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Presented at

Academic Recruiting

Implementing Integrated Digital Marketing

North America Workshop
December 2013

ICEF North America Workshop
ICEF North America
Miami Ben Waxman, Intead
December 2013
7Michael 2013
November 2011
Toronto May Waxman-Lenz, Intead
This Afternoon’s Discussion
Digital marketing implementation as part of a holistic strategy

What do you mean by holistic?
We all feel like we could be doing better with


Why do we think what we think?
Digital really is important. Here’s why.


How do we implement?
An analysis of the platform and channel options
and how to use them

NOTES: Intead creates and implements digital
tools to attract, recruit, orient and retain
international students. The implementation options
we will discuss seek to create a holistic strategy to
recruit and enroll international students. We use
digital tools to build relationships from a distance.
The ideas we will address today:
-Digital Marketing is critical
-The number of Channels is multiplying rapidly
-International is even more complex than domestic
-To succeed, a systematic approach to
implementation wins the day.
Social Media – a qualitative difference for the
interaction between consumers and organization.
Important to keep in mind that social media is just
one part of a comprehensive digital marketing
strategy. Today we will look at a number of
elements of what a comprehensive approach might
Basically – we want to look at your entire digital
platform (or footprint) and how you can integrate
social media into that platform to increase your
footprint. Let me explain what this means…

ICEF North America Workshop
Miami December 2013

Holistic Strategy for Student Recruiting

NOTES: Digital marketing and offline marketing need to feed each other. They both create
great content and leads to help you succeed with this holistic approach.
Your digital platform includes your website and so much more. It includes:
How you distribute mass (and individual) emails
How you distribute promotional content (videos, social media posts, ads, really, just about
anything that let’s the world know how good you are at what you do)
And here’s an important and often overlooked part. Your platform includes how you track
and analyze the results. Everything digital is trackable. This is a huge advantage in the
world of marketing.

ICEF North America Workshop
Miami December 2013

Why we think
what we think.
NOTES: So, you might ask, why is digital so very important? Most of you already know the answer.
This stuff is important and there are some large forces at work that we want to review before we dive into the implementation processes you can use.
So here’s the spoiler alert about this next section of our presentation:
• Marketing it all about knowing your audience -- >Look at user behavior
• Digital is everywhere
• Mobile usage  real implementation consequences “responsive design”
• Social Media  real consequences for your work and for marketing needs
• Proliferation of platforms
• Content creation is a challenge
• Users want on demand information
• Marketing automation will keep you in touch and attractive
• Marketing personalization and segmentation is possible even with automation
• Analytics are hard to master, HOWEVER, they help you improve – we think they are the real answer to beating the competition.
• With implementation you will want to address the tactics that really affect your visibility to students on digital platforms.
-Paid Search

ICEF North America Workshop
Miami December 2013

NOTES: Everyone we are after – everyone we
want to recruit – is online.

In Millions

The regions around the world look dwarfed in this
chart because of the 3 Billion people in Asia
(China + India) who are using mobile devices.
However, the entire world is now wired.

Source: We Are Social, 2011

ICEF North America Workshop
Miami December 2013

NOTES: Social media use is GLOBAL. There are
more Facebook and Twitter users outside of North
America than inside North America.

Social Media is a Global Phenomenon
60 – 85% of those with social media profiles
log onto their social media platforms

ICEF North America Workshop
Miami December 2013

Desktop vs. Mobile Access


Source: Kleiner Perkin Caufield
& Byers, December 2012

ICEF North America Workshop
Miami December 2013

Different platforms rule in different countries
Source: Web search, 2011; College Board internal analysis


South Korea



NOTES: There are a lot of different channels to consider with each country. With YouTube blocked in China, YouKu has 26M visitors daily. Hard to
Not very social;
Local search engines of social
ignore. And with these platform tools weLocal been discussing, you are able to manage the proliferation and SM media channels. You are able to
have social networking & video
Global sites preferred
produce large content publishing efforts and automate very granular responses to networks dominate space
students using specific channels. Using analytics, you are able to
Mobile dominates
sites dominate
see which of these efforts pay off over time. You are able to hone your activity and your budget expense.

ICEF North America Workshop
Miami December 2013

Who is
evaluating us?

