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This BISG WEBCAST took place
                Wednesday, October 7, 2009 at 11:00 a.m. ET

               To register for future BISG Webcasts, please visit:

                         Brought to you in partnership with the
                   International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF)                                                         1
“Working to create a more
     informed, empowered and efficient
         book industry supply chain
   for both physical and digital products.”

Michael Smith

               Executive Director
               International Digital Publishing Forum

               International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF) is a non-profit trade
               and standards organization for the digital publishing industry
               representing over 120 companies and organizations. IDPF is
               dedicated to the development and promotion of electronic
               publishing.                                                                         3
David Martin, ONIX Support Team, EDItEUR               Brian Green, Executive Director, International ISBN Agency

       David Martin is an independent consultant on           Currently Executive Director of the International ISBN
       standards for business communication in the book       Agency, until the beginning of this year Brian Green was
       trade, working principally for EDItEUR, where he       also Executive Director of EDItEUR. From 2003-2008,
       leads the team responsible for ONIX for Books.         Brian was Chair of ISO TC46 SC9, the ISO Committee
                                                              responsible for identifiers in the information community.
       David has been involved with metadata standards
       for most of his career, at INSPEC, at the British      Brian managed BIC, the UK book trade standards body,
       Library, where he was Director of Automated            from 1991 until 2006 and, prior to that, was Director of
       Services for six years, and as a founder Director of   Technology and Publishing Management at the UK
       Book Data Ltd (now part of Nielsen BookData).          Publishers Association after working in the publishing
                                                              industry for many years.                                                                                                               4
   London-based global trade standards
         organization for books and serials supply chains
          Established 1991
        ONIX family of communications standards
          ONIX for Books
          ONIX for Serials
           (online subscription products including ebooks)
          ONIX for Publication Licenses
        EDI
        RFID
        Secretariat for International ISBN Agency                                                 5
   The first standard in the ONIX family
          “ONline Information eXchange”
       Result of an AAP initiative in 1999
          Response to growth in online book retailing
          Requirement for “rich product metadata” – never needed
           in this form before
       Release 1.0 published May 2000
       Developed since then by EDItEUR in close
        collaboration with BISG and BIC
       Implemented widely around the world                                                        6
   Version history
          v1.0 2000 (no longer supported)
          v2.0 2001
          v2.1 2004 (retained backwards compatibility)
               o Separation between structure and code lists
       Governed by International Steering Committee
          Representatives from the 15 countries which have local
           ONIX committees
          ONIX standard is designed to be very widely applicable
          Local committees (including BISAC) work on
           implementation guidelines appropriate to local market                                                        7
   Because users (through the International Steering
        Committee) told us you needed a new release
          Primarily to provide better support for digital products
          Some other requirements could not be met by a 2.X
       Decision taken to move to v3.0
          Extensive structural work
          No longer backwards compatible
          Shares code lists with v2.1 (Issue 10)                                                          8
With special reference to
               digital products…                               9
   Removal of ‘deprecated’ elements
        Digital products (ebooks and more)
        Multiple-item products, sets and items in series
        ‘Marketing collateral’
        Market-specific data, for products sold
        Breakdown of product records into ‘blocks’, to
         allow partial updates
        New schema language options (RELAX NG)
        But where no change was needed – no change…                                                10
   An admitted problem area in past ONIX releases:
         sets, series, multi-media products, multiple-copy packs
          (classroom sets), trade packs (shrinkwraps), etc
       Problems of definition:
         is this a set? a series? a pack? or what?
       Inconsistencies of description and encoding
       Repetition of title elements when a set or series
        title is a necessary part of a product title
       Solution: a radical simplification of approach -
        forget about ‘set’, ‘series’, ‘pack’, etc…                                                        11
   Multiple-item product: any product made up of
         two or more items
        Bibliographic collection: any collection of
         products with a collective designation
        Not mutually exclusive
        Consistent approach to the description of any
         multiple-item product, and any collection
        Collective (‘series’) title elements can be used as
         part of product title without repetition
        See How to describe sets, series and multiple-
         item products in ONIX 3, downloadable from the
         EDItEUR website                                                   12
   Publishers and others are using, and will use in
         future, a much greater variety of supporting
         materials to promote sales, particularly in the web
        Previous ONIX releases used:
              an <OtherText> composite to handle text content either as part of
               the ONIX record itself or by links to text accessible elsewhere
              a <MediaFile> composite for links to non-text media, eg images
        Structures are too limited to meet current and future
        Rigid distinction between text and non-text media is
        Both composites have been removed and replaced                                                                       13
   Three new data element groups:
           <TextContent> is strictly for text which is carried within the ONIX
            record, and which is made available for use by the receiver: short
            and long descriptions, cover blurbs, review quotes etc.
           <CitedContent> is for third-party content, in any medium, which
            is cited by way of reinforcing the promotion of a product:
            bestseller lists, TV or radio features, feature articles etc.
           <SupportingResource> is for content, in any medium, which is
            offered by the publisher (or sender of the ONIX record) to be used
            by supply chain partners for promotional purposes, either by
            downloading or linking: images, audio and video clips, widgets,
