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132 Old Illawarra Road, Barden Ridge NSW 2234        Phone:   9543 8317
Email:            Fax:     9541 0036

                           ‘HEIGHTS HIGHLIGHTS’

Term 3                                  Volume 13   August 2011

    Winners and Grinners
  Lucas Heights Community
New Payment Procedures
You can now pay school fees via direct credit from you bank
accounts. Our BSB is 032 001 and the account number is 147385
in the name of Lucas Heights Community School.

It is essential that you include your child’s name and then please
email us directly at


to let us know what the payment is to cover. We will ensure it is
debited against the correct invoice.

It is very important that you still return to your child’s
teacher signed permission notes for any excursions before the
due date.

We still also take credit card via the phone and EFTPOS, cheque
or cash by hand.

Payments are accepted at the Front Office Payments desk until
11.00am each day. This allows banking to be done each day in a
timely manner.

Please ensure all envelopes include the name of the
student and excursion they are attending as we are still
receiving a number of payments without names.

We are currently in the process of mailing statements.
Principal’s Report                            in favour of continuing his attendance at
                                              Lucas Heights. Lucas Heights has much
Tuesday’s sports event in K to 6 was a        to offer and I am pleased that this
success in many ways. With multiple           message is filtering out into the wider
student teachers in the school this term, K   community.
to 6 executive staff allocated them the
                                              I will be attending Woronora River P & C
task of planning and managing the
                                              meeting next month to meet with parents
“Games-a-thon” held on Tuesday. I am
                                              who are also considering Lucas Heights
very proud to announce that almost
                                              for their children’s high school years.
$8,700.00 was raised through this event.
As well as a huge success in terms of         Thank you for your support of your
fund raising, children benefitted from the    children’s learning.
experience and student teachers were                                    Kevin Haydon
able to apply the theory they have been
learning at university to a very practical
and worthwhile event.
                                                Letters sent home to parents:
Funds raised from the event will be spent
on providing wireless keyboard tablets to      8/8 Preliminary Chemistry Science in
interface with the interactive whiteboards          the City Excursion
in K to 6 classrooms. The interactive          9/8 P&C Father’s Day Stall 2011
whiteboards are a marvellous resource          10/8 Statement of Account for
and the wireless keyboards will increase            outstanding payments
their usefulness even more. My thanks go
                                               11/8 2S Gymsports Term 3
to parents who supported the activity and
also to student teachers for their             16/8 Choral Festival 19 & 22 August
confident planning and management of           22/8 Stage 3 Canberra Camp Final
the event.                                          Information
Planning is well underway for 2012 with        23/8 Year 9 Marine Studies Excursion
timetabling progressing well for 7 to 12
curriculum. Schools are staffed on a strict
ratio based on student enrolment and at
this time of year I am required to submit             NEW ENROLMENTS
anticipated enrolment numbers for the
following year. Our numbers are strong at      We are now taking new enrolments
this time with an increased number of          for both Kindergarten and Year 7.
students from Bangor Primary School.
We have also experienced a significant        If you know of any friends or neigh-
number of out of area enrolment                bours who are interested in attend-
applications recently which have buoyed
our current enrolment.                            ing Lucas Heights Community
I am also very pleased to advise that one        School, please ask them to visit
current LHCS student, who was offered a       and we would be delighted to show
scholarship next year at a prestigious                    them around.
private school in the city, turned it down
Jesse’s trip to Melbourne
Last week I went to Melbourne to compete in the
School Sport Australia Swimming Championships.
On the Friday before we left, I met up with the
New South Wales team and we were presented with
our uniforms. We were given a NSW sports bag
and NSW backpack and they were filled to the top
with New South Wales gear. This was what we were
to wear all week and we wore it with pride.
My favourite things were the NSW pins we were
given to trade with kids from all of the other
states. I ended up with different pins from every
state of Australia and also traded with the kids
from New Zealand. My NSW hat is covered in pins
and it looks so cool!!!
On Saturday, we all met at the airport and flew down to Melbourne with the team. As
soon as we got there, we went straight to the Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre
for a “warm-up” swim, the place was huge, even bigger than Homebush. Then mum
picked me up and we went to our hotel.
Sunday was the opening ceremony and it was very official - with a marching band,
people singing and a lot of speeches. Then, after what seemed like forever, the
swimming started.
My first event was the 12 year old boy‟s 200 metres individual medley. I came second
in it, and was presented with my first ever “individual national medal”.
                                           On Monday I was in the 200 metres
                                           freestyle and only narrowly missed out on
                                           the bronze medal, but I swam it 8
                                           seconds faster than I have ever swum it
                                           before. On Tuesday, I swam in the 50
                                           metres freestyle and made the final, in
                                           which I came 7th.
                                           Then on Wednesday, I was in the 100
                                           metres butterfly and 100 metres
                                           freestyle. Once again I made the final in
                                           both of these events and ended up 5th in
                                           the butterfly final and 6th in the
                                           freestyle final.
On Thursday, the New South Wales Team had an excursion to the Melbourne Cricket
Ground and the Melbourne Sports Museum. It was great to have a day off competing
and I really enjoyed the Sports Museum as well as the tram ride to get there.
Friday was our last day and I was in the 12 year old boy‟s relay team. It was really
good swimming with the boys that I normally swim against. We all gave it everything we
had, I think everyone of us did a PB, and only just missed out on the gold medal, but we
were more than happy with the silver medals that were presented to us.
To top off what was one of the best weeks
of my life, I was presented with the School
Sport Australia Sportsmanship Award. This
award is given for:
“This Award is designed to recognise those
individuals who have displayed outstanding
integrity, sportsmanship and the ideal of
Fair Play. The Awardees are nominated by
officials, managers and event administration
for this prestigious honour.”
In the past week, I have met more people,
have made more friends, have had more fun and experienced so much more than I
would have ever thought possible – all because of doing something that I love –
Throughout my life, swimming has given me so many opportunities, but without a doubt,
I will never forget my week in Melbourne, for not only my achievements, but more
importantly for the many new friends I have made, who I am sure I will stay in contact
with for a very long time.
I would really like to thank everybody at school who has supported and encouraged me
                                           and most of all believed in me – in
                                           particular, Mrs Langenheim and Mrs
                                           Mealing. This all started back in February
                                           at our school swimming carnival and then to
                                           have finally reached National level has been
                                                                                Jesse G
1B’s Information Reports on People in the Community who help us

