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16/11/2020 1
A/Prof Truyen Tran
With contribution from Vuong Le, Hung
Le, Thao Le, Tin Pham & Dung Nguyen
Deakin University
December 2020
Deep learning 1.0 and Beyond
A tutorial
Part II
16/11/2020 2
“[By 2023] …
Emergence of the
generally agreed upon
"next big thing" in AI
beyond deep learning.”
Rodney Brooks
“[…] general-purpose computer
programs, built on top of far richer
primitives than our current
differentiable layers—[…] we will
get to reasoning and abstraction,
the fundamental weakness of
current models.”
Francois Chollet
“Software 2.0 is written in
neural network weights”
Andrej Karpathy
DL 1.0 has been fantastic, but has serious limitations
(but not always its fault)
DL builds glorified function
approximators using gradient
 Great at interpolating. Think GPT-X.
 One-step input/output mapping
 Require differentiability
Little systematic generalization
#REF: Marcus, Gary. "Deep learning: A critical appraisal." arXiv preprint arXiv:1801.00631 (2018).
Data hungry to cover all possible
 Computation demanding to process large
 Energy inefficient
 Prohibitive for small labs to compete
 Engineering effort is huge  Technical
A little too much heuristic. Lack of
DL 1.0 has been fantastic, but has serious limitations
(but not always its fault) (cont.)
#REF: Marcus, Gary. "Deep learning: A critical appraisal." arXiv preprint arXiv:1801.00631 (2018).
Lack natural mechanism to
incorporate prior knowledge, e.g.,
common sense
Assume stationaries
 Changes cause trouble  Expensive
 No causality  Random correlations
can be “learnt”
Sensitive to adversarial attacks
Lack of reasoning
 Pure pattern recognizer
 Little explainability
  Trust issue
To be fair, may of these problems are
common issues of statistical
DL 1.0 is great, but it is struggled to solve many
AI/ML problems
Learn to organize and remember ultra-
long sequences
Learn to generate arbitrary objects, with
zero supports
Reasoning about object, relation,
causality, self and other agents
Imagine scenarios, act on the world and
learn from the feedbacks
Continual learning, never-ending, across
tasks, domains, representations
Learn by socializing
Learn just by observing and self-prediction
Organizing and reasoning about (common-
sense) knowledge
Automated discovery of physical laws
Solve genetics, neuroscience and
Automate physical sciences
Automate software engineering
Neural memories
Theory of mind
Neural reasoning
A system view
Deep learning 2.0
16/11/2020 6
Classic models
Graph neural networks
Unsupervised learning
Deep learning 1.0
 Hand-crafting rules,
domain-specific, logic-
 High in reasoning
 Can’t scale.
 Fail on unseen cases.
16/11/2020 7
 Learning + reasoning, general
purpose, human-like
 Has contextual and common-
sense reasoning
 Requires less data
 Adapt to change
 Explainable
 Machine learning, general
purpose, statistics-based
 Low in reasoning
 Needs lots of data
 Less adaptive
 Little explanation
Photo credit: DARPA
System 1:
System 1:
System 1:
• Fast
• Implicit/automatic
• Pattern recognition
• Multiple
System 2:
• Slow
• Deliberate/rational
• Careful analysis
• Single, sequential
• Hypothetical thought
• Decoupled from data rep
• Facts
• Semantics
• Events and relational
• Working space –
temporal buffer
Current neural networks offerings
16/11/2020 9
No storage of intermediate results
Little choices over what to compute and what to use
Lack of conditional computation
Little support for complex chained reasoning
Little support for rapid switching of tasks
Credit: hexahedria
What is missing? A memory
Use multiple pieces of information
Store intermediate results (RAM like)
Episodic recall of previous tasks (Tape like)
Encode/compress & generate/decompress
long sequences
Learn/store programs (e.g., fast weights)
Store and query external knowledge
Spatial memory for navigation
16/11/2020 10
Rare but important events (e.g., snake
Needed for complex control
Short-cuts for ease of gradient
propagation = constant path length
Division of labour: program, execution
and storage
Working-memory is an indicator of IQ in
Memory enables reasoning
Expert reasoning was enabled by a large long-term
memory, acquired through experience
Working memory for analytic reasoning
 WM is a system to support information binding to a coordinate
 Reasoning as deliberative hypothesis testing  memory-retrieval
based hypothesis generation
 Higher order cognition = creating & manipulating relations 
representation of premises, temporarily stored in WM.
