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Analysis of Gray Squirrel
Population in Northern
     West Virginia
        Shreya Ray
1. Find empirical data to construct the projection (Leslie) matrix
for a particular population.
The following data represents a cohort of 530 female gray squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) from a population
in Northern West Virginia that was the focus of a decade-long study.

                            x                  nx                 bx
                            0                  530                0.0
                            1                  159                2.0
                            2                  80                 3.0
                            3                  48                 3.0
                            4                  21                 2.0
                            5                  5                  0.0

• x = age of squirrel in years
• nx= number of individuals from the original cohort that are alive at the specified age (x).
• bx= age-specific birth rates (considering only the number of females produced)

We now construct the cohort life-table to get the values of sx= age-specific survival rate.

  x        nx         lx = (nx / n0)         dx = (nx - nx+1)           qx = (dx / nx)          sx = 1 - qx

  0        530        1.0                    371                        0.7                     0.3
  1        159        0.3                    79                         0.5                     0.5
  2        80         0.15                   32                         0.4                     0.6
  3        48         0.09                   27                         0.55                    0.45
  4        21         0.04                   16                         0.75                    0.25
  5        5          0.01                   5                          1.0                     0.0

•lx= probability at birth of surviving to any given age
•dx= age-specific mortality
•qx= age-specific mortality rate
Using the values of sx and bx we shall now construct a Leslie projection matrix for the female gray squirrel

     2*0.3          3*0.5           3*0.6          2*0.45 0*0.25 0
     0.3            0               0              0               0              0
     0              0.5             0              0               0              0
     0              0               0.6            0               0              0
     0              0               0              0.45            0              0
     0              0               0              0               0.25           0
 Which equals:

               0.6           1.5           1.8          0.9            0            0
               0.3           0             0            0              0            0
               0             0.5           0            0              0            0
               0             0             0.6          0              0            0
               0             0             0            0.45           0            0
               0             0             0            0              0.25         0
2. From the matrix, infer if the population is growing or
               declining. What is the population growth rate?
             Using our projection matrix, we may construct a projection table for female grey squirrels starting with any
             arbitrary population distribution, say, 20 squirrels that are much less than a year old, and going on for, say, 9
                            Year 0 Year 1        Year 2         Year 3       Year 4                       Year 5      Year 6     Year 7       Year 8        Year 9
              0 year old          20   12             16.2          20.52 24.462                      29.2572       35.41482 42.68149 51.42643         61.99436
              1 year old           0       6              3.6        4.86        6.156                    7.3386     8.77716 10.62445 12.80445         15.42793
              2 year old           0       0               3          1.8         2.43                     3.078      3.6693 4.38858 5.312223          6.402224
              3 year old           0       0               0          1.8         1.08                     1.458      1.8468 2.20158 2.633148          3.187334
              4 year old           0       0               0           0          0.81                     0.486      0.6561 0.83106 0.990711          1.184917
              5 year old           0       0               0           0            0                     0.2025      0.1215 0.164025 0.207765         0.247678
             population           20   18             22.8          28.98 34.938                      41.8203       50.48568 60.89118 73.37472         88.44445
                        λ              0.9 1.266667 1.271053 1.20559                          1.196986              1.207205 1.206108 1.205014          1.20538

             Where, lambda (λ) is the ‘finite multiplication rate’, given by the quotient of the population at year t and the
             population at year (t-1). Thus, every year, the population multiplies itself with an amount λ. Thus, if λ > 1, the
             population is growing since dead members are being replaced by those born recently and even more. If λ < 1,
             the population is declining, since the new-born are unable to replace the dead.
             From our table, we observe that λ approaches a constant value as more and more years pass by. We say, that
             the population growth rate has got ‘stabilised’ and now the population will grow geometrically from here
             with a constant ratio λ, keeping the age structure constant from now on. We will eventually reach the same
             result no matter what arbitrary initial population we start with.

             For the female gray squirrel population in Northern West Virginia, λ turns out to be ≈ 1.2
             Since λ > 1 , we may infer that the population is growing.

