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Harry potter and
the Philosopher’s
Use this page to
breakdown an
existing film,
using the Hero’s
Quest theory.
How does your
chosen film fit
with this?
The Ordinary World
Living with the Dursleys, harry is treated like an outcast from the start and is shown to not belong
The Call to Adventure
Owls start dropping off loads of letters to the Dursley house which are invitation letters to harry being
invited to join Hogwarts.
The Refusal
The Dursleys refuse for harry to go, he doesn’t get a choice. They go to absurd lengths to try and stop
the letters from coming, going as far to moving to a small house in the middle of no where Hagrid
comes to claim harry as he has to go.
Mentor Help
The first mentor he meets is Hagrid, the giant who comes to rescue him from the Dursleys hold and
show him what world he belongs in. Hagrid is a great starter mentor because he isn’t as serious as
someone like Dumbledore so it helps him ease into the wizarding world.
Crossing the Threshold
Harry crosses the Threshold when he goes into Diagon Alley for the first time, where he finds broom
shops, magic toy stores and lots more new magic. Like Hagrid it’s a safe way for him to be introduced
into the wizarding world, where he can get his wand and move onto the bigger stuff later.
He has many test throughout his first year, trolls in the bathroom, three headed dogs, and magic
mirrors. He has his best friends Ron and Hermione to go through all of this with, so he is not alone.
They are slowly putting together a mystery throughout the movie, this gives them a chance to learn
and grow.
They have to get past a three headed dog to get to their destination, to where the plot takes them.
They figure out a way to get past it and then face a series of tests, each one with a different set of
skills needed to complete the task. All three of them have their own qualities which helps them get
past the tests and gets them to the final confrontation.
The ordeal itself stands separate from the other trials Harry faces, these are much more serious.
Earlier, they had the teachers to bail them out, but now there is no one to pick them up when they
fall, and they are heading straight into danger. The other two help harry get through the first two
tests but he is left all alone for his confrontation with Voldemort. Harry is tested both mentally and
physically, as well as morally as Voldemort tell Harry he can bring his parents back. Harry emerges and
Voldemort is left as smoke and would need to find a way to bring himself back.
With Voldemort gone, the Philosophers stone is safe from his clutches and he stays in his smog form
for the time being. Harry, though unconscious, gets to wake up in a much safer world knowing
Voldemort is gone, for now.
Harry potter and the
Philosopher’s stone
Road Back
The audience and harry both skip this part, but we can assume it’s a fairly uneventful trip
where he, Ron and Hermione are found and taken to the schools nursing station, where they
rest comfortably until Dumbledore shows up there.
Harry wakes up in his hospital bed to a pile of sweets and a very bemused headmaster.
Recovering from an injury is the short hand way of showing symbolic atonement of the hero.
The return for this film is leaving the wizarding world free of Voldemort, for now. Granted,
Dumbledore believes he will be back, but harry has bought them enough time to prepare and
plan, for the next time he shows up. All of this presents Harry with real confidence in himself
as he faced the enemy and survived, he knows it wont be this easy every time, but he knows
he has the qualities to come through.
Attempt to repair the damage
New Equilibrium
Use this template to apply Todorov’s theory of equilibrium to your chosen film. Write in the boxes to explain what is
happening in your story at each point.
Harry lives a quiet, suppressed life where he’s
used to taking orders and being ignored by
his relatives.
Harry begins to receive letters, Hagrid turns up
and reveals the truth about Harry’s parents and
that he’s a wizard. Harry then leaves for
Hogwarts leaving his old life behind.
They realise someone is trying to steal the
philosophers stone from Hogwarts and suspect that
it’s Snape trying to acquire it for Voldemort. They
believe that if Voldemort gets the stone, he’ll use it to
kill Harry.
Attempt to repair the damage
They complete a series of tests before Harry alone
discovers Professor Quirrell and Voldemort (not
Snape) waiting for him and the final battle between
them over the stone follows. Harry wins.
New Equilibrium
Harry wakes up in Hospital with the stone and Voldemort
supposedly destroyed, which means no more threat.
The school year ends with them all getting the train home for the
summer – Harry goes back to living with his aunt and uncle who
wont treat him any different or better then before.
Character type How they appear in your story
The Hero The hero for the film is Harry potter, he is the main protagonist which everything revolves around.
The Villain The villain in the film is Voldemort, but they believe throughout the film that the villain was Snape, they were wrong.
The Helper The helpers in Harry potter are Ron and Hermione. These are Harry’s best friends that stand by his side throughout
anything and help him along the way.
The Donor The donor throughout this film would be see as Hagrid, he indirectly gives them a lot of information needed
the film in their quest to stop the stone from being stolen, even if he doesn’t mean to.
The Dispatcher Dumbledore would be the dispatcher. We see this as he is the one giving Harry the education and strength to get
through problems and sends him on his way.
The Princess or
The Princess’s
The False Hero Professor Quirrell is the false hero. He is believed to be someone good but isn’t. in reality he wanted to learn from
Voldemort who took over his body in an attempt to kill Harry which actually resulted in Quirrell's death.
Initial Ideas
Idea 1
Who A space crew – main focus on crew leader.
___ - leader of religious cult space crew – who kidnap kid.
While going through space they are invaded and people force there way onto their ship and take lots of their items. They manage to fight them off
but the crew leaders son had been kidnapped and was being taken far away. They look through security cams to find a little clue of what the crew
invaded them was called – on their clothing. They go to this space entity to try and get answers and they are guided to this far away planet, they
there with the hopes of finding the son, or clues to where they are, they go to different planets along the way, finding more out about themselves
aswell as clues. Throughout the story the main character has growth throughout as he realises he miss treated his son throughout life and learns
important life is. They arrive at the planet and sneak there way to the main palace where they find the son has been taken over by some entity/
source and has been taken over as the cult leader. They have to fight their way through the cultists and space armies who are trying to protect their
new leader. They get into the final battle with the guy who orders the fleet, and they fight it out to the death. With them out of the way the crew
to try and get through to the son and try and break his mind free from the control of the entity.
Why The crew leaders son has been kidnapped so they have to try and do whatever they can to get them back.
crew start of having lots of disliking and annoyance to each other but they bond and become more of a
partnership throughout.
When Set in distant future, in space, they track the enemies down to a planet - Vaklon.
Where Space. Vaklon (planet) – spaceship(Archimedes).
How The protagonists get taken over aswell but they manage to break through the mental stress and
to the main entity controlling the kid, and make the kid realise what is happening, and how they
break out of it.
The crew travel safely around space, going
around different planets and space stations
doing things from robberies to invading.
They mostly do bad things with the
occasional good thing. Their main objective
is to make money.
The space crew get invaded by a cult, they
steal many useful resources and items,
aswell as kidnap the main leaders son.
They check the security cams to find any
information on the cult, they find writing on the
cults clothes. They go to this all knowing AI which
one of the crew knows well, with their information,
they ask about the cult and where they could find
them, the AI sends them to a planet where they
may be, they go there to look for them/ clues of
where they may be.
They travel to a few planets and find a few clues,
people to help them, which lead them to the final
planet, Vaklon. They arrive at the planet and sneak
there way to the main palace where they find the son
has been taken over by some entity/ power source and
has been taken over as the cult leader. They have to
fight their way through the cultists and space armies
who are trying to protect their new leader.
The crew is back to normal, all members returned + a new
one, and they all have decided to have a clean slate and
instead of doing bad, they are going to go around the
universe doing good for a change, This experience has
changed them for the better. They grew closer as a crew
and constantly have each others backs, from when they
started together they didn’t trust each other and didn’t take
a liking to each other.
They get into the final battle with the guy who orders
the fleet, and they fight it out to the death. With them
out of the way the crew have to try and get through to
the son and try and break his mind free from the
control of the entity. They get taken under the mind
control and manage to break through part of it, due to
the help of an alien who they found on one of the
planets and see that their son is being kept connected
by a stone stuck in their hand. They get out of the mind
control and manage to get the stone from the kids
hand, and destroy it, which in turn defeats the entity.
But they don’t know that a fragment of the stone has
got stuck to one of the crew, so it will stick with them
until has recharged enough bring back the entity. (2)
Idea 1 – Equilibrium
Mood board:
Idea 2
Who A small colony of Vikings in Norway
What After a battle against another colony, The main colony have decided to leave and head to England in an attempt to build up
big settlement in this country. The journey around England creating connections with the different settlements and people
around England and build up there own area in the centre of England. They help people fight in battles in return of
and people to have when they need them. They build up a big settlement in England with people from all over coming and
joining them and their cause and helping provide for each other.
Why They had a battle in Norway which they lost which led them to move to England in search of a new place to create a
When Around 850AD
Where Norway, England
They go throughout the different counties and make alliances with the different leaders by helping them out in a mixture of battles and problems
they can build a big enough alliance for themselves.
Idea 3
Who A group of vigilantes
What A group of vigilantes who protect the different districts of the city have found out about a group of
assassins who come into the city and have murdered many politicians and higher ups, some corrupt,
some good. The vigilantes make it their number 1 aim to find out about these assassins and take them
down. They capture one of the assassins and find out a location of their hideout - a hidden city high
the mountains of Tibet. The main vigilante goes in and gets captured. The rest have to try and break
their way in save him and get out while stopping them. When they get their they fight their way to the
prison and get him out, they to the leader and have an impossible decision to make, become the new
leader of the assassins or their city burns. The main guy becomes the new leader of assassins and the
rest have to try and devise a plan to get him out of their with no one being hurt. They find the devises
around the city and then travel to the hidden city and sneak in through a hidden exit they plant bombs
throughout the place and get their leader out of the place and then blow the place up, stopping the
assassins from doing any further trouble.
Why They have always protected their city but the assassins are putting their city under threat
When Modern day
Where Modern day city in America
How The devise a plan to rid of the hidden temple and save the leader and making sure their city is safe.
plant bombs throughout the temple and set them off when they escape.