Reasoning over concepts & relations requires semantic
Memory is critical for episodic future thinking (mental
16/11/2020 11
“[…] one cannot hope to
understand reasoning
without understanding the
memory processes […]”
(Thompson and Feeney, 2014)
Neural memories
Theory of mind
Neural reasoning
A system view
Deep learning 2.0
16/11/2020 12
Classic models
Graph neural networks
Unsupervised learning
Deep learning 1.0
Recall: Memory networks
 Input is a set  Load into memory,
which is NOT updated.
 State is a RNN with attention reading
from inputs
 Concepts: Query, key and content +
Content addressing.
 Deep models, but constant path length
from input to output.
 Equivalent to a RNN with shared input
16/11/2020 13
Sukhbaatar, Sainbayar, Jason Weston, and Rob
Fergus. "End-to-end memory networks." Advances in
neural information processing systems. 2015.
MANN: Memory-Augmented Neural Networks
(a constant path length)
Long-term dependency
E.g., outcome depends on the far past
Memory is needed (e.g., as in LSTM)
Complex program requires multiple computational steps
Each step can be selective (attentive) to certain memory cell
Operations: Encoding | Decoding | Retrieval
16/11/2020 15
Learning a Turing machine
 Can we learn a (neural)
program that learns to
program from data?
Visual reasoning is a
specific program of two
inputs (visual, linguistic)
Neural Turing machine (NTM)
(simulating a differentiable Turing machine)
A controller that takes
input/output and talks to an
external memory module.
Memory has read/write
The main issue is where to write,
and how to update the memory
All operations are differentiable.
NTM operations
16/11/2020 17
16/11/2020 18
NTM unrolled in time with LSTM as controller
MANN for reasoning
Three steps:
 Store data into memory
 Read query, process sequentially, consult memory
 Output answer
Behind the scene:
 Memory contains data & results of intermediate steps
Drawbacks of current MANNs:
 No memory of controllers  Less modularity and
compositionality when query is complex
 No memory of relations  Much harder to chain predicates.
16/11/2020 19
Failures of item-only MANNs for reasoning
Relational representation is NOT stored  Can’t reuse later in the
A single memory of items and relations  Can’t understand how
relational reasoning occurs
The memory-memory relationship is coarse since it is represented as
either dot product, or weighted sum.
16/11/2020 20
Self-attentive associative memories (SAM)
Learning relations automatically over time
16/11/2020 21
Hung Le, Truyen Tran, Svetha Venkatesh, “Self-
attentive associative memory”, ICML'20.
Hung Le, Truyen Tran, Svetha Venkatesh,
“Neural stored-program memory”, ICLR'20.
Computing devices vs neural counterparts
FSM (1943) ↔ RNNs (1982)
PDA (1954) ↔ Stack RNN (1993)
TM (1936) ↔ NTM (2014)
UTM/VNA (1936/1945) ↔ NUTM (2019)
Neural memories
Theory of mind
Neural reasoning
A system view
Deep learning 2.0
16/11/2020 24
Classic models
Graph neural networks
Unsupervised learning
Deep learning 1.0
What color is the thing with the same
size as the blue cylinder?
• Requires multi-step
reasoning: find blue cylinder
➔ locate other object of the
same size ➔ determine its
color (green).
A testbed: Visual QA
Qualitative spatial
Relational, temporal
Object recognition
Scene graphs
Computer Vision
Natural Language
Visual QA
Symbol binding
Systematic generalisation
Learning to classify
Program synthesis
Action graphs
Event detection
Learning to reason
Learning is to improve itself by experiencing ~ acquiring
knowledge & skills
Reasoning is to deduce knowledge from previously
acquired knowledge in response to a query (or a cues)
Learning to reason is to improve the ability to decide if a
knowledge base entails a predicate.
 E.g., given a video f, determines if the person with the hat turns
before singing.
 Reasoning as just-in-time program synthesis.
 It employs conditional computation.
16/11/2020 27
Khardon, Roni, and Dan Roth. "Learning to reason." Journal of the ACM
(JACM) 44.5 (1997): 697-725.
(Dan Roth; ACM
Fellow; IJCAI John
McCarthy Award)
Why neural reasoning?