            sample chapters. The composite is generalised so as to handle an
            unlimited variety of content and media types by adding codes.                                                                      14
   Most English-language publishing operates
          simultaneously in different national or regional markets.
         Publication dates, availability status, price and much else
          are market-specific.
         Some ONIX feeds relate only to a single marketplace,
          some (for example, to and from data aggregators at an
          international level) cover several markets.
         Already partly recognised and supported in previous
          releases – but some elements – such as publication date -
          were assumed to be “global”.
         ONIX 3.0 goes a stage further, by regrouping supply-
          related content into a new unified structure, specific to a
          designated marketplace.                                                            15
   Elements for specifying ebook formats were added in 2001,
         in association with an AAP ebook project
        These were apparently very little used: not much digital
         product metadata was being sent in ONIX 2.1
        Probably because most ebook development was happening
         outside the “mainstream”?
        But now digital products have joined the mainstream
        ONIX is the mainstream product information standard for
         the book industry                                                         16
   Product form
        DRM
        Usage constraints
        Supply channels                 17
   Separate elements for digital product formats in ONIX 2.1
         have been scrapped.
        Product form description for digital products is now
         integrated with physical products in Product Form and
         Product Form Detail coding.
        Top-level <ProductForm> coding is based on delivery
         method: ‘D’ codes for content delivered by physical carrier,
         ‘E’ codes for content accessed online or delivered by
         download (also new ‘L’ codes for licences sold separately).
        Format specified in <ProductFormDetail> (eg PDF, EPUB).
        Content specified in Product Content Type elements (text,
         audio, video etc).
        ONIX 3.0 works best if ISBN guidelines are followed.                                                            18
   New element <EpubTechnicalProtection>
       Enables DRM to be specified separately from format
       Coded to specify (eg) ‘No DRM’, ‘Digital watermarking’,
        ‘Adobe DRM’ etc – more values will be added as required
       Example: ebook supplied as a download in EPUB format
        with Adobe DRM:
        <ProductForm>ED</ProductForm>                           Digital download
        <ProductFormDetail>E101</ProductFormDetail>             EPUB format
        <EpubTechnicalProtection>03</EpubTechnicalProtection>   Adobe DRM
        <PrimaryContentType>10</PrimaryContentType>             Text                                                                       19
   New elements added for optional encoding of a limited set of
         usage constraints
        Usage type: preview, print extract, copy extract, etc
        Usage status: permitted without limit, permitted with limit,
        Usage limit expressed quantitatively
        Example: preview permitted, up to 30 pages
                 <EpubUsageType>01</EpubUsageType>       Preview
                 <EpubUsageStatus>02</EpubUsageStatus>   Permitted with limit
                    <EpubUsageUnit>04</EpubUsageUnit>    Pages
               </EpubUsageConstraint>                                                                    20
   Past ONIX releases assumed a physical supply chain:
               publisher to wholesaler to retailer
       Variety of supply channels (and pricing models) for
        digital products, e.g.,
               publisher to consumer / publisher to library
                packager to consumer / packager to library
                publisher to selected wholesalers to retailers
                publisher to selected retailers to consumer
       Handled in ONIX 3.0 by new guidelines and code
        values rather than new elements:
        <Supplier> composite can now be coded to indicate a variety of ‘supplier roles’
        Where pricing is too complex to be represented in ONIX, an item can be listed without
        price, as ‘refer to supplier’                                                                                    21
   Full ONIX 3.0 specification, data element summary, and
        XML technical notes published in April. Slightly revised
        versions issued in July, correcting textual errors reported
        by users. Only one change of substance: relaxation of one
        of the ‘rules’ associated with multiple-item products.
       DTD, XSL and RNG schemas also published in April. A
        small but important amendment was made in July, to add
        a release number attribute to the ONIX Message element.
       Code Lists Issue 10 was published in July: a further issue is
        likely by 2010.
       Additional guidelines are being developed or are planned
        in a number of areas.
       Any changes from here on will be backwards-compatible.                                                            22
   Guidelines on “How to describe digital products
        in ONIX 3.0” coming soon to the EDItEUR
       BISG Metadata Committee, as part of its work on
        maintaining ONIX “Best Practice” guidelines for
        North America, is finalising a complete ONIX 3.0
        sample record for an ebook distributed by
        download through trade channels – to be
        available from the BISG website.                                               23
   For existing users: not backwards compatible
          Requires more extensive system work than upgrade to 2.x
          Never a “right time”
       Particular challenge for data aggregators
          Support for multiple versions
          Input and output
       Essential for all who need to communicate ebook
          Important benefits for others, but less immediate pressure
          ONIX for Books 2.1 will continue to be supported, but
           future development will build on 3.0                                                            24
   ONIX for Books was conceived so that publishers
        could get better product information to
        consumers at the point of (online) sale.
       That has always been the focus for the
        development of the format.
       But are we missing other requirements for
        metadata flows in the ebook production and
        supply chain which might fit naturally into an
        ONIX envelope?
       Perhaps you can tell us, direct, or through IDPF
        and BISG.                                               25
Brian Green, Executive Director
               International ISBN Agency                                     26
‣     Under “Rules of assignment”, the 2005 revision of
         the ISBN standard (ISO 2108) says:
              Different product forms (e.g. hardcover, paperback,
               Braille, audio-book, video, online electronic publication)
               shall be assigned separate ISBNs
              Each different format of an electronic publication (e.g.
               ‘.lit’, ‘.pdf’, ‘.html’, ‘.pdb’) that is published and made
               separately available shall be given a separate ISBN.
‣     E-commerce systems require ISBNs
   ‣     Bibliographic databases require ISBNs
   ‣     Detailed sales/usage reporting requires ISBNS

