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Modern Management of
   Deep Vein Thrombosis

           Dr. Sharfuddin Chowdhury
             Department of Surgery
Groote Schuur Hospital and University of Cape Town
•   Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) refers to the formation of clot in the
    deep veins of the extremities or pelvis due to a disordered balance
    between the thrombotic and fibrinolytic systems.

•   There are three possible sequele following a DVT:

     Acute Pulmonary Thrombo-Embolism (PTE)

     Complicated DVT (Phlegmasia; venous gangrene)

     The Post-Thrombotic Syndrome (PTS) .

• Worldwide 70-113 cases per 100,000 per year

• No conclusive gender difference, however recurrence is

• Equally frequent among Whites and Blacks.

• More common during winter months by 10% - 15%
  compared to summer months.
• Prevalence of DVT in hospitalized patient groups
 Spinal cord injury                             60-80%
 Major trauma                                   40-80%
 Hip/Knee arthoplasty or hip fracture surgery   40-60%
 Critical care                                  10-80%
 Stroke                                         20-50%
 General surgery                                15-40%
 Major gynaecological surgery                   15-40%
 Neurosurgery                                   15-40%
 Major urologic surgery                         15-40%
 Medical patients                               10-20%
• Acute (< 2 weeks)
• Recurrent DVT
• Anatomical

                      Ilio-femoral             (L) ilio-femoral
                                               Multi segmental
                      Profunda femoris vein

Clinical Presentation

Acute DVT may present as
Complicated             Phlegmasia           Caerulea dolens (PCD)
                                              Alba dolens (PAD)
Pain- exacerbated by ambulation, relieved by rest
Swelling- below knee (distal DVT), Up to groin (proximal DVT)
Diagnosis of DVT
Diagnosis of DVT
•   Pre-test probability:
    A meta analysis involving more than 5000 patients with suspected DVT from 12
    clinical trials and systematic reviews showed that the combination of normal D-
    dimer and low clinical probability for DVT safely rules out the diagnosis of DVT.
    Level of Evidence: High (1A)

Modified Wells Score                                                                   Score
    Modified Wells Score
Paresis, Paralysis or recent leg plaster immobilization                                1
Active cancer (on going chemotherapy or within 6 months or palliative treatment)       1
Recent immobilization/ bed rest (> 3 days) or recent surgery (within 4 weeks)          1
calf circumference > 3 cm on affected side compared with normal side                   1
Localized tenderness along the deep venous system distribution                         1
Entire leg swollen                                                                     1
Pitting oedema of only the symptomatic leg                                             1
Collateral superficial veins (non-varicose)                                            1
Prior history of DVT                                                                   1
Alternative diagnosis at least as likely as DVT (ruptured Baker’s cyst,RA,Cellulitis   -2

Score 0= Low risk, 1-2=Moderate risk, 3 or above = High risk
   D-dimer is a specific degradation product of cross-linked

   Sensitive but non specific marker

 False-positive D-dimers occur in patients with

    o   Recent (within 10 days) surgery or trauma,
    o   Recent myocardial infarction or stroke,
    o   Acute infection,
    o   Disseminated intravascular coagulation,
    o   Pregnancy or recent delivery,
    o   Active collagen vascular disease, or metastatic cancer
  Imaging                  Advantages                              Disadvantages
Compression   Sensitivity 97-100% and specificity of   Difficult to perform in patients with
Ultrasound    98-99% for proximal DVT                  morbid obesity, severe oedema, casts
                                                       or other immobilization devices
              Non invasive, repeatable and widely
              available                                Decrease ability to visualize the
                                                       Popliteal fossa in cases of distal DVT
              Higher sensitivity in detecting distal
              thrombosis                               Operator dependent

CT            Non invasive                             Limited data
Venography    Can diagnose Pelvic DVT
              Concurrently exclude PE
MRV           Highly accurate                          Expensive
              Safe during Pregnancy                    Not readily available
Contrast      “                                        Invasive
Venography                                             Requires specialized equipment
                                                       Rare but serious side effects
  Imaging                  Advantages                              Disadvantages

Compression   Sensitivity 97-100% and specificity of   Difficult to perform in patients with
Ultrasound    98-99% for proximal DVT                  morbid obesity, severe oedema, casts
                                                       or other immobilization devices
              Non invasive, repeatable and widely
              available                                Decrease ability to visualize the
                                                       Popliteal fossa in cases of distal DVT
              Higher sensitivity in detecting distal
              thrombosis                               Operator dependent

CT            Non invasive                             Limited data
Venography    Can diagnose Pelvic DVT
              Concurrently exclude PE

MRV           Highly accurate                          Expensive
              Safe during Pregnancy                    Not readily available

Contrast      “Gold Standard”                          Invasive
Venography    Sensitivity approaches 100%              Requires specialized equipment
              Easily interpretable                     Rare but serious side effects
  Imaging                  Advantages                              Disadvantages

Compression   Sensitivity 97-100% and specificity of   Difficult to perform in patients with
Ultrasound    98-99% for proximal DVT                  morbid obesity, severe oedema, casts
                                                       or other immobilization devices
              Non invasive, repeatable and widely
              available                                Decrease ability to visualize the
                                                       Popliteal fossa in cases of distal DVT
              Higher sensitivity in detecting distal
              thrombosis                               Operator dependent

CT            Non invasive                             Limited data
Venography    Can diagnose Pelvic DVT
              Concurrently exclude PE

MRV           Highly accurate                          Expensive
              Safe during Pregnancy                    Not readily available

Contrast      “Gold Standard”                          Invasive
Venography    Sensitivity approaches 100%              Requires specialized equipment
              Easily interpretable                     Rare but serious side effects
  Imaging                  Advantages                              Disadvantages