Existing Product , Star Wars - A new hope
The main technique used in star wars posters all the way
through is to have the main character in the middle and
have other important characters around them, with the
use of blue black and orange to contrast each other as
they work well when combined on a poster, as well as can
imply the effect of good vs evil.
They mostly go with the same format for movie/magazine
posters, they have the characters in the middle either
looking straight on or to the side, and then they have the
text at the bottom and top of the poster.
The poster gives a very good look for people to see what
type of film this will be, you can see spaceships, blasters,
robots, other species, lightsabers.
This appeals to the audience because if they enjoy the
genre of sci-fi then they can see clearly that it fits into that
genre perfectly and they may enjoy this film as well.
Existing Product – Guardians of the galaxy
Throughout all of the different posters and
magazines for this film, they all keep the same Font
to make it easily recognized by anyone.
They have the usual pattern in sci fi films where they
have the main characters in the middle of the page,
with things like spaceships and planets around them,
with all of the text at the bottom and top.
They use the normal genre conventions of a sci fi
film and poster where they include, space, weapons,
outer space beings.
This helps people recognize what genre this film fits
into, they also make sure to show the marvel logo
and recognizable marvel characters so that people
know it is a marvel film.
On the bottom poster they use darker colours on the
outside to make the focus on the characters and the
logo so when people see the poster that is where
they look, as they are the main focus of the film.
Existing Product – Spiderman Homecoming
These posters follow the usual conventions of
superhero films where they have all main characters
on show in the poster with the main location in the
background and text at the bottom and the top.
There is a main focus on new York and the
'avengers tower' as this is where the film is based,
and the film has a lot to do with this location, they
use street signs, famous buildings, to further this.
The posters gives you a good idea of what you are
going to see in the film as you can see superheroes
who are well known.
The posters make the audience want to watch it as
it involves well know characters in the marvel
universe, as well as a good background of where
they may be, what might happen.
They use the common colours of blue, orange,
purple to make it fit with the common action movie
setting, with these common colours.
Existing Product – Harry Potter and The
Philosophers stone These films follow the usual magazine/movie
poster front covers for sci-fi/fantasy films with a
character collage with the main character in the
middle larger than everyone as he is the focus of
the film, and then the other important characters
and places etc around him or her.
They include things like Hogwarts and the
Hogwarts express to show where the film will be
set and what they may see in the film and what
will be a part of this, this helps the audience
recognize the genre of film and what the film
series is based on, to help them know if they
want to watch it.
They use the common font for Harry potter right
in the middle of the poster as it is a font that a lot
of people can recognise as harry potter is very
famous. They also make the main writing the
colour gold and they keep this the same
throughout all posters/magazines which also
makes it very well known to the audience.
Research Summary
 What have you learned from your research?
 In my research I have learned how they promote films in the sci-fi/fantasy
genre, what sort of genre conventions they use. For example, how their
posters look, what is included on posters and movie covers, what
techniques they use to promote their films. I looked into how they present
their characters on the promotional art, what to include in the background,
and any additional promotion that film makers create and use to help
promote the film.
 What aspects of the research will you include within your on work?
 I think that I will include the genre conventions that I looked into in the
research, characters in the middle of the poster, title at bottom or top, mix
of orange, blue, black, red as colour scheme. Have images of things to
show what genre the film is in, for example a spaceship and a
space background to show if it is based in a sci – fi universe.
1. Star wars a new hope – magazine covers, film posters, promotional art
2. Guardians of the galaxy - magazine covers, film posters, promotional art
3. Spiderman Homecoming – magazine covers, film posters, promotional
4. Harry Potter and the Philosophers stone – Magazine covers, film posters,
promotional art
Extra research
Pre-production and
Style Sheet – Idea 1
Colour Ideas:
Style Sheet
Colour Ideas:
I am thinking of using these colours as they
link in with the darker theme that I am thinking
about going with for the advertisement.
Font ideas:
Solid Soldier
Calvera (personal use)
Dark Seed
Title ideas:
The hidden temple:
I am thinking about using this as
the title as it links in well with
one of the main parts of the
story, the adventure to
the hidden temple.
I might use this as the title of
the film as it links to the main
plot of the film, of how these
people come into the city and
try to take over.
Don’t look back:
This could be used as my title as
it links with the theme of the
film as when the people are
taking over, don’t look back
because they are always behind
I am thinking of going with these sort of style
fonts with modern/ sci-fi look as I believe they
suit well to my film and idea. They will fit well if
the background and other images etc on the
posters and covers. The magazine font fits well
More Colour scheme ideas:
I might use these in the
colour scheme as I might
go with a misty
background in a sort of
sunset for the poster
and/or cover. I feel these
colours would fit this
Magazine and advert layouts
Magazine Layout idea 1:
Image with text
This is one layout Idea
that I have for a
magazine cover. I think
that this layout works
well as it has an area for
the main focus of the
magazine, which is the
film, as well as
everything else needed
in a magazine cover, e.g.,
cover lines. The
Masthead, main image,
and main coverline will
be the biggest things on
the magazine cover as
they are the things need
to be seen first and have
the main focus on them.
The masthead will use
the Magazine Font to
make it look professional.
The main coverline and
some other writing will
use the font chosen to
be used for the film,
these are the font
choices so far, just need
to choose one.
Solid Soldier
Calvera personal use
Dark Seed
I will use images that link to
the film and have the main
character as the main image, I
will also have a background
that links to the film and
blends in well to the images
on the cover.
Movie Poster Advertisement
Extra info
Tag line
This is one idea I have for a
movie poster advertisement.
I am going to have the main
focus be on the two images
which will probably be a
figure or a photo of the
main character in the film,
which will be above a
background of something
like a sunset background, or
The focus of the poster will
be on the background and
the title with no characters
on show to make the focus
on the setting.
Extra info
Tag line
What can go wrong? What can you do if it does?
Camera breaks Have a backup plan, use a phone etc
Model could be sick Prepare multiple people for multiple dates
Losing equipment Have spare equipment, take good care of
all items
Weather being bad Have multiple days prepared, go to an
indoor building
Computer issues Go to a different computer
Photoshop work not saving Save multiple backups every so often
Risk Assessment
What could be a risk to you, others or
the equipment?
How can you make sure that doesn’t
happen? What will you do if it does?
Covid Do multiple tests so if anyone has it, they
don’t go
Weather Check weather, plan multiple days, have
inside shots
Environment issues – glass on floor etc Check the area beforehand
Surroundings Make sure were you are is safe
Using your plans, produce:
• A synopsis for your film
• A magazine front cover, promoting the film
• Additional advertising to promote the film
Use this space for your synopsis. If you have produced different drafts or alternative ideas, then include those
here too. The more work the better. Show your working.
Target Audience:
Character Profiles:
Main Protagonist:
Name – Oliver Clarke
Characteristics – Impulsive, Adventurous, Proud,
brave, hard-working, courageous, leader, honest,
selfish(improves by end of story), bossy(improves),
Background – he grew up in an upper-class family
with everything he wanted always given to him, he
lived his best life. Then a sudden accident meant he
was without his best friend, and it made him realise
he needs to start doing things for himself. After his
best friend was killed by street criminals, he set out
to protect the city he lives in as a vigilante so that
no one else has to go through what he has to.
Story Importance – He is the main character in the
story, so he is the most important character, he is
the 'leader' of his team and makes the decisions, he
is the main focus with a team around him.
Appearance – Very physically built, strong, tall,
short hair.
Wears jumper and jeans as casual wear.
When he's the 'vigilante' he wears a mix of red and
black in a leather outfit with a hood over his head
at all times and an eye mask.
Secondary protagonist:
Name – Curtis Barnes
Characteristics – Strong, Fighter, Tireless,
Responsible, cooperative, compassionate, bossy,
Background – Was in US Military for 12 years, came
back to America and worked as a personal
bodyguard/security, this is where he met the main
character as he was his bodyguard who then joined
in the creation of their 'team' which started as them
Story Importance – In the story he is shown as the
second-hand man in the team and very close to
the main character and they bounce of each other
throughout and are there for each other when
needed. They are shown as stuck-up with their own
ego and decisions, so they clash when deciding
what is the right thing to do. In the story when the
Oliver is captured, he takes charge of the team.
Appearance – Tall, Built, Strong, very short hair.
Wears long sleeve tops and jeans, joggers.
Has a jacket and wears a dark helmet with a visor
on the front when working for the team.
Character Profiles:
Third member of team:
Name – Caitlyn Fox
Characteristics – Tech-wiz, charm, wit, kind,
selfless, determined, cooperative, impatient.
Background – A Girl who was born into a
middle-class family who was always taught to
help people and show respect. Throughout
her early life she always had a main focus in
technology and excelled in it a lot. She has a
job with the tech company which is ran by
Olivers Father.
Story Importance – She is very important to
the story as she is the tech brain behind the
whole operation, They could operate as their
team without her. She is one who figures out
how to find and stop the bombs and figures
out where the criminals are based.
Appearance – Small, skinny, blonde, wears a
mix of smart and casual clothes.
What did you do?:
So far throughout my production I have created mock-ups for my movie poster and magazine cover, so I could create a visual
idea for how I wanted my poster and cover to layout and look. After this I wrote the synopsis for my story. I have made
movie poster and I am currently going through the process of making my magazine cover, which is nearly finished. I have
my double page spread but that needs the most work until it will be finished. I have also made character profiles for my
How did it go?:
The process of making my poster and magazine cover has been going well. I believe I have created a good-looking movie
which promotes the film as well as would look good in real life situations as advertisement. I used different techniques and
effects on the pictures and text of the poster to make them blend well together and stand out all as one in the movie poster.
making of my magazine cover, I am mixing images with text to make the text stand out when people look at the magazine
so they can tell what film is on the front of the cover. I have experimented with different fonts and effects on the text to see
best fits the film and what would stand out the most for the poster and cover.