ICEF North America Workshop
Miami December 2013

What the Digital Audits Tell Us

NOTES: So we know that students are searching for options online and using mobile devices.
And we know we need to reach them where they are – in the digital world, as well as in the
physical world. But they are actively looking for you before you will ever meet them.
Before you are ever in touch with them, purchase their name from a lead generator, meet them at
a student fair, or they get in touch with an agent, they are searching on line and sharing what they
find with friends. It is important to know how you appear to them when they conduct these
Conducting a digital audit provides a clearer picture of what students see when they look at you.
With our Digital Audit (details on our website) we look at and report on load times and social
media hits on major social media channels, search results on major search engines. We list which
agencies mention the institutions and provide screen shots of many school relevant web pages.
And we provide detailed recommendations in each audit report.

ICEF North America Workshop
Miami December 2013

For the
Academic Institutions
in the Room
Win a Free Digital Audit
We will draw a card from the bag
at the end of our presentation

ICEF North America Workshop
Miami December 2013

NOTES: We know your colleagues are struggling with all of this. We know many, if not most, do not have the systems in place to manage the communication
channels that we need. How do we know that? Well…We created a small experiment which is very common in the retail industry -- Mystery shopper – to find out
what the student experience is when reaching out to schools. We had one of our Chinese employees contact 30 institutions across the world U.S, Australia, and
Canada. We tracked, and monitored the responses.
First of all, we apologize for creating additional work, but it’s very instructive to see the results. So, here’s the good news, sort of: 54% responded with a very
personalized appropriate response within 24 hours.
13% responded within 2 business days – still reasonable, but could be better.
10% responded within 1 month – we’re not sure why they bothered.
23% did not respond at all.

ICEF North America Workshop
Miami December 2013

NOTES: So we have all these students we are interested in attracting. What do we know about them. And what if we really want to know something about THIS
GUY as a stand out from the crowd?
How can we do that? We will get there, but first we have a few things we need to talk about.

ICEF North America Workshop
Miami December 2013

It’s about
process and creativity

NOTES: Michael Porter, Harvard Profession – there are ONLY two ways to have a competitive advantage Price or Specialization
-- Our world is not THAT black and white, but this thinking makes the point.
The Marketing Channels we are discussing require tactical technology execution.

ICEF North America Workshop
Miami December 2013

NOTES: They require skill sets and processes
to use the tools available.
Yet, these processes don’t work without VALUED
CONTENT. This is where the idea of Branding
comes into the picture. Branding = Differentiation
Once you have the systems and tools in place, you
feed into those systems the ideas that make you
different. You can create content that will appeal to
the type of student that really fits in your institution.
With digital marketing, it’s all about the content.

ICEF North America Workshop
Miami December 2013

NOTES: Recruiting and marketing are HARD
WORK. Personality and Process are equal parts.
Digital marketing requires creativity, process and
analytics. The analytics allow us to OPTIMIZE
ACTIVITIES to get better and better and better.
We want to talk about Digital marketing
implementation as part of a holistic strategy.
This workshop is about integrated – digital –
marketing –
Let’s Define this more clearly

ICEF North America Workshop
Miami December 2013

The Source of Our Headaches:
The Proliferation of Marketing Channels

Your website is the foundation upon which you build


Everything you do drives traffic to your website.


Your website captures visitor leads

NOTES: We’ve got to get a handle on how to manage, distribute, publish and evaluate all these channels. Let’s get some perspective on how we got here.
In 1992, 20 years ago, we had print and personal visits. We ran ads and visited high schools and college fairs. By 1995 we were asking, “Do we REALLY need to
have a website?”
Today, we don’t print ANYTHING that doesn’t have our website on it. And that website has become the primary source of information for students researching
international university options. A recent i-Graduate report identifies the key influences for students making decisions about where to study: friends (47%); parents
(38%); and your website (23%).
And where are those friends getting and sharing information? On social media.
And so our marketing channels now include:
-Email marketing
-Mobile accessibility
-Social media
It took us about 10 years to incorporate our website into EVERYTHING we do in our recruiting and marketing efforts. Over the next 10 years we will incorporate
social media into EVERTHING and we will drive traffic to specific, trackable landing pages.