Reasoning is not necessarily achieved by making
logical inferences
There is a continuity between [algebraically rich
inference] and [connecting together trainable
learning systems]
Central to reasoning is composition rules to guide
the combinations of modules to address new tasks
16/11/2020 28
“When we observe a visual scene, when
we hear a complex sentence, we are
able to explain in formal terms the
relation of the objects in the scene, or
the precise meaning of the sentence
components. However, there is no
evidence that such a formal analysis
necessarily takes place: we see a scene,
we hear a sentence, and we just know
what they mean. This suggests the
existence of a middle layer, already a
form of reasoning, but not yet formal
or logical.”
Bottou, Léon. "From machine learning to machine
reasoning." Machine learning 94.2 (2014): 133-149.
The two approaches to neural reasoning
Implicit chaining of predicates through recurrence:
 Step-wise query-specific attention to relevant concepts & relations.
 Iterative concept refinement & combination, e.g., through a working
 Answer is computed from the last memory state & question embedding.
Explicit program synthesis:
 There is a set of modules, each performs an pre-defined operation.
 Question is parse into a symbolic program.
 The program is implemented as a computational graph constructed by
chaining separate modules.
 The program is executed to compute an answer.
16/11/2020 29
MACNet: Composition-Attention-
(reasoning by progressive refinement
of selected data)
16/11/2020 30
Hudson, Drew A., and Christopher D. Manning.
"Compositional attention networks for machine
reasoning." arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.03067 (2018).
LOGNet: Relational object reasoning with language binding
• Key insight: Reasoning is chaining of relational predicates to arrive
at a final conclusion
→ Needs to uncover spatial relations, conditioned on query
→ Chaining is query-driven
→ Objects/language needs binding
→ Object semantics is query-dependent
→ Very thing is end-to-end differentiable
System 1: visual
System 2: High-level
Thao Minh Le, Vuong Le, Svetha Venkatesh, and
Truyen Tran, “Dynamic Language Binding in
Relational Visual Reasoning”, IJCAI’20.
Language-binding Object Graph Network for VQA
Thao Minh Le, Vuong Le,
Svetha Venkatesh, and
Truyen Tran, “Dynamic
Language Binding in
Relational Visual
Reasoning”, IJCAI’20.
16/11/2020 33
Transformer as implicit reasoning
Reasoning as (free-) energy minimisation
The classic Belief Propagation algorithm is minimization algorithm of
the Bethe free-energy!
Transformer has relational, iterative state refinement makes
it a great candidate for implicit relational reasoning.
16/11/2020 34
Heskes, Tom. "Stable fixed points of loopy belief propagation are local minima of the bethe free
energy." Advances in neural information processing systems. 2003.
Ramsauer, Hubert, et al. "Hopfield networks is all you need." arXiv preprint
arXiv:2008.02217 (2020).
16/11/2020 35
On SQuAD, Answer = start/end positions
16/11/2020 36
Anonymous, “Neural spatio-temporal reasoning with object-centric self-
supervised learning”,
Answer place holder
Mao, Jiayuan, et al. "The Neuro-Symbolic Concept Learner: Interpreting Scenes, Words, and Sentences
From Natural Supervision." International Conference on Learning Representations. 2019.
NS-CL: Neuro-Symbolic Concept Learner
Extract object proposals from the image from which a feature vector is obtained usingRoI Align. Each
object feature is donated as 𝑜𝑜𝑖𝑖
Object concepts of the same attribute is mapped into a embedding space. For example, sphere, cube, and
cylinder are mapped into shape embedding space. This mapping is a classification problem!
= σ < 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠. 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑜𝑜𝑖𝑖, 𝑣𝑣 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐
> −γ /τ
 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠. 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 is a neural networks
 𝑣𝑣𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐
is the concept embedding to be learned of cube
 σ : sigmoid function
 γ and τ are scaling constants. 39
Concept learner
Program execution
Work on object-based visual
An intermediate set of objects is
represented by a vector, as attention mask
over all object in the scene. For example,
Filter(Green_cube) outputs a mask
The output mask is fed into the next
module (e.g Relate)
Neural memories
Theory of mind
Neural reasoning
A system view
Deep learning 2.0
16/11/2020 41
Classic models
Graph neural networks
Unsupervised learning
Deep learning 1.0
Contextualized recursive reasoning
Thus far, QA tasks are straightforward and
Questioner: I will ask about what I don’t know.
