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Crude   Oil and its Products
Crude Oil and its Products

Understand:                                           Keywords:
1.  How crude oil and other fossil fuels rich in        Crude      Oil, Formation,  Fossil,   Fuel,
    carbon were formed.                                 Hydrocarbons, Hydrogen, Carbon, Fractional,
2.  That crude oil is a mixture of hydrocarbons.        Distillation, Alkanes, Alkenes, Cracking,
3.  That hydrocarbons contain only two elements:        Ethene, Polymers, Plastics, Polymerisation,
    hydrogen and carbon.
                                                        Greenhouse, Global, Warming & Pollution.
4.  That different hydrocarbons have different uses
    and can be separated using fractional
5.  That the alkane family of hydrocarbons are used
    mainly as fuels by transport vehicles.
6.  The chemical properties of the alkanes and the
7.  The use of ethene and other alkenes in the
    formation of polymers and plastics.
8.  The benefits and costs of using crude oil as
    fuels and as a starting material for the
    manufacture of plastics.
9.  That the increases emissions of carbon dioxide
    in the atmosphere is causing the greenhouse
10. The likely impact of the greenhouse effect.
11. That there are many renewable alternative to
    using crude oil as an energy source.
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Oil and natural gas reserves
Underneath the bedrock of some countries of the World like Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Russia are
billions of barrels of c_______ oil. When extracted using drilling rigs, it can be used as a fuel,
and a raw material to manufacture plastics, paints and medicines. The biggest users of crude
oil are the United States followed by Europeans. The country with the greatest reserves of
crude oil is Saudi Arabia, who until the discovery of oil had a simple economy and little
modern infrastructure. Look at the map and find other countries with large reserves ?

World reserves of crude oil:                                                                                         Word bank: crude

           World oil reserves                                 Energy use in the modern World

 Notes     World oil reserves are finite. It estimated that   This composite picture of the world at night shows us
           we currently have around 60 – 80 years of          the biggest energy users. North America, followed by
           crude oil remaining. Saudi Arabia, Iraq and        Europe and Japan are the largest users or energy. These
           Russia have the largest reserves with over 50      countries depend most on the ‘cheap energy’ that crude
           billions barrels of crude oil underground.         oil provides us.
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Formation of crude oil
The formation of crude oil from the decayed remains of i________ and other organic material
has taken place over the last 65 million years. Crude oil forms when organic matter is buried
deep underground in an oxygen free environment. Over millions of years the carbon rich
compounds from the bodies of dead organism are subjected to h_____ and pressure which
changed them into hydrocarbons. Natural gas (mainly methane CH4), an important fossil fuel is
also found trapped with crude oil under rock sediments. Why do we call crude oil a fossil
fuel ?
                                                                                                         Word bank: insects heat

Formation of crude oil: rich with life
                 Waters                           Dead matter falls              Oils layers form

Surface water

Oxygen free layer

Sedimentary rock

 Notes              The warm seas over areas      When these animals died they   Over many millions of years,
                    like Saudi Arabia of 65       sank to the sea bottom. Over   heat and pressure over time
                    million years ago were        time carbon rich sediments     changes these compounds into
                    teeming with organisms rich   containing many carbon rich    carbon rich hydrocarbons now
                    in the element carbon.        biological molecules formed.   known as crude oil.
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Fossils fuels and crude oil
A fossil fuel is a substance like o____ or coal that is rich in the element c_______, can be
combusted readily with oxygen and produces energy in the form of h____. They are fossil fuels
because they are formed from once living organisms with solar energy being the original
e_______ source. Fossil fuels are a non-renewable resource, because it takes millions of years
for them to form and we currently combust them faster than they are formed ! Fossil fuels are
also a finite energy resource, because they will eventually run out ! How will this change our
way of living ?

Types of fossil fuels:                                                              Word bank: oil carbon heat energy

              Crude oil                     Coal                     Peat

 Source       Remains of dead insects and   Remains of dead plants   More recent remains of dead
              other organic material                                 plants

 Life                 60-70 years                     300 years             10-15 years
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Extraction, transport and storage of crude oil
Crude oil, natural gas or coal can be extracted from under the sea or land, where they have
remained trapped for millions of years. Companies like Shell and BP have invested billions of
pounds exploiting oil r__________ under the North Sea, just off the coast of Scotland. The
North Sea has about 45 oil platforms producing up to four million barrels a day. England has
sufficient oil reserves meeting its current demand for the next forty years. Why is the price of
oil likely to increase over the next 10 years ?

Getting crude oil to the refinery:                                                                           Word bank: reserves

          Extraction                      Transport                           Storage

Notes     Oil     is     trapped  under   Oil is transported by ship or       Oil is stored at refineries usually
          sedimentary rock under the      pipeline. This is the most          by the coast. We use about 5
          oceans and seas. Drilling is    economic form of transport.         million barrels a day. Oil will
          from a floating platform. The   Transportation by this method       finally run out in around 60-80
          North sea has about 45 oil      does have its risks. Explain what   years. Explain what consequences
          platforms producing up to 4     these risks are and look for the    this might have and what energy
          million barrels a day.          Exxon Oil Disaster.                 alternatives we can use ?
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Processing of crude oil
Crude oil, once it has been extracted from underneath the bedrock, has to be processed to be
useful. Close to where it is stored, oil refineries process crude oil so that it can be more useful
to us. There is a great demand for fuels like petrol and d_________ and of course natural gas
for heating. There is less of a demand for the large hydrocarbons that make up the lubricating
oils. These refineries produce large amounts of p__________. Why is the demand for fuels and
natural gas very high in Europe and England ?

Processing crude oil:                                                                                 Word bank: diesel pollution

           Oil refinery                      Distillation                      End Product

 Notes     Oil refineries process millions   Distillation by these huge        Companies like Shell and BP
           of barrels of crude oil every     fractionating columns separates   sell millions of litres of fuels
           year to provide for the high      out hydrocarbons based on their   like petrol and diesel to over 40
           demand for fuels like petrol      boiling points. Natural gas has   million drivers of cars, lorries
           and diesel.                       the lowest boiling point.         and vans in the UK.
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Fractional distillation of crude oil
Crude oil is a mixture of different hydrocarbons. They can be separated by fractional
distillation according to their b_______ point which change according to their size (carbon
atoms) The most volatile fraction, i.e with the lowest boiling point evaporates off first and goes
to the top of the c________. The remaining, longer chain hydrocarbons also separate out
according to their boiling points.                                                                   Word bank: boiling column lubricating

 Fractionating column                             Carbon atoms   Boiling points   Use

                                       LPG gas    C1 – C4        < 40oC           Highly flammable gas fuel
       Boiling points and viscosity.

