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Dentinal hypersensitivity
 Introduction
 Definition
 Mechanism of dentin sensitivity
 Incidence and distribution
 Etiology and predisposing factors
 Clinical features
 Diagnosis
 Differential diagnosis
 Treatment strategies
 Management
 Conclusion
 References
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 3
• The term tooth hypersensitivity, dentinal sensitivity or
hypersensitivity is often used intermittently to describe clinical
condition of an exaggerated response to an exogenous stimulus.
• The exogenous stimuli may include thermal, tactile or osmotic
• The response to stimulus varies from person to person due to
difference in pain tolerance, environmental factors, and
psychology of patient.
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 4
Holland et al in 1997:
Sharp, short pain arising from exposed dentin in response to stimuli
typically thermal, chemical, tactile or osmotic and which can not be
ascribed to any other form of dental defect or pathology.
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 5
• Sensitivity or hypersensitive dentin implies an abnormal
sensitiveness of an exposed area of dentin, exhibiting itself in
the form of reflex or localized pain, sometimes in the absence
of apparent external sources of irritation or otherwise as a
result of the contact of heat and cold, salts, sweets, and acid
substances or of foods and instruments. – MC Gee.
• Pain is described as an unpleasant sensory and emotional
experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage.
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 6
Mechanism of
dentin sensitivity
1) Neural theory
2) Odontoblastic transduction theory
3) Hydrodynamic theory
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 7
Neural theory:
o This theory states that dentin hypersensitivity occurs due to the
direct stimulation of nerve fibers present in the dentin.
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 8
• No nerve fibers could be demonstrated going to DEJ, which is
the most sensitive area. Thus dentin sensitivity does not solely
depend up on the stimulation of such nerve endings.
• Rejected because: outer dentin which is devoid of nerve fibers
is more sensitive than inner dentin.
• Newly erupted tooth doesn’t posses nerve endings even though it
is sensitive.
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 9
Odontoblastic transduction theory:
o Odontoblasts are derived from neural crest cells. They retain
the ability to transmit and propagate an impulse.
o Theory states that: dentin hypersensitivity occurs due to direct
stimulation of odontoblastic processes that are present in
dentinal tubules.
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 10
chemical or osmotic
Direct stimulation
of odontoblastic
process in dentinal
Painful response hypersensitivity
• This is not a popular theory since there are no neurotransmitter
vesicles present in the gap junctions between odontoblasts to
facilitate the synapse or synaptic transmission.
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 11
Hydrodynamic theory:
o Proposed by Brannstrom.
o Dentinal tubules contain dentinal fluid, odontoblastic process,
and nerve fibers.
o This theory states that fluid in the dentinal tubules can be
affected by various stimuli such as mechanical, chemical and
o Movement of dentinal fluids within the tubules in either
direction stimulates nerves in the dentin or pulp which results in
the painful response.
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 12
chemical or osmotic
Movement of
dentinal fluid within
the dentin tubules
Stimulation of
nerves in the dentin
or pulp
Painful responseHypersensitivity.
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 13
Currently most investigators accept that dentin sensitivity is due
to the hydrodynamic fluid shift
Occurs across exposed dentin with open tubules.
Rapid fluid movement in turn activates the mechanoreceptor nerves
of A group in the pulp.
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 14
• Mathews et al noted that
Stimuli such as cold causes fluid flow away from the pulp.
Produces more rapid and greater pulp nerve response than those
such as heat, which causes an inward flow.
• Dehydration of dentin by air blasts or absorbent paper causes
outward fluid movement and stimulates the mechanoreceptor of
the odontoblast causing pain.
• Prolonged air blast causes formation of protein plug into the
dentinal tubules, reducing the fluid movement and thus
decreasing pain
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 15
• The pain produced when sugar or salt solutions are placed in
contact with exposed dentin can also be explained by dentinal
fluid movement.
• Dentinal fluid is of relatively low osmolarity, which have
tendency to flow outwards solution of higher osmolarity i.e., salt
or sugar solution.
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 16
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 17
Incidence and distribution
• Most sufferers range from 20-40 years of age and a peak
occurrence is found at the end of the third decade.
• In general slight higher incidence is reported in females than in
• Reduced incidence in older individuals reflect:
Age changes in dentin and pulp.
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 18
Intra-oral distribution:
• Most commonly noted on buccal cervical zones of permanent
teeth, canines and premolars in either jaw are the most
frequently involved.
• In right handed tooth brushers, dentin hypersensitivity is
greater on the left sided teeth compared with the equivalent
contra-lateral teeth.
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 19
Etiology and predisposing factors:
• The primary underlying cause for dentin hypersensitivity is
exposed dentinal tubules.
• Dentin may become exposed to by 2 processes
Loss of covering periodontal structures
Loss of enamel.