   ‣     At the time of the ISBN revision, identification
         by file format seemed adequate. We thought
         that the e-book supply chain would be similar to
         print books. Not so!
‣     For printed books, publishers assign ISBNs to each
         format and that ISBN remains constant throughout
         the supply chain
   ‣     For ebooks, many publishers only produce a single
         generic file format (e.g. “.epub”), and intermediaries
         add technical rights protection (DRM) and make
         different versions with different user functionality
   ‣     Other players in the supply chain need to be able to
         identify these different versions (e.g. for discovery,
         EDI, usage reporting)
   ‣     But not all publishers provide ISBNs for them
Publisher / distributor

               Library jobbers                      Wholesalers

                      Libraries                  Booksellers

                                      Publisher / distributor

        ISBN “X”                                                              ISBN “X”
                   Library jobbers                       Wholesalers

                   ISBN “X”                                                ISBN “X”
                              Libraries               Booksellers


 E-book aggregator / manager                 E-book aggregator /manager

          Library jobbers                  Wholesalers

                Libraries                        Booksellers

Epub file


 E-book aggregator / manager                    E-book aggregator /manager

          Library jobbers                     Wholesalers

                Libraries                           Booksellers

Epub file

                                  Publisher                        Epub file+DRM
                                                                   Other formats

 E-book aggregator / manager                    E-book aggregator /manager

          Library jobbers                     Wholesalers

                Libraries                           Booksellers

Epub file

 Epub file+DRM                          Publisher                        Epub file+DRM
(diff. proprietary)                                                       (proprietary)
  Other formats                                                          Other formats

   E-book aggregator / manager                        E-book aggregator /manager

              Library jobbers                       Wholesalers

                      Libraries                           Booksellers

Epub file   ISBN “A”?