             Thus, Nt+1 = λt Nt , or, Nt+1 = (1.2)t Nt
             Comparing this to the exponential population growth equation: Nt+1 = ert Nt                                       (r=population growth rate)
             We have λt = ert , or, λ = er , or, r = ln (λ)
             r = ln (λ) = ln (1.2) ≈ 0.18

             Hence, the population growth rate is = 0.18                                                  100
                                                                                                           90           y = 16.947e0.1817x
                                                                                                           80              R² = 0.9829
                                                                                         population (N)

                1                                                                                          50
λ (lambda)

              0.8                                                                                          40
              0.6                                                                                          30
              0.4                                                                                          20
              0.2                                                                                          10
                0                                                                                           0
                    0         2        4              6         8           10                                  0        2         4              6     8            10
                                           Year (t)                                                                                    Year (t)
The population projection table in the previous page was made using MS Excel.
I’ve made a simulation in python too and I’ve got similar results. Following is the program code:

def go():

   print "enter the elements of the matrix N0“
   for i in range(0,6):
      N0[i]=float(raw_input("N0 for x="+str(i)+":"))

     n=int(raw_input("How many times do you want to do the iteration? (enter 0 to quit) "))

         for k in range(0,n):
            for i in range(0,6):

                   for j in range(0,6):
                for i in range(0,6):
            print Nt
            print "lambda= ",pop[1]/pop[0]
            for i in range(0,6):
            print "Stable age distribution: ",dist

The output in the terminal upon entering some random values for initial population distribution converges to
the same values for λ.
3. Assuming that the projection matrix remains the same from
one year to another, what is the stable age structure that the
population is eventually expected to arrive at?
The function described in #2 also calculates the stable age structure, along with the lambda value. No
matter what initial population distribution we start with, the ratios of population numbers in each age
group to the total population for that generation approach constant values.

                                    Year 0             Year 9          Distribution
                  0 year old              20         61.99436         0.700941297
                  1 year old               0         15.42793         0.174436382
                  2 year old               0         6.402224         0.072386952
                  3 year old               0         3.187334         0.036037693
                  4 year old               0         1.184917         0.013397298
                  5 year old               0         0.247678         0.002800377

  Total population                        20         88.44445
                                λ                     1.20538

      Age of squirrel






                            0       0.1        0.2     0.3      0.4        0.5        0.6   0.7   0.8

                                                     Proportion of population
4. Look for empirical data for the age structure (at any given
point of time) of your population. If this is not available,
assume that the proportion of the population at different ages
is given by the survivorship curve (why is this a good
assumption?). Using this as the initial composition of the
population, simulate the distribution of individuals in the
different age classes for a number of years. Do they approach
the stable age structure you calculated in #3?
A population where age distributions are given by the survivorship curve represents a population that has
stabilised at its carrying capacity, hence such a population distribution is a reasonable assumption to begin
with. This phenomenon is discussed in more detail in #6.

  x      nx      log10nx                                           Survivorship curve

                           2.724                     2.5
  0      530

  1      159               2.201
  2      80                1.903                      1
  3      48                1.681
  4      21                1.322                           0   1        2      3        4   5        6

  5      5                 0.699                                             Age (x)

 From the survivorship curve the initial composition of the population is approximated by the
 matrix [2.723,2.201,1.903,1.681,1.322,0.699] (decimals values are allowed as this is just a
 hypothetical initial composition)
Running these initial conditions through our simulation, we realise that the population composition,
nevertheless, approaches the stable age structure calculated in #3, in about 9 years….
5. Calculate the life expectancy at birth and the generation
time for this population.
The life expectancy at birth for a female gray squirrel is given by the formula:

                                                                         1.59 years

The generation time is given by the following formula:

                                        = (1.4/2.63) = 1.878571 years
6. Given what you know about the ecology of this population,
do you expect the prediction from #2 to hold? i.e., why may the
population continue to grow/decline as expected, or to not do
#2 predicts an exponential population growth for the gray squirrels in Northern West Virginia.

