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Joshua Meredith
Existing Products Research
• Doctor Who (audio drama)
– The audio has no narrator as its shows a snippet
of the story. The audio is mostly dialogue between
4 different people. 3 being male and 1 being
female. There is very quiet music being played in
the background to give the story more of an eerie
tone. There is some non diegetic sounds of what
seems like a fire extinguisher and a dong noise but
overall not many sounds are used. These non
diegetic sounds are also Foley noises as only the
audience can hear it.
Existing Product Research
• Short cuts Series 20- The Archivist
There's a narrator that starts off with saying the title with
eerie music in the background. The narrator is talking
about her own story in third person. The music shows a
switch up of tone in the story as it also moves on to a
different person. The audio work is a documentary of
what happened at some point in time. The music being
switched up gives the story a bit more of a vibe to
entertain and not just someone talking as it may not keep
the audience entertained. There is no other techniques
used other than music and narration of the story which
gives a sense of realism in the story.
Existing Products Research
• The archers
– Starts off with jolly music to give the sense of
happiness and show who the audio caters towards.
No narrator at the beginning at it starts off with a
conversation. The use of a Foley was used with a
smashed glass. Uses tons of voice actors and just lets
a pause in-between sentences. The use of words mum
shows it a family audio recording. The audio piece is
very bland and more caters towards something to
listen to in the background whilst doing something
like an audiobook.
1. . bbc radio 4. (2019). The Archers. Available:
Last accessed 18/11/19.
2. . Fitton, M. (2018). Doctor who - Afterlife.
-8. Last accessed 18/11/19.
3. Long, J. (2019). The Archivist . Available:
/episodes/player. Last accessed 18/11/19.
• Has to be a short story about ghosts. A lot of available
choices of what the ghost can be and there's no other
specifications. The ghost doesn’t have to be anything
specific as long as it has the features of what a ghost
would have.
• Idea is to not make the ghost scary but memorable.
Instead of making it a usual horror with eerie noises I
would make it more of a story about a lost spirit or
something towards that direction. This gives the story
more originality as the first thought that goes into most
people heads when they think of ghosts is haunted,
scary etc.
Idea Generation/Initial Reaction
• 1st idea is I could use the simple but effective horror story of being
haunted in a house or mansion. But that isn't my go too choice as its
generic and too easy to do.
• 2nd idea would be a spirit of a lost loved one that guides the person
through a certain topic. I like this idea as id hasn’t been done much and is
harder to create an idea for.
• 3rd idea would be a unknown person making someone their apprentice
through manipulation to become evil or good. I like this idea but its too
similar to the star wars series which is very well known and will get caught
on very quickly.
I like the idea overall of choosing a ghost story as there is a ton of possibility's
to choose from which various outcomes. There is also no specification on
what that ghost can be so it gives a wide range of idea of how the ghost
should be portrayed. Difficult aspects are although I personally like it having
no restrictions gives too much range of what I can do may make it difficult to
overall pick an idea and stick with it without trying to change it every time.
Idea Generation/Initial Reaction
• The main positives about the audio project is overall the
difficulty of it. It’s a very easy project that you can make
more difficult or less difficult if need be. This makes the
time limit of the project seem a lot longer giving you overall
more options on what you want to do. I like I wide range of
options because it makes the project more entertaining to
do instead of being told what to do and getting on with it
just because you have been told too.
• Possible formats with a story, this could be narrated or by
using characters. This could be a description or a strip of
the story. This also gives a lot more options to give the
project more excitement. Audio projects aren't really my
cup of tea so giving the project a wide range of ideas it
makes it overall a lot more fun.
Working Title: Lost but Found
This title can be changed at any time, but for the story I'm going with I feel like this fits. The
reasoning behind the name is because the man feels lost whilst he has been found. This title
fits as I feel it makes the reader curious as it the title doesn’t really make sense without the
What is it called? This can change if you think of something better later
my audio project is targeted towards 16 and up as I don’t redeem a ghost story suitable for
children as it can cause bad thoughts that they don’t need at a young age. All genders, social
status and psychographic would be suitable to listen to the audio project as long as they
redeem it suitable for them to listen too. As its about the spirit/ghost of a lost one it wouldn’t
be suitable to certain people that may be sensitive towards the topic. I feel like it will target
towards 16 and up as people around this age like listening to stories about others specially
when there is a twist for example zombies, ghosts or something you wouldn’t be used to
hearing from most regular stories.
