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The Nuances of Teaching
Ms.Anuradha Rai
Vice Principal
Ambience Public School, Delhi
Three domains
Domain 1: Teachers Skills
Growth Mindset,
Learning and motivation, class management
Domain 2: Horizontal Skills
Selection of textbooks
Test taking, Assessment
Dimension 3: Core Skills
Language acquisition
Teaching Comprehension,
Enjoying Literature Writing
Growth Mindset
With progress in teaching methods our approach
needs to change. From teacher centric to
student centric Teachers need to
- Learn
- Unlearn
- Relearn
A term that is used to describe this is ‘ Growth
Mindset’ as opposed to Fixed Mindset.
Growth vs Fixed
Examining our beliefs
Our beliefs affect our teaching practices even
if not articulated
Unless we recognise our beliefs and
challenge them no change happens
A Willingness To Change
Schools transformative not just for kids, but
for teachers as well
Do not teach the way you were taught.
Use technology/ Research
How children learn ?
explore and
discover answers
Learn best when
having fun
Learn through
make fruitful
learning happens
in positive social
context of daily
Develop A Class Culture
Culture can be described as the way we do things
Can be witnessed in the common behaviors and
thought processes
Importance- children learn best in an environment
that is caring and safe
A positive culture promotes learning and people
consider and care for and treat one other with respect
Responsibility and
versus choice
Way to go….
Establish protocols & Expectancies
Build wide instructional strategies
Encourage innovation
Accept diversity
Support and Model risk taking
Scaffold learning through mentoring
Provide Feedback
Share and communicate the philosophy to all stake
Understanding how children
learn best
Guiding principles
Learning should be active- 70/30 principle
Appropriately challenging
Relevant-connect with interest
Allow some autonomy and control
Mode of Learning
Ensuring Meaningful Learning
Positive and
Get to know your students
 Immediate family
 People they are close to
 Interests
 Fears
 Favourite activities
 Strengths and areas to be worked on
Emotions and Learning
Emotions and thoughts shape each other
Negative emotions like fear and anxiety have a
detrimental effect on learning
Positive emotions help in learning
We learn best when having fun and when we love
the teacher
Teacher language that supports
 I have noticed that--
 I see that you are getting--
 It seems you are having difficulty--. How can we
work around it?
 Thank you for sharing your thinking
 I am glad you asked that question
 What’s another way we can say this
 I never thought of that. Tell me more.
 That’s a good idea. How about if we say it like that
Textbook selection
View critically to avoid biased writing
Imbalances and selectivity
Fragmentation and isolation
Linguistic bias
Dealing with controversies- teacher’s role
Strategies for Promoting a Positive Learning environment
Language Teaching
Not same as other subjects- more to it
Students must know why they are learning,
awareness about standards and learning
Second language acquisition a gradual
process, built on students knowledge and skill of
native language
Theories of language acquisition
Behavioral approach- learning consists of
new behaviors, reinforced responses result in
learning: mastery learning is an example, most
students can master a skill if given right
instructions for the sub-skills
Cognitive theory-humans active participants,
reinforcements important as give feedback,
student centered approach
Theories of Language Acquisition
Piaget’s constructivism believes children construct
own meaning/ understanding
Social cognitive views of learning- learning
happens in a social setting. Vygotsky thought
learning happens both from direct experience and
social interaction. Stressed on importance of
interaction with adults and of scaffolding
Implications- hands on experiences, cater to
individual differences
Select developmentally appropriate activities
Rich verbal guidance to foster learning
Modelling strategies for improving
comprehension, using context clues
Formulate own beliefs to set goals and choose
instructional techniques
Role and development of language
Language required in order to read and
comprehend and make sense
Language consists of phonology, morphology,
syntax, semantics, prosody and pragmatics
Language learnt through reinforcement
Children have language acquisition device that
predisposes them to learn and generate
structures activated by verbal inputs
Language and thinking
Language not just for communicating but for
thinking and problem solving
Private speech, inner speech, verbal thinking
Learning second language easier than first
Reading a Complex Task
Proficient readers make connections- self, texts previously
Create visual images and models
Ask why questions- why did an event occur, why did the
author include certain information
Reason- analyse character traits, situation, behaviour,
language and draw conclusions, form concepts, evaluate
credibility of information
Background knowledge very important in drawing inferences
Comprehension is focussed attention, connection and
integration to create mental representation of ideas in the text
What good readers do
Comprehension Strategies
Preparational Organisational Elaboration Metacognitive
comprehend main
drawing inferences regulatimg
Activating prior
determine & org.
