SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Client Project Pro-Forma
Mind Maps/Brainstorms
Making a selection of business cards for the gallery to give out to potential buyers and artists wanting to sell their
work through a gallery. If I were to do this I could easily make a professional looking one but I would try to make
something different that would stand out. So that they would be remembered as a gallery. The card itself would most
likely have key information on it like some way of contacting the gallery whether that be a phone number or an email
address. It would also have their logo on the card and the name of the gallery itself. I could make a selection of
varied looking cards so that some of them are different from one another. So different variants. If I were to do this I
would make at least 6 different variants but still displaying the same information on the gallery. The business card
wouldn’t take that long so I would make something along with it which could link with the business card some way.
One of the options is making the gallery a new logo, which could feature on the business card.
Business Card
I would most likely make the logo abstract as their current logo is abstract, and I wouldn’t want to far away from
that very much. If I were to make a new logo I would make it link with the art theme but make it more of a protest
styled logo since that’s what art their gallery sells. An interesting idea could be to make a grenade shaped logo with
the name of the gallery inside it. Making it a Calligram so that the words ‘The Art of Protest Gallery’ makes up the
shape of a grenade. Another idea is to do a Calligram but with a skull instead of a grenade. I could also make a very
graphical logo making a very simple but effect logo.
Mind Maps/Brainstorms
If I were to make a brochure or leaflet I would make it be like a sales catolougue. I could then make it show
all of the art that is in the gallery and up for sale. I could display an image of the art work along with the
artists name, the price, and information on the piece or artist. The design could use a range of colours
however I think ticing to a general colour scheme would be better. Each of the pages could have a different
layout and colour scheme based on the artwork on it. The brocure/leafket could either be digital or a printed
version. If I am to create this it would be good having a digital version so that buyers can click on a lnk that
takes them to that art piece or checkout to buy that art.
The poster could be of many different things and still advertise the gallery but the one I like the most is having lots of
different posters with different variants. So that they look different. They can all have different pieces of art on them,
as this would show of a particular piece of the gallery. The poster could have a general colour scheme to it like with
most other products. Or each of the different poster variants could use a different colour scheme. This would change
it up a bit, as then they wouldn’t all look the same. If I were to do this I would add information to the poster like the
galleries address/postcode, and the name of the art featured on the poster as well as the the artists name. Another
design that I could go with is create a poster with the picture of an event that has or is taking place. This would show
what the gallery is about and people then would get a feel of the gallery.
Mind Maps/Brainstorms
The website would be the most challenging one as it would have to be to their standard, and they would have to
choose what pages they want and in what order. If I were to do it though I could make the website showcase lots of
art on the homepage. The art would be the art that they are currently selling in the gallery, which they could update
this when ever they sell a piece or get new artwork that they are selling. I could make the website have a moving
image gallery of the art that they are selling, like a slide show of images. If I do make a website for my client I will first
listen to what type of style they want to go with and if they want a certain layout to the website. If they leave it up to
me to do then I will go with a style that most suits the gallery. I will try to make it fit with the galleries style as well as
trying to make it different and unique at the same time.
Final Ideas Mind Map Generation
Idea Evaluation
I would like to go with the brochure/leaflet idea as I think that, that would challenge me the most. I also think
that it would take the longest, as well as it being an idea that I haven't done before. Therefore this idea would
be a challenge taking me out of my comfort zone. I also think that this would benefit the gallery the most as
they already have most of the other products such as a business card and a website. I could still do new designs
however, the leaflet seems like a good idea to take forward as it would give them the chance to advertise the
art that they are selling in a different way using different media. It would also be easier for customers who
want to think about their purchase more as they could take the leaflet/brochure home with them. Then they
would be able to see the art as well as the name, information on it, and the artist’s name. It will also display the
price of the artwork. I also think that I could do a lot with this as the brochure/leaflet doesn’t have to be a
physical copy it can be digital. There is lots of designs that I could do for the brochure/leaflet. If I were to make
the physical copy I could make the shape of the brochure/leafet an abstract shape. This would link with my
clients logo as there current logo is very abstract also linking with the modern art world as there is a lot of
abstarct art out there now. My second idea that I wish to develop further is business cards. I think that this
would be a good idea to take forward as then they would be able to hand out info to potential buyers and
clients. They may already have business cards, but even if they do it will be good to have varied business cards
so if they feel like they want to change one day they can.
• Development should include mood boards or other visual
examples of work. It could include basic mock ups of your
vision for the project using the work of others.
