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Name: Gustavo Duarte Viana
         Group number:17
   Teacher: Okzana Zotova
Function of the Basal Ganglia, thalamus,
Limbic system, cerebral cortex methods of
examination of the central nervous system

               Kursk, Russia
 The basal ganglia compodes of:
    consist of corpus striatum ( caudate nucleus and putamen ),
  globus palidus, substantia nigra and subthalamic nucleus.
located in lateral to the thalamus.

   Function of the basal ganglia.
      Executing pattern of motor activity.----- putamen circuit.
      > To function in association with the corticospinal system to
    control complex patterns of motor activity. ------ writing of
      > Controlling relative intensities of sequential movements,
    direction of movements and sequential of multiple movements.
   Motor control
   Learning
   Sensorimotor integration
   Reward
   Cognition
   Interconnecting circuitry through these nuclei
   These circuits start from the cortex and ends
    in the cortex
   These circuits are very complex
   Their effect is excitatory or inhibitory on
    motor functions (depending on the
    neurotransmitter involved)
   They also have a role in cognitive functions.
   This circuit functions to control complex
    patterns of movement in association with the
    motor cortex
   eg.
    ◦   writing letters of alphabet,
    ◦   cutting papers with scissors,
    ◦   hammering nails,
    ◦   passing a football,
    ◦   vocalisation


   Starts from all parts of the Cx: frontal,
    parietal, occpital, temporal. and association
   Then to caudate nucleus
   Then to globus pallidus
   Then to thalamus
   Finally to Premotor Cx, SMA
   This circuit functions in the cognitive control
    of movement.


   Some of these circuits are excitatory and
    some inhibitory
   This depends on the neurotransmitter

   Inhibitory: dopamine and GABA
   Excitatory: Ach
   Others: glutamate (from cortical projections)
             enkephalin etc
   Lesions of the substantia nigra lead to the common and
    extremely severe disease of rigidity, akinesia, and tremors
    known as Parkinson’s disease.
   lesions in the globus pallidus frequently lead to spontaneous
    and often continuous writhing movements of a hand, an arm,
    the neck, or the face—movements called athetosis.
   Multiple small lesions in the putamen lead to flicking
    movements in the hands, face, and other parts of the body,
    called chorea.
   A lesion in the subthalamus often leads to sudden flailing
    movements of an entire limb, a condition called

       Basal ganglia disorders are also called extrapyramidal disorders
   Function of thalamus.
     > Is a switchboard where all the sensory
    board lead except olfactory.
     > Kind of gate of the way of cerebral cortex
    through which all info passes from receptors
    of external and internal environment of org.
     > Highest pain center.
 Non-specific thalamic nuclei.
-fibers give of many branches in various areas of cortex
-large number of cortical neuron in excitatory process.
-nuclei send signals to subcortical nuclei through which impulses
  convert to diff. Parts of cortex.
-take part in quick and short activation of cortex.
-nuclei organize the attention process in working organism.
-have wide reciprocal connection with the relay and association

 Specific thalamic nuclei.
-fibers terminate in the 3rd and 4th layer of cortex and form
  synapses with a limited number of cells in sensory and
  associative area.
-divided in 2 groups:
> Relay nuclei
> Association nuclei

-relay nuclei receive impulses from definite sensory tract.
-association nuclei from relay nuclei.
   division of specific thalamic nuclei.

-principle nuclei are anterior, ventrolateral, post-ventral, lateral and medial
  geniculate bodies.

-anterior thalamic nuclei – receive impulses from olfactory receptors,
  viscerareceptor and transmit to limbic.

-ventralateral nucleus receive from cerebellum and transmit to motor area.

-post ventral nuclei receive from skin, face, trunk, extremities and send to
  somatosensory area.

-lateral geniculate bodies for visual signs. Receive from primary visual
   centers and send to visual area of cerebral cortex.

-medial geniculate bodies for auditory tract. Receive from primary auditory
  centers and send to auditory cortex.
 Association thalamic nuclei.
-located in anterior and receive impulses from relay nuclei and
  send them to associative area of cortex.