important details
sequencing follow
Predicting summarising
evaluating- critical
Strategy Instruction
Introduce strategy- inferring, summarising, predicting
Demonstrate and model
Guided practice
Independent practice
Assessment and reteaching
Reinforcement and implementation
Explain model- I do you watch, Initial guided practice- I
do you help, Later guided practice- You do I help,
Independence- You do I watch
Preparational Strategies
Activating prior knowledge- questioning
Setting purpose and goal- for pleasure, to gain
information, study for a test
Previewing-surveying title, heading,
illustrations- helps create a mental model
Predicting- supporting with evidence, how
illustration helps both in fiction and non fiction
Prediction Chart
Prediction Clues changes in prediction
Organisational Skills
Comprehending main idea- summary statement that
includes other details, it may not the most important idea
but is the gist of the piece
Concept of main idea should start as early as possible
Initially MCQ choices
Determining main idea is classification skill
Give students practise to classify objects and words and
relate it to concept of inclusive sentence,topical sentence
Deciding Main Idea
Use heading or first sentence to make a hypothesis
Read each sentence whether it supports the
hypothesis, else revise
See what most sentences have in common
Introduce strategy, model, guided practice,independent
Assessment and reteaching
Reinforcement- cut out headlines and ask students to
match with articles, have students classify list of items
Determining relative importance of
Very important to sift important from trivial
Text structure, relational terms and reputation of words
or concepts determine importance
Most important of all, the three main reasons
Based on structure of a piece- problem and solution
important but example can be ignored
Minor details are signalled by also
Organisational skills
Sequencing- some details to be comprehended
and remembered in an order
Use activities like puzzles, sequencing
sentences , timelines, following directions
Summarising- retelling
Use both narrative and expository texts
Elaboration techniques
Making inferences using prior knowledge
Read out story and analyse one or two important ideas
For each of the ideas create a previous experience question that they have
Create a prediction question for each
Students read and check their predictions
Discuss predictions and inferential questions
ex- Even adults can be afraid of things, share something you know an adult is
afraid of,In this story Arun is afraid of something, what is it?
Using QAR
For students who find it difficult to find answers that
can’t be found in the text or those who use their
previous experience instead of text
Question- answer relationship:Are they right here-
single sentence, does it need to be put together, on
my own or writer and me
Making inferences using
Evidence from
Own experience Inference
How did Rita
feel at lunch
Her stomach
was growling
when I have
So I think—
Start with single sentences followed by longer pieces.
Students read the text and create a mental image which they
can draw
Serves three purposes- fosters understanding, helps retain
information and monitor for meaning
Images will differ depending on background and prior
experience. Do not alter images but ask students to reread
or expand images through questioning
Analysing a narrative text
Various story grammars but each has certain
essentials- setting, characters, plot.
Plot is divided into problem/ main character’s goal,
principal episodes and resolution
Story maybe action oriented, character consciousness
Story structure can be guided through questions
When and where does the story take place
Who are the characters
What problem does the main character face
What does main character do/ what happens to main
How is the problem resolved
Using retelling to assess student’s understanding and
prompt them to analyse. Important to be aware of
student’s culture
Story map
Setting- where and when
Expository texts
Enumeration- description without giving cause
and effect
Time sequence
Explanation process
Compare and contrast
Problem- solution
Cause and effect
Teaching expository text
Use CORE Model- connect,organise, reflect, extend
Connect- teacher helps build by connecting what
students know to what the text investigates
Organise- teacher helps students to see how the
information is organised
Reflect- asking students how it can be depicted in a
Extend-gathering additional information to add to the
Exploring the texts
Introduce text patterns one at a time
Start with well organised, single paragraphs that focus
on text structure being taught
Help students identify signal words and sense of piece to
help rearrange a piece chronologically
Signal words- because, therefore,since, thus, cause,
effect, result of, consequently, first, second,next, finally
Gradually move to larger passages
Some post reading activities
Graphic organisers- text structures and time sequence
Using questions to make connections
Writing for oganisation- asking students to compose pieces
that employ compare and contrast, use of venn diagrams
Using narrative and expository text for mutual support if
reading a story which has discrimination or child labour as
its theme reading article about discrimination or child labour
Role of questions in comprehension
Can be used to develop concepts, build background,
clarify reasoning, lead to higher order thinking, foster
understanding and retention
Planning questions to establish main elements, main
points, help see relationships of ideas, relate new
information to their background experience
Placement of questions
Before reading activate schema and set purpose so as
to seek relevant information
During reading questions help to clarify confusing
elements,process text,maintain ongoing summary-these
are especially relevant in primary grades
Post reading help organise and summarise
Types of Questions
Comprehending- literal level- list, name,
indicate dates, time , place
Organise- identifying main idea, classifying,
noting sequence and summarising
Elaborating- making connections between
information and prior knowledge, making
inferences, creating images, analogies,
Types of Questions
Elaborating- how do you know, Picture the
Monitoring-being aware whether a selection
makes sense and knowing what steps to take
e.g Did you find any parts confusing?
