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Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences
           Creating 010

Design Research
Design as Worldmaking
         Bas Leurs (

         Amsterdam, September 11, 2012
Design as a black box

what is design?
Jot down three keywords
which should be found in
 the definition of design
Design is about making decisions,
 often in the face of uncertainty

                                    Do you like this one?

             Joseph Zinter (2012)
a bi l i t y?

 "Design is the ability to imagine that-
  which-does-not-yet-exist, to make it
  appear in concrete form as a new,
purposeful addition to the real world."

                                                      Do you like this one?

             Harold Nelson & Erik Stolterman (2002)
Designers typically produce novel
unexpected solutions, tolerate uncertainty,
 work with incomplete information, apply
 imagination and constructive forethought
  to practical problems and use drawings
  ans other modelling media as means of
              problem solving'
                                                  Do you like this one?

               Bryan Lawson & Kees Dorst (2009)
Design is to initiate
change in man-made

                 John Chris Jones
                 Design Methods
                 Seeds of human future

innovative                                    aims                             people

                                               plans                   human



      existing situation
                                      prefered situation
    problem solving                             Changing an existing situation into a
                                              preferred situation, requires imagination
               changing                          to formulate a plan that deals with
                                                 uncertainty that the future holds.
             decision making
Design as...
a creative process...
an artefact...
a way of thinking...
a way of doing...
a way of living...
a cultural phenomena
a fundamental human activity...
the creation of value...
problem solving...
a learning process...
Science vs Design

“The natural sciences           “Design is concerned with
 are concerned with              how things ought to be,
  how things are.”               with devising artifices to
                                      attain goals.”

                              Herbert Simon (1969)
"Everyone designs who
 devises courses of action
aimed at changing existing
  situations into preferred

             Herbert Simon (1969)
initial               process                 future
    state                                         state

current situation   transformation function   desired situation
initial               process                 future
    state                                         state

current situation   transformation function   desired situation

 feeling of              design                 feeling
 insecurity              process               more safe

                         designing an
                       intervention that
                         has an effect
                                     The analysis-synthesis bridge model

e the design process
 s: analysis and syn-
                                     Researching                                        Prototyping
nspiration. But those
                           Interpret Abstract
element—the con-
 e active move from
 nsition or transfor-                                           suggest    Model of
                                                    Model of                what
 f designing. How do                                what “is”             “could be”
 is to synthesis? From
urrent situation to

arch to concept? From      Describe Concrete

                                                                                     t as
ed response? From

 he gap?
es one way of think-                      What “is”                              “could be”
 ysis to synthesis—the
 els to frame research
                                        Existing – Implicit               Preferred – Explicit
 ming possible futures.                     (Current)                          (Future)
  “then the other thing                                                                               Permission to make digital
                                                                                                      or hard copies of all or part
gners and research-                                                                                   of this work for personal or
                                                                                                      classroom use is granted
                          Analysis-synthesis bridge model                                             without the fee, provided
 of analysis in order                                                                                 that copies are not made
                                                                                                      or distributed for profit or
me to the next desired                 Hugh Dubberly, Shelley Evenson & Rick Robinson (2008)          commercial advantage,
                                                                                                      and that copies bear this
 vehicle for that move.                                                                               notice and the full citation
what is research?
Research is an organized
and systematic way of finding
    answers to questions.
?           ?

?   Questions

                                   king is a fundame
    Answer(s)       “Q  uestion as
                                 ec hanism in
                    cognitive m
                     thinkin g” (Eris, 2
The Big6
    Defining the question
    Define the information problem / Identify information needed
    What's the main question? What are the subquestions?

    Information Seeking Strategies
    Determine the range of possible sources
    Select the best sources

    Locate and access the information
    Locate sources (intellectually and physically)
    Find information within sources (references)

    Getting the information
    Extract the information from a source (books, websites, users, experts etc):
    read, listen, observe

    Putting it all together
    Organize the information which you obtained from multiple sources
    Present the information

    Judge the answers
    Did the information lead to an answer of the question?
                                                                If not, sta
                                                                            r t with ste
                                                                refine or                 p 1 again
                                                                           redefine y                and
                                                                                        our questi
feedback of future users.

                     However, designers do not
                 (always)process has been growing as designers move closer to the future users
Figure 2: The front end of the design
                                      follow a step by step
                approach during their research
of what they design.