-include lateral, dorsomedial, and pulvinar nuclei.

-lateral nuclei send impulses to parietal region of cortex.

-lateral part of pulvinar nuclei send to optic associative area in
  occipital lobe.

-medial part of pulvinar nuclei to the auditory associative area of
  temporal lobe.

-dorsomedial nuclei connected with cortex of the frontal lobe with
  limbic system and hypothalamus.
 Structure of the limbic system.
-limbic system is entire neuronal circuitry that controls
  emotional behaviour and motivational drives and
  internal condition of body.
-major part is the hypothalamus.
-central is the hypothalamus and surrounds are other
  subcortical structure of limbic system ----- septum,
  anterior nuclei of thalamus, basal ganglia,
  hippocampus, amygdala and parolfactory area.
-surrounding subcortical limbic is limbic cortex
  compose of a ring------- orbitofrontal cortex,
  subcallosal gyrus, cingulated gyrus, parahippocampal
  gyrus and uncus.
vegetative functions:
> Cardiovascular regulation
- excitation can cause increase and decrease of arterial pressure, heart rate
- stimulation in posterior and lateral hypothalamus cause increase in arterial pressure and heart rate
- stimulation in preoptic area (anterior) cause decrease.
- Transmitted mainly through cardiovascular control center.
 > Regulation of body temperature.
- preoptic area (anterior)
- an increase and decrease of temperature of blood flowing through this area sense the charges.
 > Regulation of body water - in 2 ways:
1. by creating the sensation of thirst---- thirst centers in lateral hypothalamus.
-when electrolyte inside neuron become too concentrated, cause desire to drink.
2. by controlling the excretion of water into urine.
-control in supraoptic nucleus
-when body fluid become too concentrated, the neuron become stimulated.
-posterior pituitary gland secre ADH.
-cause reabsorption.
 > Regulation of uterine contractility and milk ejection by breast.
- stimulation of paraventricular nucleus secrete oxytocin.
- Cause contractile of uterine and milk ejection.
 > GI and feeding regulation.
1. hunger ---- lateral hypothalamus area
2. satiety center ---- ventromedial nucleus
3. mammilary bodies ---- feeding reflexes such as licking the lips and swallowing.
> in anterior pituitary gland, releasing and
 inhibitory hormones are secreted into blood
> hormone transported to ant pituitary gland, and
 act on glandular cells.
> Cell bodies tht secrete this hormones located in
 medial basal nuclei of hypothalamus especially in
 periventricular zone, arcuate nucleus and part of
 ventromedial nucleus.
> These axons project to median eminence.
> Here secretion of inhibitory and excitatory
 hormone take place.
Reward center
-   lateral and ventromedial nuclei of hypothalamus (main)
-    secondary cemters are septum, amygdala, certain area of thalamus and basal
    ganglia and extending downward into basal tegmentum of mesencephalon.

                                Punishment center
 - in central gray area surrounding the aqueduct of Sylvius in mesencephalon and
  extending upward into periventricular zones of hypothalamus.
-  Less --- amygdala and hippocampus.
-  Can take preceding over reward centers.

-if no reward and punishment, repetition of stimuli will cause habituation and
   therefore will cause the animal to ignore it.
-if got reward and punishment effect, stimuli will be reinforced and animal will build
   up strong memory trace.
-so this 2 effect are important in learning and memory.
-so selection of information do take place.
Function of hippocampus.
-any type of sensory activate hippocampus and its
 distribute to anterior thalamus and
> Additional channel through which incoming
 sensory signals lead to appropriate behavior.
> Hippocampal also hyperexcitable ---- give
 prolonged output signals even under normal
> Important in learning new information and
 prevent anterograde amnesia.
> Important in reward and punishment process --
 - can transfer short term memory into long term.
Fuction of the amigdala
receive neuronal signals from all limbic cortex, neocortex
  esp visual and auditory.
effect of stimulating amygdala :
Regulate arterial pressure, heart rate, GI motality and
  secretion, defecation and micturation, pupillary dilationa
  nd constriction, piloerection etc