How could it be improved?:
My movie poster and magazine cover could be improved by having people on them, so they don't only have text and pictures
the area. This would help for the design and the advertising because they would have a character to focus on and the
could focus on the main character, (people would know the main character). Most movie posters have a focus on the main
character, but they can still be done without them. I could have also maybe have got more photos to use as background and
images for my designs, this would have helped as I would have had more to choose from. My poster could also be improved
making it fit my film more.
What are you going to do next?:
Next, I am going to be finishing off my magazine cover and my double page spread.
Magazine Front Cover
Use this space for your front cover. If you have produced different drafts or alternative ideas, then include
those here too. The more work the better. Show your working.
Use this space for your advertising. If you have produced different drafts or alternative ideas, then include
those here too. The more work the better. Show your working.
Use this space for your advertising. If you have produced different drafts or alternative ideas, then include
those here too. The more work the better. Show your working.
Video Game review
 Guardians of the galaxy game – ps5
 I have recently played this game and have really enjoyed it. The game is a third person action game
which focuses on using multiple people in a team to fight together. The basic part of the game is
that you go through planets exploring and fighting enemies, while going through a story narrative
which I believe is very good. A very big focus in the game is also the character building which they
execute in this game very well, they focus on the banter and relationship of the guardians which
builds as the game goes on. This works as they have a perfect mix of gameplay as well as world
and character building to make you really interested and involved with everything going on in the
 The game uses scraps of Materiels which you find along the planets which you then can use to
upgrade and unlock the main characters abilities (Star-lord). You also get experience points (XP)
throughout the game which you unlock by fighting enemies, these are used to unlock new special
abilities for your team, which you can then command them in fights to do these abilities – which is
a big focus point of the game and gameplay.
Favourite type of game
 I would say that my favourite type of video games are Action-adventure games, a mix of
open world or story driven level to level type games, for example some of these games
would be the uncharted series, the batman Arkham series, Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order. I
really enjoy these games as they do a great job in having a good lore and very good
world building, whether these are based off an already existing IP or a completely fresh
one. They make the games, so you feel immersed into the game and world, and you
want to know what is going to happen next in the story.
 The games use different aspects to make the games more fun and refreshing when
playing through them. These could include the use of a skill tree, upgrade
points, upgradable items. They use these to add new aspects to the game part
way through which keeps the game fresh and new as there is a constant reason to keep
playing and try out new things you have unlocked which make your character and
experience better.
 Dead Cells -
 The style of this game is a 2d platformer(sidescroller) / action game. They have
pixelated graphics but use quite realistic models instead of things more cartoony.
 In the game the player takes the role of an amorphous creature puppeteering a
decapitated corpse in a dungeon, through which they must fight their way out.
 The game mechanics are quite fast paced, and you have many attacks and abilities to
use to defeat the enemies, some of these mechanics include , knockback and dive
attacks, force field, speed boosts. These all make the game more refreshing and fun to
play as you have lots of choices with what you want to do so you aren't repeating the
same attack over and over again.
 The game would appeal to audiences who like these sort of games as it has the genre
conventions for this genre. These include detailed backgrounds and maps shown from a
2d sidescroller perspective, lots of platforming, enemies moving from left to right, the
use of different objects and environmental things like swinging, camera following main
character moving left and right.
 Some of the aspects from this game I might include is some of the fighting and
movement mechanics, and also some of the level designs / colour schemes as I believe I
could make my game work with this sort of style.
 Celeste -
 The style of this game is a 2d platformer with a retro pixel style
aesthetic, this works very well and makes the design of the game look
very good
 The story of the game follows a girl and is a very emotional story about
the pressures of modern life. The story blends into the game and level
design very well using subtle themes and conversations.
 The main mechanics of the game seem to be the use of dashing and
jumping to get through the levels and to find secrets throughout.
There is lots of destructible objects which show extra paths that you
may not find or choose to follow but they can have secret areas.
 The game would appeal to audiences who enjoy games with a retro
look and feel, but the game still holds up with today's standards and
feels very responsive.
 One aspect from the game that I may use in my own is the use of
collectables that they use, I may use these to further develop the story
and include some extra secrets.
• Into The Breach –
• This game is a turn-based strategy video game which uses pixelated
graphics and has an over the head(aerial) view.
• Into the breach is set in the far future where humanity fights against
an army of giant monsters collectively called the vek.
• The player controls soldiers that operate giant mechs that can be
equipped with variety of weapons, armour and other equipment.
• The main focus in mechanics of the game is the combat, you use
different weapons throughout the game which are stronger the
further you play, but you can't just use or do anything as the game
has a big focus in strategy and choosing what and when to do things.
• One aspect of this game that I am thinking of using is the use of
having a character bubble pop up and the screen with certain
information as that could work with my game and story.
• Hollow Knight -
• Hollow knight is a 2D metroidvania action-adventure game
that takes place in 'Hallownest'.
• The story of the game becomes more understandable
throughout your playthrough as you will have things like
cutscenes , dialogues, lore tablets and entries that you find
and obtain throughout.
• A big focus in the games mechanics is the combat and quick
paced fighting and movement. There is a big use of parrying,
staggering and a focus mechanic throughout.
• One aspect from this game that I am thinking of using in my
own is the use of health and collectables in the top left as I
think having that up there is a good place for it not to be in
the way but easy to see.
 (n.d.). Dead Cells - Launch Trailer | PS4. [online] Available at:
 Celeste – Nintendo Switch Trailer. (2017). YouTube. Available at:
 (n.d.). Into the Breach - Launch Trailer - Nintendo Switch. [online]
Available at:
 Hollow Knight - Release Trailer. (2017). YouTube. Available at:
Animation Experiments
What did you do?
In this experiment I created an animation of a person loading a bow and
arrow and shooting the enemy, with him falling and bleeding. I designed
the layers with pixel art and moved the layers around every frame so that
it worked in the animation.
How did it go?
I think that the experiment has gone well, and I have learned how to
make an animation in photoshop with the use of frames and moving
around different layers to make the effect of someone getting hit by an
arrow and falling.
How could it be improved?
For the animation to be improved I could put more detail into the
characters and background as they are quite basic currently, for example I
could use multiple colours for the sky instead of just a block of blue, I
could also have included extra things in the background like a plant. I
could also add more frames to the animation so that the arrow travelling
in the air and enemy falling is freer flowing, I could speed it up to make
this work.
How could you use this when you make your game demonstration?
I could use some of the aspects in this experiment for my game
demonstration, for example I could use the animating of the characters
and background to show how the game would flow with some of the
animations and mechanics that I would want in my game. I could also take
the art style into the game demonstration, but I would add more detail
when doing it.
Pre-production and
Style Sheet
For my game I am thinking of using a mix of darker
colours and lighter ones depending which level and
location you are in, for example, when in city or
countryside it will be darker with the use of more
dark blues, purples and blacks to give the night time
tone whereas when in a sandier area, there will be
light blue skies and lighter ground.
For character designs I am thinking of going with
quite simple designs with the main focus on the
characters outfit and object, so you can tell who is
The sound would be a simple beat music like
Pokémon or other pixelated games, with sound
effects for things like attacking, jumping etc.
Game layouts
 The plan for the HUD of the game is to have the health bar in the top left with the
number of collectables, in my games case clues, just under it. This is so they are easily
visible but don’t get in the way of the focus of the game.
 The layout for the levels will be a sidescroller, would look like terraria or dead cells for
example, where you move from left to right going through the certain area, depending
on where you are in the story.
 The games level layout will have the same conventions as most other sidescroller games
where you can run and jump, climb ladders etc to get to the go through the level.
Game Summary
A quick summary of the game.
My game is going to be a 2d platformer with a focus on combat as well as finding clues or collectables
to progress the story. The game will have multiple levels set in multiple locations with the end level
having a boss fight. The clues will be a mix of hidden and easily found. Some boxes may be breakable
to find them. Through the levels you will have to fight enemies which also will progress you through
the game. The clues will progress you through the game and will unlock the next areas and levels
where in which you learn and find out more about the story.
The objective of the game is to learn more about these criminals and where they are based so you can
go to them and stop them.
While you are going through the levels trying to find the clues there will be enemies throughout trying
to attack and defeat the main character, you have to use attacks to defeat them and progress through
the game, you will have four hearts so if you get hit four times you will die and have to restart.
Game Overview
Theme / Setting / Genre
Show some example images or similar games / movies / books / TV shows with similar themes.
Core Gameplay Mechanics
Point to other games that this is similar to.
Some pieces of media with similar themes would be the Arrow TV show,
hints of things like assassin's creed and tomb raider and the Arkham
games. They all also fit in the same sort of genre for the game I am
aiming for. The themes for my game will be a mix of darker more
detective type tones but with also lighter areas and tones. It will have
multiple settings with the areas being in a city, countryside and a
desert/ sandy area.
The main gameplay mechanics for my game will be focusing on combat
with the use of quick and charged attacks, as-well as jump attacks.
There will also be a big focus on the movement in the game so there
will be a sprint and jump mechanic to get to certain places.
Story and Gameplay
Once upon a time, in a universe far away…
Explain how the story will be told -- cut-scenes? A ‘talking head’?
Core Gameplay
A description of the game ‘loop.’
A flowchart is nice:
Core Loop
Enter Arena Battle
To Winner
-$ +$
New Arena
Story and gameplay
The background of my story would get told in a cutscene but then once the player gets into the game
and into the first level then the story would be told using a mix of cutscenes, pop up dialogues and clues
which when you find them, they appear on screen with text displaying the next part to the story. As you
go through the levels the clues will be needed to progress you through the story, the more clues you
find the more you progress/ learn about the story and your objective and where the main protagonist is
heading. When you find all the clues in the level those clues will make you figure out where your
supposed to go next and that will be the next level. When some of the clues have been found dialogue
boxes may pop up on screen and they will be in someone speaking to you, for context of the game it
would be the person who works on the computer and looks out for the main protagonist and speak to
player about what is happening next. The clues can be found in the open, in hidden areas or after
defeating an enemy.