2. A quick glance at history      Diagram by Elizabeth Sanders & Pieter Jan Stappers (2008)
what are we
looking for when
 we research for
About Context Mapping
            Story A                                              Story B
Robert pushed the print button 23 times. It        Robert pushed the print button repeatedly.
was the third time that week that Robert           With every push he used more force, getting
was using the printer. Till so far he has          more and more irritated. Robert considers the
printed 23.000 pages this year. Today is           printer as an unreliable piece of equipment: it
the first time that Robert will meet the new        always failed to deliver when the tensions are
CEO. Robert currently earns $ 23,000.              high. Especially today, when he is going to
When he is a senior manager he will make           meet with the new CEO. Robert has heard
$ 34,000. He currently rents a house for           some stories about this new CEO, that he
$1,000 a month. Robert has one wife and            doesn’t want to waste his time. And Robert
two children.                                      doesn’t want to be the reason that the CEO is
                                                   wasting his time, because Robert is trying to
                                                   move up towards a senior management
                                                   position. Once he has obtained this position,
                                                   Robert hopes that he can finally rent a bigger
                                                   house for his family.

                                       If you have to make a
                                      design for Robert, which
                                      story would you choose?
About Context Mapping

                     s                                This is wha
This is what busines                                              t
      people like                                              like

 quantitative vs qualitative
    Quantitative research is about         Qualitative research deals with
    numbers. It is mostly carried out      words and images. These words
    through questionaires.                 and images are often ambiguous.

    Response rate is often low, and
    the results are not always useful to
    start a design process with.
What do you see?
 What is going on here?
About Context Mapping

design decisions should be
 grounded in facts, not in
About Context Mapping

                                  f this
                          Parts o are
                           image ally
                                 i on
                                    d or
                            blurre d

 There is nothing wrong with assumptions, you have
               to validate them though.
         It is recommended to start with a assumption map
What do you see?
 What is going on here?
About Context Mapping

  Research for design must
rely on objective rather than
   subjective observations
About Context Mapping
   Is it still subjective if three (or more) designers share the same conclusion?
when we are researching for design,
        we are looking for...
information, insights and inspiration?
Three perspectives on                                                                                          We design the interaction between people
                                                                                                               products, people and brands and people
Human Centered Design                                                                                          people. Thereby we design behaviour.
Bas Leurs (                                                                                  Behaviour is the effect of our intervention







                                                                   N      human                 IN
                                                         C   TIO                                     TE
                                                      RA                                                       CT
                                                 TE                                                                 IO
                                            IN                                                                           N

                 products / artefacts / environments                                                                     brands / organisations / companies
What kind of knowledge do we need?
     Or what kind of (research) questions should we ask?
why do designers want to
 understand ‘the why’?
Parts of this image a
                      re intentio   nally blurred or obsc
                                                                     interviews: help to
                                                                   understand the context

                                                               ob servations: help
                                                              und  erstand the con
                                                             or to find  peculiar habits.

Parts of this image a
                      re intentio   nally blurred or obsc
probes: to
              sensitize th
par ticipant               e
             s and to el
stories and              icit

           session: to
 stories and           elicit

why, why, why...
Theory of Planned Behavior

         Icek Ajzen (2006)
Design for Emotion



concern                          stimuli

          Pieter Desmet (2002)
About Context Mapping

       What are we looking for when we research for design?

         Stories are carriers of
    experiences and values. Stories
    help designers understand what
    motivates peoples and how the
         context influences the
what is design
Design research is the act of investigating,
through various means, a product's or
service's potential or existing users and the
context of use.

                   Dan Saffer (2007)
Designers use these research methods to obtain information about
the subjects and their environment that the designers might
otherwise not have known and are thus better able to design for
those subjects and environments. It behooves designers to
understand the emotional, cultural, and aesthetic context that the
product or service will exist in. Only through research can
designers find out.

                           Dan Saffer (2007)
let’s have a break?
the problem with design
   what makes it so complicated?
Design is a future
oriented activity
John Christopher Jones (1970)

“The fundamental problem is
that designers are obliged to
use current information to
predict a future state that will
not come about unless their
predictions are correct.”

initial state       transformation function               future state

However, because of the very nature of design problems,
there is very often very little information about the problem,
even less information about the goal (solution) and absolutely
no information about the transformation function.

                  John Restrepo, Henri Christiaans (2003)
From prediction to exploration
Design is involved in proposing the new, which, by
definition, is not predictable. Early Futures Studies were
still aimed at prediction, today there are projective and
evolutionary approaches, which explore multiple futures
and take the methods rather as learning devices than as
forecasting tools.

