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Higher History
Cold War : The Cuban
Missiles Crisis 1962
Why was there a crisis in Cuba in 1962?
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Today’s lesson
We are developing our knowledge and understanding of the
events of the Cuban Missile Crisis
Today will be able to:
1) Explain why the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 took place.
Today’s lesson will involve:
1) Build up notes on the topic.
2) Plan a 20 mark essay.
3) Pass a 20 mark timed essay.
The Cold War 1945-90
Watch the clip and take notes;
What was the Cold War?
Who was involved?
When did it take place?
Why did it take place?
The Cold War 1945-90
Watch the clip and take notes;
What was the Cold War?
Who was involved?
When did it take place?
Why did it take place?
What was the Cuban Missiles Crisis?
In 1962, US U2 Spy planes photographed missiles on
the Communist island of Cuba, 90 miles from the USA
These had been placed there by the Soviet Union,
who the USA was engaged in The Cold War with
This created a tense stand off where the US told the
USSR to remove the missiles.
It was the closest the two Super Powers ever came to
Nuclear War and considered one of the most
important events of the Cold War
Our job is to explain why this happened
Background (need for intro)
Following the end of WWII in 1945, The USA and The Soviet Union
(USSR) were engaged in what became known as the ‘Cold War’
This was largely based on conflicting ideology; The USA was
Capitalist and USSR Communist and the USA would go to any
lengths to prevent the spread of Communism (known as the Truman
Since 1823, the Monroe Doctrine said that the role of the USA was
to protect South American countries from outside influence
Before 1959, Cuba was run by US Supported General Batista who
was corrupt and inept; conditions for most Cubans were terrible
A revolution led by Communist Fidel Castro eventually overthrew
Batista, making Cuba (only 90 miles from the USA) a Communist
This created major tension in the Cold War – the fact that a Soviet
backed Communist country was just miles from the US coast. Cuba
became an important flash point in the Cold War.
The causes of the 1962 ‘Crisis’ in Cuba
‘The Factors’
1. Castro’s Victory in Cuba
2. US Foreign Policy
3. Khrushchev's Domestic Position
4. Khrushchev’s View of Kennedy
5. The Arms Race
You should aim to cover 4 of these in your essay;
but you must know all of them in case it is the
isolated factor.
Castro had come to power in 1959-60 after overthrowing General Batista
General Batista was hated by the Cuban people because he was corrupt and
cruel and they lived in extreme poverty. He was also backed by the USA who
were seen as taking advantage of Cuba to become richer.
Castro was hated by the US; He redistributed wealth (gave from rich to poor)
and took over sugar plantations controlled by US businesses. Trading broke
down and the US refused to sell arms to Cuba.
This meant Cuba turned to the Soviets to buy their main crop of sugar and
Khruschev was sympathetic to Castro due to their shared ideology of
Communism. The Soviets traded fuel for Sugar.
In 1961 the US had tried to overthrow Castro during the failed Bay of Pigs
Invasion, meaning Castro looked for ways to defend himself from future
attacks. Castro asked the USSR for military assistance.
Operation Mongoose was approved in the USA and saw Cuban Exiles and the
CIA attack Cuban industry and farmland and even plan to execute Castro
Castro’s Victory in Cuba: Knowledge
The enemy of my enemy is
my friend – Castro
Castro’s Victory in Cuba: Analysis
This led to the Cuban Crisis because Castro’s victory in 1959 had
created huge tension between Cuba and the US due to their
conflicting ideologies when Cuba was so close to the US and the fact
that American influence in Cuba was removed by Castro nationalising
American businesses
This led to the Cuban Crisis because following the USA’s embargo on
Cuba and the Bay of Pigs Invasion Castro was convinced that he
needed Soviet support, allowing the USSR and Cuba to become closer
Some historians argue that Khruschev wanted to befriend Castro and
forge links with Castro in order to use Cuba as a launch pad for a
Communist Revolution in South America
However, many historians have pointed out that Castro did not
seek out an alliance with the Soviets and was actually forced into
it by the US who cut trading links with them, refusing to sell all
goods except medicines which pushed Castro towards the USSR
Was Castro right to turn
to the Soviets?
Give a reason why.
Practice Paragraph
Castro’s Victory in Cuba
TS: Castro’s Victory in Cuba in 1959 led to a
friendship between Cuba and the USSR.
