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Presented by: Ms. Reena Sharma
M.Sc. Nursing 2nd year
Shimla nursing college Shurala
1 Introduction
2 Terminology
3 Meaning
4 Definition
5 Need of blood donation
6 Importance
7 Components of blood
8 Criteria of blood donation
9 Preparation for blood donation
10 Health Benefits of Blood Donation
11 Myths and facts
Structured teaching programme on blood donation will be
fully prepared by the researcher only through extensive
review of various studies, books, literature, journals, guide
and experts’ opinion regarding blood donation.
• The aim of the structured teaching programme on
blood donation will be to enhance the knowledge
and attitude among study subjects.
• Blood donation is a magic-portion which give life to another person.
Blood can save million of lives. The need for blood donation is
consistently increasing worldwide. Although over 88 million units of
blood are collected the world over, it is still not sufficient for the
6,910 million world population which require 150 million units
annually. The majority of Indian population comprise of young
generation who need to be educated regarding blood donation so
researcher want more and more people donate blood.
Structured teaching programme regarding blood
donation: it consists of one day session i.e., only 45
min. The A.V. Aids use in this training programme
will be power-point presentation and teaching method
will be lecture cum discussion method.
On the completion of structured teaching programme study
subject will be able to:
 define blood donation
 meaning of blood donation
 need of blood donation
 importance of blood donation
 criteria of blood donation
 contraindication of blood donation
 preparation for blood donation
 procedure for blood donation
 health benefits of blood donation
 myths and facts regarding blood donation
Human blood is also known as liquid
connective tissue. Blood is a vital
constituent of human life which is
universally recognized as the most valuable
element that sustains life. Blood transfusion
is an essential and an obligatory part of any
nation’s health care delivery system for a
lifesaving Interventions.
Donor: Donor is a person who donating blood
Recipient: Recipient is a person who is receiving the
Autologous donation: Autologous donation means a
person donate their own blood prior to a major surgery.
Blood donation means giving blood
or gifting life to other people. It is a
noble act that should be done by a
healthy person to save someone’s life.
Blood Donation
Blood Donation
Blood donation is a process in which
a person voluntarily gives blood
which can be used for blood
transfusion or to make certain drugs.
• Blood cell synthesized in the bone marrow. The average
amount of blood present in human being is about 4-6
There are 4 main blood groups (types of blood):
A, B, AB and O.
Donors with type O- red blood cells are referred
to as universal donors and their red blood cells
can be given to any other blood type.
Donors with type AB+ are referred to
as universal recipients and can receive
red blood cells from any other blood type
Need of blood donation
• Now a days every year our nation requires about 5 Crore
units of blood, out of which only a meager 2.5 Crore
units of blood are available.
About one in seven people entering a
hospital need blood. One-pint that is
473ml of blood can save up to three lives.
Blood had increase day by day because
more than 1200 road crashes occurring
every day in India.
 60 million trauma induced
surgeries are performed in the
country every year.
 The 230 million major
operations, 331 million cancer
related procedures like
chemotherapy and 10 million
pregnancy complications all
require blood transfusion.
There is massive demand for blood in
hospitals, many patients suffer because they
are not able to cope with the loss of blood.
Blood that is donated is basically used to:
 for the replacement of blood
during major surgeries.
 for the treatment of anemia,
bleeding disorder.
 for the patient with the disease conditions
such as ; Anemia, kidney disease, cancer
 for the burns patients receive plasma, that
is better resuscitation fluid for their
 In a country like India, where blood banks
are limited, blood donation is the best
way to offer help
Hence the Blood donation is
important and celebrated on 14 June
as blood donation day.
Components of Blood
• Whole Blood: This is the most common type of
blood donation, during which approximately a pint
of whole blood is donated. The blood is then
separated into its components such as red cells,
plasma, platelets. Red blood cells have a short shelf
life. They only last for 6 weeks (42 days). Donating
whole blood takes only about 10-15 minutes.
Individual can donate whole blood every 56 days.
