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Presented by: Narjes Khatoon Shabani Sadr
Provided for : Cancer Genetics - Dr. Galedari
Agenda for this Lecture
• Introduction of Copy number variations (CNV)
• types of CNV :bi-allelic and multi-allelic CNVs.
• Mechanism for the creation CNV
• Role in disease
• Define Cancer
• CNV role in cancer development
• Copy-number changes and cancer
• CNVs and cancer predisposition:
first hits to the tumor genome
• Common cancer CNVs
• Rare cancer CNVs
• Examples of cancer associated with CNVs
• CVN and Pharmacogenetics in oncology
• Conclusions
• The gene copy number (also "copy number variants" or CNVs) is the number
of copies of a particular gene in the genotype of an individual.
• Recent evidence shows that the can be elevated in
Introduction Copy number variations (CNV)
Introduction Copy number variations (CNV) :
A brief history of CNVs
• The first CNV in humans – discovered in the early – was found
to be widespread throughout all populations, with a range of striking
but largely benign phenotypic consequences.
• However, the first large, systematic structural comparisons of the
genomes of healthy humans were only carried out in and used
to identify large numbers of CNVs that are present at
significant frequency.
• Further studies have revealed well over a thousand CNVs, which at
one time were believed to account for of the human
genome, a figure inflated somewhat by the limited spatial resolution
of the methods used and consequent overestimation of the sizes of
the genomic regions involved.
• Copy-number variations (CNVs)—a form of structural
variation—are alterations of the DNA of a genome
that results in the cell having an abnormal or, for
certain genes, a normal variation in the number of
copies of one or more sections of the DNA.
• CNVs correspond to relatively large regions of the
genome that have been deleted (fewer than the
normal number) or duplicated (more than the normal
number) on certain chromosomes.
• For example, the chromosome that normally has
sections in order as A-B-C-D might instead have
sections A-B-C-C-D (a duplication of "C") or A-B-D (a
deletion of "C").
• This variation accounts for roughly 13% of human
genomic DNA and each variation may range from
about one kilo base (1,000 nucleotide bases) to
several megabases in size.
Introduction Copy number variations
Introduction Copy number variations
• DNA copy number variations (CNVs) are an important component of genetic
variation, affecting a greater fraction of the genome than single nucleotide
polymorphisms (SNPs).
• CNVs correspond to relatively large regions of
the genome that have been deleted or
duplicated on certain chromosomes.
• This variation accounts for roughly 13% of
human genomic DNA and each variation may
range from about 1 kb to several megabases
in size.
• CNVs contrast with SNPs, which affect only
one single nucleotide base.
What is a copy number variant?
• Human DNA has one copy of autosomal regions on each
• However, as discovered by the Human Genome Project,
many genetic regions display a variation in the number of
copies (more or less than two copies).
• Alleles containing 0 –13 gene copies have been reported
across the human population.
What is a copy number variant?
• These genetic variants are termed and are defined as
DNA segments ranging in size from to
among individuals owing to , ,
, , or .
• Although the contribution of CNVs to the of
common diseases is questionable, CNVs in some
genes play a clear role in drug efficacy
and toxicity.(especially in cancer)
Copy Number Variations in the Human
Chromosome Position
Person 1
Person 2
Extra DNA
Missing DNA
bi-allelic and multi-allelic CNVs.
Mechanism for the creation CNV
• Most CNVs are stable and , so CNV between
individuals is largely a product of genetic heritage,
however, arise through diverse mechanisms
at various stages of development.
• Multiple homologous recombination reactions on each
chromosome are required for the meiotic cell divisions
that give rise to gametes, and although these events are of
very high fidelity, occasional mistakes are inevitable.
• Therefore, most CNV in the human genome likely arises
through non-allelic homologous recombination events in
which unmatched regions of chromosomes are mistakenly
recombined during meiosis.
• However, two lines of evidence suggest that this is not
the whole story.
• Firstly, various studies have revealed extensive CNV
between different cells in the same individuals; these
CNVs must have arisen post-fertilization.
• Secondly, some complex genetic rearrangements cannot
be readily reconciled with a non-allelic homologous
recombination mechanism; these have been proposed to
arise through rare replication defects resulting from
broken DNA at one replication fork invading another fork,
resulting in a template switch.
• This was subsequently superseded by a more general
micro homology-mediated break-induced replication
(MMBIR) model.
Mechanism for the creation CNV
Non-allelic homologous recombination (NAHR)
Non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) can result in a
genomic rearrangement that immediately or eventually
results in the or of genetic material after multiple
double-strand DNA breaks occur and are repaired.
