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D-Day Questionnaire Analysis
                           Prepared for BIMA
                                    November 2012

Commercial In Confidence
1     Summary ...........................................................................................................................3

2     Introduction........................................................................................................................3

3     Results ..............................................................................................................................4

4     Appendices........................................................................................................................7
4.1     Appendix 1 ....................................................................................................................................... 7
4.2     Appendix 2: Feedback Received ................................................................................................... 12

D-Day Questionnaire Analysis // Survey compiled by Amaze // November 2012                                                                         2
1 Summary
This report provides feedback from students participating in BIMA‟s D-Day 2012. A
total of 502 participants completed the questionnaire, representing 28% of all
participants. The survey highlighted:

   A lack of awareness of the digital industry in its entirety and the breadth of
   career opportunities available. 63% of students surveyed were not aware of the
   many different jobs or opportunities in the digital industry.

   A lack of resources and teaching in schools to make pupils aware of digital as a
   career. 75% of students surveyed had never seen any information on, or been
   taught about working in, the digital industry and 49% stated they did not know
   where to find out more information about digital careers.

   A direct correlation between awareness of the digital industry and a desire to
   work within it. 74% of students surveyed stated that D-Day have made them
   think more about a career in digital.

   A day such as D-Day can be an inspiring way to generate awareness and inject
   creativity, collaborative working and fun into the classroom (see Appendix 2 for
   feedback from teachers about the day)

   A commitment from the UK‟s digital agency sector to support young people and
   the education system to increase the number of skilled digital young
   professionals in the UK,as demonstrated by participation in D-Day and through
   the feedback received (see Appendices).

Fundamentally, there is a need for more information about what a digital career
means and the vast and varying opportunities within this industry. The current
perception of the digital industry amongst this next generation is that of a career
based around ICT or coding, rather than understanding the full range of careers
available. Once this awareness is achieved it is possible to see a huge shift in the
number of young people who would consider a career in this industry.

2 Introduction
On October 10th BIMA launched a national campaign, D-Day (or Digital Day), with
nearly 70 schools and 1,800 students involved in the one day event to get schools
and young people involved in digital.

The aim of D-Day is to raise the awareness of the opportunities which exist within
the digital industry, and also the variety of career options that are available for
young people. D-Day set out to inspire the digital talent of the future and
encourage a future generation of digital talent to come through.

D-Day Questionnaire Analysis // Survey compiled by Amaze // November 2012              3
Andrew Henning, Chair of BIMA‟s Education team, said: “Digital agencies‟
resources are in high demand as businesses increasingly see digital as the most
lucrative and important part of their media campaigns.

“However, the demand for highly skilled and creative employees supersedes the
talent available because the number of trained professionals is dwindling. We need
to raise awareness of this great industry so students can begin planning a career
in an industry that until now hasn‟t been highlighted at schools and colleges.”

During the course of the day schools were visited by a digital agency, showcasing
the UKs vibrant digital industry and raising awareness of the career options and
opportunities. The students also participated in a digital challenge during the
course of the day, with challenges including designing a mobile app, an innovative
digital solution, a social media campaign, web coding or designing multimedia

At the end of D-Day, students were asked to fill out a questionnaire to find out
more about their previous knowledge and perception of digital and the careers
available, and to gauge the effect of D-Day.

3 Results
In total 502 questionnaire responses were received from the D-Day students. The
collation and analysis of the responses given by students involved with D-Day
highlights the lack of awareness this generation have of the career opportunities
within the digital sector and also the perception they have of what a digital career

Of a total of 502 students surveyed, 75% said they had never „seen any
information on, or been taught about working in, the digital industry.’(Fig 1)
However, 65% of the students said that they had thought about digital jobs in the
past. This shows the discrepancy between students‟ interest in the subject, and the
resources required for them to inform themselves, and make educated choices.

Prior to taking part in D-Day, 34% of the students said that they wouldn‟t consider,
or hadn‟t considered looking for a job in the digital industry. Of those that had
thought of going down a digital career path, the most popular areas of interest
were gaming (15%), creative design (8%) and programming (5%). Looking at the
answers of those students who said they had received some information about
working in the digital industry at school (24%), the areas where students received
the greatest amount of information and instruction were Creative/Website Design
(19%), Game Design/Development (15%) and Programming (15%). (Fig 3).

When comparing the digital jobs that students mentioned being taught about at
school or having awareness of prior to D-Day, with the digital jobs that students
could imagine themselves doing following D-Day, it becomes clear that there were

D-Day Questionnaire Analysis // Survey compiled by Amaze // November 2012              4
large areas that students were either not aware of, or did not associate with the
digital industry.

On the day the two teams from Amaze found that when questioning the students
about what they perceived working in digital to involve most of the student‟s
perception of a digital career involved being highly skilled with ICT or having skills
in programming and coding websites. It was clear that the students hadn‟t realised
the full scale of the opportunities available, or the varying skills that can be put to
use within the industry.

Digital areas that students didn‟t mention having awareness of, or as possible
career options prior to D-Day included Social Media, Strategy/Planning, Research,
Account/Project Management and Marketing. Again, the area where students had
the most existing awareness, Design, was also the area where the most students
could see themselves working.

This is supported by 63% of the students responding that they were unaware that
‘there were so many different jobs or opportunities in this industry’(Fig 6). This
reveals that there are misconceptions about the digital industry, including the fact
that students were less aware of those roles that didn‟t necessarily involve highly
technical or creative skills (i.e. design and development). This could be an
intimidating factor to those who do not consider themselves to have the skills
required for these jobs.