Compression   Sensitivity 97-100% and specificity of   Difficult to perform in patients with
Ultrasound    98-99% for proximal DVT                  morbid obesity, severe oedema, casts
                                                       or other immobilization devices
              Non invasive, repeatable and widely
              available                                Decrease ability to visualize the
                                                       Popliteal fossa in cases of distal DVT
              Higher sensitivity in detecting distal
              thrombosis                               Operator dependent

CT            Non invasive                             Limited data
Venography    Can diagnose Pelvic DVT
              Concurrently exclude PE

MRV           Highly accurate                          Expensive
              Safe during Pregnancy                    Not readily available

Contrast      “Gold Standard”                          Invasive
Venography    Sensitivity approaches 100%              Requires specialized equipment
              Easily interpretable                     Rare but serious side effects
Diagnostic Algorithms
                               SUSPECTED DVT

                       Pre-test clinical probability

                       Low / moderate probability

                               D-Dimer assay

Negative                                             Positive/Equivocal

No Treatment                                             Venous US

                Negative               Positive              Equivocal

                No Treatment          Treatment               MRI/CV

                                                  Negative                Positive

                                                  No Treatment           Treatment
Diagnostic Algorithms
                                   SUSPECTED DVT

                               Pre-test clinical probability

                                    High probability

                                    Compression US

       Negative                          Positive                  Equivocal

    Serial US 5-7 days

Negative            Positive

No Treatment        Treatment            Treatment                 MRI/CTV

                                                        Negative                Positive

                                                        No Treatment           Treatment
Prevention / Prophylaxis
Prevention / Prophylaxis
Factor Xa inhibitors

• Fondaparinux                    • Rivaroxaban
• Synthetic analogue of           • Direct, selective and
  antithrombin-binding              reversible inhibitors of Xa.
  pentasaccharide                 • Orally with acceptable
  sequence.                         safety profile.
• Doesn’t cause                   • No monitoring needed.
  Thrombocytopenia,               • Non-valvular Afib. Ortho
  Osteoporosis.                     VTE Proph.
• Dosing                          • Dose: 10 mg OD
  2.5mg od for prophylactic VTE
  7.5mg od for established VTE
  5mg <50kg,10mg >100kg
Direct thrombin inhibitors

• Hirudin                      • Dabigatran
• Heparin and LMWH are         • Oral DTI
  indirect inhibitors of
  thrombin.                    • Indications:
• DTI do not require a
                                    Ortho VTE Prophylaxis
  plasma cofactor. Bind
  directly to thrombin and
  block its interaction with   • Dose: 150-200mg od
  its substrates.
                               • Monitoring not needed.
• Use: HIT , PCI
Grades of Recommendation

Grade                 Description of 2012 ACCP grade

 1A      Strong recommendation, high-quality evidence

 1B      Strong recommendation, moderate-quality evidence

 1C      Strong recommendation, low- or very-low-quality evidence

 2A      Weak recommendation, high-quality evidence

 2B      Weak recommendation, moderate-quality evidence

 2C      Weak recommendation, low- or very-low-quality evidence
Prophylaxis (ACCP Guidelines 2012)

•   Recommended Prophylaxis in surgical patients according to the estimated
    level of risks (ACCP Guidelines 2012)


                Risk level                            Prophylaxis

          Very low risk          Early mobilization

          Low risk               IPC (2C)

          Moderate risk          LMWH, LDUH (2B) or IPC (2C)

          High risk              LMWH / LDUH (1B) and IPC / ES (2C)
                                 Cancer surgery- LMWH 4 weeks (1B)

                                 IPC until risk of bleeding diminishes and LMWH /
                                 LDUH may be initiated
Prophylaxis (ACCP Guidelines 2012)
•   Major Trauma:
    Traumatic brain injury, acute spinal injury: UH, LMWH or IPC
    High risk: IPC and UH / LMWH
              (When not contraindicated by lower extremity injury)

•   Orthopaedic Surgery:
    Major Surgery (THA / TKA / HFS):
    > In hospital dual prophylaxis with antithrombotic agent (1B) and IPC (2C)
    > extended thromboprophylaxis in out patient period for up to 35 days (2B)
    > In case of increased risk of bleeding – IPC
    > Patients declining or uncooperative with injections: Apixaban, Dabigatran,

     Rivaroxiban, or dose adjusted VKA

 IVC Filter should not be used for primary VTE prevention (2C)
 Periodic surveillance with venous compression ultrasound should
  not be performed (2C)
Management of DVT
Key recommendations according to ACCP Guidelines 2012
  Distal DVT :
  A. No, mild or moderate symptoms and no risk for clot extension:
       No anticoagulation
       Serial doppler US over next 2 weeks to exclude clot extension (2C)
  B. Severe Symptoms:
       Anticoagulation 3 months (2C)

  Proximal DVT:
  > Anticoagulation 3 months (1B)
    Enoxaparin(bd) (2B) or Dalteparin/Tinzaparin/Fondaparinux (od) (2C)
    Followed by Warfarin rather than Dabigatran or Rivaroxaban
  > No routine use of thrombolytics or thrombectomy (2C)
  > Treat as an outpatient, if feasible
Management of DVT
• Incidentally discovered (Asymptomatic DVT)
  > Leg, pelvic or vena cava thrombosis – Anticoagulation
    3 months(2B)
  > Abdominal (portal, splenic, mesenteric or hepatic vein)
    thrombosis-no anticoagulation (2C)

• Cancer associated DVT:
  > Anticoagulation at least 3 months, preferably long term
    unless bleeding risk is very high (1B)
  > LMWH is the preferred treatment, rather than Warfarin
Management of DVT
• Arm DVT:
  > Axillary or more proximal veins- anticoagulation alone 3
    months (1B) rather than thrombolysis (2C)
  > DVT associated with central venous catheter:
    Do not remove functional catheter and anticoagulate (2C)
    if catheter is removed continue anticoagulation 3 months
• Superficial thrombophlebitis:
    Superficial thrombophlebitis of leg of at least 5 cm length-
    Prophylactic dose of Fondaparinux or LMWH for 45 days

Management of DVT

•Vena cava filter (=IVC filter):
    > should only be placed in the patient with acute DVT
      where anticoagulation is contraindicated (1B)
    > a permanent IVC filter, of itself, is not an indication for

       extended anticoagulation.