-also involving involuntary movement:

> Tonic movement, circling, rhythmic, licking, chewing and

-also stimulate sexual activities ---- destruction will cause
  Kluver-Bucy syndrome.
   -poorly understood
   -function as transitional zone through which
    signals transmitted from cortex into limbic
   -functional as cerebral association area for
    control of behaviour.
   -if damage can cause,, --- kluver-bucy
    syndrome, development insomnia, motor
   - so cortex mainly as intermediate associative
    positions between function of cerebral cortex
    and limbic system.
   The cerebral cortex is divided into
     Archiocortex: include the olfactory bulbes
    which receive afferentation from olfactory
    epithelium, olfactory tracts and olfactory
     Paleocortex: comprises the gyrus cinguli,
    Hyppocamal gyrus and amygdala
     Neocortex: include all the other regions
In the cerebral cortex is present sex layers
1 Molecular layer
2 External granular layer
3 External pyramidal layer cells
4 Internal granular layer
5 Internal pyramidal layer cells
6 Fusiform or polymorphic cells
-anterior to central sulcus, posterior 1/3 of frontal
 divided into:
A.  primary motor cortex-controlling hand & speech
B.  premotor area-control of body’s complex pattern of
    coordinated muscle activity
C.  supplementary area-bilateral movement,fine motor
D.  Specialized area: 1.Broca’s area & speech
                            2.voluntary eye movement
                            3.head rotation area
                            4. area for hand skills
-posterior to central sulcus
 -anterior half of parietal, concerned with reception & interpretation
    posterior with higher level of interpretation of sensory signals
-divided into
   A. somatosensory areas I
-representation of specific sensory sensation
-judgment of pressure, weight, shapes & texture
-appreciation of spatial relationship (space localization, higher degree of sensation
    >B. somatosensory areas II
 -have no good localization of body portion
 -transmit signal from brain stem, primary sensory area & visual @ auditory area to
   secondary somatic area
 -each side of cortex receives sensory information from opposite side of body
 -representation of sound & discrimination mainly present in temporal lobe
 -perception of taste-involve large area of temporal cortex & insula
 -destruction of this area: reduce ability to discriminate btw flavors
>localization: in parietal & occipital cortical; anterior-somatosensory posterior-visual
>general function: provide high level of interpretive meaning for signal from surrounding
sensory area
>functions :
  I) analysis of spatial coordination
       #Localization: begin in parietal cortex, extending into superior occipital cortex,
    provides continuous analysis of spatial coordinates of all body parts & surrounding of
       #receive ~visual sensory information from post occipital cortex
                    ~simultaneous somatosensory information from anterior parietal cortex
              thus, computes of visual, auditory & body surrounding
     II) area for language comprehension=Wernicke’s area
         #localization:behind primary cortex in posterior part of superior gyrus of temporal
         #function:higher intellectual information( intellectual function is language based)
     III) area for initial processing of visual language(reading)
          #localization: posterior to language comprehension area, in angular gyrus
          #function: >make meaning out of visually perceived words
                 >in its absent, will have excellent language comprehension through hearing
    but not through reading
      IV) area for naming objects @ word formation
         #localization: most lateral of both anterior occipital lobe & posterior temporal lobe.
         #function: >naming of objects
                >names are learned through auditory input
                >physical natures learned through visual input
>prefrontal function in close association with motor cortex to plan complex pattern
  & sequences if motor movement
   >provides sequential & parallel movement

> carry out thought processes in mind
    plan motor activity capable of processing non-motor & motor information
     thus, achieving non motor & motor types of thinking.
     important for elaboration of thoughts- store short term basis ‘working
  memories’ that used to analyzed new thoughts when entering brain.