Digital agency Quba commented on their blog that „We learned that there is a huge
amount of raw creativity and talent out there, but that kids aren‟t necessarily aware
of the digital industry or the countless different jobs it offers. I personally feel that
it‟s been really worthwhile to show that work isn‟t just about people in grey suits
and boring offices, and that there are lots of really exciting opportunities to get out
there and do what you love.‟

Phil Heywood at Redweb also stated that „They didn‟t realise the breadth of skills
that are needed within a successful digital agency, that we‟re not all designers and

When asked which were the most interesting activities conducted on D-Day, the
students responses showed that the creative and design tasks were the most
popular. Particular the task involving creating an app was very popular, perhaps
because it gave the students insight into a product familiar to them.

Stating the activities they would like to learn more about, the students
predominantly chose the areas that require further in depth knowledge and
expertise, including Website Design (12%), Making Apps (15%), and Web
Development (12%). However, the students also chose several topics that had not
been mentioned in their responses prior to D-Day, including
Marketing/Branding/Advertising (5%), Business Management (2%) and Design
Tools (5%), showing that awareness had been raised of these other aspects of the
digital industry. (Fig 8)

D-Day Questionnaire Analysis // Survey compiled by Amaze // November 2012              5
Tellingly, when asked whether they were aware of where to obtain additional
information about digital careers, 48% of respondents answered „No‟. This
indicates the need for a better representation of the digital industries within careers
counselling, work placement schemes, internship programs and student
workshops. (Fig 9)

What becomes clear from the questionnaires is that the lack of young people
taking up a career in digital is not due to disinterest but due to awareness, as,
when asked whether at the end of D-Day they could see themselves doing any of
the jobs mentioned, nearly 74% said „Yes‟, with 5% saying „Maybe‟. This
represents a near reversal in the same statistic seen before the students took part
in D-Day. (Fig 10)

D-Day Questionnaire Analysis // Survey compiled by Amaze // November 2012             6
4 Appendices

    4.1     Appendix 1
            400                                                                       75.3%





            150                                          23.8%

                             Blank                         Yes                          No

 Fig 1. Have you ever seen any information on or been taught about working in the digital industry at school?

            350                                          64.6%



            200                                                                        34.2%


                            Blank                          Yes                           No

                        Fig 2. Have you ever considered digital as a possible career option?

D-Day Questionnaire Analysis // Survey compiled by Amaze // November 2012                                   7
Creative/Website Design 19%
                                                                                              Game Design/Development 15%
                                                                                              Programming/Development 15%
                                                                                              Teamwork 2%
                                                                                              Graphics 5%
                                                                                              App Design 7%
                                                                                              All/Any 14%
                                                                                              None 9%
                                                                                              Teacher 3%
                                                                                              Film/Camera 5%
                                                                                              Other 6%
                                                                                              Marketing 2%

Fig 3. If you have seen information on, or been taught about working in the digital industry at school, which jobs did it focus

                                                                                                 Maybe/Don’t Know 2%
                                                                                                 Blanks 15%
                                                                                                 No 32%
                                                                                                 Yes 4%
                                                                                                 Creative Design 8%
                                                                                                 Animating 2%
                                                                                                 Game Design 13%
                                                                                                 Website Design 4%
                                                                                                 App Design/Creation 2%
                                                                                                 Programming 5%
                                                                                                 Web Development 0%
                                                                                                 Marketing 3%
                                                                                                 Media 4%
                                                                                                 Multi-Media 3%

                         Fig 4. Were there any digital jobs which interested you at all before now?

D-Day Questionnaire Analysis // Survey compiled by Amaze // November 2012                                                     8
PR 0%

                                                                                                       Marketing 2%

                                                                                                       UI Design 0%

                                                                                                       Research 1%

                                                                                                       Gaming 4%

                                                                                                       Project Management
                                                                                                       Creative 4%

                                                                                                       Web Design 27%

                                                                                                       Account Management
                                                                                                       Multimedia 7%

                                                                                                       App Dev. 5%

                                                                                                       Creative 1%

                                                                                                       Programming 5%

                                                                                                       Web Development

                        Fig 5. Of the jobs mentioned today, which can you see yourself doing?






                              Blank                          Yes                          No

             Fig 6. Were you aware that there are so many different jobs or opportunities in this industry?

D-Day Questionnaire Analysis // Survey compiled by Amaze // November 2012                                                   9
Other 2%

                                                                                              Social 3%

                                                                                              Designing/Creating App 26%

                                                                                              Brainstorming Ideas 6%

                                                                                              Coding 3%

                                                                                              Planning 3%

                                                                                              Speech/Presentation 3%

                                                                                              Creating Video 11%

                                                                                              Everything 1%

                                                                                              Designing 10%

                                                                                              Teamwork 7%

                                                                                              Designing/Creating Website 1%

                                                                                              Teamwork 2%

                                                                                              Learning New Skills 5%

                                                                                              Designing Website 1%

                                                                                              Learning about the digital industry 7%

                                                                                              Completing Challenge 3%

                                                                                              Blank 5%

             Fig 7. What was your favourite thing or the most interesting part of today (D-Day)?

                                                                                               Website Design 12%

                                                                                               Making Apps 15%

                                                                                               Making Games 8%

                                                                                               Social Media 1%

                                                                                               Career advice 1%

                                                                                               Marketing/Branding/Advertising 5%

                                                                                               Multimedia 10%

                                                                                               Web Dev./Coding 12%

                                                                                               Software Dev. 4%

                                                                                               Not Sure 3%

                                                                                               Planning/Research/Strategy 1%

                                                                                               Business/Management 2%

                                                                                               Design Tools 5%

                                                                                               Other 3%

                                                                                               Nothing 2%

                                                                                               UI 0%

                                                                                               All/Any 1%

            Fig 8. After today (D-Day), what other digital activities would you like to learn about at school?