•Compression stockings:
   at least 2 years to prevent or minimize PTS (2C)
   If at 2 years patient has bothersome symptoms of PTS
   (Pain, swelling), continue to wear for symptoms relief
IVC Filters

• Indications:
  – Absolute contraindication to therapeutic
  – Failure of anticoagulation

• Relative Indications:
  –   recurrent VTE on anticoagulation,
  –   Recurrent PE with pulmonary hypertension,
  –   Extensive free-floating ilio-femoral thrombus, and
  –   Post-thrombolysis of ilio-caval thrombus.
IVC Filters- Classification

– Temporary filters are attached to a catheter that
  exits the skin
– Retrievable filters are similar in design to permanent

  filters but are designed to be removed.
IVC Filters – Different Types

A. Stainless steel
   Greenfield filter

B. Modified hook titanium
   Greenfield filter

C. Bird’s nest filter

D. Simon Nitinol filter

E. Vena tech filter
Filter Placement & Location

       • Angiographic imaging of the IVC: characterise
         IVC anatomy, exclude the presence of IVC

       • Inserted percutaneously via the femoral or
         jugular approach under fluoroscopy guidance.

             90% of clinically significant PE originates
       from the lower extremity or pelvic veins, optimally
       immediately below the renal veins to minimize
       dead space if filter becomes thrombosed or IVC
       thrombus to form.
Filter Placement-Location

           Suprarenal placement:

           Duplicated IVC
           Large volume of thrombus
           within the infrarenal IVC
           Extrinsic compression (!
           Pregnancy/Young females)
Filter Placement-Location

           Bilateral Iliac Vein:

           Duplicated IVC
           Retroaortic left renal vein
           component that drains into the
           IVC close to the iliac venous
Complications of IVC Filters

 Recurrent PE                                                                          2-5%
 Fatal PE                                                                              0.7%
 Venous Access site thrombosis                                                         2-28%
 Filter migration                                                                      3-69%
 IVC wall penetration                                                                  9-24%
 IVC obstruction                                                                       6-30%
 Filter fracture                                                                       1%
– Christopher J. Kwolek MD, Division of vascular and endo vascular surgery, Massachuatts General Hospital,
Anticoagulation after Filter Placement

 Whether concomitant anticoagulation therapy should
  be utilized following filter placement is unknown.

 Patients with IVC filters are at risk for
   – IVC thrombosis,
   – insertion site thrombosis and
   – recurrence of the initial thromboembolic event

    ACCP Guidelines suggest the use of conventional
    anticoagulation therapy if the risk of bleeding
    resolves. (2B)
IVC Filter-Retrieval
Success depends on:

• filter dwell time
• amount of hook/strut/leg
  penetration and endothelialization
• accessibility of the retrieval hook

 Turba et al report a 95% success
 rate for the GT Filter even with
 filters in place for more than 6
 months. (Feb 2010 Endovascular today)
Methods of Thrombus Removal
Early Thrombus Removal
             -Ilio-femoral DVT
• 2008 Guidelines- In favour of CDT (2B)

• 2012 Guidelines- Against CDT (2C)

 DVT causes severe leg pain and
 With anticoagulation, the period before
  improvement varies
 Difficulty ambulating and returning to
  full activity impair QOL
• Patient with ileo-femoral DVT (CFV and/or Iliac vein)
  develop PTS 60% of the time

  Author / year   Journal            N     2year PTS

  Prandoni 1996   Ann Intern Med     355   23%

  Brandjes 1997   Lancet             96    23%

  Prandoni 2004   Ann Intern Med     90    25%

  Partsch 2004    Int J Angiol       37    46%

  Van Dongen 2005 J Thromb Haemost   244   30%

  Kahn 2008       Ann Intern Med     387   60%

  Enden 2012      Lancet             99    56%
•     Does immediate clot removal speed symptom relief, save
      valves, preserve patency and prevent PTS?

Single- Centre RCTs                                 Multicentre RCT - CaVenT Study
 A 35-patient RCT found CDT with  189 patients with femoral, common
  streptokinase to provide better 6-       femoral, or iliac DVT: CDT + AC/comp
  month venous patency (72% vs 12%, p      vs AC/comp alone
  < 0.01) and less valvular reflux (11%
  vs 41%, p = 0.042)                    – Enden T et al. Lancet 2012; 379:31-38

    – Elsharawy M et al. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg
                                       2-year PTS was significantly reduced
                                          with use of CDT (41.1% versus 55.6%
 A 183-patient RCT found CDT-PCDT to     Control, p = 0.047)
  reduce 6-month PTS (3.4% vs 27.2%, p
                                       Limitations: sample size, used CDT (not PCDT)
  < 0.001) and recurrent VTE (2.3%
  versus 14.8%, p = 0.003)

– Sharifi M et al. Cathet Cardiovasc Interv
A multicentre randomized trial on  Acute venous Thrombosis :
Thrombus Removal with Adjunctive Catheter directed Thrombolysis
(ATTRACT) trial sponsored by The National Heart Lung and Blood
Institute (NHLBI),U.S.

