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Freddie Butler
Date Location Cast/Crew Activity Notes
11-17/4 House, fields, pitches, anfield Me,multiple cast Photos to be taken Most of the photos will
be taken in this week
18-24/4 House, fields, pitches, Me,multiple cast Any reshoots that are
This time will be used if
any extra photos are
needed, any reshoots
are needed.
25-27/4 College Me Starting to put together
magazine cover
The start of post-
2-4/5 College Me Completing magazine
cover, probably starting
some example pages
The main focus will be
to finish the magazine
cover - will start some
example pages if there
is time
9-11/5 College Me Getting on with example
Creating multiple
example pages
16-18 College Me Finishing off example
pages, put them on some
real-world examples
Making sure everything
is complete
Production diary will be
updated throughout,
should be done daily
Weekly Schedule
Easter Holidays:
Week 1, – 11 to 17/4:
This week will be the main time that I will be getting the photos that I need for my
project, I want to get it done early so that I have plenty of time to get anything extra if
it is need or if anything goes wrong. I am planning it all out now so when it comes to
next week I can just turn up and get everything done as I will know exactly what to get
and where from all of this planning.
Week 2, - 18 to 24/4:
For this week, I am going to use this time to get any extra shots that I think I will need
after taking the main ones in the first week. This time will also be used if anything to
do with the shots have changed and I need to get new ones or go to different places. If
there is something goes wrong, I want to make sure I have enough time in this week to
rectify it.
Weekly Schedule
First two weeks back:
Week 3, – 25 to 27/4:
This is the week where I will be starting to put together my magazine cover and
choosing which images will work and look best for the project, I am going to have
plenty more than enough so that I will not be struggling to fill the areas and not have
enough photos.
Week 4, - 2 to 4/5:
Throughout this week I will be looking to finish off my magazine cover and make
sure that it is at a high enough quality for my liking, if there is enough time then I
will make a start on the double page spreads.
Weekly Schedule
Last two weeks:
Week 5, – 9 to 11/5:
For this week I am going to be getting through some double page spreads, making
sure that they are not only easy to read but are aesthetically pleasing.
Week 6, - 16 to 18/5:
This week will be spent finishing off my double page spreads, make sure that
none of them need to be changed and that I am happy with them, I will also do
another check of the front cover to make sure I like what I have made. After that I
will be putting my product onto some real-life examples like magazines in a shelf
Pre-production Assessment
Location 1:
The first place that I need to get some photos in isn't a set location. It can be at
multiple places, the photos just need to have a blank background behind them, this
can be taken at a house for example, one that has a blank wall so that the image is
focused on the person and so they can be easily cut out, so it is only them and no
background if needed. There shouldn’t be any limitations or risks of this location as it
is a known location which is remote, so can be accessed easily with no trouble, no
weather, cost problems etc.
Location 2:
The next location and the main location of my magazine will be Anfield, the football
stadium of Liverpool football club. I will be getting photos of the outside and
surrounding area of the stadium as well as inside, looking at the pitch etc. These
will be used on not only the front cover of the magazine but also on the double
page spreads, lots of the information will also link to the images.
As of right now, I won't need to borrow any equipment from
college. I am planning on taking the photos needed for my
project with my phone, as I believe that it will work just as well
and for my ability, might give me better results. I might end up
getting a camera and tripod though if I change my mind. I need
to get photos of people, mainly close up and will be getting
quite a few shots which will focus on the quality, which I find
easier to do with a phone. Around Anfield, it will be easier for
me to take photos with my phone as there is lots of people
around, so it helps using a smaller item.
I will be doing all of my post-production on photoshop, and any other
software if needed, so this will all be done at college as it is the only place,
I have access to the software. Because of this I need to make sure I
set enough time to complete the product, but I think I should be good and
have enough time and complete it quite smoothly. I am using photoshop
as I am making a magazine cover and example pages, and I think this will
be the best way for me to make my work. I could use InDesign for the
example pages, but I would need to look further into it, I am more
confident with photoshop, and it all can be designed to a high standard
using photoshop anyway.