ICEF North America Workshop
Miami December 2013

Model T

NOTES: When we put the changes to marketing activity into historical context, we see that in just a couple of decades, consumer interaction has changed
This does not mean that personal interaction is NOT absolutely critical – it IS. We are here at this conference because we want to meet, trust and collaborate AND
We are here because we did our research. We can see that interactions will be digital.
Ford told us we could have the Model T in any color as long as it is black.

ICEF North America Workshop
Miami December 2013

NOTES: Today, we can customize our Tesla online before we buy it.
Customization – Personalization of marketing and products RULES --- greater response rates, more success, more appealing.

ICEF North America Workshop
Miami December 2013


ICEF North America Workshop
Miami December 2013

Digital & Offline Strategies Feed Each Other

NOTES: Take incremental steps but have the whole picture in mind. Start publishing

ICEF North America Workshop
Miami December 2013


ICEF North America Workshop
Miami December 2013

What digital marketing activities do we need?

Your CORE SET of
•Email engine with
•Website(s) with
•Mobile delivery
•Publishing tool
•Social media distributor

NOTES: So how DO you reach out effectively? This is not a technology vendor session – there many different solutions to get to the outcome --- THERE IS NO
ONE PERFECT SOLUTION. Here are the building blocks you need. You can invest a lot or a little in these tools – but these are the basic building blocks that are part
of the platform you will want in place.
And remember the magic ingredient: Continual Analysis of What Is Working. You must have analytics built in and the skill set and time to evaluate the data you are
getting from this activity.

ICEF North America Workshop
Miami December 2013

A Platform with A Comprehensive View








Email &

NOTES: There is a way to manage this. For our own international branding and marketing
we use a paid platform called Hubspot. We also implement and manage this platform for our
clients. It is in all-in-one platform which enables us to execute on the prospect’s goals
through one single environment which in turn saves the prospect from investing in other
platforms. It provides a single point of view for analytics.

ICEF North America Workshop
Miami December 2013

NOTES: With this system and a holistic approach, you
can reach this guy and make him feel valued. You can get
him to take a real interest in what you have to offer. Help
him evaluate what makes your institution special.
To reach him, you need Advanced Digital Marketing:

ICEF North America Workshop
Miami December 2013

NOTES: These are complex topics to understand.

ICEF North America Workshop
Miami December 2013

Let’s talk


ICEF North America Workshop
Miami December 2013


ICEF North America Workshop
Miami December 2013

NOTES: Friends and family,
consumer reviews, consumer blogs
– all of these rate as highly
trustworthy media channels in
China. This is all about sharing.

ICEF North America Workshop
Miami December 2013

Planning Your Social Media Work
Build Your Own Plan
Download this sample worksheet
along with a blank planning grid
from our website HERE

NOTES: We’ve developed a template that can help you
consider the various social media channels that might
work for you and how you could set up a publishing plan.

ICEF North America Workshop
Miami December 2013

Social Media Implementation

Editorial Policies


Content creation plan
NOTES: As part of your social media


Clear responsibility assignments


Integrate feeds with collateral (include landing pages)


Tracking to justify and improve your efforts

strategy you will want to:
•Establish an editorial policy – what type of
content are appropriate? What will resonate
with your target audience? An authentic
tone/approach and consistently engaging
content are both essential. Consider this: do
you think the New York Times and the
National Enquirer have the same editorial
policies about what appears on their front
page? Every organization has to decide
what is provocative enough to draw
prospects but does not cross your
institutional “line”
•Generate content consistently
•Integrate your feeds into your collateral –
keep things coordinated
•Assign someone to keep an eye on the
activity to keep it current, keep it on target,
keep it aligned with your editorial policies
•Track your activity so that you can measure
successful conversions and continually
improve your outreach efforts

ICEF North America Workshop
Miami December 2013

Using Facebook Internationally
The Methods
• Post targeting
• Separate pages
• Global pages
• Third party marketing services
ICEF North America Workshop
Miami December 2013

Third Party Marketing Services Can Help You
• Promote your institution on
• Inform prospective students
about studying in your country
• Generate and filter student

Example: Anyadir Education
connects students from across India with
universities in the US and Australia

Anyadir Education’s social
recruitment model

ICEF North America Workshop
Miami December 2013


ICEF North America Workshop
Miami December 2013

Analytics – Free and Data Rich

NOTES: Google Analytics does NOT provide public data but ONLY on your own web property.
It can be installed on each of your webpages to inform you of where your visitors are coming from, the devices they are using (mobile or desktop), hwhich pages they
visit and how long they stay on any one page.
There is so much data available from Google Analytics that you will want to find some kind of data geek to help you figure out what the reports are saying and which
reports you will want to review month over month. It’s like excel – most of us use 5 to 10 % of the capabilities. Definitely true for GA.
The cost for using this data is in the expertise needed to understand what you are looking at. Either internal resources or external vendors.