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 20
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 21
Causes of enamel loss
Attrition by exaggerated occlusal functions
like bruxism
Abrasion from dietary components or
improper brushing technique
Erosion associated with environmental or
dietary components particularly acids
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 22
Cemental loss
• Root planing
• Periodontal diseases
• Periodontal surgeries
• Recession of the
Other causes
• Changes in
• The careless use of
• Action of caries and
wasting diseases
• Action of cracks/
fracture of the enamel
• Action of salts, sweets
and acidic substances.
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 23
Aggressive or poor oral
Extrinsic acids
Intrinsic acids
Gingival recession Erosion
Dentin exposure through
either enamel or gingival
Opening of tubules dentinal
Disturbed flow=sensitivity
Stimulates A delta fibers
DENTIN HYPERSENSITIVITY3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 24
• The most common cause for exposed dentinal tubules is gingival
• Various factors that cause recession are
Inadequate attached gingiva
Prominent roots
Tooth brush abrasion
Oral habits resulting in gingival laceration
Excessive tooth cleaning
Excessive flossing
Gingival recession secondary
to specific Diseases NUG, Periodotitis.
Crown preparation
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 25
• The recession may or may not be associated with bone loss.
• If bone loss occurs, more dentinal tubules get exposed.
• When gingival recession occurs the outer protective layer of
root dentin, i.e cementum gets abraded or eroded away.
• This leaves the exposed underlying dentin
• These cells contain nerve endings and when disturbed, nerves
depolarizes and this is interpreted as pain.
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 26
Removal of
cemental layer
Exposure of
dentin and thus
dentinal tubules
of nerve endings
of odontoblast
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 27
• Poor plaque control
• Excess oral acids (soda, fruit juice)
• Tooth brush abrasion
• Cervical decay
• Tartar control tooth paste
Reasons for continued dentinal tubular exposure
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 28
Clinical features:
o Pain is the primary symptom
o The patient usually experiences a short, sharp pain in response
to heat, cold, tactile stimuli, sweets or sour foods.
o Intensity of pain is usually mild to moderate.
o The clinical symptoms of hypersensitive dentin are similar to
those of acute reversible pulpitis.
o Tooth hypersensitivity differs from dentinal or pulpal pain. In
case of dentin hypersensitivity, patient’s ability to locate the
source of pain is very good where as in pulpal pain, it is very
poor. The pulpal pain is explosive, intermittent and throbbing
and can be affected by hot or cold.
o The character of pain does not outlast the stimulus.
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 29
• A careful history together with a thorough clinical and
radiographic examination is necessary before arriving at a
definitive diagnosis of dentin hypersensitivity.
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 30
Careful case history:
 The history and nature of pain
 The intensity of pain
 The stimuli which initiate the sensitivity
 The frequency and duration of sensitivity
 History of restorative procedures, periodontal procedures and
other related dental procedures.
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 31
Clinical examination:
Clinical observations:
o Percussion sensitivity
o Sensitivity or pain on tactile examination
o Evidence of dentin exposure (gingival recession, loss of enamel)
o Pain lingering after stimulus is removed.
o Signs of fractured, leaky or poor restorative margins.
Diagnostic test:
o Vitality test to rule out the pulpal involvement
o Radiographic examination, to detect caries, pulpal involvement,
or periodontal involvement.
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 32
Differential diagnosis
Dentin hypersensitivity is perhaps a symptom complex rather than
a true disease and results from stimulus transmission across
exposed dentin.
• A number of dental conditions are associated with dentin
exposure and may produce same symptoms.
• They are
 Chipped tooth
 Fractured restoration
 Restorative treatments
 Dental caries
 Cracked tooth syndrome
 Other enamel invaginations.
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 33
Treatment strategies
• Hypersensitivity can resolve without the treatment or may
require several weeks of desensitizing agents before
improvement is seen.
• Treatment of dentin hypersensitivity is challenging for both
patient and the clinician mainly of 2 reasons.
1) Difficult to measure or compare pain among different patients
2) Difficult for patient to change the habits that initially caused
the problem.
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 34
 It is well known that hypersensitivity often resolves without
 This is probably related to the fact that dentin permeability
decreases spontaneously because of occurrence of natural
processes in the oral cavity.
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 35
Natural process contributing to
Formation of reparative dentin by the pulp
Obturation of tubules by the formation of
mineral deposits. (Dental sclerosis)
Calculus formation on the surface of the
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 36
• Treatment options for managing dentin hypersensitivity should
be based on the extent and severity of the problem.
Sl no Condition Treatment
1 Localized hypersensitivity Try application of varnishes, dentin
adhesive restoration.
2 Generalized hypersensitivity Prescribe desensitizing toothpastes and
3 Severe hypersensitivity Consider endodontic therapy
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 37
• 2 principal treatment options:
Plug the dentinal tubules preventing the
fluid flow.
Desensitize the nerve, making it less
responsive to stimulation. All the
current modalities address these 2
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 38
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 39
Sl no Condition Treatment
1 Wasting diseases GIC or composites with proper pulp protection if
2 Dental caries Metallic or nonmetallic restorations
3 Dentin expose Resin impregnation technique, dentin bonding
4 Root cementum expose Application of Ca(OH)2
5 Faulty restoration Replace with suitable restoration
6 Cracked tooth syndrome Full crowns
Restorative methods:
• When hypersensitivity is associated with significant loss of
tooth structure then restorative methods are employed.