• These don’t need to be the same quality as your finished
pieces but they a good indicator of where your project is
• As this is not final work, it may include work from others.
• You could include test work or practice work here too to
further develop your skills.
Developed Idea 1
(Version 1)
Developed Idea 1 (Version 1)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, graeci
eirmod theophrastus vis an. Cibo iisque
vituperatoribus eu has. Qui ad esse
habeo, no tractatos conclusionemque
mei. Quo eros maiestatis sententiae ad,
sed id apeirian gloriatur, offendit
persequeris ex eum. Duis temporibus ne
sit, duis etiam soluta cu pri, te quo
virtute nominati. Cu vel assum invidunt,
dicam option ceteros usu ut. Eligendi
electram vis no, ius dicit iracundia
an.Mea vitae melius no. Eu esse falli
graecis mei, posse sonet regione id sea.
His percipit moderatius reformidans an,
mea esse copiosae vituperatoribus in.
Ne magna graeci periculis eam, nihil
accumsan efficiantur eu mel. Nulla
pertinacia ne nec, et nec hinc delicata
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, graeci
eirmod theophrastus vis an. Cibo
iisque vituperatoribus eu has. Qui ad
esse habeo, no tractatos
conclusionemque mei. Quo eros
maiestatis sententiae ad, sed id
apeirian gloriatur, offendit
persequeris ex eum. Duis temporibus
ne sit, duis etiam soluta cu pri, te quo
virtute nominati. Cu vel assum
invidunt, dicam option ceteros usu ut.
Eligendi electram vis no, ius dicit
iracundia an.Mea vitae melius no. Eu
esse falli graecis mei, posse sonet
regione id sea.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, graeci
eirmod theophrastus vis an. Cibo iisque
vituperatoribus eu has. Qui ad esse
habeo, no tractatos conclusionemque
mei. Quo eros maiestatis sententiae ad,
sed id apeirian gloriatur, offendit
persequeris ex eum. Duis temporibus
ne sit, duis etiam soluta cu pri, te quo
virtute nominati. Cu vel assum invidunt,
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, graeci
eirmod theophrastus vis an. Cibo iisque
vituperatoribus eu has. Qui ad esse
habeo, no tractatos conclusionemque
Developed Idea 1
(Version 2)
Developed Idea 1 (Version 2)
from £300.00
Find us
16 Little Stonegate,
York YO1 8AX
Contact us
01904 659008
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6 colour Screen print over 1mm mild
rusted steel
Dimensions: 61 x 83 cm
Spray paint and screen print on archival
54 X 54 cm
Framed in a black wood frame
from £250.00
Hahnamuhle Photo Rag – 300gsm
Giclée print on acid free 330g fine art
55 X 76 cm
Hand signed, stamped and comes
with a certificate of authenticity
Developed Idea 1
(Version 3)
Developed Idea 1 (Version 3)
from £300.00
Find us
16 Little Stonegate,
York YO1 8AX
Contact us
01904 659008
Follow us
6 colour Screen print over 1mm
mild rusted steel
Dimensions: 61 x 83 cm
Spray paint and screen print on
archival paper
54 X 54 cm
Framed in a black wood frame
from £250.00
Hahnamuhle Photo Rag – 300gsm
Giclée print on acid free 330g fine art
55 X 76 cm
Hand signed, stamped and comes
with a certificate of authenticity
Developed Idea 2 (Version 1, front)
Developed Idea 2 (Version 1, back)
16 Little Stonegate
York, YO1 8AX, United Kingdom
T +44 (0) 1234659109
M +44 (0) 7897870471
Developed Idea 2 (Version 2, front)
Developed Idea 2 (Version 2, back)
16 Little Stonegate
York, YO1 8AX, United Kingdom
T +44 (0) 1234659109
M +44 (0) 7897870471
Developed Idea 2 (Version 3, front)
Developed Idea 2 (Version 3, back)
16 Little Stonegate
York, YO1 8AX, United Kingdom
T +44 (0) 1234659109
M +44 (0) 7897870471
Assessment of final ideas
Timescales: Is your project practical and manageable in the time you have?
I think that my project is practical it will take me some time to do it but it will definitely
be manageable if I use my time wisely. I need to know what I am doing before I start, so
that when I begin production I won’t be wasting time doing things that I don’t need to
do. Therefore, I will need to plan it out very well so that when it comes to production I
know where to start and what to do on each day. This will make production better for
me as I will know if I am behind or in front of my daily schedule. I think that making a
brochure/leaflet will be the best option, as it will be the most practical of the two final
ideas I had. The business card wouldn’t take me very long whereas the brochure/leaflet
will take me a good amount of time.