Firefighters — by Chelsea
Firefighters save people and put out fires.
Firefighters wear a hard hat, a yellow coat and black boots.
Firefighters work at a fire station and train at the gym.
Firefighters have lots of equipment. The equipment is a radio, a siren, cutters,
ladders, breathing apparatus, a hose and water cannon.
I think firefighters are very brave.
Firefighters — Lachlan
Firefighters turn the hose on to put out a fire.
They wear yellow suits, black boots and a helmet.
Firefighters work at a fire station and work out in
the gym.
They use hose cutters, ladders, a siren, a radio and
water cannons.
I think they are very helpful.
Firefighters — Samuel
Firefighters use a big strong hose to put out fires.
Firefighters save people and buildings at risk to save nature.
Firefighters wear a fire-proof yellow and black uniform to protect their skin.
Firefighters work at a fire station. They also drive in a big red or yellow fire truck.
They use a cutter to cut thick metal and a hose to spray water over a fire.
I think being a firefighter is very hard work.

                                                       Congratulations Samuel
           Lost property
                                                 At the Musical Soiree I played “Study in
     Please check lost property if               A Minor”. I saw my best friend Thomas
       your child is missing any                 there. The audience was excited. First I
          items of clothing.
                                                 saw the Training Band then the Senior
  Also we have quite a few smaller
                                                 Band. After that two more people
  items in the front office, so if you
                                                 performed and it was my turn. I played
     are missing anything, please
                                                 the big, digital piano. It was lots of fun.
            check with us.
                                                 Lots of people said I did a good job.
               Thank you.
                                                 Samuel 1B aged 7
Year 12 students - University Open Days

At this time of year all of the universities   will include a tour of Victoria Barracks,
hold Open Days for prospective students        demonstrations,     presentations    and
to visit campuses and spend a few hours        activities from a variety of Army Units
browsing around faculties they are             including Army Band, Medical Corps,
interested in and asking lots of               Physical Training Instructors, Military
questions.                                     Police, Engineers, Infantry, Signalmen,
                                               Ordnance Corps, Artillery, Armoured
The full list of Open Days is on page 13
                                               Corps, Aviation Corps and a talk from
of the UAC Handbook and other details
                                               Defence Force Recruiting.
are in the school's Careers Newsletters,
sent to each senior student's school email     This would be a good opportunity for
address.                                       students who are interested in joining the
                                               Army to gain a better understanding of
A big date to remember is 27 August 27
                                               the careers available through the Army,
2011 when Sydney Uni, UTS, UNSW,
                                               and also an insight into the Military
Newcastle, ADFA, ANU, Canberra and
                                               lifestyle and working environment.
the ACU all hold their Open Days, but
there are several other Open Days              Students must be over 15 years of age as
between now and 10 September 2011.             at 6 October 2011 to participate and
                                               must register at the Careers office before
Victoria Barracks is holding an Army
                                               12 September 2011.
Careers Day during the school holidays,
on Thursday 6 October 2011. The day                                          John Wing
                                                                        Careers Adviser

                  LHCS SPORTS POLOS - UPDATE
Thank you to all parents who have placed orders for the new sports polo shirt. We
placed the order for these shirts with our supplier, Beare & Ley, 9 weeks ago with the
expectation that they would be delivered within 6 weeks. Unfortunately this delivery
date has been postponed. They have informed us that delivery will be another 1-2
Please accept our apologies for this delay, a situation which has been out of our
New supply arrangements will be negotiated for future orders.
As soon as they are delivered they will be sent to your child’s class (K-6) and to the
Front Office for collection (Years 7-11).
Woolworth’s Earn & Learn Program
                        WE NEED YOUR SHOPPING DOCKETS!!!
Until 18 September 2011, you can earn one Earn & Learn point for our school
for every $10 you spend at Woolworths**.
Points automatically appear on your shopping dockets, so all you need to do is bring
those dockets to school and place them in the special Woolworths collection box
located in the Front Office.
So, what do we earn? We can redeem from a choice of more than 7,000 educational
resources including library books, classroom equipment, art & crafts materials and
much, much more!
So bring in your Woolworths shopping dockets. Ask your friends and family to
collect their dockets too.
Help Woolies to help our school. Collect as many Earn & Learn points as you can!
If you would like more information about Woolworth’s Earn & Learn, including
what we can get for our school go to:
** Excluding the purchase of cigarettes, alcohol and gift cards or purchases made through Woolworths online or
at Caltex Woolworths co-branded fuel outlets.

