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ALUMNO RESIDENTE: López Luciana Carolina
Período de Práctica: Nivel inicial
Institución Educativa: Instituto Primo Capraro
Dirección: Gallardo 40, Bariloche, Río Negro
Sala / Grado / Año - sección: Primer grado
Cantidad de alumnos: 20
Nivel lingüístico del curso: Principiantes
Tipo de Planificación: clase
Unidad Temática: Rizitos de oro y los tres osos
Clase Nº: 1
Fecha: 19-05-15
Hora: 12:55
Duración de la clase: 80 minutos
Fecha de primera entrega: 16-05-15
 Teaching points: Family and house related to “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”
 Aims or goals: During this lesson, learners will be able to…
 Identify basic family members
 Practice weather and mood routines.
 Identify basic house rooms
 Locate characters in specific places
 Language focus:
Functions Lexis Structures Pronunciation
Lexis related to
baby, sister,
bathroom, living
“What’s the
weather like
today? – It’s a
** day”
“My name is
“Are you
feeling **?”
/b/ as in “bear”
“bed” “baby”
“brother” and
room, bed,
chair, bowl)
(hot, cold, hard,
soft, just
 Teaching approach: Natural approach organized through PPP procedure
 Integration of skills: Listening and speaking through routine conversation and lesson
work. Questions, listen and repeat.
 Materials and resources: CD with kindergarten songs, ”David” labels, helpers chart,
“How I feel today” print, weather cards, mood cards, bag with toys from the story
“Goldilocks…”, “Bears’ House” board and characters, “Rooms and characters” cards,
“password” print, “Linking” print, “My family” print, colorful pens, chalk.
 Pedagogical use of ICT in class or at home: None
 Seating arrangement: In a circle on the floor at the beginning, then sat according to
the designated seat arrangement at the end (this is in rows facing the blackboard)
 Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class: Children
might get too excited, so I’ll pronounce either of these rhymes for them to get quiet:
“Magic Finger”
Magic finger in the air  Waves around the index finger
Magic finger in my hair  Waves the index finger on the hair
Magic finger on my hips  Touches hips with the index finger
Magic finger on my lips  Put the index finger on the lips for silence
“1,2,3…. Silence please!”
If students are distracted, I will make them change sits with another pupil.
If any student finishes early, I will play a song of their choice from the CD or a print
of “My Family” for them to draw their own family as a free activity.
Google images: house outline icon  Clipart + Dotted font
Two prints per A4 sheet. Title is dotted so students can practice writing.
 Classroom management strategies: mime, songs
 Potential problems students may have with the language: students might have
strong difficulties differentiating “bathroom” from “bedroom”, so I will exaggerate the
/ɑː/ and /e/ sounds, making them longer, in order to help students link the
/ɑː/ sound with the toilet and the /e/ sound with the dormitory.
 Assessment: what will be assessed and how. Students will be assessed recognizing
basic family roles and common houserooms. This will be assessed with the last
activity of the day.
Routine (20’)
First part
Purpose: To start the lesson
I’ll enter the room and greet students: “Hello!” EA: “Hello!”, T: “How are you?” EA: “Good”.
I’ll ask students to sit in a circle on the floor and we’ll sing “1,2,3 and 4…”
1,2,3 and 4 let’s make a circle
and sit on the floor touch the ground with the hands
5 and 6, let’s play tricks Cheeky face and point repeatedly with index fingers
7 and 8, don’t be late Do “no, no” with the fingers
9 and 10, are you ready my friends? Open palms as invitation and hug onself
Right away, we’ll sing the “This is the way we say hello” song. The first time, I will do a
basic hand wave to show “the way we say hello”, and then, I will ask four students in turn to
show “the way we say hello” and so everybody can imitate them. We will sing this son five
times in total.
This is the way we say hello wave hello or do any other action
We say hello, we say hello Continue with the action
This is the way we say hello Continue with the action
We say hello to you Continue with the action
(Re) Introduction
Since I have only met these children twice, I would like to refresh their names in order to be
able to address them the rest of the lesson. So I will say T: “Hello! (waving) Today I am
going to be your teacher. Do you remember my name? My name is Caro!” and then I will
provide queues so the student next to me introduces himself/herself and so on around the
Then, I will take out the “David” labels to name the two helpers of the day (this is done in
alphabetical order, so helpers are already designated).
After they have the “David” labels on, I will point at one of them and ask the class if “Is it a
boy or a girl?” and I’ll do the same with the other helper. T: ”Good, now Helper 1 count all
the boys” Helper 1 walks around the circle counting the boys as we all help him to count
aloud. When Helper 1 finishes counting and reports how many boys are there today I will
say “There are ** boys” clapping my hands so the students will repeat it. We will do the
same with Helper 2 counting the girls.
I will start singing the weather song and let students complete the missing part of the song.
What’s the weather like today?
…like today? …like today?
What’s the weather like today?
It’s a …. Day”
I will take out the weather cards and while showing one by one ask them “Is today a cloudy
day?” and so on.
The weather cards this class uses is pretty similar to these ones. This is only illustrative.
When all the class have decided what’s the weather like today, the helpers will write their
names on the weather chart where I will write the corresponding date.
The weather chart this class uses is pretty similar to this one. This is only illustrative.
