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Mobile Netw Appl (2014) 19:171–209
DOI 10.1007/s11036-013-0489-0
Big Data: A Survey
Min Chen · Shiwen Mao · Yunhao Liu
Published online: 22 January 2014
© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014
Abstract In this paper, we review the background and
state-of-the-art of big data. We first introduce the general
background of big data and review related technologies,
such as could computing, Internet of Things, data centers,
and Hadoop. We then focus on the four phases of the value
chain of big data, i.e., data generation, data acquisition, data
storage, and data analysis. For each phase, we introduce the
general background, discuss the technical challenges, and
review the latest advances. We finally examine the several
representative applications of big data, including enterprise
management, Internet of Things, online social networks,
medial applications, collective intelligence, and smart grid.
These discussions aim to provide a comprehensive overview
and big-picture to readers of this exciting area. This survey
is concluded with a discussion of open problems and future
Keywords Big data · Cloud computing · Internet of
things · Data center · Hadoop · Smart grid · Big data
M. Chen ( )
School of Computer Science and Technology,
Huazhong University of Science and Technology,
1037 Luoyu Road, Wuhan, 430074, China
S. Mao
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering,
Auburn University, 200 Broun Hall, Auburn,
AL 36849-5201, USA
Y. Liu
TNLIST, School of Software, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
1 Background
1.1 Dawn of big data era
Over the past 20 years, data has increased in a large scale
in various fields. According to a report from International
Data Corporation (IDC), in 2011, the overall created and
copied data volume in the world was 1.8ZB (≈ 1021B),
which increased by nearly nine times within five years [1].
This figure will double at least every other two years in the
near future.
Under the explosive increase of global data, the term of
big data is mainly used to describe enormous datasets. Com-
pared with traditional datasets, big data typically includes
masses of unstructured data that need more real-time analy-
sis. In addition, big data also brings about new opportunities
for discovering new values, helps us to gain an in-depth
understanding of the hidden values, and also incurs new
challenges, e.g., how to effectively organize and manage
such datasets.
Recently, industries become interested in the high poten-
tial of big data, and many government agencies announced
major plans to accelerate big data research and applica-
tions [2]. In addition, issues on big data are often covered
in public media, such as The Economist [3, 4], New York
Times [5], and National Public Radio [6, 7]. Two pre-
mier scientific journals, Nature and Science, also opened
special columns to discuss the challenges and impacts of
big data [8, 9]. The era of big data has come beyond all
doubt [10].
Nowadays, big data related to the service of Internet com-
panies grow rapidly. For example, Google processes data of
hundreds of Petabyte (PB), Facebook generates log data of
over 10 PB per month, Baidu, a Chinese company, processes
data of tens of PB, and Taobao, a subsidiary of Alibaba,
172 Mobile Netw Appl (2014) 19:171–209
generates data of tens of Terabyte (TB) for online trading
per day. Figure 1 illustrates the boom of the global data vol-
ume. While the amount of large datasets is drastically rising,
it also brings about many challenging problems demanding
prompt solutions:
– The latest advances of information technology (IT)
make it more easily to generate data. For example, on
average, 72 hours of videos are uploaded to YouTube
in every minute [11]. Therefore, we are confronted with
the main challenge of collecting and integrating massive
data from widely distributed data sources.
– The rapid growth of cloud computing and the Internet of
Things (IoT) further promote the sharp growth of data.
Cloud computing provides safeguarding, access sites
and channels for data asset. In the paradigm of IoT, sen-
sors all over the world are collecting and transmitting
data to be stored and processed in the cloud. Such data
in both quantity and mutual relations will far surpass
the capacities of the IT architectures and infrastruc-
ture of existing enterprises, and its realtime requirement
will also greatly stress the available computing capacity.
The increasingly growing data cause a problem of how
to store and manage such huge heterogeneous datasets
with moderate requirements on hardware and software
– In consideration of the heterogeneity, scalability, real-
time, complexity, and privacy of big data, we shall
effectively “mine” the datasets at different levels during
the analysis, modeling, visualization, and forecasting,
so as to reveal its intrinsic property and improve the
decision making.
1.2 Definition and features of big data
Big data is an abstract concept. Apart from masses of data,
it also has some other features, which determine the differ-
ence between itself and “massive data” or “very big data.”
Fig. 1 The continuously
increasing big data
Mobile Netw Appl (2014) 19:171–209 173
At present, although the importance of big data has been
generally recognized, people still have different opinions on
its definition. In general, big data shall mean the datasets
that could not be perceived, acquired, managed, and pro-
cessed by traditional IT and software/hardware tools within
a tolerable time. Because of different concerns, scientific
and technological enterprises, research scholars, data ana-
lysts, and technical practitioners have different definitions
of big data. The following definitions may help us have a
better understanding on the profound social, economic, and
technological connotations of big data.
In 2010, Apache Hadoop defined big data as “datasets
which could not be captured, managed, and processed by
general computers within an acceptable scope.” On the basis
of this definition, in May 2011, McKinsey & Company, a
global consulting agency announced Big Data as the next
frontier for innovation, competition, and productivity. Big
data shall mean such datasets which could not be acquired,
stored, and managed by classic database software. This def-
inition includes two connotations: First, datasets’ volumes
that conform to the standard of big data are changing, and
may grow over time or with technological advances; Sec-
ond, datasets’ volumes that conform to the standard of big
data in different applications differ from each other. At
present, big data generally ranges from several TB to sev-
eral PB [10]. From the definition by McKinsey & Company,
it can be seen that the volume of a dataset is not the only
criterion for big data. The increasingly growing data scale
and its management that could not be handled by traditional
database technologies are the next two key features.
As a matter of fact, big data has been defined as early
as 2001. Doug Laney, an analyst of META (presently
Gartner) defined challenges and opportunities brought about
by increased data with a 3Vs model, i.e., the increase of
Volume, Velocity, and Variety, in a research report [12].
Although such a model was not originally used to define
big data, Gartner and many other enterprises, including
IBM [13] and some research departments of Microsoft [14]
still used the “3Vs” model to describe big data within
the following ten years [15]. In the “3Vs” model, Volume
means, with the generation and collection of masses of
data, data scale becomes increasingly big; Velocity means
the timeliness of big data, specifically, data collection and
analysis, etc. must be rapidly and timely conducted, so as
to maximumly utilize the commercial value of big data;
Variety indicates the various types of data, which include
semi-structured and unstructured data such as audio, video,
webpage, and text, as well as traditional structured data.
However, others have different opinions, including IDC,
one of the most influential leaders in big data and its
research fields. In 2011, an IDC report defined big data as
“big data technologies describe a new generation of tech-
nologies and architectures, designed to economically extract
value from very large volumes of a wide variety of data, by
enabling the high-velocity capture, discovery, and/or anal-
ysis.” [1] With this definition, characteristics of big data
may be summarized as four Vs, i.e., Volume (great volume),
Variety (various modalities), Velocity (rapid generation),
and Value (huge value but very low density), as shown in
Fig. 2. Such 4Vs definition was widely recognized since
it highlights the meaning and necessity of big data, i.e.,
exploring the huge hidden values. This definition indicates
the most critical problem in big data, which is how to dis-
cover values from datasets with an enormous scale, various
types, and rapid generation. As Jay Parikh, Deputy Chief
Engineer of Facebook, said, “You could only own a bunch
of data other than big data if you do not utilize the collected
data.” [11]
In addition, NIST defines big data as “Big data shall
mean the data of which the data volume, acquisition speed,
or data representation limits the capacity of using traditional
relational methods to conduct effective analysis or the data
which may be effectively processed with important horizon-
tal zoom technologies”, which focuses on the technological
aspect of big data. It indicates that efficient methods or
technologies need to be developed and used to analyze and
process big data.
There have been considerable discussions from both
industry and academia on the definition of big data [16, 17].
In addition to developing a proper definition, the big data
research should also focus on how to extract its value, how
to use data, and how to transform “a bunch of data” into “big
1.3 Big data value
McKinsey & Company observed how big data created val-
ues after in-depth research on the U.S. healthcare, the EU
public sector administration, the U.S. retail, the global man-
ufacturing, and the global personal location data. Through
research on the five core industries that represent the global
economy, the McKinsey report pointed out that big data
may give a full play to the economic function, improve the
productivity and competitiveness of enterprises and public
sectors, and create huge benefits for consumers. In [10],
McKinsey summarized the values that big data could cre-
ate: if big data could be creatively and effectively utilized
to improve efficiency and quality, the potential value of
the U.S medical industry gained through data may surpass
USD 300 billion, thus reducing the expenditure for the U.S.
healthcare by over 8 %; retailers that fully utilize big data
may improve their profit by more than 60 %; big data may
also be utilized to improve the efficiency of government
operations, such that the developed economies in Europe
could save over EUR 100 billion (which excludes the effect
of reduced frauds, errors, and tax difference).
174 Mobile Netw Appl (2014) 19:171–209
Fig. 2 The 4Vs feature of big data
The McKinsey report is regarded as prospective and
predictive, while the following facts may validate the val-
ues of big data. During the 2009 flu pandemic, Google
obtained timely information by analyzing big data, which
even provided more valuable information than that provided
by disease prevention centers. Nearly all countries required
hospitals inform agencies such as disease prevention centers
of the new type of influenza cases. However, patients usu-
ally did not see doctors immediately when they got infected.
It also took some time to send information from hospitals to
disease prevention centers, and for disease prevention cen-
ters to analyze and summarize such information. Therefore,
when the public is aware of the pandemic of the new type
of influenza, the disease may have already spread for one to
two weeks with a hysteretic nature. Google found that dur-
ing the spreading of influenza, entries frequently sought at
its search engines would be different from those at ordinary
times, and the use frequencies of the entries were corre-
lated to the influenza spreading in both time and location.
Google found 45 search entry groups that were closely rel-
evant to the outbreak of influenza and incorporated them
in specific mathematic models to forecast the spreading of
influenza and even to predict places where influenza spread
from. The related research results have been published in
Nature [18].
In 2008, Microsoft purchased Farecast, a sci-tech venture
company in the U.S. Farecast has an airline ticket forecast
system that predicts the trends and rising/dropping ranges of
airline ticket price. The system has been incorporated into
the Bing search engine of Microsoft. By 2012, the system
has saved nearly USD 50 per ticket per passenger, with the
forecasted accuracy as high as 75 %.
At present, data has become an important production fac-
tor that could be comparable to material assets and human
capital. As multimedia, social media, and IoT are devel-
oping, enterprises will collect more information, leading
to an exponential growth of data volume. Big data will
have a huge and increasing potential in creating values for
businesses and consumers.
1.4 The development of big data
In the late 1970s, the concept of “database machine”
emerged, which is a technology specially used for stor-
ing and analyzing data. With the increase of data volume,
the storage and processing capacity of a single mainframe
computer system became inadequate. In the 1980s, peo-
ple proposed “share nothing,” a parallel database system, to
meet the demand of the increasing data volume [19]. The
share nothing system architecture is based on the use of
cluster and every machine has its own processor, storage,
and disk. Teradata system was the first successful com-
mercial parallel database system. Such database became
very popular lately. On June 2, 1986, a milestone event
occurred when Teradata delivered the first parallel database
system with the storage capacity of 1TB to Kmart to help
the large-scale retail company in North America to expand
its data warehouse [20]. In the late 1990s, the advantages
of parallel database was widely recognized in the database
However, many challenges on big data arose. With the
development of Internet servies, indexes and queried con-
tents were rapidly growing. Therefore, search engine com-
panies had to face the challenges of handling such big data.
Google created GFS [21] and MapReduce [22] program-
ming models to cope with the challenges brought about
by data management and analysis at the Internet scale. In
addition, contents generated by users, sensors, and other
ubiquitous data sources also feuled the overwhelming data
flows, which required a fundamental change on the comput-
ing architecture and large-scale data processing mechanism.
In January 2007, Jim Gray, a pioneer of database software,
Mobile Netw Appl (2014) 19:171–209 175
called such transformation “The Fourth Paradigm” [23]. He
also thought the only way to cope with such paradigm was
to develop a new generation of computing tools to manage,
visualize, and analyze massive data. In June 2011, another
milestone event occurred; EMC/IDC published a research
report titled Extracting Values from Chaos [1], which intro-
duced the concept and potential of big data for the first
time. This research report triggered the great interest in both
industry and academia on big data.
Over the past few years, nearly all major companies,
including EMC, Oracle, IBM, Microsoft, Google, Ama-
zon, and Facebook, etc. have started their big data projects.
Taking IBM as an example, since 2005, IBM has invested
USD 16 billion on 30 acquisitions related to big data. In
academia, big data was also under the spotlight. In 2008,
Nature published a big data special issue. In 2011, Science
also launched a special issue on the key technologies of
“data processing” in big data. In 2012, European Research
Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM)
News published a special issue on big data. In the beginning
of 2012, a report titled Big Data, Big Impact presented at the
Davos Forum in Switzerland, announced that big data has
become a new kind of economic assets, just like currency
or gold. Gartner, an international research agency, issued
Hype Cycles from 2012 to 2013, which classified big data
computing, social analysis, and stored data analysis into 48
emerging technologies that deserve most attention.
Many national governments such as the U.S. also paid
great attention to big data. In March 2012, the Obama
Administration announced a USD 200 million investment
to launch the “Big Data Research and Development Plan,”
which was a second major scientific and technological
development initiative after the “Information Highway” ini-
tiative in 1993. In July 2012, the “Vigorous ICT Japan”
project issued by Japan’s Ministry of Internal Affairs and
Communications indicated that the big data development
should be a national strategy and application technologies
should be the focus. In July 2012, the United Nations issued
Big Data for Development report, which summarized how
governments utilized big data to better serve and protect
their people.
1.5 Challenges of big data
The sharply increasing data deluge in the big data era
brings about huge challenges on data acquisition, storage,
management and analysis. Traditional data management
and analysis systems are based on the relational database
management system (RDBMS). However, such RDBMSs
only apply to structured data, other than semi-structured or
unstructured data. In addition, RDBMSs are increasingly
utilizing more and more expensive hardware. It is appar-
ently that the traditional RDBMSs could not handle the
huge volume and heterogeneity of big data. The research
community has proposed some solutions from different per-
spectives. For example, cloud computing is utilized to meet
the requirements on infrastructure for big data, e.g., cost
efficiency, elasticity, and smooth upgrading/downgrading.
For solutions of permanent storage and management of
large-scale disordered datasets, distributed file systems [24]
and NoSQL [25] databases are good choices. Such program-
ming frameworks have achieved great success in processing
clustered tasks, especially for webpage ranking. Various big
data applications can be developed based on these innova-
tive technologies or platforms. Moreover, it is non-trivial to
deploy the big data analysis systems.
Some literature [26–28] discuss obstacles in the develop-
ment of big data applications. The key challenges are listed
as follows:
– Data representation: many datasets have certain levels
of heterogeneity in type, structure, semantics, organiza-
tion, granularity, and accessibility. Data representation
aims to make data more meaningful for computer anal-
ysis and user interpretation. Nevertheless, an improper
data representation will reduce the value of the origi-
nal data and may even obstruct effective data analysis.
Efficient data representation shall reflect data structure,
class, and type, as well as integrated technologies, so as
to enable efficient operations on different datasets.
– Redundancy reduction and data compression: gener-
ally, there is a high level of redundancy in datasets.
Redundancy reduction and data compression is effec-
tive to reduce the indirect cost of the entire system on
the premise that the potential values of the data are not
affected. For example, most data generated by sensor
networks are highly redundant, which may be filtered
and compressed at orders of magnitude.
– Data life cycle management: compared with the rel-
atively slow advances of storage systems, pervasive
sensing and computing are generating data at unprece-
dented rates and scales. We are confronted with a lot
of pressing challenges, one of which is that the current
storage system could not support such massive data.
Generally speaking, values hidden in big data depend
on data freshness. Therefore, a data importance princi-
ple related to the analytical value should be developed
to decide which data shall be stored and which data
shall be discarded.
– Analytical mechanism: the analytical system of big data
shall process masses of heterogeneous data within a
limited time. However, traditional RDBMSs are strictly
designed with a lack of scalability and expandability,
which could not meet the performance requirements.
Non-relational databases have shown their unique
advantages in the processing of unstructured data and
176 Mobile Netw Appl (2014) 19:171–209
started to become mainstream in big data analysis.
Even so, there are still some problems of non-relational
databases in their performance and particular applica-
tions. We shall find a compromising solution between
RDBMSs and non-relational databases. For example,
some enterprises have utilized a mixed database archi-
tecture that integrates the advantages of both types of
database (e.g., Facebook and Taobao). More research
is needed on the in-memory database and sample data
based on approximate analysis.
– Data confidentiality: most big data service providers or
owners at present could not effectively maintain and
analyze such huge datasets because of their limited
capacity. They must rely on professionals or tools to
analyze such data, which increase the potential safety
risks. For example, the transactional dataset generally
includes a set of complete operating data to drive key
business processes. Such data contains details of the
lowest granularity and some sensitive information such
as credit card numbers. Therefore, analysis of big data
may be delivered to a third party for processing only
when proper preventive measures are taken to protect
such sensitive data, to ensure its safety.
– Energy management: the energy consumption of main-
frame computing systems has drawn much attention
from both economy and environment perspectives. With
the increase of data volume and analytical demands,
the processing, storage, and transmission of big data
will inevitably consume more and more electric energy.
Therefore, system-level power consumption control
and management mechanism shall be established for
big data while the expandability and accessibility are
– Expendability and scalability: the analytical system of
big data must support present and future datasets. The
analytical algorithm must be able to process increas-
ingly expanding and more complex datasets.
– Cooperation: analysis of big data is an interdisci-
plinary research, which requires experts in different
fields cooperate to harvest the potential of big data.
A comprehensive big data network architecture must
be established to help scientists and engineers in var-
ious fields access different kinds of data and fully
utilize their expertise, so as to cooperate to complete the
analytical objectives.
2 Related technologies
In order to gain a deep understanding of big data, this sec-
tion will introduce several fundamental technologies that are
closely related to big data, including cloud computing, IoT,
data center, and Hadoop.
2.1 Relationship between cloud computing and big data
Cloud computing is closely related to big data. The key
components of cloud computing are shown in Fig. 3. Big
data is the object of the computation-intensive operation and
stresses the storage capacity of a cloud system. The main
objective of cloud computing is to use huge computing and
storage resources under concentrated management, so as
to provide big data applications with fine-grained comput-
ing capacity. The development of cloud computing provides
solutions for the storage and processing of big data. On the
other hand, the emergence of big data also accelerates the
development of cloud computing. The distributed storage
technology based on cloud computing can effectively man-
age big data; the parallel computing capacity by virtue of
cloud computing can improve the efficiency of acquisition
and analyzing big data.