Dear Blood Service Supporter,
We need your help...
The Mobile Blood Service is visiting ANSTO (Located in car park next to motel &
cafeteria, New Illawarra Rd) on the 5th & 6th of September and plenty of appointments
are still available!
We currently have less than 4 days blood supply left in NSW. We need to collect over 45
donations each day just to meet hospital demand. Winter is the most difficult time for the
Blood Service, with regular donors suffering colds and flu and supplies can drop to critical
levels. We need your help now to boost supplies. We are calling on potential new donors
or anyone who hasn’t donated for a while, to make an appointment, particularly donors with
the blood types O and A.
It would be wonderful if you could please pass the below email on to your colleagues,
family or friends in the area that are able to donate or spread the message. Every blood
donation helps to save 3 lives.
Please call 13 14 95 or email to book your
appointment. Thank you for your help,
Jennifer Parcell, Community Relations Office, CBD Donor Mobile Unit
Do something special. Give blood. Call 13 14 95 or visit
Sport shirts
  Any PSSA or Zone singlets / shirts
 please return to the school as soon as
possible as there are a number missing
  and some students have to miss out
 wearing school colours at carnivals.
              Thank you
Support Unit                                   Tins for Tummies
We would like to officially welcome our       Spring is upon us and it‟s time to clear
new student, Amanda to our school as a        the cupboards and bring in a tin for a
part of Year 9.                               worthy case. Our school is teaming up
The Senior Northcott Athletics Carnival       with The Exodus Foundation to collect
was held on Friday 26 August at               tins        of   food   for
Homebush and we all had a great time.         people in need. So, if
The students were lucky enough to meet        you can spare a tin
the Governor General, Her Excellency          for tummies, send it
Quentin Bryce, who took a great interest      in     to    Mrs   Cooke‟s
in their events. We will let you know         room, before the end
how well we went in the next edition.         of term.
On Saturday, some past students and           The hungry tummies of Sydney thank
staff, as well as some current staff met as   you.
part of a reunion at the Mill Hotel. It was
                                              P.S. Don‟t forget we are also collecting
great to see what people have been up to
                                              egg cartons to send over to the Solomon
since they left Lucas Heights
                                              Islands to establish chicken farms for
Community School.
                                              the local community.
                              Mr Foulger
                                              Mrs Cooke

                                                     Gifted and Talented workshops for
                                                       Stage 1 and Stage 2 students.
                                                      Stage 1 - Friday 16 September
                                                     Stage 2 - Thursday 22 September
                                                          The topic is technology using
                                                           Moviemaker to be held at
                                                             Menai Primary School
                                                           Teachers will select students
                                                          who they feel have an aptitude
                                                                  for this topic.
Thank you to everyone involved with our
fabulous Games-A-Thon which took
place on the council oval on Tuesday 23
August. The rain held off and although
the council oval was muddy, the children
thoroughly enjoyed the day.
Thank you to the practice teachers from
University of Wollongong and Notre
Dame University who were so willing
and motivated to seek sponsorship,
organise the activities and design the
overall program of events. Well done!
Thank you to all the students whose great
                                                         Peer support
energy on the day was contagious.             At first I did not want to do peer support
...And thank you so much to all our           and when it was announced I for sure was
wonderful families who helped their           not looking forward to it, but throughout
children collect sponsorship money.           peer support I really enjoyed it and got a
Without your great support we would not       lot out of it. I urge future peer support
be able to raise this money.                  leaders not to give up before you start

We raised $8,692.90, which will be used       this   amazing   program.   Because    peer

to purchase wireless keyboard tablets to      support not only gives you great life skills
interface with the interactive whiteboards    of being a leader, it is a wonderful
in K to 6 classrooms.                         experience – the whole thing.

Fantastic effort everyone!                    Kyle 6B

                             Carolyn Lakiss
                                               SYDNEY EAST SCHOOL SPORT

                                                  Your school sporting Zone/
                                                  District now has a website
                                                    where you can access
                                                 information about your local
                                                 Zone/District school sporting
Space Academy and Field Studies
– September, 2011
Brody Johnston of Year 10 at Lucas
Heights Community School has been
successful      in   his      application     to
participate in Space Camp USA 2011.
Brody will be travelling with 23 other
students from 15 schools across the
wider South Western Sydney region to
Space Academy & Field Studies in
Huntsville,    Alabama USA          from     23rd
September – 10th October.

The Space Academy & Field Studies
Tour is coordinated and supported by
LAZSTA        (Metropolitan     South       West
Science Teachers' Association). Whilst
the Space Academy Program is the
highlight of the overall tour, the group will visit many other places of scientific
interest in the US on their tour. In addition several local weekend science workshops
organised by LAZSTA including participation in projects with the NSW Powerhouse
Museum and the Sydney Observatory have already been undertaken by the students.

Brody is the only student with Asperger‟s Syndrome participating in the 2011 Space
Academy and Field Studies Tour. Asperger‟s Syndrome is an Autism Spectrum Disorder
(ASD) that impairs social and communication skills and although ASD will be an
additional challenge for Brody on the tour, he is excited to be involved in all aspects of
the    program.       For       more        info    about       Asperger‟s   Syndrome       visit:

Space Camp is a once in a lifetime opportunity for Brody to embark on an
enrichment program         whilst   being     provided   with    opportunities   for   leadership
development.     The concept of the US Space Academy is about pushing the limits,
presenting participants with mental, physical and emotional challenges. Whilst this is an
effort for anyone, in Brody‟s case, participating in activities at Space Camp US is even
more of an amazing achievement and he also gets to travel overseas to do so.
Supporting Brody on the tour is his „Space Academy Buddy‟ Jackie Slaviero, an
Assistant Principal at Eastwood Public School and Dr Ken Silburn, President of LAZSTA
and Head Science Teacher at Casula High School. Jackie has been nominated for three
consecutive years for the NEITA Inspirational Teacher of the Year and both Ken and
Jackie have been nominated for the 2011 Prime Minister‟s Science Award, so Brody will
have great support on his Space Camp expedition!
In addition to the Cadbury
fundraiser chocolates that
Brody    has      been    selling
around the school grounds                     Space Camp USA
over the past few weeks a                BBQ & RAFFLE FUNDRAISER
Sausage Sizzle & Raffle                   Friday 9th September
fundraiser will be held at                         (Lunchtime)
Lunchtime on Friday 9th
September            in     the
undercover area near the
school library.
So please support this wonderful opportunity for Brody to „take off‟ to Space Camp
later this month, by purchasing a raffle ticket and something from the Sausage Sizzle
next Friday 9th.
On behalf of Brody, our family would like to thank LHCS P&C, Mrs Green, Mr Haydon,
Ms Rogers, staff & school community for the support Brody has already received in his
preparation for Space Camp. We would also like to acknowledge sponsorship received
                                                    from local businesses; Beverly Hills
                                                    Hotel, Beverly Hills Cinemas &
                                                    Bresnahan’s      Quality     Meats
                                                    Anyone interested in reading more
                                                    about   LAZSTA     Space   Academy
                                                    Tour can visit this site that will be
                                                    added to during the tour: http://

                                                    Brody will share his experience at
                                                    Space Camp in a daily Blog and when
                                                    he has completed the tour, he will
                                                    let you know all about it in a future
                                                    LHCS Newsletter.

132 Old Illawarra Road
Barden Ridge NSW 2234
Telephone (02) 9543 8317
Facsimile (02) 9541 0036

                                            P&C NEWSLETTER

P&C Meetings 2011                                   New supply arrangements will be negotiated for
The P&C meets in the Staff Common Room              future orders.
(next to the Library) on the first Wednesday of     As soon as they are delivered they will be sent to
each month. Doors open at 7.15 for a 7.30pm         your child’s class (K-6) and to the Front Office
start. Tea / coffee / supper is provided.           for collection (Years 7-11).
Remaining meeting dates for 2011 are Term 3 -       Sky Blue Sports Polo – Current Stock on Sale
Wednesday 7 September; Term 4 - Wednesday           All stock of the current sky blue polo shirts that
2 November, and Wednesday 7 December.               are being phased out are on sale in our Uniform
Father’s Day Stall – K-6 is being held on           Shop for $5. These shirts can be worn for the
Monday 29 August. Please return your order          remainder of the year.
and money by Friday 26 August. If you need          What to do with your old sky blue sports
an order form they are available from the Front     polo? Donate to Charity!
                                                    We are sending all your old sky blue sports polo
Kids Artwork Cards, Calendars and Mouse             shirts to a charity in New Guinea. We are
Mats – Orders due 19 September                      receiving free airfreight for the cause. When you
Each year we run the Kids Artwork Fundraiser.       have your new sports shirt, please bring in your
Your child’s artwork is completed as a class        old shirts and place them in the collection box in
activity and we send it to be made into quality     the Uniform Shop or to the Front Office.
Calendars, Greeting Cards and Mouse Mats that       LHCS Uniform Shop Volunteers
will be available for purchase. Information about
                                                    Our school Uniform Shop is staffed by
the fundraiser and Order forms are being sent
                                                    volunteers. We need help to keep the shop open
home in Week 7. The quality of the products is
                                                    to continue to service you. It is only with the
exceptionally high. If you wish to see samples,
                                                    help of volunteers that we can keep all our prices
they are available at the Front Office and the
                                                    low and save you time and money.
Uniform Shop. All orders will be delivered in
plenty of time to meet overseas posting             PLEASE consider giving a little of your time to
deadlines so you can also purchase for any          make a BIG difference. All training is given.
overseas Christmas presents! Your orders must       Help is required at any of the following times:
be received by Monday 19 September.                 Monday         8.45-9.15am
LHCS Sports Polos - update                          Monday         2.45-3.15pm
Thank you to all parents who have placed orders     Tuesday        8.45-9.15am
for the new sports polo shirt. We placed the        Wednesday 2.45-3.15pm
order for these shirts with our supplier, Beare &
                                                    Friday         8.45-9.15am
Ley, 9 weeks ago with the expectation that they
would be delivered within 6 weeks.                  If you are able to assist at any of these times it
Unfortunately this delivery date has been           would be greatly appreciated. Please leave
postponed. They have informed us that delivery      your details at the Uniform Shop or the Front
will be another 1-2 weeks.                          Office.
Please accept our apologies for this delay, a                     Mrs Poore, President LHCS P&C
situation which has been out of our control.
P& C Up and Coming Events
   Father's Day Stall – Monday 29 August
   Cards, Calendars and Mouse Mats Fundraiser – Term 3/4
   Inter Relate Sex Education Evening for Years K-7– Wednesday 19 October
   Sunscreen Fundraiser – Term 4

Remember School Banking is every Tuesday so have your child bring their deposit
book in.

              Would you like your child to eat more fruit and vegetables?

                 Some exciting news from the Heights Bite’s Canteen

    The Height‟s Bites Canteen is pleased to announce in collaboration with the
    Sydney Markets the Fresh for Kids “Power Up with Ben and Gwen to Win” cam-
    paign, beginning next week and continuing until the end of the term to promote
    eating fresh fruit and vegetables as a healthy snack choice.

    Each day the canteen will be selling a variety of fruit and vegetable snacks
    such as apples, apple slinkies, oranges, mandarins, fruit cups, celery and carrot
    sticks for the children to select from, priced from only $1 each.