Player enters
finds clues
Player finds
enough clues to
progress level
Player goes to
new area / level
player goes through
all levels and finds all
clues to get to final
Level and character Assets
For the designs for my characters, I am going to have a main
character who uses a bow so will hold a bow in the design and
have a dark costume with a face covering.
The levels will be designed in different locations, one will be set
in a countryside(grassy area) , one in a desert and on in a temple,.
The final boss will be found in the temple level and will wear a
dark robe and wield a sword.
The enemies in the levels will be in ninja like costumes with slick
outfits with a mask on.
The level design will focus on a mix of platforming as well as
making it a good level designed for combat. I am also planning on
having a pop up of a scroll type image coming on screen when
finding a clue.
● Use this space to show the assets that you have made.
● If they are animated, then embed those animations on to your blog. They won’t work if you embed them here.
● Assets could be character designs and animations, environments, power ups, enemies, game over screens. Make
as much as you can, to get across how your game will look and play.
 Strengths:
Research helped when it came to planning and creating my own product as I had a good look into different types of assets
and designs that would be used in a 2d pixel game, as well as looking into previous movie posters and magazine covers.
this gave me some inspiration when it came to me making my design, as I had seen how the levels and characters had been
designed in existing products, and how the posters can fit in with the movies.. Doing research helped as while looking
through existing products it was giving me ideas of how I could make my film fit in the style of these games while using
similar genre conventions.
 Weaknesses:
To improve my research, I could have looked more into the animations of characters and objects in the existing products as
it would have helped when it came to me designing my own asset animations as I would have had more of an idea of what
to base it off. This would have had a good effect on my product as I would have had a clearer starting point when creating
my animations for my assets.
The practical experiments helped as they let me practice how to design a level and to test out different animations for
characters so I could see what would and wouldn’t work for my game. When doing the experiments, I tested out attack and
death animations for my character and enemy which I think helped me when making the final product as I had something
to go off, I could do something in the style as I knew it worked but I knew what parts looked off and how I could improve it.
 Strengths:
Planning my product helped when it came to production as I had planned out what the levels were going to be
designed and look like, as well as what was going to be included in them. I had planned out what characters I
was going to include so it was just a matter of creating them in the way I wanted to. When planning I looked at
the themes of my film idea so I could make sure that the posters and game fit that tone. I think planning out how I
was going to show my game through the levels helped as it gave me a good idea of what animations I could show
in my level to make it fit with my story. Planning helped when thinking of a film synopsis as I looked at loads of
existing media to give myself an idea of what route I could go down with my own idea.
 Weaknesses:
Things that I could have done better when planning for my movie advertisement and video game was to plan for
my poster a bit more in depth so that I could make it tie in with the film a bit more as some could say that the
movie poster might not link with the movie the best just from looking at it. My planning for my video game was
overall at a good standard I feel but to improve it I could have done more to plan the menu and level design as
that would have helped when it came to production. If I had improved on these aspects of the planning, then I
believe that my poster would have been a more obvious link to the film. The effect on my video game would be
that I would have had a better-looking menu animation as I would have been more prepared for what I wanted it to
look like.
Time Management
Overall, I would say that I managed my time well, I completed both my movie advertisement and
video game animation on time, to a good standard. I made sure that throughout the project I had
spent enough time to have good in-depth research and planning, but not at the cost of
production time. I managed to have a good split for each, so they are all completed well as I had
enough time to have a good in depth look into each.
If I had been given more time to produce my work then I believe I would have improved my
quality of the work and designs, but this doesn’t mean what I have done isn't good. With extra
time I would have made most likely made an extra level with new animations to further bolster the
product. This would have only had a good effect on the game. I would have also added some
extra sound effects for the different animations that happen in the project because as of right now
some more could be added.
Technical Qualities
I would say that my work is quite detailed on the most part with the main aspects of the
design and animation made to a good detailed quality which I am happy with. My poster
uses a mix of different lighting and image effects to mix the countryside with a misty sunset
sky so that they blend together as if they were the same image, so that the daytime image
gives of the tone that it is sunset.
My video game designs, and animation used lots of shading the pixels to make the level and
menu design look more complicated and detailed. My animation is quite technically
proficient and flows fluidly and is a smooth animation which has genre conventions of that
genre of game. I made different images of my character doing different actions, for example I
have one of my character grabbing an arrow and another of him firing it which looks great in
the animation.
I Think my project is completed to a good technical standpoint.
Aesthetic Qualities
I would say that my film advertisement (movie poster and magazine
advertisement) is aesthetically pleasing and is something that would look
good in real life situations with I showed when I used my movie poster on
an example billboard. I used lots of different blending and colour
techniques to make the poster look a lot clear and better quality. I think
throughout my different movie advertisements they do use the same
consistent style and you can tell that they are all promoting the same thing
from the aesthetics but to be improved I think that I could have made a few
changes to the magazine double page spread and front cover. For the
double page spread I should have changed the font and font colour used
for the columns as I think that it doesn’t fit very well and can be quite hard
to read so this isn't good for the quality of the design. One thing I think I
could have changed for the magazine front cover is the placements and
sizes of the different texts and titles. I should have made the magazine title
bigger and maybe change the place of where the titles where placed, I
don’t think this is a problem though. All of this is good as I now know what
to change for my next project.
Aesthetic Qualities
For my video game animation and art, I think that they look quite good and fit the style that I was
going for very well. I think that my designs for my character, enemy and level design looks great,
and I think that it is aesthetically pleasing to look at and looks detailed and with the use of using
different colour to blend the pixels it makes the game art look good and professional. The designs in
my game animation all keep the same consistent style and don’t look apart from each other, and the
animations all run smoothly which helps for the look of the animation as it is clean to watch. My
menu screen animation looks good and works as expected with an aesthetically good-looking art.
To improve my art though for the menu screen I would change the way I have designed the main
title of the game. I would change this by re drawing it to make it keep the same sort of design that
my film poster title has so that they link together a lot better, this not only helps the advertisement
of the game, but it also makes the menu have a cleaner design.
Aural Qualities
I produced my own music to go on the game using beepbox which I believe works well as
background music for the game, the sound is good quality and is the right pace to be for my
game. I like the use of different instruments in the sound as it gives an original sound which I am
happy with, this also shows the creative sound as I used different instruments and sounds to create
my own music. To improve my background music, I would have made it a longer loop because as
of right now it is quite a short loop which works well but could be better with a longer sound. I
used some royalty free sound effects found online to have in the different actions and animations
that are shown on screen. This was things like firing a bow and jumping. This works well in my
animation as it completes the animation and makes the project look and sound a lot better. The
animation mixed with the sound effects and music helps make a creative project which I am happy
with. To improve my sound effects, I could have made some of them myself to improve the
creative aspect as it would have been done by me instead of using resources online.
Audience Appeal
For the movie advertisement I made sure that I looked into other posters in the genre to see what makes
an audience notice the film and what how films in this genre are appealing. For my poster and magazine
advertisement I did things like have the title big in the lower middle of the poster and used a tagline to
tie into the film. This could appeal to the audience as it helps them learn what genre this film may be and
what the focus on the film may be. If they look at the magazine double page spread or magazine cover,
they will see little notes about the film and a use of images so that the audience can get a feel for the
film, and they can see what sort of things would be included and what genre the film fits into. If they like
what is shown, then they would be appealed. The use of weapons like a bow and arrow ,having fun
combat is also something that would appeal to the target audience as this is something that they would
look for in this type of game.
Overall strengths and weaknesses of
the final package.
I would say that one of the main strengths of the movie advertisement is the fact that
the images used to create the background of the designs aren't tacky and look good
and blend well together to make an aesthetically pleasing poster to look at and
something that you would see advertised in real life.
Another thing that I think I did well was keeping a good structured layout with the
magazine cover and kept to the rules that most magazines follow, for example having
the magazine title big and then the main coverlines the biggest on the cover so that
they are the focus, with extra cover lines and a mix of taglines and images to create a
professional looking cover.
Some things that I believe are strong out of my game animation is the smooth flowing
animations. I think that I did a good job with the character design to make the walking
and jumping animation not look awful and it flows quite well. I also think the
animation for my character shooting the arrow and the enemy dying looks great and
works well with the added sound effects.
Another thing that I think was great for my animation was that I think I designed the
level quite well and it has a good use of shading with different colours to shade the
pixels and make my work look at a good quality and quite highly detailed.
Overall strengths and weaknesses of
the final package.
One of the weaknesses for my movie poster that I would look to improve on in another
project would be the fact that the movie poster doesn’t do the best job portraying my
film in a clear way that makes people be able to tell that the poster is promoting my film. I
think my poster works as a poster but could do more to promote my film, for example I
could have had a character on the front or some sort of weapon piece of memorabilia
that would fit the theme of my film.
To improve my magazine cover I could have changed how I wrote some of the cover lines,
for example I think that where I put the circle around the coverline in the bottom right
could have been designed differently using different tools to create a better effect and all
in all make the poster look better. Also, to improve the double page spread I should have
changed the font and colour choice as it may be quite hard to read, if I had made it
clearer then no one would have any difficulties in the viewing.
One of the weaknesses of my game animation was the design for my title on the menu
screen. I believe that this is the worst looking part of the animation and needs to be
cleaned up to not only looks more better and more detailed, but also to make it be more
similar to the movie title in the film advertisement that I used.

