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Balkan Summer Institute 2011, Workshop JW2011:
                  Scientific and Human Legacy of Julius Wess,
               27th -28th August 2011, Donji Milanovac, Serbia

                       Twisted Symmetry
      and Noncommutative Field Theory
                                Marija Dimitrijevi´

                 University of Belgrade, Faculty of Physics,
                              Belgrade, Serbia

with L. Jonke, B. Nikoli´ and V. Radovanovi´
                        c                  c
JHEP 0712, 059 (2007); JHEP 0904, 108 (2009); Phys. Rev. D, 81 (2010); Phys. Rev. D,
83 (2011); 1107.3475[hep-th].

                                                                          M. Dimitrijevi´ , University of Belgrade – p.1
    • Noncommutative spaces from a twist
    • Example I: κ-Mikowski space-time
    • Example II: Non(anti)commutative SUSY

  Notation: "Munich" group: students, postdocs, collaborators of Julius

  Wess during the time he was in Munich (1990-2005) and Hamburg


                                                             M. Dimitrijevi´ , University of Belgrade – p.2
Noncommutative spaces from a twist
  Noncommutative space Ax , generated by xµ coordinates
  µ = 0, 1, . . . n such that:

                           [ˆµ , xν ] = Θµν (ˆ).
                            x ˆ              x                                  (1)

  It is an associative free algebra generated by xµ and divided by
  the ideal generated by relations (1). Differential calculus, integral,
  symmetries ["Munich" group around 1990 and from then on] can
  be discussed, but. . .
  ⋆-product geometry: represent Ax on the space of commuting
  coordinates, but keep track of the deformation

                        Ax     →      Ax⋆

              f (ˆ) → f (x)   and     ˆx g x
                                      f (ˆ)ˆ(ˆ) → f ⋆ g(x).

                                                              M. Dimitrijevi´ , University of Belgrade – p.3
MW ⋆-product
                                  i   n   1 ρ1 σ1
             f ⋆ g (x) =                     θ    . . . θρn σn
                                  2       n!

                               ∂ρ1 . . . ∂ρn f (x)    ∂σ1 . . . ∂σn g(x)
                      = f · g + θ ρσ (∂ρ f ) · (∂σ g) + O(θ 2 ).                            (2)

  Associative, noncommutative; c. conjugation: (f ⋆ g)∗ = g ∗ ⋆ f ∗ .
                       µ    ν     µ ν   i µν
  Special example: x ⋆ x = x x + θ ,
                    [xµ ⋆ xν ] = iθµν .
                         ,                                      (3)

  The ⋆-product (2) enabled: construction of quantum field theories
  and analysis of their renormalizability properties, construction of
  NC Standard Model and the analysis of its phenomenological
  consequences,. . . ["Munich" group around 2000 and from then
                                                                           M. Dimitrijevi´ , University of Belgrade – p.4
Twist formalism
    • Motivation 1: Product (2) can be viewed as coming from an
      Abelian twist given by
                                      − 2 θρσ ∂ρ ⊗∂σ
                              F =e                                                    (4)

                  f ⋆ g = µ F −1 f ⊗ g
                               i ρσ
                               2θ   ∂ρ ⊗∂σ
                       = µ e                 f ⊗g
                       = f · g + θ ρσ (∂ρ f ) · (∂σ g) + O(θ 2 ).                    (5)
    • Motivation 2: Deformation [xµ ⋆ xν ] = iθµν breaks the
      classical Lorentz symmetry.
      Is there a deformation of Lorentz symmetry such that it is a
      symmetry of (3)?

                                                                    M. Dimitrijevi´ , University of Belgrade – p.5
Basic idea
  Consider first a deformation (twist) of a classical symmetry
  algebra g (Lorentz, SUSY, gauge,. . . ). Then deform the
  space-time itself.
  A twist F (introduced by Drinfel’d in 1983-1985) is:
    -an element of U g ⊗ U g
    -fulfills the cocycle condition (ensures the associativity of the
                   F ⊗ 1(∆ ⊗ id)F = 1 ⊗ F (id ⊗ ∆)F .                (6)

    -additionally: F = 1 ⊗ 1 + O(h); h-deformation parameter.

  Notation: F = f α ⊗ fα and F −1 = ¯α ⊗ ¯α .
                                    f    f
  ["Munich" group around 2005 and from then on].