    Each time a student makes a fresh fruit or vegetable purchase, they will re-
    ceive a token sticker on their Sticker Card.

    When they have 4 tokens on their card, they hand it in at the Canteen and re-
    ceive a Bag Tag. There are 6 different fun characters to collect.

    Their card will then be entered in the draw with entries from other schools to
    win some terrific prizes:

    Major prize: 32” Ben 10 Branded TV with Wii console

    Runner up:     4 x Ben 10 Branded Nintendo DS + Ben 10 Games

    Plus:          50 x Ben 10 Showbags containing Frisbee, Mini Basketball,
                   Omnitrix Watch, Poster and soft Football.

    Children can enter more than once.

    Happy Eating and Good Luck!
                 ALL OTHER YEARS 2012
                     ENROLLING NOW
Please contact us on 9543 8317 for an enrolment package and remind
  friends and neighbours that we are currently enrolling, for 2012.

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  • 1. LUCAS HEIGHTS COMMUNITY SCHOOL K-12 132 Old Illawarra Road, Barden Ridge NSW 2234 Phone: 9543 8317 Email: Fax: 9541 0036 ‘HEIGHTS HIGHLIGHTS’ Term 3 Volume 13 August 2011 Winners and Grinners at Lucas Heights Community School
  • 2. New Payment Procedures You can now pay school fees via direct credit from you bank accounts. Our BSB is 032 001 and the account number is 147385 in the name of Lucas Heights Community School. It is essential that you include your child’s name and then please email us directly at to let us know what the payment is to cover. We will ensure it is debited against the correct invoice. It is very important that you still return to your child’s teacher signed permission notes for any excursions before the due date. We still also take credit card via the phone and EFTPOS, cheque or cash by hand. Payments are accepted at the Front Office Payments desk until 11.00am each day. This allows banking to be done each day in a timely manner. Please ensure all envelopes include the name of the student and excursion they are attending as we are still receiving a number of payments without names. We are currently in the process of mailing statements.
  • 3. Principal’s Report in favour of continuing his attendance at Lucas Heights. Lucas Heights has much Tuesday’s sports event in K to 6 was a to offer and I am pleased that this success in many ways. With multiple message is filtering out into the wider student teachers in the school this term, K community. to 6 executive staff allocated them the I will be attending Woronora River P & C task of planning and managing the meeting next month to meet with parents “Games-a-thon” held on Tuesday. I am who are also considering Lucas Heights very proud to announce that almost for their children’s high school years. $8,700.00 was raised through this event. As well as a huge success in terms of Thank you for your support of your fund raising, children benefitted from the children’s learning. experience and student teachers were Kevin Haydon able to apply the theory they have been learning at university to a very practical and worthwhile event. Letters sent home to parents: Funds raised from the event will be spent on providing wireless keyboard tablets to 8/8 Preliminary Chemistry Science in interface with the interactive whiteboards the City Excursion in K to 6 classrooms. The interactive 9/8 P&C Father’s Day Stall 2011 whiteboards are a marvellous resource 10/8 Statement of Account for and the wireless keyboards will increase outstanding payments their usefulness even more. My thanks go 11/8 2S Gymsports Term 3 to parents who supported the activity and also to student teachers for their 16/8 Choral Festival 19 & 22 August confident planning and management of 22/8 Stage 3 Canberra Camp Final the event. Information Planning is well underway for 2012 with 23/8 Year 9 Marine Studies Excursion timetabling progressing well for 7 to 12 curriculum. Schools are staffed on a strict ratio based on student enrolment and at this time of year I am required to submit NEW ENROLMENTS anticipated enrolment numbers for the following year. Our numbers are strong at We are now taking new enrolments this time with an increased number of for both Kindergarten and Year 7. students from Bangor Primary School. We have also experienced a significant If you know of any friends or neigh- number of out of area enrolment bours who are interested in attend- applications recently which have buoyed our current enrolment. ing Lucas Heights Community I am also very pleased to advise that one School, please ask them to visit current LHCS student, who was offered a and we would be delighted to show scholarship next year at a prestigious them around. private school in the city, turned it down
  • 4. Jesse’s trip to Melbourne Last week I went to Melbourne to compete in the School Sport Australia Swimming Championships. On the Friday before we left, I met up with the New South Wales team and we were presented with our uniforms. We were given a NSW sports bag and NSW backpack and they were filled to the top with New South Wales gear. This was what we were to wear all week and we wore it with pride. My favourite things were the NSW pins we were given to trade with kids from all of the other states. I ended up with different pins from every state of Australia and also traded with the kids from New Zealand. My NSW hat is covered in pins and it looks so cool!!! On Saturday, we all met at the airport and flew down to Melbourne with the team. As soon as we got there, we went straight to the Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre for a “warm-up” swim, the place was huge, even bigger than Homebush. Then mum picked me up and we went to our hotel. Sunday was the opening ceremony and it was very official - with a marching band, people singing and a lot of speeches. Then, after what seemed like forever, the swimming started. My first event was the 12 year old boy‟s 200 metres individual medley. I came second in it, and was presented with my first ever “individual national medal”. On Monday I was in the 200 metres freestyle and only narrowly missed out on the bronze medal, but I swam it 8 seconds faster than I have ever swum it before. On Tuesday, I swam in the 50 metres freestyle and made the final, in which I came 7th. Then on Wednesday, I was in the 100 metres butterfly and 100 metres freestyle. Once again I made the final in both of these events and ended up 5th in the butterfly final and 6th in the freestyle final. On Thursday, the New South Wales Team had an excursion to the Melbourne Cricket Ground and the Melbourne Sports Museum. It was great to have a day off competing and I really enjoyed the Sports Museum as well as the tram ride to get there.