Answerer: I will answer what I know.
Real life can be tricky, more subjective:
Questioner: I will ask only questions I think
they can answer.
Answerer 1: This is what I think they want from
an answer.
Answerer 2: I will answer only what I think
they think I can.
16/11/2020 42
Source: religious studies project
 We need Theory of Mind to function socially.
Sally and Anne
Sally Anne
Sally puts her cake
into her basket
Sally’s basket Anne’s box
Sally goes out of
the room.
Anne takes Sally’s
cake out of Sally’s
basket and put this
cake into Anne’s box
Sally comes back to
the room
Photo: wikipedia
Social dilemma: Stag Hunt games
Difficult decision: individual outcomes (selfish) or group outcomes
 Together hunt Stag (both are cooperative): Both have more meat.
 Solely hunt Hare (both are selfish): Both have less meat.
 One hunts Stag (cooperative), other hunts Hare (selfish): Only one hunts hare
has meat.
Human evidence: Self-interested but considerate of others
(cultures vary).
Idea: Belief-based guilt-aversion
 One experiences loss if it lets other down.
 Necessitates Theory of Mind: reasoning about other’s mind.
A neural theory of mind
representationsnext-step action
Rabinowitz, Neil C., et al.
"Machine theory of
mind." arXiv preprint
arXiv:1802.07740 (2018).
Theory of Mind Agent with Guilt Aversion (ToMAGA)
Update Theory of Mind
 Predict whether other’s behaviour are
cooperative or uncooperative
 Updated the zero-order belief (what other will
 Update the first-order belief (what other think
about me)
Guilt Aversion
 Compute the expected material reward of
other based on Theory of Mind
 Compute the psychological rewards, i.e.
“feeling guilty”
 Reward shaping: subtract the expected loss of
the other.
Nguyen, Dung, et al. "Theory of Mind with Guilt
Aversion Facilitates Cooperative Reinforcement
Learning." Asian Conference on Machine Learning.
PMLR, 2020.
System 1:
System 1:
System 1:
• Fast
• Implicit/automatic
• Pattern recognition
• Multiple
System 2:
• Slow
• Deliberate/rational
• Careful analysis
• Single, sequential
• Hypothetical thought
• Decoupled from data rep
• Facts
• Semantics
• Events and relational
• Working space –
temporal buffer
Neural memories
Theory of mind
Neural reasoning
A system view
Deep learning 2.0
16/11/2020 48
Classic models
Graph neural networks
Unsupervised learning
Deep learning 1.0
End of part II
16/11/2020 49
Anonymous, “Neuralspatio-temporal reasoning with object-centric self-supervised learning”,
Bello, Irwan, et al. "Neural optimizer search with reinforcement learning." arXiv preprint arXiv:1709.07417 (2017).
Bengio, Yoshua, Aaron Courville, and Pascal Vincent. "Representation learning: A review and new perspectives." IEEE
transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 35.8 (2013): 1798-1828.
Bottou, Léon. "From machine learning to machine reasoning." Machine learning 94.2 (2014): 133-149.
Dehghani, Mostafa, et al. "Universal Transformers." International Conference on Learning Representations. 2018.
Kien Do, Truyen Tran, and Svetha Venkatesh. "Graph Transformation Policy Network for Chemical Reaction
Prediction." KDD’19.
Kien Do, Truyen Tran, Svetha Venkatesh, “Learning deep matrix representations”,arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.01454
Gilmer, Justin, et al. "Neural message passing for quantum chemistry."arXiv preprint arXiv:1704.01212 (2017).
Ha, David, Andrew Dai, and Quoc V. Le. "Hypernetworks." arXiv preprint arXiv:1609.09106 (2016).
Heskes, Tom. "Stable fixed points of loopy belief propagation are local minima of the bethe free energy." Advances in
neural information processing systems. 2003.
Hudson, Drew A., and Christopher D. Manning. "Compositional attention networks for machine reasoning."arXiv preprint
arXiv:1803.03067 (2018).
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variation. arXiv preprint arXiv:1710.10196.
Khardon, Roni, and Dan Roth. "Learning to reason." Journal of the ACM (JACM) 44.5 (1997): 697-725.
Hung Le, Truyen Tran, Svetha Venkatesh, “Self-attentive associative memory”, ICML'20.