                                                              M. Dimitrijevi´ , University of Belgrade – p.6
Action of F
    • F applied to U g: twisted Hopf algebra U gF

                     [ta , tb ] = if abc tc ,∆F (ta ) = F∆(ta )F −1 ,
                      ε(ta ) = 0,        SF = f α S(fα )S(ta )S(¯β )¯β .
                                                                f f                               (7)

    • F applied to Ax (algebra of smooth functions on M): A⋆

              pointwise multiplication:             µ(f ⊗ g) = f · g
              ⋆-multiplication:        µ⋆ (f ⊗ g) ≡ µ ◦ F −1 (f ⊗ g)
                                                    = (¯α f )(¯α g) = f ⋆ g.
                                                        f     f                                   (8)

    • F applied to the symmetry of theory
               cl                 cl                  cl       F ,F −1
              δg (φ1 φ2 )   =   (δg φ1 )φ2   +   φ1 (δg φ2 )     →        deformed
                                                                         Leibniz rule.
                                                                                 M. Dimitrijevi´ , University of Belgrade – p.7
• F applied to Ω (exterior algebra of forms): Ω⋆

          wedge product:     ω1 ∧ ω2 = ω1 ⊗ ω2 − ω2 ⊗ ω1
          ⋆-wedge product:     ω1 ∧⋆ ω2 = (¯α ω1 ) ∧ (¯α ω2 ).
                                           f          f

• Differential calculus is classical: d : A⋆ → Ω⋆ .

                d2 = 0,     d(f ⋆ g) = df ⋆ g + f ⋆ dg,
                      df = (∂µ f )dxµ = (∂µ f ) ⋆ dxµ .

• Integral of a maximal form (d1 + d2 = dim(M)) is graded
                    ω1 ∧⋆ ω2 = (−1)d1 d2      ω2 ∧⋆ ω1 .                        (10)

                                                                 M. Dimitrijevi´ , University of Belgrade – p.8
Comments I: Deformations by twist
                                       i   µν
  1. Moyal-Weyl twist F = e− 2 θ                ∂µ ⊗∂ν
                                                         ,   θ µν = −θ νµ ∈ R:
    • θ-deformed Poincaré symmetry:          Chaichian et al. (Phys. Lett. B604 2004),
      Wess (hep-th/0408080), Koch et al. (Nucl. Phys. B717 2005).
               [∂µ , ∂ν ] = 0,                        ⋆
                                   [δω , ∂ρ ] = ωρµ ∂µ ,
                                     ⋆           ⋆             ⋆
                                               [δω , δω ′ ] = δ[ω,ω ′ ] ,
                   ⋆      ⋆            ⋆  i ρσ “ λ                        λ
                ∆(δω ) = δω ⊗ 1 + 1 ⊗ δω + θ     ω ρ ∂λ ⊗ ∂σ + ∂ρ ⊗ ω σ ∂λ .
    • θ-deformed gravity:           Aschieri et al. (Class. Quant. Grav. 22, 2005 and 23,
             ⋆ ⋆         ⋆
           [δξ , δη ] = δ[ξ,η] ,
               ⋆          ⋆                 ⋆    i ρσ “ ⋆                   ⋆
            ∆(δξ )   =   δξ   ⊗1+1⊗        δξ   − θ    δ(∂ρ ξ) ⊗ ∂σ + ∂ρ ⊗ δ(∂σ ξ) + . . . .
    • θ-deformed gauge theory:         Aschieri et al. (Lett. Math. Phys. 78 2006),
      Vassilevich (Mod. Phys. Lett. A 21 2006), Giller et al. (Phys. Lett. B655, 2007).
            ⋆    ⋆      ⋆
          [δα , δβ ] = δ−i[α,β] ,     α = αa t a ,
              ⋆           ⋆                 ⋆    i ρσ “ ⋆                   ⋆
           ∆(δα )    =   δα   ⊗1+1⊗        δα   − θ    δ(∂ρ α) ⊗ ∂σ + ∂ρ ⊗ δ(∂σ α) + . . . .

                                                                                     M. Dimitrijevi´ , University of Belgrade – p.9
2. Twisted supersymmetry:               ´
                                    Kosinski et al. (J. Phys. A 27 1994), Kobayashi et al.
(Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 20 2005), Zupnik (Phys. Lett. B 627 2005), Ihl et al. (JHEP 0601
2006), Dimitrijevi´ et al. (JHEP 0712 2007), . . .
                           1 C αβ ∂ ⊗∂ + 1 C   ¯˙ ¯˙
                                           ¯ ˙ ∂ α ⊗∂ β            1     αβ
                 F1 =     e2       α  β  2 αβ˙          ,   F2 = e 2 C        Dα ⊗Dβ
                 C αβ = C βα ∈ C, Dα = ∂α + iσ mα θα ∂m

3. Twist with commuting vector fields
                      i   ab X ⊗X
             F = e− 2 θ       a  b,   Xa = Xa ∂µ , [Xa , Xb ] = 0, θab = const.

   • dynamical NC: vector fields Xa are dynamical, global Lorentz
     symmetry is preserved: Aschieri et al. (Lett. Math. Phys. 85 2008).
   • deformed gravity: cosmological and black hole solutions, coupled
     to fermions, deformed supergravity: Schupp et al. (0906.2724[hep-th]),
      Ohl et al. (JHEP 0901, 2009), Aschieri et al. (JHEP 0906 2009; JHEP 0906 2009).

   • κ-Minkowski:         Meljanac et al. (Eur. Phys. J. C 53 2008), Borowiec et al. (Phys.
      Rev. D 79 2009),. . .