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 40
Non-restorative methods:
• If the loss of tooth structure is insignificant and generalized,
then the non-restorative methods are indicated.
1. Lasers
2. Desiccation
3. Iontophoresis
4. Chemical agents
5. Dentin bonding agents
6. Medicated tooth pastes
7. Topical fluoride applications
8. Resin impregnation techniques
9. Application of calcium hydroxide.
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 41
Treatment of dentin hypersensitivity can be divided into:
1. Home care with dentifrices
2. In office treatment procedures
3. Patient education
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 42
Home care with dentifrices:
• Dentifrice: a substance used with a toothbrush to aid in cleaning
the accessible surfaces of the teeth.
• Its components includes
Abrasive Surfactant Humectant
Thickener Flavoring agent sweetener
Coloring agent
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 43
o After professional diagnosis, dentinal hypersensitivity can be
treated simply and inexpensively by home use of desensitizing
o The habit of tooth brushing with a dentifrice for cosmetic
reasons is well established in the population, thus compliance
with this regimen can be easily made.
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 44
• 10% strontium chloride desensitizing
dentifrice found to be effective in
relieving the pain of tooth
• 5% potassium nitrate dentifrice
found to alleviate pain related to
tooth hypersensitivity.
Potassium nitrate
• 0.7% Sodium monofluorophosphates
dentifrices are the effective mode
of treating tooth hypersensitivity.
Fluoride dentifrices
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 45
In office treatment procedures
Rationale of therapy:
o According to hydrodynamic theory of hypersensitivity, a rapid
movement of fluid in the dentinal tubules is capable of activating
intra-dental sensory nerves.
o Therefore treatment of hypersensitive teeth should be
directed towards reducing the anatomical diameter of the
tubules, obliteration of the tubules or to surgically cover the
exposed dentinal tubules so as to limit fluid movement.
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 46
Criteria for selecting desensitizing agent:
Provides immediately and
lasting relief from pain
Well tolerated by
Does not stain the tooth
Easy to apply
Not injurious to the pulp
Relatively inexpensive
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 47
Treatment options to reduce the diameter of dentinal
tubules can be:
 Formation of a smear layer by burnishing the exposed root
 Application of agents that form insoluble precipitates within the
 Impregnation of tubules with plastic resins
 Application of dental bonding agents to seal off the tubules.
 Covering the exposed dentinal tubules by surgical means.
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 48
• Prior to treating sensitive root surfaces, hard/soft deposits
should be removed from the teeth.
• Root planning on sensitive dentin may cause considerable
discomfort, in this case teeth should be anesthetized prior to
treatment and the teeth should be isolated and dried with warm
• Varnishes: open tubules can be covered with a thin film of
varnish, providing a temporary relief.
Varnish such as copalite can be used for this purpose.
For more sustained relief a fluoride containing varnish
Duraflor can be applied.
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 49
• Containing 1% prednisolone in combination with 25% para-
chlorophenol, 25% methacresyl acetate and 50% gum camphor
was found to be effective in preventing postoperative thermal
• The use of corticosteroids is based on the assumption that
hypersensitivity is linked to pulpal inflammation; hence more
information is needed regarding the relationship between these
2 conditions.
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 50
Partial obliteration of dentinal tubules.
• Burnishing of dentin:
Burnishing of dentin with a toothpick or orange wood stick results
in the formation of a smear layer.
This layer partially occludes the dentinal tubules which help in
reducing the hypersensitivity.
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 51
Formation of insoluble precipitates to block tubules:
 Certain soluble salts react with ions in tooth structure to form
crystals on the surface of dentin.
 To be effective, crystallization should occur in 1-2 mts and the
crystals should be small enough to enter the tubules and must
also be large enough to partially obturate the tubules.
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 52
Chemical agents are:
Potassium oxalate
Ferric oxalate
Potassium oxalate
Calcium chloride
Strontium chloride
Calcium phosphate
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 53
• Relatively inexpensive
• Easy to apply
• Well tolerated by patients.
• Eg: Potassium oxalate and ferric oxalate solution
• They make available oxalate ions that can react with calcium
ions in the dentin fluid to form insoluble calcium oxalate crystals
that are deposited in the apertures of the dentinal tubules.
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 54
Application of
oxalate on
dentinal tubules
Formation of
calcium oxalate
in tubules
Blockage of
dentinal tubules
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 55
• Silver nitrate has ability to precipitate protein constituents of
odontoblast processes, thereby partially blocking the tubules.
• Zinc chloride- potassium ferrocyanide. When applied forms
precipitate, which is highly crystalline and covers the dentin
• Formalin 40% is topically applied by means of cotton pellets or
orangewood sticks on teeth.