                                         Petrol   C5 – C10       40oC – 200oC     Car fuel

                                       Naphtha C10 – C12         125oC – 175oC Valuable source of organic molecules

                                       Paraffin   C12 – C16      175oC – 275oC Less flammable than petrol, domestic
                                                                               heater fuel
                                         Diesel   C16 – C30      235oC – 300oC Larger vehicle fuels

                                       Fuel oil   C30 – C100     >300oC           Not as flammable, used for central
                                                                                  heating oil and l_________ oils
       Crude oil
                                       Bitumen    C100 – C300 > 350oC             Forms a thick, black, tough and
                                                                                  resistant adhesive layer on cooling.
                                                                                  Used to lay roads.
     Heat (400oC)
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Separating hydrocarbons
Fractional distillation of crude oil, a mixture of hydrocarbons is able to separate different
‘fractions’ based on their boiling points. The l_______ the chain, the higher the boiling
point. Methane, ethane and propane, all short chained hydrocarbons have very low boiling
points, whereas hydrocarbons containing a hundred of more carbon atoms have relatively
h_____ boiling points. How can differences in boiling points be used to separate different
alkanes ?
Distillation and fractional distillation:                                                             Word bank: longer high

           Distillation                        Crude oil distillation        Hydrocarbons
 Diagram                                                                     CH4

 Notes     In the laboratory we can            An industrial fractionating   Hydrocarbons are separated
           separate different liquids from a   column separating different   into their fractions. Methane
           ‘mixture’ based on their            hydrocarbons based on         with the lowest boiling point
           different boiling points. What is   their boiling points and      is separated first at a
           the role of the condenser ?         number of carbon atoms.       temperature of around 40oC.
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Hydrocarbons in crude oil
Crude oil contains two families of hydrocarbon compounds: The alkanes and alkenes. The
alkanes have a general formula of CnH2n + 2 and are used mainly as fuels for combustion with
o______. They include methane (natural gas), the simplest alkane with the formula CH 4.
Alkanes can have up to 200 carbon atoms in a long carbon chain, but their general formula
does not change. Longer chains are used for diesel engines, lubricating oils and domestic
h________ fuels. Alkanes with more than 100 carbon atoms are found in bitumen or tar.
The alkanes:                                                                           Word bank: oxygen heating

 Name      Formula   Diagram               Name      Formula   Diagram

 Methane   CH4                             Pentane   C5H12

 Ethane    C2H6                            Hexane    C6H14

 Propane   C3H8                            Octane    C8H18

 Butane    C4H10                           Decane    C10H22
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Combustion of methane
Useful alkanes include natural gas, petrol and diesel. When we combust these fuels with
o________, energy in the form of h____ and light is released. The products of complete
combustion are water and carbon dioxide. If insufficient oxygen from the atmosphere is
supplied during combustion, what might form instead of carbon dioxide ?
CH4        + 2O2                                                     CO2                 +               2H2O
Methane        Oxygen                                                Carbon dioxide                      Water

Combustion of methane:                                                                                          Word bank: oxygen heat

           Natural gas                Substrates                  Reaction mixture           Products
                                         CH4                                   O
                                                                         H           H

                                                                    O                                        C02
                                         O2                                O         H

                                                                     C         H
                                         O2                                        O
                                                                                                   H2O                H2O
 Notes     Natural gas is extracted   Methane is rich in carbon   During     combustion,     The products of methane
           from underneath the        and is a store of ancient   new    products    are     combustion with oxygen
           bedrock, It is often       chemical energy. During     formed. The methane        are water (H2O) and
           found with crude oil       its combustion with         (CH4) molecules breaks     carbon dioxide. (C02) If
           deposits. The UK           oxygen, it releases its     apart and forms new        there is not enough
           obtains its gas from the   energy in the form of       bonds with the oxygen      oxygen carbon monoxide
           North Sea.                 heat and light.             atoms.                     can form.
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Combustion of the alkanes
Most vehicles use petrol or diesel as a fuel. When we combust these hydrocarbon fuels
with o_______, energy in the form of h____ and motion is released. New substances are
also produced including carbon dioxide and water.

2C8H18          +     25O2                                         CO2       +                 18H2O
Octane                Oxygen                                       Carbon dioxide              Water

Combustion of octane in the car engine:                                                                        Word bank: oxygen heat

            Car engine                Octane & Oxygen          Engine                       Products

 Notes      With over 30 million      In the engine, huge      The engine is designed to    The waste products are
            cars in the UK, petrol    amounts of oxygen are    converted the chemical       carbon dioxide and water.
            rich in octane (C8H18)    combined with octane.    engine contained in          However, un-combusted
            is used as a source of    This releases all the    octane      to     forward   carbon and carbon mon-
            chemical energy. Find     stored chemical energy   motion. It is highly         oxide are also released
            out the current cost of   contained in carbon      inefficient releasing only   into the environment as
            litre of petrol ?         rich petrol.             13% of the energy.           polluting gases.
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Supply and demand of crude oil fractions
There is a greater demand by those who use fossil fuels for the low carbon, more volatile
hydrocarbons which are used for f____ in cars, p_____ and lorries. However, there is a
greater supply of the high carbon, less volatile hydrocarbons. By breaking up the surplus
large fractions to form small volatile fractions, companies like Shell and BP can balance
s______ and demand. This is called cracking.

Meeting demand from crude oil:                                                                         Word bank: fuels planes supply

 LPG gas                       Petrol fuel          Paraffin             Diesel              Tar or Bitumen

        % of total crude oil

-40%                                       demand                          supply                                   demand
                                  supply               supply                       demand
           demand                                               demand
-0% supply
   LPG Gas                        Petrol               Paraffin            Diesel                 Residue
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Cracking long chain hydrocarbons
Crude oil contains far too many long chained h_________ with more than 15 carbon atoms in
them. Longer hydrocarbons do not make efficient fuels. Cracking is also used to form ethene,
the starting product for most plastics and other polymers. We can s_____ long chain molecules
into short chained molecules. Cracking these hydrocarbons requires heat, a catalyst and an
o________ free atmosphere. Why do you need to exclude oxygen from the cracker ?

Producing short chained hydrocarbons:                                                                            Word bank: split oxygen

 Industrial cracking of crude oil                                     Closer look at cracking

                                                                      C10H22 Decane
Useful products
Short chained
Alkanes & alkenes
                                             Crude oil and catalyst
                                             are recycled at 400oC

                                                                      C2H4   Ethene

                                                                      C3H6 Propene
     Crude oil

                                                                      C5H12 Pentane
                    Heat (400oC)   Cracker
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The alkenes
The alkenes have a general formula of CnH2n and are used mainly for the manufacture of
polymers. Each alkene has a carbon-carbon double bond (C=C) which can be broken by
other atoms like h________ or chlorine added across the double bond. Polymers, made
from simple alkenes are extremely long chained hydrocarbon molecules. The simplest
alkene is ethene with the formula C2H4.
                                                                                               Word bank: hydrogen
The alkenes:
 Name           Formula     Diagram                    Structural Diagram
 Ethene         C2H4                                    H          H
                                                            C =C
                                                        H          H
 Propene        C3H6                                    H          H
                                                            C=C C H
                                                        H       H H
 Butene         C4H8                                        H          H
                                                        H C C=C C H
                                                            H H    H H
 Pentene        C5H10                                       H          H H
                                                        H C C=C C C H
                                                            H H    H H H
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Producing ethane from ethene
Unsaturated e_______ (C2H4) can also react with the gas h________ to form the alkane
ethane (C2H6) In this case, ethene in changing to ethane, becomes fully saturated. This
reaction requires h________, a nickel catalyst and an oxygen free atmosphere. The ethene
molecule is much more reactive then the ethane molecule because it has the carbon-carbon
double bond. Why do we call ethene and the alkenes unsaturated and ethane and the
alkanes saturated ?
Addition of hydrogen to ethene:                                                     Word bank: ethene hydrogen

            Ethene (Alkene)         Hydrogen (from water)      Ethane (Alkane)

 Equation             C2H4          +         H2                          C2H6

            The two hydrogen atoms join the ethene molecule across the double bond forming
            the saturated alkane, ethane.
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Chemical test for the alkenes
Hydrocarbons like the alkenes with a double carbon-carbon bond are called unsaturated.
Alkenes with their double bond are much more r________ that the alkanes. Other elements like
hydrogen and chlorine can be added to alkenes by breaking the double bond. Testing for
alkenes: If you shake up an alkene with a solution of brown bromine water, then the bromine
water appears to lose it’s colour. The double bond in the alkene breaks open and forms new
bonds with the b_______ atoms. This type of reaction is called an addition reaction. Olive oil
but not butter decolourises bromine water what does this tell you about the two types of fat ?

