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Alumno residente: Valeria Zentner
Institución Educativa: Charles Dickens Institute
Dirección: calle segunda 26 n° 2544
Cantidad de alumnos: 10
Edad: 5, 6 y 7 años
Unidad Temática: “My food”
Clase Nº: 1
Fecha: 10/10/19
Hora: 19:00 hs
Duración de la clase: 50 minutos
Fecha de entrega de la planificación: 29/9/19
Learning aims: 
During this lesson, learners will be able to:
Revise greeting structures by doing a presentation with a stuffed
Learn and identify the names of different food items.
Consolidate the new vocabulary and numbers from 1 to 10
through activities and games.
Develop their listening skills by paying attention to what the
teacher says.
Develop their Social and Intrapersonal skills by working in pairs
or in groups.
Develop their speaking skills by interacting with the teacher and
developing a game in groups.
Develop their Imaginative skills by playing the “Going to the
supermarket” game.
Develop their Logical-Mathematical Intelligence: developing an
activity on their Activity Books.
Learning focus:
The activities are focused on:
New vocabulary: apples, pears, bananas, oranges, sausages,
Questions: “How many (apples) do I have?” and its complete
answer “I have (3 apples)”.
Imaginative and cognitive skills by playing a game: “Going to the
Speaking skills by interacting to the teacher and their mates
through the different activities.
Integration of skills: 
During this lesson learners will be able to develop skills such as:
Speaking skills by doing a presentation and playing the “Going to
the supermarket” game.
Imaginative skills by playing a game.
Kinaesthetic skills by being active and moving their bodies while
playing a game and singing the introductory and final songs.
Interpersonal and Social skills by working and interacting in
groups to play a game.
Multiple intelligences:
During this lesson students will be able to develop their:
Linguistic Intelligence: spoken communication by interacting to
the teacher and their classmates through activities and a game.
Interpersonal Intelligence: working in groups to do a game.
Logical-Mathematical Intelligence: developing an activity on their
Activity Books where they have to read sentences and then think
and draw the missing food. 
Musical Intelligence: singing and dancing the introductory and
final songs. 
Materials and resources:
A horse shaped stuffed animal
Ten supports with the name of each student.
Board and board-marker.
A basket with plastic apples, pears, oranges, bananas, cupcakes
and sausages.
Flashcards with pictures and the names of each food.
Posters made of cardboard with mini bags
Activity book, page 38.
30 small pictures of each food made of cardboard and containers
with their names.
Flashcards of numbers from 1 to 10
Possible contingencies:
Misbehavior issues: in case students do not make silence
or they are doing something they do not have to do, the
teacher will say in a loud tone of voice “1,2,3 silence,
please. 4,5,6 sit down, please”. Another option is to
encourage them to call Mr Silence: explaining them that
they have to say “Shh” and they have to be in silence and
very quiet.
Distraction and timing: the teacher will clap her hands
two or three times and will say in a loud tone of voice
“Come on, come on. Let’s work.”
Lack of comprehension: in case students do not
understand what they have to do, the teacher will explain
again the activity. The teacher will also go table by table to
see how students are working, and in case they do not
understand what they have to do she will scaffold the
No participation: If a child does not want to participate,
he/she will be asked why and encouraged to work in pair
with other student or with the teacher.
Classroom management strategies:
Following their own routine: introduction with the “hello
Sunshine” song, asking them how are them and about the
weather. Then, developing the lesson itself and, finally, singing a
song or playing a game as a closure.
Starting the lesson with a song so as to get students engaged in
the class.
Explaining and demonstrating what will be done in each activity.
Clapping hands and saying aloud "1, 2, 3 silence, please" and
making a gesture with the index finger in front of the lips
indicating silence. The same song may be continued to invite
them to sit down “4,5,6 sit down, please”.
Telling students what the next activity is about so as to keep
them interested.
Encouraging students to work in pairs if a student needs help
with an activity.
Encouraging students to work in groups to develop the game.
Encouraging them to raise their hands if they want to say
Assessment: collecting information and reporting your findings
Asking children about the topics developed throughout the
lessons such as main vocabulary and questions introduced.
Observing the way students use the new vocabulary and
structures on the development of the different activities, and
observing the dynamic and interaction between classmates and
their interaction with the teacher.
Taking into account if students follow the behaviour criteria of
the classroom and if they listen and pay attention to the teacher.