Who is your audience? Be very detailed; age, gender, social status, psychographic etc. Use the
Audience Classifications PowerPoint on Blackboard to help you develop this section.
Why would your project appeal to this person? Discuss each audience element in relation to
content (why would your product appeal to the age group? Why would your product appeal to
the gender? Etc.)
• Link to the blogger post:
This link to the blogger posts gives me thoughts about how
think it went and more detail into the project.
• Link to the Foley clip:
This link is straight to the clip I have put together and
• Write about your experiences of recording in different places.
My experience with recording in different places is very minimal but I
have some knowledge to what its like. During the Foley clip we needed
certain clips that we needed to be in a supermarket for. Being in an
area with quite a few people made recording a bit uncomfortable due
to shyness. Other places like outside and inside was quite easy to do as
there wasn’t many people around
• What effect did it have? How will this influence your project?
This didn’t have any effect on the product cause at the end of the day I
had to make the noise so I just sucked it up and did it anyway. This will
have no influence on my project as it doesn’t require anything to do
with public areas.
Garage Band
As this is the first time using GarageBand the project isn't the greatest as it
could be. There sudden pauses instead of it being a little smoother. I stuck
with the same main beat cause switching between them just wasn’t natural
and overall didn’t sound good. There's a lot I need to improve like actually
learning how the app works. The garageband experiment is quite short and
hasn’t required a lot of work.
GarageBand clip:
Script Draft
• Script
• Start of script: starts with him getting up doing the usual things for example
getting changed etc. but he keeps messing it all up in some sort of way. He goes to
make food and accidently breaks a plate and snaps. He acts slumped and shows
little care. Making the character show little care gives the audience an idea of his
outlook on life.
• Middle of script: starts having a breakdown. Tears of anger and sadness streaming
down his face as he starts breaking objects, pulling his own hair, hitting himself
with objects until he notices he smashed and ripped a photograph of Derek and
angelica together. He takes a seat in pure shock and realisation of what he has
done. Pure silence enters the room until a burst of questions come out of him.
• End of script: he places the photograph of them two onto the floor and sits in
wonder. Angelica then emerges from the photo in her neon blue glowing form. He
sits there in disbelief whilst in the background the photo is magically being put
back together. She asks what's been going on since she's been gone. They speak
and she tells him where she has been the entire time.
Script Final
Scripts includes a narrator, 1 male character and 1 female character
Narrator: It had been 3 years since Derek saw the light. He started to lose it. Had no hope left in his
world… until it all changed on this very day.
Narrator: it was a cold winter morning and everything seemed more off than usual but with no reason
Derek could find. He usually has no motivation to move anymore and hasn’t for the past 3 years. He
hasn’t felt the same after losing what he loved the most. Which was his best friend Tony. Once he left
things became different. He stopped caring, didn’t stick to the daily ritual he once had and starting
eating less. One of his favourite things to do was go to a dog shelter with is best friend every week to
see them. He's not been to that shelter since…
Narrator: getting out of bed was a struggle, his bed is old and springy but he refuses to replace it as he
cant let go. tossing and turning to he finally had the will power to leave. He staggers to his feet with
the intent of sitting back down. Derek knew the reasoning of getting up. The reason being his best
friend wouldn’t have wanted him to give up
Derek: “what is the point anymore…”
Narrator: he mumbles under his breath as he walks towards the wardrobe to get dressed. Derek's
wardrobe is very bland and old. Something's haven't seen the other side of that wardrobe in years. He
picked a plain white shirt, but having so little motivation he struggled to put on the shirt correctly.
Going through multiple different holes trying to find the right one, almost giving up by smacking the
side of the wardrobe with frustration but eventually getting there in the end.
*bashing against stairs walking down*
Script final
Narrator: effortlessly going down the stairs bash by bash as slowly as he possibly can. Derek is usually like this
but this time around it was worse… he got to the kitchen and decide on he wanted to eat. He used to always
have a plan on what to eat before he decides to make it but this time around he was puzzled. Derek likes to
blame how he acts on his job, but unfortunately that job is no longer his as he finally snapped towards the boss
and got removed from the workplace. The reason he snapped at work is still unknown by anyone to this day.
