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                                                                                to the front doors of the school each
         Inside this issue:                                                     Wednesday morning BEFORE 8:15
Counting on You                 2                                               a.m. to place their order.
Boy's Hockey Club               2                                               ACTIVITY FEES which have not
Red Cross-Babysitting Course    2                                               been submitted MUST be returned
                                                                                ASAP. In order for students to
Relay for Life!                 2        We will soon be approaching the        attend this year's graduation
City of Brampton-Parking        3        end of term one and teachers are       celebration in June this activity fee
Control                                  beginning to work on report cards.     must be submitted.
Food Allergies                  3
                                         We are reminding students to           Also, thanks to the enthusiasm of
                                         complete any overdue work and          our Leadership Team in their effort
EQAO Corner                     3        submit it as soon as possible. Also,   to boost school spirit, many
Student Ambassadors             4        at Williams Parkway, we offer          Williams Parkway Hoodies were
Web News                        4        students many before and after         ordered this year! We look forward
                                         school, as well as lunch time          to receiving the order in the next
EQAO Answers                    4        activities. We are encouraging more    few weeks. As soon as they are
Toys for Tots                   4        student participation in these         delivered they will be distributed to
Grade 6's Skating               4         extra-curricular events. The          students who are patiently awaiting
                                         students are also reminded to take     their arrival.
How schools keep students,      4
                                         advantage of peer tutoring in math
staff safe
                                         on Mondays and Tuesdays at 11:25.
Grade 8 Parent's Night          5                                               THANKSGIVING FOOD DRIVE
Immunization Screening          6
                                                                                Miss N. Patel is proud to report that
Celebrating Faith and Culture   7                                               due to the generosity and kindness
High School Open House          7                                               of the Williams Parkway
November Calendar               8
                                                                                community, many boxes of food
                                                                                were donated to our local food
                                                                                banks. In a few short days, many
                                                                                students and staff brought in non
Principal: Mr. D. White
Vice-Principal: Mrs. T. Morrison                                                perishable food items such as pasta,
Guidance Counsellor: Ms L. Romaniello                                           canned food and baby formula to
Head Secretary: Mrs. A. Stephenson       Thanks to the efforts of the           help in the effort. Your support is
Asst. Secretary: Mrs M L. Hayden         Williams Parkway leadership team,      greatly appreciated. We look
Asst. Secretary: Ms M. Byrne             our first Subway Lunch Order day       forward to increasing donations for
School Trustee: Mrs. B. Ford             was a HUGE success with over 70
Superintendent of Schools: Ms S. Teal                                           our upcoming Holiday Food Drive
                                         staff and students purchasing a        which will take place in December.
E-mail:               healthy lunch. Every Wednesday         If your son or daughter is interested
                                         this offer of a 6quot; sandwich            in attending Mayfield Secondary
                                         (vegetarian, ham & cheese or           School next September to pursue
                                         Assorted Meats) a drink (Kool-Aid      their interest in Visual arts, Music,
                                         Jammer or water) and a Chocolate       Drama and or Dance, you are
                                         Chip Chewy Granola bar, will be        invited to attend an information
Learning Skill of the Month: Conflict    available for purchase for             night on October 29th at 7-8pm.
Resolution                               $5.00. Students who wish to order a    Please make sure that you attend
Character Education Theme: Courage       lunch are asked to bring $5.00 cash    this important session if you are at

                                        WILLIAMS PARKWAY SENIOR PUBLIC SCHOOL    1285 Williams Parkway, Brampton, ON L6S
Page 2
all interested. Do not hesitate to     the turnout, and the students are             wonderful community
pursue what you enjoy! See Miss N      having a blast. The group will run            and school-based event that gets
Patel, Ms. Romaniello or Mr. Peet      until the December holidays, please           your child involved in loads of fun
for further information.               contact Mr. Marcovici if you'd like to        stuff at school and helps to raise
                                       participate.                                  money for cancer. It is an event
OVERDUE WORK: report card                                                            which takes place worldwide
time is quickly approaching,                                                         including Brampton which hosts
students are encouraged to complete                                                  such an event every June.
