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N° 01 JULY 2011
      The challenges of the digital revolution
    • L’Oreal’s choices by Marc Menesguen • Transform to the Power of Digital: Digital
Transformation as a Driver of Corporate Performance by Capgemini Consulting • No sector
  is immune by Andrew McAfee, MIT • The boom of Chinese e-commerce by Brian Xin,
     StarryMedia • A transformed society is emerging by philosopher Bernard Stiegler

eDitorial                              vision                                          guest   writer

Digital and Transformation:            No sector is immune from digital                Digital as Bearer of Another
Are they now indivisible?              transformation                                  Society
By Capgemini Consulting’s              Interview with Andrew McAfee,                   By Bernard Stiegler, philosopher,
Editorial Board                        principal research scientist at the             President of Ars Industrialis,
                              page 4   Center for Digital Business, MIT                Director of the Pompidou Center
                                       Sloan School of Management                      Institute for Research and
                                                                     page 30           Innovation
                                                                                                                     page 43

Beauty and digital: A magical
match                                                                                  Capgemini Consulting’s
Interview with Marc Menesguen,                                                         Editorial Board:
Managing Director of Strategic         telesCope                                       Pierre-Yves Cros, CEO
Marketing for L’Oréal                                                                  Tom Blacksell, UK Regional Head
                                       Chinese entrepreneurs take full                 Didier Bonnet, Global Head of
                            page 6                                                     Practices
                                       advantage of the e-commerce
                                                                                       Patrick Ferraris, Global Leader,
                                       boom                                            Technology Transformation
                                       Interview with Brian Xin, founder               Xavier Hochet, France Regional Head
                                       of StarryMedia, a Chinese start-up              Ton de Jong, Netherlands Regional Head
                                       for social marketing and digital                Eric Roudil, North South Europe
Close-up                               research                                        Regional Head
                                                                   page 36             Michael Schulte, Germany Regional
Transform to the Power of Digital:                                                     Ken Toombs, USA Regional Head
Digital Transformation as a Driver
of Corporate Performance                                                               Coordination Editor:
                                                                                       Claire Thiebaut
By Didier Bonnet, Global Head of
Practices, Capgemini Consulting                                                        Design and Production:
and Patrick Ferraris, Global Leader,                                                   Les Ateliers Corporate
Technology Transformation,             Key    figures
Capgemini Consulting
                             page 14                              pages 35 and 42      Cover illustration:
                                                                                       Fernando Togni

                                             Digital transformation review n°01 - 03

                     Digital and Transformation:
                      Are they now indivisible?
                     By Capgemini Consulting’s Editorial Board

W        elcome to the first issue of Capgemini
         Consulting’s Digital Transformation
Review. The rise of new digital technologies
                                                            the opportunities offered by these new tech-
                                                            nologies and their related applications. While
                                                            transformation is not just digital, transforma-
is one of the most exhilarating challenges fa-              tion cannot do without digital.
cing companies today. No sector or organiza-
tion is immune from the digital phenomenon,                 Second, digital is shaping the competitive
which dictates its own pace and presence in                 battleground in all sectors. The data shows a
the management agenda. The question is no                   growing performance gap between the best di-
longer when companies need to make digital                  gital learners and the others. The more a sec-
a strategic priority – this tipping point is past           tor relies on technology, the greater the gap
– but how to embrace it and turn it to compe-               between the most effective companies and the
titive advantage.                                           rest. And yet, the digital phenomenon doesn’t
                                                            stop at the borders of «traditional» sectors. Di-
Given this urgency, should we now view the                  gital technology allows a more targeted busi-
rise of digital as the alpha and omega of trans-            ness approach, more scientific decision-ma-
formation strategies, the focal point for every             king and a new type of customer relationship.
aspect of corporate change? Our hypothesis is               Companies in every business sector need to
that transformation strategy is its own master,             master digital tools.
but we have reached a stage where transfor-
mation cannot be done in isolation from digi-               We do think it is important to stress that this
tal. There are two reasons for this.                        emphasis on a technology-driven digital re-
                                                            volution in no way diminishes the importance
First, digital has a fundamental impact on how              of human initiative and responsibility. Indeed,
change takes place. Moving forward, every                   the truth is quite the opposite. It is more im-
strategy that is devised must take account of               portant than ever to acquire the right skills

                                      Digital transformation review n°01 - 04

and place them strategically to support trans-            Media, a Chinese start-up connecting marke-
formation programs.                                       ting and social media, offers particular insight
                                                          into the speed of change in China today.
In this publication we are determined to em-
brace just this sort of complexity and coun-              Finally, philosopher Bernard Stiegler provides
ter-intuition, through a viewpoint that cros-             the necessary distance for understanding the
ses geographical boundaries and domain                    social impact of the digital revolution, which
boundaries, with contributions from faculty               he compares in the scale of human history to
experts, practitioners, start-up pioneers and             the invention of writing.

Marc Menesguen, Managing Director of Stra-                We hope you enjoy the thoughts and strong
tegic Marketing for L’Oréal, explains how the             convictions of all our authors.
digital revolution has impacted the organiza-
tion and strategy of this global beauty pro-
ducts leader.

Prof. Andrew McAfee of MIT paints a picture
of how these digital technologies are disrup-
ting work processes and corporate strategy.
Along the way he describes profound changes
in American consumer habits and their im-
pact on traditional marketing approaches.

The article by Brian Xin, founder of Starry-

                                    Digital transformation review n°01 - 05

Beauty and digital: A magical match

                                                                    an impact on how our consu-
Marc Menesguen, Managing Director of                                mers relate to information and
Strategic Marketing for L’Oréal, explains                           advertising, and thus to our
                                                                    brands. According to a study by
how the digital revolution has impacted                             the Forrester group, 7% of sales
                                                                    around the world today take
the organization and strategy of the                                place online, and almost 40%
global beauty products leader.                                      of off-line sales are influenced
                                                                    by internet research. So almost
                                                                    half of purchases in the world
                                                                    are already somehow digitally

                       H   as the rise of the digital
                           phenomenon changed
                       your customers’ habits?

                                                                    This trend in any given country
                                                                    depends on its digital maturity.
                       Digital transformation is one                In the United States, where the
                       of the major drivers of change               phenomenon first developed,
                       in today’s world. I believe we               the internet plays a very signi-
                       are witnessing the start of a true           ficant role today in purchasing
                       revolution, given how the major              decisions and in how we sup-
                       players are powering forward –               port our consumers. This is a
                       Google, Apple, Microsoft, Face-              little less the case in Europe,
                       book... – and the speed at which             although things are advancing
                       digital tools are proliferating.             more quickly. And in the newer
                       There are expected to be 20                  markets digital technology has
                       billion connected devices (tele-             a considerable impact. In China,
                       phones, tablets, game consoles,              internet penetration is already
                       etc.) by 2015.                               almost 30%. These changes are
                                                                    of fundamental importance to
                       This revolution naturally has                L’Oréal.

                          Digital transformation review n°01 - 06

How does the company view          you see emerging with digital                The final opportunity involves
this revolution?                   transformation?                              innovation. Research & Innova-
                                                                                tion is at the heart of the L’Oréal
Digital    transformation    re-   First of all, digital transforma-            model, and digital transforma-
presents     an    extraordinary   tion is a chance to strengthen               tion helps our researchers’ work.
opportunity to strengthen our      our brands’ images by impro-                 For example, in the United Sta-
current business model and be-     ving the efficiency of our com-              tes we have a social network
come even better at being the      munication and advertising.                  of 250 women who test our
world’s number-one beauty                                                       cosmetic or facial care products,
group. In fact, beauty and di-                                                  and give their feedback online.
gital are something of a magi-       “ The digital world                        We examine their reactions
cal match, because beauty is an                                                 and take them into account
                                     multiplies the ways
emotion and the digital world                                                   when designing new products.
                                     our brands can create
multiplies the ways our brands                                                  We have truly reached the stage
can create an emotional-filled
                                     an emotional-filled                        of co-innovation!
relationship with their custo-       relationship with
mers.                                their customers. ”                         How is L’Oréal reacting
                                                                                to take advantage of these
Also, using our products isn’t                                                  opportunities?
always self-evident, and digi-     Second, the internet is an ama-
tal tools allow us to help our     zing tool for supporting custo-              Our Chairman and CEO, Jean-
consumers understand and use       mers throughout a product’s cy-              Paul Agon, named 2010 the
them better, and to offer them     cle of use, and for strengthening            «Digital Year» for L’Oréal. Suc-
personalized, one-to-one ser-      brand loyalty. The third advan-              ceeding in the digital revolution
vice so we can increase the        tage is one of sales. The inter-             is a major strategic challenge
quality and perceived value of     net makes it possible for brands             for the company at the global
using our products.                to project themselves right into             level, along with winning one
                                   people’s homes, and generate                 billion new consumers over the
Could you tell us more spe-        purchases and repeat purchases               coming decade. The year 2010
cifically what opportunities       through online sales.                        was therefore one of intense

                                      Digital transformation review n°01 - 07

Beauty and digital: A magical match

effort, particularly for a crisis
exit phase, with strategic po-
licies impacting our 23 brands
and all our countries.

This mobilization was expressed
in a number of ways. First, we
made sure we had the necessary
expertise in-house. We formed a
team of 300 people specialized
in digital technologies, with
the goal of providing digital
expertise at every strategic point
in the company, and we have
a global digital manager to pilot
this cross-functional network
who reports to me directly.
I would point out here that
digital transformation doesn’t
only concern marketing; rather,
we have digital managers in          Marc Menesguen
                                     Managing Director
research, manufacturing, com-        of Strategic Marketing
munication and in the sales          for L’Oréal


We also launched a program
to train 15,000 individuals in
digital fluency in two years,
including the company’s mana-

                                      Digital transformation review n°01 - 08

Have you defined measurable         developing m-commerce, sales                 strategy. Whereas in the mass
objectives for your digital         via mobile phones. And within                media model, typically centered
strategy?                           Europe, the United Kingdom is                on television, everyone received
                                    coming off the starting block                the same message, with digital
We plan to double investment        first.                                       media we can design much
in digital media in 2011, from                                                   more targeted marketing.
5% to almost 10%. L’Oréal is the    Marketing is key to L’Oréal’s
third largest advertiser in the     business model. Has the tra-
world, so you can imagine the       ditional marketing mix been
scope of this goal. More gene-      transformed by the emergence                   “ The real goal
rally, I would note that we work    of digital tools?                              is to raise our
using a test & learn approach:
                                                                                   digital IQ as a
The real goal is to raise our di-   Of course. The difference
                                                                                   way to structurally
gital IQ as a way to structurally   between the traditional model
reinforce our business model.       and the new one that is emer-
                                                                                   reinforce our
                                    ging, is a difference between                  business model. ”
We have chosen specific units       positioning and movement.
within the group to play a pio-     Today it’s not enough to think
neering role. Their job is to       about brand positioning. Digital
prepare the ground and assem-       transformation allows brands                 I think this trend will become
ble the skills needed, and then     to interact directly with their              even more marked in the future
transmit them to the other units.   customers. This communica-                   with the rise of mobile devices,
In e-business, for example, the     tion requires an agility from                which will become an increasin-
luxury products divisions in        the brands as well as an ability             gly important interface between
the United States and Korea         to remain in motion and adapt                brands and consumers. With
are leading the charge, so they     continuously. It’s a challenge,              geolocation, for example, we
have gained a head start with       but also an extraordinary op-                can target messages more pre-
6% and 12% of their sales on-       portunity. In the new marketing              cisely and adjust to customers
line, respectively. Japan, on the   that is developing, the consu-               whether they are out shopping
other hand, is responsible for      mer is even more central to our              or at home.

