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D-branes and the disformal dark sector

    Danielle Wills and Tomi Koivisto
                                          Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics
                                           University of Oslo
                                          Centre for Particle Theory
                                           Durham University
gµ⌫ = gµ⌫ +
                                                                   ˜                                                                                                   ,µ ,⌫                                                                                                                                                                                                                       (5)
                                                                                                                              1 + 2X ) = 1
                                                                                                                                               D( ) = D0 e ( 0)

                                                                           On the
                                                                           C( ) = 1                  physical and                             relationV0 e 
                                                                                                                                               V( ) =
                                                                                  gravitational geometry
                                                                          D( ) = D0 e ( )                                                                                     0

                                                                          V ( ) =Z V0 e 
                                                                                                                                                        p                           R    p
                                                                                        S=                                   d4 x                                         g            +   g L (matter, gµ⌫ )
                                                                                                                                                                                           ¯            ¯
                                        Z                                                                                                                                        16⇡G
                              p            R         p
•                For	
   d4 x
                 S =simplicity,	
                                    g             +        g L (matter, gµ⌫ )
                                                           ¯                ¯                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    (6)
•  It	
                                                                    gµ⌫ = C( , X)gµ⌫ + D( , X) ,µ ,⌫
                                                                    ¯                                                                                                                                                                                                    [Bekenstein, Phys.Rev.	
•  C	
Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Osloother
                                        between scalar degree of freedom and
                                                                                                  ter, which in turn could help to explain

                                               Frames of gravity                                  becomes dynamically important at the p
                                                                                                  There are myriad variations of such mod
                                                                                                  of them the coupling can be effectively d
y as                                                                                              field-dependent mass of the dark matter p
                                                                                                  Yukawa-type couplings can be motivated b
                                                                            gµ⌫ =
                                                                            ˜                       gµ⌫
                                                                                                  relation to scalar-tensor theories, which inc
                                                                                                  f (R) class of modified gravity [2].
                                                                                                     However, for any other type of gravity
                                                                                                  the relation between the matter and gravit
                                    will be non-conformal. This can also be m
                                                                                                             type 1
                                                                                                  in a DBI ~ ~scenario where matter is all
          L = φ R + V (φ )                                                                                  L = R − (∂ϕ ) + U (ϕ ) + Lm (ϕ )
                                                                                                  the additional dimensions [3]. When give
                                                                                                  field φ, the disformal relation can be param

       •  The	
   gµν = C(φ)gµν + D(φ)φ,µ φ,ν ,
       •  Is	
  commas denote partial derivatives.
                                                         where beyond	
       •  and	
  the most general physical 	
  case, Bekenstein [
                                                                                                          both functions C and D may also depend
  simpler case here.
                                                                                                          but we will focus on the asympto(cally	
                                                                                                          plications of such a relation to cosmology
further relations between scalar-                                                                                                                                                                                                                    4                        
                                                                                                                                                                                                               V( ) =                                        V0 e
Considerand itsfderivatives which gives rise to second or-
          an (R) theory as                                                                                                                                                                                 C( ) = 1
         der equations of motion in four space-time dimensions. Z
                The addition of a scalar degree of freedom provides =
                                                                                                            An example of both
                                                                                                            S a                                   d x
                                                                                                                                                   4 D( ) = D0 e       R       p (    0)
                                                                                                                                                                g µ⌫ =+ gµ⌫ L (matter, g
                                                                                                                                                                 g˜               g
                                                                                                                                                                                  ¯              ¯
  e      generous extension of the possibilities. The most general
  e derivatives which gives rise to second theory was first
  s gravitational sector for a scalar-tensor or-                                                                                                        V ( ) 16⇡G 0 e 
                                                                                                                                                                     = V
  y of motionmodified	
  g[14] and has ith	
        •  A	
   by four space-time dimensions. considerable
         derived in Horndeski ravity	
  w received
  on of a scalarrecently [15–21]. It is provides the Horndeski gµ⌫g C( =X)gµ⌫ ++ Dv v ,µ ,⌫
         attention degree of freedom given by a
  tnsion of the possibilities. The most general                                                                  Z ¯ =µ⌫ , Cgµ⌫ D( , X) ⌫               ˜                            µ
  s sector for a scalar-tensor theory was first S =                                                                                           4          p             R         p
                                                                                                                                    d x                        g✓            + ◆ g L (matt
   [14] and has received5considerable
  orndeski                                           X                                                                                                        d 16⇡G     X
  l                                           LH =        Li .                                                     (1)
  è It iss	
   gµ⌫ dX f,R gµ⌫ + f> 0 µ⌫
   [15–21]. Γ	
  i given by the Horndeski  i=2
                                                                                                                                                       ˜ = C + XD ,Q R
  Up to total derivative terms that do not contribute to the µ⌫ = C( , X)gµ⌫ + D( , X) ,µ
 -            equations ofX                                       5
                                                                  motion, the di↵erent pieces can be written                                                                                                                                                                                                gµ⌫ = gµ⌫ + ,µ ,⌫
 -          •  [19]	
 -                                    L 2 = G2          	
   i=2(X, )	
        ✓           ◆p
erivative terms that do not contribute to the                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  G2 = G3 = G5 =X, G4 = > 0 2X
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          d          0        1+
ymotion, L  	
                                dX C + XD
                                                                                                                                              ⇥ matter slow down:                                                                     ⇤
  + of	
  dark )
G2 (X,	
  1 + D ˙ 2 ! 0 = 1 + D0 e (
  L5 = G5 (X, )Gµ⌫ 	
   1 G5,X h(2 )3                                                                                                                        (2)                                                        ¯ 	
 -                                                                                                                                                  6                                                                                                                                                     gµ⌫ = gµ⌫ + ,µ ,⌫
n G3 (X, )2 ,                                                                                                                                                                                (3) ;µ                      i
                                                                                                                           ;µ⌫                                    ;⌫                     ;
 -                                                                    3(2 ) ;µ⌫
                                                                           ⇥                                                        + 2 ;µ ⇤ ;⌫ ;                                                                               .                            (5)
G4 (X, )R + G4,X (2 )                                                                                    2                                          ;µ⌫
                                                                                                                                                                             , (4)                                                                                                                              V ⇠e 
 -            Here R, Gµ⌫ are the Ricci scalar and the Einstein tensor, = G = G = 0 , G = (1 + 2X                   h                                                                                                                                      G
ated e.g.   The coupling will then generically involve second deriva-                0
                                                ✓        ◆
 e of dark matter slow down: the distortion of causal structure.
 to enter   tives, which ) = 1
                     C( entail               d       X                     V ( ) = V0 e 
                                                           >0                                          (8)
 a scalar              g00 )= = 1 D D ˙ 2 ( 0 0 ) 1 + account
                       ¯          + e !     taking + XD          ) ˙2
               For a point particle, and dX = Cinto D0 e ( the 0cor-                            (11)
                                                                                                                      Interacting matter
 ed as                             0
            rect weight of the delta function, we have           Z        
                   √ ( ¯) = V0 e
                     V                                                     p     R     p
       (1)                                 V g⇠µ=νg + ,µ ,⌫ S =
                                             ˜µ⌫ e µ⌫
                     −¯Lm = −Σm −¯µν x x δ (x − x(λ)) . (4)
                        g                 g ˙ ˙                      d4 x      g      +   ¯      (12) (9)
                                                                                          g L (matter, gµ
nsidering ZFrom the point of view of the = G5 = 0frame, the proper
                                     G2 = G3 physical , G4 = 1 + 2X
                        p                p D⇠e                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  (13) (10)
 ued that    time the particleR
                   4             experiences is dilated by the conformal
ks made ,of dark matter slow down:+ the g L (matter, gµ⌫D gives ga = C( , X)gµ⌫ + D( , X)
 n (∂φ)2 = factor C. In 16⇡G
          S      d x        g addition,       ¯disformal factor )¯           ¯µ⌫                                                                                                                                                                                                (6)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ,µ ,⌫
vious ap-                                    ⌦ ⇠ 2
             direction-dependent effect proportional to theD0 e (
                               g00 = 1 + D ˙ 2 ! 0 = 1 + projection 0 ) ˙ 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (14) (11)
 de vary- The	
  pthe four-velocity along the gradient ofrom	
     •       of hysical	
  f the field:
                                            ✓                    ◆
k energy                                              ↵2⇠ erm 2
                                                      V e
 tensions                 ˙ 2 ¯ x ef ν
                          x ≡ gµνGµ xf = C1 2 + D(x · ∂φ) G
                          ¯          ˙ ˙       x+
                                                ˙         ˙        .        (5)                                                                                                                                                                                                  (15) (12)
n of cou- The	
  vthe particle along its path
     •       Extremising the proper time of iolated:	
                                                      D⇠e                                                                                                                                                                                                                               (13)
 -up that
   in shows that xµ follows the x = µ geodesics: forces
on (1)
                           ¨ = ¯ µ x↵ disformal x↵ x + 5th
                                     ↵ ˙ ˙             ↵ ˙ ˙
                                         ¯ ˙B xβ ⌦ 0⇠
     •  The	
                                  xµ + Γµ xαrans-­‐Dicke	
                                   ¨               ˙ = ,                    (6)
                                                                                                                                         ✓                                           ◆
                                ↵2                       rm                                                                  Newton’s	
                                                                                   Gef f =                 1+    e                                      G                                                  mediated	

nic address:

D( ) = 4 D0 e         (   0)