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Adventure pro forma

  • 3. Harry potter and the Philosopher’s stone
  • 4. Use this page to breakdown an existing film, using the Hero’s Quest theory. How does your chosen film fit with this? The Ordinary World Living with the Dursleys, harry is treated like an outcast from the start and is shown to not belong there. The Call to Adventure Owls start dropping off loads of letters to the Dursley house which are invitation letters to harry being invited to join Hogwarts. The Refusal The Dursleys refuse for harry to go, he doesn’t get a choice. They go to absurd lengths to try and stop the letters from coming, going as far to moving to a small house in the middle of no where Hagrid comes to claim harry as he has to go. Mentor Help The first mentor he meets is Hagrid, the giant who comes to rescue him from the Dursleys hold and show him what world he belongs in. Hagrid is a great starter mentor because he isn’t as serious as someone like Dumbledore so it helps him ease into the wizarding world. Crossing the Threshold Harry crosses the Threshold when he goes into Diagon Alley for the first time, where he finds broom shops, magic toy stores and lots more new magic. Like Hagrid it’s a safe way for him to be introduced into the wizarding world, where he can get his wand and move onto the bigger stuff later. Test/Allies/Enemies He has many test throughout his first year, trolls in the bathroom, three headed dogs, and magic mirrors. He has his best friends Ron and Hermione to go through all of this with, so he is not alone. They are slowly putting together a mystery throughout the movie, this gives them a chance to learn and grow. Approach They have to get past a three headed dog to get to their destination, to where the plot takes them. They figure out a way to get past it and then face a series of tests, each one with a different set of skills needed to complete the task. All three of them have their own qualities which helps them get past the tests and gets them to the final confrontation. Ordeal The ordeal itself stands separate from the other trials Harry faces, these are much more serious. Earlier, they had the teachers to bail them out, but now there is no one to pick them up when they fall, and they are heading straight into danger. The other two help harry get through the first two tests but he is left all alone for his confrontation with Voldemort. Harry is tested both mentally and physically, as well as morally as Voldemort tell Harry he can bring his parents back. Harry emerges and Voldemort is left as smoke and would need to find a way to bring himself back. Reward With Voldemort gone, the Philosophers stone is safe from his clutches and he stays in his smog form for the time being. Harry, though unconscious, gets to wake up in a much safer world knowing Voldemort is gone, for now. Harry potter and the Philosopher’s stone
  • 5. Road Back The audience and harry both skip this part, but we can assume it’s a fairly uneventful trip where he, Ron and Hermione are found and taken to the schools nursing station, where they rest comfortably until Dumbledore shows up there. Atonement Harry wakes up in his hospital bed to a pile of sweets and a very bemused headmaster. Recovering from an injury is the short hand way of showing symbolic atonement of the hero. Return The return for this film is leaving the wizarding world free of Voldemort, for now. Granted, Dumbledore believes he will be back, but harry has bought them enough time to prepare and plan, for the next time he shows up. All of this presents Harry with real confidence in himself as he faced the enemy and survived, he knows it wont be this easy every time, but he knows he has the qualities to come through.
  • 6. Equilibrium Disruption Recognition Attempt to repair the damage New Equilibrium Use this template to apply Todorov’s theory of equilibrium to your chosen film. Write in the boxes to explain what is happening in your story at each point.
  • 7. Equilibrium Harry lives a quiet, suppressed life where he’s used to taking orders and being ignored by his relatives. Disruption Harry begins to receive letters, Hagrid turns up and reveals the truth about Harry’s parents and that he’s a wizard. Harry then leaves for Hogwarts leaving his old life behind. Recognition They realise someone is trying to steal the philosophers stone from Hogwarts and suspect that it’s Snape trying to acquire it for Voldemort. They believe that if Voldemort gets the stone, he’ll use it to kill Harry. Attempt to repair the damage They complete a series of tests before Harry alone discovers Professor Quirrell and Voldemort (not Snape) waiting for him and the final battle between them over the stone follows. Harry wins. New Equilibrium Harry wakes up in Hospital with the stone and Voldemort supposedly destroyed, which means no more threat. The school year ends with them all getting the train home for the summer – Harry goes back to living with his aunt and uncle who wont treat him any different or better then before.
  • 8. Character type How they appear in your story The Hero The hero for the film is Harry potter, he is the main protagonist which everything revolves around. The Villain The villain in the film is Voldemort, but they believe throughout the film that the villain was Snape, they were wrong. The Helper The helpers in Harry potter are Ron and Hermione. These are Harry’s best friends that stand by his side throughout anything and help him along the way. The Donor The donor throughout this film would be see as Hagrid, he indirectly gives them a lot of information needed the film in their quest to stop the stone from being stolen, even if he doesn’t mean to. The Dispatcher Dumbledore would be the dispatcher. We see this as he is the one giving Harry the education and strength to get through problems and sends him on his way. The Princess or prize N/A The Princess’s Father N/A The False Hero Professor Quirrell is the false hero. He is believed to be someone good but isn’t. in reality he wanted to learn from Voldemort who took over his body in an attempt to kill Harry which actually resulted in Quirrell's death.
  • 10. Idea 1 Who A space crew – main focus on crew leader. ___ - leader of religious cult space crew – who kidnap kid. What While going through space they are invaded and people force there way onto their ship and take lots of their items. They manage to fight them off but the crew leaders son had been kidnapped and was being taken far away. They look through security cams to find a little clue of what the crew invaded them was called – on their clothing. They go to this space entity to try and get answers and they are guided to this far away planet, they there with the hopes of finding the son, or clues to where they are, they go to different planets along the way, finding more out about themselves aswell as clues. Throughout the story the main character has growth throughout as he realises he miss treated his son throughout life and learns important life is. They arrive at the planet and sneak there way to the main palace where they find the son has been taken over by some entity/ source and has been taken over as the cult leader. They have to fight their way through the cultists and space armies who are trying to protect their new leader. They get into the final battle with the guy who orders the fleet, and they fight it out to the death. With them out of the way the crew to try and get through to the son and try and break his mind free from the control of the entity. Why The crew leaders son has been kidnapped so they have to try and do whatever they can to get them back. crew start of having lots of disliking and annoyance to each other but they bond and become more of a partnership throughout. When Set in distant future, in space, they track the enemies down to a planet - Vaklon. Where Space. Vaklon (planet) – spaceship(Archimedes). How The protagonists get taken over aswell but they manage to break through the mental stress and to the main entity controlling the kid, and make the kid realise what is happening, and how they break out of it.
  • 11. The crew travel safely around space, going around different planets and space stations doing things from robberies to invading. They mostly do bad things with the occasional good thing. Their main objective is to make money. The space crew get invaded by a cult, they steal many useful resources and items, aswell as kidnap the main leaders son. They check the security cams to find any information on the cult, they find writing on the cults clothes. They go to this all knowing AI which one of the crew knows well, with their information, they ask about the cult and where they could find them, the AI sends them to a planet where they may be, they go there to look for them/ clues of where they may be. They travel to a few planets and find a few clues, people to help them, which lead them to the final planet, Vaklon. They arrive at the planet and sneak there way to the main palace where they find the son has been taken over by some entity/ power source and has been taken over as the cult leader. They have to fight their way through the cultists and space armies who are trying to protect their new leader. (1) The crew is back to normal, all members returned + a new one, and they all have decided to have a clean slate and instead of doing bad, they are going to go around the universe doing good for a change, This experience has changed them for the better. They grew closer as a crew and constantly have each others backs, from when they started together they didn’t trust each other and didn’t take a liking to each other. They get into the final battle with the guy who orders the fleet, and they fight it out to the death. With them out of the way the crew have to try and get through to the son and try and break his mind free from the control of the entity. They get taken under the mind control and manage to break through part of it, due to the help of an alien who they found on one of the planets and see that their son is being kept connected by a stone stuck in their hand. They get out of the mind control and manage to get the stone from the kids hand, and destroy it, which in turn defeats the entity. But they don’t know that a fragment of the stone has got stuck to one of the crew, so it will stick with them until has recharged enough bring back the entity. (2) Idea 1 – Equilibrium
  • 13. Idea 2 Who A small colony of Vikings in Norway What After a battle against another colony, The main colony have decided to leave and head to England in an attempt to build up big settlement in this country. The journey around England creating connections with the different settlements and people around England and build up there own area in the centre of England. They help people fight in battles in return of and people to have when they need them. They build up a big settlement in England with people from all over coming and joining them and their cause and helping provide for each other. Why They had a battle in Norway which they lost which led them to move to England in search of a new place to create a When Around 850AD Where Norway, England How They go throughout the different counties and make alliances with the different leaders by helping them out in a mixture of battles and problems they can build a big enough alliance for themselves.
  • 14. Idea 3 Who A group of vigilantes What A group of vigilantes who protect the different districts of the city have found out about a group of assassins who come into the city and have murdered many politicians and higher ups, some corrupt, some good. The vigilantes make it their number 1 aim to find out about these assassins and take them down. They capture one of the assassins and find out a location of their hideout - a hidden city high the mountains of Tibet. The main vigilante goes in and gets captured. The rest have to try and break their way in save him and get out while stopping them. When they get their they fight their way to the prison and get him out, they to the leader and have an impossible decision to make, become the new leader of the assassins or their city burns. The main guy becomes the new leader of assassins and the rest have to try and devise a plan to get him out of their with no one being hurt. They find the devises around the city and then travel to the hidden city and sneak in through a hidden exit they plant bombs throughout the place and get their leader out of the place and then blow the place up, stopping the assassins from doing any further trouble. Why They have always protected their city but the assassins are putting their city under threat When Modern day Where Modern day city in America How The devise a plan to rid of the hidden temple and save the leader and making sure their city is safe. plant bombs throughout the temple and set them off when they escape.
  • 16. Existing Product , Star Wars - A new hope The main technique used in star wars posters all the way through is to have the main character in the middle and have other important characters around them, with the use of blue black and orange to contrast each other as they work well when combined on a poster, as well as can imply the effect of good vs evil. They mostly go with the same format for movie/magazine posters, they have the characters in the middle either looking straight on or to the side, and then they have the text at the bottom and top of the poster. The poster gives a very good look for people to see what type of film this will be, you can see spaceships, blasters, robots, other species, lightsabers. This appeals to the audience because if they enjoy the genre of sci-fi then they can see clearly that it fits into that genre perfectly and they may enjoy this film as well.
