds caused by sword thrusts (Barghusen 2000:55). Spanish crossbows shot farther and more forcefully than the simple bows used by the natives. In addition, the Spaniards had hand held firearms called harquebuses. Since crossbows and harquebuses had greater ranges than the
  • 37. The Flynn Effect And Nutrition Nutrition, the Flynn Effect, and Substance Abuse Carly Gottsponer PSY 3813 TC3 Korey Davis September 17, 2017 The Flynn Effect is the tendency of IQ scores to change over time, and specifically, the apparent increase in intelligence in the general population evidenced by a steady increase in IQ scores. It was first noticed by James Flynn (The Flynn Effect). As years went by and IQ tests were restandardized, it was noticed that when previous tests were taken the outcomes were better on the previous tests than the tests that were in current circulation. The Flynn Effect has a number of factors that can attribute to the effect taking place. One factor in particular that has been discussed by many different people is the factor of overall better nutrition. Overall better nutrition has occurred in many places over the last 100 years or so. This improvement has been linked to head growth, earlier maturation of children, increased height, and faster growth (Williams). Increased head growth most likely means that human brains are growing which can subsequently be linked to the increased intelligence that is proven by IQ scores. The earlier maturation and faster growth of children can also be linked to how a population s intelligence improves over many years. The Flynn Effect and nutrition are related through the correlation of increased intelligence and increased overall nutrition. The effects of the Flynn effect on nutrition and vice versa are extensive. The
  • 38. Zara Executive Summary ZARA S OPERATIONS STATEGY, A CRITIQUE OF A BUSINESS CASE. 1.Excecutive summary. Operations management is in regard to all operations within the organization responsible for creating goods and services that organizations pass to their customers. This function is at the heart of all organizations, giving the means of achieving their aims and reason for their existence. These activities include: managing purchases, inventory control, quality control, storage and logistics. A great deal of focus in operations is on efficiency and effectiveness of such a process. An example of successful operations strategy in the retail industry is the strategy employed by Zara which is discussed in this critique. Zara started as a single shop in La Coruna and then rapidly spread its wings to 68 countries; opening a store each day one of the fastest global expansions the world has ever seen. Throughout the entire system of Zara s business; designing, sourcing, manufacturing, distribution process and retailing come out a number of success factors: short cycle time, small batches per product, extensive variety of product every season and heavy investment in information and technology. This elements feature in every aspect of the business. 2. Introduction. Zara is the flagship brand of the Spanish fashion retail giant, Inditex, (Industrias de Deseno Texti S. A.) Founded in 1975 ; this super heated performers in soft retail fashion market in recent years; is engaged in textile design,
  • 39. The Effectiveness Of Nazi Propaganda Maryann Ritter Dr. Megan Sethi HIS 241: World War Two 28 June 2015 The effectiveness of Nazi Propaganda There have been many varied opinions on the effectiveness of the Nazi propaganda used by Hitler and his teams of propaganda writers throughout World War II. His popularity was astounding with the German masses and grew into a frenzied state quickly. Hitler s rise of his image was built on a fairly new manner of technology allowing more exposure to the people. This paper will examine the exponents of this new image building phenomena and prove its use built the man into a myth of sorts. The effectiveness of Nazi propaganda was greater than anyone could have anticipated because Hitler s regime constructed a language of the people using logical fallacies to win the hearts and minds of the German populace. In Hitler s speeches he would state three or four bullet points that the average citizen knew to be true, then couple those bullet points with his own agenda. His lies, therefore, became truthful by association. Introduction World War II was a most horrific loss of human life and the technical advances since the first World War I seemed to push those numbers to the limits. If we want to look at the causes of the Second World War, we must look to the First World War and what were the remainders of limitations placed. Germany s economy was drained following WWI, to recover it increased the social spending and tried to create projects of transportation and