Using wait time
Do not rush when immediate answer not
forthcoming, wait 5 seconds, maintain eye
contact and don’t turn away, do not rush to
ask another student
Set a class culture of inquiry and
exploration- be warm and accepting so
students can speculate, involve all students
Techniques for asking questions
FELS -Taba recommended asking focussing
questions to direct student’s attention
 Extending questions to seek elaboration and
Lifting the discussion to higher level
Substantiating questions which asks evidence
to support their assumption or conclusion
Framework for fostering comprehension
Guided reading- steps
Introducing the text- through discussions, video
Experiential background or concepts
Critical vocabulary
Reading strategies
Purpose of reading
Interest or connection
Steps continued
Critical Reading
Set a spirit of inquiry where students feel free to
challenge statements support controversial ideas, offer
divergent view points
Some skills are identifying use of words, persuasive
language, distinguishing between facts and
fiction,identifying words that signal opinions, identifying
author’s opinion,verifying factual statements, identifying
bias, supporting conclusion
Vocabulary Instruction Techniques
Graphic organisers
Semantic maps, pictorial maps, web, venn
Creating memorable events
Determining shades of meaning
Exploring word histories
Predict o gram
Story impressions
Word Roots
Closing vocabulary gap
Learning to read known words- sight words, using phonics
and syllabication to sound words
Learning new meaning for known words- map, fix, hit,
Learning new words for known concepts- plagiarism, irate,
Learning new words for new concepts- most difficult-
figurative, Thesaurus
Clarifying and enriching meaning of known words-lethargic,
Moving words from passive to active vocabulary
Building experiential background- orchard
supermarket, zoo museum, fossil
Relating vocabulary to background- compliment,
beacon as a warning sign, eavesdrop
Building relationships- how new words are related
to each other- biography, accomplishment,
Developing depth of meaning- persistent rain,
persistent cold, persistent pain
Observation card- Self selects book, only picture
reads, shares with partner
Literacy observation checklist
Self check list
Literacy Observation Checklist
Uses variety of comprehension strategies
Expresses interest in reading
Applies word recognition skills
Expresses ideas coherently
Makes reasonable predictions
Enjoys listening to stories
Asks sensible questions
Self corrects errors
Shows willingness to take risks
Uses visual clues to help in comprehension
These can be done thrice in the year to monitor
Literacy Observation Checklist
Self checklist- 3,2,1
I understand what I read
I can find the main idea of a paragraph
I think about what I read
I can read between lines
I think about what I already know about the
I can figure out new words by sounding them
Celebrate writing
Let kids see you struggle
Raise expectations
What makes writing interesting
Include something funny
Tell feelings
Make it easy to read
Use interesting words
Make sure it makes sense
Turn kids into writers
Teach writing the way real writers do- think aloud
Be explicit- let children see you write
Expand personal writing- what we worry about, our
favorite places, the best thing we ever did, secrets of nine
Make enjoyment central to writing
Find your own voice
Let kids see you struggle
Writing essentials
Write for a specific reader and purpose
Determine an appropriate topic
Present ideas clearly with a logical, well organised flow
Elaborate on ideas
Embrace language
Create engaging leads
Craft authentic voice
Writing essentials
Reread, rethink and revise while composing
Apply conventions and form
Read widely and deeply- with writer’s perspective
Take responsibility for producing effective writing
Prewriting, planning, composing, revising
editing, publishing
Shared writing
Choose a topic collaboratively
Discuss why you are writing and who the audience is
Brainstorm for what content to include
Ask for beginning sentence
Say the words as you write
Shape student language
Accept everything, revise later
Include all students
Teaching writing genres
Find out what they know about different genres
Gather examples and share with students
Discuss what makes a good example
Write in the genre together
Confer with students and teach what is needed
Publish and share
Writing guide
Write a topic sentence that states the main idea of your
Write three details that support your main idea.