As of right now there isn't any specialist facilities that I need to get
access/book for so I am all good in that area but if things change and I do
need to, I will make sure I have enough time set to deal with that
My team is going to consist of a crew, who are going to be behind the scenes
taking the photos, I think this is just going to be me, as I don’t need multiple
people to take photos when I can just do it. There will also be a few people in
the 'cast' which is who I will be taking photos of, this will be in multiple
locations. The strengths of my team is that they will all be available for
multiple days so I shouldn’t have any problems with people cancelling, and
they should all be up for it so it should go quite smoothly. Some weaknesses
that could come up with the team is that they haven't ever done a
photoshoot like this, but I don’t think this would be too big a problem as it
shouldn’t be a hard thing to do. Another weakness could be distance
between people and locations, but they should be available to go to the
locations enough days to get everything needed. I will probably use a mix of
public transport and have parents take me to places so I need to take that
into account for things like cost. Taking photos of inside Anfield and around
might include some footballers but they aren't part of the crew, for obvious
Style sheet
I think that I am going to use a mixture of
these two fonts as I feel they will fit the style
of magazine quite well and look good on the
page. The first font is big, bold and quite close
together which I think would make it stand out
well, the second font would work well for
certain text like headlines.
I am thinking of using these as a potential colour
schemes for my magazine as I think that they
will link and fit with my images very well and
improve the overall design of the product. This
will make the transition between image, text
and the background smoother and improve the
aesthetic quality of the magazine.
Product Layout and Info
My product is going to have a magazine front cover with double page spreads,
these will be in an order which will be shown in page numbers in the corners of
pages and on page number 1 there will be a contents so that there is a visual
representation of how the magazine is laid out. The designs that follow on will
be most likely used in rotation for my different double page spreads, I like all of
the designs plans that I have made but not all of them may be used.
My images are mostly going to be taken by myself as I feel like I can get
everything that I need but if when it comes to production, I have two extra
options for any additional photos I may want to use. I can look through old
collections of photos I have taken at Anfield, and I can also, if need be, take a few
photos from google and process them/ edit them in Photoshop to make them
my own. Most of the photos in the product will be my own but I might have one
or two from the internet if they are needed.
Magazine Layout plans
and Thumbnails
and date
Image with cover
This is the first idea that I have for a
magazine front Cover layout. This
design is having an image as the
background for the front cover while
having extra images and the cover
lines surrounding.
This design could look really good if
the images and text blend smoothly
and the text has a solid colour and
font so that it fits in with the images
and doesn’t look out of place.
The fonts that I would be using on this
cover would be the two fonts on the
style sheet as I believe that they
would fit in well and look good on this
type of product and fits the subject
and style.
Magazine Layout plans and Thumbnails
Magazine title
and info
This will be the
first double
page spread
when opening
the magazine.
The contents
page will
include the
different page
numbers and
headings of
each page so
people reading
the magazine
could go to that
page to see
what articles
they may want
to read and
where to find
The right-hand
page for this
double page
spread is to give
people a little slide
of short
information so
they can learn
some little things
at the start of the
magazine. This will
give them a
further idea of
what the magazine
may contain.
Magazine Layout plans and Thumbnails
Image Image
This is an idea that I think I will
follow for my double page
spreads. I think that they have a
good balance of images and text
so that it is aesthetically pleasing
to look at and is overrun by either
text or images.
I want my magazine to have a
mixture of information to read
about but then also have a good
number of pictures to look at.
Some of my images are going to
merge with the text columns and
have the text go around the
image for example. I think this
could work really well if done
right and make the page look a lot
better. This page will most likely
be for the article of the Anfield
Extension, using the photos I have
taken from being up in the stand
and anymore if necessary.
The same ideas follow for the next pages
but with different designs and layouts.
Magazine Layout plans and Thumbnails
Magazine title
For this page, I am going to
have one of the main and
longest articles on this
page, it will be the club
glory one. The main image
will most likely be one of a
statue outside Anfield or a
photo or sign of the
players/ trophies. For
example, the champions
wall or the bill Shankly
statue. The big image may
cross over the two pages,
and I think I am going to
have to the text column go
around the coverline as I
think that could look great.