D-Day Questionnaire Analysis // Survey compiled by Amaze // November 2012                                                    10

    250                                                                                    48.6%





                      Blank                               Yes                                   No

                  Fig 9. Do you know where you can find more information about digital careers?







                    No                       Yes                     Maybe                      Not sure

                     Fig 10. Has today (D-Day) made you think more about a career in digital?

D-Day Questionnaire Analysis // Survey compiled by Amaze // November 2012                                  11
4.2 Appendix 2: Feedback Received

Hi Andrew

Its been a very educational day – Luke Higgins was very informative letting the students know all about
his industry and the production process of creating a media product

The students were blown away by him and impressed by his success as he developed the advertising
for the olympics as well as showing us a number of TV advertisements and websites he has created!

He has suggested us visiting their luxury offices to see how it all works and also suggested the students
apply for apprenticeships there!

They have worked very well this afternoon they designed their own digital idea to benefit the
community and will be presenting these ideas and evaluating the day shortly after 2:15pm

Thanks for all of your hard work organising todays event!



We've got D-Day support from the Xfactor ;)

Now we all need to vote for him on Saturday! #teamkye!


D-Day Questionnaire Analysis // Survey compiled by Amaze // November 2012                                  12
Thank you for all the organising – it’s been a very creative day – Alain and Angela were


Hi Andrew,

I would like to thank Fran Hoey who came in to our school today and delivered a fantastic
session to our students. We started very small this year but would very much like to
expand this next year to include year 10, 11, 12 and 13 have you set a date yet?




We had a fantastic day Andrew. Our partners, Netcel, were brilliant.

Many thanks for all your work in organising the event.


Mrs Judith Ryde

ICT & Business Team

Dr Challoner's Grammar School


Hi Andrew / Helen,

The day went really well students engaged well and learnt from the experience.
We have three entries for the programming competition and two for the multimedia
we would like to submit. How do we submit them?


Jacqueline Suter
Teacher of ICT and Computing

       Phone: 01325 461315


D-Day Questionnaire Analysis // Survey compiled by Amaze // November 2012                                  13
Andrew, we had a great day so thank you for all of the resources and effort you have put

Are there any more instructions on how to return the entries or do we just post them off
(in which case, who to?)


Oliver Oakley

Wren Academy.


Went really well. Did a lot of #BIMADday tweeting as requested.

Thanks for asking us to take part. Hope it works out really well for you and
massive congratulations / respect for organising it.

PS. Avoided getting told off by the head master. He popped in and I thought for
half a second we were in trouble. Result ;-)

Yours sincerely

Mike Hawkyard

Direct Number: 0044 1202 204 852
Main Number: 0044 1202 767 300
Mobile: 0044 7976 624855



Hi Andrew

I just wanted to email you to say thank you for making this day happen. It was a
great experience for the students and I look forward to doing it again next year. Oh
and thanks for the picture, my students thought that was quite funny!

e3 were absolutely brilliant with our students as well, we have already discussed
possibilities of work experience and visiting their headquarters. I hope that this will
be the start of a great digital partnership. It is just brilliant being able to show
students that there are careers out there beyond Weston-super-Mare!

Best wishes,

D-Day Questionnaire Analysis // Survey compiled by Amaze // November 2012                                  14
Adrian Esch

Teacher of ICT and Computing, Hans Price Academy


Dear Ollie and Andrew

Can I just express my thanks to you for what happened today. I could not easily
write before now as I have only just finished boarding duty.

You put a lot of effort into making resources and then getting an outstanding team
of professionals in to work with our students and it would be rude for me to not
thank you on behalf of the College and especially the students..

I have not had a chance to look at the work properly yet but

       1. The mobile App Design seemed to originate from a series of excellent
          idea – the teamwork that I saw was exemplary/
       2. The video task was a real opportunity for our multimedia students to use
          our first rate video equipment and learn Adobe Elements to boot!
       3. The Java programming resulted in a PACMAN game being coded and
          gave two of our very quietest and modest students a chance to shine.
I will send you the work tomorrow – it is locked in my room at present.

The students enjoyed the work and were well motivated. I think this would not have
happened so well had we just the resources – although they were extremely good.
It was the link with the Digital professionals that really made those resources come
to life.

Thank you and please continue this important work.

I will be in touch again soon

Thank you




I would just like to extend a huge thanks and well done to both of you for yesterday. I am sure it
was a huge amount of work to organise, Andrew and our students were thoroughly enthused by
the day and one student was still talking to David about a route into a digital career even after the
final bell had gone.

David, thank you for taking a day out from your regular work to come and assist us. Our students
found your presentation hugely interesting and your input helped them immensely. The fact that

D-Day Questionnaire Analysis // Survey compiled by Amaze // November 2012                                  15
they still want to come in during their lunchtime today to complete it speaks volumes about how
interesting they found it.

It is always pretty hard for a rural school to find real world agencies in any industry who are willing
to give their time to show the students what they do, so once again thank you both.



Teacher of ICT and Computing

The Purbeck School,


Hi Andrew, thank you for organising a great day yesterday. The students (mostly Y11 and
Y12) really enjoyed it. Key points of the day:

    1. The range of roles in digital was an eye opener for many girls
    2. The girls were really enthused by the creativity involved. They often had
        preconceptions of working in IT related jobs as dull and mundane.
    3. The mobile app challenge sparked great discussions and ideas that fed di-
        rectly into their ICT curriculum with regards emerging tech such as aug-
        mented reality.
    4. The hands-on help from the agency was valuable as it made them pay at-
        tention to the real issues and the detail in their ideas.
Thanks again,

Jamie Chadwick

Alderley Edge School for Girls


Dear Andrew

Thank you so much for organising such an amazing event for our pupils. They loved it.
They also really enjoyed finding out about Redweb and the wide variety of careers
available in the digital industry. We would like to put our name down for next years event
as soon as we can and I have already discussed with Phil how we as a school could
improve the way we deliver the material. Space hoppers, choccies and brain/team
building activities are all thoughts.