• Strontium chloride: Topical application of concentrated sodium
chloride on an abraded dentin surface produces a deposit of
strontium that penetrates dentin to a depth of approximately
10-20 micro m and extend into dentinal tubules
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 56
• Calcium compounds have been popular agent for many years for
the treatment of hypersensitivity.
• The exact mechanism of action is unknown but evidence suggests
* It may block dentinal tubules
* May promote peritubular dentin formation.
* On increasing the concentration of calcium ions around
nerve fibers, may result in decreased nerve excitability.
So calcium hydroxide might be capable of
suppressing nerve activity.
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 57
 A paste of calcium hydroxide and sterile distilled water applied
on exposed root surface and allowed to remain for 3-5mts, can
give immediate relief in 75% of cases.
 Dibasic calcium phosphate when burnished with round toothpick
forms mineral deposits near the surface of the tubules and
found to be effective in 93% of patients.
• Recaldent:
CPP-ACP: complex of casein phosphopeptides and amorphous
calcium phosphate.
CPPs are a group of peptides derived from casein. Casein is the part
of protein which naturally occurs in milk.
CPP is responsible for high availability of calcium ions from milk.
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 58
• CPP keeps calcium and phosphorus in ionic form.
• In this state calcium and phosphate ions can enter the tooth
enamel and thus promote remineralization of the tooth.
Fluoride compounds:
o Lukomsky was the first to propose sodium fluoride as
desensitizing agent.
o Application of NaF leads to precipitation of calcium fluoride
crystals, thus reducing the functional radius of the dentinal
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 59
• 10% solution forms dense layer of tin and
fluoride containing globular particles blocking
the dentinal tubules.
• Silicic acid forms a gel with the calcium of the
tooth and produces an insulating barrier.
Sodium silico-
• Concentration of fluoride in dentin treated
with acidulated sodium fluoride is found to be
higher than dentin treated with sodium
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 60
• It is the transfer of ions under electrical pressure through
electrodes having opposite charge.
• 1-2% sodium chloride or solution containing potassium, zinc ions
etc are applied.
• These ions are forced into the tubules by applying electrical
force through electrodes.
• Fluoride ions react with calcium get precipitated in the tubules
and thereby blocks the tubules.
• It is an expensive procedure.
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 61
Dental resins and adhesive:
• Objective: seal the dentinal tubules to prevent pain producing
stimuli from reaching pulp.
• GLUMA is a dentin bonding agent that includes glutaraldehyde
primer and 35% HEMA.
• It provides an attachment to dentin that is immediately strong.
• GLUMA is found to be highly effective when other methods of
treatment failed to provide relief.
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 62
Rinsing and drying for 20sec
Application of bonding agent
Surface is etched with phosphoric acid for 5sec
Resin impregnation technique
Exposed dentin surface is cleansed
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 63
• Kimura Y et al reviewed treatment of dentin hypersensitivity by
• 2 groups
1) low output power: Helium –neon and
gallium/ aluminium / arsenide lasers.
2) middle output power: Nd:YAG and CO2 lasers.
• Action
Effects of sealing of dentinal tubules: durable
Nerve analgesia
Placebo effect.
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 64
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 65
Patient education:
Dietary counselling:
Dietary acids are capable of causing erosive loss of tooth structure
removing cementum
Opening of dentinal tubules
• Dietary counselling should focus on the quantity and frequency
of acid intake and intake occurring in relation to tooth brushing.
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 66
• Any treatment may fail if these factors are not controlled.
• A written diet history should be obtained.
• Loss of dentin is greatly increased when brushing is performed
immediately after exposure of the tooth surface to dietary
• Patients should be cautioned against brushing their teeth soon
after ingestion of citrus food.
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 67
Tooth brushing technique:
• Incorrect brushing appears to be an etiologic factor in dentin
hypersensitivity, instruction about proper brushing techniques
can prevent further loss of dentin and the hypersensitivity.
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 68
Plaque control:
• Saliva contain calcium and phosphate ions and is therefore able
to contribute to the formation of mineral deposits within the
exposed dentinal tubules.
• Presence of plaque may interfere with this process, by producing
acid by bacteria, are capable of dissolving any mineral
precipitates that form thus opening tubules.
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 69
Professional interest in the cause and treatment of dentinal
hypersensitivity has been evident in the dental literature for
approx. 150 years or more.
It satisfies all the criteria to be classified as a true pain syndrome.
Myelinated A fibers are seems to be responsible for the sensitivity
of dentin.
Management of this condition requires determination of etiologic
factors and predisposing influences.
Partial obturation of open tubules the most widely practiced in
office treatment of dentinal hypersensitivity.
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 70
• Carranza’s clinical periodontology
9th edition
• Textbook of operative dentistry
2nd edition- Nisha garg
• Essentials of periodontology
- sahitya reddy.