                                                                        V ( ) =  4 V0 e        

              Chameleonic screening                         Z           
                                                                            pR     p
                                                       S=        d4 x           g+     g L (matter,
                                                                 [Khoury and Weltman, PRL	
                                                                gµ⌫ = C( , X)gµ⌫ + D( , X) ,µ ,⌫
    •  Spherically symmetric NR point matter source
                     Compton wavelength                      ✓      ◆
    •  The scalar potential decays beyond the Compton wavelenght 1/m> 0
                                                          d      X

Effective potential
    •  High effective Suppose highscalar has a mass
                      mass in the density regions
                                                         dX C + XD

 Consider non-relativistic matter 2
                                                       r gµ⌫ = g + ,µ ,⌫
                               m   4 G
                                                               G = G3 = G5 = 0 , G4 = 1a mas
                                                                2 Suppose the scalar has + 2X
                   Sphericallymade of dark solutions down:
                       Clocks symmetric matter slow                         2  m2  4 G
                                                       g00 =
                                                       ¯          1 + D ˙2 ! 0 =           1 + D0 e      (
                       d 2
                              2 d                                 Spherically symmetric solutions
                        2         m2    4 G
                        dr   r dr      
                                                                                    V ⇠e
                                                                            d  2
                                                                                   2 d       
                                                                             2         m2    4 G
                                   GM                                        dr Dr⇠ e  
                                                                                 m 1
                                                                                     dr              r
                        (r)        exp  mr 
                                    r                                                 GM
                                                                             (r) ⌦  ⇠
                                                                                        exp  mr 
                   The scalar potential decays exponentially above✓the Compton     ◆
                                                           The scalar potential rm
                                                                         ↵2 decays expo
                   wavelength m 1                          Gef f = 1 +
                                                           wavelength 1 2
                                                                            e        G
µν                                       µν
                           ensures that Einstein field equations have ◆ usual form
                                                               ✓                the
 ch models, but in all       µν          µν                 d          X
 s thatdescribed by a equations have the usual formcovariant conservation of
 tively µν Einstein field G = 8πGT . However, the                                   >0
                             Disformal screening
   8πGT . However, energy momentum does not hold for
matter particle. Those the covariant conservation of
                                                          dX C +the coupled compo-
                           nents separately. Instead, we obtain that
   momentum does not hold for the coupled compo-

  vated by a conformal
                                                              [TK, Mota & Zumalacarregui PRL	
 separately. Instead, we obtain that µ Tm ≡ −Qφµ⌫ ,= gµ⌫ + ,µ ,⌫
 hich includes also the                         µν         g ,ν
                                                           ˜                                    (3)
                                           C                 D                    D
                 Tm ≡ −Qφ ,ν , Q =
  gravity modification,
               µ           where              Tm − λ        (3) ,µ Tm +
                                                                φ      µλ
                                                                                      φ,µ φ,ν Tm  µν
                                                     = G3 =the effects , disformal couplings 1
                                          2C G2Addressing C 5 = 0of G4 = (1 + 2X)therefore
                                                              G                   2C
 d gravitational metric
             C              D                D requires studying the field dynamics in high density, non-            w
                                     µλ                      µν                                                     fi
    Q Clocks Tm −of dark matter m down: relativistic Tm involve second deriva-
 lso be=  motivated e.g. λ The coupling will then µ φ,ν environments. This regime can be explored
                               φ,µ T slow +       φ, generically
  er is Spherically symmetric, static NRof causal structure.a station-
     •  allowed made
             2C to enter    C                2Cusing the general configuration:                                     e
                           tives, which entail the distortion scalar field equation (7) for                          t
                              For involve tog00neglecting D ˙ =into + D0 ecurvature [31]. ˙
hen given by thenterm proportionalparticle, densitythe remaining ρ(x)account the→cor-The
oupling   • will a scalar                              1 distribution 1 in the limit ρ 0∞, 2
                                              ¯D = deriva- 2
              Each generically a point second and+takingidentically!
                                                   vanishes               spacetime
                                                                                        (       ) and              r
be parametrized as distortion weight of the delta result follows from taking the limit ρ C/D, φ2 in
 which entail the          rect of causal structure.
                                                 same function, we have                             ˙               v
     •  High density Dρ>>1 limit: √              (8):                                                               t
 )φ point              and            g
                                    −¯L  account ¨ −¯ 2˙ V˙ δ φ2 
 a ,µ φ,ν , particle,(1) taking into¯m = −Σmthe gµν˙xµ xν⇠ (4) (x 1− x(λ))β. ˙2 (4)
                                                                        ˙                                           t

 eight of the delta function, we equation:
          •  The Klein-Gordon have                            φ≈−       φ +C          −           =−   φ ,   (15)
                                                          2D             C   2D    2Mp                              s
 vatives. Considering      From the point of view of the physicalgeneral andthe second applies
                                                                           frame,     proper                        b
  nstein¯[4] arguedfield−¯µν xµ xν δ (4) (x − x(λ)) .example model. The by , expression
          •  The that indeed slows downour (4) dilated
                                                   (e.g. if                     β>0)
 √                                              where the first equality is 
                                                                  D ⇠ e abovethe the departs sub-
   −¯Lm = −Σm
      g                  g time the particle experiences is
                             ˙ ˙                to                                conformal                         m
          •  The evolution is independent ρof ∞from theill-defined. Spatialcoupling, for which
  depend upon (∂φ)2 ,                             the →     the density
                             factor C. In addition, the disformal conformal D gives a
                                                             limit is
                                                                      simple factor
                                                                                       derivatives become           t
thehere. Previous ap- the physical frame, the proper are suppressed by projection
 se point of view of         direction-dependent irrelevant, as they
                                                   effect proportional to the a p/ρ factor w.r.t.                    p

he •  The experiencesof the four-velocity along independent of importantly, the density, making
    particle 5
                   th force just isn’t there the gradient of the field: equation                                     t
 mology include vary-         is dilated by the time derivatives. More the local energy above
                                                  becomes                                                           fo
ation [6], dark energy
  C. In addition,muchdisformalx2 ≡ of thefield evolution insensitive∂φ)2 D                                           s
          •  Pretty the regardless gµν xthexνdetails+of Vhomogeneously, spatial gradi-
[9, 10] and extensions                  ¯ factor ˙D ˙ gives xafield D(x ·and .
                                         ˙    ¯ bodies.= C ˙ 2 rolls˙
                                                           As the
                                                                               to the presence of massive
                                                                                                  (5)               t
 on-dependent effect proportional to the projection
        ⇤ Electronic                              ents between separate objects, which would give rise to           a
 generalization ofaddress: scalar force,thenot form. along its path
                     cou-                                                                                           fo
 four-velocity along theExtremisingof the field: purely disformal case with exponential D, equa-
s a simple set-up that         gradient the proper time of do particle
                                                    In the                                                          in
                             shows that it follows the disformal geodesics:
                                                           tion (15) can be integrated directly
Potential signatures?
Our assumptions are violated if we have:
•  Matter velocity flows
       - Suppressed by v/c. Binary pulsars?
•  Pressure
       - Potential instability if p>C/D-X. Astrophysics?
•  Strong gravitational fields
      - Gravity coupling not suppressed by Dρ. Black holes?
•  Spatial field gradients
       - Potential remnants of LSS formation. Even Solar system?

Systematic study requires developing the PPN formalism
      [Work under progress with Kari Enqvist and Hannu Nyrhinen]	
Disformal couplings from DBI:
                      Flux compactifications in Type IIB string theory
•      In	
•      Single	

                                 Warped throat
                                                 h(r)      wrapped D5…
•      The	
                                                 V ( ) = V0 e

                              Disformal couplings from DBI:
                                    Z
                                    p     R    p
                     FluxS compactificationsLin Type )IIB string theory
                           = d4 x     g
                                             +   g (matter, gµ⌫
                                                 ¯          ¯

•      Recall:	
                         gµ⌫ = C( , X)gµ⌫ + D( , X) ,µ ,⌫
        –  The	

        –  The	
        –  The	
        –  The	

Disformal couplings from DBI:
                                          Example – D3-brane in AdS5

•      Consider	

        –  The	

        –  The	
                                                                                                      D-brane probe in AdS5
                                                                                                    geometry from stack of D3-
Disformal couplings from DBI:
                                                       Coupling to Matter
  •         Now	
             –  Open	
             –  These	
         D-brane probe in AdS5
                                                                                                                geometry from stack of D3-
       •      Finally	
               –  Transverse	
               –  Parallel	
[Work under progress with Ivonne Zavala]
ν        ν     C−2DX
          der, partial differential equation. Its hyperbolic char-       presence ofG2 = G3 energy 5 ede 0 , 3(1 G4 = 21[1
                                                                                     early dark = G Ω= =              + w)/γ
            density keepsthe signaturemodifiedthe time derivative term
                               the correct sign of gravity [2]. The new features nus unity asymptotically. Th˙
          acter depends on class of of the tensor M , which
                      f (R)                                  µν
                                                                                           appear when the disformal factor Dφ

          involves the However, a large pressure cantensor.
            if D > 0. coupled matter energy-momentum flip the sign of the order avoid a singularitythat the eff
                                                                        grows towards to one. Then the clocks in tick fo
                           However, for any introducingit, ofinstability.modification,, slow wherea de Sitt
          For a perfect fluid, in coordinates comoving
            spatial µ derivatives coefficient,                    type     gravity ¯ universe ˙ enters1intoand make=
                                                       other with an dark matter, g00 = −1 + Dφ2              down        Q th