                                       Digital transformation review n°01 - 09

Beauty and digital: A magical match

Does digital transformation          priorities and guidelines. They              greater proximity and interacti-
increase the complexity of           deploy integrated marketing                  vity, but in the end customers
managing your brands?                campaigns to ensure that the                 want the same thing: They want
                                     brand receives the same expres-
L’Oréal is historically a compa-     sion no matter what the point
ny of innovation and conquest,       of contact.                                    “ We plan to
so our teams are excited by this                                                    double investment
new challenge. That said, like       As for monitoring economic effi-
                                                                                    in digital media
any major change, digital trans-     ciency, it has been strengthened
                                                                                    in 2011, from 5%
formation brings with it ques-       with the creation of the Stra-
tions and risks, two of which        tegic Marketing division that I
                                                                                    to almost 10%. ”
come to mind.                        run. This organization is meant
                                     to support the markets in iden-
The first is the risk of a frag-     tifying best practices, and those            to be surprised, seduced, drawn
mented image and loss of brand       that are less effective. We work             in by a great story. Digital
equity, in the sense that multiple   on aligning key performance                  transformation lets ad writers
points of contact with a brand       indicators for digital campaigns             tell even more fabulous stories
can lead to divergences between      worldwide, which allows us to                to reinforce our brands.
the global and the local. There is   measure the effectiveness of our
also a risk of insufficient return   digital initiatives and organize             Do social networks accentuate
on investment, of our economic       reporting of experiences and                 the risks of a negative
resources being spread thin.         sharing of best practices.                   reputation?

We are prepared to respond to        Has the way you advertise                    The internet has held risks for re-
these risks with a matrix struc-     changed?                                     putations even before the emer-
ture for our 23 global brands                                                     gence of social networks. This
and the large regions that pilot     Whether on- or off-line, let’s               risk is real, whether we like it or
business in the different coun-      not forget that the main success             not, and we are very attentive
tries. Each brand develops its       factor for a campaign is its crea-           to it. We are part of the conver-
own digital strategy with clear      tivity. Digital channels allow               sation, interacting ourselves

                                        Digital transformation review n°01 - 10

on the internet around every-       This is a significant aid in choo-           gering 72% of them came from
thing that is said. This has been   sing and buying cosmetics.                   emerging markets, which shows
part of our company strategy                                                     how digital transformation lar-
for several years already.          In Human Resources, last year                gely coincides with the geo-
                                    we developed “Reveal”, a re-                 graphic shift that is underway.
How is your digital strategy        cruiting website that takes                  We recruited 120 people in
expressed in other functions?       the form of a business game                  20 countries with this game.
In Research & Innovation, our                                                    I could give you similar details
strategy has always been based                                                   for Manufacturing, Corporate
on proximity to our consu-                                                       Communications, and all the
mers around the world, with           “ The difference                           group’s functions. The digital
more than 3,400 researchers           between the                                revolution truly impacts every
working at 18 research centers        traditional model                          area of the company.
in 12 countries. Digital techno-      and the new one
logy allows us to achieve even        that is emerging,                          Is the impact of the same
greater proximity, practically                                                   scope for every division?
                                      is a difference
entering consumers’ homes and,
                                      between positioning
thanks to imaging technology,                                                    The impact is strong everywhe-
we can get «inside their skin.»
                                      and movement. ”                            re, but is expressed differently
                                                                                 depending on the business.
Sales functions, for their part,                                                 Each division and each brand
need to integrate e-distribution    The applicant enters L’Oréal                 develops its own digital stra-
techniques. For example, we         as a virtual       trainee, takes            tegy based on its specific cha-
are testing on-line promotions.     part in the activities he or she             racteristics.
We’re also taking part in a very    is interested in – product inno-
interesting experiment launched     vation, marketing, production –              The Luxury division sees digital
by Carrefour Planet, an interac-    and receives a grade. Last year              tools as an opportunity to create
tive makeup counter where wo-       61,000 people participated from              an image with incredible global
men can apply virtual makeup.       160 different countries. A stag-             consistency, but also as a way

                                       Digital transformation review n°01 - 11

Beauty and digital: A magical match

to improve personalized service    example, Redken, in the Uni-                 in this area, the Luxury Pro-
and a path to increasing busi-     ted States, designed a strategy              ducts division, generates 6% of
ness through e-business tools.     for animating its network on                 its sales in the United States on-
To date, this division has made    Facebook, with highly targeted               line. Where direct contact with
the greatest strides in imple-     distribution of samples and ex-              our customers through e-com-
menting online sales.              cellent return on investment.                merce offers the greatest value,
                                                                                is in terms of marketing, and
For the Consumer Products di-      In the Active Cosmetics division,            assessing the effectiveness of
vision, the primary challenge is   Vichy has developed a comple-                our strategies. This higher awa-
to optimize advertising impact.    tely novel website for online skin           reness also benefits our off-line
                                   diagnosis (,             business, and thus our distribu-
                                   only made possible by the in-                tor partners. The brands with
  “ Digital transfor-              ternet.                                      the best online performance are
                                                                                also those that sell best in sto-
  mation lets ad
                                   Finally, the Body Shop, which                res, such as Kiehl’s.
  writers tell even
                                   is both a global brand and a
  more fabulous                    network of stores, has expanded              What are the main successes
  stories to reinforce             its online service and sales pos-            of your digital strategy?
  our brands. ”                    sibilities with the internet.
                                                                                Lancôme had a number of di-
                                   Does this direct channel                     gital successes in 2010, both in
Digital tools help generate more   between the brand and consu-                 support of product launches and
relevant, targeted messages with   mers bring your relationships                through a very impactful colla-
more content.                      with your distributors into                  boration with Michelle Phan, a
                                   question?                                    video blogger in the United Sta-
In the Professional Products                                                    tes. She is a huge fan of Lan-
division, we have an extraor-      No, not really. For one thing,               côme, and became the brand’s
dinary chance to enhance our       e-commerce is still a fairly mar-            online beauty advisor. Every
relationships with our global      ginal phenomenon. Our division               month she posts a video with
network of hair stylists. For      that has advanced the farthest               advice that is seen by more than

                                      Digital transformation review n°01 - 12

a million viewers. They are so       Apple has listed us among their              It’s a challenge for all of us. We
successful that five of the ten      best apps!                                   can legitimately characterize
top make-up videos on YouTube                                                     this as a cultural revolution.
are hers!                            What lessons do you draw                     But the pioneering spirit is a va-
                                     from your failures?                          lue that has been shared by all
Lancôme has a similar ap-                                                         L’Oréal employees for decades.
proach in China, with a social       We haven’t experienced any                   Don’t forget that Lancôme was
network called Rose Beauty.          real failures, as every expe-                the first luxury cosmetic brand
With 500,000 fans and more           rience contributes to our digital            to launch a website, in 1999!
than two million posts per year,     learning. However, we have no-               One year later, we were again
the website is an excellent lever    ticed some dispersion and frag-              the first luxury brand to launch
for Lancôme, which I remind          mentation effects in past years,             an e-commerce website in the
you is the top luxury brand in       with local initiatives that may              United States! Today, digital
China.                               have been very interesting, but              transformation is an exciting
                                     were not entirely in sync with               challenge that involves all of
In the Consumer Products divi-       the brand values. This led us                our 66,000 employees around
sion we launched Instant Beau-       to strengthen the brands’ stra-              the world.
ty, a mobile phone application       tegic priorities and develop in-
that lets customers scan a pro-      tegrated campaigns. The main
duct’s bar code in the store and     lesson from these experiences
get complete information about       is the need for consistency of
the product and how to use it.       off-line and online strategies:
For Maybelline, we are also cur-     Our strength lies in a compre-
rently testing iAD, a new gene-      hensive vision, and mistakes
ration of advertising for iPhone.    mainly come from a lack of
In particular, it allows very pre-   consistency.
cise targeting, and raises vi-
sibility in the Apple universe,      What are the reactions to this
which aligns with the brand’s        transformation within the
“hip” character. Especially since    company?

                                        Digital transformation review n°01 - 13

Transform to the Power of Digital:
Digital Transformation as a Driver
of Corporate Performance
By Didier Bonnet, Global Head of Practices, Capgemini Consulting and
Patrick Ferraris, Global Leader, Technology Transformation, Capgemini

Digital tools and technologies have invaded the business
environment, triggering significant changes in the way we
work, communicate, and sell. Industries and governments alike
are undergoing a digital transformation either crisis-induced,
as part of a core strategy, or as part of a more controlled
business transition. Under all circumstances, leaders need
to be well prepared to anticipate the current and future impact
of this enduring trend and steer their corporations accordingly
at the right speed.

T   he journey toward digi-
    tal transformation entails
harnessing its benefits - such
                                      journey depending on its starting
                                      point and the digital maturity of
                                      its industry and products or ser-
                                                                                   An Enduring TrEnd AffEc-
                                                                                   Ting EvEry indusTry… buT
                                                                                   AT A diffErEnT PAcE
as productivity improvement,          vices. It is imperative for busi-
cost reduction, and innovation        nesses to remember that digital              Over the past decades, digital
- while navigating through the        transformation is not just about             technologies have progressively
complexity and ambiguity brou-        technology. Instead, like any                been embraced by organizations
ght about by the changes in the       other business transformation, a             driven by advancement in tech-
digital economy.                      roadmap across people, proces-               nology, changing consumer be-
We believe that every organiza-       ses, and technology will enable              havior, increasing globalization
tion is likely to tread a different   organizations to successfully                of the workforce, and a desire
path in its digital transformation    navigate this transformation.                to be more productive and inno-

                                         Digital transformation review n°01 - 14

vative (see Figure 1). This digi-                                                      Although the use of digital to-                                           for the Internet it was less than
tal wave has not only fuelled a                                                        ols in the enterprise is not a new                                        7 years, and for tablets it can be
number of fundamental changes                                                          phenomenon, what has changed                                              expected to be around 4 years2.
in the way organizations pro-                                                          in recent years is the accelera-                                          This breakneck pace of techno-
duce, sell, and serve, but also                                                        tion of both the capabilities of                                          logical change has triggered new
changed the way employees                                                              these tools as well as the pace                                           consumer behaviors and usage
work, communicate, and colla-                                                          of adoption by customers, em-                                             patterns which are having a pro-
borate. It has therefore created                                                       ployees, and organizations alike.                                         found impact on organizations.
a leadership and transformation                                                        For instance, while mobile te-                                            Simply stated, digital transfor-
challenge for most industry par-                                                       lephony took around 13 years                                              mation is the increasing adoption
ticipants.                                                                             to reach critical mass-market1,                                           of digital tools and technologies

Figure 1: Digital Transformation of Enterprises

                                                VoIP                           Smartphone                               UCC              Telepresence

                                                    IP-PBX             E-mail                 IM              Cellphone               Video

                                                                                             LAN                              Voice
                                                                            V             based Mail
                          Multi Channel                                                                                       Conferencing              Optical         Enterprise
    Customer Interface

                                                                                                                                                        Knowledge       Social
                                                                                       Snail Mail             PBX                                       Base            Network
                                                                                                                    In-Person Team
                                                                       Store                                        Meetings               Magnetic
                                                                                           Fixed Line Phone                                Knowledge
                                          Online                                                                 Physical                  Base
                                                         Tele                                    Fax             Knowledge Base                         Netmeeting
                                          Channel        Channel                                                                                                        Livemeeting
                                                                             Door to                                    White-boarding
                                                                             Door                                       Sessions                                                                        Key:
                                                                       Roadshows                          Typewriters
                          Networking                                                                                                                                                                           1950 -1970
                                                                                                                           Files             PC                                                                Digital Early
                                                                                                 Cheque                                                   Laptop                                               Days
                                                                       Credit                                 Predominantly                                             Cloud
                                                        Tele           Card                                   Manual
                                                                                          Cash                                                                          computing                              70’s & 80’s
                                                        -banking                                              Manufacturing                Tape                                                                Digital
                                                         Branchless                                                                        Drives                                                              Progression

                                                         Banking                                                                                            CD
                                                                                         Electronic Funds      Semi Automatic
                                                                      ATM                Transfer              Manufacturing
                                                                                                                                                                                                               The 90’s
                                                                                                                                                                       Smart                                   Digital
                                                       E-Commerce                                                Computer Aided Manufacturing                          Manufacturing                           Acceleration

                                                                                                                                                        Storage as a                                           2000 - Present
                                                                                                                                Tablet                                                                         Digital
                                              m-Commerce                                                                                                service
                                                    Commerce / Financial
                         Source: Capgemini Consulting Analysis
                                                                                                                        Years necessary for an invention to be used by a quarter of the US population.
                                                                                   Capgemini Analysis; The European environment Agency, State and outlook 2010: “Accelerating technological change:
                                                                                              racing into the unknown”, Nov 2010; Forrester Research eReader Forecast, 2010 To 2015 (US), July 2010.

