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        E-Mental Health:
Harnessing the Power of Digital for
      Better Mental Health
          NHS South of England (East)

           Monday 18th March 2013
House Keeping

Time    Speaker & Topic
10:00   Chair
10:20   Ali Mousa
        Why Use Digital Technology in Mental Health?
10:40   Paul Irwin – Director, TryLife
        The Role of Technology in Youth Services
11:00   Jenny Hyatt – CEO, The Big White Wall
        Delivering Best Practice in E-Mental Health
11:30   Refreshments and e-Mental Health Exhibition

11:50   Rebecca Cotton -Deputy Director, Mental Health Network, NHS
        The Policy Context & Future of E-Mental Health
12:10   James Seward – Managing Director, Buddy App
        Psychological therapies in the Digital World: The Buddy App
12:30   Buffet Lunch in Main Foyer

13:00   E-Mental Health Exhibition, Live Computer-based Demonstrations
        Opportunity to View & Create Your E-Mental Health Videos
13:45   Interactive Workshop Session (6 Questions on 6 Tables)

15:00   Feedback & Postcard Pledges

15:15   Question Time Debate with:
        Ali Mousa
        James Seward
        Paul Irwin
        Jenny Hyatt
        Rebecca Cotton
16:00   Sarah Amani & Katrina Lake
        Closing Comments

16:15   Closing
‘My Journey’ Mobile App
Early Intervention in Psychosis Service
“Following a wide eyed collective gasp of realization, we
 were quickly swept up in a heady conversation about
how useful it would be to have a designated EIIP mobile
app that could help people manage their mental health
           through reminders and trackers.”

Sarah Amani

DH Maps & Apps Competition – 7th out of 500
ideas submitted for health apps
                  of people have a mobile device

or 5.3 billion at the end of 2010 – U.N. Telecommunications Agency,
This was ‘portable’...

                                                                           <10 years...

                              Released: 1998    Released: 2007
                               CPU: 233 MHz     CPU: 412 MHz
                 RAM: 32 MB (512 MB max)        RAM: 128 MB
             Storage: 4 GB (+ optical drive)    Storage: 4 GB (8 GB max)
       Display: 38.1 cm Millions of colours     Display: 8.9 cm Millions of colours
         Dimensions: 40.1 x 38.6 x 44.7 cm      Dimensions: 11.4 x 6.1 x 1.2 cm
                             Weight: 17.3 kgs   Weight: 135 g
Your mobile phone has
more computing power than
          all of NASA in 1969.

“For kids like my 13 year-old, the
boundaries between the internet
and life are so porous as to be
Comment on the Guardian web site

                                     most will grow up connected

London                   2
             1                        3

         Smartphone penetration is 47%...
Public space


                 limited attention
                    mobile usage can be this...
               onehand    simple?

                       tedious input


1hr train ride   Focused user privacy
      network?               comfy
    Unlimited wifi?

Reliable power source?

                                                or this...
                                      chair                               privacy

                           One hand                                prone to
Reliable power                                                   interruptions


                            ...or this?

“   The most profound technologies are those
    that disappear. They weave themselves
    into the fabric of everyday life until they are
    indistinguishable from it…. Mark Weiser

Our behaviour is changing, because devices are changing...
Mobile Opportunities

 tiny                     hybrid
screen                       +
                          keypad            large
                           input           touch

                           many of these are now <£50
    yesterday                      today
A big screen...

 web browser
  application              is now a highly customisable
     layer               always on, always connected
        +                                  blank canvas...

With a button or two!

       a big screen...
                         work                            communication


 web browser
                                           enabling users to choose
     layer               music                their own experience
      APIs                                         navigation

With a button or two!
Mobile App      Costs, Benefits,       Build vs. Buy
 Gauge the Opportunity     Business Drivers
                                                    Examples             ROI                Decision

Compare Mobile Platforms         Mobile Market Overview              Platform Analysis and Selection

     Focus Business                                        Application
                            Goals and Objectives                                  Security and Privacy
     Requirements                                         Requirements

                                                                                      Development and
 Develop the Application       Keys to Success          Required Resources

    Launch, Measure,
                           Launch and Promotion        Feedback and Metrics           Future Releases
PHASE 1 – February 2012

PHASE 2 – September 2012
My Journey
                    times have

   Ce n’est pas unIntuitive
                al phone Usabl
        Responsi         al
                 Customiz eHelpf
                 able       ul
•    47 Adolescents & 6 clinicians
•    Outpatient Clinic
•    Self Reported Mental Health Outcomes for 4 weeks
•    First week - 91% entries completed
•    88% said data reflected actual experiences
•    92% adolescents found app ‘helpful’ in understanding
     their condition + collaborating with clinician in
     managing their health

1. Reid et al (2011) A mobile phone application for the assessment and management of youth
   mental health problems in primary care: a randomised controlled trial.