  • 40. The Impact of Information Communication Technology on... THE IMPACT OF INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY ON MALAYSIA COMMUNICATION CULTURE IN THE ERA OF GLOBALIZATION Saiful Nujaimi Abdul Rahman, M.Sc. Department of Communication, Faculty of Modern Languages Communication, University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia Abdul Rashid Md. Ali, PhD Department of Communication, Faculty of Modern Languages Communication, University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia Siti Zobidah Omar, PhD Department of Communication, Faculty of Modern Languages Communication, University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia This is an unedited version of this paper provided for your convenience Abstract Over 20 years ago, Malaysia was an agricultural based country. Then came the foreign direct investments initiative that gave many ... Show more content on ... The system worked wonderfully when the British first introduced it. Somehow, it became obsolete in 1960s. Unfortunately, there was no initiative from the respective Government to reform the system. Perhaps, the Government then was still young to comprehend that every system will become obsolete and have to be reform from time to time. Thus, the repercussion was the May 13, 1969 racial conflict. Nevertheless, the riot had been the turning point of both political and economic reformation to the country. It was like a blessing in disguise but of course, the cost that the country had to pay was colossal. MALAYSIA SHAPING THE COMMUNICATION CULTURE Since the May 13, 1969 tragedy, the country has embarked on an affirmative development plan The New Economic Policy (1970 1990). The main objectives were to bring the economic disparity gaps closer and to eradicate poverty with precise reference to the major races. In achieving those, the principles of justice, tolerance, and equity were put into practice by all Malaysians, precisely by the major political parties. These major political parties are led by a coalition of 14 political parties that formed the National Front (NF). The dominant component of the coalition is the United Malays National Organization (UMNO) representing the Malays, the Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA), the Chinese, and the Malaysian
  • 41. Indian Congress (MIC) the Indians. National unity and racial harmony become a national agenda and
  • 42. Plan to Improve Correctional Facilities Plan to Improve Correctional Facilities Week 5 Assignment 2 Some women in jail may have committed similar crimes as their male counterparts. Most women inmates live in the same conditions as men inmates do, yet women inmates face issues that are far more different than male inmates. The purpose of this paper is to point out some of the issues women inmates face in their everyday life in prison, and offer suggestions as to improve those issues. Overall, the population of women in the criminal justice system is the fastest growing (Ramirez, 2012). Women in prison have gone up over twenty percent and over fifteen percent in probation. Another staggering percentage is women arrested after getting out which is thirty percent of sixty ... Show more content on ... Ensuring there are programs geared towards rehabilitating and healing rather than throwing the key away will improve the overall success of lowering incarcerated numbers and better enhancement reentry outcomes. Another recommendation for improvement in addition to improving living conditions for females in prison would be prison nursery programs. (Women s Prison Association, 2009) points out there are nine states currently participating in open prison nursery programs. There has also been discussion of allowing women who give birth to serve their prison sentence in a none prison setting. I think allowing women to serve prison sentences with small children in a non prison environment would improve the mental conditions of many women who are in prison. There can also be a work for system for women with children to work towards serving their time in a half way house with their children instead of spending their whole sentence alone. I think this will help with the mental side of not just mothers but children as well who need such nurturing. Granted not all recommendations are going to be met with cheers or thumbs up. As I said there are going to be naysayers who disapprove of such rash changes. I have to admit I use to be one of those people until I started reading more into what causes women to commit crimes and what happens to women when they are in prison. It s safe to say there needs to be changes for Week 5 Assignment 5 women in prison. From policies
  • 43. Search For Happiness In Eric Weiner s The Geography Of Bliss In The Geography of Bliss, Eric Weiner travels to many different countries in search of one thing: happiness. The book details the writer s, Eric Weiner s, journey to multiple countries and his experiences there on his search for happiness. He searches from the unhappiest countries to the happiest countries to find how geography affects the happinessof the people that live there. His search often has interesting clashes between philosophical and scientific viewpoints on happiness. In the Netherlands he encounters an interesting point when he meets scholars of the World Database of Happiness or the WDH. This organization focuses on using hard facts and statistics to measure the happiness of multiple countries around the world. This seems to be a mistake, since happiness is generally supposed to be some magical feeling that is constantly sought ... Show more content on ... He goes there to see if the people there can actually buy their happiness which the readers should already know is not true since the WDH already said that money doesn t equal happiness. He states that Qatar has no culture of it s own, but must buy one. This tells the reader that with all this money Qatar Loses it s own culture and by extension it s identity. Eric starts to believe that Qatar is happy with all of their money. Eric then finds that sadness can strike even the super rich when he learns of the sick child of a citizen there. With this he brings in the new theory that to be happy, one must experience sadness first. Qatar is a rare and interesting case since it s so closed off from the rest of the world. This isolation means that it has very little diversity which would have led to a nice topic about how it affects happiness. He could ve made the argument that the lack of diversity could mean that there is less conflict and therefore more happiness. It seems that he missed an important topic here that would ve led to a larger study at the