                                                                                             Digital transformation review n°01 - 15

Transform to the Power of Digital:
Digital Transformation as a Driver of Corporate Performance

by an organization to funda-                  Faced with this transformation                               HArnEssing              THE     bEnEfiTs          of
mentally alter both its internal              challenge and the need to stay                               digiTizATion
and external processes and func-              relevant in one’s industry, lea-
tions. All industry segments and              ders have to embrace the impli-                              Digital transformation should
governments have been touched                 cations of this enduring trend                               not be an end in itself. Like all
by this new digital reality, which            on their organizations in order                              other forms of business trans-
has significantly altered mana-               to steer their strategy and drive                            formation it should be guided
gement practices in areas from                better operational performance.                              by clear managerial goals and
hospitals to hypermarkets and                 Unfortunately, recent history is                             realizable business benefits.
financial services to the future              replete with examples of orga-                               Once a clear roadmap has been
of public services. As a result,              nizations which have not been                                defined, digital transformation
it has become a high priority                 able to keep pace with this new                              can help organizations address
on the leadership agenda, with                digital reality. The recent ban-                             their most significant priorities
nearly 90%3 of business leaders               kruptcy of movie rental com-                                 and achieve both internal and
in the US and UK expecting an                 pany, Blockbuster, owing largely                             external benefits, in areas such
increasing strategic contribution             to its inability to rapidly hone a                           as innovation, customer expe-
of IT and digital technologies                new business model5, is one such                             rience, efficiency, or producti-
on their overall business in the              example.                                                     vity (see Figure 2).
coming decade. With the Inter-                Every industry is going through
net, Hi-Tech, and Media sectors               a digital transformation, some                               It’s About Productivity
only accounting for approxima-                crisis-induced, some as part of                              Improving productivity is a key
tely 10% of US GDP, we believe                their core strategy, and some as                             driver for sustainable growth. In
that the real transformation will             part of a more controlled transi-                            recent years, productivity growth
be seen in the remaining 90% of               tion process. Under all circums-                             in developed economies has been
‘traditional’ industries’4, where             tances, leaders have to steer their                          steadily falling and is signifi-
customer and employee behavior                corporations at the right speed,                             cantly lower when compared to
is fast evolving. We can expect a             taking into account the current                              emerging markets. For instance,
largely similar trend in other de-            and future competitive situation                             during the periods 1995-2005
veloped countries as well.                    in their respective industry.                                and 2005-2008, Total Factor

                                   Gartner: “Gartner CEO and Senior Business Executive Survey, 2010: Anticipating the Post-Recession Landscape”, March 2010.
                                Interview with Andrew McAfee, Author of Enterprise 2.0: New Collaborative Tools for Your Organization’s Toughest Challenges.
                                                                               Blockbuster failed to effectively adapt its storefront model to online technology.

                                                   Digital transformation review n°01 - 16

Productivity6 in the US and EU-                              thereby exerting additional pres-                              improve productivity by auto-
15 nations grew at the lowest                                sure on productivity. In order to                              mating tasks, enabling better
rates when compared to deve-                                 stay competitive, companies in                                 decision-making, and freeing
loping markets in India, China,                              developed nations need to find                                 employees up to create value in
CEE, and Africa7. On top of this,                            new sources of productivity if                                 other areas. In the United States,
we can add socio-economic                                    they want to remain relevant on                                IT was responsible for two-thirds
trends such as the shrinking and                             the global stage.                                              of total factor growth in produc-
aging workforce. In Germany,                                 There is clear evidence that im-                               tivity between 1995 and 2002
Italy, and France, the working                               plementation of digital techno-                                and virtually all of the growth
age population8 is expected to                               logies has been a key driver of                                in labor productivity10. Similarly,
fall by 15%, 8%, and 6% respec-                              corporate productivity. Digiti-                                EU firms that adopt e-business
tively between 2010 and 20309,                               zation has helped organizations                                practices (such as online sales

Figure 2: Key Benefits of Digital Transformation

                                                                                             Drive organizational
                                                            Reduce selling, delivery,        and employee
                                                            and service costs                productivity by
                                                            Accelerate time to               leveraging digital tools
    External                                                market
  Opportunities                                                                                                                   Create new digital
                        Multichannel and integrated
                        customer experiences                                                                                      products such as
                        across mobile, social and                  Cost and Time Productivity                                     consumer devices,
                        online platforms                              Saving     Improvement                                      eBooks, and smart
                                                     New                                                           New
                                                   Customer                                                     Products /
                                                  Experience                                                     Services
            Use tracking or                                                     Operational
            analytical tools to                                                                                                                   Extend service
            analyze customer                                                                                                                      offerings to
            behavior patterns          Customer                                                                                New                technology enabled
            and generate                Insights               Customer                               Product               Platforms             platforms such as
            insights                                                                                                                              online and mobile

     Source: Capgemini Consulting Analysis

            Total Factor Productivity Growth measures the Growth of GDP over the combined contributions of total hours, workforce skills, machinery and structures and IT capital.
                                                The Conference Board Total Economy Database, Summary Statistics 1995-2011, Jan 2011. 8 Working-age population = 15-64.
                                                                              Stanford Center on Longevity: “ Population age shifts will reshape global work force”, April 2010.
                                                      ITIF: “Digital Prosperity: Understanding the Economic Benefits of the Information Technology Revolution”, March 2007.

                                                                   Digital transformation review n°01 - 17

Transform to the Power of Digital:
Digital Transformation as a Driver of Corporate Performance

and purchasing) are twice as li-                            mer acquisition cost on online                             novation and the main driving
kely to report enhanced produc-                             channels is 50% less than that                             force behind product and ser-
tivity and expanded employment                              on offline channels13. Similarly,                          vice innovation across sectors.
when compared with firms that                               when compared to call-center                               An EU-commissioned survey
do not use Internet technologies                            technical support, approximate                             has found that product and
to innovate11.                                              cost per contact is nearly 92%                             service innovation in most of
However, research12 points out                              cheaper for a virtual agent and                            the largest industries in Europe
that while investment in digital                            99.2% for web self-service14.                              is either directly related to, or
capital has a strong correlation                            The cost benefits of digitization                          enabled by, ICT16. Leading the
with high productivity, techno-                             span a whole range of indus-                               pack are the energy supply and
logy alone is not the most im-                              tries and functions. The use of                            telecommunications services
portant driver of productivity.                             RFID tags in the supply chain                              sectors where 89% and 86%17
Instead, it is a combination of a                           environment can help reduce                                of companies attribute product
digitally savvy corporate culture,                          inventory handling and logis-                              and service innovations to ICT.
a distinct set of organizational                            tics costs. Remote health care
practices, and digital tools that                           enables monitoring of a pa-
results in significantly higher
                                                            tient’s symptoms in real-time at
                                                            relatively low cost. Smart me-
                                                                                                                                    “ In the US,
                                                                                                                                 in 2010, adoption
                                                            ters can save utilities millions                                of e-business practices
It’s About Saving Costs and                                 of dollars by enabling them                                     helped save companies
Time-To-Market                                              to read meters remotely and                                       $528 billion through
Digitization not only helps or-                             controlling demand. In the US,
ganizations reduce operatio-
nal, communication, travel,
                                                            in 2010, adoption of e-business
                                                            practices helped save companies
                                                                                                                                efficiency gains
marketing, selling, and pro-                                $528 billion through efficiency                            Digital tools also provide an
duct development costs, but                                 gains15.                                                   excellent platform to engage
also significantly accelerates                                                                                         stakeholders in co-innovation,
problem resolution and time-                                It’s About Driving Innovation                              brand creation, and problem
to-market. For instance, custo-                             Digitization is an enabler of in-                          resolution. Philips successfully
                                                              Information Technology and Innovation Foundation: “The Internet Economy 25 Years After .com”, March 2010.
                                                         MIT Sloan, Center for eBusiness : “The digital organization: seven practices of highly productive firms”, May 2003.
    Forrester Research: “2009 Cost Of eBusiness Operations And Customer Acquisition”, May 2009. 14 Forrester: “It’s Time To Give Virtual Agents Another Look”, March 2010.
               Information Technology and Innovation Foundation: “The Internet Economy 25 Years After .com”, March 2010. 16 Information and Communication Technology.
                                                                              European Commission: “ICT and e-Business for an Innovative and Sustainable Economy”, 2010.

                                                               Digital transformation review n°01 - 18

created a private online com-             customers over multiple touch-                               improve retention, up-sell, and
munity, Sensorium, in 2007 to             points, providing a seamless                                 cross-sell, and anticipate the
co-create better products with            and integrated multi-channel                                 success of new product launches.
customers and deliver on-de-              experience. Defining and for-                                National Instruments, a leader in
mand insights to multiple pro-            mulating a multi-channel stra-                               virtual instrumentation, has suc-
duct teams. In the last three             tegy also enables companies to                               cessfully adopted a web-analy-
years, the community has hel-             maintain a 360 degree view of                                tics solution for lead generation
ped Philips in identifying post-          the customer and balance sales,                              and customer engagement. By
purchase concerns, creating ef-           customer care, and retention                                 tracking on-site visitor behavior,
fective product positioning, and          across channels. Moreover, by                                NI has achieved a 3% increase in
understanding technical speci-            aligning organizational struc-                               the number of visits that reach
fications for a new product18.            tures and incentives, organiza-                              the point-of-sale21.
                                          tions can drive maximum value                                As outlined above, the business
It’s About Transforming                   across all channels. In the UK,                              imperatives and benefits of di-
the Customer Experience                   76% of marketers have expe-                                  gital transformation are com-
Digital channels and platforms            rienced improved brand expo-                                 pelling and have to be addressed
are helping organizations ex-             sure, 68% better customer servi-                             at all levels in the organization.
tend their reach to a wider and           ce, and 62% increased revenue,                               However, the path toward digital
more engaged ecosystem of cus-            by adopting a multi-channel                                  transformation is not without its
tomers and partners. The high             strategy19.                                                  challenges.
adoption rate of mobile devices           Today, more than 70%20 of all
and Web 2.0 tools - such as so-           digital information is consu-                                A TrAnsformATion wiTH
cial media, collaboration appli-          mer-generated and comes from                                 iTs own cHAllEngEs
cations, smart phones and tablet          outside the organization. Aided
computers - is changing the way           by sophisticated analytical to-                              In order to identify the key bar-
people share information, learn,          ols, companies can leverage this                             riers in the successful imple-
communicate, and interact. For            ocean of information to extract                              mentation of digital transforma-
each transaction, organizations           better customer insights, maxi-                              tion programs, we conducted a
can interact and engage with              mize customer lifetime value,                                series of interviews with a num-
                                   Forrester Research: “Case Study: Philips Achieves Consumer Proximity Using Private Online Communities”, January 2011.
                                                                                                DBG Report: “Multichannel Marketing Today”, September 2010.
                                                                       2010 Digital Universe Study: “A Digital Universe Decade – Are You Ready?”, April 2010.
                                                          Forrester Research: “Case Study: National Instruments Replatforms Web Analytics”, November 2010.