2. Reid et al (2012) Using a Mobile Application in Youth Mental Healh
   Journal of Australian Family Physician

This is the world we are living in and we can either
 lie to ourselves about it or we can dive headlong
   into the new forms and effects that it produces.
                                            – James Bridle

Thank You
Big White Wall
Reflections on Good Practice
Without people
it’s just a pile
of s…
There’s a lot of choice….

Text and listening services
Moodtrackers and buddy systems
Social networks
Self management programmes
(often CBT)
Online therapy
Integrated systems
…… but how do
I know what
For a moment
Then, after a
second or so,…
continued to

Douglas Adams
help choice ……share results
Safety isn't just a slogan …..
…’s a way of life
Dr Who?

Privacy   PEOPLE         Evidence

The Policy Context and Future of E-Mental Health
Rebecca Cotton
Acting Deputy Director, Mental Health Network
Today’s session

• About the Mental Health Network.

• Outline our work on e-mental health.

• Outline some of the policy and strategic drivers that
  may help drive spread innovation in e-mental health.

• Opportunity to get involved in future work.

• Q&A
About the Mental Health Network

• Part of the NHS Confederation – the membership
  body for all organisations that commission and
  provide NHS services.

• We represent 70 providers of mental health services
  in England – including NHS Trusts, Foundation
  Trusts, voluntary sector and independent sector

• Governed by a board of members – including Chief
  Executives, Chairs, Clinicians and service user and
  carer representatives.
What we do
• We help shape and challenge
  national policy and legislation
  affecting our members.

• We provide members with up to
  date news and analysis,
  through briefings and events.

• We also work to identify and
  spread good practice and
  innovation in the mental health
  sector, plus carry out original
Work over the last 12 months

•   Social media
•   Payment by Results in mental health
•   Measuring outcomes in mental health
•   Suicide prevention
•   Housing and mental health
•   Mental health and homelessness
•   Effectiveness of psychological
    interventions for patients with long-term
    conditions and MUS
•   Race equality in mental health
E-mental health – what’s all the fuss about?
• Discussion paper launched 30th

• Asks how can the mental health
  sector make the most of
  opportunities offered by e-mental
  health to not only improve
  efficiency, but also to transform the
  nature of mental healthcare itself?

• Asserts a national framework for e-
  mental health should be developed
  to provide a platform for change.
Policy context
No Health Without Mental Health
• Number of objectives are relevant
  to e-mental health, inc improving
  access, recovery rates and
  experience of using services.
• Implementation framework highlights e-mental health.

Information strategy
• Published May 2012. Sets a ten-year framework for
   transforming information for the NHS, public health and
   social care.
Policy context
Innovation, health and wealth
• Published December 2011. Sets out eight principles
  that could help frame a strategy for e-mental health.

Choice, personalisation and Any Qualified Provider
• Making choice work – in terms of choice of provider
  and choice of treatment – will depend on access to
  high-quality, comparable information.

NHS Mandate
• Sets an objective around increasing in the use of
  technology to help people manage their health and
Where do we go from here?
1. How can we build momentum and support real
   change, in partnership with service users?
2. How can providers make sense of what is a rapidly
   evolving marketplace and make informed choices
   about which programmes and applications to use?
3. How do we determine what „quality‟ looks like?
4. How can we ensure that innovations in this field are
   developed within appropriate governance
5. At a national level, how can we help spread
   knowledge and good practice about what works?
A national framework for e-mental health

• In our view, a two-stage process is needed,
  culminating in the development of a national
  framework for e-mental health.

Stage one: Comprehensive mapping exercise.

• What are people already doing with technology –
  including service users, carers, members of the
  public, professionals (including clinicians, managers
  and informatics specialists), providers and
A national framework for e-mental health

Stage two: Designing the framework

• Building on the mapping exercise, this would lead to
  a shared vision for what people would like to be able
  to do with technology, and set out clear actions for
  different parts of the system to enable that change to
  be brought about.

• Broad engagement process – involving service
  users, carers, members of the public, professionals,
  providers and commissioners.
What happens next?

• We have secured funding from the SHA mental
  health leads group to undertake the first stage of
  work – the mapping exercise.