We will sing “How are you today?”
Hello, Hello  Waving hello
How are you today?  Cross arms to shake classmate’s hands
I’m very well, I’m very well  Thumbs up
Thank you very much ch ch ch  Slides hands back and forth while smiling
I will take one of the mood cards out and ask “Who is feeling happy?” and mimic a happy
face while looking at the students. I will also raise my hand so students who are feeling
happy, would raise their hands, too. T: “And who is feeling -----?” I would repeat the same
with each card while mimicking and asking students to raise their hands.
The mood cards this class uses are pretty similar to these ones. This is only illustrative.
Then, I will ask students to do a “happy” face, “sad”, “tired/sleepy” (they have already learnt
these terms as synonyms), etc, while showing them each card.
I will ask the helpers to draw their mood on the “How I feel today” we always hang on the
class board.
The “How I feel today” sheets this class uses are pretty similar to this one. This is only
When finished, I’ll leave aside the sheets to hang later and ask everybody to stand up. The
idea with this activity is to bring the entire group together again.
Teacher: Ok, everybody ready? Show me your hands! (Mime shaking hands to the front,
students copy)
Teacher: Hands!
Students: Hands!
Teacher: Hands!
Students: Hands!
Teacher: Hands.. up! (claps hands up, students mimic)
Teacher: Hands.. up! (or down, clapping where corresponds, students mimic, repeats a few
times increasing speed)
Teacher: And… shake! (shakes all the body) Shake, shake shake!
Students: Shake, shake shake!
Teacher: And Go! ….. Let’s sit down!
If students are unresponsive, I would start singing again the “1,2,3 and 4…” song.
Warm up (15’)
Purpose: to introduce the topic and the teaching points
I will take out a bag full of things. These things are representative toys from the story
“Goldilocks…” which include wooden beds and chairs in three different sizes, and figures of
a “bear” family (figures are actually bunnies). Children have already explored the bag once,
so they are expected to remember it. T: “Do you remember this? (showing the bag) What is
inside? Can you guess?” Students are expected to start mentioning the items they saw last
time, but if it doesn’t happen, I will encourage it by pronouncing the initial letter and adding
other one by one if students can not remember with the previous clues. I will invite a
student by his name to pick an item with his eyes closed. T: ”What is it?” I will of course
provide the answer if students can’t mention it, but either said in Spanish or English I will
congratulate them and reaffirm the answer: T: “Good! It is a **!”
I will keep calling students to pick an item. As similar items come up, I will start asking
questions as: “Is this a big bed, a medium bed or a small bed?”, using also opposite
adjectives as hard/soft and hot/cold as they appeared on the story. “Just right” is also a
phrase to be used to describe Baby Bear’s properties.
Transition: T: “Very good everyone! Now, do you remember the poem Miss Julie taught
you?” I will take the doll of Mama Bear and start saying:
“This is my mother …” If students can’t rhyme along, I will continue with the rhyme and take
each corresponding character when the time arrives:
this is my father
this is my brother John
this is my sister
this is my baby
oh how I love them all!” (hugging myself)
Presentation (5’)
Purpose: To activate previous knowledge and present the materials for the activity.
I will take out the house board and the figures of the bears’ family. Each bear is cut
separately and each figure is attached to a carton with a piece of tape behind it. I will also
prepare cards with the target language. T: “What is this?” EA: “House” T: “That’s right! It’s
the Bears’ house. What room is this? (pointing at the bathroom)” If students can’t remember
I will provide the corresponding room, but in all cases I will take the card with the
corresponding word and help them read. I will review the four rooms only once: bathroom,
bedroom, living room and kitchen.
Materials build through: HOUSE AND BEARS
1) Google "house cutaways" on images, large  link to Pinterest
2) Google "family bears" on images, any size baby Cut out and color edited to match the selected family
3) Googled for "Adventure Time font"
4) Googled for "vintage ribbon", large  link to DepositPhotos Cut, edited and colorized
Transition: T: “Good job! now (putting the cards facing down on the floor in two piles:
characters and rooms) I need a volunteer (rising my hand)” I will then call a student.
Activity 1 (15’)
Purpose: To practice vocabulary by identifying spaces and characters and placing them at
the correct location.
T: “Student 1, choose one card and one card (pointing at both sets of cards each time)”.
If “Baby” and “Bedroom” comes out, I will show the cards to the rest of the students and we
will all read them. Then, the volunteer student will be indicated to take that character and
place it in the correct room.
I will call about eight students to take cards and change the characters from one room to
After every placing I will formulate a simple sentence as “Baby Bear is in the bedroom” and
queue the children to repeat the sentence.
Transition: T: “Very good! Now, Stand up! How was that rhyme again?
“This is my mother (points at mama)
this is my father (points at papa)
this is my brother John (points at brother)
this is my sister (points at sister)
this is my baby (points at baby)
oh how I love them all!” (circle the house and hug myself)
T: “Ok, everybody to your sits”
For this class it is routine to sit on their desks while the helpers deliver the notebooks.
Routine – 2nd
part (10’)
While the notebooks are delivered I will ask the students “What day is today?” and I will
write on the blackboard the date “Tuesday, 19th
of May” using both capitals and lower case
letters. Then, I will ask, “What’s the weather like today?” and will draw and write the
corresponding weather.