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 71
3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 72

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dentin hypersensitivity

  • 1. Periodontics Seminar Chithira. E 4th year part 1 100020239
  • 3. Algorithm  Introduction  Definition  Mechanism of dentin sensitivity  Incidence and distribution  Etiology and predisposing factors  Clinical features  Diagnosis  Differential diagnosis  Treatment strategies  Management  Conclusion  References 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 3
  • 4. Introduction • The term tooth hypersensitivity, dentinal sensitivity or hypersensitivity is often used intermittently to describe clinical condition of an exaggerated response to an exogenous stimulus. • The exogenous stimuli may include thermal, tactile or osmotic changes. • The response to stimulus varies from person to person due to difference in pain tolerance, environmental factors, and psychology of patient. 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 4
  • 5. Definition: Holland et al in 1997: Sharp, short pain arising from exposed dentin in response to stimuli typically thermal, chemical, tactile or osmotic and which can not be ascribed to any other form of dental defect or pathology. 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 5
  • 6. • Sensitivity or hypersensitive dentin implies an abnormal sensitiveness of an exposed area of dentin, exhibiting itself in the form of reflex or localized pain, sometimes in the absence of apparent external sources of irritation or otherwise as a result of the contact of heat and cold, salts, sweets, and acid substances or of foods and instruments. – MC Gee. • Pain is described as an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage. 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 6
  • 7. Mechanism of dentin sensitivity Theories: 1) Neural theory 2) Odontoblastic transduction theory 3) Hydrodynamic theory 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 7
  • 8. Neural theory: o This theory states that dentin hypersensitivity occurs due to the direct stimulation of nerve fibers present in the dentin. 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 8
  • 9. • No nerve fibers could be demonstrated going to DEJ, which is the most sensitive area. Thus dentin sensitivity does not solely depend up on the stimulation of such nerve endings. Drawbacks: • Rejected because: outer dentin which is devoid of nerve fibers is more sensitive than inner dentin. • Newly erupted tooth doesn’t posses nerve endings even though it is sensitive. 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 9
  • 10. Odontoblastic transduction theory: o Odontoblasts are derived from neural crest cells. They retain the ability to transmit and propagate an impulse. o Theory states that: dentin hypersensitivity occurs due to direct stimulation of odontoblastic processes that are present in dentinal tubules. 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 10
  • 11. Mechanical, chemical or osmotic stimulus Direct stimulation of odontoblastic process in dentinal tubules Painful response hypersensitivity • This is not a popular theory since there are no neurotransmitter vesicles present in the gap junctions between odontoblasts to facilitate the synapse or synaptic transmission. 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 11
  • 12. Hydrodynamic theory: o Proposed by Brannstrom. o Dentinal tubules contain dentinal fluid, odontoblastic process, and nerve fibers. o This theory states that fluid in the dentinal tubules can be affected by various stimuli such as mechanical, chemical and osmotic. o Movement of dentinal fluids within the tubules in either direction stimulates nerves in the dentin or pulp which results in the painful response. 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 12
  • 13. Mechanical, chemical or osmotic stimulus Movement of dentinal fluid within the dentin tubules Stimulation of nerves in the dentin or pulp Painful responseHypersensitivity. 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 13
  • 14. Currently most investigators accept that dentin sensitivity is due to the hydrodynamic fluid shift Occurs across exposed dentin with open tubules. Rapid fluid movement in turn activates the mechanoreceptor nerves of A group in the pulp. 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 14
  • 15. • Mathews et al noted that Stimuli such as cold causes fluid flow away from the pulp. Produces more rapid and greater pulp nerve response than those such as heat, which causes an inward flow. • Dehydration of dentin by air blasts or absorbent paper causes outward fluid movement and stimulates the mechanoreceptor of the odontoblast causing pain. • Prolonged air blast causes formation of protein plug into the dentinal tubules, reducing the fluid movement and thus decreasing pain 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 15
  • 16. • The pain produced when sugar or salt solutions are placed in contact with exposed dentin can also be explained by dentinal fluid movement. • Dentinal fluid is of relatively low osmolarity, which have tendency to flow outwards solution of higher osmolarity i.e., salt or sugar solution. 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 16
  • 18. Incidence and distribution • Most sufferers range from 20-40 years of age and a peak occurrence is found at the end of the third decade. • In general slight higher incidence is reported in females than in males. • Reduced incidence in older individuals reflect: Age changes in dentin and pulp. 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 18
  • 19. Intra-oral distribution: • Most commonly noted on buccal cervical zones of permanent teeth, canines and premolars in either jaw are the most frequently involved. • In right handed tooth brushers, dentin hypersensitivity is greater on the left sided teeth compared with the equivalent contra-lateral teeth. 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 19
  • 20. Etiology and predisposing factors: • The primary underlying cause for dentin hypersensitivity is exposed dentinal tubules. • Dentin may become exposed to by 2 processes Loss of covering periodontal structures Loss of enamel. 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 20