• Scoping work on this is currently underway – we
  would very much welcome input and involvement
  from MHN members, including any examples of
  current work in this area.

• We will continue discussions with DH, NHSCB and
  others about future development of a framework for
  e-mental health.
Any questions?
Therapy services in a digital world

 To use ubiquitous text-messaging
 to give users a tool for taking
 more control of their recovery and
 as a resource for collaborating
 with professionals to achieve their

Buddy is a digital tool to support therapy services.
It enables clients to:
  –   Keep a daily diary via SMS
  –   Spot patterns via a website
  –   Be reminded about session appointments via SMS
  –   Create their own session plans in advance
  –   Set and receive behavioural activation goals via SMS

Only 3 minutes!


     Spot Patterns            Rich Insight        Improved DNA rate
Improved Communication   Make Time in Therapy    Caseload management
    Create Control          Focus on Goals
                         Appointment reminders

     Happier users, enabled clinicians, and more
                  efficient services
SLaM Service

 SERVICE USERS                PROFESSIONALS                 MANAGERS

Improved quality of life in    63% Compliance             7% DNA decrease
    87.5% of users
                                                          (from previous trial)

57.1% of users reported       71% users felt it allowed
 decrease in CORE-10          for more open and
                              honest discussion
100% of users said
they would use again

 * Published data from the SLaM EIS 100 week trial

“Buddy helped me communicate
better with my therapist, and it
helped me to spot patterns and see
what I was doing or not doing.
Buddy really felt like a friend
checking up on me at the end of
the day. Sometimes it was the only
contact I would have throughout
the day. It's something that helped
point me in the direction of
change, and which I then felt better
able to act on."
                                       Helena, Service user

             Eric Morris, Clinical Director, EIS, SLaM

"The idea of Buddy is to put the person's goals at the centre of their treatment. I've
noticed that the ones who are using it have become more focused in what they want
to get out of our meetings. Early intervention service users usually have problems
with depression and anxiety and Buddy gives them support during the week when
they're not seeing a therapist."
Stockport IAPT, Self Help Services

    SERVICE USERS             PROFESSIONALS                   MANAGERS

   100% of users satisfied    100% clinicians would
                              use again in the future       4.5% DNA decrease
   with care received

   63.8% reported             83% felt it allowed           4% canc. decrease
   decrease in PHQ9 and       for more open and
   GAD7 scores                honest discussion
                                                        500 additional clinical hours
   Improved quality of life
   in 89.2% of users
                                                        £25k additional income (PbR)

* Published data from the SHS Buddy Trial Outcome report
* All data over historic baseline

      Nicky Lidbetter, Chief Officer, Self Help Services
“With the increasing demand for providers of mental health services to
deliver more for less, Buddy contributes to system efficiency and enhances
patient experience by promoting the collaborative nature of therapy sessions.
This enables patients to feel more in control of their interaction with the
service. ”

• For service providers moving towards PbR, Buddy
  offers increased:

  – Throughput
  – Efficiency
  – Outcomes

“Buddy is being used in a variety of
ways in addition to routine activity
and mood monitoring. These
include: pain diary, alcohol
diary, monitoring
flashbacks, monitoring for
dissociation, promoting grounding
techniques and mindfulness such
as 'remember to notice where you
are‟ and „what you are doing right
now?” Regarding impact on DNA
and CNA rates, it‟s also having a
positive effect of reducing DNA's”

                                       Dr Alan Barrett, Clinical Lead

• Buddy has been designed to specifically support mental health

• Built to improve user engagement

• Designed around everyday lives, and everyday technology

• Improves the relationship between professional and service user

• Empowering and non-stigmatising

• Incubated by Sidekick Studios, Buddy Enterprises Ltd brings together
  business, design, digital and mental health professionals
• Developed in collaboration with SLaM‟s CMHTs & Early Intervention in
  Psychosis service & Rethink‟s NE Essex Health in Mind IAPT service
• Current clients:
  – NW Regional IAPT for Military Veterans service (Pennine Healthcare
    NHS Trust)
  – Nottingham Healthcare NHS Trust
  – Self Help Services Stockport
  – Kent & Medway NHS Trust
  – West London Mental Health Trust
  – Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Trust
  – Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Trust
  – Mental Health Matters
Awards / Recognition

Gold Award Winner 2012                  Finalist 2012
Community & Social Mobile App   Innovation in Mental Health
Thank You
        E-Mental Health:
Harnessing the Power of Digital for
      Better Mental Health
          NHS South of England (East)