Even though there are many overlapped technologies
in cloud computing and big data, they differ in the fol-
lowing two aspects. First, the concepts are different to a
certain extent. Cloud computing transforms the IT archi-
tecture while big data influences business decision-making.
However, big data depends on cloud computing as the
fundamental infrastructure for smooth operation.
Second, big data and cloud computing have different
target customers. Cloud computing is a technology and
product targeting Chief Information Officers (CIO) as an
advanced IT solution. Big data is a product targeting Chief
Executive Officers (CEO) focusing on business operations.
Since the decision makers may directly feel the pressure
from market competition, they must defeat business oppo-
nents in more competitive ways. With the advances of
big data and cloud computing, these two technologies are
certainly and increasingly entwine with each other. Cloud
computing, with functions similar to those of computers and
operating systems, provides system-level resources; big data
Fig. 3 Key components of cloud computing
Mobile Netw Appl (2014) 19:171–209 177
operates in the upper level supported by cloud computing
and provides functions similar to those of database and effi-
cient data processing capacity. Kissinger, President of EMC,
indicated that the application of big data must be based on
cloud computing.
The evolution of big data was driven by the rapid growth
of application demands and cloud computing developed
from virtualized technologies. Therefore, cloud computing
not only provides computation and processing for big data,
but also itself is a service mode. To a certain extent, the
advances of cloud computing also promote the development
of big data, both of which supplement each other.
2.2 Relationship between IoT and big data
In the IoT paradigm, an enormous amount of networking
sensors are embedded into various devices and machines
in the real world. Such sensors deployed in different fields
may collect various kinds of data, such as environmental
data, geographical data, astronomical data, and logistic data.
Mobile equipments, transportation facilities, public facil-
ities, and home appliances could all be data acquisition
equipments in IoT, as illustrated in Fig. 4.
The big data generated by IoT has different characteris-
tics compared with general big data because of the different
types of data collected, of which the most classical charac-
teristics include heterogeneity, variety, unstructured feature,
noise, and high redundancy. Although the current IoT data
is not the dominant part of big data, by 2030, the quantity of
sensors will reach one trillion and then the IoT data will be
the most important part of big data, according to the fore-
cast of HP. A report from Intel pointed out that big data in
IoT has three features that conform to the big data paradigm:
(i) abundant terminals generating masses of data; (ii) data
generated by IoT is usually semi-structured or unstructured;
(iii) data of IoT is useful only when it is analyzed.
At present, the data processing capacity of IoT has fallen
behind the collected data and it is extremely urgent to accel-
erate the introduction of big data technologies to promote
the development of IoT. Many operators of IoT realize the
importance of big data since the success of IoT is hinged
upon the effective integration of big data and cloud com-
puting. The widespread deployment of IoT will also bring
many cities into the big data era.
There is a compelling need to adopt big data for IoT
applications, while the development of big data is already
legged behind. It has been widely recognized that these
two technologies are inter-dependent and should be jointly
developed: on one hand, the widespread deployment of IoT
drives the high growth of data both in quantity and cate-
gory, thus providing the opportunity for the application and
development of big data; on the other hand, the application
of big data technology to IoT also accelerates the research
advances and business models of of IoT.
Fig. 4 Illustration of data acquisition equipment in IoT
178 Mobile Netw Appl (2014) 19:171–209
2.3 Data center
In the big data paradigm, the data center not only is a plat-
form for concentrated storage of data, but also undertakes
more responsibilities, such as acquiring data, managing
data, organizing data, and leveraging the data values and
functions. Data centers mainly concern “data” other than
“center.” It has masses of data and organizes and man-
ages data according to its core objective and development
path, which is more valuable than owning a good site and
resource. The emergence of big data brings about sound
development opportunities and great challenges to data cen-
ters. Big data is an emerging paradigm, which will promote
the explosive growth of the infrastructure and related soft-
ware of data center. The physical data center network is
the core for supporting big data, but, at present, is the key
infrastructure that is most urgently required [29].
– Big data requires data center provide powerful back-
stage support. The big data paradigm has more strin-
gent requirements on storage capacity and processing
capacity, as well as network transmission capacity.
Enterprises must take the development of data centers
into consideration to improve the capacity of rapidly
and effectively processing of big data under limited
price/performance ratio. The data center shall provide
the infrastructure with a large number of nodes, build a
high-speed internal network, effectively dissipate heat,
and effective backup data. Only when a highly energy-
efficient, stable, safe, expandable, and redundant data
center is built, the normal operation of big data applica-
tions may be ensured.
– The growth of big data applications accelerates the
revolution and innovation of data centers. Many big
data applications have developed their unique architec-
tures and directly promote the development of storage,
network, and computing technologies related to data
center. With the continued growth of the volumes of
structured and unstructured data, and the variety of
sources of analytical data, the data processing and com-
puting capacities of the data center shall be greatly
enhanced. In addition, as the scale of data center is
increasingly expanding, it is also an important issue on
how to reduce the operational cost for the development
of data centers.
– Big data endows more functions to the data center. In
the big data paradigm, data center shall not only con-
cern with hardware facilities but also strengthen soft
capacities, i.e., the capacities of acquisition, processing,
organization, analysis, and application of big data. The
data center may help business personnel analyze the
existing data, discover problems in business operation,
and develop solutions from big data.
2.4 Relationship between hadoop and big data
Presently, Hadoop is widely used in big data applications in
the industry, e.g., spam filtering, network searching, click-
stream analysis, and social recommendation. In addition,
considerable academic research is now based on Hadoop.
Some representative cases are given below. As declared
in June 2012, Yahoo runs Hadoop in 42,000 servers at
four data centers to support its products and services, e.g.,
searching and spam filtering, etc. At present, the biggest
Hadoop cluster has 4,000 nodes, but the number of nodes
will be increased to 10,000 with the release of Hadoop 2.0.
In the same month, Facebook announced that their Hadoop
cluster can process 100 PB data, which grew by 0.5 PB per
day as in November 2012. Some well-known agencies that
use Hadoop to conduct distributed computation are listed
in [30]. In addition, many companies provide Hadoop com-
mercial execution and/or support, including Cloudera, IBM,
MapR, EMC, and Oracle.
Among modern industrial machinery and systems, sen-
sors are widely deployed to collect information for environ-
ment monitoring and failure forecasting, etc. Bahga and oth-
ers in [31] proposed a framework for data organization and
cloud computing infrastructure, termed CloudView. Cloud-
View uses mixed architectures, local nodes, and remote
clusters based on Hadoop to analyze machine-generated
data. Local nodes are used for the forecast of real-time fail-
ures; clusters based on Hadoop are used for complex offline
analysis, e.g., case-driven data analysis.
The exponential growth of the genome data and the sharp
drop of sequencing cost transform bio-science and bio-
medicine to data-driven science. Gunarathne et al. in [32]
utilized cloud computing infrastructures, Amazon AWS,
Microsoft Azune, and data processing framework based
on MapReduce, Hadoop, and Microsoft DryadLINQ to
run two parallel bio-medicine applications: (i) assembly of
genome segments; (ii) dimension reduction in the analy-
sis of chemical structure. In the subsequent application, the
166-D datasets used include 26,000,000 data points. The
authors compared the performance of all the frameworks in
terms of efficiency, cost, and availability. According to the
study, the authors concluded that the loose coupling will be
increasingly applied to research on electron cloud, and the
parallel programming technology (MapReduce) framework
may provide the user an interface with more convenient
services and reduce unnecessary costs.
3 Big data generation and acquisition
We have introduced several key technologies related to big
data, i.e., cloud computing, IoT, data center, and Hadoop.
Next, we will focus on the value chain of big data, which
Mobile Netw Appl (2014) 19:171–209 179
can be generally divided into four phases: data generation,
data acquisition, data storage, and data analysis. If we take
data as a raw material, data generation and data acquisition
are an exploitation process, data storage is a storage process,
and data analysis is a production process that utilizes the
raw material to create new value.
3.1 Data generation
Data generation is the first step of big data. Given Inter-
net data as an example, huge amount of data in terms of
searching entries, Internet forum posts, chatting records, and
microblog messages, are generated. Those data are closely
related to people’s daily life, and have similar features of
high value and low density. Such Internet data may be
valueless individually, but, through the exploitation of accu-
mulated big data, useful information such as habits and
hobbies of users can be identified, and it is even possible to
forecast users’ behaviors and emotional moods.
Moreover, generated through longitudinal and/or dis-
tributed data sources, datasets are more large-scale, highly
diverse, and complex. Such data sources include sensors,
videos, clickstreams, and/or all other available data sources.
At present, main sources of big data are the operation
and trading information in enterprises, logistic and sens-
ing information in the IoT, human interaction information
and position information in the Internet world, and data
generated in scientific research, etc. The information far sur-
passes the capacities of IT architectures and infrastructures
of existing enterprises, while its real time requirement also
greatly stresses the existing computing capacity.
3.1.1 Enterprise data
In 2013, IBM issued Analysis: the Applications of Big Data
to the Real World, which indicates that the internal data of
enterprises are the main sources of big data. The internal
data of enterprises mainly consists of online trading data and
online analysis data, most of which are historically static
data and are managed by RDBMSs in a structured man-
ner. In addition, production data, inventory data, sales data,
and financial data, etc., also constitute enterprise internal
data, which aims to capture informationized and data-driven
activities in enterprises, so as to record all activities of
enterprises in the form of internal data.
Over the past decades, IT and digital data have con-
tributed a lot to improve the profitability of business depart-
ments. It is estimated that the business data volume of all
companies in the world may double every 1.2 years [10],
in which, the business turnover through the Internet, enter-
prises to enterprises, and enterprises to consumers per day
will reach USD 450 billion [33]. The continuously increas-
ing business data volume requires more effective real-time
analysis so as to fully harvest its potential. For example,
Amazon processes millions of terminal operations and more
than 500,000 queries from third-party sellers per day [12].
Walmart processes one million customer trades per hour and
such trading data are imported into a database with a capac-
ity of over 2.5PB [3]. Akamai analyzes 75 million events
per day for its target advertisements [13].
3.1.2 IoT data
As discussed, IoT is an important source of big data. Among
smart cities constructed based on IoT, big data may come
from industry, agriculture, traffic, transportation, medical
care, public departments, and families, etc.
According to the processes of data acquisition and trans-
mission in IoT, its network architecture may be divided
into three layers: the sensing layer, the network layer, and
the application layer. The sensing layer is responsible for
data acquisition and mainly consists of sensor networks.
The network layer is responsible for information transmis-
sion and processing, where close transmission may rely on
sensor networks, and remote transmission shall depend on
the Internet. Finally, the application layer support specific
applications of IoT.
According to characteristics of Internet of Things, the
data generated from IoT has the following features:
– Large-scale data: in IoT, masses of data acquisi-
tion equipments are distributedly deployed, which may
acquire simple numeric data, e.g., location; or complex
multimedia data, e.g., surveillance video. In order to
meet the demands of analysis and processing, not only
the currently acquired data, but also the historical data
within a certain time frame should be stored. Therefore,
data generated by IoT are characterized by large scales.
– Heterogeneity: because of the variety data acquisition
devices, the acquired data is also different and such data
features heterogeneity.
– Strong time and space correlation: in IoT, every data
acquisition device are placed at a specific geographic
location and every piece of data has time stamp. The
time and space correlation are an important property
of data from IoT. During data analysis and process-
ing, time and space are also important dimensions for
statistical analysis.
– Effective data accounts for only a small portion of the
big data: a great quantity of noises may occur dur-
ing the acquisition and transmission of data in IoT.
Among datasets acquired by acquisition devices, only a
small amount of abnormal data is valuable. For exam-
ple, during the acquisition of traffic video, the few video
frames that capture the violation of traffic regulations
180 Mobile Netw Appl (2014) 19:171–209
and traffic accidents are more valuable than those only
capturing the normal flow of traffic.
3.1.3 Bio-medical data
As a series of high-throughput bio-measurement technolo-
gies are innovatively developed in the beginning of the
21st century, the frontier research in the bio-medicine field
also enters the era of big data. By constructing smart,
efficient, and accurate analytical models and theoretical sys-
tems for bio-medicine applications, the essential governing
mechanism behind complex biological phenomena may be
revealed. Not only the future development of bio-medicine
can be determined, but also the leading roles can be assumed
in the development of a series of important strategic indus-
tries related to the national economy, people’s livelihood,
and national security, with important applications such as
medical care, new drug R & D, and grain production (e.g.,
transgenic crops).
The completion of HGP (Human Genome Project) and
the continued development of sequencing technology also
lead to widespread applications of big data in the field.
The masses of data generated by gene sequencing go
through specialized analysis according to different applica-
tion demands, to combine it with the clinical gene diag-
nosis and provide valuable information for early diagnosis
and personalized treatment of disease. One sequencing of
human gene may generate 100 600GB raw data. In the
China National Genebank in Shenzhen, there are 1.3 mil-
lion samples including 1.15 million human samples and
150,000 animal, plant, and microorganism samples. By the
end of 2013, 10 million traceable biological samples will
be stored, and by the end of 2015, this figure will reach
30 million. It is predictable that, with the development of
bio-medicine technologies, gene sequencing will become
faster and more convenient, and thus making big data of
bio-medicine continuously grow beyond all doubt.
In addition, data generated from clinical medical care and
medical R & D also rise quickly. For example, the Uni-
versity of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) has stored
2TB such data. Explorys, an American company, provides
platforms to collocate clinical data, operation and mainte-
nance data, and financial data. At present, about 13 million
people’s information have been collocated, with 44 arti-
cles of data at the scale of about 60TB, which will reach
70TB in 2013. Practice Fusion, another American com-
pany, manages electronic medical records of about 200,000
Apart from such small and medium-sized enterprises,
other well-known IT companies, such as Google, Microsoft,
and IBM have invested extensively in the research and com-
putational analysis of methods related to high-throughput
biological big data, for shares in the huge market as known
as the “Next Internet.” IBM forecasts, in the 2013 Strategy
Conference, that with the sharp increase of medical images
and electronic medical records, medical professionals may
utilize big data to extract useful clinical information from
masses of data to obtain a medical history and forecast treat-
ment effects, thus improving patient care and reduce cost.
It is anticipated that, by 2015, the average data volume of
every hospital will increase from 167TB to 665TB.
3.1.4 Data generation from other fields
As scientific applications are increasing, the scale of
datasets is gradually expanding, and the development of
some disciplines greatly relies on the analysis of masses of
data. Here, we examine several such applications. Although
being in different scientific fields, the applications have
similar and increasing demand on data analysis. The first
example is related to computational biology. GenBank is
a nucleotide sequence database maintained by the U.S.
National Bio-Technology Innovation Center. Data in this
database may double every 10 months. By August 2009,
Genbank has more than 250 billion bases from 150,000 dif-
ferent organisms [34]. The second example is related to
astronomy. Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), the biggest
sky survey project in astronomy, has recorded 25TB data
from 1998 to 2008. As the resolution of the telescope is
improved, by 2004, the data volume generated per night will
surpass 20TB. The last application is related to high-energy
physics. In the beginning of 2008, the Atlas experiment of
Large Hadron Collider (LHC) of European Organization for
Nuclear Research generates raw data at 2PB/s and stores
about 10TB processed data per year.
In addition, pervasive sensing and computing among
nature, commercial, Internet, government, and social envi-
ronments are generating heterogeneous data with unprece-
dented complexity. These datasets have their unique data
characteristics in scale, time dimension, and data category.
For example, mobile data were recorded with respect to
positions, movement, approximation degrees, communica-
tions, multimedia, use of applications, and audio environ-
ment [108]. According to the application environment and
requirements, such datasets into different categories, so as
to select the proper and feasible solutions for big data.
3.2 Big data acquisition
As the second phase of the big data system, big data acqui-
sition includes data collection, data transmission, and data
pre-processing. During big data acquisition, once we col-
lect the raw data, we shall utilize an efficient transmission
mechanism to send it to a proper storage management
system to support different analytical applications. The col-
lected datasets may sometimes include much redundant or
Mobile Netw Appl (2014) 19:171–209 181
useless data, which unnecessarily increases storage space
and affects the subsequent data analysis. For example,
high redundancy is very common among datasets collected
by sensors for environment monitoring. Data compression
technology can be applied to reduce the redundancy. There-
fore, data pre-processing operations are indispensable to
ensure efficient data storage and exploitation.
3.2.1 Data collection
Data collection is to utilize special data collection tech-
niques to acquire raw data from a specific data generation
environment. Four common data collection methods are
shown as follows.
– Log files: As one widely used data collection method,
log files are record files automatically generated by the
data source system, so as to record activities in desig-
nated file formats for subsequent analysis. Log files are
typically used in nearly all digital devices. For exam-
ple, web servers record in log files number of clicks,
click rates, visits, and other property records of web
users [35]. To capture activities of users at the web sites,
web servers mainly include the following three log file
formats: public log file format (NCSA), expanded log
format (W3C), and IIS log format (Microsoft). All the
three types of log files are in the ASCII text format.
Databases other than text files may sometimes be used
to store log information to improve the query efficiency
of the massive log store [36, 37]. There are also some
other log files based on data collection, including stock
indicators in financial applications and determination
of operating states in network monitoring and traffic
– Sensing: Sensors are common in daily life to measure
physical quantities and transform physical quantities
into readable digital signals for subsequent process-
ing (and storage). Sensory data may be classified as
sound wave, voice, vibration, automobile, chemical,
current, weather, pressure, temperature, etc. Sensed
information is transferred to a data collection point
through wired or wireless networks. For applications
that may be easily deployed and managed, e.g., video
surveillance system [38], the wired sensor network is
a convenient solution to acquire related information.
Sometimes the accurate position of a specific phe-
nomenon is unknown, and sometimes the monitored
environment does not have the energy or communica-
tion infrastructures. Then wireless communication must
be used to enable data transmission among sensor nodes
under limited energy and communication capability. In
recent years, WSNs have received considerable inter-
est and have been applied to many applications, such
as environmental research [39, 40], water quality mon-
itoring [41], civil engineering [42, 43], and wildlife
habit monitoring [44]. A WSN generally consists of
a large number of geographically distributed sensor
nodes, each being a micro device powered by battery.