*pause* he finally found what he has decided to eat. He goes to grab a plate still with pent up frustration as it
slipped out of his hand and…
*plate smashing*
*more plates smashing*
*Smacking of objects*
Narrator: Derek has finally completely lost his mind. Smashing every plate in sight. Throwing cutlery and
smashing the kitchen side table to pieces. He grabs another plate and launches it across the room. But there
wasn’t only one crack
Derek: oh no…
Narrator: after turning to realise what he has also destoryed he runs towards it and grasps it in his hands.
Derek: what have i done:
Narrator: it was a picture of him and his best friend tony…. Ripped in half. Tears start just rolling down the side
of his face as he puts the picture flat down on the ground and he pondered. He didn’t know how to react so as
it was pure silence…
Script final
Narrator: the picture started to glow with a blue essence around the edges. Slowly but elegantly a hollow
figure began to appear.
*a angel like sound effect whilst she is appearing*
Narrator: the ghost looked familiar to Derek. He noticed the eyes, the hair, the clothing the ghost is wearing,
the shoes… it was tony.
Tony: Derek… what has happened here. Theres plates everywhere, and you smashed our picture? *concerned
Narrator: derek looked around at the mess he has become. Little pieces of plates everywhere, holes through
the door and the remains on the floor. The look of Tony said it all for him. he didn’t even have to open his
Derek: once you left I haven't been able to stitch myself back together. So where have you been this entire
time? Why are you just appearing now? Will you stay here?
Narrator: Derek asked every question he could think of without even giving him a chance to answer them. He
has no idea how to react to such a surprise. He tried to save this moment by asking him the most important
question he could think of…
Derek: how have you been?
Narrator: derek has always cared about him and his well-being. So asking how he has been was the most
important thing on his mind as its been so long.
Script final
Tony: I have been watching over you the entire time Derek. I never left. I think the bigger question here is how have you
Derek: But I can only see you now. I couldn’t do that before. Why choose to show yourself now and not when you left.
Clearly you can already tell how I've been. The plates represent how it has been… shattered and broken
Tony: but all those pieces can be put back together.
Narrator: Tony started to pick up the plates without moving. Putting back together to show to derek that it is possible
to be put back together
Tony: you see. You are this plate. Once it was shattered and nobody knew it could be put back together... But put effort
and hope into it and its back to the way it used to be. Now im here to put you back together for good
Derek: so i will always see you?
Narrator: there was a silence. The picture frame started to float and merge back together before being ripped and
careful resting it in his hand. Derek grasped it tightly and the tears started to leave as Tony said
Tony: I will always be here. I will always be right in your vision to guide you. You just have to trust it
Derek: I trust it. And I trust you.
Narrator: Derek woke up. But not from his bed. He was downstairs on the couch. He sprang up but there was nothing
to be seen. No Tony anywhere. The adrenaline rushed to his head as he started checking everywhere for him. The
bedroom, bathroom and the spare room until he finally got to the kitchen to see a luminous blue glow as he walked
through the door he was right there waiting. Derek couldn’t be more relieved after thinking it was only a dream and
couldn’t wait for what life has to bring him
Sound Effects
Sound Effect Needed How I Will Create the Sound
Plate smashes I would smash a plate and then repeat the
noise and overlap it to make it sound like
it multiple plates
Smack to a wardrobe I would either smack an actual wardrobe
or a bit of wood to the correct size so it
sounds the same
Punch through door As I don’t have a door to put a hole
through I would use a bit of thin wood to
easily punch through it and make a loud
Bashing against stairs walking down them I would very violently and erratically go
down some stairs to create the right
noise. The best noise would be done with
wooden stairs as they make the most
realistic and best overall noise
Angelic rising sound effect Usually in movies when a angel appears
they is the “orrrrr” type of noise. That will
be needed for when the ghost appears
Actor Role Location for recording
Narrator In a quiet area so the voice of the narrator is heard loud and
Derek (male main
In a quiet area so the voice of Derek is heard loud and clear
and you can easily hear the emotions
Tony (female main
In a quiet area so the voice of Tony is heard loud and clear
and you can hear how passive he is
Band Name Track Name Link
This is published by
Relax Music
The track name is called
Instrumental background
Relaxing Music
Resource List
Resource Owned/Cost What sound effect will it be
used for?
plate owned Smashing of a plate. This will be
used more than once. The first
time it'll be used is when Derek
accidently destroys the plate. The
second will be a punch of plates
smashing when he finally loses it
Thin piece of wood owned Punching through a wall sound
effect. This is when Derek is angry
and starts destroying things in the
Wardrobe or normal piece of
owned Smack against it to make the noise
of hitting a wardrobe aggressively.