ICEF North America Workshop
Miami December 2013

Analytics – Deep Geographic Insights

NOTES: This kind of powerful
regional information that can inform
your recruiting strategy
And gives you insights where to
follow up. Do your registrations
correspond with your traffic - we’ll

ICEF North America Workshop
Miami December 2013

What Google Analytics Tell Us

NOTES: Many different ways to
parse the data. Compare results.
Future activities can be evaluated at a
granular level. Before and after trips
we can see what kind of traffic you
have at the city level – throughout
China and other countries around the
world. This kind of data informs how
your operational tactics can be

ICEF North America Workshop
Miami December 2013

What Google Analytics Tell Us

10K visitors from India to this university website
28K visitors from China
The drop off after the home page is incredible.
We are not speaking to them in a way that resonates.
Social media is important as just one part of your
digital presence and marketing. It complements your
website, email marketing, tours, fairs, print collateral.

ICEF North America Workshop
Miami December 2013

What We All Want

More well-placed
international students

ICEF North America Workshop
Miami December 2013

Thank you
NOTES: Click these links to learn more

Industry Insights


Mobile App

For more information, please contact

Michael Waxman-Lenz, CEO & co-founder:
ICEF North America Workshop
Miami December 2013


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Integrated Digital Marketing for Universities: ICEF Miami 2013 presentation slides with speaker notes embedded from Intead