and submit all incomplete/overdue
assignments at this time.                                                            It involves having your child be part
                                                                                     of a team whereby each member has
CLASS PARTICIPATION: to                     The Canadian Red Cross                   raised an amount of money
show knowledge and                            Babysitting Course                     (minimum amount to be
understanding....also makes school a                                                 determined) for Cancer through
more fun place to be when you are      We have the opportunity four our              having people they know donate any
involved in your learning!             students to participate in a Canadian         amount which can also be done on-
                                       Red Cross Babysitting Course. This            line so that no money actually needs
                                       is a fun filled workshop that includes        to be collected. Each of the
                                       everything from diapering, first aid,         participants from the team takes his/
                                       safety tips, rights & responsibilities        her turn walking or running out on
                                       of everyone involved, physical                the track for short periods of time,
                                       capabilities of all ages of children,         something which occurs all night
                                       what makes a good babysitter, tips            long over a period of 12 hours from
                                       for SAFELY finding babysitting jobs           7pm til 7am. In between they are
                                       and much more!                                involved in many fun events, eating,
                                                                                     and camping out overnight in the
                                       This course has valuable information          gym. Security and the safety of
Information about Counting On You      for children that stay at home                your child is ensured and of course
classes for the Winter session         alone. This course will be offered at         is paramount.
(January to March) will be available   Williams Parkway Public School as a
in mid-November. Please see Ms         lunch program on Tuesday Jan. 20,             To kick-off the event, a Survivor’s
Onizuka if you are interested.         27, Feb. 3, 10, 17, 24 and March 3,           Victory Lap takes place whereby
                                       2009 from 11:00 am -12 noon.                  any community members living
                                       The course cost is $35.00 and will            with cancer lead-off the opening lap
                                       include the Canadain Red Cross                as everyone else cheers them on. As
                                       Babysitting Manual & wallet card.             night falls, a luminary ceremony
                                       Permission forms will be sent home            takes place which involves the
                                       with all Grade 6, 7, & 8 students on          purchase of luminary bags for $5
                                       November 13th and must be returned            which the children decorate and on
                                       on or before December 5th with full           which they write the name of
                                       payment. Registration forms will be           someone they know who has passed
                                       accepted on a first-come first-serve          away from cancer. A candle is
                                       basis. The maximum class size is              placed in the bag and all the bags
                                       30-35.                                        light up the pathway of the track all
                                                                                     night long. It is a particularly
This past month the Williams                                                         touching and beautiful event.
Parkway Hockey Club got
underway. The club meets every                                                       When will this event take place?
Monday and every second                What is it?
Wednesday at Terry Miller                                                            We have set aside Friday, May 22,
Arena. Mr. Hogan and Mr.               Relay for Life is an initiative of the        2009 as the tentative date. If it is
Marcovici are very impressed with      Canadian Cancer Society. It’s a               indeed an overnight event, Relay

WILLIAMS PARKWAY SENIOR PUBLIC SCHOOL      1285 Williams Parkway, Brampton, ON L6S 3J8   Tel: (905) 791-4324   Fax: (905) 791-8861
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will take place from 7pm Friday           the lead-off victory lap early on in
May 22nd until 7am Saturday               the evening.
morning May 23rd. If it is not an
overnight event, it will still take       5) Send baked goods for the night of
place afternoon of May 22nd until         the event.
later at night of the 22nd.
Has Williams Parkway partici-             If you wish more information, stay
pated before?                             tuned to Williams Parkway’s                  Since students at our
                                          monthly newsletters, pay attention           school have severe
Yes, 2 years ago we hosted a “Relay       to any letters sent home as events           allergies to peanuts and
for Life” which had our students          unfold, frequently check out our             nuts, exposure to these
involved in an evening-long event         website at or the             product can cause ana-
which included having Mayor Susan         blog site for class 624. Also, you           phylaxis, a serious life-threatening
Fennel attend and Trustee Beryl           may contact Mrs. Lazare at                   reaction. We're requesting that you
Ford. Our event was showcased in          Williams Parkway at:                         not send your child(ren) to school
the Brampton Guardian and was             905-791-4324.                                with any food products that may
broadcast on Roger’s Cable Ten.                                                        contain
Some of the events were: a bouncy                                                      peanuts, peanut oil or any nut
castle; an illusionist show; karaoke;                                                  product.
raffles for some great prizes; video
games; music; and food, food, food.