                                                                                         M. Dimitrijevi´ , University of Belgrade – p.10
Example I: κ-Minkowski space-time
  Defined by:
                      [ˆ0 , xj ] = iaˆj ,
                       x ˆ           x         [ˆi , xj ] = 0,
                                                x ˆ                                             (11)

  with a = 1/κ and i, j = 1, 2, 3. Interesting phenomenological
  consequences: modified Lorentz symmetry, modified dispersion
  relations, DSR theories, . . .

  ⋆-product approach ["Munich" group 2002-2005] has problems
  with: non-unique derivatives, diferential calculus, non-cyclic
  integral. ⇒ Difficult to do field theory. . .

  Suggestion: apply the twist formalism with
                      − 2 θab Xa ⊗Xb        − ia (∂0 ⊗xj ∂j −xj ∂j ⊗∂0 )
               F =e                    =e      2                           ,                    (12)

  with X1 = ∂0 , X2 = xj ∂j , [X1 , X2 ] = 0 and θab = aǫab .
                                                                               M. Dimitrijevi´ , University of Belgrade – p.11
Action of the twist (11):

  • ⋆-product of functions
          f ⋆g     = µ{F −1 f ⊗ g}
                   = f · g + xj (∂0 f )∂j g − (∂j f )∂0 g + O(a2 ). (13)
  • [x0 ⋆ xj ] = iaxj and [xi ⋆ xj ] = 0 .
        ,                     ,
  • Differential calculus
                 df = (∂µ ) ⋆ dxµ ,    ⋆
                                      ∂0 = ∂0 ,      ∂j = e− 2 a∂0 ∂j ,

                 f ⋆ dx0 = dx0 ⋆ f,    f ⋆ dxj = dxj ⋆ eia∂0 f,
                 dxµ ∧⋆ dxν = dxµ ∧ dxν ,         d4 x = dx0 ∧ · · · ∧ dx3 .

  • Integral:    ω1 ∧⋆ ω2 = (−1)d1 d2             ω2 ∧⋆ ω1 ,
    with d1 + d2 = 4.

                                                                          M. Dimitrijevi´ , University of Belgrade – p.12
Enough ingredients to construct scalar and spinor field theories.
For a gauge theory a ⋆-Hodge dual is needed:

               S=     F 0 ∧ (∗F 0 ) → S =      F ∧⋆ (∗F ),

 with ∗F 0 = 2 ǫµναβ F 0αβ dxµ ∧ dxν and F = dA − A ∧⋆ A.
The obvious choice ∗F = 1 ǫµναβ F αβ ⋆ dxµ ∧⋆ dxν does not lead
to a gauge invariant action.

Using the Seiberg-Witten map we were able to construct the
⋆-Hodge dual up to first order in a. The invariant action is:
       S=−          2F0j ⋆ e−ia∂0 X 0j + Fij ⋆ e−2ia∂0 X ij ⋆ d4 x,              (14)

with X nj = F nj − aAn ⋆ F nj and X jk = F jk + aAn ⋆ F jk . Analysis
of EOM, dispersion relations, . . . .

                                                                M. Dimitrijevi´ , University of Belgrade – p.13
Comments II
   • Advantages of twist formalism:
     -mathematically well defined
     -differential calculus
     -cyclic integral.
   • Disadvantages:
     -Hodge dual is difficult to generalize
     -global Poinaceré symmetry iso(1, 3) is replaced by global
     inhomogenious general linear symmetry igl(1, 3)
     -problem of conserved charges.
   • Possibilities:
     -natural basis
     -new definition of ⋆-Hodge dual
     -twisted gauge symmetry?
                                                        M. Dimitrijevi´ , University of Belgrade – p.14
Example II: Twisted SUSY
 Non(anti)commutative field theories: from 2003 intensively,
 ["Munich" group around 2006 and from then on].
 Different types of deformation of superspace, Wess-Zumino and
 Yang-Mills models, their renormalizability properties,. . .
 For an ilustration let us compare two different twists:
                           1 αβ         1 ¯     ¯˙ ¯˙
                             C ∂α ⊗∂β + 2 Cαβ ∂ α ⊗∂ β
                  F1 = e   2                ˙            ,                      (15)
                           1 αβ
                             C Dα ⊗Dβ
                  F2 = e   2              ,                                     (16)

       αβ     βα
 with C1,2 = C1,2 ∈ C, ∂α =    ∂                       ¯˙
                                      Dα = ∂α + iσ m α θα ∂m .
                              ∂θα ,                α˙

 An obvious difference: F1 is hermitean and F2 is not hermitean
 under the usual c.conjugation.