Giving feedback on their work.
At the end of the class, taking notes about those aspects that
were successful and those ones that need improvement and
other relevant aspects, and share them through the journal.
Lesson stages:
 Purpose: To say “Hello” to the students.
 Timing: 5-7 minutes
 Activity description and instructions as they will be said to
- The teacher will say “Hello Pupils” in a normal tone of voice. She will
NOTE: Scaffolding strategies are written within the description
of each activity to avoid repetitions.
Comentario [CZ1]: Excellent
development of these sections!
Comentario [CZ2]: Right!
wait until they reply. Then she will say it again but in a loauder tone of
voice with the purpose that they reply in the same way. If they do not,
the teacher will say “Louder!” in a loud tone of voice, and say “Hello
Pupils” again.
- The teacher will say “Now, we are going to sing our “Hello song”, and
consequently she will start singing the “Hello Sunshine” song as they do
every class. While they are singing the song, the teacher will encourage
students to sing it with different tones of voice by changing the tone of
her own voice, and by moving her hand up and down so to guide them.
To make it more interesting, the teacher will move her hands as saying
“Hello” so as to encourage them to do the same.
“Hello sunshine, hello
Hello sunshine, hello
Hello my friends, hello
Nice to meet you again” (x2)
- The teacher will ask “How are you?” in a normal tone of voice. She will
wait until they reply and will ask it again but in a louder tone of voice so
as they replay in the same way. The same will be done but with a lower
tone so they do the same.
- The teacher will ask “What’s the weather like today?” “Is it sunny,
cloudy…What’s it like today?”. If they do not answer well, the teacher
will encourage them to see through the window and will ask “What do
you see? Do you see the sun/clouds? So, what’s the weather like today?”
Once they have replied, she will write their answer in the board with a
drawing of a cloud/sun/wind/rain. Then, she will ask “What day is
today? Is it Tuesday? Is it Friday?”. Once they have replied, the teacher
will write their answer in the board.
 Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next
The teacher will invite students to sit down at their chairs by saying
“Now, sit down at your chairs”. Then, she will say “Now, we are going to
meet someone who wants to be your friend. Are you ready?”
Lead-in and Presentation
 Purpose: To introduce Horsi, the horse and to introduce food
vocabulary. To revise numbers from 1 to 10.
 Timing: 10 minutes
 Activity description and instructions as they will be said to
students (include direct speech):
- A stuffed horse will be introduced by the teacher. She will say
“This is Horsi. Do you know what animal is it? Is it a cow? Is it a
sheep? It is an animal that makes does this sound (the teacher
will imitate a horse’s sound). Do you know what animal its it?s
Yes, it is a horse!”. Then, the teacher will make Horsi speak
(every time that it will speak, the teacher will do it with a
different voice) so as to introduce itself and to make students
say what their names are. It will say “Hello pupils. My name is
Horsi”. The teacher will approach each student with the horse
and it will say “Hello, what’s your name?”. If they do not know
how to answer, Horsi will say “My name is Horsi.” to show
them how to answer, and then will ask again “What’s your
name?”. It will be repeated until each student says its name.
Every time that a student says its name, Horsi will say “Nice to
meet you. I have a gift to you.”, and the teacher will give
him/her a support with his/her name to put it on the table. In
this way, it will be easier for the teacher to recognize the
name of each student.
- Horsi will speak to students and will say “I went to the
supermarket with Miss Vale and we bought a lot of things. Let’s
- The teacher will take a basket full of plastic food and will
move it so students can realize that it has some stuff in it. She
and Horsi will take each food and will say “I have a (banana,
apple, cupcake, orange, pear, sausage)”. Every time that a food
item is introduced, the teacher will paste a flashcard with the
name and a picture of that food. It will be done until each food
is introduced.
- The teacher will encourage students to count how many items
of food are in the basket. She will ask “How many (apples,
bananas, oranges, pears, cupcakes, sausages) do I have in the
basket? Let’s count”. She will say “I have...” and will start
counting in a loud voice to show them that they have to count
with her. Once they all have finished counting, she will ask
again “How many (apples) do I have? Yes, I have (3 apples)”.
- The teacher will give a student a board-marker to write the
number of (apples) under the flashcard on the board that has
its name.
 Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next
Once the activity is finished, the teacher will say “You have done it very
well. Our friend Horsi has to take a nap. So, we will leave let it on a corner,
right?” and she will put the horse on her desk with a blanket on it.
Then, she will say “Now, we will work on our Activity-Books. Let’s open
them on page 38”. In case they do not know what book it is, the teacher
Comentario [CZ3]: makes
Comentario [CZ4]: it is?
Try to avoid indirect questions. Use simple
Comentario [CZ5]: Lovely! Beautiful
materials. 😊
Comentario [CZ6]: item
Comentario [CZ7]: leave
Comentario [CZ8]: How can you
contextualize this next stage?
Passing from a puppet and interaction to
the activity book so abruptly may spoil the
You may tell the group that in the book
they will find the foods you bought, and
that they have to draw more items to
complete the list.
will say “It is the one that has its pages in black and white”, while
showing them her own Activity-Book so they can recognize it. If it does
not function, she will go table by table helping students to find it.
Finding the page will be difficult since students know numbers from 1
to 10. In order to help them to find it, she will take her activity-book and
will show them the page. If they cannot find it, she will go table by table
helping them. The last option would be to use L1 to say what page they
have to work on.
Development of the sequence of activities
 Purpose: to work on new vocabulary and to revise numbers.
 Timing: 10-15 minutos
 Activity description and instructions as they will be said to
students (include direct speech):
- Once students have found the page on their Activity-Books,
the teacher will say “Have you got your pencils?”. If they have
not, the teacher will provide them with one.
- The teacher will have on her hands her Activity-Book, and
will explain to them that they have to read the short
sentences and draw the quantity of apples, oranges, bananas,
pears, cupcakes and sausages that they say. For example, if
the sentence says “3 apples” they have to draw the necessary
apples that are missing so there are 3 ones.
- If students do not understand what the task is about, the
teacher will show them what they are expected to do. She will
take a marker and will write on the board “5 apples”. She will
read it aloud and will ask students how many apples she
needs to draw. She will encourage them to count with their
fingers “1,2,3,4,5”. Once they reply, she will ask “How many
apples do I have to draw?” and then she will draw five apples
counting them one by one.
- To ensure that all students are doing the task correctly, the
teacher will pass table by table to see how each student
works. If they need help, she will scaffold the activity and help
them in whatever they need.
- Once students have finished, the teacher will see each book
and will check them.
 Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next
The teacher will say “You have done it very well. Congrats!” and she will
clap her hands. After that, she will say “Now, who wants to play a game?
Do yo want to play? Let’s do it!”
Comentario [CZ9]: Why don’t you
show it (the page)? Why don’t you write
the page number on the board?
38 – It’s 3 and 8.
Comentario [CZ10]: to
Comentario [CZ11]: How will you
guide those who cannot read?
Remember that literacy is the focus of
primary learning, not of pre-schoolers in an
L2 context.
Comentario [CZ12]: Ok, here you
answer my question above.
Comentario [CZ13]: Why don’t you
invite Horsi to play?
 Purpose: To play a game and review the vocabulary seen in the
 Timing: 15 minutes
 Activity description and instructions as they will be said
to students:
- The teacher will say “To play the game, you have to work ion
groups. So, let’s make groups!”. Students will be divided into 3
groups: 2 of them will be of three students, and the other one
of 4.
- The teacher will move the tables to the back of the classroom
(it is a small place so there is not much room to play the
game). Then, she will paste on the board three posters made
of cardboard with mini bags, one for each group. She will also
put 6 containers on one table with a poster that says
“supermarket” on it, each one with some food on them. Each
container will have the name of the food that it has in it.
- The teacher will explain that they will play the “Going to the
supermarket” game. She is going to have the flashcards of the
food they used previously and other ones of numbers. The
food flashcards will be on their back-side on the table. A
member of each group will take one, and the teacher will take
only one number flashcard. The teacher will ask each group
"What foodfruit have you got? Is it an apple? Is it a sausage?"
Then, the teacher will say loudly the number of the card she
took previously. When they hear the number, the idea is that
they go to the place where the containers with the cardboard
fruits are and put in each bag of the board the quantity of
fruits that were requested before. The same activity will be
repeated two or three times. The group that fills their basket
faster will be the winner.
- While explaining the activity, the teacher will take a food
flashcard and a number one and will ask “What food is it? Is it
a sausage? Yes, it is. Now, what number is it? Let’s count!