K: Describe Batista/ Castro – views of each
by the USA/ Cuban People
K: Describe why Castro asked USSR for
trading assistance
K: Bay of Pigs invasion/ Operation Mongoose
A: This led to the Cuban crisis because…
A: However…
The USA was strongly anti-Communist
US Foreign policy involved containing (STOPPING) Communism at
any cost and successive US governments since 1945 had taken firm
action in order to stop the spread of Communism i.e. involvement in
The Korean War of the 1950s.
By the late 1950s the US subscribed to the Domino Theory; if one
country was to become Communist then shortly after the
neighbouring countries would also become Communist
The US had placed their Jupiter Missiles (nuclear weapons) in
Turkey in 1961 because President Kennedy feared the nuclear
capabilities of the Soviet Union and this could help defend the USA
from Communism
These Jupiter Missiles did pose a very real threat to the USSR as
they could be launched into any part of the Soviet Union from
US Foreign Policy: Knowledge
US Foreign Policy: Analysis
This led to the Cuban Crisis because the USSR wanted to let
the United States know what it was like to be surrounded by a
deadly threat therefore Khrushchev decided that he would use
Cuba to do the same to the United States; give them a ‘taste of
their own medicine’ so to speak
This led to the Cuban Crisis because it could be argued that the
placing of missiles in Cuba was purely reactive to US Foreign
Policy and an example of ‘tit for tat’ politics during the Cold
However, it has been pointed out that the Jupiter Missiles
were largely obsolete by the 1960s due the fact they were
outdated which reduces the importance of these missiles being
placed in Turkey
Practice Paragraph
TS: The USA’s foreign policy was aggressively
K: Describe the USA’s Foreign Policy following
WWII/ Domino Theory
K: What did the USA do to protect themselves/
Discuss Jupiter missiles
A: This led to the Cuban crisis because…
A+: However…
Khrushchev needed a victory overseas to enhance his
popularity in the Soviet Union
In the USSR, Khrushchev was experiencing unpopularity and
criticism for a number of issues; rising food prices especially on meat
and butter, cuts to the armed forces and economic failures
Khruschshev had given his ‘Secret Speech’ in 1956 where he
denounced former leader Stalin and criticised Communism, making
him very unpopular with many die hard Communists in the USSR
Khrushchev was also gaining negative press over the Soviet’s decision
to build the Berlin Wall separating East and West Berlin – the
International press made out that the Soviets were imprisoning
citizens in the Communist East
The Rise of Communist China also threatened Khrushchev who
wanted the USSR to remain the world’s most powerful Communist
country; on a visit to China in 1959 he had also received an icy
welcome by Mao after his ‘Secret Speech’
Khrushchev’s Domestic Position: Knowledge
Lenin Stalin Khrushchev
Khrushchev had
a policy of ‘De-
Nearly 80 people
died trying to
escape East Berlin
The cooling in relations
between the Soviets and
Chinese was known as the
‘Sino Soviet’ Split
Khrushchev’s Domestic Position: Analysis
This led to the Cuban Crisis because Khrushchev needed a foreign policy
success in order to regain popularity and support within the Soviet Union;
gaining a foothold in Latin America would give him the possibility of
spreading Communism to a new Continent
This led to the Cuban Crisis because after his Secret Speech, there was
considerable pressure on Khrushchev from influential Communists in the
USSR to assert Soviet leadership and show the power of the Soviets
across the world; placing missiles near the USA would be a way to do this
However, Khrushchev's Speech showed that he was not a hardline
Communist like Stalin so it is unlikely he would have risked nuclear war in
order to prove himself to those who were
However, the Cuban plan was a huge risk to take purely for Khrushchev to
increase his popularity – it would have made more sense for him to target
US bases in Europe
Practice Paragraph
TS: Khrushchev needed a personal victory of his
own as he was becoming unpopular in the USSR.
K: Describe why Khrushchev was becoming
unpopular in the Soviet Union
K: Khrushchev’s Secret Speech
K: Describe a situation Khrushchev had
struggled with – Berlin/ China
A: Why did this contribute to the crisis?
A+: However…
A: Why did this contribute to the crisis?
A+: However…
Khrushchev underestimated the young President
In 1961 Khrushchev and Kennedy met at the Vienna
Summit to discuss nuclear proliferation and the Berlin
Khrushchev noted that Kennedy was young and good
natured but believed him to be inexperienced.
Khrushchev was aware of Kennedy’s ineffective
management of the Bay of Pigs.