           Monday 18th March 2013

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E mental Health Conference - Presentations

  • 1. WELCOME E-Mental Health: Harnessing the Power of Digital for Better Mental Health NHS South of England (East) Monday 18th March 2013
  • 3.
  • 4. Time Speaker & Topic 10:00 Chair Welcome 10:20 Ali Mousa Why Use Digital Technology in Mental Health? 10:40 Paul Irwin – Director, TryLife The Role of Technology in Youth Services 11:00 Jenny Hyatt – CEO, The Big White Wall Delivering Best Practice in E-Mental Health 11:30 Refreshments and e-Mental Health Exhibition 11:50 Rebecca Cotton -Deputy Director, Mental Health Network, NHS Confederation The Policy Context & Future of E-Mental Health 12:10 James Seward – Managing Director, Buddy App Psychological therapies in the Digital World: The Buddy App 12:30 Buffet Lunch in Main Foyer
  • 5. Time 13:00 E-Mental Health Exhibition, Live Computer-based Demonstrations Opportunity to View & Create Your E-Mental Health Videos 13:45 Interactive Workshop Session (6 Questions on 6 Tables) 15:00 Feedback & Postcard Pledges 15:15 Question Time Debate with: Ali Mousa James Seward Paul Irwin Jenny Hyatt Rebecca Cotton 16:00 Sarah Amani & Katrina Lake Closing Comments 16:15 Closing
  • 6.
  • 7. ‘My Journey’ Mobile App Early Intervention in Psychosis Service
  • 8. “Following a wide eyed collective gasp of realization, we were quickly swept up in a heady conversation about how useful it would be to have a designated EIIP mobile app that could help people manage their mental health through reminders and trackers.” Sarah Amani DH Maps & Apps Competition – 7th out of 500 ideas submitted for health apps
  • 9. 77% of people have a mobile device or 5.3 billion at the end of 2010 – U.N. Telecommunications Agency,
  • 10. This was ‘portable’... <10 years... Released: 1998 Released: 2007 CPU: 233 MHz CPU: 412 MHz RAM: 32 MB (512 MB max) RAM: 128 MB Storage: 4 GB (+ optical drive) Storage: 4 GB (8 GB max) Display: 38.1 cm Millions of colours Display: 8.9 cm Millions of colours Dimensions: 40.1 x 38.6 x 44.7 cm Dimensions: 11.4 x 6.1 x 1.2 cm Weight: 17.3 kgs Weight: 135 g
  • 11. Your mobile phone has more computing power than all of NASA in 1969.
  • 12. “For kids like my 13 year-old, the boundaries between the internet and life are so porous as to be meaningless.“ Comment on the Guardian web site most will grow up connected
  • 13. London 2 1 3 Smartphone penetration is 47%...
  • 14. Public space distractions limited attention mobile usage can be this... glanceable? onehand simple? tedious input personal
  • 15. 1hr train ride Focused user privacy reliable network? comfy Unlimited wifi? chair two hands Reliable power source? or this...
  • 16. comfy chair privacy One hand prone to Reliable power interruptions source gravity ...or this?
  • 17. The most profound technologies are those that disappear. They weave themselves into the fabric of everyday life until they are indistinguishable from it…. Mark Weiser
  • 18. Our behaviour is changing, because devices are changing...
  • 19. Mobile Opportunities touch screen tiny hybrid screen + keypad large input touch navipad screen many of these are now <£50 yesterday today
  • 20. A big screen... web browser + application is now a highly customisable layer always on, always connected + blank canvas... APIs With a button or two!
  • 21. camera a big screen... work communication play sharing web browser learning + enabling users to choose application layer music their own experience + chat APIs navigation With a button or two! discovery Health creativity video
  • 22. Mobile App Costs, Benefits, Build vs. Buy Gauge the Opportunity Business Drivers Examples ROI Decision Compare Mobile Platforms Mobile Market Overview Platform Analysis and Selection Focus Business Application Goals and Objectives Security and Privacy Requirements Requirements Development and Develop the Application Keys to Success Required Resources Testing Launch, Measure, Launch and Promotion Feedback and Metrics Future Releases Iterate
  • 23.
  • 24. PHASE 1 – February 2012 P
  • 25. PHASE 2 – September 2012
  • 26. My Journey times have changed Person motivation Ce n’est pas unIntuitive al phone Usabl Responsi al Customiz eHelpf ve able ul
  • 27.
  • 28.
  • 29. 47 Adolescents & 6 clinicians • Outpatient Clinic • Self Reported Mental Health Outcomes for 4 weeks • First week - 91% entries completed • 88% said data reflected actual experiences • 92% adolescents found app ‘helpful’ in understanding their condition + collaborating with clinician in managing their health 1. Reid et al (2011) A mobile phone application for the assessment and management of youth mental health problems in primary care: a randomised controlled trial. 2. Reid et al (2012) Using a Mobile Application in Youth Mental Healh Journal of Australian Family Physician
  • 30. This is the world we are living in and we can either lie to ourselves about it or we can dive headlong into the new forms and effects that it produces. – James Bridle