  • 5. Friday was our last day and I was in the 12 year old boy‟s relay team. It was really good swimming with the boys that I normally swim against. We all gave it everything we had, I think everyone of us did a PB, and only just missed out on the gold medal, but we were more than happy with the silver medals that were presented to us. To top off what was one of the best weeks of my life, I was presented with the School Sport Australia Sportsmanship Award. This award is given for: “This Award is designed to recognise those individuals who have displayed outstanding integrity, sportsmanship and the ideal of Fair Play. The Awardees are nominated by officials, managers and event administration for this prestigious honour.” In the past week, I have met more people, have made more friends, have had more fun and experienced so much more than I would have ever thought possible – all because of doing something that I love – ”Swimming”. Throughout my life, swimming has given me so many opportunities, but without a doubt, I will never forget my week in Melbourne, for not only my achievements, but more importantly for the many new friends I have made, who I am sure I will stay in contact with for a very long time. I would really like to thank everybody at school who has supported and encouraged me and most of all believed in me – in particular, Mrs Langenheim and Mrs Mealing. This all started back in February at our school swimming carnival and then to have finally reached National level has been unbelievable! Jesse G
  • 6. 1B’s Information Reports on People in the Community who help us Firefighters — by Chelsea Firefighters save people and put out fires. Firefighters wear a hard hat, a yellow coat and black boots. Firefighters work at a fire station and train at the gym. Firefighters have lots of equipment. The equipment is a radio, a siren, cutters, ladders, breathing apparatus, a hose and water cannon. I think firefighters are very brave. Firefighters — Lachlan Firefighters turn the hose on to put out a fire. They wear yellow suits, black boots and a helmet. Firefighters work at a fire station and work out in the gym. They use hose cutters, ladders, a siren, a radio and water cannons. I think they are very helpful. Firefighters — Samuel Firefighters use a big strong hose to put out fires. Firefighters save people and buildings at risk to save nature. Firefighters wear a fire-proof yellow and black uniform to protect their skin. Firefighters work at a fire station. They also drive in a big red or yellow fire truck. They use a cutter to cut thick metal and a hose to spray water over a fire. I think being a firefighter is very hard work. Congratulations Samuel Lost property At the Musical Soiree I played “Study in Please check lost property if A Minor”. I saw my best friend Thomas your child is missing any there. The audience was excited. First I items of clothing. saw the Training Band then the Senior Also we have quite a few smaller Band. After that two more people items in the front office, so if you performed and it was my turn. I played are missing anything, please the big, digital piano. It was lots of fun. check with us. Lots of people said I did a good job. Thank you. Samuel 1B aged 7
  • 7. Year 12 students - University Open Days At this time of year all of the universities will include a tour of Victoria Barracks, hold Open Days for prospective students demonstrations, presentations and to visit campuses and spend a few hours activities from a variety of Army Units browsing around faculties they are including Army Band, Medical Corps, interested in and asking lots of Physical Training Instructors, Military questions. Police, Engineers, Infantry, Signalmen, Ordnance Corps, Artillery, Armoured The full list of Open Days is on page 13 Corps, Aviation Corps and a talk from of the UAC Handbook and other details Defence Force Recruiting. are in the school's Careers Newsletters, sent to each senior student's school email This would be a good opportunity for address. students who are interested in joining the Army to gain a better understanding of A big date to remember is 27 August 27 the careers available through the Army, 2011 when Sydney Uni, UTS, UNSW, and also an insight into the Military Newcastle, ADFA, ANU, Canberra and lifestyle and working environment. the ACU all hold their Open Days, but there are several other Open Days Students must be over 15 years of age as between now and 10 September 2011. at 6 October 2011 to participate and must register at the Careers office before Victoria Barracks is holding an Army 12 September 2011. Careers Day during the school holidays, on Thursday 6 October 2011. The day John Wing Careers Adviser LHCS SPORTS POLOS - UPDATE Thank you to all parents who have placed orders for the new sports polo shirt. We placed the order for these shirts with our supplier, Beare & Ley, 9 weeks ago with the expectation that they would be delivered within 6 weeks. Unfortunately this delivery date has been postponed. They have informed us that delivery will be another 1-2 weeks. Please accept our apologies for this delay, a situation which has been out of our control. New supply arrangements will be negotiated for future orders. As soon as they are delivered they will be sent to your child’s class (K-6) and to the Front Office for collection (Years 7-11).