  • 1. Presented at Academic Recruiting Implementing Integrated Digital Marketing North America Workshop December 2013 Miami ICEF North America Workshop ICEF North America 1 Miami Ben Waxman, Intead December 2013 Workshop 7Michael 2013 November 2011 Toronto May Waxman-Lenz, Intead 1
  • 2. This Afternoon’s Discussion Digital marketing implementation as part of a holistic strategy  What do you mean by holistic? • We all feel like we could be doing better with digital.  Why do we think what we think? • Digital really is important. Here’s why.  How do we implement? • An analysis of the platform and channel options and how to use them NOTES: Intead creates and implements digital tools to attract, recruit, orient and retain international students. The implementation options we will discuss seek to create a holistic strategy to recruit and enroll international students. We use digital tools to build relationships from a distance. The ideas we will address today: -Digital Marketing is critical -The number of Channels is multiplying rapidly -International is even more complex than domestic -To succeed, a systematic approach to implementation wins the day. Social Media – a qualitative difference for the interaction between consumers and organization. Important to keep in mind that social media is just one part of a comprehensive digital marketing strategy. Today we will look at a number of elements of what a comprehensive approach might include. Basically – we want to look at your entire digital platform (or footprint) and how you can integrate social media into that platform to increase your footprint. Let me explain what this means… ICEF North America Workshop Miami December 2013 2
  • 3. Holistic Strategy for Student Recruiting NOTES: Digital marketing and offline marketing need to feed each other. They both create great content and leads to help you succeed with this holistic approach. Your digital platform includes your website and so much more. It includes: How you distribute mass (and individual) emails How you distribute promotional content (videos, social media posts, ads, really, just about anything that let’s the world know how good you are at what you do) And here’s an important and often overlooked part. Your platform includes how you track and analyze the results. Everything digital is trackable. This is a huge advantage in the world of marketing. ICEF North America Workshop Miami December 2013 3
  • 4. Why we think what we think. NOTES: So, you might ask, why is digital so very important? Most of you already know the answer. This stuff is important and there are some large forces at work that we want to review before we dive into the implementation processes you can use. So here’s the spoiler alert about this next section of our presentation: • Marketing it all about knowing your audience -- >Look at user behavior • Digital is everywhere • Mobile usage  real implementation consequences “responsive design” • Social Media  real consequences for your work and for marketing needs • Proliferation of platforms • Content creation is a challenge • Users want on demand information • Marketing automation will keep you in touch and attractive • Marketing personalization and segmentation is possible even with automation • Analytics are hard to master, HOWEVER, they help you improve – we think they are the real answer to beating the competition. • With implementation you will want to address the tactics that really affect your visibility to students on digital platforms. -Mobile -SEO -Paid Search ICEF North America Workshop Miami December 2013 4
  • 5. NOTES: Everyone we are after – everyone we want to recruit – is online. In Millions The regions around the world look dwarfed in this chart because of the 3 Billion people in Asia (China + India) who are using mobile devices. However, the entire world is now wired. Source: We Are Social, 2011 ICEF North America Workshop Miami December 2013 5
  • 6. NOTES: Social media use is GLOBAL. There are more Facebook and Twitter users outside of North America than inside North America. Social Media is a Global Phenomenon 60 – 85% of those with social media profiles log onto their social media platforms EVERY DAY ICEF North America Workshop Miami December 2013 6
  • 7. Desktop vs. Mobile Access INDIA Source: Kleiner Perkin Caufield & Byers, December 2012 ICEF North America Workshop Miami December 2013 7
  • 8. Different platforms rule in different countries Source: Web search, 2011; College Board internal analysis India South Korea China Japan NOTES: There are a lot of different channels to consider with each country. With YouTube blocked in China, YouKu has 26M visitors daily. Hard to Not very social; Local search engines of social ignore. And with these platform tools weLocal been discussing, you are able to manage the proliferation and SM media channels. You are able to have social networking & video Global sites preferred produce large content publishing efforts and automate very granular responses to networks dominate space students using specific channels. Using analytics, you are able to Mobile dominates sites dominate see which of these efforts pay off over time. You are able to hone your activity and your budget expense. ICEF North America Workshop Miami December 2013 8
  • 9. Who is evaluating us? ICEF North America Workshop Miami December 2013 9
  • 10. What the Digital Audits Tell Us NOTES: So we know that students are searching for options online and using mobile devices. And we know we need to reach them where they are – in the digital world, as well as in the physical world. But they are actively looking for you before you will ever meet them. Before you are ever in touch with them, purchase their name from a lead generator, meet them at a student fair, or they get in touch with an agent, they are searching on line and sharing what they find with friends. It is important to know how you appear to them when they conduct these searches. Conducting a digital audit provides a clearer picture of what students see when they look at you. With our Digital Audit (details on our website) we look at and report on load times and social media hits on major social media channels, search results on major search engines. We list which agencies mention the institutions and provide screen shots of many school relevant web pages. And we provide detailed recommendations in each audit report. ICEF North America Workshop Miami December 2013 10