Conclusion- write a closing sentence that sums up the
main idea
Students will write letters, directions, explanations,
reports, opinions, narratives and responses to literature
Write narratives with complex plots
Use varied sentence patterns
Follow rules of grammar
Use figurative language and stylistic devices
Show sense of audience
Use a rubric to evaluate their work
Make Assessment count
Poetry writing rubric
Title grabs attention
Beginning interests the reader
Has put feelings in the poem
Play with text, words
Creative word choice
Ending wraps up so reader isn’t left wondering
Line breaks, conventions followed
Writing Rubric
Able to write rough draft that reflects thought and
Willingly takes suggestions
Gives helpful feedback to peers
Attempts to use interesting language
Demonstrates awareness of audience and purpose
Proofreads and efficiently edits
Completes on time
Provide opportunity to think, speak, communicate,
express point of view in non threatening
Teach key vocabulary and grammar in context
Connect reading to students background
Connect reading and writing
Teach explicitly
Build a plan to celebrate students’ success
The limits of my language are the
limits of my world.
‒Ludwig Wittgenstein
Gunning G Thomas, creating literacy instruction
for all students, 7 Edition
Athans, S. K. & Devine, D. A. (2008), Quality
comprehension: A strategic model of reading
instruction using reading guides 3-6, Newark,
DE: International Reading Association
National reading Panel (2000) Chapter 4, Part
II. National Reading Panel report
Routman Regie, Writing Essentials; Raising Expectations and
Results while Simplifying Teaching, Heineman
Kellough. Carjuzza, Teaching in the Middl;e and Secondary
Schools, Pearson
Thank you

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EDUCARNIVAL 2016 at IIT DELHI - Presentation by Anuradha Rai

  • 1. The Nuances of Teaching English Ms.Anuradha Rai Vice Principal Ambience Public School, Delhi
  • 2. Three domains Domain 1: Teachers Skills Growth Mindset, Learning and motivation, class management Domain 2: Horizontal Skills Selection of textbooks Test taking, Assessment Dimension 3: Core Skills Language acquisition Teaching Comprehension, Enjoying Literature Writing
  • 3. Growth Mindset With progress in teaching methods our approach needs to change. From teacher centric to student centric Teachers need to - Learn - Unlearn - Relearn A term that is used to describe this is ‘ Growth Mindset’ as opposed to Fixed Mindset.
  • 5. Examining our beliefs Our beliefs affect our teaching practices even if not articulated Unless we recognise our beliefs and challenge them no change happens
  • 6. A Willingness To Change Schools transformative not just for kids, but for teachers as well Do not teach the way you were taught. Use technology/ Research
  • 7. How children learn ? explore and discover answers Learn best when having fun Learn through experimenting/ make fruitful mistakes Academic learning happens in positive social context of daily routines
  • 8. Develop A Class Culture Culture can be described as the way we do things Can be witnessed in the common behaviors and thought processes Importance- children learn best in an environment that is caring and safe A positive culture promotes learning and people consider and care for and treat one other with respect
  • 10. Way to go…. Establish protocols & Expectancies Build wide instructional strategies Encourage innovation Accept diversity Support and Model risk taking Scaffold learning through mentoring Provide Feedback Share and communicate the philosophy to all stake holders
  • 11. Understanding how children learn best Guiding principles Learning should be active- 70/30 principle Interactive Appropriately challenging Purposeful Relevant-connect with interest Allow some autonomy and control
  • 14. Get to know your students  Immediate family  People they are close to  Interests  Fears  Favourite activities  Strengths and areas to be worked on
  • 15. Emotions and Learning Emotions and thoughts shape each other Negative emotions like fear and anxiety have a detrimental effect on learning Positive emotions help in learning We learn best when having fun and when we love the teacher
  • 16. Teacher language that supports  I have noticed that--  I see that you are getting--  It seems you are having difficulty--. How can we work around it?  Thank you for sharing your thinking  I am glad you asked that question  What’s another way we can say this  I never thought of that. Tell me more.  That’s a good idea. How about if we say it like that
  • 17. Textbook selection View critically to avoid biased writing Stereotyping Imbalances and selectivity Unreality Fragmentation and isolation Inaccuracies Linguistic bias Dealing with controversies- teacher’s role
  • 18. Strategies for Promoting a Positive Learning environment
  • 19. Language Teaching Not same as other subjects- more to it Students must know why they are learning, awareness about standards and learning objectives Second language acquisition a gradual process, built on students knowledge and skill of native language
  • 20.