However, this does not happen in reality.

In the paper, ‘Regulation of a Northern Gray Squirrel Population’, Donald C. Thompson shares his
amazement at the fact that the gray squirrel population in the forests of Northern West Virginia have
remained almost constant over the past few years, with neither growth nor decline in the population
numbers, although the number of births every year and the survival probabilities of the squirrels suggest an
exponential growth in population.

Hence, in spite of using the correct life-history parameters like survival rate and fecundity to construct a
Leslie matrix and project a population composition for some generations down the line, we are definitely
missing out on something crucial.

The hypothesis is that the difference between the theoretical and the observed population number is due
to the fact that rate of recruitment of the young into the breeding population has not been taken into
account, which is a direct manifestation of intra-specific competition among squirrels.

The number of young which recruit into the adult population is a function of direct mortality and emigration

The social system of the gray squirrel is such that established individuals possess home ranges which are
partially shared with a limited number of recognized neighbors (Thompson, 1978). Hence, there is less
strife between individuals who recognize each other and aggression is directed towards unknown
individuals- the young squirrels who are trying to establish themselves, and the immigrants . This results in
a positive deviation in mortality from the expected values that were used to construct our Leslie matrix, as
well as an added factor : emigration of young squirrels who are unable to take the stress. Of course, there is
immigration too, but immigrants aren’t mostly successful (indirect mortality). These factors regulate the
squirrel population and maintain it at a constant carrying capacity.

This carrying capacity, however, is strongly affected by increased food availability, which reduces aggressive
behavior. Hence, in the presence of abundant resources, the carrying capacity increases so much that all we
observe is an exponential growth rate, much similar to our simulation.
                                            Exponential                                               time
                                                           Carrying Capacity upon
                                                           increasing food
                  600                                      availability

                  200                                                Carrying
7. Suppose a mutant genotype leads to twice the fecundity at
the age of half the life-expectancy at birth, but half the survival
probability to the next age class. Will this mutant be selected?
This means, at the age of half the life-expectancy at birth, i.e., at the age of 1.59/2 = 0.795 years, the
fecundity gets doubled but the survival probability to the next age class gets halved. ( We are assuming all
other factors remain the same.)

0.795 years comes within the age group of 0-1 years. At age 0, the fecundity of gray squirrel is zero, and at
age 1, it is 2. We don’t have information about the fecundity and survival for all the intermediate ages, so
we’ll approximate the age of half the life-expectancy at birth as 1 (0.795 ≈ 1).

Then, fecundity increases from 2 to 4 for this mutant squirrel.
And survival probability to the next age class decreases from 0.5 to 0.25.

Then, the new population projection matrix will be:

                            0.3     1.5    1.8     0.9     0      0
                            0.3     0      0       0       0      0
                            0       0.25   0       0       0      0
                            0       0      0.6     0       0      0
                            0       0      0       0.45    0      0
                            0       0      0       0       0.25   0

Running the simulation with the new values, we have:
λ ≈ 0.96 hence, growth rate of the mutant population r = ln (λ) = ln (0.96) = -0.04

Since growth rate is negative, these mutants will slowly disappear from the population and thus they will
not be selected.

The life history values about the female grey squirrels of Northern West Virginia have been taken from the
book: Elements of Ecology, 6th Edition, by Thomas M. Smith and Robert Leo Smith.

I have also cited the paper: Regulation of a Northern Grey Squirrel ( Sciurus carolinensis) Population by
Donald C. Thompson, published in 1978 by The Ecological Society of America.

I have also referred to:

Ohio Division of Wildlife- Life History Notes- Gray Squirrel -Publication 95 (1099)

USDA Forest Service Research Note NE-174 – 1973 – Northeastern Forest Experiment Station – Gray
Squirrels reproduce in a 2-acre enclosure

The Vital Statistics of an Unexploited Gray Squirrel Population, by F. S. Barkalow, R. B. Hamilton, R. F. Soots,
The Journal of Wildlife Management, 1970

I am attaching all the above, except the book Elements of Ecology. I am also attaching the excel sheet where
I have done most of the calculation, analysis, and graph-plotting, plus I am attaching a short Kit Kat add
featuring two squirrels.