 Epub file+DRM                              Publisher                        Epub file+DRM
(diff. proprietary)                                                           (proprietary)
  Other formats                                                              Other formats

   E-book aggregator / manager                            E-book aggregator /manager

              Library jobbers                           Wholesalers

                      Libraries                               Booksellers

Epub file   ISBN “A”?

 Epub file+DRM                              Publisher                        Epub file+DRM
(diff. proprietary)                                                           (proprietary)
  Other formats                                                              Other formats

   E-book aggregator / manager                            E-book aggregator /manager

              Library jobbers                           Wholesalers

                      Libraries                               Booksellers

Epub file   ISBN “A”?

 Epub file+DRM                               Publisher                        Epub file+DRM
(diff. proprietary)                                                            (proprietary)
  Other formats                                                               Other formats

   E-book aggregator / manager                             E-book aggregator /manager
  ISBN “A” for                                                                  Proprietary
   all formats                                                                   identifier

                 Library jobbers                         Wholesalers

                       Libraries                               Booksellers

Epub file   ISBN “A”?

 Epub file+DRM                               Publisher                                 Epub file+DRM
(diff. proprietary)                                                                     (proprietary)
  Other formats                                                                        Other formats

   E-book aggregator / manager                             E-book aggregator /manager
  ISBN “A” for                                                                           Proprietary
   all formats                                                                            identifier

                 Library jobbers                         Wholesalers
                                                                       Own ISBN-like

                       Libraries                               Booksellers

Epub file   ISBN “A”?

 Epub file+DRM                               Publisher                                 Epub file+DRM
(diff. proprietary)                                                                     (proprietary)
  Other formats                                                                        Other formats

   E-book aggregator / manager                             E-book aggregator /manager
  ISBN “A” for                                                                           Proprietary
   all formats                                                                            identifier

                 Library jobbers                         Wholesalers
    ISBN “A”                                                           Own ISBN-like
   + metadata                                                           identifiers

                       Libraries                               Booksellers

Epub file   ISBN “A”?

 Epub file+DRM                              Publisher                        Epub file+DRM
(diff. proprietary)                                                           (proprietary)
  Other formats                                                              Other formats

   E-book aggregator / manager                            E-book aggregator /manager
  ISBN “D”, “E“                                                                ISBN “B”, “C”

              Library jobbers                           Wholesalers

                      Libraries                               Booksellers

‣     Some of their arguments:
              “We can’t manage the metadata bloat involved”
              “Our sales channels (e.g. Amazon) do not require
               standard identifiers for ebooks as customers will find
               them through their preferred vendor”
              “ISBNs are too expensive for us to assign to each
              “We only “publish” one generic format (e.g. .epub) and
               assign an ISBN to that”
              “We are not responsible for formats provided by third
               part intermediaries”
‣     Since some publishers do not provide separate
         ISBNs for each version and some customers,
         especially libraries, need unique identification of
         products from different platforms with different
   ‣     If a publisher does not identify each format with a
         separate ISBN, re-sellers may do so on their
              Not ideal but a necessary compromise until publishers
               assign their own ISBNs
              Requires central bibliographic agency to collect and
               list ISBNs and related metadata
What do you believe is the biggest barrier to assigning
                     ISBNs to digital products?







                              There are      Price of     Perceived     Information     Current       Current       Other
                              no barriers     ISBNs       value (or     / metadata    workflows        digital       5.6%
                                11.3%         8.5%          lack          "bloat"       make it       business     (8 votes)
Results gathered
during a live                 (16 votes)    (12 votes)   thereof) for     33.1%       difficult to    model(s)
BISG Webcast                                                 my         (47 votes)    assign them      don't
                                                          business                       19.0%       necessarily
poll held in
September 2009                                              6.3%                       (27 votes)     require
                                                          (9 votes)                                    them
                                                                                                     (23 votes)
                    Series1    11.30%         8.50%        6.30%          33.10%        19.00%         16.20%       5.60%
‣     Standard identifiers are essential when there is a
        need to communicate across a supply chain, e.g.
        for purposes of e-commerce, aggregating
        information, reporting sales or usage.
  ‣     This was precisely the reason for introducing the
        ISBN standard (ISO 2108) in 1970 and the reason
        that it has been so successful in enabling trade
  ‣     Do we want to risk losing all that with digital
‣     At what level of granularity are standard
        identifiers required?
              Generic file (e.g. epub)?
              Format (e.g. pdf)?
              Platform (e.g. ebrary)?
   ‣     By whom?
   ‣     For what functions?
   ‣     Who should assign them?
   ‣     What are the barriers?