Assessment of final ideas
Suitability for audience:. Do you think your audience will engage with your ideas?
Will my client like it?
Will my target audience like it?
I think that my audience will engage with my ideas as the brochure or business cards
that I will be creating are very relevant to my clients work. The way that I will design my
clients product will have some sort of logo or image that relates back to the gallery. I
also think that my clients target audience will like the products that I create them as with
the brochure/leaflet they will be able to see what art is available to buy. I think that my
target audience will like it, and it will encourage people to come into the gallery and
have a look at the art if not buy some.
Assessment of final ideas
Suitability for client: Does your idea fulfil the brief your client gave you?
One of my ideas that I chose to write about in more detail is the brochure/leaflet. My client gave me the task to create a
sales brochure which fits with the idea of me making a brochure for my client showing off art that they are selling. They
have allowed me to design it however I want, and there isn’t a specific design preference. However, I have to have their
logo and text logo on the sales catalogue, and I am not allowed to change that in anyway.
Production Schedule:
You should prepare a production schedule that will allow you to manage your time over
the 4 weeks of production. This should include:
• Deadlines: Interim deadlines help you keep on track, final deadlines are final.
• Availability: The availability of the client and any other people you may need to help
you with your project. You will need to contact them. You might to do visit. You may
need to liaise with models, or photographers.
• Feedback: This is a working brief with a real client. You will need to get feedback on
your work and also allow yourself time to make appropriate changes. Plan appropriate
time in to you schedule so that you can do this.
• Resources: You should include a list of resources that you will need to complete your
project. Remember that this all needs to be your own work
Days Week One of
Week Two of
Week Three of
Week Four of
production (last
week of production)
Monday (full day at
9am – 4:30pm
Start production.
Begin by getting a
layout design created
using InDesign of a
brochure. Taking
screenshots along the
Begin the next pages
of the sales
catalogue. Try to get
as much done as
Continue with
creating the main
pages, adding
pictures and
screenshotting every
once in a while for
production reflection.
If it isn't finished, try
to finish it today so
that I can get finish
my production diary
and start my
Tuesday (day off) Write in my
production diary
about the first day of
production, also
adding screenshots
as evidence.
Write in my
production diary
about production on
Wednesday and
Thursday, with
screenshots to back it
Write in my
production diary
about production on
Wednesday and
Thursday, with
screenshots to back it
Write in my
production diary
about production on
Wednesday and
Thursday, with
screenshots to back it
Wednesday (3/4 of a
day at College) 9am –
Carry on laying out
the Sales catalogue
on InDesign, and if
finishing the layout
start adding the
images of the art,
fonts and text to the
Carry on with the
pages that show the
art on them. Try to
get as much done as
possible. Add images
and text with prices
for the art.
Continue with
creating the main
pages, adding
pictures and
screenshotting every
once in a while for
production reflection.
Continue with
creating the main
pages, adding
pictures and
screenshotting every
once in a while for
production reflection.
Thursday (1/2 a day
at College) 1:15pm –
Start the front cover
of the sales
Carry on with the
pages that show the
Continue with
creating the main
Needs to be finished
by today, if it is start
Resource List:
- Adobe InDesign CC 2017.
- Adobe Photoshop CC 2017.
- MacBook.
- Mouse and Keyboard so that I can use the Mac.
- Access to the internet, Safari or Google Chrome.
- Access to my College email, so that I can email my client with current updates.
- Camera. I may need a camera to take pictures of the artwork within the gallery, that
my client wants me to advertise in a sales catalogue.

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Client ideas and planning power point

  • 2.
  • 3. Mind Maps/Brainstorms Making a selection of business cards for the gallery to give out to potential buyers and artists wanting to sell their work through a gallery. If I were to do this I could easily make a professional looking one but I would try to make something different that would stand out. So that they would be remembered as a gallery. The card itself would most likely have key information on it like some way of contacting the gallery whether that be a phone number or an email address. It would also have their logo on the card and the name of the gallery itself. I could make a selection of varied looking cards so that some of them are different from one another. So different variants. If I were to do this I would make at least 6 different variants but still displaying the same information on the gallery. The business card wouldn’t take that long so I would make something along with it which could link with the business card some way. One of the options is making the gallery a new logo, which could feature on the business card. Business Card Logo I would most likely make the logo abstract as their current logo is abstract, and I wouldn’t want to far away from that very much. If I were to make a new logo I would make it link with the art theme but make it more of a protest styled logo since that’s what art their gallery sells. An interesting idea could be to make a grenade shaped logo with the name of the gallery inside it. Making it a Calligram so that the words ‘The Art of Protest Gallery’ makes up the shape of a grenade. Another idea is to do a Calligram but with a skull instead of a grenade. I could also make a very graphical logo making a very simple but effect logo.