Magazine Layout plans and Thumbnails
Column Text
I will probably follow this
page design for most of the
articles as I feel it has a
good balance of text and
image and will fit my
articles and images well.
Contingency Plan
What can go wrong? What can you do if it does?
Phone breaks Get it fixed, use someone else's – family
members etc
Computer issues Have multiple computers available to be
Work not saving Save multiple backups every so often.
Phone has no charge Make sure to fully charge beforehand,
bring a portable charger
Risk Assessment
Potential Issue How will the issue be
Environmental Issues Have a good look around the area and
make sure it is safe to collect images -
Covid Do multiple tests, if anyone has it, they
don’t help, have multiple people available
weather Have multiple days available, check the
weather forecast, have some inside shots
prepared if needed
Surroundings Make sure someone or something isn't either
going to harm you or be in any danger when
the photos are being taken
Written Articles
Written work
Anfield Extensions:
Liverpool's main stand had a big extension built over a few years which officially
opened on the 9th of September 2016 which increased the capacity by around 8,500
seats, bringing the total capacity to around 54,000. This enables more fans to come
and watch their football clubs live. Liverpool is one of the biggest clubs in not only
England but the World, so their stadium needs to have a lot of available seats so that
more people get a better chance at watching them play. In more recent times,
Liverpool have started development on the Anfield Road end, which will add an extra
7000 seats to the stadium, bringing the total even further up to about 61,000,
enabling more fans to add to the wonderful atmosphere created at the stadium. This
extension will take their stadium above Manchester City's Etihad and West Ham's
London Stadiums, in terms of size, making them the fourth biggest stadium in England.
Written work
Inside the stadium:
Anfield is one of the most attractive stadiums in England currently, with a modern
style and sleek looking designs. The stadium is always to near max capacity with fans
filling up all ends. The away end gets typically, an allocation of around 2,000 seats and
they are always in full voice. The kop is where the season ticket holders of Liverpool sit
but the same passion is throughout the ground. The fans have had to go through years
of lacklustre performances but in recent years, under Jurgen Klopp, the term has had a
revelation and became one of the top teams in Europe again, like they used to be.
Throughout this time, the fans were always there sticking by their team and now they
have got what they deserve.
List of honours:
19 League titles
6 European Cups
1 FIFA Club World Cup
8 FA Cups
9 League Cups
3 UEFA Cups
4 UEFA Super Cups
15 Community Shields
Written work
Liverpool and Anfield is known to have some of the best atmosphere in European
football. This has been shown on many different league and European nights not only
at Anfield but away from home as well. This football club isn't like many others where
the fans have such a connection with the club and players, and this is shown through
the number of chants and praise that the players get daily. On a match day, fans will
group outside Anfield hours before, getting pumped up for the game, and getting a
good atmosphere going. Liverpool have won a lot of games purely from the sound of
the atmosphere pumping up the energy, getting the players up for it, and drowning
out the opposition. Lots of managers and ex-players have praised Anfield at the
highest order, for example people like Arsene Wenger and Jose Mourinho described
the atmosphere of the 2019 Champions League Final as "mesmerising". Current
players like James Maddison has said 'how amazing it was to play in an atmosphere
like that' even if he was playing for the other team. The fans can also help as a draw to
bring players to the club. When a player is deciding where to move, the fans can be a
deciding factor, so for a player to see the way the Liverpool fans are connected to the
club and the players, who wouldn’t want to play for that crowd.
Written work
Mohamed salah, joined Liverpool in 2017 and instantly hit the ground running, scoring
and providing goals, and all around helped bring Liverpool to back where they belong.
Salah has had previous Premier League experience at Chelsea from 2014-2016 but
wasn’t considered good enough and left to join Roma, He had a good season at Roma
and caught the eye of multiple clubs, but Liverpool was his chosen destination. In his
first season at Liverpool, he broke the record for goals scored in a 38-game season and
would carry on this form up until present day. Throughout this first season, he was a
key part to bringing Liverpool to a champions League Final but unfortunately Liverpool
lost 3-1 to Real Madrid and Salah came off with a shoulder injury in the first half. Salah
is now one of the main faces of Liverpool football club, he constantly scoring goals and
bringing joy to the fans of Liverpool, long may it continue. Since his first season, he has
collected one extra golden boot award the season after and is currently on his way to
collecting his third come the end of this campaign. He has also seemed to be adding a
lot more assists to his game this season with him currently at the top of the list in here
as well. This season hasn’t been all great for the Egyptian king though, he lost on
penalties in the AFCON final against Senegal, and teammate Sadio Mane, He hasn’t let
this bring him down though and is constantly proving himself.