Non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) can result in a
genomic rearrangement that immediately or eventually
results in the gain or loss of genetic material after multiple
double-strand DNA breaks occur and are repaired.
Role in disease
• Like other types of genetic variation, some CNVs have been
associated with or to disease.
• Gene copy number can be in cancer cells. For instance,
the copy number can be than normal in
• In addition, a higher copy number of CCL3L1 has been associated
with lower susceptibility to HIV infection, and a low copy number
of FCGR3B (the CD16 cell surface immunoglobulin receptor) can
increase susceptibility to systemic lupus erythematosus and similar
inflammatory autoimmune disorders. Copy number variation has also
been associated with autism, schizophrenia, and idiopathic learning
Define Cancer
is a term used to describe a large group
of diseases that are characterized by a cellular
• Healthy cells are programmed to “
• Cancerous cells do not have this programming
and therefore and out of
• They also serve no physiological function.
These cells are now termed a neoplasm.
• This neoplasmic mass often forms a clumping
of cells known as a tumor.
• Although the exact pathogenic mechanisms leading to
many cancers are unclear, the consensus view is that
cancer results from dysregulation of the activity or
expression of genes that control cell growth and
differentiation, leading to abnormal cell proliferation.
have been reported in ,
and presumably contribute to this dysregulation.
Define Cancer
Copy-number changes and cancer
• CNVs have clearly been shown to have the potential to indirectly
influence a healthy individual’s susceptibility to , for example
by the or .
• A more direct and immediate role of copy-number change is seen in
cancerous cells themselves, which frequently display CNVs that are
absent in the patient’s normal cells in characteristic (although cancer-
type specific) parts of the genome.
• Arguably, such copy-number changes in cancer cells should not be
called ‘variants’ because they do not fall within the spectrum of
normal human variation.
• Aneuploidy, double-minutes and nonreciprocal
translocations have long been recognized in many cancers
and are one form of CNV.
• But cancers have also been shown to gain additional copies
of certain smaller genomic regions.
• Such gains are of particular interest when they are found in
many patients with a given cancer type or in the early
stages of cancer because they can then be inferred to
harbor so-called ‘driver genes’ that favor the growth of
abnormal cells.
Copy-number changes and cancer
• By contrast, in the later stages of many cancers, ‘genomic
chaos’ often ensues, which makes it difficult to determine
which copy-number changes are significant or causative
and which are purely incidental or of minor importance.
Copy-number changes and cancer
CNVs and cancer predisposition:
first hits to the tumor genome
• The goal of cancer genetics is to discover all
that predispose to neoplasms.
• To this end, have been the most widely studied form
of genetic variation and, by using massive GWA studies,
many common SNPs have been shown to be associated
with cancer and other complex traits.
• However, the results of these efforts have not explained
much of the .
• This is perhaps because GWA studies have mostly ignored
the inter-individual genetic variation provided by CNVs,
which affect more than 10% of the human genome.
• CNVs, especially smaller variants, have been essentially
hidden from view until recently; thus, only a handful of
studies have found an association of CNVs with cancer.
• Once these CNVs have been identified, one can only
assume that CNVs will explain a larger portion of the
genetic basis of cancer.
• Once identified, common and rare CNVs should be
considered separately, as they may have very different roles
in cancer.
CNVs and cancer predisposition:
first hits to the tumor genome
Common cancer CNVs :Distribution of common
cancer CNVs in the human genome
As with SNPs, CNVs that are found frequently in the healthy population (common
CNVs) are very likely to have a role in cancer etiology.
Common cancer CNVs
:this is essential for DNA repair by homologous
recombination and has been shown by a GWA study to
contain a SNP that is strongly associated with
that seems to be associated with
a small deletion in Mtus1 is associated with a
decreased risk of familial and high-risk
Rare cancer CNVs
• There are over 200 cancer syndromes and although most
arise infrequently, they account for 5-10% of all cancer
• These are caused by base-pair-sized germline mutations
in many central
- such as: TP53, APC, BRCA1,
BRCA2, PTEN, and RB1
• and (fewer) , including HRAS and RET.
Proposed model for CNVs in tumorigenesis.
CNVs and tumor genomes: Copy
number alterations(CNA)
• Genome-scale analyses have found many formerly invisible
• In an analysis of 371 lung adenocarcinoma samples, Weir et al.
identified and
• The most significant amplification, at and containing
the novel oncogene .
• Mullighan et al found copy number changes in PAX5, a gene
within the B-cell development pathway, in 57 of 192 cases.
• In glioblastoma, CNA information, mRNA expression
levels and methylation changes have been measured and
nucleotide mutational analyses have been carried out.