  • 4. Mind Maps/Brainstorms If I were to make a brochure or leaflet I would make it be like a sales catolougue. I could then make it show all of the art that is in the gallery and up for sale. I could display an image of the art work along with the artists name, the price, and information on the piece or artist. The design could use a range of colours however I think ticing to a general colour scheme would be better. Each of the pages could have a different layout and colour scheme based on the artwork on it. The brocure/leafket could either be digital or a printed version. If I am to create this it would be good having a digital version so that buyers can click on a lnk that takes them to that art piece or checkout to buy that art. Brochure/Leaflet Poster The poster could be of many different things and still advertise the gallery but the one I like the most is having lots of different posters with different variants. So that they look different. They can all have different pieces of art on them, as this would show of a particular piece of the gallery. The poster could have a general colour scheme to it like with most other products. Or each of the different poster variants could use a different colour scheme. This would change it up a bit, as then they wouldn’t all look the same. If I were to do this I would add information to the poster like the galleries address/postcode, and the name of the art featured on the poster as well as the the artists name. Another design that I could go with is create a poster with the picture of an event that has or is taking place. This would show what the gallery is about and people then would get a feel of the gallery.
  • 5. Mind Maps/Brainstorms The website would be the most challenging one as it would have to be to their standard, and they would have to choose what pages they want and in what order. If I were to do it though I could make the website showcase lots of art on the homepage. The art would be the art that they are currently selling in the gallery, which they could update this when ever they sell a piece or get new artwork that they are selling. I could make the website have a moving image gallery of the art that they are selling, like a slide show of images. If I do make a website for my client I will first listen to what type of style they want to go with and if they want a certain layout to the website. If they leave it up to me to do then I will go with a style that most suits the gallery. I will try to make it fit with the galleries style as well as trying to make it different and unique at the same time. Website
  • 6. Final Ideas Mind Map Generation
  • 7. Idea Evaluation I would like to go with the brochure/leaflet idea as I think that, that would challenge me the most. I also think that it would take the longest, as well as it being an idea that I haven't done before. Therefore this idea would be a challenge taking me out of my comfort zone. I also think that this would benefit the gallery the most as they already have most of the other products such as a business card and a website. I could still do new designs however, the leaflet seems like a good idea to take forward as it would give them the chance to advertise the art that they are selling in a different way using different media. It would also be easier for customers who want to think about their purchase more as they could take the leaflet/brochure home with them. Then they would be able to see the art as well as the name, information on it, and the artist’s name. It will also display the price of the artwork. I also think that I could do a lot with this as the brochure/leaflet doesn’t have to be a physical copy it can be digital. There is lots of designs that I could do for the brochure/leaflet. If I were to make the physical copy I could make the shape of the brochure/leafet an abstract shape. This would link with my clients logo as there current logo is very abstract also linking with the modern art world as there is a lot of abstarct art out there now. My second idea that I wish to develop further is business cards. I think that this would be a good idea to take forward as then they would be able to hand out info to potential buyers and clients. They may already have business cards, but even if they do it will be good to have varied business cards so if they feel like they want to change one day they can.
  • 8. Development • Development should include mood boards or other visual examples of work. It could include basic mock ups of your vision for the project using the work of others. • These don’t need to be the same quality as your finished pieces but they a good indicator of where your project is going. • As this is not final work, it may include work from others. • You could include test work or practice work here too to further develop your skills.