  • 32. Big White Wall Reflections on Good Practice
  • 33.
  • 34.
  • 35.
  • 36. Without people it’s just a pile of s…
  • 38.
  • 39. There’s a lot of choice…. Text and listening services Moodtrackers and buddy systems Social networks Self management programmes (often CBT) Online therapy Integrated systems
  • 40. …… but how do I know what works?
  • 41. For a moment nothing happened. Then, after a second or so,…
  • 44.
  • 45. Safety isn't just a slogan …..
  • 46. …’s a way of life
  • 47.
  • 48.
  • 49.
  • 50.
  • 52.
  • 53. Safety Privacy PEOPLE Evidence Professional re- imagined
  • 54. The Policy Context and Future of E-Mental Health Rebecca Cotton Acting Deputy Director, Mental Health Network
  • 55. Today’s session • About the Mental Health Network. • Outline our work on e-mental health. • Outline some of the policy and strategic drivers that may help drive spread innovation in e-mental health. • Opportunity to get involved in future work. • Q&A
  • 56. About the Mental Health Network • Part of the NHS Confederation – the membership body for all organisations that commission and provide NHS services. • We represent 70 providers of mental health services in England – including NHS Trusts, Foundation Trusts, voluntary sector and independent sector providers. • Governed by a board of members – including Chief Executives, Chairs, Clinicians and service user and carer representatives.
  • 57. What we do • We help shape and challenge national policy and legislation affecting our members. • We provide members with up to date news and analysis, through briefings and events. • We also work to identify and spread good practice and innovation in the mental health sector, plus carry out original research.
  • 58. Work over the last 12 months • Social media • Payment by Results in mental health • Measuring outcomes in mental health • Suicide prevention • Housing and mental health • Mental health and homelessness • Effectiveness of psychological interventions for patients with long-term conditions and MUS • Race equality in mental health
  • 59. E-mental health – what’s all the fuss about? • Discussion paper launched 30th January • Asks how can the mental health sector make the most of opportunities offered by e-mental health to not only improve efficiency, but also to transform the nature of mental healthcare itself? • Asserts a national framework for e- mental health should be developed to provide a platform for change.
  • 60.
  • 61.
  • 62.
  • 63.
  • 64. Policy context No Health Without Mental Health • Number of objectives are relevant to e-mental health, inc improving access, recovery rates and experience of using services. • Implementation framework highlights e-mental health. Information strategy • Published May 2012. Sets a ten-year framework for transforming information for the NHS, public health and social care.
  • 65. Policy context Innovation, health and wealth • Published December 2011. Sets out eight principles that could help frame a strategy for e-mental health. Choice, personalisation and Any Qualified Provider • Making choice work – in terms of choice of provider and choice of treatment – will depend on access to high-quality, comparable information. NHS Mandate • Sets an objective around increasing in the use of technology to help people manage their health and care.
  • 66.
  • 67. Where do we go from here? 1. How can we build momentum and support real change, in partnership with service users? 2. How can providers make sense of what is a rapidly evolving marketplace and make informed choices about which programmes and applications to use? 3. How do we determine what „quality‟ looks like? 4. How can we ensure that innovations in this field are developed within appropriate governance frameworks? 5. At a national level, how can we help spread knowledge and good practice about what works?
  • 68. A national framework for e-mental health • In our view, a two-stage process is needed, culminating in the development of a national framework for e-mental health. Stage one: Comprehensive mapping exercise. • What are people already doing with technology – including service users, carers, members of the public, professionals (including clinicians, managers and informatics specialists), providers and commissioners?
  • 69. A national framework for e-mental health Stage two: Designing the framework • Building on the mapping exercise, this would lead to a shared vision for what people would like to be able to do with technology, and set out clear actions for different parts of the system to enable that change to be brought about. • Broad engagement process – involving service users, carers, members of the public, professionals, providers and commissioners.
