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Essay About Sports
Crafting an essay on the broad and seemingly ubiquitous theme of sports may appear
deceptively simple at first glance. After all, sports are an integral part of human culture, offering
a wide array of events, disciplines, and narratives to explore. However, as one delves deeper into
the task, the challenges become apparent.
The sheer scope of the topic can be overwhelming. Sports encompass a multitude of activities,
ranging from traditional games to contemporary athletic competitions, and each has its unique
history, rules, and cultural significance. Navigating this expansive landscape requires careful
consideration and focus to avoid turning the essay into a mere laundry list of facts.
Moreover, striking the right balance between providing insightful analysis and avoiding clichГ©s
poses a persistent challenge. The subject of sports has been dissected in countless essays, and
finding a fresh perspective or a unique angle can be an arduous task. It requires creative thinking
and the ability to unearth lesser-known aspects or draw connections that others might have
Researching the topic also demands a comprehensive approach. Depending on the specific focus
within the realm of sports chosen for the essay, one may need to delve into historical records,
contemporary sports journalism, and academic literature. This multifaceted exploration is time-
consuming but crucial for developing a well-rounded and informed perspective.
Furthermore, conveying a genuine passion for the subject while maintaining an objective and
analytical tone adds an additional layer of complexity. Striking this delicate balance is essential
to engage the reader and make a compelling argument without descending into overly emotional
or biased territory.
In conclusion, composing an essay on the expansive and dynamic topic of sports is no easy feat.
It requires a meticulous approach, a creative mindset, and the ability to navigate through a vast
sea of information. However, with dedication and careful planning, one can produce an essay
that not only meets academic standards but also offers a fresh perspective on this ubiquitous
aspect of human culture.
For assistance with similar essays or other writing needs, various resources are available. You
may explore platforms like, where professionals can provide guidance,
support, and even custom-written content tailored to your specific requirements.
Essay About Sports Essay About Sports
Summary And Symbolism In John Collier s Annunciation
Christian artwork is used to represent and symbolise the Gospel and important
figures. Not all individuals could read and write, therefore images were very
important in delivering messages and teachings. One artwork chosen is Annunciation
by John Collier created in 2003. This modern artwork shows Gabriel asking Maryif
she would become the mother of Jesus. The other one is the Holy Night Nativity
Scene by Antonio Correggio created in 1530, which focuses on and sets the scene of
Jesus birth.
The Annunciation displays the moment Gabriel was sent by God to tell Mary she
would become pregnant. This is present in the passage God sent angel Gabriel to a
virgin and he said to Mary God has a surprise for you: You will become pregnant and
give birth to a son and call his name Jesus (Luke 1:26 33).
The artwork depicts Mary as a very young and innocent women, which is aided by
her modern school inspired dress.
In the background, there are houses of a 21st century style of living in the suburbs,
making the setting familiar and relatable and allows the audience to feel connected to
Mary. Therefore, the emotions and thoughts of Mary is as she comprehends Gods
wishes can be further understood. ... Show more content on ...
In the artwork, lilies are displayed to symbolise motherhood, which Mary is about
to embark on and also symbolises purity and faith. The dove on the roof of the
neighbor s house represents the Holy Spirit, showing that God is looking over her,
awaiting her response. This is displayed in scripture as the Holy Spirit descended
in bodily form, like a dove (Luke 3:22). Mary is also holding the book Prophet
Isaiah which states that a virgin will conceive a child. This foreshadows the events
about to unfold. Under Mary s feet, there is a welcoming mat which symbolises that
Mary will welcome Gabriel s news and the path God has chosen for her with open
1. Introduction. The Purpose Of This Report Is To Design
1. Introduction
The purpose of this report is to design the minor storm drainage system of the Town
of Adamsville in a manner that satisfies the flow and serviceability requirements of
the Town of Adamsville Engineering Design Criteria and Standards Manual. The
report outlines the approach taken to accomplish this. The system was also tested to
satisfy the velocity conditions and the runoff flows for a 1:5 year precipitation event
set by the design criteria. The testing methodology used to determine the effectiveness
of the system and the corresponding results are also stated. Wherever assumptions are
made, they are stated clearly in that section.
1.1 Design Approach
The development was initially divided into 38 regions and their ... Show more content
on ...
0.03 m at straight runs, 0.05 m at 45В° bends, 0.075 m at 90В° bends).
2. Network Design
2.1 Division of development into areas
The development was divided into 38 individual area, each of which are represented
by a pipe section in the minor system of the stormwater drainage network. The pipes
were placed between the manholes or until the end of the limited proposal
development boundary and when connecting internal catch basins to the closest
stormwater manhole on the street. Note: Pipes connecting to the catch basins on the
street and the interior manholes were not part of our scope in this project.
Considerations were made by dividing the regions in such a way that they are
geographically located close to the pipe segments, and are similar in size. Refer to
the plan drawing in Appendix A for the locations of pipes and areas. For this
project, a portion of single family dwellings 44 to 47 (see Appendix A for excluded
area) were not included in the design due to the lack of an adjacent area for pipe
placements. Furthermore, a pipe was not installed between Manhole 14 and 21, since
it would form a loop and would complicate the design process and cover
2.2 Addition of catch basins
Where required, catch basins were added to ensure a pathway for runoff to drain.
Catch basins were added to the lowest elevation point(s) of the area. They were also
placed on either sides of the road as the runoff cannot overcome the crown of
Business Regulation Law 531
Business Regulations Simulation
Business Regulation Simulation When conducting business whether it is local and
global, big or small organizations have to abide by state and federal laws. Depending
on the nature of the business different organization has to comply with certain laws
and regulations. For example, retailers like Wal Mart, Target and Kroger have to
comply with the Department of Labor and a manufacturing company like LM
Fiberglass and Toyota would have to comply with the Environmental Protection
Agency and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). When an
organization do not comply with the state and federal regulation the company can
face fines or become caught up in major ... Show more content on ...
In this case of negligence Bates must prove that Alumina had a duty to keep the PAH
levels contained. In a case Alumina breaches that duty by not staying in compliance
with the EPA regulation several years ago. Bates assumes that the consumption of the
water cause the harm of her daughter to have leukemia. In response Alumina chose to
conduct an independent site study for new violations. The reports come back good
the PAH levels were well below the standard.
After releasing a partial audit report Bates has threaten to file a lawsuit against
Alumina of personal injury to recover compensation and punitive damages. Alumina
negligent conduct of serious violation of environmental laws five years ago is the
cause of her daughter leukemia, alleged by Bates (Business Regulations Simulation,
2010). The best resolution for this situation is mediation by a neutral third party, by
choosing this options Alumina can provide Bates with a confidential settlement. The
settlement includes that Alumina provides Bates with reimbursement of medical
expenses for her daughter treatment a lump sum for future treatments and a college
fund set aside if her daughters recovers from the leukemia (Business Regulations
Simulation, 2010). Although tort liability is founded on intended harm strict liability
is attached even though the defendant has been reasonable. In the Article titled The
American Influence on Canadian Tort
EDEE 212 Final
EDEE 212
Assignment 1 Part B
Maryanne Griffith
Student No: 220094471
Semester 2, 2013
John is a nearly seven year old student in year one. On 12/4/07, he completed a
running reading of Little Teddy Helps Mouse , which is a level five reader. Running
Records capture what young readers said and did while reading continuous text,
usually little short stories
(Clay M. , 2002)Outlined below is a recorded tally of his reading and an analysis and
suggestions of the next step in advancing Johns reading.
John presented with many strengths during his reading of Little Teddy helps Mouse.
John received an accuracy level of 98%, which would indicate that John finds this
level of reading easy. (Clay, 2002) As well as using the structural... Show more
content on ...
(Hill, 2012, pp. 206 207).
Both of these activities would aid in fluency of high frequency words and assist with
punctuation and role of code breaker. As well as these activities, games such as
Bingo and
Snap can be incorporated using required words.
John can be supported in his reading roles by participating modelled, guided and
independent reading. The teacher could read from a text within the reading level,
modelling the use of correct expression, fluency, and punctuation. Then by asking
questions, focusing on the form or genre of the text and purpose (Hill, 2012, p. 87)
this would help John in the role of text user. With guided reading John, with the
assistance of members in his reading group could discuss and produce answers to an
activity sheet. The sheet could ask appropriate questions using the KWL strategy
(Hill, 2012, p. 213). K What I know? W what I want to know?, and
L what I learned? (Hill) is a technique for assistance with being a meaning maker.
Independent reading encourages the student to feel confident in his or her own
reading ability. John should select texts that he is interested in or that are favourites
and as long as these are within his reading level, he would be permitted, ten to
fifteen minutes, three times a week to enjoy reading. These texts could be informally
analysed to evaluate progress. John should be kept at a level five
The Ancient Roman Civilization
The Ancient Roman civilization was a remarkable society noted in history, it was
led by countless great leaders that sustained the great civilization for ages. The
Romans encountered many wars and battles, they didn t win all of their battles;
however, they ve learned through their failures to improve upon the progress of
their society. In 264 BC to 146 BC the Romans were involved in a prolonged war
with the Carthaginians, known as the Punic War. (Chris Scarre, 24 25) The word
Punic comes from the Latin derivation of the word Punicus which translates to
Carthaginian , referring to the Carthaginian s Phoenician ancestors. (Keith
Sidwell, 16) The Punic war was broken into 3 parts: The first Punic war (264 241
B.C.), the second Punic war (218 201 B.C.), and the third Punic war (149 146
B.C.) Wars around this era wasn t based on ideals, it was strictly for territory. The
Romans fought for control over the lands all throughout Europe, North Africa, and
parts of Middle East. Around this time the Carthaginians were the biggest threat to
the Romans. It wasn t only because they had land, but also the competitions of trade
/economic stand point. This was the final spark for the Romans to part take in the
destruction of Cartage Civilization at the end of the third Punic war. The Romans
managed to win the wars of the Punic war. One would suspect that the Ancient
Roman Civilization would prosper from the victories from wars. However, in reality
the Punic war deemed to be more costly to
Predictive Analysis Of Predictive Analysis, An Integral...
Predictive Analysis is an integral part of any business with its major role in all
dimensions of the business decision making processes. Prediction helps in
understanding the customer better and managing customer relationships in an
efficient way. Understanding the customer is the most important part of the business
process as it impacts the potential growth in business and the success of any business
decision, be it a drastic or a minor change.
For instance, a product launch can be strategically planned using predictive analytics,
if we know our customers better. The sales and the marketing teams work closely
with analysts and data scientists to understand how well the historical data can
predict the customer potential and possible ... Show more content on
These models are often used to understand customer behaviors in detail.
Businesses want to understand what kind of products the customers are likely to buy,
who are the loyal customers who keep coming back for re purchasing similar or other
products, what other products are our loyal customers interested in, what are the
potential marketing campaigns which could help us attract customers who are similar
to the existing high value customers, and so on.
A few applications of Predictive Models:
The most important customer analytic areas and the state of the art methodologies
are as follows.
(1)Customer attrition analysis
Predicting customer attrition is one of the major areas in customer analytics.
Businesses have the need to continuously monitor and understand customer behavior
and their expectations, in order to have an edge over the competitors. It makes no
practical sense to not know whether the customers are staying with the company or
do they have a risk of attrition, due to various controllable and uncontrollable factors.
It is extremely essential for any business to retain the existing customers and
resolving any pressing issues in a timely manner. Retaining a customer is as
important, if not more, as attracting new customers.
a.Attrition Risk Modeling:
This is performed to predict the attrition risk for different customers/customer
segments. The customers with high risk of attrition are identified using various
factors like their
Essay About Gun Safety
How to Teach Your Children About Gun Safety
According to 2014 report by MSNBC, there are over 7,000 children a year
hospitalized or fatally wounded by guns each year. While many of these deaths or
injuries are caused by violent acts, many are simply caused by accidents in the
homes that could have been prevented. If you are going to have a gun in your home
for protection, hunting, or sport, it is imperative that you teach your children about
gun safety. While there is a lot of controversy about guns and children living in the
same home, the fact is that gun safety training can make all the difference in the
world and may just be what keeps your child safe.
Remove the Secrecy
Many parents often hide their guns and do not allow children to even look at them.
If a child finds the gun, they, of course, are in awe of its mystery and it is almost
guaranteed that they will touch it. Removing the secrecy is the first step in gun
training. Allow your children to look at your gun, to touch it, and to hold it. Explain
to them why you have the gun and how it works. Be sure to also explain that they
are to not touch the gun unless an adult is with them and what to do if they were to
find one in a friend s home while playing. This education will take the mystery out of
the gun for them and the majority of children will do the right thing if they come
across one. ... Show more content on ...
In fact, taking your child to a gun range and showing them what happens is the best
education they can have regarding gun safety. It is always better to allow a child to
learn how to use a gun than it is to keep its use a secret. Not allowing them to learn
the proper use of a gun will only make the gun more mysterious and more tempting to
The Decline of Journalism as a Profession
Introduction The belief that journalism is in decline has triggered major alarms,
because society needs an informational environment that is easily available to all
citizens such as newspapers. There is a large body of journalist that suggests that if
television has taken over from the press as our main source of news this may limit
our capacity to learn about public affairs; newspapers are believed to be far more
effective than television at conveying detailed information necessary to understand
complex and detailed issues. There is also widespread concern that if journalismfails
as a profession it will not be able to reach large sections of the community,
particularly younger or less educated readers. This may reinforce a growing gap
among citizens between the information that they receive.
Purpose of the Study The overview of the subject matter is that the big worry is
that quality will decline Journalists are employed to check their facts and they get
checked in turn by editors who question the reliability of their sources; we trust the
paper s brand not the individual journalist. Social media could be reliable, but how
would we know? This is equally true then it comes to bias. But the fact of the matter
is journalism is more credible and if we lose credibility in the information we get
everything could fall for speculation. The authors thesis is we should not stand for the
decline of journalism as a profession but support our right to have valuable
Coca Cola Financial Analysis Essay
Financial Analysis Project Final Paper
Jennifer M. Harding
Cardinal Stritch University
MBA 521 August 28th, 2014
Purpose of Analysis
All managers need to understand where value comes from in their firm. The
purpose of this analysis is to identify the financial strategy and performance of this
particular publicly traded company. The process of understanding the risk and
profitability of a company by analyzing reported financial info, especially annual
and quarterly reports are vital to identifying the company s overall financial
performance. I wanted to analyze Coca Cola because the company has so much
history and is one of the most recognizable brands in the world. I have always
enjoyed researching food and beverage companies ... Show more content on ...