As of:: July 3, 2012, 312 Patients have been enrolled
Catheter Directed Thrombolysis (CDT)
•   Indications:
    Acute ilio-femoral DVT
    Multi level DVT
    Massive DVT (Phlegmasia)
    < 10 days old
•   Contraindications:
    Absolute                Strong Relative             Other Relative
    Active bleeding / DIC   Recent Major Surgery        Renal failure
    Recent CVA / TIA        Major Trauma(<10 days)      Severe hepatic dysfunction
    Neurosurgery or         Eye surgery (<3 months)     Bacterial endocarditis
    Intracranial Trauma     Major GIT bleed (<3 mo)     Diabetic haemorrhagic
    (<3 months)             Uncontrolled HPT(>180)      Retinopathy
                            Recent delivery (<10 d)     Pregnancy or lactation
                            ICSOL or seizure disorder
                            Recent CPR (< 10 d)
CDT- Procedure
•   In cath lab
•   Under Local Anaesthesia
•   Straight flush angio-cath with multiple sideholes
•   The catheter tip is placed into the clot
•   Initial lysis with rt PA 10mg diluted in 200ml NS
•   Followed by rt PA infusion 1mg/hr(40 mg in 1L NS @ 25ml/hr)for 24hrs.
•   In addition Heparin infusion 500 U/hr to prevent catheter thrombosis
•   Monitor APTT (Therapeutic 2.5 X control) & Fibrinogen level 6hrly
•   Stop infusion if Fibrinogen levels < 2mg/dl
•   Ascending phlebogram before removal of catheter
•   Commence full anticoagulation & Warfarin after thrombus clearance
Angio Jet / Pulse Power Spray
•   The Angio Jet catheter system is comprised of a single –
    use catheter, single use pump set and a drive unit

•   Small pulses of high dose lytic agent delivered through a
    multi-side hole catheter with a guide wire occluding the end

•   Jets create a localized low pressure zone at the catheter tip
    macerating thrombus and redirecting flow and debris into
    outflow channels directed behind the catheter tip for
    aspiration and removal.

•   Success in thrombus removal, restoration of venous
    patency, and preservation of valvular function and low
    haemorrhagic complications has been demonstrated.
                                                      Example and principle of Angio Jet Power-Pulse
                                                      spray for DVT (Courtesy of Possis Medical, Inc.,
•   Expensive                                                        Minneapolis, MN.)
Trellis-8 Infusion System
•   The double balloon catheter is inserted into the
    thrombosed venous segment with the proximal
    balloon positioned at the upper edge of the thrombus.

•   Balloons are inflated and rtPA is infused into the
    thrombosed segment isolated by the balloons.

•   The intervening catheter spins at 1500 rpm for 15-20

•   The liquefied and fragmented thrombus is aspirated.
                                                            Example of Trellis-8
                                                            infusion catheter for DVT.
                                                            (Courtesy of Bacchus
•   Success    evaluated     by    repeats    segmental     Vascular, Inc., Santa Clara,
Ultrasound Accelerated Thrombolysis
•   In combination with CDT

•   Does not directly macerate the clot

•   Create micro streams, increase
    thrombus permeability results in
    augmented lytic dispersion within the

•   Parikh et al reported their initial
    experience with EKOS Endo wave
    system accelerated thrombolysis in
    53      patients.   Complete     lysis
    (>90%)was observed in 70%, overall
    in 91%, median infusion time was 22
                                               Example and principle of the EKOS
    hours, treatment time and the dose of
                                               ultrasound facilitated thrombolysis
    lytic agents were reduced.               (Courtesy of EKOS Corp., Bothell, WA.)
    J Vasc Interv Radiol 2008 19:521-528
Adjunctive Venoplasty and Stenting

•   Adequate      treatment    of    anatomic
    compression, stenosis, or persistent small
    thrombus after CDT or PMT requires
    angioplasty and stenting.

•   May Thurner syndrome (compression of
    left CIV by right CIA against L5) is the most
    common anatomic variant.

•   With anti coagulation alone, untreated iliac
    vein     obstruction    prevents     vessel
    recanalization in 70-80% of patients and        Venogram 6 weeks following EKOS

    clot propagation may continue up to 40%.        and AngioJet with stent in left
                                                    common iliac vein. Vein is widely
                                                    patent without thrombus in filter
                                                    which was removed
Venous Thrombectomy

• Venous Thrombectomy is
  falling out of favour.
• For pts. with CI to
  pharmacological thrombolysis
• Those in whom other
  modalities have failed in the
  setting of PCD

• Under GA, Groin exposure,
  Venotomy, venous balloon
  catheter to extract thrombus.

• Acute DVT should be viewed as a chronic disease due to
  substantial long-term patient disability.
• Anticoagulation remains the cornerstone of prevention and
  treatment of DVT.
• Newer anti coagulants may simplify therapeutic paradigms
  and are expected to improve overall clinical outcome.
• IVC filters should not be used routinely to prevent PE.
• Most ACCP recommendations are weak 2B/C.
• Catheter-based endovascular therapies offer the potential to
  preserve life and limb.
• ATTRACT trial results awaited.

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Deep Vein Thrombosis-Dr. sharfuddin chowdhury