  • 10. Developed Idea 1 (Version 1) Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, graeci eirmod theophrastus vis an. Cibo iisque vituperatoribus eu has. Qui ad esse habeo, no tractatos conclusionemque mei. Quo eros maiestatis sententiae ad, sed id apeirian gloriatur, offendit persequeris ex eum. Duis temporibus ne sit, duis etiam soluta cu pri, te quo virtute nominati. Cu vel assum invidunt, dicam option ceteros usu ut. Eligendi electram vis no, ius dicit iracundia an.Mea vitae melius no. Eu esse falli graecis mei, posse sonet regione id sea. His percipit moderatius reformidans an, mea esse copiosae vituperatoribus in. Ne magna graeci periculis eam, nihil accumsan efficiantur eu mel. Nulla pertinacia ne nec, et nec hinc delicata omittantur. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, graeci eirmod theophrastus vis an. Cibo iisque vituperatoribus eu has. Qui ad esse habeo, no tractatos conclusionemque mei. Quo eros maiestatis sententiae ad, sed id apeirian gloriatur, offendit persequeris ex eum. Duis temporibus ne sit, duis etiam soluta cu pri, te quo virtute nominati. Cu vel assum invidunt, dicam option ceteros usu ut. Eligendi electram vis no, ius dicit iracundia an.Mea vitae melius no. Eu esse falli graecis mei, posse sonet regione id sea. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, graeci eirmod theophrastus vis an. Cibo iisque vituperatoribus eu has. Qui ad esse habeo, no tractatos conclusionemque mei. Quo eros maiestatis sententiae ad, sed id apeirian gloriatur, offendit persequeris ex eum. Duis temporibus ne sit, duis etiam soluta cu pri, te quo virtute nominati. Cu vel assum invidunt, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, graeci eirmod theophrastus vis an. Cibo iisque vituperatoribus eu has. Qui ad esse habeo, no tractatos conclusionemque mei.
  • 12. Developed Idea 1 (Version 2) WE THE LIVING ARE TO BLAME FOR THE PAINFULNESS OF DEATH from £300.00 Find us 16 Little Stonegate, York YO1 8AX Contact us 01904 659008 Follow us Facebook Instagram Twitter I YOUNG MAIDEN £500.00 1MM MILD RUSTED STEEL 6 colour Screen print over 1mm mild rusted steel Dimensions: 61 x 83 cm PROPAGANDA CANS DIAMOND MOUSE £1,250.00 Spray paint and screen print on archival paper 54 X 54 cm Framed in a black wood frame FOR THE LOVE OF POP- WARHOL/HIRST SKULL from £250.00 LIMITED EDITION PRINT Hahnamuhle Photo Rag – 300gsm RORSCHACH £175.00 Giclée print on acid free 330g fine art paper 55 X 76 cm ED./15 Hand signed, stamped and comes with a certificate of authenticity
  • 14. Developed Idea 1 (Version 3) WE THE LIVING ARE TO BLAME FOR THE PAINFULNESS OF DEATH from £300.00 Find us 16 Little Stonegate, York YO1 8AX Contact us 01904 659008 Follow us Facebook Instagram Twitter I YOUNG MAIDEN £500.00 1MM MILD RUSTED STEEL 6 colour Screen print over 1mm mild rusted steel Dimensions: 61 x 83 cm PROPAGANDA CANS DIAMOND MOUSE £1,250.00 Spray paint and screen print on archival paper 54 X 54 cm Framed in a black wood frame FOR THE LOVE OF POP- WARHOL/HIRST SKULL from £250.00 LIMITED EDITION PRINT Hahnamuhle Photo Rag – 300gsm RORSCHACH £175.00 Giclée print on acid free 330g fine art paper 55 X 76 cm ED./15 Hand signed, stamped and comes with a certificate of authenticity
  • 15. Developed Idea 2 (Version 1, front)
  • 16. Developed Idea 2 (Version 1, back) ART OF PROTEST Gallery Name 16 Little Stonegate York, YO1 8AX, United Kingdom T +44 (0) 1234659109 M +44 (0) 7897870471
  • 17. Developed Idea 2 (Version 2, front)
  • 18. Developed Idea 2 (Version 2, back) ART OF PROTEST Gallery Name 16 Little Stonegate York, YO1 8AX, United Kingdom T +44 (0) 1234659109 M +44 (0) 7897870471
  • 19. Developed Idea 2 (Version 3, front) ART OF PROTEST
  • 20. Developed Idea 2 (Version 3, back) ART OF PROTEST Gallery 16 Little Stonegate York, YO1 8AX, United Kingdom T +44 (0) 1234659109 M +44 (0) 7897870471 Name
  • 21. Assessment of final ideas Timescales: Is your project practical and manageable in the time you have? I think that my project is practical it will take me some time to do it but it will definitely be manageable if I use my time wisely. I need to know what I am doing before I start, so that when I begin production I won’t be wasting time doing things that I don’t need to do. Therefore, I will need to plan it out very well so that when it comes to production I know where to start and what to do on each day. This will make production better for me as I will know if I am behind or in front of my daily schedule. I think that making a brochure/leaflet will be the best option, as it will be the most practical of the two final ideas I had. The business card wouldn’t take me very long whereas the brochure/leaflet will take me a good amount of time.
  • 22. Assessment of final ideas Suitability for audience:. Do you think your audience will engage with your ideas? Will my client like it? Will my target audience like it? I think that my audience will engage with my ideas as the brochure or business cards that I will be creating are very relevant to my clients work. The way that I will design my clients product will have some sort of logo or image that relates back to the gallery. I also think that my clients target audience will like the products that I create them as with the brochure/leaflet they will be able to see what art is available to buy. I think that my target audience will like it, and it will encourage people to come into the gallery and have a look at the art if not buy some.
  • 23. Assessment of final ideas Suitability for client: Does your idea fulfil the brief your client gave you? One of my ideas that I chose to write about in more detail is the brochure/leaflet. My client gave me the task to create a sales brochure which fits with the idea of me making a brochure for my client showing off art that they are selling. They have allowed me to design it however I want, and there isn’t a specific design preference. However, I have to have their logo and text logo on the sales catalogue, and I am not allowed to change that in anyway.
  • 24. Production Schedule: You should prepare a production schedule that will allow you to manage your time over the 4 weeks of production. This should include: • Deadlines: Interim deadlines help you keep on track, final deadlines are final. • Availability: The availability of the client and any other people you may need to help you with your project. You will need to contact them. You might to do visit. You may need to liaise with models, or photographers. • Feedback: This is a working brief with a real client. You will need to get feedback on your work and also allow yourself time to make appropriate changes. Plan appropriate time in to you schedule so that you can do this. • Resources: You should include a list of resources that you will need to complete your project. Remember that this all needs to be your own work
  • 25. Days Week One of production Week Two of production Week Three of production Week Four of production (last week of production) Monday (full day at College) 9am – 4:30pm Start production. Begin by getting a layout design created using InDesign of a brochure. Taking screenshots along the way. Begin the next pages of the sales catalogue. Try to get as much done as possible. Continue with creating the main pages, adding pictures and screenshotting every once in a while for production reflection. If it isn't finished, try to finish it today so that I can get finish my production diary and start my evaluation. Tuesday (day off) Write in my production diary about the first day of production, also adding screenshots as evidence. Write in my production diary about production on Wednesday and Thursday, with screenshots to back it up. Write in my production diary about production on Wednesday and Thursday, with screenshots to back it up. Write in my production diary about production on Wednesday and Thursday, with screenshots to back it up. Wednesday (3/4 of a day at College) 9am – 2:40pm Carry on laying out the Sales catalogue on InDesign, and if finishing the layout start adding the images of the art, fonts and text to the catalogue. Carry on with the pages that show the art on them. Try to get as much done as possible. Add images and text with prices for the art. Continue with creating the main pages, adding pictures and screenshotting every once in a while for production reflection. Continue with creating the main pages, adding pictures and screenshotting every once in a while for production reflection. Thursday (1/2 a day at College) 1:15pm – Start the front cover of the sales Carry on with the pages that show the Continue with creating the main Needs to be finished by today, if it is start
  • 26. Resource List: - Adobe InDesign CC 2017. - Adobe Photoshop CC 2017. - MacBook. - Mouse and Keyboard so that I can use the Mac. - Access to the internet, Safari or Google Chrome. - Access to my College email, so that I can email my client with current updates. - Camera. I may need a camera to take pictures of the artwork within the gallery, that my client wants me to advertise in a sales catalogue.

Editor's Notes

  1. Which of your ideas do you want to develop further? Explain why you think that is the right idea to take forward.
  2. Suitability for audience:. Do you think your audience will engage with your ideas? I think that my audience will engage with my ideas as with the Suitability for client: Does your idea fulfil the brief your client gave you? Timescales: Is your project practical and manageable in the time you have?
  3. Suitability for audience: Do you think your audience will engage with your ideas? I think that my audience will engage with my ideas as with the Suitability for client: Does your idea fulfil the brief your client gave you? Timescales: Is your project practical and manageable in the time you have?
  4. Suitability for audience:. Do you think your audience will engage with your ideas? I think that my audience will engage with my ideas as with the Suitability for client: Does your idea fulfil the brief your client gave you? Timescales: Is your project practical and manageable in the time you have?