Major Operations
The Coca Cola system is not a single entity from a legal or managerial perspective,
and the company does not own or control all of their bottling partners. While many
view the company as simply Coca Cola, their system operates through multiple local
channels. The Company manufactures and sells concentrates, beverage bases and
syrups to bottling operations, owns the brands and is responsible for consumer brand
marketing initiatives. Coca Cola s bottling partners manufacture, package,
merchandise and distribute the final branded beverages to Coca Cola customers and
vending partners, who then sell their products to consumers (Wikipedia, 2).
All bottling partners work closely with customers (grocery stores, restaurants, street
vendors, convenience stores, movie theaters and amusement parks, etc.) to execute
localized strategies developed in partnership with Coca Cola. Customers then sell
their products to consumers at a rate of more than 1.9 billion servings a day. In
January 2006, company owned bottling operations were brought together to form the
Bottling Investments operating group, now the second largest bottling partner in the
Coca Cola system in terms of unit case volume.
Coca Cola s portfolio features 17 billion dollar brands including Diet Coke, Fanta,
Sprite, Coca Cola Zero, Vitaminwater, Powerade, Minute Maid, Simply, Georgia and
An Investigation Of A Burglary Report
On 6 20 2016 at about 1743 hrs I was dispatched to 407 6th ST NE for a residential
burglary report. Enroute dispatched advised that the homeowner, Susan Cwanila,
had called 911 to report a burglary to her residence. I arrived on scene and contacted
Susan and her boyfriend, Wayne Briggs, who also lives at the address. Susan
stated that they both left the residence this morning around 0800 hours and when
they returned home they noticed that someone had forced entry to their residence.
Susan stated that they noticed someone had attempted to break open a double
panel window, however, only the first window was broken and no signs of access
to the residence were made at that point. However, also on the back side of the
residence they located another window which had been broken. Upon entering
through that window, access could have been made to the residence. Wayne also
stated that damage was found on the window style air conditioning unit on the side
of the residence. Suggesting that someone had attempt to removed the unit and gain
access to the residence at that point. Susan stated that several of the screens for the
windows around the residence were removed and found laying around the yard.
Susan also stated that they noticed fresh foot prints in their garden area. Susan
stated the dirt had recently been racked and no foot prints should have been in the
dirt. The dirt was on the far back side of the residence and led to their fence line. It is
the same area of the
Ecuador Descriptive Writing
I woke up today at around 6 in the morning to get to the airport. My spouse and I
loaded the luggage in the car and we were on our way. Somehow we managed to
arrive, although I was still half asleep. A few months earlier, we purchased a $1,420
combined total for two tickets, which included a tour around the Galapagos Islands.
We handed the tickets to the flight attendant and boarded the plane. It would be an
exhausting 7 and a half hour flight from California to our stop in Ecuador, but both
of us had saved up our hard earned money for this trip, so we were excited for what it
had in store. We just got dropped off by the bus at a spot by the beach. It is so
different compared to the beaches in California. For one, the water is not nearly...
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The waters are crystal clear, as blue as the sky above. Within the waters, my spouse
found colorful fishes, sputtering at the sight of us, the foreigners on their terrain.
We watched them jump, until from the corner of my eye a 479 pound beauty crept
along the rich land. Me and my wife stared in awe. It crawled slowly among the
little bugs inhabiting the ground. I took long, quiet steps towards it, thinking it
would take off. But suddenly, the tortoise s eyes met mine. She stared blankly at
me, at my stunned face. My wife, followed behind me as we looked deeply at the
khaki, fairly large tortoise as she buried herself into a wide hole flooded with thick
sand. As she climbed down, at least a foot deep in the ground, me and my spouse
continued on with our adventure. Every animal we encountered was like a
gateway into a brand new world. Such creativity was put into every animal. We
wandered for miles, my wife and I. As the day grew into evening, yet again we
found ourselves with same pellucid water as we did before. My spouse and I,
remembered the amazing creature we encountered earlier. We approached the hole
that the Galapagos tortoise had disinterred in to. I picked up a stick and pushed the
moist sand to the edge of the hole. And what I saw, I couldn t believe my eyes. We
stared into the hole, smiling and infused with joy. A white sphere, much like the full
moon, laying plainly on the sand. A dozen golf ball sized figures soon to be lifeforms
before my
Character Analysis Of Lorraine Hansberry s A Raisin In
Lorraine Hansberry s A Raisin in the Sun
So now it s life. Money is life. Once upon a time freedom used to be life now it s
money. I guess the world really do change . . . These are the words of Lena
Younger (Mama) in the play, A Raisin in the Sun as she effectuated her role as the
superior head of the Younger family. In order to truly decipher what the author
wishes to share through the eyes of this character, it is important to take a thorough
and insightful analysis of her. By closely evaluating her role in the family, what she
wants, her personality, and, even what inanimate object she can be compared to, the
reader will see what the author, Lorraine Hansberry, had in mind as she matured this
character. Mama s role in the Younger family is very beneficial for the entire
household. Her role continuously portrays her as arbitrator throughout the play
mainly because of the situations the family keeps running into. When Ruth, Mama
s daughter in law, was pregnant she ended up needed some help dealing with it and
Mama was there as a backbone holding her up. Mama is a strong motivational force
in this play and this is why whenever there is a problem the members of the family
are turning to her for help, even if it s not intentional. As it is suggested in her name,
Lena s entire family leans on her and draws from her strength in order to replenish
their own .
With no crucial dreams of her own, Mama lives through her children, her dream of
having a
Part Time Indian Essay
Culture is a way of life, such as daily rituals and habits that make people who they
are. For every culture, there is a different kind of history. Some cultures are
developing others are slowly vanishing. But what are these things that affect this
change? The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian is a book about one Indian
teenager who is trying to change his life. Junior moves to a new school to have a
better opportunity for his future life. The book shows many aspect of Indian culture.
In The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian, Sherman Alexi uses the topic
of culture in order to show how every culture is different and how people can be
affected by their culture. Also, it shows how some cultures are in danger because of
what people do and how others treat them. Culture can be affected by what people do
in their daily life. Different things affect culture and its development, but there are
also factors that decrease culture and... Show more content on ...
Even though culture can be affected by the people who practice it, it might fall if
people are not passing the traditions along. The sociality can also affect indian
culture. The Absolute True Diary of a Part Time Indian, it talks about how people
who are not Indians had a negative impact on Indian culture. One of the powerful
influence that affected Indians were whites. The whites tried to demolish Indian
culture by forcing them to give up their traditions. Mr. P. said we were supposed to
make you give up being Indian. Your songs and stories and language and dancing.
Everything. We weren t trying to kill Indian people. We were trying to kill the
Indian culture, (35). Whites who lived on the reservation or outside the reservation
were making plans to destroy Indian culture and to force their own cultures on
Indians. To destroy culture it doesn t only take the person who exercise it, but also
the people who are around
What Does Crochet Mean To Me Essay
Crocheting or anything is def much easier with someone right there helping. My
schedule is pretty much the same all the time I get off at 5 everyday and really the
only nights I m always busy are Tuesday and Saturday so whenever your ready just
let me know.
Don t expect anything fancy though I think I only really know two basic stitches
anything else you ll have to ask someone else or just play with it. There have been
so many times I ve played around with it making things like circular, gloves, or nook
covers, but could never remember exactly how I did it!
I really like making scarves because there fast and easy I want to make myself a
crocheted infinity scarf but it s hard enough for me to buy myself something and even
harder to take the time to crochet something for myself knowing I should be doing
Christmas presents for other people and when it s warm weather it s just not on my
mind to crochet something warm.
Let me know asap when you find out the Christmas party date and what everyone s
already signed up for. I m pretty sure I ll be able to get off and everything I just like
to plan.
I m still excited about Christmas but I m starting to get a little stressed as well with
it coming so fast. I just feel so behind on everything. I plan on ... Show more content
on ...
I m not complaining I m just saying I think that s contributing to my Christmas
stress because I usually start so early I don t have to worry about the money as
much. I m just really glad he told me exactly what he wants this year. He ask for
this special flashlight it was pretty expensive for a flashlight but he really wants it
and a good flashlight can mean the difference between finding a deer and not. It s
also rechargeable and has 5 stars on amazon so It should be a good buy. I probably
won t do much more for him other than some snacks, a larger cast iron skillet, and
some thermal
Third Punic War Research Paper
Unfriendly Relations
After the Second Punic War there was no reason for Rome to wage war against
Carthage, but there was still a little resent and Rome always held a grudge against
them. They would not let them pay their fine all at once, and anytime Carthage sent
Roman army loads of rice as gifts, they would be fully paid by the roman senators.
Fanning the Flames The Third Punic War was the result of a few Roman Senators
attempting to convince other members of the Roman government that Carthage was
still a threat to the Roman empire. The unofficial leader of the movement was Cato
the Elder. At the end of every speech he said Carthage must be destroyed . He told
other senators that Carthage was gaining power and wealth, and this made them ...
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It wasn t until Carthage broke the treaty by waging war against Numidia that Rome
waged war. Pushing The Limit
In 149 BC, Rome finally declared war on Carthage after the treaty was broken.
Rome sent soldiers by the tens of thousands. This included an army of 80,000 infantry
and 4,000 cavalry. When the Romans arrived with their army to Carthage the
Carthaginians panicked and followed any order the Romans gave in an attempt to
prevent war.
But the Romans wanted to push them into war. They made them hand over 200,000
sets of armor, give up their weapons, and other such commands.
Even with these orders the Carthaginians still complied. It was clear to the Romans,
they had to find a way to push the people of Carthage to the limit.
So finally, Rome ordered them to leave the city of Carthage and settle somewhere at
least 10 miles from the ocean. This is when to Carthaginian snapped and realized
they had no choice but to fight.
Bloodshed So the war had begun, on both side there is a bit of advantage. The
Romans have the advantage of being on the offense giving them a foot hole in
Carthage. The Carthaginians also had an advantage. When the Carthaginians realized
it was time for war they began preparing for siege. The got an advantage because the
Roman army contracted disease during this time so Carthage had enough time to
Art Center Observation Paper
a.The teachers have pictures of the children in multiple places in the classroom. I
have found them on the door when they first walk in the classroom, on their cubbies
where they keep their coats/book bags, next to some of the children s art work, and
on the classroom Family Tree.
b.The teachers value the work of the children because they display it proudly.
There are at least 5 different projects hanging up that the children completed. They
have recently run out of space to hang things, so they allowed the children to pick
the projects they wanted to take home to put the new projects up (or they could take
the new ones home). They have their art work, and projects they did as a class for
the topic of the week. More 3 dimensional art work ... Show more content on ...
The classroom environment promotes relationship building among the children
because there are two chairs that allow the teachers to sit comfortably but still be on
the children s level. This encourages the relationships to be built with the teachers
because the children can come and talk to the teachers and the teacher can easily
hear/see them. The children are also able to give the teachers hugs at this level. This
is evidence that relationships have been formed because I have observed the children
doing the things mentioned above. The environment lacks in the promotion building
of relationships between teachers and parents because there are not many pieces of
furniture that is comfortable for adults. They are welcome to stay and play with their
child, but they have to stand, kneel on the floor, or sit in the child sized furniture. To
help promote this is may be beneficial to have more than just 3 adult sized chairs in
the classroom. There is a comfy couch and a chair in the library for the children, but
they are not big enough for adults. There is a cuddle corner in the classroom that
the children can go to when they are upset. There is also a cubby for each child to
play their work to take home to share with their
Zapatistas Orozco Analysis
Jose Orozco was an influential social realist painter who painted his most
celebrated murals after the Mexican Revolution. His murals (and other Mexican
artists work) inspired the political programs by Franklin D Roosevelt, in the United
States, to encourage the employment of unemployed Mexican artists through the
development of the Public Works for Artist Project that was under the Work
Administration Program. Orozco did not glorify the Mexican revolution or its
rebel leader Zapata and his peasant followers, Orozco, however stayed true to his
art style by creating symbolic and caricaturist images which depicted the struggles
and suffering of Zapata and the Zapatistas (his followers). In the painting, Zapatistas,
Orozco depicts Zapatista and his peasant followers going into their last battle in
Morelos. In Morelos, Zapatistas lost many of his followers and also succumb to his
injuries and died. The painting s scene may have... Show more content on ...
As a result Zapata joined the resistance by campaigning rights for all villagers, but
was then arrested due to his actions. After being pardoned Zapata continued his
work and recruited a group of followers called the Zapatistas. Zapata then asked
President Madero to reform the land that had been taking away from the villagers,
but in response President Madero offered that the Zapatistas put down their arms
and in return Zapata would get the currency to buy back the land himself, which
Zapata instantly refused. As a result, after the assassination of President Madero by
General Victoriano, who soon replaced him as President, he offered Zapata to unite
their troops. Zapata unsurprisingly refused the offer. Since Zapata refused the offer,
later in 1914 the Zapatistas were able to drive of Huerta and his troops out of the
country and finally gain the justice they were fighting
Self Discovery In Larry s Party And No Country For Old
As Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, Life is a succession of lessons which must be
lived to be understood. In order to come to a complete understanding of what life
is it must first be lived through. In order to live through life fully to gain the best
understanding there must be many experiences that are both good and bad that help
characters discover themselves and life. Carol Shields Larry s Party, and Cormac
McCarthy s No Country for Old Men both illustrate and individuals journey of self
discovery uniquely as their characters start a journey, where they learn about who
they are through trials and failures that lead them each to a clearer, individual,
definition of what life is. Any kind of event can start a journey, the characters in...
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After marrying his first wife, Dorrie and getting lost in a maze on their
honeymoon, which should be a high point of his marriage, Larry enters a rare state
of lucidity, Departures and arrivals. He didn t know it then but these two forces
would form the twin balls of his existence as would the brief moments of clarity
that rose up in between, offering stillness. (Shields, 37). Although Larry does not
realize it at this time he will eventually be able to draw this conclusion from his
life. His life experiences lead him through the departures and arrivals of; his
passions, floristry to maze building, his marriages and subsequent divorces, Dorrie
and Beth, as well as his life style changes, comfortable middle class to specialized
high class. This also happens with Larry s emotions as Verlyn Klinkenborg states,
He contends with the unsteadiness of his emotions, a love for Dorrie and (his son)
that can easily be roused and just as easily lost sight of. Larry s life is one that is
constantly changing both by his own doing and the natural path of life.