  • 21. Theories of language acquisition Behavioral approach- learning consists of new behaviors, reinforced responses result in learning: mastery learning is an example, most students can master a skill if given right instructions for the sub-skills Cognitive theory-humans active participants, reinforcements important as give feedback, student centered approach
  • 22. Theories of Language Acquisition Piaget’s constructivism believes children construct own meaning/ understanding Social cognitive views of learning- learning happens in a social setting. Vygotsky thought learning happens both from direct experience and social interaction. Stressed on importance of interaction with adults and of scaffolding
  • 23. Implications Implications- hands on experiences, cater to individual differences Select developmentally appropriate activities Rich verbal guidance to foster learning Modelling strategies for improving comprehension, using context clues Formulate own beliefs to set goals and choose instructional techniques
  • 24. Role and development of language Language required in order to read and comprehend and make sense Language consists of phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, prosody and pragmatics Language learnt through reinforcement Children have language acquisition device that predisposes them to learn and generate structures activated by verbal inputs
  • 25. Language and thinking Language not just for communicating but for thinking and problem solving Private speech, inner speech, verbal thinking Learning second language easier than first
  • 26. Reading a Complex Task Proficient readers make connections- self, texts previously read Create visual images and models Ask why questions- why did an event occur, why did the author include certain information Reason- analyse character traits, situation, behaviour, language and draw conclusions, form concepts, evaluate credibility of information Background knowledge very important in drawing inferences Comprehension is focussed attention, connection and integration to create mental representation of ideas in the text
  • 28. Comprehension Strategies Preparational Organisational Elaboration Metacognitive Previewing comprehend main idea drawing inferences regulatimg Activating prior know determine & org. important details imaging-analogy visualising checking setting purpose,goal sequencing follow direction generating questions repairing Predicting summarising evaluating- critical reading
  • 29. Strategy Instruction Introduce strategy- inferring, summarising, predicting Demonstrate and model Guided practice Independent practice Assessment and reteaching Reinforcement and implementation Explain model- I do you watch, Initial guided practice- I do you help, Later guided practice- You do I help, Independence- You do I watch
  • 30. Preparational Strategies Activating prior knowledge- questioning Setting purpose and goal- for pleasure, to gain information, study for a test Previewing-surveying title, heading, illustrations- helps create a mental model Predicting- supporting with evidence, how illustration helps both in fiction and non fiction
  • 31. Prediction Chart Prediction Clues changes in prediction
  • 32. Organisational Skills Comprehending main idea- summary statement that includes other details, it may not the most important idea but is the gist of the piece Concept of main idea should start as early as possible Initially MCQ choices Determining main idea is classification skill Give students practise to classify objects and words and relate it to concept of inclusive sentence,topical sentence
  • 33. Deciding Main Idea Use heading or first sentence to make a hypothesis Read each sentence whether it supports the hypothesis, else revise See what most sentences have in common Introduce strategy, model, guided practice,independent practice Assessment and reteaching Reinforcement- cut out headlines and ask students to match with articles, have students classify list of items
  • 34. Determining relative importance of information Very important to sift important from trivial Text structure, relational terms and reputation of words or concepts determine importance Most important of all, the three main reasons Based on structure of a piece- problem and solution important but example can be ignored Minor details are signalled by also
  • 35. Organisational skills Sequencing- some details to be comprehended and remembered in an order Use activities like puzzles, sequencing sentences , timelines, following directions Summarising- retelling Use both narrative and expository texts
  • 36.
  • 37. Elaboration techniques Making inferences using prior knowledge Read out story and analyse one or two important ideas For each of the ideas create a previous experience question that they have had Create a prediction question for each Students read and check their predictions Discuss predictions and inferential questions ex- Even adults can be afraid of things, share something you know an adult is afraid of,In this story Arun is afraid of something, what is it?