                                    Toy model: ΦDDM
          Mµν = δνthe relation between the matter and gravitational state for dark matter approach m
            The present analysis focuses onderivative term effective equationsistance + 1 + 2X ,µ ,⌫also
                                                        non-relativistic environ- gµ⌫ of metric pathology was
                                                                                       ˜ = gµ⌫ to
                         − C−2DX diag(−ρ, p, p, p). Positive energy
          density keeps the correct sign of the time
                                        Dp                              nus unity asymptotically. The field also begins to freez
            ments, However, a large pressure can flipwill sign of can also be a motivated the effectiveThe coupling
          if D > 0.   will be non-conformal.theThisfurther to avoid singularity in e.g. scenariogµν , and th
                      and hence C−2DX                1       be the      assumed.         self-coupling metric ¯ [7, 8].
          spatial derivativesDBIaddress the effects of pressure, includ-
            Future work will type scenario where matter is allowed to de Sitter stage. Thiswhich re
                      in a coefficient,on non-relativistic environ- universe enters into Thus, the disformal coupl
                                            introducing an instability.                       a enter         tives, natural e
          The present analysis focuses under which the stability sistance to pathology was also observed in the disforma
            ing the circumstances                                        condition C( ) = 1
        The dark ingredients:
          ments, andthe additional will be further assumed.When given scenario [7, 8].
                        hence C−2DX        1 dimensions [3]. 11 self-coupling bythat triggers the For a point
            can breakwill address the effects of[12].
                           down dynamically pressure, includ-
                                                                                            a scalar
                                                                                                                  transition to
          Future work
                      field φ,cosmological model. condition consider an disformal as  D0 steeper mechanism
                                  the disformal relation can beThus, the D( ) relatively rect weight of
                                                                            parametrized =                     e (
                                                                                          The coupling provides a the slop0)

        •  A canonical quintessence field Φ
          ing the circumstances under which the stability Let us
               An example
          can break down where the [12]. acts as quintessence and the the transition to an V0 e the √
-                         VI. COSMOLOGY
            application dynamically field                                that triggers
                                                                                        V ( ) the slopehigher  ratio β/
                                                                                          is, i.e. the 4 accelerated expansion
                                                                                                 =  the
        •  DDM living in
            disformal coupling is used     gµν to trigger µν + D(φ)φ,µrelatively steeper (1)asofseendisformal−¯Lm
              An example cosmological model. =Let us consider an
                                           ¯                            The φ ,
                                                     C(φ)g cosmic acceleration. happens,
                                                                                ,ν                                           g¯
                                                                                                                  in FIG.1. Th

                       ΦDDM cosmology
          application where the viability quintessence and the is, i.e. the higher a short “bump” in the equatio
        Having addressed the field acts asof the theory inthe                               the ratio β/γ, the faster the transitio
            The Friedmann used to trigger cosmic usual form happens, as seen in FIG.1. This transition also produce
                        let us equations have the                             Z         
g       •  2 extra parameters wrt ΛCDM, everything at Planck scale
     Solardisformal coupling is commas denote acceleration.
             System, where consider its cosmological implica-
     tions. Using the Einstein Framethe usual form the Fried- S =
          The Friedmann equations have description,
                                                                                                              From the poin
                                                           partial derivatives.4 Considering of state, which may hav
                                                                        a short “bump” in the equation observational cons
                                                                                          p         R         p
     mann equations have the general˙ 2
                      the most usual form    8πG physical case, Bekenstein d observational16⇡G + time L (matte
                                                          φ2            interesting x full g consequences. Wethe analy
                                                                                                background g performed
                                                                                   [4] argued that with MCMC part   ¯
        The Friedmann equations:
       Canonical field + DDM:
 ,                         H +K =  8πG         φ (ρ +        + V ),     full background MCMC analysis           a modified versio
-  ●                  H 2 + K functions 3 + V ) , D may alsoofdepend upon CMBEasy [14] using the U
                      both 8⇡G  =        (ρ + C and 2                                     of
                                                                                               (∂φ) ,2
                                                                           CMBEasy [14] using the Union2factor C. comp
                                                                                                               Supernovae      In
                          k          3         ˙2

                                                                                                    Φenergy [18]. Th
                                                                                          lation [15], WiggleZdata [16], cos
                 H + 2˙ we will(⇢ + 4πG V the simpler case here. WiggleZ baryon acousticdirection-depe
                   2                                                                                                  baryon ac
d                     but = H 3 4πG − 2 + (ρ + , ˙ 2 (57) lation [15], Previous ap-
                       ˙ aH + 2 focus on
                                                       ),                                                      scale
                      H + H 2 = − = (ρ + 2φ2 − 2V ) 2φ − 2V ) , mic microwave background angular scale [17] and bound
                      plications of
                                       3          3                             gµ⌫ = C( ,microwaveof theX) ,µ
                                                                                ¯dark energy vary- + background an
                                                                                          mic X)g
                                    4⇡G such a relation to cosmology include[18]. The obtained constraints ar
                                                                        on early
                                                                                                               D( , four-ve
f                    ˙
                     H +H   2
                                =       (⇢ + 2   ˙2   2V ) ,     (58)                     on early dark
         but the conservation equations for matter and the scalar
          but the ing speed 3 from (3), theories [5], and the scalar darkWe see in FIG.2. We see th
                     conservation equations for matter inflation in FIG.2. shown that for steep slopes γ an
         field have to be computedof light (7):
                                                                                  [6],          energy
e       The (non)conservation equations:
          field have to equations for from and the
                                                                          β, the background evolution becomes ◆
    but the conservationbe computedmatter (3), (7):scalar ilar to ΛCDM. At this ✓ background higher bound
                     [7, 8], ˙ gravitational alternatives to [9, 10] and extensions X       β, the there are no evolution     ˙2
                                                                                                                increasingly sim
                                     ¨       ˙
    field have + 3Hρ computed from3H φ + V = −Q0 ,
              ρ to be = Q0 φ ,      φ + (43, 45):
                                                                                              d level
              ˙                                                   (8)                                 ΛCDM. At this0
                     of [11] dark, matter. 3H φ + V = −Q0 , χ2 (8) 538.79ofto C χ2 XD 538.91 level t
                                                                                            ilar                                 t
                                                                          on these parameters, and the model is completely viabl
-               ρ + 3Hρ = Q0 φ
                 ˙                 ˙         φ¨ + The disformal with disf =
                                                        ˙                 generalization versus + Extremising fi
                                                                                            dX cou- ΛCDM =                 (best
                                                                                            on these parameters, and the
g ●
       (Non)conservation equations:
                         ⇢ + 3H⇢ = Q0 ˙ ,
         were the background order coupling factor reads
                         ¨ + 3H ˙ ˙+ V 0 = C Q0 ,
                                                                   (59) WMAP7 parameters). However, the model is essentiall
                     pled quintessence here introduced is a simple set-up that = 538.79 versus χ
                       background order φ2 ) + D φ features different relation
                                                                                            withasχ2quite obvious when one look
          were the C useful to+studycoupling2 factor reads the from ΛCDM, (1) disfparameters). Howevis       shows that it
                     is  − 2D(3H φ V + C ˙                ˙
                                                 generic ρ , (9) at the effective dark matterin
                                                                          of                WMAP7equation of state in FIG.1.
,               Q0 =                                                                          gµ⌫ = g +
-                    different 2D(3H φ + V + matter + D φ2 Cosmological Perturbations.µ⌫A more,µ ,⌫ asdescrip
    were ⇢ is the energy density of the φ2 )
                               2 C + D(ρ − coupled C
                                                             ˙ 2
                                                                        ˙                   different from ΛCDM, is qu
                          C −
    ponent and the background coupling factor reads )    C φ                                at the cosmological perturbations. e
                                                                                                     effective dark matter I
                   Q0 =
         after solving away the higher derivatives. In the2
                                                                            ρ , (9)
                                                                          tion requires considering
-                  0            ˙     2 C +2D(ρ −˙ 2 )
                                      0    0
                                         A ˙          0 φ ˙ following the Newtonian gauge, the linearized field equation is
gµ⌫ = C( , X)gµ⌫ D( D( = X) D0 + ⌫
          ¯                + ) dX  Cµ e, XD
                                  ,    ,                                                                                        (7)
                                                4            
                                 V( ) =            V0 e

                                 ΦDDM: the background story
                      ✓          ◆
                    d Z    X     gµ⌫ = gµ⌫ + ,µ ,⌫
                               p   >0
                                    R    p                                                                                      (8)
                   S = C 4 x XD g
                   dX   d+             +    g L (matter, gµ⌫ )
                                            ¯            ¯                                                                                   (6)
                           G2 = G3 = G5 = 0 , G4 = (1 + 2X)
  Converging to the µ⌫ = gµ⌫ + ,µ 	
  ,⌫ Radiation era, Matter era	
   Disformal “freezing” 	
                  gscaling attractor*
                   ˜                                                                                                            (9) Sitter era 	
                           gµ⌫ = C( , X)gµ⌫ + D( , X) ,µ ,⌫
                           ¯                                                                                                                 (7)
 matter Practically
        slow down:
                                       The quintessence
       arbitrary initial0 , Gd = (1˙+ 2X)◆1
        G2 = G3 = G5 =
                                    X= 1 + D e (                                                                         Acceleration
                  g00 = 1 + D
                  ¯          4      2
                                        scaling solution0 ) ˙ 2
                                           >0 0                                                                                              (8)
         conditions         dX C + XD
      g00 =
      ¯         1+D         =             V ⇠ e) ˙ 2 with exponential V 	
   The coupling then triggers acceleration 	
  The early evolution of 2 usual “self-tuning” scalar
                       ˙ the              (
                                 1 + µ⌫ 0= gµ⌫ +
                                    gD e
                                    ˜            0
                                                           ,µ ,⌫                                                               (11)          (9)
 he * a saddle point if β>γ. Then as field
    gravitational metric also avoids problems with   10 108
 n gravity tests and the subtleties related to the                                   1
ce of di↵erent frames, hence e 3 , the the anal-
    rolls down the G2 ⇠ G = G5 = 0 , G4 = (1 + 2X)
                        V = simplifying D ⇠ e                                                                          (12)
                                                                                                              Coupled Matter               (10)
cosmologicalto matter: 	
    begins observations.
rk matter slow down:                                 10 107
 udy the dynamics within a particular example,                                                                                        Scalar Field
                        D⇠e 
 s on a simple Disformally + D ˙ 2 ! 0 =Matter D e (                                                                          (13)
                  g00 = 1 Coupled Dark                                                    0)   ˙2