Throughout his experiences Larry has dealt many changes in every aspect of his
life and it has allowed him a better understanding of how life, in his experience,
works. Life goes by fleetingly, constantly changing the circumstances in which one
lives. At another point in Larry s life, following a dinner party he has hosted in
which all of his guests were people that he has built a relationship with through his
life,he thinks, We will go round and around.. Watching where were going. Where
we ve been. (Shields, 336). The conclusion that Larry has drawn here, that he will
always cycle through the same things in life, are only possible because of the
experiences he has lived through. He has gone from a happy life with a wife and
Sharks Do Not Deserve Their Reputation Essay
A fisherman sits in his boat on the open sea, alone save for the fish below the water
s surface. The calmness of the ocean is disrupted by something underneath,
something big. Fear seeps through the fisherman s heart as he sees the shiny gray
dorsal fin pierce the sun glinted surface of the ocean. The creature stops its ritual
and pulls its head out of the water, revealing the face of a great white: scars from
countless battles in the ocean s depths, a mouth full of lethal daggers, and dark,
savage eyes. This image is what a majority of people believe to be the shark. They
believe it to be the bloodthirsty sea monster that appears in countless works of
literature and films, but science says otherwise. The classic picture painted by the...
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At that point, Shark Man takes a shortcut to the beach and changes into a shark,
proceeding to kill and devour any person who did not heed his advice. (Peachin 4)
Despite the violent Hawaiian stories, sharks were not always seen as murderous
creatures. According to local tradition of the Solomon Islands, if a man had create
power during his lifetime, that power would carry over after his death. That man
would become a tindalo, a powerful spirit. His image would be displayed at a
sacred spot that was associated with him during his lifetime. According to the
legend, a tindalo did not stay deceased; he could decide to inhabit another living
creature, including a shark. (Peachin 6) In Vietnam, the shark was held in high
esteem. The whale shark was called Lord Fish, and its bones were taken to
selected temples and given sacred burials. In the Fiji islands, the high chiefs were
believed to be the direct descendants of the shark god Dakuwaqa. The ancient
Japanese used to pay homage to Shark Man, called Same Hito, the god of storms.
(Peachin 7) Most ancient cultures did not have direct access to sharks, and relied on
stories brought to them by fishermen returning from the ocean. What little
information the fisherman gave to their fellow people earned sharks an undeserved
reputation. (Peachin 7) Sharks remained a mystery for most people until the summer
of 1916, when a shark killed several people who were swimming on the New Jersey
Euripides The Trojan Women
Euripides play The Trojan Women, revolves around the fate of some of the women
in The Iliad after the Trojan War has ended. Especially notable is Euripides
interpretation of Helen s character, as well as his representation of the Greek men
and the severe suffering of the Trojan women.
The production of The Trojan Women in the Flea Theatre, is a modern form of
Euripides play that was adapted after the Bosnian War. The interpretation this play
takes on the sinister and horrendous aftermath of the Trojan Waris very applicable to
modern day wars, for example in Syria where the Islamic State enslaves the women
of the cities they sack. This modern touch and applicability is visibly represented by
the Greek soldiers modern military uniforms, instead of traditional ancient ... Show
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Furthermore, throughout the play, words in different languages such as la guerra
are used by the chorus of the Trojan women, which could represent the applicability
of the grief and suffering that occurs after the Trojan War, to all wars on a global
and timeless level. In The Trojan Women, Euripides emphasizes Homer s
underlying criticism of war, present in The Iliad, and the play highlights the
senselessness and absurdity of war. For example, Hecuba and the chorus of women
speak about how pointless it was that the Greeks fought in Troy for ten years, just
because of Helen, while their children grew up without fathers. The absurd brutality
of the war is highlighted when the Greek soldier (presumably Achilleus son) throws
Astyanax down the walls of Troy and afterwards brings the dead baby, drenched in
blood, back to the women of Troy, as
$ 10 Bill Research Paper
For the first time over a century, a woman s face will show up on an American
currency bill. The Treasury Department declared Wednesday it will replace the main
image of its own founder, Alexander Hamilton, on the $10 bill, with a woman as yet
to be determined. Mr. Hamilton will remain on the bill in a diminished way. The
currency will be made known to the public in 2020, the 100th Anniversary of the 19th
Amendment giving women the rights to vote. The last woman to appear on a bill
was Martha Washington, in the late 19th century. Americans will have the whole
summer to weigh in which one of the history s leading women they think will have
the honor to be on the $10 currency bill. There are no lists of successors, but names
frequently mentioned... Show more content on ...
Hamilton, the first treasury secretary and a chief architect of the nation s financial
system, is a part of a reorganized design of the $10 bill. The Legal Tender Act of
1862 gives the Treasury Department broad powers to design U.S. money.
Displacing Mr. Hamilton isn t the first choice for some. A group called Women On
20s has urged President Barack Obama to replace President Andrew Jackson on the
$20 bill with a woman. Organizers sent a petition to the White House last month
calling for the change. Respondents to their online poll chose Ms. Tubman for the
slot. Mr. Lew, however, said the $10 bill already was the next up for a redesign,
making it the most practical vehicle for the symbolic portrait change. Mr. Jackson
may have been seen as more easily replaced. As the nation s seventh president, he
led a successful campaign to kill off the nation s central bank and stridently argued
against the dangers of a paper currency, which he said concentrated too much
power in the hands of bankers. But federal agencies in 2013 recommended starting
with the $10 bill as part of a broader currency redesign that will include tactile
features for the blind and visually impaired. Currency officials said they selected it
because it is widely used in
Rehabilitation Robotics
Introduction At the Rehabilitation Robotics Prosthetics Testbed, one sector of the
building is dedicated entirely to capturing the motion of different tasks in real time
and in three dimensional representation. Using a Vicon visual system comprised of
eight spatially separated infrared cameras, motions such as dance, walking, pitching,
swinging, and other physically distinct movements have been captured in three
dimensional data. With this 3D data, distinctions can be ascertained between
expected and actual movement data, and efforts can be collaborated by CARRT to
better address the needs of their subjects in order to achieve a desired movement
potential. By examining the compensatory movements that are present during
dynamic motion of an individual with an upper or lower limb prosthesis, advances
can be made in the design or selection of current prosthetic models. Examples of such
improvements in the field of rehabilitative... Show more content on ...
Human Factors is about how humans interact to the different components of a
system. In the field of robotic rehabilitation and prosthetic the system is possibly
attached the the person opposed to external, in almost all other cases. There are
numerous factors and components that have to be taken into account before the
creation of a new prosthetic or rehabilitation device can begin. The approach that is
taken today is mainly how to improve current prosthetic and robot use in the
rehabilitation process for humans, the person that will be using the equipment does
not really become a factor until the end of the process. Robotics and prosthetics
should adjust to the person not the other way around. If the prosthetic and robotic
rehabilitation process focused on the human person as much as they do creating and
making innovative machines the whole process might go
Conspiracy In Othello And Catiline
The Conspiracy of Catiline and Cicero s Consulship
Cicero had many tough decisions during his life. One of these was what to do about
Catiline and his conspirators. Cicero had made a law that prohibited people from
running for legislatures to not be able to bribe voters in order to get elected. Catiline,
while running for a position in the legislature, knew that this law had been partially
made because of him. Catiline wanted to obtain consulship and overthrow the Roman
government. Catiline, at first, just wanted to kill the two consuls, but then he decided
to kill all of the Senate. Although Catiline was planning on killing the men running
the government, he still tried to get legitimately elected. Catiline recruited other
conspirators ... Show more content on ...
Cicero and the Senate had to decide what the punishment for the conspirators
should be. Multiple people had different ideas about the punishment. Caesar
wanted all of the conspirators goods to be taken and put the conspirators into
boroughs. Silanus wanted all the conspirators to be killed, since they were trying
to destroy the Republic and wage war against the country. Cato wanted them to see
what the punishment for other crimes similar to this one would be hoping this
would discourage conspiracies in the future. Cicero and the Senate decided to kill
some of the men while also letting some of them live. This decision was probably
the most agreeable and best decision, but it also caused Cicero problems for his own
safety and the safety of the
The Multi Store Model And The Working Memory Model
Memory is our ability to encode, store,retain and subsequently recall information and
past experiences in the human brain (Luke Mastin,2010). In this review I am going
to focus on the multi store model and the working memory model, which explain in
detail how memory works.
The multi store model (MSM) of memory by Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968), explains
that the memory is made up of three different stores.These are: sensory memory
(SM), short term memory(STM) and long term memory(LTM). This model explains
how each store works in terms of encoding, duration and capacity.
The SM obtains the information from environmental stimuli through our five senses
which are touch,sight,smell,taste and sound. In SM the encoding is either
visual,auditory or haptic; duration is Вј to ВЅ seconds and the capacity is all sensory
experience(McLeod S.A,2007). Attention is essential for the information to transfer
to the STM, otherwise it is lost through decay. The information in the STM is mostly
encoded acoustically. The diagram below shows us how the information is transferred
from one store to another.
According to Miller s Magic number 7 (1956) most adults can store from 5 to 9
items, therefore STM is known to have a capacity of 7+/ 2 items and a duration of
up to 18 seconds. The information in this store can be lost through displacement
which is replacing the old information with new ones or forgetting it (decay). There
are two types of rehearsals. Maintenance rehearsal is not effective
Genetic Alliance Research Paper
American organisations and networks
1.Genetic Alliance
Genetic Alliance is world s leading US based non profit health advocacy organisation,
which includes in its network more than 1200 disease specific advocacy
organisations, universities, government agencies, private companies and public
policy organisations. The organisation was established by Joan O. Weiss in 1986,
Washington DC. Genetic Alliance has established a number of programs aimed to
improve the understanding of genetics and advocacy, to advance important
campaigns and to institute strong networks. Genetic Alliance is managing a Biobank
since 2003.
Current programs running at Genetic Alliance include:
Access to Credible Genetics Resources Network
Consumer Focused Newborn Screening ... Show more content on ...
The National Institute of Health and Medical Research, France (INSERM) has
initiated Orphanet database. It is currently updated by 38 countries of European
consortium, coordinated by France. It is published in English, German, French,
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese which is freely accessible to both physicians and
patients. Orphanet provides services which include inventory, classification and
encyclopaedia of rare disease, inventory of orphan drugs, OrphaNews, Report Series
and diagnostic tools searchable by sign and symptoms.
2.European Platform for Patient Organisations, Science and Industry (EPPOSI)
EPPOSI is an international association committed to support healthcare
policymaking. It is an advisory committee for pharmaceutical industries, academic
and patient organisation to interact and exchange knowledge. The members of
EPPOSI include five industrial associations and 18 large pharmaceutical and
biotechnology companies. Through advanced innovation programs, EPPOSI research
is focused on chronic conditions management (AIP CCM), health technology
assessment (AIP HTA), innovation in healthcare (AIP INNO) and rare diseases
Judith Francisca Baca
Judith Francisca Baca was born on September 20, 1946 in Los Angeles, California
to Valentino Marcel and Ortensia Baca. Her father, Valentino, was not in the
picture, so she was raised by her mother, grandmother, and two aunts. Coming from
a Spanish speaking family, Baca struggled in school, but maybe her struggling was a
good thing. Due to her problems with speaking, Baca s teacher made her sit at her
desk and paint, which sparked her interest in art. She attended California State
University at Northridge to obtain her bachelor s degree. Then she went back to her
high school, Bishop Alemany High School, to teach. That is where she got together
ethnically diverse students and painted a mural. Her teaching job did not last long.
Her next job was in Los Angeles in a traveling program for artists to teach at
different schools. But one even that sparked her art life was exploring the Mexican
muralist tradition. She was inspired by different books she read about them and
traveled to Mexico to take classes in mural techniques and materials. When she
returned to Los Angeles, she began her Citywide Project. She supervised and... Show
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One of her most famous works is A World without Borders . It is a painting of
Latinos crying. The background of this painting is they want a world where
border patrol does not exist. People should be free to go and live wherever they
want and cross the border whenever. This painting, in a way, is expressing
propaganda. They want people to realize that there is an issue with having borders.
Some artists have created artwork that has to do with their heritage in their times.
Baca s work however not only expresses her ethnicity and background, but also has
propaganda and represent equality as a whole, with all races. Her work is headed in
a new direction that expresses her opinion on different matters through art. It is a
great technique and also creates beautiful
Use Of Literary Devices Used By Ray Bradbury
This paper will delve into Ray Bradbury s novel elucidation of how the society in the
books has been burnt to ashes just like the mythical phoenix, leading to a possibility
of an ultimate regeneration of a brand new, vital, civilization with the augmented
knowledge, through the existence of books Montag and the others have. A nuanced
argument statement can also lend a hand to authenticate the thesis statement. Several
may argue that burning books should continue until every single banned book has
been burnt, interpreting it as a more relishing path, since it helps alleviate, cure, and
forget the sobering reality of depression that might occur again, however, book
burningdoes have another side to it that people do not understand, knowledge can
prevent future destruction from occurring all over again. Ray Bradbury added an
additional thicker layer to the thesis statement through the use of literary devices,
such as symbolism and imagery throughout Fahrenheit 451. Bradbury is not the only
one expounding the misery of burning books, regarding the required knowledge
withering from human beings, but Helen Keller, a radical thinker wrote letters during
the Nazi book burning, empathizing others to get a taste of the scorch. The
regeneration of a new society from the lost knowledge, through the symbol of the
phoenix, has been illustrated in an ancient form of art, Woman s Robe with
Phoenixes and a Tree.
The phoenix builds a pyre to burn itself. The bird is not aware that it is
Expansionary Fiscal Policy
Expansionary fiscal policy results in a reduction of taxes and increased government
spending and therefore increasing the demand level in an economy. The institution of
expansionary fiscal policy raises disposable income through reduction of taxes in the
economy and this improves the rate of consumption. Therefore, tax reduction is an
appropriate expansionary fiscal policy that can be deployed to help an economy that
could be undergoing a recession (DeLong Summers, 2012). Consequently, tax
reduction could be a vital government tool for increasing the Gross Domestic
Product. Low taxes encourage individuals to work hard and thus boosting the county
s GDP. Income taxes have an impact on collective demand. An expansionary fiscal
policy reduces
Dbq Valley Forge
Valley Forge was the military camp in southeastern Pennsylvania, approximately 20
miles northwest of Philadelphia, where the American Continental Army spent the
winter of 1777 78 during the American Revolutionary War. Ultimately this was our
housing for the toughest of the tough in the most important battle for Americans
alike. Freedom. And we wanted it bad. So bad enough we ditched England and made
it so far to valley forge. And in modern day we awe at the bravery of these solders.
But one. Everlasting question still lingers, would you stay or quit?
During the hot summers of the war the cabins were at minimum five degrees hotter.
But we will set that aside from the fact that these solders were mad. Sad. And
frankly out of it. See they haven t been able to stop general Howe as he marched his
army into the capital of Philadelphia. And this loss was making Washington s army in
order. All of that coming from the back round essay. And Washington also was
running out of food water and mainly all there supplies. And when word got back to
congress about this mayhem. Congress thought it was rancid and untruthful. In other
words congress didn t trust him.
Because Washington was not being trusted washing invited congress... Show more
content on ...