1,2,3,4. Yes, it’s 4! So, how many sausages do I need? Yes, 4
sausages!”. Then, she will go to the supermarket place and
will take four sausages from its container and will put them in
the bag.
- As a last option, if they do not understand the activity, the
teacher will use a few words in L1 to explain the activity.
 Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the
next one:
- Once the game is finished, the teacher will congratulate students by
Comentario [CZ14]: in
Comentario [CZ15]: food?
Comentario [CZ16]: Do I need
Comentario [CZ17]: You may also
elicit the explanation in L1 from them
saying “You have worked very well today. Excellent pupils!” and she
will clap. Then, she will say “Now, we are going to sing the “Banana
NOTE: They do not have a good-bye song. The teacher usually
makes games such as "Simon says", "I can see with my little eye"
or they usually sing the “Banana song”, as a closing and prize
for having worked well in the class. I will sing the song to close
the lessons since the vocabulary on it (peel, chop, mix, eat) will
be used in Lesson 4.
Form bannaas,
Form-form bannaas!
Form bananas,
Form-Form Bananas!
Peel bananas,
Peel-peel bananas!
Peel bananas,
Peel-peel bananas!
Chop bananas,
Chop-chop bananas!
Chop bananas,
Chop-chop bananas!
Smash bananas,
Smash-smash bananas!
Smash bananas,
Smash-smash bananas!
Mix bananas,
Mix-mix bananas!
Mix bananas,
Mix-mix bananas!
Eat bananas,
Eat-eat bananas!
Eat bananas,
Eat-eat bananas!
- While singing the song, the teacher will dance the choreography
with the students and she will make exaggerated movements so as
students copy her: forming a banana with her arms up; peeling a
banana by separating her arms; chopping a banana with a hand;
smashing bananas by punching with the clenched fist the other
hand; mixing the banana by making circles with a hand; and jumping
at the end.
- When students and the teacher finish the song, she will say “Good-
bye pupils! See you next class!”.
Lesson plan
Very Good
Coherence and
Variety of
Stages and
Observations On the right track, Vale!
The lesson plan is well devised. I hope you find my comments and suggestions useful.
What about using a story to frame the next lessons?
You might use a story such as The Very Hungry Caterpillar which is a great resource
to explore many topics, food, colours, numbers, changes, values, among others.
Stories allow for integrated teaching and learning.
Way to go!

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Kindergarten Practicum - Lesson 1 - 2019

  • 1. I.F.D.C. LENGUAS VIVAS BARILOCHE PRÁCTICA DOCENTE I Alumno residente: Valeria Zentner Institución Educativa: Charles Dickens Institute Dirección: calle segunda 26 n° 2544 Cantidad de alumnos: 10 Edad: 5, 6 y 7 años Unidad Temática: “My food” Clase Nº: 1 Fecha: 10/10/19 Hora: 19:00 hs Duración de la clase: 50 minutos Fecha de entrega de la planificación: 29/9/19    Learning aims:   During this lesson, learners will be able to: Revise greeting structures by doing a presentation with a stuffed horse. Learn and identify the names of different food items. Consolidate the new vocabulary and numbers from 1 to 10 through activities and games. Develop their listening skills by paying attention to what the teacher says. Develop their Social and Intrapersonal skills by working in pairs or in groups. Develop their speaking skills by interacting with the teacher and developing a game in groups. Develop their Imaginative skills by playing the “Going to the supermarket” game. Develop their Logical-Mathematical Intelligence: developing an activity on their Activity Books. Learning focus: The activities are focused on: New vocabulary: apples, pears, bananas, oranges, sausages, cupcakes. Questions: “How many (apples) do I have?” and its complete answer “I have (3 apples)”. Imaginative and cognitive skills by playing a game: “Going to the
  • 2. supermarket”. Speaking skills by interacting to the teacher and their mates through the different activities.  Integration of skills:  During this lesson learners will be able to develop skills such as: Speaking skills by doing a presentation and playing the “Going to the supermarket” game. Imaginative skills by playing a game. Kinaesthetic skills by being active and moving their bodies while playing a game and singing the introductory and final songs. Interpersonal and Social skills by working and interacting in groups to play a game.  Multiple intelligences: During this lesson students will be able to develop their: Linguistic Intelligence: spoken communication by interacting to the teacher and their classmates through activities and a game. Interpersonal Intelligence: working in groups to do a game. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence: developing an activity on their Activity Books where they have to read sentences and then think and draw the missing food.  Musical Intelligence: singing and dancing the introductory and final songs.   Materials and resources: A horse shaped stuffed animal
  • 3. Ten supports with the name of each student. Board and board-marker. A basket with plastic apples, pears, oranges, bananas, cupcakes and sausages. Flashcards with pictures and the names of each food.