  • 8. Woolworth’s Earn & Learn Program WE NEED YOUR SHOPPING DOCKETS!!! Until 18 September 2011, you can earn one Earn & Learn point for our school for every $10 you spend at Woolworths**. Points automatically appear on your shopping dockets, so all you need to do is bring those dockets to school and place them in the special Woolworths collection box located in the Front Office. So, what do we earn? We can redeem from a choice of more than 7,000 educational resources including library books, classroom equipment, art & crafts materials and much, much more! So bring in your Woolworths shopping dockets. Ask your friends and family to collect their dockets too. Help Woolies to help our school. Collect as many Earn & Learn points as you can! If you would like more information about Woolworth’s Earn & Learn, including what we can get for our school go to: ** Excluding the purchase of cigarettes, alcohol and gift cards or purchases made through Woolworths online or at Caltex Woolworths co-branded fuel outlets. Dear Blood Service Supporter, We need your help... The Mobile Blood Service is visiting ANSTO (Located in car park next to motel & cafeteria, New Illawarra Rd) on the 5th & 6th of September and plenty of appointments are still available! We currently have less than 4 days blood supply left in NSW. We need to collect over 45 donations each day just to meet hospital demand. Winter is the most difficult time for the Blood Service, with regular donors suffering colds and flu and supplies can drop to critical levels. We need your help now to boost supplies. We are calling on potential new donors or anyone who hasn’t donated for a while, to make an appointment, particularly donors with the blood types O and A. It would be wonderful if you could please pass the below email on to your colleagues, family or friends in the area that are able to donate or spread the message. Every blood donation helps to save 3 lives. Please call 13 14 95 or email to book your appointment. Thank you for your help, Jennifer Parcell, Community Relations Office, CBD Donor Mobile Unit Do something special. Give blood. Call 13 14 95 or visit
  • 9. Sport shirts Any PSSA or Zone singlets / shirts please return to the school as soon as possible as there are a number missing and some students have to miss out wearing school colours at carnivals. Thank you
  • 10. Support Unit Tins for Tummies We would like to officially welcome our Spring is upon us and it‟s time to clear new student, Amanda to our school as a the cupboards and bring in a tin for a part of Year 9. worthy case. Our school is teaming up The Senior Northcott Athletics Carnival with The Exodus Foundation to collect was held on Friday 26 August at tins of food for Homebush and we all had a great time. people in need. So, if The students were lucky enough to meet you can spare a tin the Governor General, Her Excellency for tummies, send it Quentin Bryce, who took a great interest in to Mrs Cooke‟s in their events. We will let you know room, before the end how well we went in the next edition. of term. On Saturday, some past students and The hungry tummies of Sydney thank staff, as well as some current staff met as you. part of a reunion at the Mill Hotel. It was P.S. Don‟t forget we are also collecting great to see what people have been up to egg cartons to send over to the Solomon since they left Lucas Heights Islands to establish chicken farms for Community School. the local community. Mr Foulger Mrs Cooke COSBTR Gifted and Talented workshops for Stage 1 and Stage 2 students. Stage 1 - Friday 16 September Stage 2 - Thursday 22 September The topic is technology using Moviemaker to be held at Menai Primary School Teachers will select students who they feel have an aptitude for this topic.
  • 11. Games-A-Thon Thank you to everyone involved with our fabulous Games-A-Thon which took place on the council oval on Tuesday 23 August. The rain held off and although the council oval was muddy, the children thoroughly enjoyed the day. Thank you to the practice teachers from University of Wollongong and Notre Dame University who were so willing and motivated to seek sponsorship, organise the activities and design the overall program of events. Well done! Thank you to all the students whose great Peer support energy on the day was contagious. At first I did not want to do peer support ...And thank you so much to all our and when it was announced I for sure was wonderful families who helped their not looking forward to it, but throughout children collect sponsorship money. peer support I really enjoyed it and got a Without your great support we would not lot out of it. I urge future peer support be able to raise this money. leaders not to give up before you start We raised $8,692.90, which will be used this amazing program. Because peer to purchase wireless keyboard tablets to support not only gives you great life skills interface with the interactive whiteboards of being a leader, it is a wonderful in K to 6 classrooms. experience – the whole thing. Fantastic effort everyone! Kyle 6B Carolyn Lakiss SYDNEY EAST SCHOOL SPORT Your school sporting Zone/ District now has a website where you can access information about your local Zone/District school sporting activities.
  • 12. BRODY’S SPACE CAMP JOURNEY Space Academy and Field Studies – September, 2011 Brody Johnston of Year 10 at Lucas Heights Community School has been successful in his application to participate in Space Camp USA 2011. Brody will be travelling with 23 other students from 15 schools across the wider South Western Sydney region to Space Academy & Field Studies in Huntsville, Alabama USA from 23rd September – 10th October. The Space Academy & Field Studies Tour is coordinated and supported by LAZSTA (Metropolitan South West Science Teachers' Association). Whilst the Space Academy Program is the highlight of the overall tour, the group will visit many other places of scientific interest in the US on their tour. In addition several local weekend science workshops organised by LAZSTA including participation in projects with the NSW Powerhouse Museum and the Sydney Observatory have already been undertaken by the students. Brody is the only student with Asperger‟s Syndrome participating in the 2011 Space Academy and Field Studies Tour. Asperger‟s Syndrome is an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) that impairs social and communication skills and although ASD will be an additional challenge for Brody on the tour, he is excited to be involved in all aspects of the program. For more info about Asperger‟s Syndrome visit: Space Camp is a once in a lifetime opportunity for Brody to embark on an enrichment program whilst being provided with opportunities for leadership development. The concept of the US Space Academy is about pushing the limits, presenting participants with mental, physical and emotional challenges. Whilst this is an effort for anyone, in Brody‟s case, participating in activities at Space Camp US is even more of an amazing achievement and he also gets to travel overseas to do so.