• Integrative analysis has shown that over 70% of tumors
carry alterations in the retinoblastoma, p53 and receptor
tyrosine kinase pathways.
• Although cancer is driven primarily by alterations of the
genome, CNA profiles can be combined with other high-
throughput data to create insights that are 'greater than
the sum of their parts'.
CNVs and tumor genomes: Using
CNAs to define the key pathways of a
• CGH analysis has also shown that CNVs are associated
with , breast cancer, and
• Tse et al identified eight regions with CNVs including six
(on chromosomes 3, 6, 7, 8 and 19), and two
(on chromosomes 7 and 12) that were
significantly overrepresented in
patients compared with healthy
Examples of cancer associated
with CNVs
• Among these CNVs and gene deletions
on chromosome 6p21.3 showed the highest
association signal.
• Examining 51 BRCA1-associated ovarian cancer
patients, and 47 healthy women via Affymetrix
Genome-Wide Human SNP Array 6.0, Yoshihara et al
identified in BRCA1 associated ovarian
cancer patients.
Examples of cancer associated
with CNVs
Potential mechanism of the UGT2B17
CNV in prostate cancer pathogenesis.
polymorphisms(SNPs) effect on
 Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP):
 SNPs are defined as Single base-pair positions
in genomic DNA that vary among individuals
in one or several populations.
 SNPs are believed to underlie susceptibility
to such common diseases as cancer, diabetes,
and heart disease and to contribute to the
traits that make individuals unique.
 SNPs are used as genomic biomarkers.
 Hence SNP analysis can be used to enhance
drug discovery and development.
DNA molecule 1 differs from DNA
molecule 2 at a single base-pair
location (a C/T polymorphism)
Examples of drugs where pharmacogenomics
testing is useful are listed in this Table
CVN and Pharmacogenetics in oncology
Pharmacogenetics focused on the effects of genetics in cancer
 Pharmacogenetics And selection of anticancer drugs:
• Thiopurine
• Irinotecan،
• Tamoxifen
 Thiopurine such as :
 6-mercaptopurine (6-MP)
 thioguanine
 and azathioprine (TPMT)
 Metabolized by: thiopurine-S-methyl transferase (TPMT)
CVN and Pharmacogenetics in oncology
Metabolism of 6-mercaptopurin to
6-methylmercaptopurin by the methylator
Various alleles of the gene
TPMT and their SNPs
 Irinotecan
7-ethyl-10- hydroxycamptothecin (SN-38)
(UGT1A1) UDP- glucuronosyl transferase
 Tamoxifen (estrogen receptor-positive breast
 Tamoxifen is a prodrug
 endoxifen (4-hydroxy-N-desmethyl-tomoxifer)
• The study of cancer and CNVs is in its infancy but is
maturing quickly.
• In considering the effect of this form of genetic variation
on cancer predisposition, cancer gene expression and
tumor genome profiling, there is much to learn from past
studies on genomic disorders.
• Denser micro-arrays, next-generation sequencing and
integrative informatics analyses are around the corner and
promise to uncover new CNVs and CNAs.
• There are, therefore, many exciting questions to be addressed:
• what role do CNVs have in cancer predisposition and how can we
use this newly discovered form of genetic variation to identify
those most at risk?
• Which cancer-related genes are affected by CNVs and, of these
changes, which are both necessary and sufficient to cause
neoplastic growth?
• Can incipient cancer cells use these constitutional deletions and
duplications to induce or accelerate tumorigenesis and tumor
• As these questions are resolved, the potential value of
cancer CNVs as novel biomarkers of cancer
susceptibility and initiation, and of cancer progression
and metastases, will become apparent. Whether
cancer CNVs offer insight into genes that might be
targets for novel drug development remains to be
• Adam Shlien and David Malkin. (16 June 2009). Copy number vvariations and cancer.
Genome Medicine, 11:: 62.
• Ana CV Krepischi,Maria Isab el W Achatz,Erika MM San tos,, Silvia S Costa,Bianca CG
Lisboa,Helena Brentani,. (2012). Germline DNA copy number variation in familial and
early-onset breast cancer. Krepischi et al . Breast Cancer Research, 14-24.
• Andrew N. Shelling,Lynnette R. Ferguson. (2007). Genetic variation in human disease
and a new role for copy number variants. Mutation Research 622, 33–41.
• Antonis C Antoniou and Georgi a Chenev ix-Trench. (2010). Common genetic variants
and cancer risk in Mendelian cancer syndromes. Current Opinion in Gen etics &
Development, 299 –307.
• Bin Liu,ei Yang,Binf ang Huang,Mei C heng,Hui Wang,Yinyan Li,Do ngshen g Huang.