  • 4. Posters made of cardboard with mini bags Activity book, page 38. 30 small pictures of each food made of cardboard and containers with their names.
  • 5. Flashcards of numbers from 1 to 10 Possible contingencies: Misbehavior issues: in case students do not make silence or they are doing something they do not have to do, the teacher will say in a loud tone of voice “1,2,3 silence, please. 4,5,6 sit down, please”. Another option is to encourage them to call Mr Silence: explaining them that they have to say “Shh” and they have to be in silence and very quiet. Distraction and timing: the teacher will clap her hands two or three times and will say in a loud tone of voice “Come on, come on. Let’s work.” Lack of comprehension: in case students do not understand what they have to do, the teacher will explain again the activity. The teacher will also go table by table to see how students are working, and in case they do not understand what they have to do she will scaffold the activity. No participation: If a child does not want to participate, he/she will be asked why and encouraged to work in pair with other student or with the teacher. Classroom management strategies: Following their own routine: introduction with the “hello Sunshine” song, asking them how are them and about the weather. Then, developing the lesson itself and, finally, singing a song or playing a game as a closure. Starting the lesson with a song so as to get students engaged in the class.
  • 6. Explaining and demonstrating what will be done in each activity. Clapping hands and saying aloud "1, 2, 3 silence, please" and making a gesture with the index finger in front of the lips indicating silence. The same song may be continued to invite them to sit down “4,5,6 sit down, please”. Telling students what the next activity is about so as to keep them interested. Encouraging students to work in pairs if a student needs help with an activity. Encouraging students to work in groups to develop the game. Encouraging them to raise their hands if they want to say something. Assessment: collecting information and reporting your findings Asking children about the topics developed throughout the lessons such as main vocabulary and questions introduced. Observing the way students use the new vocabulary and structures on the development of the different activities, and observing the dynamic and interaction between classmates and their interaction with the teacher. Taking into account if students follow the behaviour criteria of the classroom and if they listen and pay attention to the teacher. Giving feedback on their work. At the end of the class, taking notes about those aspects that were successful and those ones that need improvement and other relevant aspects, and share them through the journal. Lesson stages: Routine  Purpose: To say “Hello” to the students.  Timing: 5-7 minutes  Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students: - The teacher will say “Hello Pupils” in a normal tone of voice. She will NOTE: Scaffolding strategies are written within the description of each activity to avoid repetitions. Comentario [CZ1]: Excellent development of these sections! Comentario [CZ2]: Right!
  • 7. wait until they reply. Then she will say it again but in a loauder tone of voice with the purpose that they reply in the same way. If they do not, the teacher will say “Louder!” in a loud tone of voice, and say “Hello Pupils” again. - The teacher will say “Now, we are going to sing our “Hello song”, and consequently she will start singing the “Hello Sunshine” song as they do every class. While they are singing the song, the teacher will encourage students to sing it with different tones of voice by changing the tone of her own voice, and by moving her hand up and down so to guide them. To make it more interesting, the teacher will move her hands as saying “Hello” so as to encourage them to do the same. “Hello sunshine, hello Hello sunshine, hello Hello my friends, hello Nice to meet you again” (x2) - The teacher will ask “How are you?” in a normal tone of voice. She will wait until they reply and will ask it again but in a louder tone of voice so as they replay in the same way. The same will be done but with a lower tone so they do the same. - The teacher will ask “What’s the weather like today?” “Is it sunny, cloudy…What’s it like today?”. If they do not answer well, the teacher will encourage them to see through the window and will ask “What do you see? Do you see the sun/clouds? So, what’s the weather like today?” Once they have replied, she will write their answer in the board with a drawing of a cloud/sun/wind/rain. Then, she will ask “What day is today? Is it Tuesday? Is it Friday?”. Once they have replied, the teacher will write their answer in the board.  Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one The teacher will invite students to sit down at their chairs by saying “Now, sit down at your chairs”. Then, she will say “Now, we are going to meet someone who wants to be your friend. Are you ready?” Lead-in and Presentation  Purpose: To introduce Horsi, the horse and to introduce food vocabulary. To revise numbers from 1 to 10.  Timing: 10 minutes  Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include direct speech):