                  ¯                           1+ 0                                                                                         (11)
                                                                   Ρ Mpc

M) model, constructed with the following prescrip-   10 106
                                                                                                Γ 10 all

     •  The field slows rolling V ⇠ e 
                                    exponentially                                               Β 5Γ
 ark Matter disformally coupled to a canonical                             10   105
                                                                                               Β 15 Γ
 alar• field, following Eq. (59-61).
          Eventually dark matter freezes too                                                                          Β 40 Γ

 n exponential parametrization is never flipped!
     •  However, the sign for the ⇠ e 
                                    D disformal                            10 104
                                                                                               0.1      0.2    0.5       1.0      2.0         5.0     10.0 the scalar field potential:
 lation and                                                                                                          a

                       (    0 )/Mp
           B = B0 e                  ,                (73)                  0.5
        perfectD , X)g in D( p, p, p).
  δa g− = C( fluid, µ⌫ +coordinates ,⌫ Positive energy G2 = G3 = G5equation = (1 φ2˙2X) 1down and m
     ν ¯µ⌫ C−2DX diag(−ρ, , X) ,µ comoving with it,
                                                                                          dark matter, g(7) =G4 1of D + ,2slow darkD e
                                                                                               effective ¯ 000 = −1 + state = 1 + matt
                                                                                                                  g ,
µ           µ         D
                                                                                                                   00          + D for                       0
  eeps δν −correct sign of thep, p). derivative term effective equation of state for dark matter appr
  ν = the C−2DX diag(−ρ, p, time Positive energy                                               nus unity asymptotically. The field also
                     ✓Clocks made      ◆

                 dX a + XD
                                   ΦDDM: constraints
   However,da correct sign of of dark matter slowterm
                                                 the time the sign down:
  sity keeps the large pressure can flipderivative of the nus unity asymptotically. Thethe effective me
   > 0. However, C large pressure can flip the sign of the
                                                                                               to avoid a singularity in field also begins
 erivatives coefficient, introducing an instability. to universe 2enters + in the effectiveemetric gµν ,
 tial derivativesfocuses on introducing an instability.
                                                                                      g00 = 1 +
                                                                                                           a ˙ = 1 into ( V ⇠) ˙ 2  ¯
                                                                                                avoid D singularity D e a de Sitter stage.

  ent analysis coefficient, non-relativistic environ- universe enters pathologySitter also observed
                                                                                               sistance toMota & a de was stage. (2012)	
                                                                                                                     into Zumalacarregui PRL	
                      Dp focuses on non-relativistic environ-
e present analysisgµ⌫ + ,µ will be further assumed. sistance to pathology was also observed in the 3d
 nd hence gC−2DX  ˜µ⌫ =
                                        1 ,⌫                                                   self-coupling scenario [7, 8].
nts, and hence C−2DX effects of pressure, includ- self-coupling scenario [7, 8]. D ⇠ e 
work will address the                      1 will be further assumed.                                           V ⇠e 
            We used the the effects data: 	
 ircumstancesaddress following of 1
  ure work will under which the stability condition
                               0.5                            pressure, includ-                     Thus, the disformal coupling provid
      G2 = G3 = G5 = 0 , G4 = (1 + 2X)                                                         Thus, the (10)
  the circumstances under which the stability condition
 k down dynamically [12].                                                                      that triggers the transition provides a me
                                                                                                                  disformal coupling to an accele
                                                                                                                D⇠e 
wn: •  down dynamically [12]. distance – redshift diagram The relatively steeper the slope of the ex
   break Supernovae Ia luminosity Let us consider an that triggers the transition to an accelerated di
 ample Baryon acousticmodel.
        •  cosmological oscillation Let                                                   The relatively steeper the slope ofβ/γ,disformal
An example ˙cosmological model. (scaleus2 consider an                                         is, i.e. the higher the ratio the the fast

                                                                                               happens, ΦDDM cosmology
                                                               0) ˙
 0 = •  1 + D the microwave background angular scale
 on where !field actsD0 e  0 = 1 + as
                   2                      Scalar quintessence and the
  licationCosmic the field acts as Matter
                                                                                          is, i.e. the higher the ratio β/γ, the faster the tr

              where                      Coupled quintessence and the
 l coupling is used 0.5 trigger cosmic acceleration. happens, as seenseen in FIG.1. transition also p
        •  BBN constraints onΓearly dark energy
                                                                                                                       in Φ:
                                                                                                                          FIG.1. This
                                                                                                                                               This transiti
 dmann         priorsV ⇠Hubble Βthe usual form
                                               10 all
                                                                                               a● Evolution of
  ormal coupling on used to trigger cosmic acceleration. (BBN)short “bump” in the equation of state,
        •  +equationse have rate (HST) and baryon fraction a short “bump” in the equation of state, which m
                                           ⇤ 40 Γ
e Friedmann equations haveElectronic address: of self-tuningTRACKING"
                                                the usual form                                                   (12) The "EXACT
                                                                                             Practically ARBITRARY                                   ”Disformal freez
                                                                                               interesting observational consequences.
                                          Β 15 Γ
                                                                                                                                    scalar field
                                                                                          interesting observational consequences. We perf
                                                                                                                      V                           B
                                           Β 5Γ                                              initial conditions                                      DE SITTER expa

                          8πG                  φ ˙ 2˙ 2 0.01                                   full background MCMC analysis with a
                      D ⇠ e10  + φ full background MCMC analysis with a modified
      H And+ = = 8πG (ρ + bounds on γ and β/γ: 	
   of CMBEasy [14] using the Union2 Su                          (13)
                                    4       0.001                 0.1      1       10      100
                       ⇤ Electronic address:
            + K obtained lower +V )),, a
            H  2
                     K 3           (ρ                        V
                                   3             22                                       of CMBEasy [14] using the Union2 Supernovae
                             4πG                                                               lation [15], WiggleZ baryon acoustic sca
       ˙•  + Since 2 ⌦−⇠(blue) (ρ different2choices of field coupling slope β. Highmic [15], WiggleZbackground angular data [
                2                  4πG + 2φ ˙ 2−scaling(red) and coupled mat- FIG. 2: Marginalizedbaryon two-sigma regions obtained
                           FIG. 1: Equation of state for the
      H H + H = − for(ρ + 2φ − 2V the
             H = ter
                                        during         ˙the 2V ) , era                    lation                 (14)
                                                                                                                                     acoustic scale
                                                                                                        microwave one and angular scale [17]scale           scale
                                 3 β/γ (solid, dashed)preferredfit to observations, microwave background (Green), CMB angular and
                                                                                          mic from Supernovae (Blue), BAO
                     high values for γ are not produce enough acceleration.on + early dark energy bounds (Orange), The obtained
                           values of 3                         give a good
                           while low values (dotted) do                                   on early dark energyincluded [18]. obtained the HST
                                                                                                      early dark energy The and combined con-
                                                                                                                            [18]. a prior on H0           constr
   the  • conservation freezing for matter and the scalar shown in FIG.2. We Bang Nucleosynthesis from slope
conservation the equations is matter and the scalar
             Since equations for then swifter,                                                       straints. All contours
                                                                                               shown inb HFIG.2. see that for steep stee
                                                                                                     [21] and Ω 0 from Big We see that for
d have tocomputed from (3),β/γ are preferred equations β, β, the background evolution becomes i
                     high values for continuity and Euler
 e to be be computed from (3),(7):
                           while the perturbed (7):                                       for the background evolution becomes increasin
        •  The expansiondark mattera(t) then resembles ΛCDMto to ΛCDM.this level there are no higher
                           coupled history are                                            ilar ilar ΛCDM. At At this level there are n
                   ˙Q0 φ , φ + + 3H φ Q0 V = −Q0 ,0 ˙ (8)˙
                        ˙      ¨ φ 3H θ˙ + V˙ = −Q 0 ,
                                      ¨ ˙ φ ˙ + CDM ˙are
3Hρ 3Hρ =φ ,though both Λ and φδ = 3Ψ + Qvery δQ φ , (11)on these parameters,the model model is c
   ρ + = Q0
    ˙                                                                             (8) on
                                         δ+ +                              δ φ + different! these parameters, andthe late time dependence dur-
                                                                                                        For our example model, and the is complete
                                                a       ρ                ρ       ρ                   ing dark energy domination produces a large enhance-
                                                      Q0 ˙                 Q0                  with2 2 the matter versus efΛCDM 2 538.91
                                                                                          with mentχof = 538.79growth, δGχ2 /G ∼χ(γV /ρ)2 =
                                                                                                      χdisf disf = 538.79 versus ΛCDM 1, f
  e the background order+couplingfactor kreads ρ δφ .
   background order coupling ρ factor reads
                                   θ θ H+                 φ = 2 Φ+                       (12)
                                                                                          WMAP7 parameters).to avoid However, early is es
                                                                                               WMAP7 parameters). the effects model dark
                                                                                                     as γ     10 is required However, the of the mo
                                                                                                     energy. Such behavior is in tension with large scale struc-
                           The general coupling perturbation2 δQ is a much moredifferent from ΛCDM, quite obvious when o
                                                                                          different observations, and also is as in conformally coupled
                                                                                                           from ΛCDM, as occurs is quite obviou
                             ˙ ˙                  C C ˙ 22˙            ˙2                            ture
D-Branes and The Disformal Dark Sector - Danielle Wills and Tomi Koivisto
D-Branes and The Disformal Dark Sector - Danielle Wills and Tomi Koivisto
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CosmoAIMS Bassett
Testing dark energy as a function of scale
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CosmoAIMS Bassett
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CosmoAIMS Bassett
A short introduction to massive gravity... or ... Can one give a mass to the ...
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CosmoAIMS Bassett
Decomposing Profiles of SDSS Galaxies
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CosmoAIMS Bassett
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Cluster abundances and clustering Can theory step up to precision cosmology?
CosmoAIMS Bassett
An Overview of Gravitational Lensing
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CosmoAIMS Bassett
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CosmoAIMS Bassett
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CosmoAIMS Bassett
Spit, Duct Tape, Baling Wire & Oral Tradition: Dealing With Radio Data
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CosmoAIMS Bassett
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CosmoAIMS Bassett
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CosmoAIMS Bassett
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CosmoAIMS Bassett
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CosmoAIMS Bassett
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D-Branes and The Disformal Dark Sector - Danielle Wills and Tomi Koivisto