                         Please let us know if you have a view,
                        now or to
We’ll now take questions...                                 47
David Martin:   Brian Green:
           Website:                     Website:

        Michael Smith:              Angela Bole:
            Website:                      Website:                                                                               48

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BISG WEBCAST -- ONIX For Books v3.0 -- Supporting New Metadata For eBooks

  • 1. This BISG WEBCAST took place Wednesday, October 7, 2009 at 11:00 a.m. ET To register for future BISG Webcasts, please visit: . Brought to you in partnership with the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF) 1
  • 2. “Working to create a more informed, empowered and efficient book industry supply chain for both physical and digital products.” 2
  • 3. Michael Smith Executive Director International Digital Publishing Forum International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF) is a non-profit trade and standards organization for the digital publishing industry representing over 120 companies and organizations. IDPF is dedicated to the development and promotion of electronic publishing. 3
  • 4. David Martin, ONIX Support Team, EDItEUR Brian Green, Executive Director, International ISBN Agency David Martin is an independent consultant on Currently Executive Director of the International ISBN standards for business communication in the book Agency, until the beginning of this year Brian Green was trade, working principally for EDItEUR, where he also Executive Director of EDItEUR. From 2003-2008, leads the team responsible for ONIX for Books. Brian was Chair of ISO TC46 SC9, the ISO Committee responsible for identifiers in the information community. David has been involved with metadata standards for most of his career, at INSPEC, at the British Brian managed BIC, the UK book trade standards body, Library, where he was Director of Automated from 1991 until 2006 and, prior to that, was Director of Services for six years, and as a founder Director of Technology and Publishing Management at the UK Book Data Ltd (now part of Nielsen BookData). Publishers Association after working in the publishing industry for many years. 4
  • 5. London-based global trade standards organization for books and serials supply chains  Established 1991  ONIX family of communications standards  ONIX for Books  ONIX for Serials (online subscription products including ebooks)  ONIX for Publication Licenses  EDI  RFID  Secretariat for International ISBN Agency 5
  • 6. The first standard in the ONIX family  “ONline Information eXchange”  Result of an AAP initiative in 1999  Response to growth in online book retailing  Requirement for “rich product metadata” – never needed in this form before  Release 1.0 published May 2000  Developed since then by EDItEUR in close collaboration with BISG and BIC  Implemented widely around the world 6
  • 7. Version history  v1.0 2000 (no longer supported)  v2.0 2001  v2.1 2004 (retained backwards compatibility) o Separation between structure and code lists  Governed by International Steering Committee  Representatives from the 15 countries which have local ONIX committees  ONIX standard is designed to be very widely applicable  Local committees (including BISAC) work on implementation guidelines appropriate to local market 7
  • 8. Because users (through the International Steering Committee) told us you needed a new release  Primarily to provide better support for digital products  Some other requirements could not be met by a 2.X revision  Decision taken to move to v3.0  Extensive structural work  No longer backwards compatible  Shares code lists with v2.1 (Issue 10) 8
  • 9. With special reference to digital products… 9
  • 10. Removal of ‘deprecated’ elements  Digital products (ebooks and more)  Multiple-item products, sets and items in series  ‘Marketing collateral’  Market-specific data, for products sold internationally  Breakdown of product records into ‘blocks’, to allow partial updates  New schema language options (RELAX NG)  But where no change was needed – no change… 10
  • 11. An admitted problem area in past ONIX releases:  sets, series, multi-media products, multiple-copy packs (classroom sets), trade packs (shrinkwraps), etc  Problems of definition:  is this a set? a series? a pack? or what?  Inconsistencies of description and encoding  Repetition of title elements when a set or series title is a necessary part of a product title  Solution: a radical simplification of approach - forget about ‘set’, ‘series’, ‘pack’, etc… 11