                                                                 M. Dimitrijevi´ , University of Belgrade – p.15
Twist F1 leads to:
  • ⋆-product of superfields
              F ⋆ G = µ{F1 F ⊗ G}
                    = F · G − (−1)|F | C αβ (∂α F ) · (∂β G)
                          1       ¯ ˙ ¯˙       ¯˙
                       − (−1)|F | Cαβ (∂ α F )(∂ β G) + O(C 2 ).
                                   ˙                                               (17)

     where |F | = 1 if F is odd and |F | = 0 if F is even.
                         ¯˙ , ¯ ˙    ¯ ˙
  • {θα ⋆ θβ } = C αβ , {θα ⋆ θβ } = Cαβ , [xm ⋆ xn ] = 0.
        ,                                      ,
  • Deformed Leibniz rule ⇒ twisted SUSY transformations
         δξ (F ⋆ G) = (δξ F ) ⋆ G + F ⋆ (δξ G)                                     (18)
            i αβ ¯γ m                                   ¯˙
         + C     ξ ˙ σ αγ (∂m F ) ⋆ (∂β G) + (∂α F ) ⋆ ξ γ σ mγ (∂m G)
                        ˙                                     β˙
          i ¯    α m γα  ˙ ˙            ˙       ¯˙                 ˙ ˙
                                       ¯β G) + (∂ α F ) ⋆ ξ α σ m εγ β (∂m G) .
         − Cαβ ξ σαγ ε (∂m F ) ⋆ (∂
              ˙       ˙                                         αγ
         2 ˙
                                                                   M. Dimitrijevi´ , University of Belgrade – p.16
• Chirality is broken; if Φ is chiral Φ ⋆ Φ is not chiral!
  Project out chiral, antichiral and transverse components of
  Φ ⋆ Φ and Φ ⋆ Φ ⋆ Φ using the projectors P1 , P2 and PT
         1 D2 D2             ¯
                          1 D2 D2             1
   P1 =          ,   P2 =         ,   f (x)       g(x) = f (x)       d4 y G(x − y)g(y).
        16                16

• Deformed Wess-Zumino action

    S =      d4 x Φ+ ⋆ Φ                                                                    (19)
                            θθ θθ
             m                    λ
           +   P2 Φ ⋆ Φ          + P2 Φ ⋆ P2 Φ ⋆ Φ                         + c.c.
             2                θθ  3                                   θθ

• A minimal deformation of the commutative WZ action, good
  commutative limit, it is non-local.

                                                                            M. Dimitrijevi´ , University of Belgrade – p.17
• One-loop renormalizability using supergraph technique and
  the background field method:
  -no tadpole
  -the divergences in two-point function cannot be removed ⇒
  The model is NOT renormalizable.
• What can be done:
  -add new terms to absorb divergences ⇒ non-minimal
  -understand better the interplay between twisted symmetry
  and renormalizability.

                                                   M. Dimitrijevi´ , University of Belgrade – p.18
Twist F2 leads to:
  • ⋆-product of superfields
          F ⋆ G = µ{F1 F ⊗ G}
                = F · G − (−1)|F | C αβ (Dα F ) · (Dβ G) + O(C 2 ). (20)

      where |F | = 1 if F is odd and |F | = 0 if F is even.
  •             {θα ⋆ θβ } = C αβ ,
                    ,                  ¯˙ , ¯ ˙
                                      {θα ⋆ θβ } = 0,
                 [xm                             ¯¯
                       ⋆ xn ] = −C αβ (σ mn ε) θ θ.
                       ,                      αβ
  • Since {Qα , Dβ } = {Qα , Dβ } = 0 Leibniz rule for SUSY
    transformations is undeformed.
                     δξ (F ⋆ G) = (δξ F ) ⋆ G + F ⋆ (δξ G)                     (21)

  • Chirality is broken again. Method of projectors. . .

                                                              M. Dimitrijevi´ , University of Belgrade – p.19
• Deformed Wess-Zumino action
          4      +          m
  S =  d x Φ ⋆Φ           +    P2 (Φ ⋆ Φ) + 2a1 P1 (Φ ⋆ Φ)
                   θθ θ ¯   2            θθ                                     ¯¯
      + P2 (P2 (Φ ⋆ Φ) ⋆ Φ) + 3a2 P1 (P2 (Φ ⋆ Φ) ⋆ Φ)
        3                   θθ                        ¯¯

        +2a3 (P1 (Φ ⋆ Φ) ⋆ Φ)       +3a4 P1 (Φ ⋆ Φ) ⋆ Φ+
                                θθ θθ                      ¯¯
        +3a5 C 2 P2 (Φ ⋆ Φ) ⋆ Φ+           + c.c.   .                           (22)
                                   θθ θθ

• A non-minimal deformation of the commutative WZ action,
  good commutative limit, it is local.

                                                                M. Dimitrijevi´ , University of Belgrade – p.20
• One-loop renormalizability using supergraph technique and
  the background field method:
  -no tadpole, no mass renormaization
  -a4 and a5 -terms in the action (20) required to absorb the
  divergences appearing in Γ1
  -divergences in Γ1 cannot be absorbed ⇒ The general
  model IS NOT renormalizable.
• HOWEVER: There is a special choice: a2 = a3 = a4 = 0
  when the model is renormalizable! Almost all commutative
  SUSY results remain valid: no tadpole, no mass
  renormalization, divergent parts of Γ1 and higher-point
  functions are zero.
• Non-minimal deformation and undeformed SUSY render a
  renormalizable model. A more general conclusion?