And these times did. The times that these patriots went through were more trouble
them most of us have been in in our entire life. Keep in mind this paragraph will
consist of only document D. Meaning all of this will come in document D. By this
time in the war. All the weaklings if you will have left. They have died off or have
simply quit. So there is a smaller group of men fighting right now. This group saw it
all. From the beginning to the end, when Thomas Paine wrote this though. he is
talking about his favorite topic of the American Revolution. He wrote it with the
intention of persuading American soldiers who were losing morale to keep steadfast
to the cause of
Louis Armstrong And Duke Ellington
As we all know that over the years the music genre Jazz has changed dramatically.
With all the changes that has happened some aspects of the genre remained or
endured little change. One trait in jazz that remained throughout all the success of the
genre is certain composers. The instruments had a slight change through the years but
it still continue to be tight throughout.
Throughout jazz there is a couple of ledges that had their hands in the success of the
jazz genre as a whole. Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington are two composters that
single handily contributed to the evolution of jazz. Both Louis and Armstrong
performed for over fifty years. With this amount of time performing they both touch
many eras in jazz. Although Duke was very influential during this time period I like
Louie timeline more. Most likely because we are both from New Orleans and I feel
closer to him.
Before Armstrong had a great influenced on jazz music there was the Dixieland. So,
before Louis Armstrong came around everyone was playing the Dixieland style of
music. Dixieland style was more of the classical orchestrated structures. Within the
bad everyone knew their roles and that wasn t change. Everyone knew that the Bass
was there for the low pitched walking baseline which outlined the harmony. That the
piano provided the syncopated commentary along with comping and the guitar
provided the solos. While the drums provided things like swing, kicked of the solos
and many more. Dixieland was
Summary Of Making A Fist By Naomi Shihab Nye
In the poem Making a Fist by Naomi Shihab Nye, Nye uses metaphors to convey
the meaning of mental and physical strength. For example, Nye uses the metaphor
A drum in the desert, harder and harder to hear (3). The drum refers to a heart,
continuing to beat, even though I [she] felt the life is slipping out of me (2). Nye
uses this metaphor of comparing a drum and a heart to convey how as the heart
beats, the body stays alive. This is similar to how as a drum beats, the music
continues to play. The drum is the center of a musical piece, keeping the flow of all
the other instruments in check, just as how the heart is the main source of blood to
the body, keeping it alive. Additionally, in stanza two, Nye s asks How do you know
if you
The End Of The Vietnam War
Ever since the end of the Vietnam war; Vietnamese immigrants have become the sixth
largest immigration group coming in to the United States. Due to factors such as
persecution, and government upheaval during the mid 1970 s to the late 1990 s. With
three major waves of refugees, or immigrants comprise the majority of those coming
in to the country. With a small steady flow between each major wave. Even though
the first group did have advantages that other immigrant group would not have, they
would still struggle to be accepted within the United States. The second group would
face an even more difficult time assimilating in to the United States. They would
consist of refugees that had very little resources compared to the first wave. They
did not have access to the same levels of education, or were capable of speaking
English like the first wave of immigrants. The third wave would still face
difficulties, but had more resources when they arrived to the United States. Many of
the immigrants of the third wave consisted of family members of people already
here in the United States. They had access to a support system unlike those that were
part of the second wave. Even though they have become part of society, they still face
adversity like many other immigrant groups. Ever since the Mid 1970 s the
immigrants from Vietnam; have become the sixth largest group to immigrate to the
United States right behind Mexico, India, China, Philippines, and El Salvador (Zong
and Batalova). When
Hitler s Actions During Ww2
In the final months of World War II Allied Forces, commanded by United States
General Dwight D. Eisenhower, were on the offensive and had pushed deep into
German territory. The Germans had suffered significant losses of troops and
equipment after five years of warfare. Any chance of winning meant the Germans
would have to make a stand. Hitler discussed his strategy with his top generals.
While they agreed that capturing the city of Antwerp, a major Allied supply hub,
would inflict a devastating blow to the Allied Forces, they disagreed with Hitler s
plan of assaulting through the heavily wooded area of the Ardennes. Furthermore,
the plan was to attack under the protection of poor weather to mitigate the use of
Allied airpower, which was a major Allied advantage. Hitler believed that a
complex assault would catch Allied commanders off guard causing them to be slow
to react. The Allied lines were spread very thin in the Ardennes, even to the point of
an average of 73 men per mile. Moreover, this specific area was used for training
new units and for allowing battle tested, experienced units to rest and... Show more
content on ...
Surprise delays enemy reactions, overloads and confuses enemy decision makers and
command and control systems, induces psychological shock in enemy soldiers and
leaders, and reduces the coherence of the enemy defense. In essence, surprise is
catching the enemy off guard in order to gain the upper hand during a conflict. The
Germans executed surprise flawlessly, meaning the Allies had no idea of the ensuing
attack. Nor did they foresee the incredible size of the impending German assault. For
ten days the Germans capitalized on the momentum of their surprise and pushed the
Allies back; however, once their momentum dwindled, it took the Allies almost triple
the amount of time to regain their initial positions and decimate German
The Growth Of The World Population
When considering the growth of the world s population there Is a concentrated look
at Four Main factors with a fifth element now ,slowly becoming a large factor.They
are fertility rates, mortality rates (life expectancy), the initial age profile of the
population (whether it is comparatively old or relatively young to begin with),
migration, and now religion, where focus is placed on migrating to or from a
particular faction.
The forces behind population change
Population Change:A view at Growth
Fertility has been on a slow descent over the last decade and is expected to continue
declining.As a result,the world,s population rate is also slowing down. But from the
year 2010 2050 ,the world s population is expected to rise some 35%.That is
approximately 2 Billion people.Fertility patterns may differ between countries, and
larger geographic locations for a myriad of reasons, including cultural
standards,degrees of economic improvement, education systems and government
policies that encourage ,or discourage, family planning. Female reproductive rates
may also be a result of infant fatality rates, participation in the labor market, income
levels and social status, among other factors.( Main Factors Driving Population
Growth | Pew Research Center, 2015)
Life Expectancy,which is the expected life term we are given from infancy,has been
on the up rise, and is expected to continue its ascent over the next four
decades.Research has shown that people are living longer, due
Hr Report
Recruitment and selection at Morang Auto works
Submitted by Sujan Shrestha Sudhir shrestha Sudarshan Poudel Sushmita Nepal
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
........................................................................................................................... 3 1.1
1.2 1.3 1.4 Introduction
3 Introduction of the
organization................................................................................................ 3 Purpose of
the Report ............................................................................................................... 4 ...
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The project covers introduction of Recruitment and Selection, Purpose and
Importance of Recruitment, Sources of Recruitment, Steps in the Recruitment
Selection Process, and Suggestions to make the Recruitment Process more effective.
It also includes the challenges faced by HR in recruitment process and the recent
trends in recruitment process.
1.2 Introduction of the organization
Morang auto works (M. A. W.) Enterprises is the official distributor of Yamaha,
Skoda, JCB, Yamaha music and Yamaha engineering products. MAW has expanded
from engineering to different renowned products dealerships creating wider market
coverage. Its Head Office and Corporate Office are in Tripureshwor, Kathmandu with
4 branches, 28 Dealers and 45 Sub Dealers and Trade Ins. OBJECTIVES: пѓ To
deal in quality products of international standards. пѓ To form a broad customer
base by achieving customer satisfaction through quality pre sales and after sales
services. пѓ To assure mutual growth, ours our principal s growth through
consistent and innovative marketing efforts . пѓ
Major functions/activities of M.A.W are as follows: Cars: Distributor of luxury cars
from Skoda. Motorcycles: Distributor of Yamaha since 1975 JCB: Distributor of JCB
Power generators: Distributor of greaves and Yamaha Engineering: Distributor of
high performance industrial equipment from Ingersoll Rand and
The 1907 Financial Panic and the 2008 Financial Crisis
The United States economy along with most developed countries experience
cycles of booming years, which are also subject to periods of economic
contractions. The cycles in an economy are dependent on many factors and
recognizing historical trends can provide forecasts to where an economy is heading
and reduce recurring mistakes. Mark Twain once said, History does not repeat itself,
but it occasionally rhymes. (Carr) The Great Recession of 2008 precisely emphasizes
Twain s historical understanding with respect to the Panic of 1907. Almost exactly
100 years after the financial crisis of 1907, the poem known as The United States
economy, holds a stanza rhyming it with the 2008 financial crisis. The tail of these
two events is compared to better understand the elements in an effort to rhyme the
next line of the poem with a new set of syllables. Before understanding these
elements, a financial crisis is defined as A situation in which the value of financial
institutions or assets drops rapidly. A financial crisis is often associated with a panic
or a run on the banks, in which investors sell off assets or withdraw money from
savings accounts with the expectation that the value of those assets will drop if they
remain at a financial institution. (Investopedia)
1907 Financial Panic
During the early 20th century, the expansion of industry and finance throughout the
United States had grown so large that it required some form of centralized monetary
control. The daily
Self Driving Thesis
Thesis Statement
The increasing use of computer technology in transportation will provide us with
much greater levels of safety and reliability saving potentially millions of lives, and
make personal travel and organizational shipping more cost effective. The fear of
placing our faith in the hands of automated transportation is unfounded. It
demonstrates an irrational fear of losing control to technology. Automated systems
are statistically more stable and can be regulated to higher safety standards than can
manual human operations. Given time and further development, autonomous
transportation will become increasingly more common and prevent accidents caused
by human error. This paper will show that self driving vehicles are inevitably our
The Technology
The self driving car of the near future will be one of an ... Show more content on ...
The page offers different moral/ ethical scenarios giving the user a chance to see
what their choices would be.
Fear of Technology
One major barrier in the implementation of intelligent transportation is that there is
a common fear of technology. In one study, only 37% of women and 50% of men
say that they would feel safe in a self driving car. On top of this 46% of those
surveyed believe that a driverless car is unsafe (LeBeau). It seems that the technology
is advancing more quickly than consumer comfort levels. This is common with many
new technologies and yet, with time can be overcome.
The ultimate solution to the concern about autonomous transport technologies will be
education. Instead of viewing the AI as an ambiguous, malicious, unknowable entity
(A. Walker), one must become familiar with the tech in question. Taking a simple
computer class may help. Certainly, talking to a self driving car dealer or user will
alleviate some of the stress involved in the change. Getting interested will make all the
Personal Narrative-Bottle Caps And Expensive Jewelry
Bottle Caps and Expensive Jewelry
A stinging pain surfaced on my cheek from the hard slap of my father s hand. I
winced in pain, sitting on my hands in an effort not to fight back. He looked at me
once more, shook his head, and left, slamming my door shut. Once he was gone, I let
my tears fall. They almost eased the irritation on my face. Being abused and crying.
Una doble negaciГіn. Since my father stormed out, I was now alone in my room. My
room wasn t the same anymore. The light blue walls seemed like prison bars,
trapping me inside a house that was not a home. My father s words still rang in my
head; dirty, stupid, slut, piece of ding. I looked down at my phone. Four missed calls
from Charlie Murphy. I let out a sigh of relief and ... Show more content on ...
I turned around to the left. No, thats wrong. I turned to the left.
I I have to go home. I have to go home. I have to go home! I ha I stopped when I
reached the car and broke down. I was crying hard, huge tears running down my face
and neck, but all I wanted to do was scream. Then, I felt a sudden tightness around
me. Realization hit me; it was Rose. Her arms were wrapped around me as she
lightly shushed my harsh gasps for air.
Take this. She said, pulling away from me. I looked down at her palm to see the
necklace that she wears every day.
I can t ta
Take it. She interrupted. I nodded my head as a signal for her to put it around my
neck. I saw a tear fall down her face, but I quickly wiped it away. I shook my head
and almost smiled, my hand still resting on her
Billabong Of Financial Year 2013 And 2014
S suman rana to me
6 minutes agoDetails
By watching the money related explanations of Billabong of financial year 2013 and
2014 we computed the accompanying proportions:
1.Profitability proportions
It Educates client as to the profits and dangers connected with the venture choices in
a specific organization.
i)Return on value ratio(ROE)
Net benefit/Normal value (barring OEI)*100
For 2013 working note: normal equity=312067+1072261/2
ROE = (863002)/692164*100 =692164
For 2014 working note: normal equity=259036+312067/2
ROE=(239933)/285551.5*100 =285551.5
iiReturn on assets(ROA)Ratios
ROA=EBIT/Normal aggregate assets*100
For 2013
working note: normal assets=1019292+2080684/2 ... Show more content on ...
ii)Days stock ratios(days)
Normal stock/COGS*365
For 2013
For 2014
=118.36 days
iiiInventory turnover proportions
Machine gear pieces/Normal stock
ITR= 541466/266806
=2.0294 times
=3.083 times
iv)Days debt holders proportion
Normal exchange debt holders/Deals *365
For 2013
Days debt holders ratio=204429/1477069*365
=50.051 days
Days debt holders proportion =153850/1356946*365
=41.38 days
v)Debtors turnover
deals/Normal exchange debt holders
=7.22 times
=8.81 times
3.Liquidity proportions
i)current proportions
current resource/current liabilities
ii)Quick resource ratio(Acid test proportion)
QA=current resources less stock/current liabilities
QA=(622368 266806)/612495
QA=(495801 180222)/225671
iii)cash stream proportions
CRR=cash stream from working exercises/current liabilities
For 2013
4.Capital structure proportions
i)Debt to value proportions
DER=Total liabities/downright equity*100
For 2013
ii)debt proportions
DR=Total liabilities/downright assets*100
For 2013
Comparison of Dylan Thomas Fern Hill and Robert Frost s...
Comparison of Dylan Thomas Fern Hill and Robert Frost s Birches
Poets often use nature imagery to comment on the relationship between humans and
the natural environment surrounding them. Traditionally, this relationship is
portrayed in a positive manner as it places emphasis on the concept that nature is
representative of beauty; consequently, embracing this representation will enlighten
the human experience. The facets of that relationship are represented within Dylan
Thomas Fern Hill and Robert Frost s Birches . Both poets invoke an image of nature
that is picturesque, serene and innocent in order to convey a ... Show more content on ...
In Dejection: An Ode , the speaker, who can be identified with Coleridge himself,
exhibits sorrow in his inability to find inspiration in the natural beauty that surrounds
him. For this poet, finding solace in the natural world on a superficial level is
insufficient; one must have an emotional connection to the beauty of nature. In his
past experiences the speaker could appreciate this beauty in a superior way as it, sent
[his] soul abroad (Coleridge 183); however, in his current state he can only see, not
feel, how beautiful [nature is] (184). As a poet who derives his inspiration from the
surrounding world, the fact that he cannot connect with the sublime beauty of nature
is problematic for him; thus, it causes his unhappiness. Coleridge s poem represents
the highest level of dejection because the natural world becomes meaningless to him
without the transcendental inspiration he was once able to obtain by examining it.