  • 1.                                                                                                                                                                                      Cape  Town,  11.03.2013                        African  Ins7tute  for  Mathema7cal  Sciences   D-branes and the disformal dark sector Danielle Wills and Tomi Koivisto Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics University of Oslo Centre for Particle Theory Durham University
  • 2. gµ⌫ = gµ⌫ + ˜ ,µ ,⌫ (5) 1 + 2X ) = 1 C( D( ) = D0 e ( 0) On the C( ) = 1 physical and relationV0 e  V( ) = between gravitational geometry D( ) = D0 e ( ) 0  V ( ) =Z V0 e  p R p S= d4 x g + g L (matter, gµ⌫ ) ¯ ¯ Z  16⇡G p R p •  For   d4 x S =simplicity,  let  us  take  the  rela3on  to  be  given  by  a  scalar  Φ   g + g L (matter, gµ⌫ ) ¯ ¯ (6) 16⇡G •  It  can  be  argued  that  the  most  general  consistent  rela3on  then  has  the  form     gµ⌫ = C( , X)gµ⌫ + D( , X) ,µ ,⌫ ¯ [Bekenstein, Phys.Rev.  D48  (1993)  ]   (7)   •  C  ≠  1  is  very  well  known  and  extensively  studied.  We’ll  focus  on  D  ≠  0.                                        The  outline:                                                                                                                -­‐  What  is  it  good  for?                                                                                                                      1)  Mo7va7ons,  Phenomenology:  the  screening                                                                                          -­‐  Where  does  it  come  from?                                                                                                              2)  The  DBI  string  scenario                                                                                          -­‐  How  to  detect  it?                                                                                                              3)  Cosmology:  background  expansion,  Large-­‐scale  structure                                                                                                    -­‐    So  what?                                                          An  outlook  and  conclusion  
  • 3. Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Osloother between scalar degree of freedom and ter, which in turn could help to explain arXiv:1205.3167v2 Frames of gravity becomes dynamically important at the p There are myriad variations of such mod of them the coupling can be effectively d y as field-dependent mass of the dark matter p Yukawa-type couplings can be motivated b gµ⌫ = ˜ gµ⌫ relation to scalar-tensor theories, which inc f (R) class of modified gravity [2]. However, for any other type of gravity the relation between the matter and gravit  Brans-­‐Dicke  theory,  e.g.  f(R):         will be non-conformal. This can also be m type 1 in a DBI ~ ~scenario where matter is all 2 L = φ R + V (φ ) L = R − (∂ϕ ) + U (ϕ ) + Lm (ϕ ) 2 the additional dimensions [3]. When give field φ, the disformal relation can be param •  The  generalisa3on  of  conformal  mapping   gµν = C(φ)gµν + D(φ)φ,µ φ,ν , ¯ •  Is  contained  in  any  modified  gravity*  commas denote partial derivatives. where beyond  f(R)   •  and  in  any  scalar-­‐tensor  theory  the most general physical  case, Bekenstein [ beyond  Brans-­‐Dicke   both functions C and D may also depend *  The  generic  ghost  problem  of  higher  deriva3ve  theories  may  be  avoided  in  nonlocal  gravity  that  may  further  be  simpler case here. but we will focus on the asympto(cally  free!   [Biswas,  TK,  Mazumdar:  PRL  (2012)].     plications of such a relation to cosmology
  • 4. further relations between scalar- 4  V( ) =  V0 e Considerand itsfderivatives which gives rise to second or- tensor an (R) theory as C( ) = 1 der equations of motion in four space-time dimensions. Z The addition of a scalar degree of freedom provides = An example of both S a d x  p 4 D( ) = D0 e R p ( 0) g µ⌫ =+ gµ⌫ L (matter, g g˜ g ¯ ¯ e generous extension of the possibilities. The most general e derivatives which gives rise to second theory was first s gravitational sector for a scalar-tensor or- V ( ) 16⇡G 0 e  = V y of motionmodified  g[14] and has ith                                                    in  the  1st  order  formalism  [1]:   •  A   by four space-time dimensions. considerable derived in Horndeski ravity  w received , on of a scalarrecently [15–21]. It is provides the Horndeski gµ⌫g C( =X)gµ⌫ ++ Dv v ,µ ,⌫ attention degree of freedom given by a tnsion of the possibilities. The most general Z ¯ =µ⌫ , Cgµ⌫ D( , X) ⌫ ˜ µ Lagrangian s sector for a scalar-tensor theory was first S = 4 p R p d x g✓ + ◆ g L (matt ¯ l   [14] and has received5considerable orndeski X d 16⇡G X l LH = Li . (1) ently            è It iss  the  Levi-­‐Civita  connec3on  of     gµ⌫ dX f,R gµ⌫ + f> 0 µ⌫   [15–21]. Γ  i given by the Horndeski i=2 ˜ = C + XD ,Q R -  Up to total derivative terms that do not contribute to the µ⌫ = C( , X)gµ⌫ + D( , X) ,µ       g ¯ - equations ofX 5 motion, the di↵erent pieces can be written gµ⌫ = gµ⌫ + ,µ ,⌫ ˜ - •  [19]  H    =            L  i  .Horndeski    scalar-­‐tensor  theory,  “covariant  galileon”: as             L     (1) h - L 2 = G2   i=2(X, )  ,      (2)     ✓ ◆p erivative terms that do not contribute to the G2 = G3 = G5 =X, G4 = > 0 2X d 0 1+ w ymotion, L              the    =          G  3  (X,pieces  ,  can    be    written                          (3)          3   di↵erent          )2                                                       dX C + XD ⇥ matter slow down: ⇤ n -    L  4    =    G4  (X,  made    G  4,X      (2        2            ;µ⌫      ;µ⌫        ,      (4)                            is  the  E-­‐H  theory  for  [2]        Clocks      )R    + of    dark )                                         G2 (X,      )  ,                                                    ;µ⌫                                                          g  00                1 + D ˙ 2 ! 0 = 1 + D0 e ( a      L5 = G5 (X, )Gµ⌫       1 G5,X h(2 )3 (2) ¯     =     - 6 gµ⌫ = gµ⌫ + ,µ ,⌫ ˜ n G3 (X, )2 , (3) ;µ i ;µ⌫ ;⌫ ; - 3(2 ) ;µ⌫ ⇥ + 2 ;µ ⇤ ;⌫ ; . (5) G4 (X, )R + G4,X (2 ) 2 ;µ⌫ , (4) V ⇠e  m    1.  [TK:  PRD  (2007)]                        2.    [Zumalacarregui,  TK,  Mota:  PRD  (2013,  to  appear)]   ;µ⌫ - Here R, Gµ⌫ are the Ricci scalar and the Einstein tensor, = G = G = 0 , G = (1 + 2X h G
  • 5. ated e.g. The coupling will then generically involve second deriva- 0 ✓ ◆ e of dark matter slow down: the distortion of causal structure. to enter tives, which ) = 1 C( entail d X V ( ) = V0 e  >0 (8) a scalar g00 )= = 1 D D ˙ 2 ( 0 0 ) 1 + account ¯ + e ! taking + XD ) ˙2 For a point particle, and dX = Cinto D0 e ( the 0cor- (11) D( Interacting matter ed as 0 rect weight of the delta function, we have Z  √ ( ¯) = V0 e V  p R p (1) V g⇠µ=νg + ,µ ,⌫ S = ˜µ⌫ e µ⌫ (4) −¯Lm = −Σm −¯µν x x δ (x − x(λ)) . (4) g g ˙ ˙ d4 x g + ¯ (12) (9) g L (matter, gµ ¯ 16⇡G p nsidering ZFrom the point of view of the = G5 = 0frame, the proper  G2 = G3 physical , G4 = 1 + 2X p p D⇠e  (13) (10) ued that time the particleR 4 experiences is dilated by the conformal ks made ,of dark matter slow down:+ the g L (matter, gµ⌫D gives ga = C( , X)gµ⌫ + D( , X) n (∂φ)2 = factor C. In 16⇡G S d x g addition, ¯disformal factor )¯ ¯µ⌫ (6) ,µ ,⌫ vious ap- ⌦ ⇠ 2 direction-dependent effect proportional to theD0 e ( g00 = 1 + D ˙ 2 ! 0 = 1 + projection 0 ) ˙ 2 ¯ (14) (11) de vary- The  pthe four-velocity along the gradient ofrom  GR:   •  of hysical  proper  distances  differ  f the field: ✓ ◆ k energy ↵2⇠ erm 2 V e   tensions ˙ 2 ¯ x ef ν x ≡ gµνGµ xf = C1 2 + D(x · ∂φ) G ¯ ˙ ˙ x+ ˙ ˙ . (5) (15) (12) 2 n of cou- The  equivalence  principle  is  vthe particle along its path •  Extremising the proper time of iolated:   D⇠e  (13) -up that   in shows that xµ follows the x = µ geodesics: forces on (1) ¨ = ¯ µ x↵ disformal x↵ x + 5th it ↵ ˙ ˙ ↵ ˙ ˙ 2 (16) ¯ ˙B xβ ⌦ 0⇠ •  The  conformal  prototype,   xµ + Γµ xαrans-­‐Dicke  theory,  C(Φ)=exp(-­‐ακ(Φ-­‐Φ0)),  D=0:   ¨ ˙ = , (6) (14) αβ ✓ ◆ Effec3ve      ravita3onal  coupling                 g                                       ↵2 rm Newton’s  force  +  extra  5th  force   between  mager  par3cles   Gef f = 1+ e G mediated  by  scalar  par3cles  (15)     ress: 2                                                              How  to  reconcile  with  observa7ons?                                  1.  Make  the  field  very  massive              :          no  DE                                    2.  Make  α  very  small                                                :          uninteres7ng   nic address:                                3.  Make  them  species-­‐dependent  :          coupled  DE                                  4.  Make  them  density-­‐dependent  :          chameleon    