  • 44. Carol Reeves Metaphors In The Language of Science by Carol Reeves, she discusses metaphors in science in unit two and how they are an important part of everyday life. We constantly use metaphors in our daily lives and we have become so accustomed to them that we fail to realize how heavily we rely on them. We use metaphors consciously and unconsciously every day to describe things. They help us express feelings we cannot describe so we relate them to another experience. However, metaphors are imperfect. They fail to completely describe the events and never tell the whole truth. Sometimes metaphors make dreary situations seem brighter, or they make us feel comfortable with what is going on in the world. Metaphors are used in science as frequently as they are used... Show more content on ... This is the case for many scientific processes such as drawing molecules and describing natural phenomena (Reeves 27). Metaphors can sometimes become theories as well. According to Reeves, scientific theories created by scientists often start as metaphors that were chose to help explain their ideas. A very famous example of a model beginning as a metaphor is the plum pudding metaphor (Reeves 29). The plum pudding metaphor was proposed by J.J. Thomson and it helped explain the distribution of negative and positive charges in an atom to those who had no background in science (Reeves 29). Obviously, the distribution of atoms is not really plum pudding, but the common person knew what it was so it was a good metaphor to use to describe such a complex process. This is an example of scientists using a metaphor to explain a complex process to non scientists. It helped the common person understand the process by relating it to something they knew about. In science, it is almost impossible to talk about it without the use of metaphors. However, the use of metaphors both limits and helps us understand our world. Using the example of the plum pudding metaphor, the metaphor limits us because it is not entirely true, but it helps us better understand what is going on in the
  • 45. European Imperialism In China To a great extent the European imperialism undermined Chinese culture, Chinese culture is one of the world s oldest cultures, around thousands of years old. The area in which the culture is dominant covers a large geographic region in which eastern Asia with customs and traditions varying, greatly between provinces, cities, and even towns as well. About 1.4 billion people live in China, with each community creating their own culture. What is European Imperialism motives of British imperialism in China European imperialism is the definition of the building of empires, where in one country gets many others and adds them to their empire, obtaining access to their armies, their exports, their finances and their strategic location. The primary
  • 46. Osteopathic Doctors Throughout time, the average person seeking medical treatment seem to have a large tendency in favoring medical attention from an Allopathic physician Medical Doctor vs. an Osteopathic physician Doctor of osteopathic medicine. Majority of society have a common misconception of both practicing physicians when it comes down to actual diagnosis and treatment. Although both may seem different in title, Allopathic MD vs Osteopathic DO, these doctors are in fact very similar in ways of their schooling/licensing, ability to perform surgery, and prescribing wide varieties of medications. Allopathic doctors have been around much longer than Osteopathic doctors, but both are equally educated and trained in the practice of medicine. Allopathic doctors must attend 4 years of medical ... Show more content on ... Also, after completing mandatory education, both doctors are tested and licensed through the same state licensing boards required to practice medicine in all states. Similarly, Allopathic as well as Osteopathic doctors have the ability to become a specialist in specific branches of medicine to include surgery. Osteopathic doctors may begin their approach in a more holistic way, nevertheless, have the same medical training as an Allopathic doctor to treat their patient with surgical intervention. Allopathic philosophy is focused on the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and in contrast, Osteopathic philosophy emphasis that all bodily systems are intertwined and depend on another. Surgical candidates evaluated by either specializing doctors are equally likely to have the same surgical outcome regardless. Surgical approaches are a very common confusion amongst many in society. Allopathic doctors as well as Osteopathic doctors are required to attend the same type of residency in order to become surgeons, and all surgery cases are done no differently upon the schools
