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Energy Efficiency & Conservation Strategy
         City of Shreveport, Louisiana

                         Version 1.2
                       October 30, 2009

         Gulf Geoexchange and Consulting Services, Inc.
                        in collaboration with
            Morgan Hill Sutton & Mitchell Architects, LLC
                         Purdue University
          Consortium for Education Research & Technology
                       Chronicle of Numbers
Framework Document for Phase II
Comprehensive Energy Efficiency & Conservation Plan
City of Shreveport, Louisiana

          Prepared by
          Morgan Hill Sutton & Mitchell Architects, LLC
          and Purdue University

                              Fig. 1: Balanced Sustainability
                              Environmental Quality             Economic Prosperity


                                                                                       Bottom Line

                                Social Equity                      Cultural Vitality

4   Framework Document for Phase II

1.0         Purpose

We propose that the City of Shreveport conduct a Comprehensive Energy Efficiency and
Conservation Plan (CEECP) to guide long term decision making and investment. To position
the City of Shreveport as a front runner in achieving the objectives outlined in the Energy
Efficiency Community Block Grant (EECBG), we must go beyond the satisfaction of minimum
requirements to pursue innovation. Reaching higher will allow the City to maximize long
term benefits and develop a competitive advantage when applying for future funding. The
CEECP will build upon the initial investments identified during Phase I, chart the course
for future investments, and develop a long term strategy for Shreveport to become more
energy efficient.

1.1         Goals and Objectives

Following the work of the Phase I Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy (EECS), the
primary goals for the CEECP will be to provide a clear direction for achieving:

      •   job creation
      •   energy savings
      •   reduction of greenhouse gases
      •   provident use of local resources
      •   renewable energy production
      •   maximized leveraging of funds

In addition to fulfilling these initial goals as outlined by the Department of Energy and the
City of Shreveport for the Phase I EECS, the CEECP will be a:

      • means for the City to pursue future funding from state and federal sources
      • framework for regional collaboration among municipal and parish governments
      • process for cultivating local capacity, leadership, advocacy, and innovation

1.2         Achieving Balanced Sustainability

As our community strives to improve its energy efficiency, it is important to evaluate our
opportunities not only from an environmental and economic point of view, but also from a
social and cultural perspective. We have the ability to make decisions that can save money,
generate income, improve our environmental quality, conserve our local resources, support
and enhance our local cultural and heritage resources, and have positive impacts for all
citizens in the greater Shreveport region. Ultimately, the CEECP will aim to maximize benefits
according to a multiple bottom line:

      •   environmental quality
      •   economic prosperity
      •   social equity1
      •   cultural vitality2

These multiple bottom lines should provide guidance for indicators/metrics that will be
used to determine preferred initiatives and evaluate progress during the implementation of
these initiatives. A sustainable plan will successfully balance the indicators on this quadruple
bottom line, offering a package of solutions that serves all aspects of our community. (Fig. 1)

                                         Comprehensive Energy Efficiency & Conservation Plan - City of Shreveport, Louisiana   5

     Fig. 2: Strategic Planning vs. Strategic Doing

                         Public                                    Private
                         Sector                                    Sector

                                                                              Community Based



     Fig. 3: Creating Partnerships to Link & Leverage Our Assets

6   Framework Document for Phase II

1.3     Building Local Capacity Through Strategic Doing

The CEECP will explore, uncover, develop, and support local assets that can help the City of
Shreveport become more energy efficient. The plan will cultivate open networks to link and
leverage these local assets through a process called ‘strategic doing.’ This new, innovative
approach represents a shift from the slow process of traditional strategic planning to fast
cycles of strategic doing.

        “Henry Mintzburg, author of The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning and the insightful
        article “Crafting Strategy” says, “The future is an never arrives.” It is always
        “out yonder.” Planning, according to Mintzburg, can only accomplish two objectives: it
        gives us an image of the future, and; allows us to make decisions about actions we take
        now that will impact that future when it arrives. Thinking (planning) and acting (doing)
        are inseparable. Formal planning -- especially that type typically labeled “strategic” (a word
        widely used yet seldom defined) -- can put too much distance between these two.

        So where can creativity, ambiguity, tension, and decisiveness come together in a healthy
        environment that regards the integrity of the individual and the value of the organization
        equally? This is accomplished only through dialogue.” 3

Strategic doing is a civic discipline to guide open innovation. It is a methodology for
productive dialogue. It builds on existing assets, energy, and excitement, and empowers
community members and organizations to take decisive action, becoming fully engaged in
the work needed within the community. As we engage in conversations with one another our
actions and strategies begin to align and we accomplish meaningful work.