  • 6. D( ) = 4 D0 e ( 0) V ( ) =  4 V0 e  Chameleonic screening Z  pR p S= d4 x g+ g L (matter, ¯ 16⇡G [Khoury and Weltman, PRL  (2004)  ]   gµ⌫ = C( , X)gµ⌫ + D( , X) ,µ ,⌫ ¯ •  Spherically symmetric NR point matter source Compton wavelength ✓ ◆ •  The scalar potential decays beyond the Compton wavelenght 1/m> 0 d X Effective potential •  High effective Suppose highscalar has a mass  mass in the density regions dX C + XD  Consider non-relativistic matter 2 r gµ⌫ = g + ,µ ,⌫ (r) Comptonµ⌫wavelength ˜    m   4 G 2 p G = G3 = G5 = 0 , G4 = 1a mas 2 Suppose the scalar has + 2X Sphericallymade of dark solutions down: Clocks symmetric matter slow 2  m2  4 G g00 = ¯ 1 + D ˙2 ! 0 = 1 + D0 e ( d 2 2 d  Spherically symmetric solutions  2   m2    4 G  dr r dr   V ⇠e d 2 2 d   2   m2    4 G GM  dr Dr⇠ e   m 1 dr r  (r)   exp  mr  r GM  (r) ⌦  ⇠  exp  mr  2 r The scalar potential decays exponentially above✓the Compton ◆ The scalar potential rm ↵2 decays expo wavelength m 1 Gef f = 1 + wavelength 1 2 e G m
  • 7. µν µν ensures that Einstein field equations have ◆ usual form ✓ the ch models, but in all µν µν d X s thatdescribed by a equations have the usual formcovariant conservation of tively µν Einstein field G = 8πGT . However, the >0 Disformal screening 8πGT . However, energy momentum does not hold for matter particle. Those the covariant conservation of dX C +the coupled compo- nents separately. Instead, we obtain that momentum does not hold for the coupled compo- XD vated by a conformal [TK, Mota & Zumalacarregui PRL  (2012)  ]   separately. Instead, we obtain that µ Tm ≡ −Qφµ⌫ ,= gµ⌫ + ,µ ,⌫ hich includes also the µν g ,ν ˜ (3) C D D Tm ≡ −Qφ ,ν , Q = µν gravity modification, µ where Tm − λ (3) ,µ Tm + φ µλ φ,µ φ,ν Tm µν = G3 =the effects , disformal couplings 1 2C G2Addressing C 5 = 0of G4 = (1 + 2X)therefore G 2C d gravitational metric C D D requires studying the field dynamics in high density, non- w µλ µν fi Q Clocks Tm −of dark matter m down: relativistic Tm involve second deriva- lso be= motivated e.g. λ The coupling will then µ φ,ν environments. This regime can be explored φ,µ T slow + φ, generically er is Spherically symmetric, static NRof causal structure.a station- •  allowed made 2C to enter C 2Cusing the general configuration: e tives, which entail the distortion scalar field equation (7) for t For involve tog00neglecting D ˙ =into + D0 ecurvature [31]. ˙ hen given by thenterm proportionalparticle, densitythe remaining ρ(x)account the→cor-The ary oupling • will a scalar 1 distribution 1 in the limit ρ 0∞, 2 ¯D = deriva- 2 Each generically a point second and+takingidentically! vanishes spacetime ( ) and r in be parametrized as distortion weight of the delta result follows from taking the limit ρ C/D, φ2 in which entail the rect of causal structure. same function, we have ˙ v •  High density Dρ>>1 limit: √ (8): t )φ point and g −¯L account ¨ −¯ 2˙ V˙ δ φ2  a ,µ φ,ν , particle,(1) taking into¯m = −Σmthe gµν˙xµ xν⇠ (4) (x 1− x(λ))β. ˙2 (4) cor- D e ˙ t eight of the delta function, we equation: •  The Klein-Gordon have φ≈− φ +C − =− φ , (15) 2D C 2D 2Mp s vatives. Considering From the point of view of the physicalgeneral andthe second applies frame, proper b nstein¯[4] arguedfield−¯µν xµ xν δ (4) (x − x(λ)) .example model. The by , expression •  The that indeed slows downour (4) dilated (e.g. if β>0) √ where the first equality is  D ⇠ e abovethe the departs sub- −¯Lm = −Σm g g time the particle experiences is ˙ ˙ to conformal m c •  The evolution is independent ρof ∞from theill-defined. Spatialcoupling, for which depend upon (∂φ)2 , the → the density factor C. In addition, the disformal conformal D gives a stantially limit is simple factor derivatives become t thehere. Previous ap- the physical frame, the proper are suppressed by projection se point of view of direction-dependent irrelevant, as they effect proportional to the a p/ρ factor w.r.t. p he •  The experiencesof the four-velocity along independent of importantly, the density, making particle 5 th force just isn’t there the gradient of the field: equation t mology include vary- is dilated by the time derivatives. More the local energy above conformal becomes fo ation [6], dark energy C. In addition,muchdisformalx2 ≡ of thefield evolution insensitive∂φ)2 D s •  Pretty the regardless gµν xthexνdetails+of Vhomogeneously, spatial gradi- [9, 10] and extensions ¯ factor ˙D ˙ gives xafield D(x ·and . ˙ ¯ bodies.= C ˙ 2 rolls˙ µ As the to the presence of massive (5) t on-dependent effect proportional to the projection ⇤ Electronic ents between separate objects, which would give rise to a generalization ofaddress: scalar force,thenot form. along its path cou- fo four-velocity along theExtremisingof the field: purely disformal case with exponential D, equa- s a simple set-up that gradient the proper time of do particle the In the in shows that it follows the disformal geodesics: tion (15) can be integrated directly
  • 8. Potential signatures? Our assumptions are violated if we have: •  Matter velocity flows - Suppressed by v/c. Binary pulsars? •  Pressure - Potential instability if p>C/D-X. Astrophysics? •  Strong gravitational fields - Gravity coupling not suppressed by Dρ. Black holes? •  Spatial field gradients - Potential remnants of LSS formation. Even Solar system? Systematic study requires developing the PPN formalism [Work under progress with Kari Enqvist and Hannu Nyrhinen]    
  • 9. Disformal couplings from DBI: Flux compactifications in Type IIB string theory   •  In  flux  compac3fica3ons  of  Type  IIB  string  theory,    warping  can  arise  from  the   backreac3on  of  fluxes/objects  onto  the  compact  space  →  warped  throats   •  Single  Dp-­‐branes  can  move  as  probes  in  this  geometry,    with  a  DBI  ac3on             Warped throat CY3   D3, h(r) wrapped D5…     D7   •  The  disformal  coupling  arises  generically  from  this  set-­‐up,  as  we  will  now  see….      
  • 10. 0  V ( ) = V0 e Disformal couplings from DBI:  Z p R p FluxS compactificationsLin Type )IIB string theory = d4 x g 16⇡G + g (matter, gµ⌫ ¯ ¯ •  Recall:   gµ⌫ = C( , X)gµ⌫ + D( , X) ,µ ,⌫ ¯   –  The  disformal  metric:  this  arises  from  the  pull-­‐back  of  the  10  dimensional  metric   on  the  worldvolume  of  a  moving  D-­‐brane       –  The  scalar  field:  the  changing  posi3on  coordinate  of  the  brane  is  a  scalar  field   from  the  four-­‐dimensional  point  of  view  (we  consider  mo3on  in  one  transverse   direc3on  only)   –  The  func7ons  C  and  D:  both  are  given  by  the  warp  factor,  1/C=D=√h   –  The  disformally  coupled  maVer:  whatever  stuff  resides  on  the  moving  brane      
  • 11. Disformal couplings from DBI: Example – D3-brane in AdS5 •  Consider  a  probe  D3-­‐brane  moving  in  the  radial  direc3on  of  an  AdS5-­‐type  geometry   induced  by  a  stack  of  D3-­‐branes     –  The  disformal  metric:     –  The  scalar  field  ac7on:         +  poten3al     +  charge       D-brane probe in AdS5 geometry from stack of D3- branes