Thomas poem represents an entirely different level of dejection than Coleridge s
because it is about the importance of appreciating the simple beauty of nature as
opposed to attempting to develop a meaningful connection with it. When examining
the speaker s views of the surrounding environment, it becomes difficult to find any
level of dejection in the poem. Thomas speaker describes how:
I ran my heedless

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Essay About Sports. Awesome Essay About Sports Thatsnotus

  • 1. Essay About Sports Crafting an essay on the broad and seemingly ubiquitous theme of sports may appear deceptively simple at first glance. After all, sports are an integral part of human culture, offering a wide array of events, disciplines, and narratives to explore. However, as one delves deeper into the task, the challenges become apparent. The sheer scope of the topic can be overwhelming. Sports encompass a multitude of activities, ranging from traditional games to contemporary athletic competitions, and each has its unique history, rules, and cultural significance. Navigating this expansive landscape requires careful consideration and focus to avoid turning the essay into a mere laundry list of facts. Moreover, striking the right balance between providing insightful analysis and avoiding clichГ©s poses a persistent challenge. The subject of sports has been dissected in countless essays, and finding a fresh perspective or a unique angle can be an arduous task. It requires creative thinking and the ability to unearth lesser-known aspects or draw connections that others might have overlooked. Researching the topic also demands a comprehensive approach. Depending on the specific focus within the realm of sports chosen for the essay, one may need to delve into historical records, contemporary sports journalism, and academic literature. This multifaceted exploration is time- consuming but crucial for developing a well-rounded and informed perspective. Furthermore, conveying a genuine passion for the subject while maintaining an objective and analytical tone adds an additional layer of complexity. Striking this delicate balance is essential to engage the reader and make a compelling argument without descending into overly emotional or biased territory. In conclusion, composing an essay on the expansive and dynamic topic of sports is no easy feat. It requires a meticulous approach, a creative mindset, and the ability to navigate through a vast sea of information. However, with dedication and careful planning, one can produce an essay that not only meets academic standards but also offers a fresh perspective on this ubiquitous aspect of human culture. For assistance with similar essays or other writing needs, various resources are available. You may explore platforms like, where professionals can provide guidance, support, and even custom-written content tailored to your specific requirements. Essay About Sports Essay About Sports
  • 2. Summary And Symbolism In John Collier s Annunciation Christian artwork is used to represent and symbolise the Gospel and important figures. Not all individuals could read and write, therefore images were very important in delivering messages and teachings. One artwork chosen is Annunciation by John Collier created in 2003. This modern artwork shows Gabriel asking Maryif she would become the mother of Jesus. The other one is the Holy Night Nativity Scene by Antonio Correggio created in 1530, which focuses on and sets the scene of Jesus birth. The Annunciation displays the moment Gabriel was sent by God to tell Mary she would become pregnant. This is present in the passage God sent angel Gabriel to a virgin and he said to Mary God has a surprise for you: You will become pregnant and give birth to a son and call his name Jesus (Luke 1:26 33). The artwork depicts Mary as a very young and innocent women, which is aided by her modern school inspired dress. In the background, there are houses of a 21st century style of living in the suburbs, making the setting familiar and relatable and allows the audience to feel connected to Mary. Therefore, the emotions and thoughts of Mary is as she comprehends Gods wishes can be further understood. ... Show more content on ... In the artwork, lilies are displayed to symbolise motherhood, which Mary is about to embark on and also symbolises purity and faith. The dove on the roof of the neighbor s house represents the Holy Spirit, showing that God is looking over her, awaiting her response. This is displayed in scripture as the Holy Spirit descended in bodily form, like a dove (Luke 3:22). Mary is also holding the book Prophet Isaiah which states that a virgin will conceive a child. This foreshadows the events about to unfold. Under Mary s feet, there is a welcoming mat which symbolises that Mary will welcome Gabriel s news and the path God has chosen for her with open
  • 3. 1. Introduction. The Purpose Of This Report Is To Design 1. Introduction The purpose of this report is to design the minor storm drainage system of the Town of Adamsville in a manner that satisfies the flow and serviceability requirements of the Town of Adamsville Engineering Design Criteria and Standards Manual. The report outlines the approach taken to accomplish this. The system was also tested to satisfy the velocity conditions and the runoff flows for a 1:5 year precipitation event set by the design criteria. The testing methodology used to determine the effectiveness of the system and the corresponding results are also stated. Wherever assumptions are made, they are stated clearly in that section. 1.1 Design Approach The development was initially divided into 38 regions and their ... Show more content on ... 0.03 m at straight runs, 0.05 m at 45В° bends, 0.075 m at 90В° bends). 2. Network Design 2.1 Division of development into areas The development was divided into 38 individual area, each of which are represented by a pipe section in the minor system of the stormwater drainage network. The pipes were placed between the manholes or until the end of the limited proposal development boundary and when connecting internal catch basins to the closest stormwater manhole on the street. Note: Pipes connecting to the catch basins on the street and the interior manholes were not part of our scope in this project. Considerations were made by dividing the regions in such a way that they are geographically located close to the pipe segments, and are similar in size. Refer to the plan drawing in Appendix A for the locations of pipes and areas. For this project, a portion of single family dwellings 44 to 47 (see Appendix A for excluded area) were not included in the design due to the lack of an adjacent area for pipe placements. Furthermore, a pipe was not installed between Manhole 14 and 21, since it would form a loop and would complicate the design process and cover requirements. 2.2 Addition of catch basins Where required, catch basins were added to ensure a pathway for runoff to drain. Catch basins were added to the lowest elevation point(s) of the area. They were also placed on either sides of the road as the runoff cannot overcome the crown of
  • 4. Business Regulation Law 531 Business Regulations Simulation Law/531 Business Regulation Simulation When conducting business whether it is local and global, big or small organizations have to abide by state and federal laws. Depending on the nature of the business different organization has to comply with certain laws and regulations. For example, retailers like Wal Mart, Target and Kroger have to comply with the Department of Labor and a manufacturing company like LM Fiberglass and Toyota would have to comply with the Environmental Protection Agency and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). When an organization do not comply with the state and federal regulation the company can face fines or become caught up in major ... Show more content on ... In this case of negligence Bates must prove that Alumina had a duty to keep the PAH levels contained. In a case Alumina breaches that duty by not staying in compliance with the EPA regulation several years ago. Bates assumes that the consumption of the water cause the harm of her daughter to have leukemia. In response Alumina chose to conduct an independent site study for new violations. The reports come back good the PAH levels were well below the standard. After releasing a partial audit report Bates has threaten to file a lawsuit against Alumina of personal injury to recover compensation and punitive damages. Alumina negligent conduct of serious violation of environmental laws five years ago is the cause of her daughter leukemia, alleged by Bates (Business Regulations Simulation, 2010). The best resolution for this situation is mediation by a neutral third party, by choosing this options Alumina can provide Bates with a confidential settlement. The settlement includes that Alumina provides Bates with reimbursement of medical expenses for her daughter treatment a lump sum for future treatments and a college fund set aside if her daughters recovers from the leukemia (Business Regulations Simulation, 2010). Although tort liability is founded on intended harm strict liability is attached even though the defendant has been reasonable. In the Article titled The American Influence on Canadian Tort
  • 5. EDEE 212 Final EDEE 212 Assignment 1 Part B Maryanne Griffith Student No: 220094471 Semester 2, 2013 John is a nearly seven year old student in year one. On 12/4/07, he completed a running reading of Little Teddy Helps Mouse , which is a level five reader. Running Records capture what young readers said and did while reading continuous text, usually little short stories (Clay M. , 2002)Outlined below is a recorded tally of his reading and an analysis and suggestions of the next step in advancing Johns reading. Strengths John presented with many strengths during his reading of Little Teddy helps Mouse. John received an accuracy level of 98%, which would indicate that John finds this level of reading easy. (Clay, 2002) As well as using the structural... Show more content on ... (Hill, 2012, pp. 206 207). Both of these activities would aid in fluency of high frequency words and assist with punctuation and role of code breaker. As well as these activities, games such as Bingo and Snap can be incorporated using required words. John can be supported in his reading roles by participating modelled, guided and independent reading. The teacher could read from a text within the reading level, modelling the use of correct expression, fluency, and punctuation. Then by asking questions, focusing on the form or genre of the text and purpose (Hill, 2012, p. 87) this would help John in the role of text user. With guided reading John, with the assistance of members in his reading group could discuss and produce answers to an activity sheet. The sheet could ask appropriate questions using the KWL strategy (Hill, 2012, p. 213). K What I know? W what I want to know?, and L what I learned? (Hill) is a technique for assistance with being a meaning maker. Independent reading encourages the student to feel confident in his or her own reading ability. John should select texts that he is interested in or that are favourites and as long as these are within his reading level, he would be permitted, ten to fifteen minutes, three times a week to enjoy reading. These texts could be informally analysed to evaluate progress. John should be kept at a level five
  • 6. The Ancient Roman Civilization The Ancient Roman civilization was a remarkable society noted in history, it was led by countless great leaders that sustained the great civilization for ages. The Romans encountered many wars and battles, they didn t win all of their battles; however, they ve learned through their failures to improve upon the progress of their society. In 264 BC to 146 BC the Romans were involved in a prolonged war with the Carthaginians, known as the Punic War. (Chris Scarre, 24 25) The word Punic comes from the Latin derivation of the word Punicus which translates to Carthaginian , referring to the Carthaginian s Phoenician ancestors. (Keith Sidwell, 16) The Punic war was broken into 3 parts: The first Punic war (264 241 B.C.), the second Punic war (218 201 B.C.), and the third Punic war (149 146 B.C.) Wars around this era wasn t based on ideals, it was strictly for territory. The Romans fought for control over the lands all throughout Europe, North Africa, and parts of Middle East. Around this time the Carthaginians were the biggest threat to the Romans. It wasn t only because they had land, but also the competitions of trade /economic stand point. This was the final spark for the Romans to part take in the destruction of Cartage Civilization at the end of the third Punic war. The Romans managed to win the wars of the Punic war. One would suspect that the Ancient Roman Civilization would prosper from the victories from wars. However, in reality the Punic war deemed to be more costly to
  • 7. Predictive Analysis Of Predictive Analysis, An Integral... Predictive Analysis is an integral part of any business with its major role in all dimensions of the business decision making processes. Prediction helps in understanding the customer better and managing customer relationships in an efficient way. Understanding the customer is the most important part of the business process as it impacts the potential growth in business and the success of any business decision, be it a drastic or a minor change. For instance, a product launch can be strategically planned using predictive analytics, if we know our customers better. The sales and the marketing teams work closely with analysts and data scientists to understand how well the historical data can predict the customer potential and possible ... Show more content on ... These models are often used to understand customer behaviors in detail. Businesses want to understand what kind of products the customers are likely to buy, who are the loyal customers who keep coming back for re purchasing similar or other products, what other products are our loyal customers interested in, what are the potential marketing campaigns which could help us attract customers who are similar to the existing high value customers, and so on. A few applications of Predictive Models: The most important customer analytic areas and the state of the art methodologies are as follows. (1)Customer attrition analysis Predicting customer attrition is one of the major areas in customer analytics. Businesses have the need to continuously monitor and understand customer behavior and their expectations, in order to have an edge over the competitors. It makes no practical sense to not know whether the customers are staying with the company or do they have a risk of attrition, due to various controllable and uncontrollable factors. It is extremely essential for any business to retain the existing customers and resolving any pressing issues in a timely manner. Retaining a customer is as important, if not more, as attracting new customers. a.Attrition Risk Modeling: This is performed to predict the attrition risk for different customers/customer segments. The customers with high risk of attrition are identified using various factors like their
  • 8. Essay About Gun Safety How to Teach Your Children About Gun Safety According to 2014 report by MSNBC, there are over 7,000 children a year hospitalized or fatally wounded by guns each year. While many of these deaths or injuries are caused by violent acts, many are simply caused by accidents in the homes that could have been prevented. If you are going to have a gun in your home for protection, hunting, or sport, it is imperative that you teach your children about gun safety. While there is a lot of controversy about guns and children living in the same home, the fact is that gun safety training can make all the difference in the world and may just be what keeps your child safe. Remove the Secrecy Many parents often hide their guns and do not allow children to even look at them. If a child finds the gun, they, of course, are in awe of its mystery and it is almost guaranteed that they will touch it. Removing the secrecy is the first step in gun training. Allow your children to look at your gun, to touch it, and to hold it. Explain to them why you have the gun and how it works. Be sure to also explain that they are to not touch the gun unless an adult is with them and what to do if they were to find one in a friend s home while playing. This education will take the mystery out of the gun for them and the majority of children will do the right thing if they come across one. ... Show more content on ... In fact, taking your child to a gun range and showing them what happens is the best education they can have regarding gun safety. It is always better to allow a child to learn how to use a gun than it is to keep its use a secret. Not allowing them to learn the proper use of a gun will only make the gun more mysterious and more tempting to
  • 9. The Decline of Journalism as a Profession Introduction The belief that journalism is in decline has triggered major alarms, because society needs an informational environment that is easily available to all citizens such as newspapers. There is a large body of journalist that suggests that if television has taken over from the press as our main source of news this may limit our capacity to learn about public affairs; newspapers are believed to be far more effective than television at conveying detailed information necessary to understand complex and detailed issues. There is also widespread concern that if journalismfails as a profession it will not be able to reach large sections of the community, particularly younger or less educated readers. This may reinforce a growing gap among citizens between the information that they receive. Purpose of the Study The overview of the subject matter is that the big worry is that quality will decline Journalists are employed to check their facts and they get checked in turn by editors who question the reliability of their sources; we trust the paper s brand not the individual journalist. Social media could be reliable, but how would we know? This is equally true then it comes to bias. But the fact of the matter is journalism is more credible and if we lose credibility in the information we get everything could fall for speculation. The authors thesis is we should not stand for the decline of journalism as a profession but support our right to have valuable information