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Ecology of grey squirrels

  • 1. Analysis of Gray Squirrel Population in Northern West Virginia BIO-411 Shreya Ray 20091069
  • 2. 1. Find empirical data to construct the projection (Leslie) matrix for a particular population. The following data represents a cohort of 530 female gray squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) from a population in Northern West Virginia that was the focus of a decade-long study. x nx bx 0 530 0.0 1 159 2.0 2 80 3.0 3 48 3.0 4 21 2.0 5 5 0.0 • x = age of squirrel in years • nx= number of individuals from the original cohort that are alive at the specified age (x). • bx= age-specific birth rates (considering only the number of females produced) We now construct the cohort life-table to get the values of sx= age-specific survival rate. x nx lx = (nx / n0) dx = (nx - nx+1) qx = (dx / nx) sx = 1 - qx 0 530 1.0 371 0.7 0.3 1 159 0.3 79 0.5 0.5 2 80 0.15 32 0.4 0.6 3 48 0.09 27 0.55 0.45 4 21 0.04 16 0.75 0.25 5 5 0.01 5 1.0 0.0 •lx= probability at birth of surviving to any given age •dx= age-specific mortality •qx= age-specific mortality rate
  • 3. Using the values of sx and bx we shall now construct a Leslie projection matrix for the female gray squirrel population: 2*0.3 3*0.5 3*0.6 2*0.45 0*0.25 0 0.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.25 0 Which equals: 0.6 1.5 1.8 0.9 0 0 0.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.25 0
  • 4. 2. From the matrix, infer if the population is growing or declining. What is the population growth rate? Using our projection matrix, we may construct a projection table for female grey squirrels starting with any arbitrary population distribution, say, 20 squirrels that are much less than a year old, and going on for, say, 9 years. Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 0 year old 20 12 16.2 20.52 24.462 29.2572 35.41482 42.68149 51.42643 61.99436 1 year old 0 6 3.6 4.86 6.156 7.3386 8.77716 10.62445 12.80445 15.42793 2 year old 0 0 3 1.8 2.43 3.078 3.6693 4.38858 5.312223 6.402224 3 year old 0 0 0 1.8 1.08 1.458 1.8468 2.20158 2.633148 3.187334 4 year old 0 0 0 0 0.81 0.486 0.6561 0.83106 0.990711 1.184917 5 year old 0 0 0 0 0 0.2025 0.1215 0.164025 0.207765 0.247678 Total population 20 18 22.8 28.98 34.938 41.8203 50.48568 60.89118 73.37472 88.44445 λ 0.9 1.266667 1.271053 1.20559 1.196986 1.207205 1.206108 1.205014 1.20538 Where, lambda (λ) is the ‘finite multiplication rate’, given by the quotient of the population at year t and the population at year (t-1). Thus, every year, the population multiplies itself with an amount λ. Thus, if λ > 1, the population is growing since dead members are being replaced by those born recently and even more. If λ < 1, the population is declining, since the new-born are unable to replace the dead. From our table, we observe that λ approaches a constant value as more and more years pass by. We say, that the population growth rate has got ‘stabilised’ and now the population will grow geometrically from here with a constant ratio λ, keeping the age structure constant from now on. We will eventually reach the same result no matter what arbitrary initial population we start with. For the female gray squirrel population in Northern West Virginia, λ turns out to be ≈ 1.2 Since λ > 1 , we may infer that the population is growing. Thus, Nt+1 = λt Nt , or, Nt+1 = (1.2)t Nt Comparing this to the exponential population growth equation: Nt+1 = ert Nt (r=population growth rate) We have λt = ert , or, λ = er , or, r = ln (λ) So, r = ln (λ) = ln (1.2) ≈ 0.18 Hence, the population growth rate is = 0.18 100 90 y = 16.947e0.1817x 80 R² = 0.9829 1.4 70 population (N) 1.2 60 1 50 λ (lambda) 0.8 40 0.6 30 0.4 20 0.2 10 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 Year (t) Year (t)