• Platelets (plateletpheresis): This type of donation
uses a process called apheresis. During apheresis,
the donor is hooked up to a machine that collects
the platelets and some of the plasma, and then
returns the rest of the blood to the donor. They are
donated most often to cancer patients, organ
recipients and those undergoing heart surgeries.
Platelets do not last long. They have a shelf life of
just 5 days. Individual can donate platelets every 7
days, up to 24 times a year.
• Plasma (plasmapheresis): Plasma may be
collected simultaneously with a platelet
donation, or it may be collected without
collecting platelets during an apheresis
donation. It's used to treat various types of
bleeding disorders. It's also given to
patients who have suffered major traumatic
injuries. Plasma donation takes about 40
minutes. Individual may donate plasma
every 28 days
• Packed Red blood Cells: also known as
packed cells, are red blood cells that have
been separated during blood transfusion.
The packed cells are typically used in
anaemic patient.
• Granulocytes: Granulocytes, a type of white
blood cells which help to fight infection.
Granulocytes are donated using a blood separation
process called apheresis, using a sterile kit and
blood separator device. This device separates
blood cells and the granulocyte cannot be stored
but must be transfused immediately. It is used in
cancer patient because chemotherapy and radiation
therapy cause the suppression of bone marrow.
There are several parameters that determine the eligibility of an individual to donate
blood. Guidelines laid down by the Ministry of health, & family welfare, Government
of India have to be followed by blood bank for conducting blood donation camps.
 The donor must be fit and healthy, and should not be suffering from
transmittable disease.
 The donor must be 18–65 years old.
 The donor weighs a minimum of 50 kg.
 Pulse rate: Between 60 and 100 without irregularities.
 Hemoglobin level: A minimum of 12.5 g/dL.
 Blood pressure: Systolic: 100–180 mm Hg
& Diastolic: 50–100 mm Hg.
 Body temperature: Should be normal, with
an oral temperature not exceeding 37.5 °C.
 The time period between successive blood
donations should be more than 3 months.
 A person who has been tested HIV
 Individuals suffering from ailments
like cardiac arrest, Heart failure,
hypertension, cancer, epilepsy, kidney
ailments and diabetes, allergic disorders
in the past.
 A person who has undergone ear/body piercing
or tattoo in the past 6 months.
 Individuals who have undergone immunization
in the past 1 month.
 Individuals treated for rabies or
received Hepatitis B in the past 6 months.
 A person who has consumed alcohol in the past 24
 Women who are pregnant or recently delivered they
defer for 12 months after delivery and after
abortion they defer for 6 months after abortion.
• Women who are on breast feeding they defer for
total period of lactation and the women who have
had miscarriage in the past 6 months
 Menstruation: Defer for the period of
 Individuals suffering from communicable disease
conditions e.g. tuberculosis, Leprosy and in
Chicken pox, defer donation until four weeks after
 Individuals who have undergone major
dental procedures or general surgeries in
the past 1 month.
 The cancer patient who is undergoing
chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
 In Malaria or Diarrhea defer donation for
three years after full recovery.
 In Food poisoning defer donation for one
week after full recovery.
 Individuals who currently have Respiratory
system disorder with active symptoms, and
severe asthma patients.
 Individuals with a history of recent
infection then defer for 14 days
following full recovery and cessation of
any therapy, including antibiotics.
 If a person had a positive diagnostic
test for COVID-19 or had any
symptoms of COVID-19.
Before Blood
During Blood
After Blood
The individual should follow some
guideline during blood donation.
 Prior donating blood one should
sign the consent that is taken by
doctor. It is mandatory to take
consent before donation.
• Get plenty of sleep the night before
plan to donate.
• Drink extra water and fluids.
 Eat a healthy diet before donation.
 Avoid milk and milk
products such as cheese,
yogurt, ice cream etc.
 Avoid fatty foods, such as
hamburgers, French fries
before donating.