Hope you enjoy your day off.



D-Day Questionnaire Analysis // Survey compiled by Amaze // November 2012                                  16

We had a great day yesterday and I want to thank you and all involved for making it happen,
seems it was nationally a success. I now have the complete desing to send of but nowhere to send
them to. Can you help?

Thanks so much

Sue Cleaver

ICT Curriculum coordinator, Wallingford School


Dear Andrew

Just a quick email to say what a great day we had yesterday at Bramdean School.
I put some photos on our facebook page and
have sent some to Stephen at the Drum.

The project was good fun - hairy towards the end as we were running out of time -
but very enjoyable.

Hope everyone else found it rewarding.

Best wishes



Hi Andrew,

Colin from the School and I were also on BBC Radio Cambridge and we had a
photographer into the school from the Cambridge Evening News. - The interview was at 1 hour 20 if you
are interested...




Can I ask how we are meant to submit the competition entries?

We have a few to send to you!

D-Day Questionnaire Analysis // Survey compiled by Amaze // November 2012                                  17
We had a brilliant day, despite our server having broken down
the night before. The students were creative and resourceful
at finding solutions - and made the day work! It was great.
Thank you again

Many thanks



On behalf of the Senior Management Team, I would like to add my thanks to you
for the work you did here yesterday with our students. In a competitive world, it is
vitally important that we seek out and provide opportunities for our students to add
value to the work that they already undertake at the College. Your input was
therefore greatly appreciated and I hope that we have opportunity again to
welcome you to the College.

Walter Boyle

Deputy Principal


Dear Andrew,

Our students thoroughly enjoyed the day yesterday, despite not having a link with someone from

I can't find any information about how to submit our entries. I have tried the website today to see
if there were any updates but the website won't load (busy serverm, perhaps?)

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,



What a great day - our boys at Rokeby thoroughly enjoyed themselves and got so much out of
having Cat from Rabbit's expertise (she was bombarded with hundreds of questions!).

I will send on their work today but we have a filmed and edited an advert to accompany the
students work - how do I send that in? Can I email it across?

Thanks again for organising,

D-Day Questionnaire Analysis // Survey compiled by Amaze // November 2012                                  18
Anna Bowen
Head of Media
Rokeby School,
020 8534 8946


Thanks for a great day it was awesome !

the creative excitement we overlooked the evaluation sheets – please could Send me a
copy and I will endeavour get them done today!

Sorry to disturb your bima day off



Hi Andrew, The student at school just need to put a few finishing touches onto their work, as we
had a very hectic day yesterday and some details were left unfinished, Is there any particular
deadline date for the submission of the work as the students would just like to tie up loose ends
before sending the work out to yourselves.


Mrs M Choudhury

2nd in Department, ICT
Sharples School- A Science Specialist College


Hello Andrew,

Thank you from Torchbox for organising a fantastic workshop on a national scale.
Both Jonny & myself were incredibly impressed with the yr 7 students at
Wallingford school.

The teams (Mini agencies) were really enthusiastic about the day and produced
brilliant, creative apps. Apps that we would be happy to have come up with!

I would be interested in giving feedback on the day and see how we can be
involved in the future, hopefully see you at Thirstday on the 1st Nov.

Thanks again,


D-Day Questionnaire Analysis // Survey compiled by Amaze // November 2012                                  19

Hi Andrew

Just wanted to say that I'm amazed at the organisation of the day and to say a
massive well done!

I had a great day and the kids were so receptive, certainly up for helping out again in
the future. Though it certainly realised how demanding being a teacher is - it was like
doing an all day pitch.

All the best




We had a brilliant day yesterday, with enthusiastic help from Laurent and Paciencia at
Equator. The pupils were really enthused and came up with great ideas. However, I’m not
going to be able to return the packs tomorrow. I am on holiday tomorrow for the
weekend, and won’t be able to get back into school until Monday. I will send them then,
and hope that’s OK.


Ann McVey

Eastwood High School


Hi Andrew
Just to say a BIG thank you to you and the team at BIMA. We
had a great day here at St Paul's and Kay certainly inspired
them to think about careers in digital media. She was great.
It's obvious from their questionnaires that they got a lot
out of the day and I know from speaking to them that they
really enjoyed it. We regularly hold enrichment days and it
was great to have an industry focus. Thank you once again.

I sent off our entries yesterday and Charlotte should have
them by lunchtime today.

Kind regards


D-Day Questionnaire Analysis // Survey compiled by Amaze // November 2012                                  20
Mrs K. Key
Head of ICT
St Paul's School for Girls

Hi Andrew

Huge thanks for a really engaging day -Kristal and Chris from Enjoy Digital were stars.

I’m running around today getting all the packs together from the teachers including the
work they did on balsamiq. I won’t get the Multimedia video files until next week so I’ll
submit those together – I accept this might mean that group can’t be considered for any
prizes but for us the learning and experience are most important.

Have a good weekend,

Nick O'Keeffe

Business Networks Manager



Hi Andrew,

Thank you for organising a fantastic event, out students really enjoyed the
experience. I will not be able to return the packs until Monday as I have not been in
school, and today another member of the department is away and it is difficult to
collate all the work. I hope this will be ok, as the students have done some
fantastic work and I don't want them to miss out in anyway!