  • 17. Existing Product – Guardians of the galaxy Throughout all of the different posters and magazines for this film, they all keep the same Font to make it easily recognized by anyone. They have the usual pattern in sci fi films where they have the main characters in the middle of the page, with things like spaceships and planets around them, with all of the text at the bottom and top. They use the normal genre conventions of a sci fi film and poster where they include, space, weapons, outer space beings. This helps people recognize what genre this film fits into, they also make sure to show the marvel logo and recognizable marvel characters so that people know it is a marvel film. On the bottom poster they use darker colours on the outside to make the focus on the characters and the logo so when people see the poster that is where they look, as they are the main focus of the film.
  • 18. Existing Product – Spiderman Homecoming These posters follow the usual conventions of superhero films where they have all main characters on show in the poster with the main location in the background and text at the bottom and the top. There is a main focus on new York and the 'avengers tower' as this is where the film is based, and the film has a lot to do with this location, they use street signs, famous buildings, to further this. The posters gives you a good idea of what you are going to see in the film as you can see superheroes who are well known. The posters make the audience want to watch it as it involves well know characters in the marvel universe, as well as a good background of where they may be, what might happen. They use the common colours of blue, orange, purple to make it fit with the common action movie setting, with these common colours.
  • 19. Existing Product – Harry Potter and The Philosophers stone These films follow the usual magazine/movie poster front covers for sci-fi/fantasy films with a character collage with the main character in the middle larger than everyone as he is the focus of the film, and then the other important characters and places etc around him or her. They include things like Hogwarts and the Hogwarts express to show where the film will be set and what they may see in the film and what will be a part of this, this helps the audience recognize the genre of film and what the film series is based on, to help them know if they want to watch it. They use the common font for Harry potter right in the middle of the poster as it is a font that a lot of people can recognise as harry potter is very famous. They also make the main writing the colour gold and they keep this the same throughout all posters/magazines which also makes it very well known to the audience.
  • 20. Research Summary  What have you learned from your research?  In my research I have learned how they promote films in the sci-fi/fantasy genre, what sort of genre conventions they use. For example, how their posters look, what is included on posters and movie covers, what techniques they use to promote their films. I looked into how they present their characters on the promotional art, what to include in the background, and any additional promotion that film makers create and use to help promote the film.  What aspects of the research will you include within your on work?  I think that I will include the genre conventions that I looked into in the research, characters in the middle of the poster, title at bottom or top, mix of orange, blue, black, red as colour scheme. Have images of things to show what genre the film is in, for example a spaceship and a space background to show if it is based in a sci – fi universe.
  • 21. Bibliography 1. Star wars a new hope – magazine covers, film posters, promotional art 2. Guardians of the galaxy - magazine covers, film posters, promotional art 3. Spiderman Homecoming – magazine covers, film posters, promotional art 4. Harry Potter and the Philosophers stone – Magazine covers, film posters, promotional art
  • 24. Style Sheet – Idea 1 Colour Ideas:
  • 25.
  • 26.
  • 27. Style Sheet Colour Ideas: I am thinking of using these colours as they link in with the darker theme that I am thinking about going with for the advertisement. Font ideas: GUardians Solid Soldier Calvera (personal use) Dark Seed IMPACT Title ideas: The hidden temple: I am thinking about using this as the title as it links in well with one of the main parts of the story, the adventure to the hidden temple. Invasion: I might use this as the title of the film as it links to the main plot of the film, of how these people come into the city and try to take over. Don’t look back: This could be used as my title as it links with the theme of the film as when the people are taking over, don’t look back because they are always behind you. I am thinking of going with these sort of style fonts with modern/ sci-fi look as I believe they suit well to my film and idea. They will fit well if the background and other images etc on the posters and covers. The magazine font fits well MAGAZIN E
  • 28. More Colour scheme ideas: I might use these in the colour scheme as I might go with a misty background in a sort of sunset for the poster and/or cover. I feel these colours would fit this setting.
  • 30. Magazine Layout idea 1: Masthead Main Image Cover lines Main Coverline Image with text This is one layout Idea that I have for a magazine cover. I think that this layout works well as it has an area for the main focus of the magazine, which is the film, as well as everything else needed in a magazine cover, e.g., cover lines. The Masthead, main image, and main coverline will be the biggest things on the magazine cover as they are the things need to be seen first and have the main focus on them. Price and date barcod e The masthead will use the Magazine Font to make it look professional. The main coverline and some other writing will use the font chosen to be used for the film, these are the font choices so far, just need to choose one. GUardians Solid Soldier Calvera personal use Dark Seed IMPACT I will use images that link to the film and have the main character as the main image, I will also have a background that links to the film and blends in well to the images on the cover.
  • 31. Movie Poster Advertisement ideas: Main Image Main Image Movie title Extra info Tag line This is one idea I have for a movie poster advertisement. I am going to have the main focus be on the two images which will probably be a figure or a photo of the main character in the film, which will be above a background of something like a sunset background, or The focus of the poster will be on the background and the title with no characters on show to make the focus on the setting. Main Image Movie title Extra info Tag line
  • 32. Contingency What can go wrong? What can you do if it does? Camera breaks Have a backup plan, use a phone etc Model could be sick Prepare multiple people for multiple dates Losing equipment Have spare equipment, take good care of all items Weather being bad Have multiple days prepared, go to an indoor building Computer issues Go to a different computer Photoshop work not saving Save multiple backups every so often
  • 33. Risk Assessment What could be a risk to you, others or the equipment? How can you make sure that doesn’t happen? What will you do if it does? Covid Do multiple tests so if anyone has it, they don’t go Weather Check weather, plan multiple days, have inside shots Environment issues – glass on floor etc Check the area beforehand Surroundings Make sure were you are is safe
  • 35. Using your plans, produce: • A synopsis for your film • A magazine front cover, promoting the film • Additional advertising to promote the film
  • 36. Synopsis Use this space for your synopsis. If you have produced different drafts or alternative ideas, then include those here too. The more work the better. Show your working.
  • 38. Character Profiles: Main Protagonist: Name – Oliver Clarke Characteristics – Impulsive, Adventurous, Proud, brave, hard-working, courageous, leader, honest, selfish(improves by end of story), bossy(improves), irresponsible. Background – he grew up in an upper-class family with everything he wanted always given to him, he lived his best life. Then a sudden accident meant he was without his best friend, and it made him realise he needs to start doing things for himself. After his best friend was killed by street criminals, he set out to protect the city he lives in as a vigilante so that no one else has to go through what he has to. Story Importance – He is the main character in the story, so he is the most important character, he is the 'leader' of his team and makes the decisions, he is the main focus with a team around him. Appearance – Very physically built, strong, tall, short hair. Wears jumper and jeans as casual wear. When he's the 'vigilante' he wears a mix of red and black in a leather outfit with a hood over his head at all times and an eye mask. Secondary protagonist: Name – Curtis Barnes Characteristics – Strong, Fighter, Tireless, Responsible, cooperative, compassionate, bossy, Background – Was in US Military for 12 years, came back to America and worked as a personal bodyguard/security, this is where he met the main character as he was his bodyguard who then joined in the creation of their 'team' which started as them two. Story Importance – In the story he is shown as the second-hand man in the team and very close to the main character and they bounce of each other throughout and are there for each other when needed. They are shown as stuck-up with their own ego and decisions, so they clash when deciding what is the right thing to do. In the story when the Oliver is captured, he takes charge of the team. Appearance – Tall, Built, Strong, very short hair. Wears long sleeve tops and jeans, joggers. Has a jacket and wears a dark helmet with a visor on the front when working for the team.
  • 39. Character Profiles: Third member of team: Name – Caitlyn Fox Characteristics – Tech-wiz, charm, wit, kind, selfless, determined, cooperative, impatient. Background – A Girl who was born into a middle-class family who was always taught to help people and show respect. Throughout her early life she always had a main focus in technology and excelled in it a lot. She has a job with the tech company which is ran by Olivers Father. Story Importance – She is very important to the story as she is the tech brain behind the whole operation, They could operate as their team without her. She is one who figures out how to find and stop the bombs and figures out where the criminals are based. Appearance – Small, skinny, blonde, wears a mix of smart and casual clothes.
  • 40. Reflections: What did you do?: So far throughout my production I have created mock-ups for my movie poster and magazine cover, so I could create a visual idea for how I wanted my poster and cover to layout and look. After this I wrote the synopsis for my story. I have made movie poster and I am currently going through the process of making my magazine cover, which is nearly finished. I have my double page spread but that needs the most work until it will be finished. I have also made character profiles for my characters. How did it go?: The process of making my poster and magazine cover has been going well. I believe I have created a good-looking movie which promotes the film as well as would look good in real life situations as advertisement. I used different techniques and effects on the pictures and text of the poster to make them blend well together and stand out all as one in the movie poster. making of my magazine cover, I am mixing images with text to make the text stand out when people look at the magazine so they can tell what film is on the front of the cover. I have experimented with different fonts and effects on the text to see best fits the film and what would stand out the most for the poster and cover. How could it be improved?: My movie poster and magazine cover could be improved by having people on them, so they don't only have text and pictures the area. This would help for the design and the advertising because they would have a character to focus on and the could focus on the main character, (people would know the main character). Most movie posters have a focus on the main character, but they can still be done without them. I could have also maybe have got more photos to use as background and images for my designs, this would have helped as I would have had more to choose from. My poster could also be improved making it fit my film more. What are you going to do next?: Next, I am going to be finishing off my magazine cover and my double page spread.
  • 41. Magazine Front Cover Use this space for your front cover. If you have produced different drafts or alternative ideas, then include those here too. The more work the better. Show your working.
  • 42.