Then, I will sing
“Password, password, what is the password?”
And show students the picture of a sun
T: “What is it?” EA: “sun” (although it probably be “sol”) T: “Yes, is the sun! Today’s
password is “SUN””
I will distribute the print to the students. As a routine, they paint the password, glue
is on their notebooks and search it on another print they already have at the back of
their notebooks.
I will walk around the classroom to help them.
Activity 2 (10’)
I will distribute this worksheet:
Same materials build through: HOUSE AND BEARS + Dotted font
There is a bear (or two) in each room and the words are dotted so students can
write on them.
I will use the bottom image to illustrate the activity. T: “What do you see here? Who
is this? (pointing at the sister bear). And, where do we read “sister”? Which is the
first letter of SSSSSSSister?” I will write the letter “S” on the blackboard if
necessary. T: “Here! (pointing at the word “Sister”)” and I will help students read it. I
will take a marker and draw a line from the word towards the picture. T:” And where
is sister bear? In which room?” (moving my finger around the sister bear) in the…
KKKKKKKKitchen” I will write the letter “K” on the blackboard if necessary. T: “Here!
(pointing at the word “Kitchen”)” and I will help students read it. I will take a marker
and draw a line from the word towards the picture.
T: “Link (moving my index finger back and forth from the words towards the
pictures) the pictures with the words”
I will walk around to help students. If students are quick, I will ask them to write on
the dotted words as practice, or to color the images.
Closure (5’)
I will walk around saying it is time to finish for today, and I’ll help students glueing
their prints to their notebooks, and letting them know that it is ok if they are not
finished, that we can continue next class.
Students have no English homework.
 Teaching points: Family and house related to “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”
 Aims or goals: During this lesson, learners will be able to…
 Identify basic family members
 Practice weather and mood routines.
 Identify basic house rooms
 Locate characters in specific places
 Language focus:
Functions Lexis Structures Pronunciation
Lexis related to
baby, sister,
bathroom, living
room, bed,
chair, bowl)
(hot, cold, hard,
soft, just
“What’s the
weather like
today? – It’s a
** day”
“My name is
“Are you
feeling **?”
/b/ as in “bear”
“bed” “baby”
“brother” and
 Teaching approach: Natural approach organized through PPP procedure
 Integration of skills: Listening and speaking through routine conversation and lesson
work. Questions, listen and repeat.
 Materials and resources: CD with kindergarten songs, ”David” labels, helpers chart,
“How I feel today” print, weather cards, mood cards, bag with toys from the story
“Goldilocks…”, “Bears’ House” board and characters, “Rooms and characters” cards,
“password” print, “Linking” print, “My family” print, colorful pens, chalk.
 Pedagogical use of ICT in class or at home: None
 Seating arrangement: In a circle on the floor at the beginning, then sat according to
the designated seating arrangement at the end (this is in rows facing the
 Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class: Children
might get too excited, so I’ll pronounce either of these rhymes for them to get quiet:
“Magic Finger”
Magic finger in the air  Waves around the index finger
Magic finger in my hair  Waves the index finger on the hair
Magic finger on my hips  Touches hips with the index finger
Magic finger on my lips  Put the index finger on the lips for silence
“1,2,3…. Silence please!”
If students are distracted, I will make them change sits with another pupil.
If any student finishes early, I will play a song of their choice from the CD.
 Classroom management strategies: mime, songs
 Potential problems students may have with the language: -
 Assessment: what will be assessed and how. Students will be assessed recognizing
basic family roles and common houserooms. This will be assessed with the last
activity of the day.
Routine (20’)
First part
Purpose: To start the lesson
I’ll enter the room and greet students: “Hello!” EA: “Hello!”, T: “How are you?” EA: “Good”.
I’ll ask students to sit in a circle on the floor and we’ll sing “1,2,3 and 4…”
1,2,3 and 4 let’s make a circle
and sit on the floor touch the ground with the hands
5 and 6, let’s play tricks Cheeky face and point repeatedly with index fingers
7 and 8, don’t be late Do “no, no” with the fingers
9 and 10, are you ready my friends? Open palms as invitation and hug onself
Right away, we’ll sing the “This is the way we say hello” song. The first time, I will do a
basic hand wave to show “the way we say hello”, and then, I will ask four students in turn to
show “the way we say hello” and so everybody can imitate them. We will sing this son five
times in total.
This is the way we say hello wave hello or do any other action
We say hello, we say hello Continue with the action
This is the way we say hello Continue with the action
We say hello to you Continue with the action
Then, I will take out the “David” labels to name the two helpers of the day (this is done in
alphabetical order, so helpers are already designated).
After they have the “David” labels on, I will point at one of them and ask the class if “Is a
boy or a girl?” and I’ll do the same with the other helper. T: ”Good, now Helper 1 count all
the boys” Helper 1 walks around the circle counting the boys as we all help him to count
aloud. When Helper 1 finishes counting and reports how many boys are there today I will
say “There are ** boys” clapping my hands so the students will repeat it. We will do the
same with Helper 2 counting the girls.
I will start singing the weather song and let students complete the missing part of the song.
What’s the weather like today?
…like today? …like today?