> Broca’s area: localization-partly in posterior frontal cortex, premotor area
              functions- provide neural circuitry for word formation
               plans & motors patterns for expressing individual words, phases
are initiated & executed
               work with Wernicke’s area
>localization: anterior of temporal lobe, ventral of
frontal lobe
          in cingulated gyrus lying deep in longitudinal
fissure on midsurface of each cerebral hemisphere
 >functions:+behavior, emotion, motivation
         +provide emotional drives for setting other
area of brain into action & provides motivating drive
for process of learning
         +recognition of faces
          emotion= individual psyche reaction which
related to reward & punishment center ; important for
social life & communication
          motivation= arise from positive aim to
maintain homeostatic parameter
   It is a special region in the frontal cortex,
    providing the neuronal circuit for word
   Play the motor pattern for the expressing
    individual words or even short phrases can be
   General interpretative area, knowing area,
    tertiary association area.
   It plays the greatest single role in any part of
    cerebral cortex in the high comprehensive
    levels of the brain functions that we call
    intelligence and it interpreting the
    complicated meanings afferent patterns of
    the sensory experience.
    the general interpretative function of the
    wernicke’s area and angular gyrus as well as
    the function of the speech and the motor
    control areas usually are much more
    developed in one hemisphere then in the
    other one
   95% of the human population has the left
    dominant hemisphere
    Methods of investigation of the electrical activity of brain.
    Electroencephalograophy, it’s role in medicine:
    a) To detect problems and compare with standards
    b) To find out the localisation of problem, used for correction
    c) Record EEG changes during sleep
    d) Determine electrical activity of brain-stressed, relaxed
    Steretaxic method: To investigate coordinates/localisation of diff.
     points/ portions of brain.
    Determine:
    a)The A-A horizontal plane which passes through the centres of the
     external auditory meatus and the inferior points of the orbital margins.
     This is called the ‘principal horizontal line’ and used for reading
     stereotaxic coordinates.
    b)O-horrizontal line, 1cm above A-A hori.line
    c)O-frontal plane, lying along the line connecting the centres of the ext.
     Auditory meatus and perpendicular to the horizontal plane.
    d)O-sagital plane, lying in the medius sagital cranial line, perpendicular
     to the horizontal and frontal planes.
Thank you for

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Details of the central nervous system