Hung Le, Truyen Tran, Svetha Venkatesh, “Neural stored-program memory”, ICLR'20.
16/11/2020 50
Thao Minh Le, Vuong Le, Svetha Venkatesh, and Truyen Tran, “Dynamic Language Binding in Relational Visual
Reasoning”, IJCAI’20.
Le-Khac, Phuc H., Graham Healy, and Alan F. Smeaton. "Contrastive Representation Learning: A Framework and
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Gary. "Deep learning: A critical appraisal." arXiv preprint arXiv:1801.00631 (2018).
Mao, Jiayuan, et al. "The Neuro-Symbolic Concept Learner: Interpreting Scenes, Words, and Sentences From Natural
Supervision." International Conference on Learning Representations. 2019.
Nguyen, Dung, et al. "Theory of Mind with Guilt Aversion Facilitates Cooperative Reinforcement Learning." Asian
Conference on Machine Learning. PMLR, 2020.
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Pham, Trang, et al. "Column Networks for Collective Classification."AAAI. 2017.
Ramsauer, Hubert, et al. "Hopfield networks is all you need." arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.02217 (2020).
Rabinowitz, Neil C., et al. "Machine theory of mind." arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.07740 (2018).
Sukhbaatar, Sainbayar, Jason Weston, and Rob Fergus. "End-to-end memory networks." Advances in neural information
processing systems. 2015.
Tay, Yi, et al. "Efficient transformers: A survey." arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.06732 (2020).
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16/11/2020 51
References (cont.)

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Deep learning 1.0 and Beyond, Part 2

  • 1. 16/11/2020 1 A/Prof Truyen Tran With contribution from Vuong Le, Hung Le, Thao Le, Tin Pham & Dung Nguyen Deakin University December 2020 Deep learning 1.0 and Beyond A tutorial Part II @truyenoz
  • 2. 16/11/2020 2 “[By 2023] … Emergence of the generally agreed upon "next big thing" in AI beyond deep learning.” Rodney Brooks “[…] general-purpose computer programs, built on top of far richer primitives than our current differentiable layers—[…] we will get to reasoning and abstraction, the fundamental weakness of current models.” Francois Chollet “Software 2.0 is written in neural network weights” Andrej Karpathy
  • 3. DL 1.0 has been fantastic, but has serious limitations (but not always its fault) DL builds glorified function approximators using gradient descent  Great at interpolating. Think GPT-X.  One-step input/output mapping  Require differentiability Little systematic generalization #REF: Marcus, Gary. "Deep learning: A critical appraisal." arXiv preprint arXiv:1801.00631 (2018). Data hungry to cover all possible patterns  Computation demanding to process large data  Energy inefficient  Prohibitive for small labs to compete  Engineering effort is huge  Technical debt A little too much heuristic. Lack of theory.
  • 4. DL 1.0 has been fantastic, but has serious limitations (but not always its fault) (cont.) #REF: Marcus, Gary. "Deep learning: A critical appraisal." arXiv preprint arXiv:1801.00631 (2018). Lack natural mechanism to incorporate prior knowledge, e.g., common sense Assume stationaries  Changes cause trouble  Expensive retraining  No causality  Random correlations can be “learnt” Sensitive to adversarial attacks Lack of reasoning  Pure pattern recognizer  Little explainability   Trust issue To be fair, may of these problems are common issues of statistical learning!