  • 5. The population projection table in the previous page was made using MS Excel. I’ve made a simulation in python too and I’ve got similar results. Following is the program code: def go(): L=[[0.6,1.5,1.8,0.9,0.0,0.0],[0.3,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0],[0.0,0.5,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0],[0.0,0.0,0.6, 0.0,0.0,0.0],[0.0,0.0,0.0,0.45,0.0,0.0],[0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.25,0.0]] t=1 N0=[0.0]*6 print "enter the elements of the matrix N0“ for i in range(0,6): N0[i]=float(raw_input("N0 for x="+str(i)+":")) while(t>0): Ntemp=N0 n=int(raw_input("How many times do you want to do the iteration? (enter 0 to quit) ")) if(n==0): break else: pop=[0,0] dist=[0,0,0,0,0,0] for k in range(0,n): Nt=[0.0]*6 for i in range(0,6): for j in range(0,6): Nt[i]+=L[i][j]*Ntemp[j] if(k==n-2): pop[0]+=Nt[i] if(k==n-1): pop[1]+=Nt[i] dist[i]=Nt[i] Ntemp=Nt if(n==1): for i in range(0,6): pop[0]+=N0[i] print Nt print "lambda= ",pop[1]/pop[0] for i in range(0,6): dist[i]=dist[i]/pop[1] print "Stable age distribution: ",dist The output in the terminal upon entering some random values for initial population distribution converges to the same values for λ.
  • 6. 3. Assuming that the projection matrix remains the same from one year to another, what is the stable age structure that the population is eventually expected to arrive at? The function described in #2 also calculates the stable age structure, along with the lambda value. No matter what initial population distribution we start with, the ratios of population numbers in each age group to the total population for that generation approach constant values. Year 0 Year 9 Distribution 0 year old 20 61.99436 0.700941297 1 year old 0 15.42793 0.174436382 2 year old 0 6.402224 0.072386952 3 year old 0 3.187334 0.036037693 4 year old 0 1.184917 0.013397298 5 year old 0 0.247678 0.002800377 Total population 20 88.44445 λ 1.20538 5 Age of squirrel 4 3 2 1 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Proportion of population
  • 7. 4. Look for empirical data for the age structure (at any given point of time) of your population. If this is not available, assume that the proportion of the population at different ages is given by the survivorship curve (why is this a good assumption?). Using this as the initial composition of the population, simulate the distribution of individuals in the different age classes for a number of years. Do they approach the stable age structure you calculated in #3? A population where age distributions are given by the survivorship curve represents a population that has stabilised at its carrying capacity, hence such a population distribution is a reasonable assumption to begin with. This phenomenon is discussed in more detail in #6. x nx log10nx Survivorship curve 3 2.724 2.5 0 530 2 log10nx 1 159 2.201 1.5 2 80 1.903 1 0.5 3 48 1.681 0 4 21 1.322 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 5 0.699 Age (x) From the survivorship curve the initial composition of the population is approximated by the matrix [2.723,2.201,1.903,1.681,1.322,0.699] (decimals values are allowed as this is just a hypothetical initial composition)
  • 8. Running these initial conditions through our simulation, we realise that the population composition, nevertheless, approaches the stable age structure calculated in #3, in about 9 years….
  • 9. 5. Calculate the life expectancy at birth and the generation time for this population. The life expectancy at birth for a female gray squirrel is given by the formula: 1.59 years And, The generation time is given by the following formula: = (1.4/2.63) = 1.878571 years
  • 10. 6. Given what you know about the ecology of this population, do you expect the prediction from #2 to hold? i.e., why may the population continue to grow/decline as expected, or to not do so? #2 predicts an exponential population growth for the gray squirrels in Northern West Virginia. However, this does not happen in reality. In the paper, ‘Regulation of a Northern Gray Squirrel Population’, Donald C. Thompson shares his amazement at the fact that the gray squirrel population in the forests of Northern West Virginia have remained almost constant over the past few years, with neither growth nor decline in the population numbers, although the number of births every year and the survival probabilities of the squirrels suggest an exponential growth in population. Hence, in spite of using the correct life-history