Can you just confirm this for me?

Many thanks,



just to say thankyou and that the pupils and myself greatly
enjoyed the day and found it to be a fantastic experince! We
were lucky enough to be linked with TBL and Rob worked with
the pupils and inspired them in creating amazing projects. I
am just sorting packaging the work and will send to you by
monday at the latest. Thanks again and hopefully the same
again next year!

D-Day Questionnaire Analysis // Survey compiled by Amaze // November 2012                                  21

Steve and all the pupils at TGGS

Stephen Smedley
ICT Coordinator and Website Manager

D-Day Questionnaire Analysis // Survey compiled by Amaze // November 2012   22

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  • 1. D-Day Questionnaire Analysis Prepared for BIMA November 2012 Commercial In Confidence
  • 2. Contents 1 Summary ...........................................................................................................................3 2 Introduction........................................................................................................................3 3 Results ..............................................................................................................................4 4 Appendices........................................................................................................................7 4.1 Appendix 1 ....................................................................................................................................... 7 4.2 Appendix 2: Feedback Received ................................................................................................... 12 D-Day Questionnaire Analysis // Survey compiled by Amaze // November 2012 2
  • 3. 1 Summary This report provides feedback from students participating in BIMA‟s D-Day 2012. A total of 502 participants completed the questionnaire, representing 28% of all participants. The survey highlighted: A lack of awareness of the digital industry in its entirety and the breadth of career opportunities available. 63% of students surveyed were not aware of the many different jobs or opportunities in the digital industry. A lack of resources and teaching in schools to make pupils aware of digital as a career. 75% of students surveyed had never seen any information on, or been taught about working in, the digital industry and 49% stated they did not know where to find out more information about digital careers. A direct correlation between awareness of the digital industry and a desire to work within it. 74% of students surveyed stated that D-Day have made them think more about a career in digital. A day such as D-Day can be an inspiring way to generate awareness and inject creativity, collaborative working and fun into the classroom (see Appendix 2 for feedback from teachers about the day) A commitment from the UK‟s digital agency sector to support young people and the education system to increase the number of skilled digital young professionals in the UK,as demonstrated by participation in D-Day and through the feedback received (see Appendices). Fundamentally, there is a need for more information about what a digital career means and the vast and varying opportunities within this industry. The current perception of the digital industry amongst this next generation is that of a career based around ICT or coding, rather than understanding the full range of careers available. Once this awareness is achieved it is possible to see a huge shift in the number of young people who would consider a career in this industry. 2 Introduction On October 10th BIMA launched a national campaign, D-Day (or Digital Day), with nearly 70 schools and 1,800 students involved in the one day event to get schools and young people involved in digital. The aim of D-Day is to raise the awareness of the opportunities which exist within the digital industry, and also the variety of career options that are available for young people. D-Day set out to inspire the digital talent of the future and encourage a future generation of digital talent to come through. D-Day Questionnaire Analysis // Survey compiled by Amaze // November 2012 3
  • 4. Andrew Henning, Chair of BIMA‟s Education team, said: “Digital agencies‟ resources are in high demand as businesses increasingly see digital as the most lucrative and important part of their media campaigns. “However, the demand for highly skilled and creative employees supersedes the talent available because the number of trained professionals is dwindling. We need to raise awareness of this great industry so students can begin planning a career in an industry that until now hasn‟t been highlighted at schools and colleges.” During the course of the day schools were visited by a digital agency, showcasing the UKs vibrant digital industry and raising awareness of the career options and opportunities. The students also participated in a digital challenge during the course of the day, with challenges including designing a mobile app, an innovative digital solution, a social media campaign, web coding or designing multimedia content. At the end of D-Day, students were asked to fill out a questionnaire to find out more about their previous knowledge and perception of digital and the careers available, and to gauge the effect of D-Day. 3 Results In total 502 questionnaire responses were received from the D-Day students. The collation and analysis of the responses given by students involved with D-Day highlights the lack of awareness this generation have of the career opportunities within the digital sector and also the perception they have of what a digital career involves. Of a total of 502 students surveyed, 75% said they had never „seen any information on, or been taught about working in, the digital industry.’(Fig 1) However, 65% of the students said that they had thought about digital jobs in the past. This shows the discrepancy between students‟ interest in the subject, and the resources required for them to inform themselves, and make educated choices. Prior to taking part in D-Day, 34% of the students said that they wouldn‟t consider, or hadn‟t considered looking for a job in the digital industry. Of those that had thought of going down a digital career path, the most popular areas of interest were gaming (15%), creative design (8%) and programming (5%). Looking at the answers of those students who said they had received some information about working in the digital industry at school (24%), the areas where students received the greatest amount of information and instruction were Creative/Website Design (19%), Game Design/Development (15%) and Programming (15%). (Fig 3). When comparing the digital jobs that students mentioned being taught about at school or having awareness of prior to D-Day, with the digital jobs that students could imagine themselves doing following D-Day, it becomes clear that there were D-Day Questionnaire Analysis // Survey compiled by Amaze // November 2012 4