  • 5. DL 1.0 is great, but it is struggled to solve many AI/ML problems Learn to organize and remember ultra- long sequences Learn to generate arbitrary objects, with zero supports Reasoning about object, relation, causality, self and other agents Imagine scenarios, act on the world and learn from the feedbacks Continual learning, never-ending, across tasks, domains, representations Learn by socializing Learn just by observing and self-prediction Organizing and reasoning about (common- sense) knowledge Automated discovery of physical laws Solve genetics, neuroscience and healthcare Automate physical sciences Automate software engineering
  • 6. Neural memories Theory of mind Neural reasoning A system view Deep learning 2.0 16/11/2020 6 Classic models Transformers Graph neural networks Unsupervised learning Deep learning 1.0 Agenda
  • 7. 1960s-1990s  Hand-crafting rules, domain-specific, logic- based  High in reasoning  Can’t scale.  Fail on unseen cases. 16/11/2020 7 2020s-2030s  Learning + reasoning, general purpose, human-like  Has contextual and common- sense reasoning  Requires less data  Adapt to change  Explainable 1990s-present  Machine learning, general purpose, statistics-based  Low in reasoning  Needs lots of data  Less adaptive  Little explanation Photo credit: DARPA
  • 8. 8 System 1: Intuitive System 1: Intuitive System 1: Intuitive • Fast • Implicit/automatic • Pattern recognition • Multiple System 2: Analytical • Slow • Deliberate/rational • Careful analysis • Single, sequential • Hypothetical thought • Decoupled from data rep Single Memory • Facts • Semantics • Events and relational associations • Working space – temporal buffer Pattern recognition Reasoning
  • 9. Current neural networks offerings 16/11/2020 9 No storage of intermediate results Little choices over what to compute and what to use Lack of conditional computation Little support for complex chained reasoning Little support for rapid switching of tasks Credit: hexahedria
  • 10. What is missing? A memory Use multiple pieces of information Store intermediate results (RAM like) Episodic recall of previous tasks (Tape like) Encode/compress & generate/decompress long sequences Learn/store programs (e.g., fast weights) Store and query external knowledge Spatial memory for navigation 16/11/2020 10 Rare but important events (e.g., snake bite) Needed for complex control Short-cuts for ease of gradient propagation = constant path length Division of labour: program, execution and storage Working-memory is an indicator of IQ in human
  • 11. Memory enables reasoning Expert reasoning was enabled by a large long-term memory, acquired through experience Working memory for analytic reasoning  WM is a system to support information binding to a coordinate system  Reasoning as deliberative hypothesis testing  memory-retrieval based hypothesis generation  Higher order cognition = creating & manipulating relations  representation of premises, temporarily stored in WM. Reasoning over concepts & relations requires semantic memory Memory is critical for episodic future thinking (mental simulation) 16/11/2020 11 “[…] one cannot hope to understand reasoning without understanding the memory processes […]” (Thompson and Feeney, 2014)
  • 12. Neural memories Theory of mind Neural reasoning A system view Deep learning 2.0 16/11/2020 12 Classic models Transformers Graph neural networks Unsupervised learning Deep learning 1.0 Agenda
  • 13. Recall: Memory networks  Input is a set  Load into memory, which is NOT updated.  State is a RNN with attention reading from inputs  Concepts: Query, key and content + Content addressing.  Deep models, but constant path length from input to output.  Equivalent to a RNN with shared input set. 16/11/2020 13 Sukhbaatar, Sainbayar, Jason Weston, and Rob Fergus. "End-to-end memory networks." Advances in neural information processing systems. 2015.
  • 14. MANN: Memory-Augmented Neural Networks (a constant path length) Long-term dependency E.g., outcome depends on the far past Memory is needed (e.g., as in LSTM) Complex program requires multiple computational steps Each step can be selective (attentive) to certain memory cell Operations: Encoding | Decoding | Retrieval
  • 15. 16/11/2020 15 Learning a Turing machine  Can we learn a (neural) program that learns to program from data? Visual reasoning is a specific program of two inputs (visual, linguistic)
  • 16. Neural Turing machine (NTM) (simulating a differentiable Turing machine) A controller that takes input/output and talks to an external memory module. Memory has read/write operations. The main issue is where to write, and how to update the memory state. All operations are differentiable. Source:
  • 18. 16/11/2020 18 NTM unrolled in time with LSTM as controller #Ref:
  • 19. MANN for reasoning Three steps:  Store data into memory  Read query, process sequentially, consult memory  Output answer Behind the scene:  Memory contains data & results of intermediate steps Drawbacks of current MANNs:  No memory of controllers  Less modularity and compositionality when query is complex  No memory of relations  Much harder to chain predicates. 16/11/2020 19 Source:
  • 20. Failures of item-only MANNs for reasoning Relational representation is NOT stored  Can’t reuse later in the chain A single memory of items and relations  Can’t understand how relational reasoning occurs The memory-memory relationship is coarse since it is represented as either dot product, or weighted sum. 16/11/2020 20
  • 21. Self-attentive associative memories (SAM) Learning relations automatically over time 16/11/2020 21 Hung Le, Truyen Tran, Svetha Venkatesh, “Self- attentive associative memory”, ICML'20.
  • 22. NUTM = NTM + NSM Hung Le, Truyen Tran, Svetha Venkatesh, “Neural stored-program memory”, ICLR'20.