(August 10, 2012). A Functional Copy-Number Variation in MAPKAPK2. The American
Journal of Human Genetics 91, 384–390.
• Charles Lee , Courtney Hyland , Arthur S. Lee , Shona Hislop and Chunhwa Ihm. (2010).
Copy Number Variation and Human Health. In C. H. Charles Lee, Essentials of Genomic
and Personalized Medicine by Ginsburg & Willard (p. CHAPTER 5).
• Colin C . Pritchard, Stephen J. Salipante ,. (January 2014). Validation and Implem
entation of Targeted Capture and Sequencing for the Detection of Actionable
• Mutation, Copy Number Variation, and Gene Rearrangemen t in
Clinical Cancer Specimens. The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics.
• Dear, P. H. (July 2009). Copy-number variation: the end of the human
genome? Trends in Biotechnology, 448-456.
• Elsa Vanh ecke,Alexan der Valen t,Ximing Tang,Philippe Vielh,Luc Frib
oulet,Tao Tang,Aïcha Goubar,Yua nyuan Li,. (2013). 19q13- ERCC1
Gene Copy Number Incre ase in Non e Small-Cell Lung Cancer. Clinical
Lung Cancer, 549-57.
• Iuliana Ionita-Laza,Angela J . Rogers,, Christoph Lange,, Benjamin A .
Raby,Charles Lee. (2009). Genetic association analysis of copy-
number variation (CNV) in human disease pathogenesis. Genomics
93 , 22-26.
• Roland P Kuiper,Marjolijn JL Ligten berg,Nicoline Hoogerb rugge,and
Ad Geurt s van Kessel. (2010). Germline copy number variation and
cancer risk. Current Opinion in Gen etics & Development, 282 – 289.
• Tie-Lin Yang, Yan Guo,Christopher J. Papasian and
Hong-Wen Deng. (2013). Copy Number Variation. In
Y. G.-W. Tie-Lin Yang, Genetics of Bone Biology and
Skeletal Disease (p. chapter 9).
• Xiaosu Zhao,Qi Wu,Xinrong Fu,Bo Yu,Yong Shao,Hong
Yang,Ming Guan,Xiaojun Huang,. (2010).
Examination of copy number variations of CHST9 in
multiple types of hematologic malignancies. Cancer
Genetics and Cytogenetics 203 , 176 e179.
• Yijing He, Janelle M. Hoskins and Howard L. McLeod.
(May 2011). Copy number variants in pharmaco
genetic genes. Trends in Molecular Medicine.
“Human beings are ultimately
nothing but carriers-passageways-
for genes.
They ride us into the ground like
racehorses from generation to
generation. Genes don't think about
what constitutes good or evil.
They don't care whether we are happy or
unhappy. We're just means to an end for them.
The only thing they think about is what is
most efficient for them.”
Haruki Murakami, 1Q84

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Cancer and CNV

  • 1. Presented by: Narjes Khatoon Shabani Sadr Provided for : Cancer Genetics - Dr. Galedari
  • 2.
  • 3. Agenda for this Lecture • Introduction of Copy number variations (CNV) • types of CNV :bi-allelic and multi-allelic CNVs. • Mechanism for the creation CNV • Role in disease • Define Cancer • CNV role in cancer development • Copy-number changes and cancer • CNVs and cancer predisposition: first hits to the tumor genome • Common cancer CNVs • Rare cancer CNVs • Examples of cancer associated with CNVs • CVN and Pharmacogenetics in oncology • Conclusions
  • 4. • The gene copy number (also "copy number variants" or CNVs) is the number of copies of a particular gene in the genotype of an individual. • Recent evidence shows that the can be elevated in . Introduction Copy number variations (CNV)
  • 5. Introduction Copy number variations (CNV) : A brief history of CNVs • The first CNV in humans – discovered in the early – was found to be widespread throughout all populations, with a range of striking but largely benign phenotypic consequences. • However, the first large, systematic structural comparisons of the genomes of healthy humans were only carried out in and used to identify large numbers of CNVs that are present at significant frequency. • Further studies have revealed well over a thousand CNVs, which at one time were believed to account for of the human genome, a figure inflated somewhat by the limited spatial resolution of the methods used and consequent overestimation of the sizes of the genomic regions involved.
  • 6. • Copy-number variations (CNVs)—a form of structural variation—are alterations of the DNA of a genome that results in the cell having an abnormal or, for certain genes, a normal variation in the number of copies of one or more sections of the DNA. • CNVs correspond to relatively large regions of the genome that have been deleted (fewer than the normal number) or duplicated (more than the normal number) on certain chromosomes.