  • 5. large areas that students were either not aware of, or did not associate with the digital industry. On the day the two teams from Amaze found that when questioning the students about what they perceived working in digital to involve most of the student‟s perception of a digital career involved being highly skilled with ICT or having skills in programming and coding websites. It was clear that the students hadn‟t realised the full scale of the opportunities available, or the varying skills that can be put to use within the industry. Digital areas that students didn‟t mention having awareness of, or as possible career options prior to D-Day included Social Media, Strategy/Planning, Research, Account/Project Management and Marketing. Again, the area where students had the most existing awareness, Design, was also the area where the most students could see themselves working. This is supported by 63% of the students responding that they were unaware that ‘there were so many different jobs or opportunities in this industry’(Fig 6). This reveals that there are misconceptions about the digital industry, including the fact that students were less aware of those roles that didn‟t necessarily involve highly technical or creative skills (i.e. design and development). This could be an intimidating factor to those who do not consider themselves to have the skills required for these jobs. Digital agency Quba commented on their blog that „We learned that there is a huge amount of raw creativity and talent out there, but that kids aren‟t necessarily aware of the digital industry or the countless different jobs it offers. I personally feel that it‟s been really worthwhile to show that work isn‟t just about people in grey suits and boring offices, and that there are lots of really exciting opportunities to get out there and do what you love.‟ Phil Heywood at Redweb also stated that „They didn‟t realise the breadth of skills that are needed within a successful digital agency, that we‟re not all designers and developers.‟ When asked which were the most interesting activities conducted on D-Day, the students responses showed that the creative and design tasks were the most popular. Particular the task involving creating an app was very popular, perhaps because it gave the students insight into a product familiar to them. Stating the activities they would like to learn more about, the students predominantly chose the areas that require further in depth knowledge and expertise, including Website Design (12%), Making Apps (15%), and Web Development (12%). However, the students also chose several topics that had not been mentioned in their responses prior to D-Day, including Marketing/Branding/Advertising (5%), Business Management (2%) and Design Tools (5%), showing that awareness had been raised of these other aspects of the digital industry. (Fig 8) D-Day Questionnaire Analysis // Survey compiled by Amaze // November 2012 5
  • 6. Tellingly, when asked whether they were aware of where to obtain additional information about digital careers, 48% of respondents answered „No‟. This indicates the need for a better representation of the digital industries within careers counselling, work placement schemes, internship programs and student workshops. (Fig 9) What becomes clear from the questionnaires is that the lack of young people taking up a career in digital is not due to disinterest but due to awareness, as, when asked whether at the end of D-Day they could see themselves doing any of the jobs mentioned, nearly 74% said „Yes‟, with 5% saying „Maybe‟. This represents a near reversal in the same statistic seen before the students took part in D-Day. (Fig 10) D-Day Questionnaire Analysis // Survey compiled by Amaze // November 2012 6
  • 7. 4 Appendices 4.1 Appendix 1 400 75.3% 350 300 250 200 150 23.8% 100 50 0.9% 0 Blank Yes No Fig 1. Have you ever seen any information on or been taught about working in the digital industry at school? 350 64.6% 300 250 200 34.2% 150 100 50 1.2% 0 Blank Yes No Fig 2. Have you ever considered digital as a possible career option? D-Day Questionnaire Analysis // Survey compiled by Amaze // November 2012 7
  • 8. Creative/Website Design 19% Game Design/Development 15% Programming/Development 15% Teamwork 2% Graphics 5% App Design 7% All/Any 14% None 9% Teacher 3% Film/Camera 5% Other 6% Marketing 2% Fig 3. If you have seen information on, or been taught about working in the digital industry at school, which jobs did it focus on? Maybe/Don’t Know 2% Blanks 15% No 32% Yes 4% Creative Design 8% Animating 2% Game Design 13% Website Design 4% App Design/Creation 2% Programming 5% Web Development 0% Marketing 3% Media 4% Multi-Media 3% Fig 4. Were there any digital jobs which interested you at all before now? D-Day Questionnaire Analysis // Survey compiled by Amaze // November 2012 8
  • 9. PR 0% Marketing 2% UI Design 0% Research 1% Strategy/Planning 1% Gaming 4% Project Management 4% Creative 4% Web Design 27% Account Management 2% Multimedia 7% App Dev. 5% Creative 1% Programming 5% Web Development 3% Fig 5. Of the jobs mentioned today, which can you see yourself doing? 350 62.8% 300 250 200 34.8% 150 100 50 3.2% 0 Blank Yes No Fig 6. Were you aware that there are so many different jobs or opportunities in this industry? D-Day Questionnaire Analysis // Survey compiled by Amaze // November 2012 9
  • 10. Other 2% Social 3% Designing/Creating App 26% Brainstorming Ideas 6% Coding 3% Planning 3% Speech/Presentation 3% Creating Video 11% Everything 1% Designing 10% Teamwork 7% Designing/Creating Website 1% Teamwork 2% Learning New Skills 5% Designing Website 1% Learning about the digital industry 7% Completing Challenge 3% Blank 5% Fig 7. What was your favourite thing or the most interesting part of today (D-Day)? Website Design 12% Making Apps 15% Making Games 8% Social Media 1% Career advice 1% Marketing/Branding/Advertising 5% Multimedia 10% Web Dev./Coding 12% Software Dev. 4% Not Sure 3% Planning/Research/Strategy 1% Business/Management 2% Design Tools 5% Other 3% Nothing 2% UI 0% All/Any 1% Fig 8. After today (D-Day), what other digital activities would you like to learn about at school? D-Day Questionnaire Analysis // Survey compiled by Amaze // November 2012 10
  • 11. 300 50.6% 250 48.6% 200 150 100 50 0.8% 0 Blank Yes No Fig 9. Do you know where you can find more information about digital careers? 400 73.56% 350 300 250 200 150 20.9% 100 50 4.7% 0.8% 0 No Yes Maybe Not sure Fig 10. Has today (D-Day) made you think more about a career in digital? D-Day Questionnaire Analysis // Survey compiled by Amaze // November 2012 11
  • 12. 4.2 Appendix 2: Feedback Received Hi Andrew Its been a very educational day – Luke Higgins was very informative letting the students know all about his industry and the production process of creating a media product The students were blown away by him and impressed by his success as he developed the advertising for the olympics as well as showing us a number of TV advertisements and websites he has created! He has suggested us visiting their luxury offices to see how it all works and also suggested the students apply for apprenticeships there! They have worked very well this afternoon they designed their own digital idea to benefit the community and will be presenting these ideas and evaluating the day shortly after 2:15pm Thanks for all of your hard work organising todays event! Charlotte -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We've got D-Day support from the Xfactor ;) Now we all need to vote for him on Saturday! #teamkye! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D-Day Questionnaire Analysis // Survey compiled by Amaze // November 2012 12