What’s the weather like today?
It’s a …. Day”
I will take out the weather cards and while showing one by one ask them “Is today a cloudy
day?” and so on.
The weather cards this class uses is pretty similar to these ones. This is only illustrative.
When all the class have decided what’s the weather like today, the helpers will write their
names on the weather chart where I will write the corresponding date.
The weather chart this class uses is pretty similar to this one. This is only illustrative.
We will sing “How are you today?”
Hello, Hello  Waving hello
How are you today?  Cross arms to shake classmate’s hands
I’m very well, I’m very well  Thumbs up
Thank you very much ch ch ch  Slides hands back and forth while smiling
I will take one of the mood cards out and ask “Who is feeling happy?” and mimic a happy
face while looking at the students. I will also raise my hand so students who are feeling
happy, would raise their hands, too. T: “And who is feeling -----?” I would repeat the same
with each card while mimicking and asking students to raise their hands.
The mood cards this class uses are pretty similar to these ones. This is only illustrative.
Then, we will sing the song “If you are happy and you know it…”
If you are happy and you know it
Clap your hands (claps twice)
If you are happy and you know it
Clap your hands (claps twice)
If you are happy and you know it
And you really want to show it
If you are happy and you know it
Clap your hands (claps twice)
And I will substitute the “Clap your hands (claps twice)” for:
Sad  Cry boo hoo (mime crying)
Tired  Go to sleep (lean head to one side and put your hands on the cheek facing the
floor as you close your eyes)
Angry  Say “Oh, no!” (hands on the hips, angry face)
Surprised  Say “Wooow!” (hands on the head, mouth wide open, happy face)
I will ask the helpers to draw their mood on the “How I feel today” we always hang on the
class board.
The “How I feel today” sheets this class uses are pretty similar to this one. This is only
When finished, I’ll leave aside the sheets to hang later.
Warm up (5’)
Purpose: to introduce the topic and the teaching points
I will take out the “Bears’ House” board and ask students if they remember the board. We’ll
go through the room’s names once.
I will show them the characters of the bears and we will name each once.
Then, I will distribute little cartons with one room in each to every student.
T: “Who has the kitchen? Show it!” I will hold the house board up so the students with the
kitchen show it up, I will also point at the kitchen on the board. T: “Great! And who has the
**?” I will repeat once with each room, then just saying “kitchen/living
room/bedroom/bathroom” and every time faster.
Activity 1 (15’)
I will then hide the board and stick one character on a room. T: ”Ok, now, we are going to
play a little game called “where is Mama Bear”. Ready? Show me the room if you have it!”
I will turn the board and say “Mama bear is in the bedroom”, and see how many students
raise their cards. I will change Mama bear a couple of times, and then to make it harder, I
will do two or three rounds with two or three characters, and finally I will place one character
in each room so all students raise the cards.
I will ask everybody to stand up.
Teacher: Ok, everybody ready? Show me your hands! (Mime shaking hands to the front,
students copy)
Teacher: Hands!
Students: Hands!
Teacher: Hands!
Students: Hands!
Teacher: Hands.. up! (claps hands up, students mimic)
Teacher: Hands.. up! (or down, clapping where corresponds, students mimic, repeats a few
times increasing speed)
Teacher: And… shake! (shakes all the body) Shake, shake shake!
Students: Shake, shake shake!
Teacher: And Go! ….. Let’s sit down!
For this class it is routine to sit on their desks while the helpers deliver the notebooks.
Routine – 2nd
part (10’)
While the notebooks are delivered I will ask the students “What day is today?” and I will
write on the blackboard the date “Wednesday, 20th
of May” using both capitals and lower
case letters. Then, I will ask, “What’s the weather like today?” and will draw and write the
corresponding weather.
Then, I will sing
“Password, password, what is the password?”
And show students the picture of a moon
T: “What is it?” EA: “moon” (although it probably be “luna”) T: “Yes, is the moon!
Today’s password is “MOON””
I will distribute the print to the students. As a routine, they paint the password, glue
is on their notebooks and search it on another print they already have at the back of
their notebooks.
I will walk around the classroom to help them.
Activity 2 (15’)
I will distribute the “My family” print, so students can draw their families.
I will bring one of my own, where I will show them how I drew my family and how I
wrote the name under each member.
Rearranged previously mentioned font, ribbon and family and googled for "frame" in images, line draw ing  DW
Background erased and resized according to needs.
Closure (15’)
I will tell students I want to teach them a new song. It is called the “Thank you”
song, because I want to thank all of them for having me as a teacher.
Thank you, thank you Bow to one side, next to the other
Thank you very much Bow to the center
Thank you, thank you Bow to one side, next to the other
Thank you very much Bow to the center
Thanks, Thanks a lot Moves hand towards one side –as presenting-
Thanks, Thanks a lot Moves hand towards the other side side
This is what we say
When we want to say Bows to the center
Thank you!
I will clap my hands all along, and have students repeat after me.
I will then distribute some candy with a card to thank them:
If we have any time left, we will play a “Simon says” game, with actions they’ve been
practicing last week which are: stop, stand up, sit down, listen and look.
Students have no English homework.