  • 1. Modern Management of Deep Vein Thrombosis Dr. Sharfuddin Chowdhury Department of Surgery Groote Schuur Hospital and University of Cape Town
  • 2. Introduction • Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) refers to the formation of clot in the deep veins of the extremities or pelvis due to a disordered balance between the thrombotic and fibrinolytic systems. • There are three possible sequele following a DVT:  Acute Pulmonary Thrombo-Embolism (PTE)  Complicated DVT (Phlegmasia; venous gangrene)  The Post-Thrombotic Syndrome (PTS) .
  • 3. Epidemiology • Worldwide 70-113 cases per 100,000 per year • No conclusive gender difference, however recurrence is M>F • Equally frequent among Whites and Blacks. • More common during winter months by 10% - 15% compared to summer months.
  • 4. Epidemiology • Prevalence of DVT in hospitalized patient groups Spinal cord injury 60-80% Major trauma 40-80% Hip/Knee arthoplasty or hip fracture surgery 40-60% Critical care 10-80% Stroke 20-50% General surgery 15-40% Major gynaecological surgery 15-40% Neurosurgery 15-40% Major urologic surgery 15-40% Medical patients 10-20%
  • 5. Classification • Acute (< 2 weeks) • Recurrent DVT • Anatomical Bilateral Ilio-femoral (L) ilio-femoral Multi segmental Profunda femoris vein Femoro-popliteal Proximal Knee Distal
  • 6. Clinical Presentation Acute DVT may present as Asymptomatic Symptomatic Complicated Phlegmasia Caerulea dolens (PCD) Alba dolens (PAD) PTE Symptoms: Pain- exacerbated by ambulation, relieved by rest Swelling- below knee (distal DVT), Up to groin (proximal DVT) Erythema
  • 8. Diagnosis of DVT • Pre-test probability: A meta analysis involving more than 5000 patients with suspected DVT from 12 clinical trials and systematic reviews showed that the combination of normal D- dimer and low clinical probability for DVT safely rules out the diagnosis of DVT. Level of Evidence: High (1A) Modified Wells Score Score Modified Wells Score Paresis, Paralysis or recent leg plaster immobilization 1 Active cancer (on going chemotherapy or within 6 months or palliative treatment) 1 Recent immobilization/ bed rest (> 3 days) or recent surgery (within 4 weeks) 1 calf circumference > 3 cm on affected side compared with normal side 1 Localized tenderness along the deep venous system distribution 1 Entire leg swollen 1 Pitting oedema of only the symptomatic leg 1 Collateral superficial veins (non-varicose) 1 Prior history of DVT 1 Alternative diagnosis at least as likely as DVT (ruptured Baker’s cyst,RA,Cellulitis -2 etc.) Score 0= Low risk, 1-2=Moderate risk, 3 or above = High risk
  • 9. D-Dimer  D-dimer is a specific degradation product of cross-linked fibrin.  Sensitive but non specific marker  False-positive D-dimers occur in patients with o Recent (within 10 days) surgery or trauma, o Recent myocardial infarction or stroke, o Acute infection, o Disseminated intravascular coagulation, o Pregnancy or recent delivery, o Active collagen vascular disease, or metastatic cancer
  • 10. Imaging Imaging Advantages Disadvantages Modality Compression Sensitivity 97-100% and specificity of Difficult to perform in patients with Ultrasound 98-99% for proximal DVT morbid obesity, severe oedema, casts or other immobilization devices Non invasive, repeatable and widely available Decrease ability to visualize the Popliteal fossa in cases of distal DVT Higher sensitivity in detecting distal thrombosis Operator dependent CT Non invasive Limited data Venography Can diagnose Pelvic DVT Concurrently exclude PE MRV Highly accurate Expensive Safe during Pregnancy Not readily available Non-invasive Contrast “ Invasive Venography Requires specialized equipment Rare but serious side effects
  • 11. Imaging Imaging Advantages Disadvantages Modality Compression Sensitivity 97-100% and specificity of Difficult to perform in patients with Ultrasound 98-99% for proximal DVT morbid obesity, severe oedema, casts or other immobilization devices Non invasive, repeatable and widely available Decrease ability to visualize the Popliteal fossa in cases of distal DVT Higher sensitivity in detecting distal thrombosis Operator dependent CT Non invasive Limited data Venography Can diagnose Pelvic DVT Concurrently exclude PE MRV Highly accurate Expensive Safe during Pregnancy Not readily available Non-invasive Contrast “Gold Standard” Invasive Venography Sensitivity approaches 100% Requires specialized equipment Easily interpretable Rare but serious side effects
  • 12. Imaging Imaging Advantages Disadvantages Modality Compression Sensitivity 97-100% and specificity of Difficult to perform in patients with Ultrasound 98-99% for proximal DVT morbid obesity, severe oedema, casts or other immobilization devices Non invasive, repeatable and widely available Decrease ability to visualize the Popliteal fossa in cases of distal DVT Higher sensitivity in detecting distal thrombosis Operator dependent CT Non invasive Limited data Venography Can diagnose Pelvic DVT Concurrently exclude PE MRV Highly accurate Expensive Safe during Pregnancy Not readily available Non-invasive Contrast “Gold Standard” Invasive Venography Sensitivity approaches 100% Requires specialized equipment Easily interpretable Rare but serious side effects
  • 13. Imaging Imaging Advantages Disadvantages Modality Compression Sensitivity 97-100% and specificity of Difficult to perform in patients with Ultrasound 98-99% for proximal DVT morbid obesity, severe oedema, casts or other immobilization devices Non invasive, repeatable and widely available Decrease ability to visualize the Popliteal fossa in cases of distal DVT Higher sensitivity in detecting distal thrombosis Operator dependent CT Non invasive Limited data Venography Can diagnose Pelvic DVT Concurrently exclude PE MRV Highly accurate Expensive Safe during Pregnancy Not readily available Non-invasive Contrast “Gold Standard” Invasive Venography Sensitivity approaches 100% Requires specialized equipment Easily interpretable Rare but serious side effects
  • 14. Diagnostic Algorithms SUSPECTED DVT Pre-test clinical probability Low / moderate probability D-Dimer assay Negative Positive/Equivocal No Treatment Venous US Negative Positive Equivocal No Treatment Treatment MRI/CV Negative Positive No Treatment Treatment
  • 15. Diagnostic Algorithms SUSPECTED DVT Pre-test clinical probability High probability Compression US Negative Positive Equivocal Serial US 5-7 days Negative Positive No Treatment Treatment Treatment MRI/CTV Negative Positive No Treatment Treatment