  • 1. Name: Gustavo Duarte Viana Group number:17 Teacher: Okzana Zotova
  • 2. Function of the Basal Ganglia, thalamus, Limbic system, cerebral cortex methods of examination of the central nervous system Kursk, Russia 2012
  • 3.  The basal ganglia compodes of: consist of corpus striatum ( caudate nucleus and putamen ), globus palidus, substantia nigra and subthalamic nucleus. located in lateral to the thalamus.  Function of the basal ganglia. Executing pattern of motor activity.----- putamen circuit. > To function in association with the corticospinal system to control complex patterns of motor activity. ------ writing of alphabets. > Controlling relative intensities of sequential movements, direction of movements and sequential of multiple movements.
  • 4. Motor control  Learning  Sensorimotor integration  Reward  Cognition
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7. Interconnecting circuitry through these nuclei  These circuits start from the cortex and ends in the cortex  These circuits are very complex  Their effect is excitatory or inhibitory on motor functions (depending on the neurotransmitter involved)  They also have a role in cognitive functions.
  • 8. This circuit functions to control complex patterns of movement in association with the motor cortex  eg. ◦ writing letters of alphabet, ◦ cutting papers with scissors, ◦ hammering nails, ◦ passing a football, ◦ vocalisation
  • 9. Cortex Thalamus Putamen globus pallidus
  • 10. Starts from all parts of the Cx: frontal, parietal, occpital, temporal. and association Cx  Then to caudate nucleus  Then to globus pallidus  Then to thalamus  Finally to Premotor Cx, SMA  This circuit functions in the cognitive control of movement.
  • 11. Cortex Caudate Thalamus globus pallidus
  • 12. Some of these circuits are excitatory and some inhibitory  This depends on the neurotransmitter involved.  Inhibitory: dopamine and GABA  Excitatory: Ach  Others: glutamate (from cortical projections) enkephalin etc
  • 13. Lesions of the substantia nigra lead to the common and extremely severe disease of rigidity, akinesia, and tremors known as Parkinson’s disease.  lesions in the globus pallidus frequently lead to spontaneous and often continuous writhing movements of a hand, an arm, the neck, or the face—movements called athetosis.  Multiple small lesions in the putamen lead to flicking movements in the hands, face, and other parts of the body, called chorea.  A lesion in the subthalamus often leads to sudden flailing movements of an entire limb, a condition called Hemiballismus.  Basal ganglia disorders are also called extrapyramidal disorders
  • 14. Function of thalamus. > Is a switchboard where all the sensory board lead except olfactory. > Kind of gate of the way of cerebral cortex through which all info passes from receptors of external and internal environment of org. > Highest pain center.
  • 15.  Non-specific thalamic nuclei. -fibers give of many branches in various areas of cortex -large number of cortical neuron in excitatory process. -nuclei send signals to subcortical nuclei through which impulses convert to diff. Parts of cortex. -take part in quick and short activation of cortex. -nuclei organize the attention process in working organism. -have wide reciprocal connection with the relay and association nuclei.  Specific thalamic nuclei. -fibers terminate in the 3rd and 4th layer of cortex and form synapses with a limited number of cells in sensory and associative area. -divided in 2 groups: > Relay nuclei > Association nuclei -relay nuclei receive impulses from definite sensory tract. -association nuclei from relay nuclei.
  • 16. division of specific thalamic nuclei. -principle nuclei are anterior, ventrolateral, post-ventral, lateral and medial geniculate bodies. -anterior thalamic nuclei – receive impulses from olfactory receptors, viscerareceptor and transmit to limbic. -ventralateral nucleus receive from cerebellum and transmit to motor area. -post ventral nuclei receive from skin, face, trunk, extremities and send to somatosensory area. -lateral geniculate bodies for visual signs. Receive from primary visual centers and send to visual area of cerebral cortex. -medial geniculate bodies for auditory tract. Receive from primary auditory centers and send to auditory cortex.
  • 17.  Association thalamic nuclei. -located in anterior and receive impulses from relay nuclei and send them to associative area of cortex. -include lateral, dorsomedial, and pulvinar nuclei. -lateral nuclei send impulses to parietal region of cortex. -lateral part of pulvinar nuclei send to optic associative area in occipital lobe. -medial part of pulvinar nuclei to the auditory associative area of temporal lobe. -dorsomedial nuclei connected with cortex of the frontal lobe with limbic system and hypothalamus.
  • 18.  Structure of the limbic system. -limbic system is entire neuronal circuitry that controls emotional behaviour and motivational drives and internal condition of body. -major part is the hypothalamus. -central is the hypothalamus and surrounds are other subcortical structure of limbic system ----- septum, anterior nuclei of thalamus, basal ganglia, hippocampus, amygdala and parolfactory area. -surrounding subcortical limbic is limbic cortex compose of a ring------- orbitofrontal cortex, subcallosal gyrus, cingulated gyrus, parahippocampal gyrus and uncus.