  • 43. Advertising: Use this space for your advertising. If you have produced different drafts or alternative ideas, then include those here too. The more work the better. Show your working.
  • 44. Advertising: Use this space for your advertising. If you have produced different drafts or alternative ideas, then include those here too. The more work the better. Show your working.
  • 46. Video Game review  Guardians of the galaxy game – ps5  I have recently played this game and have really enjoyed it. The game is a third person action game which focuses on using multiple people in a team to fight together. The basic part of the game is that you go through planets exploring and fighting enemies, while going through a story narrative which I believe is very good. A very big focus in the game is also the character building which they execute in this game very well, they focus on the banter and relationship of the guardians which builds as the game goes on. This works as they have a perfect mix of gameplay as well as world and character building to make you really interested and involved with everything going on in the game.  The game uses scraps of Materiels which you find along the planets which you then can use to upgrade and unlock the main characters abilities (Star-lord). You also get experience points (XP) throughout the game which you unlock by fighting enemies, these are used to unlock new special abilities for your team, which you can then command them in fights to do these abilities – which is a big focus point of the game and gameplay.
  • 47. Favourite type of game  I would say that my favourite type of video games are Action-adventure games, a mix of open world or story driven level to level type games, for example some of these games would be the uncharted series, the batman Arkham series, Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order. I really enjoy these games as they do a great job in having a good lore and very good world building, whether these are based off an already existing IP or a completely fresh one. They make the games, so you feel immersed into the game and world, and you want to know what is going to happen next in the story.  The games use different aspects to make the games more fun and refreshing when playing through them. These could include the use of a skill tree, upgrade points, upgradable items. They use these to add new aspects to the game part way through which keeps the game fresh and new as there is a constant reason to keep playing and try out new things you have unlocked which make your character and experience better.
  • 48.
  • 49. Research  Dead Cells -  The style of this game is a 2d platformer(sidescroller) / action game. They have pixelated graphics but use quite realistic models instead of things more cartoony.  In the game the player takes the role of an amorphous creature puppeteering a decapitated corpse in a dungeon, through which they must fight their way out.  The game mechanics are quite fast paced, and you have many attacks and abilities to use to defeat the enemies, some of these mechanics include , knockback and dive attacks, force field, speed boosts. These all make the game more refreshing and fun to play as you have lots of choices with what you want to do so you aren't repeating the same attack over and over again.  The game would appeal to audiences who like these sort of games as it has the genre conventions for this genre. These include detailed backgrounds and maps shown from a 2d sidescroller perspective, lots of platforming, enemies moving from left to right, the use of different objects and environmental things like swinging, camera following main character moving left and right.  Some of the aspects from this game I might include is some of the fighting and movement mechanics, and also some of the level designs / colour schemes as I believe I could make my game work with this sort of style.
  • 50. Research  Celeste -  The style of this game is a 2d platformer with a retro pixel style aesthetic, this works very well and makes the design of the game look very good  The story of the game follows a girl and is a very emotional story about the pressures of modern life. The story blends into the game and level design very well using subtle themes and conversations.  The main mechanics of the game seem to be the use of dashing and jumping to get through the levels and to find secrets throughout. There is lots of destructible objects which show extra paths that you may not find or choose to follow but they can have secret areas.  The game would appeal to audiences who enjoy games with a retro look and feel, but the game still holds up with today's standards and feels very responsive.  One aspect from the game that I may use in my own is the use of collectables that they use, I may use these to further develop the story and include some extra secrets.
  • 51. Research • Into The Breach – • This game is a turn-based strategy video game which uses pixelated graphics and has an over the head(aerial) view. • Into the breach is set in the far future where humanity fights against an army of giant monsters collectively called the vek. • The player controls soldiers that operate giant mechs that can be equipped with variety of weapons, armour and other equipment. • The main focus in mechanics of the game is the combat, you use different weapons throughout the game which are stronger the further you play, but you can't just use or do anything as the game has a big focus in strategy and choosing what and when to do things. • One aspect of this game that I am thinking of using is the use of having a character bubble pop up and the screen with certain information as that could work with my game and story.
  • 52. Research • Hollow Knight - • Hollow knight is a 2D metroidvania action-adventure game that takes place in 'Hallownest'. • The story of the game becomes more understandable throughout your playthrough as you will have things like cutscenes , dialogues, lore tablets and entries that you find and obtain throughout. • A big focus in the games mechanics is the combat and quick paced fighting and movement. There is a big use of parrying, staggering and a focus mechanic throughout. • One aspect from this game that I am thinking of using in my own is the use of health and collectables in the top left as I think having that up there is a good place for it not to be in the way but easy to see.
  • 53. References  (n.d.). Dead Cells - Launch Trailer | PS4. [online] Available at:  Celeste – Nintendo Switch Trailer. (2017). YouTube. Available at:  (n.d.). Into the Breach - Launch Trailer - Nintendo Switch. [online] Available at:  Hollow Knight - Release Trailer. (2017). YouTube. Available at:
  • 54. Animation Experiments What did you do? In this experiment I created an animation of a person loading a bow and arrow and shooting the enemy, with him falling and bleeding. I designed the layers with pixel art and moved the layers around every frame so that it worked in the animation. How did it go? I think that the experiment has gone well, and I have learned how to make an animation in photoshop with the use of frames and moving around different layers to make the effect of someone getting hit by an arrow and falling. How could it be improved? For the animation to be improved I could put more detail into the characters and background as they are quite basic currently, for example I could use multiple colours for the sky instead of just a block of blue, I could also have included extra things in the background like a plant. I could also add more frames to the animation so that the arrow travelling in the air and enemy falling is freer flowing, I could speed it up to make this work. How could you use this when you make your game demonstration? I could use some of the aspects in this experiment for my game demonstration, for example I could use the animating of the characters and background to show how the game would flow with some of the animations and mechanics that I would want in my game. I could also take the art style into the game demonstration, but I would add more detail when doing it.
  • 56. Style Sheet For my game I am thinking of using a mix of darker colours and lighter ones depending which level and location you are in, for example, when in city or countryside it will be darker with the use of more dark blues, purples and blacks to give the night time tone whereas when in a sandier area, there will be light blue skies and lighter ground. For character designs I am thinking of going with quite simple designs with the main focus on the characters outfit and object, so you can tell who is who. The sound would be a simple beat music like Pokémon or other pixelated games, with sound effects for things like attacking, jumping etc.
  • 57. Game layouts  The plan for the HUD of the game is to have the health bar in the top left with the number of collectables, in my games case clues, just under it. This is so they are easily visible but don’t get in the way of the focus of the game.  The layout for the levels will be a sidescroller, would look like terraria or dead cells for example, where you move from left to right going through the certain area, depending on where you are in the story.  The games level layout will have the same conventions as most other sidescroller games where you can run and jump, climb ladders etc to get to the go through the level.
  • 58. Game Summary A quick summary of the game. My game is going to be a 2d platformer with a focus on combat as well as finding clues or collectables to progress the story. The game will have multiple levels set in multiple locations with the end level having a boss fight. The clues will be a mix of hidden and easily found. Some boxes may be breakable to find them. Through the levels you will have to fight enemies which also will progress you through the game. The clues will progress you through the game and will unlock the next areas and levels where in which you learn and find out more about the story. The objective of the game is to learn more about these criminals and where they are based so you can go to them and stop them. While you are going through the levels trying to find the clues there will be enemies throughout trying to attack and defeat the main character, you have to use attacks to defeat them and progress through the game, you will have four hearts so if you get hit four times you will die and have to restart.
  • 59. Game Overview Theme / Setting / Genre Show some example images or similar games / movies / books / TV shows with similar themes. Core Gameplay Mechanics Point to other games that this is similar to. Some pieces of media with similar themes would be the Arrow TV show, hints of things like assassin's creed and tomb raider and the Arkham games. They all also fit in the same sort of genre for the game I am aiming for. The themes for my game will be a mix of darker more detective type tones but with also lighter areas and tones. It will have multiple settings with the areas being in a city, countryside and a desert/ sandy area. The main gameplay mechanics for my game will be focusing on combat with the use of quick and charged attacks, as-well as jump attacks. There will also be a big focus on the movement in the game so there will be a sprint and jump mechanic to get to certain places.
  • 60. Story and Gameplay Story Once upon a time, in a universe far away… Explain how the story will be told -- cut-scenes? A ‘talking head’? Core Gameplay A description of the game ‘loop.’ A flowchart is nice: Upgrade Character Core Loop -$ Enter Arena Battle Payout To Winner -$ +$ Unlock New Arena -$
  • 61. Story and gameplay The background of my story would get told in a cutscene but then once the player gets into the game and into the first level then the story would be told using a mix of cutscenes, pop up dialogues and clues which when you find them, they appear on screen with text displaying the next part to the story. As you go through the levels the clues will be needed to progress you through the story, the more clues you find the more you progress/ learn about the story and your objective and where the main protagonist is heading. When you find all the clues in the level those clues will make you figure out where your supposed to go next and that will be the next level. When some of the clues have been found dialogue boxes may pop up on screen and they will be in someone speaking to you, for context of the game it would be the person who works on the computer and looks out for the main protagonist and speak to player about what is happening next. The clues can be found in the open, in hidden areas or after defeating an enemy. Player enters level Fights enemies player finds clues Player finds enough clues to progress level Player goes to new area / level player goes through all levels and finds all clues to get to final boss
  • 62. Level and character Assets For the designs for my characters, I am going to have a main character who uses a bow so will hold a bow in the design and have a dark costume with a face covering. The levels will be designed in different locations, one will be set in a countryside(grassy area) , one in a desert and on in a temple,. The final boss will be found in the temple level and will wear a dark robe and wield a sword. The enemies in the levels will be in ninja like costumes with slick outfits with a mask on. The level design will focus on a mix of platforming as well as making it a good level designed for combat. I am also planning on having a pop up of a scroll type image coming on screen when finding a clue.