                                                    M. Dimitrijevi´ , University of Belgrade – p.21
  • NC spaces can be defined via twist.
  • Mathematically well defined, good control of deformed
    symmetries, differential calculus, integral.
  • More loose ends: Generalization of Noether theorem,
    conserved charges, Hodge dual,. . . Better understanding of
    renormalizability versus twisted symmetries also needed.

                                                      M. Dimitrijevi´ , University of Belgrade – p.22

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Lesson 21: Derivatives and the Shapes of Curves
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M. Dimitrijevic/ V. Radovanovic: D-deformed Wess-Zumino Model and its Renorma...
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Engr 371 final exam april 1999
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Matrix Models of 2D String Theory in Non-trivial Backgrounds
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Introduction to inverse problemsDelta Pi Systems
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Similar to M. Dimitrijevic - Twisted Symmetry and Noncommutative Field Theory (20)

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Concept map function
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Pushforward of Differential Forms
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Norm-variation of bilinear averages
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Ysu conference presentation alaverdyan
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M. Dimitrijevic/ V. Radovanovic: D-deformed Wess-Zumino Model and its Renorma...
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Engr 371 final exam april 1999
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M. Dimitrijevic - Twisted Symmetry and Noncommutative Field Theory

  • 1. Balkan Summer Institute 2011, Workshop JW2011: Scientific and Human Legacy of Julius Wess, 27th -28th August 2011, Donji Milanovac, Serbia Twisted Symmetry and Noncommutative Field Theory Marija Dimitrijevi´ c University of Belgrade, Faculty of Physics, Belgrade, Serbia with L. Jonke, B. Nikoli´ and V. Radovanovi´ c c JHEP 0712, 059 (2007); JHEP 0904, 108 (2009); Phys. Rev. D, 81 (2010); Phys. Rev. D, 83 (2011); 1107.3475[hep-th]. M. Dimitrijevi´ , University of Belgrade – p.1 c
  • 2. Outline • Noncommutative spaces from a twist -motivation -definition -examples • Example I: κ-Mikowski space-time • Example II: Non(anti)commutative SUSY Notation: "Munich" group: students, postdocs, collaborators of Julius Wess during the time he was in Munich (1990-2005) and Hamburg (2005-2007). M. Dimitrijevi´ , University of Belgrade – p.2 c
  • 3. Noncommutative spaces from a twist ˆˆ Noncommutative space Ax , generated by xµ coordinates ˆ µ = 0, 1, . . . n such that: [ˆµ , xν ] = Θµν (ˆ). x ˆ x (1) It is an associative free algebra generated by xµ and divided by ˆ the ideal generated by relations (1). Differential calculus, integral, symmetries ["Munich" group around 1990 and from then on] can be discussed, but. . . ˆˆ ⋆-product geometry: represent Ax on the space of commuting coordinates, but keep track of the deformation ˆˆ Ax → Ax⋆ ˆx f (ˆ) → f (x) and ˆx g x f (ˆ)ˆ(ˆ) → f ⋆ g(x). M. Dimitrijevi´ , University of Belgrade – p.3 c
  • 4. MW ⋆-product ∞ i n 1 ρ1 σ1 f ⋆ g (x) = θ . . . θρn σn n=0 2 n! ∂ρ1 . . . ∂ρn f (x) ∂σ1 . . . ∂σn g(x) i = f · g + θ ρσ (∂ρ f ) · (∂σ g) + O(θ 2 ). (2) 2 Associative, noncommutative; c. conjugation: (f ⋆ g)∗ = g ∗ ⋆ f ∗ . µ ν µ ν i µν Special example: x ⋆ x = x x + θ , 2 [xµ ⋆ xν ] = iθµν . , (3) The ⋆-product (2) enabled: construction of quantum field theories and analysis of their renormalizability properties, construction of NC Standard Model and the analysis of its phenomenological consequences,. . . ["Munich" group around 2000 and from then on]. M. Dimitrijevi´ , University of Belgrade – p.4 c