Also, when the Soviets cordoned off East Berlin in 1961
this had isolated many Germans and kept them prisoner
in the East. Although Kennedy criticised this he did not
take any military action so Khrushchev may have thought
Kennedy was unlikely to make a military response if he
had missiles in Cuba
Khrushchev’s View of Kennedy: Knowledge
Khrushchev’s View of Kennedy:
This led to the Cuban Crisis because Khrushchev believed
that he could push Kennedy due to his youth and lack of
experience and he may have believed that Kennedy was
likely to make concessions to him during the Cold War
This led to the Cuban Crisis because Khrushchev believed
that due to Kennedy’s age and lack of military retaliation
following the Berlin Crisis, Khrushchev may have been
able to ‘get away with’ placing missiles on Cuba with
minimal retaliation from Kennedy
However, it was unlikely Kennedy would allow himself to
be pushed by Khrushchev and Kennedy had already
promised to be tough on Russia in his Presidential
Practice Paragraph Time
TS: It may have been the case that Soviet leader
Khrushchev underestimated President Kennedy’s
response to missiles on Cuba.
K: Describe Khrushchev's view of Kennedy –
mention Vienna Summit/ Khrushchev’s plan
and what he tells aides
K: Describe Kennedy’s response to the
blockade of Berlin
A: This led to the Cuban Crisis because
A+: However…
The stark ideological differences between the two states
contributed to increased tension.
The entire Cold War was based around conflicting ideologies of
Communism and Capitalism and both the Soviets and US were
constantly striving to have the ‘upper hand’ in the war i.e. the
arms race, the space race etc.
America was so anti-Communist that they were extremely
sensitive about the presence of Communism close to Florida
which meant they would take the strongest possible action to
stop it
Both countries had amassed huge numbers of nuclear weapons
(The Arms Race) since the Second World War and were willing to
use them and extensive espionage where necessary; this climate
increased international tension
The Arms Race: Knowledge
USA first developed an atomic bomb in 1945 (and used two on
Japan to end WW2); the USSR developed the bomb in 1949
Both sides developed more powerful nuclear weapons such as
the hydrogen bomb (USA in 1952 and USSR in 1953)
The USA set up the military alliance NATO (to defend
Western Europe); the USSR then set up the Warsaw Pact
By the 1960s the USA had more nuclear missiles, but the
Soviets test exploded the biggest ever bomb (Tsar Bomba)
The Arms Race: Knowledge
Cuba was a key
part of the Cold
War ‘Arms Race’
– both countries
were stockpiling
nuclear weapons
and wanted to
prove they had
the upper hand
This led to the Cuban Crisis because ultimately both Superpowers were
desperate to ‘win’ the Arms Race and placing missiles on Cuba gave the
USSR the opportunity to gain the upper hand without actually spending any
more money on weapons; it was a strategic move
Many historians argue that every flashpoint of the Cold War (Korea, Berlin,
Cuba, Vietnam) was merely an excuse for the US or USSR to assert their
ideological supremacy over the other and show their military might; Cuba
just happened to be the location in 1962 where Khrushchev saw an
However, in reality the Soviet’s nuclear capacity was grossly overestimated
due to propaganda, and in reality the Soviets had very few weapons
compared to the states; some historians say Khrushchev was ‘calling the
USA’s bluff’
However, many historians point out that the USSR exceeded US military
strength in other ways (soldiers, tanks) and their Space Programme was
more advanced than the US therefore their need to compete in the nuclear
arms race may have been overestimated
The Arms Race: Analysis
Practice Paragraph Time
TS: The Arms Race that began in 1945 had
contributed to increased tension between the
K: Describe the conflicting ideologies of both
sides/ what they wanted to do
K: Describe the Arms Race and what this meant/
how it started
K: Describe developments in the Arms Race/
A: This led to the Cuban Crisis because
A: However…
How did it end?
The USA found evidence of Soviet missiles on
Cuba using U2 Spy Planes. Photographs proved
the Russians had placed their missiles 90 miles
from the USA.
At the same time, Russian merchant ships with
more missiles were headed for Cuba
Kennedy announced a naval blockade of Cuba on
TV on Oct 22nd.
It looked like war would break out; US bombers
were on Red Alert, ICBMS were prepared and
paratroopers were sent to Florida.
Against the odds, a compromise was reached.
Khrushchev agreed to remove his missiles from
Cuba if the US removed theirs from Turkey.
Both sides claimed victory in the crisis but
popular opinion saw it as a victory for young
President Kennedy.
Bobby Kennedy said the two leaders were
‘eyeball to eyeball and Khrushchev blinked.’