Without a strategy, we have individuals acting independently, often resulting in
counterproductive results and fads. With strategic planning, a course of action is
recommended, but often fails to result in unified actions. The process is often controlled by
a handful of people, and if the process is weak, the commitment to implementation withers
quickly. With strategic doing plans and action occur together allowing for frequent feedback,
learning, and aligning throughout the process. (Fig. 2)

Strategic doing uses an open network model. Open networks offer unique advantages and
will provide the structure for progress and innovation in our modern economy. Networked
processes are more fluid, adaptable, and flexible. They combine open participation and
leadership direction. And, we find that as our network of partners grows, our opportunities
multiply and we generate new assets and unforeseen innovation.

In order for strategic doing to work, we must create trusted civic spaces, develop new
leadership characteristics, and promote civility. All partners decide to exhibit characteristics
and behaviors that enable productive dialogue: genuine curiosity, appreciative inquiry,
transparency, joint accountability, transformative thinking, commitment to engage, participation
to contribute, active listening and learning, collaboration, and mutual respect. (Fig. 3)

Trusted relationships help us survive and thrive. They create the resiliency we need to find the
opportunities and handle the shocks ahead. Trust emerges when we behave in ways that build
trust and mutual respect. Relationships are key. As we work together in a trusted space, we
accomplish more. We attract new partners and assets. We all grow together, exponentially. (Fig. 4)

                                            Comprehensive Energy Efficiency & Conservation Plan - City of Shreveport, Louisiana   7


               Productivity                                   Information
                                                             & Leadership

                                                                                             & Leadership


       Fig. 4: Increasing Our Opportunities & Prosperity as we Build Trust & Collaboration





       Fig. 5: The Strategic Doing Cycle

8   Framework Document for Phase II

As the number of trusted relationships increases, the value of the network goes up. More
opportunities arise with stronger networks.

Leaders in this process guide positive conversations, delegate leadership to those doing
the work, and grow others’ capacity to lead. Leadership is a shared responsibility distributed
within the group.

Competitive communities are those that learn how to break down the silos and link/leverage
their assets quickly. Strategic doing will enable us to accomplish these goals and meet the
complex challenges and deep transformation that needs to occur within our community.
Collaboration leads to innovation. Innovation improves our productivity and our prosperity.
(Fig. 4)

Strategic Doing answers four major questions (Fig. 5):

           What could we do?
           What are our assets and how can we link/leverage to create new
           opportunities? Develop ideas and uncover opportunities.

           What should we do?
           What outcomes do we want most to achieve? How can we get there?
           Choose what to do.

           What will we do?
           What commitments are required to accomplish our outcomes? Embark on
           specific initiatives. Launch specific initiatives by aligning resources with “link
           and leverage” strategies.

           How will we learn?
           When and how will we come back together to assess our progress and revise
           our strategy? Execute and measure results for each initiative. Adjust as needed.

This cycle of conversations is frequent, ongoing, and supports transparent accountability.
Groups come together every 30-60 days.

The goal is to articulate a clear direction and then to define initiatives that align with this
direction. Leadership keeps people focused and the process open. Thick and trusted networks
evolve that are strategic. They help us learn faster, make decisions faster, and act faster.

 Rose, Kalima and Julie Silas. 2001. Achieving Equity through     Borrup, Tom. 2006. The Creative Community Builder’s
Smart Growth: Perspectives from Philanthropy. PolicyLink          Handbook: How to Transform Communities Using Local
and The Funders’ Network for Smart Growth and Livable             Assets, Art, and Culture. St. Paul, Minnesota: Fieldstone
Communities.                                                      Alliance.

2002. Promoting Regional Equity. PolicyLink and The Funders’
                                                                   McCann, John M. 2009. Leadership As Creativity: Finding
Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities.                 the Opportunity Hidden Within Decision Making and
                                                                  Dialogue. Resources, Lessons Learned. National Endowment
 Jackson, Maria Rosario, Florence Kabwasa-Green, and Joaquin      for the Arts.
Herranz. 2006. Cultural Vitality in Communities: Interpretation   MCCANN2.HTML
and Indicators. Washington, DC: The Urban Institute.

                                                   Comprehensive Energy Efficiency & Conservation Plan - City of Shreveport, Louisiana   9

10 Framework Document for Phase II

2.0     Plan Focus Areas

The CEECP will be structured around seven major focus areas that cover all of the eligible
activities outlined for the EECBG. While each of these focus areas are strongly interrelated,
these serve as major categories for our work during the planning process.

2.1     Building Energy Efficiency

Eligible activities within the Building Energy Efficiency focus area include energy audits
for commercial, residential, industrial, governmental, and non-profit buildings, financial
incentive programs, building codes/inspections, and energy efficiency retrofits.

2.2     Clean & Renewable Energy Sources

Eligible activities within the Clean & Renewable Energy Sources focus area include on-site
renewable energy generation, energy distribution technology, and the reduction/capture of
methane and other greenhouse gases.