Such sensors are deployed at designated positions as
required by the application to collect remote sensing
data. Once the sensors are deployed, the base station
will send control information for network configura-
tion/management or data collection to sensor nodes.
Based on such control information, the sensory data is
assembled in different sensor nodes and sent back to the
base station for further processing. Interested readers
are referred to [45] for more detailed discussions.
– Methods for acquiring network data: At present, net-
work data acquisition is accomplished using a com-
bination of web crawler, word segmentation system,
task system, and index system, etc. Web crawler is
a program used by search engines for downloading
and storing web pages [46]. Generally speaking, web
crawler starts from the uniform resource locator (URL)
of an initial web page to access other linked web pages,
during which it stores and sequences all the retrieved
URLs. Web crawler acquires a URL in the order of
precedence through a URL queue and then downloads
web pages, and identifies all URLs in the downloaded
web pages, and extracts new URLs to be put in the
queue. This process is repeated until the web crawler
is stopped. Data acquisition through a web crawler is
widely applied in applications based on web pages,
such as search engines or web caching. Traditional web
page extraction technologies feature multiple efficient
solutions and considerable research has been done in
this field. As more advanced web page applications
are emerging, some extraction strategies are proposed
in [47] to cope with rich Internet applications.
The current network data acquisition technologies
mainly include traditional Libpcap-based packet capture
technology, zero-copy packet capture technology, as well
as some specialized network monitoring software such as
Wireshark, SmartSniff, and WinNetCap.
– Libpcap-based packet capture technology: Libpcap
(packet capture library) is a widely used network data
packet capture function library. It is a general tool that
does not depend on any specific system and is mainly
used to capture data in the data link layer. It features
simplicity, easy-to-use, and portability, but has a rel-
atively low efficiency. Therefore, under a high-speed
network environment, considerable packet losses may
occur when Libpcap is used.
182 Mobile Netw Appl (2014) 19:171–209
– Zero-copy packet capture technology: The so-called
zero-copy (ZC) means that no copies between any inter-
nal memories occur during packet receiving and send-
ing at a node. In sending, the data packets directly start
from the user buffer of applications, pass through the
network interfaces, and arrive at an external network.
In receiving, the network interfaces directly send data
packets to the user buffer. The basic idea of zero-copy
is to reduce data copy times, reduce system calls, and
reduce CPU load while ddatagrams are passed from net-
work equipments to user program space. The zero-copy
technology first utilizes direct memory access (DMA)
technology to directly transmit network datagrams to an
address space pre-allocated by the system kernel, so as
to avoid the participation of CPU. In the meanwhile, it
maps the internal memory of the datagrams in the sys-
tem kernel to the that of the detection program, or builds
a cache region in the user space and maps it to the ker-
nel space. Then the detection program directly accesses
the internal memory, so as to reduce internal memory
copy from system kernel to user space and reduce the
amount of system calls.
– Mobile equipments: At present, mobile devices are
more widely used. As mobile device functions become
increasingly stronger, they feature more complex and
multiple means of data acquisition as well as more
variety of data. Mobile devices may acquire geo-
graphical location information through positioning sys-
tems; acquire audio information through microphones;
acquire pictures, videos, streetscapes, two-dimensional
barcodes, and other multimedia information through
cameras; acquire user gestures and other body language
information through touch screens and gravity sensors.
Over the years, wireless operators have improved the
service level of the mobile Internet by acquiring and
analyzing such information. For example, iPhone itself
is a “mobile spy.” It may collect wireless data and
geographical location information, and then send such
information back to Apple Inc. for processing, of which
the user is not aware. Apart from Apple, smart phone
operating systems such as Android of Google and Win-
dows Phone of Microsoft can also collect information
in the similar manner.
In addition to the aforementioned three data acquisition
methods of main data sources, there are many other data
collect methods or systems. For example, in scientific exper-
iments, many special tools can be used to collect exper-
imental data, such as magnetic spectrometers and radio
telescopes. We may classify data collection methods from
different perspectives. From the perspective of data sources,
data collection methods can be classified into two cate-
gories: collection methods recording through data sources
and collection methods recording through other auxiliary
3.2.2 Data transportation
Upon the completion of raw data collection, data will be
transferred to a data storage infrastructure for processing
and analysis. As discussed in Section 2.3, big data is mainly
stored in a data center. The data layout should be adjusted to
improve computing efficiency or facilitate hardware mainte-
nance. In other words, internal data transmission may occur
in the data center. Therefore, data transmission consists
of two phases: Inter-DCN transmissions and Intra-DCN
– Inter-DCN transmissions: Inter-DCN transmissions are
from data source to data center, which is generally
achieved with the existing physical network infrastruc-
ture. Because of the rapid growth of traffic demands,
the physical network infrastructure in most regions
around the world are constituted by high-volumn, high-
rate, and cost-effective optic fiber transmission systems.
Over the past 20 years, advanced management equip-
ment and technologies have been developed, such as
IP-based wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) net-
work architecture, to conduct smart control and man-
agement of optical fiber networks [48, 49]. WDM is
a technology that multiplexes multiple optical carrier
signals with different wave lengths and couples them
to the same optical fiber of the optical link. In such
technology, lasers with different wave lengths carry dif-
ferent signals. By far, the backbone network have been
deployed with WDM optical transmission systems with
single channel rate of 40Gb/s. At present, 100Gb/s com-
mercial interface are available and 100Gb/s systems (or
TB/s systems) will be available in the near future [50].
However, traditional optical transmission technologies
are limited by the bandwidth of the electronic bot-
tleneck [51]. Recently, orthogonal frequency-division
multiplexing (OFDM), initially designed for wireless
systems, is regarded as one of the main candidate
technologies for future high-speed optical transmis-
sion. OFDM is a multi-carrier parallel transmission
technology. It segments a high-speed data flow to trans-
form it into low-speed sub-data-flows to be transmitted
over multiple orthogonal sub-carriers [52]. Compared
with fixed channel spacing of WDM, OFDM allows
sub-channel frequency spectrums to overlap with each
other [53]. Therefore, it is a flexible and efficient optical
networking technology.
– Intra-DCN Transmissions: Intra-DCN transmissions
are the data communication flows within data centers.
Intra-DCN transmissions depend on the communication
Mobile Netw Appl (2014) 19:171–209 183
mechanism within the data center (i.e., on physical con-
nection plates, chips, internal memories of data servers,
network architectures of data centers, and communica-
tion protocols). A data center consists of multiple inte-
grated server racks interconnected with its internal con-
nection networks. Nowadays, the internal connection
networks of most data centers are fat-tree, two-layer
or three-layer structures based on multi-commodity
network flows [51, 54]. In the two-layer topological
structure, the racks are connected by 1Gbps top rack
switches (TOR) and then such top rack switches are
connected with 10Gbps aggregation switches in the
topological structure. The three-layer topological struc-
ture is a structure augmented with one layer on the top
of the two-layer topological structure and such layer
is constituted by 10Gbps or 100Gbps core switches
to connect aggregation switches in the topological
structure. There are also other topological structures
which aim to improve the data center networks [55–
58]. Because of the inadequacy of electronic packet
switches, it is difficult to increase communication band-
widths while keeps energy consumption is low. Over
the years, due to the huge success achieved by opti-
cal technologies, the optical interconnection among the
networks in data centers has drawn great interest. Opti-
cal interconnection is a high-throughput, low-delay,
and low-energy-consumption solution. At present, opti-
cal technologies are only used for point-to-point links
in data centers. Such optical links provide connection
for the switches using the low-cost multi-mode fiber
(MMF) with 10Gbps data rate. Optical interconnec-
tion (switching in the optical domain) of networks in
data centers is a feasible solution, which can provide
Tbps-level transmission bandwidth with low energy
consumption. Recently, many optical interconnection
plans are proposed for data center networks [59]. Some
plans add optical paths to upgrade the existing net-
works, and other plans completely replace the current
switches [59–64]. As a strengthening technology, Zhou
et al. in [65] adopt wireless links in the 60GHz fre-
quency band to strengthen wired links. Network vir-
tualization should also be considered to improve the
efficiency and utilization of data center networks.
3.2.3 Data pre-processing
Because of the wide variety of data sources, the collected
datasets vary with respect to noise, redundancy, and con-
sistency, etc., and it is undoubtedly a waste to store mean-
ingless data. In addition, some analytical methods have
serious requirements on data quality. Therefore, in order
to enable effective data analysis, we shall pre-process data
under many circumstances to integrate the data from differ-
ent sources, which can not only reduces storage expense,
but also improves analysis accuracy. Some relational data
pre-processing techniques are discussed as follows.
– Integration: data integration is the cornerstone of mod-
ern commercial informatics, which involves the com-
bination of data from different sources and provides
users with a uniform view of data [66]. This is a mature
research field for traditional database. Historically, two
methods have been widely recognized: data ware-
house and data federation. Data warehousing includes
a process named ETL (Extract, Transform and Load).
Extraction involves connecting source systems, select-
ing, collecting, analyzing, and processing necessary
data. Transformation is the execution of a series of rules
to transform the extracted data into standard formats.
Loading means importing extracted and transformed
data into the target storage infrastructure. Loading is
the most complex procedure among the three, which
includes operations such as transformation, copy, clear-
ing, standardization, screening, and data organization.
A virtual database can be built to query and aggregate
data from different data sources, but such database does
not contain data. On the contrary, it includes informa-
tion or metadata related to actual data and its positions.
Such two “storage-reading” approaches do not sat-
isfy the high performance requirements of data flows
or search programs and applications. Compared with
queries, data in such two approaches is more dynamic
and must be processed during data transmission. Gen-
erally, data integration methods are accompanied with
flow processing engines and search engines [30, 67].
– Cleaning: data cleaning is a process to identify inac-
curate, incomplete, or unreasonable data, and then
modify or delete such data to improve data quality.
Generally, data cleaning includes five complementary
procedures [68]: defining and determining error types,
searching and identifying errors, correcting errors, doc-
umenting error examples and error types, and mod-
ifying data entry procedures to reduce future errors.
During cleaning, data formats, completeness, rational-
ity, and restriction shall be inspected. Data cleaning is
of vital importance to keep the data consistency, which
is widely applied in many fields, such as banking, insur-
ance, retail industry, telecommunications, and traffic
In e-commerce, most data is electronically col-
lected, which may have serious data quality prob-
lems. Classic data quality problems mainly come from
software defects, customized errors, or system mis-
configuration. Authors in [69] discussed data cleaning
184 Mobile Netw Appl (2014) 19:171–209
in e-commerce by crawlers and regularly re-copying
customer and account information.
In [70], the problem of cleaning RFID data was
examined. RFID is widely used in many applica-
tions, e.g., inventory management and target track-
ing. However, the original RFID features low quality,
which includes a lot of abnormal data limited by the
physical design and affected by environmental noises.
In [71], a probability model was developed to cope
with data loss in mobile environments. Khoussainova
et al. in [72] proposed a system to automatically cor-
rect errors of input data by defining global integrity
Herbert et al. [73] proposed a framework called BIO-
AJAX to standardize biological data so as to conduct
further computation and improve search quality. With
BIO-AJAX, some errors and repetitions may be elim-
inated, and common data mining technologies can be
executed more effectively.
– Redundancy elimination: data redundancy refers to data
repetitions or surplus, which usually occurs in many
datasets. Data redundancy can increase the unneces-
sary data transmission expense and cause defects on
storage systems, e.g., waste of storage space, lead-
ing to data inconsistency, reduction of data reliabil-
ity, and data damage. Therefore, various redundancy
reduction methods have been proposed, such as redun-
dancy detection, data filtering, and data compression.
Such methods may apply to different datasets or appli-
cation environments. However, redundancy reduction
may also bring about certain negative effects. For
example, data compression and decompression cause
additional computational burden. Therefore, the ben-
efits of redundancy reduction and the cost should be
carefully balanced. Data collected from different fields
will increasingly appear in image or video formats.
It is well-known that images and videos contain con-
siderable redundancy, including temporal redundancy,
spacial redundancy, statistical redundancy, and sens-
ing redundancy. Video compression is widely used
to reduce redundancy in video data, as specified in
the many video coding standards (MPEG-2, MPEG-4,
H.263, and H.264/AVC). In [74], the authors inves-
tigated the problem of video compression in a video
surveillance system with a video sensor network. The
authors propose a new MPEG-4 based method by
investigating the contextual redundancy related to back-
ground and foreground in a scene. The low com-
plexity and the low compression ratio of the pro-
posed approach were demonstrated by the evaluation
On generalized data transmission or storage, re-
peated data deletion is a special data compression
technology, which aims to eliminate repeated data
copies [75]. With repeated data deletion, individual data
blocks or data segments will be assigned with identi-
fiers (e.g., using a hash algorithm) and stored, with the
identifiers added to the identification list. As the anal-
ysis of repeated data deletion continues, if a new data
block has an identifier that is identical to that listed
in the identification list, the new data block will be
deemed as redundant and will be replaced by the cor-
responding stored data block. Repeated data deletion
can greatly reduce storage requirement, which is par-
ticularly important to a big data storage system. Apart
from the aforementioned data pre-processing methods,
specific data objects shall go through some other oper-
ations such as feature extraction. Such operation plays
an important role in multimedia search and DNA anal-
ysis [76–78]. Usually high-dimensional feature vec-
tors (or high-dimensional feature points) are used to
describe such data objects and the system stores the
dimensional feature vectors for future retrieval. Data
transfer is usually used to process distributed hetero-
geneous data sources, especially business datasets [79].
As a matter of fact, in consideration of various datasets,
it is non-trivial, or impossible, to build a uniform data
pre-processing procedure and technology that is appli-
cable to all types of datasets. on the specific feature,
problem, performance requirements, and other factors
of the datasets should be considered, so as to select a
proper data pre-processing strategy.
4 Big data storage
The explosive growth of data has more strict requirements
on storage and management. In this section, we focus on
the storage of big data. Big data storage refers to the stor-
age and management of large-scale datasets while achiev-
ing reliability and availability of data accessing. We will
review important issues including massive storage systems,
distributed storage systems, and big data storage mecha-
nisms. On one hand, the storage infrastructure needs to
provide information storage service with reliable storage
space; on the other hand, it must provide a powerful access
interface for query and analysis of a large amount of
Traditionally, as auxiliary equipment of server, data stor-
age device is used to store, manage, look up, and analyze
data with structured RDBMSs. With the sharp growth of
data, data storage device is becoming increasingly more
important, and many Internet companies pursue big capac-
ity of storage to be competitive. Therefore, there is a
compelling need for research on data storage.
Mobile Netw Appl (2014) 19:171–209 185
4.1 Storage system for massive data
Various storage systems emerge to meet the demands of
massive data. Existing massive storage technologies can be
classified as Direct Attached Storage (DAS) and network
storage, while network storage can be further classified
into Network Attached Storage (NAS) and Storage Area
Network (SAN).
In DAS, various harddisks are directly connected with
servers, and data management is server-centric, such that
storage devices are peripheral equipments, each of which
takes a certain amount of I/O resource and is managed by an
individual application software. For this reason, DAS is only
suitable to interconnect servers with a small scale. How-
ever, due to its low scalability, DAS will exhibit undesirable
efficiency when the storage capacity is increased, i.e., the
upgradeability and expandability are greatly limited. Thus,
DAS is mainly used in personal computers and small-sized
Network storage is to utilize network to provide users
with a union interface for data access and sharing. Network
storage equipment includes special data exchange equip-
ments, disk array, tap library, and other storage media, as
well as special storage software. It is characterized with
strong expandability.
NAS is actually an auxillary storage equipment of a net-
work. It is directly connected to a network through a hub or
switch through TCP/IP protocols. In NAS, data is transmit-
ted in the form of files. Compared to DAS, the I/O burden
at a NAS server is reduced extensively since the server
accesses a storage device indirectly through a network.
While NAS is network-oriented, SAN is especially
designed for data storage with a scalable and bandwidth
intensive network, e.g., a high-speed network with optical
fiber connections. In SAN, data storage management is rel-
atively independent within a storage local area network,
where multipath based data switching among any internal
nodes is utilized to achieve a maximum degree of data
sharing and data management.
From the organization of a data storage system, DAS,
NAS, and SAN can all be divided into three parts: (i) disc
array: it is the foundation of a storage system and the fun-
damental guarantee for data storage; (ii) connection and
network sub-systems, which provide connection among one
or more disc arrays and servers; (iii) storage management
software, which handles data sharing, disaster recovery, and
other storage management tasks of multiple servers.
4.2 Distributed storage system
The first challenge brought about by big data is how to
develop a large scale distributed storage system for effi-
ciently data processing and analysis. To use a distributed
system to store massive data, the following factors should
be taken into consideration:
– Consistency: a distributed storage system requires mul-
tiple servers to cooperatively store data. As there are
more servers, the probability of server failures will be
larger. Usually data is divided into multiple pieces to
be stored at different servers to ensure availability in
case of server failure. However, server failures and par-
allel storage may cause inconsistency among different
copies of the same data. Consistency refers to assuring
that multiple copies of the same data are identical.
– Availability: a distributed storage system operates in
multiple sets of servers. As more servers are used,
server failures are inevitable. It would be desirable if
the entire system is not seriously affected to satisfy cus-
tomer’s requests in terms of reading and writing. This
property is called availability.
– Partition Tolerance: multiple servers in a distributed
storage system are connected by a network. The net-
work could have link/node failures or temporary con-
gestion. The distributed system should have a certain
level of tolerance to problems caused by network fail-
ures. It would be desirable that the distributed storage
still works well when the network is partitioned.
Eric Brewer proposed a CAP [80, 81] theory in 2000,
which indicated that a distributed system could not simulta-
neously meet the requirements on consistency, availability,
and partition tolerance; at most two of the three require-
ments can be satisfied simultaneously. Seth Gilbert and
Nancy Lynch from MIT proved the correctness of CAP the-
ory in 2002. Since consistency, availability, and partition
tolerance could not be achieved simultaneously, we can have
a CA system by ignoring partition tolerance, a CP system by
ignoring availability, and an AP system that ignores consis-
tency, according to different design goals. The three systems
are discussed in the following.
CA systems do not have partition tolerance, i.e, they
could not handle network failures. Therefore, CA sys-
tems are generally deemed as storage systems with a sin-
gle server, such as the traditional small-scale relational
databases. Such systems feature single copy of data, such
that consistency is easily ensured. Availability is guaranteed
by the excellent design of relational databases. However,
since CA systems could not handle network failures, they
could not be expanded to use many servers. Therefore, most
large-scale storage systems are CP systems and AP systems.