• If a person is platelet donor, remember that
must not take aspirin for two days prior to
donating. Otherwise, person can take their
normal medications as prescribed.
• If a person is smokes, he/she must refrain
from smoking on the day of donation and
for three hours afterward.
 He or She will lie or sit in a reclining chair with
arm extended on an armrest.
A blood pressure cuff or tourniquet is
placed around upper arm to fill the
veins with more blood.
• This makes the veins easier to see and easier
to insert the needle into, and also helps fill
the blood bag more quickly.
 The skin is clean with using antiseptic
• A new, sterile needle is inserted into a
vein of the arm (Cubital vein). This
needle is attached to a thin, plastic tube
and a blood bag.
• Blood initially is collected into tubes for
testing. When these have been collected, blood
is allowed to fill the bag.
 About a pint (350-450ml) of blood,
also called one unit is usually
donated at a time. But it is not
transfused until it undergoes
complete screening.
 The average man has 10-12 pints of
blood in the body, while the
average women have 8-9 pints.
• The needle is usually in place about
10 minutes. When complete, the
needle is removed, a small bandage
is placed on the needle site and a
dressing is wrapped around the arm.
• All donated blood is also classified and
labelled by type, either A, AB, or O, and as
RH- positive or RH- negative. This is
because donor blood must be matched to
the recipient’s blood types.
After donating he/ she sit in an observation
area, where they rest and take a light snack.
After 15 minutes, he/she can leave. After
blood donation:
 Drink extra fluids for the next day or
• Avoid strenuous physical activity or heavy
lifting for the next five hours
 If a person feels lightheaded, lie down
with feet up until the feeling passes.
 Keep the bandage on the arm and dry for five hours.
 If a person has bleeding after removing the bandage,
put pressure on the site and raise arm until the
bleeding stops.
 If bleeding or bruising occurs under the skin,
apply a cold pack to the area periodically
during the first 24 hours.
• Vitamin-C and rich iron food is helpful after blood
donation because it plays a important role in iron
• If person arm is sore, take a pain
reliever such as acetaminophen
(Tylenol, others). Avoid taking aspirin
or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB,
others) for the first 24 to 48 hours
after donation.
• National expert group on vaccine
administration for covid-19
recommendation said that an individual
can donate blood after 14 days of either
receipt of covid-19 vaccine or testing RT-
PCR negative, if suffering from covid-19
• Those who have tested positive
for COVID-19 antibodies but didn't have a
diagnostic test and never developed
symptoms can donate without a waiting
period or having a diagnostic test done
before donation.
If person get a nonreplicating, inactivated
or mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccine, the
person can donate blood without a waiting
period. However, if a live attenuated
viral COVID-19 vaccine becomes
available and get it, wait 14 days after
being vaccinated before donating blood. If
person isn’t sure what type of vaccine got,
wait 14 days before donating blood.
Health Benefits of Blood Donation
 Health benefits of donating blood
include good health and reduced risk
of heart disorder.
 It helps in reducing the risk of damage
to liver and pancreas.
• Enhance the production of new Red
Blood cells because after withdrawn
there is decrease in blood cell so
replenish it, immediately new cells are
produced by bone marrow. Therefore,
donating blood helps in stimulating
generation of new blood cells.
• Regular blood donation is linked to
lower blood pressure and a lower
risk for heart attacks. It definitely
helps to reduce cardiovascular risk
 After donating one pint of blood (350-
450ml) around 650 calories is burnt and
reducing obesity.
 One unit packed red blood cells is
expected to raised circulating
hemoglobin by approximately 1-1.5g/dl.
• Basic blood test is done: Apart from all these
benefits a donor gets a mini blood test done
before donating blood. This includes
hematocrit i.e., HB level test, Blood pressure,
body weight. After the blood is collected it
tested for 5 major diseases. Those are
hepatitis, Hepatitis C, HIV, Syphilis and
malaria. Donor is immediately informed if
any of these tests found to be positive.