  • 5. Twist formalism • Motivation 1: Product (2) can be viewed as coming from an Abelian twist given by i − 2 θρσ ∂ρ ⊗∂σ F =e (4) as f ⋆ g = µ F −1 f ⊗ g i ρσ 2θ ∂ρ ⊗∂σ = µ e f ⊗g i = f · g + θ ρσ (∂ρ f ) · (∂σ g) + O(θ 2 ). (5) 2 • Motivation 2: Deformation [xµ ⋆ xν ] = iθµν breaks the , classical Lorentz symmetry. Is there a deformation of Lorentz symmetry such that it is a symmetry of (3)? M. Dimitrijevi´ , University of Belgrade – p.5 c
  • 6. Basic idea Consider first a deformation (twist) of a classical symmetry algebra g (Lorentz, SUSY, gauge,. . . ). Then deform the space-time itself. A twist F (introduced by Drinfel’d in 1983-1985) is: -an element of U g ⊗ U g -invertible -fulfills the cocycle condition (ensures the associativity of the ⋆-product) F ⊗ 1(∆ ⊗ id)F = 1 ⊗ F (id ⊗ ∆)F . (6) -additionally: F = 1 ⊗ 1 + O(h); h-deformation parameter. Notation: F = f α ⊗ fα and F −1 = ¯α ⊗ ¯α . f f ["Munich" group around 2005 and from then on]. M. Dimitrijevi´ , University of Belgrade – p.6 c
  • 7. Action of F • F applied to U g: twisted Hopf algebra U gF [ta , tb ] = if abc tc ,∆F (ta ) = F∆(ta )F −1 , ε(ta ) = 0, SF = f α S(fα )S(ta )S(¯β )¯β . f f (7) • F applied to Ax (algebra of smooth functions on M): A⋆ x pointwise multiplication: µ(f ⊗ g) = f · g ⇓ ⋆-multiplication: µ⋆ (f ⊗ g) ≡ µ ◦ F −1 (f ⊗ g) = (¯α f )(¯α g) = f ⋆ g. f f (8) • F applied to the symmetry of theory cl cl cl F ,F −1 δg (φ1 φ2 ) = (δg φ1 )φ2 + φ1 (δg φ2 ) → deformed Leibniz rule. M. Dimitrijevi´ , University of Belgrade – p.7 c
  • 8. • F applied to Ω (exterior algebra of forms): Ω⋆ wedge product: ω1 ∧ ω2 = ω1 ⊗ ω2 − ω2 ⊗ ω1 ⇓ ⋆-wedge product: ω1 ∧⋆ ω2 = (¯α ω1 ) ∧ (¯α ω2 ). f f • Differential calculus is classical: d : A⋆ → Ω⋆ . x d2 = 0, d(f ⋆ g) = df ⋆ g + f ⋆ dg, df = (∂µ f )dxµ = (∂µ f ) ⋆ dxµ . ⋆ (9) • Integral of a maximal form (d1 + d2 = dim(M)) is graded cyclic: ω1 ∧⋆ ω2 = (−1)d1 d2 ω2 ∧⋆ ω1 . (10) M. Dimitrijevi´ , University of Belgrade – p.8 c
  • 9. Comments I: Deformations by twist i µν 1. Moyal-Weyl twist F = e− 2 θ ∂µ ⊗∂ν , θ µν = −θ νµ ∈ R: • θ-deformed Poincaré symmetry: Chaichian et al. (Phys. Lett. B604 2004), Wess (hep-th/0408080), Koch et al. (Nucl. Phys. B717 2005). [∂µ , ∂ν ] = 0, ⋆ [δω , ∂ρ ] = ωρµ ∂µ , ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ [δω , δω ′ ] = δ[ω,ω ′ ] , ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ i ρσ “ λ λ ” ∆(δω ) = δω ⊗ 1 + 1 ⊗ δω + θ ω ρ ∂λ ⊗ ∂σ + ∂ρ ⊗ ω σ ∂λ . 2 • θ-deformed gravity: Aschieri et al. (Class. Quant. Grav. 22, 2005 and 23, 2006). ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ [δξ , δη ] = δ[ξ,η] , ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ i ρσ “ ⋆ ⋆ ” ∆(δξ ) = δξ ⊗1+1⊗ δξ − θ δ(∂ρ ξ) ⊗ ∂σ + ∂ρ ⊗ δ(∂σ ξ) + . . . . 2 • θ-deformed gauge theory: Aschieri et al. (Lett. Math. Phys. 78 2006), Vassilevich (Mod. Phys. Lett. A 21 2006), Giller et al. (Phys. Lett. B655, 2007). ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ [δα , δβ ] = δ−i[α,β] , α = αa t a , ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ i ρσ “ ⋆ ⋆ ” ∆(δα ) = δα ⊗1+1⊗ δα − θ δ(∂ρ α) ⊗ ∂σ + ∂ρ ⊗ δ(∂σ α) + . . . . 2 M. Dimitrijevi´ , University of Belgrade – p.9 c