Compared with CA systems, CP systems ensure parti-
tion tolerance. Therefore, CP systems can be expanded to
become distributed systems. CP systems generally main-
tain several copies of the same data in order to ensure a
186 Mobile Netw Appl (2014) 19:171–209
level of fault tolerance. CP systems also ensure data consis-
tency, i.e., multiple copies of the same data are guaranteed
to be completely identical. However, CP could not ensure
sound availability because of the high cost for consistency
assurance. Therefore, CP systems are useful for the scenar-
ios with moderate load but stringent requirements on data
accuracy (e.g., trading data). BigTable and Hbase are two
popular CP systems.
AP systems also ensure partition tolerance. However, AP
systems are different from CP systems in that AP systems
also ensure availability. However, AP systems only ensure
eventual consistency rather than strong consistency in the
previous two systems. Therefore, AP systems only apply
to the scenarios with frequent requests but not very high
requirements on accuracy. For example, in online Social
Networking Services (SNS) systems, there are many con-
current visits to the data but a certain amount of data errors
are tolerable. Furthermore, because AP systems ensure
eventual consistency, accurate data can still be obtained after
a certain amount of delay. Therefore, AP systems may also
be used under the circumstances with no stringent realtime
requirements. Dynamo and Cassandra are two popular AP
4.3 Storage mechanism for big data
Considerable research on big data promotes the develop-
ment of storage mechanisms for big data. Existing stor-
age mechanisms of big data may be classified into three
bottom-up levels: (i) file systems, (ii) databases, and (iii)
programming models.
File systems are the foundation of the applications at
upper levels. Google’s GFS is an expandable distributed
file system to support large-scale, distributed, data-intensive
applications [25]. GFS uses cheap commodity servers to
achieve fault-tolerance and provides customers with high-
performance services. GFS supports large-scale file appli-
cations with more frequent reading than writing. However,
GFS also has some limitations, such as a single point of
failure and poor performances for small files. Such limita-
tions have been overcome by Colossus [82], the successor
of GFS.
In addition, other companies and researchers also have
their solutions to meet the different demands for storage
of big data. For example, HDFS and Kosmosfs are deriva-
tives of open source codes of GFS. Microsoft developed
Cosmos [83] to support its search and advertisement busi-
ness. Facebook utilizes Haystack [84] to store the large
amount of small-sized photos. Taobao also developed TFS
and FastDFS. In conclusion, distributed file systems have
been relatively mature after years of development and busi-
ness operation. Therefore, we will focus on the other two
levels in the rest of this section.
4.3.1 Database technology
The database technology has been evolving for more than
30 years. Various database systems are developed to handle
datasets at different scales and support various applica-
tions. Traditional relational databases cannot meet the chal-
lenges on categories and scales brought about by big data.
NoSQL databases (i.e., non traditional relational databases)
are becoming more popular for big data storage. NoSQL
databases feature flexible modes, support for simple and
easy copy, simple API, eventual consistency, and support
of large volume data. NoSQL databases are becoming
the core technology for of big data. We will examine
the following three main NoSQL databases in this sec-
tion: Key-value databases, column-oriented databases, and
document-oriented databases, each based on certain data
– Key-value Databases: Key-value Databases are con-
stituted by a simple data model and data is stored
corresponding to key-values. Every key is unique and
customers may input queried values according to the
keys. Such databases feature a simple structure and
the modern key-value databases are characterized with
high expandability and shorter query response time than
those of relational databases. Over the past few years,
many key-value databases have appeared as motivated
by Amazon’s Dynamo system [85]. We will introduce
Dynamo and several other representative key-value
– Dynamo: Dynamo is a highly available and
expandable distributed key-value data stor-
age system . It is used to store and manage
the status of some core services, which can
be realized with key access, in the Amazon
e-Commerce Platform. The public mode of
relational databases may generate invalid data
and limit data scale and availability, while
Dynamo can resolve these problems with a
simple key-object interface, which is consti-
tuted by simple reading and writing opera-
tion. Dynamo achieves elasticity and avail-
ability through the data partition, data copy,
and object edition mechanisms. Dynamo par-
tition plan relies on Consistent Hashing [86],
which has a main advantage that node pass-
ing only affects directly adjacent nodes and
do not affect other nodes, to divide the load
for multiple main storage machines. Dynamo
copies data to N sets of servers, in which N
is a configurable parameter in order to achieve
Mobile Netw Appl (2014) 19:171–209 187
high availability and durability. Dynamo sys-
tem also provides eventual consistency, so as
to conduct asynchronous update on all copies.
– Voldemort: Voldemort is also a key-value stor-
age system, which was initially developed for
and is still used by LinkedIn. Key words and
values in Voldemort are composite objects
constituted by tables and images. Volde-
mort interface includes three simple opera-
tions: reading, writing, and deletion, all of
which are confirmed by key words. Volde-
mort provides asynchronous updating con-
current control of multiple editions but does
not ensure data consistency. However, Volde-
mort supports optimistic locking for consistent
multi-record updating. When conflict happens
between the updating and any other opera-
tions, the updating operation will quit. The
data copy mechanism of Voldmort is the same
as that of Dynamo. Voldemort not only stores
data in RAM but allows data be inserted into
a storage engine. Especially, Voldemort sup-
ports two storage engines including Berkeley
DB and Random Access Files.
The key-value database emerged a few years ago.
Deeply influenced by Amazon Dynamo DB, other key-
value storage systems include Redis, Tokyo Canbinet
and Tokyo Tyrant, Memcached and Memcache DB,
Riak and Scalaris, all of which provide expandability
by distributing key words into nodes. Voldemort, Riak,
Tokyo Cabinet, and Memecached can utilize attached
storage devices to store data in RAM or disks. Other
storage systems store data at RAM and provide disk
backup, or rely on copy and recovery to avoid backup.
– Column-oriented Database: The column-oriented
databases store and process data according to columns
other than rows. Both columns and rows are segmented
in multiple nodes to realize expandability. The column-
oriented databases are mainly inspired by Google’s
BigTable. In this Section, we first discuss BigTable and
then introduce several derivative tools.
– BigTable: BigTable is a distributed, structured
data storage system, which is designed to pro-
cess the large-scale (PB class) data among
thousands commercial servers [87]. The basic
data structure of Bigtable is a multi-dimension
sequenced mapping with sparse, distributed,
and persistent storage. Indexes of mapping
are row key, column key, and timestamps,
and every value in mapping is an unana-
lyzed byte array. Each row key in BigTable
is a 64KB character string. By lexicograph-
ical order, rows are stored and continually
segmented into Tablets (i.e., units of distribu-
tion) for load balance. Thus, reading a short
row of data can be highly effective, since it
only involves communication with a small por-
tion of machines. The columns are grouped
according to the prefixes of keys, and thus
forming column families. These column fami-
lies are the basic units for access control. The
timestamps are 64-bit integers to distinguish
different editions of cell values. Clients may
flexibly determine the number of cell editions
stored. These editions are sequenced in the
descending order of timestamps, so the latest
edition will always be read.
The BigTable API features the creation and
deletion of Tablets and column families as well
as modification of metadata of clusters, tables,
and column families. Client applications may
insert or delete values of BigTable, query val-
ues from columns, or browse sub-datasets in a
table. Bigtable also supports some other char-
acteristics, such as transaction processing in a
single row. Users may utilize such features to
conduct more complex data processing.
Every procedure executed by BigTable
includes three main components: Master
server, Tablet server, and client library.
Bigtable only allows one set of Master server
be distributed to be responsible for distribut-
ing tablets for Tablet server, detecting added
or removed Tablet servers, and conducting
load balance. In addition, it can also mod-
ify BigTable schema, e.g., creating tables and
column families, and collecting garbage saved
in GFS as well as deleted or disabled files,
and using them in specific BigTable instances.
Every tablet server manages a Tablet set and
is responsible for the reading and writing of a
loaded Tablet. When Tablets are too big, they
will be segmented by the server. The applica-
tion client library is used to communicate with
BigTable instances.
BigTable is based on many fundamental
components of Google, including GFS [25],
cluster management system, SSTable file for-
mat, and Chubby [88]. GFS is use to store data
and log files. The cluster management system
is responsible for task scheduling, resources
sharing, processing of machine failures, and
monitoring of machine statuses. SSTable file
format is used to store BigTable data internally,
188 Mobile Netw Appl (2014) 19:171–209
and it provides mapping between persistent,
sequenced, and unchangeable keys and values
as any byte strings. BigTable utilizes Chubby
for the following tasks in server: 1) ensure
there is at most one active Master copy at
any time; 2) store the bootstrap location of
BigTable data; 3) look up Tablet server; 4) con-
duct error recovery in case of Table server fail-
ures; 5) store BigTable schema information; 6)
store the access control table.
– Cassandra: Cassandra is a distributed storage
system to manage the huge amount of struc-
tured data distributed among multiple commer-
cial servers [89]. The system was developed
by Facebook and became an open source tool
in 2008. It adopts the ideas and concepts of
both Amazon Dynamo and Google BigTable,
especially integrating the distributed system
technology of Dynamo with the BigTable data
model. Tables in Cassandra are in the form of
distributed four-dimensional structured map-
ping, where the four dimensions including row,
column, column family, and super column. A
row is distinguished by a string-key with arbi-
trary length. No matter the amount of columns
to be read or written, the operation on rows
is an auto. Columns may constitute clusters,
which is called column families, and are sim-
ilar to the data model of Bigtable. Cassandra
provides two kinds of column families: column
families and super columns. The super column
includes arbitrary number of columns related
to same names. A column family includes
columns and super columns, which may be
continuously inserted to the column family
during runtime. The partition and copy mecha-
nisms of Cassandra are very similar to those of
Dynamo, so as to achieve consistency.
– Derivative tools of BigTable: since the
BigTable code cannot be obtained through
the open source license, some open source
projects compete to implement the BigTable
concept to develop similar systems, such as
HBase and Hypertable.
HBase is a BigTable cloned version pro-
grammed with Java and is a part of Hadoop of
Apache’s MapReduce framework [90]. HBase
replaces GFS with HDFS. It writes updated
contents into RAM and regularly writes them
into files on disks. The row operations are
atomic operations, equipped with row-level
locking and transaction processing, which is
optional for large scale. Partition and distribu-
tion are transparently operated and have space
for client hash or fixed key.
HyperTable was developed similar to
BigTable to obtain a set of high-performance,
expandable, distributed storage and process-
ing systems for structured and unstructured
data [91]. HyperTable relies on distributed
file systems, e.g. HDFS and distributed lock
manager. Data representation, processing, and
partition mechanism are similar to that in
BigTable. HyperTable has its own query lan-
guage, called HyperTable query language
(HQL), and allows users to create, modify, and
query underlying tables.
Since the column-oriented storage databases mainly
emulate BigTable, their designs are all similar, except
for the concurrency mechanism and several other fea-
tures. For example, Cassandra emphasizes weak consis-
tency of concurrent control of multiple editions while
HBase and HyperTable focus on strong consistency
through locks or log records.
– Document Database: Compared with key-value stor-
age, document storage can support more complex data
forms. Since documents do not follow strict modes,
there is no need to conduct mode migration. In addition,
key-value pairs can still be saved. We will examine three
important representatives of document storage systems,
i.e., MongoDB, SimpleDB, and CouchDB.
– MongoDB: MongoDB is open-source and
document-oriented database [92]. MongoDB
stores documents as Binary JSON (BSON)
objects [93], which is similar to object. Every
document has an ID field as the primary key.
Query in MongoDB is expressed with syn-
tax similar to JSON. A database driver sends
the query as a BSON object to MongoDB.
The system allows query on all documents,
including embedded objects and arrays. To
enable rapid query, indexes can be created
in the queryable fields of documents. The
copy operation in MongoDB can be executed
with log files in the main nodes that support
all the high-level operations conducted in the
database. During copying, the slavers query
all the writing operations since the last syn-
chronization to the master and execute opera-
tions in log files in local databases. MongoDB
supports horizontal expansion with automatic
sharing to distribute data among thousands
of nodes by automatically balancing load and
Mobile Netw Appl (2014) 19:171–209 189
– SimpleDB: SimpleDB is a distributed database
and is a web service of Amazon [94]. Data in
SimpleDB is organized into various domains
in which data may be stored, acquired, and
queried. Domains include different proper-
ties and name/value pair sets of projects.
Date is copied to different machines at dif-
ferent data centers in order to ensure data
safety and improve performance. This system
does not support automatic partition and thus
could not be expanded with the change of
data volume. SimpleDB allows users to query
with SQL. It is worth noting that SimpleDB
can assure eventual consistency but does not
support to Muti-Version Concurrency Control
(MVCC). Therefore, conflicts therein could
not be detected from the client side.
– CouchDB: Apache CouchDB is a document-
oriented database written in Erlang [95]. Data
in CouchDB is organized into documents con-
sisting of fields named by keys/names and
values, which are stored and accessed as JSON
objects. Every document is provided with
a unique identifier. CouchDB allows access
to database documents through the RESTful
HTTP API. If a document needs to be modi-
fied, the client must download the entire doc-
ument to modify it, and then send it back to
the database. After a document is rewritten
once, the identifier will be updated. CouchDB
utilizes the optimal copying to obtain scalabil-
ity without a sharing mechanism. Since var-
ious CouchDBs may be executed along with
other transactions simultaneously, any kinds of
Replication Topology can be built. The con-
sistency of CouchDB relies on the copying
mechanism. CouchDB supports MVCC with
historical Hash records.
Big data are generally stored in hundreds and even thou-
sands of commercial servers. Thus, the traditional parallel
models, such as Message Passing Interface (MPI) and Open
Multi-Processing (OpenMP), may not be adequate to sup-
port such large-scale parallel programs. Recently, some
proposed parallel programming models effectively improve
the performance of NoSQL and reduce the performance
gap to relational databases. Therefore, these models have
become the cornerstone for the analysis of massive data.
– MapReduce: MapReduce [22] is a simple but pow-
erful programming model for large-scale computing
using a large number of clusters of commercial PCs
to achieve automatic parallel processing and distribu-
tion. In MapReduce, computing model only has two
functions, i.e., Map and Reduce, both of which are pro-
grammed by users. The Map function processes input
key-value pairs and generates intermediate key-value
pairs. Then, MapReduce will combine all the intermedi-
ate values related to the same key and transmit them to
the Reduce function, which further compress the value
set into a smaller set. MapReduce has the advantage
that it avoids the complicated steps for developing par-
allel applications, e.g., data scheduling, fault-tolerance,
and inter-node communications. The user only needs to
program the two functions to develop a parallel applica-
tion. The initial MapReduce framework did not support
multiple datasets in a task, which has been mitigated by
some recent enhancements [96, 97].
Over the past decades, programmers are familiar
with the advanced declarative language of SQL, often
used in a relational database, for task description and
dataset analysis. However, the succinct MapReduce
framework only provides two nontransparent functions,
which cannot cover all the common operations. There-
fore, programmers have to spend time on programming
the basic functions, which are typically hard to be main-
tained and reused. In order to improve the programming
efficiency, some advanced language systems have been
proposed, e.g., Sawzall [98] of Google, Pig Latin [99]
of Yahoo, Hive [100] of Facebook, and Scope [87] of
– Dryad: Dryad [101] is a general-purpose distributed
execution engine for processing parallel applications
of coarse-grained data. The operational structure of
Dryad is a directed acyclic graph, in which vertexes
represent programs and edges represent data channels.
Dryad executes operations on the vertexes in clusters
and transmits data via data channels, including doc-
uments, TCP connections, and shared-memory FIFO.
During operation, resources in a logic operation graph
are automatically map to physical resources.
The operation structure of Dryad is coordinated by a
central program called job manager, which can be exe-
cuted in clusters or workstations through network. A
job manager consists of two parts: 1) application codes
which are used to build a job communication graph,
and 2) program library codes that are used to arrange
available resources. All kinds of data are directly trans-
mitted between vertexes. Therefore, the job manager is
only responsible for decision-making, which does not
obstruct any data transmission.
In Dryad, application developers can flexibly choose
any directed acyclic graph to describe the communica-
tion modes of the application and express data transmis-
sion mechanisms. In addition, Dryad allows vertexes
to use any amount of input and output data, while
MapReduce supports only one input and output set.
190 Mobile Netw Appl (2014) 19:171–209
DryadLINQ [102] is the advanced language of Dryad
and is used to integrate the aforementioned SQL-like
language execution environment.
– All-Pairs: All-Pairs [103] is a system specially designed
for biometrics, bio-informatics, and data mining appli-
cations. It focuses on comparing element pairs in two
datasets by a given function. All-Pairs can be expressed
as three-tuples (Set A, Set B, and Function F), in which
Function F is utilized to compare all elements in Set A
and Set B. The comparison result is an output matrix M,
which is also called the Cartesian product or cross join
of Set A and Set B.
All-Pairs is implemented in four phases: system
modeling, distribution of input data, batch job man-
agement, and result collection. In Phase I, an approx-
imation model of system performance will be built to
evaluate how much CPU resource is needed and how to
conduct job partition. In Phase II, a spanning tree is built
for data transmissions, which makes the workload of
every partition retrieve input data effectively. In Phase
III, after the data flow is delivered to proper nodes, the
All-Pairs engine will build a batch-processing submis-
sion for jobs in partitions, while sequencing them in the
batch processing system, and formulating a node run-
ning command to acquire data. In the last phase, after
the job completion of the batch processing system, the
extraction engine will collect results and combine them
in a proper structure, which is generally a single file list,
in which all results are put in order.
– Pregel: The Pregel [104] system of Google facilitates
the processing of large-sized graphs, e.g., analysis of
network graphs and social networking services. A com-
putational task is expressed by a directed graph con-
stituted by vertexes and directed edges. Every vertex
is related to a modifiable and user-defined value, and
every directed edge related to a source vertex is con-
stituted by the user-defined value and the identifier of
a target vertex. When the graph is built, the program
conducts iterative calculations, which is called super-
steps among which global synchronization points are
set until algorithm completion and output completion.
In every superstep, vertex computations are parallel,
and every vertex executes the same user-defined func-
tion to express a given algorithm logic. Every vertex
may modify its and its output edges status, receive a
message sent from the previous superstep, send the
message to other vertexes, and even modify the topolog-
ical structure of the entire graph. Edges are not provided
with corresponding computations. Functions of every
vertex may be removed by suspension. When all ver-
texes are in an inactive status without any message to
transmit, the entire program execution is completed.