Blood donation Certificate/
donor card
• A blood donation certificate, also known as
a donor card, is a formal document that is
provided when an individual has donated
blood. Usually, it contains details about the
donor’s blood, such as their blood type and
other relevant details. Sometimes, the
certificate can be redeemed for blood if
individual or anyone else may require it.
Blood is available when it is needed.
Myths: It will hurt.
Fact: Beyond the pinch of the needle
and the pressure on the arm from the
tourniquet, donating blood does not
hurt. Person may experience some
dizziness or light headedness during
or after your donation.
Myths: Giving Blood donation is time consuming
Fact: Registration and processing times vary, but
blood donation itself takes around 8-10 minutes.
Registration involves filling out a form with
personal information and verifying identification.
Then person will answer questions about health
and travel history, and receive a brief physical
examination to determine that the person is
eligible to donate blood. The personal information
will remain confidential.
Myths: I can only donate once a year
Fact: The blood replenishes itself, but not all at
once. Person body replaces the plasma lost within
24 hours. Red blood cells take about four to six
weeks to be completely replenished. That’s why
you must wait at least 56 days between donations
of whole blood.
Myths: Being a vegetarian, means that the blood
does not have enough iron and cannot be
Fact: vegetarians can donate blood. The iron
needed is taken from body stores and once a
balanced diet is maintained is require after
donation. This usually normally takes a month
or so.
Myths: Age is a deterrent to blood donation.
Fact: Anyone up to the age of 60 who is fit and healthy
can give blood.
Myths: I can’t donate if I have tattoos or piercings.
Fact: If person is tattooed or pierced with a
single-use instrument at a tattoo parlor which
is state regulated, person can donate without
restriction. If not, they must wait one year to
donate blood.
Myths I can’t donate if my iron level is low.
• Fact: This is not necessarily true. Iron is a part of what makes
up hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in the blood. Before
donate, hemoglobin levels will be tested via finger prick to
ensure that it is safe for a person to give blood. If the
hemoglobin is too low, person will be more likely to faint or
feel ill from giving blood. For the person safety, would not be
able to donate blood that day.
Myth: person cannot take part in sports or other
physical activities after donating blood.
• Fact: Giving blood does not interfere with ability to perform
physically. Advice to avoid heavy lifting or strenuous workouts
for the rest of the day is given after the donation.
• Blood donation is a life saving process as there is
no substitute present for human blood. Almost all
serious health issues required issue. One cannot
make blood we all have inside of us to give to
those who are injured, sick, or in need. Not
everyone can save a life, but we have an
opportunity to donate blood.
• Introduction
• Terminology
• Meaning
• Definition
• Need of blood donation
• Importance
• Components of blood
• Criteria of blood donation
• Preparation for blood donation
• Health Benefits of Blood Donation
• Myths and facts
1. What is blood?
2. Which blood group is recognized as
universal donor?
3. World blood donation day is celebrated
• Kaur Prabhjot, textbook of anatomy and physiology, first edition: lotus
publisher; page no,412-413.
• Brunner& siddarth’s textbook of medical surgical nursing, eleventh edition:
page no, 1106-1107.
• Blood donation. In: Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
[Internet]. 2020 [cited 2021 Mar 1]. Available from:
• viewed on 23/05/2021
nation.pdf viewed on 4/06/2021
Blood Donation

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Blood Donation

  • 1. BLOOD DONATION Presented by: Ms. Reena Sharma M.Sc. Nursing 2nd year Shimla nursing college Shurala
  • 2. INDEX SR. NO CONTENT 1 Introduction 2 Terminology 3 Meaning 4 Definition 5 Need of blood donation 6 Importance 7 Components of blood 8 Criteria of blood donation 9 Preparation for blood donation 10 Health Benefits of Blood Donation 11 Myths and facts
  • 3. DEVELOPMENT OF STRUCTURED TEACHING PROGRAMME REGARDING BLOOD DONATION Structured teaching programme on blood donation will be fully prepared by the researcher only through extensive review of various studies, books, literature, journals, guide and experts’ opinion regarding blood donation.