                         Wolfgang Jonas (2006)
Learning is the acquisition of
knowledge (or skills) through
experience, practice or study.

Learning is making sense or
abstracting meaning.

Learning is interpreting and
understanding reality in a
different way.
                            lea i ng

                                       taking an action that transforms
                                       the internal (knowledge, beliefs)


 doing an intervention
   that transforms the
external (world, context)
From prediction to exploration
Design is involved in proposing the new, which, by
definition, is not predictable. Early Futures Studies were
still aimed at prediction, today there are projective and
evolutionary approaches, which explore multiple futures
and take the methods rather as learning devices than as
forecasting tools.

                         Wolfgang Jonas (2006)
Nelson Goodman (1978)
                      D ymaxion
Buc kminster
Design as a process of Worldmaking

                                                                    Principles                   Theories

                                                         Facts      Knowledge
Phenomena                                                                                    Assumptions

                            Learning devices                                                                                       Representations
                                                                 Inspiration                                     Information

                              Questioning                                                                                            Prototypes
                                Reading                          Trends                                                                Posters                         Activities
               and t
                     heir        Using                                                                                                Sketches                       Interactions
                      s                                                          Insights
   People      value                                                                                                                                                   Products
                               Listening                                                                                               Stories
  Activities                  Observing                                                                                                Movies                          Artefacts
Interactions                   Watching                                                                                               Diagrams                         Business
  Products                     Analysing                                            Worldmaking is a process of forming
                                                                                                                                      Personas                       Technology
                                                                                      an idiosyncratic mental model in
  Artefacts                     Making                                               order to understanding the factors              Fact sheets                         Etc...
  Context                     Evaluating                                           that drive the transformation from the
                                                                                                                                    Capture cards                       The intervention
                                                                                      current state to the desired state.                                            ultimately leads to a
  Business                    Simulating                                                                                            Presentations                    change in the world
Technology                    Discussing                                                                                               Reports
   Stories                     Critiquing                                                                                                Etc.
   Effects                       Etc...                                                                                         These representations are used to
    Etc...           Design methods and techniques
                                                                                                                               share the mental model with stake-
                                                                                                                                  holders or to supprt the inner
                      are are learning devices that
                                                                                                                                    dialogue of the designer.
                         support these activities.

e the design process
 s: analysis and syn-
                                     Researching                                        Prototyping
nspiration. But those
                           Interpret Abstract
element—the con-
 e active move from
 nsition or transfor-                                           suggest    Model of
                                                    Model of                what
 f designing. How do                                what “is”             “could be”
 is to synthesis? From
urrent situation to

arch to concept? From      Describe Concrete

                                                                                     t as
ed response? From

 he gap?
es one way of think-                      What “is”                              “could be”
 ysis to synthesis—the
 els to frame research
                                        Existing – Implicit               Preferred – Explicit
 ming possible futures.                     (Current)                          (Future)
  “then the other thing                                                                               Permission to make digital
                                                                                                      or hard copies of all or part
gners and research-                                                                                   of this work for personal or
                                                                                                      classroom use is granted
                          Analysis-synthesis bridge model                                             without the fee, provided
 of analysis in order                                                                                 that copies are not made
                                                                                                      or distributed for profit or
me to the next desired                 Hugh Dubberly, Shelley Evenson & Rick Robinson (2008)          commercial advantage,
                                                                                                      and that copies bear this
 vehicle for that move.                                                                               notice and the full citation
Quick and dirty, map out all that you know...

 Models                                            Theories





design methods
  devices of learning
Figure 1. The current landscape of human-centered design research as practiced in the design and
development of products and services.

Within this landscape, in the area of participatory&design, the notions of co-creation and co-design
                                    Elizabeth Sanders Pieter Jan Stappers (2008)
have been growing. The terms co-design and co-creation are today often confused and/or treated
Human Centered ICT Toolkit
About Context Mapping
         Using several methods provide you with richer insights


Learning by making

                                  Working Beta version
           Very detailed visuals. Fully functional product.   High Fidility            a few days to a few weeks
                                                                                                (or even months)
                              Flash                                           Good skills of programming required

      Flash Catalyst
                                                                                             1 hour to a few days
                     Max / MSP
   Arduino                   Dreamweaver Stop motion