  • 19.
  • 20. vegetative functions: > Cardiovascular regulation - excitation can cause increase and decrease of arterial pressure, heart rate - stimulation in posterior and lateral hypothalamus cause increase in arterial pressure and heart rate - stimulation in preoptic area (anterior) cause decrease. - Transmitted mainly through cardiovascular control center. > Regulation of body temperature. - preoptic area (anterior) - an increase and decrease of temperature of blood flowing through this area sense the charges. > Regulation of body water - in 2 ways: 1. by creating the sensation of thirst---- thirst centers in lateral hypothalamus. -when electrolyte inside neuron become too concentrated, cause desire to drink. 2. by controlling the excretion of water into urine. -control in supraoptic nucleus -when body fluid become too concentrated, the neuron become stimulated. -posterior pituitary gland secre ADH. -cause reabsorption. > Regulation of uterine contractility and milk ejection by breast. - stimulation of paraventricular nucleus secrete oxytocin. - Cause contractile of uterine and milk ejection. > GI and feeding regulation. 1. hunger ---- lateral hypothalamus area 2. satiety center ---- ventromedial nucleus 3. mammilary bodies ---- feeding reflexes such as licking the lips and swallowing.
  • 21. > in anterior pituitary gland, releasing and inhibitory hormones are secreted into blood > hormone transported to ant pituitary gland, and act on glandular cells. > Cell bodies tht secrete this hormones located in medial basal nuclei of hypothalamus especially in periventricular zone, arcuate nucleus and part of ventromedial nucleus. > These axons project to median eminence. > Here secretion of inhibitory and excitatory hormone take place.
  • 22. Reward center - lateral and ventromedial nuclei of hypothalamus (main) - secondary cemters are septum, amygdala, certain area of thalamus and basal ganglia and extending downward into basal tegmentum of mesencephalon. Punishment center - in central gray area surrounding the aqueduct of Sylvius in mesencephalon and extending upward into periventricular zones of hypothalamus. - Less --- amygdala and hippocampus. - Can take preceding over reward centers. -if no reward and punishment, repetition of stimuli will cause habituation and therefore will cause the animal to ignore it. -if got reward and punishment effect, stimuli will be reinforced and animal will build up strong memory trace. -so this 2 effect are important in learning and memory. -so selection of information do take place.
  • 23. Function of hippocampus. -any type of sensory activate hippocampus and its distribute to anterior thalamus and hypothalamus. > Additional channel through which incoming sensory signals lead to appropriate behavior. > Hippocampal also hyperexcitable ---- give prolonged output signals even under normal condition. > Important in learning new information and prevent anterograde amnesia. > Important in reward and punishment process -- - can transfer short term memory into long term.
  • 24. Fuction of the amigdala receive neuronal signals from all limbic cortex, neocortex esp visual and auditory. effect of stimulating amygdala : Regulate arterial pressure, heart rate, GI motality and secretion, defecation and micturation, pupillary dilationa nd constriction, piloerection etc -also involving involuntary movement: > Tonic movement, circling, rhythmic, licking, chewing and swallowing. -also stimulate sexual activities ---- destruction will cause Kluver-Bucy syndrome.
  • 25. -poorly understood  -function as transitional zone through which signals transmitted from cortex into limbic system.  -functional as cerebral association area for control of behaviour.  -if damage can cause,, --- kluver-bucy syndrome, development insomnia, motor restlessness,  - so cortex mainly as intermediate associative positions between function of cerebral cortex and limbic system.
  • 26. The cerebral cortex is divided into Archiocortex: include the olfactory bulbes which receive afferentation from olfactory epithelium, olfactory tracts and olfactory tubules Paleocortex: comprises the gyrus cinguli, Hyppocamal gyrus and amygdala Neocortex: include all the other regions
  • 27. In the cerebral cortex is present sex layers 1 Molecular layer 2 External granular layer 3 External pyramidal layer cells 4 Internal granular layer 5 Internal pyramidal layer cells 6 Fusiform or polymorphic cells
  • 28.
  • 29. -anterior to central sulcus, posterior 1/3 of frontal lobes. divided into: A. primary motor cortex-controlling hand & speech musle B. premotor area-control of body’s complex pattern of coordinated muscle activity C. supplementary area-bilateral movement,fine motor control D. Specialized area: 1.Broca’s area & speech 2.voluntary eye movement field 3.head rotation area 4. area for hand skills