  • 4. Aim: • The aim of the structured teaching programme on blood donation will be to enhance the knowledge and attitude among study subjects.
  • 5. Philosophy: • Blood donation is a magic-portion which give life to another person. Blood can save million of lives. The need for blood donation is consistently increasing worldwide. Although over 88 million units of blood are collected the world over, it is still not sufficient for the 6,910 million world population which require 150 million units annually. The majority of Indian population comprise of young generation who need to be educated regarding blood donation so researcher want more and more people donate blood.
  • 6. Structured teaching programme regarding blood donation: it consists of one day session i.e., only 45 min. The A.V. Aids use in this training programme will be power-point presentation and teaching method will be lecture cum discussion method. Cont…
  • 7. Objective: On the completion of structured teaching programme study subject will be able to:  define blood donation  meaning of blood donation  need of blood donation  importance of blood donation  criteria of blood donation  contraindication of blood donation  preparation for blood donation  procedure for blood donation  health benefits of blood donation  myths and facts regarding blood donation
  • 8. INTRODUCTION Human blood is also known as liquid connective tissue. Blood is a vital constituent of human life which is universally recognized as the most valuable element that sustains life. Blood transfusion is an essential and an obligatory part of any nation’s health care delivery system for a lifesaving Interventions.
  • 9. Terminology Donor: Donor is a person who donating blood Recipient: Recipient is a person who is receiving the blood. Autologous donation: Autologous donation means a person donate their own blood prior to a major surgery.
  • 10. Meaning Blood donation means giving blood or gifting life to other people. It is a noble act that should be done by a healthy person to save someone’s life. Blood Donation
  • 11. Blood Donation DEFINITION Blood donation is a process in which a person voluntarily gives blood which can be used for blood transfusion or to make certain drugs.
  • 12. • Blood cell synthesized in the bone marrow. The average amount of blood present in human being is about 4-6 liters. Cont…
  • 13. There are 4 main blood groups (types of blood): A, B, AB and O. Donors with type O- red blood cells are referred to as universal donors and their red blood cells can be given to any other blood type. Donors with type AB+ are referred to as universal recipients and can receive red blood cells from any other blood type Cont…
  • 14. Need of blood donation • Now a days every year our nation requires about 5 Crore units of blood, out of which only a meager 2.5 Crore units of blood are available. About one in seven people entering a hospital need blood. One-pint that is 473ml of blood can save up to three lives. Blood had increase day by day because more than 1200 road crashes occurring every day in India.
  • 15.  60 million trauma induced surgeries are performed in the country every year.  The 230 million major operations, 331 million cancer related procedures like chemotherapy and 10 million pregnancy complications all require blood transfusion. Cont…
  • 16. IMPORTANCE OF BLOOD DONATION There is massive demand for blood in hospitals, many patients suffer because they are not able to cope with the loss of blood. Blood that is donated is basically used to:  for the replacement of blood during major surgeries.  for the treatment of anemia, bleeding disorder.
  • 17.  for the patient with the disease conditions such as ; Anemia, kidney disease, cancer treatment.  for the burns patients receive plasma, that is better resuscitation fluid for their survival.  In a country like India, where blood banks are limited, blood donation is the best way to offer help Cont…
  • 18. Cont.. Hence the Blood donation is important and celebrated on 14 June as blood donation day.
  • 19. Components of Blood • Whole Blood: This is the most common type of blood donation, during which approximately a pint of whole blood is donated. The blood is then separated into its components such as red cells, plasma, platelets. Red blood cells have a short shelf life. They only last for 6 weeks (42 days). Donating whole blood takes only about 10-15 minutes. Individual can donate whole blood every 56 days.
  • 20. Cont.. • Platelets (plateletpheresis): This type of donation uses a process called apheresis. During apheresis, the donor is hooked up to a machine that collects the platelets and some of the plasma, and then returns the rest of the blood to the donor. They are donated most often to cancer patients, organ recipients and those undergoing heart surgeries. Platelets do not last long. They have a shelf life of just 5 days. Individual can donate platelets every 7 days, up to 24 times a year.