  • 23. Computing devices vs neural counterparts FSM (1943) ↔ RNNs (1982) PDA (1954) ↔ Stack RNN (1993) TM (1936) ↔ NTM (2014) UTM/VNA (1936/1945) ↔ NUTM (2019)
  • 24. Neural memories Theory of mind Neural reasoning A system view Deep learning 2.0 16/11/2020 24 Classic models Transformers Graph neural networks Unsupervised learning Deep learning 1.0 Agenda
  • 25. 25 What color is the thing with the same size as the blue cylinder? blue • Requires multi-step reasoning: find blue cylinder ➔ locate other object of the same size ➔ determine its color (green). A testbed: Visual QA
  • 26. 26 Reasoning Qualitative spatial reasoning Relational, temporal inference Commonsense Object recognition Scene graphs Computer Vision Natural Language Processing Machine learning Visual QA Parsing Symbol binding Systematic generalisation Learning to classify entailment Unsupervised learning Reinforcement learning Program synthesis Action graphs Event detection Object discovery
  • 27. Learning to reason Learning is to improve itself by experiencing ~ acquiring knowledge & skills Reasoning is to deduce knowledge from previously acquired knowledge in response to a query (or a cues) Learning to reason is to improve the ability to decide if a knowledge base entails a predicate.  E.g., given a video f, determines if the person with the hat turns before singing. Hypotheses:  Reasoning as just-in-time program synthesis.  It employs conditional computation. 16/11/2020 27 Khardon, Roni, and Dan Roth. "Learning to reason." Journal of the ACM (JACM) 44.5 (1997): 697-725. (Dan Roth; ACM Fellow; IJCAI John McCarthy Award)
  • 28. Why neural reasoning? Reasoning is not necessarily achieved by making logical inferences There is a continuity between [algebraically rich inference] and [connecting together trainable learning systems] Central to reasoning is composition rules to guide the combinations of modules to address new tasks 16/11/2020 28 “When we observe a visual scene, when we hear a complex sentence, we are able to explain in formal terms the relation of the objects in the scene, or the precise meaning of the sentence components. However, there is no evidence that such a formal analysis necessarily takes place: we see a scene, we hear a sentence, and we just know what they mean. This suggests the existence of a middle layer, already a form of reasoning, but not yet formal or logical.” Bottou, Léon. "From machine learning to machine reasoning." Machine learning 94.2 (2014): 133-149.
  • 29. The two approaches to neural reasoning Implicit chaining of predicates through recurrence:  Step-wise query-specific attention to relevant concepts & relations.  Iterative concept refinement & combination, e.g., through a working memory.  Answer is computed from the last memory state & question embedding. Explicit program synthesis:  There is a set of modules, each performs an pre-defined operation.  Question is parse into a symbolic program.  The program is implemented as a computational graph constructed by chaining separate modules.  The program is executed to compute an answer. 16/11/2020 29
  • 30. MACNet: Composition-Attention- Control (reasoning by progressive refinement of selected data) 16/11/2020 30 Hudson, Drew A., and Christopher D. Manning. "Compositional attention networks for machine reasoning." arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.03067 (2018).
  • 31. LOGNet: Relational object reasoning with language binding 31 • Key insight: Reasoning is chaining of relational predicates to arrive at a final conclusion → Needs to uncover spatial relations, conditioned on query → Chaining is query-driven → Objects/language needs binding → Object semantics is query-dependent → Very thing is end-to-end differentiable System 1: visual representation System 2: High-level reasoning Thao Minh Le, Vuong Le, Svetha Venkatesh, and Truyen Tran, “Dynamic Language Binding in Relational Visual Reasoning”, IJCAI’20.
  • 32. 32 Language-binding Object Graph Network for VQA Thao Minh Le, Vuong Le, Svetha Venkatesh, and Truyen Tran, “Dynamic Language Binding in Relational Visual Reasoning”, IJCAI’20.
  • 34. Transformer as implicit reasoning Reasoning as (free-) energy minimisation The classic Belief Propagation algorithm is minimization algorithm of the Bethe free-energy! Transformer has relational, iterative state refinement makes it a great candidate for implicit relational reasoning. 16/11/2020 34 Heskes, Tom. "Stable fixed points of loopy belief propagation are local minima of the bethe free energy." Advances in neural information processing systems. 2003. Ramsauer, Hubert, et al. "Hopfield networks is all you need." arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.02217 (2020).