  • 10. 2. Twisted supersymmetry: ´ Kosinski et al. (J. Phys. A 27 1994), Kobayashi et al. (Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 20 2005), Zupnik (Phys. Lett. B 627 2005), Ihl et al. (JHEP 0601 2006), Dimitrijevi´ et al. (JHEP 0712 2007), . . . c 1 C αβ ∂ ⊗∂ + 1 C ¯˙ ¯˙ ¯ ˙ ∂ α ⊗∂ β 1 αβ F1 = e2 α β 2 αβ˙ , F2 = e 2 C Dα ⊗Dβ ,... ¯˙ C αβ = C βα ∈ C, Dα = ∂α + iσ mα θα ∂m α˙ 3. Twist with commuting vector fields i ab X ⊗X F = e− 2 θ a b, Xa = Xa ∂µ , [Xa , Xb ] = 0, θab = const. µ • dynamical NC: vector fields Xa are dynamical, global Lorentz symmetry is preserved: Aschieri et al. (Lett. Math. Phys. 85 2008). • deformed gravity: cosmological and black hole solutions, coupled to fermions, deformed supergravity: Schupp et al. (0906.2724[hep-th]), Ohl et al. (JHEP 0901, 2009), Aschieri et al. (JHEP 0906 2009; JHEP 0906 2009). • κ-Minkowski: Meljanac et al. (Eur. Phys. J. C 53 2008), Borowiec et al. (Phys. Rev. D 79 2009),. . . M. Dimitrijevi´ , University of Belgrade – p.10 c
  • 11. Example I: κ-Minkowski space-time Defined by: [ˆ0 , xj ] = iaˆj , x ˆ x [ˆi , xj ] = 0, x ˆ (11) with a = 1/κ and i, j = 1, 2, 3. Interesting phenomenological consequences: modified Lorentz symmetry, modified dispersion relations, DSR theories, . . . ⋆-product approach ["Munich" group 2002-2005] has problems with: non-unique derivatives, diferential calculus, non-cyclic integral. ⇒ Difficult to do field theory. . . Suggestion: apply the twist formalism with i − 2 θab Xa ⊗Xb − ia (∂0 ⊗xj ∂j −xj ∂j ⊗∂0 ) F =e =e 2 , (12) with X1 = ∂0 , X2 = xj ∂j , [X1 , X2 ] = 0 and θab = aǫab . M. Dimitrijevi´ , University of Belgrade – p.11 c
  • 12. Action of the twist (11): • ⋆-product of functions f ⋆g = µ{F −1 f ⊗ g} ia = f · g + xj (∂0 f )∂j g − (∂j f )∂0 g + O(a2 ). (13) 2 • [x0 ⋆ xj ] = iaxj and [xi ⋆ xj ] = 0 . , , • Differential calculus i ⋆ df = (∂µ ) ⋆ dxµ , ⋆ ∂0 = ∂0 , ∂j = e− 2 a∂0 ∂j , ⋆ f ⋆ dx0 = dx0 ⋆ f, f ⋆ dxj = dxj ⋆ eia∂0 f, dxµ ∧⋆ dxν = dxµ ∧ dxν , d4 x = dx0 ∧ · · · ∧ dx3 . • Integral: ω1 ∧⋆ ω2 = (−1)d1 d2 ω2 ∧⋆ ω1 , with d1 + d2 = 4. M. Dimitrijevi´ , University of Belgrade – p.12 c
  • 13. Enough ingredients to construct scalar and spinor field theories. For a gauge theory a ⋆-Hodge dual is needed: S= F 0 ∧ (∗F 0 ) → S = F ∧⋆ (∗F ), 1 with ∗F 0 = 2 ǫµναβ F 0αβ dxµ ∧ dxν and F = dA − A ∧⋆ A. The obvious choice ∗F = 1 ǫµναβ F αβ ⋆ dxµ ∧⋆ dxν does not lead 2 to a gauge invariant action. Using the Seiberg-Witten map we were able to construct the ⋆-Hodge dual up to first order in a. The invariant action is: 1 S=− 2F0j ⋆ e−ia∂0 X 0j + Fij ⋆ e−2ia∂0 X ij ⋆ d4 x, (14) 4 with X nj = F nj − aAn ⋆ F nj and X jk = F jk + aAn ⋆ F jk . Analysis of EOM, dispersion relations, . . . . M. Dimitrijevi´ , University of Belgrade – p.13 c
  • 14. Comments II • Advantages of twist formalism: -mathematically well defined -differential calculus -cyclic integral. • Disadvantages: -Hodge dual is difficult to generalize -global Poinaceré symmetry iso(1, 3) is replaced by global inhomogenious general linear symmetry igl(1, 3) -problem of conserved charges. • Possibilities: -natural basis -new definition of ⋆-Hodge dual -twisted gauge symmetry? M. Dimitrijevi´ , University of Belgrade – p.14 c
  • 15. Example II: Twisted SUSY Non(anti)commutative field theories: from 2003 intensively, ["Munich" group around 2006 and from then on]. Different types of deformation of superspace, Wess-Zumino and Yang-Mills models, their renormalizability properties,. . . For an ilustration let us compare two different twists: 1 αβ 1 ¯ ¯˙ ¯˙ C ∂α ⊗∂β + 2 Cαβ ∂ α ⊗∂ β ˙ F1 = e 2 ˙ , (15) 1 αβ C Dα ⊗Dβ F2 = e 2 , (16) αβ βα with C1,2 = C1,2 ∈ C, ∂α = ∂ ¯˙ Dα = ∂α + iσ m α θα ∂m . ∂θα , α˙ An obvious difference: F1 is hermitean and F2 is not hermitean under the usual c.conjugation. M. Dimitrijevi´ , University of Belgrade – p.15 c