  • 70. What happens next? • We have secured funding from the SHA mental health leads group to undertake the first stage of work – the mapping exercise. • Scoping work on this is currently underway – we would very much welcome input and involvement from MHN members, including any examples of current work in this area. • We will continue discussions with DH, NHSCB and others about future development of a framework for e-mental health.
  • 71.
  • 73. Therapy services in a digital world
  • 75. BUDDY APP: SIMPLE PROPOSITION To use ubiquitous text-messaging to give users a tool for taking more control of their recovery and as a resource for collaborating with professionals to achieve their goals
  • 76. BUDDY APP PROVIDES Buddy is a digital tool to support therapy services. It enables clients to: – Keep a daily diary via SMS – Spot patterns via a website – Be reminded about session appointments via SMS – Create their own session plans in advance – Set and receive behavioural activation goals via SMS
  • 77. PLAY FILM Only 3 minutes!
  • 78.
  • 79. BENEFITS SERVICE USERS PROFESSIONALS MANAGERS Spot Patterns Rich Insight Improved DNA rate Improved Communication Make Time in Therapy Caseload management Create Control Focus on Goals Appointment reminders Happier users, enabled clinicians, and more efficient services
  • 80. SLaM Service SERVICE USERS PROFESSIONALS MANAGERS Improved quality of life in 63% Compliance 7% DNA decrease 87.5% of users (from previous trial) 57.1% of users reported 71% users felt it allowed decrease in CORE-10 for more open and honest discussion 100% of users said they would use again * Published data from the SLaM EIS 100 week trial
  • 81. USER FEEDBACK “Buddy helped me communicate better with my therapist, and it helped me to spot patterns and see what I was doing or not doing. Buddy really felt like a friend checking up on me at the end of the day. Sometimes it was the only contact I would have throughout the day. It's something that helped point me in the direction of change, and which I then felt better able to act on." Helena, Service user
  • 82. CLINICIAN FEEDBACK Eric Morris, Clinical Director, EIS, SLaM "The idea of Buddy is to put the person's goals at the centre of their treatment. I've noticed that the ones who are using it have become more focused in what they want to get out of our meetings. Early intervention service users usually have problems with depression and anxiety and Buddy gives them support during the week when they're not seeing a therapist."
  • 83. Stockport IAPT, Self Help Services SERVICE USERS PROFESSIONALS MANAGERS 100% of users satisfied 100% clinicians would use again in the future 4.5% DNA decrease with care received 63.8% reported 83% felt it allowed 4% canc. decrease decrease in PHQ9 and for more open and GAD7 scores honest discussion 500 additional clinical hours Improved quality of life in 89.2% of users £25k additional income (PbR) * Published data from the SHS Buddy Trial Outcome report * All data over historic baseline
  • 84. CEO FEEDBACK Nicky Lidbetter, Chief Officer, Self Help Services “With the increasing demand for providers of mental health services to deliver more for less, Buddy contributes to system efficiency and enhances patient experience by promoting the collaborative nature of therapy sessions. This enables patients to feel more in control of their interaction with the service. ”
  • 85. RETURN ON INVESTMENT • For service providers moving towards PbR, Buddy offers increased: – Throughput – Efficiency – Outcomes
  • 86. CLINICAL FEEDBACK “Buddy is being used in a variety of ways in addition to routine activity and mood monitoring. These include: pain diary, alcohol diary, monitoring flashbacks, monitoring for dissociation, promoting grounding techniques and mindfulness such as 'remember to notice where you are‟ and „what you are doing right now?” Regarding impact on DNA and CNA rates, it‟s also having a positive effect of reducing DNA's” Dr Alan Barrett, Clinical Lead
  • 87. SUMMARY • Buddy has been designed to specifically support mental health pathways • Built to improve user engagement • Designed around everyday lives, and everyday technology • Improves the relationship between professional and service user • Empowering and non-stigmatising
  • 88. ABOUT US • Incubated by Sidekick Studios, Buddy Enterprises Ltd brings together business, design, digital and mental health professionals • Developed in collaboration with SLaM‟s CMHTs & Early Intervention in Psychosis service & Rethink‟s NE Essex Health in Mind IAPT service • Current clients: – NW Regional IAPT for Military Veterans service (Pennine Healthcare NHS Trust) – Nottingham Healthcare NHS Trust – Self Help Services Stockport – Kent & Medway NHS Trust – West London Mental Health Trust – Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Trust – Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Trust – Mental Health Matters
  • 89. Awards / Recognition Gold Award Winner 2012 Finalist 2012 Community & Social Mobile App Innovation in Mental Health
  • 91. Thank You E-Mental Health: Harnessing the Power of Digital for Better Mental Health NHS South of England (East) Monday 18th March 2013