This is when Derek gets frustrated
with not being able to do the
simple task of putting on a shirt
Angel rising sound effect Not owned but
very easy to
access and for
As I cant make that noise in real
life I would have to take the sound
clip from online. The sound effect
Daily Reflection Day 1
The first day was thinking of the finalised idea to
what I was going to do. The plan was between 3
different things but it was an easy decision for
the most part. The process was easy to do and
because it took less time I was able to actually
start the project sooner
Daily Reflection Day 2
• The next day was getting the general idea for
the story. It had to make sense and have
reasoning behind it. This process took quite
some time as there was multiple options to be
chosen from. In the end I was able to think of
the entire plot of the story with no issue
Daily Reflection Day 3
• The next day I started writing the script. This
process was a lot easier than I first thought
but because I had the general idea planned
out it was a little easier to figure out where I
wanted certain things to be. I tried to make it
not too short but also not too long at the
same time.
Daily Reflection Day 4
• The final day was getting all the audio
together and finalising the product. This part
was very easy as it was just reading the script
that was previously made and putting it all
together in adobe premier.
• My researched helped with my product as it showed how other audio
projects are done and gives me a good idea of how I want mine to be
portrayed. This showed more of what to do and how to do it effectively
instead of going into it without knowing what I'm doing. Issue with my
research although its very helpful to what I'm doing it also doesn’t help as
all the products I looked at are professional pieces of work and my quality
will not be able to match theirs as I do not have the software and
equipment they have.
• The planning was an easy process as I already have at least 3 ideas of what
I wanted to do. The hardest part of the planning which of the 3 to actually
do. This took some time to figure out but in the end I had the full idea for
1 of the 3 stories to choose from. Narrowing it down to 3 made the
process quite easy as there was multiple options I could have chose but
the 3 stories weren't limited either.
• Once I got the idea out of the 3 the process of making a story became
easier. Creating the script draft was very simple and made creating the
final script a lot easier as there was a rough guidance to always check back
Time Management
• Time wasn’t managed the greatest during this project as a lot of it was
procrastinating instead of getting on with the work. Also during the
project I was unable to talk due to illness which postponed the overall
product and made the product a lot less quality as I got too close to the
deadline. If I gave myself more time the product would be way better
quality. Now the product is pushing the deadline and being almost at the
end of it with a not so good project makes it so I can’t change it
Technical Qualities
Both audio projects include mostly
speaking and the use of characters.
All voices are clear and easy to
Both audio projects include Foley
sound effects in-between sentences
Differences: The doctor who project is
higher quality and includes more voice
My project is longer, with the doctor who
project being around 2 minutes and my
project being around 5 minutes
My project: Doctor Who project:
Aural Qualities
The work could have overall been better, there was minimal effort and a lot
of things I don’t know what I'm doing when it comes to audio. The audio
wasn’t as clear as it could have been but its still clear and understandable.
The idea was creative as I have seen no other ghost story follow the same
idea. I would improve the overall time I put into the project as it was very
little which made the project lackluster. To improve my project I would put
more time into it, look at more people to let with the project to get make the
project seem better, make my own sound effects, learn how to use premier
more effectively and overall make the product better.

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Audio pro forma 1

  • 2. Existing Products Research • Doctor Who (audio drama) – The audio has no narrator as its shows a snippet of the story. The audio is mostly dialogue between 4 different people. 3 being male and 1 being female. There is very quiet music being played in the background to give the story more of an eerie tone. There is some non diegetic sounds of what seems like a fire extinguisher and a dong noise but overall not many sounds are used. These non diegetic sounds are also Foley noises as only the audience can hear it.
  • 3. Existing Product Research • Short cuts Series 20- The Archivist There's a narrator that starts off with saying the title with eerie music in the background. The narrator is talking about her own story in third person. The music shows a switch up of tone in the story as it also moves on to a different person. The audio work is a documentary of what happened at some point in time. The music being switched up gives the story a bit more of a vibe to entertain and not just someone talking as it may not keep the audience entertained. There is no other techniques used other than music and narration of the story which gives a sense of realism in the story.