  • 12. Multiple-item product: any product made up of two or more items  Bibliographic collection: any collection of products with a collective designation  Not mutually exclusive  Consistent approach to the description of any multiple-item product, and any collection  Collective (‘series’) title elements can be used as part of product title without repetition  See How to describe sets, series and multiple- item products in ONIX 3, downloadable from the EDItEUR website 12
  • 13. Publishers and others are using, and will use in future, a much greater variety of supporting materials to promote sales, particularly in the web environment  Previous ONIX releases used:  an <OtherText> composite to handle text content either as part of the ONIX record itself or by links to text accessible elsewhere  a <MediaFile> composite for links to non-text media, eg images  Structures are too limited to meet current and future requirements  Rigid distinction between text and non-text media is unhelpful  Both composites have been removed and replaced 13
  • 14. Three new data element groups:  <TextContent> is strictly for text which is carried within the ONIX record, and which is made available for use by the receiver: short and long descriptions, cover blurbs, review quotes etc.  <CitedContent> is for third-party content, in any medium, which is cited by way of reinforcing the promotion of a product: bestseller lists, TV or radio features, feature articles etc.  <SupportingResource> is for content, in any medium, which is offered by the publisher (or sender of the ONIX record) to be used by supply chain partners for promotional purposes, either by downloading or linking: images, audio and video clips, widgets, sample chapters. The composite is generalised so as to handle an unlimited variety of content and media types by adding codes. 14
  • 15. Most English-language publishing operates simultaneously in different national or regional markets.  Publication dates, availability status, price and much else are market-specific.  Some ONIX feeds relate only to a single marketplace, some (for example, to and from data aggregators at an international level) cover several markets.  Already partly recognised and supported in previous releases – but some elements – such as publication date - were assumed to be “global”.  ONIX 3.0 goes a stage further, by regrouping supply- related content into a new unified structure, specific to a designated marketplace. 15
  • 16. Elements for specifying ebook formats were added in 2001, in association with an AAP ebook project  These were apparently very little used: not much digital product metadata was being sent in ONIX 2.1  Probably because most ebook development was happening outside the “mainstream”?  But now digital products have joined the mainstream  ONIX is the mainstream product information standard for the book industry 16
  • 17. Product form  DRM  Usage constraints  Supply channels 17
  • 18. Separate elements for digital product formats in ONIX 2.1 have been scrapped.  Product form description for digital products is now integrated with physical products in Product Form and Product Form Detail coding.  Top-level <ProductForm> coding is based on delivery method: ‘D’ codes for content delivered by physical carrier, ‘E’ codes for content accessed online or delivered by download (also new ‘L’ codes for licences sold separately).  Format specified in <ProductFormDetail> (eg PDF, EPUB).  Content specified in Product Content Type elements (text, audio, video etc).  ONIX 3.0 works best if ISBN guidelines are followed. 18
  • 19. New element <EpubTechnicalProtection>  Enables DRM to be specified separately from format  Coded to specify (eg) ‘No DRM’, ‘Digital watermarking’, ‘Adobe DRM’ etc – more values will be added as required  Example: ebook supplied as a download in EPUB format with Adobe DRM: <ProductForm>ED</ProductForm> Digital download <ProductFormDetail>E101</ProductFormDetail> EPUB format <EpubTechnicalProtection>03</EpubTechnicalProtection> Adobe DRM <PrimaryContentType>10</PrimaryContentType> Text 19
  • 20. New elements added for optional encoding of a limited set of usage constraints  Usage type: preview, print extract, copy extract, etc  Usage status: permitted without limit, permitted with limit, prohibited  Usage limit expressed quantitatively  Example: preview permitted, up to 30 pages <EpubUsageConstraint> <EpubUsageType>01</EpubUsageType> Preview <EpubUsageStatus>02</EpubUsageStatus> Permitted with limit <EpubUsageLimit> <Quantity>30</Quantity> <EpubUsageUnit>04</EpubUsageUnit> Pages </EpubUsageLimit> </EpubUsageConstraint> 20