Exam Questions

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  • 1. Higher History Cold War : The Cuban Missiles Crisis 1962 Why was there a crisis in Cuba in 1962?
  • 2. KEY If you see this symbol you must take notes If you see this symbol you must not take notes
  • 3. Today’s lesson We are developing our knowledge and understanding of the events of the Cuban Missile Crisis Today will be able to: 1) Explain why the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 took place. Today’s lesson will involve: 1) Build up notes on the topic. 2) Plan a 20 mark essay. 3) Pass a 20 mark timed essay.
  • 4. The Cold War 1945-90 Watch the clip and take notes; What was the Cold War? Who was involved? When did it take place? Why did it take place?
  • 5. The Cold War 1945-90 Watch the clip and take notes; What was the Cold War? Who was involved? When did it take place? Why did it take place?
  • 6. What was the Cuban Missiles Crisis? In 1962, US U2 Spy planes photographed missiles on the Communist island of Cuba, 90 miles from the USA These had been placed there by the Soviet Union, who the USA was engaged in The Cold War with This created a tense stand off where the US told the USSR to remove the missiles. It was the closest the two Super Powers ever came to Nuclear War and considered one of the most important events of the Cold War Our job is to explain why this happened
  • 7. Background (need for intro) Following the end of WWII in 1945, The USA and The Soviet Union (USSR) were engaged in what became known as the ‘Cold War’ This was largely based on conflicting ideology; The USA was Capitalist and USSR Communist and the USA would go to any lengths to prevent the spread of Communism (known as the Truman Doctrine) Since 1823, the Monroe Doctrine said that the role of the USA was to protect South American countries from outside influence Before 1959, Cuba was run by US Supported General Batista who was corrupt and inept; conditions for most Cubans were terrible A revolution led by Communist Fidel Castro eventually overthrew Batista, making Cuba (only 90 miles from the USA) a Communist state This created major tension in the Cold War – the fact that a Soviet backed Communist country was just miles from the US coast. Cuba became an important flash point in the Cold War.
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  • 11. The causes of the 1962 ‘Crisis’ in Cuba ‘The Factors’ 1. Castro’s Victory in Cuba 2. US Foreign Policy 3. Khrushchev's Domestic Position 4. Khrushchev’s View of Kennedy 5. The Arms Race You should aim to cover 4 of these in your essay; but you must know all of them in case it is the isolated factor.
  • 12. Castro had come to power in 1959-60 after overthrowing General Batista General Batista was hated by the Cuban people because he was corrupt and cruel and they lived in extreme poverty. He was also backed by the USA who were seen as taking advantage of Cuba to become richer. Castro was hated by the US; He redistributed wealth (gave from rich to poor) and took over sugar plantations controlled by US businesses. Trading broke down and the US refused to sell arms to Cuba. This meant Cuba turned to the Soviets to buy their main crop of sugar and Khruschev was sympathetic to Castro due to their shared ideology of Communism. The Soviets traded fuel for Sugar. In 1961 the US had tried to overthrow Castro during the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion, meaning Castro looked for ways to defend himself from future attacks. Castro asked the USSR for military assistance. Operation Mongoose was approved in the USA and saw Cuban Exiles and the CIA attack Cuban industry and farmland and even plan to execute Castro himself Castro’s Victory in Cuba: Knowledge
  • 13. The enemy of my enemy is my friend – Castro /watch?v=qQ24jmIHIUk
  • 14. Castro’s Victory in Cuba: Analysis This led to the Cuban Crisis because Castro’s victory in 1959 had created huge tension between Cuba and the US due to their conflicting ideologies when Cuba was so close to the US and the fact that American influence in Cuba was removed by Castro nationalising American businesses This led to the Cuban Crisis because following the USA’s embargo on Cuba and the Bay of Pigs Invasion Castro was convinced that he needed Soviet support, allowing the USSR and Cuba to become closer Some historians argue that Khruschev wanted to befriend Castro and forge links with Castro in order to use Cuba as a launch pad for a Communist Revolution in South America However, many historians have pointed out that Castro did not seek out an alliance with the Soviets and was actually forced into it by the US who cut trading links with them, refusing to sell all goods except medicines which pushed Castro towards the USSR
  • 15. Was Castro right to turn to the Soviets? Give a reason why.