  • 63. Assets ● Use this space to show the assets that you have made. ● If they are animated, then embed those animations on to your blog. They won’t work if you embed them here. ● Assets could be character designs and animations, environments, power ups, enemies, game over screens. Make as much as you can, to get across how your game will look and play.
  • 65. Research  Strengths: Research helped when it came to planning and creating my own product as I had a good look into different types of assets and designs that would be used in a 2d pixel game, as well as looking into previous movie posters and magazine covers. this gave me some inspiration when it came to me making my design, as I had seen how the levels and characters had been designed in existing products, and how the posters can fit in with the movies.. Doing research helped as while looking through existing products it was giving me ideas of how I could make my film fit in the style of these games while using similar genre conventions.  Weaknesses: To improve my research, I could have looked more into the animations of characters and objects in the existing products as it would have helped when it came to me designing my own asset animations as I would have had more of an idea of what to base it off. This would have had a good effect on my product as I would have had a clearer starting point when creating my animations for my assets. The practical experiments helped as they let me practice how to design a level and to test out different animations for characters so I could see what would and wouldn’t work for my game. When doing the experiments, I tested out attack and death animations for my character and enemy which I think helped me when making the final product as I had something to go off, I could do something in the style as I knew it worked but I knew what parts looked off and how I could improve it.
  • 66. Planning  Strengths: Planning my product helped when it came to production as I had planned out what the levels were going to be designed and look like, as well as what was going to be included in them. I had planned out what characters I was going to include so it was just a matter of creating them in the way I wanted to. When planning I looked at the themes of my film idea so I could make sure that the posters and game fit that tone. I think planning out how I was going to show my game through the levels helped as it gave me a good idea of what animations I could show in my level to make it fit with my story. Planning helped when thinking of a film synopsis as I looked at loads of existing media to give myself an idea of what route I could go down with my own idea.  Weaknesses: Things that I could have done better when planning for my movie advertisement and video game was to plan for my poster a bit more in depth so that I could make it tie in with the film a bit more as some could say that the movie poster might not link with the movie the best just from looking at it. My planning for my video game was overall at a good standard I feel but to improve it I could have done more to plan the menu and level design as that would have helped when it came to production. If I had improved on these aspects of the planning, then I believe that my poster would have been a more obvious link to the film. The effect on my video game would be that I would have had a better-looking menu animation as I would have been more prepared for what I wanted it to look like.
  • 67. Time Management Overall, I would say that I managed my time well, I completed both my movie advertisement and video game animation on time, to a good standard. I made sure that throughout the project I had spent enough time to have good in-depth research and planning, but not at the cost of production time. I managed to have a good split for each, so they are all completed well as I had enough time to have a good in depth look into each. If I had been given more time to produce my work then I believe I would have improved my quality of the work and designs, but this doesn’t mean what I have done isn't good. With extra time I would have made most likely made an extra level with new animations to further bolster the product. This would have only had a good effect on the game. I would have also added some extra sound effects for the different animations that happen in the project because as of right now some more could be added.
  • 68. Technical Qualities I would say that my work is quite detailed on the most part with the main aspects of the design and animation made to a good detailed quality which I am happy with. My poster uses a mix of different lighting and image effects to mix the countryside with a misty sunset sky so that they blend together as if they were the same image, so that the daytime image gives of the tone that it is sunset. My video game designs, and animation used lots of shading the pixels to make the level and menu design look more complicated and detailed. My animation is quite technically proficient and flows fluidly and is a smooth animation which has genre conventions of that genre of game. I made different images of my character doing different actions, for example I have one of my character grabbing an arrow and another of him firing it which looks great in the animation. I Think my project is completed to a good technical standpoint.
  • 69. Aesthetic Qualities I would say that my film advertisement (movie poster and magazine advertisement) is aesthetically pleasing and is something that would look good in real life situations with I showed when I used my movie poster on an example billboard. I used lots of different blending and colour techniques to make the poster look a lot clear and better quality. I think throughout my different movie advertisements they do use the same consistent style and you can tell that they are all promoting the same thing from the aesthetics but to be improved I think that I could have made a few changes to the magazine double page spread and front cover. For the double page spread I should have changed the font and font colour used for the columns as I think that it doesn’t fit very well and can be quite hard to read so this isn't good for the quality of the design. One thing I think I could have changed for the magazine front cover is the placements and sizes of the different texts and titles. I should have made the magazine title bigger and maybe change the place of where the titles where placed, I don’t think this is a problem though. All of this is good as I now know what to change for my next project.
  • 70. Aesthetic Qualities For my video game animation and art, I think that they look quite good and fit the style that I was going for very well. I think that my designs for my character, enemy and level design looks great, and I think that it is aesthetically pleasing to look at and looks detailed and with the use of using different colour to blend the pixels it makes the game art look good and professional. The designs in my game animation all keep the same consistent style and don’t look apart from each other, and the animations all run smoothly which helps for the look of the animation as it is clean to watch. My menu screen animation looks good and works as expected with an aesthetically good-looking art. To improve my art though for the menu screen I would change the way I have designed the main title of the game. I would change this by re drawing it to make it keep the same sort of design that my film poster title has so that they link together a lot better, this not only helps the advertisement of the game, but it also makes the menu have a cleaner design.
  • 71. Aural Qualities I produced my own music to go on the game using beepbox which I believe works well as background music for the game, the sound is good quality and is the right pace to be for my game. I like the use of different instruments in the sound as it gives an original sound which I am happy with, this also shows the creative sound as I used different instruments and sounds to create my own music. To improve my background music, I would have made it a longer loop because as of right now it is quite a short loop which works well but could be better with a longer sound. I used some royalty free sound effects found online to have in the different actions and animations that are shown on screen. This was things like firing a bow and jumping. This works well in my animation as it completes the animation and makes the project look and sound a lot better. The animation mixed with the sound effects and music helps make a creative project which I am happy with. To improve my sound effects, I could have made some of them myself to improve the creative aspect as it would have been done by me instead of using resources online.
  • 72. Audience Appeal For the movie advertisement I made sure that I looked into other posters in the genre to see what makes an audience notice the film and what how films in this genre are appealing. For my poster and magazine advertisement I did things like have the title big in the lower middle of the poster and used a tagline to tie into the film. This could appeal to the audience as it helps them learn what genre this film may be and what the focus on the film may be. If they look at the magazine double page spread or magazine cover, they will see little notes about the film and a use of images so that the audience can get a feel for the film, and they can see what sort of things would be included and what genre the film fits into. If they like what is shown, then they would be appealed. The use of weapons like a bow and arrow ,having fun combat is also something that would appeal to the target audience as this is something that they would look for in this type of game.
  • 73. Overall strengths and weaknesses of the final package. Strengths: I would say that one of the main strengths of the movie advertisement is the fact that the images used to create the background of the designs aren't tacky and look good and blend well together to make an aesthetically pleasing poster to look at and something that you would see advertised in real life. Another thing that I think I did well was keeping a good structured layout with the magazine cover and kept to the rules that most magazines follow, for example having the magazine title big and then the main coverlines the biggest on the cover so that they are the focus, with extra cover lines and a mix of taglines and images to create a professional looking cover. Some things that I believe are strong out of my game animation is the smooth flowing animations. I think that I did a good job with the character design to make the walking and jumping animation not look awful and it flows quite well. I also think the animation for my character shooting the arrow and the enemy dying looks great and works well with the added sound effects. Another thing that I think was great for my animation was that I think I designed the level quite well and it has a good use of shading with different colours to shade the pixels and make my work look at a good quality and quite highly detailed.
  • 74. Overall strengths and weaknesses of the final package. Weaknesses: One of the weaknesses for my movie poster that I would look to improve on in another project would be the fact that the movie poster doesn’t do the best job portraying my film in a clear way that makes people be able to tell that the poster is promoting my film. I think my poster works as a poster but could do more to promote my film, for example I could have had a character on the front or some sort of weapon piece of memorabilia that would fit the theme of my film. To improve my magazine cover I could have changed how I wrote some of the cover lines, for example I think that where I put the circle around the coverline in the bottom right could have been designed differently using different tools to create a better effect and all in all make the poster look better. Also, to improve the double page spread I should have changed the font and colour choice as it may be quite hard to read, if I had made it clearer then no one would have any difficulties in the viewing. One of the weaknesses of my game animation was the design for my title on the menu screen. I believe that this is the worst looking part of the animation and needs to be cleaned up to not only looks more better and more detailed, but also to make it be more similar to the movie title in the film advertisement that I used.

Editor's Notes

  1. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it- magazine front cover and adverts. Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to watch it?
  2. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it- magazine front cover and adverts. Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to watch it?
  3. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it- magazine front cover and adverts. Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to watch it?
  4. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it- magazine front cover and adverts. Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to watch it?
  5. List all products researched in previous sections. Include anything additional you have watched/read in preparation for production. Alphabetise your list.
  6. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product? Think about existing products as well as practical experiments
  7. What were the strengths of your planning? How did your planning help your product? What were the weaknesses of your planning? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  8. Did you manage your time well? Did you complete your project on time or would your products have improved with additional time? What would you have done if you had more time to produce your work?
  9. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences Is your work technically detailed/complicated enough? What effects and production techniques have you used? How technically proficient is your animation? How did you create your effects? How did you record your audio? Did you use any foley methods?
  10. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences. Consider your game art, your magazine cover and advertising. Is your aesthetically pleasing enough? What effects and techniques have you used? Does your project have a consistent aesthetic style? If not, how can it be improved?
  11. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences. Consider your game art, your magazine cover and advertising. Is your aesthetically pleasing enough? What effects and techniques have you used? Does your project have a consistent aesthetic style? If not, how can it be improved?
  12. Does your work sound good? Was it creative? What aspects of your audio do you like? What would you improve? How would you improve it? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses
  13. How have you appealed to your target audience? What specific bits of content would appeal to your target audience.