  • 38. Using QAR For students who find it difficult to find answers that can’t be found in the text or those who use their previous experience instead of text Question- answer relationship:Are they right here- single sentence, does it need to be put together, on my own or writer and me
  • 39. Making inferences using evidence Question Evidence from text Own experience Inference How did Rita feel at lunch Her stomach was growling Sometimes when I have bee So I think—
  • 40. Imaging Start with single sentences followed by longer pieces. Students read the text and create a mental image which they can draw Serves three purposes- fosters understanding, helps retain information and monitor for meaning Images will differ depending on background and prior experience. Do not alter images but ask students to reread or expand images through questioning
  • 41.
  • 42.
  • 43. Analysing a narrative text Various story grammars but each has certain essentials- setting, characters, plot. Plot is divided into problem/ main character’s goal, principal episodes and resolution Story maybe action oriented, character consciousness Story structure can be guided through questions
  • 44. Questioning When and where does the story take place Who are the characters What problem does the main character face What does main character do/ what happens to main character How is the problem resolved Using retelling to assess student’s understanding and prompt them to analyse. Important to be aware of student’s culture
  • 45. Story map Setting- where and when Characters Problem Goal Plot Outcome
  • 46.
  • 47. Expository texts Enumeration- description without giving cause and effect Time sequence Explanation process Compare and contrast Problem- solution Cause and effect
  • 48. Teaching expository text structure Use CORE Model- connect,organise, reflect, extend Connect- teacher helps build by connecting what students know to what the text investigates Organise- teacher helps students to see how the information is organised Reflect- asking students how it can be depicted in a diagram Extend-gathering additional information to add to the web
  • 49. Exploring the texts Introduce text patterns one at a time Start with well organised, single paragraphs that focus on text structure being taught Help students identify signal words and sense of piece to help rearrange a piece chronologically Signal words- because, therefore,since, thus, cause, effect, result of, consequently, first, second,next, finally dates Gradually move to larger passages
  • 50. Some post reading activities Graphic organisers- text structures and time sequence Using questions to make connections Writing for oganisation- asking students to compose pieces that employ compare and contrast, use of venn diagrams Using narrative and expository text for mutual support if reading a story which has discrimination or child labour as its theme reading article about discrimination or child labour
  • 51. Role of questions in comprehension Can be used to develop concepts, build background, clarify reasoning, lead to higher order thinking, foster understanding and retention Planning questions to establish main elements, main points, help see relationships of ideas, relate new information to their background experience
  • 52. Placement of questions Before reading activate schema and set purpose so as to seek relevant information During reading questions help to clarify confusing elements,process text,maintain ongoing summary-these are especially relevant in primary grades Post reading help organise and summarise
  • 53. Types of Questions Comprehending- literal level- list, name, indicate dates, time , place Organise- identifying main idea, classifying, noting sequence and summarising Elaborating- making connections between information and prior knowledge, making inferences, creating images, analogies, evaluating
  • 54. Types of Questions Elaborating- how do you know, Picture the character Monitoring-being aware whether a selection makes sense and knowing what steps to take e.g Did you find any parts confusing?