  • 12. Disformal couplings from DBI: Coupling to Matter •  Now  lets  couple  the  scalar  to  mager:   –  Open  string  endpoints  →  U(1)  vector  fields  on  the  world-­‐volume   –  These  can  acquire  masses  via  Stückelberg  couplings  to  bulk  2-­‐forms             →      The  massive  vectors  (or  their  decay  products)  are          -­‐  dark  to  our  standard  model                -­‐  disformally  coupled  to  our  metric  g   D-brane probe in AdS5 geometry from stack of D3-   branes •  Finally  lets  summarise  the  geometric  picture:     –  Transverse  open  string  oscilla7ons  →  scalar  field    →  dark  energy  in  cosmology?         –  Parallel  open  string  oscilla7ons              →  vector  field  →  dark  maVer  in  cosmology?     [Work under progress with Ivonne Zavala]
  • 13. ν ν C−2DX der, partial differential equation. Its hyperbolic char- presence ofG2 = G3 energy 5 ede 0 , 3(1 G4 = 21[1 early dark = G Ω= = + w)/γ density keepsthe signaturemodifiedthe time derivative term the correct sign of gravity [2]. The new features nus unity asymptotically. Th˙ acter depends on class of of the tensor M , which f (R) µν appear when the disformal factor Dφ arXiv:12 involves the However, a large pressure cantensor. if D > 0. coupled matter energy-momentum flip the sign of the order avoid a singularitythat the eff grows towards to one. Then the clocks in tick fo However, for any introducingit, ofinstability.modification,, slow wherea de Sitt For a perfect fluid, in coordinates comoving spatial µ derivatives coefficient, type gravity ¯ universe ˙ enters1intoand make= other with an dark matter, g00 = −1 + Dφ2 down Q th Toy model: ΦDDM D Mµν = δνthe relation between the matter and gravitational state for dark matter approach m The present analysis focuses onderivative term effective equationsistance + 1 + 2X ,µ ,⌫also non-relativistic environ- gµ⌫ of metric pathology was ˜ = gµ⌫ to − C−2DX diag(−ρ, p, p, p). Positive energy density keeps the correct sign of the time Dp nus unity asymptotically. The field also begins to freez ments, However, a large pressure can flipwill sign of can also be a motivated the effectiveThe coupling if D > 0. will be non-conformal.theThisfurther to avoid singularity in e.g. scenariogµν , and th and hence C−2DX 1 be the assumed. self-coupling metric ¯ [7, 8]. spatial derivativesDBIaddress the effects of pressure, includ- Future work will type scenario where matter is allowed to de Sitter stage. Thiswhich re in a coefficient,on non-relativistic environ- universe enters into Thus, the disformal coupl introducing an instability. a enter tives, natural e The present analysis focuses under which the stability sistance to pathology was also observed in the disforma ing the circumstances condition C( ) = 1 The dark ingredients: ments, andthe additional will be further assumed.When given scenario [7, 8]. Dp hence C−2DX 1 dimensions [3]. 11 self-coupling bythat triggers the For a point can breakwill address the effects of[12]. down dynamically pressure, includ- a scalar 4 transition to Future work field φ,cosmological model. condition consider an disformal as  D0 steeper mechanism the disformal relation can beThus, the D( ) relatively rect weight of parametrized = e ( The coupling provides a the slop0) •  A canonical quintessence field Φ ing the circumstances under which the stability Let us An example can break down where the [12]. acts as quintessence and the the transition to an V0 e the √ - VI. COSMOLOGY application dynamically field that triggers V ( ) the slopehigher  ratio β/ is, i.e. the 4 accelerated expansion =  the n •  DDM living in disformal coupling is used gµν to trigger µν + D(φ)φ,µrelatively steeper (1)asofseendisformal−¯Lm An example cosmological model. =Let us consider an ¯ The φ , C(φ)g cosmic acceleration. happens, ,ν g¯ functio in FIG.1. Th ΦDDM cosmology application where the viability quintessence and the is, i.e. the higher a short “bump” in the equatio Having addressed the field acts asof the theory inthe the ratio β/γ, the faster the transitio The Friedmann used to trigger cosmic usual form happens, as seen in FIG.1. This transition also produce let us equations have the Z  g •  2 extra parameters wrt ΛCDM, everything at Planck scale Solardisformal coupling is commas denote acceleration. System, where consider its cosmological implica- tions. Using the Einstein Framethe usual form the Fried- S = The Friedmann equations have description, From the poin partial derivatives.4 Considering of state, which may hav a short “bump” in the equation observational cons interesting p R p e mann equations have the general˙ 2 the most usual form 8πG physical case, Bekenstein d observational16⇡G + time L (matte ˙ φ2 interesting x full g consequences. Wethe analy background g performed [4] argued that with MCMC part ¯ The Friedmann equations: 2 Canonical field + DDM: , H +K = 8πG φ (ρ + + V ), full background MCMC analysis a modified versio - ● H 2 + K functions 3 + V ) , D may alsoofdepend upon CMBEasy [14] using the U both 8⇡G = (ρ + C and 2 of (∂φ) ,2 CMBEasy [14] using the Union2factor C. comp Supernovae In k 3 ˙2 2 Φenergy [18]. Th lation [15], WiggleZdata [16], cos H + 2˙ we will(⇢ + 4πG V the simpler case here. WiggleZ baryon acousticdirection-depe 2 baryon ac d but = H 3 4πG − 2 + (ρ + , ˙ 2 (57) lation [15], Previous ap- ˙ aH + 2 focus on ), scale H + H 2 = − = (ρ + 2φ2 − 2V ) 2φ − 2V ) , mic microwave background angular scale [17] and bound ˙ s plications of 3 3 gµ⌫ = C( ,microwaveof theX) ,µ ¯dark energy vary- + background an mic X)g µ⌫ 4⇡G such a relation to cosmology include[18]. The obtained constraints ar on early D( , four-ve f ˙ H +H 2 = (⇢ + 2 ˙2 2V ) , (58) on early dark but the conservation equations for matter and the scalar but the ing speed 3 from (3), theories [5], and the scalar darkWe see in FIG.2. We see th conservation equations for matter inflation in FIG.2. shown that for steep slopes γ an field have to be computedof light (7): shown [6], energy e The (non)conservation equations: field have to equations for from and the β, the background evolution becomes ◆ but the conservationbe computedmatter (3), (7):scalar ilar to ΛCDM. At this ✓ background higher bound [7, 8], ˙ gravitational alternatives to [9, 10] and extensions X β, the there are no evolution ˙2 increasingly sim x ¯ ¨ ˙ field have + 3Hρ computed from3H φ + V = −Q0 , ρ to be = Q0 φ , φ + (43, 45): d level ˙ (8) ΛCDM. At this0 > - of [11] dark, matter. 3H φ + V = −Q0 , χ2 (8) 538.79ofto C χ2 XD 538.91 level t ilar t on these parameters, and the model is completely viabl - ρ + 3Hρ = Q0 φ ˙ ˙ φ¨ + The disformal with disf = ˙ generalization versus + Extremising fi dX cou- ΛCDM = (best on these parameters, and the g ● - (Non)conservation equations: ⇢ + 3H⇢ = Q0 ˙ , ˙ were the background order coupling factor reads ¨ + 3H ˙ ˙+ V 0 = C Q0 , (59) WMAP7 parameters). However, the model is essentiall pled quintessence here introduced is a simple set-up that = 538.79 versus χ background order φ2 ) + D φ features different relation (60) withasχ2quite obvious when one look were the C useful to+studycoupling2 factor reads the from ΛCDM, (1) disfparameters). Howevis shows that it is − 2D(3H φ V + C ˙ ˙ generic ρ , (9) at the effective dark matterin of WMAP7equation of state in FIG.1. , Q0 = gµ⌫ = g + ˜ - different 2D(3H φ + V + matter + D φ2 Cosmological Perturbations.µ⌫A more,µ ,⌫ asdescrip scenarios. were ⇢ is the energy density of the φ2 ) ˙ ˙ 2 C + D(ρ − coupled C ˙ 2 com- ˙ different from ΛCDM, is qu realistic s C − ponent and the background coupling factor reads ) C φ at the cosmological perturbations. e effective dark matter I Q0 = after solving away the higher derivatives. In the2 ρ , (9) tion requires considering - 0 ˙ 2 C +2D(ρ −˙ 2 ) 0 0 A ˙ 0 φ ˙ following the Newtonian gauge, the linearized field equation is