  • 36. 16/11/2020 36 Anonymous, “Neural spatio-temporal reasoning with object-centric self- supervised learning”, Answer place holder
  • 37. 38 Mao, Jiayuan, et al. "The Neuro-Symbolic Concept Learner: Interpreting Scenes, Words, and Sentences From Natural Supervision." International Conference on Learning Representations. 2019. NS-CL: Neuro-Symbolic Concept Learner Question parser
  • 38. Extract object proposals from the image from which a feature vector is obtained usingRoI Align. Each object feature is donated as 𝑜𝑜𝑖𝑖 Object concepts of the same attribute is mapped into a embedding space. For example, sphere, cube, and cylinder are mapped into shape embedding space. This mapping is a classification problem! = σ < 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠. 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑜𝑜𝑖𝑖, 𝑣𝑣 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐 > −γ /τ Where  𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠. 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 is a neural networks  𝑣𝑣𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐 is the concept embedding to be learned of cube  σ : sigmoid function  γ and τ are scaling constants. 39 Concept learner
  • 39. Program execution Work on object-based visual representation An intermediate set of objects is represented by a vector, as attention mask over all object in the scene. For example, Filter(Green_cube) outputs a mask (0,1,0,0). The output mask is fed into the next module (e.g Relate) 40
  • 40. Neural memories Theory of mind Neural reasoning A system view Deep learning 2.0 16/11/2020 41 Classic models Transformers Graph neural networks Unsupervised learning Deep learning 1.0 Agenda
  • 41. Contextualized recursive reasoning Thus far, QA tasks are straightforward and objective: Questioner: I will ask about what I don’t know. Answerer: I will answer what I know. Real life can be tricky, more subjective: Questioner: I will ask only questions I think they can answer. Answerer 1: This is what I think they want from an answer. Answerer 2: I will answer only what I think they think I can. 16/11/2020 42 Source: religious studies project  We need Theory of Mind to function socially.
  • 42. Sally and Anne Sally Anne Sally puts her cake into her basket Sally’s basket Anne’s box Sally goes out of the room. Anne takes Sally’s cake out of Sally’s basket and put this cake into Anne’s box Sally comes back to the room 1 2 4 5 3 Photo: wikipedia
  • 43. Social dilemma: Stag Hunt games Difficult decision: individual outcomes (selfish) or group outcomes (cooperative).  Together hunt Stag (both are cooperative): Both have more meat.  Solely hunt Hare (both are selfish): Both have less meat.  One hunts Stag (cooperative), other hunts Hare (selfish): Only one hunts hare has meat. Human evidence: Self-interested but considerate of others (cultures vary). Idea: Belief-based guilt-aversion  One experiences loss if it lets other down.  Necessitates Theory of Mind: reasoning about other’s mind.
  • 44. A neural theory of mind Successor representationsnext-step action probability goal Rabinowitz, Neil C., et al. "Machine theory of mind." arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.07740 (2018).
  • 45. Theory of Mind Agent with Guilt Aversion (ToMAGA) Update Theory of Mind  Predict whether other’s behaviour are cooperative or uncooperative  Updated the zero-order belief (what other will do)  Update the first-order belief (what other think about me) Guilt Aversion  Compute the expected material reward of other based on Theory of Mind  Compute the psychological rewards, i.e. “feeling guilty”  Reward shaping: subtract the expected loss of the other. Nguyen, Dung, et al. "Theory of Mind with Guilt Aversion Facilitates Cooperative Reinforcement Learning." Asian Conference on Machine Learning. PMLR, 2020.
  • 46. 47 System 1: Intuitive System 1: Intuitive System 1: Intuitive • Fast • Implicit/automatic • Pattern recognition • Multiple System 2: Analytical • Slow • Deliberate/rational • Careful analysis • Single, sequential • Hypothetical thought • Decoupled from data rep Single Memory • Facts • Semantics • Events and relational associations • Working space – temporal buffer Pattern recognition Reasoning
  • 47. Neural memories Theory of mind Neural reasoning A system view Deep learning 2.0 16/11/2020 48 Classic models Transformers Graph neural networks Unsupervised learning Deep learning 1.0 Summary
  • 48. End of part II 16/11/2020 49
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