  • 21. Cont.. • Plasma (plasmapheresis): Plasma may be collected simultaneously with a platelet donation, or it may be collected without collecting platelets during an apheresis donation. It's used to treat various types of bleeding disorders. It's also given to patients who have suffered major traumatic injuries. Plasma donation takes about 40 minutes. Individual may donate plasma every 28 days
  • 22. • Packed Red blood Cells: also known as packed cells, are red blood cells that have been separated during blood transfusion. The packed cells are typically used in anaemic patient. Cont..
  • 23. • Granulocytes: Granulocytes, a type of white blood cells which help to fight infection. Granulocytes are donated using a blood separation process called apheresis, using a sterile kit and blood separator device. This device separates blood cells and the granulocyte cannot be stored but must be transfused immediately. It is used in cancer patient because chemotherapy and radiation therapy cause the suppression of bone marrow. Cont..
  • 24. CRITERIA OF BLOOD DONATION There are several parameters that determine the eligibility of an individual to donate blood. Guidelines laid down by the Ministry of health, & family welfare, Government of India have to be followed by blood bank for conducting blood donation camps.  The donor must be fit and healthy, and should not be suffering from transmittable disease.  The donor must be 18–65 years old.  The donor weighs a minimum of 50 kg.  Pulse rate: Between 60 and 100 without irregularities.
  • 25. Cont..  Hemoglobin level: A minimum of 12.5 g/dL.  Blood pressure: Systolic: 100–180 mm Hg & Diastolic: 50–100 mm Hg.  Body temperature: Should be normal, with an oral temperature not exceeding 37.5 °C.  The time period between successive blood donations should be more than 3 months.
  • 26. CONTRAINDICATION FOR BLOOD DONATION  A person who has been tested HIV positive.  Individuals suffering from ailments like cardiac arrest, Heart failure, hypertension, cancer, epilepsy, kidney ailments and diabetes, allergic disorders in the past.
  • 27. Cont..  A person who has undergone ear/body piercing or tattoo in the past 6 months.  Individuals who have undergone immunization in the past 1 month.  Individuals treated for rabies or received Hepatitis B in the past 6 months.
  • 28. Cont..  A person who has consumed alcohol in the past 24 hours.  Women who are pregnant or recently delivered they defer for 12 months after delivery and after abortion they defer for 6 months after abortion.
  • 29. Cont… • Women who are on breast feeding they defer for total period of lactation and the women who have had miscarriage in the past 6 months  Menstruation: Defer for the period of menstruation.  Individuals suffering from communicable disease conditions e.g. tuberculosis, Leprosy and in Chicken pox, defer donation until four weeks after recovery
  • 30.  Individuals who have undergone major dental procedures or general surgeries in the past 1 month.  The cancer patient who is undergoing chemotherapy and radiation therapy.  In Malaria or Diarrhea defer donation for three years after full recovery. Cont…
  • 31.  In Food poisoning defer donation for one week after full recovery.  Individuals who currently have Respiratory system disorder with active symptoms, and severe asthma patients. Cont…
  • 32. Cont…  Individuals with a history of recent infection then defer for 14 days following full recovery and cessation of any therapy, including antibiotics.  If a person had a positive diagnostic test for COVID-19 or had any symptoms of COVID-19.
  • 33. PREPARATION FOR BLOOD DONATION Before Blood donation During Blood donation After Blood donation
  • 34. BEFORE BLOOD DONATION The individual should follow some guideline during blood donation.  Prior donating blood one should sign the consent that is taken by doctor. It is mandatory to take consent before donation.
  • 35. • Get plenty of sleep the night before plan to donate. Cont..
  • 36. • Drink extra water and fluids. Cont..
  • 37. Cont..  Eat a healthy diet before donation.