  • 4. Existing Products Research • The archers – Starts off with jolly music to give the sense of happiness and show who the audio caters towards. No narrator at the beginning at it starts off with a conversation. The use of a Foley was used with a smashed glass. Uses tons of voice actors and just lets a pause in-between sentences. The use of words mum shows it a family audio recording. The audio piece is very bland and more caters towards something to listen to in the background whilst doing something like an audiobook.
  • 5. Bibliography 1. . bbc radio 4. (2019). The Archers. Available: Last accessed 18/11/19. 2. . Fitton, M. (2018). Doctor who - Afterlife. Available: -8. Last accessed 18/11/19. 3. Long, J. (2019). The Archivist . Available: /episodes/player. Last accessed 18/11/19.
  • 7. Story • Has to be a short story about ghosts. A lot of available choices of what the ghost can be and there's no other specifications. The ghost doesn’t have to be anything specific as long as it has the features of what a ghost would have. • Idea is to not make the ghost scary but memorable. Instead of making it a usual horror with eerie noises I would make it more of a story about a lost spirit or something towards that direction. This gives the story more originality as the first thought that goes into most people heads when they think of ghosts is haunted, scary etc.
  • 8. Idea Generation/Initial Reaction • 1st idea is I could use the simple but effective horror story of being haunted in a house or mansion. But that isn't my go too choice as its generic and too easy to do. • 2nd idea would be a spirit of a lost loved one that guides the person through a certain topic. I like this idea as id hasn’t been done much and is harder to create an idea for. • 3rd idea would be a unknown person making someone their apprentice through manipulation to become evil or good. I like this idea but its too similar to the star wars series which is very well known and will get caught on very quickly. I like the idea overall of choosing a ghost story as there is a ton of possibility's to choose from which various outcomes. There is also no specification on what that ghost can be so it gives a wide range of idea of how the ghost should be portrayed. Difficult aspects are although I personally like it having no restrictions gives too much range of what I can do may make it difficult to overall pick an idea and stick with it without trying to change it every time.
  • 9. Idea Generation/Initial Reaction • The main positives about the audio project is overall the difficulty of it. It’s a very easy project that you can make more difficult or less difficult if need be. This makes the time limit of the project seem a lot longer giving you overall more options on what you want to do. I like I wide range of options because it makes the project more entertaining to do instead of being told what to do and getting on with it just because you have been told too. • Possible formats with a story, this could be narrated or by using characters. This could be a description or a strip of the story. This also gives a lot more options to give the project more excitement. Audio projects aren't really my cup of tea so giving the project a wide range of ideas it makes it overall a lot more fun.
  • 10. Proposal Working Title: Lost but Found This title can be changed at any time, but for the story I'm going with I feel like this fits. The reasoning behind the name is because the man feels lost whilst he has been found. This title fits as I feel it makes the reader curious as it the title doesn’t really make sense without the context. What is it called? This can change if you think of something better later Audience: my audio project is targeted towards 16 and up as I don’t redeem a ghost story suitable for children as it can cause bad thoughts that they don’t need at a young age. All genders, social status and psychographic would be suitable to listen to the audio project as long as they redeem it suitable for them to listen too. As its about the spirit/ghost of a lost one it wouldn’t be suitable to certain people that may be sensitive towards the topic. I feel like it will target towards 16 and up as people around this age like listening to stories about others specially when there is a twist for example zombies, ghosts or something you wouldn’t be used to hearing from most regular stories. Who is your audience? Be very detailed; age, gender, social status, psychographic etc. Use the Audience Classifications PowerPoint on Blackboard to help you develop this section. Why would your project appeal to this person? Discuss each audience element in relation to content (why would your product appeal to the age group? Why would your product appeal to the gender? Etc.)
  • 12. Foley • Link to the blogger post: 23247#editor/target=post;postID=4402716088293150451;on PublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=3; src=postname This link to the blogger posts gives me thoughts about how think it went and more detail into the project. • Link to the Foley clip: This link is straight to the clip I have put together and uploaded.
  • 13. Recording • Write about your experiences of recording in different places. My experience with recording in different places is very minimal but I have some knowledge to what its like. During the Foley clip we needed certain clips that we needed to be in a supermarket for. Being in an area with quite a few people made recording a bit uncomfortable due to shyness. Other places like outside and inside was quite easy to do as there wasn’t many people around • What effect did it have? How will this influence your project? This didn’t have any effect on the product cause at the end of the day I had to make the noise so I just sucked it up and did it anyway. This will have no influence on my project as it doesn’t require anything to do with public areas.