        Wireframes              Wizard of Oz

Role playing                                  Powerpoint

      Sketches                           Crude sketches
                   Few visual details, mimicked behaviour     Low Fidility          a few seconds to 10 minutes
                                                                              Not many skills required (sketching)
design methods
mapping and sharing your insights
Parts of this
  image are
  blurred or

                Capture as much data as
                possible (photographs,
                video, audio recordings)
Capture Cards

                                      W ai$ng'in'line
                                                 at'  ed'th

                                       Lucy'explain                      s'to'
                                       don  e'shopping't                e'

                                        w ait'in'line'to'c      'scanners'tha

                                        no$ced    'the'barcode
an                                                                  er'$me'and'
                                         would'pro    bably'save'h
                                         frustra$   on.'She'hasn


                                                                                         very'well'organis                    '
                                            Bas$&$Maria day,(december(2,(2012(
                            Lucy                        urs                             make'it'look'at'its
                                             Walmart,(Th                                                    'best.'


Capture cards help you record
your data from field research
(observations, quotes) quick and                                                    Bas$&$Maria
dirty... but very effectively                                                       Walmart,(Thursd

                                    Highlight salien
                                                     t details
Capture Cards

Parts of this image a
                      re inten   tionally blurred or o
Parts of this image a
                      re inten   tionally blurred or o
About Context Mapping

  Use Powe rpoint (or
  Keynote) to quickly
  capture your findings
       You can easily drag and drop
       different types of media (text,
       images, movies) on to a slide
W ould you like to
work at this stu
As designers, we know that we must
augment our short-term memories
with external aids. Historically, the
most important of these is the        1995

drawing on a drawing board. Today,
a computer screen often replaces the
drawing board.

                  Herbert Simon (1995)
The problem with storing knowledge on a computer

 Computers and servers are excellent devices to
  store knowledge on. However, retreiving the
knowledge might take some (or too much) effort.
For example... in order to share your insights with
  your teammates during a meeting you have to
switch on your computer, open the document or a
   webbrowser, navigate to the specific page.
Parts of this image a
                      re inten   tionally blurred or o
Make posters to convey
your knowledge.

Parts of this image a
                      re inten   tionally blurred or o
Make posters that represent
                                                            your results and conclusions

Parts of this image a
                      re inten   tionally blurred or o
3-30-300 seconds


                   in m

                                           salient facts, figures

                                           and conclusions

                                                    data / evidence

Poster template

                                                3 se c o n ds
                        S u bje ct (m a in m e s s a g e)
   300                                                                                                     c   o n ds
       s   econ                                                                                     300 se

                                                                 nd  s
                                                    3/3 0 se c o                                 Resu lts of you r
                                                                                                rese arch, deta ils,
  Resu lts of you r
 rese arch, deta ils,
                                          A visu al th at expl ai ns                           or argu ments that
                                                                                                  supp ort you r
or argu ments that                       yo ur re se arch fi ndin gs or                              conc ept
   supp ort you r
      conc ept
                                         co nc ept (n ot m an dato ry,
                                         bu t hi gh ly re co m m en de d)
                                                                                                       300 se c
                                                                                                                   o n ds

    300 se c o n                                                                                      Resu lts of you r
  Resu lts of you r                             30 se c o n ds                                       rese arch, deta ils,
                                                                                                    or argu ments that
                                  Su m m ar y of yo ur re se arch/c on cept
 rese arch, deta ils,
or argu ments that                                                                                     supp ort you r
   supp ort you r                     (th e expres s-elevato r-pi tc h)                                   conc ept
      conc ept

                                              your name and affiliations

                        note: this template is just an example layout, feel free to make changes.
Use your research findings to
                                                              bring your personas to life.

Parts of this image a
                      re inten   tionally blurred or o

Parts of this image a
                      re inten   tionally blurred or o
Movies / Diagrams


                                                                                    Visual vocabu lary

                                                              object/p roduct       interacti on            steps / process
                        play-man   star-ma n      card-ma n
                                                                                                                                cell phone                        quadrants or venn diagrams are good
arrows                                                                                                                                       laptop / computer    for showing relations between entities

         basic shapes
 lines                                                                                     devices       document / documents
                                       emotions                  internet / cloud
                                                                                                                                home                                            stretched limo


Parts of this image a
                      re inten   tionally blurred or o
d or ob   scured
                  ge are int entionally blurre
Parts of this ima
to conclude...
About Context Mapping

About Context Mapping

    By externalizing your
 knowledge it becomes explicit
                                                                                     s and
                                                                          ur insight
                                                               Share yo               cal
                                                                            our physi
                                                               ideas in y               pace.
                                                                           a l) studio s
                 Ikujiru Nonaka and Hirotaka Takeuchi (1995)    (not vir tu
Listen to people their stories,
capture and share these stories.
Stories are carriers of experiences and values.