The Pregel program output is a set consisting of the val-
ues output from all the vertexes. Generally speaking,
the input and output of Pregel program are isomorphic
directed graphs.
Inspired by the above programming models, other
researches have also focused on programming modes for
more complex computational tasks, e.g., iterative computa-
tions [105, 106], fault-tolerant memory computations [107],
incremental computations [108], and flow control decision-
making related to data [109].
The analysis of big data mainly involves analytical meth-
ods for traditional data and big data, analytical architecture
for big data, and software used for mining and analysis of
big data. Data analysis is the final and the most important
phase in the value chain of big data, with the purpose of
extracting useful values, providing suggestions or decisions.
Different levels of potential values can be generated through
the analysis of datasets in different fields [10]. However,
data analysis is a broad area, which frequently changes
and is extremely complex. In this section, we introduce the
methods, architectures and tools for big data analysis.
4.4 Traditional data analysis
Traditional data analysis means to use proper statistical
methods to analyze massive data, to concentrate, extract,
and refine useful data hidden in a batch of chaotic datasets,
and to identify the inherent law of the subject matter, so as
to maximize the value of data. Data analysis plays a huge
guidance role in making development plans for a country,
understanding customer demands for commerce, and pre-
dicting market trend for enterprises. Big data analysis can be
deemed as the analysis technique for a special kind of data.
Therefore, many traditional data analysis methods may still
be utilized for big data analysis. Several representative tradi-
tional data analysis methods are examined in the following,
many of which are from statistics and computer science.
– Cluster Analysis: is a statistical method for grouping
objects, and specifically, classifying objects according
to some features. Cluster analysis is used to differenti-
ate objects with particular features and divide them into
some categories (clusters) according to these features,
such that objects in the same category will have high
homogeneity while different categories will have high
heterogeneity. Cluster analysis is an unsupervised study
method without training data.
– Factor Analysis: is basically targeted at describing the
relation among many elements with only a few factors,
i.e., grouping several closely related variables into a fac-
tor, and the few factors are then used to reveal the most
information of the original data.
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Big data survey

  • 1. Mobile Netw Appl (2014) 19:171–209 DOI 10.1007/s11036-013-0489-0 Big Data: A Survey Min Chen · Shiwen Mao · Yunhao Liu Published online: 22 January 2014 © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014 Abstract In this paper, we review the background and state-of-the-art of big data. We first introduce the general background of big data and review related technologies, such as could computing, Internet of Things, data centers, and Hadoop. We then focus on the four phases of the value chain of big data, i.e., data generation, data acquisition, data storage, and data analysis. For each phase, we introduce the general background, discuss the technical challenges, and review the latest advances. We finally examine the several representative applications of big data, including enterprise management, Internet of Things, online social networks, medial applications, collective intelligence, and smart grid. These discussions aim to provide a comprehensive overview and big-picture to readers of this exciting area. This survey is concluded with a discussion of open problems and future directions. Keywords Big data · Cloud computing · Internet of things · Data center · Hadoop · Smart grid · Big data analysis M. Chen ( ) School of Computer Science and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 1037 Luoyu Road, Wuhan, 430074, China e-mail:; S. Mao Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Auburn University, 200 Broun Hall, Auburn, AL 36849-5201, USA e-mail: Y. Liu TNLIST, School of Software, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China e-mail: 1 Background 1.1 Dawn of big data era Over the past 20 years, data has increased in a large scale in various fields. According to a report from International Data Corporation (IDC), in 2011, the overall created and copied data volume in the world was 1.8ZB (≈ 1021B), which increased by nearly nine times within five years [1]. This figure will double at least every other two years in the near future. Under the explosive increase of global data, the term of big data is mainly used to describe enormous datasets. Com- pared with traditional datasets, big data typically includes masses of unstructured data that need more real-time analy- sis. In addition, big data also brings about new opportunities for discovering new values, helps us to gain an in-depth understanding of the hidden values, and also incurs new challenges, e.g., how to effectively organize and manage such datasets. Recently, industries become interested in the high poten- tial of big data, and many government agencies announced major plans to accelerate big data research and applica- tions [2]. In addition, issues on big data are often covered in public media, such as The Economist [3, 4], New York Times [5], and National Public Radio [6, 7]. Two pre- mier scientific journals, Nature and Science, also opened special columns to discuss the challenges and impacts of big data [8, 9]. The era of big data has come beyond all doubt [10]. Nowadays, big data related to the service of Internet com- panies grow rapidly. For example, Google processes data of hundreds of Petabyte (PB), Facebook generates log data of over 10 PB per month, Baidu, a Chinese company, processes data of tens of PB, and Taobao, a subsidiary of Alibaba,
  • 2. 172 Mobile Netw Appl (2014) 19:171–209 generates data of tens of Terabyte (TB) for online trading per day. Figure 1 illustrates the boom of the global data vol- ume. While the amount of large datasets is drastically rising, it also brings about many challenging problems demanding prompt solutions: – The latest advances of information technology (IT) make it more easily to generate data. For example, on average, 72 hours of videos are uploaded to YouTube in every minute [11]. Therefore, we are confronted with the main challenge of collecting and integrating massive data from widely distributed data sources. – The rapid growth of cloud computing and the Internet of Things (IoT) further promote the sharp growth of data. Cloud computing provides safeguarding, access sites and channels for data asset. In the paradigm of IoT, sen- sors all over the world are collecting and transmitting data to be stored and processed in the cloud. Such data in both quantity and mutual relations will far surpass the capacities of the IT architectures and infrastruc- ture of existing enterprises, and its realtime requirement will also greatly stress the available computing capacity. The increasingly growing data cause a problem of how to store and manage such huge heterogeneous datasets with moderate requirements on hardware and software infrastructure. – In consideration of the heterogeneity, scalability, real- time, complexity, and privacy of big data, we shall effectively “mine” the datasets at different levels during the analysis, modeling, visualization, and forecasting, so as to reveal its intrinsic property and improve the decision making. 1.2 Definition and features of big data Big data is an abstract concept. Apart from masses of data, it also has some other features, which determine the differ- ence between itself and “massive data” or “very big data.” Fig. 1 The continuously increasing big data
  • 3. Mobile Netw Appl (2014) 19:171–209 173 At present, although the importance of big data has been generally recognized, people still have different opinions on its definition. In general, big data shall mean the datasets that could not be perceived, acquired, managed, and pro- cessed by traditional IT and software/hardware tools within a tolerable time. Because of different concerns, scientific and technological enterprises, research scholars, data ana- lysts, and technical practitioners have different definitions of big data. The following definitions may help us have a better understanding on the profound social, economic, and technological connotations of big data. In 2010, Apache Hadoop defined big data as “datasets which could not be captured, managed, and processed by general computers within an acceptable scope.” On the basis of this definition, in May 2011, McKinsey & Company, a global consulting agency announced Big Data as the next frontier for innovation, competition, and productivity. Big data shall mean such datasets which could not be acquired, stored, and managed by classic database software. This def- inition includes two connotations: First, datasets’ volumes that conform to the standard of big data are changing, and may grow over time or with technological advances; Sec- ond, datasets’ volumes that conform to the standard of big data in different applications differ from each other. At present, big data generally ranges from several TB to sev- eral PB [10]. From the definition by McKinsey & Company, it can be seen that the volume of a dataset is not the only criterion for big data. The increasingly growing data scale and its management that could not be handled by traditional database technologies are the next two key features. As a matter of fact, big data has been defined as early as 2001. Doug Laney, an analyst of META (presently Gartner) defined challenges and opportunities brought about by increased data with a 3Vs model, i.e., the increase of Volume, Velocity, and Variety, in a research report [12]. Although such a model was not originally used to define big data, Gartner and many other enterprises, including IBM [13] and some research departments of Microsoft [14] still used the “3Vs” model to describe big data within the following ten years [15]. In the “3Vs” model, Volume means, with the generation and collection of masses of data, data scale becomes increasingly big; Velocity means the timeliness of big data, specifically, data collection and analysis, etc. must be rapidly and timely conducted, so as to maximumly utilize the commercial value of big data; Variety indicates the various types of data, which include semi-structured and unstructured data such as audio, video, webpage, and text, as well as traditional structured data. However, others have different opinions, including IDC, one of the most influential leaders in big data and its research fields. In 2011, an IDC report defined big data as “big data technologies describe a new generation of tech- nologies and architectures, designed to economically extract value from very large volumes of a wide variety of data, by enabling the high-velocity capture, discovery, and/or anal- ysis.” [1] With this definition, characteristics of big data may be summarized as four Vs, i.e., Volume (great volume), Variety (various modalities), Velocity (rapid generation), and Value (huge value but very low density), as shown in Fig. 2. Such 4Vs definition was widely recognized since it highlights the meaning and necessity of big data, i.e., exploring the huge hidden values. This definition indicates the most critical problem in big data, which is how to dis- cover values from datasets with an enormous scale, various types, and rapid generation. As Jay Parikh, Deputy Chief Engineer of Facebook, said, “You could only own a bunch of data other than big data if you do not utilize the collected data.” [11] In addition, NIST defines big data as “Big data shall mean the data of which the data volume, acquisition speed, or data representation limits the capacity of using traditional relational methods to conduct effective analysis or the data which may be effectively processed with important horizon- tal zoom technologies”, which focuses on the technological aspect of big data. It indicates that efficient methods or technologies need to be developed and used to analyze and process big data. There have been considerable discussions from both industry and academia on the definition of big data [16, 17]. In addition to developing a proper definition, the big data research should also focus on how to extract its value, how to use data, and how to transform “a bunch of data” into “big data.” 1.3 Big data value McKinsey & Company observed how big data created val- ues after in-depth research on the U.S. healthcare, the EU public sector administration, the U.S. retail, the global man- ufacturing, and the global personal location data. Through research on the five core industries that represent the global economy, the McKinsey report pointed out that big data may give a full play to the economic function, improve the productivity and competitiveness of enterprises and public sectors, and create huge benefits for consumers. In [10], McKinsey summarized the values that big data could cre- ate: if big data could be creatively and effectively utilized to improve efficiency and quality, the potential value of the U.S medical industry gained through data may surpass USD 300 billion, thus reducing the expenditure for the U.S. healthcare by over 8 %; retailers that fully utilize big data may improve their profit by more than 60 %; big data may also be utilized to improve the efficiency of government operations, such that the developed economies in Europe could save over EUR 100 billion (which excludes the effect of reduced frauds, errors, and tax difference).
  • 4. 174 Mobile Netw Appl (2014) 19:171–209 Fig. 2 The 4Vs feature of big data The McKinsey report is regarded as prospective and predictive, while the following facts may validate the val- ues of big data. During the 2009 flu pandemic, Google obtained timely information by analyzing big data, which even provided more valuable information than that provided by disease prevention centers. Nearly all countries required hospitals inform agencies such as disease prevention centers of the new type of influenza cases. However, patients usu- ally did not see doctors immediately when they got infected. It also took some time to send information from hospitals to disease prevention centers, and for disease prevention cen- ters to analyze and summarize such information. Therefore, when the public is aware of the pandemic of the new type of influenza, the disease may have already spread for one to two weeks with a hysteretic nature. Google found that dur- ing the spreading of influenza, entries frequently sought at its search engines would be different from those at ordinary times, and the use frequencies of the entries were corre- lated to the influenza spreading in both time and location. Google found 45 search entry groups that were closely rel- evant to the outbreak of influenza and incorporated them in specific mathematic models to forecast the spreading of influenza and even to predict places where influenza spread from. The related research results have been published in Nature [18]. In 2008, Microsoft purchased Farecast, a sci-tech venture company in the U.S. Farecast has an airline ticket forecast system that predicts the trends and rising/dropping ranges of airline ticket price. The system has been incorporated into the Bing search engine of Microsoft. By 2012, the system has saved nearly USD 50 per ticket per passenger, with the forecasted accuracy as high as 75 %. At present, data has become an important production fac- tor that could be comparable to material assets and human capital. As multimedia, social media, and IoT are devel- oping, enterprises will collect more information, leading to an exponential growth of data volume. Big data will have a huge and increasing potential in creating values for businesses and consumers. 1.4 The development of big data In the late 1970s, the concept of “database machine” emerged, which is a technology specially used for stor- ing and analyzing data. With the increase of data volume, the storage and processing capacity of a single mainframe computer system became inadequate. In the 1980s, peo- ple proposed “share nothing,” a parallel database system, to meet the demand of the increasing data volume [19]. The share nothing system architecture is based on the use of cluster and every machine has its own processor, storage, and disk. Teradata system was the first successful com- mercial parallel database system. Such database became very popular lately. On June 2, 1986, a milestone event occurred when Teradata delivered the first parallel database system with the storage capacity of 1TB to Kmart to help the large-scale retail company in North America to expand its data warehouse [20]. In the late 1990s, the advantages of parallel database was widely recognized in the database field. However, many challenges on big data arose. With the development of Internet servies, indexes and queried con- tents were rapidly growing. Therefore, search engine com- panies had to face the challenges of handling such big data. Google created GFS [21] and MapReduce [22] program- ming models to cope with the challenges brought about by data management and analysis at the Internet scale. In addition, contents generated by users, sensors, and other ubiquitous data sources also feuled the overwhelming data flows, which required a fundamental change on the comput- ing architecture and large-scale data processing mechanism. In January 2007, Jim Gray, a pioneer of database software,
  • 5. Mobile Netw Appl (2014) 19:171–209 175 called such transformation “The Fourth Paradigm” [23]. He also thought the only way to cope with such paradigm was to develop a new generation of computing tools to manage, visualize, and analyze massive data. In June 2011, another milestone event occurred; EMC/IDC published a research report titled Extracting Values from Chaos [1], which intro- duced the concept and potential of big data for the first time. This research report triggered the great interest in both industry and academia on big data. Over the past few years, nearly all major companies, including EMC, Oracle, IBM, Microsoft, Google, Ama- zon, and Facebook, etc. have started their big data projects. Taking IBM as an example, since 2005, IBM has invested USD 16 billion on 30 acquisitions related to big data. In academia, big data was also under the spotlight. In 2008, Nature published a big data special issue. In 2011, Science also launched a special issue on the key technologies of “data processing” in big data. In 2012, European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM) News published a special issue on big data. In the beginning of 2012, a report titled Big Data, Big Impact presented at the Davos Forum in Switzerland, announced that big data has become a new kind of economic assets, just like currency or gold. Gartner, an international research agency, issued Hype Cycles from 2012 to 2013, which classified big data computing, social analysis, and stored data analysis into 48 emerging technologies that deserve most attention. Many national governments such as the U.S. also paid great attention to big data. In March 2012, the Obama Administration announced a USD 200 million investment to launch the “Big Data Research and Development Plan,” which was a second major scientific and technological development initiative after the “Information Highway” ini- tiative in 1993. In July 2012, the “Vigorous ICT Japan” project issued by Japan’s Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications indicated that the big data development should be a national strategy and application technologies should be the focus. In July 2012, the United Nations issued Big Data for Development report, which summarized how governments utilized big data to better serve and protect their people. 1.5 Challenges of big data The sharply increasing data deluge in the big data era brings about huge challenges on data acquisition, storage, management and analysis. Traditional data management and analysis systems are based on the relational database management system (RDBMS). However, such RDBMSs only apply to structured data, other than semi-structured or unstructured data. In addition, RDBMSs are increasingly utilizing more and more expensive hardware. It is appar- ently that the traditional RDBMSs could not handle the huge volume and heterogeneity of big data. The research community has proposed some solutions from different per- spectives. For example, cloud computing is utilized to meet the requirements on infrastructure for big data, e.g., cost efficiency, elasticity, and smooth upgrading/downgrading. For solutions of permanent storage and management of large-scale disordered datasets, distributed file systems [24] and NoSQL [25] databases are good choices. Such program- ming frameworks have achieved great success in processing clustered tasks, especially for webpage ranking. Various big data applications can be developed based on these innova- tive technologies or platforms. Moreover, it is non-trivial to deploy the big data analysis systems. Some literature [26–28] discuss obstacles in the develop- ment of big data applications. The key challenges are listed as follows: – Data representation: many datasets have certain levels of heterogeneity in type, structure, semantics, organiza- tion, granularity, and accessibility. Data representation aims to make data more meaningful for computer anal- ysis and user interpretation. Nevertheless, an improper data representation will reduce the value of the origi- nal data and may even obstruct effective data analysis. Efficient data representation shall reflect data structure, class, and type, as well as integrated technologies, so as to enable efficient operations on different datasets. – Redundancy reduction and data compression: gener- ally, there is a high level of redundancy in datasets. Redundancy reduction and data compression is effec- tive to reduce the indirect cost of the entire system on the premise that the potential values of the data are not affected. For example, most data generated by sensor networks are highly redundant, which may be filtered and compressed at orders of magnitude. – Data life cycle management: compared with the rel- atively slow advances of storage systems, pervasive sensing and computing are generating data at unprece- dented rates and scales. We are confronted with a lot of pressing challenges, one of which is that the current storage system could not support such massive data. Generally speaking, values hidden in big data depend on data freshness. Therefore, a data importance princi- ple related to the analytical value should be developed to decide which data shall be stored and which data shall be discarded. – Analytical mechanism: the analytical system of big data shall process masses of heterogeneous data within a limited time. However, traditional RDBMSs are strictly designed with a lack of scalability and expandability, which could not meet the performance requirements. Non-relational databases have shown their unique advantages in the processing of unstructured data and
  • 6. 176 Mobile Netw Appl (2014) 19:171–209 started to become mainstream in big data analysis. Even so, there are still some problems of non-relational databases in their performance and particular applica- tions. We shall find a compromising solution between RDBMSs and non-relational databases. For example, some enterprises have utilized a mixed database archi- tecture that integrates the advantages of both types of database (e.g., Facebook and Taobao). More research is needed on the in-memory database and sample data based on approximate analysis. – Data confidentiality: most big data service providers or owners at present could not effectively maintain and analyze such huge datasets because of their limited capacity. They must rely on professionals or tools to analyze such data, which increase the potential safety risks. For example, the transactional dataset generally includes a set of complete operating data to drive key business processes. Such data contains details of the lowest granularity and some sensitive information such as credit card numbers. Therefore, analysis of big data may be delivered to a third party for processing only when proper preventive measures are taken to protect such sensitive data, to ensure its safety. – Energy management: the energy consumption of main- frame computing systems has drawn much attention from both economy and environment perspectives. With the increase of data volume and analytical demands, the processing, storage, and transmission of big data will inevitably consume more and more electric energy. Therefore, system-level power consumption control and management mechanism shall be established for big data while the expandability and accessibility are ensured. – Expendability and scalability: the analytical system of big data must support present and future datasets. The analytical algorithm must be able to process increas- ingly expanding and more complex datasets. – Cooperation: analysis of big data is an interdisci- plinary research, which requires experts in different fields cooperate to harvest the potential of big data. A comprehensive big data network architecture must be established to help scientists and engineers in var- ious fields access different kinds of data and fully utilize their expertise, so as to cooperate to complete the analytical objectives. 2 Related technologies In order to gain a deep understanding of big data, this sec- tion will introduce several fundamental technologies that are closely related to big data, including cloud computing, IoT, data center, and Hadoop. 2.1 Relationship between cloud computing and big data Cloud computing is closely related to big data. The key components of cloud computing are shown in Fig. 3. Big data is the object of the computation-intensive operation and stresses the storage capacity of a cloud system. The main objective of cloud computing is to use huge computing and storage resources under concentrated management, so as to provide big data applications with fine-grained comput- ing capacity. The development of cloud computing provides solutions for the storage and processing of big data. On the other hand, the emergence of big data also accelerates the development of cloud computing. The distributed storage technology based on cloud computing can effectively man- age big data; the parallel computing capacity by virtue of cloud computing can improve the efficiency of acquisition and analyzing big data. Even though there are many overlapped technologies in cloud computing and big data, they differ in the fol- lowing two aspects. First, the concepts are different to a certain extent. Cloud computing transforms the IT archi- tecture while big data influences business decision-making. However, big data depends on cloud computing as the fundamental infrastructure for smooth operation. Second, big data and cloud computing have different target customers. Cloud computing is a technology and product targeting Chief Information Officers (CIO) as an advanced IT solution. Big data is a product targeting Chief Executive Officers (CEO) focusing on business operations. Since the decision makers may directly feel the pressure from market competition, they must defeat business oppo- nents in more competitive ways. With the advances of big data and cloud computing, these two technologies are certainly and increasingly entwine with each other. Cloud computing, with functions similar to those of computers and operating systems, provides system-level resources; big data Fig. 3 Key components of cloud computing