  • 14. Garage Band As this is the first time using GarageBand the project isn't the greatest as it could be. There sudden pauses instead of it being a little smoother. I stuck with the same main beat cause switching between them just wasn’t natural and overall didn’t sound good. There's a lot I need to improve like actually learning how the app works. The garageband experiment is quite short and hasn’t required a lot of work. GarageBand clip:
  • 16. Script Draft • Script • Start of script: starts with him getting up doing the usual things for example getting changed etc. but he keeps messing it all up in some sort of way. He goes to make food and accidently breaks a plate and snaps. He acts slumped and shows little care. Making the character show little care gives the audience an idea of his outlook on life. • Middle of script: starts having a breakdown. Tears of anger and sadness streaming down his face as he starts breaking objects, pulling his own hair, hitting himself with objects until he notices he smashed and ripped a photograph of Derek and angelica together. He takes a seat in pure shock and realisation of what he has done. Pure silence enters the room until a burst of questions come out of him. • End of script: he places the photograph of them two onto the floor and sits in wonder. Angelica then emerges from the photo in her neon blue glowing form. He sits there in disbelief whilst in the background the photo is magically being put back together. She asks what's been going on since she's been gone. They speak and she tells him where she has been the entire time.
  • 17. Script Final Scripts includes a narrator, 1 male character and 1 female character Script: Narrator: It had been 3 years since Derek saw the light. He started to lose it. Had no hope left in his world… until it all changed on this very day. Narrator: it was a cold winter morning and everything seemed more off than usual but with no reason Derek could find. He usually has no motivation to move anymore and hasn’t for the past 3 years. He hasn’t felt the same after losing what he loved the most. Which was his best friend Tony. Once he left things became different. He stopped caring, didn’t stick to the daily ritual he once had and starting eating less. One of his favourite things to do was go to a dog shelter with is best friend every week to see them. He's not been to that shelter since… Narrator: getting out of bed was a struggle, his bed is old and springy but he refuses to replace it as he cant let go. tossing and turning to he finally had the will power to leave. He staggers to his feet with the intent of sitting back down. Derek knew the reasoning of getting up. The reason being his best friend wouldn’t have wanted him to give up Derek: “what is the point anymore…” Narrator: he mumbles under his breath as he walks towards the wardrobe to get dressed. Derek's wardrobe is very bland and old. Something's haven't seen the other side of that wardrobe in years. He picked a plain white shirt, but having so little motivation he struggled to put on the shirt correctly. Going through multiple different holes trying to find the right one, almost giving up by smacking the side of the wardrobe with frustration but eventually getting there in the end. *bashing against stairs walking down*
  • 18. Script final Narrator: effortlessly going down the stairs bash by bash as slowly as he possibly can. Derek is usually like this but this time around it was worse… he got to the kitchen and decide on he wanted to eat. He used to always have a plan on what to eat before he decides to make it but this time around he was puzzled. Derek likes to blame how he acts on his job, but unfortunately that job is no longer his as he finally snapped towards the boss and got removed from the workplace. The reason he snapped at work is still unknown by anyone to this day. *pause* he finally found what he has decided to eat. He goes to grab a plate still with pent up frustration as it slipped out of his hand and… *plate smashing* *pause* *more plates smashing* *Smacking of objects* Narrator: Derek has finally completely lost his mind. Smashing every plate in sight. Throwing cutlery and smashing the kitchen side table to pieces. He grabs another plate and launches it across the room. But there wasn’t only one crack Derek: oh no… Narrator: after turning to realise what he has also destoryed he runs towards it and grasps it in his hands. Derek: what have i done: Narrator: it was a picture of him and his best friend tony…. Ripped in half. Tears start just rolling down the side of his face as he puts the picture flat down on the ground and he pondered. He didn’t know how to react so as it was pure silence…
  • 19. Script final Narrator: the picture started to glow with a blue essence around the edges. Slowly but elegantly a hollow figure began to appear. *a angel like sound effect whilst she is appearing* Narrator: the ghost looked familiar to Derek. He noticed the eyes, the hair, the clothing the ghost is wearing, the shoes… it was tony. Tony: Derek… what has happened here. Theres plates everywhere, and you smashed our picture? *concerned tone* Narrator: derek looked around at the mess he has become. Little pieces of plates everywhere, holes through the door and the remains on the floor. The look of Tony said it all for him. he didn’t even have to open his mouth. Derek: once you left I haven't been able to stitch myself back together. So where have you been this entire time? Why are you just appearing now? Will you stay here? Narrator: Derek asked every question he could think of without even giving him a chance to answer them. He has no idea how to react to such a surprise. He tried to save this moment by asking him the most important question he could think of… Derek: how have you been? Narrator: derek has always cared about him and his well-being. So asking how he has been was the most important thing on his mind as its been so long.