  • 10. Coca Cola Financial Analysis Essay Financial Analysis Project Final Paper Jennifer M. Harding Cardinal Stritch University MBA 521 August 28th, 2014 Purpose of Analysis All managers need to understand where value comes from in their firm. The purpose of this analysis is to identify the financial strategy and performance of this particular publicly traded company. The process of understanding the risk and profitability of a company by analyzing reported financial info, especially annual and quarterly reports are vital to identifying the company s overall financial performance. I wanted to analyze Coca Cola because the company has so much history and is one of the most recognizable brands in the world. I have always enjoyed researching food and beverage companies ... Show more content on ... Major Operations The Coca Cola system is not a single entity from a legal or managerial perspective, and the company does not own or control all of their bottling partners. While many view the company as simply Coca Cola, their system operates through multiple local channels. The Company manufactures and sells concentrates, beverage bases and syrups to bottling operations, owns the brands and is responsible for consumer brand marketing initiatives. Coca Cola s bottling partners manufacture, package, merchandise and distribute the final branded beverages to Coca Cola customers and vending partners, who then sell their products to consumers (Wikipedia, 2). All bottling partners work closely with customers (grocery stores, restaurants, street vendors, convenience stores, movie theaters and amusement parks, etc.) to execute localized strategies developed in partnership with Coca Cola. Customers then sell their products to consumers at a rate of more than 1.9 billion servings a day. In January 2006, company owned bottling operations were brought together to form the Bottling Investments operating group, now the second largest bottling partner in the Coca Cola system in terms of unit case volume. Distribution Coca Cola s portfolio features 17 billion dollar brands including Diet Coke, Fanta, Sprite, Coca Cola Zero, Vitaminwater, Powerade, Minute Maid, Simply, Georgia and Del
  • 11. An Investigation Of A Burglary Report On 6 20 2016 at about 1743 hrs I was dispatched to 407 6th ST NE for a residential burglary report. Enroute dispatched advised that the homeowner, Susan Cwanila, had called 911 to report a burglary to her residence. I arrived on scene and contacted Susan and her boyfriend, Wayne Briggs, who also lives at the address. Susan stated that they both left the residence this morning around 0800 hours and when they returned home they noticed that someone had forced entry to their residence. Susan stated that they noticed someone had attempted to break open a double panel window, however, only the first window was broken and no signs of access to the residence were made at that point. However, also on the back side of the residence they located another window which had been broken. Upon entering through that window, access could have been made to the residence. Wayne also stated that damage was found on the window style air conditioning unit on the side of the residence. Suggesting that someone had attempt to removed the unit and gain access to the residence at that point. Susan stated that several of the screens for the windows around the residence were removed and found laying around the yard. Susan also stated that they noticed fresh foot prints in their garden area. Susan stated the dirt had recently been racked and no foot prints should have been in the dirt. The dirt was on the far back side of the residence and led to their fence line. It is the same area of the
  • 12. Ecuador Descriptive Writing I woke up today at around 6 in the morning to get to the airport. My spouse and I loaded the luggage in the car and we were on our way. Somehow we managed to arrive, although I was still half asleep. A few months earlier, we purchased a $1,420 combined total for two tickets, which included a tour around the Galapagos Islands. We handed the tickets to the flight attendant and boarded the plane. It would be an exhausting 7 and a half hour flight from California to our stop in Ecuador, but both of us had saved up our hard earned money for this trip, so we were excited for what it had in store. We just got dropped off by the bus at a spot by the beach. It is so different compared to the beaches in California. For one, the water is not nearly... Show more content on ... The waters are crystal clear, as blue as the sky above. Within the waters, my spouse found colorful fishes, sputtering at the sight of us, the foreigners on their terrain. We watched them jump, until from the corner of my eye a 479 pound beauty crept along the rich land. Me and my wife stared in awe. It crawled slowly among the little bugs inhabiting the ground. I took long, quiet steps towards it, thinking it would take off. But suddenly, the tortoise s eyes met mine. She stared blankly at me, at my stunned face. My wife, followed behind me as we looked deeply at the khaki, fairly large tortoise as she buried herself into a wide hole flooded with thick sand. As she climbed down, at least a foot deep in the ground, me and my spouse continued on with our adventure. Every animal we encountered was like a gateway into a brand new world. Such creativity was put into every animal. We wandered for miles, my wife and I. As the day grew into evening, yet again we found ourselves with same pellucid water as we did before. My spouse and I, remembered the amazing creature we encountered earlier. We approached the hole that the Galapagos tortoise had disinterred in to. I picked up a stick and pushed the moist sand to the edge of the hole. And what I saw, I couldn t believe my eyes. We stared into the hole, smiling and infused with joy. A white sphere, much like the full moon, laying plainly on the sand. A dozen golf ball sized figures soon to be lifeforms before my
  • 13. Character Analysis Of Lorraine Hansberry s A Raisin In The... Lorraine Hansberry s A Raisin in the Sun So now it s life. Money is life. Once upon a time freedom used to be life now it s money. I guess the world really do change . . . These are the words of Lena Younger (Mama) in the play, A Raisin in the Sun as she effectuated her role as the superior head of the Younger family. In order to truly decipher what the author wishes to share through the eyes of this character, it is important to take a thorough and insightful analysis of her. By closely evaluating her role in the family, what she wants, her personality, and, even what inanimate object she can be compared to, the reader will see what the author, Lorraine Hansberry, had in mind as she matured this character. Mama s role in the Younger family is very beneficial for the entire household. Her role continuously portrays her as arbitrator throughout the play mainly because of the situations the family keeps running into. When Ruth, Mama s daughter in law, was pregnant she ended up needed some help dealing with it and Mama was there as a backbone holding her up. Mama is a strong motivational force in this play and this is why whenever there is a problem the members of the family are turning to her for help, even if it s not intentional. As it is suggested in her name, Lena s entire family leans on her and draws from her strength in order to replenish their own . With no crucial dreams of her own, Mama lives through her children, her dream of having a
  • 14. Part Time Indian Essay Culture is a way of life, such as daily rituals and habits that make people who they are. For every culture, there is a different kind of history. Some cultures are developing others are slowly vanishing. But what are these things that affect this change? The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian is a book about one Indian teenager who is trying to change his life. Junior moves to a new school to have a better opportunity for his future life. The book shows many aspect of Indian culture. In The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian, Sherman Alexi uses the topic of culture in order to show how every culture is different and how people can be affected by their culture. Also, it shows how some cultures are in danger because of what people do and how others treat them. Culture can be affected by what people do in their daily life. Different things affect culture and its development, but there are also factors that decrease culture and... Show more content on ... Even though culture can be affected by the people who practice it, it might fall if people are not passing the traditions along. The sociality can also affect indian culture. The Absolute True Diary of a Part Time Indian, it talks about how people who are not Indians had a negative impact on Indian culture. One of the powerful influence that affected Indians were whites. The whites tried to demolish Indian culture by forcing them to give up their traditions. Mr. P. said we were supposed to make you give up being Indian. Your songs and stories and language and dancing. Everything. We weren t trying to kill Indian people. We were trying to kill the Indian culture, (35). Whites who lived on the reservation or outside the reservation were making plans to destroy Indian culture and to force their own cultures on Indians. To destroy culture it doesn t only take the person who exercise it, but also the people who are around
  • 15. What Does Crochet Mean To Me Essay Crocheting or anything is def much easier with someone right there helping. My schedule is pretty much the same all the time I get off at 5 everyday and really the only nights I m always busy are Tuesday and Saturday so whenever your ready just let me know. Don t expect anything fancy though I think I only really know two basic stitches anything else you ll have to ask someone else or just play with it. There have been so many times I ve played around with it making things like circular, gloves, or nook covers, but could never remember exactly how I did it! I really like making scarves because there fast and easy I want to make myself a crocheted infinity scarf but it s hard enough for me to buy myself something and even harder to take the time to crochet something for myself knowing I should be doing Christmas presents for other people and when it s warm weather it s just not on my mind to crochet something warm. Let me know asap when you find out the Christmas party date and what everyone s already signed up for. I m pretty sure I ll be able to get off and everything I just like to plan. I m still excited about Christmas but I m starting to get a little stressed as well with it coming so fast. I just feel so behind on everything. I plan on ... Show more content on ... I m not complaining I m just saying I think that s contributing to my Christmas stress because I usually start so early I don t have to worry about the money as much. I m just really glad he told me exactly what he wants this year. He ask for this special flashlight it was pretty expensive for a flashlight but he really wants it and a good flashlight can mean the difference between finding a deer and not. It s also rechargeable and has 5 stars on amazon so It should be a good buy. I probably won t do much more for him other than some snacks, a larger cast iron skillet, and some thermal
  • 16. Third Punic War Research Paper Unfriendly Relations After the Second Punic War there was no reason for Rome to wage war against Carthage, but there was still a little resent and Rome always held a grudge against them. They would not let them pay their fine all at once, and anytime Carthage sent Roman army loads of rice as gifts, they would be fully paid by the roman senators. Fanning the Flames The Third Punic War was the result of a few Roman Senators attempting to convince other members of the Roman government that Carthage was still a threat to the Roman empire. The unofficial leader of the movement was Cato the Elder. At the end of every speech he said Carthage must be destroyed . He told other senators that Carthage was gaining power and wealth, and this made them ... Show more content on ... It wasn t until Carthage broke the treaty by waging war against Numidia that Rome waged war. Pushing The Limit In 149 BC, Rome finally declared war on Carthage after the treaty was broken. Rome sent soldiers by the tens of thousands. This included an army of 80,000 infantry and 4,000 cavalry. When the Romans arrived with their army to Carthage the Carthaginians panicked and followed any order the Romans gave in an attempt to prevent war. But the Romans wanted to push them into war. They made them hand over 200,000 sets of armor, give up their weapons, and other such commands. Even with these orders the Carthaginians still complied. It was clear to the Romans, they had to find a way to push the people of Carthage to the limit. So finally, Rome ordered them to leave the city of Carthage and settle somewhere at least 10 miles from the ocean. This is when to Carthaginian snapped and realized they had no choice but to fight. Bloodshed So the war had begun, on both side there is a bit of advantage. The Romans have the advantage of being on the offense giving them a foot hole in Carthage. The Carthaginians also had an advantage. When the Carthaginians realized it was time for war they began preparing for siege. The got an advantage because the Roman army contracted disease during this time so Carthage had enough time to
  • 17. Art Center Observation Paper a.The teachers have pictures of the children in multiple places in the classroom. I have found them on the door when they first walk in the classroom, on their cubbies where they keep their coats/book bags, next to some of the children s art work, and on the classroom Family Tree. b.The teachers value the work of the children because they display it proudly. There are at least 5 different projects hanging up that the children completed. They have recently run out of space to hang things, so they allowed the children to pick the projects they wanted to take home to put the new projects up (or they could take the new ones home). They have their art work, and projects they did as a class for the topic of the week. More 3 dimensional art work ... Show more content on ... The classroom environment promotes relationship building among the children because there are two chairs that allow the teachers to sit comfortably but still be on the children s level. This encourages the relationships to be built with the teachers because the children can come and talk to the teachers and the teacher can easily hear/see them. The children are also able to give the teachers hugs at this level. This is evidence that relationships have been formed because I have observed the children doing the things mentioned above. The environment lacks in the promotion building of relationships between teachers and parents because there are not many pieces of furniture that is comfortable for adults. They are welcome to stay and play with their child, but they have to stand, kneel on the floor, or sit in the child sized furniture. To help promote this is may be beneficial to have more than just 3 adult sized chairs in the classroom. There is a comfy couch and a chair in the library for the children, but they are not big enough for adults. There is a cuddle corner in the classroom that the children can go to when they are upset. There is also a cubby for each child to play their work to take home to share with their
  • 18. Zapatistas Orozco Analysis Jose Orozco was an influential social realist painter who painted his most celebrated murals after the Mexican Revolution. His murals (and other Mexican artists work) inspired the political programs by Franklin D Roosevelt, in the United States, to encourage the employment of unemployed Mexican artists through the development of the Public Works for Artist Project that was under the Work Administration Program. Orozco did not glorify the Mexican revolution or its rebel leader Zapata and his peasant followers, Orozco, however stayed true to his art style by creating symbolic and caricaturist images which depicted the struggles and suffering of Zapata and the Zapatistas (his followers). In the painting, Zapatistas, Orozco depicts Zapatista and his peasant followers going into their last battle in Morelos. In Morelos, Zapatistas lost many of his followers and also succumb to his injuries and died. The painting s scene may have... Show more content on ... As a result Zapata joined the resistance by campaigning rights for all villagers, but was then arrested due to his actions. After being pardoned Zapata continued his work and recruited a group of followers called the Zapatistas. Zapata then asked President Madero to reform the land that had been taking away from the villagers, but in response President Madero offered that the Zapatistas put down their arms and in return Zapata would get the currency to buy back the land himself, which Zapata instantly refused. As a result, after the assassination of President Madero by General Victoriano, who soon replaced him as President, he offered Zapata to unite their troops. Zapata unsurprisingly refused the offer. Since Zapata refused the offer, later in 1914 the Zapatistas were able to drive of Huerta and his troops out of the country and finally gain the justice they were fighting
  • 19. Self Discovery In Larry s Party And No Country For Old Men As Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood. In order to come to a complete understanding of what life is it must first be lived through. In order to live through life fully to gain the best understanding there must be many experiences that are both good and bad that help characters discover themselves and life. Carol Shields Larry s Party, and Cormac McCarthy s No Country for Old Men both illustrate and individuals journey of self discovery uniquely as their characters start a journey, where they learn about who they are through trials and failures that lead them each to a clearer, individual, definition of what life is. Any kind of event can start a journey, the characters in... Show more content on ... After marrying his first wife, Dorrie and getting lost in a maze on their honeymoon, which should be a high point of his marriage, Larry enters a rare state of lucidity, Departures and arrivals. He didn t know it then but these two forces would form the twin balls of his existence as would the brief moments of clarity that rose up in between, offering stillness. (Shields, 37). Although Larry does not realize it at this time he will eventually be able to draw this conclusion from his life. His life experiences lead him through the departures and arrivals of; his passions, floristry to maze building, his marriages and subsequent divorces, Dorrie and Beth, as well as his life style changes, comfortable middle class to specialized high class. This also happens with Larry s emotions as Verlyn Klinkenborg states, He contends with the unsteadiness of his emotions, a love for Dorrie and (his son) that can easily be roused and just as easily lost sight of. Larry s life is one that is constantly changing both by his own doing and the natural path of life. Throughout his experiences Larry has dealt many changes in every aspect of his life and it has allowed him a better understanding of how life, in his experience, works. Life goes by fleetingly, constantly changing the circumstances in which one lives. At another point in Larry s life, following a dinner party he has hosted in which all of his guests were people that he has built a relationship with through his life,he thinks, We will go round and around.. Watching where were going. Where we ve been. (Shields, 336). The conclusion that Larry has drawn here, that he will always cycle through the same things in life, are only possible because of the experiences he has lived through. He has gone from a happy life with a wife and