  • 30. -posterior to central sulcus -anterior half of parietal, concerned with reception & interpretation posterior with higher level of interpretation of sensory signals -divided into A. somatosensory areas I -representation of specific sensory sensation -judgment of pressure, weight, shapes & texture -appreciation of spatial relationship (space localization, higher degree of sensation >B. somatosensory areas II -have no good localization of body portion -transmit signal from brain stem, primary sensory area & visual @ auditory area to secondary somatic area -each side of cortex receives sensory information from opposite side of body -representation of sound & discrimination mainly present in temporal lobe -perception of taste-involve large area of temporal cortex & insula -destruction of this area: reduce ability to discriminate btw flavors
  • 31. >localization: in parietal & occipital cortical; anterior-somatosensory posterior-visual cortex >general function: provide high level of interpretive meaning for signal from surrounding sensory area >functions : I) analysis of spatial coordination #Localization: begin in parietal cortex, extending into superior occipital cortex, provides continuous analysis of spatial coordinates of all body parts & surrounding of body #receive ~visual sensory information from post occipital cortex ~simultaneous somatosensory information from anterior parietal cortex thus, computes of visual, auditory & body surrounding II) area for language comprehension=Wernicke’s area #localization:behind primary cortex in posterior part of superior gyrus of temporal #function:higher intellectual information( intellectual function is language based) III) area for initial processing of visual language(reading) #localization: posterior to language comprehension area, in angular gyrus #function: >make meaning out of visually perceived words >in its absent, will have excellent language comprehension through hearing but not through reading IV) area for naming objects @ word formation #localization: most lateral of both anterior occipital lobe & posterior temporal lobe. #function: >naming of objects >names are learned through auditory input >physical natures learned through visual input
  • 32. >prefrontal function in close association with motor cortex to plan complex pattern & sequences if motor movement >provides sequential & parallel movement > carry out thought processes in mind plan motor activity capable of processing non-motor & motor information thus, achieving non motor & motor types of thinking. important for elaboration of thoughts- store short term basis ‘working memories’ that used to analyzed new thoughts when entering brain. > Broca’s area: localization-partly in posterior frontal cortex, premotor area functions- provide neural circuitry for word formation plans & motors patterns for expressing individual words, phases are initiated & executed work with Wernicke’s area
  • 33. >localization: anterior of temporal lobe, ventral of frontal lobe in cingulated gyrus lying deep in longitudinal fissure on midsurface of each cerebral hemisphere >functions:+behavior, emotion, motivation +provide emotional drives for setting other area of brain into action & provides motivating drive for process of learning +recognition of faces emotion= individual psyche reaction which related to reward & punishment center ; important for social life & communication motivation= arise from positive aim to maintain homeostatic parameter
  • 34. It is a special region in the frontal cortex, providing the neuronal circuit for word formation.  Play the motor pattern for the expressing individual words or even short phrases can be excuted.
  • 35. General interpretative area, knowing area, tertiary association area.  It plays the greatest single role in any part of cerebral cortex in the high comprehensive levels of the brain functions that we call intelligence and it interpreting the complicated meanings afferent patterns of the sensory experience.
  • 36.
  • 37. the general interpretative function of the wernicke’s area and angular gyrus as well as the function of the speech and the motor control areas usually are much more developed in one hemisphere then in the other one  95% of the human population has the left dominant hemisphere
  • 38.
  • 39.
  • 40. Methods of investigation of the electrical activity of brain.  Electroencephalograophy, it’s role in medicine: a) To detect problems and compare with standards b) To find out the localisation of problem, used for correction c) Record EEG changes during sleep d) Determine electrical activity of brain-stressed, relaxed  Steretaxic method: To investigate coordinates/localisation of diff. points/ portions of brain.  Determine: a)The A-A horizontal plane which passes through the centres of the external auditory meatus and the inferior points of the orbital margins. This is called the ‘principal horizontal line’ and used for reading stereotaxic coordinates. b)O-horrizontal line, 1cm above A-A hori.line c)O-frontal plane, lying along the line connecting the centres of the ext. Auditory meatus and perpendicular to the horizontal plane. d)O-sagital plane, lying in the medius sagital cranial line, perpendicular to the horizontal and frontal planes.
  • 41.
  • 42. Thank you for attention