  • 13. Thank you for all the organising – it’s been a very creative day – Alain and Angela were fantastic. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Andrew, I would like to thank Fran Hoey who came in to our school today and delivered a fantastic session to our students. We started very small this year but would very much like to expand this next year to include year 10, 11, 12 and 13 have you set a date yet? Rgds David -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We had a fantastic day Andrew. Our partners, Netcel, were brilliant. Many thanks for all your work in organising the event. Jude Mrs Judith Ryde ICT & Business Team Dr Challoner's Grammar School -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Andrew / Helen, The day went really well students engaged well and learnt from the experience. We have three entries for the programming competition and two for the multimedia we would like to submit. How do we submit them? Regards Jacqueline Suter Teacher of ICT and Computing Phone: 01325 461315 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D-Day Questionnaire Analysis // Survey compiled by Amaze // November 2012 13
  • 14. Andrew, we had a great day so thank you for all of the resources and effort you have put in. Are there any more instructions on how to return the entries or do we just post them off (in which case, who to?) Thanks Oliver Oakley Wren Academy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Went really well. Did a lot of #BIMADday tweeting as requested. Thanks for asking us to take part. Hope it works out really well for you and massive congratulations / respect for organising it. PS. Avoided getting told off by the head master. He popped in and I thought for half a second we were in trouble. Result ;-) Yours sincerely Mike Hawkyard Direct Number: 0044 1202 204 852 Main Number: 0044 1202 767 300 Mobile: 0044 7976 624855 Website: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Andrew I just wanted to email you to say thank you for making this day happen. It was a great experience for the students and I look forward to doing it again next year. Oh and thanks for the picture, my students thought that was quite funny! e3 were absolutely brilliant with our students as well, we have already discussed possibilities of work experience and visiting their headquarters. I hope that this will be the start of a great digital partnership. It is just brilliant being able to show students that there are careers out there beyond Weston-super-Mare! Best wishes, D-Day Questionnaire Analysis // Survey compiled by Amaze // November 2012 14
  • 15. Adrian Esch Teacher of ICT and Computing, Hans Price Academy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Ollie and Andrew Can I just express my thanks to you for what happened today. I could not easily write before now as I have only just finished boarding duty. You put a lot of effort into making resources and then getting an outstanding team of professionals in to work with our students and it would be rude for me to not thank you on behalf of the College and especially the students.. I have not had a chance to look at the work properly yet but 1. The mobile App Design seemed to originate from a series of excellent idea – the teamwork that I saw was exemplary/ 2. The video task was a real opportunity for our multimedia students to use our first rate video equipment and learn Adobe Elements to boot! 3. The Java programming resulted in a PACMAN game being coded and gave two of our very quietest and modest students a chance to shine. I will send you the work tomorrow – it is locked in my room at present. The students enjoyed the work and were well motivated. I think this would not have happened so well had we just the resources – although they were extremely good. It was the link with the Digital professionals that really made those resources come to life. Thank you and please continue this important work. I will be in touch again soon Thank you Anthony -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Morning, I would just like to extend a huge thanks and well done to both of you for yesterday. I am sure it was a huge amount of work to organise, Andrew and our students were thoroughly enthused by the day and one student was still talking to David about a route into a digital career even after the final bell had gone. David, thank you for taking a day out from your regular work to come and assist us. Our students found your presentation hugely interesting and your input helped them immensely. The fact that D-Day Questionnaire Analysis // Survey compiled by Amaze // November 2012 15
  • 16. they still want to come in during their lunchtime today to complete it speaks volumes about how interesting they found it. It is always pretty hard for a rural school to find real world agencies in any industry who are willing to give their time to show the students what they do, so once again thank you both. Regards, Mike Teacher of ICT and Computing The Purbeck School, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Andrew, thank you for organising a great day yesterday. The students (mostly Y11 and Y12) really enjoyed it. Key points of the day: 1. The range of roles in digital was an eye opener for many girls 2. The girls were really enthused by the creativity involved. They often had preconceptions of working in IT related jobs as dull and mundane. 3. The mobile app challenge sparked great discussions and ideas that fed di- rectly into their ICT curriculum with regards emerging tech such as aug- mented reality. 4. The hands-on help from the agency was valuable as it made them pay at- tention to the real issues and the detail in their ideas. Thanks again, Jamie Chadwick Alderley Edge School for Girls -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Andrew Thank you so much for organising such an amazing event for our pupils. They loved it. They also really enjoyed finding out about Redweb and the wide variety of careers available in the digital industry. We would like to put our name down for next years event as soon as we can and I have already discussed with Phil how we as a school could improve the way we deliver the material. Space hoppers, choccies and brain/team building activities are all thoughts. Hope you enjoy your day off. Regards Victoria D-Day Questionnaire Analysis // Survey compiled by Amaze // November 2012 16