  • 7. • For example, the chromosome that normally has sections in order as A-B-C-D might instead have sections A-B-C-C-D (a duplication of "C") or A-B-D (a deletion of "C"). • This variation accounts for roughly 13% of human genomic DNA and each variation may range from about one kilo base (1,000 nucleotide bases) to several megabases in size. Introduction Copy number variations (CNV)
  • 8. Introduction Copy number variations (CNV) • DNA copy number variations (CNVs) are an important component of genetic variation, affecting a greater fraction of the genome than single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs).
  • 9. • CNVs correspond to relatively large regions of the genome that have been deleted or duplicated on certain chromosomes. • This variation accounts for roughly 13% of human genomic DNA and each variation may range from about 1 kb to several megabases in size. • CNVs contrast with SNPs, which affect only one single nucleotide base.
  • 10. What is a copy number variant? • Human DNA has one copy of autosomal regions on each chromosome. • However, as discovered by the Human Genome Project, many genetic regions display a variation in the number of copies (more or less than two copies). • Alleles containing 0 –13 gene copies have been reported across the human population.
  • 11. What is a copy number variant? • These genetic variants are termed and are defined as DNA segments ranging in size from to among individuals owing to , , , , or . • Although the contribution of CNVs to the of common diseases is questionable, CNVs in some genes play a clear role in drug efficacy and toxicity.(especially in cancer)
  • 12. Copy Number Variations in the Human Genome Chromosome Position Person 1 Person 2 SignalSignal Extra DNA Missing DNA
  • 14. Mechanism for the creation CNV • Most CNVs are stable and , so CNV between individuals is largely a product of genetic heritage, however, arise through diverse mechanisms at various stages of development. • Multiple homologous recombination reactions on each chromosome are required for the meiotic cell divisions that give rise to gametes, and although these events are of very high fidelity, occasional mistakes are inevitable. • Therefore, most CNV in the human genome likely arises through non-allelic homologous recombination events in which unmatched regions of chromosomes are mistakenly recombined during meiosis.
  • 15. • However, two lines of evidence suggest that this is not the whole story. • Firstly, various studies have revealed extensive CNV between different cells in the same individuals; these CNVs must have arisen post-fertilization. • Secondly, some complex genetic rearrangements cannot be readily reconciled with a non-allelic homologous recombination mechanism; these have been proposed to arise through rare replication defects resulting from broken DNA at one replication fork invading another fork, resulting in a template switch. • This was subsequently superseded by a more general micro homology-mediated break-induced replication (MMBIR) model. Mechanism for the creation CNV
  • 17. Non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) can result in a genomic rearrangement that immediately or eventually results in the or of genetic material after multiple double-strand DNA breaks occur and are repaired.
  • 18. Non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) can result in a genomic rearrangement that immediately or eventually results in the gain or loss of genetic material after multiple double-strand DNA breaks occur and are repaired.
  • 19. Role in disease • Like other types of genetic variation, some CNVs have been associated with or to disease. • Gene copy number can be in cancer cells. For instance, the copy number can be than normal in . • In addition, a higher copy number of CCL3L1 has been associated with lower susceptibility to HIV infection, and a low copy number of FCGR3B (the CD16 cell surface immunoglobulin receptor) can increase susceptibility to systemic lupus erythematosus and similar inflammatory autoimmune disorders. Copy number variation has also been associated with autism, schizophrenia, and idiopathic learning disability.
  • 20. Define Cancer is a term used to describe a large group of diseases that are characterized by a cellular malfunction. • Healthy cells are programmed to “ ”. • Cancerous cells do not have this programming and therefore and out of control. • They also serve no physiological function. These cells are now termed a neoplasm. • This neoplasmic mass often forms a clumping of cells known as a tumor.
  • 21. • Although the exact pathogenic mechanisms leading to many cancers are unclear, the consensus view is that cancer results from dysregulation of the activity or expression of genes that control cell growth and differentiation, leading to abnormal cell proliferation. have been reported in , and presumably contribute to this dysregulation. Define Cancer
  • 22. Copy-number changes and cancer • CNVs have clearly been shown to have the potential to indirectly influence a healthy individual’s susceptibility to , for example by the or . • A more direct and immediate role of copy-number change is seen in cancerous cells themselves, which frequently display CNVs that are absent in the patient’s normal cells in characteristic (although cancer- type specific) parts of the genome. • Arguably, such copy-number changes in cancer cells should not be called ‘variants’ because they do not fall within the spectrum of normal human variation.