  • 16. Twist F1 leads to: • ⋆-product of superfields −1 F ⋆ G = µ{F1 F ⊗ G} 1 = F · G − (−1)|F | C αβ (∂α F ) · (∂β G) 2 1 ¯ ˙ ¯˙ ¯˙ − (−1)|F | Cαβ (∂ α F )(∂ β G) + O(C 2 ). ˙ (17) 2 where |F | = 1 if F is odd and |F | = 0 if F is even. ¯˙ , ¯ ˙ ¯ ˙ • {θα ⋆ θβ } = C αβ , {θα ⋆ θβ } = Cαβ , [xm ⋆ xn ] = 0. , , ˙ • Deformed Leibniz rule ⇒ twisted SUSY transformations ⋆ δξ (F ⋆ G) = (δξ F ) ⋆ G + F ⋆ (δξ G) (18) i αβ ¯γ m ¯˙ + C ξ ˙ σ αγ (∂m F ) ⋆ (∂β G) + (∂α F ) ⋆ ξ γ σ mγ (∂m G) ˙ β˙ 2 i ¯ α m γα ˙ ˙ ˙ ¯˙ ˙ ˙ ¯β G) + (∂ α F ) ⋆ ξ α σ m εγ β (∂m G) . − Cαβ ξ σαγ ε (∂m F ) ⋆ (∂ ˙ ˙ αγ ˙ 2 ˙ M. Dimitrijevi´ , University of Belgrade – p.16 c
  • 17. • Chirality is broken; if Φ is chiral Φ ⋆ Φ is not chiral! Project out chiral, antichiral and transverse components of Φ ⋆ Φ and Φ ⋆ Φ ⋆ Φ using the projectors P1 , P2 and PT ¯ 1 D2 D2 ¯ 1 D2 D2 1 Z P1 = , P2 = , f (x) g(x) = f (x) d4 y G(x − y)g(y). 16 16 • Deformed Wess-Zumino action S = d4 x Φ+ ⋆ Φ (19) ¯¯ θθ θθ m λ + P2 Φ ⋆ Φ + P2 Φ ⋆ P2 Φ ⋆ Φ + c.c. 2 θθ 3 θθ • A minimal deformation of the commutative WZ action, good commutative limit, it is non-local. M. Dimitrijevi´ , University of Belgrade – p.17 c
  • 18. • One-loop renormalizability using supergraph technique and the background field method: -no tadpole -the divergences in two-point function cannot be removed ⇒ The model is NOT renormalizable. • What can be done: -add new terms to absorb divergences ⇒ non-minimal deformation -understand better the interplay between twisted symmetry and renormalizability. M. Dimitrijevi´ , University of Belgrade – p.18 c
  • 19. Twist F2 leads to: • ⋆-product of superfields −1 F ⋆ G = µ{F1 F ⊗ G} 1 = F · G − (−1)|F | C αβ (Dα F ) · (Dβ G) + O(C 2 ). (20) 2 where |F | = 1 if F is odd and |F | = 0 if F is even. • {θα ⋆ θβ } = C αβ , , ¯˙ , ¯ ˙ {θα ⋆ θβ } = 0, [xm ¯¯ ⋆ xn ] = −C αβ (σ mn ε) θ θ. , αβ ¯˙ • Since {Qα , Dβ } = {Qα , Dβ } = 0 Leibniz rule for SUSY transformations is undeformed. ⋆ δξ (F ⋆ G) = (δξ F ) ⋆ G + F ⋆ (δξ G) (21) • Chirality is broken again. Method of projectors. . . M. Dimitrijevi´ , University of Belgrade – p.19 c
  • 20. • Deformed Wess-Zumino action 4 + m S = d x Φ ⋆Φ + P2 (Φ ⋆ Φ) + 2a1 P1 (Φ ⋆ Φ) ¯θ θθ θ ¯ 2 θθ ¯¯ θθ λ + P2 (P2 (Φ ⋆ Φ) ⋆ Φ) + 3a2 P1 (P2 (Φ ⋆ Φ) ⋆ Φ) 3 θθ ¯¯ θθ +2a3 (P1 (Φ ⋆ Φ) ⋆ Φ) +3a4 P1 (Φ ⋆ Φ) ⋆ Φ+ ¯¯ θθ θθ ¯¯ θθ ¯ +3a5 C 2 P2 (Φ ⋆ Φ) ⋆ Φ+ + c.c. . (22) ¯¯ θθ θθ • A non-minimal deformation of the commutative WZ action, good commutative limit, it is local. M. Dimitrijevi´ , University of Belgrade – p.20 c
  • 21. • One-loop renormalizability using supergraph technique and the background field method: -no tadpole, no mass renormaization -a4 and a5 -terms in the action (20) required to absorb the (3) divergences appearing in Γ1 (4) -divergences in Γ1 cannot be absorbed ⇒ The general model IS NOT renormalizable. • HOWEVER: There is a special choice: a2 = a3 = a4 = 0 when the model is renormalizable! Almost all commutative SUSY results remain valid: no tadpole, no mass (4) renormalization, divergent parts of Γ1 and higher-point functions are zero. • Non-minimal deformation and undeformed SUSY render a renormalizable model. A more general conclusion? M. Dimitrijevi´ , University of Belgrade – p.21 c
  • 22. Summary • NC spaces can be defined via twist. • Mathematically well defined, good control of deformed symmetries, differential calculus, integral. • More loose ends: Generalization of Noether theorem, conserved charges, Hodge dual,. . . Better understanding of renormalizability versus twisted symmetries also needed. M. Dimitrijevi´ , University of Belgrade – p.22 c