  Parts of this image a
                        re inten   tionally blurred or o
Listen to people their stories,
                   Worldmaking is an collaborative activity
                capture and share these stories.
                Stories are carriers of experiences and values.
 Models                                           Theories


  Assumptions                                   Facts



hoe doe je een interview:
vragen stellen
paper over interviews   You always design with
                        the knowledge that is
                        Design projects are always
                        restricted by time.
                         Therefore you will never
                         find all the answers that
                         you need. However you
                         don’t always need to finish
                         the whole jigsaw puzzle to
                         form a mental picture
                          about its theme or final
About Context Mapping

      Question everything
thank you...

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Design as Worldmaking by Bas Leurs

  • 1. Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences Creating 010 Design Research Design as Worldmaking Bas Leurs ( Amsterdam, September 11, 2012
  • 2. Design as a black box INPUT OUTPU T
  • 4. Jot down three keywords which should be found in the definition of design
  • 5. Design is about making decisions, often in the face of uncertainty Do you like this one? Joseph Zinter (2012)
  • 6. a bi l i t y? "Design is the ability to imagine that- which-does-not-yet-exist, to make it appear in concrete form as a new, purposeful addition to the real world." Do you like this one? Harold Nelson & Erik Stolterman (2002)
  • 7. Designers typically produce novel unexpected solutions, tolerate uncertainty, work with incomplete information, apply imagination and constructive forethought to practical problems and use drawings ans other modelling media as means of problem solving' Do you like this one? Bryan Lawson & Kees Dorst (2009)
  • 8. Design is to initiate change in man-made things John Chris Jones Design Methods Seeds of human future 1970
  • 9. satisfy innovative aims people purposeful improve plans human intentions users imaginative uncertainty present existing situation future problem prefered situation solution new creating problem solving Changing an existing situation into a preferred situation, requires imagination changing to formulate a plan that deals with uncertainty that the future holds. decision making
  • 10. Design as... a creative process... an artefact... a way of thinking... a way of doing... a way of living... a cultural phenomena a fundamental human activity... the creation of value... problem solving... [...] a learning process...
  • 11. Science vs Design “The natural sciences “Design is concerned with are concerned with how things ought to be, how things are.” with devising artifices to attain goals.” Herbert Simon (1969)
  • 12. "Everyone designs who devises courses of action aimed at changing existing situations into preferred ones." Herbert Simon (1969)
  • 13. initial process future state state current situation transformation function desired situation
  • 14. initial process future state state current situation transformation function desired situation feeling of design feeling insecurity process more safe designing an intervention that has an effect
  • 15. The analysis-synthesis bridge model e the design process s: analysis and syn- Researching Prototyping nspiration. But those Interpret Abstract element—the con- e active move from nsition or transfor- suggest Model of Model of what f designing. How do what “is” “could be” is to synthesis? From urrent situation to manifes to distilled arch to concept? From Describe Concrete t as ed response? From he gap? What es one way of think- What “is” “could be” ysis to synthesis—the els to frame research Existing – Implicit Preferred – Explicit ming possible futures. (Current) (Future) “then the other thing Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part gners and research- of this work for personal or classroom use is granted Analysis-synthesis bridge model without the fee, provided of analysis in order that copies are not made or distributed for profit or me to the next desired Hugh Dubberly, Shelley Evenson & Rick Robinson (2008) commercial advantage, and that copies bear this vehicle for that move. notice and the full citation
  • 17. Research is an organized and systematic way of finding answers to questions.
  • 18. ? ? ? ? Questions ntal king is a fundame Answer(s) “Q uestion as design ec hanism in cognitive m 003) thinkin g” (Eris, 2
  • 19. The Big6 1 Defining the question Define the information problem / Identify information needed What's the main question? What are the subquestions? 2 Information Seeking Strategies Determine the range of possible sources Select the best sources 3 Locate and access the information Locate sources (intellectually and physically) Find information within sources (references) 4 Getting the information Extract the information from a source (books, websites, users, experts etc): read, listen, observe 5 Putting it all together Organize the information which you obtained from multiple sources Present the information 6 Evaluation Judge the answers Did the information lead to an answer of the question? If not, sta r t with ste refine or p 1 again redefine y and our questi on