Testing for alkenes:                                                                         Word bank: reactive bromine

            Ethene                    Bromine (in water)             di-Bromoethene

 Equation             C2H4             +           Br2                            C2H4Br2

            The ethene molecule contains a carbon-carbon double bond which accepts both bromine atoms.
            When the bromine atoms join the ethene molecule the bromine water loses its brown colour.
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Using ethene to form plastics
Ethene (C2H4) monomers can be joined together to make a polymer called polythene.
Polythene contains huge molecules that act like fibres that can be used as alternatives to
natural materials like w____, paper and metals. Polythene is also very cheap to
manufacture whilst crude oil remains plentiful and the quality is always the same after its
manufacture. Explain why it is beneficial to the environment to use plastics rather than
natural materials like wood, paper and metals ?
Manufacturing plastic or polythene from ethene:                                                      Word bank: wood

           Ethene (C2H4)               Polymerisation reaction         Polythene (nC2H4)
 Diagram                                     +




 Notes     Ethene (C2H4) is produced   In the presence of a metal      Polythene has the general
           in large amounts by         catalyst, molecules of ethene   formula nC2H4. Molecules
           cracking    long    chain   add to one another forming      can contain up to 50,000
           hydrocarbons found in       long chained polymers with      carbon atoms. These chains
           crude oil.                  the formula nC2H4               behave like fibres.
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Using plastics in everyday life
Polymers like polythene, polyvinylchloride (PVC) and nylon have replaced natural materials
like paper, wood, glass and ceramic. Plastics are c_______, readily available, tough,
waterproof and flexible. They are produced in huge quantities and are used in everyday life
from the humble plastic bag to replacement h____ and bone joints. Although using plastics
instead of glass, paper and wood actually saves energy and rainforests, they are not
biodegradable so their use adds many thousands of tonnes of rubbish per year to landfill sites.

Using plastics:                                                                                             Word bank: cheap hip

           Making polythene                        The plastic bag              Saving energy

 Notes     Here we see polythene made from the     The plastic shopping bag     Recycle
           polymerisation of the alkene ethene.    made from polythene has
           Huge sheets of polythene like the one   saved thousands of trees
           pictured above are manufactured from    which would have been used   Replace
           combining      alkene       monomers.   for making paper. Plastic    We can all make less of an
           Polythene is used for food wrapping,    takes a long time to decay   impact on the environment in
           packaging and plastic bags.             once thrown away.            our daily lives.
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The carbon cycle
All living organisms require the element c_________ to make carbohydrates, proteins and
other important molecules which make up living organisms. Cellular respiration and
decomposition by bacteria releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Plants use this during
p____________ at the same rate. The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere should stay
the same but it is increasing rapidly because of the use of fossil fuels and deforestation.
The carbon cycle:                                                                                    Word bank: carbon photosynthesis

Atmosphere                                                                                                    Respiration
                                                           CO2 Atmosphere
                                           There is 750 billion tonnes of CO2 trapped in the
                                           atmosphere. This is rising by 3 billion tonnes a
                                           year because of fossil fuel use and deforestation.

Fossil fuel combustion                Land deforestation                                                     Photosynthesis
                                                                                Plant biomass

Soil                                                          Ocean
                     Buried fossil fuels                                       Marine biomass

There is 3300 billion tonnes of carbon trapped in oil, coal There is 1020 billion tonnes of carbon trapped in living
and natural gas deposits found under rock sediments.        organisms like algae. CO2 is also dissolved in the oceans.
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Pollution using crude oil
The oil industry, including companies like Shell and Exxon have a responsibility to make
sure that their company and staff do not p_______ the environment. Occasionally, either
during extraction, transport or s_______ of crude oil, these companies can pollute the
environment with devastating consequences. An oil tanker spilling its load at sea or near to
populated coastlines can destroy the local ecosystems and peoples’ livelihoods. These
effects can sometimes last for many decades. Go to and type in and search
for ‘Exxon Valdize’

Impacting on the environment:                                                                          Word bank: pollute storage

           Tanker spills                    Oil depot fires                    Oil spills on land

 Notes     Releasing millions of barrels    Fires involving crude oil          Crude oil coats every living
           of thick poisonous crude oil     releases thick black toxic smoke   organisms that it comes in
           into the oceans means death to   into the environment causing       contact     with.   Birds    are
           many species in the ocean’s      widespread      pollution    and   especially vulnerable with their
           food chains and webs.            damage over a large area.          delicate feathers.
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Fossil fuels greenhouse effect
Over the last century, our use of fossil fuels has released huge amounts of carbon dioxide into
our atmosphere. This has disrupted the b_________ between carbon in the form of carbon
dioxide and carbon found tied up under rock in crude oil, natural gas and coal. Currently we
are adding an extra 3 billion tonnes of carbon each year into the atmosphere. The carbon
dioxide molecule traps infra red h_____ from the sun. Slowly our planet is warming because of
the rising carbon dioxide levels. How can you reduce your dependence on fossil fuels like
petrol and natural gas ?
The greenhouse effect:                                                                                         Word bank: balance heat

 World’s crude oil use                 Rising levels of carbon dioxide    The greenhouse effect

                                                                                l r
                                                                                            Absorbed in atmosphere

                                                                                             by greenhouse gases


                                                                                                                      di a
                                                                                                                        15           50

                                                                                                                      Altitude (km)

 The World’s energy demand and         There are over 500 million cars,   Carbon dioxides traps heat
 the use of crude oil is increasing.   all pumping out carbon dioxide     energy from the sun. The amount
 China in the next two decades         from the combustion of octane or   of carbon dioxide in the
 will use more than the USA.           petrol. Car use is set to double   atmosphere is increasing by 3
                                       over 20 years.                     billion tonnes a year.
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Effects of global warming one
Scientists have many theories as to what may happen over the next century because of rising
carbon dioxide levels in the a__________, as a result of combusting fossil fossils and the
subsequent rising global temperatures. There is now increasing agreement amongst scientists
that atmospheric carbon dioxide levels need to be controlled. Many countries have signed ‘The
Kyoto Agreement’ which aims to reduce carbon emissions over the next 20 years. This will
perhaps s____ global warming. Only one country, America has not signed up, she is the biggest
carbon polluter. Why do you think that America has not signed up ?

Effects of global warming:                                                                               Word bank: atmosphere slow

           Global warming            Drought                   Ozone layer                 Flooding

 Notes     Average world or          More      extremes   of   The destruction of the      Flooding will increase
           global temperatures are   temperatures are now      Ozone by CFCs from          over the next decade. In
           set to increase by        expected with lower       aerosols will also add to   England (summer 2004),
           between 0.5 and 1oC       rainfall in areas which   global    warming      by   we had some of the worst
           per decade for the next   already see little rain   reflecting less infra red   flash floods on record,
           fifty years.              over the year.            heat given out by the       including Boscastle.
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Effects of global warming two
The greenhouse effect is a natural process where the 750 billions tonnes of c________
dioxide in the atmosphere maintains the Earth’s atmosphere at hospitable temperatures,
which are supportive of life, here on Earth. Combusting fossil fuels is adding to this
‘warming effect’ causing average global t___________ to rise over the last fifty years.
Global warming will continue, whilst we continue to combust fossil fuels like coal and oil.
The World’s weather, habitats and temperature are set to change over the next century.

Effects of global warming:                                                                          Word bank: carbon temperatures

           Weather                    Waves                     Biodiversity              Melting ice caps

 Notes     The World’s weather        Damage due to strong      Animals and plants may    The ice caps have shrunk
           will    become     more    tides and wave action     undergo mass extinction   in size over the last 30
           dynamic. In summer         along the coast will      in the next one hundred   years. This may rise sea
           2004,      Florida    in   also increase over the    years if global warming   levels and also reduce
           America was hit by         next decade. Parts of     continues. The Malarial   the amount of the Sun’s
           three hurricanes causing   the England's coastline   Mosquito is spreading     infra red heat reflected
           immense damage.            are now being eroded.     north into Europe.        back into space.
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Acid rain and fossil fuels
Carbon dioxide is not the only pollutant that is released into the environment during the
combustion of fossil fuels. Sulphur and nitrogen, in small quantities are also present in
crude oil. During combustion, both s_______ and nitrogen combine with oxygen to form
sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. These gases form weak acids when they react with
water present in the atmosphere. Acid rain can damage f________ and plant life. It can
also acidify lakes and ponds disrupting natures balance.

Acid rain:                                                                                                 Word bank: sulphur forest

             Polluting the Earth’s atmosphere              pH of precipitation across America

 Notes       With 280 million Americans each using on      The pH of rainfall is lowest where you find the highest
             average a staggering 3kw per hour every day   population across the East Coast of America. Almost 150
             of the year, the amount of Sulphur dioxide    million Americans live, work, drive and pollute in this
             gas emitted per year for ever square          area. The pH of rain water in some areas of the Eastern
             kilometre of land is around 0.4 of a tonne.   USA seaboard has a very acidic pH of 4.2.
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Acid rain and the atmosphere
In addition to releasing carbon dioxide, small amounts of sulphur and nitrogen, present as impurities
in crude oil cause other polluting gases to be released into the atmosphere. During combustion, both
sulphur and nitrogen combine with o________ to form sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. These
gases form weak acids when they react with water in the atmosphere. Acid rain can damage forests
and plant life. It can also acidify lakes and ponds disrupting natures balance.

Acid rain cycle:                                                                                                            Word bank: oxygen

                                                             Rain cloud

                                                          S02 & NOx react with
                                                          water to form acid rain.
                             SO2    NOx                                                               H SO
                                                                                                      2      4     HNO3
                                                                                                 Sulphuric acid    Nitric acid

                                                                                         Acid Rain     Acid Rain   Acid Rain

             Power station   Combustion engines              Acidified soil          Acidified lake                  Damaged forests

 Notes      The combustion of fossils fuels releases SO2 and NOx into the atmosphere. These gases on contact
            with water vapour form sulphuric and nitric acid. Acid rain can damage forests, acidify the soil and
            reduce the pH of lakes, ponds and rivers. Rain clouds containing low pH rain water can travel
            many kilometres. Due to England's westerly winds, our acid rain travels to our European
            neighbours including Sweden and Denmark.
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Acid rain and fossil fuels
Carbon dioxide is not the only pollutant that is released into the environment during the
combustion of fossil fuels. Sulphur and nitrogen are also present in crude oil. During
combustion, both sulphur and nitrogen combine with oxygen to form sulphur dioxide and
nitrogen oxides. These gases form weak a_____ when they react with water in the atmosphere.
Acid rain can damage forests and plant life. It can also acidify l______ and pond disrupting
natures balance. Look at this statue and notice the chemical weathering !

Acid rain and its effects:                                                                                        Word bank: acids lakes

           Acid rain damage to forests          Acid rain damage to waterways         Acid rain damage to marble

 Notes     Forests and all plant life are       Rivers, ponds and lakes can           Acid rain also destroys buildings
           sensitive to acid rain even over     become acidic in areas with high      and statues made from limestone
           short periods of time. The           rainfall levels. Low pH of the        or marble. Dissolved acid in
           delicate leaves are damaged by       water can lead to the disruption of   raindrops reacts with the calcium
           the low pH rainfall. When a tree     the ecosystem, therefore killing      carbonate in the marble or
           loses its leaves due to acid rain,   many species. How can scientists      limestone making a soluble
           it can no longer produce its         neutralise acidic lakes, what         product calcium oxide. This is
           own           food         during    chemical would they use ?             slowly dissolved away by rainfall.
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Renewable energy sources
Renewable alternatives to using crude oil for generating electricity are now being
developed. These reduce our dependence on crude oil, as well as reducing carbon dioxide
emissions. Many sources of e_______ that we currently use every day are now renewable.
This means that unlike coal, natural gas and crude oil they are not used up. Many
scientists are working to develop the technology to use these renewable sources of energy
to generate e__________.

Overview of renewable energy:                                                                              Word bank: energy electricity

 Wind                      Solar                        Biogas                            Hydroelectric

 Wind farms could supply   Solar cells using solar      Converting animal waste like      Using moving water, hydro-
 up to 15% of the energy   energy could power traffic   manure from farms and             electric dams are able to
 we use every year. Why    lights and street lamps.     farming into methane using        generate clean electricity.
 do     people    in the   They are only useful in      bacteria is a way of replacing    The only problem is that you
 countryside object to     countries with high rates    fossil fuels like gas. Give the   need lots of space and high
 these wind farms ?        of sunshine.                 formula of methane ?              yearly rainfall.
Science Interactive LTD Copyright 2005

Generating electricity using wind power
Wind power stations makes use of the k_______ energy of moving air currents. Kinetic
energy directly drives small generators that produce electricity. Wind farms are usually
found in windy unpopulated areas. Several w_____ turbines can supply, on a windy day
enough energy for a small town. This is a clean, renewable form of energy with limited
drawbacks. Some people object to the ‘visual pollution’ that many wind turbines cause and
believe they spoil the landscape. Why do you need large areas of land to generate
electricity using wind power ?
Wind power supplying electricity:                                                                       Word bank: kinetic wind


 Notes     Captured kinetic energy of the wind drives the generator, producing electricity. Using wind
           turbines is still expensive and is only viable in countries with large amounts of free land and of
           course windy weather. The energy is totally renewable and does not increase the levels of polluting
           gases which add to either global warming or acid rain. The map shows the average wind speed in
           America. Where are the best places for a wind farm....Explain your answer ?
Science Interactive LTD Copyright 2005

Generating electricity using solar power
Solar power can be used directly to generate small amounts of electricity using photovoltic
cells. These produce a low c________ and are only useful for producing electricity in remote
areas or for devices that only require a low current, for example calculators. Using solar power
to heat water creating steam which then drives a turbine generator is another way the sun’s
energy can be used to generate electricity. E_________ regions that receive plenty of sunshine
are ideal. The only problem is that the technology is still relatively expensive. Why is the UK
not an ideal location for solar panels or cells ?

Solar power supplying electricity:                                                                  Word bank: current equatorial


 Notes     Steam produced from the heat energy collected by solar reflectors drives the turbine and generator.
           A current is induced in the cables. Electricity is transported to commercial and domestic users.
           Using solar cells is expensive and is only viable in countries with good weather. Solar cells can be
           used to directly generate electricity. These are very useful where there is demand for energy in very
           remote areas like the desert or away from major towns and cities.
Science Interactive LTD Copyright 2005

Generating electricity using biogas
Electricity can be generated on a small scale using biogas. Biogas is exactly the same as
methane, the fossil fuel extracted from underneath the rock, but it is produced by b________
respiring animal wastes like manure. This is therefore a renewable supply of methane gas
which can be used in the same way as fossil fuels, with the h_____ energy used to produce
steam which in turn drives a turbine generator. Why is the amount of electricity generated using
this method very small at present ?

Biogas supplying electricity:                                                                                 Word bank: bacteria heat
 Diagram   Biogas mini power station            Waste

                                                 Boiler               Generator
                                                    Steam                     33,000V
                                                                              33,000V              240V

              Manure    Fermentor
                        Fermentor   Fermentor
                                    Fermentor   Furnace
                                                Furnace                        Transformer 1
                                                                               Transformer 1   Transformer 2
                                                                                               Transformer 2          Customer

 Notes      Steam produced from the heat energy given out when natural gas (CH4) is combusted with oxygen
            drives the turbine and generator. A current is induced in the cables. Electricity is transported to
            commercial and domestic uses only. Using biogas, although expensive and still producing
            greenhouse gases recycles animal waste like manure.
Science Interactive LTD Copyright 2005

Generating electricity using gravitational potential energy
Water held behind a dam, stores huge amount of gravitational potential energy. When the
stored water is allowed to flow downhill, its kinetic energy is used to drive turbine generators,
which in turn produces electricity. Hydroelectric dams are usually constructed in mountainous
areas with high yearly rainfall levels. The three gorges dam is the largest r__________ and is
currently under construction in China. When finished, it will generate millions of kilowatts
everyday. Although this is renewable e_______ up to ten million people will be displaced
when the valley is flooded. Why is this technology used only in wet mountainous areas ?

Moving water supplying electricity:                                                              Word bank: reservoir energy


 Notes     Large amounts of land and rainfall are required for any hydroelectric dam. The main
           advantages of hydroelectricity is that it is a renewable form of energy and the start up time
           from allowing the water drop to generating electricity is less than a second. Electrical energy
           generated in this way is used to supply electrical power during peak demands.
Crude oil and its products

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Crude oil and its products

  • 1. Science Interactive LTD Copyright 2005 Crude Oil and its Products
  • 2. Crude Oil and its Products Understand: Keywords: 1. How crude oil and other fossil fuels rich in Crude Oil, Formation, Fossil, Fuel, carbon were formed. Hydrocarbons, Hydrogen, Carbon, Fractional, 2. That crude oil is a mixture of hydrocarbons. Distillation, Alkanes, Alkenes, Cracking, 3. That hydrocarbons contain only two elements: Ethene, Polymers, Plastics, Polymerisation, hydrogen and carbon. Greenhouse, Global, Warming & Pollution. 4. That different hydrocarbons have different uses and can be separated using fractional distillation. 5. That the alkane family of hydrocarbons are used mainly as fuels by transport vehicles. 6. The chemical properties of the alkanes and the alkenes. 7. The use of ethene and other alkenes in the formation of polymers and plastics. 8. The benefits and costs of using crude oil as fuels and as a starting material for the manufacture of plastics. 9. That the increases emissions of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is causing the greenhouse effect. 10. The likely impact of the greenhouse effect. 11. That there are many renewable alternative to using crude oil as an energy source.
  • 3. Science Interactive LTD Copyright 2005 Oil and natural gas reserves Underneath the bedrock of some countries of the World like Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Russia are billions of barrels of c_______ oil. When extracted using drilling rigs, it can be used as a fuel, and a raw material to manufacture plastics, paints and medicines. The biggest users of crude oil are the United States followed by Europeans. The country with the greatest reserves of crude oil is Saudi Arabia, who until the discovery of oil had a simple economy and little modern infrastructure. Look at the map and find other countries with large reserves ? World reserves of crude oil: Word bank: crude World oil reserves Energy use in the modern World Diagram Notes World oil reserves are finite. It estimated that This composite picture of the world at night shows us we currently have around 60 – 80 years of the biggest energy users. North America, followed by crude oil remaining. Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Europe and Japan are the largest users or energy. These Russia have the largest reserves with over 50 countries depend most on the ‘cheap energy’ that crude billions barrels of crude oil underground. oil provides us.
  • 4. Science Interactive LTD Copyright 2005 Formation of crude oil The formation of crude oil from the decayed remains of i________ and other organic material has taken place over the last 65 million years. Crude oil forms when organic matter is buried deep underground in an oxygen free environment. Over millions of years the carbon rich compounds from the bodies of dead organism are subjected to h_____ and pressure which changed them into hydrocarbons. Natural gas (mainly methane CH4), an important fossil fuel is also found trapped with crude oil under rock sediments. Why do we call crude oil a fossil fuel ? Word bank: insects heat Formation of crude oil: rich with life Waters Dead matter falls Oils layers form Surface water Oxygen free layer Sedimentary rock Notes The warm seas over areas When these animals died they Over many millions of years, like Saudi Arabia of 65 sank to the sea bottom. Over heat and pressure over time million years ago were time carbon rich sediments changes these compounds into teeming with organisms rich containing many carbon rich carbon rich hydrocarbons now in the element carbon. biological molecules formed. known as crude oil.
  • 5. Science Interactive LTD Copyright 2005 Fossils fuels and crude oil A fossil fuel is a substance like o____ or coal that is rich in the element c_______, can be combusted readily with oxygen and produces energy in the form of h____. They are fossil fuels because they are formed from once living organisms with solar energy being the original e_______ source. Fossil fuels are a non-renewable resource, because it takes millions of years for them to form and we currently combust them faster than they are formed ! Fossil fuels are also a finite energy resource, because they will eventually run out ! How will this change our way of living ? Types of fossil fuels: Word bank: oil carbon heat energy Crude oil Coal Peat Diagram Source Remains of dead insects and Remains of dead plants More recent remains of dead other organic material plants Life 60-70 years 300 years 10-15 years expectancy
  • 6. Science Interactive LTD Copyright 2005 Extraction, transport and storage of crude oil Crude oil, natural gas or coal can be extracted from under the sea or land, where they have remained trapped for millions of years. Companies like Shell and BP have invested billions of pounds exploiting oil r__________ under the North Sea, just off the coast of Scotland. The North Sea has about 45 oil platforms producing up to four million barrels a day. England has sufficient oil reserves meeting its current demand for the next forty years. Why is the price of oil likely to increase over the next 10 years ? Getting crude oil to the refinery: Word bank: reserves Extraction Transport Storage Diagram Notes Oil is trapped under Oil is transported by ship or Oil is stored at refineries usually sedimentary rock under the pipeline. This is the most by the coast. We use about 5 oceans and seas. Drilling is economic form of transport. million barrels a day. Oil will from a floating platform. The Transportation by this method finally run out in around 60-80 North sea has about 45 oil does have its risks. Explain what years. Explain what consequences platforms producing up to 4 these risks are and look for the this might have and what energy million barrels a day. Exxon Oil Disaster. alternatives we can use ?
  • 7. Science Interactive LTD Copyright 2005 Processing of crude oil Crude oil, once it has been extracted from underneath the bedrock, has to be processed to be useful. Close to where it is stored, oil refineries process crude oil so that it can be more useful to us. There is a great demand for fuels like petrol and d_________ and of course natural gas for heating. There is less of a demand for the large hydrocarbons that make up the lubricating oils. These refineries produce large amounts of p__________. Why is the demand for fuels and natural gas very high in Europe and England ? Processing crude oil: Word bank: diesel pollution Oil refinery Distillation End Product Diagram Notes Oil refineries process millions Distillation by these huge Companies like Shell and BP of barrels of crude oil every fractionating columns separates sell millions of litres of fuels year to provide for the high out hydrocarbons based on their like petrol and diesel to over 40 demand for fuels like petrol boiling points. Natural gas has million drivers of cars, lorries and diesel. the lowest boiling point. and vans in the UK.
  • 8. Science Interactive LTD Copyright 2005 Fractional distillation of crude oil Crude oil is a mixture of different hydrocarbons. They can be separated by fractional distillation according to their b_______ point which change according to their size (carbon atoms) The most volatile fraction, i.e with the lowest boiling point evaporates off first and goes to the top of the c________. The remaining, longer chain hydrocarbons also separate out according to their boiling points. Word bank: boiling column lubricating Fractionating column Carbon atoms Boiling points Use LPG gas C1 – C4 < 40oC Highly flammable gas fuel Boiling points and viscosity. Petrol C5 – C10 40oC – 200oC Car fuel Naphtha C10 – C12 125oC – 175oC Valuable source of organic molecules Paraffin C12 – C16 175oC – 275oC Less flammable than petrol, domestic heater fuel Diesel C16 – C30 235oC – 300oC Larger vehicle fuels Fuel oil C30 – C100 >300oC Not as flammable, used for central heating oil and l_________ oils Crude oil Bitumen C100 – C300 > 350oC Forms a thick, black, tough and resistant adhesive layer on cooling. Used to lay roads. Heat (400oC)
  • 9. Science Interactive LTD Copyright 2005 Separating hydrocarbons Fractional distillation of crude oil, a mixture of hydrocarbons is able to separate different ‘fractions’ based on their boiling points. The l_______ the chain, the higher the boiling point. Methane, ethane and propane, all short chained hydrocarbons have very low boiling points, whereas hydrocarbons containing a hundred of more carbon atoms have relatively h_____ boiling points. How can differences in boiling points be used to separate different alkanes ? Distillation and fractional distillation: Word bank: longer high Distillation Crude oil distillation Hydrocarbons Diagram CH4 C2H6 C3H8 C4H10 C5H12 C6H14 C8H18 C10H22 Notes In the laboratory we can An industrial fractionating Hydrocarbons are separated separate different liquids from a column separating different into their fractions. Methane ‘mixture’ based on their hydrocarbons based on with the lowest boiling point different boiling points. What is their boiling points and is separated first at a the role of the condenser ? number of carbon atoms. temperature of around 40oC.
  • 10. Science Interactive LTD Copyright 2005 Hydrocarbons in crude oil Crude oil contains two families of hydrocarbon compounds: The alkanes and alkenes. The alkanes have a general formula of CnH2n + 2 and are used mainly as fuels for combustion with o______. They include methane (natural gas), the simplest alkane with the formula CH 4. Alkanes can have up to 200 carbon atoms in a long carbon chain, but their general formula does not change. Longer chains are used for diesel engines, lubricating oils and domestic h________ fuels. Alkanes with more than 100 carbon atoms are found in bitumen or tar. The alkanes: Word bank: oxygen heating Name Formula Diagram Name Formula Diagram Methane CH4 Pentane C5H12 Ethane C2H6 Hexane C6H14 Propane C3H8 Octane C8H18 Butane C4H10 Decane C10H22
  • 11. Science Interactive LTD Copyright 2005 Combustion of methane Useful alkanes include natural gas, petrol and diesel. When we combust these fuels with o________, energy in the form of h____ and light is released. The products of complete combustion are water and carbon dioxide. If insufficient oxygen from the atmosphere is supplied during combustion, what might form instead of carbon dioxide ? CH4 + 2O2 CO2 + 2H2O Methane Oxygen Carbon dioxide Water Combustion of methane: Word bank: oxygen heat Natural gas Substrates Reaction mixture Products Diagram CH4 O H H O C02 O2 O H C H O2 O H2O H2O Notes Natural gas is extracted Methane is rich in carbon During combustion, The products of methane from underneath the and is a store of ancient new products are combustion with oxygen bedrock, It is often chemical energy. During formed. The methane are water (H2O) and found with crude oil its combustion with (CH4) molecules breaks carbon dioxide. (C02) If deposits. The UK oxygen, it releases its apart and forms new there is not enough obtains its gas from the energy in the form of bonds with the oxygen oxygen carbon monoxide North Sea. heat and light. atoms. can form.
  • 12. Science Interactive LTD Copyright 2005 Combustion of the alkanes Most vehicles use petrol or diesel as a fuel. When we combust these hydrocarbon fuels with o_______, energy in the form of h____ and motion is released. New substances are also produced including carbon dioxide and water. Equation: 2C8H18 + 25O2 CO2 + 18H2O Octane Oxygen Carbon dioxide Water Combustion of octane in the car engine: Word bank: oxygen heat Car engine Octane & Oxygen Engine Products Diagram Notes With over 30 million In the engine, huge The engine is designed to The waste products are cars in the UK, petrol amounts of oxygen are converted the chemical carbon dioxide and water. rich in octane (C8H18) combined with octane. engine contained in However, un-combusted is used as a source of This releases all the octane to forward carbon and carbon mon- chemical energy. Find stored chemical energy motion. It is highly oxide are also released out the current cost of contained in carbon inefficient releasing only into the environment as litre of petrol ? rich petrol. 13% of the energy. polluting gases.
  • 13. Science Interactive LTD Copyright 2005 Supply and demand of crude oil fractions There is a greater demand by those who use fossil fuels for the low carbon, more volatile hydrocarbons which are used for f____ in cars, p_____ and lorries. However, there is a greater supply of the high carbon, less volatile hydrocarbons. By breaking up the surplus large fractions to form small volatile fractions, companies like Shell and BP can balance s______ and demand. This is called cracking. Meeting demand from crude oil: Word bank: fuels planes supply LPG gas Petrol fuel Paraffin Diesel Tar or Bitumen -100% % of total crude oil -80% -60% supply -40% demand supply demand supply supply demand -20% demand demand -0% supply LPG Gas Petrol Paraffin Diesel Residue
  • 14. Science Interactive LTD Copyright 2005 Cracking long chain hydrocarbons Crude oil contains far too many long chained h_________ with more than 15 carbon atoms in them. Longer hydrocarbons do not make efficient fuels. Cracking is also used to form ethene, the starting product for most plastics and other polymers. We can s_____ long chain molecules into short chained molecules. Cracking these hydrocarbons requires heat, a catalyst and an o________ free atmosphere. Why do you need to exclude oxygen from the cracker ? Producing short chained hydrocarbons: Word bank: split oxygen Industrial cracking of crude oil Closer look at cracking C10H22 Decane Useful products Short chained Alkanes & alkenes Crude oil and catalyst are recycled at 400oC C2H4 Ethene C3H6 Propene Crude oil C5H12 Pentane Heat (400oC) Cracker
  • 15. Science Interactive LTD Copyright 2005 The alkenes The alkenes have a general formula of CnH2n and are used mainly for the manufacture of polymers. Each alkene has a carbon-carbon double bond (C=C) which can be broken by other atoms like h________ or chlorine added across the double bond. Polymers, made from simple alkenes are extremely long chained hydrocarbon molecules. The simplest alkene is ethene with the formula C2H4. Word bank: hydrogen The alkenes: Name Formula Diagram Structural Diagram Ethene C2H4 H H C =C H H Propene C3H6 H H C=C C H H H H Butene C4H8 H H H C C=C C H H H H H Pentene C5H10 H H H H C C=C C C H H H H H H
  • 16. Science Interactive LTD Copyright 2005 Producing ethane from ethene Unsaturated e_______ (C2H4) can also react with the gas h________ to form the alkane ethane (C2H6) In this case, ethene in changing to ethane, becomes fully saturated. This reaction requires h________, a nickel catalyst and an oxygen free atmosphere. The ethene molecule is much more reactive then the ethane molecule because it has the carbon-carbon double bond. Why do we call ethene and the alkenes unsaturated and ethane and the alkanes saturated ? Addition of hydrogen to ethene: Word bank: ethene hydrogen Ethene (Alkene) Hydrogen (from water) Ethane (Alkane) Diagram Equation C2H4 + H2 C2H6 The two hydrogen atoms join the ethene molecule across the double bond forming the saturated alkane, ethane.
  • 17. Science Interactive LTD Copyright 2005 Chemical test for the alkenes Hydrocarbons like the alkenes with a double carbon-carbon bond are called unsaturated. Alkenes with their double bond are much more r________ that the alkanes. Other elements like hydrogen and chlorine can be added to alkenes by breaking the double bond. Testing for alkenes: If you shake up an alkene with a solution of brown bromine water, then the bromine water appears to lose it’s colour. The double bond in the alkene breaks open and forms new bonds with the b_______ atoms. This type of reaction is called an addition reaction. Olive oil but not butter decolourises bromine water what does this tell you about the two types of fat ? Testing for alkenes: Word bank: reactive bromine Ethene Bromine (in water) di-Bromoethene Diagram Equation C2H4 + Br2 C2H4Br2 The ethene molecule contains a carbon-carbon double bond which accepts both bromine atoms. When the bromine atoms join the ethene molecule the bromine water loses its brown colour.
  • 18. Science Interactive LTD Copyright 2005 Using ethene to form plastics Ethene (C2H4) monomers can be joined together to make a polymer called polythene. Polythene contains huge molecules that act like fibres that can be used as alternatives to natural materials like w____, paper and metals. Polythene is also very cheap to manufacture whilst crude oil remains plentiful and the quality is always the same after its manufacture. Explain why it is beneficial to the environment to use plastics rather than natural materials like wood, paper and metals ? Manufacturing plastic or polythene from ethene: Word bank: wood Ethene (C2H4) Polymerisation reaction Polythene (nC2H4) Diagram + + + + Notes Ethene (C2H4) is produced In the presence of a metal Polythene has the general in large amounts by catalyst, molecules of ethene formula nC2H4. Molecules cracking long chain add to one another forming can contain up to 50,000 hydrocarbons found in long chained polymers with carbon atoms. These chains crude oil. the formula nC2H4 behave like fibres.
  • 19. Science Interactive LTD Copyright 2005 Using plastics in everyday life Polymers like polythene, polyvinylchloride (PVC) and nylon have replaced natural materials like paper, wood, glass and ceramic. Plastics are c_______, readily available, tough, waterproof and flexible. They are produced in huge quantities and are used in everyday life from the humble plastic bag to replacement h____ and bone joints. Although using plastics instead of glass, paper and wood actually saves energy and rainforests, they are not biodegradable so their use adds many thousands of tonnes of rubbish per year to landfill sites. Using plastics: Word bank: cheap hip Making polythene The plastic bag Saving energy Diagram Notes Here we see polythene made from the The plastic shopping bag Recycle polymerisation of the alkene ethene. made from polythene has Huge sheets of polythene like the one saved thousands of trees Reduce pictured above are manufactured from which would have been used Replace combining alkene monomers. for making paper. Plastic We can all make less of an Polythene is used for food wrapping, takes a long time to decay impact on the environment in packaging and plastic bags. once thrown away. our daily lives.
  • 20. Science Interactive LTD Copyright 2005 The carbon cycle All living organisms require the element c_________ to make carbohydrates, proteins and other important molecules which make up living organisms. Cellular respiration and decomposition by bacteria releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Plants use this during p____________ at the same rate. The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere should stay the same but it is increasing rapidly because of the use of fossil fuels and deforestation. The carbon cycle: Word bank: carbon photosynthesis Atmosphere Respiration CO2 Atmosphere There is 750 billion tonnes of CO2 trapped in the atmosphere. This is rising by 3 billion tonnes a year because of fossil fuel use and deforestation. Fossil fuel combustion Land deforestation Photosynthesis Plant biomass Soil Ocean Buried fossil fuels Marine biomass There is 3300 billion tonnes of carbon trapped in oil, coal There is 1020 billion tonnes of carbon trapped in living and natural gas deposits found under rock sediments. organisms like algae. CO2 is also dissolved in the oceans.
  • 21. Science Interactive LTD Copyright 2005 Pollution using crude oil The oil industry, including companies like Shell and Exxon have a responsibility to make sure that their company and staff do not p_______ the environment. Occasionally, either during extraction, transport or s_______ of crude oil, these companies can pollute the environment with devastating consequences. An oil tanker spilling its load at sea or near to populated coastlines can destroy the local ecosystems and peoples’ livelihoods. These effects can sometimes last for many decades. Go to and type in and search for ‘Exxon Valdize’ Impacting on the environment: Word bank: pollute storage Tanker spills Oil depot fires Oil spills on land Diagram Notes Releasing millions of barrels Fires involving crude oil Crude oil coats every living of thick poisonous crude oil releases thick black toxic smoke organisms that it comes in into the oceans means death to into the environment causing contact with. Birds are many species in the ocean’s widespread pollution and especially vulnerable with their food chains and webs. damage over a large area. delicate feathers.
  • 22. Science Interactive LTD Copyright 2005 Fossil fuels greenhouse effect Over the last century, our use of fossil fuels has released huge amounts of carbon dioxide into our atmosphere. This has disrupted the b_________ between carbon in the form of carbon dioxide and carbon found tied up under rock in crude oil, natural gas and coal. Currently we are adding an extra 3 billion tonnes of carbon each year into the atmosphere. The carbon dioxide molecule traps infra red h_____ from the sun. Slowly our planet is warming because of the rising carbon dioxide levels. How can you reduce your dependence on fossil fuels like petrol and natural gas ? The greenhouse effect: Word bank: balance heat World’s crude oil use Rising levels of carbon dioxide The greenhouse effect So l r lar ra ad Absorbed in atmosphere iat i by greenhouse gases o on ce a sp o tt ou ted di a Ra 15 15 50 50 Altitude (km) The World’s energy demand and There are over 500 million cars, Carbon dioxides traps heat the use of crude oil is increasing. all pumping out carbon dioxide energy from the sun. The amount China in the next two decades from the combustion of octane or of carbon dioxide in the will use more than the USA. petrol. Car use is set to double atmosphere is increasing by 3 over 20 years. billion tonnes a year.
  • 23. Science Interactive LTD Copyright 2005 Effects of global warming one Scientists have many theories as to what may happen over the next century because of rising carbon dioxide levels in the a__________, as a result of combusting fossil fossils and the subsequent rising global temperatures. There is now increasing agreement amongst scientists that atmospheric carbon dioxide levels need to be controlled. Many countries have signed ‘The Kyoto Agreement’ which aims to reduce carbon emissions over the next 20 years. This will perhaps s____ global warming. Only one country, America has not signed up, she is the biggest carbon polluter. Why do you think that America has not signed up ? Effects of global warming: Word bank: atmosphere slow Global warming Drought Ozone layer Flooding Diagram Notes Average world or More extremes of The destruction of the Flooding will increase global temperatures are temperatures are now Ozone by CFCs from over the next decade. In set to increase by expected with lower aerosols will also add to England (summer 2004), between 0.5 and 1oC rainfall in areas which global warming by we had some of the worst per decade for the next already see little rain reflecting less infra red flash floods on record, fifty years. over the year. heat given out by the including Boscastle. sun.
  • 24. Science Interactive LTD Copyright 2005 Effects of global warming two The greenhouse effect is a natural process where the 750 billions tonnes of c________ dioxide in the atmosphere maintains the Earth’s atmosphere at hospitable temperatures, which are supportive of life, here on Earth. Combusting fossil fuels is adding to this ‘warming effect’ causing average global t___________ to rise over the last fifty years. Global warming will continue, whilst we continue to combust fossil fuels like coal and oil. The World’s weather, habitats and temperature are set to change over the next century. Effects of global warming: Word bank: carbon temperatures Weather Waves Biodiversity Melting ice caps Diagram Notes The World’s weather Damage due to strong Animals and plants may The ice caps have shrunk will become more tides and wave action undergo mass extinction in size over the last 30 dynamic. In summer along the coast will in the next one hundred years. This may rise sea 2004, Florida in also increase over the years if global warming levels and also reduce America was hit by next decade. Parts of continues. The Malarial the amount of the Sun’s three hurricanes causing the England's coastline Mosquito is spreading infra red heat reflected immense damage. are now being eroded. north into Europe. back into space.
  • 25. Science Interactive LTD Copyright 2005 Acid rain and fossil fuels Carbon dioxide is not the only pollutant that is released into the environment during the combustion of fossil fuels. Sulphur and nitrogen, in small quantities are also present in crude oil. During combustion, both s_______ and nitrogen combine with oxygen to form sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. These gases form weak acids when they react with water present in the atmosphere. Acid rain can damage f________ and plant life. It can also acidify lakes and ponds disrupting natures balance. Acid rain: Word bank: sulphur forest Polluting the Earth’s atmosphere pH of precipitation across America Diagram Notes With 280 million Americans each using on The pH of rainfall is lowest where you find the highest average a staggering 3kw per hour every day population across the East Coast of America. Almost 150 of the year, the amount of Sulphur dioxide million Americans live, work, drive and pollute in this gas emitted per year for ever square area. The pH of rain water in some areas of the Eastern kilometre of land is around 0.4 of a tonne. USA seaboard has a very acidic pH of 4.2.
  • 26. Science Interactive LTD Copyright 2005 Acid rain and the atmosphere In addition to releasing carbon dioxide, small amounts of sulphur and nitrogen, present as impurities in crude oil cause other polluting gases to be released into the atmosphere. During combustion, both sulphur and nitrogen combine with o________ to form sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. These gases form weak acids when they react with water in the atmosphere. Acid rain can damage forests and plant life. It can also acidify lakes and ponds disrupting natures balance. Acid rain cycle: Word bank: oxygen Diagram Rain cloud S02 & NOx react with water to form acid rain. SO2 NOx H SO 2 4 HNO3 Sulphuric acid Nitric acid Acid Rain Acid Rain Acid Rain Power station Combustion engines Acidified soil Acidified lake Damaged forests Notes The combustion of fossils fuels releases SO2 and NOx into the atmosphere. These gases on contact with water vapour form sulphuric and nitric acid. Acid rain can damage forests, acidify the soil and reduce the pH of lakes, ponds and rivers. Rain clouds containing low pH rain water can travel many kilometres. Due to England's westerly winds, our acid rain travels to our European neighbours including Sweden and Denmark.
  • 27. Science Interactive LTD Copyright 2005 Acid rain and fossil fuels Carbon dioxide is not the only pollutant that is released into the environment during the combustion of fossil fuels. Sulphur and nitrogen are also present in crude oil. During combustion, both sulphur and nitrogen combine with oxygen to form sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. These gases form weak a_____ when they react with water in the atmosphere. Acid rain can damage forests and plant life. It can also acidify l______ and pond disrupting natures balance. Look at this statue and notice the chemical weathering ! Acid rain and its effects: Word bank: acids lakes Acid rain damage to forests Acid rain damage to waterways Acid rain damage to marble Diagram Notes Forests and all plant life are Rivers, ponds and lakes can Acid rain also destroys buildings sensitive to acid rain even over become acidic in areas with high and statues made from limestone short periods of time. The rainfall levels. Low pH of the or marble. Dissolved acid in delicate leaves are damaged by water can lead to the disruption of raindrops reacts with the calcium the low pH rainfall. When a tree the ecosystem, therefore killing carbonate in the marble or loses its leaves due to acid rain, many species. How can scientists limestone making a soluble it can no longer produce its neutralise acidic lakes, what product calcium oxide. This is own food during chemical would they use ? slowly dissolved away by rainfall. photosynthesis.
  • 28. Science Interactive LTD Copyright 2005 Renewable energy sources Renewable alternatives to using crude oil for generating electricity are now being developed. These reduce our dependence on crude oil, as well as reducing carbon dioxide emissions. Many sources of e_______ that we currently use every day are now renewable. This means that unlike coal, natural gas and crude oil they are not used up. Many scientists are working to develop the technology to use these renewable sources of energy to generate e__________. Overview of renewable energy: Word bank: energy electricity Wind Solar Biogas Hydroelectric Wind farms could supply Solar cells using solar Converting animal waste like Using moving water, hydro- up to 15% of the energy energy could power traffic manure from farms and electric dams are able to we use every year. Why lights and street lamps. farming into methane using generate clean electricity. do people in the They are only useful in bacteria is a way of replacing The only problem is that you countryside object to countries with high rates fossil fuels like gas. Give the need lots of space and high these wind farms ? of sunshine. formula of methane ? yearly rainfall.
  • 29. Science Interactive LTD Copyright 2005 Generating electricity using wind power Wind power stations makes use of the k_______ energy of moving air currents. Kinetic energy directly drives small generators that produce electricity. Wind farms are usually found in windy unpopulated areas. Several w_____ turbines can supply, on a windy day enough energy for a small town. This is a clean, renewable form of energy with limited drawbacks. Some people object to the ‘visual pollution’ that many wind turbines cause and believe they spoil the landscape. Why do you need large areas of land to generate electricity using wind power ? Wind power supplying electricity: Word bank: kinetic wind Diagram Notes Captured kinetic energy of the wind drives the generator, producing electricity. Using wind turbines is still expensive and is only viable in countries with large amounts of free land and of course windy weather. The energy is totally renewable and does not increase the levels of polluting gases which add to either global warming or acid rain. The map shows the average wind speed in America. Where are the best places for a wind farm....Explain your answer ?
  • 30. Science Interactive LTD Copyright 2005 Generating electricity using solar power Solar power can be used directly to generate small amounts of electricity using photovoltic cells. These produce a low c________ and are only useful for producing electricity in remote areas or for devices that only require a low current, for example calculators. Using solar power to heat water creating steam which then drives a turbine generator is another way the sun’s energy can be used to generate electricity. E_________ regions that receive plenty of sunshine are ideal. The only problem is that the technology is still relatively expensive. Why is the UK not an ideal location for solar panels or cells ? Solar power supplying electricity: Word bank: current equatorial Diagram Notes Steam produced from the heat energy collected by solar reflectors drives the turbine and generator. A current is induced in the cables. Electricity is transported to commercial and domestic users. Using solar cells is expensive and is only viable in countries with good weather. Solar cells can be used to directly generate electricity. These are very useful where there is demand for energy in very remote areas like the desert or away from major towns and cities.
  • 31. Science Interactive LTD Copyright 2005 Generating electricity using biogas Electricity can be generated on a small scale using biogas. Biogas is exactly the same as methane, the fossil fuel extracted from underneath the rock, but it is produced by b________ respiring animal wastes like manure. This is therefore a renewable supply of methane gas which can be used in the same way as fossil fuels, with the h_____ energy used to produce steam which in turn drives a turbine generator. Why is the amount of electricity generated using this method very small at present ? Biogas supplying electricity: Word bank: bacteria heat Biogas Diagram Biogas mini power station Waste Waste Gases Gases Turbine Turbine Boiler Boiler Generator Generator Steam Steam 33,000V 33,000V 240V 240V Manure Manure Fermentor Fermentor Fermentor Fermentor Furnace Furnace Transformer 1 Transformer 1 Transformer 2 Transformer 2 Customer Customer Notes Steam produced from the heat energy given out when natural gas (CH4) is combusted with oxygen drives the turbine and generator. A current is induced in the cables. Electricity is transported to commercial and domestic uses only. Using biogas, although expensive and still producing greenhouse gases recycles animal waste like manure.
  • 32. Science Interactive LTD Copyright 2005 Generating electricity using gravitational potential energy Water held behind a dam, stores huge amount of gravitational potential energy. When the stored water is allowed to flow downhill, its kinetic energy is used to drive turbine generators, which in turn produces electricity. Hydroelectric dams are usually constructed in mountainous areas with high yearly rainfall levels. The three gorges dam is the largest r__________ and is currently under construction in China. When finished, it will generate millions of kilowatts everyday. Although this is renewable e_______ up to ten million people will be displaced when the valley is flooded. Why is this technology used only in wet mountainous areas ? Moving water supplying electricity: Word bank: reservoir energy Diagram Notes Large amounts of land and rainfall are required for any hydroelectric dam. The main advantages of hydroelectricity is that it is a renewable form of energy and the start up time from allowing the water drop to generating electricity is less than a second. Electrical energy generated in this way is used to supply electrical power during peak demands.