2.3     Reduction of Waste & Pollution

Eligible activities within the Clean & Renewable Energy Sources focus area include recycling
programs, activities that result in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, and watershed

2.4     Transportation & Land Use Alternatives

The Transportation & Land Use Alternatives focus area covers activities related to energy
conservation in transportation.

2.5     Green Workforce/Business Incentives

The Green Workforce/Business Incentives focus area explores economic development
opportunities related to any projects above

2.6     Energy Education/Outreach

The Energy Education/Outreach focus area explores methods for transforming the way
our community thinks about energy efficiency and conservation, sharing information and
promoting any of the projects above

2.6     Other

This focus area is for any innovations that do not fit in the other six categories. The Department
of Energy has included ‘other’ as an eligible activity and encourages the innovation of energy
efficiency and conservation strategies not included in the listed eligible activities.

                                       Comprehensive Energy Efficiency & Conservation Plan - City of Shreveport, Louisiana 11

                           3.0                    Participants

                                                                        Working Groups

                         Citizens of Shreveport
                                                                        Building Energy E ciency

                                                                               Clean & Renewable Energy Sources
                                                      Core Group
                                                                                 Reduction of Waste & Pollution
                                                       Steering Committee        Transportation & Land Use Alternatives
                                                       Project Team
                                                                               Green Workforce/Business Incentives

                                                                            Energy Education/Outreach

                           Fig. 6: Participants

                           3.1                    Public

                           The CEECP should be shaped around the vision of the Citizens of Shreveport. The
                           plan should build upon the values identified by the Shreveport Caddo Master Plan,
                           neighborhood and local advocacy groups, and other public forums. All citizens in Shreveport
                           will be called upon to do their part to improve our energy independence.

                           Seek information, education, and training
                           Voice opinions, providing guidance for all other participants
                           Conserve within their own sphere
                           Live providently within our means

                           3.2                    Government

                           Elected officials and department heads provide leadership, initiating and helping to shape
                           the process to ensure the completion and implementation of the CEECP.

                           Define the timeframe and jurisdictional area of the plan
                           Direct the project team
                           Adopt the plan
                           Allocate and spend the funds, implementing the plan
                           Evaluate progress
                           Report on evaluations
                           Amend the plan over time as needed

12 Framework Document for Phase II

3.3     Steering Committee

The steering committee formed in Phase I of the EECS will be invited to extend their
involvement as stewards over the plan process and serve as leaders of the working groups.
As jurisdictional boundaries are determined and partnerships are formed, others may be
invited to join the steering committee or working groups. (See Appendix for complete list of
Steering Committee members.)

Oversee the plan process
Direct the project team
Provide leadership and advocacy in working groups
Recommend the plan and its initiatives to government leaders for adoption/implementation

3.4     Project Team

The project team, led by Gulf Geoexchange, is currently comprised of Morgan Hill Sutton &
Mitchell Architects, CERT, Purdue University, and Chronicle of Numbers.

Inventory potential working group members/stakeholders
Teach ‘strategic doing’ and provide technical assistance to the working groups
Provide a web 2.0 workspace for working groups that also provides a public interface
Provide expertise and analysis of best practices and case studies within the six focus areas
Convene and facilitate forums every 30-60 days --meetings that gather all working groups
    to link & leverage, share resources, look for opportunities for collaboration/innovation,
    growing local capacity and expertise around energy efficiency and conservation practices
Formalize the ideas generated by the working groups into a plan document
Set metrics for baseline, produce target projections and provide evaluation for initiatives
Structure GIS database and procedures for monitoring trends
Provide a format and procedures for regular evaluation and reporting

3.5     Working Groups

We recommend organizing a series of working groups around each focus area concentrated
on EECBG eligible activities, as outlined by the scope of work. Each working group will
engage an open network of public and private sector stakeholders. (See Appendix for list of
potential/proposed Working Group members.)

Determine goals and principles
Set targets
Publicize and promote the plan
Generate potential initiatives
Select preferred initiatives
Develop prioritized/phased implementation strategy
Identify obstacles to implementation and describe strategies to remove obstacles
Review the plan
Advise the project team

                                     Comprehensive Energy Efficiency & Conservation Plan - City of Shreveport, Louisiana 13

                   Fig. 7: The Pattern & Structure of Strategic Doing


                                      Working Groups

                                 Core Group

                              The Core Group divides into Working Groups


                               Meet                                     Meet

                                           Meet                                Meet


                                          Working Groups divide into Initiatives

14 Framework Document for Phase II

4.0     Plan Process

The process for developing the CEECP will involve seven stages:

1. Plan Initiation
2. Baseline
3. Target
4. Opportunities/Options
5. Preferred Action Plan
6. Implementation & Evaluation
7. Plan Review & Adoption

‘Strategic doing’ will guide the work during each stage of the plan’s development. Participants
will organize themselves in working groups to accomplish a set of specific initiatives. And they
will use cycles of strategic doing to cross pollinate ideas, link, and leverage assets among the
various working groups.

This cycle of conversations is frequent, ongoing, and supports transparent accountability.
Participants leave each conversation with commitments, break off to accomplish tasks,
and reconvene to report and then determine the next set of tasks. Progress on individual
initiatives is regularly reported to their respective working group, and working Groups come
together every 30-60 days. (Fig. 7)

Stage 1. Plan Initiation
During the first stage, the groundwork will be laid for the plan. Stakeholders will be engaged
and organized. The process will be prepared and initiated.

Cultivate partnerships with institutions of higher education, state and neighboring local
    governments, as well as private sector industry and community based organizations
Engage steering committee established during Phase I
Describe/define timeframe and jurisdictional area covered by plan
Assemble working groups around each focus areas, led by members of the steering committee
Teach strategic doing
Use Web 2.0 tools to create a collaborative space for working groups and a public forum
Agree on goals and principles

Map of jurisdictional area covered by plan
Schedule for plan process
Training materials for strategic doing workshop
Web 2.0 site with public side and work space for focus area groups
Presentation/report describing goals and principles

Stage 2. Baseline
During Stage 2, data will be gathered and analyzed to provide a picture of our community’s
current energy use and carbon footprint. And projections will be made to describe where
we will be in the future if we follow a “business as usual” scenario.

                                       Comprehensive Energy Efficiency & Conservation Plan - City of Shreveport, Louisiana 15

                                  Establish indicators and metrics linked to goals/principles
                                  Collect and analyze data
                                  Establish baseline
                                  Produce forecasts and projections

                                  GIS layers and analysis mapping for spatially relevant indicators
                                  Published presentation/report describing current indicator values, forecasts, and projections

                                  Stage 3. Target
                                  In Stage 3, we will determine where we want to be when we reach our target date and
                                  define our broader desired outcomes.

                                  Determine targets
                                  Seek consensus and approval for targets

                                  Published presentation/report identifying the targets
                                  Promotional materials, public service announcements
                                  Formally adopted resolution

                                  Stage 4. Opportunities/Options
                                  During Stage 4, We will address the following questions: What could we do to improve
                                  our energy efficiency and conservation? What plans are already underway? What are other
                                  places doing? How could we be innovative?

                                  Compile best practices
                                  Generate potential projects/initiatives
                                  Evaluate initiatives

                                  Published presentation/report identifying best practices for each focus area (case studies)
                                  Published presentation/report describing and analyzing initiatives

                 Establish             Explore                              Implementation
                 Baseline              Opportunities                        & Evaluation


          Plan           Set                                Preferred                                  Plan Review
    Initiation           Target                             Action Plan                                & Adoption

    Fig. 8: The CEECP Process

16 Framework Document for Phase II

Stage 5. Preferred Action Plan
During Stage 5, We will address the following questions: What should we do? What actions
are going to be most successful in achieving our goals? What actions are most leverageable,
sustainable, and feasible?

Evaluate initiatives based on metrics, sustainability, and feasibility
Select and prioritize preferred initiatives

Published presentation/report outlining the preferred initiatives

Stage 6. Implementation & Evaluation
During Stage 6, We will address the following questions: What will we do? How should we
prioritize actions? What preparations need to be made to accomplish these actions? Who will
do what, when, and for how much?

How will we evaluate our progress? During this stage an reporting system will be created to
evaluate and update the plan as needed. Who will gather data and prepare reports? Who will
receive those reports? How can the plan be adjusted over time to achieve results?

Develop a prioritized/phased implementation strategy for each initiative
Identify policies and/or administrative actions adopted or needed to support plan
Identify obstacles to implementation and describe strategies to remove obstacles
Establish commitments for implementation.
Establish mechanisms for ongoing evaluation, accountability, and adaptation (reporting

Published implementation guidebook: the guidebook will include information about the
    resources and partnerships required to achieve the plan’s goals; it will detail the prioritized
    steps to take; it will describe who will do what, when, and how much it will cost.

                                1.1                                            1.2                      Target

                                        Comprehensive Energy Efficiency & Conservation Plan - City of Shreveport, Louisiana 17

     Fig. 9: The EECS & CEECP Process

      EECS 1.0         1.1            1.2            1.3         t   3 Years
                                                                     Short Term

                             CEECP version 1.0             1.1                1.2                1.3                        T
                                                                                                                         Long Term


                                                                                      Progress on Initiatives
                                                                                     provide benchmarks for
                                                                                    achieving the Target Goal
                                  Milestones gage
                                  our progress on
                                   each Initiative


    Fig. 10: Evaluating Our Progress

18 Framework Document for Phase II

Stage 7. Plan Review & Adoption
The process used during Phase I for completing and implementing the EECS is a small scale
demonstration of the process proposed for Phase II the Comprehensive Energy Efficiency and
Conservation Plan. Both are intended to go through a cycle of reviews to allow for amendment
and improvement over time. (Fig. 9)

During this stage, the initial version of the plan would be adopted, subject to change over time
as needed. Ultimately, progress evaluated on each initiative will be monitored and adjusted to
allow us to achieve or surpass our target goal. (Fig. 10)

Review preliminary and final drafts of the CEECP

Preliminary and final draft of the Comprehensive Energy Efficiency & Conservation Plan

                                      Comprehensive Energy Efficiency & Conservation Plan - City of Shreveport, Louisiana 19

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Ceecp Framework Draft 10 30 2009

  • 1. Energy Efficiency & Conservation Strategy City of Shreveport, Louisiana Version 1.2 October 30, 2009 Gulf Geoexchange and Consulting Services, Inc. in collaboration with Morgan Hill Sutton & Mitchell Architects, LLC Purdue University Consortium for Education Research & Technology Chronicle of Numbers
  • 2.
  • 3. Framework Document for Phase II Comprehensive Energy Efficiency & Conservation Plan City of Shreveport, Louisiana Prepared by Morgan Hill Sutton & Mitchell Architects, LLC and Purdue University
  • 4. DRAFT Fig. 1: Balanced Sustainability Environmental Quality Economic Prosperity Unbalanced Indicators Balanced Quadruple Bottom Line Social Equity Cultural Vitality 4 Framework Document for Phase II
  • 5. DRAFT 1.0 Purpose We propose that the City of Shreveport conduct a Comprehensive Energy Efficiency and Conservation Plan (CEECP) to guide long term decision making and investment. To position the City of Shreveport as a front runner in achieving the objectives outlined in the Energy Efficiency Community Block Grant (EECBG), we must go beyond the satisfaction of minimum requirements to pursue innovation. Reaching higher will allow the City to maximize long term benefits and develop a competitive advantage when applying for future funding. The CEECP will build upon the initial investments identified during Phase I, chart the course for future investments, and develop a long term strategy for Shreveport to become more energy efficient. 1.1 Goals and Objectives Following the work of the Phase I Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy (EECS), the primary goals for the CEECP will be to provide a clear direction for achieving: • job creation • energy savings • reduction of greenhouse gases • provident use of local resources • renewable energy production • maximized leveraging of funds In addition to fulfilling these initial goals as outlined by the Department of Energy and the City of Shreveport for the Phase I EECS, the CEECP will be a: • means for the City to pursue future funding from state and federal sources • framework for regional collaboration among municipal and parish governments • process for cultivating local capacity, leadership, advocacy, and innovation 1.2 Achieving Balanced Sustainability As our community strives to improve its energy efficiency, it is important to evaluate our opportunities not only from an environmental and economic point of view, but also from a social and cultural perspective. We have the ability to make decisions that can save money, generate income, improve our environmental quality, conserve our local resources, support and enhance our local cultural and heritage resources, and have positive impacts for all citizens in the greater Shreveport region. Ultimately, the CEECP will aim to maximize benefits according to a multiple bottom line: • environmental quality • economic prosperity • social equity1 • cultural vitality2 These multiple bottom lines should provide guidance for indicators/metrics that will be used to determine preferred initiatives and evaluate progress during the implementation of these initiatives. A sustainable plan will successfully balance the indicators on this quadruple bottom line, offering a package of solutions that serves all aspects of our community. (Fig. 1) Comprehensive Energy Efficiency & Conservation Plan - City of Shreveport, Louisiana 5
  • 6. DRAFT Fig. 2: Strategic Planning vs. Strategic Doing Public Private Sector Sector Community Based Organizations Collaborative Initiatives Academic Institutions Funding Agencies Fig. 3: Creating Partnerships to Link & Leverage Our Assets 6 Framework Document for Phase II
  • 7. DRAFT 1.3 Building Local Capacity Through Strategic Doing The CEECP will explore, uncover, develop, and support local assets that can help the City of Shreveport become more energy efficient. The plan will cultivate open networks to link and leverage these local assets through a process called ‘strategic doing.’ This new, innovative approach represents a shift from the slow process of traditional strategic planning to fast cycles of strategic doing. “Henry Mintzburg, author of The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning and the insightful article “Crafting Strategy” says, “The future is an never arrives.” It is always “out yonder.” Planning, according to Mintzburg, can only accomplish two objectives: it gives us an image of the future, and; allows us to make decisions about actions we take now that will impact that future when it arrives. Thinking (planning) and acting (doing) are inseparable. Formal planning -- especially that type typically labeled “strategic” (a word widely used yet seldom defined) -- can put too much distance between these two. So where can creativity, ambiguity, tension, and decisiveness come together in a healthy environment that regards the integrity of the individual and the value of the organization equally? This is accomplished only through dialogue.” 3 Strategic doing is a civic discipline to guide open innovation. It is a methodology for productive dialogue. It builds on existing assets, energy, and excitement, and empowers community members and organizations to take decisive action, becoming fully engaged in the work needed within the community. As we engage in conversations with one another our actions and strategies begin to align and we accomplish meaningful work. Without a strategy, we have individuals acting independently, often resulting in counterproductive results and fads. With strategic planning, a course of action is recommended, but often fails to result in unified actions. The process is often controlled by a handful of people, and if the process is weak, the commitment to implementation withers quickly. With strategic doing plans and action occur together allowing for frequent feedback, learning, and aligning throughout the process. (Fig. 2) Strategic doing uses an open network model. Open networks offer unique advantages and will provide the structure for progress and innovation in our modern economy. Networked processes are more fluid, adaptable, and flexible. They combine open participation and leadership direction. And, we find that as our network of partners grows, our opportunities multiply and we generate new assets and unforeseen innovation. In order for strategic doing to work, we must create trusted civic spaces, develop new leadership characteristics, and promote civility. All partners decide to exhibit characteristics and behaviors that enable productive dialogue: genuine curiosity, appreciative inquiry, transparency, joint accountability, transformative thinking, commitment to engage, participation to contribute, active listening and learning, collaboration, and mutual respect. (Fig. 3) Trusted relationships help us survive and thrive. They create the resiliency we need to find the opportunities and handle the shocks ahead. Trust emerges when we behave in ways that build trust and mutual respect. Relationships are key. As we work together in a trusted space, we accomplish more. We attract new partners and assets. We all grow together, exponentially. (Fig. 4) Comprehensive Energy Efficiency & Conservation Plan - City of Shreveport, Louisiana 7
  • 8. DRAFT Prosperity Opportunity Zone Productivity Information & Leadership Innovation Information & Leadership Collaboration Fig. 4: Increasing Our Opportunities & Prosperity as we Build Trust & Collaboration Explore/Mine Learn/Adjust Focus/Align Commit/Act Fig. 5: The Strategic Doing Cycle 8 Framework Document for Phase II
  • 9. DRAFT As the number of trusted relationships increases, the value of the network goes up. More opportunities arise with stronger networks. Leaders in this process guide positive conversations, delegate leadership to those doing the work, and grow others’ capacity to lead. Leadership is a shared responsibility distributed within the group. Competitive communities are those that learn how to break down the silos and link/leverage their assets quickly. Strategic doing will enable us to accomplish these goals and meet the complex challenges and deep transformation that needs to occur within our community. Collaboration leads to innovation. Innovation improves our productivity and our prosperity. (Fig. 4) Strategic Doing answers four major questions (Fig. 5): What could we do? What are our assets and how can we link/leverage to create new opportunities? Develop ideas and uncover opportunities. What should we do? What outcomes do we want most to achieve? How can we get there? Choose what to do. What will we do? What commitments are required to accomplish our outcomes? Embark on specific initiatives. Launch specific initiatives by aligning resources with “link and leverage” strategies. How will we learn? When and how will we come back together to assess our progress and revise our strategy? Execute and measure results for each initiative. Adjust as needed. This cycle of conversations is frequent, ongoing, and supports transparent accountability. Groups come together every 30-60 days. The goal is to articulate a clear direction and then to define initiatives that align with this direction. Leadership keeps people focused and the process open. Thick and trusted networks evolve that are strategic. They help us learn faster, make decisions faster, and act faster. Notes: 1 Rose, Kalima and Julie Silas. 2001. Achieving Equity through Borrup, Tom. 2006. The Creative Community Builder’s Smart Growth: Perspectives from Philanthropy. PolicyLink Handbook: How to Transform Communities Using Local and The Funders’ Network for Smart Growth and Livable Assets, Art, and Culture. St. Paul, Minnesota: Fieldstone Communities. Alliance. 2002. Promoting Regional Equity. PolicyLink and The Funders’ 3 McCann, John M. 2009. Leadership As Creativity: Finding Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities. the Opportunity Hidden Within Decision Making and Dialogue. Resources, Lessons Learned. National Endowment 2 Jackson, Maria Rosario, Florence Kabwasa-Green, and Joaquin for the Arts. Herranz. 2006. Cultural Vitality in Communities: Interpretation MCCANN2.HTML and Indicators. Washington, DC: The Urban Institute. Comprehensive Energy Efficiency & Conservation Plan - City of Shreveport, Louisiana 9
  • 11. DRAFT 2.0 Plan Focus Areas The CEECP will be structured around seven major focus areas that cover all of the eligible activities outlined for the EECBG. While each of these focus areas are strongly interrelated, these serve as major categories for our work during the planning process. 2.1 Building Energy Efficiency Eligible activities within the Building Energy Efficiency focus area include energy audits for commercial, residential, industrial, governmental, and non-profit buildings, financial incentive programs, building codes/inspections, and energy efficiency retrofits. 2.2 Clean & Renewable Energy Sources Eligible activities within the Clean & Renewable Energy Sources focus area include on-site renewable energy generation, energy distribution technology, and the reduction/capture of methane and other greenhouse gases. 2.3 Reduction of Waste & Pollution Eligible activities within the Clean & Renewable Energy Sources focus area include recycling programs, activities that result in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, and watershed management. 2.4 Transportation & Land Use Alternatives The Transportation & Land Use Alternatives focus area covers activities related to energy conservation in transportation. 2.5 Green Workforce/Business Incentives The Green Workforce/Business Incentives focus area explores economic development opportunities related to any projects above 2.6 Energy Education/Outreach The Energy Education/Outreach focus area explores methods for transforming the way our community thinks about energy efficiency and conservation, sharing information and promoting any of the projects above 2.6 Other This focus area is for any innovations that do not fit in the other six categories. The Department of Energy has included ‘other’ as an eligible activity and encourages the innovation of energy efficiency and conservation strategies not included in the listed eligible activities. Comprehensive Energy Efficiency & Conservation Plan - City of Shreveport, Louisiana 11
  • 12. DRAFT 3.0 Participants Working Groups Citizens of Shreveport Building Energy E ciency Clean & Renewable Energy Sources Core Group Reduction of Waste & Pollution Government Steering Committee Transportation & Land Use Alternatives Project Team Green Workforce/Business Incentives Energy Education/Outreach Fig. 6: Participants 3.1 Public The CEECP should be shaped around the vision of the Citizens of Shreveport. The plan should build upon the values identified by the Shreveport Caddo Master Plan, neighborhood and local advocacy groups, and other public forums. All citizens in Shreveport will be called upon to do their part to improve our energy independence. Roles: Seek information, education, and training Voice opinions, providing guidance for all other participants Conserve within their own sphere Live providently within our means 3.2 Government Elected officials and department heads provide leadership, initiating and helping to shape the process to ensure the completion and implementation of the CEECP. Roles: Define the timeframe and jurisdictional area of the plan Direct the project team Adopt the plan Allocate and spend the funds, implementing the plan Evaluate progress Report on evaluations Amend the plan over time as needed 12 Framework Document for Phase II
  • 13. DRAFT 3.3 Steering Committee The steering committee formed in Phase I of the EECS will be invited to extend their involvement as stewards over the plan process and serve as leaders of the working groups. As jurisdictional boundaries are determined and partnerships are formed, others may be invited to join the steering committee or working groups. (See Appendix for complete list of Steering Committee members.) Roles: Oversee the plan process Direct the project team Provide leadership and advocacy in working groups Recommend the plan and its initiatives to government leaders for adoption/implementation 3.4 Project Team The project team, led by Gulf Geoexchange, is currently comprised of Morgan Hill Sutton & Mitchell Architects, CERT, Purdue University, and Chronicle of Numbers. Roles: Inventory potential working group members/stakeholders Teach ‘strategic doing’ and provide technical assistance to the working groups Provide a web 2.0 workspace for working groups that also provides a public interface Provide expertise and analysis of best practices and case studies within the six focus areas Convene and facilitate forums every 30-60 days --meetings that gather all working groups to link & leverage, share resources, look for opportunities for collaboration/innovation, growing local capacity and expertise around energy efficiency and conservation practices Formalize the ideas generated by the working groups into a plan document Set metrics for baseline, produce target projections and provide evaluation for initiatives Structure GIS database and procedures for monitoring trends Provide a format and procedures for regular evaluation and reporting 3.5 Working Groups We recommend organizing a series of working groups around each focus area concentrated on EECBG eligible activities, as outlined by the scope of work. Each working group will engage an open network of public and private sector stakeholders. (See Appendix for list of potential/proposed Working Group members.) Roles: Determine goals and principles Set targets Publicize and promote the plan Generate potential initiatives Select preferred initiatives Develop prioritized/phased implementation strategy Identify obstacles to implementation and describe strategies to remove obstacles Review the plan Advise the project team Comprehensive Energy Efficiency & Conservation Plan - City of Shreveport, Louisiana 13
  • 14. DRAFT Fig. 7: The Pattern & Structure of Strategic Doing Initiatives Working Groups Core Group The Core Group divides into Working Groups Work Meet Meet Meet Meet Work Working Groups divide into Initiatives 14 Framework Document for Phase II
  • 15. DRAFT 4.0 Plan Process The process for developing the CEECP will involve seven stages: 1. Plan Initiation 2. Baseline 3. Target 4. Opportunities/Options 5. Preferred Action Plan 6. Implementation & Evaluation 7. Plan Review & Adoption ‘Strategic doing’ will guide the work during each stage of the plan’s development. Participants will organize themselves in working groups to accomplish a set of specific initiatives. And they will use cycles of strategic doing to cross pollinate ideas, link, and leverage assets among the various working groups. This cycle of conversations is frequent, ongoing, and supports transparent accountability. Participants leave each conversation with commitments, break off to accomplish tasks, and reconvene to report and then determine the next set of tasks. Progress on individual initiatives is regularly reported to their respective working group, and working Groups come together every 30-60 days. (Fig. 7) Stage 1. Plan Initiation During the first stage, the groundwork will be laid for the plan. Stakeholders will be engaged and organized. The process will be prepared and initiated. Activities Cultivate partnerships with institutions of higher education, state and neighboring local governments, as well as private sector industry and community based organizations Engage steering committee established during Phase I Describe/define timeframe and jurisdictional area covered by plan Assemble working groups around each focus areas, led by members of the steering committee Teach strategic doing Use Web 2.0 tools to create a collaborative space for working groups and a public forum Agree on goals and principles Deliverables Map of jurisdictional area covered by plan Schedule for plan process Training materials for strategic doing workshop Web 2.0 site with public side and work space for focus area groups Presentation/report describing goals and principles Stage 2. Baseline During Stage 2, data will be gathered and analyzed to provide a picture of our community’s current energy use and carbon footprint. And projections will be made to describe where we will be in the future if we follow a “business as usual” scenario. Comprehensive Energy Efficiency & Conservation Plan - City of Shreveport, Louisiana 15
  • 16. DRAFT Activities Establish indicators and metrics linked to goals/principles Collect and analyze data Establish baseline Produce forecasts and projections Deliverables GIS layers and analysis mapping for spatially relevant indicators Published presentation/report describing current indicator values, forecasts, and projections Stage 3. Target In Stage 3, we will determine where we want to be when we reach our target date and define our broader desired outcomes. Activities Determine targets Seek consensus and approval for targets Deliverables Published presentation/report identifying the targets Promotional materials, public service announcements Formally adopted resolution Stage 4. Opportunities/Options During Stage 4, We will address the following questions: What could we do to improve our energy efficiency and conservation? What plans are already underway? What are other places doing? How could we be innovative? Activities Compile best practices Generate potential projects/initiatives Evaluate initiatives Deliverables Published presentation/report identifying best practices for each focus area (case studies) Published presentation/report describing and analyzing initiatives Establish Explore Implementation Baseline Opportunities & Evaluation 1.0 Plan Set Preferred Plan Review Initiation Target Action Plan & Adoption Fig. 8: The CEECP Process 16 Framework Document for Phase II
  • 17. DRAFT Stage 5. Preferred Action Plan During Stage 5, We will address the following questions: What should we do? What actions are going to be most successful in achieving our goals? What actions are most leverageable, sustainable, and feasible? Activities Evaluate initiatives based on metrics, sustainability, and feasibility Select and prioritize preferred initiatives Deliverables Published presentation/report outlining the preferred initiatives Stage 6. Implementation & Evaluation During Stage 6, We will address the following questions: What will we do? How should we prioritize actions? What preparations need to be made to accomplish these actions? Who will do what, when, and for how much? How will we evaluate our progress? During this stage an reporting system will be created to evaluate and update the plan as needed. Who will gather data and prepare reports? Who will receive those reports? How can the plan be adjusted over time to achieve results? Activities Develop a prioritized/phased implementation strategy for each initiative Identify policies and/or administrative actions adopted or needed to support plan implementation Identify obstacles to implementation and describe strategies to remove obstacles Establish commitments for implementation. Establish mechanisms for ongoing evaluation, accountability, and adaptation (reporting system) Deliverables Published implementation guidebook: the guidebook will include information about the resources and partnerships required to achieve the plan’s goals; it will detail the prioritized steps to take; it will describe who will do what, when, and how much it will cost. 1.1 1.2 Target Comprehensive Energy Efficiency & Conservation Plan - City of Shreveport, Louisiana 17
  • 18. DRAFT Fig. 9: The EECS & CEECP Process EECS 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 t 3 Years Short Term CEECP version 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 T Long Term Target Progress on Initiatives provide benchmarks for achieving the Target Goal Milestones gage our progress on each Initiative Baseline Fig. 10: Evaluating Our Progress 18 Framework Document for Phase II
  • 19. DRAFT Stage 7. Plan Review & Adoption The process used during Phase I for completing and implementing the EECS is a small scale demonstration of the process proposed for Phase II the Comprehensive Energy Efficiency and Conservation Plan. Both are intended to go through a cycle of reviews to allow for amendment and improvement over time. (Fig. 9) During this stage, the initial version of the plan would be adopted, subject to change over time as needed. Ultimately, progress evaluated on each initiative will be monitored and adjusted to allow us to achieve or surpass our target goal. (Fig. 10) Activities Review preliminary and final drafts of the CEECP Deliverables Preliminary and final draft of the Comprehensive Energy Efficiency & Conservation Plan Comprehensive Energy Efficiency & Conservation Plan - City of Shreveport, Louisiana 19