                                                Digital transformation review n°01 - 19

Transform to the Power of Digital:
Digital Transformation as a Driver of Corporate Performance

ber of global corporations from                                 ocean of data. Between 2009                                pour an overwhelming amount
across different industries. Our                                and 2020, the amount of digi-                              of data into the digital ocean.
analysis suggests that organiza-                                tal information created and re-                            The more information organi-
tions across the globe are facing                               plicated in the world is expec-                            zations receive, the harder it
a common set of challenges as                                   ted to grow 44 times to reach                              gets to decipher what is credible
they tackle these new digital                                   an unprecedented 35 trillion                               and useful. Moreover, it beco-
realities. These challenges can                                 gigabytes22. In fact, according                            mes even more difficult to per-
be broadly classified into four                                 to estimates, more digital infor-                          form tasks and take decisions.
categories (see Figure 3).                                      mation was produced in 2009                                Employees are unable to cope
                                                                alone than all information since                           with the rising volume of infor-
Manning the Information                                         the beginning of time23. As inte-                          mation and this adversely im-
Floodgates                                                      ractions become more frequent                              pacts on their morale and pro-
The digital explosion has floo-                                 and information-rich, custo-                               ductivity. A majority (62%24 on
ded organizations with an                                       mers, partners, and employees                              average) of workers across the
                                                                                                                           globe believe that the quality of
                                                                                                                           their work is hampered because
Figure 3: Key Challenges in the Path to Digital Transformation
                                                                                                                           they cannot process and make
                                                                                                                           sense of all the information at
  Information flooding from
    multiple sources
                                                                                     The all-powerful customer            their disposal fast enough.
                                                                                     Managing changing customer
  Analyzing information for
    actionable intelligence
                                                                                       sensitivities                       Though organizations realize
                                                                                     Developing the right social
  Managing and securing large
    volumes of data
                                                                                       media, Web 2.0, and mobile
                                                                                                                           the importance of analytics,
                                                               Change in
                                                                                                                           many of them do not have the
                                                                Behavior                                                   skills - particularly advanced
                                                          Key                                                              predictive analytical capabili-
  Avoiding organizational and                                                       Crafting a clear digital
                                                                                                                           ties - to undertake it. Lack of
    technical silos                            Silo Based     Organization/            roadmap at the top
  Adopting a holistic approach
                                               Approach       Culture Gap              management level                    senior executive support, a silo
                                                                                     Workforce transformation
                                                                                     Change Management
                                                                                                                           approach, an inexperienced
                                                                                                                           workforce, and insufficient in-
                                                                                                                           vestment are some of the big-
Source: Capgemini Consulting Analysis                                                                                      gest roadblocks.
                       2010 Digital Universe Study: “A Digital Universe Decade – Are You Ready?”, April 2010. 23 MIT Sloan Management Review, 2011 MIT Sloan CIO Symposium.
                      LexisNexis Press Release:” New Survey Reveals Extent, Impact of Information Overload on Workers; From Boston to Beijing, Professionals Feel Overwhelmed,
                                                                                                                                                   Demoralized”, October 2010.

                                                                     Digital transformation review n°01 - 20

Keeping Pace with Customer          pany had to scrap the launch.                              of clarity around customer and
Expectation                         In certain industries, such as                             social-media ownership, ina-
The increasing proliferation of     music, changes in consumer be-                             bility to tailor business models
digital platforms has funda-        havior have completely disrup-                             catering to changing consumer
mentally altered the way cus-       ted traditional models and ren-                            behavior, and failure to take an
tomers interact with brands,        dered many players obsolete.                               “outside-in view” of their busi-
research and buy products, and                                                                 ness.
influence the decision making
of other customers. Customers
are increasingly becoming wary
                                             “ More digital
                                            information was
                                                                                               Adapting the Organization
                                                                                               and Culture
and distrusting of traditional         produced in 2009 alone                                  Alligning the existing corporate
marketing vehicles and ins-              than all information                                  culture with new digital realities
tead are turning to online so-            since the beginning                                  is one of the main inhibitors in
cial networks, blogs, wikis, and                                                               the digital transition of compa-
community forums to formu-
late their brand perceptions and
                                               of time
                                                                  ”                            nies. One of the clearest indica-
                                                                                               tors is that a clear governance
make purchase decisions. To-        Despite being faced with this                              process for the transformation is
day, consumers trust consumers      very visible customer expecta-                             often lacking. In our interviews
more than they trust brands.        tion challenge, many companies                             with CXOs, it has become clear
While 50%25 of consumers do         have been slow in developing                               that one of the major issues is
not believe in the advertising      the right skills and capabilities                          the lack of accountability in di-
promises of brands, 73%26 trust     to manage this new customer                                gital transformation programs.
the recommendations of friends      sophistication. For instance,                              Further, enterprises’ traditional
and family.                         56% of Fortune 50 companies                                decision-making systems are
Companies can no longer afford      still do not have social-media                             too vertical and too intrinsical-
to ignore the voice and preferen-   icons on their home pages while                            ly slow to keep pace with rapid
ces of the customer. Customer       60% hide their twitter streams27.                          technology-driven transforma-
backlash against GAP’s recently     This failure of organizations to                           tion. Consequently, corporations
launched new logo was so in-        rapidly adapt themselves can be                            have started to experiment with
tense on the web that the com-      attributed to factors such as lack                         various organizational formats
                                                                             “The future of advertising agencies: learnings from Forrester”, Feb 2010.
                                                               Forrester Research: “Three Ways To Find, Create, And Energize Advocates”, Sep 2010.
                                                                        Adage: “Most Fortune 50 Brands Still Hiding Their Social Media”, April 2011.

                                       Digital transformation review n°01 - 21

Transform to the Power of Digital:
Digital Transformation as a Driver of Corporate Performance

- such as cross-functional tas-     program, there can be inherent                            have responded to the impact
kforces and identifying digital     reluctance and resistance to                              of digitization through multi-
leaders at board-level - in order   change from within, especially                            ple, separate and uncoordinated
to adapt their culture to digital   from middle management. Di-                               initiatives, even when the im-
challenges.                         gitization results in the demo-                           pact is felt by the same brands,
Far too many enterprises are        cratization and free-flow of                              customers or employees. Func-
investing in digital tools and      information. Managers perceive                            tional silos frustrate interaction
technologies without trying to      this as a threat to leadership be-                        and create information silos,
drive changes in the operating      cause they have less control of                           making it harder to connect the
model, working practices, and       information flows. For instance,                          right people in the right ways to
culture. Companies often focus      the US Department of Defence                              create and maximize value.
too much on the technical and       (DoD) had to face a lot of inter-
customer-facing aspects of di-      nal resistance during the formu-

                                                                                                   “ It is the obstacle to
gital transformation, forgetting    lation of its social media policy
                                                                                                        is not technology
that true value can only be le-     as the traditional military hie-
veraged if we align people and      rarchy and the network security
processes. As Raffi Amit, Pro-      group were used to doing things                                digital transformation,
fessor at Wharton, pointed out:
“It is not technology that is the
                                    the old way28. It is important for
                                    corporations to have confidence
                                                                                                        it is people
obstacle to digital transforma-     in their employees by involving
tion, it is people”. An aging HR    them closely in this journey and                          Similarly, a completely techno-
infrastructure, non-alignment       giving them ownership of pro-                             logy-centric approach often fails
between business and HR lea-        cesses.                                                   to challenge the fundamentals
ders on the most critical busi-                                                               of a company’s business model.
ness drivers, and ineffective       Overcoming Silos                                          This is because this approach
rollout of change management        Our discussions with organiza-                            aims to automate existing pro-
programs to train employees on      tions have surfaced a common                              cesses rather than attempting
new digital ways of working are     pitfall - adopting a silo-based                           a step-change in performance.
some of the key barriers.           approach, be it technical or or-                          In addition, technology-led
As with any transformation          ganizational. Many enterprises                            transformations often alienate
                                                  ReadWriteWeb: “U.S. Department of Defense Goes Social...Yes, Really!”, March 2010; Scout Comms:
                                                                  “The Department of Defense gained a social media beachhead in 2010”, Feb 2011.

                                       Digital transformation review n°01 - 22

IT from the business functions,     traditional business models. Or-                      Strategic Leadership
resulting in significant resis-     ganizations need to tread a ca-                       and Boundary Definition
tance to change. Digital trans-     reful path toward digital trans-                      Digital transformation is about
formation is first and foremost     formation, crafting a winning                         leadership. It has become the
an enterprise-wide business         strategy and a clear roadmap                          ultimate challenge in change
transformation and technology       across people, processes, and                         management because it affects
should be seen as a second-or-      technology (see Figure 4).                            not only industry structures and
der priority.                                                                             strategic positioning, but also all
To overcome the silo mentality,
                                    Figure 4: Navigating Digital Transformation: A Framework
corporate leaders should take a
holistic approach, cutting across                                Digital Strategy & tranSformation
all aspects of their value chain      • Value chain positioning                      • Value proposition / Business models
and management functions. As          • Digital transformation strategy              • Innovation
well as the many challenges
                                                                             Digital cuStomer
outlined here, this is as much                people 2.0                        experience                    analyticS
about a fundamental change in
                                      • Integrated talent                   • Digital Marketing            • Customer
                                        management                          • Multi-channel                  analytics
                                      • Connected                             management                   • Advanced
nAvigATing your own                     workforce/                          • Customer Experience            segmentation
                                        collaboration                         Optimization                 • Performance
digiTAl TrAnsformATion                • Change                                                               management
                                        management/                         Digital operationS
                                                                                                           • External partner
                                        training                                                             metrics
Orchestrating your Digital                                                  • Target operating
                                                                              model                        • Benchmarking
                                                                            • Process digitization         • Workforce
Digitization can extend the                                                 • Digital business               analytics
reach of organizations, impro-                                                platforms
ve management decisions, and                                  technology Strategy & tranSformation
speed the development of new
                                      • Technology roadmap                  • Technology                 • Technology
products and services. At the           to digital                            governance and               innovation
same time, overly rapid adop-         • Information                           organization
                                        management strategy
tion of technologies can disrupt
                                    Source: Capgemini Consulting Analysis

                                         Digital transformation review n°01 -23

Transform to the Power of Digital:
Digital Transformation as a Driver of Corporate Performance

levels of an organization (every      achieve. Similarly, the Human                methods can quickly be put into
task, activity, process) as well as   Resources department must also               “proof-of-concept” pilots and,
the extended supply chain. Lea-       be involved, given the impor-                when successful, rolled out to
ders must constantly challenge        tance of the people dimension                the entire organization.
their organizations to ensure         in digital transformation. Digital
that this technology-enabled          transformation requires a mix                An Outside-In View of
change can unlock productivity        of skills which are often scat-              Customers – Re-inventing
gains and significant competiti-      tered across the enterprise and              Marketing
ve advantage. At the same time,       its external partners. To succeed
they should understand where          in this quest, leadership should

                                                                                       “ Many enterprises
and how the fundamentals of           not hesitate to redefine the tra-
their current operations could        ditional boundaries between its
                                                                                       have responded to
be unsettled by agile new en-         different entities, making them
                                                                                     the impact of digitization
trants or new business models.        permeable and porous. We see,
A significant issue facing the        for example, the marketing or                 through multiple, separate,
top-management is that most           commercial departments acqui-                     and uncoordinated
companies have traditional de-
cision-making systems that are
                                      ring technical skills to address
                                      rapid technological changes.
not well adapted for the digital      Conversely, IT organizations are
world: they are too vertical, too     strengthening their marketing                Marketing is undergoing the
slow to deal with the cross-func-     and sales expertise in order to              most fundamental change in
tional, technological and rapid       better serve their companies.                its history. The increasing em-
nature of this transformation.        Strategy formulation needs to                powerment and sophistication
For instance, when focusing on        gradually move away from the                 of consumers - together with
customer issues, you need the         linear, annual process it once               the proliferation of new chan-
active participation of the Mar-      was. Once strategic directions               nels, digital technologies, and
keting, Sales and IT organiza-        are understood, senior executi-              tools - is forcing marketers to
tions. However, historically, ali-    ves need to steer their organi-              rethink the way they operate
gnment between these different        zations into virtual laboratories            and the way they engage cus-
functions has been difficult to       where new applications and                   tomers. The result is an oppor-

                                         Digital transformation review n°01 - 24

tunity to dramatically improve              think «outside-in» about their                             damental lever of transforma-
the efficiency and effectiveness            customers and markets. Instead                             tion. Leaders should focus on
of investments in marketing,                of thinking about finding cus-                             a clear people vision and try to
advertising, and channel mana-              tomers for their products and                              bring about inherent changes in
gement.                                     solutions, marketers need to                               the way people work and colla-
Traditional marketing focuses               think about finding products                               borate. There are a number of
on increasing reach and fre-                and solutions for their custo-                             key challenges along the way:
quency by pushing information               mers. They need to understand                              professionalizing and web-ena-
and offers through a variety of             what activities customers per-                             bling end-to-end people pro-
loosely aligned channels. Howe-             form as they evaluate, buy, and                            cesses throughout the organiza-
ver, the future of marketing in a           use their products and services.                           tion, fostering collaboration and
digital world is to develop and             They need to think deeply about                            information exchanges between
sustain unique, personalized re-            when and where they hand-off                               communities of knowledge
lationships with customers by               products, services, and infor-                             workers to maximize producti-
collaborating and partnering                mation to their customers. They                            vity and speed-to-market, and
with them through their own                 need to ask which activities they                          adapting traditional organiza-
trusted networks. For instance,             can perform better than custo-                             tion models to the new demands
in 2010, Coca Cola cut adver-               mers. Conversely, they need to                             of the digital world.
tizing spending on television               ask what activities customers                              Digitally powered tools and
by 6.6 % globally, and instead              can perform better than the en-                            processes must be developed to
invested more on social media               terprise.                                                  encompass the entire employee
campaigns via platforms such                                                                           lifecycle. They should comple-
as Facebook, Twitter, and You-              People at the Heart of                                     tely transform the way people
Tube29. The social media stra-              Transformation                                             join, learn, perform, earn, grow
tegy of the company is aimed at             As in all forms of transforma-                             and leave the company. Leading
long-term sustainable engage-               tion, people need to be mobi-                              global organizations are also
ment, developing advocacy, and              lized and engaged. Too often                               embracing Enterprise 2.030 to-
encouraging brand loyalty.                  we see the technical nature of                             ols to foster a connected work-
The new digital customer expe-              digitization resulting in compa-                           force where new forms of col-
rience requires that companies              nies underestimating this fun-                             laboration generate significant
                                                       Socialmediatoday: “Coca-Cola Cuts Ad Spend by 6.6% and Invests More in Social Media”, March 2011.
                                         Harvard Business School Professor Andrew McAfee coined the term «Enterprise 2.0» in 2006 to describe how Web 2.0
                                                                                        technologies could be used on organizations intranet and extranets.

                                                 Digital transformation review n°01 -25
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Capgemini Consulting - Digital Transformation
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Capgemini Consulting - Digital Transformation

  • 1. N° 01 JULY 2011 The challenges of the digital revolution • L’Oreal’s choices by Marc Menesguen • Transform to the Power of Digital: Digital Transformation as a Driver of Corporate Performance by Capgemini Consulting • No sector is immune by Andrew McAfee, MIT • The boom of Chinese e-commerce by Brian Xin, StarryMedia • A transformed society is emerging by philosopher Bernard Stiegler
  • 2. summary eDitorial vision guest writer Digital and Transformation: No sector is immune from digital Digital as Bearer of Another Are they now indivisible? transformation Society By Capgemini Consulting’s Interview with Andrew McAfee, By Bernard Stiegler, philosopher, Editorial Board principal research scientist at the President of Ars Industrialis, page 4 Center for Digital Business, MIT Director of the Pompidou Center Sloan School of Management Institute for Research and page 30 Innovation page 43 strategy Beauty and digital: A magical match Capgemini Consulting’s Interview with Marc Menesguen, Editorial Board: Managing Director of Strategic telesCope Pierre-Yves Cros, CEO Marketing for L’Oréal Tom Blacksell, UK Regional Head Chinese entrepreneurs take full Didier Bonnet, Global Head of page 6 Practices advantage of the e-commerce Patrick Ferraris, Global Leader, boom Technology Transformation Interview with Brian Xin, founder Xavier Hochet, France Regional Head of StarryMedia, a Chinese start-up Ton de Jong, Netherlands Regional Head for social marketing and digital Eric Roudil, North South Europe Close-up research Regional Head page 36 Michael Schulte, Germany Regional Head Transform to the Power of Digital: Ken Toombs, USA Regional Head Digital Transformation as a Driver of Corporate Performance Coordination Editor: Claire Thiebaut By Didier Bonnet, Global Head of Practices, Capgemini Consulting Design and Production: and Patrick Ferraris, Global Leader, Les Ateliers Corporate Technology Transformation, Key figures Printing:Solutioncom Capgemini Consulting page 14 pages 35 and 42 Cover illustration: Fernando Togni Digital transformation review n°01 - 03
  • 3. eDitorial Digital and Transformation: Are they now indivisible? By Capgemini Consulting’s Editorial Board W elcome to the first issue of Capgemini Consulting’s Digital Transformation Review. The rise of new digital technologies the opportunities offered by these new tech- nologies and their related applications. While transformation is not just digital, transforma- is one of the most exhilarating challenges fa- tion cannot do without digital. cing companies today. No sector or organiza- tion is immune from the digital phenomenon, Second, digital is shaping the competitive which dictates its own pace and presence in battleground in all sectors. The data shows a the management agenda. The question is no growing performance gap between the best di- longer when companies need to make digital gital learners and the others. The more a sec- a strategic priority – this tipping point is past tor relies on technology, the greater the gap – but how to embrace it and turn it to compe- between the most effective companies and the titive advantage. rest. And yet, the digital phenomenon doesn’t stop at the borders of «traditional» sectors. Di- Given this urgency, should we now view the gital technology allows a more targeted busi- rise of digital as the alpha and omega of trans- ness approach, more scientific decision-ma- formation strategies, the focal point for every king and a new type of customer relationship. aspect of corporate change? Our hypothesis is Companies in every business sector need to that transformation strategy is its own master, master digital tools. but we have reached a stage where transfor- mation cannot be done in isolation from digi- We do think it is important to stress that this tal. There are two reasons for this. emphasis on a technology-driven digital re- volution in no way diminishes the importance First, digital has a fundamental impact on how of human initiative and responsibility. Indeed, change takes place. Moving forward, every the truth is quite the opposite. It is more im- strategy that is devised must take account of portant than ever to acquire the right skills Digital transformation review n°01 - 04
  • 4. eDitorial and place them strategically to support trans- Media, a Chinese start-up connecting marke- formation programs. ting and social media, offers particular insight into the speed of change in China today. In this publication we are determined to em- brace just this sort of complexity and coun- Finally, philosopher Bernard Stiegler provides ter-intuition, through a viewpoint that cros- the necessary distance for understanding the ses geographical boundaries and domain social impact of the digital revolution, which boundaries, with contributions from faculty he compares in the scale of human history to experts, practitioners, start-up pioneers and the invention of writing. philosophers: Marc Menesguen, Managing Director of Stra- We hope you enjoy the thoughts and strong tegic Marketing for L’Oréal, explains how the convictions of all our authors. digital revolution has impacted the organiza- tion and strategy of this global beauty pro- ducts leader. Prof. Andrew McAfee of MIT paints a picture of how these digital technologies are disrup- ting work processes and corporate strategy. Along the way he describes profound changes in American consumer habits and their im- pact on traditional marketing approaches. The article by Brian Xin, founder of Starry- Digital transformation review n°01 - 05
  • 5. strategy Beauty and digital: A magical match an impact on how our consu- Marc Menesguen, Managing Director of mers relate to information and Strategic Marketing for L’Oréal, explains advertising, and thus to our brands. According to a study by how the digital revolution has impacted the Forrester group, 7% of sales around the world today take the organization and strategy of the place online, and almost 40% global beauty products leader. of off-line sales are influenced by internet research. So almost half of purchases in the world are already somehow digitally H as the rise of the digital phenomenon changed your customers’ habits? influenced. This trend in any given country depends on its digital maturity. Digital transformation is one In the United States, where the of the major drivers of change phenomenon first developed, in today’s world. I believe we the internet plays a very signi- are witnessing the start of a true ficant role today in purchasing revolution, given how the major decisions and in how we sup- players are powering forward – port our consumers. This is a Google, Apple, Microsoft, Face- little less the case in Europe, book... – and the speed at which although things are advancing digital tools are proliferating. more quickly. And in the newer There are expected to be 20 markets digital technology has billion connected devices (tele- a considerable impact. In China, phones, tablets, game consoles, internet penetration is already etc.) by 2015. almost 30%. These changes are of fundamental importance to This revolution naturally has L’Oréal. Digital transformation review n°01 - 06
  • 6. strategy How does the company view you see emerging with digital The final opportunity involves this revolution? transformation? innovation. Research & Innova- tion is at the heart of the L’Oréal Digital transformation re- First of all, digital transforma- model, and digital transforma- presents an extraordinary tion is a chance to strengthen tion helps our researchers’ work. opportunity to strengthen our our brands’ images by impro- For example, in the United Sta- current business model and be- ving the efficiency of our com- tes we have a social network come even better at being the munication and advertising. of 250 women who test our world’s number-one beauty cosmetic or facial care products, group. In fact, beauty and di- and give their feedback online. gital are something of a magi- “ The digital world We examine their reactions cal match, because beauty is an and take them into account multiplies the ways emotion and the digital world when designing new products. our brands can create multiplies the ways our brands We have truly reached the stage can create an emotional-filled an emotional-filled of co-innovation! relationship with their custo- relationship with mers. their customers. ” How is L’Oréal reacting to take advantage of these Also, using our products isn’t opportunities? always self-evident, and digi- Second, the internet is an ama- tal tools allow us to help our zing tool for supporting custo- Our Chairman and CEO, Jean- consumers understand and use mers throughout a product’s cy- Paul Agon, named 2010 the them better, and to offer them cle of use, and for strengthening «Digital Year» for L’Oréal. Suc- personalized, one-to-one ser- brand loyalty. The third advan- ceeding in the digital revolution vice so we can increase the tage is one of sales. The inter- is a major strategic challenge quality and perceived value of net makes it possible for brands for the company at the global using our products. to project themselves right into level, along with winning one people’s homes, and generate billion new consumers over the Could you tell us more spe- purchases and repeat purchases coming decade. The year 2010 cifically what opportunities through online sales. was therefore one of intense Digital transformation review n°01 - 07
  • 7. strategy Beauty and digital: A magical match effort, particularly for a crisis exit phase, with strategic po- licies impacting our 23 brands and all our countries. This mobilization was expressed in a number of ways. First, we made sure we had the necessary expertise in-house. We formed a team of 300 people specialized in digital technologies, with the goal of providing digital expertise at every strategic point in the company, and we have a global digital manager to pilot this cross-functional network who reports to me directly. I would point out here that digital transformation doesn’t only concern marketing; rather, we have digital managers in Marc Menesguen Managing Director research, manufacturing, com- of Strategic Marketing munication and in the sales for L’Oréal functions. We also launched a program to train 15,000 individuals in digital fluency in two years, including the company’s mana- gers. Digital transformation review n°01 - 08
  • 8. strategy Have you defined measurable developing m-commerce, sales strategy. Whereas in the mass objectives for your digital via mobile phones. And within media model, typically centered strategy? Europe, the United Kingdom is on television, everyone received coming off the starting block the same message, with digital We plan to double investment first. media we can design much in digital media in 2011, from more targeted marketing. 5% to almost 10%. L’Oréal is the Marketing is key to L’Oréal’s third largest advertiser in the business model. Has the tra- world, so you can imagine the ditional marketing mix been scope of this goal. More gene- transformed by the emergence “ The real goal rally, I would note that we work of digital tools? is to raise our using a test & learn approach: digital IQ as a The real goal is to raise our di- Of course. The difference way to structurally gital IQ as a way to structurally between the traditional model reinforce our business model. and the new one that is emer- reinforce our ging, is a difference between business model. ” We have chosen specific units positioning and movement. within the group to play a pio- Today it’s not enough to think neering role. Their job is to about brand positioning. Digital prepare the ground and assem- transformation allows brands I think this trend will become ble the skills needed, and then to interact directly with their even more marked in the future transmit them to the other units. customers. This communica- with the rise of mobile devices, In e-business, for example, the tion requires an agility from which will become an increasin- luxury products divisions in the brands as well as an ability gly important interface between the United States and Korea to remain in motion and adapt brands and consumers. With are leading the charge, so they continuously. It’s a challenge, geolocation, for example, we have gained a head start with but also an extraordinary op- can target messages more pre- 6% and 12% of their sales on- portunity. In the new marketing cisely and adjust to customers line, respectively. Japan, on the that is developing, the consu- whether they are out shopping other hand, is responsible for mer is even more central to our or at home. Digital transformation review n°01 - 09
  • 9. strategy Beauty and digital: A magical match Does digital transformation priorities and guidelines. They greater proximity and interacti- increase the complexity of deploy integrated marketing vity, but in the end customers managing your brands? campaigns to ensure that the want the same thing: They want brand receives the same expres- L’Oréal is historically a compa- sion no matter what the point ny of innovation and conquest, of contact. “ We plan to so our teams are excited by this double investment new challenge. That said, like As for monitoring economic effi- in digital media any major change, digital trans- ciency, it has been strengthened in 2011, from 5% formation brings with it ques- with the creation of the Stra- tions and risks, two of which tegic Marketing division that I to almost 10%. ” come to mind. run. This organization is meant to support the markets in iden- The first is the risk of a frag- tifying best practices, and those to be surprised, seduced, drawn mented image and loss of brand that are less effective. We work in by a great story. Digital equity, in the sense that multiple on aligning key performance transformation lets ad writers points of contact with a brand indicators for digital campaigns tell even more fabulous stories can lead to divergences between worldwide, which allows us to to reinforce our brands. the global and the local. There is measure the effectiveness of our also a risk of insufficient return digital initiatives and organize Do social networks accentuate on investment, of our economic reporting of experiences and the risks of a negative resources being spread thin. sharing of best practices. reputation? We are prepared to respond to Has the way you advertise The internet has held risks for re- these risks with a matrix struc- changed? putations even before the emer- ture for our 23 global brands gence of social networks. This and the large regions that pilot Whether on- or off-line, let’s risk is real, whether we like it or business in the different coun- not forget that the main success not, and we are very attentive tries. Each brand develops its factor for a campaign is its crea- to it. We are part of the conver- own digital strategy with clear tivity. Digital channels allow sation, interacting ourselves Digital transformation review n°01 - 10
  • 10. strategy on the internet around every- This is a significant aid in choo- gering 72% of them came from thing that is said. This has been sing and buying cosmetics. emerging markets, which shows part of our company strategy how digital transformation lar- for several years already. In Human Resources, last year gely coincides with the geo- we developed “Reveal”, a re- graphic shift that is underway. How is your digital strategy cruiting website that takes We recruited 120 people in expressed in other functions? the form of a business game 20 countries with this game. ( In Research & Innovation, our I could give you similar details strategy has always been based for Manufacturing, Corporate on proximity to our consu- Communications, and all the mers around the world, with “ The difference group’s functions. The digital more than 3,400 researchers between the revolution truly impacts every working at 18 research centers traditional model area of the company. in 12 countries. Digital techno- and the new one logy allows us to achieve even that is emerging, Is the impact of the same greater proximity, practically scope for every division? is a difference entering consumers’ homes and, between positioning thanks to imaging technology, The impact is strong everywhe- we can get «inside their skin.» and movement. ” re, but is expressed differently depending on the business. Sales functions, for their part, Each division and each brand need to integrate e-distribution The applicant enters L’Oréal develops its own digital stra- techniques. For example, we as a virtual trainee, takes tegy based on its specific cha- are testing on-line promotions. part in the activities he or she racteristics. We’re also taking part in a very is interested in – product inno- interesting experiment launched vation, marketing, production – The Luxury division sees digital by Carrefour Planet, an interac- and receives a grade. Last year tools as an opportunity to create tive makeup counter where wo- 61,000 people participated from an image with incredible global men can apply virtual makeup. 160 different countries. A stag- consistency, but also as a way Digital transformation review n°01 - 11