  • 22. Causes of enamel loss Attrition by exaggerated occlusal functions like bruxism Abrasion from dietary components or improper brushing technique Erosion associated with environmental or dietary components particularly acids 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 22
  • 23. Cemental loss • Root planing • Periodontal diseases • Periodontal surgeries • Recession of the gingiva. Other causes • Changes in temperature • The careless use of scalers • Action of caries and wasting diseases • Action of cracks/ fracture of the enamel • Action of salts, sweets and acidic substances. 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 23
  • 24. Aggressive or poor oral hygiene Extrinsic acids Intrinsic acids Gingival recession Erosion Dentin exposure through either enamel or gingival recession Opening of tubules dentinal Disturbed flow=sensitivity Stimulates A delta fibers DENTIN HYPERSENSITIVITY3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 24
  • 25. • The most common cause for exposed dentinal tubules is gingival recession. • Various factors that cause recession are Inadequate attached gingiva Prominent roots Tooth brush abrasion Oral habits resulting in gingival laceration Excessive tooth cleaning Excessive flossing Gingival recession secondary to specific Diseases NUG, Periodotitis. Crown preparation 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 25
  • 26. • The recession may or may not be associated with bone loss. • If bone loss occurs, more dentinal tubules get exposed. • When gingival recession occurs the outer protective layer of root dentin, i.e cementum gets abraded or eroded away. • This leaves the exposed underlying dentin • These cells contain nerve endings and when disturbed, nerves depolarizes and this is interpreted as pain. 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 26
  • 27. Gingival recession Removal of cemental layer Exposure of dentin and thus dentinal tubules Depolarization of nerve endings of odontoblast Pain 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 27
  • 28. • Poor plaque control • Excess oral acids (soda, fruit juice) • Tooth brush abrasion • Cervical decay • Tartar control tooth paste Reasons for continued dentinal tubular exposure 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 28
  • 29. Clinical features: o Pain is the primary symptom o The patient usually experiences a short, sharp pain in response to heat, cold, tactile stimuli, sweets or sour foods. o Intensity of pain is usually mild to moderate. o The clinical symptoms of hypersensitive dentin are similar to those of acute reversible pulpitis. o Tooth hypersensitivity differs from dentinal or pulpal pain. In case of dentin hypersensitivity, patient’s ability to locate the source of pain is very good where as in pulpal pain, it is very poor. The pulpal pain is explosive, intermittent and throbbing and can be affected by hot or cold. o The character of pain does not outlast the stimulus. 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 29
  • 30. Diagnosis • A careful history together with a thorough clinical and radiographic examination is necessary before arriving at a definitive diagnosis of dentin hypersensitivity. 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 30
  • 31. Careful case history:  The history and nature of pain  The intensity of pain  The stimuli which initiate the sensitivity  The frequency and duration of sensitivity  History of restorative procedures, periodontal procedures and other related dental procedures. 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 31
  • 32. Clinical examination: Clinical observations: o Percussion sensitivity o Sensitivity or pain on tactile examination o Evidence of dentin exposure (gingival recession, loss of enamel) o Pain lingering after stimulus is removed. o Signs of fractured, leaky or poor restorative margins. Diagnostic test: o Vitality test to rule out the pulpal involvement o Radiographic examination, to detect caries, pulpal involvement, or periodontal involvement. 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 32
  • 33. Differential diagnosis Dentin hypersensitivity is perhaps a symptom complex rather than a true disease and results from stimulus transmission across exposed dentin. • A number of dental conditions are associated with dentin exposure and may produce same symptoms. • They are  Chipped tooth  Fractured restoration  Restorative treatments  Dental caries  Cracked tooth syndrome  Other enamel invaginations. 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 33
  • 34. Treatment strategies • Hypersensitivity can resolve without the treatment or may require several weeks of desensitizing agents before improvement is seen. • Treatment of dentin hypersensitivity is challenging for both patient and the clinician mainly of 2 reasons. 1) Difficult to measure or compare pain among different patients 2) Difficult for patient to change the habits that initially caused the problem. 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 34
  • 35. Management  It is well known that hypersensitivity often resolves without treatment.  This is probably related to the fact that dentin permeability decreases spontaneously because of occurrence of natural processes in the oral cavity. 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 35
  • 36. Natural process contributing to desensitization Formation of reparative dentin by the pulp Obturation of tubules by the formation of mineral deposits. (Dental sclerosis) Calculus formation on the surface of the dentin. 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 36
  • 37. • Treatment options for managing dentin hypersensitivity should be based on the extent and severity of the problem. Sl no Condition Treatment 1 Localized hypersensitivity Try application of varnishes, dentin adhesive restoration. 2 Generalized hypersensitivity Prescribe desensitizing toothpastes and restorations. 3 Severe hypersensitivity Consider endodontic therapy 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 37
  • 38. • 2 principal treatment options: Plug the dentinal tubules preventing the fluid flow. Desensitize the nerve, making it less responsive to stimulation. All the current modalities address these 2 options. 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 38