  • 23. • Aneuploidy, double-minutes and nonreciprocal translocations have long been recognized in many cancers and are one form of CNV. • But cancers have also been shown to gain additional copies of certain smaller genomic regions. • Such gains are of particular interest when they are found in many patients with a given cancer type or in the early stages of cancer because they can then be inferred to harbor so-called ‘driver genes’ that favor the growth of abnormal cells. Copy-number changes and cancer
  • 24. • By contrast, in the later stages of many cancers, ‘genomic chaos’ often ensues, which makes it difficult to determine which copy-number changes are significant or causative and which are purely incidental or of minor importance. Copy-number changes and cancer
  • 25. CNVs and cancer predisposition: first hits to the tumor genome • The goal of cancer genetics is to discover all that predispose to neoplasms. • To this end, have been the most widely studied form of genetic variation and, by using massive GWA studies, many common SNPs have been shown to be associated with cancer and other complex traits. • However, the results of these efforts have not explained much of the . • This is perhaps because GWA studies have mostly ignored the inter-individual genetic variation provided by CNVs, which affect more than 10% of the human genome.
  • 26. • CNVs, especially smaller variants, have been essentially hidden from view until recently; thus, only a handful of studies have found an association of CNVs with cancer. • Once these CNVs have been identified, one can only assume that CNVs will explain a larger portion of the genetic basis of cancer. • Once identified, common and rare CNVs should be considered separately, as they may have very different roles in cancer. CNVs and cancer predisposition: first hits to the tumor genome
  • 27. Common cancer CNVs :Distribution of common cancer CNVs in the human genome As with SNPs, CNVs that are found frequently in the healthy population (common CNVs) are very likely to have a role in cancer etiology.
  • 28. Common cancer CNVs :this is essential for DNA repair by homologous recombination and has been shown by a GWA study to contain a SNP that is strongly associated with . that seems to be associated with a small deletion in Mtus1 is associated with a decreased risk of familial and high-risk
  • 29. Rare cancer CNVs • There are over 200 cancer syndromes and although most arise infrequently, they account for 5-10% of all cancer cases. • These are caused by base-pair-sized germline mutations in many central - such as: TP53, APC, BRCA1, BRCA2, PTEN, and RB1 • and (fewer) , including HRAS and RET.
  • 30.
  • 31. Proposed model for CNVs in tumorigenesis.
  • 32. CNVs and tumor genomes: Copy number alterations(CNA) • Genome-scale analyses have found many formerly invisible CNAs. • In an analysis of 371 lung adenocarcinoma samples, Weir et al. identified and . • The most significant amplification, at and containing the novel oncogene . • Mullighan et al found copy number changes in PAX5, a gene within the B-cell development pathway, in 57 of 192 cases.
  • 33. • In glioblastoma, CNA information, mRNA expression levels and methylation changes have been measured and nucleotide mutational analyses have been carried out. • Integrative analysis has shown that over 70% of tumors carry alterations in the retinoblastoma, p53 and receptor tyrosine kinase pathways. • Although cancer is driven primarily by alterations of the genome, CNA profiles can be combined with other high- throughput data to create insights that are 'greater than the sum of their parts'. CNVs and tumor genomes: Using CNAs to define the key pathways of a tumor
  • 34. • CGH analysis has also shown that CNVs are associated with , breast cancer, and . • Tse et al identified eight regions with CNVs including six (on chromosomes 3, 6, 7, 8 and 19), and two (on chromosomes 7 and 12) that were significantly overrepresented in patients compared with healthy controls. Examples of cancer associated with CNVs
  • 35. • Among these CNVs and gene deletions on chromosome 6p21.3 showed the highest association signal. • Examining 51 BRCA1-associated ovarian cancer patients, and 47 healthy women via Affymetrix Genome-Wide Human SNP Array 6.0, Yoshihara et al identified in BRCA1 associated ovarian cancer patients. Examples of cancer associated with CNVs
  • 36. Potential mechanism of the UGT2B17 CNV in prostate cancer pathogenesis.
  • 37.
  • 38.
  • 39. Single-nucleotide polymorphisms(SNPs) effect on Pharmacogenomics  Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP): GAATTTAAG GAATTCAAG  SNPs are defined as Single base-pair positions in genomic DNA that vary among individuals in one or several populations.  SNPs are believed to underlie susceptibility to such common diseases as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease and to contribute to the traits that make individuals unique.  SNPs are used as genomic biomarkers.  Hence SNP analysis can be used to enhance drug discovery and development. DNA molecule 1 differs from DNA molecule 2 at a single base-pair location (a C/T polymorphism)
  • 40. Examples of drugs where pharmacogenomics testing is useful are listed in this Table
  • 41. CVN and Pharmacogenetics in oncology Pharmacogenetics focused on the effects of genetics in cancer treatment.  Pharmacogenetics And selection of anticancer drugs: • Thiopurine • Irinotecan، • Tamoxifen
  • 42.  Thiopurine such as :  6-mercaptopurine (6-MP)  thioguanine  and azathioprine (TPMT)  Metabolized by: thiopurine-S-methyl transferase (TPMT) CVN and Pharmacogenetics in oncology
  • 43. Metabolism of 6-mercaptopurin to 6-methylmercaptopurin by the methylator TPMT.