  • 17. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Andrew We had a great day yesterday and I want to thank you and all involved for making it happen, seems it was nationally a success. I now have the complete desing to send of but nowhere to send them to. Can you help? Thanks so much Sue Cleaver ICT Curriculum coordinator, Wallingford School -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Andrew Just a quick email to say what a great day we had yesterday at Bramdean School. I put some photos on our facebook page and have sent some to Stephen at the Drum. The project was good fun - hairy towards the end as we were running out of time - but very enjoyable. Hope everyone else found it rewarding. Best wishes Jane -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Andrew, Colin from the School and I were also on BBC Radio Cambridge and we had a photographer into the school from the Cambridge Evening News. - The interview was at 1 hour 20 if you are interested... Richard -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hiya Can I ask how we are meant to submit the competition entries? We have a few to send to you! D-Day Questionnaire Analysis // Survey compiled by Amaze // November 2012 17
  • 18. We had a brilliant day, despite our server having broken down the night before. The students were creative and resourceful at finding solutions - and made the day work! It was great. Thank you again Many thanks Sally -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ollie On behalf of the Senior Management Team, I would like to add my thanks to you for the work you did here yesterday with our students. In a competitive world, it is vitally important that we seek out and provide opportunities for our students to add value to the work that they already undertake at the College. Your input was therefore greatly appreciated and I hope that we have opportunity again to welcome you to the College. Walter Boyle Deputy Principal -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Andrew, Our students thoroughly enjoyed the day yesterday, despite not having a link with someone from Industry. I can't find any information about how to submit our entries. I have tried the website today to see if there were any updates but the website won't load (busy serverm, perhaps?) I look forward to hearing from you. Kind regards, Jacquie -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What a great day - our boys at Rokeby thoroughly enjoyed themselves and got so much out of having Cat from Rabbit's expertise (she was bombarded with hundreds of questions!). I will send on their work today but we have a filmed and edited an advert to accompany the students work - how do I send that in? Can I email it across? Thanks again for organising, D-Day Questionnaire Analysis // Survey compiled by Amaze // November 2012 18
  • 19. Anna Bowen Head of Media Rokeby School, Newham 020 8534 8946 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for a great day it was awesome ! the creative excitement we overlooked the evaluation sheets – please could Send me a copy and I will endeavour get them done today! Sorry to disturb your bima day off Aran -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Andrew, The student at school just need to put a few finishing touches onto their work, as we had a very hectic day yesterday and some details were left unfinished, Is there any particular deadline date for the submission of the work as the students would just like to tie up loose ends before sending the work out to yourselves. Thanks Mrs M Choudhury 2nd in Department, ICT Sharples School- A Science Specialist College -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello Andrew, Thank you from Torchbox for organising a fantastic workshop on a national scale. Both Jonny & myself were incredibly impressed with the yr 7 students at Wallingford school. The teams (Mini agencies) were really enthusiastic about the day and produced brilliant, creative apps. Apps that we would be happy to have come up with! I would be interested in giving feedback on the day and see how we can be involved in the future, hopefully see you at Thirstday on the 1st Nov. Thanks again, Sarah D-Day Questionnaire Analysis // Survey compiled by Amaze // November 2012 19
  • 20. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Andrew Just wanted to say that I'm amazed at the organisation of the day and to say a massive well done! I had a great day and the kids were so receptive, certainly up for helping out again in the future. Though it certainly realised how demanding being a teacher is - it was like doing an all day pitch. All the best Lee -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, We had a brilliant day yesterday, with enthusiastic help from Laurent and Paciencia at Equator. The pupils were really enthused and came up with great ideas. However, I’m not going to be able to return the packs tomorrow. I am on holiday tomorrow for the weekend, and won’t be able to get back into school until Monday. I will send them then, and hope that’s OK. Regards Ann McVey Eastwood High School -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Andrew Just to say a BIG thank you to you and the team at BIMA. We had a great day here at St Paul's and Kay certainly inspired them to think about careers in digital media. She was great. It's obvious from their questionnaires that they got a lot out of the day and I know from speaking to them that they really enjoyed it. We regularly hold enrichment days and it was great to have an industry focus. Thank you once again. I sent off our entries yesterday and Charlotte should have them by lunchtime today. Kind regards Karen D-Day Questionnaire Analysis // Survey compiled by Amaze // November 2012 20
  • 21. Mrs K. Key Head of ICT St Paul's School for Girls -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Andrew Huge thanks for a really engaging day -Kristal and Chris from Enjoy Digital were stars. I’m running around today getting all the packs together from the teachers including the work they did on balsamiq. I won’t get the Multimedia video files until next week so I’ll submit those together – I accept this might mean that group can’t be considered for any prizes but for us the learning and experience are most important. Have a good weekend, Nick O'Keeffe Business Networks Manager DYCA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Andrew, Thank you for organising a fantastic event, out students really enjoyed the experience. I will not be able to return the packs until Monday as I have not been in school, and today another member of the department is away and it is difficult to collate all the work. I hope this will be ok, as the students have done some fantastic work and I don't want them to miss out in anyway! Can you just confirm this for me? Many thanks, Nevita -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello, just to say thankyou and that the pupils and myself greatly enjoyed the day and found it to be a fantastic experince! We were lucky enough to be linked with TBL and Rob worked with the pupils and inspired them in creating amazing projects. I am just sorting packaging the work and will send to you by monday at the latest. Thanks again and hopefully the same again next year! D-Day Questionnaire Analysis // Survey compiled by Amaze // November 2012 21
  • 22. Thanks, Steve and all the pupils at TGGS Stephen Smedley ICT Coordinator and Website Manager D-Day Questionnaire Analysis // Survey compiled by Amaze // November 2012 22