We invited surviving Cancer
members from our community to
walk the first lap, and we held a
Luminary Ceremony which lit up
the track out back upon nightfall.        The City of Brampton has informed
                                          Williams Parkway that Parking
How may I as a parent help out?           Control Officers will be making
                                          regular visits to Williams Parkway
1) First and foremost, encourage          this year. Please ensure that you are
your child to participate.                not parking in the fire route directly
                                          in front of the school.
2) Volunteer your time either at any
time over the course of the year or at
the actual event doing such things as
serving food or even spending the

3) Contacting companies in
Brampton who you think would be
likely to donate food, prizes, etc. for
the event; or perhaps you have
contacts from work who you think
would contribute to the event either
by offering some free service or you
know a celebrity who could speak or
perform at our event.

4) Providing names of family
members or friends who are
presently living with cancer who
you think would like to be part of

WILLIAMS PARKWAY SENIOR PUBLIC SCHOOL        1285 Williams Parkway, Brampton, ON L6S 3J8   Tel: (905) 791-4324   Fax: (905) 791-8861
Page 4
                                                                                         We will be collecting
                                                                                         any Canadian Tire money you may
                                                                                         have here in the office. We thank
                                                                                         you for all donations to a very
                                                                                         worthy cause.
                                         To figure out how much it would cost to
                                         buy a dozen eggs from the “P&W Grocery
                                         Store”, you would just have to add the trav-
                                         eling cost to the cost of a dozen eggs.
                                                     $2.08 + $3.96 = $6.04               Grade 6's will be going on one free
                                         Since the “Onville Grocery Store” has the
                                         price for 18 eggs, you must first divide the    skate day a month from November
The grade 8 student Ambassadors                                                          until February at Terry Miller Arena
                                         cost of the eggs by 18 to get the cost of
are a group of students who work         each egg.                                       next door. The skate will always be
together each year to help in and                     $6.30 ÷ 18 = $ 0.35                in the afternoons between 1:00 and
around our school community. This        Next, you must multiply the cost of each        2:30pm. The November date is
year, we have adopted the Chum           egg by 12 to find the cost of a dozen eggs
                                                       $0.35 x 12 = $4.20
                                                                                         Thursday, November the 6th.
City Christmas Wish as our
                                         Finally, you must add the cost of the dozen
social cause. We will be                 eggs to the travel cost to find out the total
fundraising through candy grams,         cost.
                                                                                             How schools keep students,
bake sales and other events to raise                 $4.20 + $1.29 = $5.49                           staff safe
money to buy presents for kids ages
12 – 16 at in December. This group       Now you can compare the two prices to           The Peel District School Board
was chosen as they are often
                                         see which route will cost you less money.       follows a number of procedures to
                                                   P&W Grocery =$6.04                    ensure our schools are a safe place
forgotten when people make                        Onville Grocery = $5.49
donations around the holidays. If                                                        to work and learn. Schools use the
you would like to donate your time,                                                      following safety strategies:
money or a gift to the Chum City                                                         •    All visitors are required to report
Christmas Wish through the student                                                            to the main office and obtain a
Ambassadors, please speak to Ms                                                               visitor's pass.
                                                                                         •    Students use a quot;buddy systemquot;
                                         “Toys for Tots” is a charitable                      when leaving the classroom —
                                         endeavour which was initiated by                     to go to the washroom, library
                                         the Peel Regional Police in 1993, in                 etc.
                                         partnership with the Salvation Army             •    Teachers supervise students in-
                                         and Canadian Tire. During the                        side and outside the school dur-
                                         months of November and December                      ing recesses and before and after
                                         off duty members of Peel Regional                    school.