Written work
Recent Club Glory:
Since Jurgen Klopp has come into Liverpool, he has transformed the club and brought
them back to the 'promised land' fighting for titles and winning trophies. Klopp makes
sure that each player is treated with respect around the club and keeps a 'fatherly' act
over his players. You can see how happy everyone is in the squad and how they are
like a family, this is one of the main things that shows klopp being different from other
managers, he doesn’t just create a team, he creates a 'family'. Liverpool have kept a
strict transfer status of not spending lots of money and mainly only selling to buy,
Liverpool has one of the lowest net spends in Europe from since Klopp came in, which
further shows this. Having such a good performing team, with such a low net spend is
a credit to Klopp and showing how far he can develop players, they don’t just buy
huge name players for lots of money, they buy cheaper players and develop them into
world class talent. Liverpool have won 5 trophies since Klopp has come in and have a
chance at winning 3 more, come the end of the season. They don’t seem to be slowing
down and are constantly improving, playing attractive football and winning trophies.
They won their first League title in 30 years and are fighting every season for more.
They are back to at the top.
Written work
Extra Facts that may be used:
• Anfield wasn’t always Liverpool's Stadium, Everton FC used to be based there
before an issue with a rent dispute.
• Bill Shankly had the 'This is Anfield' sign put into Anfield to try and install fear into
the opponents.
• Liverpool's Sadio Mane holds the record for the Premier Leagues quickest Hat
trick - 2m 22s between the three goals.
• Sir Kenny Dalglish became the first ever player manager in English Football.
• Ian Rush is Liverpool Highest ever goal scorer.
• Liverpool haven't always worn red; The clubs original kit was blue and
white until 1896.

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Planning .pptx

  • 2. Schedule Date Location Cast/Crew Activity Notes 11-17/4 House, fields, pitches, anfield Me,multiple cast Photos to be taken Most of the photos will be taken in this week 18-24/4 House, fields, pitches, Me,multiple cast Any reshoots that are needed This time will be used if any extra photos are needed, any reshoots are needed. 25-27/4 College Me Starting to put together magazine cover The start of post- production 2-4/5 College Me Completing magazine cover, probably starting some example pages The main focus will be to finish the magazine cover - will start some example pages if there is time 9-11/5 College Me Getting on with example pages Creating multiple example pages 16-18 College Me Finishing off example pages, put them on some real-world examples Making sure everything is complete Production diary will be updated throughout, should be done daily
  • 3. Weekly Schedule Easter Holidays: Week 1, – 11 to 17/4: This week will be the main time that I will be getting the photos that I need for my project, I want to get it done early so that I have plenty of time to get anything extra if it is need or if anything goes wrong. I am planning it all out now so when it comes to next week I can just turn up and get everything done as I will know exactly what to get and where from all of this planning. Week 2, - 18 to 24/4: For this week, I am going to use this time to get any extra shots that I think I will need after taking the main ones in the first week. This time will also be used if anything to do with the shots have changed and I need to get new ones or go to different places. If there is something goes wrong, I want to make sure I have enough time in this week to rectify it.
  • 4. Weekly Schedule First two weeks back: Week 3, – 25 to 27/4: This is the week where I will be starting to put together my magazine cover and choosing which images will work and look best for the project, I am going to have plenty more than enough so that I will not be struggling to fill the areas and not have enough photos. Week 4, - 2 to 4/5: Throughout this week I will be looking to finish off my magazine cover and make sure that it is at a high enough quality for my liking, if there is enough time then I will make a start on the double page spreads.