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C Lopez - IFDC Lenguas Vivas BRC - TPD - Kindergarten lesson plans

  • 1. I.F.D.C. LENGUAS VIVAS TALLER DE PRÁCTICA DOCENTE ALUMNO RESIDENTE: López Luciana Carolina Período de Práctica: Nivel inicial Institución Educativa: Instituto Primo Capraro Dirección: Gallardo 40, Bariloche, Río Negro Sala / Grado / Año - sección: Primer grado Cantidad de alumnos: 20 Nivel lingüístico del curso: Principiantes Tipo de Planificación: clase Unidad Temática: Rizitos de oro y los tres osos Clase Nº: 1 Fecha: 19-05-15 Hora: 12:55 Duración de la clase: 80 minutos Fecha de primera entrega: 16-05-15 CLASE N°1  Teaching points: Family and house related to “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”  Aims or goals: During this lesson, learners will be able to…  Identify basic family members  Practice weather and mood routines.  Identify basic house rooms  Locate characters in specific places  Language focus: Functions Lexis Structures Pronunciation Revision Identifying family members Expressing moods Weather Moods Lexis related to “Goldilocks…” Family (mama/mummy, papa/daddy, baby, sister, brother) House (house, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, living “What’s the weather like today? – It’s a ** day” “My name is **” “Are you feeling **?” /b/ as in “bear” “bed” “baby” “brother” and “book”
  • 2. room, bed, chair, bowl) Adjectives (hot, cold, hard, soft, just right/perfect) New  Teaching approach: Natural approach organized through PPP procedure  Integration of skills: Listening and speaking through routine conversation and lesson work. Questions, listen and repeat.  Materials and resources: CD with kindergarten songs, ”David” labels, helpers chart, “How I feel today” print, weather cards, mood cards, bag with toys from the story “Goldilocks…”, “Bears’ House” board and characters, “Rooms and characters” cards, “password” print, “Linking” print, “My family” print, colorful pens, chalk.  Pedagogical use of ICT in class or at home: None  Seating arrangement: In a circle on the floor at the beginning, then sat according to the designated seat arrangement at the end (this is in rows facing the blackboard)  Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class: Children might get too excited, so I’ll pronounce either of these rhymes for them to get quiet: “Magic Finger” Magic finger in the air  Waves around the index finger Magic finger in my hair  Waves the index finger on the hair Magic finger on my hips  Touches hips with the index finger Magic finger on my lips  Put the index finger on the lips for silence “1,2,3…. Silence please!” If students are distracted, I will make them change sits with another pupil. If any student finishes early, I will play a song of their choice from the CD or a print of “My Family” for them to draw their own family as a free activity.
  • 3. Google images: house outline icon  Clipart + Dotted font Two prints per A4 sheet. Title is dotted so students can practice writing.  Classroom management strategies: mime, songs  Potential problems students may have with the language: students might have strong difficulties differentiating “bathroom” from “bedroom”, so I will exaggerate the /ɑː/ and /e/ sounds, making them longer, in order to help students link the /ɑː/ sound with the toilet and the /e/ sound with the dormitory.  Assessment: what will be assessed and how. Students will be assessed recognizing basic family roles and common houserooms. This will be assessed with the last activity of the day. Routine (20’) First part Purpose: To start the lesson Greeting I’ll enter the room and greet students: “Hello!” EA: “Hello!”, T: “How are you?” EA: “Good”. I’ll ask students to sit in a circle on the floor and we’ll sing “1,2,3 and 4…” Lyrics 1,2,3 and 4 let’s make a circle and sit on the floor touch the ground with the hands 5 and 6, let’s play tricks Cheeky face and point repeatedly with index fingers 7 and 8, don’t be late Do “no, no” with the fingers 9 and 10, are you ready my friends? Open palms as invitation and hug onself Right away, we’ll sing the “This is the way we say hello” song. The first time, I will do a basic hand wave to show “the way we say hello”, and then, I will ask four students in turn to show “the way we say hello” and so everybody can imitate them. We will sing this son five times in total. Lyrics This is the way we say hello wave hello or do any other action We say hello, we say hello Continue with the action This is the way we say hello Continue with the action We say hello to you Continue with the action
  • 4. (Re) Introduction Since I have only met these children twice, I would like to refresh their names in order to be able to address them the rest of the lesson. So I will say T: “Hello! (waving) Today I am going to be your teacher. Do you remember my name? My name is Caro!” and then I will provide queues so the student next to me introduces himself/herself and so on around the circle. Helpers Then, I will take out the “David” labels to name the two helpers of the day (this is done in alphabetical order, so helpers are already designated). After they have the “David” labels on, I will point at one of them and ask the class if “Is it a boy or a girl?” and I’ll do the same with the other helper. T: ”Good, now Helper 1 count all the boys” Helper 1 walks around the circle counting the boys as we all help him to count aloud. When Helper 1 finishes counting and reports how many boys are there today I will say “There are ** boys” clapping my hands so the students will repeat it. We will do the same with Helper 2 counting the girls. Weather I will start singing the weather song and let students complete the missing part of the song. Lyrics What’s the weather like today? …like today? …like today? What’s the weather like today? It’s a …. Day” I will take out the weather cards and while showing one by one ask them “Is today a cloudy day?” and so on. The weather cards this class uses is pretty similar to these ones. This is only illustrative. When all the class have decided what’s the weather like today, the helpers will write their names on the weather chart where I will write the corresponding date.