  • 13. Supporting Brody on the tour is his „Space Academy Buddy‟ Jackie Slaviero, an Assistant Principal at Eastwood Public School and Dr Ken Silburn, President of LAZSTA and Head Science Teacher at Casula High School. Jackie has been nominated for three consecutive years for the NEITA Inspirational Teacher of the Year and both Ken and Jackie have been nominated for the 2011 Prime Minister‟s Science Award, so Brody will have great support on his Space Camp expedition! In addition to the Cadbury fundraiser chocolates that Brody has been selling around the school grounds Space Camp USA over the past few weeks a BBQ & RAFFLE FUNDRAISER Sausage Sizzle & Raffle Friday 9th September fundraiser will be held at (Lunchtime) Lunchtime on Friday 9th September in the undercover area near the school library. So please support this wonderful opportunity for Brody to „take off‟ to Space Camp later this month, by purchasing a raffle ticket and something from the Sausage Sizzle next Friday 9th. On behalf of Brody, our family would like to thank LHCS P&C, Mrs Green, Mr Haydon, Ms Rogers, staff & school community for the support Brody has already received in his preparation for Space Camp. We would also like to acknowledge sponsorship received from local businesses; Beverly Hills Hotel, Beverly Hills Cinemas & Bresnahan’s Quality Meats Mortdale. Anyone interested in reading more about LAZSTA Space Academy Tour can visit this site that will be added to during the tour: http:// LAZSTA/2011_Tour.html Brody will share his experience at Space Camp in a daily Blog and when he has completed the tour, he will let you know all about it in a future LHCS Newsletter.
  • 14. PARENTS & CITIZENS ASSOCIATION 132 Old Illawarra Road Barden Ridge NSW 2234 Telephone (02) 9543 8317 Facsimile (02) 9541 0036 Email: P&C NEWSLETTER P&C Meetings 2011 New supply arrangements will be negotiated for The P&C meets in the Staff Common Room future orders. (next to the Library) on the first Wednesday of As soon as they are delivered they will be sent to each month. Doors open at 7.15 for a 7.30pm your child’s class (K-6) and to the Front Office start. Tea / coffee / supper is provided. for collection (Years 7-11). Remaining meeting dates for 2011 are Term 3 - Sky Blue Sports Polo – Current Stock on Sale Wednesday 7 September; Term 4 - Wednesday All stock of the current sky blue polo shirts that 2 November, and Wednesday 7 December. are being phased out are on sale in our Uniform Father’s Day Stall – K-6 is being held on Shop for $5. These shirts can be worn for the Monday 29 August. Please return your order remainder of the year. and money by Friday 26 August. If you need What to do with your old sky blue sports an order form they are available from the Front polo? Donate to Charity! Office. We are sending all your old sky blue sports polo Kids Artwork Cards, Calendars and Mouse shirts to a charity in New Guinea. We are Mats – Orders due 19 September receiving free airfreight for the cause. When you Each year we run the Kids Artwork Fundraiser. have your new sports shirt, please bring in your Your child’s artwork is completed as a class old shirts and place them in the collection box in activity and we send it to be made into quality the Uniform Shop or to the Front Office. Calendars, Greeting Cards and Mouse Mats that LHCS Uniform Shop Volunteers will be available for purchase. Information about Our school Uniform Shop is staffed by the fundraiser and Order forms are being sent volunteers. We need help to keep the shop open home in Week 7. The quality of the products is to continue to service you. It is only with the exceptionally high. If you wish to see samples, help of volunteers that we can keep all our prices they are available at the Front Office and the low and save you time and money. Uniform Shop. All orders will be delivered in plenty of time to meet overseas posting PLEASE consider giving a little of your time to deadlines so you can also purchase for any make a BIG difference. All training is given. overseas Christmas presents! Your orders must Help is required at any of the following times: be received by Monday 19 September. Monday 8.45-9.15am LHCS Sports Polos - update Monday 2.45-3.15pm Thank you to all parents who have placed orders Tuesday 8.45-9.15am for the new sports polo shirt. We placed the Wednesday 2.45-3.15pm order for these shirts with our supplier, Beare & Friday 8.45-9.15am Ley, 9 weeks ago with the expectation that they would be delivered within 6 weeks. If you are able to assist at any of these times it Unfortunately this delivery date has been would be greatly appreciated. Please leave postponed. They have informed us that delivery your details at the Uniform Shop or the Front will be another 1-2 weeks. Office. Please accept our apologies for this delay, a Mrs Poore, President LHCS P&C situation which has been out of our control.
  • 15. P& C Up and Coming Events  Father's Day Stall – Monday 29 August  Cards, Calendars and Mouse Mats Fundraiser – Term 3/4  Inter Relate Sex Education Evening for Years K-7– Wednesday 19 October  Sunscreen Fundraiser – Term 4 Remember School Banking is every Tuesday so have your child bring their deposit book in. Would you like your child to eat more fruit and vegetables? Some exciting news from the Heights Bite’s Canteen The Height‟s Bites Canteen is pleased to announce in collaboration with the Sydney Markets the Fresh for Kids “Power Up with Ben and Gwen to Win” cam- paign, beginning next week and continuing until the end of the term to promote eating fresh fruit and vegetables as a healthy snack choice. Each day the canteen will be selling a variety of fruit and vegetable snacks such as apples, apple slinkies, oranges, mandarins, fruit cups, celery and carrot sticks for the children to select from, priced from only $1 each. Each time a student makes a fresh fruit or vegetable purchase, they will re- ceive a token sticker on their Sticker Card. When they have 4 tokens on their card, they hand it in at the Canteen and re- ceive a Bag Tag. There are 6 different fun characters to collect. Their card will then be entered in the draw with entries from other schools to win some terrific prizes: Major prize: 32” Ben 10 Branded TV with Wii console Runner up: 4 x Ben 10 Branded Nintendo DS + Ben 10 Games Plus: 50 x Ben 10 Showbags containing Frisbee, Mini Basketball, Omnitrix Watch, Poster and soft Football. Children can enter more than once. Happy Eating and Good Luck!
  • 16. KINDERGARTEN, YEAR 7 and ALL OTHER YEARS 2012 ENROLLING NOW Please contact us on 9543 8317 for an enrolment package and remind friends and neighbours that we are currently enrolling, for 2012.