  • 8. - A stuffed horse will be introduced by the teacher. She will say “This is Horsi. Do you know what animal is it? Is it a cow? Is it a sheep? It is an animal that makes does this sound (the teacher will imitate a horse’s sound). Do you know what animal its it?s Yes, it is a horse!”. Then, the teacher will make Horsi speak (every time that it will speak, the teacher will do it with a different voice) so as to introduce itself and to make students say what their names are. It will say “Hello pupils. My name is Horsi”. The teacher will approach each student with the horse and it will say “Hello, what’s your name?”. If they do not know how to answer, Horsi will say “My name is Horsi.” to show them how to answer, and then will ask again “What’s your name?”. It will be repeated until each student says its name. Every time that a student says its name, Horsi will say “Nice to meet you. I have a gift to you.”, and the teacher will give him/her a support with his/her name to put it on the table. In this way, it will be easier for the teacher to recognize the name of each student. - Horsi will speak to students and will say “I went to the supermarket with Miss Vale and we bought a lot of things. Let’s see”. - The teacher will take a basket full of plastic food and will move it so students can realize that it has some stuff in it. She and Horsi will take each food and will say “I have a (banana, apple, cupcake, orange, pear, sausage)”. Every time that a food item is introduced, the teacher will paste a flashcard with the name and a picture of that food. It will be done until each food is introduced. - The teacher will encourage students to count how many items of food are in the basket. She will ask “How many (apples, bananas, oranges, pears, cupcakes, sausages) do I have in the basket? Let’s count”. She will say “I have...” and will start counting in a loud voice to show them that they have to count with her. Once they all have finished counting, she will ask again “How many (apples) do I have? Yes, I have (3 apples)”. - The teacher will give a student a board-marker to write the number of (apples) under the flashcard on the board that has its name.  Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one. Once the activity is finished, the teacher will say “You have done it very well. Our friend Horsi has to take a nap. So, we will leave let it on a corner, right?” and she will put the horse on her desk with a blanket on it. Then, she will say “Now, we will work on our Activity-Books. Let’s open them on page 38”. In case they do not know what book it is, the teacher Comentario [CZ3]: makes Comentario [CZ4]: it is? Try to avoid indirect questions. Use simple structures. Comentario [CZ5]: Lovely! Beautiful materials. 😊 Comentario [CZ6]: item Comentario [CZ7]: leave Comentario [CZ8]: How can you contextualize this next stage? Passing from a puppet and interaction to the activity book so abruptly may spoil the magic. You may tell the group that in the book they will find the foods you bought, and that they have to draw more items to complete the list.
  • 9. will say “It is the one that has its pages in black and white”, while showing them her own Activity-Book so they can recognize it. If it does not function, she will go table by table helping students to find it. Finding the page will be difficult since students know numbers from 1 to 10. In order to help them to find it, she will take her activity-book and will show them the page. If they cannot find it, she will go table by table helping them. The last option would be to use L1 to say what page they have to work on. Development of the sequence of activities  Purpose: to work on new vocabulary and to revise numbers.  Timing: 10-15 minutos  Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include direct speech): - Once students have found the page on their Activity-Books, the teacher will say “Have you got your pencils?”. If they have not, the teacher will provide them with one. - The teacher will have on her hands her Activity-Book, and will explain to them that they have to read the short sentences and draw the quantity of apples, oranges, bananas, pears, cupcakes and sausages that they say. For example, if the sentence says “3 apples” they have to draw the necessary apples that are missing so there are 3 ones. - If students do not understand what the task is about, the teacher will show them what they are expected to do. She will take a marker and will write on the board “5 apples”. She will read it aloud and will ask students how many apples she needs to draw. She will encourage them to count with their fingers “1,2,3,4,5”. Once they reply, she will ask “How many apples do I have to draw?” and then she will draw five apples counting them one by one. - To ensure that all students are doing the task correctly, the teacher will pass table by table to see how each student works. If they need help, she will scaffold the activity and help them in whatever they need. - Once students have finished, the teacher will see each book and will check them.  Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one. The teacher will say “You have done it very well. Congrats!” and she will clap her hands. After that, she will say “Now, who wants to play a game? Do yo want to play? Let’s do it!” Comentario [CZ9]: Why don’t you show it (the page)? Why don’t you write the page number on the board? 38 – It’s 3 and 8. Comentario [CZ10]: to Comentario [CZ11]: How will you guide those who cannot read? Remember that literacy is the focus of primary learning, not of pre-schoolers in an L2 context. Comentario [CZ12]: Ok, here you answer my question above. Comentario [CZ13]: Why don’t you invite Horsi to play?