  • 44. Various alleles of the gene TPMT and their SNPs
  • 45.
  • 46. Irinotecan  Irinotecan 7-ethyl-10- hydroxycamptothecin (SN-38) (UGT1A1) UDP- glucuronosyl transferase Active metab olite Deto xifica tion
  • 48.  Tamoxifen (estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer)  Tamoxifen is a prodrug  endoxifen (4-hydroxy-N-desmethyl-tomoxifer) Tamoxifen By CYP2D6
  • 49. Conclusions • The study of cancer and CNVs is in its infancy but is maturing quickly. • In considering the effect of this form of genetic variation on cancer predisposition, cancer gene expression and tumor genome profiling, there is much to learn from past studies on genomic disorders. • Denser micro-arrays, next-generation sequencing and integrative informatics analyses are around the corner and promise to uncover new CNVs and CNAs.
  • 50. Conclusions • There are, therefore, many exciting questions to be addressed: • what role do CNVs have in cancer predisposition and how can we use this newly discovered form of genetic variation to identify those most at risk? • Which cancer-related genes are affected by CNVs and, of these changes, which are both necessary and sufficient to cause neoplastic growth? • Can incipient cancer cells use these constitutional deletions and duplications to induce or accelerate tumorigenesis and tumor proliferation?
  • 51. • As these questions are resolved, the potential value of cancer CNVs as novel biomarkers of cancer susceptibility and initiation, and of cancer progression and metastases, will become apparent. Whether cancer CNVs offer insight into genes that might be targets for novel drug development remains to be determined. Conclusions
  • 52.
  • 53. References • Adam Shlien and David Malkin. (16 June 2009). Copy number vvariations and cancer. Genome Medicine, 11:: 62. • Ana CV Krepischi,Maria Isab el W Achatz,Erika MM San tos,, Silvia S Costa,Bianca CG Lisboa,Helena Brentani,. (2012). Germline DNA copy number variation in familial and early-onset breast cancer. Krepischi et al . Breast Cancer Research, 14-24. • Andrew N. Shelling,Lynnette R. Ferguson. (2007). Genetic variation in human disease and a new role for copy number variants. Mutation Research 622, 33–41. • Antonis C Antoniou and Georgi a Chenev ix-Trench. (2010). Common genetic variants and cancer risk in Mendelian cancer syndromes. Current Opinion in Gen etics & Development, 299 –307. • Bin Liu,ei Yang,Binf ang Huang,Mei C heng,Hui Wang,Yinyan Li,Do ngshen g Huang. (August 10, 2012). A Functional Copy-Number Variation in MAPKAPK2. The American Journal of Human Genetics 91, 384–390. • Charles Lee , Courtney Hyland , Arthur S. Lee , Shona Hislop and Chunhwa Ihm. (2010). Copy Number Variation and Human Health. In C. H. Charles Lee, Essentials of Genomic and Personalized Medicine by Ginsburg & Willard (p. CHAPTER 5). • Colin C . Pritchard, Stephen J. Salipante ,. (January 2014). Validation and Implem entation of Targeted Capture and Sequencing for the Detection of Actionable
  • 54. • Mutation, Copy Number Variation, and Gene Rearrangemen t in Clinical Cancer Specimens. The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics. • Dear, P. H. (July 2009). Copy-number variation: the end of the human genome? Trends in Biotechnology, 448-456. • Elsa Vanh ecke,Alexan der Valen t,Ximing Tang,Philippe Vielh,Luc Frib oulet,Tao Tang,Aïcha Goubar,Yua nyuan Li,. (2013). 19q13- ERCC1 Gene Copy Number Incre ase in Non e Small-Cell Lung Cancer. Clinical Lung Cancer, 549-57. • Iuliana Ionita-Laza,Angela J . Rogers,, Christoph Lange,, Benjamin A . Raby,Charles Lee. (2009). Genetic association analysis of copy- number variation (CNV) in human disease pathogenesis. Genomics 93 , 22-26. • Roland P Kuiper,Marjolijn JL Ligten berg,Nicoline Hoogerb rugge,and Ad Geurt s van Kessel. (2010). Germline copy number variation and cancer risk. Current Opinion in Gen etics & Development, 282 – 289. References