  • 5. The weather chart this class uses is pretty similar to this one. This is only illustrative. Moods We will sing “How are you today?” Lyrics Hello, Hello  Waving hello How are you today?  Cross arms to shake classmate’s hands I’m very well, I’m very well  Thumbs up Thank you very much ch ch ch  Slides hands back and forth while smiling I will take one of the mood cards out and ask “Who is feeling happy?” and mimic a happy face while looking at the students. I will also raise my hand so students who are feeling happy, would raise their hands, too. T: “And who is feeling -----?” I would repeat the same with each card while mimicking and asking students to raise their hands. The mood cards this class uses are pretty similar to these ones. This is only illustrative.
  • 6. Then, I will ask students to do a “happy” face, “sad”, “tired/sleepy” (they have already learnt these terms as synonyms), etc, while showing them each card. I will ask the helpers to draw their mood on the “How I feel today” we always hang on the class board. The “How I feel today” sheets this class uses are pretty similar to this one. This is only illustrative. When finished, I’ll leave aside the sheets to hang later and ask everybody to stand up. The idea with this activity is to bring the entire group together again. Teacher: Ok, everybody ready? Show me your hands! (Mime shaking hands to the front, students copy) Teacher: Hands! Students: Hands! Teacher: Hands! Students: Hands! Teacher: Hands.. up! (claps hands up, students mimic) Teacher: Hands.. up! (or down, clapping where corresponds, students mimic, repeats a few times increasing speed) Teacher: And… shake! (shakes all the body) Shake, shake shake! Students: Shake, shake shake! Teacher: And Go! ….. Let’s sit down! If students are unresponsive, I would start singing again the “1,2,3 and 4…” song. Warm up (15’) Purpose: to introduce the topic and the teaching points I will take out a bag full of things. These things are representative toys from the story “Goldilocks…” which include wooden beds and chairs in three different sizes, and figures of a “bear” family (figures are actually bunnies). Children have already explored the bag once, so they are expected to remember it. T: “Do you remember this? (showing the bag) What is inside? Can you guess?” Students are expected to start mentioning the items they saw last
  • 7. time, but if it doesn’t happen, I will encourage it by pronouncing the initial letter and adding other one by one if students can not remember with the previous clues. I will invite a student by his name to pick an item with his eyes closed. T: ”What is it?” I will of course provide the answer if students can’t mention it, but either said in Spanish or English I will congratulate them and reaffirm the answer: T: “Good! It is a **!” I will keep calling students to pick an item. As similar items come up, I will start asking questions as: “Is this a big bed, a medium bed or a small bed?”, using also opposite adjectives as hard/soft and hot/cold as they appeared on the story. “Just right” is also a phrase to be used to describe Baby Bear’s properties. Transition: T: “Very good everyone! Now, do you remember the poem Miss Julie taught you?” I will take the doll of Mama Bear and start saying: “This is my mother …” If students can’t rhyme along, I will continue with the rhyme and take each corresponding character when the time arrives: this is my father this is my brother John this is my sister this is my baby oh how I love them all!” (hugging myself) Presentation (5’) Purpose: To activate previous knowledge and present the materials for the activity. I will take out the house board and the figures of the bears’ family. Each bear is cut separately and each figure is attached to a carton with a piece of tape behind it. I will also prepare cards with the target language. T: “What is this?” EA: “House” T: “That’s right! It’s the Bears’ house. What room is this? (pointing at the bathroom)” If students can’t remember I will provide the corresponding room, but in all cases I will take the card with the corresponding word and help them read. I will review the four rooms only once: bathroom, bedroom, living room and kitchen.