  • 21. Past ONIX releases assumed a physical supply chain: publisher to wholesaler to retailer  Variety of supply channels (and pricing models) for digital products, e.g., publisher to consumer / publisher to library packager to consumer / packager to library publisher to selected wholesalers to retailers publisher to selected retailers to consumer  Handled in ONIX 3.0 by new guidelines and code values rather than new elements: <Supplier> composite can now be coded to indicate a variety of ‘supplier roles’ Where pricing is too complex to be represented in ONIX, an item can be listed without price, as ‘refer to supplier’ 21
  • 22. Full ONIX 3.0 specification, data element summary, and XML technical notes published in April. Slightly revised versions issued in July, correcting textual errors reported by users. Only one change of substance: relaxation of one of the ‘rules’ associated with multiple-item products.  DTD, XSL and RNG schemas also published in April. A small but important amendment was made in July, to add a release number attribute to the ONIX Message element.  Code Lists Issue 10 was published in July: a further issue is likely by 2010.  Additional guidelines are being developed or are planned in a number of areas.  Any changes from here on will be backwards-compatible. 22
  • 23. Guidelines on “How to describe digital products in ONIX 3.0” coming soon to the EDItEUR website.  BISG Metadata Committee, as part of its work on maintaining ONIX “Best Practice” guidelines for North America, is finalising a complete ONIX 3.0 sample record for an ebook distributed by download through trade channels – to be available from the BISG website. 23
  • 24. For existing users: not backwards compatible  Requires more extensive system work than upgrade to 2.x  Never a “right time”  Particular challenge for data aggregators  Support for multiple versions  Input and output  Essential for all who need to communicate ebook metadata  Important benefits for others, but less immediate pressure  ONIX for Books 2.1 will continue to be supported, but future development will build on 3.0 24
  • 25. ONIX for Books was conceived so that publishers could get better product information to consumers at the point of (online) sale.  That has always been the focus for the development of the format.  But are we missing other requirements for metadata flows in the ebook production and supply chain which might fit naturally into an ONIX envelope?  Perhaps you can tell us, direct, or through IDPF and BISG. 25
  • 26. Brian Green, Executive Director International ISBN Agency 26
  • 27. Under “Rules of assignment”, the 2005 revision of the ISBN standard (ISO 2108) says:  Different product forms (e.g. hardcover, paperback, Braille, audio-book, video, online electronic publication) shall be assigned separate ISBNs  Each different format of an electronic publication (e.g. ‘.lit’, ‘.pdf’, ‘.html’, ‘.pdb’) that is published and made separately available shall be given a separate ISBN.
  • 28. E-commerce systems require ISBNs ‣ Bibliographic databases require ISBNs ‣ Detailed sales/usage reporting requires ISBNS ‣ At the time of the ISBN revision, identification by file format seemed adequate. We thought that the e-book supply chain would be similar to print books. Not so!
  • 29. For printed books, publishers assign ISBNs to each format and that ISBN remains constant throughout the supply chain ‣ For ebooks, many publishers only produce a single generic file format (e.g. “.epub”), and intermediaries add technical rights protection (DRM) and make different versions with different user functionality ‣ Other players in the supply chain need to be able to identify these different versions (e.g. for discovery, EDI, usage reporting) ‣ But not all publishers provide ISBNs for them
  • 30. Publisher / distributor Library jobbers Wholesalers Libraries Booksellers Readers
  • 31. ISBN “X” Publisher / distributor ISBN “X” ISBN “X” Library jobbers Wholesalers ISBN “X” ISBN “X” Libraries Booksellers Readers
  • 32. Publisher E-book aggregator / manager E-book aggregator /manager Library jobbers Wholesalers Libraries Booksellers Readers
  • 33. Epub file Publisher E-book aggregator / manager E-book aggregator /manager Library jobbers Wholesalers Libraries Booksellers Readers