Williams Parkway's website is back
online. Mr. Metelnick is in the proc-    Police volunteer several hundred                •    All exterior doors, except the
ess of revamping the site to give it a   hours to collect cash, Canadian Tire                 main entrance, are locked during
fresh, new look. Be sure to visit        money, and new unwrapped toys                        school hours. for school            donated by the public which are                 •    Street-proofing skills are re-
news and information. As well, the       used to purchase or give as                          viewed regularly with students
quot;Teacher Pagesquot; feature of the site      Christmas gifts for many                        •    Staff and students are expected
provides direct links to web pages       children in need.                                    to report unidentified individuals
maintained by individual teachers                                                             to the office immediately.
where information on homework,           Here at Williams Parkway we                     •    Hold fire drills and quot;lockdownquot;
assignments, and due dates can be        would like to kindly ask                             rehearsals.
found. As the fall progresses, more      everyone to check their glove boxes             •    Ensure evacuation plans are in
teacher pages will be available.         or any other corner of your home                     place.
Be sure to check periodically for        and please generously donate any                •    All staff and volunteers have up-
updates to the school website and to     Canadian Tire money you may have                     to-date criminal record checks.
individual teacher pages.                to Toys for Tots campaign that is               •    Work with the police to educate
                                         initiated by Peel Regional Police.                   students about safety.

WILLIAMS PARKWAY SENIOR PUBLIC SCHOOL        1285 Williams Parkway, Brampton, ON L6S 3J8      Tel: (905) 791-4324   Fax: (905) 791-8861
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WILLIAMS PARKWAY SENIOR PUBLIC SCHOOL   1285 Williams Parkway, Brampton, ON L6S 3J8   Tel: (905) 791-4324   Fax: (905) 791-8861
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WILLIAMS PARKWAY SENIOR PUBLIC SCHOOL   1285 Williams Parkway, Brampton, ON L6S 3J8   Tel: (905) 791-4324   Fax: (905) 791-8861
Page 7
Celebrating Faith and Culture - November 2008
   Date                                      Celebration                                  Faith and Culture
   November                                  Gwilatkw                                     Aboriginal Spirituality
   Sunset October 31 to November 1           Samhain                                      Wicca
   November 1                                All Saints' Day                              Christianity
   November 3                                Jnana Panchami                               Jainism
   November 4 to November 22                 Qudrat                                       Bahá'í
   November 9                                Kathina                                      Buddhism
   November 11                               Remembrance Day                              Canada
   November 12                               Birth of Baha'u'llah                         Báhá'í
   November 12                               Ram quot;Ha Nguonquot;                               CaoDai
   November 13                               Dev Diwali                                   Hinduism and Jainism
   November 13                               Lokasha Jayanti                              Jainism
   November 13                               Birth of Guru Nanak                          Sikhism
   November 15 and 28                        First of Advent (Christmas fast)             Christianity
   November 16                               Louis Riel Day                               Aboriginal Spirituality
   November 23 to December 11                Qawl                                         Bahá'í
   November 24                               Martyrdom of Guru Teg Bahadur                Sikhism
   November 26                               Day of Covenant                              Bahá'í
   November 28                               Ascension of 'Abdu'l-Bahá                    Bahá'í
   November 30                               First Sunday of Advent                       Christianity

If your grade 8 child is interested in attending one of the specialized programs offered around Brampton, or if you
are moving into a new North Brampton area, please be sure to attend you school's Open House. It is important to
remember that unless you have been accepted into a specialized program, you must attend the home school in your
area. If you have any questions about high school, please speak to Ms Romaniello in the office.