  • 18. Factor Xa inhibitors • Fondaparinux • Rivaroxaban • Synthetic analogue of • Direct, selective and antithrombin-binding reversible inhibitors of Xa. pentasaccharide • Orally with acceptable sequence. safety profile. • Doesn’t cause • No monitoring needed. Thrombocytopenia, • Non-valvular Afib. Ortho Osteoporosis. VTE Proph. • Dosing • Dose: 10 mg OD 2.5mg od for prophylactic VTE 7.5mg od for established VTE 5mg <50kg,10mg >100kg
  • 19. Direct thrombin inhibitors • Hirudin • Dabigatran • Heparin and LMWH are • Oral DTI indirect inhibitors of thrombin. • Indications: AF, • DTI do not require a Ortho VTE Prophylaxis plasma cofactor. Bind directly to thrombin and block its interaction with • Dose: 150-200mg od its substrates. • Monitoring not needed. • Use: HIT , PCI
  • 20. Grades of Recommendation Grade Description of 2012 ACCP grade 1A Strong recommendation, high-quality evidence 1B Strong recommendation, moderate-quality evidence 1C Strong recommendation, low- or very-low-quality evidence 2A Weak recommendation, high-quality evidence 2B Weak recommendation, moderate-quality evidence 2C Weak recommendation, low- or very-low-quality evidence
  • 21. Prophylaxis (ACCP Guidelines 2012) • Recommended Prophylaxis in surgical patients according to the estimated level of risks (ACCP Guidelines 2012) A. GENERAL AND ABDOMINO PELVIC SURGERY Risk level Prophylaxis Very low risk Early mobilization Low risk IPC (2C) Moderate risk LMWH, LDUH (2B) or IPC (2C) High risk LMWH / LDUH (1B) and IPC / ES (2C) Cancer surgery- LMWH 4 weeks (1B) IPC until risk of bleeding diminishes and LMWH / LDUH may be initiated
  • 22. Prophylaxis (ACCP Guidelines 2012) • Major Trauma: Traumatic brain injury, acute spinal injury: UH, LMWH or IPC High risk: IPC and UH / LMWH (When not contraindicated by lower extremity injury) • Orthopaedic Surgery: Major Surgery (THA / TKA / HFS): > In hospital dual prophylaxis with antithrombotic agent (1B) and IPC (2C) > extended thromboprophylaxis in out patient period for up to 35 days (2B) > In case of increased risk of bleeding – IPC > Patients declining or uncooperative with injections: Apixaban, Dabigatran, Rivaroxiban, or dose adjusted VKA  IVC Filter should not be used for primary VTE prevention (2C)  Periodic surveillance with venous compression ultrasound should not be performed (2C)
  • 23. Management of DVT Key recommendations according to ACCP Guidelines 2012 Distal DVT : A. No, mild or moderate symptoms and no risk for clot extension: No anticoagulation Serial doppler US over next 2 weeks to exclude clot extension (2C) B. Severe Symptoms: Anticoagulation 3 months (2C) Proximal DVT: > Anticoagulation 3 months (1B) Enoxaparin(bd) (2B) or Dalteparin/Tinzaparin/Fondaparinux (od) (2C) Followed by Warfarin rather than Dabigatran or Rivaroxaban > No routine use of thrombolytics or thrombectomy (2C) > Treat as an outpatient, if feasible
  • 24. Management of DVT • Incidentally discovered (Asymptomatic DVT) > Leg, pelvic or vena cava thrombosis – Anticoagulation 3 months(2B) > Abdominal (portal, splenic, mesenteric or hepatic vein) thrombosis-no anticoagulation (2C) • Cancer associated DVT: > Anticoagulation at least 3 months, preferably long term unless bleeding risk is very high (1B) > LMWH is the preferred treatment, rather than Warfarin (2B)
  • 25. Management of DVT • Arm DVT: > Axillary or more proximal veins- anticoagulation alone 3 months (1B) rather than thrombolysis (2C) > DVT associated with central venous catheter: Do not remove functional catheter and anticoagulate (2C) if catheter is removed continue anticoagulation 3 months thereafter. • Superficial thrombophlebitis: Superficial thrombophlebitis of leg of at least 5 cm length- Prophylactic dose of Fondaparinux or LMWH for 45 days (2B).
  • 26. Management of DVT •Vena cava filter (=IVC filter): > should only be placed in the patient with acute DVT where anticoagulation is contraindicated (1B) > a permanent IVC filter, of itself, is not an indication for extended anticoagulation. •Compression stockings: at least 2 years to prevent or minimize PTS (2C) If at 2 years patient has bothersome symptoms of PTS (Pain, swelling), continue to wear for symptoms relief
  • 27. IVC Filters • Indications: – Absolute contraindication to therapeutic anticoagulation – Failure of anticoagulation • Relative Indications: – recurrent VTE on anticoagulation, – Recurrent PE with pulmonary hypertension, – Extensive free-floating ilio-femoral thrombus, and – Post-thrombolysis of ilio-caval thrombus.
  • 28. IVC Filters- Classification – Temporary filters are attached to a catheter that exits the skin – Retrievable filters are similar in design to permanent filters but are designed to be removed.
  • 29. IVC Filters – Different Types A. Stainless steel Greenfield filter B. Modified hook titanium Greenfield filter C. Bird’s nest filter D. Simon Nitinol filter E. Vena tech filter
  • 30. Filter Placement & Location • Angiographic imaging of the IVC: characterise IVC anatomy, exclude the presence of IVC thrombus. • Inserted percutaneously via the femoral or jugular approach under fluoroscopy guidance. INFRARENAL 90% of clinically significant PE originates from the lower extremity or pelvic veins, optimally immediately below the renal veins to minimize dead space if filter becomes thrombosed or IVC thrombus to form.
  • 31. Filter Placement-Location Suprarenal placement: Duplicated IVC Large volume of thrombus within the infrarenal IVC Extrinsic compression (! Pregnancy/Young females)
  • 32. Filter Placement-Location Bilateral Iliac Vein: Megacava Duplicated IVC Retroaortic left renal vein component that drains into the IVC close to the iliac venous confluence
  • 33. Complications of IVC Filters Recurrent PE 2-5% Fatal PE 0.7% Venous Access site thrombosis 2-28% Filter migration 3-69% IVC wall penetration 9-24% IVC obstruction 6-30% Filter fracture 1% – Christopher J. Kwolek MD, Division of vascular and endo vascular surgery, Massachuatts General Hospital,
  • 34. Anticoagulation after Filter Placement  Whether concomitant anticoagulation therapy should be utilized following filter placement is unknown.  Patients with IVC filters are at risk for – IVC thrombosis, – insertion site thrombosis and – recurrence of the initial thromboembolic event  ACCP Guidelines suggest the use of conventional anticoagulation therapy if the risk of bleeding resolves. (2B)