  • 7. Mobile Netw Appl (2014) 19:171–209 177 operates in the upper level supported by cloud computing and provides functions similar to those of database and effi- cient data processing capacity. Kissinger, President of EMC, indicated that the application of big data must be based on cloud computing. The evolution of big data was driven by the rapid growth of application demands and cloud computing developed from virtualized technologies. Therefore, cloud computing not only provides computation and processing for big data, but also itself is a service mode. To a certain extent, the advances of cloud computing also promote the development of big data, both of which supplement each other. 2.2 Relationship between IoT and big data In the IoT paradigm, an enormous amount of networking sensors are embedded into various devices and machines in the real world. Such sensors deployed in different fields may collect various kinds of data, such as environmental data, geographical data, astronomical data, and logistic data. Mobile equipments, transportation facilities, public facil- ities, and home appliances could all be data acquisition equipments in IoT, as illustrated in Fig. 4. The big data generated by IoT has different characteris- tics compared with general big data because of the different types of data collected, of which the most classical charac- teristics include heterogeneity, variety, unstructured feature, noise, and high redundancy. Although the current IoT data is not the dominant part of big data, by 2030, the quantity of sensors will reach one trillion and then the IoT data will be the most important part of big data, according to the fore- cast of HP. A report from Intel pointed out that big data in IoT has three features that conform to the big data paradigm: (i) abundant terminals generating masses of data; (ii) data generated by IoT is usually semi-structured or unstructured; (iii) data of IoT is useful only when it is analyzed. At present, the data processing capacity of IoT has fallen behind the collected data and it is extremely urgent to accel- erate the introduction of big data technologies to promote the development of IoT. Many operators of IoT realize the importance of big data since the success of IoT is hinged upon the effective integration of big data and cloud com- puting. The widespread deployment of IoT will also bring many cities into the big data era. There is a compelling need to adopt big data for IoT applications, while the development of big data is already legged behind. It has been widely recognized that these two technologies are inter-dependent and should be jointly developed: on one hand, the widespread deployment of IoT drives the high growth of data both in quantity and cate- gory, thus providing the opportunity for the application and development of big data; on the other hand, the application of big data technology to IoT also accelerates the research advances and business models of of IoT. Fig. 4 Illustration of data acquisition equipment in IoT
  • 8. 178 Mobile Netw Appl (2014) 19:171–209 2.3 Data center In the big data paradigm, the data center not only is a plat- form for concentrated storage of data, but also undertakes more responsibilities, such as acquiring data, managing data, organizing data, and leveraging the data values and functions. Data centers mainly concern “data” other than “center.” It has masses of data and organizes and man- ages data according to its core objective and development path, which is more valuable than owning a good site and resource. The emergence of big data brings about sound development opportunities and great challenges to data cen- ters. Big data is an emerging paradigm, which will promote the explosive growth of the infrastructure and related soft- ware of data center. The physical data center network is the core for supporting big data, but, at present, is the key infrastructure that is most urgently required [29]. – Big data requires data center provide powerful back- stage support. The big data paradigm has more strin- gent requirements on storage capacity and processing capacity, as well as network transmission capacity. Enterprises must take the development of data centers into consideration to improve the capacity of rapidly and effectively processing of big data under limited price/performance ratio. The data center shall provide the infrastructure with a large number of nodes, build a high-speed internal network, effectively dissipate heat, and effective backup data. Only when a highly energy- efficient, stable, safe, expandable, and redundant data center is built, the normal operation of big data applica- tions may be ensured. – The growth of big data applications accelerates the revolution and innovation of data centers. Many big data applications have developed their unique architec- tures and directly promote the development of storage, network, and computing technologies related to data center. With the continued growth of the volumes of structured and unstructured data, and the variety of sources of analytical data, the data processing and com- puting capacities of the data center shall be greatly enhanced. In addition, as the scale of data center is increasingly expanding, it is also an important issue on how to reduce the operational cost for the development of data centers. – Big data endows more functions to the data center. In the big data paradigm, data center shall not only con- cern with hardware facilities but also strengthen soft capacities, i.e., the capacities of acquisition, processing, organization, analysis, and application of big data. The data center may help business personnel analyze the existing data, discover problems in business operation, and develop solutions from big data. 2.4 Relationship between hadoop and big data Presently, Hadoop is widely used in big data applications in the industry, e.g., spam filtering, network searching, click- stream analysis, and social recommendation. In addition, considerable academic research is now based on Hadoop. Some representative cases are given below. As declared in June 2012, Yahoo runs Hadoop in 42,000 servers at four data centers to support its products and services, e.g., searching and spam filtering, etc. At present, the biggest Hadoop cluster has 4,000 nodes, but the number of nodes will be increased to 10,000 with the release of Hadoop 2.0. In the same month, Facebook announced that their Hadoop cluster can process 100 PB data, which grew by 0.5 PB per day as in November 2012. Some well-known agencies that use Hadoop to conduct distributed computation are listed in [30]. In addition, many companies provide Hadoop com- mercial execution and/or support, including Cloudera, IBM, MapR, EMC, and Oracle. Among modern industrial machinery and systems, sen- sors are widely deployed to collect information for environ- ment monitoring and failure forecasting, etc. Bahga and oth- ers in [31] proposed a framework for data organization and cloud computing infrastructure, termed CloudView. Cloud- View uses mixed architectures, local nodes, and remote clusters based on Hadoop to analyze machine-generated data. Local nodes are used for the forecast of real-time fail- ures; clusters based on Hadoop are used for complex offline analysis, e.g., case-driven data analysis. The exponential growth of the genome data and the sharp drop of sequencing cost transform bio-science and bio- medicine to data-driven science. Gunarathne et al. in [32] utilized cloud computing infrastructures, Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azune, and data processing framework based on MapReduce, Hadoop, and Microsoft DryadLINQ to run two parallel bio-medicine applications: (i) assembly of genome segments; (ii) dimension reduction in the analy- sis of chemical structure. In the subsequent application, the 166-D datasets used include 26,000,000 data points. The authors compared the performance of all the frameworks in terms of efficiency, cost, and availability. According to the study, the authors concluded that the loose coupling will be increasingly applied to research on electron cloud, and the parallel programming technology (MapReduce) framework may provide the user an interface with more convenient services and reduce unnecessary costs. 3 Big data generation and acquisition We have introduced several key technologies related to big data, i.e., cloud computing, IoT, data center, and Hadoop. Next, we will focus on the value chain of big data, which
  • 9. Mobile Netw Appl (2014) 19:171–209 179 can be generally divided into four phases: data generation, data acquisition, data storage, and data analysis. If we take data as a raw material, data generation and data acquisition are an exploitation process, data storage is a storage process, and data analysis is a production process that utilizes the raw material to create new value. 3.1 Data generation Data generation is the first step of big data. Given Inter- net data as an example, huge amount of data in terms of searching entries, Internet forum posts, chatting records, and microblog messages, are generated. Those data are closely related to people’s daily life, and have similar features of high value and low density. Such Internet data may be valueless individually, but, through the exploitation of accu- mulated big data, useful information such as habits and hobbies of users can be identified, and it is even possible to forecast users’ behaviors and emotional moods. Moreover, generated through longitudinal and/or dis- tributed data sources, datasets are more large-scale, highly diverse, and complex. Such data sources include sensors, videos, clickstreams, and/or all other available data sources. At present, main sources of big data are the operation and trading information in enterprises, logistic and sens- ing information in the IoT, human interaction information and position information in the Internet world, and data generated in scientific research, etc. The information far sur- passes the capacities of IT architectures and infrastructures of existing enterprises, while its real time requirement also greatly stresses the existing computing capacity. 3.1.1 Enterprise data In 2013, IBM issued Analysis: the Applications of Big Data to the Real World, which indicates that the internal data of enterprises are the main sources of big data. The internal data of enterprises mainly consists of online trading data and online analysis data, most of which are historically static data and are managed by RDBMSs in a structured man- ner. In addition, production data, inventory data, sales data, and financial data, etc., also constitute enterprise internal data, which aims to capture informationized and data-driven activities in enterprises, so as to record all activities of enterprises in the form of internal data. Over the past decades, IT and digital data have con- tributed a lot to improve the profitability of business depart- ments. It is estimated that the business data volume of all companies in the world may double every 1.2 years [10], in which, the business turnover through the Internet, enter- prises to enterprises, and enterprises to consumers per day will reach USD 450 billion [33]. The continuously increas- ing business data volume requires more effective real-time analysis so as to fully harvest its potential. For example, Amazon processes millions of terminal operations and more than 500,000 queries from third-party sellers per day [12]. Walmart processes one million customer trades per hour and such trading data are imported into a database with a capac- ity of over 2.5PB [3]. Akamai analyzes 75 million events per day for its target advertisements [13]. 3.1.2 IoT data As discussed, IoT is an important source of big data. Among smart cities constructed based on IoT, big data may come from industry, agriculture, traffic, transportation, medical care, public departments, and families, etc. According to the processes of data acquisition and trans- mission in IoT, its network architecture may be divided into three layers: the sensing layer, the network layer, and the application layer. The sensing layer is responsible for data acquisition and mainly consists of sensor networks. The network layer is responsible for information transmis- sion and processing, where close transmission may rely on sensor networks, and remote transmission shall depend on the Internet. Finally, the application layer support specific applications of IoT. According to characteristics of Internet of Things, the data generated from IoT has the following features: – Large-scale data: in IoT, masses of data acquisi- tion equipments are distributedly deployed, which may acquire simple numeric data, e.g., location; or complex multimedia data, e.g., surveillance video. In order to meet the demands of analysis and processing, not only the currently acquired data, but also the historical data within a certain time frame should be stored. Therefore, data generated by IoT are characterized by large scales. – Heterogeneity: because of the variety data acquisition devices, the acquired data is also different and such data features heterogeneity. – Strong time and space correlation: in IoT, every data acquisition device are placed at a specific geographic location and every piece of data has time stamp. The time and space correlation are an important property of data from IoT. During data analysis and process- ing, time and space are also important dimensions for statistical analysis. – Effective data accounts for only a small portion of the big data: a great quantity of noises may occur dur- ing the acquisition and transmission of data in IoT. Among datasets acquired by acquisition devices, only a small amount of abnormal data is valuable. For exam- ple, during the acquisition of traffic video, the few video frames that capture the violation of traffic regulations
  • 10. 180 Mobile Netw Appl (2014) 19:171–209 and traffic accidents are more valuable than those only capturing the normal flow of traffic. 3.1.3 Bio-medical data As a series of high-throughput bio-measurement technolo- gies are innovatively developed in the beginning of the 21st century, the frontier research in the bio-medicine field also enters the era of big data. By constructing smart, efficient, and accurate analytical models and theoretical sys- tems for bio-medicine applications, the essential governing mechanism behind complex biological phenomena may be revealed. Not only the future development of bio-medicine can be determined, but also the leading roles can be assumed in the development of a series of important strategic indus- tries related to the national economy, people’s livelihood, and national security, with important applications such as medical care, new drug R & D, and grain production (e.g., transgenic crops). The completion of HGP (Human Genome Project) and the continued development of sequencing technology also lead to widespread applications of big data in the field. The masses of data generated by gene sequencing go through specialized analysis according to different applica- tion demands, to combine it with the clinical gene diag- nosis and provide valuable information for early diagnosis and personalized treatment of disease. One sequencing of human gene may generate 100 600GB raw data. In the China National Genebank in Shenzhen, there are 1.3 mil- lion samples including 1.15 million human samples and 150,000 animal, plant, and microorganism samples. By the end of 2013, 10 million traceable biological samples will be stored, and by the end of 2015, this figure will reach 30 million. It is predictable that, with the development of bio-medicine technologies, gene sequencing will become faster and more convenient, and thus making big data of bio-medicine continuously grow beyond all doubt. In addition, data generated from clinical medical care and medical R & D also rise quickly. For example, the Uni- versity of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) has stored 2TB such data. Explorys, an American company, provides platforms to collocate clinical data, operation and mainte- nance data, and financial data. At present, about 13 million people’s information have been collocated, with 44 arti- cles of data at the scale of about 60TB, which will reach 70TB in 2013. Practice Fusion, another American com- pany, manages electronic medical records of about 200,000 patients. Apart from such small and medium-sized enterprises, other well-known IT companies, such as Google, Microsoft, and IBM have invested extensively in the research and com- putational analysis of methods related to high-throughput biological big data, for shares in the huge market as known as the “Next Internet.” IBM forecasts, in the 2013 Strategy Conference, that with the sharp increase of medical images and electronic medical records, medical professionals may utilize big data to extract useful clinical information from masses of data to obtain a medical history and forecast treat- ment effects, thus improving patient care and reduce cost. It is anticipated that, by 2015, the average data volume of every hospital will increase from 167TB to 665TB. 3.1.4 Data generation from other fields As scientific applications are increasing, the scale of datasets is gradually expanding, and the development of some disciplines greatly relies on the analysis of masses of data. Here, we examine several such applications. Although being in different scientific fields, the applications have similar and increasing demand on data analysis. The first example is related to computational biology. GenBank is a nucleotide sequence database maintained by the U.S. National Bio-Technology Innovation Center. Data in this database may double every 10 months. By August 2009, Genbank has more than 250 billion bases from 150,000 dif- ferent organisms [34]. The second example is related to astronomy. Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), the biggest sky survey project in astronomy, has recorded 25TB data from 1998 to 2008. As the resolution of the telescope is improved, by 2004, the data volume generated per night will surpass 20TB. The last application is related to high-energy physics. In the beginning of 2008, the Atlas experiment of Large Hadron Collider (LHC) of European Organization for Nuclear Research generates raw data at 2PB/s and stores about 10TB processed data per year. In addition, pervasive sensing and computing among nature, commercial, Internet, government, and social envi- ronments are generating heterogeneous data with unprece- dented complexity. These datasets have their unique data characteristics in scale, time dimension, and data category. For example, mobile data were recorded with respect to positions, movement, approximation degrees, communica- tions, multimedia, use of applications, and audio environ- ment [108]. According to the application environment and requirements, such datasets into different categories, so as to select the proper and feasible solutions for big data. 3.2 Big data acquisition As the second phase of the big data system, big data acqui- sition includes data collection, data transmission, and data pre-processing. During big data acquisition, once we col- lect the raw data, we shall utilize an efficient transmission mechanism to send it to a proper storage management system to support different analytical applications. The col- lected datasets may sometimes include much redundant or
  • 11. Mobile Netw Appl (2014) 19:171–209 181 useless data, which unnecessarily increases storage space and affects the subsequent data analysis. For example, high redundancy is very common among datasets collected by sensors for environment monitoring. Data compression technology can be applied to reduce the redundancy. There- fore, data pre-processing operations are indispensable to ensure efficient data storage and exploitation. 3.2.1 Data collection Data collection is to utilize special data collection tech- niques to acquire raw data from a specific data generation environment. Four common data collection methods are shown as follows. – Log files: As one widely used data collection method, log files are record files automatically generated by the data source system, so as to record activities in desig- nated file formats for subsequent analysis. Log files are typically used in nearly all digital devices. For exam- ple, web servers record in log files number of clicks, click rates, visits, and other property records of web users [35]. To capture activities of users at the web sites, web servers mainly include the following three log file formats: public log file format (NCSA), expanded log format (W3C), and IIS log format (Microsoft). All the three types of log files are in the ASCII text format. Databases other than text files may sometimes be used to store log information to improve the query efficiency of the massive log store [36, 37]. There are also some other log files based on data collection, including stock indicators in financial applications and determination of operating states in network monitoring and traffic management. – Sensing: Sensors are common in daily life to measure physical quantities and transform physical quantities into readable digital signals for subsequent process- ing (and storage). Sensory data may be classified as sound wave, voice, vibration, automobile, chemical, current, weather, pressure, temperature, etc. Sensed information is transferred to a data collection point through wired or wireless networks. For applications that may be easily deployed and managed, e.g., video surveillance system [38], the wired sensor network is a convenient solution to acquire related information. Sometimes the accurate position of a specific phe- nomenon is unknown, and sometimes the monitored environment does not have the energy or communica- tion infrastructures. Then wireless communication must be used to enable data transmission among sensor nodes under limited energy and communication capability. In recent years, WSNs have received considerable inter- est and have been applied to many applications, such as environmental research [39, 40], water quality mon- itoring [41], civil engineering [42, 43], and wildlife habit monitoring [44]. A WSN generally consists of a large number of geographically distributed sensor nodes, each being a micro device powered by battery. Such sensors are deployed at designated positions as required by the application to collect remote sensing data. Once the sensors are deployed, the base station will send control information for network configura- tion/management or data collection to sensor nodes. Based on such control information, the sensory data is assembled in different sensor nodes and sent back to the base station for further processing. Interested readers are referred to [45] for more detailed discussions. – Methods for acquiring network data: At present, net- work data acquisition is accomplished using a com- bination of web crawler, word segmentation system, task system, and index system, etc. Web crawler is a program used by search engines for downloading and storing web pages [46]. Generally speaking, web crawler starts from the uniform resource locator (URL) of an initial web page to access other linked web pages, during which it stores and sequences all the retrieved URLs. Web crawler acquires a URL in the order of precedence through a URL queue and then downloads web pages, and identifies all URLs in the downloaded web pages, and extracts new URLs to be put in the queue. This process is repeated until the web crawler is stopped. Data acquisition through a web crawler is widely applied in applications based on web pages, such as search engines or web caching. Traditional web page extraction technologies feature multiple efficient solutions and considerable research has been done in this field. As more advanced web page applications are emerging, some extraction strategies are proposed in [47] to cope with rich Internet applications. The current network data acquisition technologies mainly include traditional Libpcap-based packet capture technology, zero-copy packet capture technology, as well as some specialized network monitoring software such as Wireshark, SmartSniff, and WinNetCap. – Libpcap-based packet capture technology: Libpcap (packet capture library) is a widely used network data packet capture function library. It is a general tool that does not depend on any specific system and is mainly used to capture data in the data link layer. It features simplicity, easy-to-use, and portability, but has a rel- atively low efficiency. Therefore, under a high-speed network environment, considerable packet losses may occur when Libpcap is used.