  • 20. Sharks Do Not Deserve Their Reputation Essay A fisherman sits in his boat on the open sea, alone save for the fish below the water s surface. The calmness of the ocean is disrupted by something underneath, something big. Fear seeps through the fisherman s heart as he sees the shiny gray dorsal fin pierce the sun glinted surface of the ocean. The creature stops its ritual and pulls its head out of the water, revealing the face of a great white: scars from countless battles in the ocean s depths, a mouth full of lethal daggers, and dark, savage eyes. This image is what a majority of people believe to be the shark. They believe it to be the bloodthirsty sea monster that appears in countless works of literature and films, but science says otherwise. The classic picture painted by the... Show more content on ... At that point, Shark Man takes a shortcut to the beach and changes into a shark, proceeding to kill and devour any person who did not heed his advice. (Peachin 4) Despite the violent Hawaiian stories, sharks were not always seen as murderous creatures. According to local tradition of the Solomon Islands, if a man had create power during his lifetime, that power would carry over after his death. That man would become a tindalo, a powerful spirit. His image would be displayed at a sacred spot that was associated with him during his lifetime. According to the legend, a tindalo did not stay deceased; he could decide to inhabit another living creature, including a shark. (Peachin 6) In Vietnam, the shark was held in high esteem. The whale shark was called Lord Fish, and its bones were taken to selected temples and given sacred burials. In the Fiji islands, the high chiefs were believed to be the direct descendants of the shark god Dakuwaqa. The ancient Japanese used to pay homage to Shark Man, called Same Hito, the god of storms. (Peachin 7) Most ancient cultures did not have direct access to sharks, and relied on stories brought to them by fishermen returning from the ocean. What little information the fisherman gave to their fellow people earned sharks an undeserved reputation. (Peachin 7) Sharks remained a mystery for most people until the summer of 1916, when a shark killed several people who were swimming on the New Jersey
  • 21. Euripides The Trojan Women Euripides play The Trojan Women, revolves around the fate of some of the women in The Iliad after the Trojan War has ended. Especially notable is Euripides interpretation of Helen s character, as well as his representation of the Greek men and the severe suffering of the Trojan women. The production of The Trojan Women in the Flea Theatre, is a modern form of Euripides play that was adapted after the Bosnian War. The interpretation this play takes on the sinister and horrendous aftermath of the Trojan Waris very applicable to modern day wars, for example in Syria where the Islamic State enslaves the women of the cities they sack. This modern touch and applicability is visibly represented by the Greek soldiers modern military uniforms, instead of traditional ancient ... Show more content on ... Furthermore, throughout the play, words in different languages such as la guerra are used by the chorus of the Trojan women, which could represent the applicability of the grief and suffering that occurs after the Trojan War, to all wars on a global and timeless level. In The Trojan Women, Euripides emphasizes Homer s underlying criticism of war, present in The Iliad, and the play highlights the senselessness and absurdity of war. For example, Hecuba and the chorus of women speak about how pointless it was that the Greeks fought in Troy for ten years, just because of Helen, while their children grew up without fathers. The absurd brutality of the war is highlighted when the Greek soldier (presumably Achilleus son) throws Astyanax down the walls of Troy and afterwards brings the dead baby, drenched in blood, back to the women of Troy, as
  • 22. $ 10 Bill Research Paper For the first time over a century, a woman s face will show up on an American currency bill. The Treasury Department declared Wednesday it will replace the main image of its own founder, Alexander Hamilton, on the $10 bill, with a woman as yet to be determined. Mr. Hamilton will remain on the bill in a diminished way. The currency will be made known to the public in 2020, the 100th Anniversary of the 19th Amendment giving women the rights to vote. The last woman to appear on a bill was Martha Washington, in the late 19th century. Americans will have the whole summer to weigh in which one of the history s leading women they think will have the honor to be on the $10 currency bill. There are no lists of successors, but names frequently mentioned... Show more content on ... Hamilton, the first treasury secretary and a chief architect of the nation s financial system, is a part of a reorganized design of the $10 bill. The Legal Tender Act of 1862 gives the Treasury Department broad powers to design U.S. money. Displacing Mr. Hamilton isn t the first choice for some. A group called Women On 20s has urged President Barack Obama to replace President Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill with a woman. Organizers sent a petition to the White House last month calling for the change. Respondents to their online poll chose Ms. Tubman for the slot. Mr. Lew, however, said the $10 bill already was the next up for a redesign, making it the most practical vehicle for the symbolic portrait change. Mr. Jackson may have been seen as more easily replaced. As the nation s seventh president, he led a successful campaign to kill off the nation s central bank and stridently argued against the dangers of a paper currency, which he said concentrated too much power in the hands of bankers. But federal agencies in 2013 recommended starting with the $10 bill as part of a broader currency redesign that will include tactile features for the blind and visually impaired. Currency officials said they selected it because it is widely used in
  • 23. Rehabilitation Robotics Introduction At the Rehabilitation Robotics Prosthetics Testbed, one sector of the building is dedicated entirely to capturing the motion of different tasks in real time and in three dimensional representation. Using a Vicon visual system comprised of eight spatially separated infrared cameras, motions such as dance, walking, pitching, swinging, and other physically distinct movements have been captured in three dimensional data. With this 3D data, distinctions can be ascertained between expected and actual movement data, and efforts can be collaborated by CARRT to better address the needs of their subjects in order to achieve a desired movement potential. By examining the compensatory movements that are present during dynamic motion of an individual with an upper or lower limb prosthesis, advances can be made in the design or selection of current prosthetic models. Examples of such improvements in the field of rehabilitative... Show more content on ... Human Factors is about how humans interact to the different components of a system. In the field of robotic rehabilitation and prosthetic the system is possibly attached the the person opposed to external, in almost all other cases. There are numerous factors and components that have to be taken into account before the creation of a new prosthetic or rehabilitation device can begin. The approach that is taken today is mainly how to improve current prosthetic and robot use in the rehabilitation process for humans, the person that will be using the equipment does not really become a factor until the end of the process. Robotics and prosthetics should adjust to the person not the other way around. If the prosthetic and robotic rehabilitation process focused on the human person as much as they do creating and making innovative machines the whole process might go
  • 24. Conspiracy In Othello And Catiline The Conspiracy of Catiline and Cicero s Consulship Cicero had many tough decisions during his life. One of these was what to do about Catiline and his conspirators. Cicero had made a law that prohibited people from running for legislatures to not be able to bribe voters in order to get elected. Catiline, while running for a position in the legislature, knew that this law had been partially made because of him. Catiline wanted to obtain consulship and overthrow the Roman government. Catiline, at first, just wanted to kill the two consuls, but then he decided to kill all of the Senate. Although Catiline was planning on killing the men running the government, he still tried to get legitimately elected. Catiline recruited other conspirators ... Show more content on ... Cicero and the Senate had to decide what the punishment for the conspirators should be. Multiple people had different ideas about the punishment. Caesar wanted all of the conspirators goods to be taken and put the conspirators into boroughs. Silanus wanted all the conspirators to be killed, since they were trying to destroy the Republic and wage war against the country. Cato wanted them to see what the punishment for other crimes similar to this one would be hoping this would discourage conspiracies in the future. Cicero and the Senate decided to kill some of the men while also letting some of them live. This decision was probably the most agreeable and best decision, but it also caused Cicero problems for his own safety and the safety of the
  • 25. The Multi Store Model And The Working Memory Model Memory is our ability to encode, store,retain and subsequently recall information and past experiences in the human brain (Luke Mastin,2010). In this review I am going to focus on the multi store model and the working memory model, which explain in detail how memory works. The multi store model (MSM) of memory by Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968), explains that the memory is made up of three different stores.These are: sensory memory (SM), short term memory(STM) and long term memory(LTM). This model explains how each store works in terms of encoding, duration and capacity. The SM obtains the information from environmental stimuli through our five senses which are touch,sight,smell,taste and sound. In SM the encoding is either visual,auditory or haptic; duration is Вј to ВЅ seconds and the capacity is all sensory experience(McLeod S.A,2007). Attention is essential for the information to transfer to the STM, otherwise it is lost through decay. The information in the STM is mostly encoded acoustically. The diagram below shows us how the information is transferred from one store to another. According to Miller s Magic number 7 (1956) most adults can store from 5 to 9 items, therefore STM is known to have a capacity of 7+/ 2 items and a duration of up to 18 seconds. The information in this store can be lost through displacement which is replacing the old information with new ones or forgetting it (decay). There are two types of rehearsals. Maintenance rehearsal is not effective
  • 26. Genetic Alliance Research Paper American organisations and networks 1.Genetic Alliance Genetic Alliance is world s leading US based non profit health advocacy organisation, which includes in its network more than 1200 disease specific advocacy organisations, universities, government agencies, private companies and public policy organisations. The organisation was established by Joan O. Weiss in 1986, Washington DC. Genetic Alliance has established a number of programs aimed to improve the understanding of genetics and advocacy, to advance important campaigns and to institute strong networks. Genetic Alliance is managing a Biobank since 2003. Current programs running at Genetic Alliance include: Access to Credible Genetics Resources Network Consumer Focused Newborn Screening ... Show more content on ... Orphanet The National Institute of Health and Medical Research, France (INSERM) has initiated Orphanet database. It is currently updated by 38 countries of European consortium, coordinated by France. It is published in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese which is freely accessible to both physicians and patients. Orphanet provides services which include inventory, classification and encyclopaedia of rare disease, inventory of orphan drugs, OrphaNews, Report Series and diagnostic tools searchable by sign and symptoms. 2.European Platform for Patient Organisations, Science and Industry (EPPOSI) EPPOSI is an international association committed to support healthcare policymaking. It is an advisory committee for pharmaceutical industries, academic and patient organisation to interact and exchange knowledge. The members of EPPOSI include five industrial associations and 18 large pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. Through advanced innovation programs, EPPOSI research is focused on chronic conditions management (AIP CCM), health technology assessment (AIP HTA), innovation in healthcare (AIP INNO) and rare diseases
  • 27. Judith Francisca Baca Judith Francisca Baca was born on September 20, 1946 in Los Angeles, California to Valentino Marcel and Ortensia Baca. Her father, Valentino, was not in the picture, so she was raised by her mother, grandmother, and two aunts. Coming from a Spanish speaking family, Baca struggled in school, but maybe her struggling was a good thing. Due to her problems with speaking, Baca s teacher made her sit at her desk and paint, which sparked her interest in art. She attended California State University at Northridge to obtain her bachelor s degree. Then she went back to her high school, Bishop Alemany High School, to teach. That is where she got together ethnically diverse students and painted a mural. Her teaching job did not last long. Her next job was in Los Angeles in a traveling program for artists to teach at different schools. But one even that sparked her art life was exploring the Mexican muralist tradition. She was inspired by different books she read about them and traveled to Mexico to take classes in mural techniques and materials. When she returned to Los Angeles, she began her Citywide Project. She supervised and... Show more content on ... One of her most famous works is A World without Borders . It is a painting of Latinos crying. The background of this painting is they want a world where border patrol does not exist. People should be free to go and live wherever they want and cross the border whenever. This painting, in a way, is expressing propaganda. They want people to realize that there is an issue with having borders. Some artists have created artwork that has to do with their heritage in their times. Baca s work however not only expresses her ethnicity and background, but also has propaganda and represent equality as a whole, with all races. Her work is headed in a new direction that expresses her opinion on different matters through art. It is a great technique and also creates beautiful
  • 28. Use Of Literary Devices Used By Ray Bradbury This paper will delve into Ray Bradbury s novel elucidation of how the society in the books has been burnt to ashes just like the mythical phoenix, leading to a possibility of an ultimate regeneration of a brand new, vital, civilization with the augmented knowledge, through the existence of books Montag and the others have. A nuanced argument statement can also lend a hand to authenticate the thesis statement. Several may argue that burning books should continue until every single banned book has been burnt, interpreting it as a more relishing path, since it helps alleviate, cure, and forget the sobering reality of depression that might occur again, however, book burningdoes have another side to it that people do not understand, knowledge can prevent future destruction from occurring all over again. Ray Bradbury added an additional thicker layer to the thesis statement through the use of literary devices, such as symbolism and imagery throughout Fahrenheit 451. Bradbury is not the only one expounding the misery of burning books, regarding the required knowledge withering from human beings, but Helen Keller, a radical thinker wrote letters during the Nazi book burning, empathizing others to get a taste of the scorch. The regeneration of a new society from the lost knowledge, through the symbol of the phoenix, has been illustrated in an ancient form of art, Woman s Robe with Phoenixes and a Tree. The phoenix builds a pyre to burn itself. The bird is not aware that it is
  • 29. Expansionary Fiscal Policy Expansionary fiscal policy results in a reduction of taxes and increased government spending and therefore increasing the demand level in an economy. The institution of expansionary fiscal policy raises disposable income through reduction of taxes in the economy and this improves the rate of consumption. Therefore, tax reduction is an appropriate expansionary fiscal policy that can be deployed to help an economy that could be undergoing a recession (DeLong Summers, 2012). Consequently, tax reduction could be a vital government tool for increasing the Gross Domestic Product. Low taxes encourage individuals to work hard and thus boosting the county s GDP. Income taxes have an impact on collective demand. An expansionary fiscal policy reduces
  • 30. Dbq Valley Forge Valley Forge was the military camp in southeastern Pennsylvania, approximately 20 miles northwest of Philadelphia, where the American Continental Army spent the winter of 1777 78 during the American Revolutionary War. Ultimately this was our housing for the toughest of the tough in the most important battle for Americans alike. Freedom. And we wanted it bad. So bad enough we ditched England and made it so far to valley forge. And in modern day we awe at the bravery of these solders. But one. Everlasting question still lingers, would you stay or quit? During the hot summers of the war the cabins were at minimum five degrees hotter. But we will set that aside from the fact that these solders were mad. Sad. And frankly out of it. See they haven t been able to stop general Howe as he marched his army into the capital of Philadelphia. And this loss was making Washington s army in order. All of that coming from the back round essay. And Washington also was running out of food water and mainly all there supplies. And when word got back to congress about this mayhem. Congress thought it was rancid and untruthful. In other words congress didn t trust him. Because Washington was not being trusted washing invited congress... Show more content on ... And these times did. The times that these patriots went through were more trouble them most of us have been in in our entire life. Keep in mind this paragraph will consist of only document D. Meaning all of this will come in document D. By this time in the war. All the weaklings if you will have left. They have died off or have simply quit. So there is a smaller group of men fighting right now. This group saw it all. From the beginning to the end, when Thomas Paine wrote this though. he is talking about his favorite topic of the American Revolution. He wrote it with the intention of persuading American soldiers who were losing morale to keep steadfast to the cause of