  • 38.  Avoid milk and milk products such as cheese, yogurt, ice cream etc.  Avoid fatty foods, such as hamburgers, French fries before donating. Cont..
  • 39. Cont… • If a person is platelet donor, remember that must not take aspirin for two days prior to donating. Otherwise, person can take their normal medications as prescribed. • If a person is smokes, he/she must refrain from smoking on the day of donation and for three hours afterward.
  • 40. DURING THE PROCEDURE  He or She will lie or sit in a reclining chair with arm extended on an armrest.
  • 41. A blood pressure cuff or tourniquet is placed around upper arm to fill the veins with more blood. Cont…
  • 42. • This makes the veins easier to see and easier to insert the needle into, and also helps fill the blood bag more quickly. Cont…
  • 43. Cont…  The skin is clean with using antiseptic solution. • A new, sterile needle is inserted into a vein of the arm (Cubital vein). This needle is attached to a thin, plastic tube and a blood bag.
  • 44. • Blood initially is collected into tubes for testing. When these have been collected, blood is allowed to fill the bag. Cont…
  • 45. Cont…  About a pint (350-450ml) of blood, also called one unit is usually donated at a time. But it is not transfused until it undergoes complete screening.  The average man has 10-12 pints of blood in the body, while the average women have 8-9 pints.
  • 46. • The needle is usually in place about 10 minutes. When complete, the needle is removed, a small bandage is placed on the needle site and a dressing is wrapped around the arm. Cont...
  • 47. Cont... • All donated blood is also classified and labelled by type, either A, AB, or O, and as RH- positive or RH- negative. This is because donor blood must be matched to the recipient’s blood types.
  • 48. AFTER THE DONATION After donating he/ she sit in an observation area, where they rest and take a light snack. After 15 minutes, he/she can leave. After blood donation:  Drink extra fluids for the next day or two.
  • 49. • Avoid strenuous physical activity or heavy lifting for the next five hours Cont..
  • 50. Cont..  If a person feels lightheaded, lie down with feet up until the feeling passes.
  • 51.  Keep the bandage on the arm and dry for five hours.  If a person has bleeding after removing the bandage, put pressure on the site and raise arm until the bleeding stops. Cont..
  • 52. Cont..  If bleeding or bruising occurs under the skin, apply a cold pack to the area periodically during the first 24 hours.
  • 53. • Vitamin-C and rich iron food is helpful after blood donation because it plays a important role in iron absorption. Cont..
  • 54. Cont… • If person arm is sore, take a pain reliever such as acetaminophen (Tylenol, others). Avoid taking aspirin or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others) for the first 24 to 48 hours after donation.
  • 55. COVID 19 PROTOCOL • National expert group on vaccine administration for covid-19 recommendation said that an individual can donate blood after 14 days of either receipt of covid-19 vaccine or testing RT- PCR negative, if suffering from covid-19 disease.
  • 56. • Those who have tested positive for COVID-19 antibodies but didn't have a diagnostic test and never developed symptoms can donate without a waiting period or having a diagnostic test done before donation. Cont…
  • 57. Cont… If person get a nonreplicating, inactivated or mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccine, the person can donate blood without a waiting period. However, if a live attenuated viral COVID-19 vaccine becomes available and get it, wait 14 days after being vaccinated before donating blood. If person isn’t sure what type of vaccine got, wait 14 days before donating blood.
  • 58. Health Benefits of Blood Donation  Health benefits of donating blood include good health and reduced risk of heart disorder.  It helps in reducing the risk of damage to liver and pancreas.
  • 59. Cont.. • Enhance the production of new Red Blood cells because after withdrawn there is decrease in blood cell so replenish it, immediately new cells are produced by bone marrow. Therefore, donating blood helps in stimulating generation of new blood cells.
  • 60. Cont.. • Regular blood donation is linked to lower blood pressure and a lower risk for heart attacks. It definitely helps to reduce cardiovascular risk factors.