parameters like survival rate and fecundity to construct a Leslie matrix and project a population composition for some generations down the line, we are definitely missing out on something crucial. The hypothesis is that the difference between the theoretical and the observed population number is due to the fact that rate of recruitment of the young into the breeding population has not been taken into account, which is a direct manifestation of intra-specific competition among squirrels. The number of young which recruit into the adult population is a function of direct mortality and emigration losses. The social system of the gray squirrel is such that established individuals possess home ranges which are partially shared with a limited number of recognized neighbors (Thompson, 1978). Hence, there is less strife between individuals who recognize each other and aggression is directed towards unknown individuals- the young squirrels who are trying to establish themselves, and the immigrants . This results in a positive deviation in mortality from the expected values that were used to construct our Leslie matrix, as well as an added factor : emigration of young squirrels who are unable to take the stress. Of course, there is immigration too, but immigrants aren’t mostly successful (indirect mortality). These factors regulate the squirrel population and maintain it at a constant carrying capacity. This carrying capacity, however, is strongly affected by increased food availability, which reduces aggressive behavior. Hence, in the presence of abundant resources, the carrying capacity increases so much that all we observe is an exponential growth rate, much similar to our simulation. 1200 population 1000 Exponential time 800 growth Carrying Capacity upon increasing food 600 availability Initial population 400 200 Carrying Capacity 0
  • 11. 7. Suppose a mutant genotype leads to twice the fecundity at the age of half the life-expectancy at birth, but half the survival probability to the next age class. Will this mutant be selected? This means, at the age of half the life-expectancy at birth, i.e., at the age of 1.59/2 = 0.795 years, the fecundity gets doubled but the survival probability to the next age class gets halved. ( We are assuming all other factors remain the same.) 0.795 years comes within the age group of 0-1 years. At age 0, the fecundity of gray squirrel is zero, and at age 1, it is 2. We don’t have information about the fecundity and survival for all the intermediate ages, so we’ll approximate the age of half the life-expectancy at birth as 1 (0.795 ≈ 1). Then, fecundity increases from 2 to 4 for this mutant squirrel. And survival probability to the next age class decreases from 0.5 to 0.25. Then, the new population projection matrix will be: 0.3 1.5 1.8 0.9 0 0 0.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.25 0 Running the simulation with the new values, we have: λ ≈ 0.96 hence, growth rate of the mutant population r = ln (λ) = ln (0.96) = -0.04 Since growth rate is negative, these mutants will slowly disappear from the population and thus they will not be selected.
  • 12. Bibliography The life history values about the female grey squirrels of Northern West Virginia have been taken from the book: Elements of Ecology, 6th Edition, by Thomas M. Smith and Robert Leo Smith. I have also cited the paper: Regulation of a Northern Grey Squirrel ( Sciurus carolinensis) Population by Donald C. Thompson, published in 1978 by The Ecological Society of America. I have also referred to: Ohio Division of Wildlife- Life History Notes- Gray Squirrel -Publication 95 (1099) USDA Forest Service Research Note NE-174 – 1973 – Northeastern Forest Experiment Station – Gray Squirrels reproduce in a 2-acre enclosure The Vital Statistics of an Unexploited Gray Squirrel Population, by F. S. Barkalow, R. B. Hamilton, R. F. Soots, The Journal of Wildlife Management, 1970 I am attaching all the above, except the book Elements of Ecology. I am also attaching the excel sheet where I have done most of the calculation, analysis, and graph-plotting, plus I am attaching a short Kit Kat add featuring two squirrels. ~END~