  • 10. Closure  Purpose: To play a game and review the vocabulary seen in the class.  Timing: 15 minutes  Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students: - The teacher will say “To play the game, you have to work ion groups. So, let’s make groups!”. Students will be divided into 3 groups: 2 of them will be of three students, and the other one of 4. - The teacher will move the tables to the back of the classroom (it is a small place so there is not much room to play the game). Then, she will paste on the board three posters made of cardboard with mini bags, one for each group. She will also put 6 containers on one table with a poster that says “supermarket” on it, each one with some food on them. Each container will have the name of the food that it has in it. - The teacher will explain that they will play the “Going to the supermarket” game. She is going to have the flashcards of the food they used previously and other ones of numbers. The food flashcards will be on their back-side on the table. A member of each group will take one, and the teacher will take only one number flashcard. The teacher will ask each group "What foodfruit have you got? Is it an apple? Is it a sausage?" Then, the teacher will say loudly the number of the card she took previously. When they hear the number, the idea is that they go to the place where the containers with the cardboard fruits are and put in each bag of the board the quantity of fruits that were requested before. The same activity will be repeated two or three times. The group that fills their basket faster will be the winner. - While explaining the activity, the teacher will take a food flashcard and a number one and will ask “What food is it? Is it a sausage? Yes, it is. Now, what number is it? Let’s count! 1,2,3,4. Yes, it’s 4! So, how many sausages do I need? Yes, 4 sausages!”. Then, she will go to the supermarket place and will take four sausages from its container and will put them in the bag. - As a last option, if they do not understand the activity, the teacher will use a few words in L1 to explain the activity.  Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one: - Once the game is finished, the teacher will congratulate students by Comentario [CZ14]: in Comentario [CZ15]: food? Comentario [CZ16]: Do I need Comentario [CZ17]: You may also elicit the explanation in L1 from them
  • 11. saying “You have worked very well today. Excellent pupils!” and she will clap. Then, she will say “Now, we are going to sing the “Banana song”. NOTE: They do not have a good-bye song. The teacher usually makes games such as "Simon says", "I can see with my little eye" or they usually sing the “Banana song”, as a closing and prize for having worked well in the class. I will sing the song to close the lessons since the vocabulary on it (peel, chop, mix, eat) will be used in Lesson 4. Form bannaas, Form-form bannaas! Form bananas, Form-Form Bananas! Peel bananas, Peel-peel bananas! Peel bananas, Peel-peel bananas! Chop bananas, Chop-chop bananas! Chop bananas, Chop-chop bananas! Smash bananas, Smash-smash bananas! Smash bananas, Smash-smash bananas! Mix bananas, Mix-mix bananas! Mix bananas, Mix-mix bananas! Eat bananas, Eat-eat bananas! Eat bananas, Eat-eat bananas! GO BANANAS! GO-GO BANANAS! GO BANANAS! GO-GO BANANAS! - While singing the song, the teacher will dance the choreography with the students and she will make exaggerated movements so as students copy her: forming a banana with her arms up; peeling a banana by separating her arms; chopping a banana with a hand; smashing bananas by punching with the clenched fist the other hand; mixing the banana by making circles with a hand; and jumping at the end. - When students and the teacher finish the song, she will say “Good- bye pupils! See you next class!”.
  • 12. Lesson plan component Excellent 5 Very Good 4 Good 3 Acceptable 2 Needs improvement 1 Visual organization x Coherence and sequencing x Variety of resources x Stages and activities x Scaffolding strategies x Language accuracy x Observations On the right track, Vale! The lesson plan is well devised. I hope you find my comments and suggestions useful. What about using a story to frame the next lessons? You might use a story such as The Very Hungry Caterpillar which is a great resource to explore many topics, food, colours, numbers, changes, values, among others. Stories allow for integrated teaching and learning. Way to go! Ceci