  • 20. feedback of future users. However, designers do not (always)process has been growing as designers move closer to the future users Figure 2: The front end of the design follow a step by step approach during their research of what they design. 2. A quick glance at history Diagram by Elizabeth Sanders & Pieter Jan Stappers (2008)
  • 21. what are we looking for when we research for design?
  • 22. About Context Mapping Story A Story B Robert pushed the print button 23 times. It Robert pushed the print button repeatedly. was the third time that week that Robert With every push he used more force, getting was using the printer. Till so far he has more and more irritated. Robert considers the printed 23.000 pages this year. Today is printer as an unreliable piece of equipment: it the first time that Robert will meet the new always failed to deliver when the tensions are CEO. Robert currently earns $ 23,000. high. Especially today, when he is going to When he is a senior manager he will make meet with the new CEO. Robert has heard $ 34,000. He currently rents a house for some stories about this new CEO, that he $1,000 a month. Robert has one wife and doesn’t want to waste his time. And Robert two children. doesn’t want to be the reason that the CEO is wasting his time, because Robert is trying to move up towards a senior management position. Once he has obtained this position, Robert hopes that he can finally rent a bigger house for his family. If you have to make a design for Robert, which story would you choose?
  • 23. About Context Mapping s This is wha This is what busines t designers people like like quantitative vs qualitative Quantitative research is about Qualitative research deals with numbers. It is mostly carried out words and images. These words through questionaires. and images are often ambiguous. Response rate is often low, and the results are not always useful to start a design process with.
  • 24. What do you see? What is going on here?
  • 25. About Context Mapping design decisions should be grounded in facts, not in assumptions
  • 26. About Context Mapping f this Parts o are image ally i on intent d or blurre d e obscur There is nothing wrong with assumptions, you have to validate them though. It is recommended to start with a assumption map
  • 27. What do you see? What is going on here?
  • 28. About Context Mapping Research for design must rely on objective rather than subjective observations
  • 29. About Context Mapping Triangulation Is it still subjective if three (or more) designers share the same conclusion?
  • 30. when we are researching for design, we are looking for... information, insights and inspiration?
  • 31. and Three perspectives on We design the interaction between people and products, people and brands and people Human Centered Design people. Thereby we design behaviour. Bas Leurs ( Behaviour is the effect of our intervention humans INTERACTION TE GY CH LO NO NO LO TECH GY N human IN C TIO TE RA RA CT TE IO IN N TECH NOLOGY products / artefacts / environments brands / organisations / companies
  • 32. What kind of knowledge do we need? Or what kind of (research) questions should we ask?
  • 33. why?
  • 34.
  • 35.
  • 36. why do designers want to understand ‘the why’?
  • 37.
  • 38. Parts of this image a re intentio nally blurred or obsc interviews: help to understand the context ured 38
  • 39. to ob servations: help text und erstand the con or to find peculiar habits. Parts of this image a re intentio nally blurred or obsc ured
  • 40. probes: to sensitize th par ticipant e s and to el stories and icit experience s 40
  • 41. generative session: to stories and elicit experience s 41
  • 43. Theory of Planned Behavior Icek Ajzen (2006)
  • 44. Design for Emotion emotion appraisal concern stimuli Pieter Desmet (2002)
  • 45. About Context Mapping What are we looking for when we research for design? Stories are carriers of experiences and values. Stories help designers understand what motivates peoples and how the context influences the interaction.
  • 46. what is design research?
  • 47. Design research is the act of investigating, through various means, a product's or service's potential or existing users and the context of use. Dan Saffer (2007)
  • 48. Designers use these research methods to obtain information about the subjects and their environment that the designers might otherwise not have known and are thus better able to design for those subjects and environments. It behooves designers to understand the emotional, cultural, and aesthetic context that the product or service will exist in. Only through research can designers find out. Dan Saffer (2007)
  • 49. let’s have a break?
  • 50. the problem with design what makes it so complicated?