  • 11. For the Academic Institutions in the Room Win a Free Digital Audit We will draw a card from the bag at the end of our presentation ICEF North America Workshop Miami December 2013 11
  • 12. NOTES: We know your colleagues are struggling with all of this. We know many, if not most, do not have the systems in place to manage the communication channels that we need. How do we know that? Well…We created a small experiment which is very common in the retail industry -- Mystery shopper – to find out what the student experience is when reaching out to schools. We had one of our Chinese employees contact 30 institutions across the world U.S, Australia, and Canada. We tracked, and monitored the responses. First of all, we apologize for creating additional work, but it’s very instructive to see the results. So, here’s the good news, sort of: 54% responded with a very personalized appropriate response within 24 hours. 13% responded within 2 business days – still reasonable, but could be better. 10% responded within 1 month – we’re not sure why they bothered. 23% did not respond at all. ICEF North America Workshop Miami December 2013 12
  • 13. NOTES: So we have all these students we are interested in attracting. What do we know about them. And what if we really want to know something about THIS GUY as a stand out from the crowd? How can we do that? We will get there, but first we have a few things we need to talk about. ICEF North America Workshop Miami December 2013 13
  • 14. It’s about process and creativity NOTES: Michael Porter, Harvard Profession – there are ONLY two ways to have a competitive advantage Price or Specialization -- Our world is not THAT black and white, but this thinking makes the point. The Marketing Channels we are discussing require tactical technology execution. ICEF North America Workshop Miami December 2013 14
  • 15. NOTES: They require skill sets and processes to use the tools available. Yet, these processes don’t work without VALUED CONTENT. This is where the idea of Branding comes into the picture. Branding = Differentiation Once you have the systems and tools in place, you feed into those systems the ideas that make you different. You can create content that will appeal to the type of student that really fits in your institution. With digital marketing, it’s all about the content. ICEF North America Workshop Miami December 2013 15
  • 16. NOTES: Recruiting and marketing are HARD WORK. Personality and Process are equal parts. Digital marketing requires creativity, process and analytics. The analytics allow us to OPTIMIZE ACTIVITIES to get better and better and better. We want to talk about Digital marketing implementation as part of a holistic strategy. This workshop is about integrated – digital – marketing – Let’s Define this more clearly ICEF North America Workshop Miami December 2013 16
  • 17. The Source of Our Headaches: The Proliferation of Marketing Channels  Your website is the foundation upon which you build  Everything you do drives traffic to your website.  Your website captures visitor leads NOTES: We’ve got to get a handle on how to manage, distribute, publish and evaluate all these channels. Let’s get some perspective on how we got here. In 1992, 20 years ago, we had print and personal visits. We ran ads and visited high schools and college fairs. By 1995 we were asking, “Do we REALLY need to have a website?” Today, we don’t print ANYTHING that doesn’t have our website on it. And that website has become the primary source of information for students researching international university options. A recent i-Graduate report identifies the key influences for students making decisions about where to study: friends (47%); parents (38%); and your website (23%). And where are those friends getting and sharing information? On social media. And so our marketing channels now include: -Email marketing -SEO -PPC -Mobile accessibility -Social media It took us about 10 years to incorporate our website into EVERYTHING we do in our recruiting and marketing efforts. Over the next 10 years we will incorporate social media into EVERTHING and we will drive traffic to specific, trackable landing pages. ICEF North America Workshop Miami December 2013 17
  • 18. Ford Model T NOTES: When we put the changes to marketing activity into historical context, we see that in just a couple of decades, consumer interaction has changed dramatically. This does not mean that personal interaction is NOT absolutely critical – it IS. We are here at this conference because we want to meet, trust and collaborate AND We are here because we did our research. We can see that interactions will be digital. Ford told us we could have the Model T in any color as long as it is black. ICEF North America Workshop Miami December 2013 18
  • 19. NOTES: Today, we can customize our Tesla online before we buy it. Customization – Personalization of marketing and products RULES --- greater response rates, more success, more appealing. ICEF North America Workshop Miami December 2013 19
  • 20. Implementation BIG PICTURE ICEF North America Workshop Miami December 2013 20
  • 21. Digital & Offline Strategies Feed Each Other NOTES: Take incremental steps but have the whole picture in mind. Start publishing ICEF North America Workshop Miami December 2013 21
  • 22. Implementation SYSTEMS ICEF North America Workshop Miami December 2013 22
  • 23. What digital marketing activities do we need? NOTES: Your CORE SET of ACTIVITIES will be: •Email engine with analytics •Website(s) with analytics •Mobile delivery •Publishing tool •Social media distributor NOTES: So how DO you reach out effectively? This is not a technology vendor session – there many different solutions to get to the outcome --- THERE IS NO ONE PERFECT SOLUTION. Here are the building blocks you need. You can invest a lot or a little in these tools – but these are the basic building blocks that are part of the platform you will want in place. And remember the magic ingredient: Continual Analysis of What Is Working. You must have analytics built in and the skill set and time to evaluate the data you are getting from this activity. ICEF North America Workshop Miami December 2013 23