  • 20. Script final Tony: I have been watching over you the entire time Derek. I never left. I think the bigger question here is how have you been Derek: But I can only see you now. I couldn’t do that before. Why choose to show yourself now and not when you left. Clearly you can already tell how I've been. The plates represent how it has been… shattered and broken Tony: but all those pieces can be put back together. Narrator: Tony started to pick up the plates without moving. Putting back together to show to derek that it is possible to be put back together Tony: you see. You are this plate. Once it was shattered and nobody knew it could be put back together... But put effort and hope into it and its back to the way it used to be. Now im here to put you back together for good Derek: so i will always see you? Narrator: there was a silence. The picture frame started to float and merge back together before being ripped and careful resting it in his hand. Derek grasped it tightly and the tears started to leave as Tony said Tony: I will always be here. I will always be right in your vision to guide you. You just have to trust it Derek: I trust it. And I trust you. Narrator: Derek woke up. But not from his bed. He was downstairs on the couch. He sprang up but there was nothing to be seen. No Tony anywhere. The adrenaline rushed to his head as he started checking everywhere for him. The bedroom, bathroom and the spare room until he finally got to the kitchen to see a luminous blue glow as he walked through the door he was right there waiting. Derek couldn’t be more relieved after thinking it was only a dream and couldn’t wait for what life has to bring him
  • 21. Sound Effects Sound Effect Needed How I Will Create the Sound Plate smashes I would smash a plate and then repeat the noise and overlap it to make it sound like it multiple plates Smack to a wardrobe I would either smack an actual wardrobe or a bit of wood to the correct size so it sounds the same Punch through door As I don’t have a door to put a hole through I would use a bit of thin wood to easily punch through it and make a loud noise Bashing against stairs walking down them I would very violently and erratically go down some stairs to create the right noise. The best noise would be done with wooden stairs as they make the most realistic and best overall noise Angelic rising sound effect Usually in movies when a angel appears they is the “orrrrr” type of noise. That will be needed for when the ghost appears
  • 22. Actors/Locations Actor Role Location for recording Narrator In a quiet area so the voice of the narrator is heard loud and clear Derek (male main character) In a quiet area so the voice of Derek is heard loud and clear and you can easily hear the emotions Tony (female main character) In a quiet area so the voice of Tony is heard loud and clear and you can hear how passive he is
  • 23. Music Band Name Track Name Link This is published by Relax Music The track name is called Instrumental background Relaxing Music
  • 24. Resource List Resource Owned/Cost What sound effect will it be used for? plate owned Smashing of a plate. This will be used more than once. The first time it'll be used is when Derek accidently destroys the plate. The second will be a punch of plates smashing when he finally loses it Thin piece of wood owned Punching through a wall sound effect. This is when Derek is angry and starts destroying things in the kitchen Wardrobe or normal piece of wood owned Smack against it to make the noise of hitting a wardrobe aggressively. This is when Derek gets frustrated with not being able to do the simple task of putting on a shirt Angel rising sound effect Not owned but very easy to access and for As I cant make that noise in real life I would have to take the sound clip from online. The sound effect
  • 26. Daily Reflection Day 1 The first day was thinking of the finalised idea to what I was going to do. The plan was between 3 different things but it was an easy decision for the most part. The process was easy to do and because it took less time I was able to actually start the project sooner
  • 27. Daily Reflection Day 2 • The next day was getting the general idea for the story. It had to make sense and have reasoning behind it. This process took quite some time as there was multiple options to be chosen from. In the end I was able to think of the entire plot of the story with no issue
  • 28. Daily Reflection Day 3 • The next day I started writing the script. This process was a lot easier than I first thought but because I had the general idea planned out it was a little easier to figure out where I wanted certain things to be. I tried to make it not too short but also not too long at the same time.