  • 51. Design is a future oriented activity John Christopher Jones (1970) “The fundamental problem is that designers are obliged to use current information to predict a future state that will not come about unless their predictions are correct.” 51
  • 52. initial state transformation function future state However, because of the very nature of design problems, there is very often very little information about the problem, even less information about the goal (solution) and absolutely no information about the transformation function. John Restrepo, Henri Christiaans (2003)
  • 53. From prediction to exploration Design is involved in proposing the new, which, by definition, is not predictable. Early Futures Studies were still aimed at prediction, today there are projective and evolutionary approaches, which explore multiple futures and take the methods rather as learning devices than as forecasting tools. Wolfgang Jonas (2006)
  • 54. Learning is the acquisition of knowledge (or skills) through experience, practice or study. Learning is making sense or abstracting meaning. Learning is interpreting and understanding reality in a different way.
  • 55. rn lea i ng taking an action that transforms the internal (knowledge, beliefs) designing doing an intervention that transforms the external (world, context)
  • 56. From prediction to exploration Design is involved in proposing the new, which, by definition, is not predictable. Early Futures Studies were still aimed at prediction, today there are projective and evolutionary approaches, which explore multiple futures and take the methods rather as learning devices than as forecasting tools. Wolfgang Jonas (2006)
  • 58. World D ymaxion Fuller’s Buc kminster
  • 59. Design as a process of Worldmaking Principles Theories Facts Knowledge Phenomena Assumptions Stories Interventions Values Models Learning devices Representations Inspiration Information Experiences Questioning Prototypes Reading Trends Posters Activities Observations and t heir Using Sketches Interactions s Insights People value Products Listening Stories Activities Observing Movies Artefacts Interactions Watching Diagrams Business Products Analysing Worldmaking is a process of forming Personas Technology an idiosyncratic mental model in Artefacts Making order to understanding the factors Fact sheets Etc... Context Evaluating that drive the transformation from the Capture cards The intervention current state to the desired state. ultimately leads to a Business Simulating Presentations change in the world Technology Discussing Reports Stories Critiquing Etc. Effects Etc... These representations are used to Etc... Design methods and techniques share the mental model with stake- holders or to supprt the inner are are learning devices that dialogue of the designer. support these activities.
  • 60. e the design process s: analysis and syn- Researching Prototyping nspiration. But those Interpret Abstract element—the con- e active move from nsition or transfor- suggest Model of Model of what f designing. How do what “is” “could be” is to synthesis? From urrent situation to manifes to distilled arch to concept? From Describe Concrete t as ed response? From he gap? What es one way of think- What “is” “could be” ysis to synthesis—the els to frame research Existing – Implicit Preferred – Explicit ming possible futures. (Current) (Future) “then the other thing Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part gners and research- of this work for personal or classroom use is granted Analysis-synthesis bridge model without the fee, provided of analysis in order that copies are not made or distributed for profit or me to the next desired Hugh Dubberly, Shelley Evenson & Rick Robinson (2008) commercial advantage, and that copies bear this vehicle for that move. notice and the full citation
  • 61. Quick and dirty, map out all that you know... Models Theories Inspiration Experiences Assumptions Facts Stories Stories Information Principles Observations Trends
  • 62. design methods devices of learning
  • 63. Figure 1. The current landscape of human-centered design research as practiced in the design and development of products and services. Within this landscape, in the area of participatory&design, the notions of co-creation and co-design Elizabeth Sanders Pieter Jan Stappers (2008) have been growing. The terms co-design and co-creation are today often confused and/or treated
  • 64. Human Centered ICT Toolkit
  • 66. About Context Mapping Triangulation Using several methods provide you with richer insights Cultural Probes Laddering Observations Interviews
  • 67. Learning by making C# Java Working Beta version Very detailed visuals. Fully functional product. High Fidility a few days to a few weeks (or even months) Flash Good skills of programming required Flash Catalyst VVVV 1 hour to a few days Axure Max / MSP Arduino Dreamweaver Stop motion Wireframes Wizard of Oz Role playing Powerpoint Enactment Sketches Crude sketches Few visual details, mimicked behaviour Low Fidility a few seconds to 10 minutes Not many skills required (sketching)