  • 35. IVC Filter-Retrieval Success depends on: • filter dwell time • amount of hook/strut/leg penetration and endothelialization • accessibility of the retrieval hook Turba et al report a 95% success rate for the GT Filter even with filters in place for more than 6 months. (Feb 2010 Endovascular today)
  • 37. Early Thrombus Removal -Ilio-femoral DVT • 2008 Guidelines- In favour of CDT (2B) • 2012 Guidelines- Against CDT (2C) BUT-  DVT causes severe leg pain and swelling  With anticoagulation, the period before improvement varies  Difficulty ambulating and returning to full activity impair QOL
  • 38. • Patient with ileo-femoral DVT (CFV and/or Iliac vein) develop PTS 60% of the time Author / year Journal N 2year PTS Prandoni 1996 Ann Intern Med 355 23% Brandjes 1997 Lancet 96 23% Prandoni 2004 Ann Intern Med 90 25% Partsch 2004 Int J Angiol 37 46% Van Dongen 2005 J Thromb Haemost 244 30% Kahn 2008 Ann Intern Med 387 60% Enden 2012 Lancet 99 56%
  • 39. Does immediate clot removal speed symptom relief, save valves, preserve patency and prevent PTS? Single- Centre RCTs Multicentre RCT - CaVenT Study  A 35-patient RCT found CDT with  189 patients with femoral, common streptokinase to provide better 6- femoral, or iliac DVT: CDT + AC/comp month venous patency (72% vs 12%, p vs AC/comp alone < 0.01) and less valvular reflux (11% vs 41%, p = 0.042) – Enden T et al. Lancet 2012; 379:31-38 – Elsharawy M et al. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2-year PTS was significantly reduced 2002. with use of CDT (41.1% versus 55.6%  A 183-patient RCT found CDT-PCDT to Control, p = 0.047) reduce 6-month PTS (3.4% vs 27.2%, p Limitations: sample size, used CDT (not PCDT) < 0.001) and recurrent VTE (2.3% versus 14.8%, p = 0.003) – Sharifi M et al. Cathet Cardiovasc Interv 2010.
  • 40. A multicentre randomized trial on Acute venous Thrombosis : Thrombus Removal with Adjunctive Catheter directed Thrombolysis (ATTRACT) trial sponsored by The National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI),U.S. As of:: July 3, 2012, 312 Patients have been enrolled
  • 41. Catheter Directed Thrombolysis (CDT) • Indications: Acute ilio-femoral DVT Multi level DVT Massive DVT (Phlegmasia) < 10 days old • Contraindications: Absolute Strong Relative Other Relative Active bleeding / DIC Recent Major Surgery Renal failure Recent CVA / TIA Major Trauma(<10 days) Severe hepatic dysfunction Neurosurgery or Eye surgery (<3 months) Bacterial endocarditis Intracranial Trauma Major GIT bleed (<3 mo) Diabetic haemorrhagic (<3 months) Uncontrolled HPT(>180) Retinopathy Recent delivery (<10 d) Pregnancy or lactation ICSOL or seizure disorder Recent CPR (< 10 d)
  • 42. CDT- Procedure • In cath lab • Under Local Anaesthesia • Straight flush angio-cath with multiple sideholes • The catheter tip is placed into the clot • Initial lysis with rt PA 10mg diluted in 200ml NS • Followed by rt PA infusion 1mg/hr(40 mg in 1L NS @ 25ml/hr)for 24hrs. • In addition Heparin infusion 500 U/hr to prevent catheter thrombosis • Monitor APTT (Therapeutic 2.5 X control) & Fibrinogen level 6hrly • Stop infusion if Fibrinogen levels < 2mg/dl • Ascending phlebogram before removal of catheter • Commence full anticoagulation & Warfarin after thrombus clearance
  • 43. Angio Jet / Pulse Power Spray • The Angio Jet catheter system is comprised of a single – use catheter, single use pump set and a drive unit • Small pulses of high dose lytic agent delivered through a multi-side hole catheter with a guide wire occluding the end hole. • Jets create a localized low pressure zone at the catheter tip macerating thrombus and redirecting flow and debris into outflow channels directed behind the catheter tip for aspiration and removal. • Success in thrombus removal, restoration of venous patency, and preservation of valvular function and low haemorrhagic complications has been demonstrated. Example and principle of Angio Jet Power-Pulse spray for DVT (Courtesy of Possis Medical, Inc., • Expensive Minneapolis, MN.)
  • 44. Trellis-8 Infusion System • The double balloon catheter is inserted into the thrombosed venous segment with the proximal balloon positioned at the upper edge of the thrombus. • Balloons are inflated and rtPA is infused into the thrombosed segment isolated by the balloons. • The intervening catheter spins at 1500 rpm for 15-20 mins. • The liquefied and fragmented thrombus is aspirated. Example of Trellis-8 infusion catheter for DVT. (Courtesy of Bacchus • Success evaluated by repeats segmental Vascular, Inc., Santa Clara, CA.) phlebography
  • 45. Ultrasound Accelerated Thrombolysis • In combination with CDT • Does not directly macerate the clot • Create micro streams, increase thrombus permeability results in augmented lytic dispersion within the thrombus. • Parikh et al reported their initial experience with EKOS Endo wave system accelerated thrombolysis in 53 patients. Complete lysis (>90%)was observed in 70%, overall in 91%, median infusion time was 22 Example and principle of the EKOS hours, treatment time and the dose of ultrasound facilitated thrombolysis lytic agents were reduced. (Courtesy of EKOS Corp., Bothell, WA.) J Vasc Interv Radiol 2008 19:521-528
  • 46. Adjunctive Venoplasty and Stenting • Adequate treatment of anatomic compression, stenosis, or persistent small thrombus after CDT or PMT requires angioplasty and stenting. • May Thurner syndrome (compression of left CIV by right CIA against L5) is the most common anatomic variant. • With anti coagulation alone, untreated iliac vein obstruction prevents vessel recanalization in 70-80% of patients and Venogram 6 weeks following EKOS clot propagation may continue up to 40%. and AngioJet with stent in left common iliac vein. Vein is widely patent without thrombus in filter which was removed
  • 47. Venous Thrombectomy • Venous Thrombectomy is falling out of favour. • For pts. with CI to pharmacological thrombolysis or • Those in whom other modalities have failed in the setting of PCD • Under GA, Groin exposure, Venotomy, venous balloon catheter to extract thrombus. .
  • 48. Conclusion • Acute DVT should be viewed as a chronic disease due to substantial long-term patient disability. • Anticoagulation remains the cornerstone of prevention and treatment of DVT. • Newer anti coagulants may simplify therapeutic paradigms and are expected to improve overall clinical outcome. • IVC filters should not be used routinely to prevent PE. • Most ACCP recommendations are weak 2B/C. • Catheter-based endovascular therapies offer the potential to preserve life and limb. • ATTRACT trial results awaited.