  • 29. Daily Reflection Day 4 • The final day was getting all the audio together and finalising the product. This part was very easy as it was just reading the script that was previously made and putting it all together in adobe premier.
  • 31. Research • My researched helped with my product as it showed how other audio projects are done and gives me a good idea of how I want mine to be portrayed. This showed more of what to do and how to do it effectively instead of going into it without knowing what I'm doing. Issue with my research although its very helpful to what I'm doing it also doesn’t help as all the products I looked at are professional pieces of work and my quality will not be able to match theirs as I do not have the software and equipment they have.
  • 32. Planning • The planning was an easy process as I already have at least 3 ideas of what I wanted to do. The hardest part of the planning which of the 3 to actually do. This took some time to figure out but in the end I had the full idea for 1 of the 3 stories to choose from. Narrowing it down to 3 made the process quite easy as there was multiple options I could have chose but the 3 stories weren't limited either. • Once I got the idea out of the 3 the process of making a story became easier. Creating the script draft was very simple and made creating the final script a lot easier as there was a rough guidance to always check back at
  • 33. Time Management • Time wasn’t managed the greatest during this project as a lot of it was procrastinating instead of getting on with the work. Also during the project I was unable to talk due to illness which postponed the overall product and made the product a lot less quality as I got too close to the deadline. If I gave myself more time the product would be way better quality. Now the product is pushing the deadline and being almost at the end of it with a not so good project makes it so I can’t change it
  • 34. Technical Qualities Similarities: Both audio projects include mostly speaking and the use of characters. All voices are clear and easy to understand Both audio projects include Foley sound effects in-between sentences Differences: The doctor who project is higher quality and includes more voice actors. My project is longer, with the doctor who project being around 2 minutes and my project being around 5 minutes My project: Doctor Who project:
  • 35. Aural Qualities The work could have overall been better, there was minimal effort and a lot of things I don’t know what I'm doing when it comes to audio. The audio wasn’t as clear as it could have been but its still clear and understandable. The idea was creative as I have seen no other ghost story follow the same idea. I would improve the overall time I put into the project as it was very little which made the project lackluster. To improve my project I would put more time into it, look at more people to let with the project to get make the project seem better, make my own sound effects, learn how to use premier more effectively and overall make the product better.

Editor's Notes

  1. Go over as many slides as necessary. Research at least 3 products. Discuss the use of sound effects, music and performance. How have the producers suggested a location/time period and created a tone/feel Try to break down what you can hear. How do the different sound elements work together? How do sound effects add to the drama? What part does music play in the work? Try to listen to a variety of different types of radio programme. If you listen to drama and documentary, you will give yourself a better understanding of what exists and what is possible. It will also help guide your project.
  2. Go over as many slides as necessary. Research at least 3 products. Discuss the use of sound effects, music and performance. How have the producers suggested a location/time period and created a tone/feel Try to break down what you can hear. How do the different sound elements work together? How do sound effects add to the drama? What part does music play in the work? Try to listen to a variety of different types of radio programme. If you listen to drama and documentary, you will give yourself a better understanding of what exists and what is possible. It will also help guide your project.
  3. Using Neil’s Toolbox, log all the resources you have used
  4. Provide a brief summary of the story/stories you have chosen
  5. Log your initial thoughts regarding the set brief- What stories could you use? How do you feel about the different potential formats? What are the positives about this project? What could be some difficult aspects? Create a mind map of all the things you need to think about for your project.
  6. Log your initial thoughts regarding the set brief- What stories could you use? How do you feel about the different potential formats? What are the positives about this project? What could be some difficult aspects? Create a mind map of all the things you need to think about for your project.
  7. Initial draft of your script. This should then be refined.
  8. Final version of your script, ready to be used in production.
  9. What music could you use? This should be copyright free. Explore options online for copyright free/public domain music or make your own on Garage Band
  10. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  11. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  12. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  13. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  14. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product? Think about existing products as well as practical experiments
  15. What were the strengths of your planning? How did your planning help your product? What were the weaknesses of your planning? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  16. Did you manage your time well? Did you complete your project on time or would your products have improved with additional time? What would you have done if you had more time to produce your work?
  17. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences Is your work technically detailed/complicated enough? What effects and techniques have you used? How did you create your effects? How did you record your audio? Did you use any foley methods?
  18. Does your work sound good? Was it creative? What aspects of your audio do you like? What would you improve? How would you improve it? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses