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Invasion and Metastasis:
 Cancer seemingly can evolve from hyperplasia through a series of
increasingly disorganized and invasive-appearing tumors that can
then colonize distant organs in a nonrandom fashion. This spread of
cancer from the organ of origin (primary site) to distant tissues is
called metastasis.
 Although our understanding about cell proliferation, cell death,
genomic instability, and signal transduction pathways has rapidly
progressed, detailed understanding about the molecular
mechanisms of metastasis has lagged considerably behind.
The Evolution and Pathogenesis of
Somatic Evolution of Cancer
 Hyperplastic and dysplastic lesions need not always progress to
cancer, but when they do, it can take years if not decades for this to
occur. This protracted course to malignancy is consistent with
epidemiologic studies that show an age-dependent increase in the
incidence of cancer.
 Cancer requires several genetic alterations during a course of
somatic evolution.
 However, the mutation frequency of human cells is thought to be too
low to explain the high prevalence of the disease if so many
stochastic genetic alterations are needed.
 The dynamics of tumor progression depend on mutation, selection,
and tissue organization.
 Mutations can result in activation of oncogenes or loss of tumor
suppressor genes that increase fitness and cell autonomy.
 To oppose the accumulation of cells with tumorigenic mutations,
tissue architecture often limits the spread of mutant cells that have
reached fixation. For example, large compartments containing many
cells accumulate advantageous mutations more rapidly than smaller
 Similarly, if there are only a limited number of precursor cells that
have self-renewal capabilities (stem cells), this also has the effect of
reducing the risk of enriching for tumorigenic mutations.
 However, despite the sequential mutations and steps predicted by
the somatic evolution of cancer, the nature and/or sequence of
genes that are altered during this evolution are mostly unknown.
Clinical, Pathologic, and Anatomic Correlations
 Metastasis is often associated with several clinical and pathologic
characteristics. Among these, tumor size and regional lymph node
involvement are consistently associated with distant relapse.
 For tumor size, no clear threshold exists but trends are clear. For
example, metastatic risk for breast cancer rises sharply after 2
cm, while distant metastasis in sarcoma is more common for tumor
sizes larger than 5 cm.
 The involvement of regional lymph nodes is often, but not always, a
harbinger for increased risk of distant metastasis. For head and neck
cancer, the association between lymph node involvement and
metastasis is predictable.
 Metastasis rarely occurs without prior involvement of cervical neck
lymph nodes, and the lower down in the neck nodal involvement
occurs, the more likely distant metastasis becomes.
 For breast cancer, the presence of positive lymph nodes is the
strongest clinicopathologic prognostic marker for distant relapse.
However, lymph node metastasis does not always precede distant
relapse. In sarcomas, for example, metastasis is often seen in the
absence of nodal disease.
Clinical, Pathologic, and Anatomic Correlations
 Although many histopathologic traits for different cancer types have been
reported to associate with poor prognosis, there are several that consistently
appear to track with metastatic risk across various tumor types. These traits
(1) Tumor grade. Tumors that are poorly differentiated, or retain few
features of their normal tissue counterparts, are generally considered to be
high grade. High-grade tumors often exhibit infiltrative rather than pushing
borders and show signs of rapid cell division. Breast cancer and sarcomas are
well recognized for displaying a markedly elevated risk of metastasis with higher
tumor grade.
(2) Depth of invasion beyond normal tissue compartmental boundaries.
Some cancers like melanoma and gastrointestinal malignancies are staged by
how deeply they extend beyond the basement membrane. Violation of deeper
layers of the dermis, or invasion through the lamina propria, muscularis mucosa,
and serosa, represent progressively more extensive invasion and higher risk of
(3) Lymphovascular invasion. Tumor emboli seen in the blood or lymphatic
vessels generally carry a poorer prognosis than cancer without these features.
Breast cancer and squamous cell cancers of the head and neck or female cervix
are examples.
Tissue Tropism and the Seed and Soil Hypothesis
 In 1889, Stephen Paget proposed his “seed and soil” hypothesis .
This stated that the propensity of different cancers to form
metastases in specific organs was due to the dependence of the
seed (the cancer) on the soil (the distant organ).
 In contrast, James Ewing and others argued that tissue tropism
could be accounted for based on mechanical factors and circulatory
patterns of the primary tumor.
 For example, colorectal cancer can enter the hepatic-portal system,
explaining its propensity for liver metastasis, and prostate cancer
can traverse a presacral plexus that connects the periprostatic and
vertebral veins, explaining its propensity for metastases to the lower
spine and pelvis.
 Supporting the arguments for both views, current understanding
would suggest that both seed and soil factors and anatomic
(“plumbing”) considerations contribute to metastatic tropism.
Stereotypic Patterns of Metastasis to Distant
Organs By Cancer Type
Uterine Lining
Axillary lymph nodes, other breast, lung, pleura,
liver, bone brain, spleen, adrenals, ovary
Regional lymph nodes, liver, lung, bladder,
Lung, liver, bone
Regional lymph nodes, pleura, diaphagm, liver,
bone, brain, kidney, adrenal, throid, spleen
Peritoneum, regional lymph nodes, lung, liver
Bones of spine and pelvis, regional lymph nodes
Regional lymph nodes, liver, lung, bone
Regional lymph nodes, lung. Liver
Rectum, colon, prostate, ureter, vagina, bone,
regional lymph nodes, lung, peritoneum, pleura,
liver, brain
Regional lymph nodes, lung, liver, ovary
Primary Tumors and Preferred Sites of Metastatic
Basic Steps in the Metastatic Cascade
 From clinical, anatomic, and pathologic observations of metastasis,
a picture of the steps involved in a metastatic cascade emerges.
 Invasion and motility. Normal tissue requires proper adhesions
with basement membrane and/or neighboring cells to signal to each
other that proper tissue compartment size and homeostasis is being
maintained. Tumor cells display diminished cellular adhesion,
allowing them to become motile, a fundamental property of
metastatic cells. Tumor cells use their migratory and invasive
properties in order to burrow through surrounding extracellular
stroma and to gain entry into blood vessels and lymphatics.
 Intravasation and survival in the circulation. Once tumor cells
enter the circulation, or intravasate, they must be able to withstand
the physical shear forces and the hostility of sentinel immune cells.
Solid tumors are not accustomed to surviving as single cells without
attachments and often interact with each other or blood elements to
form intravascular tumor emboli.
Basic Steps in the Metastatic Cascade
 Arrest and extravasation. Once arrested in the capillary system of
distant organs, tumor cells must extravasate, or exit the circulation,
into foreign parenchyma.
 Growth in distant organs. Successful adaptation to the new
microenvironment results in sustained growth.
 Of all the steps in the metastatic cascade, the ability to grow in
distant organs has the greatest clinical impact and lies at the core of
the seed and soil hypothesis. Accomplishing this step may be rate-
limiting and may determine whether distant relapse occurs rapidly or
dormancy ensues.
Invasion-Metastasis Cascade Adapted from Fidler,
Nat. Rev. Cancer
Heterogeneity in Cancer Metastasis and Rarity of
Metastatic Cells
 Because numerous sequential steps are needed for metastasis,
multiple genetic changes are envisioned. A failure in any step would
prevent metastasis altogether.
 Accordingly, tumor cells that can accumulate a full complement of
needed alterations to endow them with metastatic ability should be
 Early cell fate studies revealed that less than 0.01% of tumor cells
gave rise to metastases.
 Thus, important early studies helped to establish the idea that
primary tumors are heterogeneous in their metastatic ability and that
tumor cells that can successfully metastasize are exceedingly rare.
The Traditional Progression Model for Metastasis
and its Implications
 In this view, primary tumor cells undergo somatic evolution and
accumulate genetic changes.
 Because numerous steps are required for metastasis, the number of
genetic changes that are needed for full metastatic competency is
large; hence, tumor cells that have acquired these changes are rare.
 Many clinicopathologic traits such as lymphovascular invasion and
regional lymph node involvement represent successful completion of
some of the steps in the metastatic cascade but not necessarily all.
 The clinical observation that metastatic risk increases with tumor
size is explained by mathematical considerations predicting that
genetic changes accumulate faster with increased population size.
 Larger tumors are more likely to contain rare cells that are
metastatically competent, making metastasis a late event in
The Traditional Progression Model for Metastasis
and its Implications
 One of the primary objectives in the clinical management of cancer
is to prevent or decrease the risk of metastasis.
 The idea that metastasis occurs as a late event in tumorigenesis
argues that early detection and early eradication of the primary
tumor will prevent metastasis and be sufficient for cure.
 Screening programs, radical versus more limited surgical excisions,
and the use of adjuvant radiation to the surgical bed can be justified
based on the idea that cancers caught early have not likely spread.
 Metastatic heterogeneity within the primary tumor and the rarity of
tumor cells that can complete all the sequential steps in the
metastatic cascade suggest that the detection of tumor cells caught
in the act of undergoing an early step in the cascade may still
represent an opportunity to stop metastasis in its tracks.
 This is a rationale for oncologic surgeries that include regional
lymph node dissections and the use of regional radiation therapy.
Alternative Models
1. Halsted model: Although more anatomic than cellular in nature,
the Halsted model looked at breast cancer from a traditional
vantage point and imposed on it an orderly anatomic spread pattern
from primary site, to regional lymph nodes, to distant organs. This
orderly progression would make complete eradication of the primary
and regional tumor burden sufficient to stop metastasis.
2. Fisher model: Fisher hypothesized that whether distant relapse
occurs in breast cancer is predetermined from the onset of
tumorigenesis (discussed in ref. 9). This view emphasizes breast
cancer as a systemic disease for those tumors so fated and the
importance of adjuvant systemic chemotherapy.
3. Clonal dominance model
4. Dynamic heterogeneity model.
An Integrated Model for Metastasis
 Different concepts on how metastasis progresses have individual
merits and limitations. A clearer understanding of metastasis
requires sophisticated insight on a molecular level.
 Recent advances in the field of metastasis research are beginning to
bring together an integrated and more complex paradigm whereby
elements from different models may be interconnected.
 During primary tumor growth, the principal functions that are
selected are tumorigenic functions that can be met by a large
repertoire of oncogenic mutations. Examples of these tumorigenic
functions include proliferative and metabolic autonomy, self-renewal
ability, resistance to cell death, resistance to inhibitory signals,
immune evasion, motility, invasion, and angiogenesis.
An Integrated Model for Metastasis
 Most of these traits were enumerated by Hanahan and
Weinberg as being hallmarks of cancer. Many of these
tumorigenic functions allow transformed cells to attract
supporting stroma and migrate and invade surrounding
tissue, regardless of whether or not cells reside in the
primary tumor.
 This subset of tumorigenic functions is a prerequisite for
metastasis because such functions are needed for cells
to invade, penetrate blood vessels, and give rise to
circulating tumor cells.
 These functions are shared by primary tumors and
metastasis and are defined as metastasis initiation
functions. A prominent example includes epithelial-to-
mesenchymal transition (EMT).
An Integrated Model for Metastasis
 It is evident how genes with tumorigenic functions and genes with
metastasis initiation functions can be selected for during primary
tumor growth.
 However, how are metastasis-specific functions (i.e. functions that
are not characteristic of general tumorigenesis) selected during
growth at the primary site?
 Metastasis-specific functions include survival in the circulation,
extravasation, survival in the microenvironment of distant organs,
and organ-specific colonization.
An Integrated Model for Metastasis
 Recent experimental evidence reveals that some genes can mediate
tumorigenic functions and secondarily serve metastasis-specific
functions either in a general way or with particular organ selectivity.
These types of functions are called metastasis-progression
functions and genes with this duality are defined as metastasis-
progression genes.
 Metastasis-progression genes form the basis for predetermination
models for metastasis. When metastasis-progression genes are
selected for, their expression by the primary tumor will track with
increased risk of metastasis. These genes will also mechanistically
couple certain traits of primary tumor progression (e.g., rapid growth,
invasiveness, resistance to hypoxia) with distant spread.
An Integrated Model for Metastasis
An Integrated Model for Metastasis
 Cancer cells that have acquired metastasis-progression genes can
undergo additional selective pressure during life away from the
primary tumor.
 Functionally, genes selected by the pressures of a distant site are
similar to metastasis-progression genes but they are not coupled to
tumorigenic genes and so confer no advantage to a primary tumor.
 Therefore, altered expression of these genes would be rare or
absent in the primary tumor and discernible only in the metastatic
 These genes are called macrometastatic-colonization genes and
provide macrometastatic-colonization functions.
 Macrometastatic-colonization genes form the basis of traditional
progression models for metastasis.
Selective Pressures at the Primary Tumor Driving
Acquisition of Metastasis Functions
 In order to disrupt tissue homeostasis during primary tumorigenesis,
many barriers that can limit growth must be overcome.
 A near-universal need is for tumors to respond to hypoxia.
 Normal tissue such as epithelium is separated from blood vessels by
a basement membrane. When preinvasive tumor growth occurs,
hypoxia can ensue because oxygen and glucose typically can only
diffuse 100 to 150 microns, resulting in portions of the expanding
mass becoming hypoxic.
 This can be seen in comedo-type ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) of
the breast, whereby a necrotic center characterizes these
preinvasive breast tumors.
 The fact that DCIS can take years to progress to invasive cancer, or
never progresses to cancer, suggests that hypoxia can be a
significant barrier.
Selective Pressures at the Primary Tumor Driving
Acquisition of Metastasis Functions
 Although there are multiple paths that cancer cells can take to adapt
to hypoxia, the hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) transcription factors
have a central role.
 Under hypoxic conditions, HIF-1α and HIF-2α become stabilized,
resulting in the transcription of over 100 HIF-α regulated genes.
These target genes are involved in angiogenesis, glycolysis, and
invasion, which together help hypoxic cells adapt.
 Up-regulated angiogenesis genes include vascular endothelial
growth factor (VEGF) and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF).
These factors cause quiescent blood vessels to undergo
remodeling, including the laying down of a matrix that activated
endothelial cells use to form newly vascularized areas.
Selective Pressures at the Primary Tumor Driving
Acquisition of Metastasis Functions
 Various glycolysis genes are expressed and their metabolic by-
products lead to acidification of the extracellular space. This is
normally toxic to cells and requires further adaptation either by up-
regulation of H+transporters or acquired resistance to apoptosis.
 To assist in invasion toward newly vascularized areas, HIF-α up-
regulates matrix metalloproteinase 1 and 2 (MMP1, MMP2), lysyl
oxidase (LOX), and the chemokine receptor CXCR4. Degradation of
the basement membrane by MMP2 and alteration of the extracellular
matrix (ECM) by MMP1 and LOX clears away a barrier to migration.
The activation of CXCR4 then stimulates cancer cells to migrate to
regions of angiogenesis.
 Thus, if these series of events can be successfully completed, not
only will preinvasive tumors successfully deal with hypoxia, but they
will also likely invade through the basement membrane in the
process. Invasion through the basement membrane defines invasive
Selective Pressures at the Primary Tumor Driving
Acquisition of Metastasis Functions
 When normal tissue homeostasis and architecture are disrupted, this
can lead to vessel injury, hypoxic zones, extravasation of blood
proteins, and the entry of foreign pathogens.
 A rapid response is mounted by a front line composed of immune
and bone marrow-derived cells (BMDCs) such as lymphocytes,
neutrophils, macrophages, dendritic cells, eosinophils, and natural
killer (NK) cells.
The purpose is to restore homeostasis through several phases:
inflammation, tissue formation, and tissue remodeling.
 Cancer cells are often surrounded by activated fibroblasts and
BMDCs. Because of the resemblances between primary tumors and
normal tissue wound response, cancer has been described as a
“wound that does not heal.”
 Although Virchow hypothesized in the 1850s that inflammation was
the cause of cancer, the presence of an inflammatory response has
generally been interpreted as evidence that the immune system
actively fights the cancer as it does with invading bacterial or viral
 Under this scenario, the inflammatory response would apply
significant selective pressure on the tumor to evade immune-
mediated attack, and the nonhealing nature of the response
suggests a back-and-forth struggle.
 Tumors that progress do so by orchestrating an immunosuppressive
environment, a process known as immunoediting.24
 To facilitate an immunosuppressive environment, the tumor
microenvironment selects for cells that favor production of
immunomodulatory factors like TGF-β, cycoloxygenase-2 (COX2),
CSF-1 (macrophage growth factor, colony-stimulating factor-1), IL-
10, and IL-6.
 These cytokines inhibit maturation of dendritic cells and promote
tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) that are immunosupressed.
 Tumors also recruit BMDCs that have immunosuppressive
properties such as myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs).
 Thus, although the inflammatory response undoubtedly can help to
limit cancer growth, cancers seem to select for cells that create
immunosuppressive surroundings.
Figure 10.2. Interactions between cancer and stroma
that promote invasion and metastasis.
 Cancerized stroma consists of fibroblasts,
inflammatory cells, and other bone marrow-
derived cells that have been conscripted to
aid the tumor in overcoming hypoxia and in
invasion and migration. Tissue breakdown,
hypoxia, and inflammatory cytokines and
chemokines secreted by the tumor cells result
in recruitment of tumor-associated
macrophages (TAMs), carcinoma-associated
fibroblasts (CAFs), mesenchymal stem cells
(MSCs), and myeloid-derived suppressor cells
(MDSCs). TAMs and MDSCs can be found at
points of basement membrane breakdown
and at the invasive front of the tumor. These
cells produce angiogenic factors to promote
vascularization, proteases to degrade the
extracellular matrix, and growth factors that
stimulate tumor invasion and motility. CAFs
also produce similar angiogenic factors,
protease, and tumor growth factors. In
addition, CAFs recruit bone marrow-derived
endothelial precursors for angiogenesis. The
cytokines and growth factors that TAMs and
CAFs secrete are mutually beneficial to each
other as part of an inflammatory/woundlike
response. Cancers have been described as
“wounds that do not heal.” This chronic state
is maintained by immunomodulatory cytokines
that suppress immune functions to ensure a
protumorigenic environment.
Escaping Apoptosis and Senescence
 A major mechanism to safeguard against a breakdown in tissue
homeostasis due to cells that stray, become damaged, or spent, is to
have these cells commit programmed cell death, or apoptosis.
 Ability of cancer cells to resist cell death likely contributes to
successful establishment of tumors.
 In addition to apoptosis, senescence is another important barrier to
cancer. This exit from the pool of proliferating cells results from
telomere erosion, oncogene induction, and DNA damage. Similar to
some forms of apoptosis, senescence is p53-dependent. Thus,
pressure to escape senescence can result in the loss of p53 or
mutations in p53.
Self-Renewal Ability
 Normal tissues result from the differentiation of precursor cells
called stem cells, which are multipotent cells with self-renewal ability.
In the adult, mature differentiated cells serve specialized tasks and
have limited proliferative potential.
 However, adult tissue still undergoes turnover and is maintained
through the self-renewal and multilineage differentiation of adult
stem cells. Examples of this include skin, mucosa, and
hematopoietic cells whereby a limited and spatially restricted pool of
adult stem cells asymmetrically divides. One daughter cell maintains
the stem cell pool by self-renewal, and the other daughter cell starts
the process of terminal differentiation for tissue maintenance.
Self-Renewal Ability
 The majority of cancers maintain some resemblance to their tissue
of origin by virtue of persistent differentiation, albeit in an abnormal
way. Thus, many cells in a tumor population may have limited
proliferative potential and be incapable of sustained self-renewal,
similar to their normal counterparts. The idea that only a limited
subset of cells in a cancer is capable of self-renewal is called
the cancer stem cell hypothesis.
 The existence of cancer stem cells was first demonstrated in acute
myeloid leukemia and recently shown in breast cancer, glioblastoma,
and other cancer
Coupling Tumorigenesis with Metastasis Initiation
 The selective pressures previously described that are encountered
during primary tumor growth—hypoxia, inflammation, apoptosis,
senescence, and need for proliferative, metabolic, and self-renewal
sufficiency—drive primary tumors to acquire tumorigenic alterations
that support aggressive growth.
 These same pressures collaterally support the initial stems of
metastasis, and remain important throughout the subsequent
malignant steps. One of the most striking types of metastasis
initiation functions is EMT.
Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition
 During development, the generation of many adult tissues and
organs results from a series of EMT events and the reverse process,
a mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition (MET).
 Growing evidence points toward EMT as an important characteristic
of metastasis-prone cancers. EMT in cancer is not a concrete and
tidy single process but rather a collection of cell reprogramming
phenomena that share the property of down-regulating epithelial cell
markers and, for convenience, the collective denomination of EMT
Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition
 Besides hypoxia and inflammation, the need for primary cancers
to resist apoptosis and overcome senescence may be additional
reasons to flip an EMT switch.
 Cells that have undergone EMT are associated with increased
resistance to apoptosis, possibly through prosurvival activity
conferred by Snail and Twist.
 EMT can also help cancer overcome oncogene-induced
Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition
 What makes EMT cells particularly adept at initiating early
metastatic events?
 A careful analysis of the effect of Twist on metastasis revealed a role
for Twist in establishing high levels of circulating tumor cells through
enhancing intravasation and/or survival in the circulation.
 The ability of cells undergoing EMT to intravasate is consistent with
observations that EMT occurs at the invasive front of tumors
whereby cells lose E-cadherin, detach, invade, and break down the
basement membrane.
 Accordingly, experiments that directly analyzed EMT and non-EMT
cells showed that only the EMT cells were able to penetrate
surrounding stroma and intravasate.43
Coupling Tumorigenesis with Metastasis
 The selection of genes that primarily fulfill tumorigenic functions may
also result in genes that secondarily aid cancer cells after they have
found their way into the circulation.
 In other words, when genes are selected to help the primary tumor
grow, some of these genes have a collateral effect of benefiting the
cancer after it disseminates by providing metastasis-specific tools.
 Such genes can be classified as metastasis-progression genes;
however, a clear distinction with metastasis-initiation genes may not
always be evident.
 In this section, we describe functions that can be classified as
metastasis-progression functions.
Premetastatic Niche
 Even before tumor cells colonize distant organs, they can
help prepare foreign soil for the subsequent arrival of
DTCs(disseminated tumor cells) by remotely coordinating
a “premetastatic niche” from the primary tumor.
 These niches are often located within distant organs
around terminal veins and are characterized by newly
recruited hematopoietic progenitor cells of the myeloid
lineage and by stromal cells.
 This niche provides an array of cytokines, growth factors,
and adhesion molecules to help support metastatic cells
on their arrival
Premetastatic Niche
 Once myeloid and activated stromal cells form the
premetastatic niche, the local environment in the distant
organ is altered by the production of inflammatory cytokines
and MMPs, which begins bearing an evolving resemblance to
the primary site.
 Consequently, when primary tumor cells start wandering in
the circulation, the target organs with an established
premetastatic niche become a better soil in which to attach,
survive, and grow. Indeed, if the formation of the niche is
disrupted, metastasis is inhibited.
 In this way, the shower of cytokines and growth factors that
accompany inflammatory and hypoxic responses at the
primary tumor not only selects for cancer cells that can
flourish in the primary site but has the secondary effect of
creating a more welcoming environment in distant organs
after dissemination..
Survival in the Circulation
 From experimental model systems, it has been estimated that
approximately one million cancer cells per gram of tumor tissue can
be introduced daily into the circulation.
 Direct inoculation of tumor cells into mice demonstrates that
metastasis can be an inefficient process because despite large
numbers of circulating tumor cells (CTCs), relatively few metastases
 Thus, even if cancer cells acquire metastasis-initiation functions like
EMT, the ability to merely enter into the circulation often is not a rate-
limiting step in metastasis. Other obstacles must be overcome.
Survival in the Circulation
 How can CTCs evade cell death to enhance their metastatic
potential? Growth at the primary tumor site will involve a selection
for increased resistance to apoptosis. Antiapoptosis genes such
as BCL2 or BCL-XL, or the loss of proapoptotic genes and genes
downstream of the TNF-related receptor family, can result in
increased metastasis.
 Part of this may be the result of survival both in the circulation and
shortly after extravasation. Both CTCs and platelets can also
express the αvβ3 integrin to promote aggregation of these cells to
form tumor emoboli.
 This aggregation not only facilitates arrest but can protect against
shear forces and NK cell-mediated killing.
 Thus, the ability of a primary tumor to respond to apoptosis,
senescence, and inflammatory signals can secondarily make cancer
cells better able to survive in the circulation once metastasis has
been initiated.
Extravasation and Colonization
 After arresting in capillaries, tumor cells that are able to survive can
grow intravascularly. This can lead to a physical disruption of the
 Cancer cells can mimic leukocytes and bind to endothelial E- and P-
selectins. Molecular mediators of extravasation include the
cytoskeletal anchoring protein Ezrin, which links the cell membrane
to the actin cytoskeleton and engages the cell with its
Extravasation Facilitated by Clot Formation
Reversibility of Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition:
To Invasive Carcinoma and Back to Macrometastasis at
Distant Site
Tumor Self-Seeding
 As cancer cells selected by the inflammatory and hypoxic
surroundings of the primary tumor wander through the circulation,
might the most hospitable and likely destination for extravasation be
the primary tumor from which they came?
 At least in theory, it would seem that compared with uncharted
foreign environments or even premetastatic niches, the primary
tumor would impose the least resistance to colonization.
 The ability to self-seed is promoted by IL-6 and IL-8, common
prometastatic cytokines found in the tumor microenvironment. The
cancer cell expression ofMMP1 and Fascin-1, two previously
identified lung metastasis genes, facilitates transendothelial
migration and tumor self-seeding. In fact, metastatic cells in general
are more efficient seeders, which may result from a direct cause and
From Metastasis Progression to Macrometastatic
 Because metastasis-initiation functions and metastasis-progression
functions are coupled to tumorigenic functions, the accumulating
evidence that primary tumors can exhibit metastatic traits early on
during primary tumorigenesis and with such high prevalence may
not be surprising.
 However, despite the ability of EMT to drive invasion, intravasation,
and self-renewal, and despite the remote influence the primary
tumor has on survival in the circulation, extravasation, and
premetastatic niche formation, the completion of the metastatic
cascade is still relatively infrequent for many cancer types.
 This suggests an important requirement for macrometastatic
colonization functions, or functions selected at distant sites for
organ-specific colonization.
 A major limiting step in metastasis is acquiring the ability to sustain
growth within a distant site after extravasation.
 Many cancers such as breast and prostate will not give rise to
metastasis until years or even decades after eradication of the
primary tumor.
 Experimentally, it has been shown that the vast majority of
extravasated cancer cells do not form macrometastasis.In
aggregate, these observations of latency are referred to
as metastatic dormancy
Early, Multiorgan Metastasis
 Most cancers such as breast, prostate, and sarcoma, to name a few,
demonstrate appreciable latency periods. Depending on the onset of
dissemination and colonization within distant organs, this provides
varying and often lengthy periods for acquiring macrometastatic-
colonization genes.
 In contrast, some cancers, like adenocarcinomas of the lung and
pancreas, have short latency periods and exhibit early systemic
metastasis often to multiple organs. One explanation for short
versus long periods of latency is related to origin of the cell
population initially targeted for transforming and tumorigenic events.
 The cancer stem cell hypothesis and the role of EMT in metastasis
already suggest that early progenitor cells or cells that may have
played a role in developmental processes can be predisposed to
activate metastasis-progression mechanisms. An example of this
has been demonstrated by introducing defined oncogenic alterations
into different cell.
 Thus, the transformation of certain unique cell types may predispose
to early metastatic behavior and could explain certain phenomenon
such as cancers of unknown primary.
Clinical Application: Therapy Directed Against
Invasion, Angiogenesis, and Metastasis
Molecular-Targeted Agents: Monoclonal Antibodies
Antiangiogenic antibodies.
 Bevacizumab is a recombinant humanized version of the murine
antihuman VEGF monoclonal antibody. This VEGF-neutralizing
antibody inhibits VEGF-induced signaling, resulting in reduced
angiogenesis and tumor growth. It has been U.S. FDA-approved for
renal cell, lung, and colon cancers.
 Progression-free survival at 6-month rate was 23.9% and 40.4% in
cervical and endometrial cancer , respectively.
Anti-EGFR family antibodies.
 Cetuximab is a recombinant chimeric antibody to EGFR that is
presently approved for treatment of metastatic colon cancer and
unresectable head and neck cancer, with activity in breast and
non-small cell lung cancer..
 Trastuzumab is a monoclonal antibody against EGFR-2 (Her2)
that prolongs survival in Her2-positive breast cancer in both the
adjuvant and metastatic settings.
Molecular Targeted Agents: Kinase Inhibitors
Antiangiogenic Agents.
 A number of small-molecule inhibitors of the VEGF receptors and
other angiogenic pathways have been developed and reached
clinical trials. VEGFR2 is most commonly targeted with preclinical
data showing this approach to be active in reducing endothelial cell
proliferation, migration, and vascular development, and xenograft
models have confirmed activity in a number of solid tumors .
Selective VEGFR Inhibitors.
 Cediranib is an oral tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) that targets all
three VEGFRs and c-kit.
Mixed Kinase Inhibitors, Including VEGFRs.
 Sorafenib is an oral Raf-kinase and VEGFR-2 inhibitor that has been
approved for treatment of metastatic renal cell and hepatocellular
 Nintedanib (BIBF1120) inhibits VEGFRs 1, 2, and 3, PDGFR-α and -
β, and FGFRs 1, 2, and 3.
 Pazopanib is a TKI that targets all three VEGFRs, both PDGFRs,
and c-kit. The phase II trial of pazopanib in ovarian cancer patients
with initial complete CA125 response yielded a CA-125 response
rate of 31%, where 29% of patients with measurable disease had
 Sunitinib, an inhibitor of VEGFRs and PDGFRs , resulted in a
response rate of 16.7% in a noncontinuous arm and 5.4% with
continuous dosing in a phase II trial in platinum-refractory EOC
 Cabozantinib is an oral TKI that inhibits c-Met, ALK, and VEGFR2,
and has been shown to reduce tumor growth and angiogenesis. The
agent continues to be evaluated in women with refractory ovarian
 Vandetanib, a dual VEGFR and EGFR inhibitor, was examined in
lung and ovarian cancers because of the recognized presence and
activity of both targets
Table 8.3Metastasis Therapeutic Targets and
A. Targeted Therapeutics
Target Example Agents Effects
Growth factors C225 (anti-EGFR) Tyrphostins (anti-RTK) Block growth factor signaling
Cell adhesion Anti-αvβ3 (Vitaxin) αvβ3 peptidomimetics Blocks endothelial cell interaction with matrix,
may regulate MP activation
Proteolysis MMPIs uPAR-I Blocks degradation of matrix, blocks activation of
proteases, growth factors
Motility Taxanes Blockade of microtubule cycling
Signaling [See below] Blockade of signals necessary for angiogenesis,
invasion, and metastasis
B. Signal Inhibitors
Agent Target Activity
CAI Calcium influx Inhibits adhesion, motility, angiogenesis
Squalamine Inhibits NHE-3 Anti-angiogenic
PI3 kinase inhibitors — Inhibit motility, proliferation, promote
MAPK inhibitors — Inhibit invasion, proliferation
Growth Factor Metastasis Targets
 Many growth factors can stimulate both tumor and
endothelial cell behaviors ranging from proliferation to
attachment, motility, and proteolysis. For that reason,
they are a logical target for therapeutic intervention.
 Two classes of molecules have been developed against
growth factor receptors: small molecule receptor
antagonists and monoclonal antibodies.
Tyrphostins have been developed that bind to a series of
molecules, tyrosine kinase–containing growth factor
receptors, such as those of EGF, VEGF, and PDGF.This
class of molecules focused on the ligand and ATP–
binding sites of the tyrosine kinase receptors.
 Another approach is the use of directed monoclonal
Antiadhesive Agents
 Limited agents targeted at tumor or endothelial cell adhesion have
entered clinical trials, and several are under development.
Interventions include peptidomimetics and monoclonal antibodies
targeted currently at integrins.
 Antagonists of αvβ3, such as the murine monoclonal antibody
LM609 and its newer humanized counterpart Vitaxin, induce
vascular cell apoptosis and potently inhibit angiogenesis. This is
related to the ability of these antagonists to selectively promote
programmed cell death of newly sprouting blood vessels.
Matrix Metalloproteinase Inhibitors
 Regulation of the TIMP/MMP balance is critical to the localization
inhibition of matrix breakdown for both physiologic invasion of
angiogenesis and the malignant invasion of metastasis.. The first
class of MMPIs are the hydroxamate molecules, examples of which
are batimastat (BB-94) and marimastat, targeted to interact with the
MMPs at the activation site by blocking chelation of the metal ion,
thus mimicking the physiologic action of TIMPs.Marimastat is now in
phase III clinical trials for ovarian cancer
Antimetastasis Signal Transduction Therapy
 The loss of balance in the cellular communication process may allow
for dysregulation leading to tumorigenicity, invasion, and metastasis.
 Therapeutic efforts in cancer prevention and treatment are being
focused at the level of signaling pathways or selective modulatory
 Investigations into the signaling pathways underlying metastasis
have suggested that protein kinase activity, calcium homeostasis,
and ras activation are important signals and therefore may be key
regulatory sites for therapeutic intervention.
 Several natural products have been found that inhibit protein
tyrosine kinase activity and may possess antiproliferative or anti-
invasive properties. These include genistein, herbimycin, and
lavendustin A.

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Cancer invasion and metastasis

  • 2. Invasion and Metastasis: Introduction  Cancer seemingly can evolve from hyperplasia through a series of increasingly disorganized and invasive-appearing tumors that can then colonize distant organs in a nonrandom fashion. This spread of cancer from the organ of origin (primary site) to distant tissues is called metastasis.  Although our understanding about cell proliferation, cell death, genomic instability, and signal transduction pathways has rapidly progressed, detailed understanding about the molecular mechanisms of metastasis has lagged considerably behind.
  • 3. The Evolution and Pathogenesis of Metastasis Somatic Evolution of Cancer  Hyperplastic and dysplastic lesions need not always progress to cancer, but when they do, it can take years if not decades for this to occur. This protracted course to malignancy is consistent with epidemiologic studies that show an age-dependent increase in the incidence of cancer.  Cancer requires several genetic alterations during a course of somatic evolution.  However, the mutation frequency of human cells is thought to be too low to explain the high prevalence of the disease if so many stochastic genetic alterations are needed.
  • 4.  The dynamics of tumor progression depend on mutation, selection, and tissue organization.  Mutations can result in activation of oncogenes or loss of tumor suppressor genes that increase fitness and cell autonomy.  To oppose the accumulation of cells with tumorigenic mutations, tissue architecture often limits the spread of mutant cells that have reached fixation. For example, large compartments containing many cells accumulate advantageous mutations more rapidly than smaller compartments.  Similarly, if there are only a limited number of precursor cells that have self-renewal capabilities (stem cells), this also has the effect of reducing the risk of enriching for tumorigenic mutations.  However, despite the sequential mutations and steps predicted by the somatic evolution of cancer, the nature and/or sequence of genes that are altered during this evolution are mostly unknown.
  • 5. Clinical, Pathologic, and Anatomic Correlations  Metastasis is often associated with several clinical and pathologic characteristics. Among these, tumor size and regional lymph node involvement are consistently associated with distant relapse.  For tumor size, no clear threshold exists but trends are clear. For example, metastatic risk for breast cancer rises sharply after 2 cm, while distant metastasis in sarcoma is more common for tumor sizes larger than 5 cm.  The involvement of regional lymph nodes is often, but not always, a harbinger for increased risk of distant metastasis. For head and neck cancer, the association between lymph node involvement and metastasis is predictable.  Metastasis rarely occurs without prior involvement of cervical neck lymph nodes, and the lower down in the neck nodal involvement occurs, the more likely distant metastasis becomes.  For breast cancer, the presence of positive lymph nodes is the strongest clinicopathologic prognostic marker for distant relapse. However, lymph node metastasis does not always precede distant relapse. In sarcomas, for example, metastasis is often seen in the absence of nodal disease.
  • 6. Clinical, Pathologic, and Anatomic Correlations  Although many histopathologic traits for different cancer types have been reported to associate with poor prognosis, there are several that consistently appear to track with metastatic risk across various tumor types. These traits include: (1) Tumor grade. Tumors that are poorly differentiated, or retain few features of their normal tissue counterparts, are generally considered to be high grade. High-grade tumors often exhibit infiltrative rather than pushing borders and show signs of rapid cell division. Breast cancer and sarcomas are well recognized for displaying a markedly elevated risk of metastasis with higher tumor grade. (2) Depth of invasion beyond normal tissue compartmental boundaries. Some cancers like melanoma and gastrointestinal malignancies are staged by how deeply they extend beyond the basement membrane. Violation of deeper layers of the dermis, or invasion through the lamina propria, muscularis mucosa, and serosa, represent progressively more extensive invasion and higher risk of metastasis. (3) Lymphovascular invasion. Tumor emboli seen in the blood or lymphatic vessels generally carry a poorer prognosis than cancer without these features. Breast cancer and squamous cell cancers of the head and neck or female cervix are examples.
  • 7. Tissue Tropism and the Seed and Soil Hypothesis  In 1889, Stephen Paget proposed his “seed and soil” hypothesis . This stated that the propensity of different cancers to form metastases in specific organs was due to the dependence of the seed (the cancer) on the soil (the distant organ).  In contrast, James Ewing and others argued that tissue tropism could be accounted for based on mechanical factors and circulatory patterns of the primary tumor.  For example, colorectal cancer can enter the hepatic-portal system, explaining its propensity for liver metastasis, and prostate cancer can traverse a presacral plexus that connects the periprostatic and vertebral veins, explaining its propensity for metastases to the lower spine and pelvis.  Supporting the arguments for both views, current understanding would suggest that both seed and soil factors and anatomic (“plumbing”) considerations contribute to metastatic tropism.
  • 8. Stereotypic Patterns of Metastasis to Distant Organs By Cancer Type Breast Colon Kidney Lung Ovary Prostate Stomach Testis UrinaryBladder Uterine Lining Axillary lymph nodes, other breast, lung, pleura, liver, bone brain, spleen, adrenals, ovary Regional lymph nodes, liver, lung, bladder, stomach Lung, liver, bone Regional lymph nodes, pleura, diaphagm, liver, bone, brain, kidney, adrenal, throid, spleen Peritoneum, regional lymph nodes, lung, liver Bones of spine and pelvis, regional lymph nodes Regional lymph nodes, liver, lung, bone Regional lymph nodes, lung. Liver Rectum, colon, prostate, ureter, vagina, bone, regional lymph nodes, lung, peritoneum, pleura, liver, brain Regional lymph nodes, lung, liver, ovary
  • 9. Primary Tumors and Preferred Sites of Metastatic Spread
  • 10. Basic Steps in the Metastatic Cascade  From clinical, anatomic, and pathologic observations of metastasis, a picture of the steps involved in a metastatic cascade emerges.  Invasion and motility. Normal tissue requires proper adhesions with basement membrane and/or neighboring cells to signal to each other that proper tissue compartment size and homeostasis is being maintained. Tumor cells display diminished cellular adhesion, allowing them to become motile, a fundamental property of metastatic cells. Tumor cells use their migratory and invasive properties in order to burrow through surrounding extracellular stroma and to gain entry into blood vessels and lymphatics.  Intravasation and survival in the circulation. Once tumor cells enter the circulation, or intravasate, they must be able to withstand the physical shear forces and the hostility of sentinel immune cells. Solid tumors are not accustomed to surviving as single cells without attachments and often interact with each other or blood elements to form intravascular tumor emboli.
  • 11. Basic Steps in the Metastatic Cascade  Arrest and extravasation. Once arrested in the capillary system of distant organs, tumor cells must extravasate, or exit the circulation, into foreign parenchyma.  Growth in distant organs. Successful adaptation to the new microenvironment results in sustained growth.  Of all the steps in the metastatic cascade, the ability to grow in distant organs has the greatest clinical impact and lies at the core of the seed and soil hypothesis. Accomplishing this step may be rate- limiting and may determine whether distant relapse occurs rapidly or dormancy ensues.
  • 12. Invasion-Metastasis Cascade Adapted from Fidler, Nat. Rev. Cancer
  • 13. Heterogeneity in Cancer Metastasis and Rarity of Metastatic Cells  Because numerous sequential steps are needed for metastasis, multiple genetic changes are envisioned. A failure in any step would prevent metastasis altogether.  Accordingly, tumor cells that can accumulate a full complement of needed alterations to endow them with metastatic ability should be rare.  Early cell fate studies revealed that less than 0.01% of tumor cells gave rise to metastases.  Thus, important early studies helped to establish the idea that primary tumors are heterogeneous in their metastatic ability and that tumor cells that can successfully metastasize are exceedingly rare.
  • 14. The Traditional Progression Model for Metastasis and its Implications  In this view, primary tumor cells undergo somatic evolution and accumulate genetic changes.  Because numerous steps are required for metastasis, the number of genetic changes that are needed for full metastatic competency is large; hence, tumor cells that have acquired these changes are rare.  Many clinicopathologic traits such as lymphovascular invasion and regional lymph node involvement represent successful completion of some of the steps in the metastatic cascade but not necessarily all.  The clinical observation that metastatic risk increases with tumor size is explained by mathematical considerations predicting that genetic changes accumulate faster with increased population size.  Larger tumors are more likely to contain rare cells that are metastatically competent, making metastasis a late event in tumorigenesis.
  • 15. The Traditional Progression Model for Metastasis and its Implications  One of the primary objectives in the clinical management of cancer is to prevent or decrease the risk of metastasis.  The idea that metastasis occurs as a late event in tumorigenesis argues that early detection and early eradication of the primary tumor will prevent metastasis and be sufficient for cure.  Screening programs, radical versus more limited surgical excisions, and the use of adjuvant radiation to the surgical bed can be justified based on the idea that cancers caught early have not likely spread.  Metastatic heterogeneity within the primary tumor and the rarity of tumor cells that can complete all the sequential steps in the metastatic cascade suggest that the detection of tumor cells caught in the act of undergoing an early step in the cascade may still represent an opportunity to stop metastasis in its tracks.  This is a rationale for oncologic surgeries that include regional lymph node dissections and the use of regional radiation therapy.
  • 16. Alternative Models 1. Halsted model: Although more anatomic than cellular in nature, the Halsted model looked at breast cancer from a traditional vantage point and imposed on it an orderly anatomic spread pattern from primary site, to regional lymph nodes, to distant organs. This orderly progression would make complete eradication of the primary and regional tumor burden sufficient to stop metastasis. 2. Fisher model: Fisher hypothesized that whether distant relapse occurs in breast cancer is predetermined from the onset of tumorigenesis (discussed in ref. 9). This view emphasizes breast cancer as a systemic disease for those tumors so fated and the importance of adjuvant systemic chemotherapy. 3. Clonal dominance model 4. Dynamic heterogeneity model.
  • 17. An Integrated Model for Metastasis  Different concepts on how metastasis progresses have individual merits and limitations. A clearer understanding of metastasis requires sophisticated insight on a molecular level.  Recent advances in the field of metastasis research are beginning to bring together an integrated and more complex paradigm whereby elements from different models may be interconnected.  During primary tumor growth, the principal functions that are selected are tumorigenic functions that can be met by a large repertoire of oncogenic mutations. Examples of these tumorigenic functions include proliferative and metabolic autonomy, self-renewal ability, resistance to cell death, resistance to inhibitory signals, immune evasion, motility, invasion, and angiogenesis.
  • 18. An Integrated Model for Metastasis  Most of these traits were enumerated by Hanahan and Weinberg as being hallmarks of cancer. Many of these tumorigenic functions allow transformed cells to attract supporting stroma and migrate and invade surrounding tissue, regardless of whether or not cells reside in the primary tumor.  This subset of tumorigenic functions is a prerequisite for metastasis because such functions are needed for cells to invade, penetrate blood vessels, and give rise to circulating tumor cells.  These functions are shared by primary tumors and metastasis and are defined as metastasis initiation functions. A prominent example includes epithelial-to- mesenchymal transition (EMT).
  • 19. An Integrated Model for Metastasis  It is evident how genes with tumorigenic functions and genes with metastasis initiation functions can be selected for during primary tumor growth.  However, how are metastasis-specific functions (i.e. functions that are not characteristic of general tumorigenesis) selected during growth at the primary site?  Metastasis-specific functions include survival in the circulation, extravasation, survival in the microenvironment of distant organs, and organ-specific colonization.
  • 20. An Integrated Model for Metastasis  Recent experimental evidence reveals that some genes can mediate tumorigenic functions and secondarily serve metastasis-specific functions either in a general way or with particular organ selectivity. These types of functions are called metastasis-progression functions and genes with this duality are defined as metastasis- progression genes.  Metastasis-progression genes form the basis for predetermination models for metastasis. When metastasis-progression genes are selected for, their expression by the primary tumor will track with increased risk of metastasis. These genes will also mechanistically couple certain traits of primary tumor progression (e.g., rapid growth, invasiveness, resistance to hypoxia) with distant spread.
  • 21. An Integrated Model for Metastasis
  • 22. An Integrated Model for Metastasis  Cancer cells that have acquired metastasis-progression genes can undergo additional selective pressure during life away from the primary tumor.  Functionally, genes selected by the pressures of a distant site are similar to metastasis-progression genes but they are not coupled to tumorigenic genes and so confer no advantage to a primary tumor.  Therefore, altered expression of these genes would be rare or absent in the primary tumor and discernible only in the metastatic lesion.  These genes are called macrometastatic-colonization genes and provide macrometastatic-colonization functions.  Macrometastatic-colonization genes form the basis of traditional progression models for metastasis.
  • 23. Selective Pressures at the Primary Tumor Driving Acquisition of Metastasis Functions Hypoxia  In order to disrupt tissue homeostasis during primary tumorigenesis, many barriers that can limit growth must be overcome.  A near-universal need is for tumors to respond to hypoxia.  Normal tissue such as epithelium is separated from blood vessels by a basement membrane. When preinvasive tumor growth occurs, hypoxia can ensue because oxygen and glucose typically can only diffuse 100 to 150 microns, resulting in portions of the expanding mass becoming hypoxic.  This can be seen in comedo-type ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) of the breast, whereby a necrotic center characterizes these preinvasive breast tumors.  The fact that DCIS can take years to progress to invasive cancer, or never progresses to cancer, suggests that hypoxia can be a significant barrier.
  • 24. Selective Pressures at the Primary Tumor Driving Acquisition of Metastasis Functions  Although there are multiple paths that cancer cells can take to adapt to hypoxia, the hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) transcription factors have a central role.  Under hypoxic conditions, HIF-1α and HIF-2α become stabilized, resulting in the transcription of over 100 HIF-α regulated genes. These target genes are involved in angiogenesis, glycolysis, and invasion, which together help hypoxic cells adapt.  Up-regulated angiogenesis genes include vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF). These factors cause quiescent blood vessels to undergo remodeling, including the laying down of a matrix that activated endothelial cells use to form newly vascularized areas.
  • 25. Selective Pressures at the Primary Tumor Driving Acquisition of Metastasis Functions  Various glycolysis genes are expressed and their metabolic by- products lead to acidification of the extracellular space. This is normally toxic to cells and requires further adaptation either by up- regulation of H+transporters or acquired resistance to apoptosis.  To assist in invasion toward newly vascularized areas, HIF-α up- regulates matrix metalloproteinase 1 and 2 (MMP1, MMP2), lysyl oxidase (LOX), and the chemokine receptor CXCR4. Degradation of the basement membrane by MMP2 and alteration of the extracellular matrix (ECM) by MMP1 and LOX clears away a barrier to migration. The activation of CXCR4 then stimulates cancer cells to migrate to regions of angiogenesis.  Thus, if these series of events can be successfully completed, not only will preinvasive tumors successfully deal with hypoxia, but they will also likely invade through the basement membrane in the process. Invasion through the basement membrane defines invasive carcinomas
  • 26. Selective Pressures at the Primary Tumor Driving Acquisition of Metastasis Functions Inflammation  When normal tissue homeostasis and architecture are disrupted, this can lead to vessel injury, hypoxic zones, extravasation of blood proteins, and the entry of foreign pathogens.  A rapid response is mounted by a front line composed of immune and bone marrow-derived cells (BMDCs) such as lymphocytes, neutrophils, macrophages, dendritic cells, eosinophils, and natural killer (NK) cells.  The purpose is to restore homeostasis through several phases: inflammation, tissue formation, and tissue remodeling.
  • 27.  Cancer cells are often surrounded by activated fibroblasts and BMDCs. Because of the resemblances between primary tumors and normal tissue wound response, cancer has been described as a “wound that does not heal.”  Although Virchow hypothesized in the 1850s that inflammation was the cause of cancer, the presence of an inflammatory response has generally been interpreted as evidence that the immune system actively fights the cancer as it does with invading bacterial or viral pathogens.  Under this scenario, the inflammatory response would apply significant selective pressure on the tumor to evade immune- mediated attack, and the nonhealing nature of the response suggests a back-and-forth struggle.  Tumors that progress do so by orchestrating an immunosuppressive environment, a process known as immunoediting.24
  • 28.  To facilitate an immunosuppressive environment, the tumor microenvironment selects for cells that favor production of immunomodulatory factors like TGF-β, cycoloxygenase-2 (COX2), CSF-1 (macrophage growth factor, colony-stimulating factor-1), IL- 10, and IL-6.  These cytokines inhibit maturation of dendritic cells and promote tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) that are immunosupressed.  Tumors also recruit BMDCs that have immunosuppressive properties such as myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs).  Thus, although the inflammatory response undoubtedly can help to limit cancer growth, cancers seem to select for cells that create immunosuppressive surroundings.
  • 29. Figure 10.2. Interactions between cancer and stroma that promote invasion and metastasis.  Cancerized stroma consists of fibroblasts, inflammatory cells, and other bone marrow- derived cells that have been conscripted to aid the tumor in overcoming hypoxia and in invasion and migration. Tissue breakdown, hypoxia, and inflammatory cytokines and chemokines secreted by the tumor cells result in recruitment of tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs), carcinoma-associated fibroblasts (CAFs), mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), and myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs). TAMs and MDSCs can be found at points of basement membrane breakdown and at the invasive front of the tumor. These cells produce angiogenic factors to promote vascularization, proteases to degrade the extracellular matrix, and growth factors that stimulate tumor invasion and motility. CAFs also produce similar angiogenic factors, protease, and tumor growth factors. In addition, CAFs recruit bone marrow-derived endothelial precursors for angiogenesis. The cytokines and growth factors that TAMs and CAFs secrete are mutually beneficial to each other as part of an inflammatory/woundlike response. Cancers have been described as “wounds that do not heal.” This chronic state is maintained by immunomodulatory cytokines that suppress immune functions to ensure a protumorigenic environment. 
  • 30. Escaping Apoptosis and Senescence  A major mechanism to safeguard against a breakdown in tissue homeostasis due to cells that stray, become damaged, or spent, is to have these cells commit programmed cell death, or apoptosis.  Ability of cancer cells to resist cell death likely contributes to successful establishment of tumors.  In addition to apoptosis, senescence is another important barrier to cancer. This exit from the pool of proliferating cells results from telomere erosion, oncogene induction, and DNA damage. Similar to some forms of apoptosis, senescence is p53-dependent. Thus, pressure to escape senescence can result in the loss of p53 or mutations in p53.
  • 31. Self-Renewal Ability  Normal tissues result from the differentiation of precursor cells called stem cells, which are multipotent cells with self-renewal ability. In the adult, mature differentiated cells serve specialized tasks and have limited proliferative potential.  However, adult tissue still undergoes turnover and is maintained through the self-renewal and multilineage differentiation of adult stem cells. Examples of this include skin, mucosa, and hematopoietic cells whereby a limited and spatially restricted pool of adult stem cells asymmetrically divides. One daughter cell maintains the stem cell pool by self-renewal, and the other daughter cell starts the process of terminal differentiation for tissue maintenance.
  • 32. Self-Renewal Ability  The majority of cancers maintain some resemblance to their tissue of origin by virtue of persistent differentiation, albeit in an abnormal way. Thus, many cells in a tumor population may have limited proliferative potential and be incapable of sustained self-renewal, similar to their normal counterparts. The idea that only a limited subset of cells in a cancer is capable of self-renewal is called the cancer stem cell hypothesis.  The existence of cancer stem cells was first demonstrated in acute myeloid leukemia and recently shown in breast cancer, glioblastoma, and other cancer
  • 33. Coupling Tumorigenesis with Metastasis Initiation  The selective pressures previously described that are encountered during primary tumor growth—hypoxia, inflammation, apoptosis, senescence, and need for proliferative, metabolic, and self-renewal sufficiency—drive primary tumors to acquire tumorigenic alterations that support aggressive growth.  These same pressures collaterally support the initial stems of metastasis, and remain important throughout the subsequent malignant steps. One of the most striking types of metastasis initiation functions is EMT.
  • 34. Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition  During development, the generation of many adult tissues and organs results from a series of EMT events and the reverse process, a mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition (MET).  Growing evidence points toward EMT as an important characteristic of metastasis-prone cancers. EMT in cancer is not a concrete and tidy single process but rather a collection of cell reprogramming phenomena that share the property of down-regulating epithelial cell markers and, for convenience, the collective denomination of EMT
  • 35. Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition  Besides hypoxia and inflammation, the need for primary cancers to resist apoptosis and overcome senescence may be additional reasons to flip an EMT switch.  Cells that have undergone EMT are associated with increased resistance to apoptosis, possibly through prosurvival activity conferred by Snail and Twist.  EMT can also help cancer overcome oncogene-induced senescence.
  • 36. Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition  What makes EMT cells particularly adept at initiating early metastatic events?  A careful analysis of the effect of Twist on metastasis revealed a role for Twist in establishing high levels of circulating tumor cells through enhancing intravasation and/or survival in the circulation.  The ability of cells undergoing EMT to intravasate is consistent with observations that EMT occurs at the invasive front of tumors whereby cells lose E-cadherin, detach, invade, and break down the basement membrane.  Accordingly, experiments that directly analyzed EMT and non-EMT cells showed that only the EMT cells were able to penetrate surrounding stroma and intravasate.43
  • 37.
  • 38. Coupling Tumorigenesis with Metastasis Progression  The selection of genes that primarily fulfill tumorigenic functions may also result in genes that secondarily aid cancer cells after they have found their way into the circulation.  In other words, when genes are selected to help the primary tumor grow, some of these genes have a collateral effect of benefiting the cancer after it disseminates by providing metastasis-specific tools.  Such genes can be classified as metastasis-progression genes; however, a clear distinction with metastasis-initiation genes may not always be evident.  In this section, we describe functions that can be classified as metastasis-progression functions.
  • 39. Premetastatic Niche  Even before tumor cells colonize distant organs, they can help prepare foreign soil for the subsequent arrival of DTCs(disseminated tumor cells) by remotely coordinating a “premetastatic niche” from the primary tumor.  These niches are often located within distant organs around terminal veins and are characterized by newly recruited hematopoietic progenitor cells of the myeloid lineage and by stromal cells.  This niche provides an array of cytokines, growth factors, and adhesion molecules to help support metastatic cells on their arrival
  • 40. Premetastatic Niche  Once myeloid and activated stromal cells form the premetastatic niche, the local environment in the distant organ is altered by the production of inflammatory cytokines and MMPs, which begins bearing an evolving resemblance to the primary site.  Consequently, when primary tumor cells start wandering in the circulation, the target organs with an established premetastatic niche become a better soil in which to attach, survive, and grow. Indeed, if the formation of the niche is disrupted, metastasis is inhibited.  In this way, the shower of cytokines and growth factors that accompany inflammatory and hypoxic responses at the primary tumor not only selects for cancer cells that can flourish in the primary site but has the secondary effect of creating a more welcoming environment in distant organs after dissemination..
  • 41. Survival in the Circulation  From experimental model systems, it has been estimated that approximately one million cancer cells per gram of tumor tissue can be introduced daily into the circulation.  Direct inoculation of tumor cells into mice demonstrates that metastasis can be an inefficient process because despite large numbers of circulating tumor cells (CTCs), relatively few metastases form.  Thus, even if cancer cells acquire metastasis-initiation functions like EMT, the ability to merely enter into the circulation often is not a rate- limiting step in metastasis. Other obstacles must be overcome.
  • 42. Survival in the Circulation  How can CTCs evade cell death to enhance their metastatic potential? Growth at the primary tumor site will involve a selection for increased resistance to apoptosis. Antiapoptosis genes such as BCL2 or BCL-XL, or the loss of proapoptotic genes and genes downstream of the TNF-related receptor family, can result in increased metastasis.  Part of this may be the result of survival both in the circulation and shortly after extravasation. Both CTCs and platelets can also express the αvβ3 integrin to promote aggregation of these cells to form tumor emoboli.  This aggregation not only facilitates arrest but can protect against shear forces and NK cell-mediated killing.  Thus, the ability of a primary tumor to respond to apoptosis, senescence, and inflammatory signals can secondarily make cancer cells better able to survive in the circulation once metastasis has been initiated.
  • 43. Extravasation and Colonization  After arresting in capillaries, tumor cells that are able to survive can grow intravascularly. This can lead to a physical disruption of the vessels.  Cancer cells can mimic leukocytes and bind to endothelial E- and P- selectins. Molecular mediators of extravasation include the cytoskeletal anchoring protein Ezrin, which links the cell membrane to the actin cytoskeleton and engages the cell with its microenvironment.
  • 45. Reversibility of Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition: To Invasive Carcinoma and Back to Macrometastasis at Distant Site
  • 46. Tumor Self-Seeding  As cancer cells selected by the inflammatory and hypoxic surroundings of the primary tumor wander through the circulation, might the most hospitable and likely destination for extravasation be the primary tumor from which they came?  At least in theory, it would seem that compared with uncharted foreign environments or even premetastatic niches, the primary tumor would impose the least resistance to colonization.  The ability to self-seed is promoted by IL-6 and IL-8, common prometastatic cytokines found in the tumor microenvironment. The cancer cell expression ofMMP1 and Fascin-1, two previously identified lung metastasis genes, facilitates transendothelial migration and tumor self-seeding. In fact, metastatic cells in general are more efficient seeders, which may result from a direct cause and effect.
  • 47. From Metastasis Progression to Macrometastatic Colonization  Because metastasis-initiation functions and metastasis-progression functions are coupled to tumorigenic functions, the accumulating evidence that primary tumors can exhibit metastatic traits early on during primary tumorigenesis and with such high prevalence may not be surprising.  However, despite the ability of EMT to drive invasion, intravasation, and self-renewal, and despite the remote influence the primary tumor has on survival in the circulation, extravasation, and premetastatic niche formation, the completion of the metastatic cascade is still relatively infrequent for many cancer types.  This suggests an important requirement for macrometastatic colonization functions, or functions selected at distant sites for organ-specific colonization.
  • 48. Dormancy  A major limiting step in metastasis is acquiring the ability to sustain growth within a distant site after extravasation.  Many cancers such as breast and prostate will not give rise to metastasis until years or even decades after eradication of the primary tumor.  Experimentally, it has been shown that the vast majority of extravasated cancer cells do not form macrometastasis.In aggregate, these observations of latency are referred to as metastatic dormancy
  • 49. Early, Multiorgan Metastasis  Most cancers such as breast, prostate, and sarcoma, to name a few, demonstrate appreciable latency periods. Depending on the onset of dissemination and colonization within distant organs, this provides varying and often lengthy periods for acquiring macrometastatic- colonization genes.  In contrast, some cancers, like adenocarcinomas of the lung and pancreas, have short latency periods and exhibit early systemic metastasis often to multiple organs. One explanation for short versus long periods of latency is related to origin of the cell population initially targeted for transforming and tumorigenic events.  The cancer stem cell hypothesis and the role of EMT in metastasis already suggest that early progenitor cells or cells that may have played a role in developmental processes can be predisposed to activate metastasis-progression mechanisms. An example of this has been demonstrated by introducing defined oncogenic alterations into different cell.  Thus, the transformation of certain unique cell types may predispose to early metastatic behavior and could explain certain phenomenon such as cancers of unknown primary.
  • 50. Clinical Application: Therapy Directed Against Invasion, Angiogenesis, and Metastasis Molecular-Targeted Agents: Monoclonal Antibodies Antiangiogenic antibodies.  Bevacizumab is a recombinant humanized version of the murine antihuman VEGF monoclonal antibody. This VEGF-neutralizing antibody inhibits VEGF-induced signaling, resulting in reduced angiogenesis and tumor growth. It has been U.S. FDA-approved for renal cell, lung, and colon cancers.  Progression-free survival at 6-month rate was 23.9% and 40.4% in cervical and endometrial cancer , respectively.
  • 51. Anti-EGFR family antibodies.  Cetuximab is a recombinant chimeric antibody to EGFR that is presently approved for treatment of metastatic colon cancer and unresectable head and neck cancer, with activity in breast and non-small cell lung cancer..  Trastuzumab is a monoclonal antibody against EGFR-2 (Her2) that prolongs survival in Her2-positive breast cancer in both the adjuvant and metastatic settings.
  • 52. Molecular Targeted Agents: Kinase Inhibitors Antiangiogenic Agents.  A number of small-molecule inhibitors of the VEGF receptors and other angiogenic pathways have been developed and reached clinical trials. VEGFR2 is most commonly targeted with preclinical data showing this approach to be active in reducing endothelial cell proliferation, migration, and vascular development, and xenograft models have confirmed activity in a number of solid tumors . Selective VEGFR Inhibitors.  Cediranib is an oral tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) that targets all three VEGFRs and c-kit.
  • 53. Mixed Kinase Inhibitors, Including VEGFRs.  Sorafenib is an oral Raf-kinase and VEGFR-2 inhibitor that has been approved for treatment of metastatic renal cell and hepatocellular cancers.  Nintedanib (BIBF1120) inhibits VEGFRs 1, 2, and 3, PDGFR-α and - β, and FGFRs 1, 2, and 3.  Pazopanib is a TKI that targets all three VEGFRs, both PDGFRs, and c-kit. The phase II trial of pazopanib in ovarian cancer patients with initial complete CA125 response yielded a CA-125 response rate of 31%, where 29% of patients with measurable disease had stabilization
  • 54. .  Sunitinib, an inhibitor of VEGFRs and PDGFRs , resulted in a response rate of 16.7% in a noncontinuous arm and 5.4% with continuous dosing in a phase II trial in platinum-refractory EOC  Cabozantinib is an oral TKI that inhibits c-Met, ALK, and VEGFR2, and has been shown to reduce tumor growth and angiogenesis. The agent continues to be evaluated in women with refractory ovarian cancer.  Vandetanib, a dual VEGFR and EGFR inhibitor, was examined in lung and ovarian cancers because of the recognized presence and activity of both targets
  • 55. Table 8.3Metastasis Therapeutic Targets and Agents A. Targeted Therapeutics Target Example Agents Effects Growth factors C225 (anti-EGFR) Tyrphostins (anti-RTK) Block growth factor signaling Cell adhesion Anti-αvβ3 (Vitaxin) αvβ3 peptidomimetics Blocks endothelial cell interaction with matrix, may regulate MP activation Proteolysis MMPIs uPAR-I Blocks degradation of matrix, blocks activation of proteases, growth factors Motility Taxanes Blockade of microtubule cycling Signaling [See below] Blockade of signals necessary for angiogenesis, invasion, and metastasis B. Signal Inhibitors Agent Target Activity CAI Calcium influx Inhibits adhesion, motility, angiogenesis Squalamine Inhibits NHE-3 Anti-angiogenic PI3 kinase inhibitors — Inhibit motility, proliferation, promote MAPK inhibitors — Inhibit invasion, proliferation
  • 56. Growth Factor Metastasis Targets  Many growth factors can stimulate both tumor and endothelial cell behaviors ranging from proliferation to attachment, motility, and proteolysis. For that reason, they are a logical target for therapeutic intervention.  Two classes of molecules have been developed against growth factor receptors: small molecule receptor antagonists and monoclonal antibodies.  Tyrphostins have been developed that bind to a series of molecules, tyrosine kinase–containing growth factor receptors, such as those of EGF, VEGF, and PDGF.This class of molecules focused on the ligand and ATP– binding sites of the tyrosine kinase receptors.  Another approach is the use of directed monoclonal antibodies..
  • 57. Antiadhesive Agents  Limited agents targeted at tumor or endothelial cell adhesion have entered clinical trials, and several are under development. Interventions include peptidomimetics and monoclonal antibodies targeted currently at integrins.  Antagonists of αvβ3, such as the murine monoclonal antibody LM609 and its newer humanized counterpart Vitaxin, induce vascular cell apoptosis and potently inhibit angiogenesis. This is related to the ability of these antagonists to selectively promote programmed cell death of newly sprouting blood vessels. Matrix Metalloproteinase Inhibitors  Regulation of the TIMP/MMP balance is critical to the localization inhibition of matrix breakdown for both physiologic invasion of angiogenesis and the malignant invasion of metastasis.. The first class of MMPIs are the hydroxamate molecules, examples of which are batimastat (BB-94) and marimastat, targeted to interact with the MMPs at the activation site by blocking chelation of the metal ion, thus mimicking the physiologic action of TIMPs.Marimastat is now in phase III clinical trials for ovarian cancer
  • 58. Antimetastasis Signal Transduction Therapy  The loss of balance in the cellular communication process may allow for dysregulation leading to tumorigenicity, invasion, and metastasis.  Therapeutic efforts in cancer prevention and treatment are being focused at the level of signaling pathways or selective modulatory proteins.  Investigations into the signaling pathways underlying metastasis have suggested that protein kinase activity, calcium homeostasis, and ras activation are important signals and therefore may be key regulatory sites for therapeutic intervention.  Several natural products have been found that inhibit protein tyrosine kinase activity and may possess antiproliferative or anti- invasive properties. These include genistein, herbimycin, and lavendustin A.