  • 16. Practice Paragraph Castro’s Victory in Cuba TS: Castro’s Victory in Cuba in 1959 led to a friendship between Cuba and the USSR. K: Describe Batista/ Castro – views of each by the USA/ Cuban People K: Describe why Castro asked USSR for trading assistance K: Bay of Pigs invasion/ Operation Mongoose A: This led to the Cuban crisis because… A: However…
  • 17. The USA was strongly anti-Communist US Foreign policy involved containing (STOPPING) Communism at any cost and successive US governments since 1945 had taken firm action in order to stop the spread of Communism i.e. involvement in The Korean War of the 1950s. By the late 1950s the US subscribed to the Domino Theory; if one country was to become Communist then shortly after the neighbouring countries would also become Communist The US had placed their Jupiter Missiles (nuclear weapons) in Turkey in 1961 because President Kennedy feared the nuclear capabilities of the Soviet Union and this could help defend the USA from Communism These Jupiter Missiles did pose a very real threat to the USSR as they could be launched into any part of the Soviet Union from Turkey. US Foreign Policy: Knowledge
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  • 19. US Foreign Policy: Analysis This led to the Cuban Crisis because the USSR wanted to let the United States know what it was like to be surrounded by a deadly threat therefore Khrushchev decided that he would use Cuba to do the same to the United States; give them a ‘taste of their own medicine’ so to speak This led to the Cuban Crisis because it could be argued that the placing of missiles in Cuba was purely reactive to US Foreign Policy and an example of ‘tit for tat’ politics during the Cold War However, it has been pointed out that the Jupiter Missiles were largely obsolete by the 1960s due the fact they were outdated which reduces the importance of these missiles being placed in Turkey
  • 20. Practice Paragraph TS: The USA’s foreign policy was aggressively anti-Communist. K: Describe the USA’s Foreign Policy following WWII/ Domino Theory K: What did the USA do to protect themselves/ Discuss Jupiter missiles A: This led to the Cuban crisis because… A+: However…
  • 21. Khrushchev needed a victory overseas to enhance his popularity in the Soviet Union In the USSR, Khrushchev was experiencing unpopularity and criticism for a number of issues; rising food prices especially on meat and butter, cuts to the armed forces and economic failures Khruschshev had given his ‘Secret Speech’ in 1956 where he denounced former leader Stalin and criticised Communism, making him very unpopular with many die hard Communists in the USSR Khrushchev was also gaining negative press over the Soviet’s decision to build the Berlin Wall separating East and West Berlin – the International press made out that the Soviets were imprisoning citizens in the Communist East The Rise of Communist China also threatened Khrushchev who wanted the USSR to remain the world’s most powerful Communist country; on a visit to China in 1959 he had also received an icy welcome by Mao after his ‘Secret Speech’ Khrushchev’s Domestic Position: Knowledge
  • 23. Khrushchev had a policy of ‘De- Stalinization’
  • 24. Nearly 80 people died trying to escape East Berlin
  • 25. The cooling in relations between the Soviets and Chinese was known as the ‘Sino Soviet’ Split
  • 26. Khrushchev’s Domestic Position: Analysis This led to the Cuban Crisis because Khrushchev needed a foreign policy success in order to regain popularity and support within the Soviet Union; gaining a foothold in Latin America would give him the possibility of spreading Communism to a new Continent This led to the Cuban Crisis because after his Secret Speech, there was considerable pressure on Khrushchev from influential Communists in the USSR to assert Soviet leadership and show the power of the Soviets across the world; placing missiles near the USA would be a way to do this However, Khrushchev's Speech showed that he was not a hardline Communist like Stalin so it is unlikely he would have risked nuclear war in order to prove himself to those who were However, the Cuban plan was a huge risk to take purely for Khrushchev to increase his popularity – it would have made more sense for him to target US bases in Europe
  • 27. Practice Paragraph TS: Khrushchev needed a personal victory of his own as he was becoming unpopular in the USSR. K: Describe why Khrushchev was becoming unpopular in the Soviet Union K: Khrushchev’s Secret Speech K: Describe a situation Khrushchev had struggled with – Berlin/ China A: Why did this contribute to the crisis? A+: However… A: Why did this contribute to the crisis? A+: However…
  • 28. Khrushchev underestimated the young President Kennedy ( In 1961 Khrushchev and Kennedy met at the Vienna Summit to discuss nuclear proliferation and the Berlin Situation Khrushchev noted that Kennedy was young and good natured but believed him to be inexperienced. Khrushchev was aware of Kennedy’s ineffective management of the Bay of Pigs. Also, when the Soviets cordoned off East Berlin in 1961 this had isolated many Germans and kept them prisoner in the East. Although Kennedy criticised this he did not take any military action so Khrushchev may have thought Kennedy was unlikely to make a military response if he had missiles in Cuba Khrushchev’s View of Kennedy: Knowledge
  • 29. Khrushchev’s View of Kennedy: Analysis This led to the Cuban Crisis because Khrushchev believed that he could push Kennedy due to his youth and lack of experience and he may have believed that Kennedy was likely to make concessions to him during the Cold War This led to the Cuban Crisis because Khrushchev believed that due to Kennedy’s age and lack of military retaliation following the Berlin Crisis, Khrushchev may have been able to ‘get away with’ placing missiles on Cuba with minimal retaliation from Kennedy However, it was unlikely Kennedy would allow himself to be pushed by Khrushchev and Kennedy had already promised to be tough on Russia in his Presidential campaign
  • 30. Practice Paragraph Time TS: It may have been the case that Soviet leader Khrushchev underestimated President Kennedy’s response to missiles on Cuba. K: Describe Khrushchev's view of Kennedy – mention Vienna Summit/ Khrushchev’s plan and what he tells aides K: Describe Kennedy’s response to the blockade of Berlin A: This led to the Cuban Crisis because A+: However…
  • 31. The stark ideological differences between the two states contributed to increased tension. The entire Cold War was based around conflicting ideologies of Communism and Capitalism and both the Soviets and US were constantly striving to have the ‘upper hand’ in the war i.e. the arms race, the space race etc. America was so anti-Communist that they were extremely sensitive about the presence of Communism close to Florida which meant they would take the strongest possible action to stop it Both countries had amassed huge numbers of nuclear weapons (The Arms Race) since the Second World War and were willing to use them and extensive espionage where necessary; this climate increased international tension The Arms Race: Knowledge
  • 32. USA first developed an atomic bomb in 1945 (and used two on Japan to end WW2); the USSR developed the bomb in 1949 Both sides developed more powerful nuclear weapons such as the hydrogen bomb (USA in 1952 and USSR in 1953) The USA set up the military alliance NATO (to defend Western Europe); the USSR then set up the Warsaw Pact By the 1960s the USA had more nuclear missiles, but the Soviets test exploded the biggest ever bomb (Tsar Bomba) The Arms Race: Knowledge
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  • 37. Cuba was a key part of the Cold War ‘Arms Race’ – both countries were stockpiling nuclear weapons and wanted to prove they had the upper hand
  • 38. This led to the Cuban Crisis because ultimately both Superpowers were desperate to ‘win’ the Arms Race and placing missiles on Cuba gave the USSR the opportunity to gain the upper hand without actually spending any more money on weapons; it was a strategic move Many historians argue that every flashpoint of the Cold War (Korea, Berlin, Cuba, Vietnam) was merely an excuse for the US or USSR to assert their ideological supremacy over the other and show their military might; Cuba just happened to be the location in 1962 where Khrushchev saw an opportunity However, in reality the Soviet’s nuclear capacity was grossly overestimated due to propaganda, and in reality the Soviets had very few weapons compared to the states; some historians say Khrushchev was ‘calling the USA’s bluff’ However, many historians point out that the USSR exceeded US military strength in other ways (soldiers, tanks) and their Space Programme was more advanced than the US therefore their need to compete in the nuclear arms race may have been overestimated The Arms Race: Analysis
  • 39. Practice Paragraph Time TS: The Arms Race that began in 1945 had contributed to increased tension between the USA and USSR. K: Describe the conflicting ideologies of both sides/ what they wanted to do K: Describe the Arms Race and what this meant/ how it started K: Describe developments in the Arms Race/ Alliances A: This led to the Cuban Crisis because A: However…
  • 40. How did it end? The USA found evidence of Soviet missiles on Cuba using U2 Spy Planes. Photographs proved the Russians had placed their missiles 90 miles from the USA. At the same time, Russian merchant ships with more missiles were headed for Cuba Kennedy announced a naval blockade of Cuba on TV on Oct 22nd. It looked like war would break out; US bombers were on Red Alert, ICBMS were prepared and paratroopers were sent to Florida. Against the odds, a compromise was reached. Khrushchev agreed to remove his missiles from Cuba if the US removed theirs from Turkey. Both sides claimed victory in the crisis but popular opinion saw it as a victory for young President Kennedy. Bobby Kennedy said the two leaders were ‘eyeball to eyeball and Khrushchev blinked.’