  • 5. Weekly Schedule Last two weeks: Week 5, – 9 to 11/5: For this week I am going to be getting through some double page spreads, making sure that they are not only easy to read but are aesthetically pleasing. Week 6, - 16 to 18/5: This week will be spent finishing off my double page spreads, make sure that none of them need to be changed and that I am happy with them, I will also do another check of the front cover to make sure I like what I have made. After that I will be putting my product onto some real-life examples like magazines in a shelf etc.
  • 7. Locations Location 1: The first place that I need to get some photos in isn't a set location. It can be at multiple places, the photos just need to have a blank background behind them, this can be taken at a house for example, one that has a blank wall so that the image is focused on the person and so they can be easily cut out, so it is only them and no background if needed. There shouldn’t be any limitations or risks of this location as it is a known location which is remote, so can be accessed easily with no trouble, no weather, cost problems etc. Location 2: The next location and the main location of my magazine will be Anfield, the football stadium of Liverpool football club. I will be getting photos of the outside and surrounding area of the stadium as well as inside, looking at the pitch etc. These will be used on not only the front cover of the magazine but also on the double page spreads, lots of the information will also link to the images.
  • 8. Equipment As of right now, I won't need to borrow any equipment from college. I am planning on taking the photos needed for my project with my phone, as I believe that it will work just as well and for my ability, might give me better results. I might end up getting a camera and tripod though if I change my mind. I need to get photos of people, mainly close up and will be getting quite a few shots which will focus on the quality, which I find easier to do with a phone. Around Anfield, it will be easier for me to take photos with my phone as there is lots of people around, so it helps using a smaller item.
  • 9. Facilities I will be doing all of my post-production on photoshop, and any other software if needed, so this will all be done at college as it is the only place, I have access to the software. Because of this I need to make sure I set enough time to complete the product, but I think I should be good and have enough time and complete it quite smoothly. I am using photoshop as I am making a magazine cover and example pages, and I think this will be the best way for me to make my work. I could use InDesign for the example pages, but I would need to look further into it, I am more confident with photoshop, and it all can be designed to a high standard using photoshop anyway. As of right now there isn't any specialist facilities that I need to get access/book for so I am all good in that area but if things change and I do need to, I will make sure I have enough time set to deal with that accordingly.
  • 10. Personnel My team is going to consist of a crew, who are going to be behind the scenes taking the photos, I think this is just going to be me, as I don’t need multiple people to take photos when I can just do it. There will also be a few people in the 'cast' which is who I will be taking photos of, this will be in multiple locations. The strengths of my team is that they will all be available for multiple days so I shouldn’t have any problems with people cancelling, and they should all be up for it so it should go quite smoothly. Some weaknesses that could come up with the team is that they haven't ever done a photoshoot like this, but I don’t think this would be too big a problem as it shouldn’t be a hard thing to do. Another weakness could be distance between people and locations, but they should be available to go to the locations enough days to get everything needed. I will probably use a mix of public transport and have parents take me to places so I need to take that into account for things like cost. Taking photos of inside Anfield and around might include some footballers but they aren't part of the crew, for obvious reasons.
  • 12. Style sheet I think that I am going to use a mixture of these two fonts as I feel they will fit the style of magazine quite well and look good on the page. The first font is big, bold and quite close together which I think would make it stand out well, the second font would work well for certain text like headlines. I am thinking of using these as a potential colour schemes for my magazine as I think that they will link and fit with my images very well and improve the overall design of the product. This will make the transition between image, text and the background smoother and improve the aesthetic quality of the magazine.
  • 13. Product Layout and Info My product is going to have a magazine front cover with double page spreads, these will be in an order which will be shown in page numbers in the corners of pages and on page number 1 there will be a contents so that there is a visual representation of how the magazine is laid out. The designs that follow on will be most likely used in rotation for my different double page spreads, I like all of the designs plans that I have made but not all of them may be used. My images are mostly going to be taken by myself as I feel like I can get everything that I need but if when it comes to production, I have two extra options for any additional photos I may want to use. I can look through old collections of photos I have taken at Anfield, and I can also, if need be, take a few photos from google and process them/ edit them in Photoshop to make them my own. Most of the photos in the product will be my own but I might have one or two from the internet if they are needed.