  • 24. A Platform with A Comprehensive View All-InOne SEO 1 Content Creation Marketing Automation Paid Search Landing Pages Text goes here Marketing Analytics Social Media Email & Lead Nurturing NOTES: There is a way to manage this. For our own international branding and marketing we use a paid platform called Hubspot. We also implement and manage this platform for our clients. It is in all-in-one platform which enables us to execute on the prospect’s goals through one single environment which in turn saves the prospect from investing in other platforms. It provides a single point of view for analytics. ICEF North America Workshop Miami December 2013 24
  • 25. NOTES: With this system and a holistic approach, you can reach this guy and make him feel valued. You can get him to take a real interest in what you have to offer. Help him evaluate what makes your institution special. To reach him, you need Advanced Digital Marketing: Automation Personalization Segmentation ICEF North America Workshop Miami December 2013 25
  • 26. Implementation SEARCH ENGINES SEO & PAID SEARCH NOTES: These are complex topics to understand. ICEF North America Workshop Miami December 2013 26
  • 27. Let’s talk Search: PPC SEO ICEF North America Workshop Miami December 2013 27
  • 28. Implementation SOCIAL MEDIA TACTICS ICEF North America Workshop Miami December 2013 28
  • 29. NOTES: Friends and family, consumer reviews, consumer blogs – all of these rate as highly trustworthy media channels in China. This is all about sharing. ICEF North America Workshop Miami December 2013 29
  • 30. Planning Your Social Media Work Build Your Own Plan Download this sample worksheet along with a blank planning grid from our website HERE NOTES: We’ve developed a template that can help you consider the various social media channels that might work for you and how you could set up a publishing plan. ICEF North America Workshop Miami December 2013 30
  • 31. Social Media Implementation  Editorial Policies  Content creation plan NOTES: As part of your social media  Clear responsibility assignments  Integrate feeds with collateral (include landing pages)  Tracking to justify and improve your efforts strategy you will want to: •Establish an editorial policy – what type of content are appropriate? What will resonate with your target audience? An authentic tone/approach and consistently engaging content are both essential. Consider this: do you think the New York Times and the National Enquirer have the same editorial policies about what appears on their front page? Every organization has to decide what is provocative enough to draw prospects but does not cross your institutional “line” •Generate content consistently •Integrate your feeds into your collateral – keep things coordinated •Assign someone to keep an eye on the activity to keep it current, keep it on target, keep it aligned with your editorial policies •Track your activity so that you can measure successful conversions and continually improve your outreach efforts ICEF North America Workshop Miami December 2013 31
  • 32. Using Facebook Internationally The Methods • Post targeting • Separate pages • Global pages • Third party marketing services ICEF North America Workshop Miami December 2013 32
  • 33. Third Party Marketing Services Can Help You • Promote your institution on Facebook • Inform prospective students about studying in your country • Generate and filter student leads Example: Anyadir Education connects students from across India with universities in the US and Australia Anyadir Education’s social recruitment model ICEF North America Workshop Miami December 2013 33
  • 34. Implementation ANALYTICS ICEF North America Workshop Miami December 2013 34
  • 35. Analytics – Free and Data Rich NOTES: Google Analytics does NOT provide public data but ONLY on your own web property. It can be installed on each of your webpages to inform you of where your visitors are coming from, the devices they are using (mobile or desktop), hwhich pages they visit and how long they stay on any one page. There is so much data available from Google Analytics that you will want to find some kind of data geek to help you figure out what the reports are saying and which reports you will want to review month over month. It’s like excel – most of us use 5 to 10 % of the capabilities. Definitely true for GA. The cost for using this data is in the expertise needed to understand what you are looking at. Either internal resources or external vendors. ICEF North America Workshop Miami December 2013 35
  • 36. Analytics – Deep Geographic Insights NOTES: This kind of powerful regional information that can inform your recruiting strategy And gives you insights where to follow up. Do your registrations correspond with your traffic - we’ll talk ICEF North America Workshop Miami December 2013 36
  • 37. What Google Analytics Tell Us NOTES: Many different ways to parse the data. Compare results. Future activities can be evaluated at a granular level. Before and after trips we can see what kind of traffic you have at the city level – throughout China and other countries around the world. This kind of data informs how your operational tactics can be improved. ICEF North America Workshop Miami December 2013 37
  • 38. What Google Analytics Tell Us NOTES 10K visitors from India to this university website 28K visitors from China The drop off after the home page is incredible. We are not speaking to them in a way that resonates. Social media is important as just one part of your digital presence and marketing. It complements your website, email marketing, tours, fairs, print collateral. ICEF North America Workshop Miami December 2013 38
  • 39. What We All Want More well-placed well-prepared international students ICEF North America Workshop Miami December 2013 39
  • 40. Thank you NOTES: Click these links to learn more Industry Insights e-Publications Mobile App For more information, please contact Michael Waxman-Lenz, CEO & co-founder: ICEF North America Workshop Miami December 2013 40