Editor's Notes

  1. WORLDWIDE estimated around 100/100,000 pa
  2. In hospitalized patients prevalence is highest in Spinal cord injury, Major trauma ,Hip/Knee arthoplasty or hip fracture surgery, critical care amongst others.
  3. Symptoms include…..
  4. Diagnosis of DVT starts with pre test clinical probability followed by D-dimer assay, followed by imaging that includes…..
  5. A combination of normal D- dimer and low clinical probability for DVT safely rules out the diagnosis of DVT. Level of Evidence: High (1A) According to the modified wells score, 1 point is given for the following…. A score of 0=low risk, 1-2=moderate risk, .3=high risk
  6. False positives occur in the following……
  7. Strategies to prevent DVT include:….. Mechanical methods comprise…
  8. Ill mention a bit about the newer anticoagulants….
  9. Grades of recomentations used in ACCP guidelines are divided into 1 and 2 1 stands for strong recommendation 2 for weak recommendation. 1 and 2 are further divided into a,b,c A for… B for…. C for…
  10. Recommendation for GENERAL AND ABDOMINO PELVIC SURGERY is as follows…. For….
  11. Recommendations for Management of distal DVT….. If no…. For proximal DVT….
  12. For….
  13. For…
  14. • There is a scarcity of robust evidence in favor of using IVC filters to manage DVT. • ACCP guidelines recommend IVC filter use in patients who cannot be anticoagulated due to bleeding risks. • There is insufficient data to support the use of IVC filters for such situations as recurrent VTE on anticoagulation, recurrent PE with pulmonary hypertension, extensive free-floating ilio-femoral thrombus, and post-thrombolysis of ilio-caval thrombus.
  15. IVC Filters can be classified as Permanent and Removable filters. Removable filters are again two types- Temporary and Retrievable filters. Temporary filters are attached to a catheter that exits the skin and therefore must be removed due to the risk of infection and embolization. Retrievable filters are similar in design to permanent filters but are designed to be removed. However, this must be done with caution, as neointimal hyperplasia can prevent removal or cause vessel wall damage upon removal
  16. The different types of IVC filters include….stainless steel greenfield filter……
  17. Right internal jugular or right common femoral The acute angle of the left iliac vein with the IVC directs the filter delivery sheath against the right lateral aspect of the IVC wall causing the filter to deployed in a tilted position
  18. For…….IVC filter can be placed suprarenally
  19. And bilteral iliac vein filters for…..
  20. Complications of IVC filters include…
  21. Whether concomitant anticoagulant therapy should be utilized following filter placement is unknown. Small thrombi are capable of passing through patent filters or through collaterals around obstructed filters; furthermore, direct thrombus extension can occur through the filter itself. Because patients with IVC filters are at risk for IVC thrombosis, insertion site thrombosis, and recurrence of the initial thromboembolic event, continued use of anticoagulants when there are no contraindications would seem to be a prudent recommendation
  22. For retrieval of IVC filter success depends on….. Here you can see….filter being hooked….and recaptured into sheath via Transjugular approach. Günther Tulip filter
  23. Thrombus removal can be done by open venous thrombectomy or endovascularly. Endovasscular techniques include…..
  24. The 2008 guidelines was in favour of CDT for early thrombus removal for ileofemoral DVT. The 2012 guidelines are against CDT.
  25. Different studies published in different journals over the past 15 years shows Patient with ileo-femoral DVT develop Post Thrombotic Syndrome 60% of the time in 2 years
  26. In 2002 , Elsharawy et al described a single centre Egyptian randomized trial comparing adjunctive CDT (with streptokinase) with anticoagulation alone in 35 patients with acute iliofemoral DVT. At 6 months, patient treated with CDT had a higher rate of normal venous function (72% vs 12%, p&lt; 0.001) and less valvular reflux (11% vs 41% , p = 0.04)
  27. Indications for CDT includes….. Absolute contraindications are….
  28. CDT is performed in the endovascular suite under LA. Initial lysis by 10mg of actelase in 200ml saline given as a bolus. This is followed by….. In addition….
  29. Iliac vein obstruction are of 2 types: Thrombotic iliac vein lesion, Non thrombotic iliac vein lesion like may thurner syndrome which is compression of left CIV by right CIA against L5 Adequate treatment of anatomic compression, stenosis, or persistent small thrombus after CDT or PMT requires angioplasty and stenting. With anti coagulation alone, untreated iliac vein obstruction prevents vessel recanalization in 70-80% of patients and clot propagation may continue up to 40%.
  30. Is done by performing a venotomy and a venous balloon catheter to extract thrombus.