  • 14. Magazine Layout plans and Thumbnails MASTHEAD Barcode Price and date Main image(background) Image with cover lines Coverline Main Coverline This is the first idea that I have for a magazine front Cover layout. This design is having an image as the background for the front cover while having extra images and the cover lines surrounding. This design could look really good if the images and text blend smoothly and the text has a solid colour and font so that it fits in with the images and doesn’t look out of place. The fonts that I would be using on this cover would be the two fonts on the style sheet as I believe that they would fit in well and look good on this type of product and fits the subject and style.
  • 15. Magazine Layout plans and Thumbnails Magazine title and info Text Column Contents Image Image Honours list This will be the first double page spread when opening the magazine. The contents page will include the different page numbers and headings of each page so people reading the magazine could go to that page to see what articles they may want to read and where to find them. The right-hand page for this double page spread is to give people a little slide of short information so they can learn some little things at the start of the magazine. This will give them a further idea of what the magazine may contain.
  • 16. Magazine Layout plans and Thumbnails Coverline Text Column Text Column Image Image Text Column Image Image Text Column This is an idea that I think I will follow for my double page spreads. I think that they have a good balance of images and text so that it is aesthetically pleasing to look at and is overrun by either text or images. I want my magazine to have a mixture of information to read about but then also have a good number of pictures to look at. Some of my images are going to merge with the text columns and have the text go around the image for example. I think this could work really well if done right and make the page look a lot better. This page will most likely be for the article of the Anfield Extension, using the photos I have taken from being up in the stand and anymore if necessary. The same ideas follow for the next pages but with different designs and layouts.
  • 17. Magazine Layout plans and Thumbnails Text Column Text Column Text Column Image Image Image Text Column Magazine title For this page, I am going to have one of the main and longest articles on this page, it will be the club glory one. The main image will most likely be one of a statue outside Anfield or a photo or sign of the players/ trophies. For example, the champions wall or the bill Shankly statue. The big image may cross over the two pages, and I think I am going to have to the text column go around the coverline as I think that could look great.
  • 18. Magazine Layout plans and Thumbnails Coverline Text Column Text Column Image Image Text Column Image Image Text Column Text Column I will probably follow this page design for most of the articles as I feel it has a good balance of text and image and will fit my articles and images well.
  • 19. Contingency Plan What can go wrong? What can you do if it does? Phone breaks Get it fixed, use someone else's – family members etc Computer issues Have multiple computers available to be used Work not saving Save multiple backups every so often. Phone has no charge Make sure to fully charge beforehand, bring a portable charger
  • 20. Risk Assessment Potential Issue How will the issue be avoided? Environmental Issues Have a good look around the area and make sure it is safe to collect images - recce Covid Do multiple tests, if anyone has it, they don’t help, have multiple people available weather Have multiple days available, check the weather forecast, have some inside shots prepared if needed Surroundings Make sure someone or something isn't either going to harm you or be in any danger when the photos are being taken
  • 22. Written work Anfield Extensions: Liverpool's main stand had a big extension built over a few years which officially opened on the 9th of September 2016 which increased the capacity by around 8,500 seats, bringing the total capacity to around 54,000. This enables more fans to come and watch their football clubs live. Liverpool is one of the biggest clubs in not only England but the World, so their stadium needs to have a lot of available seats so that more people get a better chance at watching them play. In more recent times, Liverpool have started development on the Anfield Road end, which will add an extra 7000 seats to the stadium, bringing the total even further up to about 61,000, enabling more fans to add to the wonderful atmosphere created at the stadium. This extension will take their stadium above Manchester City's Etihad and West Ham's London Stadiums, in terms of size, making them the fourth biggest stadium in England.