  • 31. Louis Armstrong And Duke Ellington As we all know that over the years the music genre Jazz has changed dramatically. With all the changes that has happened some aspects of the genre remained or endured little change. One trait in jazz that remained throughout all the success of the genre is certain composers. The instruments had a slight change through the years but it still continue to be tight throughout. Throughout jazz there is a couple of ledges that had their hands in the success of the jazz genre as a whole. Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington are two composters that single handily contributed to the evolution of jazz. Both Louis and Armstrong performed for over fifty years. With this amount of time performing they both touch many eras in jazz. Although Duke was very influential during this time period I like Louie timeline more. Most likely because we are both from New Orleans and I feel closer to him. Before Armstrong had a great influenced on jazz music there was the Dixieland. So, before Louis Armstrong came around everyone was playing the Dixieland style of music. Dixieland style was more of the classical orchestrated structures. Within the bad everyone knew their roles and that wasn t change. Everyone knew that the Bass was there for the low pitched walking baseline which outlined the harmony. That the piano provided the syncopated commentary along with comping and the guitar provided the solos. While the drums provided things like swing, kicked of the solos and many more. Dixieland was
  • 32. Summary Of Making A Fist By Naomi Shihab Nye In the poem Making a Fist by Naomi Shihab Nye, Nye uses metaphors to convey the meaning of mental and physical strength. For example, Nye uses the metaphor A drum in the desert, harder and harder to hear (3). The drum refers to a heart, continuing to beat, even though I [she] felt the life is slipping out of me (2). Nye uses this metaphor of comparing a drum and a heart to convey how as the heart beats, the body stays alive. This is similar to how as a drum beats, the music continues to play. The drum is the center of a musical piece, keeping the flow of all the other instruments in check, just as how the heart is the main source of blood to the body, keeping it alive. Additionally, in stanza two, Nye s asks How do you know if you
  • 33. The End Of The Vietnam War Ever since the end of the Vietnam war; Vietnamese immigrants have become the sixth largest immigration group coming in to the United States. Due to factors such as persecution, and government upheaval during the mid 1970 s to the late 1990 s. With three major waves of refugees, or immigrants comprise the majority of those coming in to the country. With a small steady flow between each major wave. Even though the first group did have advantages that other immigrant group would not have, they would still struggle to be accepted within the United States. The second group would face an even more difficult time assimilating in to the United States. They would consist of refugees that had very little resources compared to the first wave. They did not have access to the same levels of education, or were capable of speaking English like the first wave of immigrants. The third wave would still face difficulties, but had more resources when they arrived to the United States. Many of the immigrants of the third wave consisted of family members of people already here in the United States. They had access to a support system unlike those that were part of the second wave. Even though they have become part of society, they still face adversity like many other immigrant groups. Ever since the Mid 1970 s the immigrants from Vietnam; have become the sixth largest group to immigrate to the United States right behind Mexico, India, China, Philippines, and El Salvador (Zong and Batalova). When
  • 34. Hitler s Actions During Ww2 In the final months of World War II Allied Forces, commanded by United States General Dwight D. Eisenhower, were on the offensive and had pushed deep into German territory. The Germans had suffered significant losses of troops and equipment after five years of warfare. Any chance of winning meant the Germans would have to make a stand. Hitler discussed his strategy with his top generals. While they agreed that capturing the city of Antwerp, a major Allied supply hub, would inflict a devastating blow to the Allied Forces, they disagreed with Hitler s plan of assaulting through the heavily wooded area of the Ardennes. Furthermore, the plan was to attack under the protection of poor weather to mitigate the use of Allied airpower, which was a major Allied advantage. Hitler believed that a complex assault would catch Allied commanders off guard causing them to be slow to react. The Allied lines were spread very thin in the Ardennes, even to the point of an average of 73 men per mile. Moreover, this specific area was used for training new units and for allowing battle tested, experienced units to rest and... Show more content on ... Surprise delays enemy reactions, overloads and confuses enemy decision makers and command and control systems, induces psychological shock in enemy soldiers and leaders, and reduces the coherence of the enemy defense. In essence, surprise is catching the enemy off guard in order to gain the upper hand during a conflict. The Germans executed surprise flawlessly, meaning the Allies had no idea of the ensuing attack. Nor did they foresee the incredible size of the impending German assault. For ten days the Germans capitalized on the momentum of their surprise and pushed the Allies back; however, once their momentum dwindled, it took the Allies almost triple the amount of time to regain their initial positions and decimate German
  • 35. The Growth Of The World Population Overview When considering the growth of the world s population there Is a concentrated look at Four Main factors with a fifth element now ,slowly becoming a large factor.They are fertility rates, mortality rates (life expectancy), the initial age profile of the population (whether it is comparatively old or relatively young to begin with), migration, and now religion, where focus is placed on migrating to or from a particular faction. The forces behind population change Population Change:A view at Growth Fertility has been on a slow descent over the last decade and is expected to continue declining.As a result,the world,s population rate is also slowing down. But from the year 2010 2050 ,the world s population is expected to rise some 35%.That is approximately 2 Billion people.Fertility patterns may differ between countries, and larger geographic locations for a myriad of reasons, including cultural standards,degrees of economic improvement, education systems and government policies that encourage ,or discourage, family planning. Female reproductive rates may also be a result of infant fatality rates, participation in the labor market, income levels and social status, among other factors.( Main Factors Driving Population Growth | Pew Research Center, 2015) Life Expectancy,which is the expected life term we are given from infancy,has been on the up rise, and is expected to continue its ascent over the next four decades.Research has shown that people are living longer, due
  • 36. Hr Report Recruitment and selection at Morang Auto works FINAL REPORT Submitted by Sujan Shrestha Sudhir shrestha Sudarshan Poudel Sushmita Nepal Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 3 Introduction of the organization................................................................................................ 3 Purpose of the Report ............................................................................................................... 4 ... Show more content on ... The project covers introduction of Recruitment and Selection, Purpose and Importance of Recruitment, Sources of Recruitment, Steps in the Recruitment Selection Process, and Suggestions to make the Recruitment Process more effective. It also includes the challenges faced by HR in recruitment process and the recent trends in recruitment process. 1.2 Introduction of the organization Morang auto works (M. A. W.) Enterprises is the official distributor of Yamaha, Skoda, JCB, Yamaha music and Yamaha engineering products. MAW has expanded from engineering to different renowned products dealerships creating wider market coverage. Its Head Office and Corporate Office are in Tripureshwor, Kathmandu with 4 branches, 28 Dealers and 45 Sub Dealers and Trade Ins. OBJECTIVES: пѓ To deal in quality products of international standards. пѓ To form a broad customer base by achieving customer satisfaction through quality pre sales and after sales services. пѓ To assure mutual growth, ours our principal s growth through consistent and innovative marketing efforts . пѓ 3 Major functions/activities of M.A.W are as follows: Cars: Distributor of luxury cars from Skoda. Motorcycles: Distributor of Yamaha since 1975 JCB: Distributor of JCB Power generators: Distributor of greaves and Yamaha Engineering: Distributor of high performance industrial equipment from Ingersoll Rand and
  • 37. The 1907 Financial Panic and the 2008 Financial Crisis Introduction The United States economy along with most developed countries experience cycles of booming years, which are also subject to periods of economic contractions. The cycles in an economy are dependent on many factors and recognizing historical trends can provide forecasts to where an economy is heading and reduce recurring mistakes. Mark Twain once said, History does not repeat itself, but it occasionally rhymes. (Carr) The Great Recession of 2008 precisely emphasizes Twain s historical understanding with respect to the Panic of 1907. Almost exactly 100 years after the financial crisis of 1907, the poem known as The United States economy, holds a stanza rhyming it with the 2008 financial crisis. The tail of these two events is compared to better understand the elements in an effort to rhyme the next line of the poem with a new set of syllables. Before understanding these elements, a financial crisis is defined as A situation in which the value of financial institutions or assets drops rapidly. A financial crisis is often associated with a panic or a run on the banks, in which investors sell off assets or withdraw money from savings accounts with the expectation that the value of those assets will drop if they remain at a financial institution. (Investopedia) 1907 Financial Panic During the early 20th century, the expansion of industry and finance throughout the United States had grown so large that it required some form of centralized monetary control. The daily
  • 38. Self Driving Thesis Thesis Statement The increasing use of computer technology in transportation will provide us with much greater levels of safety and reliability saving potentially millions of lives, and make personal travel and organizational shipping more cost effective. The fear of placing our faith in the hands of automated transportation is unfounded. It demonstrates an irrational fear of losing control to technology. Automated systems are statistically more stable and can be regulated to higher safety standards than can manual human operations. Given time and further development, autonomous transportation will become increasingly more common and prevent accidents caused by human error. This paper will show that self driving vehicles are inevitably our future. The Technology The self driving car of the near future will be one of an ... Show more content on ... The page offers different moral/ ethical scenarios giving the user a chance to see what their choices would be. Fear of Technology One major barrier in the implementation of intelligent transportation is that there is a common fear of technology. In one study, only 37% of women and 50% of men say that they would feel safe in a self driving car. On top of this 46% of those surveyed believe that a driverless car is unsafe (LeBeau). It seems that the technology is advancing more quickly than consumer comfort levels. This is common with many new technologies and yet, with time can be overcome. The ultimate solution to the concern about autonomous transport technologies will be education. Instead of viewing the AI as an ambiguous, malicious, unknowable entity (A. Walker), one must become familiar with the tech in question. Taking a simple computer class may help. Certainly, talking to a self driving car dealer or user will alleviate some of the stress involved in the change. Getting interested will make all the
  • 39. Personal Narrative-Bottle Caps And Expensive Jewelry Bottle Caps and Expensive Jewelry (Rose) A stinging pain surfaced on my cheek from the hard slap of my father s hand. I winced in pain, sitting on my hands in an effort not to fight back. He looked at me once more, shook his head, and left, slamming my door shut. Once he was gone, I let my tears fall. They almost eased the irritation on my face. Being abused and crying. Una doble negaciГіn. Since my father stormed out, I was now alone in my room. My room wasn t the same anymore. The light blue walls seemed like prison bars, trapping me inside a house that was not a home. My father s words still rang in my head; dirty, stupid, slut, piece of ding. I looked down at my phone. Four missed calls from Charlie Murphy. I let out a sigh of relief and ... Show more content on ... I turned around to the left. No, thats wrong. I turned to the left. I I have to go home. I have to go home. I have to go home! I ha I stopped when I reached the car and broke down. I was crying hard, huge tears running down my face and neck, but all I wanted to do was scream. Then, I felt a sudden tightness around me. Realization hit me; it was Rose. Her arms were wrapped around me as she lightly shushed my harsh gasps for air. Take this. She said, pulling away from me. I looked down at her palm to see the necklace that she wears every day. I can t ta Take it. She interrupted. I nodded my head as a signal for her to put it around my neck. I saw a tear fall down her face, but I quickly wiped it away. I shook my head and almost smiled, my hand still resting on her
  • 40. Billabong Of Financial Year 2013 And 2014 S suman rana to me 6 minutes agoDetails By watching the money related explanations of Billabong of financial year 2013 and 2014 we computed the accompanying proportions: 1.Profitability proportions It Educates client as to the profits and dangers connected with the venture choices in a specific organization. i)Return on value ratio(ROE) Net benefit/Normal value (barring OEI)*100 For 2013 working note: normal equity=312067+1072261/2 ROE = (863002)/692164*100 =692164 =(124.6817)% For 2014 working note: normal equity=259036+312067/2 ROE=(239933)/285551.5*100 =285551.5 =(84.024)% iiReturn on assets(ROA)Ratios ROA=EBIT/Normal aggregate assets*100 For 2013 working note: normal assets=1019292+2080684/2 ... Show more content on ... 81% ii)Days stock ratios(days) Normal stock/COGS*365 For 2013 DIR=.266806/541466*365
  • 41. =179.85days For 2014 DIR=180222/555758*365 =118.36 days iiiInventory turnover proportions Machine gear pieces/Normal stock 2013 ITR= 541466/266806 =2.0294 times 2014 ITR=555758/180222 =3.083 times iv)Days debt holders proportion Normal exchange debt holders/Deals *365 For 2013 Days debt holders ratio=204429/1477069*365 =50.051 days 2014 Days debt holders proportion =153850/1356946*365 =41.38 days v)Debtors turnover deals/Normal exchange debt holders 2013
  • 42. DTR=1477069./204429 =7.22 times 2014 DTR=1356946/153850 =8.81 times 3.Liquidity proportions i)current proportions current resource/current liabilities 2013 CR=622368/612495 =1.01:1 2014 CR=495801/225671 =2.19:1 ii)Quick resource ratio(Acid test proportion) QA=current resources less stock/current liabilities 2013 QA=(622368 266806)/612495 =0.58:1 2014 QA=(495801 180222)/225671 =1.39:1
  • 43. iii)cash stream proportions CRR=cash stream from working exercises/current liabilities For 2013 CFR=11935/612495 =0.019 2014 CFR=(76619)/225671 =(0.339) 4.Capital structure proportions i)Debt to value proportions DER=Total liabities/downright equity*100 For 2013 DER=707225/312067*100 =226.62% 2014 DER=492830/259036*100 =190.255% ii)debt proportions DR=Total liabilities/downright assets*100 For 2013 DR=707225/1019292*100
  • 44. Comparison of Dylan Thomas Fern Hill and Robert Frost s... Comparison of Dylan Thomas Fern Hill and Robert Frost s Birches Poets often use nature imagery to comment on the relationship between humans and the natural environment surrounding them. Traditionally, this relationship is portrayed in a positive manner as it places emphasis on the concept that nature is representative of beauty; consequently, embracing this representation will enlighten the human experience. The facets of that relationship are represented within Dylan Thomas Fern Hill and Robert Frost s Birches . Both poets invoke an image of nature that is picturesque, serene and innocent in order to convey a ... Show more content on ... In Dejection: An Ode , the speaker, who can be identified with Coleridge himself, exhibits sorrow in his inability to find inspiration in the natural beauty that surrounds him. For this poet, finding solace in the natural world on a superficial level is insufficient; one must have an emotional connection to the beauty of nature. In his past experiences the speaker could appreciate this beauty in a superior way as it, sent [his] soul abroad (Coleridge 183); however, in his current state he can only see, not feel, how beautiful [nature is] (184). As a poet who derives his inspiration from the surrounding world, the fact that he cannot connect with the sublime beauty of nature is problematic for him; thus, it causes his unhappiness. Coleridge s poem represents the highest level of dejection because the natural world becomes meaningless to him without the transcendental inspiration he was once able to obtain by examining it. Thomas poem represents an entirely different level of dejection than Coleridge s because it is about the importance of appreciating the simple beauty of nature as opposed to attempting to develop a meaningful connection with it. When examining the speaker s views of the surrounding environment, it becomes difficult to find any level of dejection in the poem. Thomas speaker describes how: I ran my heedless