  • 55. Using wait time Do not rush when immediate answer not forthcoming, wait 5 seconds, maintain eye contact and don’t turn away, do not rush to ask another student Set a class culture of inquiry and exploration- be warm and accepting so students can speculate, involve all students
  • 56. Techniques for asking questions FELS -Taba recommended asking focussing questions to direct student’s attention  Extending questions to seek elaboration and clarifications Lifting the discussion to higher level Substantiating questions which asks evidence to support their assumption or conclusion
  • 57. Framework for fostering comprehension Guided reading- steps Introducing the text- through discussions, video Experiential background or concepts Critical vocabulary Reading strategies Purpose of reading Interest or connection
  • 59. Critical Reading Set a spirit of inquiry where students feel free to challenge statements support controversial ideas, offer divergent view points Some skills are identifying use of words, persuasive language, distinguishing between facts and fiction,identifying words that signal opinions, identifying author’s opinion,verifying factual statements, identifying bias, supporting conclusion
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  • 62. Vocabulary Instruction Techniques Graphic organisers Semantic maps, pictorial maps, web, venn diagram Creating memorable events Determining shades of meaning Exploring word histories Predict o gram Story impressions
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  • 68. SIX WORD KNOWLEDGE TASKS TO EXPAND VOCABULARY Learning to read known words- sight words, using phonics and syllabication to sound words Learning new meaning for known words- map, fix, hit, Learning new words for known concepts- plagiarism, irate, melancholy Learning new words for new concepts- most difficult- figurative, Thesaurus Clarifying and enriching meaning of known words-lethargic, incoherent Moving words from passive to active vocabulary
  • 69. SEVEN PRINCIPLES OF DEVELOPING VOCABULARY Building experiential background- orchard supermarket, zoo museum, fossil Relating vocabulary to background- compliment, beacon as a warning sign, eavesdrop Building relationships- how new words are related to each other- biography, accomplishment, obstacles Developing depth of meaning- persistent rain, persistent cold, persistent pain
  • 70. Evaluation Observation card- Self selects book, only picture reads, shares with partner Literacy observation checklist Self check list
  • 71. Literacy Observation Checklist Uses variety of comprehension strategies Expresses interest in reading Applies word recognition skills Expresses ideas coherently Makes reasonable predictions Enjoys listening to stories
  • 72. Asks sensible questions Self corrects errors Shows willingness to take risks Uses visual clues to help in comprehension These can be done thrice in the year to monitor progress Literacy Observation Checklist
  • 73. Self checklist- 3,2,1 I understand what I read I can find the main idea of a paragraph I think about what I read I can read between lines I think about what I already know about the subject I can figure out new words by sounding them
  • 74. Celebrate writing Let kids see you struggle Raise expectations What makes writing interesting Include something funny Tell feelings Make it easy to read Use interesting words Make sure it makes sense
  • 75. Turn kids into writers Teach writing the way real writers do- think aloud Be explicit- let children see you write Expand personal writing- what we worry about, our favorite places, the best thing we ever did, secrets of nine graders Make enjoyment central to writing Find your own voice Let kids see you struggle
  • 76. Writing essentials Write for a specific reader and purpose Determine an appropriate topic Present ideas clearly with a logical, well organised flow Elaborate on ideas Embrace language Create engaging leads Craft authentic voice
  • 77. Writing essentials Reread, rethink and revise while composing Apply conventions and form Read widely and deeply- with writer’s perspective Take responsibility for producing effective writing Prewriting, planning, composing, revising editing, publishing
  • 78. Shared writing Choose a topic collaboratively Discuss why you are writing and who the audience is Brainstorm for what content to include Ask for beginning sentence Say the words as you write Shape student language Accept everything, revise later Include all students
  • 79. Teaching writing genres Find out what they know about different genres Gather examples and share with students Discuss what makes a good example Write in the genre together Confer with students and teach what is needed Publish and share
  • 80. Writing guide Write a topic sentence that states the main idea of your paragraph Write three details that support your main idea. Conclusion- write a closing sentence that sums up the main idea
  • 81. Standards Students will write letters, directions, explanations, reports, opinions, narratives and responses to literature Write narratives with complex plots Use varied sentence patterns Follow rules of grammar Use figurative language and stylistic devices Show sense of audience Use a rubric to evaluate their work
  • 82. Make Assessment count Poetry writing rubric Title grabs attention Beginning interests the reader Has put feelings in the poem Play with text, words Creative word choice Ending wraps up so reader isn’t left wondering Line breaks, conventions followed
  • 83. Writing Rubric Able to write rough draft that reflects thought and organisation Willingly takes suggestions Gives helpful feedback to peers Attempts to use interesting language Demonstrates awareness of audience and purpose Proofreads and efficiently edits Completes on time
  • 84. Conclusion Provide opportunity to think, speak, communicate, express point of view in non threatening environment Teach key vocabulary and grammar in context Connect reading to students background Connect reading and writing Teach explicitly Build a plan to celebrate students’ success
  • 85. The limits of my language are the limits of my world. ‒Ludwig Wittgenstein
  • 86. Acknowledgements Gunning G Thomas, creating literacy instruction for all students, 7 Edition Athans, S. K. & Devine, D. A. (2008), Quality comprehension: A strategic model of reading instruction using reading guides 3-6, Newark, DE: International Reading Association National reading Panel (2000) Chapter 4, Part II. National Reading Panel report
  • 87. Bibliography Routman Regie, Writing Essentials; Raising Expectations and Results while Simplifying Teaching, Heineman Kellough. Carjuzza, Teaching in the Middl;e and Secondary Schools, Pearson