  • 11. strategy Beauty and digital: A magical match to improve personalized service example, Redken, in the Uni- in this area, the Luxury Pro- and a path to increasing busi- ted States, designed a strategy ducts division, generates 6% of ness through e-business tools. for animating its network on its sales in the United States on- To date, this division has made Facebook, with highly targeted line. Where direct contact with the greatest strides in imple- distribution of samples and ex- our customers through e-com- menting online sales. cellent return on investment. merce offers the greatest value, is in terms of marketing, and For the Consumer Products di- In the Active Cosmetics division, assessing the effectiveness of vision, the primary challenge is Vichy has developed a comple- our strategies. This higher awa- to optimize advertising impact. tely novel website for online skin reness also benefits our off-line diagnosis (, business, and thus our distribu- only made possible by the in- tor partners. The brands with “ Digital transfor- ternet. the best online performance are also those that sell best in sto- mation lets ad Finally, the Body Shop, which res, such as Kiehl’s. writers tell even is both a global brand and a more fabulous network of stores, has expanded What are the main successes stories to reinforce its online service and sales pos- of your digital strategy? our brands. ” sibilities with the internet. Lancôme had a number of di- Does this direct channel gital successes in 2010, both in Digital tools help generate more between the brand and consu- support of product launches and relevant, targeted messages with mers bring your relationships through a very impactful colla- more content. with your distributors into boration with Michelle Phan, a question? video blogger in the United Sta- In the Professional Products tes. She is a huge fan of Lan- division, we have an extraor- No, not really. For one thing, côme, and became the brand’s dinary chance to enhance our e-commerce is still a fairly mar- online beauty advisor. Every relationships with our global ginal phenomenon. Our division month she posts a video with network of hair stylists. For that has advanced the farthest advice that is seen by more than Digital transformation review n°01 - 12
  • 12. strategy a million viewers. They are so Apple has listed us among their It’s a challenge for all of us. We successful that five of the ten best apps! can legitimately characterize top make-up videos on YouTube this as a cultural revolution. are hers! What lessons do you draw But the pioneering spirit is a va- from your failures? lue that has been shared by all Lancôme has a similar ap- L’Oréal employees for decades. proach in China, with a social We haven’t experienced any Don’t forget that Lancôme was network called Rose Beauty. real failures, as every expe- the first luxury cosmetic brand With 500,000 fans and more rience contributes to our digital to launch a website, in 1999! than two million posts per year, learning. However, we have no- One year later, we were again the website is an excellent lever ticed some dispersion and frag- the first luxury brand to launch for Lancôme, which I remind mentation effects in past years, an e-commerce website in the you is the top luxury brand in with local initiatives that may United States! Today, digital China. have been very interesting, but transformation is an exciting were not entirely in sync with challenge that involves all of In the Consumer Products divi- the brand values. This led us our 66,000 employees around sion we launched Instant Beau- to strengthen the brands’ stra- the world. ty, a mobile phone application tegic priorities and develop in- that lets customers scan a pro- tegrated campaigns. The main duct’s bar code in the store and lesson from these experiences get complete information about is the need for consistency of the product and how to use it. off-line and online strategies: For Maybelline, we are also cur- Our strength lies in a compre- rently testing iAD, a new gene- hensive vision, and mistakes ration of advertising for iPhone. mainly come from a lack of In particular, it allows very pre- consistency. cise targeting, and raises vi- sibility in the Apple universe, What are the reactions to this which aligns with the brand’s transformation within the “hip” character. Especially since company? Digital transformation review n°01 - 13
  • 13. Close-up Transform to the Power of Digital: Digital Transformation as a Driver of Corporate Performance By Didier Bonnet, Global Head of Practices, Capgemini Consulting and Patrick Ferraris, Global Leader, Technology Transformation, Capgemini Consulting Digital tools and technologies have invaded the business environment, triggering significant changes in the way we work, communicate, and sell. Industries and governments alike are undergoing a digital transformation either crisis-induced, as part of a core strategy, or as part of a more controlled business transition. Under all circumstances, leaders need to be well prepared to anticipate the current and future impact of this enduring trend and steer their corporations accordingly at the right speed. T he journey toward digi- tal transformation entails harnessing its benefits - such journey depending on its starting point and the digital maturity of its industry and products or ser- An Enduring TrEnd AffEc- Ting EvEry indusTry… buT AT A diffErEnT PAcE as productivity improvement, vices. It is imperative for busi- cost reduction, and innovation nesses to remember that digital Over the past decades, digital - while navigating through the transformation is not just about technologies have progressively complexity and ambiguity brou- technology. Instead, like any been embraced by organizations ght about by the changes in the other business transformation, a driven by advancement in tech- digital economy. roadmap across people, proces- nology, changing consumer be- We believe that every organiza- ses, and technology will enable havior, increasing globalization tion is likely to tread a different organizations to successfully of the workforce, and a desire path in its digital transformation navigate this transformation. to be more productive and inno- Digital transformation review n°01 - 14
  • 14. Close-up vative (see Figure 1). This digi- Although the use of digital to- for the Internet it was less than tal wave has not only fuelled a ols in the enterprise is not a new 7 years, and for tablets it can be number of fundamental changes phenomenon, what has changed expected to be around 4 years2. in the way organizations pro- in recent years is the accelera- This breakneck pace of techno- duce, sell, and serve, but also tion of both the capabilities of logical change has triggered new changed the way employees these tools as well as the pace consumer behaviors and usage work, communicate, and colla- of adoption by customers, em- patterns which are having a pro- borate. It has therefore created ployees, and organizations alike. found impact on organizations. a leadership and transformation For instance, while mobile te- Simply stated, digital transfor- challenge for most industry par- lephony took around 13 years mation is the increasing adoption ticipants. to reach critical mass-market1, of digital tools and technologies Figure 1: Digital Transformation of Enterprises Communication VoIP Smartphone UCC Telepresence Online Knowledge Collaboration Base IP-PBX E-mail IM Cellphone Video Conferencing LAN Voice Voicemail V based Mail Multi Channel Conferencing Optical Enterprise Pagers P Customer Interface Knowledge Social Snail Mail PBX Base Network In-Person Team Store Meetings Magnetic Fixed Line Phone Knowledge Online Physical Base Tele Fax Knowledge Base Netmeeting Channel Channel Livemeeting Door to White-boarding Door Sessions Key: Social Roadshows Typewriters Networking 1950 -1970 Physical Files PC Digital Early Cheque Laptop Days Credit Predominantly Cloud Tele Card Manual Cash computing 70’s & 80’s b -banking Manufacturing Tape Digital B Branchless Drives Progression Infrastructure B Banking CD Electronic Funds Semi Automatic ATM Transfer Manufacturing The 90’s Smart Digital E-Commerce Computer Aided Manufacturing Manufacturing Acceleration Storage as a 2000 - Present Tablet Digital m-Commerce service Transformation Commerce / Financial Source: Capgemini Consulting Analysis 1 Years necessary for an invention to be used by a quarter of the US population. 2 Capgemini Analysis; The European environment Agency, State and outlook 2010: “Accelerating technological change: racing into the unknown”, Nov 2010; Forrester Research eReader Forecast, 2010 To 2015 (US), July 2010. Digital transformation review n°01 - 15
  • 15. Close-up Transform to the Power of Digital: Digital Transformation as a Driver of Corporate Performance by an organization to funda- Faced with this transformation HArnEssing THE bEnEfiTs of mentally alter both its internal challenge and the need to stay digiTizATion and external processes and func- relevant in one’s industry, lea- tions. All industry segments and ders have to embrace the impli- Digital transformation should governments have been touched cations of this enduring trend not be an end in itself. Like all by this new digital reality, which on their organizations in order other forms of business trans- has significantly altered mana- to steer their strategy and drive formation it should be guided gement practices in areas from better operational performance. by clear managerial goals and hospitals to hypermarkets and Unfortunately, recent history is realizable business benefits. financial services to the future replete with examples of orga- Once a clear roadmap has been of public services. As a result, nizations which have not been defined, digital transformation it has become a high priority able to keep pace with this new can help organizations address on the leadership agenda, with digital reality. The recent ban- their most significant priorities nearly 90%3 of business leaders kruptcy of movie rental com- and achieve both internal and in the US and UK expecting an pany, Blockbuster, owing largely external benefits, in areas such increasing strategic contribution to its inability to rapidly hone a as innovation, customer expe- of IT and digital technologies new business model5, is one such rience, efficiency, or producti- on their overall business in the example. vity (see Figure 2). coming decade. With the Inter- Every industry is going through net, Hi-Tech, and Media sectors a digital transformation, some It’s About Productivity only accounting for approxima- crisis-induced, some as part of Improving productivity is a key tely 10% of US GDP, we believe their core strategy, and some as driver for sustainable growth. In that the real transformation will part of a more controlled transi- recent years, productivity growth be seen in the remaining 90% of tion process. Under all circums- in developed economies has been ‘traditional’ industries’4, where tances, leaders have to steer their steadily falling and is signifi- customer and employee behavior corporations at the right speed, cantly lower when compared to is fast evolving. We can expect a taking into account the current emerging markets. For instance, largely similar trend in other de- and future competitive situation during the periods 1995-2005 veloped countries as well. in their respective industry. and 2005-2008, Total Factor 3 Gartner: “Gartner CEO and Senior Business Executive Survey, 2010: Anticipating the Post-Recession Landscape”, March 2010. 4 Interview with Andrew McAfee, Author of Enterprise 2.0: New Collaborative Tools for Your Organization’s Toughest Challenges. 5 Blockbuster failed to effectively adapt its storefront model to online technology. Digital transformation review n°01 - 16
  • 16. Close-up Productivity6 in the US and EU- thereby exerting additional pres- improve productivity by auto- 15 nations grew at the lowest sure on productivity. In order to mating tasks, enabling better rates when compared to deve- stay competitive, companies in decision-making, and freeing loping markets in India, China, developed nations need to find employees up to create value in CEE, and Africa7. On top of this, new sources of productivity if other areas. In the United States, we can add socio-economic they want to remain relevant on IT was responsible for two-thirds trends such as the shrinking and the global stage. of total factor growth in produc- aging workforce. In Germany, There is clear evidence that im- tivity between 1995 and 2002 Italy, and France, the working plementation of digital techno- and virtually all of the growth age population8 is expected to logies has been a key driver of in labor productivity10. Similarly, fall by 15%, 8%, and 6% respec- corporate productivity. Digiti- EU firms that adopt e-business tively between 2010 and 20309, zation has helped organizations practices (such as online sales Figure 2: Key Benefits of Digital Transformation Internal Opportunities Drive organizational Reduce selling, delivery, and employee and service costs productivity by Accelerate time to leveraging digital tools External market External Opportunities Create new digital Opportunities Multichannel and integrated customer experiences products such as across mobile, social and Cost and Time Productivity consumer devices, online platforms Saving Improvement eBooks, and smart meters New New Customer Products / Experience Services Use tracking or Operational analytical tools to Extend service analyze customer offerings to behavior patterns Customer New technology enabled and generate Insights Customer Product Platforms platforms such as insights online and mobile Source: Capgemini Consulting Analysis 6 Total Factor Productivity Growth measures the Growth of GDP over the combined contributions of total hours, workforce skills, machinery and structures and IT capital. 7 The Conference Board Total Economy Database, Summary Statistics 1995-2011, Jan 2011. 8 Working-age population = 15-64. 9 Stanford Center on Longevity: “ Population age shifts will reshape global work force”, April 2010. 10 ITIF: “Digital Prosperity: Understanding the Economic Benefits of the Information Technology Revolution”, March 2007. Digital transformation review n°01 - 17
  • 17. Close-up Transform to the Power of Digital: Digital Transformation as a Driver of Corporate Performance and purchasing) are twice as li- mer acquisition cost on online novation and the main driving kely to report enhanced produc- channels is 50% less than that force behind product and ser- tivity and expanded employment on offline channels13. Similarly, vice innovation across sectors. when compared with firms that when compared to call-center An EU-commissioned survey do not use Internet technologies technical support, approximate has found that product and to innovate11. cost per contact is nearly 92% service innovation in most of However, research12 points out cheaper for a virtual agent and the largest industries in Europe that while investment in digital 99.2% for web self-service14. is either directly related to, or capital has a strong correlation The cost benefits of digitization enabled by, ICT16. Leading the with high productivity, techno- span a whole range of indus- pack are the energy supply and logy alone is not the most im- tries and functions. The use of telecommunications services portant driver of productivity. RFID tags in the supply chain sectors where 89% and 86%17 Instead, it is a combination of a environment can help reduce of companies attribute product digitally savvy corporate culture, inventory handling and logis- and service innovations to ICT. a distinct set of organizational tics costs. Remote health care practices, and digital tools that enables monitoring of a pa- results in significantly higher productivity. tient’s symptoms in real-time at relatively low cost. Smart me- “ In the US, in 2010, adoption ters can save utilities millions of e-business practices It’s About Saving Costs and of dollars by enabling them helped save companies Time-To-Market to read meters remotely and $528 billion through Digitization not only helps or- controlling demand. In the US, ganizations reduce operatio- nal, communication, travel, in 2010, adoption of e-business practices helped save companies efficiency gains ” marketing, selling, and pro- $528 billion through efficiency Digital tools also provide an duct development costs, but gains15. excellent platform to engage also significantly accelerates stakeholders in co-innovation, problem resolution and time- It’s About Driving Innovation brand creation, and problem to-market. For instance, custo- Digitization is an enabler of in- resolution. Philips successfully 11 Information Technology and Innovation Foundation: “The Internet Economy 25 Years After .com”, March 2010. 12 MIT Sloan, Center for eBusiness : “The digital organization: seven practices of highly productive firms”, May 2003. 13 Forrester Research: “2009 Cost Of eBusiness Operations And Customer Acquisition”, May 2009. 14 Forrester: “It’s Time To Give Virtual Agents Another Look”, March 2010. 15 Information Technology and Innovation Foundation: “The Internet Economy 25 Years After .com”, March 2010. 16 Information and Communication Technology. 17 European Commission: “ICT and e-Business for an Innovative and Sustainable Economy”, 2010. Digital transformation review n°01 - 18