  • 8. Materials build through: HOUSE AND BEARS 1) Google "house cutaways" on images, large  link to Pinterest 2) Google "family bears" on images, any size baby Cut out and color edited to match the selected family 3) Googled for "Adventure Time font" 4) Googled for "vintage ribbon", large  link to DepositPhotos Cut, edited and colorized Transition: T: “Good job! now (putting the cards facing down on the floor in two piles: characters and rooms) I need a volunteer (rising my hand)” I will then call a student. Activity 1 (15’) Purpose: To practice vocabulary by identifying spaces and characters and placing them at the correct location. T: “Student 1, choose one card and one card (pointing at both sets of cards each time)”. If “Baby” and “Bedroom” comes out, I will show the cards to the rest of the students and we will all read them. Then, the volunteer student will be indicated to take that character and place it in the correct room. I will call about eight students to take cards and change the characters from one room to another. After every placing I will formulate a simple sentence as “Baby Bear is in the bedroom” and queue the children to repeat the sentence. Transition: T: “Very good! Now, Stand up! How was that rhyme again? “This is my mother (points at mama)
  • 9. this is my father (points at papa) this is my brother John (points at brother) this is my sister (points at sister) this is my baby (points at baby) oh how I love them all!” (circle the house and hug myself) T: “Ok, everybody to your sits” For this class it is routine to sit on their desks while the helpers deliver the notebooks. Routine – 2nd part (10’) While the notebooks are delivered I will ask the students “What day is today?” and I will write on the blackboard the date “Tuesday, 19th of May” using both capitals and lower case letters. Then, I will ask, “What’s the weather like today?” and will draw and write the corresponding weather. Then, I will sing Lyrics “Password, password, what is the password?” And show students the picture of a sun T: “What is it?” EA: “sun” (although it probably be “sol”) T: “Yes, is the sun! Today’s password is “SUN”” I will distribute the print to the students. As a routine, they paint the password, glue is on their notebooks and search it on another print they already have at the back of their notebooks. I will walk around the classroom to help them. Activity 2 (10’) I will distribute this worksheet:
  • 10. Same materials build through: HOUSE AND BEARS + Dotted font There is a bear (or two) in each room and the words are dotted so students can write on them. I will use the bottom image to illustrate the activity. T: “What do you see here? Who is this? (pointing at the sister bear). And, where do we read “sister”? Which is the first letter of SSSSSSSister?” I will write the letter “S” on the blackboard if necessary. T: “Here! (pointing at the word “Sister”)” and I will help students read it. I will take a marker and draw a line from the word towards the picture. T:” And where is sister bear? In which room?” (moving my finger around the sister bear) in the… KKKKKKKKitchen” I will write the letter “K” on the blackboard if necessary. T: “Here! (pointing at the word “Kitchen”)” and I will help students read it. I will take a marker and draw a line from the word towards the picture. T: “Link (moving my index finger back and forth from the words towards the pictures) the pictures with the words” I will walk around to help students. If students are quick, I will ask them to write on the dotted words as practice, or to color the images. Closure (5’) I will walk around saying it is time to finish for today, and I’ll help students glueing their prints to their notebooks, and letting them know that it is ok if they are not finished, that we can continue next class.
  • 11. Homework: Students have no English homework. CLASE N°2  Teaching points: Family and house related to “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”  Aims or goals: During this lesson, learners will be able to…  Identify basic family members  Practice weather and mood routines.  Identify basic house rooms  Locate characters in specific places  Language focus: Functions Lexis Structures Pronunciation Revision Identifying family members Expressing moods Weather Moods Lexis related to “Goldilocks…” Family (mama/mummy, papa/daddy, baby, sister, brother) House (house, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, living room, bed, chair, bowl) Adjectives (hot, cold, hard, soft, just right/perfect) “What’s the weather like today? – It’s a ** day” “My name is **” “Are you feeling **?” /b/ as in “bear” “bed” “baby” “brother” and “book” New  Teaching approach: Natural approach organized through PPP procedure  Integration of skills: Listening and speaking through routine conversation and lesson work. Questions, listen and repeat.
  • 12.   Materials and resources: CD with kindergarten songs, ”David” labels, helpers chart, “How I feel today” print, weather cards, mood cards, bag with toys from the story “Goldilocks…”, “Bears’ House” board and characters, “Rooms and characters” cards, “password” print, “Linking” print, “My family” print, colorful pens, chalk.  Pedagogical use of ICT in class or at home: None  Seating arrangement: In a circle on the floor at the beginning, then sat according to the designated seating arrangement at the end (this is in rows facing the blackboard)  Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class: Children might get too excited, so I’ll pronounce either of these rhymes for them to get quiet: “Magic Finger” Magic finger in the air  Waves around the index finger Magic finger in my hair  Waves the index finger on the hair Magic finger on my hips  Touches hips with the index finger Magic finger on my lips  Put the index finger on the lips for silence “1,2,3…. Silence please!” If students are distracted, I will make them change sits with another pupil. If any student finishes early, I will play a song of their choice from the CD. .  Classroom management strategies: mime, songs  Potential problems students may have with the language: -  Assessment: what will be assessed and how. Students will be assessed recognizing basic family roles and common houserooms. This will be assessed with the last activity of the day. Routine (20’) First part Purpose: To start the lesson Greeting I’ll enter the room and greet students: “Hello!” EA: “Hello!”, T: “How are you?” EA: “Good”. I’ll ask students to sit in a circle on the floor and we’ll sing “1,2,3 and 4…”
  • 13. Lyrics 1,2,3 and 4 let’s make a circle and sit on the floor touch the ground with the hands 5 and 6, let’s play tricks Cheeky face and point repeatedly with index fingers 7 and 8, don’t be late Do “no, no” with the fingers 9 and 10, are you ready my friends? Open palms as invitation and hug onself Right away, we’ll sing the “This is the way we say hello” song. The first time, I will do a basic hand wave to show “the way we say hello”, and then, I will ask four students in turn to show “the way we say hello” and so everybody can imitate them. We will sing this son five times in total. Lyrics This is the way we say hello wave hello or do any other action We say hello, we say hello Continue with the action This is the way we say hello Continue with the action We say hello to you Continue with the action Helpers Then, I will take out the “David” labels to name the two helpers of the day (this is done in alphabetical order, so helpers are already designated). After they have the “David” labels on, I will point at one of them and ask the class if “Is a boy or a girl?” and I’ll do the same with the other helper. T: ”Good, now Helper 1 count all the boys” Helper 1 walks around the circle counting the boys as we all help him to count aloud. When Helper 1 finishes counting and reports how many boys are there today I will say “There are ** boys” clapping my hands so the students will repeat it. We will do the same with Helper 2 counting the girls. Weather I will start singing the weather song and let students complete the missing part of the song. Lyrics What’s the weather like today? …like today? …like today? What’s the weather like today?