  • 23. Written work Inside the stadium: Anfield is one of the most attractive stadiums in England currently, with a modern style and sleek looking designs. The stadium is always to near max capacity with fans filling up all ends. The away end gets typically, an allocation of around 2,000 seats and they are always in full voice. The kop is where the season ticket holders of Liverpool sit but the same passion is throughout the ground. The fans have had to go through years of lacklustre performances but in recent years, under Jurgen Klopp, the term has had a revelation and became one of the top teams in Europe again, like they used to be. Throughout this time, the fans were always there sticking by their team and now they have got what they deserve. List of honours: 19 League titles 6 European Cups 1 FIFA Club World Cup 8 FA Cups 9 League Cups 3 UEFA Cups 4 UEFA Super Cups 15 Community Shields
  • 24. Written work Atmosphere: Liverpool and Anfield is known to have some of the best atmosphere in European football. This has been shown on many different league and European nights not only at Anfield but away from home as well. This football club isn't like many others where the fans have such a connection with the club and players, and this is shown through the number of chants and praise that the players get daily. On a match day, fans will group outside Anfield hours before, getting pumped up for the game, and getting a good atmosphere going. Liverpool have won a lot of games purely from the sound of the atmosphere pumping up the energy, getting the players up for it, and drowning out the opposition. Lots of managers and ex-players have praised Anfield at the highest order, for example people like Arsene Wenger and Jose Mourinho described the atmosphere of the 2019 Champions League Final as "mesmerising". Current players like James Maddison has said 'how amazing it was to play in an atmosphere like that' even if he was playing for the other team. The fans can also help as a draw to bring players to the club. When a player is deciding where to move, the fans can be a deciding factor, so for a player to see the way the Liverpool fans are connected to the club and the players, who wouldn’t want to play for that crowd.
  • 25. Written work Salah: Mohamed salah, joined Liverpool in 2017 and instantly hit the ground running, scoring and providing goals, and all around helped bring Liverpool to back where they belong. Salah has had previous Premier League experience at Chelsea from 2014-2016 but wasn’t considered good enough and left to join Roma, He had a good season at Roma and caught the eye of multiple clubs, but Liverpool was his chosen destination. In his first season at Liverpool, he broke the record for goals scored in a 38-game season and would carry on this form up until present day. Throughout this first season, he was a key part to bringing Liverpool to a champions League Final but unfortunately Liverpool lost 3-1 to Real Madrid and Salah came off with a shoulder injury in the first half. Salah is now one of the main faces of Liverpool football club, he constantly scoring goals and bringing joy to the fans of Liverpool, long may it continue. Since his first season, he has collected one extra golden boot award the season after and is currently on his way to collecting his third come the end of this campaign. He has also seemed to be adding a lot more assists to his game this season with him currently at the top of the list in here as well. This season hasn’t been all great for the Egyptian king though, he lost on penalties in the AFCON final against Senegal, and teammate Sadio Mane, He hasn’t let this bring him down though and is constantly proving himself.
  • 26. Written work Recent Club Glory: Since Jurgen Klopp has come into Liverpool, he has transformed the club and brought them back to the 'promised land' fighting for titles and winning trophies. Klopp makes sure that each player is treated with respect around the club and keeps a 'fatherly' act over his players. You can see how happy everyone is in the squad and how they are like a family, this is one of the main things that shows klopp being different from other managers, he doesn’t just create a team, he creates a 'family'. Liverpool have kept a strict transfer status of not spending lots of money and mainly only selling to buy, Liverpool has one of the lowest net spends in Europe from since Klopp came in, which further shows this. Having such a good performing team, with such a low net spend is a credit to Klopp and showing how far he can develop players, they don’t just buy huge name players for lots of money, they buy cheaper players and develop them into world class talent. Liverpool have won 5 trophies since Klopp has come in and have a chance at winning 3 more, come the end of the season. They don’t seem to be slowing down and are constantly improving, playing attractive football and winning trophies. They won their first League title in 30 years and are fighting every season for more. They are back to at the top.
  • 27. Written work Extra Facts that may be used: • Anfield wasn’t always Liverpool's Stadium, Everton FC used to be based there before an issue with a rent dispute. • Bill Shankly had the 'This is Anfield' sign put into Anfield to try and install fear into the opponents. • Liverpool's Sadio Mane holds the record for the Premier Leagues quickest Hat trick - 2m 22s between the three goals. • Sir Kenny Dalglish became the first ever player manager in English Football. • Ian Rush is Liverpool Highest ever goal scorer. • Liverpool haven't always worn red; The clubs original kit was blue and white until 1896.

Editor's Notes

  1. You need to identify locations and plan a recce. What are the limitations and risks, eg distance, access, cost, weather? How will you manage this?