Editor's Notes

  1. Thanks for intro. Thanks for having me here today to talk to you all. I’ve been asked to take the next 20 mins or so to talk about the broader policy environment, and how this may well help to drive further adoption and spread of the sorts of innovations we’re talking here today about.
  2. In that time, I want to do a number of things. First of all, some of you will be aware of the organisation I work for – some of you won’t! For those of you who aren’t familiar with us, I want to briefly outline who we are and what we do – including some of the work I’ve been doing recently with Sarah, Jen – who spoke just now – and some other enthusiasts for e-mental health. Then I’m going to talk about the policy and wider strategic environment, and how this might drive further adoption and spread. I’m going to wrap up by talking about some future work I’m involved in that people in the room might want to get involved in. And, of course, we’ll have time for some questions and answers.
  3. So, just to kick off, let me tell you about the organisation I work for. The Mental health Network is part of the NHS Confederation. The Confed is essentially *the* membership bodyfor all organisations that commission and provide NHS services. Around 90 / 95% of all NHS organisations – Trusts, Foundation Trusts, PCTs, SHAs – are in membership. We’re also, with the NHS Alliance and NAPC, have a membership body for CCGs. The MHN is the part of the Confed that represents providers of mental health services. We represent 70 providers of mental health services in England – including NHS Trusts, Foundation Trusts, voluntary sector and independent sector providers. Governed by a board of members – including Chief Executives, Chairs, Clinicians and service user and carer representatives.
  4. This slide explains a little more about what we do. Firstly, like any other membership organisation, we lobby and influence national policy on behalf of our members. We keep people up to date on news affecting the sector, plus we have a busy events and publications programme throughout the year. We also run a number of development programmes in conjunction with other organisations. One example of that is the IMROC programme we run with the Centre for Mental Health, to help services focus on recovery. We also carry out pieces of original research, which are often pieces commissioned by government.
  5. This slide just gives a flavour of some of the topics we’ve worked on over the past year and the publications we’ve put out – on housing, use of social media, outcomes and pbr. We’ve also done a lot of work with government on developing an implementation framework in support of the mental health strategy and on the NHS mandate. That’s been a particularly big focus for me over the past 12 months, and as people are starting to be appointed to the NHS commissioning board we’re beginning to have conversations there about the sorts of early priorities from the Board should be.
  6. In terms of our work on e-mental health, some of you may have seen this paper that we published in January of this year. That was written by three people – myself, Jen Hyatt – who you heard form earlier – and Matthew Patrick, who’s Chief Exec of the Tavistock and Portman in London. That was the result of conversations we starting having last summer. Jen and Matthew have done so much in this area and are so knowledgeable – it wasn’t an area I could profess to having anything like the area of expertise that they do. But it had struck me for quite a long time that public services in general are – with some very notable and excellent exceptions – very much behind the curve when it comes to making use of technology in terms of the way services are delivered. What also struck me, when I started talking to our members about it and what their organisations were doing, was that there was actually a lot of interest in working out how they can exploit these opportunities – but most people had no idea where to start. The same sorts of questions kept coming up again and again – essentially they came down to wanting to figure out what service users actually want, and how they could make informed choices about what sorts of products and services can meet that need. There was also a big interest in hearing about where else in the NHS, and abroad, there was good practice that might be helpful to learn from. So all those things led to this paper. If you haven’t read it already, then it’s on our website – I hope you give it a look.
  7. In it, we argue that there’s a powerful case for change. Firstly, in simple terms, this is the reality of the world we’re living in. We’re living in a totally different world, in terms of technology, to where we were 10 – 20 years ago. 74 % of households are online.
  8. 91 % of adults use a mobile phone. For young people, the rates of smartphone ownership are high, and increasing.It’s this reality, rather than any policy document or anything else, that is going to drive this change. The expectations of the public are changing, and through technology we have more opportunities than ever before to be more active, informed consumers of healthcare. It’s commonplace now for GPs to find their patients coming into surgeries readily armed with information about treatment options and NICE guidance they’ve gleaned from NHS Choices and other websites. People with long term conditions are also making the most of the opportunities presented by social media to get information, support and advice from other people going through the same thing – Big White Wall is one example of that, and there are others cited in the paper.
  9. There’s a huge cultural transformation going on. People aren’t passive recipients of healthcare any more – and that applies to mental healthcare as much, if not more so, than any other sector. If the recovery movement is about empowering people and supporting them to recover on their own terms, then services have got to embrace the way people want to make use of technology. That can help support a more collaborative approach between professionals and service users.