  • 68. design methods mapping and sharing your insights
  • 69. Parts of this image are intentionally blurred or obscured Capture as much data as possible (photographs, video, audio recordings)
  • 70. Capture Cards 'is' W ai$ng'in'line e 'in'line' waste'of'$mwhen'she'is' 'standing at' ed'th “I'hate Lucy'explain s'to' hat'she'hate don e'shopping't e' heck'out.'Sh finish'my' w ait'in'line'to'c 'scanners'tha t' d'wait'to' no$ced 'the'barcode 'month,'that' 'installed'last an er'$me'and' were would'pro bably'save'h ’t'thought'of' frustra$ on.'She'hasn oppings” using'it'yet. sh Well'organised' fresh'departmen The'vegetables'a t' re'presented'in'a very'well'organis ' ed'fashion.'A'lot' of'aFen$on'has' been'paid'to'how ' Bas$&$Maria day,(december(2,(2012( the'vegetables'is 'presented,'to' Lucy urs make'it'look'at'its Walmart,(Th 'best.' Picture/Quote Capture cards help you record your data from field research (observations, quotes) quick and Bas$&$Maria dirty... but very effectively Walmart,(Thursd ay,(december(2,(2 012( Highlight salien t details
  • 71. Capture Cards Parts of this image a re inten tionally blurred or o bscured
  • 72. Parts of this image a re inten tionally blurred or o bscured
  • 73. About Context Mapping Use Powe rpoint (or Keynote) to quickly capture your findings You can easily drag and drop different types of media (text, images, movies) on to a slide
  • 74. W ould you like to dio? work at this stu
  • 75. As designers, we know that we must augment our short-term memories with external aids. Historically, the most important of these is the 1995 drawing on a drawing board. Today, a computer screen often replaces the drawing board. Herbert Simon (1995)
  • 76. The problem with storing knowledge on a computer Computers and servers are excellent devices to store knowledge on. However, retreiving the knowledge might take some (or too much) effort. For example... in order to share your insights with your teammates during a meeting you have to switch on your computer, open the document or a webbrowser, navigate to the specific page.
  • 77. Parts of this image a re inten tionally blurred or o bscured
  • 78. Make posters to convey your knowledge. 78
  • 79.
  • 80. 80
  • 81. Parts of this image a re inten tionally blurred or o bscured
  • 82. Make posters that represent your results and conclusions Parts of this image a re inten tionally blurred or o bscured
  • 83. 3-30-300 seconds ma Principle in m headlines ess age salient facts, figures su mm and conclusions ar y det data / evidence ail s
  • 84. Poster template 3 se c o n ds S u bje ct (m a in m e s s a g e) 300 c o n ds s econ 300 se ds nd s 3/3 0 se c o Resu lts of you r rese arch, deta ils, Resu lts of you r rese arch, deta ils, A visu al th at expl ai ns or argu ments that supp ort you r or argu ments that yo ur re se arch fi ndin gs or conc ept supp ort you r conc ept co nc ept (n ot m an dato ry, bu t hi gh ly re co m m en de d) 300 se c o n ds ds 300 se c o n Resu lts of you r Resu lts of you r 30 se c o n ds rese arch, deta ils, or argu ments that Su m m ar y of yo ur re se arch/c on cept rese arch, deta ils, or argu ments that supp ort you r supp ort you r (th e expres s-elevato r-pi tc h) conc ept conc ept your name and affiliations note: this template is just an example layout, feel free to make changes.
  • 85. Use your research findings to bring your personas to life. Parts of this image a re inten tionally blurred or o bscured
  • 86. Scenario Parts of this image a re inten tionally blurred or o bscured
  • 87. Movies / Diagrams Visual vocabu lary object/p roduct interacti on steps / process play-man star-ma n card-ma n cell phone quadrants or venn diagrams are good arrows laptop / computer for showing relations between entities basic shapes lines devices document / documents emotions internet / cloud home stretched limo money office
  • 88. Movies
  • 89. Movies Parts of this image a re inten tionally blurred or o bscured
  • 90. d or ob scured ge are int entionally blurre Parts of this ima
  • 92. About Context Mapping
  • 93. About Context Mapping By externalizing your knowledge it becomes explicit s and ur insight Share yo cal our physi ideas in y pace. a l) studio s Ikujiru Nonaka and Hirotaka Takeuchi (1995) (not vir tu
  • 94. Listen to people their stories, capture and share these stories. Stories are carriers of experiences and values. Parts of this image a re inten tionally blurred or o bscured
  • 95. Listen to people their stories, Worldmaking is an collaborative activity capture and share these stories. Stories are carriers of experiences and values. Models Theories Inspiration Experiences Assumptions Facts Stories Stories Information Principles Observations Trends
  • 96. hoe doe je een interview: vragen stellen paper over interviews You always design with the knowledge that is available Design projects are always restricted by time. Therefore you will never find all the answers that you need. However you don’t always need to finish the whole jigsaw puzzle to form a mental picture about its theme or final state.
  • 97. About Context Mapping Question everything