  • 14. It’s a …. Day” I will take out the weather cards and while showing one by one ask them “Is today a cloudy day?” and so on. The weather cards this class uses is pretty similar to these ones. This is only illustrative. When all the class have decided what’s the weather like today, the helpers will write their names on the weather chart where I will write the corresponding date. The weather chart this class uses is pretty similar to this one. This is only illustrative. Moods We will sing “How are you today?” Lyrics Hello, Hello  Waving hello How are you today?  Cross arms to shake classmate’s hands I’m very well, I’m very well  Thumbs up Thank you very much ch ch ch  Slides hands back and forth while smiling
  • 15. I will take one of the mood cards out and ask “Who is feeling happy?” and mimic a happy face while looking at the students. I will also raise my hand so students who are feeling happy, would raise their hands, too. T: “And who is feeling -----?” I would repeat the same with each card while mimicking and asking students to raise their hands. The mood cards this class uses are pretty similar to these ones. This is only illustrative. Then, we will sing the song “If you are happy and you know it…” Lyrics If you are happy and you know it Clap your hands (claps twice) If you are happy and you know it Clap your hands (claps twice) If you are happy and you know it And you really want to show it If you are happy and you know it Clap your hands (claps twice) And I will substitute the “Clap your hands (claps twice)” for: Sad  Cry boo hoo (mime crying) Tired  Go to sleep (lean head to one side and put your hands on the cheek facing the floor as you close your eyes) Angry  Say “Oh, no!” (hands on the hips, angry face) Surprised  Say “Wooow!” (hands on the head, mouth wide open, happy face) I will ask the helpers to draw their mood on the “How I feel today” we always hang on the class board.
  • 16. The “How I feel today” sheets this class uses are pretty similar to this one. This is only illustrative. When finished, I’ll leave aside the sheets to hang later. Warm up (5’) Purpose: to introduce the topic and the teaching points I will take out the “Bears’ House” board and ask students if they remember the board. We’ll go through the room’s names once. I will show them the characters of the bears and we will name each once. Then, I will distribute little cartons with one room in each to every student.
  • 17. T: “Who has the kitchen? Show it!” I will hold the house board up so the students with the kitchen show it up, I will also point at the kitchen on the board. T: “Great! And who has the **?” I will repeat once with each room, then just saying “kitchen/living room/bedroom/bathroom” and every time faster. Activity 1 (15’) I will then hide the board and stick one character on a room. T: ”Ok, now, we are going to play a little game called “where is Mama Bear”. Ready? Show me the room if you have it!” I will turn the board and say “Mama bear is in the bedroom”, and see how many students raise their cards. I will change Mama bear a couple of times, and then to make it harder, I will do two or three rounds with two or three characters, and finally I will place one character in each room so all students raise the cards. Transition I will ask everybody to stand up. Teacher: Ok, everybody ready? Show me your hands! (Mime shaking hands to the front, students copy) Teacher: Hands! Students: Hands! Teacher: Hands! Students: Hands! Teacher: Hands.. up! (claps hands up, students mimic) Teacher: Hands.. up! (or down, clapping where corresponds, students mimic, repeats a few times increasing speed) Teacher: And… shake! (shakes all the body) Shake, shake shake! Students: Shake, shake shake! Teacher: And Go! ….. Let’s sit down! For this class it is routine to sit on their desks while the helpers deliver the notebooks. Routine – 2nd part (10’) While the notebooks are delivered I will ask the students “What day is today?” and I will write on the blackboard the date “Wednesday, 20th of May” using both capitals and lower case letters. Then, I will ask, “What’s the weather like today?” and will draw and write the corresponding weather. Then, I will sing Lyrics “Password, password, what is the password?” And show students the picture of a moon
  • 18. T: “What is it?” EA: “moon” (although it probably be “luna”) T: “Yes, is the moon! Today’s password is “MOON”” I will distribute the print to the students. As a routine, they paint the password, glue is on their notebooks and search it on another print they already have at the back of their notebooks. I will walk around the classroom to help them. Activity 2 (15’) I will distribute the “My family” print, so students can draw their families. I will bring one of my own, where I will show them how I drew my family and how I wrote the name under each member. "MY FAMILY" PRINT Rearranged previously mentioned font, ribbon and family and googled for "frame" in images, line draw ing  DW Background erased and resized according to needs.
  • 19. DOTTED FONTS FOR WORDS Closure (15’) I will tell students I want to teach them a new song. It is called the “Thank you” song, because I want to thank all of them for having me as a teacher. Lyrics Thank you, thank you Bow to one side, next to the other Thank you very much Bow to the center Thank you, thank you Bow to one side, next to the other Thank you very much Bow to the center Thanks, Thanks a lot Moves hand towards one side –as presenting- Thanks, Thanks a lot Moves hand towards the other side side This is what we say When we want to say Bows to the center Thank you! I will clap my hands all along, and have students repeat after me. I will then distribute some candy with a card to thank them: If we have any time left, we will play a “Simon says” game, with actions they’ve been practicing last week which are: stop, stand up, sit down, listen and look. Homework: Students have no English homework.