              Mayfield               Regional Arts             Oct. 29th                 7:00 pm
              Brampton Centennial    Regular & Regional        Dec. 9th                  6:45 pm
              Central Peel           Regular                   Nov. 20                   7:00 pm
              North Peel             Vocational                Nov. 20                   6:30 pm
              Port Credit            Regional Strings          Nov. 25                   6:30 pm
              Turner Fenton          Regular                   Nov. 25                   7:00 pm
              North Park             IBT                       Nov. 26                   7:00 pm
              Heart Lake             Gifted and Regular        Nov. 27                   7:00 pm
              Mississauga            Regular                   Nov. 27                   7:00 pm
              Mayfield               Regular                   Jan. 07                   6:00 pm
              Turner Fenton          IB                        Jan. 08                   7:00 pm
              Fletcher's Meadow      Regular                   Jan. 14                   6:30 pm
              Bramalea               Regular & Regional        Jan. 15                   7:00 pm
              Chinguacousy           Regular & Regional        Jan. 15                   7:00 pm
              North Park             Regular                   Jan. 15                   7:00 PM
              Harold Brathwaite      Regular                   Jan. 15                   7:00 PM

WILLIAMS PARKWAY SENIOR PUBLIC SCHOOL      1285 Williams Parkway, Brampton, ON L6S 3J8   Tel: (905) 791-4324   Fax: (905) 791-8861
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WILLIAMS PARKWAY SENIOR PUBLIC SCHOOL   1285 Williams Parkway, Brampton, ON L6S 3J8   Tel: (905) 791-4324   Fax: (905) 791-8861

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Newsletter Novemberv2

  • 1. Page 1 to the front doors of the school each Inside this issue: Wednesday morning BEFORE 8:15 Counting on You 2 a.m. to place their order. Boy's Hockey Club 2 ACTIVITY FEES which have not Red Cross-Babysitting Course 2 been submitted MUST be returned ASAP. In order for students to Relay for Life! 2 We will soon be approaching the attend this year's graduation City of Brampton-Parking 3 end of term one and teachers are celebration in June this activity fee Control beginning to work on report cards. must be submitted. Food Allergies 3 We are reminding students to Also, thanks to the enthusiasm of complete any overdue work and our Leadership Team in their effort EQAO Corner 3 submit it as soon as possible. Also, to boost school spirit, many Student Ambassadors 4 at Williams Parkway, we offer Williams Parkway Hoodies were Web News 4 students many before and after ordered this year! We look forward school, as well as lunch time to receiving the order in the next EQAO Answers 4 activities. We are encouraging more few weeks. As soon as they are Toys for Tots 4 student participation in these delivered they will be distributed to Grade 6's Skating 4 extra-curricular events. The students who are patiently awaiting students are also reminded to take their arrival. How schools keep students, 4 advantage of peer tutoring in math staff safe on Mondays and Tuesdays at 11:25. Grade 8 Parent's Night 5 THANKSGIVING FOOD DRIVE Immunization Screening 6 Miss N. Patel is proud to report that Celebrating Faith and Culture 7 due to the generosity and kindness High School Open House 7 of the Williams Parkway November Calendar 8 community, many boxes of food were donated to our local food banks. In a few short days, many students and staff brought in non Principal: Mr. D. White Vice-Principal: Mrs. T. Morrison perishable food items such as pasta, Guidance Counsellor: Ms L. Romaniello canned food and baby formula to Head Secretary: Mrs. A. Stephenson Thanks to the efforts of the help in the effort. Your support is Asst. Secretary: Mrs M L. Hayden Williams Parkway leadership team, greatly appreciated. We look Asst. Secretary: Ms M. Byrne our first Subway Lunch Order day forward to increasing donations for School Trustee: Mrs. B. Ford was a HUGE success with over 70 Superintendent of Schools: Ms S. Teal our upcoming Holiday Food Drive staff and students purchasing a which will take place in December. E-mail: healthy lunch. Every Wednesday If your son or daughter is interested this offer of a 6quot; sandwich in attending Mayfield Secondary (vegetarian, ham & cheese or School next September to pursue Assorted Meats) a drink (Kool-Aid their interest in Visual arts, Music, Jammer or water) and a Chocolate Drama and or Dance, you are Chip Chewy Granola bar, will be invited to attend an information Learning Skill of the Month: Conflict available for purchase for night on October 29th at 7-8pm. Resolution $5.00. Students who wish to order a Please make sure that you attend Character Education Theme: Courage lunch are asked to bring $5.00 cash this important session if you are at WILLIAMS PARKWAY SENIOR PUBLIC SCHOOL 1285 Williams Parkway, Brampton, ON L6S