  • 14. gµ⌫ = C( , X)gµ⌫ D( D( = X) D0 + ⌫ ¯ + ) dX  Cµ e, XD , , (7) 4  V( ) =  V0 e ΦDDM: the background story ✓ ◆ d Z X  gµ⌫ = gµ⌫ + ,µ ,⌫ ˜ p >0 R p (8) S = C 4 x XD g dX d+ + g L (matter, gµ⌫ ) ¯ ¯ (6) 16⇡G 1 G2 = G3 = G5 = 0 , G4 = (1 + 2X) Converging to the µ⌫ = gµ⌫ + ,µ  ,⌫ Radiation era, Matter era   Disformal “freezing”   gscaling attractor* ˜ (9) Sitter era   De gµ⌫ = C( , X)gµ⌫ + D( , X) ,µ ,⌫ ¯ (7) matter Practically slow down: The quintessence arbitrary initial0 , Gd = (1˙+ 2X)◆1 G2 = G3 = G5 = ✓ X= 1 + D e ( Acceleration (10) g00 = 1 + D ¯ 4 2 scaling solution0 ) ˙ 2 >0 0 (8) conditions dX C + XD down: 13 g00 = ¯ 1+D = V ⇠ e) ˙ 2 with exponential V   The coupling then triggers acceleration   The early evolution of 2 usual “self-tuning” scalar ˙ the ( 1 + µ⌫ 0= gµ⌫ + gD e ˜ 0 ,µ ,⌫ (11) (9) he * a saddle point if β>γ. Then as field gravitational metric also avoids problems with 10 108 n gravity tests and the subtleties related to the  1 ce of di↵erent frames, hence e 3 , the the anal- rolls down the G2 ⇠ G = G5 = 0 , G4 = (1 + 2X)  V = simplifying D ⇠ e (12) Coupled Matter (10) cosmologicalto matter:   begins observations. rk matter slow down: 10 107 udy the dynamics within a particular example, Scalar Field D⇠e  s on a simple Disformally + D ˙ 2 ! 0 =Matter D e ( (13) g00 = 1 Coupled Dark 0) ˙2 4 ¯ 1+ 0 (11) Ρ Mpc M) model, constructed with the following prescrip- 10 106 Γ 10 all •  The field slows rolling V ⇠ e  exponentially Β 5Γ (12) ark Matter disformally coupled to a canonical 10 105 Β 15 Γ alar• field, following Eq. (59-61). Eventually dark matter freezes too Β 40 Γ n exponential parametrization is never flipped! •  However, the sign for the ⇠ e  D disformal 10 104 (13) 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 10.0 the scalar field potential: lation and a ( 0 )/Mp B = B0 e , (73) 0.5 /Mp
  • 15. µ perfectD , X)g in D( p, p, p). δa g− = C( fluid, µ⌫ +coordinates ,⌫ Positive energy G2 = G3 = G5equation = (1 φ2˙2X) 1down and m ν ¯µ⌫ C−2DX diag(−ρ, , X) ,µ comoving with it, ˙ dark matter, g(7) =G4 1of D + ,2slow darkD e effective ¯ 000 = −1 + state = 1 + matt g , = µ µ D ¯ 00 + D for 0 eeps δν −correct sign of thep, p). derivative term effective equation of state for dark matter appr ν = the C−2DX diag(−ρ, p, time Positive energy nus unity asymptotically. The field also ✓Clocks made ◆ dX a + XD X ΦDDM: constraints However,da correct sign of of dark matter slowterm >0 the time the sign down: sity keeps the large pressure can flipderivative of the nus unity asymptotically. Thethe effective me > 0. However, C large pressure can flip the sign of the to avoid a singularity in field also begins erivatives coefficient, introducing an instability. to universe 2enters + in the effectiveemetric gµν , tial derivativesfocuses on introducing an instability. g00 = 1 + ¯ (8) a ˙ = 1 into ( V ⇠) ˙ 2  ¯ avoid D singularity D e a de Sitter stage. 0 0 ent analysis coefficient, non-relativistic environ- universe enters pathologySitter also observed sistance toMota & a de was stage. (2012)  ]na [TK, into Zumalacarregui PRL   This   Dp focuses on non-relativistic environ- e present analysisgµ⌫ + ,µ will be further assumed. sistance to pathology was also observed in the 3d nd hence gC−2DX ˜µ⌫ = Dp 1 ,⌫ self-coupling scenario [7, 8]. (9) nts, and hence C−2DX effects of pressure, includ- self-coupling scenario [7, 8]. D ⇠ e  work will address the 1 will be further assumed. V ⇠e  We used the the effects data:   ircumstancesaddress following of 1 ure work will under which the stability condition 0.5 pressure, includ- Thus, the disformal coupling provid G2 = G3 = G5 = 0 , G4 = (1 + 2X) Thus, the (10) the circumstances under which the stability condition k down dynamically [12]. that triggers the transition provides a me disformal coupling to an accele D⇠e  wn: •  down dynamically [12]. distance – redshift diagram The relatively steeper the slope of the ex break Supernovae Ia luminosity Let us consider an that triggers the transition to an accelerated di ample Baryon acousticmodel. •  cosmological oscillation Let The relatively steeper the slope ofβ/γ,disformal An example ˙cosmological model. (scaleus2 consider an is, i.e. the higher the ratio the the fast 0.0 happens, ΦDDM cosmology 0) ˙ 0 = •  1 + D the microwave background angular scale on where !field actsD0 e 0 = 1 + as 2 Scalar quintessence and the Field licationCosmic the field acts as Matter (11) is, i.e. the higher the ratio β/γ, the faster the tr w where Coupled quintessence and the l coupling is used 0.5 trigger cosmic acceleration. happens, as seenseen in FIG.1. transition also p to •  BBN constraints onΓearly dark energy as in Φ: FIG.1. This This transiti dmann priorsV ⇠Hubble Βthe usual form 10 all a● Evolution of ormal coupling on used to trigger cosmic acceleration. (BBN)short “bump” in the equation of state, is •  +equationse have rate (HST) and baryon fraction a short “bump” in the equation of state, which m ⇤ 40 Γ e Friedmann equations haveElectronic address: of self-tuningTRACKING" the usual form (12) The "EXACT Practically ARBITRARY ”Disformal freez interesting observational consequences. ● Β 15 Γ scalar field interesting observational consequences. We perf V B Β 5Γ initial conditions DE SITTER expa 8πG φ ˙ 2˙ 2 0.01 full background MCMC analysis with a D ⇠ e10  + φ full background MCMC analysis with a modified 1.0 2 H And+ = = 8πG (ρ + bounds on γ and β/γ:   of CMBEasy [14] using the Union2 Su (13) 4 0.001 0.1 1 10 100 ⇤ Electronic address: + K obtained lower +V )),, a H 2 K 3 (ρ V 3 22 of CMBEasy [14] using the Union2 Supernovae 4πG lation [15], WiggleZ baryon acoustic sca ˙•  + Since 2 ⌦−⇠(blue) (ρ different2choices of field coupling slope β. Highmic [15], WiggleZbackground angular data [ 2 4πG + 2φ ˙ 2−scaling(red) and coupled mat- FIG. 2: Marginalizedbaryon two-sigma regions obtained FIG. 1: Equation of state for the H H + H = − for(ρ + 2φ − 2V the H = ter ˙ 2 during ˙the 2V ) , era lation (14) acoustic scale microwave one and angular scale [17]scale scale ), 3 β/γ (solid, dashed)preferredfit to observations, microwave background (Green), CMB angular and mic from Supernovae (Blue), BAO high values for γ are not produce enough acceleration.on + early dark energy bounds (Orange), The obtained values of 3 give a good while low values (dotted) do on early dark energyincluded [18]. obtained the HST early dark energy The and combined con- [18]. a prior on H0 constr the • conservation freezing for matter and the scalar shown in FIG.2. We Bang Nucleosynthesis from slope conservation the equations is matter and the scalar Since equations for then swifter, straints. All contours shown inb HFIG.2. see that for steep stee [21] and Ω 0 from Big We see that for 2 [22]. d have tocomputed from (3),β/γ are preferred equations β, β, the background evolution becomes i high values for continuity and Euler e to be be computed from (3),(7): while the perturbed (7): for the background evolution becomes increasin •  The expansiondark mattera(t) then resembles ΛCDMto to ΛCDM.this level there are no higher coupled history are ilar ilar ΛCDM. At At this level there are n ˙Q0 φ , φ + + 3H φ Q0 V = −Q0 ,0 ˙ (8)˙ ˙ ¨ φ 3H θ˙ + V˙ = −Q 0 , ¨ ˙ φ ˙ + CDM ˙are 3Hρ 3Hρ =φ ,though both Λ and φδ = 3Ψ + Qvery δQ φ , (11)on these parameters,the model model is c ρ + = Q0 ˙ (8) on δ+ + δ φ + different! these parameters, andthe late time dependence dur- For our example model, and the is complete a ρ ρ ρ ing dark energy domination produces a large enhance- Q0 ˙ Q0 with2 2 the matter versus efΛCDM 2 538.91 with mentχof = 538.79growth, δGχ2 /G ∼χ(γV /ρ)2 = χdisf disf = 538.79 versus ΛCDM 1, f = e the background order+couplingfactor kreads ρ δφ . background order coupling ρ factor reads ˙ θ θ H+ φ = 2 Φ+ (12) WMAP7 parameters).to avoid However, early is es WMAP7 parameters). the effects model dark as γ 10 is required However, the of the mo energy. Such behavior is in tension with large scale struc- The general coupling perturbation2 δQ is a much moredifferent from ΛCDM, quite obvious when o different observations, and also is as in conformally coupled from ΛCDM, as occurs is quite obviou ˙ ˙ C C ˙ 22˙ ˙2 ture