  • 61.  After donating one pint of blood (350- 450ml) around 650 calories is burnt and reducing obesity.  One unit packed red blood cells is expected to raised circulating hemoglobin by approximately 1-1.5g/dl. Cont..
  • 62. • Basic blood test is done: Apart from all these benefits a donor gets a mini blood test done before donating blood. This includes hematocrit i.e., HB level test, Blood pressure, body weight. After the blood is collected it tested for 5 major diseases. Those are hepatitis, Hepatitis C, HIV, Syphilis and malaria. Donor is immediately informed if any of these tests found to be positive. Cont..
  • 63. Blood donation Certificate/ donor card • A blood donation certificate, also known as a donor card, is a formal document that is provided when an individual has donated blood. Usually, it contains details about the donor’s blood, such as their blood type and other relevant details. Sometimes, the certificate can be redeemed for blood if individual or anyone else may require it. Blood is available when it is needed.
  • 64. MYTHS AND FACTS Myths: It will hurt. Fact: Beyond the pinch of the needle and the pressure on the arm from the tourniquet, donating blood does not hurt. Person may experience some dizziness or light headedness during or after your donation.
  • 65. Myths: Giving Blood donation is time consuming Fact: Registration and processing times vary, but blood donation itself takes around 8-10 minutes. Registration involves filling out a form with personal information and verifying identification. Then person will answer questions about health and travel history, and receive a brief physical examination to determine that the person is eligible to donate blood. The personal information will remain confidential.
  • 66. Myths: I can only donate once a year Fact: The blood replenishes itself, but not all at once. Person body replaces the plasma lost within 24 hours. Red blood cells take about four to six weeks to be completely replenished. That’s why you must wait at least 56 days between donations of whole blood.
  • 67. Myths: Being a vegetarian, means that the blood does not have enough iron and cannot be donated. Fact: vegetarians can donate blood. The iron needed is taken from body stores and once a balanced diet is maintained is require after donation. This usually normally takes a month or so.
  • 68. Myths: Age is a deterrent to blood donation. Fact: Anyone up to the age of 60 who is fit and healthy can give blood.
  • 69. Myths: I can’t donate if I have tattoos or piercings. Fact: If person is tattooed or pierced with a single-use instrument at a tattoo parlor which is state regulated, person can donate without restriction. If not, they must wait one year to donate blood.
  • 70. Myths I can’t donate if my iron level is low. • Fact: This is not necessarily true. Iron is a part of what makes up hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in the blood. Before donate, hemoglobin levels will be tested via finger prick to ensure that it is safe for a person to give blood. If the hemoglobin is too low, person will be more likely to faint or feel ill from giving blood. For the person safety, would not be able to donate blood that day.
  • 71. Myth: person cannot take part in sports or other physical activities after donating blood. • Fact: Giving blood does not interfere with ability to perform physically. Advice to avoid heavy lifting or strenuous workouts for the rest of the day is given after the donation.
  • 72. Conclusion • Blood donation is a life saving process as there is no substitute present for human blood. Almost all serious health issues required issue. One cannot make blood we all have inside of us to give to those who are injured, sick, or in need. Not everyone can save a life, but we have an opportunity to donate blood.
  • 73.
  • 74. Summarization • Introduction • Terminology • Meaning • Definition • Need of blood donation • Importance • Components of blood • Criteria of blood donation • Preparation for blood donation • Health Benefits of Blood Donation • Myths and facts
  • 75. Recaptulization 1. What is blood? 2. Which blood group is recognized as universal donor? 3. World blood donation day is celebrated on…………
  • 76. Bibliography • Kaur Prabhjot, textbook of anatomy and physiology, first edition: lotus publisher; page no,412-413. • Brunner& siddarth’s textbook of medical surgical nursing, eleventh edition: page no, 1106-1107. • Blood donation. In: Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [Internet]. 2020 [cited 2021 Mar 1]. Available from: 280
  • 77. Cont.. • 0 • viewed on 23/05/2021 • nation.pdf viewed on 4/06/2021