  • 2. Page 2 all interested. Do not hesitate to the turnout, and the students are wonderful community pursue what you enjoy! See Miss N having a blast. The group will run and school-based event that gets Patel, Ms. Romaniello or Mr. Peet until the December holidays, please your child involved in loads of fun for further information. contact Mr. Marcovici if you'd like to stuff at school and helps to raise participate. money for cancer. It is an event OVERDUE WORK: report card which takes place worldwide time is quickly approaching, including Brampton which hosts students are encouraged to complete such an event every June. and submit all incomplete/overdue assignments at this time. It involves having your child be part of a team whereby each member has CLASS PARTICIPATION: to The Canadian Red Cross raised an amount of money show knowledge and Babysitting Course (minimum amount to be understanding....also makes school a determined) for Cancer through more fun place to be when you are We have the opportunity four our having people they know donate any involved in your learning! students to participate in a Canadian amount which can also be done on- Red Cross Babysitting Course. This line so that no money actually needs is a fun filled workshop that includes to be collected. Each of the everything from diapering, first aid, participants from the team takes his/ safety tips, rights & responsibilities her turn walking or running out on of everyone involved, physical the track for short periods of time, capabilities of all ages of children, something which occurs all night what makes a good babysitter, tips long over a period of 12 hours from for SAFELY finding babysitting jobs 7pm til 7am. In between they are and much more! involved in many fun events, eating, and camping out overnight in the This course has valuable information gym. Security and the safety of Information about Counting On You for children that stay at home your child is ensured and of course classes for the Winter session alone. This course will be offered at is paramount. (January to March) will be available Williams Parkway Public School as a in mid-November. Please see Ms lunch program on Tuesday Jan. 20, To kick-off the event, a Survivor’s Onizuka if you are interested. 27, Feb. 3, 10, 17, 24 and March 3, Victory Lap takes place whereby 2009 from 11:00 am -12 noon. any community members living The course cost is $35.00 and will with cancer lead-off the opening lap include the Canadain Red Cross as everyone else cheers them on. As Babysitting Manual & wallet card. night falls, a luminary ceremony Permission forms will be sent home takes place which involves the with all Grade 6, 7, & 8 students on purchase of luminary bags for $5 November 13th and must be returned which the children decorate and on on or before December 5th with full which they write the name of payment. Registration forms will be someone they know who has passed accepted on a first-come first-serve away from cancer. A candle is basis. The maximum class size is placed in the bag and all the bags 30-35. light up the pathway of the track all night long. It is a particularly This past month the Williams touching and beautiful event. Parkway Hockey Club got underway. The club meets every When will this event take place? Monday and every second What is it? Wednesday at Terry Miller We have set aside Friday, May 22, Arena. Mr. Hogan and Mr. Relay for Life is an initiative of the 2009 as the tentative date. If it is Marcovici are very impressed with Canadian Cancer Society. It’s a indeed an overnight event, Relay WILLIAMS PARKWAY SENIOR PUBLIC SCHOOL 1285 Williams Parkway, Brampton, ON L6S 3J8 Tel: (905) 791-4324 Fax: (905) 791-8861