  • 55. • Tie-Lin Yang, Yan Guo,Christopher J. Papasian and Hong-Wen Deng. (2013). Copy Number Variation. In Y. G.-W. Tie-Lin Yang, Genetics of Bone Biology and Skeletal Disease (p. chapter 9). • Xiaosu Zhao,Qi Wu,Xinrong Fu,Bo Yu,Yong Shao,Hong Yang,Ming Guan,Xiaojun Huang,. (2010). Examination of copy number variations of CHST9 in multiple types of hematologic malignancies. Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics 203 , 176 e179. • Yijing He, Janelle M. Hoskins and Howard L. McLeod. (May 2011). Copy number variants in pharmaco genetic genes. Trends in Molecular Medicine. References
  • 56. “Human beings are ultimately nothing but carriers-passageways- for genes. They ride us into the ground like racehorses from generation to generation. Genes don't think about what constitutes good or evil. They don't care whether we are happy or unhappy. We're just means to an end for them. The only thing they think about is what is most efficient for them.” Haruki Murakami, 1Q84

Editor's Notes

  1. a) An example of a bi-allelic CNV that has a 1-copy allele and a 2-copy allele. The reference individual has two 1-copy alleles but 50% of individuals in this population have a total of three copies of this gene per cell. All bi-allelic CNVs have three genotypes per diploid cell, and in this case, copy numbers of 2, 3, and 4 per diploid cell. b) An example of a multi-allelic CNV that has a 0, 1, 2 and 3 copy alleles, resulting in six genotypes in this population. Only the allelic combinations for the three most common genotypes are shown.
  2. Non-allelic homologous recombination (NAHR) is a mechanism for generating CNVs where recombination between non-allelic repeats with 90% sequence homology (indicated by black- and gray-colored DNA segments). Intervening DNA sequences are deleted and duplicated on different chromatids.
  3. (a) A balanced rearrangement has occurred and there is no immediate net gain or loss of genomic material within the cell, but it will result in gains or losses of DNA in subsequent generations depending on which chromosome is inherited.
  4. (b) In an unbalanced rearrangement, genomic material can be lost immediately (e.g., in this case, the acentric fragment containing one copy of genes b and c will be lost in subsequent cell divisions).
  5. The chromosomes containing common cancer CNVs in the human genome are shown, with centromeric regions in red and Giemsa banding patterns in white, grey or black. Loci are in green if they were found to contain a cancer-related gene that is overlapped or encompassed by a CNV.
  6. در یک پژوهش از 70 تا از ژن‌های سرطان‌های ژرم لاین در سرشماری ژن‌های سرطان، 28 تا از ژن‌ها گزارش شده است که به وسیله ی حذف ژنومی یا دوپلیکاسیون جهش یافته است (ژن‌ها در جدول 1 نشان داده شد).
  7. یک مدل بالقوه برای توضیح سهم CNVهای معمول و نادر برای سرطان در شکل 3 نشان داده شده است. A model of copy-number-variable DNA regions in patients with sporadic (top) or inherited (bottom) cancer. We propose that healthy people maintain a similar low number of CNVs in their genomes (left; black blocks indicate inherited CNVs), whereas those at risk of developing early onset cancer have an excess of CNVs and a greater overall genomic burden of copy-number-variable DNA (middle; red blocks indicate somatically acquired CNVs). As a tumor grows, it acquires more copy-number-variable regions, including tumor-specific regions (blue).
  8. (a) Testosterone is normally processed into DHT and other androgens. When there are two copies of UGT2B17 , the gene product converts excess molecules of DHT into the water-soluble glucuronic acid and is subsequently eliminated from the cell. (b) When there is a homozygous deletion of UGT2B17 , the DHT-sequestration pathway no longer exists, increasing endogenous interaction with androgen receptors (AR) and leading to elevated cell proliferation, which in some cases can result in the development of prostate cancer ( Park et al., 2006 ).
  9. عمده­ی ژن­های شناخته شد که در CNV های ژرم لاین گنجانده شده­اند در جدول یک نمایش داده می­شوند.
  10. ناقلین جهش BRCA2 که 2 کپی از آلل C در این SNP دارند مشخص شد که در معرض افزایش 3 برابری خطر پیشرفت سرطان سینه در مقایسه با هموزیگوت‌های GG می‌باشند (جدول 2). نتایج حاصله تاکنون برای 6 تا از این SNP‌ها در MAP3K7 , LSP1 , TNRC , TONS, FGFR2 نواحی 3q20 , 2q35 منتشر شده است. (جدول 2)