  • 12. 182 Mobile Netw Appl (2014) 19:171–209 – Zero-copy packet capture technology: The so-called zero-copy (ZC) means that no copies between any inter- nal memories occur during packet receiving and send- ing at a node. In sending, the data packets directly start from the user buffer of applications, pass through the network interfaces, and arrive at an external network. In receiving, the network interfaces directly send data packets to the user buffer. The basic idea of zero-copy is to reduce data copy times, reduce system calls, and reduce CPU load while ddatagrams are passed from net- work equipments to user program space. The zero-copy technology first utilizes direct memory access (DMA) technology to directly transmit network datagrams to an address space pre-allocated by the system kernel, so as to avoid the participation of CPU. In the meanwhile, it maps the internal memory of the datagrams in the sys- tem kernel to the that of the detection program, or builds a cache region in the user space and maps it to the ker- nel space. Then the detection program directly accesses the internal memory, so as to reduce internal memory copy from system kernel to user space and reduce the amount of system calls. – Mobile equipments: At present, mobile devices are more widely used. As mobile device functions become increasingly stronger, they feature more complex and multiple means of data acquisition as well as more variety of data. Mobile devices may acquire geo- graphical location information through positioning sys- tems; acquire audio information through microphones; acquire pictures, videos, streetscapes, two-dimensional barcodes, and other multimedia information through cameras; acquire user gestures and other body language information through touch screens and gravity sensors. Over the years, wireless operators have improved the service level of the mobile Internet by acquiring and analyzing such information. For example, iPhone itself is a “mobile spy.” It may collect wireless data and geographical location information, and then send such information back to Apple Inc. for processing, of which the user is not aware. Apart from Apple, smart phone operating systems such as Android of Google and Win- dows Phone of Microsoft can also collect information in the similar manner. In addition to the aforementioned three data acquisition methods of main data sources, there are many other data collect methods or systems. For example, in scientific exper- iments, many special tools can be used to collect exper- imental data, such as magnetic spectrometers and radio telescopes. We may classify data collection methods from different perspectives. From the perspective of data sources, data collection methods can be classified into two cate- gories: collection methods recording through data sources and collection methods recording through other auxiliary tools. 3.2.2 Data transportation Upon the completion of raw data collection, data will be transferred to a data storage infrastructure for processing and analysis. As discussed in Section 2.3, big data is mainly stored in a data center. The data layout should be adjusted to improve computing efficiency or facilitate hardware mainte- nance. In other words, internal data transmission may occur in the data center. Therefore, data transmission consists of two phases: Inter-DCN transmissions and Intra-DCN transmissions. – Inter-DCN transmissions: Inter-DCN transmissions are from data source to data center, which is generally achieved with the existing physical network infrastruc- ture. Because of the rapid growth of traffic demands, the physical network infrastructure in most regions around the world are constituted by high-volumn, high- rate, and cost-effective optic fiber transmission systems. Over the past 20 years, advanced management equip- ment and technologies have been developed, such as IP-based wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) net- work architecture, to conduct smart control and man- agement of optical fiber networks [48, 49]. WDM is a technology that multiplexes multiple optical carrier signals with different wave lengths and couples them to the same optical fiber of the optical link. In such technology, lasers with different wave lengths carry dif- ferent signals. By far, the backbone network have been deployed with WDM optical transmission systems with single channel rate of 40Gb/s. At present, 100Gb/s com- mercial interface are available and 100Gb/s systems (or TB/s systems) will be available in the near future [50]. However, traditional optical transmission technologies are limited by the bandwidth of the electronic bot- tleneck [51]. Recently, orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM), initially designed for wireless systems, is regarded as one of the main candidate technologies for future high-speed optical transmis- sion. OFDM is a multi-carrier parallel transmission technology. It segments a high-speed data flow to trans- form it into low-speed sub-data-flows to be transmitted over multiple orthogonal sub-carriers [52]. Compared with fixed channel spacing of WDM, OFDM allows sub-channel frequency spectrums to overlap with each other [53]. Therefore, it is a flexible and efficient optical networking technology. – Intra-DCN Transmissions: Intra-DCN transmissions are the data communication flows within data centers. Intra-DCN transmissions depend on the communication
  • 13. Mobile Netw Appl (2014) 19:171–209 183 mechanism within the data center (i.e., on physical con- nection plates, chips, internal memories of data servers, network architectures of data centers, and communica- tion protocols). A data center consists of multiple inte- grated server racks interconnected with its internal con- nection networks. Nowadays, the internal connection networks of most data centers are fat-tree, two-layer or three-layer structures based on multi-commodity network flows [51, 54]. In the two-layer topological structure, the racks are connected by 1Gbps top rack switches (TOR) and then such top rack switches are connected with 10Gbps aggregation switches in the topological structure. The three-layer topological struc- ture is a structure augmented with one layer on the top of the two-layer topological structure and such layer is constituted by 10Gbps or 100Gbps core switches to connect aggregation switches in the topological structure. There are also other topological structures which aim to improve the data center networks [55– 58]. Because of the inadequacy of electronic packet switches, it is difficult to increase communication band- widths while keeps energy consumption is low. Over the years, due to the huge success achieved by opti- cal technologies, the optical interconnection among the networks in data centers has drawn great interest. Opti- cal interconnection is a high-throughput, low-delay, and low-energy-consumption solution. At present, opti- cal technologies are only used for point-to-point links in data centers. Such optical links provide connection for the switches using the low-cost multi-mode fiber (MMF) with 10Gbps data rate. Optical interconnec- tion (switching in the optical domain) of networks in data centers is a feasible solution, which can provide Tbps-level transmission bandwidth with low energy consumption. Recently, many optical interconnection plans are proposed for data center networks [59]. Some plans add optical paths to upgrade the existing net- works, and other plans completely replace the current switches [59–64]. As a strengthening technology, Zhou et al. in [65] adopt wireless links in the 60GHz fre- quency band to strengthen wired links. Network vir- tualization should also be considered to improve the efficiency and utilization of data center networks. 3.2.3 Data pre-processing Because of the wide variety of data sources, the collected datasets vary with respect to noise, redundancy, and con- sistency, etc., and it is undoubtedly a waste to store mean- ingless data. In addition, some analytical methods have serious requirements on data quality. Therefore, in order to enable effective data analysis, we shall pre-process data under many circumstances to integrate the data from differ- ent sources, which can not only reduces storage expense, but also improves analysis accuracy. Some relational data pre-processing techniques are discussed as follows. – Integration: data integration is the cornerstone of mod- ern commercial informatics, which involves the com- bination of data from different sources and provides users with a uniform view of data [66]. This is a mature research field for traditional database. Historically, two methods have been widely recognized: data ware- house and data federation. Data warehousing includes a process named ETL (Extract, Transform and Load). Extraction involves connecting source systems, select- ing, collecting, analyzing, and processing necessary data. Transformation is the execution of a series of rules to transform the extracted data into standard formats. Loading means importing extracted and transformed data into the target storage infrastructure. Loading is the most complex procedure among the three, which includes operations such as transformation, copy, clear- ing, standardization, screening, and data organization. A virtual database can be built to query and aggregate data from different data sources, but such database does not contain data. On the contrary, it includes informa- tion or metadata related to actual data and its positions. Such two “storage-reading” approaches do not sat- isfy the high performance requirements of data flows or search programs and applications. Compared with queries, data in such two approaches is more dynamic and must be processed during data transmission. Gen- erally, data integration methods are accompanied with flow processing engines and search engines [30, 67]. – Cleaning: data cleaning is a process to identify inac- curate, incomplete, or unreasonable data, and then modify or delete such data to improve data quality. Generally, data cleaning includes five complementary procedures [68]: defining and determining error types, searching and identifying errors, correcting errors, doc- umenting error examples and error types, and mod- ifying data entry procedures to reduce future errors. During cleaning, data formats, completeness, rational- ity, and restriction shall be inspected. Data cleaning is of vital importance to keep the data consistency, which is widely applied in many fields, such as banking, insur- ance, retail industry, telecommunications, and traffic control. In e-commerce, most data is electronically col- lected, which may have serious data quality prob- lems. Classic data quality problems mainly come from software defects, customized errors, or system mis- configuration. Authors in [69] discussed data cleaning
  • 14. 184 Mobile Netw Appl (2014) 19:171–209 in e-commerce by crawlers and regularly re-copying customer and account information. In [70], the problem of cleaning RFID data was examined. RFID is widely used in many applica- tions, e.g., inventory management and target track- ing. However, the original RFID features low quality, which includes a lot of abnormal data limited by the physical design and affected by environmental noises. In [71], a probability model was developed to cope with data loss in mobile environments. Khoussainova et al. in [72] proposed a system to automatically cor- rect errors of input data by defining global integrity constraints. Herbert et al. [73] proposed a framework called BIO- AJAX to standardize biological data so as to conduct further computation and improve search quality. With BIO-AJAX, some errors and repetitions may be elim- inated, and common data mining technologies can be executed more effectively. – Redundancy elimination: data redundancy refers to data repetitions or surplus, which usually occurs in many datasets. Data redundancy can increase the unneces- sary data transmission expense and cause defects on storage systems, e.g., waste of storage space, lead- ing to data inconsistency, reduction of data reliabil- ity, and data damage. Therefore, various redundancy reduction methods have been proposed, such as redun- dancy detection, data filtering, and data compression. Such methods may apply to different datasets or appli- cation environments. However, redundancy reduction may also bring about certain negative effects. For example, data compression and decompression cause additional computational burden. Therefore, the ben- efits of redundancy reduction and the cost should be carefully balanced. Data collected from different fields will increasingly appear in image or video formats. It is well-known that images and videos contain con- siderable redundancy, including temporal redundancy, spacial redundancy, statistical redundancy, and sens- ing redundancy. Video compression is widely used to reduce redundancy in video data, as specified in the many video coding standards (MPEG-2, MPEG-4, H.263, and H.264/AVC). In [74], the authors inves- tigated the problem of video compression in a video surveillance system with a video sensor network. The authors propose a new MPEG-4 based method by investigating the contextual redundancy related to back- ground and foreground in a scene. The low com- plexity and the low compression ratio of the pro- posed approach were demonstrated by the evaluation results. On generalized data transmission or storage, re- peated data deletion is a special data compression technology, which aims to eliminate repeated data copies [75]. With repeated data deletion, individual data blocks or data segments will be assigned with identi- fiers (e.g., using a hash algorithm) and stored, with the identifiers added to the identification list. As the anal- ysis of repeated data deletion continues, if a new data block has an identifier that is identical to that listed in the identification list, the new data block will be deemed as redundant and will be replaced by the cor- responding stored data block. Repeated data deletion can greatly reduce storage requirement, which is par- ticularly important to a big data storage system. Apart from the aforementioned data pre-processing methods, specific data objects shall go through some other oper- ations such as feature extraction. Such operation plays an important role in multimedia search and DNA anal- ysis [76–78]. Usually high-dimensional feature vec- tors (or high-dimensional feature points) are used to describe such data objects and the system stores the dimensional feature vectors for future retrieval. Data transfer is usually used to process distributed hetero- geneous data sources, especially business datasets [79]. As a matter of fact, in consideration of various datasets, it is non-trivial, or impossible, to build a uniform data pre-processing procedure and technology that is appli- cable to all types of datasets. on the specific feature, problem, performance requirements, and other factors of the datasets should be considered, so as to select a proper data pre-processing strategy. 4 Big data storage The explosive growth of data has more strict requirements on storage and management. In this section, we focus on the storage of big data. Big data storage refers to the stor- age and management of large-scale datasets while achiev- ing reliability and availability of data accessing. We will review important issues including massive storage systems, distributed storage systems, and big data storage mecha- nisms. On one hand, the storage infrastructure needs to provide information storage service with reliable storage space; on the other hand, it must provide a powerful access interface for query and analysis of a large amount of data. Traditionally, as auxiliary equipment of server, data stor- age device is used to store, manage, look up, and analyze data with structured RDBMSs. With the sharp growth of data, data storage device is becoming increasingly more important, and many Internet companies pursue big capac- ity of storage to be competitive. Therefore, there is a compelling need for research on data storage.