  • 3. Page 3 will take place from 7pm Friday the lead-off victory lap early on in May 22nd until 7am Saturday the evening. morning May 23rd. If it is not an overnight event, it will still take 5) Send baked goods for the night of place afternoon of May 22nd until the event. later at night of the 22nd. Has Williams Parkway partici- If you wish more information, stay pated before? tuned to Williams Parkway’s Since students at our monthly newsletters, pay attention school have severe Yes, 2 years ago we hosted a “Relay to any letters sent home as events allergies to peanuts and for Life” which had our students unfold, frequently check out our nuts, exposure to these involved in an evening-long event website at or the product can cause ana- which included having Mayor Susan blog site for class 624. Also, you phylaxis, a serious life-threatening Fennel attend and Trustee Beryl may contact Mrs. Lazare at reaction. We're requesting that you Ford. Our event was showcased in Williams Parkway at: not send your child(ren) to school the Brampton Guardian and was 905-791-4324. with any food products that may broadcast on Roger’s Cable Ten. contain Some of the events were: a bouncy peanuts, peanut oil or any nut castle; an illusionist show; karaoke; product. raffles for some great prizes; video games; music; and food, food, food. We invited surviving Cancer members from our community to walk the first lap, and we held a Luminary Ceremony which lit up the track out back upon nightfall. The City of Brampton has informed Williams Parkway that Parking How may I as a parent help out? Control Officers will be making regular visits to Williams Parkway 1) First and foremost, encourage this year. Please ensure that you are your child to participate. not parking in the fire route directly in front of the school. 2) Volunteer your time either at any time over the course of the year or at the actual event doing such things as serving food or even spending the night. 3) Contacting companies in Brampton who you think would be likely to donate food, prizes, etc. for the event; or perhaps you have contacts from work who you think would contribute to the event either by offering some free service or you know a celebrity who could speak or perform at our event. 4) Providing names of family members or friends who are presently living with cancer who you think would like to be part of WILLIAMS PARKWAY SENIOR PUBLIC SCHOOL 1285 Williams Parkway, Brampton, ON L6S 3J8 Tel: (905) 791-4324 Fax: (905) 791-8861
  • 4. Page 4 We will be collecting any Canadian Tire money you may have here in the office. We thank you for all donations to a very worthy cause. To figure out how much it would cost to buy a dozen eggs from the “P&W Grocery Store”, you would just have to add the trav- eling cost to the cost of a dozen eggs. $2.08 + $3.96 = $6.04 Grade 6's will be going on one free Since the “Onville Grocery Store” has the price for 18 eggs, you must first divide the skate day a month from November The grade 8 student Ambassadors until February at Terry Miller Arena cost of the eggs by 18 to get the cost of are a group of students who work each egg. next door. The skate will always be together each year to help in and $6.30 ÷ 18 = $ 0.35 in the afternoons between 1:00 and around our school community. This Next, you must multiply the cost of each 2:30pm. The November date is year, we have adopted the Chum egg by 12 to find the cost of a dozen eggs $0.35 x 12 = $4.20 Thursday, November the 6th. City Christmas Wish as our Finally, you must add the cost of the dozen social cause. We will be eggs to the travel cost to find out the total fundraising through candy grams, cost. How schools keep students, bake sales and other events to raise $4.20 + $1.29 = $5.49 staff safe money to buy presents for kids ages 12 – 16 at in December. This group Now you can compare the two prices to The Peel District School Board was chosen as they are often see which route will cost you less money. follows a number of procedures to P&W Grocery =$6.04 ensure our schools are a safe place forgotten when people make Onville Grocery = $5.49 donations around the holidays. If to work and learn. Schools use the you would like to donate your time, following safety strategies: money or a gift to the Chum City • All visitors are required to report Christmas Wish through the student to the main office and obtain a Ambassadors, please speak to Ms visitor's pass. Romaniello. • Students use a quot;buddy systemquot; “Toys for Tots” is a