  10. But it’s also about the reality of the economic environment we’re in too. The rates of common mental health problems are increasing. And we know that only a relatively small proportion of people with anxiety and depression are in treatment. Stigma is probably a big factor in people not coming forward when they need help – and we know that attitudes are changing, albeit slowly. So, in the future, we’re only going to see the numbers go up. But we’re in a very tough economic climate. Whilst the NHS budget is flat, the proportion of that that’s spent on mental health services went down by 1% last year. And whilst none of us have a crystal ball, it’s unlikely you’re going to see big injections of cash into the health service for the foreseeable future. So, we all have to do a lot more with what we’ve got. Making the most of the opportunities presented by e-mental health might be able to go some way in addressing this resource challenge. In the paper, we talk about products and services can enable existing tasks and practices to be conducted in a more efficient way. That can include applications and programmes to monitor mood or medication compliance. Delivering interventions online is another examples – there’s certainly a growing interest in delivering CBT online and things like that.
  11. So what of the policy context...... There’s a number of documents that have come out over the past two years that are certainly supportive of this direction.The mental health strategy came out 2 years ago – that has a number of objectives that are relevant to use of technology. Last year, the DH published an implementation framework for the strategy. I must confess an interest in that – I helped write it, along with colleagues at the DH and organisations like Mind, Rethink and Turning Point. That sets out a number of priorities for all sorts of public services, not just the NHS, but schools and social services too. The framework cites how mental health services should consider how technology can support self care and peer support. The information strategy came out last year from the Department of Health – again, that document supported this idea of using technology to support cultural transformation.
  12. In December 2011 the DH published the innovation review led by Sir Ian Carruthers. That looked at how barriers to the adoption of innovations can be overcome – the contents of that and the actions taken as a result are all very relevant to the issue we’re talking about today. This idea of supporting choice is a really important one – before Christmas the Government announced that service users will have the same rights in terms of choice of provider by April 2014. That could be a really important driver in terms of changing the way services are delivered, and how responsive they are to the wants of the people who use them – in future, if they’re not happy, the may just simply choose to go elsewhere!Lastly, the NHS Mandate will be particularly key in terms of setting the priorities of the Commissioning Board as it becomes established. The Mandate does talk explicitly about increasing the use of technology to help people with long term conditions manage their health better.
  13. So, what does all this mean for the future?In technology we have something that has the potential to help us support the cultural transformation we need, and also address the massive challenge around resources we have. We have a mental health strategy that supports that. As does the NHS Mandate. In them, we’ve got two documents by which the Commissioning Board are going to be held to account for delivering the kinds of change we all want to see. But that’s not going to be enough.
  14. Back when I started I talked a bit about the conversations I was having with our members about this issue, and what they thought might be needed. The same questions remain - How can we build momentum and support real change, in partnership with service users?How can providers make sense of what is a rapidly evolving marketplace and make informed choices about which programmes and applications to use? How do we determine what ‘quality’ looks like? How can we ensure that innovations in this field are developed within appropriate governance frameworks? At a national level, how can we help spread knowledge and good practice about what works?
  15. In the paper, we argue that there needs to be a national framework for e-mental health.That would take the form of two distinct phases. In the first phase, we’d want to map what people are already doing – do build a better picture about how technology is being used, what lessons we can learn from other sectors and countries, and also to discover what examples of good practice there are out there.
  16. As a second phase, we want to design the actual framework. That would articulate a shared vision, from service users, professionals and managers, about where we want to get to and what actions different parts of the system need to take to enable us to get there. Whilst that might not be a process led by the Commissioning Board, I think it would certainly need the endorsement and support of the Board.
  17. And that’s it from me. Thank you for listening, I hope that was a helpful canter through the policy context for this work, and also about what the MHN is doing in this area. I’d be really happy to take any questions anyone has at this point.
  18. We live in a digital world that has transformed society to put consumers in control, but Public services (the NHS and mental health) have embraced technology for interventions, data management and medication BUT remain analogue in harnessing technology to empower consumers. In mental health, we have:Users who are often passive, not in control, not engaged with treatmentCulture of professionally-led carePaper-based user tools (mood diaries, help books, leaflets)