  • 40. Sl no Condition Treatment 1 Wasting diseases GIC or composites with proper pulp protection if required. 2 Dental caries Metallic or nonmetallic restorations 3 Dentin expose Resin impregnation technique, dentin bonding agents. 4 Root cementum expose Application of Ca(OH)2 5 Faulty restoration Replace with suitable restoration 6 Cracked tooth syndrome Full crowns Restorative methods: • When hypersensitivity is associated with significant loss of tooth structure then restorative methods are employed. 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 40
  • 41. Non-restorative methods: • If the loss of tooth structure is insignificant and generalized, then the non-restorative methods are indicated. 1. Lasers 2. Desiccation 3. Iontophoresis 4. Chemical agents 5. Dentin bonding agents 6. Medicated tooth pastes 7. Topical fluoride applications 8. Resin impregnation techniques 9. Application of calcium hydroxide. 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 41
  • 42. Treatment of dentin hypersensitivity can be divided into: 1. Home care with dentifrices 2. In office treatment procedures 3. Patient education 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 42
  • 43. Home care with dentifrices: • Dentifrice: a substance used with a toothbrush to aid in cleaning the accessible surfaces of the teeth. • Its components includes Abrasive Surfactant Humectant Thickener Flavoring agent sweetener Coloring agent Water 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 43
  • 44. o After professional diagnosis, dentinal hypersensitivity can be treated simply and inexpensively by home use of desensitizing dentifrices. o The habit of tooth brushing with a dentifrice for cosmetic reasons is well established in the population, thus compliance with this regimen can be easily made. 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 44
  • 45. • 10% strontium chloride desensitizing dentifrice found to be effective in relieving the pain of tooth hypersensitivity. Strontium chloride dentifrices • 5% potassium nitrate dentifrice found to alleviate pain related to tooth hypersensitivity. Potassium nitrate dentifrices • 0.7% Sodium monofluorophosphates dentifrices are the effective mode of treating tooth hypersensitivity. Fluoride dentifrices 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 45
  • 46. In office treatment procedures Rationale of therapy: o According to hydrodynamic theory of hypersensitivity, a rapid movement of fluid in the dentinal tubules is capable of activating intra-dental sensory nerves. o Therefore treatment of hypersensitive teeth should be directed towards reducing the anatomical diameter of the tubules, obliteration of the tubules or to surgically cover the exposed dentinal tubules so as to limit fluid movement. 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 46
  • 47. Criteria for selecting desensitizing agent: Provides immediately and lasting relief from pain Well tolerated by patients Does not stain the tooth Easy to apply Not injurious to the pulp Relatively inexpensive 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 47
  • 48. Treatment options to reduce the diameter of dentinal tubules can be:  Formation of a smear layer by burnishing the exposed root surface.  Application of agents that form insoluble precipitates within the tubules  Impregnation of tubules with plastic resins  Application of dental bonding agents to seal off the tubules.  Covering the exposed dentinal tubules by surgical means. 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 48
  • 49. • Prior to treating sensitive root surfaces, hard/soft deposits should be removed from the teeth. • Root planning on sensitive dentin may cause considerable discomfort, in this case teeth should be anesthetized prior to treatment and the teeth should be isolated and dried with warm air. • Varnishes: open tubules can be covered with a thin film of varnish, providing a temporary relief. Varnish such as copalite can be used for this purpose. For more sustained relief a fluoride containing varnish Duraflor can be applied. 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 49
  • 50. Corticosteroids: • Containing 1% prednisolone in combination with 25% para- chlorophenol, 25% methacresyl acetate and 50% gum camphor was found to be effective in preventing postoperative thermal sensitivity. • The use of corticosteroids is based on the assumption that hypersensitivity is linked to pulpal inflammation; hence more information is needed regarding the relationship between these 2 conditions. 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 50
  • 51. Partial obliteration of dentinal tubules. • Burnishing of dentin: Burnishing of dentin with a toothpick or orange wood stick results in the formation of a smear layer. This layer partially occludes the dentinal tubules which help in reducing the hypersensitivity. 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 51
  • 52. Formation of insoluble precipitates to block tubules:  Certain soluble salts react with ions in tooth structure to form crystals on the surface of dentin.  To be effective, crystallization should occur in 1-2 mts and the crystals should be small enough to enter the tubules and must also be large enough to partially obturate the tubules. 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 52
  • 53. Chemical agents are: Potassium oxalate Ferric oxalate Potassium oxalate Calcium chloride Strontium chloride Calcium phosphate 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 53
  • 54. Oxalates: • Relatively inexpensive • Easy to apply • Well tolerated by patients. • Eg: Potassium oxalate and ferric oxalate solution • They make available oxalate ions that can react with calcium ions in the dentin fluid to form insoluble calcium oxalate crystals that are deposited in the apertures of the dentinal tubules. 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 54
  • 55. Application of potassium oxalate on dentinal tubules Formation of calcium oxalate in tubules Blockage of dentinal tubules 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 55