  • 47. Drug Therapy Drug Deviance Drug Replacement Therapy: A Positive Approach to Deviance Deviance is the aspects considered not acceptable to the norms of society. Deviants of society are those individuals who partake in going against the norms. Drug addiction is a negative form of deviance to society; drug addicts partake in deviant behavior. They are labeled bad people because of society and what society teaches people is normal behavior. Having a drug addiction is not a normal behavior, but it doesn t consider the addict bad or immoral. Drug addiction is a disease, not a crime. Because of drug addictions, many individuals are arrested and sent to jail or local prisons. In 2015, the number of arrests in the U.S. for drug law violations: 1,488,707 . (McVay 2017) Though, these people are not criminals and they have a chronic brain disease, they are treated like criminals because their behaviors are against what society deems socially acceptable. Incarceration is not what these people need, its drug recovery treatment. 65 percent of the nation s inmates meet certain medical criteria for substance abuse and addiction, but only 11 percent received treatment for their addictions. (Nations Health 2011) If all inmates in need of treatment received such services, the nation would see economic benefits in just one year even if only 10 percent of the inmates treated remained sober, crime free and employed, the report found. For each inmate who remained sober, employed and crime free, the nation would save
  • 48. Persuasive Essay On Belief Belief having an affinity in believing something is true. This single word, vague, and short. As submissive as it is, Belief tends to get on roads that it never means to. The road diverges into two, and a choice has to be made. Manipulation passes, and it takes a hold of Belief. Without any knowledge, he willingly follows. This is the basis of a belief. I love the manipulation angle. Usually I think of belief as such a positive, hopeful word. But you are right... it is equally dangerous. Good. The basis of belief, has been shattered explain a bit. By what? How so? . All the pieces of it have been scattered everywhere. You can t do much with a puzzle piece if you don t know where it goes, so get ready to visualize. Visualize the perfect end point for your belief, whether it s a 5 piece or an 1000 piece puzzle. It always makes sense to start with the corner pieces first, so we are going to do that. Transition a bit more fully here? So what is cognitive bias then? It is what makes our minds believe things, without even giving us a choice. These mechanisms in our head cause us to make usually biased and unfair decision, which is why it s important to be aware of them. Take the idea of bandwagoning of course, the most known bias. This is where you just do what everyone else is doing, without any personal regard to yourself or to anyone else, all because someone else is doing it. You may think that you aren t susceptible, but everyone is because it happens subliminally. and
  • 49. Persuasive Essay On Online Education Having finished my vocational training through a local community college, adjusting to my new job, and having a surplus of free time on my hands, I decided to continue my education. So many options were available, but not all of them were viable. Working shift work in the high stress environment of pre hospital emergency medicine left me with an odd schedule that did not line up well with attending traditional universities. As I began to explore my options, the idea of earning an online degree seemed the most likely path to follow. I was skeptical at first, because I did not hold online learning in a high regard. I began to navigate my reasoning for these ideas, as I did not entirely understand why I thought this. As I began to research online degree opportunities and speak with others regarding my future goals, I realized that others were skeptical about online learning as well. Some did not think that they had the drive to independently study adequately in an online setting. Others viewed online universities as scams, and told me that I would just be wasting my money. After doing some independent research on the topic and testing the waters myself by enrolling at Northwestern State University, I have concluded that online learning can be quite effective. There is a reasonable stigma that exists towards online degree programs, however online learning can effectively educate future students and prepare them for what lies ahead. Many of my peers that I have spoken to about
  • 50. Russia, A Country Of The World Russia, a country that occupies one tenth of Earth s land, spans 11 time zones across the Europe and Asia, which are the two continents that the country resides on. The country possesses various geographical features, such as deserts, frozen coastlines and mountains. An enormous amount of animals, which includes snow leopards, Siberian tiger, polar bears, and pikas, enjoy living on this habitat. Diverse cultures and ethnicities also settled on this piece of land ( Russia. ). As the largest country of the world judged by territorial possession, Russia, carrying an intricate period of history, contains a great diversity among geographical features, climates, and cultures, and is attempting to develop in a positive way led by its people under... Show more content on ... For example, only about 10% of Russia s land is used or the purpose of farming because of its cold climate. Some crops that are grown include potatoes, barley, and wheat. Fresh meat and vegetables were uncommon to be seen in Russia before, but now they are not rare because of trading convenience. The most popular Russian cuisine is borsch, which is a soup mainly made of carrots and beef. ( Facts For Kids Russia. ) Despite the fact that Russia is the most enormous country in the world, its population only reaches the ninth largest country with about 142,423,773 current residents living there, approximately one half of the population of the United States. ( United States Census Bureau. ) However, although Russia has the ninth largest population, the population density is low because of the country s large size ( Population Density (people per Sq. Km of Land Area). ). Due to the fact that a good portion of Russia s territory is icy and cold, urbanization is well maintained in Russia in which 74% of its population living in the cities and urban areas ( WPR. ). Russia has a great diversity among ethnicities in which approximately 190 ethnic groups settle there ( The People with the Reddest Hair in the World. ). However, although there is a vast divergence, but the majority of its population, about 80%, are ethnic Russians. Most of the minor ethnicities live within Russia borders, such as Ukrainian, Bashkir, Tartar,
  • 51. Analysis Of Delightrope Janelle MonГЎes Tightrope is an empowering piece that is directed towards all groups and ages. The hip beat, electric sounds, and encouraging lyrics lifts spirits, and can inspire anyone that is discouraged from life. Her music is mainly comprised of uplifting songs that are relatable for most, and aids in restoring confidence. This song communicates with the listener that we should be confident in ourselves as a person (as we ALL have something unique and special about us), and to stay balanced despite the negativity coming from others and our environment. In this particular part of the song she sings When you get elevated/ They love it or they hate it/ You dance on them haters/ Keep getting funky on the scene . In other words, there s
  • 52. Dr Faustus Essay Him, Himself, and Faustus Status and recognition what means an individual is willing to surpass to achieve those ends is evident in Western society s praise of celebrities and their fame, whilst trivializing tragic events and those responsible with talking points. For some, it does not matter how their name is recognized in history or discussed by those who know them, but that their name is merely spoken of at all. Surely then, a society which rewards individuals for their infamous, grotesque acts with recognition, and then fails to effectively address the issue at hand, might find that such incidents occur more and more frequently. The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus (A text) and The Tragedy of Doctor Faustus (B text) by... Show more content on ... This drive is seen time and time again throughout both texts: from conjuring the spirit of Alexander the Great for Emperor Charles V (4.1.63 4; 4.1.99 101), to producing ripe grapes when not in season for the Duke of Vanholt and the pregnant Duchess (4.2.12 7; 4.6.19 23). Clearly, this drive is best demonstrated through Faustus himself when asked by his fellow scholars to summon Helen of Troy in the B text: Gentlemen, for that I know your friendship is unfeigned, It is not Faustus custom to deny The just request of those that wish him well. You shall behold that peerless dame of Greece (5.1.18 21). Faustus strong desire to impress others doubtlessly derives from his fear of being rejected by those of high stature in society; he wishes to belong with them and not from whence he came. Furthermore, Stephen Orgel notes in Magic and Power in Doctor Faustus , that although Faustus has unlimited power, he only conjures what is asked of him, never striving beyond or testing his boundaries, and that this represents two major flaws within Faustus: an artistic failure of imagination and a scholarly failure of originality (396). Both failures stem from Faustus only doing what he is told, merely fulfilling what is asked of him, so that he may, for a while, share their acclaim and status. If Faustus were truly empowered or secure in his own abilities,
  • 53. Postcolonialism In Battle Royal, By Ralph Ellison Postcolonial criticism analyzes literature created by cultures that developed in response to colonial domination. This type of criticism defines formerly colonized people as any population that has been subjected to the political domination of another population. Readers analyzing literature in a postcolonial critical way will seek the political, social, cultural, and psychological understanding of the colonialist and anticolonialist. Authors, like Ralph Ellison, address the problem of cultural identity using postcolonial critical theory through their works of literature. In Battle Royal (Chapter 1 of Invisible Man,) Ralph Ellison discusses a number of postcolonial issues such as control, race, and double consciousness. All my life I had ... Show more content on ... Race is a major theme found in these types of literature as a result of the colonist s and anticolonist s worlds colliding. Ralph Ellison s Battle Royal, shows racism in the acts of the white men against the African Americans, like the narrator. The narrator is invited to a special gathering whether he learns that he is only there as entertainment for the drunk white men. The Caucasian men make the African American men take part in the Battle Royal where they fight each other while being blindfolded and are tricked into being electric shocked. The white men drink, laugh, and poke fun of the African American men as they wither on the floor bloody and in pain. Ellison clearly demonstrates the postcolonial theme of racism through the men s humiliation and cruelty in the presence of the white citizens. As the narrator takes part in this battle, he often thinks back to his grandfather s advice, but always instantly comes back to his yearning to be accepted by the dominant white society. Multiple times, the narrator states things like, Would they recognize my ability? Even as the narrator was being beaten and called terrible names, he still wanted their approval like found in the ideology of double
  • 54. Persuasive Speech On Battery Reconditioning Did you realize it s possible to recondition batteries at home and return them to nearly new condition? Don t worry if you haven t heard about reconditioning batteries. It s not surprising, battery manufacturers don t like to talk about it. It s the automotive industry s dirty little secret. After all would you rush out and buy a new battery if you knew the old one could be restored for pennies? Eventually everyone has to deal with a dead battery. It s a real pain in the butt when it happens. Usually the timing couldn t be worse. Like when your running late for work. Never on a day off when you actually have time to mess with it. If we are lucky we get away without having to call a tow truck. Otherwise things get expensive real fast. Battery reconditioning cant solve an immediate problem like this. But there s no reason to experience this ever again. Once you learn how to recondition batteries you will always have a healthy battery in your vehicle. How about starting a profitable home business reconditioning batteries? It s really cheap and easy to do. So let s look at what s going on inside that battery.... Show more content on ... This is nothing new to you I m sure. You may not be aware it also produces lead sulfate as it makes electricity. With a new one this breaks back down to lead and sulfuric acid again. Gradually, as a battery ages, lead sulfate no longer breaks down but forms crystallized lead sulfate deposits on the lead plates inside your
  • 55. Newton And Seurat Research Paper The world that we live in is constantly innovating new ideas and methods to benefit the lives of many. It is a fascinating opportunity to reflect on all the inventions that have been made throughout each of our lifetimes. Two very important individuals that shaped the world we live in today is Sir Isaac Newton and Georges Pierre Seurat. Sir Isaac Newton was an English mathematician and physicist. There is a theory that Newton discovered gravity when he saw a falling apple. Supposedly, when he was observing the apple he was also thinking about the forces of nature. Newton realized that some force must be acting on falling objects like apples because otherwise they would not start moving from rest. Newton also realized that the moon would fly ... Show more content on ... For instance, when you stand on something soft, the object caves in or is pushed down. This is the reaction of one s force on the soft object, and the soft object s reaction to one standing on it.Seurat painted the La Grande Jatte in three distinct stages. In the first stage, which was started in 1884, Seurat mixed his paints from several individual pigments and was still using dull earth pigments such as ochre or burnt sienna. In the second stage, during 1885 and 1886, Seurat dispensed with the earth pigments and also limited the number of individual pigments in his paints. This change in Seurat s palette was due to his application of the advanced color theories of his time. His intention was to paint small dots or strokes of pure color that would then mix on the retina of the beholder to achieve the desired color impression instead of the usual practice of mixing individual pigments.Seurat s palette consisted of the usual pigments of his time such as cobalt blue, emerald green and vermilion. Additionally, Seurat used then new pigment zinc yellow (zinc chromate), predominantly for yellow highlights in the sunlit grass in the middle of the painting but also in mixtures with orange and blue pigments. In the century and
  • 56. Role Of Female Nature In Frankenstein In the novel Frankenstein, the author Mary Shelley reinforced the role of female nature in a book that is predominantly male oriented. The female character is an underlying feature throughout the whole novel. For example, when Victor Frankenstein created his Monster from dead body parts, he disregarded the laws of femalereproduction. Both Anne K. Mellor and Jonathon Bate argue that Victor defiled the feminine naturewhen he created his Monster from unnatural means. Mellor argued in her essay, Possessing Nature: The Female in Frankenstein, that Victor eliminated the necessity to have females at all (355). There will not be a need for females if new beings are created in a laboratory. The disruption of mother nature is one of the novel s original sins (479). In Bate s essay, Frankenstein and the State of Nature, he argued that Victor Frankenstein broke the balance between female principles of maternity and mother nature (477). Frankenstein broke nature and undermined the role of females. The argument of Mellor was more persuasive than the discussion of Bate because she was able to provide more evidence that Victor Frankenstein dishonored the role of female nature. In Mary Shelley s novel, nature plays a vital role in the development of the plot. Nature is considered a female part because Mother Nature is the collective personification of life. Nature is life bearing and nurturing, as females are to their offspring. In spite of nature being feminine, Victor