charitable when leaving the classroom — endeavour which was initiated by to go to the washroom, library the Peel Regional Police in 1993, in etc. partnership with the Salvation Army • Teachers supervise students in- and Canadian Tire. During the side and outside the school dur- months of November and December ing recesses and before and after off duty members of Peel Regional school. Williams Parkway's website is back online. Mr. Metelnick is in the proc- Police volunteer several hundred • All exterior doors, except the ess of revamping the site to give it a hours to collect cash, Canadian Tire main entrance, are locked during fresh, new look. Be sure to visit money, and new unwrapped toys school hours. for school donated by the public which are • Street-proofing skills are re- news and information. As well, the used to purchase or give as viewed regularly with students quot;Teacher Pagesquot; feature of the site Christmas gifts for many • Staff and students are expected provides direct links to web pages children in need. to report unidentified individuals maintained by individual teachers to the office immediately. where information on homework, Here at Williams Parkway we • Hold fire drills and quot;lockdownquot; assignments, and due dates can be would like to kindly ask rehearsals. found. As the fall progresses, more everyone to check their glove boxes • Ensure evacuation plans are in teacher pages will be available. or any other corner of your home place. Be sure to check periodically for and please generously donate any • All staff and volunteers have up- updates to the school website and to Canadian Tire money you may have to-date criminal record checks. individual teacher pages. to Toys for Tots campaign that is • Work with the police to educate initiated by Peel Regional Police. students about safety. WILLIAMS PARKWAY SENIOR PUBLIC SCHOOL 1285 Williams Parkway, Brampton, ON L6S 3J8 Tel: (905) 791-4324 Fax: (905) 791-8861
  • 5. Page 5 WILLIAMS PARKWAY SENIOR PUBLIC SCHOOL 1285 Williams Parkway, Brampton, ON L6S 3J8 Tel: (905) 791-4324 Fax: (905) 791-8861
  • 6. Page 6 WILLIAMS PARKWAY SENIOR PUBLIC SCHOOL 1285 Williams Parkway, Brampton, ON L6S 3J8 Tel: (905) 791-4324 Fax: (905) 791-8861
  • 7. Page 7 Celebrating Faith and Culture - November 2008 Date Celebration Faith and Culture November Gwilatkw Aboriginal Spirituality Sunset October 31 to November 1 Samhain Wicca November 1 All Saints' Day Christianity November 3 Jnana Panchami Jainism November 4 to November 22 Qudrat Bahá'í November 9 Kathina Buddhism November 11 Remembrance Day Canada November 12 Birth of Baha'u'llah Báhá'í November 12 Ram quot;Ha Nguonquot; CaoDai November 13 Dev Diwali Hinduism and Jainism November 13 Lokasha Jayanti Jainism November 13 Birth of Guru Nanak Sikhism November 15 and 28 First of Advent (Christmas fast) Christianity November 16 Louis Riel Day Aboriginal Spirituality November 23 to December 11 Qawl Bahá'í November 24 Martyrdom of Guru Teg Bahadur Sikhism November 26 Day of Covenant Bahá'í November 28 Ascension of 'Abdu'l-Bahá Bahá'í November 30 First Sunday of Advent Christianity If your grade 8 child is interested in attending one of the specialized programs offered around Brampton, or if you are moving into a new North Brampton area, please be sure to attend you school's Open House. It is important to remember that unless you have been accepted into a specialized program, you must attend the home school in your area. If you have any questions about high school, please speak to Ms Romaniello in the office. Mayfield Regional Arts Oct. 29th 7:00 pm Brampton Centennial Regular & Regional Dec. 9th 6:45 pm Central Peel Regular Nov. 20 7:00 pm North Peel Vocational Nov. 20 6:30 pm Port Credit Regional Strings Nov. 25 6:30 pm Turner Fenton Regular Nov. 25 7:00 pm North Park IBT Nov. 26 7:00 pm Heart Lake Gifted and Regular Nov. 27 7:00 pm Mississauga Regular Nov. 27 7:00 pm Mayfield Regular Jan. 07 6:00 pm Turner Fenton IB Jan. 08 7:00 pm Fletcher's Meadow Regular Jan. 14 6:30 pm Bramalea Regular & Regional Jan. 15 7:00 pm Chinguacousy Regular & Regional Jan. 15 7:00 pm North Park Regular Jan. 15 7:00 PM Harold Brathwaite Regular Jan. 15 7:00 PM WILLIAMS PARKWAY SENIOR PUBLIC SCHOOL 1285 Williams Parkway, Brampton, ON L6S 3J8 Tel: (905) 791-4324 Fax: (905) 791-8861
  • 8. Page 8 WILLIAMS PARKWAY SENIOR PUBLIC SCHOOL 1285 Williams Parkway, Brampton, ON L6S 3J8 Tel: (905) 791-4324 Fax: (905) 791-8861