  • 56. • Silver nitrate has ability to precipitate protein constituents of odontoblast processes, thereby partially blocking the tubules. • Zinc chloride- potassium ferrocyanide. When applied forms precipitate, which is highly crystalline and covers the dentin surface. • Formalin 40% is topically applied by means of cotton pellets or orangewood sticks on teeth. • Strontium chloride: Topical application of concentrated sodium chloride on an abraded dentin surface produces a deposit of strontium that penetrates dentin to a depth of approximately 10-20 micro m and extend into dentinal tubules 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 56
  • 57. • Calcium compounds have been popular agent for many years for the treatment of hypersensitivity. • The exact mechanism of action is unknown but evidence suggests that: * It may block dentinal tubules * May promote peritubular dentin formation. * On increasing the concentration of calcium ions around nerve fibers, may result in decreased nerve excitability. So calcium hydroxide might be capable of suppressing nerve activity. 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 57
  • 58.  A paste of calcium hydroxide and sterile distilled water applied on exposed root surface and allowed to remain for 3-5mts, can give immediate relief in 75% of cases.  Dibasic calcium phosphate when burnished with round toothpick forms mineral deposits near the surface of the tubules and found to be effective in 93% of patients. • Recaldent: CPP-ACP: complex of casein phosphopeptides and amorphous calcium phosphate. CPPs are a group of peptides derived from casein. Casein is the part of protein which naturally occurs in milk. CPP is responsible for high availability of calcium ions from milk. 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 58
  • 59. • CPP keeps calcium and phosphorus in ionic form. • In this state calcium and phosphate ions can enter the tooth enamel and thus promote remineralization of the tooth. Fluoride compounds: o Lukomsky was the first to propose sodium fluoride as desensitizing agent. o Application of NaF leads to precipitation of calcium fluoride crystals, thus reducing the functional radius of the dentinal tubules. 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 59
  • 60. • 10% solution forms dense layer of tin and fluoride containing globular particles blocking the dentinal tubules. Stannous fluoride • Silicic acid forms a gel with the calcium of the tooth and produces an insulating barrier. Sodium silico- fluoride • Concentration of fluoride in dentin treated with acidulated sodium fluoride is found to be higher than dentin treated with sodium fluoride. Acidulated sodium fluoride 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 60
  • 61. Iontophoresis: • It is the transfer of ions under electrical pressure through electrodes having opposite charge. • 1-2% sodium chloride or solution containing potassium, zinc ions etc are applied. • These ions are forced into the tubules by applying electrical force through electrodes. • Fluoride ions react with calcium get precipitated in the tubules and thereby blocks the tubules. • It is an expensive procedure. . 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 61
  • 62. Dental resins and adhesive: • Objective: seal the dentinal tubules to prevent pain producing stimuli from reaching pulp. • GLUMA is a dentin bonding agent that includes glutaraldehyde primer and 35% HEMA. • It provides an attachment to dentin that is immediately strong. • GLUMA is found to be highly effective when other methods of treatment failed to provide relief. 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 62
  • 63. Rinsing and drying for 20sec Application of bonding agent Surface is etched with phosphoric acid for 5sec Resin impregnation technique Exposed dentin surface is cleansed 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 63
  • 64. LASERS: • Kimura Y et al reviewed treatment of dentin hypersensitivity by Lasers. • 2 groups 1) low output power: Helium –neon and gallium/ aluminium / arsenide lasers. 2) middle output power: Nd:YAG and CO2 lasers. • Action Effects of sealing of dentinal tubules: durable Nerve analgesia Placebo effect. 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 64
  • 66. Patient education: Dietary counselling: Dietary acids are capable of causing erosive loss of tooth structure removing cementum Opening of dentinal tubules • Dietary counselling should focus on the quantity and frequency of acid intake and intake occurring in relation to tooth brushing. 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 66
  • 67. • Any treatment may fail if these factors are not controlled. • A written diet history should be obtained. • Loss of dentin is greatly increased when brushing is performed immediately after exposure of the tooth surface to dietary acids. • Patients should be cautioned against brushing their teeth soon after ingestion of citrus food. 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 67
  • 68. Tooth brushing technique: • Incorrect brushing appears to be an etiologic factor in dentin hypersensitivity, instruction about proper brushing techniques can prevent further loss of dentin and the hypersensitivity. 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 68
  • 69. Plaque control: • Saliva contain calcium and phosphate ions and is therefore able to contribute to the formation of mineral deposits within the exposed dentinal tubules. • Presence of plaque may interfere with this process, by producing acid by bacteria, are capable of dissolving any mineral precipitates that form thus opening tubules. 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 69
  • 70. Conclusion Professional interest in the cause and treatment of dentinal hypersensitivity has been evident in the dental literature for approx. 150 years or more. It satisfies all the criteria to be classified as a true pain syndrome. Myelinated A fibers are seems to be responsible for the sensitivity of dentin. Management of this condition requires determination of etiologic factors and predisposing influences. Partial obturation of open tubules the most widely practiced in office treatment of dentinal hypersensitivity. 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 70
  • 71. References • Carranza’s clinical periodontology 9th edition • Textbook of operative dentistry 2nd edition- Nisha garg • Essentials of periodontology - sahitya reddy. 3/11/2015 Dentin hypersensitivity 71