  • 15. Mobile Netw Appl (2014) 19:171–209 185 4.1 Storage system for massive data Various storage systems emerge to meet the demands of massive data. Existing massive storage technologies can be classified as Direct Attached Storage (DAS) and network storage, while network storage can be further classified into Network Attached Storage (NAS) and Storage Area Network (SAN). In DAS, various harddisks are directly connected with servers, and data management is server-centric, such that storage devices are peripheral equipments, each of which takes a certain amount of I/O resource and is managed by an individual application software. For this reason, DAS is only suitable to interconnect servers with a small scale. How- ever, due to its low scalability, DAS will exhibit undesirable efficiency when the storage capacity is increased, i.e., the upgradeability and expandability are greatly limited. Thus, DAS is mainly used in personal computers and small-sized servers. Network storage is to utilize network to provide users with a union interface for data access and sharing. Network storage equipment includes special data exchange equip- ments, disk array, tap library, and other storage media, as well as special storage software. It is characterized with strong expandability. NAS is actually an auxillary storage equipment of a net- work. It is directly connected to a network through a hub or switch through TCP/IP protocols. In NAS, data is transmit- ted in the form of files. Compared to DAS, the I/O burden at a NAS server is reduced extensively since the server accesses a storage device indirectly through a network. While NAS is network-oriented, SAN is especially designed for data storage with a scalable and bandwidth intensive network, e.g., a high-speed network with optical fiber connections. In SAN, data storage management is rel- atively independent within a storage local area network, where multipath based data switching among any internal nodes is utilized to achieve a maximum degree of data sharing and data management. From the organization of a data storage system, DAS, NAS, and SAN can all be divided into three parts: (i) disc array: it is the foundation of a storage system and the fun- damental guarantee for data storage; (ii) connection and network sub-systems, which provide connection among one or more disc arrays and servers; (iii) storage management software, which handles data sharing, disaster recovery, and other storage management tasks of multiple servers. 4.2 Distributed storage system The first challenge brought about by big data is how to develop a large scale distributed storage system for effi- ciently data processing and analysis. To use a distributed system to store massive data, the following factors should be taken into consideration: – Consistency: a distributed storage system requires mul- tiple servers to cooperatively store data. As there are more servers, the probability of server failures will be larger. Usually data is divided into multiple pieces to be stored at different servers to ensure availability in case of server failure. However, server failures and par- allel storage may cause inconsistency among different copies of the same data. Consistency refers to assuring that multiple copies of the same data are identical. – Availability: a distributed storage system operates in multiple sets of servers. As more servers are used, server failures are inevitable. It would be desirable if the entire system is not seriously affected to satisfy cus- tomer’s requests in terms of reading and writing. This property is called availability. – Partition Tolerance: multiple servers in a distributed storage system are connected by a network. The net- work could have link/node failures or temporary con- gestion. The distributed system should have a certain level of tolerance to problems caused by network fail- ures. It would be desirable that the distributed storage still works well when the network is partitioned. Eric Brewer proposed a CAP [80, 81] theory in 2000, which indicated that a distributed system could not simulta- neously meet the requirements on consistency, availability, and partition tolerance; at most two of the three require- ments can be satisfied simultaneously. Seth Gilbert and Nancy Lynch from MIT proved the correctness of CAP the- ory in 2002. Since consistency, availability, and partition tolerance could not be achieved simultaneously, we can have a CA system by ignoring partition tolerance, a CP system by ignoring availability, and an AP system that ignores consis- tency, according to different design goals. The three systems are discussed in the following. CA systems do not have partition tolerance, i.e, they could not handle network failures. Therefore, CA sys- tems are generally deemed as storage systems with a sin- gle server, such as the traditional small-scale relational databases. Such systems feature single copy of data, such that consistency is easily ensured. Availability is guaranteed by the excellent design of relational databases. However, since CA systems could not handle network failures, they could not be expanded to use many servers. Therefore, most large-scale storage systems are CP systems and AP systems. Compared with CA systems, CP systems ensure parti- tion tolerance. Therefore, CP systems can be expanded to become distributed systems. CP systems generally main- tain several copies of the same data in order to ensure a
  • 16. 186 Mobile Netw Appl (2014) 19:171–209 level of fault tolerance. CP systems also ensure data consis- tency, i.e., multiple copies of the same data are guaranteed to be completely identical. However, CP could not ensure sound availability because of the high cost for consistency assurance. Therefore, CP systems are useful for the scenar- ios with moderate load but stringent requirements on data accuracy (e.g., trading data). BigTable and Hbase are two popular CP systems. AP systems also ensure partition tolerance. However, AP systems are different from CP systems in that AP systems also ensure availability. However, AP systems only ensure eventual consistency rather than strong consistency in the previous two systems. Therefore, AP systems only apply to the scenarios with frequent requests but not very high requirements on accuracy. For example, in online Social Networking Services (SNS) systems, there are many con- current visits to the data but a certain amount of data errors are tolerable. Furthermore, because AP systems ensure eventual consistency, accurate data can still be obtained after a certain amount of delay. Therefore, AP systems may also be used under the circumstances with no stringent realtime requirements. Dynamo and Cassandra are two popular AP systems. 4.3 Storage mechanism for big data Considerable research on big data promotes the develop- ment of storage mechanisms for big data. Existing stor- age mechanisms of big data may be classified into three bottom-up levels: (i) file systems, (ii) databases, and (iii) programming models. File systems are the foundation of the applications at upper levels. Google’s GFS is an expandable distributed file system to support large-scale, distributed, data-intensive applications [25]. GFS uses cheap commodity servers to achieve fault-tolerance and provides customers with high- performance services. GFS supports large-scale file appli- cations with more frequent reading than writing. However, GFS also has some limitations, such as a single point of failure and poor performances for small files. Such limita- tions have been overcome by Colossus [82], the successor of GFS. In addition, other companies and researchers also have their solutions to meet the different demands for storage of big data. For example, HDFS and Kosmosfs are deriva- tives of open source codes of GFS. Microsoft developed Cosmos [83] to support its search and advertisement busi- ness. Facebook utilizes Haystack [84] to store the large amount of small-sized photos. Taobao also developed TFS and FastDFS. In conclusion, distributed file systems have been relatively mature after years of development and busi- ness operation. Therefore, we will focus on the other two levels in the rest of this section. 4.3.1 Database technology The database technology has been evolving for more than 30 years. Various database systems are developed to handle datasets at different scales and support various applica- tions. Traditional relational databases cannot meet the chal- lenges on categories and scales brought about by big data. NoSQL databases (i.e., non traditional relational databases) are becoming more popular for big data storage. NoSQL databases feature flexible modes, support for simple and easy copy, simple API, eventual consistency, and support of large volume data. NoSQL databases are becoming the core technology for of big data. We will examine the following three main NoSQL databases in this sec- tion: Key-value databases, column-oriented databases, and document-oriented databases, each based on certain data models. – Key-value Databases: Key-value Databases are con- stituted by a simple data model and data is stored corresponding to key-values. Every key is unique and customers may input queried values according to the keys. Such databases feature a simple structure and the modern key-value databases are characterized with high expandability and shorter query response time than those of relational databases. Over the past few years, many key-value databases have appeared as motivated by Amazon’s Dynamo system [85]. We will introduce Dynamo and several other representative key-value databases. – Dynamo: Dynamo is a highly available and expandable distributed key-value data stor- age system . It is used to store and manage the status of some core services, which can be realized with key access, in the Amazon e-Commerce Platform. The public mode of relational databases may generate invalid data and limit data scale and availability, while Dynamo can resolve these problems with a simple key-object interface, which is consti- tuted by simple reading and writing opera- tion. Dynamo achieves elasticity and avail- ability through the data partition, data copy, and object edition mechanisms. Dynamo par- tition plan relies on Consistent Hashing [86], which has a main advantage that node pass- ing only affects directly adjacent nodes and do not affect other nodes, to divide the load for multiple main storage machines. Dynamo copies data to N sets of servers, in which N is a configurable parameter in order to achieve
  • 17. Mobile Netw Appl (2014) 19:171–209 187 high availability and durability. Dynamo sys- tem also provides eventual consistency, so as to conduct asynchronous update on all copies. – Voldemort: Voldemort is also a key-value stor- age system, which was initially developed for and is still used by LinkedIn. Key words and values in Voldemort are composite objects constituted by tables and images. Volde- mort interface includes three simple opera- tions: reading, writing, and deletion, all of which are confirmed by key words. Volde- mort provides asynchronous updating con- current control of multiple editions but does not ensure data consistency. However, Volde- mort supports optimistic locking for consistent multi-record updating. When conflict happens between the updating and any other opera- tions, the updating operation will quit. The data copy mechanism of Voldmort is the same as that of Dynamo. Voldemort not only stores data in RAM but allows data be inserted into a storage engine. Especially, Voldemort sup- ports two storage engines including Berkeley DB and Random Access Files. The key-value database emerged a few years ago. Deeply influenced by Amazon Dynamo DB, other key- value storage systems include Redis, Tokyo Canbinet and Tokyo Tyrant, Memcached and Memcache DB, Riak and Scalaris, all of which provide expandability by distributing key words into nodes. Voldemort, Riak, Tokyo Cabinet, and Memecached can utilize attached storage devices to store data in RAM or disks. Other storage systems store data at RAM and provide disk backup, or rely on copy and recovery to avoid backup. – Column-oriented Database: The column-oriented databases store and process data according to columns other than rows. Both columns and rows are segmented in multiple nodes to realize expandability. The column- oriented databases are mainly inspired by Google’s BigTable. In this Section, we first discuss BigTable and then introduce several derivative tools. – BigTable: BigTable is a distributed, structured data storage system, which is designed to pro- cess the large-scale (PB class) data among thousands commercial servers [87]. The basic data structure of Bigtable is a multi-dimension sequenced mapping with sparse, distributed, and persistent storage. Indexes of mapping are row key, column key, and timestamps, and every value in mapping is an unana- lyzed byte array. Each row key in BigTable is a 64KB character string. By lexicograph- ical order, rows are stored and continually segmented into Tablets (i.e., units of distribu- tion) for load balance. Thus, reading a short row of data can be highly effective, since it only involves communication with a small por- tion of machines. The columns are grouped according to the prefixes of keys, and thus forming column families. These column fami- lies are the basic units for access control. The timestamps are 64-bit integers to distinguish different editions of cell values. Clients may flexibly determine the number of cell editions stored. These editions are sequenced in the descending order of timestamps, so the latest edition will always be read. The BigTable API features the creation and deletion of Tablets and column families as well as modification of metadata of clusters, tables, and column families. Client applications may insert or delete values of BigTable, query val- ues from columns, or browse sub-datasets in a table. Bigtable also supports some other char- acteristics, such as transaction processing in a single row. Users may utilize such features to conduct more complex data processing. Every procedure executed by BigTable includes three main components: Master server, Tablet server, and client library. Bigtable only allows one set of Master server be distributed to be responsible for distribut- ing tablets for Tablet server, detecting added or removed Tablet servers, and conducting load balance. In addition, it can also mod- ify BigTable schema, e.g., creating tables and column families, and collecting garbage saved in GFS as well as deleted or disabled files, and using them in specific BigTable instances. Every tablet server manages a Tablet set and is responsible for the reading and writing of a loaded Tablet. When Tablets are too big, they will be segmented by the server. The applica- tion client library is used to communicate with BigTable instances. BigTable is based on many fundamental components of Google, including GFS [25], cluster management system, SSTable file for- mat, and Chubby [88]. GFS is use to store data and log files. The cluster management system is responsible for task scheduling, resources sharing, processing of machine failures, and monitoring of machine statuses. SSTable file format is used to store BigTable data internally,
  • 18. 188 Mobile Netw Appl (2014) 19:171–209 and it provides mapping between persistent, sequenced, and unchangeable keys and values as any byte strings. BigTable utilizes Chubby for the following tasks in server: 1) ensure there is at most one active Master copy at any time; 2) store the bootstrap location of BigTable data; 3) look up Tablet server; 4) con- duct error recovery in case of Table server fail- ures; 5) store BigTable schema information; 6) store the access control table. – Cassandra: Cassandra is a distributed storage system to manage the huge amount of struc- tured data distributed among multiple commer- cial servers [89]. The system was developed by Facebook and became an open source tool in 2008. It adopts the ideas and concepts of both Amazon Dynamo and Google BigTable, especially integrating the distributed system technology of Dynamo with the BigTable data model. Tables in Cassandra are in the form of distributed four-dimensional structured map- ping, where the four dimensions including row, column, column family, and super column. A row is distinguished by a string-key with arbi- trary length. No matter the amount of columns to be read or written, the operation on rows is an auto. Columns may constitute clusters, which is called column families, and are sim- ilar to the data model of Bigtable. Cassandra provides two kinds of column families: column families and super columns. The super column includes arbitrary number of columns related to same names. A column family includes columns and super columns, which may be continuously inserted to the column family during runtime. The partition and copy mecha- nisms of Cassandra are very similar to those of Dynamo, so as to achieve consistency. – Derivative tools of BigTable: since the BigTable code cannot be obtained through the open source license, some open source projects compete to implement the BigTable concept to develop similar systems, such as HBase and Hypertable. HBase is a BigTable cloned version pro- grammed with Java and is a part of Hadoop of Apache’s MapReduce framework [90]. HBase replaces GFS with HDFS. It writes updated contents into RAM and regularly writes them into files on disks. The row operations are atomic operations, equipped with row-level locking and transaction processing, which is optional for large scale. Partition and distribu- tion are transparently operated and have space for client hash or fixed key. HyperTable was developed similar to BigTable to obtain a set of high-performance, expandable, distributed storage and process- ing systems for structured and unstructured data [91]. HyperTable relies on distributed file systems, e.g. HDFS and distributed lock manager. Data representation, processing, and partition mechanism are similar to that in BigTable. HyperTable has its own query lan- guage, called HyperTable query language (HQL), and allows users to create, modify, and query underlying tables. Since the column-oriented storage databases mainly emulate BigTable, their designs are all similar, except for the concurrency mechanism and several other fea- tures. For example, Cassandra emphasizes weak consis- tency of concurrent control of multiple editions while HBase and HyperTable focus on strong consistency through locks or log records. – Document Database: Compared with key-value stor- age, document storage can support more complex data forms. Since documents do not follow strict modes, there is no need to conduct mode migration. In addition, key-value pairs can still be saved. We will examine three important representatives of document storage systems, i.e., MongoDB, SimpleDB, and CouchDB. – MongoDB: MongoDB is open-source and document-oriented database [92]. MongoDB stores documents as Binary JSON (BSON) objects [93], which is similar to object. Every document has an ID field as the primary key. Query in MongoDB is expressed with syn- tax similar to JSON. A database driver sends the query as a BSON object to MongoDB. The system allows query on all documents, including embedded objects and arrays. To enable rapid query, indexes can be created in the queryable fields of documents. The copy operation in MongoDB can be executed with log files in the main nodes that support all the high-level operations conducted in the database. During copying, the slavers query all the writing operations since the last syn- chronization to the master and execute opera- tions in log files in local databases. MongoDB supports horizontal expansion with automatic sharing to distribute data among thousands of nodes by automatically balancing load and failover.
  • 19. Mobile Netw Appl (2014) 19:171–209 189 – SimpleDB: SimpleDB is a distributed database and is a web service of Amazon [94]. Data in SimpleDB is organized into various domains in which data may be stored, acquired, and queried. Domains include different proper- ties and name/value pair sets of projects. Date is copied to different machines at dif- ferent data centers in order to ensure data safety and improve performance. This system does not support automatic partition and thus could not be expanded with the change of data volume. SimpleDB allows users to query with SQL. It is worth noting that SimpleDB can assure eventual consistency but does not support to Muti-Version Concurrency Control (MVCC). Therefore, conflicts therein could not be detected from the client side. – CouchDB: Apache CouchDB is a document- oriented database written in Erlang [95]. Data in CouchDB is organized into documents con- sisting of fields named by keys/names and values, which are stored and accessed as JSON objects. Every document is provided with a unique identifier. CouchDB allows access to database documents through the RESTful HTTP API. If a document needs to be modi- fied, the client must download the entire doc- ument to modify it, and then send it back to the database. After a document is rewritten once, the identifier will be updated. CouchDB utilizes the optimal copying to obtain scalabil- ity without a sharing mechanism. Since var- ious CouchDBs may be executed along with other transactions simultaneously, any kinds of Replication Topology can be built. The con- sistency of CouchDB relies on the copying mechanism. CouchDB supports MVCC with historical Hash records. Big data are generally stored in hundreds and even thou- sands of commercial servers. Thus, the traditional parallel models, such as Message Passing Interface (MPI) and Open Multi-Processing (OpenMP), may not be adequate to sup- port such large-scale parallel programs. Recently, some proposed parallel programming models effectively improve the performance of NoSQL and reduce the performance gap to relational databases. Therefore, these models have become the cornerstone for the analysis of massive data. – MapReduce: MapReduce [22] is a simple but pow- erful programming model for large-scale computing using a large number of clusters of commercial PCs to achieve automatic parallel processing and distribu- tion. In MapReduce, computing model only has two functions, i.e., Map and Reduce, both of which are pro- grammed by users. The Map function processes input key-value pairs and generates intermediate key-value pairs. Then, MapReduce will combine all the intermedi- ate values related to the same key and transmit them to the Reduce function, which further compress the value set into a smaller set. MapReduce has the advantage that it avoids the complicated steps for developing par- allel applications, e.g., data scheduling, fault-tolerance, and inter-node communications. The user only needs to program the two functions to develop a parallel applica- tion. The initial MapReduce framework did not support multiple datasets in a task, which has been mitigated by some recent enhancements [96, 97]. Over the past decades, programmers are familiar with the advanced declarative language of SQL, often used in a relational database, for task description and dataset analysis. However, the succinct MapReduce framework only provides two nontransparent functions, which cannot cover all the common operations. There- fore, programmers have to spend time on programming the basic functions, which are typically hard to be main- tained and reused. In order to improve the programming efficiency, some advanced language systems have been proposed, e.g., Sawzall [98] of Google, Pig Latin [99] of Yahoo, Hive [100] of Facebook, and Scope [87] of Microsoft. – Dryad: Dryad [101] is a general-purpose distributed execution engine for processing parallel applications of coarse-grained data. The operational structure of Dryad is a directed acyclic graph, in which vertexes represent programs and edges represent data channels. Dryad executes operations on the vertexes in clusters and transmits data via data channels, including doc- uments, TCP connections, and shared-memory FIFO. During operation, resources in a logic operation graph are automatically map to physical resources. The operation structure of Dryad is coordinated by a central program called job manager, which can be exe- cuted in clusters or workstations through network. A job manager consists of two parts: 1) application codes which are used to build a job communication graph, and 2) program library codes that are used to arrange available resources. All kinds of data are directly trans- mitted between vertexes. Therefore, the job manager is only responsible for decision-making, which does not obstruct any data transmission. In Dryad, application developers can flexibly choose any directed acyclic graph to describe the communica- tion modes of the application and express data transmis- sion mechanisms. In addition, Dryad allows vertexes to use any amount of input and output data, while MapReduce supports only one input and output set.
  • 20. 190 Mobile Netw Appl (2014) 19:171–209 DryadLINQ [102] is the advanced language of Dryad and is used to integrate the aforementioned SQL-like language execution environment. – All-Pairs: All-Pairs [103] is a system specially designed for biometrics, bio-informatics, and data mining appli- cations. It focuses on comparing element pairs in two datasets by a given function. All-Pairs can be expressed as three-tuples (Set A, Set B, and Function F), in which Function F is utilized to compare all elements in Set A and Set B. The comparison result is an output matrix M, which is also called the Cartesian product or cross join of Set A and Set B. All-Pairs is implemented in four phases: system modeling, distribution of input data, batch job man- agement, and result collection. In Phase I, an approx- imation model of system performance will be built to evaluate how much CPU resource is needed and how to conduct job partition. In Phase II, a spanning tree is built for data transmissions, which makes the workload of every partition retrieve input data effectively. In Phase III, after the data flow is delivered to proper nodes, the All-Pairs engine will build a batch-processing submis- sion for jobs in partitions, while sequencing them in the batch processing system, and formulating a node run- ning command to acquire data. In the last phase, after the job completion of the batch processing system, the extraction engine will collect results and combine them in a proper structure, which is generally a single file list, in which all results are put in order. – Pregel: The Pregel [104] system of Google facilitates the processing of large-sized graphs, e.g., analysis of network graphs and social networking services. A com- putational task is expressed by a directed graph con- stituted by vertexes and directed edges. Every vertex is related to a modifiable and user-defined value, and every directed edge related to a source vertex is con- stituted by the user-defined value and the identifier of a target vertex. When the graph is built, the program conducts iterative calculations, which is called super- steps among which global synchronization points are set until algorithm completion and output completion. In every superstep, vertex computations are parallel, and every vertex executes the same user-defined func- tion to express a given algorithm logic. Every vertex may modify its and its output edges status, receive a message sent from the previous superstep, send the message to other vertexes, and even modify the topolog- ical structure of the entire graph. Edges are not provided with corresponding computations. Functions of every vertex may be removed by suspension. When all ver- texes are in an inactive status without any message to transmit, the entire program execution is completed. The Pregel program output is a set consisting of the val- ues output from all the vertexes. Generally speaking, the input and output of Pregel program are isomorphic directed graphs. Inspired by the above programming models, other researches have also focused on programming modes for more complex computational tasks, e.g., iterative computa- tions [105, 106], fault-tolerant memory computations [107], incremental computations [108], and flow control decision- making related to data [109]. The analysis of big data mainly involves analytical meth- ods for traditional data and big data, analytical architecture for big data, and software used for mining and analysis of big data. Data analysis is the final and the most important phase in the value chain of big data, with the purpose of extracting useful values, providing suggestions or decisions. Different levels of potential values can be generated through the analysis of datasets in different fields [10]. However, data analysis is a broad area, which frequently changes and is extremely complex. In this section, we introduce the methods, architectures and tools for big data analysis. 4.4 Traditional data analysis Traditional data analysis means to use proper statistical methods to analyze massive data, to concentrate, extract, and refine useful data hidden in a batch of chaotic datasets, and to identify the inherent law of the subject matter, so as to maximize the value of data. Data analysis plays a huge guidance role in making development plans for a country, understanding customer demands for commerce, and pre- dicting market trend for enterprises. Big data analysis can be deemed as the analysis technique for a special kind of data. Therefore, many traditional data analysis methods may still be utilized for big data analysis. Several representative tradi- tional data analysis methods are examined in the following, many of which are from statistics and computer science. – Cluster Analysis: is a statistical method for grouping objects, and specifically, classifying objects according to some features. Cluster analysis is used to differenti- ate objects with particular features and divide them into some categories (clusters) according to these features, such that objects in the same category will have high homogeneity while different categories will have high heterogeneity. Cluster analysis is an unsupervised study method without training data. – Factor Analysis: is basically targeted at describing the relation among many elements with only a few factors, i.e., grouping several closely related variables into a fac- tor, and the few factors are then used to reveal the most information of the original data.