  • 18. Close-up created a private online com- customers over multiple touch- improve retention, up-sell, and munity, Sensorium, in 2007 to points, providing a seamless cross-sell, and anticipate the co-create better products with and integrated multi-channel success of new product launches. customers and deliver on-de- experience. Defining and for- National Instruments, a leader in mand insights to multiple pro- mulating a multi-channel stra- virtual instrumentation, has suc- duct teams. In the last three tegy also enables companies to cessfully adopted a web-analy- years, the community has hel- maintain a 360 degree view of tics solution for lead generation ped Philips in identifying post- the customer and balance sales, and customer engagement. By purchase concerns, creating ef- customer care, and retention tracking on-site visitor behavior, fective product positioning, and across channels. Moreover, by NI has achieved a 3% increase in understanding technical speci- aligning organizational struc- the number of visits that reach fications for a new product18. tures and incentives, organiza- the point-of-sale21. tions can drive maximum value As outlined above, the business It’s About Transforming across all channels. In the UK, imperatives and benefits of di- the Customer Experience 76% of marketers have expe- gital transformation are com- Digital channels and platforms rienced improved brand expo- pelling and have to be addressed are helping organizations ex- sure, 68% better customer servi- at all levels in the organization. tend their reach to a wider and ce, and 62% increased revenue, However, the path toward digital more engaged ecosystem of cus- by adopting a multi-channel transformation is not without its tomers and partners. The high strategy19. challenges. adoption rate of mobile devices Today, more than 70%20 of all and Web 2.0 tools - such as so- digital information is consu- A TrAnsformATion wiTH cial media, collaboration appli- mer-generated and comes from iTs own cHAllEngEs cations, smart phones and tablet outside the organization. Aided computers - is changing the way by sophisticated analytical to- In order to identify the key bar- people share information, learn, ols, companies can leverage this riers in the successful imple- communicate, and interact. For ocean of information to extract mentation of digital transforma- each transaction, organizations better customer insights, maxi- tion programs, we conducted a can interact and engage with mize customer lifetime value, series of interviews with a num- 18 Forrester Research: “Case Study: Philips Achieves Consumer Proximity Using Private Online Communities”, January 2011. 19 DBG Report: “Multichannel Marketing Today”, September 2010. 20 2010 Digital Universe Study: “A Digital Universe Decade – Are You Ready?”, April 2010. 21 Forrester Research: “Case Study: National Instruments Replatforms Web Analytics”, November 2010. Digital transformation review n°01 - 19
  • 19. Close-up Transform to the Power of Digital: Digital Transformation as a Driver of Corporate Performance ber of global corporations from ocean of data. Between 2009 pour an overwhelming amount across different industries. Our and 2020, the amount of digi- of data into the digital ocean. analysis suggests that organiza- tal information created and re- The more information organi- tions across the globe are facing plicated in the world is expec- zations receive, the harder it a common set of challenges as ted to grow 44 times to reach gets to decipher what is credible they tackle these new digital an unprecedented 35 trillion and useful. Moreover, it beco- realities. These challenges can gigabytes22. In fact, according mes even more difficult to per- be broadly classified into four to estimates, more digital infor- form tasks and take decisions. categories (see Figure 3). mation was produced in 2009 Employees are unable to cope alone than all information since with the rising volume of infor- Manning the Information the beginning of time23. As inte- mation and this adversely im- Floodgates ractions become more frequent pacts on their morale and pro- The digital explosion has floo- and information-rich, custo- ductivity. A majority (62%24 on ded organizations with an mers, partners, and employees average) of workers across the globe believe that the quality of their work is hampered because Figure 3: Key Challenges in the Path to Digital Transformation they cannot process and make sense of all the information at  Information flooding from multiple sources  The all-powerful customer their disposal fast enough.  Managing changing customer  Analyzing information for actionable intelligence sensitivities Though organizations realize  Developing the right social  Managing and securing large volumes of data media, Web 2.0, and mobile capabilities the importance of analytics, Change in many of them do not have the Information Overflow Customer Behavior skills - particularly advanced Key predictive analytical capabili- Challenges  Avoiding organizational and  Crafting a clear digital ties - to undertake it. Lack of technical silos Silo Based Organization/ roadmap at the top  Adopting a holistic approach Approach Culture Gap management level senior executive support, a silo  Workforce transformation  Change Management approach, an inexperienced workforce, and insufficient in- vestment are some of the big- Source: Capgemini Consulting Analysis gest roadblocks. 22 2010 Digital Universe Study: “A Digital Universe Decade – Are You Ready?”, April 2010. 23 MIT Sloan Management Review, 2011 MIT Sloan CIO Symposium. 24 LexisNexis Press Release:” New Survey Reveals Extent, Impact of Information Overload on Workers; From Boston to Beijing, Professionals Feel Overwhelmed, Demoralized”, October 2010. Digital transformation review n°01 - 20
  • 20. Close-up Keeping Pace with Customer pany had to scrap the launch. of clarity around customer and Expectation In certain industries, such as social-media ownership, ina- The increasing proliferation of music, changes in consumer be- bility to tailor business models digital platforms has funda- havior have completely disrup- catering to changing consumer mentally altered the way cus- ted traditional models and ren- behavior, and failure to take an tomers interact with brands, dered many players obsolete. “outside-in view” of their busi- research and buy products, and ness. influence the decision making of other customers. Customers are increasingly becoming wary “ More digital information was Adapting the Organization and Culture and distrusting of traditional produced in 2009 alone Alligning the existing corporate marketing vehicles and ins- than all information culture with new digital realities tead are turning to online so- since the beginning is one of the main inhibitors in cial networks, blogs, wikis, and the digital transition of compa- community forums to formu- late their brand perceptions and of time ” nies. One of the clearest indica- tors is that a clear governance make purchase decisions. To- Despite being faced with this process for the transformation is day, consumers trust consumers very visible customer expecta- often lacking. In our interviews more than they trust brands. tion challenge, many companies with CXOs, it has become clear While 50%25 of consumers do have been slow in developing that one of the major issues is not believe in the advertising the right skills and capabilities the lack of accountability in di- promises of brands, 73%26 trust to manage this new customer gital transformation programs. the recommendations of friends sophistication. For instance, Further, enterprises’ traditional and family. 56% of Fortune 50 companies decision-making systems are Companies can no longer afford still do not have social-media too vertical and too intrinsical- to ignore the voice and preferen- icons on their home pages while ly slow to keep pace with rapid ces of the customer. Customer 60% hide their twitter streams27. technology-driven transforma- backlash against GAP’s recently This failure of organizations to tion. Consequently, corporations launched new logo was so in- rapidly adapt themselves can be have started to experiment with tense on the web that the com- attributed to factors such as lack various organizational formats 25 “The future of advertising agencies: learnings from Forrester”, Feb 2010. 26 Forrester Research: “Three Ways To Find, Create, And Energize Advocates”, Sep 2010. 27 Adage: “Most Fortune 50 Brands Still Hiding Their Social Media”, April 2011. Digital transformation review n°01 - 21
  • 21. Close-up Transform to the Power of Digital: Digital Transformation as a Driver of Corporate Performance - such as cross-functional tas- program, there can be inherent have responded to the impact kforces and identifying digital reluctance and resistance to of digitization through multi- leaders at board-level - in order change from within, especially ple, separate and uncoordinated to adapt their culture to digital from middle management. Di- initiatives, even when the im- challenges. gitization results in the demo- pact is felt by the same brands, Far too many enterprises are cratization and free-flow of customers or employees. Func- investing in digital tools and information. Managers perceive tional silos frustrate interaction technologies without trying to this as a threat to leadership be- and create information silos, drive changes in the operating cause they have less control of making it harder to connect the model, working practices, and information flows. For instance, right people in the right ways to culture. Companies often focus the US Department of Defence create and maximize value. too much on the technical and (DoD) had to face a lot of inter- customer-facing aspects of di- nal resistance during the formu- “ It is the obstacle to gital transformation, forgetting lation of its social media policy is not technology that true value can only be le- as the traditional military hie- that veraged if we align people and rarchy and the network security processes. As Raffi Amit, Pro- group were used to doing things digital transformation, fessor at Wharton, pointed out: “It is not technology that is the the old way28. It is important for corporations to have confidence it is people ” obstacle to digital transforma- in their employees by involving tion, it is people”. An aging HR them closely in this journey and Similarly, a completely techno- infrastructure, non-alignment giving them ownership of pro- logy-centric approach often fails between business and HR lea- cesses. to challenge the fundamentals ders on the most critical busi- of a company’s business model. ness drivers, and ineffective Overcoming Silos This is because this approach rollout of change management Our discussions with organiza- aims to automate existing pro- programs to train employees on tions have surfaced a common cesses rather than attempting new digital ways of working are pitfall - adopting a silo-based a step-change in performance. some of the key barriers. approach, be it technical or or- In addition, technology-led As with any transformation ganizational. Many enterprises transformations often alienate 28 ReadWriteWeb: “U.S. Department of Defense Goes Social...Yes, Really!”, March 2010; Scout Comms: “The Department of Defense gained a social media beachhead in 2010”, Feb 2011. Digital transformation review n°01 - 22
  • 22. Close-up IT from the business functions, traditional business models. Or- Strategic Leadership resulting in significant resis- ganizations need to tread a ca- and Boundary Definition tance to change. Digital trans- reful path toward digital trans- Digital transformation is about formation is first and foremost formation, crafting a winning leadership. It has become the an enterprise-wide business strategy and a clear roadmap ultimate challenge in change transformation and technology across people, processes, and management because it affects should be seen as a second-or- technology (see Figure 4). not only industry structures and der priority. strategic positioning, but also all To overcome the silo mentality, Figure 4: Navigating Digital Transformation: A Framework corporate leaders should take a holistic approach, cutting across Digital Strategy & tranSformation all aspects of their value chain • Value chain positioning • Value proposition / Business models and management functions. As • Digital transformation strategy • Innovation well as the many challenges Digital cuStomer outlined here, this is as much people 2.0 experience analyticS about a fundamental change in • Integrated talent • Digital Marketing • Customer mindset. management • Multi-channel analytics • Connected management • Advanced nAvigATing your own workforce/ • Customer Experience segmentation collaboration Optimization • Performance digiTAl TrAnsformATion • Change management management/ Digital operationS • External partner training metrics Orchestrating your Digital • Target operating model • Benchmarking Transformation • Process digitization • Workforce Digitization can extend the • Digital business analytics reach of organizations, impro- platforms ve management decisions, and technology Strategy & tranSformation speed the development of new • Technology roadmap • Technology • Technology products and services. At the to digital governance and innovation same time, overly rapid adop- • Information organization management strategy tion of technologies can disrupt Source: Capgemini Consulting Analysis Digital transformation review n°01 -23
  • 23. Close-up Transform to the Power of Digital: Digital Transformation as a Driver of Corporate Performance levels of an organization (every achieve. Similarly, the Human methods can quickly be put into task, activity, process) as well as Resources department must also “proof-of-concept” pilots and, the extended supply chain. Lea- be involved, given the impor- when successful, rolled out to ders must constantly challenge tance of the people dimension the entire organization. their organizations to ensure in digital transformation. Digital that this technology-enabled transformation requires a mix An Outside-In View of change can unlock productivity of skills which are often scat- Customers – Re-inventing gains and significant competiti- tered across the enterprise and Marketing ve advantage. At the same time, its external partners. To succeed they should understand where in this quest, leadership should “ Many enterprises and how the fundamentals of not hesitate to redefine the tra- their current operations could ditional boundaries between its have responded to be unsettled by agile new en- different entities, making them the impact of digitization trants or new business models. permeable and porous. We see, A significant issue facing the for example, the marketing or through multiple, separate, top-management is that most commercial departments acqui- and uncoordinated companies have traditional de- cision-making systems that are ring technical skills to address rapid technological changes. initiatives ” not well adapted for the digital Conversely, IT organizations are world: they are too vertical, too strengthening their marketing Marketing is undergoing the slow to deal with the cross-func- and sales expertise in order to most fundamental change in tional, technological and rapid better serve their companies. its history. The increasing em- nature of this transformation. Strategy formulation needs to powerment and sophistication For instance, when focusing on gradually move away from the of consumers - together with customer issues, you need the linear, annual process it once the proliferation of new chan- active participation of the Mar- was. Once strategic directions nels, digital technologies, and keting, Sales and IT organiza- are understood, senior executi- tools - is forcing marketers to tions. However, historically, ali- ves need to steer their organi- rethink the way they operate gnment between these different zations into virtual laboratories and the way they engage cus- functions has been difficult to where new applications and tomers. The result is an oppor- Digital transformation review n°01 - 24
  • 24. Close-up tunity to dramatically improve think «outside-in» about their damental lever of transforma- the efficiency and effectiveness customers and markets. Instead tion. Leaders should focus on of investments in marketing, of thinking about finding cus- a clear people vision and try to advertising, and channel mana- tomers for their products and bring about inherent changes in gement. solutions, marketers need to the way people work and colla- Traditional marketing focuses think about finding products borate. There are a number of on increasing reach and fre- and solutions for their custo- key challenges along the way: quency by pushing information mers. They need to understand professionalizing and web-ena- and offers through a variety of what activities customers per- bling end-to-end people pro- loosely aligned channels. Howe- form as they evaluate, buy, and cesses throughout the organiza- ver, the future of marketing in a use their products and services. tion, fostering collaboration and digital world is to develop and They need to think deeply about information exchanges between sustain unique, personalized re- when and where they hand-off communities of knowledge lationships with customers by products, services, and infor- workers to maximize producti- collaborating and partnering mation to their customers. They vity and speed-to-market, and with them through their own need to ask which activities they adapting traditional organiza- trusted networks. For instance, can perform better than custo- tion models to the new demands in 2010, Coca Cola cut adver- mers. Conversely, they need to of the digital world. tizing spending on television ask what activities customers Digitally powered tools and by 6.6 % globally, and instead can perform better than the en- processes must be developed to invested more on social media terprise. encompass the entire employee campaigns via platforms such lifecycle. They should comple- as Facebook, Twitter, and You- People at the Heart of tely transform the way people Tube29. The social media stra- Transformation join, learn, perform, earn, grow tegy of the company is aimed at As in all forms of transforma- and leave the company. Leading long-term sustainable engage- tion, people need to be mobi- global organizations are also ment, developing advocacy, and lized and engaged. Too often embracing Enterprise 2.030 to- encouraging brand loyalty. we see the technical nature of ols to foster a connected work- The new digital customer expe- digitization resulting in compa- force where new forms of col- rience requires that companies nies underestimating this fun- laboration generate significant 29 Socialmediatoday: “Coca-Cola Cuts Ad Spend by 6.6% and Invests More in Social Media”, March 2011. 30 Harvard Business School Professor Andrew McAfee coined the term «Enterprise 2.0» in 2006 to describe how Web 2.0 technologies could be used on organizations intranet and extranets. Digital transformation review n°01 -25