  • 34. Epub file Publisher Epub file+DRM (proprietary) Other formats E-book aggregator / manager E-book aggregator /manager Library jobbers Wholesalers Libraries Booksellers Readers
  • 35. Epub file Epub file+DRM Publisher Epub file+DRM (diff. proprietary) (proprietary) Other formats Other formats E-book aggregator / manager E-book aggregator /manager Library jobbers Wholesalers Libraries Booksellers Readers
  • 36. Epub file ISBN “A”? Epub file+DRM Publisher Epub file+DRM (diff. proprietary) (proprietary) Other formats Other formats E-book aggregator / manager E-book aggregator /manager Library jobbers Wholesalers Libraries Booksellers Readers
  • 37. Epub file ISBN “A”? Epub file+DRM Publisher Epub file+DRM (diff. proprietary) (proprietary) Other formats Other formats E-book aggregator / manager E-book aggregator /manager Proprietary identifier Library jobbers Wholesalers Libraries Booksellers Readers
  • 38. Epub file ISBN “A”? Epub file+DRM Publisher Epub file+DRM (diff. proprietary) (proprietary) Other formats Other formats E-book aggregator / manager E-book aggregator /manager ISBN “A” for Proprietary all formats identifier Library jobbers Wholesalers Libraries Booksellers Readers
  • 39. Epub file ISBN “A”? Epub file+DRM Publisher Epub file+DRM (diff. proprietary) (proprietary) Other formats Other formats E-book aggregator / manager E-book aggregator /manager ISBN “A” for Proprietary all formats identifier Library jobbers Wholesalers Own ISBN-like identifiers Libraries Booksellers Readers
  • 40. Epub file ISBN “A”? Epub file+DRM Publisher Epub file+DRM (diff. proprietary) (proprietary) Other formats Other formats E-book aggregator / manager E-book aggregator /manager ISBN “A” for Proprietary all formats identifier Library jobbers Wholesalers ISBN “A” Own ISBN-like + metadata identifiers Libraries Booksellers Readers
  • 41. Epub file ISBN “A”? Epub file+DRM Publisher Epub file+DRM (diff. proprietary) (proprietary) Other formats Other formats E-book aggregator / manager E-book aggregator /manager ISBN “D”, “E“ ISBN “B”, “C” Library jobbers Wholesalers Libraries Booksellers Readers
  • 42. Some of their arguments:  “We can’t manage the metadata bloat involved”  “Our sales channels (e.g. Amazon) do not require standard identifiers for ebooks as customers will find them through their preferred vendor”  “ISBNs are too expensive for us to assign to each format”  “We only “publish” one generic format (e.g. .epub) and assign an ISBN to that”  “We are not responsible for formats provided by third part intermediaries”
  • 43. Since some publishers do not provide separate ISBNs for each version and some customers, especially libraries, need unique identification of products from different platforms with different functionality… ‣ If a publisher does not identify each format with a separate ISBN, re-sellers may do so on their behalf  Not ideal but a necessary compromise until publishers assign their own ISBNs  Requires central bibliographic agency to collect and list ISBNs and related metadata
  • 44. What do you believe is the biggest barrier to assigning ISBNs to digital products? 35.00% 30.00% 25.00% 20.00% 15.00% 10.00% 5.00% 0.00% There are Price of Perceived Information Current Current Other no barriers ISBNs value (or / metadata workflows digital 5.6% 11.3% 8.5% lack "bloat" make it business (8 votes) Results gathered during a live (16 votes) (12 votes) thereof) for 33.1% difficult to model(s) BISG Webcast my (47 votes) assign them don't participant business 19.0% necessarily poll held in September 2009 6.3% (27 votes) require (9 votes) them 16.2% (23 votes) Series1 11.30% 8.50% 6.30% 33.10% 19.00% 16.20% 5.60%
  • 45. Standard identifiers are essential when there is a need to communicate across a supply chain, e.g. for purposes of e-commerce, aggregating information, reporting sales or usage. ‣ This was precisely the reason for introducing the ISBN standard (ISO 2108) in 1970 and the reason that it has been so successful in enabling trade developments ‣ Do we want to risk losing all that with digital products?
  • 46. At what level of granularity are standard identifiers required?  Generic file (e.g. epub)?  Format (e.g. pdf)?  Platform (e.g. ebrary)? ‣ By whom? ‣ For what functions? ‣ Who should assign them? ‣ What are the barriers? Please let us know if you have a view, now or to
  • 47. We’ll now take questions... 47
  • 48. David Martin: Brian Green: Website: Website: Michael Smith: Angela Bole: Website: Website: 48